Before we begin our journey, let's consider the facts. Chattanooga, Tennessee is 60 percent white and roughly 33 percent black. For 2016, basically all fatal and nonfatal gun violence in the city was committed by blacks.
A few years ago, the newspaper in Chattanooga tried to quantified the cost homicide to the city, though it tried to gloss over the race responsible for the bulk of the homicides.
Hint: blacks.
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Nothing more than a representation of the black community in Chattanooga, a 60% white city.... where the crime problem is reflected in glaring blackness |
Here's how our friends came up with the data:
On average, each murder costs society $17 million, according to a study published in the The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology in 2010. The researchers looked at 654 murder cases and quantified the costs of the victim's death, the court system, lost productivity and the public's willingness to pay for crime prevention programs to stop murder.
By that count, Chattanooga will spend more than $408 million on just 2015's homicides. For all 119 homicides since 2011, the cost is higher than $2 billion.
But whom exactly is responsible for this gratuitous waste of resources and capital?
Blacks.[The toll in Chattanooga: The Cost Of Chattanooga's Homicides, Times Free Press, 10-18-2015]:
Every time Satedra Smith pulls into her driveway, her mind goes back to one day a few months ago, when her sons wrestled in the front yard.
That day was a good day.
They were all outside, laughing and enjoying each other as her 20-year-old son roughhoused with his brothers. Every time Smith pulls into her driveway, her mind goes back to that day.
But now it's a bittersweet memory, because her son, Jordan Clark, is dead — shot to death during a drive-by in Chattanooga on Aug. 25.
In the weeks after he died, she mourned; she went to his funeral; she organized anti-violence rallies, started a foundation in his name, led prayer vigils. But the pain is still fresh.
"It doesn't seem like it's been going on two months since it happened," Smith, who lives in Atlanta, said Thursday. "It's almost like we can still call him and hear his voice. But we can't."
The three bullets that slammed into her son yanked Smith into a unwelcome group. She joined the ranks of the family members of the 119 people killed in Chattanooga during the last five years.
Her pain, echoed 118 times.
There's the 3-year-old girl who was raped, then beaten to death.
The 19-year-old new mother gunned down in the street.
The 66-year-old stabbed to death inside his apartment.
Tatiana Emerson, 3. Jasmine Akins, 19. Robert Rutledge, 66.
The toll that homicide takes on a city is hard to measure. There's the immediate searing loss of death, the choked sobs of a grandmother and the wails of disbelief as a friend collapses just outside the yellow police tape.
But then there's the dull, constant emotional pain that never really disappears. The economic loss of the victim's potential life and earning power. There's the tension and fear at high schools when a student is killed. The cost of the counseling, of the police investigation, of the trial and incarceration of a suspect.
On average, each murder costs society $17 million, according to a study published in the The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology in 2010. The researchers looked at 654 murder cases and quantified the costs of the victim's death, the court system, lost productivity and the public's willingness to pay for crime prevention programs to stop murder.
By that count, Chattanooga will spend more than $408 million on just 2015's homicides. For all 119 homicides since 2011, the cost is higher than $2 billion.
"It takes a toll on lives," said Verna Wyatt, whose sister-in-law was raped and murdered in Nashville in 1991, prompting her to serve as executive director for nonprofit Tennessee Voices for Victims.
"When you drop that pebble in, there is that immediate impact, but then it affects so many people," she said. "Family, friends, acquaintances, teachers, students — it just cascades on down."
Vanessa Buckner drove from Chattanooga to Nashville on Tuesday to sit in a parole hearing for the man she believes killed her son, 20-year-old Quincy Bell.
Police think he's the killer, too: Marcus Boston was arrested three months after Bell was shot while driving on Wilcox Boulevard on Sept. 22, 2012. But when a witness failed to show at a hearing in 2013, the charges were dismissed for lack of evidence.
Boston was jailed on unrelated drug charges. So Buckner goes to his parole hearings to make sure he stays behind bars. And every Sept. 22, she visits her son's grave, stops by the gas station where he died. She still orders a cake for his birthday every year. She cares for two of his children regularly while their mothers are at work.
"Nothing has changed," she said. "People say it gets better as time goes on. But it hasn't for me. I still cry every day. I didn't know a person could cry for three years."
Bell is Chattanooga's typical homicide victim: black, male, in his 20s. A Times Free Press analysis of the 119 people killed in Chattanooga between 2011 and 2015 showed that, in cases where race could be determined, 80 percent of the people killed were black.
Eighty-two percent were male. And the majority — 65 percent — were black males.
Plotted on a map, the homicides are clearly clustered in Chattanooga's poorer neighborhoods, often in or around the city's public housing complexes. In the two ZIP codes with the most homicides, 66 percent and 38 percent of the populations live below the poverty level, according to U.S. census data.
The school zones for The Howard School and Brainerd High School include 87 of the city's 119 murders. Both schools have the lowest graduation rates and lowest ACT scores of all traditional public schools in Chattanooga.
Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP, sees statistics like that as proof that homicide is driven by underlying problems — poverty and lack of opportunity.
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live," she said. "No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we're seeing that."
About 40 percent of the city's homicides involved a victim or suspect in a gang, according to police records. But perhaps the most ubiquitous factor among Chattanooga's homicides is some involvement with illegal drugs, said Sgt. Bill Phillips, who now heads the department's homicide cold-case unit.
