Extreme levels of black violence has forced the police chief in the city to create a list of the city’s “most egregious offenders and gang members," who he promises to bring to justice.
Only problem: almost all of these most-wanted criminals are black, meaning the real threat to the city's peace and stability is pattern recognition and police daring to arrest black bodies.
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Madison, Wisconsin, an 8 percent black city where crippling white guilt and liberalism produce a population incapable of admitting blacks responsible for all violent crime |
In our insane society, the police chief is actually forced to defend his actions that would make the city of Madison safer because those actions will require the mass arrest of dangerous black criminals. [Madison police chief plans to round up city's worst criminals, Madison.com, 8-11-17]:
A bold short-term plan to remove Madison’s most notorious criminals from the streets was announced by Madison Police Chief Mike Koval Wednesday because they are holding the city “hostage to our fears.”
As the number of homicides and calls for “shots fired” reach record levels with nearly five months remaining this year, “there is an anxiety level in this city that is palpable,” Koval said.
At the top of the most-wanted list are the city’s “most egregious offenders and gang members,” all of whom are currently wanted for various crimes or have broken their terms of probation, Koval said.
The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American.
Koval responded by coming to defense of their victims, many of whom were also African-American.
“I’m concerned because people aren’t talking about the disproportionate amount of victims who are African-American,” Koval said. “Rather than always focus on the suspect element of the algorithm, I prefer to look at it from a victim’s lens and when 7 out of 10 are African-American, why is nobody concerned that young, black people are having their lives taken from them?”
Madison Mayor Paul Soglin offered robust support for Koval’s plan and urged citizens to make the city safer by talking to police if they know where any criminals and their guns are located.
“There are 40 to 80 people — principally men — who are flagrantly shooting and killing people and terrorizing an entire city. Tragically, eight of the 10 homicide (victims) this year are African-Americans and, tragically, African-Americans have been involved in all 10 homicides based on who has been charged or are suspects in these murders. That is the reality,” Soglin said.
“I think the chief is fully aware of his constitutional obligations and constitutional responsibilities of the Madison police department. I’m confident they will act within the law and they are going to serve all of us, regardless of our race or income by making Madison a safer place.”
Koval called the plan “an adult version of a mandatory timeout” and the goal is to lock up as many individuals on the list as they can find and scare those they can’t find.
“I want them to know that we are aware of your presence, that you are in and out of all these disturbances. That you aren’t anonymous,” Koval said. “It’s a deterrent. With the vigilantism that is complicit with these crimes, I think they are keeping score. It’s the constant recycled payback.”
The plan is similar to one conducted by Madison police in the spring of 2015 when 12 individuals were arrested in a 72-hour operation, according to Koval. With many of the city’s top criminals in jail, “that bought us, relatively speaking, a quiet summer,” he said.
What is different is that the list includes fresh faces whom Madison police want to steer away from crime. “If we know you’re hanging with three bad guys and you’re getting coaxed and tempted in the peer dynamic and we know about you, there’s nothing that can stop us from going to your door and talking to your mom about how you’re hanging with some real bad guys,” Koval said.Take a look at this paragraph from the story:
“There are 40 to 80 people — principally men — who are flagrantly shooting and killing people and terrorizing an entire city. Tragically, eight of the 10 homicide (victims) this year are African-Americans and, tragically, African-Americans have been involved in all 10 homicides based on who has been charged or are suspects in these murders. That is the reality,” Soglin said.It's not tragic that blacks have been involved as suspects in all 10 homicides, when you consider two of the victims were white; it's a reminder violence in eight percent black Madison exists because of dangerous blacks who, tragically, the city government exists to protect (instead of law-abiding citizens.
Forty - 80 black people are shooting and killing and terrorizing the nearly 80 percent white city of Madison, and people in the city are upset the police are daring to arrest these criminals because they all happen to be black.
The police chief is trying to justify the actions of his police, who ostensibly have a monopoly on violence in Madison, as a way to make the city safer for black people, but the reality is arresting 40 - 80 dangerous black criminals terrorizing the capital city of Wisconsin will be a victory for civilization over the Africanization of America.
But people, particularly black leaders and black clergy in Madison, are complaining instead of helping police round up dangerous blacks wanted for their criminal actions.
But read this paragraph again:
Koval called the plan “an adult version of a mandatory timeout” and the goal is to lock up as many individuals on the list as they can find and scare those they can’t find.A 'mandatory timeout'...???
These dangerous black terrorizing the city have killed, shot or committed violent crimes and you want to give them an 'adult version of a mandatory timeout'?
Why not arrest them, try them, convict them, and then - instead of adult timeout - have these dangerous blacks do hard labor or execute those who committed murder?
This might be one of the embarrassing stories of white people surrendering their civilization to Africans in America and a powerful reminder there exists no such as white privilege in America, only the privilege of black people to lobby on behalf of their most violent racial brethren.
