"We are all interested in the future, For that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives! ..." -- Plan 9 From Outer Space
The following email has never been publicly shared.
Until now.
You see, back on October 23, 2013, John Palmer "J.P." Shelley was murdered by three black youth in Memphis. Shelley, a white man in life, in death had no privilege of his untimely demise being broadcast out for the nation to see.
On his son's birthday, Shelley was shot in the neck after he gave the three black muggers his wallet.
One of the few outlets to even dare mention how Shelley died and reflect on his what his life actually meant (nothing, in the end) was SBPDL. Strangely, his obituary page omits the reality of his death, leaving out the crucial detail three black males robbed him on his son's birthday and then one of them shot him to death...
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Mr. Shelley, pictured above with his family, is dead... courtesy of the three black males pictured in the bottom of this collage |
Well, on January 26, 2014, an e-mail came to the official SBPDL address, which will now be printed in its entirety:
On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 1:39 AM, A Shelley [email omitted] wrote:
Dear Editor of Stuff Black People Don't Like:
I represent the family of John Palmer Shelley.
I respectfully request that you remove mention of Mr. Shelley from your website, as it does not reflect the beliefs or intentions of him or his familly (sic). Mr. Shelley was a man with friends and colleagues of all races.
Your website contains copyrighted images of Mr. Shelley and his family, which you do not have permission to display. I request removal of those images immediately.
Should you chose not to respect this request, then we will procede (sic) with the take down procedures afforded to copyright owners under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq.
Please acknowledge your receipt of this request and removal of the images within three (3) business days.
The picture of J.P. Shelley was removed, but Alexa Shelley did receive this email from SBPDL:Alexa ShelleyAttorney
From: Paul SmithI hadn't thought much of John Palmer "J.P." Shelley after hitting send on the email to Alexa Shelley back on January 26, 2014, until this story appeared only days ago. [Second teen pleads guilty in murder of contractor, WREG Memphis, 9-17-2015]:
Date: Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: John Palmer Shelley
To: A Shelley [email omitted]
The images will be removed. Please let his family know regardless of his non-white friends, he's still dead.
Thanks to a black person.
And Memphis is still dying.
Thanks to black people.
A second teenager has entered a guilty plea for the murder of a Memphis contractor.
Corey Sandifer, 18, was sentenced to 15 years in prison without the possibility of parole as well as 12 years for aggravated robbery.
The sentences will be served together.
In August, Derek Cunningham Jr., pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and aggravated robbery in the case and was sentenced to 30 years in prison with no parole.
In October of 2013, Cunningham and Sandifer robbed J.P. Shelley and another man in the 4700 block of Scottsdale Avenue in Parkway Village.
During the robbery, Cunningham shot the victim in the neck, killing him.
Thomas Moss is also charged in the case.
WREG sat down with Shelley's wife, Beverly, after Sandifer plead guilty. She believes the young men need to pay for what they have done, but she said the idea of them going to prison does not make her happy.
"I think a lot of these kids just come from such bad situations in their own family, and they just don't know where else to turn," Shelley said.
Both Cunningham and Sandifer have juvenile court records. Shelley said she wished there has been interventions in their lives before her husband's death.
She has begun working with an organization that accepts juvenile court referrals of kids with multiple offenses, called JIFF (Juvenile Intervention and Faith-Based Follow-Up).
Shelley said her two kids are participating in a fundraiser to help JIFF help more troubled youth."I think a lot of these kids just come from such bad situations in their own family, and they just don't know where else to turn," Shelley said....
They know exactly where to turn, Ms. Shelley: in the direction of your husband on the date your son was born, to not only steal his wallet, but extinguish his life as well.
It's hard to articulate just how sad the contents of this entire entry our and the tragedy of what they represent.
From a family member writing an e-mail to demand - by threat of legal action - a picture of Mr. Shelley be removed from SBPDL because he, "was a man with friends and colleagues of all races," to his widow stressing how sad she was the three black males who murdered her husband came "from such bad situation in their own family"... it leaves you wondering if a large portion of the white population has accepted their role in forever uplifting the black population and providing the occasional white sacrifice to their black gods...
Just know this, Shelley family: if you stumble across this entry at SBPDL and decide to e-mail me again asking it be removed, John Palmer "J.P." Shelley is still dead... and it was three black males who participated in this act of racial violence his widow has now excused away as the circumstances of having "bad situations in their own family."
In a Memphis free of blacks, your husband - father of your two children - would still be alive. In a Memphis quickly losing what's left of its white population, your husband is dead... courtesy of blacks.
And your children are fatherless (much as you lament the three black kids predicament in life because their fathers abandoned them, your children are fatherless because they killed your husband).
Beverly Shelley sounds completely unfit to be a parent. Blacks killed her husband and she is putting her children in danger by making them work for blacks. Hopefully her children are smarter than her.
Well said.
She/they are Eloi. You can't reason or bargain with them. All you can do is recognize them, and cut them loose when necessary if/and when the time comes.
