Seattle, Washington is only eight percent black.
And yet, this population still produces a climate of intense violence requiring a march to try and dissuade blacks from engaging in actions they increasingly - and nearly inarguably when you consider the reality of the "warrior gene" - seem genetically predisposed to performing (lack of future-time orientation, higher rates of testosterone, and low impulse control equals the reason why black communities nationwide regularly host some form of a 'march against violence'). [Mother of murdered son organizes march against gun violence,, July 15, 2017]:
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Does it only take an eight percent black population to destabilize social capital and a high-trust society? |
Dozens of women and children took to the streets Saturday to denounce the recent gun violence in South Seattle.
Two men were shot near the Rainier Playfields this week – both of them died.And Seattle Police said shootings across the city have spiked more than 30 percent this time of year compared to 2016.
Organizers for the “When Mothers Walk, Save Our Sons” march believes the community engagement could save their children from violence.
“I just want to say thank you for answering the call,” said organizer Kathei McCoy.McCoy said she was compelled to put together the march after two men died in gun violence in South Seattle.
“I knew it was time to walk,” she said. "I knew it was time to gather black mothers in particular and walk with them through the neighborhood.”
About 50 black women met at South Shore School to begin the march – not in protest but in support of young black men who could find themselves in the midst of violence.
“To see so many young men die so young with such purpose and such promise is terrible,” said McCoy.
In the past week alone Seattle Police responded to the Rainier Playfields twice for shootings.
That’s when McCoy said the violence reminded her of her painful past.
“There were too many of our black sons dying at the time when my son died,” she said. “I believe that weekend three other young boys were killed.”
McCoy said her 19-year-old son’s murder was never caught. K’Breyan Clark was gunned down in the Central District in the spring of 2013.
“He meant everything to me and when he was killed a part of me died,” she said.
The mothers marched about 3 miles north bound on Rainier Avenue in solidarity against violence.
“I have a 13-year-old son,” said Mikia Cain. “I’m scared all the time when I send him off to school.
“As mothers we have a community to mother right now,” said Trina Baker.
McCoy said K’Breyan was the love of her life and her only child. But she refuses to believe his murder was for nothing.
“Through his murder I found a greater purpose for my life,” she said. “It is to teach black women and mothers so they can heal, so they can raise up their boys in a healthy way.”Only eight percent.
Seattle, Washington is only eight percent black.
And almost all the violent crime in nearly 70% white Seattle, Washington is committed by a racial group representing eight percent of the city.
Is that all it takes to destroy social capital and a high-trust society?
I grew up in Seattle, and just left a few years ago. I can tell you that yes, 8% is all it takes, especially when most of the whites are enablers. It's still better than any other city in the US, but the chronic leftism runs deep. I am glad I left. Better too soon than too late.
- Harmonica
About 50 black women met at South Shore School to begin the march – not in protest but in support of young black men who could find themselves in the midst of violence.
So the "young black men" found themselves in the "midst of violence"? How, exactly, does that even happen?
True story: About twenty five years ago, A friend of mine and I flew into Miami and rented a car with the intention of taking it down to the Keys. We took a wrong exit out of the city (about the same time a European couple did the same thing about a year afterward and ended up murdered) and quickly found ourselves in "streets goan roan". We were driving a brand new, white, Ford Thunderbird. The devastation around us was not to be believed - and this was during broad daylight! We could not get out of there fast enough. We were in the "midst of violence". Is that what is happening to these negro boys? (boys = anyone younger than 60)
“To see so many young men die so young with such purpose and such promise is terrible,” said McCoy.
Purpose??? Promise??? Does she mean the same purpose and promise that the guys who inseminated these negress bitches had? Where are THOSE promising young men, filled with such "purpose"? Frankly, the only purpose I see in these young negro males is busing caps in someones a@@ and busting a nut when they have a willing or even unwilling partner. Other than that, there just isn't much "purpose" there, except maybe finding some weed, booze, drugs, and stolen loot.
We see plenty of the negress mothers moaning, wailing, "Oh lawds! you doan taked my LaJayveeyus froms mes!" Where are the "fathers"? With Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, we didn't see the "father" appear until after there was a discovery that a white (or "white hispanic") male was involved in the killing. There were gibs to be had, merchandise to make some cash off of, and the ever present hum of the tv cameras. "WE needs Justus!" They never seem to get tired of that same old song and dance. Lather, rinse, repeat. This shiite has been going on for over 60 years now and it just seems to grow worse each successive year. The main difference now is that we have a steady cadre of white SJWs who march right along side of these simians (when they are allowed) to weep, gnash teeth, and pound their chests over the turbul, turbul, turbul injustice ob duh white man's werl.
Another in a long line of pathetic displays of TNB.
These mothers act like there is some great unsolved mystery as to why their kids are being shot to death. They still ain't figured it out. He Granny. YOUR CHILDREN ARE BEING KILLED BY OTHER CHILDREN. There ain't no white rednecks driving around town using black kids for target practice. They are killing each other.