It could be a home is targeted for a robbery because the suspect knows narcotics are sold from the house. It could be a drug deal gone wrong. Or it could just be that people are high and something happens that wouldn't have normally, he said.
Oh... that's because the newspaper got in trouble for posting pictures of the "worst of the worst" criminals. Hint: they were all black. [A look at the 32 suspects authorities called 'worst of the worst' criminals in Chattanooga, Chattanooga Times Free Press, 11-17-2013]
Again: when can we stop pretending black people in America are our greatest untapped asset and realize they represent our greatest (and most obvious) liability?
Why viewers still use to read news papers when in this technological globe the whole thing is presented on net?
I don't pretend Mr. Kersey and I already know of the negro undertow. My Dad and Mom are buried in the National Cemetery at Chattanooga. It's surrounded by the ghetto. It pisses me off every time I visit. It's a tragedy to visit your parent's graves with the negro dysfunction surrounding it. You do good work Mr. Kersey, please keep it up!
Scot Irish
O/T but this is a black woman's profile from a popular dating site:
"My name's Shirley I'm 62 Years old... I come from a family of 13 children so I have 12 siblings... I have 3 Children 34,35,23.... I have two grandkids a 5 year old baby boy who wasn't getting any oxygen when he was born and a 9 month old baby girl who I haven't seen in months but my love for her grows everyday... I'm honestly not sure what I want from this experience because I just found out a few days ago that the guy I've been with for about 4-5 yes has been with me and other women at the same time... FRIENDS for now is fine"
Whole lot of stereotypes in there.
Your new movie is coming out soon P.K.
The new Death Wish trailer is already making waves. Set in Chicago starring Bruce Willis.
All of this information is purposely hidden by the communist liberal media. Blacks and Muslims are the protected pets to cause chaos and shove communism down our throats.
Last week I walked to the bank while waiting for new tires to be put on my vehicle.
Walking in the middle of the street was a black male and black female, both about mid sixties in age. I actually stopped and watched them just to see what they were up to. They were telling at each other, the male was about ten feet ahead of the female.
A pickup truck came down the street and these black idiots would not get out of the street. The truck driver stopped and waited for the black idiots to get out of the way. The blacks taunted the driver as they slowly walked on. They finally got to the end of the street where it intersects a very busy main thoroughfare and they got on the sidewalk.
Everything everyone says about blacks is true. I did not grow up with blacks. After I found this site I now watch blacks and they do exactly as everyone says. It is unreal. And every month more blacks are moving into my area, crime has increased, illegal drugs has increased, violence has increased ----- the majority of the thugs committing these crimes are Mexicans and blacks followed by Whites.
These are the faces of LBJ's "Great Society" and his war on poverty. The way to fight poverty is to pay women to stay poor and breed children so more people are born into poverty. I like the analogy of "poor" people fighting over a glass of water and being forced to kill for it. The most popular excuse for black failure is always about them being poor. The government has raised an entire generation of poverty pimps who have never worked a day in their life. The new America is where the working class feeds the welfare class.
Why should these leeches get a job. Everything they want is free. Millions and millions of them complaining about being poor as they drive around in new cars while filling their fat faces with lobster and prime rib. The big dream of blacks is to become a community leader so they can strut around in their high dollar suits talking about the suffering poor. That way they can hustle Uncle Nanny for more government funding to help fight "crime and poverty" so the ghetto garbage and gang bangers will stop butchering each other.
Over and over it's always the same con job. We be poor. Give us more. These are the same dumb asses who will burn down their own neighborhood and then complain that they gots no place to shop. Of course they be looting and burning because "we wants jobs".
Now that transgenders are the new suffering "victim class" I wonder what will happen when little DeShawn the Jungle Boy wants to become DeSheena the Jungle Girl. Will the taxpayer also be paying the bill for their surgery.
There are times that I think the "gods" are getting ready to destroy us. Maybe the next batch of humans will turn out better than this last bunch of losers.
S long as they cow tow to violent black youths they will never see a end to the violence unless their willing to finaly crack-down on them and lock them up for their crimes instead of this Kid Gloves Treatment and ended Councling with babbling liberals there will never be peace
They actually printed the pictures? Good for them!
It's like a casting call for War of the Planet of the Apes...
These are the faces of our doom. These are the faces of death.
Nice pic. Hm, I think I notice some sort of ... pattern ...
"Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP, sees statistics like that as proof that homicide is driven by underlying problems — poverty and lack of opportunity."
Translation: Mo Gibs.
"Or it could just be that people are high and something happens that wouldn't have normally, he said."
Somerhing that wouldn't happen normally? PK, did you edit out the part where blacks spoke English, got jobs, and acted civilized? Because the violence IS what happens normally.
The answer is jumping up and down, ooking and eeking, and the PTB won't allow their (((owned))) media organs to say it: Black People. Thank the Gods for sites like this, where the filters are removed and more and more humans can see the truth.
Stay alert, stay armed.
"People say it gets better as time goes on. But it hasn't for me. I still cry every day. I didn't know a person could cry for three years."
As this shit-ape cries over its worthless bastard sprog, we humans who have seen daily mourn the fate of western civilization brought to ruin by her and her kind.