It's important to her what "others" think about her, rather than the reality. So be it - let her seek sympathy and help from the "others". Recognize our own and take care of our own.
Wow, just wow. I don't feel as sorry for her as I do her kids. She'll train them to embrace the madness that murdered their father.
Powerful, Factual, Thank You
It is the words, deeds, and actions of people like Mrs.Shelley that perpetuate the continuance of black bad behavior. There have always been and will always be people who make excuses for black crime. Never hear any for white crime. No one ever defends the bad actions of white people whether they are poor or not. After 60 years of watching their freak show I have realized that all we can do is remove ourselves from it. Move to an area where the black population is zero or as close to zero as you can get. Treat it like you would the lion or tiger exhibit at your local zoo. Don't climb over the barrier, it's there for a reason!!!!
Very powerful. It truly amazes me that people can ignore logic in favor of feelings. Blacks are literally responsible for destroying any place they exist on earth. Mrs. Shelley you husband is still dead and some how its anyone's fault except for the perpetrators.
Just astonishing. Ms. Shelley is in Amy Biehl territory here. Her husband murdered and her children left fatherless, but she clings to the memory of all the negro friends. It's heartwarming. There are many Ms. Shelleys, deluded white females that just want to nurture the very negroes that kill their family members. It's a legitimate psychopathy.
Let's all hope Ms. Shelley makes up a nice batch of chicken and collard greens for the killers and visits them each weekend. This is one sick women.
You now Paul, I read these entries you post about families destroyed by negros and only a few (such as the mother of Anne Pressley) and I see grief stricken families who understand about the negro and his predatory ways. The anger and outrage of the family of the Aussie who was shot in the neck and left, dead, in the gutter always comes to mind.
But then you have these people, so brainwashed by Stockholm Syndrome or (I thought) coerced by a Minister into forgiving the negro publicly, before their loved one was even cold and I wonder, is that what your loved one would want? To be tossed aside while the dead eyed (and dry eyed) negro smirks at the camera? Or complains that they were just "bored" so they looked for someone to shoot?
There are monsters born to human parents*. White rapists, White Serial Killers like Bundy,etc and when we find them, Whites realize that they are evil, hate them for what they are, and rightly kill them.
But negros are mere predators, Hyenas in human form that roam our land, killing out of boredom, or simply for the fun of it. IT IS AS IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN FOR THEM, if you have read the book "negros in negroland" you know this to be true. The petty cruelty, the delight in inflicting pain, the evil that is so pervasive that it must be in the very genes. We joke in self defense about "ghetto lobsta'" or "Baked Niglet" or make sardonic jokes about White kids being killed by the "new black boyfriend" but it conceals rage, and all of us deal with it in our own way, whether that is pursuing the dream of a new White Homeland or getting that first weapon.
But this. This reaction is pure cuckolding at the level of Amy Biehl. Here they are, after his death, still saying "He is not a Racist! He loved all creatures of whatever color!"
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
*East of Eden
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
What to make of it? DWL in the extreme doesn't quite fit the mold here, least of wise because some of us here (me included) are former DWLs. Delusional? Perhaps. The longer I live the more it's very apparent that the majority of the white population is truly insane. Let's not even get into negroes at this point and juncture, if it's all the same to ya'll. Eighty percent of white people seem to swallow everything the MSM says, hook, line, and sinker.
Case in point: Several of the people I work with are well into their forties. They are under the assumption that it's a GOOD time to buy things because interest rates are so LOW. Never does it occur to them that the PRICE of things they are buying, houses, cars, boats, RVs, are hugely INFLATED because everybody looks for the LOW, AFFORDABLE, monthly payments. But I digress.....
Anyways, yeah, it's that old time religion that plucks at the heartstrings of YTs everywhere. It's the "What would Jeebus do?" scenario, that makes dumb clucks give to completely worthless causes, not to mention frauds, like the United Negro College Fund. Some of you readers out there, nay I dare say posters, had parents or grandparents who proudly gave to the NAACP way back in the fifties. Paint Job Theory. It's really quite old. Like putting a new coat of paint on a 1950 Studebaker that is completely rusted and engine dead, with four flat tires. We've got to keep repainting that sucker, polishing up the chrome, and convince ourselves that, hey, if really we'd cared for and nurtured ole Bessy, why, by gum, she'd run just as smooth as a 2016 BMW. See, it's just the way they're treated is all! Ya just didn't care enough! sniff, sniff......where's my hanky?
Is it a worthless cause? I've given it a lot of thought, and yeah, I think it probably is. On the other hand, I have a feeling that sooner rather than later the S will hit the proverbial fan, and we will see a huge reawakening of YT taking dominion over the world again. This brings me some comfort but more than a bit of caution, for with this fervent desire to rid the world of the worthless negro usually comes fascism, which is an abhorrent system under which to live. Possibly worse than what we are now experiencing. Only time will tell.