Another march through the hood that will do no good. None of these women will ever understand that the problem on the streets is caused by how these little retarded bastards are raised at home. Hood life is based on home life. Garbage in....garbage out.
All these marches and vigils are completely useless as long as these "mothers" keep raising their children to be blood thirsty maniacs who have no feelings for those they hurt or kill. Children killing children. Fuck these assholes.
Another thing these losers haven't learned is that all these "marches of misery" have no effect on the general population. After watching this horror show for over forty years a lot of people are losing interest in "black suffering". Nobody gives a shit that the darkies are butchering each other. Shut up and go home. Try raising your children to be human beings rather than a bunch of thugs who will end up in prison.
Walk walk...wail wail. My baby be daid. Boo hoo. All these folks are good for is a boring five minutes on the local news show. NOBODY CARES.
When will we ever hear a black mother say the truth ...... My son was a scumbag ... Always lyin, always cheatin, always hustlin.... He got shot because he just couldn't make wise choices or prudent decisions and the company he chose to keep made damn sure he would die young ....
Did you notice how they let one guy get attacked by multiple antifa at the amren conference? Not one amren-er helped him out. Yeah right, huWhites will stick together! LOL! We need our own GLR.
Allow me to shed light on the strange and sick white population of Seattle. Seattle is in King county, WA. The county was originally named for an early politician at the time Washington joined the U.S. He might have been an early senator for the state. Sometime in the 1960s or 1970s, these spineless cucks in Seattle renamed their county for .... Martin Luther King. This displays the inherent weakness of these largely Norwegian types that originally settled the area. You see the same thing in Sweden and Norway today, where they are giving their lands to Somalis. Anyway, we are stuck with these morons.
Today, the people living in Seattle have huge images of this Martin Luther Kind gazing upon them from buses, street signs and anything that King county sends them in the mail. There were never any significant numbers of negroes in the pacific northwest, but these cucks decided to dedicate their county to this fraud King. These people are largely beyond salvation. The best outcome is that negroes control the entire county, reproducing Detroit, but with lots of rain and conifers.
These liberal run cities are a mess becuase of liberal policies and pandering to gangs and gang thugs and they will never stop the viiolence but a still hope they can get a point across that dont lead to civilian disarnimate
All that money spent on that stupid space needle, when they could have been feeding poor, underserved black children ...
Maybe Seattle needs a bike sharing program?
The groids are only in Seattle for the generous welfare benefits and free needles for heroin. Cut the welfare in Seattle and crime will go down to zero. The groids will then move to Oregon, California or Hawaii for gibme benefits.
Their husbands were too emotionally devastated to be interviewed for this article.
Yes. You nailed it with the genetics angle...but forgot the big one: IQ.
Negroes' average IQs are lower than Humans. This creates a myriad of issues when trying to incorporate them peacefully into a First World society.
They just don't fit. Stop trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Guaranteed failure. Can't fight Nature.
oh well...
Oh yeah, marching will really solve blacks' genetic propensity for violence. Of course these sows are far too stupid to realise that by having fatherless children, they are the problem. My Negro fatigue levels are off the charts.
The only shocking thing in this story is "he was her only child."
Other than that, it read like a soap opera, cheesy walks, young men with such promise, aka the usual bullshit.
These things are so predictable.
Female in FL
"Dozens of women and children took to the streets..."
It's a women's march by default, da menfolk be sittin' on da step waitin' fo' dat check.
" denounce the recent gun violence in South Seattle."
What is considered "recent" when they can't go 48 hours without shots ringing out?
"Organizers for the “When Mothers Walk, Save Our Sons” march believes the community engagement could save their children from violence."
Belee Dat! Mmmmmm-Hmmmmm....I know dass rite! We finnin git rid ub dat bilence!
“There were too many of our black sons dying at the time when my son died,” she said. “I believe that weekend three other young boys were killed.”
Only three? Not nearly enough.
"McCoy said her 19-year-old son’s murder was never caught."
Despite the fact that McCoy knows who did it. She doesn't want to end up dead, too.
“I have a 13-year-old son,” said Mikia Cain. “I’m scared all the time when I send him off to school."
Why should she be scared? Are black kids somehow more dangerous than other races?
Nah, no way, that's just ignorant racism talking. They "act out" because YT keeps 'em oppressed an' sheeit. Poor babies need mo' programs.
Seattle is a port city, they can take the little darlings sailing like Baltimorgue.
About 50 black women met at South Shore School to begin the march – not in protest but in support of young black men who could find themselves in the midst of violence.
“To see so many young men die so young with such purpose and such promise is terrible,” said McCoy.
"...who find themselves in the midst of violence"? It's as if they had nothing to do with it, that it was an evil fog that drifted in from the nearby water and settled over dat po black 'hood.
"'''so many young men die so young with such purpose and such promise..." This is just too funny. Purpose and promise, indeed! They had such wonderfully violent and criminal lives ahead of them that were snuffed out too soon! Oh, how my heart aches.