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live,"
Meanwhile in India people literally starve to death while cattle plod through the streets. While black Africans have been known to kill each other (often family members) over a piece of fried chicken, a pork chop, or even a kool-aid recipe, this isn't precisely the "killing for food" this nigapotamous implies. No, these savages are cared for from cradle to grave by the white man's "charity" (most of which is extorted with the force of arms of government or quasi-government agencies) and their illicit activities provide them with ready streams of cash, enough at least to always have new clothing, 200$ sneakers, cars with huge gaudy wheels, and various other shiny trinkets.
In fact these things don't kill and commit mayhem for survival, they do it because it is their nature.
Anyone care to guess how much of my property tax goes to fund Jamal shot Shitavious expense? How much is extorted from our townspeople to pay for midnight basketball, ad campaigns, or police outreach to "stop the violence"?
Come out to the free zones and live among your own kind. Leave the liberals, hipsters, and other zombies to be eaten by their pets in the African safari parks they have created out of our cities. Starve the beast.
Crime in America has a face. It is a black one.
Anyone who tries to conceal that fact is your enemy.
Anyone who knows this, but chooses to ignore it, is a liability.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Lost productivity? Surely they are not talking about negroes.
A negroe death is a net gain to society, not a $17 million dollar loss. What productivity does Trayvon have? This is ridiculous.
Mugshot of 12 year old. he and his bro charged w MURDER.
12 years old.
and papa is in jail for murder.
Delaware dude. OT. recent meeting with the new chief of de po-po in a local school was interrupted by a shot spotter alert 1 block from the meeting. 5 shots fired, 1 vic with a leg warmer. 130 directly with 2 bystanders injured this year. going for 200. keep the 40 ft. distance.
He was 20 and already had 2 offspring ? They are vile disgusting useless filth !!!!!
Nice to see somebody adding up the costs of our dysfunctional ex-slaves who built this country and used to fly pyramids and was kangz, etc. And that little count in Chattanooga is just the tip of the iceberg of costs - they've bankrupted the country, ruined our older housing stock, taken our jobs, murdered, raped and robbed regular people who are now scarred for life from the encounter. I am beyond tired. Something will change one day - I wonder what it'll be because the current course is unsustainable.
Seventeen million per homicide? What a joke. I can see emergency services and the courts figured into the cost of a homicide in Chatanooga, but to say that the killing of a rival crack dealer costs the city because of the loss of the deceased productivity, LOL, give me a break.
On a more serious note, I see that Bruce Willis is coming out with a remake of Charles Bronson"s Death Wish. Once again a hero will stalk the city of Chicago gunning down all of those evil thirty-something white guys that have had the city gripped in fear for so long. Just as Spiderman did his part in rounding up white criminals wearing sweatshirts and stocking caps, so too will Paul Kersey except he doesn't turn them over to police he has a more permanent solution. I did really have to thank Spiderman for making dressing up for Halloween so much simpler. My little grandson of course dresses up in a Spiderman suit, but as for me, all I have to do is put on a stocking cap and wala I'm transformed into a big city thug.
Wow! This one really packs a punch. From the article:
But then there's the dull, constant emotional pain that never really disappears. The economic loss of the victim's potential life and earning power.
Nearly destroyed my keyboard, spitting out all that coffee!
And the hits just keep on coming. Back to the article:
"It takes a toll on lives," said Verna Wyatt, whose sister-in-law was raped and murdered in Nashville in 1991, prompting her to serve as executive director for nonprofit Tennessee Voices for Victims.
"nonprofit"??? That right there is a laugh riot! How many revruns are in on that "nonprofit"?
"When you drop that pebble in, there is that immediate impact, but then it affects so many people," she said. "Family, friends, acquaintances, teachers, students — it just cascades on down."
Um, no..if anything, it cascades in, YT must PAY and PAY again, not only for "duh bile-uns", but the obligatory "programs" that follow.
Back to the article:
Police think he's the killer, too: Marcus Boston was arrested three months after Bell was shot while driving on Wilcox Boulevard on Sept. 22, 2012. But when a witness failed to show at a hearing in 2013, the charges were dismissed for lack of evidence.
Boston was jailed on unrelated drug charges. So Buckner goes to his parole hearings to make sure he stays behind bars.
True city just spent a mint on a brand new jail downtown. They put a REVOLVING door at its entrance. How appropriate! Back to the article:
And every Sept. 22, she visits her son's grave, stops by the gas station where he died. She still orders a cake for his birthday every year. She cares for two of his children regularly while their mothers are at work.
So this worthless, 20 year old negro managed to give the world two more worthless, negro spawn before he exited this earth. So we now have a net gain of at least ONE more negro to pay for and look after! Imagine the damage he would have done if he was knocked off at the age of 25 or 30! Oh, and "mothers" - plural!
Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP, sees statistics like that as proof that homicide is driven by underlying problems — poverty and lack of opportunity.
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live," she said. "No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we're seeing that."
Nigga, PLEASE! The negress has a (Affirmative Action) doctorate, and it all comes down to "the reason dey be killins each ottuh is! Oh, and lack of opportunity!, the schools aren't already run riot by the negroes who inhabit them. Monkey cages at the zoo are more organized and orderly than your average negro high skoo.