“What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach.” - The Captain
The blacks in Memphis and elsewhere are making it as clear as possible that they hate white people, that they want white people dead, and that they want to kill, rob, and rape white people. They express themselves vocally and through their actions consistent with their threats. They have explained this to the Shelly family as clearly as possible through the murder of JP Shelly, a white father and husband. But for some reason that cannot be explained the Shelly family cannot understand the message. Some men and women just can't be reached.
Mr. Shelley was a man with friends and colleagues of all races.
Yes and look where this wonderful and vibrant diversity got him.
I cannot grasp being so concerned with the subhuman Bantus that killed him, I mean they killed someone you love and you have compassion for the killers.
Dear God what has happened to the normal and healthy reactions in the human race?
These innocent sweet black angels murdered a man, and his wife has concern for those poor killers not having an intervention? If da baby daddy and da baby momma didnt care about their bastard ghetto children, why should someone who they have hurt? I guess government and Hollywood propaganda, with a pinch of misguided religious zeal must account for such feelings.
People talk of converting liberals. I use to be liberal myself when it came to race, and now I'm a full-blown race realist. I think the Left has totally lost it's way on a number of issues.
The Left has become a PC hive mind which is seeking out the next thing to be offended about. Feminists invent new ways that men are supposedly oppressing them. Liberals defend Islam, even though it's totally illiberal. They attack other liberals like Bill Maher for simply pointing out how even "moderate" Muslims support killing people who leave the religion, or draw pictures of their prophet. Liberals exploit the latest shooting, calling for gun control before the bodies have even hit the floor. I've always been a big second amendment supporter. And of course there's race, this is the biggest taboo of all.
In my case I think what converted me was personal experience of living in a majority black area for several years and seeing how different they are. When you grow up in a white area it's easy to believe in the "paint theory" because you're not around black people. I looked at the violent crime stats. I looked at the differences in culture, priorities, temperament. YouTube makes their TNB and black-on-white violence available for all to see. ("Wrong 'Hood Bitch!") They're just not like us. Both American Renaissance and this blog both provide a real service, as do the comments here. Then there's a budding race war and a war on police which I believe is very real.
I see people as complex machines, collections of animate matter crafted over generations to survive in certain environments. This selective breeding changes them. I don't believe in souls, so we're not all the same, nature isn't fair, some races have been left behind. Unlike most liberals I'm willing to ask myself uncomfortable questions, "If there's physical differences, why not mental differences? Why is Africa such a shithole, despite being resource rich? Why are black cities in such a state?"
I still believe in some liberal things. I think wealth inequality is stark enough to threaten the foundations of society. I think we need to stay out of other countries. I'm gay and I believe in gay rights. I know many people on here might not be comfortable with that -- that's fine, everyone doesn't have to agree with me on everything. I would just say to you that most of us just want to live our lives and aren't the enemy here. But on the issue of race I'm not liberal, not anymore.
Honestly I think a lot of liberals, deep down know a lot of what we know, I've had many say as much to me in private. But in the PC hive mind everyone has to put up the front of believing in equality because that's a sacred, untouchable ideal to them. Because it would be nice if people were actually equal, but
But I think a lot of people are waking up. Their family member has gotten attacked by blacks, or their house was burglarized. They're getting "negro fatigue" -- tired of hearing about their unsolvable problems. The issue is whether they will admit this stuff to themselves, much less say it in public.
And yet the spin goes on. Keep changing the variables until outcomes are equal, no matter how ridiculous the situations become.
In somewhat related news, people are asking again where all the money went ($200 million) that was supposed to revolutionize Newark schools and serve as a model for the rest of the country. It seems that with all the big talk about changing paradigms and the like, they just ended up spending it on increased teacher salaries and paying off over-priced contractors.
$50 million for new teacher contracts
$25 million for extending charter schools
$20 million for consultants
I'm sure another 50 million is probably "lost" or "unaccounted for", which means embezzled by employees and those tasked with keeping tabs on the money.
They knew that the money would just be wasted if spent on the useless sprogs that attend the schools, so why is it any worse to spend it on themselves instead? With the pathetic graduation rates in the district, you know that the teachers (and parents) must be top-notch in the country.
I wonder what would be a faster way of getting rid of 200 million- handing it over to the Newark school district or just burning it.
I simply will not allow myself to feel sorry for these contemptible pathological altruists. These people are the real enemies of civilization and should be treated as such.
Imagine if the endless, altruistic efforts of white women were being directed towards helping good people.
Prior to the advent of TV media filling their heads with pro-negro hasbara, white women exerted their moral agency through church.
Both Cunningham and Sandifer have juvenile court records. Shelley said she wished there has been interventions in their lives before her husband's death.
There was a time in the USA when there was intervention which would have saved her husband's life:
* Intervention via sundown towns
* Intervention via facilities marked "Whites Only"
* Intervention via groups of citizens called "vigilante committees"
* Intervention via programs run by civic leaders such as Eugene Bull Connor
But ghee whiz, what happened when the USA got rid of all that intervention?