Or not.
I've only been to Seattle once but the main thing that impressed me was that there were panhandlers on nearly every downtown street corner. They were just everywhere, and most were whites who had adopted this bit of TNB. I recall two sitting and laughing with a sign reading "Homeless as f**k" as they sat outside of a nice restaurant. Rather than having been forced to beg due to dire circumstances, most impressed me as having adopted this activity as a deliberate choice over actually working for a living (i.e., "workin' fo' duh Man.") One woman begging for dollars was clearly a meth addict. I don't know if the city is overly friendly to beggars and invites them in, but it sure is overloaded with them.
I was down at the train station late one afternoon and noticed the streets were clear of hipsters and everyone else. There were, of course, lots of panhandlers and derelicts hanging around. My spidey-sense told me to get out of there and back to the hotel before the sun set, and I listened to it.
They don't realize that every time they have one of these marches they are admitting they are not like everyone else. They are announcing they are more stupid and violent than other races. Hey negroes, look around, no one else is marching.
“Through his murder I found a greater purpose for my life,” she said. “It is to teach black women and mothers so they can heal, so they can raise up their boys in a healthy way.”
Such as, not having kids until you are married and financially stable? Keep walking until you are footsore, J'akwan will swing by in his caddy and give you 1)purple drank, 2) another kis and 3) an std or two. Then when that kid is shot.... repeat.
The problem is, no matter how much they march, they will never be able to end the killings of blacks. The reason is because their killings is God Yahweh's doing. As I have said before; every time a black kills, injures, or assaults a white, 5 and 6 blacks will be killed. Blacks better wise up and realize that they need white people more than whites need black people. I leave you with this:
During the Civil War one of Jefferson Davis's servants (the south didn't call them slaves)purchased his freedom (notice he purchased), someone advised him to go to Liberia, to which he replied snappily; "No, I am not so foolish as to trust my life and property in a country that is governed by black men." (from Everything you were taught about American slavery is wrong, ask a southerner!. As quoted from, Henry Latham "Black and White: A Journal of a three month tour in the United States" Philadelphia, PA: Lippincoat 1867 Page 112.
More evidence that the fewer negroes, the better and that anything over 5% is to be avoided.
Wait for the headline: "Space Needle Goes Wrong!"
I'll state the obvious point: when you import blacks, you import all the black pathologies. So now Seattle sees an upsurge in senseless violence. But it is also seeing an upsurge in black cargo cult activities: in this case, "marches" against violence. Soon, expect to hear the sound of basketballs rebounding at midnight, to be followed by clergymen camping out on street corners, and activists cooking up BBQ to "stop the violence."
This will be on top of the welfare, the affirmative action, the lowering of school standards, the disappearance of bicycles from public racks, the rewriting of history to suit the black "narrative" and, when law enforcement shoots an "unarmed teen," the pillaging of a neighborhood or three.
i.e., you will end up with Africa-in-Seattle.
And as usual, you will see DWLs either dumping more public moneys into programs which inevitably fail to restore civic order, or moving out to the suburbs to find those ever elusive better schools.
What can a rational person do? You can start by investing in companies which produce basketballs and barbecue sauce.
A black population of 14.4% in 1860 (see was sufficient to plunge America into a civil war. One would expect that a black population of 8% would be quite sufficient to destroy the social capital of any city.
Some of my fellow gun nuts might remember the Kellerman study, which compared murder rates in Seattle and Vancouver. Kellerman concluded that the greater number of handguns in Seattle accounted for Seattle's higher rate. The NRA, as euphemistically as possible, noted demographic differences between the two cities, and that certain minority populations in Seattle had much higher murder rates. So Kellerman wasn't comparing apples to apples. This was all pre-Internet, and might have been flushed down the memory hole, so I'm unable to find it on the WWW. However, I'm sure that we're all aware that leftists can and do distort results of "studies" by ignoring race, and always to our detriment.
And out of that 8% how many are elderly and small children. Not that they stop committing crimes or start when can walk but you get my drift. So really Seattle's crime is caused by 4-5% of its inhabitants. Ha, how pathetic and typical. One drop of feces in a bowl of vanilla ice cream makes it inedible....
Hey Centurion welcome back! Glad to hear things are on the up 'n up. Enjoyed your posts on this site for a long time brother. Feel free to share any advice for any others on here.
Here's a story about some GUDBOYS. Seems like it mostly affected kids in the ghetto, but still wanted to point this out as pedophilia/child trafficking is quite possibly the biggest problem in this world. Especially in elite circles. Lots of research going on, and I pray everyday that soldiers like Craig Sawyer and his team expose these satanic freaks.
NC Guy
McCoy said K’Breyan was the love of her life and her only child. But she refuses to believe his murder was for nothing.
A black mother had an only child? Isn't that unusual?
McCoy said her 19-year-old son’s murder was never caught. K’Breyan Clark was gunned down in the Central District in the spring of 2013.