And the final icing on the cake:
It could be a home is targeted for a robbery because the suspect knows narcotics are sold from the house. It could be a drug deal gone wrong. Or it could just be that people are high and something happens that wouldn't have normally, he said.
Out of curiosity, just what does a drug deal gone right look like? Could we improve the statistics if they taught in skoo how to do a successful drug deal? Just axin!
"On average, each murder costs society $17 million, according to a study published in the The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology in 2010"
My estimates are a bit lower, however maybe I missed a few items.
Burial plot and cremation; $1500
Priest; $ 200
Total $1700
Memorial meal; $ 25 everyone pays their own share.
That's it. Oh I forgot
Bullets; $ .75 cents
OT: LMAO!! The Trump presidency is ruining this black woman's interracial relationship.
Her White man is gettin' all uppity an sheeeeeeeeit.
"I finally said to him, “You are a straight white man with a four-year college degree from a great school. Do you know how easy it is for you to get a new job?”
He immediately snapped back, “What does being white or being a man have anything to do with getting a new job? Do you think they just say, ‘Oh, a white guy! Hired!'”
I fucking lost it."
Brittany (((Simon))) @BrittanySomeone
America was never meant for white people. That wasn't the idea or the concept. And again I am told I am white but I am from the Middle East.
"She cares for two of his children regularly while their mothers are at work".
A 20 year-old sired two children with two different women. Note the "for two of", this implies he sired more than just these two. I propose sterilizing blacks at birth, at least we Whites could then see a return to sanity 60 years down the road.
Lost productivity, what a laugh. Most of these "victims" would have ended up in prison, they would have never paid what they cost in prison, courts, police, etc., no matter what they did after release.
You might check out the Bugs Bunny cartoon, "Southern Fried Rabbit" (available around the Web). Bugs crosses the Mason-Dixon Line and runs afoul of Yosemite Sam who has been ordered by General Lee to defend the South from Yankee incursions (90 years after the War Between the States!). Mayhem and hilarity ensue, most of it heretical by the standards of today's BRA. It wraps up in a final showdown at Chattanooga.
Makes you realize how far the country has come...or fallen.
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live," she said
She expects us to accept the BS notion that blacks are left to fend for themselves without welfare, subsidized housing and food stamps; etc. All of these benefits are paid for by working taxpayers and foreign debt to subsidize the birthrate of the laziest, dumbest and most criminally prone. I'm sick and tired of being told this garbage all the while Whites are rewarded for their financial sacrifice with an unending flow of black dysgenics.
The funny thing is, they mention horrible Brainerd high school- when my sister graduated from there, back in the day, it was one of the 2 best high schools in Chattanooga, and Brainerd, itself, was a bustling community with high property values. Then the demographic changed....
I actually find it hard to believe that Chattanooga is over 60% white, as we have to keep moving farther and farther out in the sticks to get away from them.
On average, each murder costs society $17 million ...
And yet, the net worth of your average African-in-America is worth, what $5?
Can someone explain their alleged great untapped economic power? What are African-in-America adding -- businesses, services, infrastructure improvements -- to Chattanooga that is worth the $2 billion they cost the city in murders in recent years?
And oh yes, since the US is importing even more Africans into America, how many more units of $17 million will that be costing the taxpayer?
Africans-in-America: the eternal motion civil disintegration machine.
OT: Negro wants her free water, is arrested for reconnecting water supply after having been cut off for non-payment, oh, and is running for mayor where she fully intends to use the mayoral office (if she wins election) to punish the water company. Name of said negro? Quancidine Gribble.
The logic of the negro excapes me....
What I took to be the linchpin of the bullshit is the part that says:
"But then there's the dull, constant emotional pain that never really disappears. The economic loss of the victim's potential life and earning power."
What the hell potential do they really think we are losing out on? Man alive, anyone who thinks the negroes add anything but chaos and misery is quite surely in for a rude shock, come the dreaded day they pray against!
Ook, ook! I'm be the Ghost of Potential Wasted! Duh turbull legacy 'o the slabery dats gots mah peepuwls stuck in 'de rut 'o racism which ibb 'da legacy 'ob de' awfuuh 'Murrca!
Yeah, keep whinin' Sambo! And NO! I don't trust those of you that can more successfully imitate my kind better than a completely stereotypical jigabootard! Black people are a net loss, and thanks to (((national policy))) they are the perpetual loss leader until we topple.
Also: O/T but the wall has finally been broken... just a crack but it helps:
A black guy, of course, (YT couldn't dream of saying this out loud), and of course no mention of effective ways to combat it, but at least it has been said out in the open: Its Black Peoples Fault.
What would constitute a bigger problem for you and your family? A pile of ten years worth of crack, sitting on your living room floor, inertly, or a couple of the fashion plates featured on the cover of the Chattanooga Times?
If you called the cops and told them that someone dumped a huge amount of crack at your house, they would remove it, and you would never see it again. If you called the cops and told them that a troupe of those negroes were aggregating on your sidewalk, they would tell you "tough luck".
They don't need to "break crack's back".
They need to "break violent blacks backs".
I go through Chattanooga on occassion...just a dirty old Southern goods, some bars...but thank you for posting this. It will help me be no dful of where I stop while there.
"By that count, Chattanooga will spend more than $408 million on just 2015's homicides.."