Imagine if the endless, altruistic efforts of white women were being directed towards helping good people.
Prior to the advent of TV media filling their heads with hasbara, white women's moral agency went through church.
I went to the JIFF website to investigate what this is all about.
Oh boy, that Mrs. Shelley is a hopeless cause.
She's playing with fire by associating with those "troubled (negro) teens".
Doesn't she have enough sense to realize that she's putting not only herself but her children in harm's way?
She's a real nut job. Unbelievable. Pathetic.
You're probably reading this, Mrs. Shelley.
Your children should be your first priority...and not your unquenched desire to try to save the black world. It's futile.
Put your energy where it belongs....raising your children to SURVIVE in this increasingly dangerous nation. And keep them away from the dangerous black element which you've been immersing them into.
Alexa Shelley appears to be affiliated with evangelical Christian organizations. Sounds like your typical cuckservative.
You know, PK, I am not normally left speechless. But this time around...
And the ultimate sting here is these 2 white kids will grow up fatherless and most likely lead very successful lives without him. Negros could have their father until they reach adulthood and unless they visited him in prison they could never have a relationship with him. The only way the children would fail is under their mothers pathetic Liberal ideology.
This letter makes the Ferguson Yoga Lady look like a paragon of sanity in comparison!
I appreciate the Ed Wood reference.
i have often said its not the blacks but the whites who are the problem. the blacks the symptom, the liberal brain dead suicidal white the disease
"Shelley said she wished there has been interventions in their lives before her husband's death."
There used to be lots of interventions for young youths like them. Sundown laws, segregated neighborhoods, lynchings. But you wouldn't want any of those, would you, Beverly? They might cause you more feelbadz than having your husband murdered.
Keep up the good work with your George Washington Carver JIFF foundation. Maybe you can coach some prisoners on how to "find Jeebus" and get an early release, so they can kill more people. If you can help take just one life, you've made a difference. Bitch.
They came from a bad situation....ok. So, they, what, did drugs, stole some food off the shelf of the market, and sat around all day playing video games? No, they shot a white father in the neck for no reason what-so-ever. SJW's and DWL's basically get what they deserve.
There are plenty of white kids from "bad situations" that don't engage in indiscriminate violence. Ms. Shelley has been brainwashed.
Quite unbelievable, liberalism is indeed a mental disorder. If my child was slaughtered by 3 gibbons, the friends and relatives of said gibbons would have a very uncomfortable future.
We might've stumbled upon a new type of ghetto lottery here. A black family hits the ghetto lottery when their pavement ape is killed by a po-leece officer. A liberal white family hits the lottery when their lib child is killed in the hood BUT then starts to defend the blacks in question. They become media legends and are loved by the left.
pathological altruism
Empathic reactions to pain or distress in others are instantaneous and
begin the path to both normal and pathological altruism. These
reactions move quickly to implicit empathy-based guilt, linked to a
belief that one should try to relieve the suffering of others.
• Empathy-based guilt is further linked to evaluations of fairness,
equality, and the equitable distribution of resources.
• Survivor guilt (inequity guilt) is a specific form of empathy-based guilt
that tends to become pathogenic when based on a false belief that one's
own success, happiness, or well-being is a source of unhappiness for
others, simply by comparison. People with high survivor guilt may
falsely believe they are "cheaters:'
• Pathogenic guilt leads to pathological altruism. In pathological altruism,
the altruistic behavior helps no one and potentially harms the altruist,
the recipient of the altruism, or both
I'm not a lawyer, but wouldn't your use of digital photos of J.P. Shelley be specifically and explicitly protected under section 107 of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, 17 U.SC., which pertains to Fair Use?
I would have to believe that the pictures you used were published and/or disseminated by the local media in the area that reported on the murder of Mr. J.P. Shelley. Under the Fair Use exemption, the use of copyrighted work for news reporting, teaching, criticism, comment, scholarship or research is NOT an infringement of copyright. Even if you somehow got a hold of photos that were not released to the media (for all intents and purposes, we'll just unpublished) and used them, that wouldn't itself bar you from using them under the Fair Use exemption. Now, there are 4 factors that have to be considered when determining whether a particular case can be used under Fair Use, but I would have to believe that you were:
1. Reporting the News
2. Commenting on that news
3. Making a criticism on that news.
4. Dare I even say, scholarship? (A teachable moment)
First comment from a lurker here. Wow... just wow. Went to the jiggy site and had a look. I have one child a daughter and that is the last of my family there will be no more after her sadly. I can assure you that she WILL be able to recognize a threat and I promise she will never ever ever ever be used as a feel good pawn in some damned game. To hell with 'em not my blood not my tribe
Incredible and moving post.
Two words: Stockholm Syndrome.
Everyone pretends that they enjoy knowing "the truth," but the problem is that truth is many times at conflict with what one believes. When the two clash, you can guess which one wins. They passionately want certain conclusions to be true and others to be false, and the more data that refutes either, rather than being persuasive, the more it hardens their beliefs.