My guess would be her little angel was at a known drug spot in the wee hours of the morning when shots rang out.
Collecting for the Red Cross, no doubt...
Stay alert, stay alive.
I visited my great aunt in Seattle back in 1982. There were no issues with black gun violence back then. It was a beautiful city. But after liberalism took hold of the joint there's no saving it now.
Remember our American dream....... No blacks, No Problems!
Only one child thats unusual for a Black female .that makes anything she say s questionable , and what about this stupid ghetto name Keybrean .what the is up with these jackasses ? I used to think it was their ignorance , but i now think its that they hate white America so much .they wont use European names . compare this to highly successful Asians who go out of their way to name thier kids Brandon & Winston for example blacks are truly pathetic !!!!!
"two men died in gun violence"
Come on! there wouldn't be any gun violence if you'd raise them far away from TNB. You actually seek out and promote it instead.
"young black men who find themselves in the midst of violence."
When you let felons and future felons raise your kids. When you place "no" stops in the TNB you surround them with ( gangta rap, pants below ass, black victim movies ) then, lie about all their ancestral heritage thats been stolen. That's usually where the little darlings find themselves.
What's tiresome and increasingly annoying, is how negroes demonstrate and march in an attempt to convince YT that they don't know this. Something is very wrong when you are a constant and endless victim. ......... Change your friggin' ways!
Do yourselves a favor.... round up the six percent NOW and move them out of your state.
The situation will only deteriorate and wind up costing the state billions.
If they are allowed to stay, they will drag down the city and state as they have done everywhere else.
An idea would be to turn off the spigot from which they all drink. Once the offers to stay dry up, they will move off to a 'friendlier' place on their own.
I know of which I speak...
Jim in Jersey
If black women want to have marches to end black on black violence that will really accomplish the goal, all they have to do is tie 50 pound weights around their necks and march off the end of a pier into the ocean. I guarantee that will be effective whereas everything else they've tried has failed. No brood sows producing feral offspring, no problems.
What WAS the largest County in the US named for a gay man?
What IS the largest County in the US named for a black man?
Seattle's King County.
First named for US vice-president William Rufus King who was President Buchanan's
domestic partner and Franklin Pierce's VP. Andrew Jackson called them "Miss Nancy" and "Aunt Fanny". The county was established in 1852 but the county was renamed for ML King in 2007. Hopefully the name change will encourage African Americans to migrate there from areas that fail to appreciate their economic, civic and cultural contributions.
This is the line that struck me:
“To see so many young men die so young with such purpose and such promise is terrible,” said McCoy.
Can't Whitey see this is caused by them stealing shit from the negroes? How many people named Shitavius, or Daquawn, Ookadoogoo have had their lives cut short by a white man's invention (the gun)?
These negroes need to be properly thanked for all they have given humanity. All the great American cities were built using negro technology from the jungles of Africa.
Newton learned calculus from an African negro named Patoomba; Einstein would leave
math problems on the board and a negro cleaning lady name Shatemba answered those questions and taught him relativity. All the great inventions and ideas were forced from the minds of African slaves at night! Ford got his ideas from a black field worker. While white people slept, white devils forced negroes to invent shit (WITHOUT PAY). So here we are today, god bless those people out there trying to save these gentle souls from the white devils.
And once again, none of the last names of the dead, match the baby momma who pooped them out. Bastard children, hatched by violent hood wh*res, is killing this country. Mandatory sterilization for 1)more than one sprogue conceived 2)arrested for a felony 3)IQ level below 85. Call it eugenics, or call it population control, this country is broke, and no longer can afford this breed/feed/bleed program in the black community.
"Is that all it takes to destroy social capital and a high-trust society?"
They had better be glad the population is only 8% black, it is a known fact that there is a linear connection to black population density and crime. Pray for the people of Detroit you stupid white people in Seattle. They have a LOT more negroes than you! Crap...30 gets killed on a good weekend in Chicago! When I think of all those dead negroes and their great minds, a single tear drops in my beer.
To those who say great white North West I say this. Build it and they will come. That said, I agree with Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, and South Dakota as maybe the last frontiers along with Alaska and maybe being white safe spaces. The population is too sparse in the states I mentioned to make much of an impact on our cause. The problem with Oregon and Washington is at least half of the white people there are bleeding heart if not more. Can you imagine the chaos when they mix with a black/latino influx. Some talk of the happening, I think it may be in places like this because it will be truly city vs county with little grey in between.
Thanks for spotlighting Seattle. I've been living here for almost 20 years and at this point I consider this city to be a blunt joke of liberalism. I have moved three times, to three different districts,in an effort to escape the growing black violence. I use to love it here, but now I'm planning to move completely away from what I see is the inevitable collapse of a liberal dreamland. Sadly most every person here is refusing to acknowledge, even on a superficial level, that this city is on a downwards spiral. I refuse to be apart of this joke any longer. Best wishes.
They need to pass a law making it illegal to shoot somebody. That should work.