Uh, Chattanooga doesn't spend a dime. WHITE PEOPLE pay for this. ALL OF IT. And that is why we can't have nice things anymore, go to the Moon, go to Mars, relax.
Will somebody PLEASE start the "revolution".
Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP, sees statistics like that as proof that homicide is driven by underlying problems — poverty and lack of opportunity.
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live," she said. "No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we're seeing that"
Or, you could get a job. I frequent Tennessee. There is plenty of work. Don't be an asshole , and you can get a well paying job at a car factory.
Two billion dollars in 5 years is incredible. Imagine all the improvements a city could make in that time to improve the living environment- infrastructure, parks and any number of other things that would increase the livability of the city and make it rather spectacular for the human inhabitants. Instead, the money is thrown down the rat hole of the feral and parasitical negro population due to their dysfunction and criminality. It's sickening! America really does need to exile negroes to their own areas, contain them and force them to stand on their own two feet despite all the whining and protesting that would result from such a move. Human areas would be astonishingly developed and wonderful places to live and the negro funded and negro supported areas would look like downtown Mogadishu, Somalia or Port Au Prince, Haiti. I honestly wouldn't care and would avoid those areas just as I already avoid negro infested areas. Unfortunately, the nation is too stupid or too cowardly to take the action that would preserve cities (and the nation itself!) from the black plague.
On average, each murder costs society $17 million, according to a study published in the The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology in 2010.
I’m not a statistician, but I must admit that statistics can be interesting. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology probably hired Hollywood actors pretending to be statisticians to come up with a cost of murder number of $17 million per head. This number might be reasonable for a few small areas of high white concentrations, but it would be stupid to apply that number to any city with a high concentration of blacks. A simple thought experiment can reveal absurdity of applying the Journal’s estimate to a black city.
Let us imagine that an incredibly lethal virus escaped from a secret government facility resulting in the deaths of all 677,116 inhabitants of the Detroit municipality without damaging the infrastructure beyond the damage it has already suffered at the hands of its black inhabitants. This scenario might roughly simulate a large scale murder scene because of the manpower that would be required to clean up the mess. Police, hospitals and all available emergency services would be called into action. According to the Journal the cost of this event to society would be 677,116 x 17,000,000 for a total cost of 11.5 Trillion dollars. This cost evenly distributed to the 122,000,000 taxpayers in the United States would come to approximately $94,352 per taxpayer. Most people outside of Hollywood realize without the aid of statistics that the sudden disappearance of the majority of the inhabitants of the Detroit municipality would trigger an up-tick in our economy. After the cleanup was complete the city would be rebuilt by white people and flourish. The harsh truth is that black lives are a drain on society rather than an asset.
This is a little off topic, YT missed two chances of sending the Africans in America back to Africa. The first Pan-African movement to Africa leading to many to Liberia through the American Colonization Society failed, the second was the Pan-African movement with Marcus Garvey. He formed the Black Star Line which many blacks return to Africa, but Black Star Line went bankrupt and Garvey was sent to prison for mail fraud. This was a great opportunity for whites to support this movement and many more blacks would have return to Africa. Now there's a third chance, Amazon is running a series (a trail balloon), the alt-history series will explore a world in which newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama as reparations for slavery. The new nation, known as New Colonia. Just think about it, separate blacks to three state, Whites could live in peace without African problems close to their neighborhoods. Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam advocated separated states for Africans in America for years. If you're a race realist, Farrakhan is your ally.
72 hours, no killuns.
and the minutes seemed like hours
The negro is a costly pet, hence the old saying "If I had known this, I would have picked my own damn cotton".
There was a study recently that showed the net contribution to "society" by a white was close to $300,000.00 and the net TAKE by a black was $700,000.00+
No sane people or country would have put up with this useless race for this long. YT when did you lose your mind?
I lived in Chattanasty for a while in the 1990s. Back then this town of fewer than 150,000 had nearly 100 murders every year and was, on a per capita basis, worse than NYC or Los Angeles and right up there with Detroilet or Membabwe when it comes to violent crime rate and TNB.
Don't go south of Monkey Lucifer Koon Boulevard, even in broad daylight, nor east of Georgia Avenue. That whole area all the way down to the Georgia line in between State Route 17 and US 27 was "Injun Country" then and all looked like Hiroshima, but with graffiti, then, and surely is worse now.
Oh, and don't let your children attend UT Chattanooga. The UT Chattanooga campus is surrounded by "da hood" on all sides and about twenty-five years back there were a number of incidents of white coeds being carjacked, gang-raped, and murdered by "yoots," who were of course never described ("police say the suspect was wearing a red FUBU t-shirt and saggy yellow sweat pants, if you have seen this person please call the Crime Stoppers hotline...") and few of the murders were ever solved. There were also numerous broad-daylight home-invasion type robberies in the dormitories on campus, which the college administration tried and mostly succeeded in hushing up. I bet you can't guess the common denominator here.
I lived there when the TNB was killing Eastgate Mall and they had to tear it down in 2003 and built an office complex on its site because too many rapes, robberies, and stabbings took place in its parking lot in broad daylight, causing shoppers to stop going there, because not wanting to be raped and murdered "beez rayciss." I am mildly astonished Hamilton Place Mall is still there because the same things were happening there too, but maybe that mall's management was able to spread a little more hush money around to keep the worst of the problems out of the papers.