Thank you for continuing to highlight the misery that blacks are overwhelming responsible for in EVERY MAJOR CITY in which they make up a significant part of the population. When asked, any realist can point to a list of specific cities/locales that have gone to sht with numbers pinning it almost exclusively on the black population in the area. This blog alone has plenty of ammunition for anyone needing specifics and even counter questions posed by Paul himself that you can reiterate. And he hasn't been just covering black-infested cities, but white areas (like Seattle) as well where blacks are already making an incredible impact. Yet, assault, robbery and even rape are small prices to pay when advancing the cause of diversity and the poor, poor, downtrodden black man.
As an aside, I found a new negro-related word. It generally has to do with physics, but there is a second meaning as well-
lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
synonyms: deterioration, degeneration, crumbling, decline, degradation, decomposition, breaking down, collapse
Aside from 'the lack of predictability', I think it's an apt description of what blacks do to formerly white spaces.
Black people are walking entropy machines.
We're in for a real eye opening experience in say, 5-10 years time, less if Trump is a one term President. Blacks grown bolder by the day and for every one that is incarcerated or killed, four welfare queens spit out 30 more. We're not to to vote our way out of this and time/reproduction rates are not on our side. I suggest arming up for the inevitable clash of cultures, Civilized versus Uncivilized.
Koval called the plan “an adult version of a mandatory timeout” and the goal is to lock up as many individuals on the list as they can find and scare those they can’t find.
I can see the headlines already! Plan scares local youth into working regular jobs.
I wonder if they have tried having the victim and the perp sitting across from each other and having a dialog?
What other ideas can we borrow from elementary school in our ongoing effort to civilize Africans in America? How about a free lunch and breakfast program? Oh wait, we already have that for adults, it's called welfare and food assistance. Which brings me to my next question- if these groups receive multiple forms of assistance in which to feed their kids, why are free breakfast and lunch programs even necessary?
It's amazing the lengths the rest of us are forced to go through to "care" about people who treat society and the rest of us like utter dogshit. It's time to take the gloves off, it's time for logical consequences, it's time to stop listening to them and attempting to placate them. You don't deal with bullies by constantly giving them your lunch money.
The problem is obvious. There must be a gang of violent white criminals roaming the streets and murdering unsuspecting mostly black folks. The racist police are letting them get away with it and naming innocent young black men as suspects instead. I think I've come up with a solution. The situation seems to be exacerbated by the fact that so many people in these black neighborhoods have such poor eyesight. Whenever one of these shootings happens and the police start asking for witnesses, "nobody dun saw nuffin", making it easier for the racist cops to enable the white villans in their escape. You know that if these poor black folk could just get a clear look at the perpetrators, they would be happy to identify them and assist in their prosecution. The solution then is to fund another government program that will ensure that eveboda in da hood will have access to free eye exams and lasik surgery. Problem solved.
Lucius Vorenus
Koval responded by coming to defense of their victims, many of whom were also African-American.
“I’m concerned because people aren’t talking about the disproportionate amount of victims who are African-American,” Koval said. “Rather than always focus on the suspect element of the algorithm, I prefer to look at it from a victim’s lens and when 7 out of 10 are African-American, why is nobody concerned that young, black people are having their lives taken from them?”
And if the victims were predominantly White, then I guess they could keep killing.
Ahh the glorious People's Republik of Wisconsin. Home of cheese and commie rats at least in the super duper intellectual capital of Madison.
The comrades there are so smart they can think holes in a boilerplate while contemplating six different genders and intense navel gazing in the reflecting pool.
Are there any pockets of Amerikwa that aren't third rate commie rat SJW unicorn and chocolate fountains provided by mommygov utopias?
Surely there must be some maybe in the mountain west or high plains country or those red states in flyoverstan.
Forward! The Great Leap Forward into the melting chamber pot of vibrant diverse third world equality. Yes we can!
If blacks are so equal then why do they need all of these social assitance programs?
If diversity is so great why does it have to be forced on people?
Why is Africa not some golden utopian paradise on earth?
It is full of the super duper black people is it not?
Rhetorical questions are fun.
OT - Dindu Nuffin
"Construction workers take matters into their own hands and tie would-be thief up"
The reason for black violence and general challenges is because they are a minority. As a minority, they are threatened and feel vulnerable. I'm pretty sure that once African-americans are a majority, the situation will improve a lot. I listened to a presentation by Dr. Cohen that explained this quite convincingly. I'll post Dr. Cohen's speech in a future comment. Dr. Cohen is a brilliant trans-gendered sociologist/psychotherapist and produces wonderful explanations of the world around us.
Note that when Africans-in-America are the perpetrators of crime, DWLs refer to them as "teens" or "youth." But when Africans-in-America are arrested and jailed, they suddenly become "blacks." If DWLs were consistent, then they would tell us that the Madison gendarmerie will cracking down on "teens" or "youth." But of course, DWLs will spin the narrative such that blacks are always the victims...even when their gangs wreck havoc in a DWL bastion.