They need a version of "The Talk" based on reality, not bullshit.
1. "Be vigilant on the streets. Your most likely to be murdered by someone who looks like you, and for petty reasons, like your shoes, or the KFC in your backpack.
2. Don't sling dope. Your fellow negroes will kill you quicker for that than they will for sneakers, and it also attracts the police.
3. Keep your Johnson in your sagging pants. Being a father at 10 may seem cool, but it will be a problem later, when you can't get a drivers license because of unpaid child support and you spend your weekends in jail.
4. Keep the pistol OUT of your sagging pants. The best way to get killed by a fellow negro or a cop is to carry a gun. Your homies will want to steal it and the cops will arrest or shoot you when you pull it.
Etc etc etc. Never happen.
Can't get the negro to act the way you want? You are going at it with the wrong attitude, thus the wrong correct solution. So, let me begin with a catchy slogan, that rhymes, thus will appeal to your target (sorry, bad choice of word there), your pet audience:
Since what you are trying to achieve is turning a negro into a well tanned White Man..... (since the Heterosexual, Non-Felon, Married, with Children, Employed, White Male is the standard all want to equal).... you only need to clearly understand WHAT you are trying to do:
You want the negro to basically Act White.
Let me explain, (as if an explanation makes any difference to your religion of Equality):
You want the negro to get a job. Most White Men have jobs.
You want the negro to stay out of jail. Most White Men stay out of jail.
You want the negro NOT to have a police record. Most White men do not have a police record
You want the negro to not shoot other negroes. Most White men do not shoot anybody
You want the negro to have food stores to shop at. All White men have such stores
You want the negro to have safe schools. White schools are safe.
You want the negro to go to school. The vast majority of White kids go to school.
See? You basically want the negro to act like a White Man. (Don't we all).
So, get to the point and make that the program!!! Inform the negro why he is having all these problems. He is acting like a friggin' African and not like a White Man. Tell him the correct behavior, perhaps with rap tunes, comic books, etc. Show him the correct behavior. Show him that acting African can cost him his Penis (remember those posters?) and that acting more White can get him more of that fine, might fine, White Wominz.
Liberal-Communist-LGBstd peoples !! Wake up and get with the only program that has a chance of working. Get the negro to ACT WHITE !!!
I've been wondering to myself why some blacks are more murderous than others. Chicago has more murders than NY and LA combined, and only about 850,000 from the anointed demographic. LA's blacks are worse than NYC, but not as bad as Chicago's. Detroit's aren't as bad as Chicago's, because they have about the same number of blacks and half the murder rate.
Clearly, there's a critical mass factor, after which a tipping point is reached and law and order goes out the window. There's probably also a cumulative effect of coddling by the liberals, which will imbue in the subject demographic an even greater sense of entitlement than the national, already quite high, level. There's also probably some weather-related stuff. But after that, I'm stymied. I'd like to see a study of all the various jungles and what factors influence their respective lethalities.
Starve them out. None of this will end until we stop feeding the animals.
8% malignant cancer...
Notice the complete lack of adult and teen male involvement- even though this is the precise demographic that they're trying to "fix/save" by walking down the street. Not every day, that would show commitment. Just once should do the trick, if someone has a cargo cult manual lying around they can verify this for me.
It is getting surreal watching everyone trying to make change by rearranging chairs on the deck of the Titanic as if it is OUR behavior that matters and is the problem. It's actually getting insulting to our intelligence which is why realists are continually on the rise. Blacks are above shame, guilt, or reproach and liberals will sacrifice everything and anything that they hold dear in order to "uplift" them. If blacks themselves aren't going to change their behavior then what is the point? More money? Like I needed to ask that last question.
FMG said: "This shiite has been going on for over 60 years now and it just seems to grow worse each successive year. The main difference now is that we have a steady cadre of white SJWs who march right along side of these simians (when they are allowed) to weep, gnash teeth, and pound their chests over the turbul, turbul, turbul injustice ob duh white man's werl."
Today, Japan remembers 72 years from the bomb. Look at those two cities today, then look at any negro run city here after half that time. The proof is in the puding.
Off topic: Haitians crossing into Canada from the US. A sigh of relief !! PLEASE Canada keep them.
Allow me to shed light on the strange and sick white population of Seattle. Seattle is in King county, WA. The county was originally named for an early politician at the time Washington joined the U.S. He might have been an early senator for the state. Sometime in the 1960s or 1970s, these spineless cucks in Seattle renamed their county for .... Martin Luther King. This displays the inherent weakness of these largely Norwegian types that originally settled the area.
There is also the California factor. A large part of the King County population is made up of 1st and 2nd gen ex-California Whites. These Whites went to Washington for "good schools" (fewer minorities) and proceeded to push the same liberal policies that created the mess they made in California. There used to be a reality-based White blue collar population in Seattle but they have been pushed out. The East side (Bellevue, Redmond) is made up of tech libertarians and soft Republican types that just watch their taxes go up and don't fight back.