You couldn't ride a city bus to work without a side trip to the Planet of the Apes where on any given morning or afternoon there was about a fifty-fifty chance the bus would be stopped by a mob of "yoots" with bow ties and shaved heads, blocking traffic in the street and shaking down commuters for "donations" for the Nation of Islam. And of course most of the time the Planet of the Apes was already on the bus with you, sticking their grubby monkey paws in your face and demanding "spare change."
There were also numerous incidents of broad-daylight smash-and-grab robberies of stores on Broad Street near the downtown business district, always by "yoots" whose pictures were never shown on TV or in the newspapers, and whose descriptions always said which color baseball caps they were wearing turned sideways, but mysteriously failed to mention the color of their skin. Most of these stores never reopened and the rest closed because the city used the fire codes to prevent business owners from installing bars on the windows or roll-down steel shutters. "Fire safety," they said. "It creates an eyesore," they said. "We don't want to give tourists the impression that they've entered a war zone," they said, when the area was in fact a war zone and by the sound of things still is.
There is not enough money in the world for me to set foot back in that zoo, ever again. In 1995 I could have told you that it was turning into Detroit before your eyes. They're getting there faster and faster.
Blacks are an anchor around the neck of the swimmer America.
I am so sick of hearing about their problems and how it's everyone's fault but theirs. Stop coddling, appeasing, and prioritizing these ingrates.
BLIGHT ON THE PLANET...The worst biological plague to afflict humanity.
Touring PA right now and had epiphany. Descendants of Africans live in a city I just toured and it is a ghetto shithole. Descendants of Switzerland are the Amish nearby and their area is spotless, peaceful and thriving...and they do it WITHOUT ELECTRICITY OR CARS!!
N*ggers here are lightyears ahead with access to Human technology but STILL live like violent feral jungle apes!
The "walking in the street" thing never gets old. I was on a two-lane city street a few years ago and a fool was standing in the middle of my lane, holding a baby and having a conversation with someone on the sidewalk.
I was driving a very small car that could make it through the gap so I slowed to 20, went on by, and then stopped at the stop sign.
When I checked the rear view, he was staring at me with his arm up in the air, with this "WTF" look on his face.
Because, you know, standing in traffic holding a baby is Norma, and cars should stop while you "convosate."
TRAYVON is an aeronautical engineer now. Had he lived, he would have been the first black space mariner on Mars.
I can add to this article: What will take place if this information gets more and more coverage? And, If these statistics reach the right individuals in a position to make drastic changes in policy? Nothing!
The ones in charge will import more. We need more, they need more, give them more! It's not enough, more has to be done, give it to them, they need it most. Give, give, give.
I googled Immigration is genocide to the U.S. Two quick articles from the 90's shed some light on the subject, none of it's good. There's really no teeth in the genocide laws, international or anywhere.
Giving Meaning to the Term Genocide as It Applies to U.S. Immigration Policy. By Paul John Chrisopoulos. (And) U.S. Genocidal Immigration Policy: A Proposed Lawsuit for European-Americans. By Joseph E. Fallon. The effect of U.S. immigration policy since 1965
Man, talk about sitting around with your thumb up your ass? YT better get with it. We really are doing nothing.
"Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP, sees statistics like that as proof that homicide is driven by underlying problems — poverty and lack of opportunity.
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live," she said. "No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we're seeing that."
What a crock. Black people aren't poor and they don't lack opportunity. Their problems are all self-imposed. They breed irresponsibly and it's the White man who pays for their food, welfare, public housing, medical care, free school lunches and Obama phones. In any hood, all the Blacks are dressed nice in their expensive track shoes complete with bling and the welfare mamas all have their nail professionally done and are often obese. Blacks are given preferences in school, work and everything else. They kill because they'd rather sell drugs and make quick, fast large amounts of money than stay in school and work out a normal job. They kill because a lot of them are impulsive, violent and stupid.
hahahahaha did you all notice the paper included "LOST PRODUCTIVITY" in the cost? hahahaha my eyes are watering.
"Walking in the middle of the street was a black male and black female, both about mid sixties in age. I actually stopped and watched them just to see what they were up to. They were telling at each other, the male was about ten feet ahead of the female.
A pickup truck came down the street and these black idiots would not get out of the street. The truck driver stopped and waited for the black idiots to get out of the way. The blacks taunted the driver as they slowly walked on. "
These people are in their mid-sixties and are acting like this???? This sounds like something a 12 year old would do but then a lot of Blacks are on the mental level of a 12 year old and that's the problem
In a way, the information in this article could "beg to differ" when our favorite, most upstanding national culture, whines and cries a hissy, that there isn't enough money being thrown their way.
There's plenty going around, take a good look at where yours is spent. Pay close attention on where most of your money goes and where it does the least, then don't go there.
Damn, you bilt this nation, your ancestors were kangs, get out there and "get 'er did"
"Brittany (((Simon))) @BrittanySomeone
"America was never meant for white people. That wasn't the idea or the concept. And again I am told I am white but I am from the Middle East."