My two cents worth...
What other ideas can we borrow from elementary school in our ongoing effort to civilize Africans in America?
How about giving all the Africans in Madison a trophy? They're all winners because they have stood up against white racism and white privilege. A great big trophy would look great in their "cribs" and be sure to inspire future generations of Africans in Madison.
The plan is similar to one conducted by Madison police in the spring of 2015 when 12 individuals were arrested in a 72-hour operation, according to Koval. With many of the city’s top criminals in jail, “that bought us, relatively speaking, a quiet summer,” he said.
Of course, when the town of Madison had a policy called WHITES ONLY, they had not only a quiet summer but quite a few quiet years.
Just sayin'...
" if these groups receive multiple forms of assistance in which to feed their kids, why are free breakfast and lunch programs even necessary?"
I've often wondered about that one myself. they could send their kids lunch, purchased with food stamps. or they could buy a school lunch, purchased with welfare money. Just exactly what do they think those welfare dollars or for? they are almost like teenagers with their allowance. since all their needs are provided for, every penny they get is for partying, having fun, designer clothes etc.
same with the school supplies. those items are cheap. you can get them for a dime or a quarter a lot of places. and yet, whites divvy up every year to give them these supplies which they could easily purchase for themselves.
Madison WI is home to the left of left of left University of Wisconsin/Madison, left of left protests against Gov. Walker, a true left of left culture. Real nut job city!
Comrade PK,
White Lives Matter "protest" at Virginia campus:
"many Latinos and African-Americans who have been pulled over for traffic violations simply because of their race"
So are they being pulled over for traffic violations or because of their race? The same logic prepares to give black Africans immunity from the law up to and including murder because they're being arrested for murder simply because of their race.
" police, who ostensibly have a monopoly on violence"
They do not. Here in the United States of America we have a long standing tradition codified in law and guaranteed in our constitution of a militia. We are guaranteed the right to arm ourselves and maintain a militia to guard against the possibility of agents of the state and standing armies having the monopoly on force. A few exciting false flag events and some creative propaganda work by the (((media))) went a long way to undermine the militia movement in the 90's but it is still our right and our last line of defense to preserve our republic from invasion and insurrection and restore the rule of law.
How can one follow this blog or reality in general and still believe the police or the state is protecting civilization or even capable of it if they decide to do so? They cannot and will not. More government isn't the answer, they're not in the business of fixing problems, they're in the business of pretending to try to fix them. If these hacks actually did restore order they'd be out of work the day after they did so.
Starvation, disease, fire, and the elements will be what rids our continent of black Africans (within a week or two of the EBT card failure). The remainder will be mopped up by the surviving white citizenry as the locusts try to swarm outside of their nests. Come out to the country, get yourself a reliable water source, a big wood pile, and some store-able food. A ton of wheat, beans, rice, oats, etc. in vacuum sealed 5 gallon pails is reasonably priced and will sustain a man for a couple years. A ton of chicken feed is cheaper still, add a dozen laying hens and you can have fresh eggs for a couple years.
They're bringing all of the Heroine to Madison as well. From Chicago, Rockford, Beloit, then Madison. BTW I never received my autographed book after donating?
I like how you finished with a joke:
"Have these dangerous blacks do hard labor".
My sinuses were almost filled with coffee!
"We're not to vote our way out of this and time/reproduction rates are not on our side. I suggest arming up for the inevitable clash of cultures, Civilized versus Uncivilized."
The sad reality we are being out bred. No way whites can keep up with the nogs birth rate wise.
With all of their offspring , most illegitimately they will be on an equal par population wise in 15-20 yrs?.Let the Hispanics fight it out with them for all the free shit or perhaps by then we will be part of Mexico and then other powers will deal with them.
brilliant trans-gendered sociologist/psychotherapist
There is an oxymoron.
Please, enough with the excuses. Go live in Detroit,Newark, Camden and THEN tell us about their feez.
Being a White law abiding productive citizen is just not the in thing.
Didn't (((Soros))) give something like $40 million to Black Lesbian Marxists (BLM)?
Ever see the creators of BLM? Talk about boner destroyers.
Militant lesbian sows but at least they took themselves out of the gene pool by being fuzz bumping carpet munchers.
Madison was a write off long before 80 indispensable vibrant dindus arrived.
Maybe the good comrades in the glorious People's Republik of Minnesota can send over some of that Somali diversity just to add to the brownbow of Shittles.
After all a poor downtrodden noble magic negro has to go where the benefits are good.
As bad as negroes are to live around, the white cuck might prove to be our ultimate undoing. Having grown up with alcoholic parents, I can assure everyone reading this that there is probably nothing more unsettling than living around adults who refuse to observe reality. Cucks believe all the magical nonsense we've been hearing about since the late '50s about negroes (a little more social justice, welfare, integrated schools, integrated neighborhoods ought to do the trick).