One of the main reasons that you see this phenomenon (of either forgiveness or insistence that race has nothing to do with it) when a loved one is killed by black scum is that the family members are emotionally invested in paint job theory. They are so invested in it that to question it at all is the equivalent of renouncing one's faith or engaging in blasphemy. Beyond that, it provides them a self-satisfying opportunity and a platform to demonstrate their faith and commitment in an outward fashion. It is a way to show off to other white people just how good of a person that they are, because they resisted the urge to draw a racial conclusion, even in the face of emotional grief such as what is felt when dealing with the violent death of their family.
But hey, who could blame them? From the second a kid enters the world he receives this "paint job" message - whether it is from school, pop culture, their church, the customs of polite society, and then also seeing the consequences visited upon anyone who rejects it. The subtle message that is reinforced constantly is that the highest virtue a human can possess is sensitivity towards blacks, just as sure as the worst character flaw one can have is being hostile to blacks. This is this society's religion and every child is exposed to it upon drawing their first breath.
The prospect of "becoming a racist" is a more harrowing thought than death itself. Admitting the segregationists "were right" and that Jim Crow laws existed to prevent these kinds of things as well as to preserve the functionality of society is a thought so scary to them, they would rather die than come to terms with it. Even as they see every example play itself out that confirms that Jim Crow was a sensible system given the immutable nature of negroes, they will not let themselves admit it - no matter how many cities fall to the undertow, no matter how many loved ones they personally lose. It just doesn't jive with the happy, helpful negro image seen in the commercials and flyers at the bank. When given the choice, they prefer the imaginary.
Now I'm rooting for his spouse to be terminated or at the very least the children be removed from a potentially dangerous mother. What mom wouldn't put their children's safety first! She'll probably start a day care for blacks infants and her children will be the firt victims
Hey PK.
I noticed in your email you gave your real name, Paul Smith. Was that intentional?
No problem if it is, just wondering.
Powerful post.
Would be a bit more powerful if you changed "our" to "are."
So let's look at the map for a once and-for-all-solution to the negro crisis gripping America.
This started with slavery, right? Whites stole the poor negroes from their happy safe little nests in Africa, shipped them to the colonies, and then worked them as slaves.
So, to fully right the wrong, we need to undo all we can by not only reversing Jim Crow and segregation (done), we need to reverse that boat trip and re-install the negro in his native land. And regarding reparations for the work? Well, that's already been paid many times over through programs like welfare and affirmative action. In fact, if you add up how much money it costs to supervise and support negroes, they owe us trillions more.
So, back to basic logic. Therefore, to FULLY reverse the evils of our slave-owning past, the logical final conclusion is that we are compelled morally to return all the negroes to Africa.
I know this might sound like I'm joking, but I'm serious. That is the ultimate moral conclusion one reaches when one fully analyzes the situation.
PK, you have as your basic message that when looking at the decline of our cities and civilization you end up with a final answer: it's the Blacks.
But that still leaves us needing more. You need to take it a step further and say:
"It's the blacks... because of the way in which they behave and that behavior is different (on average) than non-blacks due to the genetics at work. The allele frequency differences in their genomes create things like the iq gap, impulse control issues etc."
You need to consistently hammer that point home and explore that further as that is the bedrock on which we need to found our positions and our movement.
Thanks for all you do.
WREG said:WREG sat down with Shelley's wife, Beverly, after Sandifer plead guilty. She believes the young men need to pay for what they have done, but she said the idea of them going to prison does not make her happy
The idea of them going to prison does not make us happy, either, unless it is a short stay on death row.
SBPDL said:it leaves you wondering if a large portion of the white population has accepted their role in forever uplifting the black population and providing the occasional white sacrifice to their black gods...
I don't know Memphis, but I would not be surprised if the majority of the whites there think along the line of what I expressed above.
Beverly Shelley, we don't hate black people. They are what they are and they do what they do -- here just as in Africa. We hate YOU for participating in the destruction of civilization and the safety that comes with it. Your cold heart allows you to think nothing of putting the husbands and children of other families in danger of a criminal black undertow free to prey on Memphis in order to satisfy your own self-righteousness.
So basically: "My husband was murdered by 3 black teens with criminal records so now I work to spring these criminals from prison so they may murder someone else's husband." What a bitch!
Good stuff, Kersey. Some of your best.
My favorite poster boy for the BLM movement. Sums it up nicely:
If this person's family made them into a sacrificial lamb to the Negro Horde, then their family must not have thought much about them.
However, my kids were taught correctly about the murderous scamming ways of Blacks and to avoid any contacts, friendships etc. and how to protect themselves when needed. That's the legacy White Parents need to relay to their children.
Maybe the Shelley family can establish a scholarship fund for misguided black youths.
Would such a reaction from these libtards surprise anyone here?