Actually, America was meant for White people and that was the idea and concept. The founding fathers, all White, said "for us and our posterity" which would be White people, not Asians, Mexican, Muslims and Blacks. Unfortunately, Europeans and Black Africans had their slaves shipped over here and Whites foolishly didn't repatriate them back to their homeland. Also, Whites in recent times foolishly bought into the idea of mass immigration of non-Whites for diversity and allowed this while no non-Whites do.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hahahahaha did you all notice the paper included "LOST PRODUCTIVITY" in the cost? hahahaha my eyes are watering.
I posted this but something happened in my laptop.
(America was never meant for white people. That wasn't the idea or the concept. And again I am told I am white but I am from the Middle East.)
So this means that the Middle East wasn't meant for muslims and their own people right? If America wasn't meant for White people, the ones who founded it and built it, then the Middle Eastern countries mainly founded and built by Muslims or Middle Eastern peooples aren't meant for them and the Middle East should let millions of Christians, European Whites, Chinese, Mexicans and Blacks in. Now when Brittany will the Middle East start doing this???
Sorry PK, posted this on the wrong article earlier.
"No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we're seeing that."
Always speaking metaphorically to make a point. Kind of seems like a weak argument. I suppose if my neighbor grabbed the last cup of water I would do what any sensible person would do, dig a well. I don't really think it would be productive to kill the guy with the last cup of water. Nor is it very productive to dig a well for these idiots , considering cucks and sjw's have been digging wells in Africa for years . It seems after a few months of neglect the wells stop pumping and the killing starts again.
Thanks to the poster who linked the NAACP boycotting Missouri, I live here in fly over country. No one around here will really miss them. The article had plenty of comments from bearded hipster douche bags, one in particular said something on the lines of all progressives should also boycott Missouri. That one made me laugh. Yes, please do asshole.
Those of you looking for an escape from the cities, aka the "war zone" come on out. Plenty of decent paying jobs here in the country, plenty affordable housing and plenty of open country side, bbq, fishing, car shows, county fairs, schools with NO metal detectors and everyone waves at you when you drive down the street. You get the idea. It's not quite Mayberry but close as you're gonna get. We had a tweaker or two that tried to steal copper from the AC units at one of the small factories outside of town, other than that all is well. Seriously folks, that's it, that is the biggest crime that comes to mind in the last decade around here.
A lot of Americana to go around. The cities are lost, small town America is not.
Imagine what white people would`ve done with that money....
The black dysfunction in just ONE medium sized American city cost 2 BILLION over a couple years.
We could build the border wall with that. A nice one. And probably have money left over to paint it!
Every time you hit a pothole and think "god, this road is getting bad. Why don't they fix this?" Now you know why its not.
Every time I hear Chattanooga mentioned, the first thing I think of is that school bus accident from last year. The image of that bus wrapped around a tree and the dreadlocked moron they allowed to drive it will be forever etched on my brain.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"Walking in the middle of the street was a black male and black female, both about mid sixties in age. I actually stopped and watched them just to see what they were up to. They were telling at each other, the male was about ten feet ahead of the female.
A pickup truck came down the street and these black idiots would not get out of the street. The truck driver stopped and waited for the black idiots to get out of the way. The blacks taunted the driver as they slowly walked on. "
These people are in their mid-sixties and are acting like this???? This sounds like something a 12 year old would do but then a lot of Blacks are on the mental level of a 12 year old and that's the problem
Yep. In the local fish wrap today, a story was featured where a male, aged 56, was found dead in his home. The address was given, but not the description of the suspect or the victim. So I pulled up the address online and sure enough, it happened in the negro hood I must drive through every day on my way to work. So, aged 16,26, 36, 46, 56, hell, even aged 96, there is no limit to the shenanigans they become involved with on a day-to-day basis.
Granted, the 56 year old victim might have been completely innocent. But more and more, I notice that these cretins, like Peter Pan, never seem to grow up, despite their advancing age. I usually figure that any individual who reaches their 50's pretty much has their sh*t together, barring a severe drug or alcohol problem. This is particularly not true in the negro coonmunity.
Is this the weekend that Baltimore has a murder free 72 hours?
Pardon me boys, is that the Chatteniggah Choo Choo?
"Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam advocated separated states for Africans in America for years. If you're a race realist, Farrakhan is your ally."
NOI has done (or paid someone to do) some excellent research on the extensive role of Jews in the slave trade as well as the Leo Frank case. For those not familiar with the Leo Frank case, Leo Frank was a jew that was convicted of raping and killing a White girl that worked at his factory in Atlanta in 1913. Part of Frank's unsuccessful defense was to pin the crime on a negro janitor (hence the NOI interest). When Frank was pardoned by the Georgia Governor, outraged Whites siezed him from jail and lynched him. The incident led to the formation of the Anti-Defamation League which we all know and love.
The above are part of a trilogy called, "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews".
I am OK with goving negroes Mississippi. The requirement is they ALL have to go there.
The optimist sees a glass that is half full.
The pessimist sees a glass that is half empty.
The African-in-America sees that same glass and does a driveby shooting, to wit:
"People are going to fight and steal and kill to live," [Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP] said. "No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we're seeing that."
Uh, no. If there is only one glass of water, civilized people will dig a well. Or build an aqueduct to the nearest river. Or set up a water purification system. And then there will be enough water for all. That is how civilized people provide for themselves.