The fact is that lines have been drawn. Trump's election brought that skeleton out of the closet. Already, like minded friends who aren't even what I would consider racist, are shunned by our "liberal and enlightened" friends. If civil war ever breaks out again on our continent, there will be plenty of bloodshed to go around - cucked whites as well as blacks. What role the federal government plays is the real question. As far back as 1957, Eisenhower unleashed no less than the National Guard to force Little Rock into destroying their schools by unleashing the bantu into a functioning white school system. Since that time, we have the NSA and other alphabet agencies watching our every move, word, keystroke, etc. Not to mention the many informers who watch our every move and word, ready to report back in our daily travels. Beware of these traitors.
I keep coming back to one thing that will bring it all down and that is the petrodollar. As long as it has purchasing power, the negro will be well fed and provided for. (hint - those days are numbered) Our (((friends))) are good, but not that good, at managing the collapsing economy. We now find ourselves in a world where (white) Russia and truly communist China are getting tired of our war mongering imperialism. The dust up with North Korea should prove to be interesting. The ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times.
Surround yourselves with like minded friends and relatives. Become as self sufficient as possible. YT used to live by these rules. We've lost these values over the past century or so. I am not religious, but by all means, pray to God and vanquish the satanic powers that are trying to take over our country.
The sad reality we are being out bred. No way whites can keep up with the nogs birth rate wise.
This is true, but look around you. Half or more of the negroes you see are overweight and out of shape, not to mention stupid. Diabetes is a constant threat for them.
Trying to get the negro to Act White?
As ANY negro if they want to "Act White"
There is your problem, your reason for failure.
Well I could see why the original article was racist from the get go with lots of racist overtones; I will look at one.
"The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American."
Here lies the problem and how to fix it: Madison is less than 8 percent black, but blacks are at the top of a list that is not generally seen as a good list: namely MURDERS and SHOOTINGS. This gives the idea that negroes are violent by nature.
The only way to correct this problem is to rewrite history, scientific articles, and news stories that show negroes in a negative light, and place white people in the negative spots instead.
Although all murders in Madison were done by blacks, say they were done by racist whites instead. Re-write the Bell Curve and give blacks the top IQ of all racial groups...over even Asians and Ashkenazi Jews who have a median IQ of 120. Write in that ALL blacks have IQs of 150 and above. Award ALL Nobel Prizes to negroes no matter what the category.
Whites in Madison see to do some DEEP introspection and look at how much shit they have versus the black people. They need to feel guilt for this because blacks were brought here by slave ships and were forced to invent shit for the white man. Surely even the former Ms. Greenbaum who endorses niacin cyanide or some shit for depression can see this! Pat who claims his superior brain is over 90% Neanderthal can read the writing on the wall. Blacks need our shit!
@julie love reading your comments it's make my days happier
The Unite the Right Rally is taking place today in Charlottesville, Virginia. This includes many Southern and White Nationalist groups. People have come from as far as Europe, with many Alt Right personalities. Check it out:
Somewhat off topic, but relevant. I don't know how many readers have ever seen this article by John Derbyshire, "The Talk" It's a good review none the less.
Good heavens, I have to comment on Julie's comment:
Julie said...
The reason for black violence and general challenges is because they are a minority. As a minority, they are threatened and feel vulnerable. I'm pretty sure that once African-americans are a majority, the situation will improve a lot. I listened to a presentation by Dr. Cohen that explained this quite convincingly. I'll post Dr. Cohen's speech in a future comment. Dr. Cohen is a brilliant trans-gendered sociologist/psychotherapist and produces wonderful explanations of the world around us.
I will give Julie the biggest compliment I can: you must be an African American woman to write such a thing. Only a "brilliant transgendered sociologist/psychotherapist" could explain such difficult topics to mere white people who live out in the country with guns and dogs. I wait for Dr. Cohen's speech with anticipation. I'm sure PK will give it the attention it deserves!!! One other thing, Julie, blacks are violent because they want other people's shit, but the other people, meaning whites, don't want to pony up and give them what they deserve.
Ms. Greenbalm agreed with one person that the white race was not producing enough babies. As I remember rightly as a young man, white women played hard to get and didn't want to put out. If white women would stop being so stuck up about putting out, then there would be more white babies. I am not young anymore, but for heavens sake our 20 year old men could create LOTS of white babies if the women would put out.
Black women and Hispanic women have sex on the drop of a hat!
Let the goddamned government pay for the baby's bills like it does the black people living down in the chocolate city of New Orleans.
My late Father said you could put these savages into the garden of Eden .and in 6 months it would be a hellhole . he was so right !!!!!!
Any time blacks are held accountable for their own behaviors, they're going to scream that it's racist. If the main street in any given town is being trashed with litter and the cops start ticketing those responsible and the guilty are primarily black~ racist! Ditto for any other crimes whether minor or major. It's gone from "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" to "do the crime, do the whine."