It's DWL DFR (divorced from reality).. It's a denial of nature; of the evolutionary basic impulse for survival: to protect one's offspring from predators; it's the great mental illness of modernity.. She sure as hell ain't keepin it real..
This woman is clearly deranged and an unfit parent. Forcing her children to participate in that ridiculous program puts them in danger and they should be taken away from her. I hope they have someone looking over them and advocating FOR THEM!
PK, don't waste your time attempting to "reason" with this "believer".
Throughout history, adults have willingly killed their own children as sacrifices to the GODS. Whether they stick them in a hollow brass bull and roast them alive, toss them into a sink hole in the Yucatan, cut out their small beating hearts, these SICK "parents" gladly kill their own children to show their devoted "love".
Notice they never kill themselves?
Equality is the new Gospel. White Privilege the new original sin. Handing over your daughters for gang rapes and the beating of your sons the new sacrifice, and voting for BRA the new form of worship. This will end badly.
A @ 10:17:
I'm Heterosexual and I believe in heterosexual rights, as you do in gay rights.
To: Attorney Alexa Shelley:
You and your "family" may have many colored friends, but that has nothing to do with us.
We here don't. We here are different than you. We see, hear, read and think. I, for one, would appreciate you going away. You don't belong here and we certainly don't want you.
This country is about to explode and when it does, please don't come running to our racists areas and expect us to use our guns and ammo to protect you. Go to the negro lands and ask them, your "friends" to help you.
"And the ultimate sting here is these 2 white kids will grow up fatherless and most likely lead very successful lives without him. Negros could have their father until they reach adulthood and unless they visited him in prison they could never have a relationship with him."
The absence of fathers is often used to explain negro pathology. The reality is that those fathers would make the pathology worse.
OT: I am vacationing in a small town near some of the wildest lands east of the Mississippi. I have not seen one negro since Friday's layover in Baltimorgue. Plenty of hiking and canoeing. People are friendly and say hello even in the unfriendly Yankee territory. The autumn foliage is starting to appear and the scent of pines and occasional campfires fill the air. A black bear tipped over the propane grill but he didn't break into the camp and shoot everyone.
What a waste. A DWL forgiving another nog tribe murder for the death of her husband. This was a man that liked you, courted you, fell in love with you, married you, and had a family with you.
Yet you piss on all that for three feral shit skins that have no knowledge of you/yours and already had trouble with the law.
The brainwashing is amazing. Wow.
My thoughts : there is or never will be forgiveness for attacks on my own pack. Fight to the death; never be a prisoner or victim.
Jefferson said...
I went to the JIFF website and there is a short video about the organization helping a troubled Memphis Yoof named "Jkukuruin Corley" --- SERIOUSLY, HIS NAME IS "JKUKURUIN" --- JUMPIN' JESUS CHRIST!!!
Kudos, PK, one of the hardest-hitting posts I've read since finding this site some time ago.
I feel the same visceral reaction (nausea) at the pathological altruism of the merry widow.
Here's the question we need to be asking: is this individual simply suffering from moral superiority delusions, making a public show of her saintly sympathies, or is she a part of a larger, species-wide (White) pathology?
We need to disentangle the individual roots of behavior such as hers, whenever we get close enough to it to make a study. What concerns me is the extent to which she is representative of our kind.
I guess it comes down to a feeling like watching whales beach themselves. If one does it, it's sad but somewhat understandable, but when many do it in the same place at the same time, it beggars our ability to make sense of it.
"Stockholm Syndrome" and "Pathological Altruism" label the dysfunction appropriately, but what's needed is an understanding of the etiology, not just an accurate label for classificatory purposes. It's a serious issue, because we see every Western country infected with it to some extent. White people seem quite intent on species suicide.
There are some white people who grew up in upper middle class (or better) white neighborhoods, and the reality that they have experienced about black people comes from whatever sitcom, police or hospital drama they watch. This also becomes an emotional investment -- I still recollect gaining race realism... It was honestly akin to 'losing my religion' sort of moment. I distinctly remember, for several years even after I 'felt' it that I just couldn't ever even say it aloud. It was a part of my browser history that I erased and a part of my thoughts that were supremely personal.
I am guessing that poor J. P.'s family (and perhaps J. P. himself) might have a similar background.
I do not even think this is linked to religion, because if that were the case, you'd have to explain to me all of these atheist SJWs & the totality of rather irreligious, aspiritual Western Europe suckling from the teet of multiculturalism. Nah, it comes from a different kind of religion that goes into our political heritage. Because we have a whole new interpretation of American/British/French/Swedish history (it's all the same now) as a progressive march towards liberation, freedom, equality, and MLK as the climax of it... Well, it's hard for these people to let go because it has not only given them meaning but has been the entire basis of their interpretation of themselves in their own nations.
It's the eye they see the world through -- and they're slow to admit that they are nearsighted bastards and are scared of what they might see.
that fool has a savior complex the size of the congo.
This has to be one of the worst DWLs I've ever seen.
Her husband is murdered and she defends the teens.