Bear in mind that there have been droughts in America and White people did not kill each other over water. Instead, they dug wells and built aqueducts and purified water supplies. For that matter, thousands of years ago civilized peoples in Mesopotamia, the Nile Valley and China engineered hydraulic projects. Lo and behold, the amphorae filled with water!
But savages are incapable of even thinking about such projects, much less carrying them out. Instead, the savage fights and steals and kills to get that glass of water.
True in Africa.
True in Africa-in-America.
It is indicative of the underlying mentality of the NAACP in particular and BRA in general that they can not think in terms of rational solutions. Instead, they provide rationalizations for destruction. It's the same mentality which produces the endemic kleptocracies and warlord atrocities among Africans-in-Africa. And it's another proof that black genetics determine their actions.
Something to think about in the coming chaos...
...and by the way, if you are drinking a glass of water in the 'hood:
Stay armed
Stay alert
FD80 posted--A lot of Americana to go around.
The cities are lost, small town America is not.
--Wake up. for those who were alive before 1970, USA population has doubled, about.
Whites have gone from 90% [with 12? million africans here] to
soon to be under 50%. In a land we built, Whites will be a minority. in20? years.
The negro is not "unemployed"
The negro is "Unemployable"
"Walking in the middle of the street was a black male and black female, both about mid sixties in age..."
"a fool was standing in the middle of my lane, holding a baby and having a conversation with someone on the sidewalk..."
It's not a big mystery. They do this because they have nothing to lose. In the womb, a Vengeful God handed them each a life sentence - no chance of parole, no weekend furloughs - to be imprisoned in a negroid flesh cage; their thoughts doomed to wander aimlessly along the unpaved neural pathways of a congoid brain. If your only way out of that prison was Death, you might stand in traffic too.
OT: The Baltimore Ceasefire story got picked up by Yahoo. Skip the article, read the comments.
Comrade PK have you heard about the NAACP issuing a travel warning for Missouri?
Maybe a move to beautiful Missouri is in order.
It is that much closer to Shangri-La after all.
And now, we may never get to Mars. He wuz a good boy, he dindu nuffin
"Brittany (((Simon))) @BrittanySomeone
"America was never meant for white people. That wasn't the idea or the concept. And again I am told I am white but I am from the Middle East."
Palestine wasn't meant for Khazarian fake-Jew imposters either, but you've built a first world civilization there, even though it wasn't the "idea or concept". Should you abandon the whole thing in the name of justice and move back to Central Europe where you really come from?
Somehow the rules always have to be different if (((they))) are involved.
Anonymous said...
Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam advocated separated states for Africans in America for years. If you're a race realist, Farrakhan is your ally.
August 4, 2017 at 8:50 PM
Ah, no more than the rattlesnakes that keep chipmunks out of my garden are my ally. Although if he wants to go back to the land of flying pyramids and "Kangs", I will pay for his ticket. One way, with the caveat that if he returns he is shot.
Hey P.K., ever wonder what kind of superhero blacks would create if they weren't allowed to just steal a white character and change the skin color?
Wait no longer, "Black", an independent comic series is being optioned for a movie.
What is "Black"? Well obviously it is a project by black people because 'black' or some reference to black people must ALWAYS be in the title. But more specifically:
Black is about a world where only black people can have superhero powers. It’s a discovery made when a young man named Kareem Jenkins is racially profiled and shot by police, then gets up and lives to tell the tale.
So of course it is completely racial, and instead of picking useful abilities/traits like high IQ and future-time orientation we have the ability to sustain a lot of damage. I wonder if he's just a run of the mill buck on PCP and things are just told from his perspective.
She never said how her son was paying for his two children. They talk of lost wages and his future potential; so what was he, a rocket scientist? Maybe he was just another hoodrat that had lots of potential like Michael Brown did. I see your bigger point, PK, no mention that all the suspects were black.
An idea like New Colonia would only work if all blacks were required to live there, or if an all-white region were also established for whites who want to live negro-free. In the latter scenario, the rest of the country could remain integrated, for the benefit of blacks wanting to stay in white areas, and for hipster white liberals to show how progressive and inclusive they are.
How long do you think it would take before the DWLs would give up their egalitarian virtue-signaling, and be running over each other to secure a home in the all-white zone?
Well as sad as it is... It does cost chattanooga that much. Think about all the lost revenue the beat cops make to keep them out of trouble. I watch on a daily basis cops driving right past a drug deal and just look once and keep going. The drug dealers pay the cops money to be allowed to run big time drug operations. Maybe think about how much the community pays the dindu here to just exist. This is a BRA city. Our crime rate is 1 in 13 will be a victim of a heinous violent crime like murder, rape with kidnapping, and dont forget the ones who walked into a neighbors house who killed him with a crowbar while he was asleep over his debit cards. They bought Jordans and playstations with them. Here is a cold hard fact chicago is 1 in 113 on violent crime. Again chattnigga is 1 in 13. One last fun fact the sherriff a few years back was busted by the feds for running cocaine and heroine. Then charges of money laundering and a lot more. Welcome to chattanooga tennessee where unless your black your the enemy and probaly will be shot on your way to work.
I agree. Poverty is their choice. If they don't take advantage of the opportunities they being the main one, no amount of money in the world is going to change this black mind set
"Lost productivity" is the joke here. The White taxpayers just caught a break.
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