As others have pointed out many times before, blacks don't want to be held accountable for anything and want to be free to do as they please. Anyone telling them no or holding them accountable and to civilized standards results in their having a childish outburst and tantrum. They've become like out of control obnoxious and belligerent children who think they rule the roost and can scream, "Whatever! I'll do whatever I want!" any time anyone tries to enforce any rules. Screaming "racist" is their version of whining like a child and bleating, "You're mean! You're hateful! You're not fair! I don't like you anymore!" in an attempt to get away with whatever they're doing and suffer no consequences for it.
This childish behavior manifests itself even in regards to "teens" in malls or in terms of school discipline. Even then they scream that it's racist for black teens who are showing their asses in malls to be the only ones banned or for black "kids" in school to be punished for their behavior when others aren't being punished at the same level-even though "others" aren't committing offenses at the same rate. Again, it's their childish mentality- like children sulking because they've committed some offense and others who haven't aren't being punished too. "Why do dose kids get to go to the mall and ours don't?" or "why do they get to go out for recess on the playground but ours don't? This ain't fair!" In their childish minds, it's unfair for them to be singled out for their behavior and they demand everyone be punished so they aren't the only ones being punished and made to "look bad."
All their protesting, whining, complaining and screaming racist is the equivalent of a spoiled obnoxious brat falling to the floor and drumming their heels on the carpet as they spin in circles screaming at the top of their lungs. Nothing but a bunch of crybullies who should be marching down the street wearing nothing but diapers and carrying baby rattles. They're ridiculous!
"...same with the school supplies. those items are cheap. you can get them for a dime or a quarter a lot of places. and yet, whites divvy up every year to give them these supplies which they could easily purchase for themselves".
Publix, a grocery chain based in the southeast has been asking at the checkout line for donations To buy school supplies for long cal skoolchirrun. I simply say "no", not "no, thank you". I am tempted to ask what happened to the supplies left over from last year? We used to clean out our desks at the end of the year and the pencils, crayons etc. would go in a box in the closet for next year.
I will be leaving the area in about a month and have several household items, clothes etc. I no longer need. I will donate them for the tax deduction but the thought this stuff will most likely end up with negroes makes me want to simply toss it.
"The plan is similar to one conducted by Madison police in the spring of 2015 when 12 individuals were arrested in a 72-hour operation, according to Koval."
Which means the police must have known where the bad guys were all along.
I can see that the media is in full attack mode focusing on the alt-right rally in Charlottesville. Every headline mentions violence and unrest, as if there is any doubt that the counterprotesters are the ones that ALWAYS incite the violence. If people are going to approach you with violence, other than running or curling up into a ball your only real option is to mete it back in kind. I see Based Stick Man has been an inspiration to many of them. As Paul says, courage is contagious.
I really hope all this "negative" attention backfires and the media ends up making the alt-right look even larger and more organized than it actually is. All we need is a tipping point, and some say it has already been reached. Though it has been a long time coming, we are seeing evidence of blowback against BRA everywhere.
I think some of the readers are reaching the conclusion that even TALKING about anything negative regarding blacks is racist. I can't refute their feelings. The alt right is being crucified for protesting the taking down of a Civil War monument. We can't even respect our fallen dead. White lives DO matter! The blacks and left like free speech as long it is their free speech. Nobody else gets a say in anything!
As I remember rightly as a young man, white women played hard to get and didn't want to put out. If white women would stop being so stuck up about putting out, then there would be more white babies. I am not young anymore, but for heavens sake our 20 year old men could create LOTS of white babies if the women would put out.
Black women and Hispanic women have sex on the drop of a hat!
Let the goddamned government pay for the baby's bills like it does the black people living down in the chocolate city of New Orleans.
I just got back from lunch with a soon-to-be father for the ....wait.for.it.......SECOND time with a lovely, comely, Irish lass who is due in a matter of days. They've been together for over five years now and will not get married. They both make excellent incomes, but because she is self employed and doesn't report her full income, qualifies for the federal Obamacare and serious tax write-offs. She makes far, far, too much to qualify for food stamps, but they both enjoy taking advantage of the gubmint's "po, po, po unwed mothers who needs heps"program. And she's whiter than I am!!! The thing that makes me laugh my a@@ off is that they rent a huge, sprawling complex that borders a prestigious country club. Both live high off the hog and take what Uncle Sugar so generously gives those who choose to not marry!
We live in some seriously f*cked up times!
"If white women would stop being so stuck up about putting out, then there would be more white babies. "
I suspect they are putting out based on the STD rates. But have you taken a good look at young women today? If they are not obese, tattooed, pierced skanks they are probably on 3 different anti-depressants. I don't think women under 30 have been "hot" since about 1995. Even if a young man does get married and has children, the courts will eventually screw him every way from Sunday. I know several cases of men losing their homes, pensions, 401k and children to ex-wives and divorce lawyers. No wonder there is a market for mail order brides from eastern europe or asia. That only delays the shearing since they learn quickly once they get here.