But the real problem is that King county is getting so big that it can dictate the direction of the state. The same thing is happening with Portland and Oregon. Race denial needs to be reversed or these nutty Nordic cities are going to ruin both states.
I always knew that I was a prophet. But I didn't expect it would be demonstrated so soon.
I have been saying here and elsewhere on the web that black violence was going to increase. There were others who said much the same but most predicted that black violence would dissipate.
When the white man had beaten the Plains Indians in engagement after engagement culminating in Wounded Knee, the Amerindians went a little crazy. They began to engage in the Ghost Dance Ritual where the spirits of the dead were supposed to turn the tide against the white man.
We are seeing something like that today with the negroes. There have been so many defeats for the blacks including their killing each other. At first they thought that if they could get into the white schools that produce such successful people that that would be the way forward for their race. But of course they could not compete with whites and Asians in the classroom. They next thought that if they could live in the good areas where whites lived they could also live fulfilling lives. But when the blacks moved in the neighborhoods were not so appealing anymore. They agitated for access to the best jobs but they could not fulfill the job requirements.
Everything the blacks have tried has failed. The job market and society is now changing underneath their feet. Two generations ago they were battling to join the automobile unions so that they could get those good union jobs. They did, but auto assembly and other such jobs are now vanishing. The new jobs require higher IQs and better social skills. Blacks are again out in the cold. If I had a son of a certain age I would tell him to go into robotics the same way I went into programming when I was young. The frontier moves. Most blacks and especially those who depend on the government for job advice are a couple steps behind in the job race.
Blacks are getting desperate. The women are engaging in these pointless marches. The men and boys are in the streets shooting each other.
It will get worse.
The Democrats have become the party of the black man. But can they afford it? Can the nation really afford to put 14 million black men and their families on Public Welfare? Blacks currently hardly pay any taxes at all. We can't afford to hire all blacks by the government. Imagine how it would be at the DMV then?
So what is the way out for the black man? Sorry - I'm not that good a prophet.
"“I knew it was time to walk,” she said."
Thank GOD she knew it was time. Praise GOD !!!
No comments allowed on those Fox stories.
No surprise there.
"young black men who could find themselves in the midst of violence."
"Dah-Yam" !!!, that must be one scary place to find ones self.
Having White Privilege, I've been able to spot and avoid the "midst" of violence. It is easy to spot a "midst", and somebody betta' Help dem young black bucks spot a "midst" too !!
Where is the "midst" of violence? Any place you see a negro.
Seattle=commie rat cocksuckers who get what they deserve.
McCoy said K’Breyan was the love of her life and her only child. But she refuses to believe his murder was for nothing.
Uh, I ain't no expert, but was K'Breyan flashing a gang sign in the last picture of that video segment?
OT : I just saw a commercial for my favorite brand of well built, long lasting, non-flashy, safe for your family auto tire. Negress drives through a storm to come home to her human-acting family. Real life?
Celebrate vibrant diversity comrade:
Anon @ 1107 AM, August 8, 2017
I can not thank PK enough for allowing me, over the last year, to describe and reach out concerning my Major Depression. 2 years ago it was bad. Really bad. How bad? You all would have read about it in the papers: White man murders 3 and commits suicide. This is NOT a joke
I kid you not.
I'll get to the point so PK doesn't feel the need to censor this since this is Off-Topic (It really isn't, since Depression is really going to go epidemic within our White Race considering what is coming.)
If the following did not happen to me, I would NEVER, EVER believe it. Get the book "NIACIN THE TRUE STORY". Read it. Follow it. Go to Youtube and watch everything by Abram Hofer MD,.... Alexander Saul, MD...... and another MD with the last name LEVY (concerning mega doses of Vit C as Linus Pauling said 40 years ago).
Yeah, it is ironic that the (((people))) I trash as the Organ Grinders wrote a book that saved my life. If (((they))) would stick to medicine and playing the violin, they would make wonderful honorary White people.
Basically, (now hold on to your "tin hats"), go down to your nearest Vitamin store and buy Niacinimide (not'll regret it) and take 3,000 mg (3 grams) spread out over each day.
I was cured in 3 days of DECADES of Depression. I kid you not. I'm deadly serious. I started on a Sunday and by that Saturday I was COMPLETELY cured of Depression. You have nothing to lose....and in my case....4 lives weren't killed by me.
PK, I ask you to publish this since if I can save one other life from hideous depression, I will have done something with my life other than make money (ha).
Unfortunately, I live in apartment complex that was nice, but has become fuxated due to falling apartment rents due to the oil downturn.
The nog neighbors call their toddler children "motherfuckers" and constantly threaten them with physical violence.
They do it in public with impunity.
Can you imagine if a white man said to his 4-year-old in a public place: "Mother fucker! Be quiet or I'll break your goddamn arm!"
Id guess dad would be confronted, police would be called, Child Protective Services would investigate.
These savages are held to almost no standards of societal behaviour.