I also can't say I'm that surprised since she also thinks it is a good idea to raise White kids in MEMPHIS of all places.
That is the city where the police took out a billboard that said we can't protect you.
There is nothing that can be done for the craziest 10% of DWLs but what a damn shame it is when they have kids.
Once again, you have a glimpse into the workings of a liberal mind. To them, racism truly is a worse crime than murder. It's as if this woman merely regards her husband's murder as a "bummer", but acknowledges that it would be a worse crime if she or her kids thought ill of blacks in general afterwards. She even seems to evoke the white liberal fantasy of "if only they knew how many black friends [my husband] had, they wouldn't have killed him". Saying "I voted for Obama" or "I like rap music" isn't going to make a black criminal pause, lady.
She seems to delight in the fact that she can now morally preen in front of her liberal brethren with public displays of "uplifting black people".
I wouldn't put it past her to truly believe that her husband's murder was the best thing to happen to her and her children. After all, they will be raised as "morally superior" people, full of love for the very people that murdered their father in cold blood. And of course, their documented tales of fundraising and advocacy for blacks will help them get accepted to good colleges. What a windfall!
*Required reading for those pandering, unctuous adwl whiggers who assume God's role in "forgiving" these savage, murderous beasts who kill their family and loved ones without a shred of remorse.
Black women are the root cause of black dysfunction in America. Black Americans had it MUCH worse in the past, and they still managed to create relatively strong communities, businesses, and families. So, what changed between then and now?
1. Female sexual selection within the black community was altered by the mass expansion of the Welfare State.
2. Sexual access, marriage, and reproduction was removed from stable, productive beta males with jobs and transferred to "alpha" douchebag criminals.
3. Most of the black ghetto dysfunction in America today is rooted in dysgenic mating on the part of black women. It's Bad Boy Gina Tingles on a cultural scale.
When women are no longer forced to rely on the stability of the beta male and his productive capacities for sustenance and the survival of their offspring, and can instead collect easy money from the State, they quickly revert to a pre-Agricultural Revolution mating strategy in which the meanest, most violent men are rewarded with the greatest level of reproductive access. Such men do not stick around to raise their children, they move on to the next ho and knock her up too.
Such men not build communities, they poison them with violence and crime.
Such men do not create progress, they destroy it by creating a downward spiral in which each generation is more dysfunctional than the previous one.
Over 70% of black children in this country are born out of wedlock. Most of them are fathered by thugs and criminals, because that is what black women choose to reproduce with.
It's a numbers game: black American men who are stable, intelligent, and productive are simply being bred out of existence. The same principle is found in the movie Idiocracy, which most people consider to be less of a comedy and more of a prophesy.
40% of ALL American children are now being born into the same circumstances which have destroyed the black community, and that number will continue to rise as women double-down on the bad boy cock carousel, celebrate bastardy, and claim their cash and prizes from the State.
If this nation collapses into dystopian nightmare in the future, it will have exactly fuck all to do with transdimensional space aliens and everything to do with the fact that American women have spent the last 20+ years (longer in the black community) creating hordes of fatherless thug spawn.
TL:DR for young American women: Stop having your motherfucking children out of wedlock with the first "totally hawt" convicted felon with a neck tattoo you come across, and try reproducing with men who have positive attributes like, I don't know, a fucking job and an education and the desire to raise a family.
This article was very moving, PK.
If anybody ever wonders why it took women so long to obtain the right to vote, well, there you have it. Exhibit A: "Mrs. Shelley".
People will believe what they want. This woman, unfortunately, has received more than enough information to change her naive worldview, but still persists in it.
It's really quite old. Like putting a new coat of paint on a 1950 Studebaker that is completely rusted and engine dead, with four flat tires.
I think it's more like putting paint on a Flintstones car. A 1950 Studebaker was at one time a modern car. There is massive denial in our society over a simple truth which is that Africans are a more primitive people.
To those who are waiting for Whites to "wake up".
It is my considered opinion that they will never wake up. That at some point they left the brotherhood of Whites and embraced the false tribe of "world-hood" or "oneness" or whatever you want to call it.
I am sure in the last years of Rome, many Romans of blood looked with the same eyes as DWL's do at their pets, and hoped for a better outcome. They always believed in "the Legions, in the Senate and the People of Rome".
At least till the gates crashed in the first time.
Cheer up, those with a sane mind will survive and found the Northwest Republic and the Free State of Utah, or flee to such.
Those who can't bring themselves to see reality will be the bodies on the ground, or will cuck themselves completely to their negro/Mexi/Muslim neighbors. But as to the idea of a full blown White awaking....forget it.
Two notes:
1. Please forgive the mashed wording of my first post, it was late and a very fine french wine was partially responsible.
2. Avoid (unless for amusement) the new series "Fear the Walking Dead". Every White is either a strong DWL or a dysfunctional rude and loud asshole. Every non-White is a strong, deeply thinking "real" person of Wisdom. All the relationships are a mishmash of negro with White, negro with Mexifries, Indian with White or some other combo divorced from reality. Yeech!