I kind of understand why young men hang out in the basement playing video games.
Again, it's their childish mentality- like children sulking because they've committed some offense and others who haven't aren't being punished too. "Why do dose kids get to go to the mall and ours don't?" or "why do they get to go out for recess on the playground but ours don't? This ain't fair!" In their childish minds, it's unfair for them to be singled out for their behavior and they demand everyone be punished so they aren't the only ones being punished and made to "look bad."
Good point. In my last year of teaching, I (as well as a few others) were called out for making the disruptive students (read mostly black, but not all) walk the perimeter of the playground for 'x' number of laps for classroom digressions. Well, wouldn't you know, the parent of one of these "yoofs" called us out using the "RAYCISS!" card, and we were told that we were no longer allowed to commit this "macro-agression" toward our students. The administration folded like a cheap tent.
Funny thing is, with the negroes, it never worked anyway. The whites would eventually return to the playground and the classroom with a more subdued attitude. Never the blacks. I swear, you could have beaten those kids over the head with a 2x4 and they STILL wouldn't have gotten the message. I hate to admit it, but lord I hated those little n*ggers!
D-Fens, I shop at Publix as well and say no to that question.
Wal-Mart used to have a Christmas tree with white cards attached. A child would write down their wish list. The Shitavious and Sheneika ones were always left dangling. The policy was changed to simply girl or not. However, a race realist could tell who was who.
The city of Daytona Beach is handing out free backpacks filled with supplies. You must show ID, it's only for city residents. Imagine that!
Female in FL
I must comment on my two favorite posters here. They are my favorites for different reasons. Both are excellent writers who bring wisdom and wit to this forum. One, Formerly Miss Greenbaum appeals to my dark side. Really, she panders to it. She is forever inciting me to hatred and loathing of the negroe. She artfully spins stories (of which I agree are true representation of negroe activity) of their violent and destructive nature. Just because I'm old and have witnessed a lifetime of this degenerate behavior doesn't mean I have to give in to this hatred.
The other poster, Julie, forces me to confront the darkness in my own soul. After reading her wise comments I am filled with compassion for the poor oppressed negroe. After reading Julie's comments I want to fill the bus and give up my vacation to dig wells in Africa. After reading the hateful comments of Formerly Miss Greenbaum I want to poison the wells and burn the bus.
It's a terrible dichotomy I am struggling with.
The cover story of the 6 September 1948 LIFE magazine called Madison the best place to live in the US. This was when the Negro population was less than 1 percent, and consisted chiefly of foreign students at the University of Wisconsin.
Before Chief Koval, the Madison Police endured two Colored Boys as Police Chiefs: obese Richard Williams (1993-2004) and Noble Wray (2004-2014).
In response to Colored "Flash-Mob" "Smash-and-Grab" robberies and Colored "Wilding" sexual harassment and robbery of White Females, the two main malls in Madison, East Town Mall and West Town Mall, have implemented "Youth Curfews", effective every Friday evening at 400PM and every Saturday evening at 400PM. This began Friday, 29 July 2017.
The other main mall, Hilldale, has been re-designed from an enclosed mall to an up-scale strip-mall, with every store door opening to the outside. This is an effort to discourage roaming bands of Colored boys from causing problems.
The situation at West Town Mall, which is adjacent to the "vibrantly diverse" James Madison Memorial High School, is so dire that the Apple Store is closing. Apple has lost too many I-Phones, etc., to marauding bands of Colored "Yutes". ("Dey jus be needin' dey skool supplies an' how else dey spozed to get it
The Coloreds are the "pets" of the SJWs and DWLs. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap".
How many more decades will it take White America to realize the nigroe is, by nature, a violent and unstable sub-species? This creature is incapable of controlling its impulses and baser instincts. Its first impulse is to breed. Its second impulse is to fight and hurt. That's why so many of these sub-humans are convicted of rape. It is a crime that satisfies both of these impulses in one craven act. It is what the ni##er is and no amount of time and effort will change that. As my wife says: "They're animals" Segregation and careful monitoring is needed to keep them in their place
The sad reality we are being out bred. No way whites can keep up with the nogs birth rate wise.
With all of their offspring , most illegitimately they will be on an equal par population wise in 15-20 yrs?.Let the Hispanics fight it out with them for all the free shit or perhaps by then we will be part of Mexico and then other powers will deal with them.
They'll crash the system before a war over free shit happens.
It will be just like Detroit but at a Federal level. The dollars simply won't be there. Liberals will attempt a wealth tax as a last resort but it won't work. The system will crash.
I'm hoping for an awakening before that happens. I'm betting on a gene discovery related to intelligence from Neanderthals in combination with advancements in DNA analysis that allow rapid testing. Liberals will have to concede that they have been wrong the whole time about racial inequality being the fault of Whites. Scientists can study Neanderthal DNA without losing their career to PC. I would bet a million dollars that scientists will discover a self-control or intelligence gene that came directly from Neanderthals. Within 10 years.