That's why it so amusing when they proclaim that they must accomplish twice as much to be thought half as good.
They have no fucking clue as to the slack society affords them and remain perpetual victims.
Seattle, Portland and the whole "left coast" are going to enjoy the fruits of diversity!
It was named after Rufus King, Franklin Pierce's vice president. (Pierce county is directly south of King, for those who don't know.) They "renamed" it for MLK around 1990 because Rufus King owned slaves. This was an early red pill for me. I wondered if they were going to "rename" the state after Booker T for good measure.
Some good old fashioned TNB is just what the doctor ordered for a liberal infested shithole like Seattle.
Familiarity breeds contempt and this could not be more true than when dealing with such contemptible creatures as sub Saharan Africans.
As some have already posted here there's a vast percentage of our population who has never had to deal with any significant number of black Africans. I was at a small gathering of folks last weekend in New Hampshire and one of the guys was talking about driving through Virginia somewhere and seeing for the first time in his life a convenience store that consisted of some Pajeet surrounded by 6" thick bullet proof glass with a small slot through which to pass change and various sundries from his store. He was close to 40 and had NEVER seen TNB or its consequences, he couldn't really even wrap his head around why such a thing would even need to exist. Our negro population is largely consolidated in major cities and their suburbs. Out in the country (90% of the land mass of our country) the only black Africans most folks see are the engineers, pharmacists, scientists, doctors, and police chiefs on their Talmudvision.
On the flip side, many are born into these cities and other nog infested areas and don't even know our world exists, a world in which being a victim of a crime is the talk of the town rather than just an expected part of life; high trust and high social capital homogeneous societies.
So, worse is better and faster is better. Black Africans are terrible pets. They can never be properly domesticated, are expensive to keep, make a terrible mess of their nests, and cannot help but bite the hand that feeds them. Every act of TNB, every new city, town, or formerly human-friendly event ruined loses them more allies.
Constant rain...majority are cucks and SJW's and then throw in 8% apes. What normal person would want to live there? Am I missing something? Please enlighten me then.
Those gibberish names are nothing but an f.u. to whitey. Blacks are obsessed with race. Black is first and foremost what they view themselves as. They are also obsessed with Whites. A large portion of their actions are motivated by their envy and resentment of Whites.
The cesspool that is Seattle.
Seattle is so full of self-loathing SJWs that by the time it reaches 15 or 20% black they will probably vote in a black mayor and all black city council (as long as a couple of them are also LGBTQ) just to prove their commitment to "diversity".
Lucius Vorenus
The only explanation I can come up with is complications during childbirth that led to a hysterectomy (at about age 15).
It was named after Rufus King, Franklin Pierce's vice president. (Pierce county is directly south of King, for those who don't know.) They "renamed" it for MLK around 1990 because Rufus King owned slaves. This was an early red pill for me. I wondered if they were going to "rename" the state after Booker T for good measure.
Seriously, these weak beta cucks in WA should rename the entire state for Malcom X. I would not be surprised if they would. You can see the beginning of it with the absurd negro antics of Evergreen state college.
As always, pictured: Women. From Blacks to corporate, academia, law, legislature: Women. Anyone see the "coincidence"?
You want to see sick? Go to Google search, type in "American Inventors".
Two generations ago they were battling to join the automobile unions so that they could get those good union jobs.----
In Negroland, two generations = 30-40 years.
You mean 60 years ago. Post WW2.
"two men died in gun violence"
Come on! there wouldn't be any gun violence if you'd raise them far away from TNB. You actually seek out and promote it instead.
"young black men who find themselves in the midst of violence."
When you let felons and future felons raise your kids. When you place "no" stops in the TNB you surround them with ( gangsta rap, pants below ass, black victim movies ) then, lie about all their ancestral heritage that's been stolen. That's usually where the little darlings find themselves.
What's tiresome and increasingly annoying, is how negroes demonstrate and march in an attempt to convince YT that they don't know this. Something is very wrong when you are a constant and endless victim. ......... Change your friggin' ways!
Absolutely true. I miss the old Seattle, but the Californians and Marxists ruined it. That's why I moved out to the woods.
I live in Olympia. It's slowly becoming more like Seattle. Homeless people and drug addicts wander its streets. Crime is rising slowly but surely, as is the number of blacks (2%) and Hispanics (6.3%). Olympia even declared itself a "sanctuary city". The local antifa gangs are getting more violent. Taxes and overall cost of living are getting more expensive. The liberal hipsters and yuppies are enabling the slide into degeneracy.
I wish I could take my family somewhere else that's more affordable and safer than Olympia. We don't want to live in Seattle 2.0. Our black population is only 2%, but this story shows me why I should be VERY concerned...
Here is a comment I posted on SBPDL back in 2010! It is just as true today, except that the Seattle P-I stopped posting their annual homicide tally articles as far as I know, because they made blacks look too bad and the libtard "progressives" can't stand that:
The following comment I originally posted at
I used to live in Seattle.