But whatever happens the system has to change. Hopefully Whites will wake up to reality but if it takes chaos then so be it. Our government is borrowing money to pay the bills and the third world population keeps growing.
This is true, but look around you. Half or more of the negroes you see are overweight and out of shape, not to mention stupid. Diabetes is a constant threat for them.
Diabetes is dragging down our health care system.
Dopey White liberals want to keep paying for Grape drank with EBT.
In all fairness they have Republican agri-whores that back them which scares off any reformers. Because the corn syrup lobby is more important than America's financial health.
EBT is backed by a sick alliance of corporate whores and deluded liberals. Walmart and the other retailers also freak out anytime someone talks about cutting EBT.
Bloomberg (A Democrat) tried cutting out soda from EBT and he was protested by leftists and the soda lobby. DONT YOU TAKE AWAY THAT GRAPE DRANK!!!!!!
I see Julie reeled in another one. Nice work Julie.
I see this "Julie" person has weighed in yet again.
Frankly, I do not find this helpful, or beneficial to this site in the least, as I have stated in the past.
Interestingly, in her most recent post, she unwittingly reveals perhaps the source of the kool-aid she's been imbibing:
"Dr. Cohen." (I think she left out a few parentheses.)
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the concept of the existence of a person like "Julie" whose pathological, terminal altruism should have resulted in great harm (or worse) to her by now!
But maybe the picture is a little clearer now, no?
I had entertained the idea that maybe she's had to cut back on the head meds due to Obamacare, but maybe there's a menorah-shaped light at the end the tunnel?
I don't know, but (and I say this with the sternest of admonishments to all of you otherwise rational commenters),you should take that into account the next time "Julie" chimes in from LaLa Land!
tarczan said:
I must comment on my two favorite posters here. They are my favorites for different reasons. Both are excellent writers who bring wisdom and wit to this forum. One, Formerly Miss Greenbaum appeals to my dark side. Really, she panders to it. She is forever inciting me to hatred and loathing of the negroe. She artfully spins stories (of which I agree are true representation of negroe activity) of their violent and destructive nature. Just because I'm old and have witnessed a lifetime of this degenerate behavior doesn't mean I have to give in to this hatred.
The other poster, Julie, forces me to confront the darkness in my own soul. After reading her wise comments I am filled with compassion for the poor oppressed negroe. After reading Julie's comments I want to fill the bus and give up my vacation to dig wells in Africa. After reading the hateful comments of Formerly Miss Greenbaum I want to poison the wells and burn the bus.
It's a terrible dichotomy I am struggling with
Leaving aside Julie, who is clearly satire, that leaves me. And no, I'm not satire, and I think I am probably the farthest thing from "hate" you will see. No, I do not wish the extermination of our (((friends))), only their riddance from our shores. Likewise, their pets, I do NOT hate. Frankly, I have known many black (negro) people, and many of them are fine folks. I do not wish them to be punished or exterminated. What is it that I want?
Easy. I want .....self ....determination..... That is...to hang out with, live with, do business with, procreate with, whomEVER I please. If that excludes negroes, then that's too bad. THAT is my right as an AMERICAN. It is WHY we elected TRUMP. Why is that so hard for some people to grasp?????????/
The trophy could read, "Proud to be a Madfrican!"
Ook, ook!
“There are 40 to 80 people — principally men — who are flagrantly shooting and killing people and terrorizing an entire city. Tragically, eight of the 10 homicide (victims) this year are African-Americans and, tragically, African-Americans have been involved in all 10 homicides based on who has been charged or are suspects in these murders. That is the reality,” Soglin said.
Tragically? Predictably is more like it.
Anyway, kudos to the chief for calling a spade, a spade, and not backing down when accused of "racist overtones".
Stay alert, stay alive.
"I suspect they are putting out based on the STD rates. But have you taken a good look at young women today? If they are not obese, tattooed, pierced skanks they are probably on 3 different anti-depressants. I don't think women under 30 have been "hot" since about 1995."
Have you taken a good look at young men today? If they are not pierced, tattooed skanks , they drink too much and are on meth or other drugs. I don't think younger men have been hot since the 80's, but are either sloppy with pot bellies or are scrawny and tattooed with dumb piercings and a baseball cap turned backwards at 30. A lot of younger men today aren't "men" but selfish overgrown boys who take no responsibility and have little morality or honor and want to use women sexually but don't want to commit or support or raise kids. No wonder young women are on 3 different anti-depressants having to deal with men.
"Even if a young man does get married and has children, the courts will eventually screw him every way from Sunday. I know several cases of men losing their homes, pensions, 401k and children to ex-wives and divorce lawyers."
Please, men aren't screwed by the court system. Men make more money than women often because women have men's kids. Women are the one's who get screwed after a divorce. Sure there may be a few women married to rich men who get big settlements but after a divorce, the average woman with kids is financially worse off than the man by far. I know several divorced moms who get nothing from their exes and are struggling to get by yet you don't see divorced men struggling to get by like divorced women with kids. No wonder some women are afraid to put out or marry and have kids, they don't want to end up a poor, single mom.
"I kind of understand why young men hang out in the basement playing video games"
Yeah, because unlike men in the past, these are still overgrown boys who think only of themselves and take no responsibility.
So today, we have a riot in Charlottesville, VA. 'White Supremacists' gathered to protest the removal of a Confederate statue pf Robert E. Lee....but that protest never happened because of 'violent confrontations' with 'counter-protestors'. Does anybody-besides me-think that NO ONE would have been hurt or injured or run over or whatever if this 'white supremacist' group had just been left alone or ignored? Like them or not, they have free speech rights, and Charlottesville had known of this protest for a long time. In fact, the town officials said they had prepared for it and wamted a 'peaceful' protest. I don't believe them for one second. I think they made sure that this riot is exactly what would happen. Governor McAuliffe of VA is a dirty POS lying bastard.
My child is in a school system with 55% drop out rate. YT, as the child is, is the minority. When asked about the "hoodrats", the reply is, "Can't stand them. Me and my geek friends sit up front".
Need to move soon, Fl.
20T and climbing with no way of bringing it down. The system will fail, and people like us won't need to run. We are where we will survive.
"Hey, he likes it. Hey...."
Julie has had you. Ayn was correct all along.
Lets not get into that men vs women and marriage debate. Marry a good small town woman and you don't have to worry about the courts. It really is that simple.
Sometimes hate can be a good thing. This putrid world has degenerated so far that some righteous hatred may be the only thing that can save it.
2:19pm- I'm betting on a gene discovery related to intelligence from Neanderthals in combination with advancements in DNA analysis that allow rapid testing. Liberals will have to concede that they have been wrong the whole time about racial inequality being the fault of Whites.
"If Only we can show the Left, through reasoned, logical, undeniable, scientific proof, then they will finally See The Light and join us in our eternal struggle."
Have you learned nothing yet? Aren't you tired of losing? They are your enemy. They want you in chains or under dirt. There is no reasoning with them.
They don't care who broke the Blecks. They just insist that YT PAYS. The goal isn't even about fixing the Blecks; it's all about screwing YT. This will not end after a Eureka! moment in a laboratory in Cambridge, or Russia or China. It will only end when we make it end.
Madison, WI is ground zero for the hippie/libtard movement. Sixty years of leftist madness and rot sprang from there. It is still a (((leftist))) hell-hole. Those libtard/(((libtard))) c*nts deserve everything they get from their colored pets.
how many cities have black police chiefs?
how many have black female police chiefs?
--santa monica
--portland https://emsnews.wordpress.com/2017/08/12/portland-or-gets-new-chief-police-ms-outlaw-who-was-so-successful-running-high-crime-oakland-ca/
FMG- My entire post was sarcasm. I completely agree with everything you say. I, like you want to be as far from them as I can. I really look forward to your posts. I really am disgusted by the fill the bus people. Please reread with your funny hat on, l guess it didn't come off as intended.
They want you in chains or under dirt. There is no reasoning with them.
They don't care who broke the Blecks. They just insist that YT PAYS. The goal isn't even about fixing the Blecks; it's all about screwing YT. This will not end after a Eureka! moment in a laboratory in Cambridge, or Russia or China. It will only end when we make it end.
Yes there is no reasoning with the left. They don't care about what exists in reality and never have.
But the problem is that they have indoctrinated a majority of Whites into believing that race is only superficial or that differences are minimal enough to where they can be negated with environmental changes. It's also not just the left, there is an establishment right that wants to keep the Whites in the dark.
So if you go out and fight then you are fighting Whites that would not be fighting if they had all the facts. This is why a Neanderthal gene discovery is important. It needs to be like the late lactose gene in that it has been isolated and mapped. You would think that intelligence tests are enough but liberals have created literally billions of dollars worth of propaganda in Academia to muddle the argument. Anything dependent upon testing allows them argue that there could be unidentified variables in the environment even if it is a weak argument. They don't need a strong argument, they just need an argument that they use with argumentum ad verecundiam (argument by authority). And it works. Whites come out of college believing that race doesn't exist and that only "ignorant" people believe otherwise.
And no one is allowed to study anatomical brain differences without losing their career. But a Neanderthal gene would break the wall since the researcher can simply avoid mentioning that Africans do not have shared DNA with them.
Stupid blacks and their enablers are too dumb to realize white people who CARE are tired of being pushed around. 50+ years of snivel rights outrages, setasides and special programs for those who do not appreciate our tax money--besides the other nonsense, violence, needling, and pushing. The final nail in the coffin is trying to eradicate our monuments and our past. There will now be blow-back - just like a rifle shot. Charlottesville will not be our only rallying point. OUR push-back has now begun.
Pure craziness going on in the world today.
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