The naive white libtard "progressives" in Seattle (+70% white, only 8% black) fall all over themselves to kiss black ass and make a big show of it so everyone can acknowledge how "enlightened" they are.
They have mandatory "anti white privilege" indoctrination in their public schools, and even had an "Afrocentric" public school for blacks (it was like 98% black), the "African American Academy", until it was shut down because it was the lowest-performing public school in Seattle.
White Seattle libtards voted to change the namesake of King County from Senator Rufus King to Martin Luther King, Jr. The official King County logo is now a dumb black and white designey picture of MLK's face. The interior walls of the courthouse lobby are covered in the most embarrassingly libtarded "progressive" mural-vomit canonizing MLK and blacks that I have ever seen in my entire life. Meanwhile, black crackhead drug-dealing rapists sell their illegal wares 6 FEET OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE FRONT DOOR (which is glass), in full view of the various law enforcement personnel who are there, who don't seem to care. NO SHIT. I'm not making any of this up or exaggerating it at all. I have seen it all with my own eyes.
Annually, over half of all homicides in Seattle are committed by blacks.
Extrapolated from the article "List of 2008 homicides in Seattle" from the Seattle PI
selected from the list of the 28 Seattle homicides in 2008....
Allen Joplin, Jan. 4 -- black killed by black
De'Che Morrison, Jan. 10 -- black killed by black
Maurice "Moe" Allen Jr., Jan. 26 -- black killed by black
Degene Barecha, Jan. 30 -- black killed by black
Perry Henderson, Feb. 6 -- black killed by black
Stephan Dwaine Stewart, April 2 -- black killed by black
Eldora Earlycutt, July 4 -- black killed by black
James Paroline, July 10 -- white killed by black
Troy Peters, July 22 -- black killed by black
Pierre Lapoint, Aug. 5 -- black killed by black
Jane Kariuki, Oct. 16 -- woman of undisclosed killed by black man named Christel D. Murphy
Quincy S. Coleman, Oct. 31 -- black killed by black
Edward McMichael, the "Tuba Man", Nov. 3 -- white killed by multiple blacks
Nathaniel Lee Thomas, Nov. 23 -- black killed by black
Blacks (8% of Seattle) were the killers in at least half (that's at least 50%) of the murders in the Seattle area in 2008. At least five of the other murderers were latinos.
Now let's take a look at 2009!
The link above is to the Seattle PI's article on homicides in Seattle in 2009.
At least twelve of the 21 murders in Seattle in 2009 were committed by blacks, only 8% of Seattle.
This December 17, 2010, there have been 19 homicides in Seattle.
If you do the research you will see that more than half of the homicides in Seattle this year were committed by... wait for it... BLACKS!!!!!
From the Seattle Police blotter a few days ago:
Detectives Investigating Stabbing In Rainier Beach Neighborhood [Rainier Beach aka SEATTLE NIGGATOWN]
Written by Detective Patrick Michaud on August 3, 2017 3:25 pm
Detectives are investigating after a man was stabbed in the 9000 block of Rainier Avenue South.
Witnesses called 911 just after 2 p.m. today when a man walked into the Rainier Beach Community Center with what appeared to be a stab wound. When Officers arrived they found an 18-year-old had been stabbed in the arm. Officers provided aid until Seattle fire department medics could arrive. Medics took the victim to Harborview Medical Center for treatment of his injuries.
Officers spoke to witnesses who said the victim was at a bus stop in the 9000 block of Rainier Avenue South when he was assaulted by two or three black males. Witnesses said the suspects then fled the area, possibly in a light colored SUV.
Detectives are now working to determine what led up to the assault. This remains an active and ongoing investigation and we will update this post when we get additional details.
I love your like "Familiarity breeds contempt". This is so appropriate for your reference to an early s$&@bucks campaign: "Familiarity breeds content."
It depends on what you're being familiarized with.
Racism is contagious. You catch it from being around blacks.
Our babysitter was telling me about her weekend trip to World of Fun in KC.
I had to hide my terror! I told her to leave before the price changes to the after 5 rate... still I'm a little sick about it, that there was a mob there a couple of weeks ago.
She's as about as naive as they come. She probably thinks I'm a raging racist for the gentle way I was warning her.
She might be better off going to Des Moines for Adv€%#ureland instead.
Thanks for your posts PJT! Hiram needs to find another website. We're not here t f~#^ing argue for Christsakes.
And to anyone who speaks badly about Julie: she's providing the script you may have to stick to at some point. Nothing better than shaming delusional liberals with their methods. You just act more delusional than them! You may even find it fun, a sport perhaps.
Gwoobus, I love your name and your posts.
Centurion, some of us have to remain as anonymous as possible. I work to maintain my sick child's school insurance. I have a lot to lose.
There are too many other brilliant writers here to praise you all.
I notice in the shit happening in Virginia is being blamed on racist, bigoted white nationalists with nothing blamed on the fuckin BLM racists! This from FOX too now.
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