As always:
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
"D-FENS said...
OT: I am vacationing in a small town near some of the wildest lands east of the Mississippi. I have not seen one negro since Friday's layover in Baltimorgue. Plenty of hiking and canoeing. People are friendly and say hello even in the unfriendly Yankee territory. The autumn foliage is starting to appear and the scent of pines and occasional campfires fill the air. A black bear tipped over the propane grill but he didn't break into the camp and shoot everyone."
Sounds like anywhere from upstate NY to rural New England. You would be surprised at the number of race realists here in Yankee territory. The DWLs are the loudest but not the most numerous by far. The Muslim in the White (Black?) House is trying to remedy that problem by bringing Somalis to Maine but they don't seem to like the cold and snow but they do enjoy the premium welfare gibs. I guess you can't have everything.
Anonymous said... So basically: "My husband was murdered by 3 black teens with criminal records so now I work to spring these criminals from prison so they may murder someone else's husband." What a bitch!
Incidentally, this affair ought to make those who blame "TWMNBN" for everything consider the destructive power of other religions in bringing black savagery to white homelands.
White people who hate white people, even their own husbands! pathetic.
Miss Greenbaum - excellent commentary. The Studebaker analogy is brilliant.
Thank God none of my family is as deluded as the widow of that poor man, but many are close. The fight has simply left them. I don't know if they've just given up or are just beaten down by living in mud run cities. When you're around all these toxic mud people you really start to lose your sanity.
As Ex-New Yorker so eloquently states it, there are no drive by shootings or murders in his area as it's mostly dominated by white folks.
I have several family members living close to Ferguson and Chicago and they REFUSE to move. The one is surrounded by nogs. They've even stolen mail from her mailbox and other petty useless shit they do and she still makes excuses for these monkeys. I don't even call her anymore as it makes me too mad to hear the bad stuff that has happened in her neighborhood.
Many of these whites will never wake up and I'm not spending any of my precious energy talking to them. They're like the Studebaker Bernice speaks of, I can give them all the facts, show them videos and live feed, and they still call me a racist or extreme.
I've decided that since my time and money are limited, it's best spent on me, my DH, and two disabled members of my family and that's about it. If I meet any friends on the way who feel the same way I do, great, if not, I'm fine the way I am now.
If we do have a SHTF scenario and whites take over, I believe it will be a sort of facist monarchy like the third reich for a while. It could be very bad for a while, but once things calm down (as they always do) we might have a decent nation again.
Hope springs eternal.
Need a laugh.
"Teen" Fatally Stabbed over piece of chicken.
This is a yet another illustration of why women should not vote. The 19th amendment was a death sentence for this country. Without women voting, we would not have lost our cities, we would not have created the destructive welfare state, and we would not have an illegal immigrant problem.
Eddie your a nitwit, your children probably have more common sense than you!!!
Well said. The thing is, she is a lost cause, indoctrinated long ago that befriending Blacks made her "enlightened", above and beyond all "those backwards hillbillies". Image is everything, above and beyond her own family. She believes that to "hate is wrong", or at least not to show. She probably despises Black people now, but to express such would make her a mere mortal like all the other common peasants. That is fine. But children do as they see, and she is teaching them to be pacifists, to bury any feelings of hatred so as to appear superior. Someone needs to teach her children that "hate" is a good thing, a natural adaptation in humans to aid in the advancement of one's own kind. Oh sheet. There I go venturing into science, evolution, and genetics. And having a grasp on that makes me a White trash, backwards hillbilly. My stupidity is evident by my inability to embrace and console those who hate me and rob, rape, or murder myself or my family members. I am quite certain that if one of her children are ever the victims of Black crime, she will punish them for anything hateful they might say about their attackers and explain to them why they should be more sympathetic and forgiving. Maybe she will have them do chores to earn money to send to their father's killers in prison.
This reminds me of the story of Amanda Kijera. She was raped and beaten in Haiti by the very creatures that she championed. And she still blamed the white man, who had nothing to do with it at all.
(Where is the DWL's Sean Maguire to tell them its not our fault and hug it out? 90's movie references aside, back to the point):
Emotional truth is a very powerful thing, even in it's great falsehoods. Simply because a person wants to believe it is true, despite all logic, facts, and reasoning state otherwise. Through their co-dependency issues, the rationalization and justification of behavior, and their utmost willingness to sacrifice all things in their life to achieve their high, the DWL is no different than a drug addict; as they both rely on emotional truth to fabricate their reality. The only difference is the lack of tell-tale signs of physical degradation that exemplifies rampant chemical abuse.
A prime example of this is how DWL's refuse to accept mathematics i.e. statistics to into any part of their ideology that would contradict their narrative. Something as simple as Rate of Occurrence (Per capita) is instantly disqualified if it shows that the emotional truth is false. For example: Back in 2010, there was more white people on welfare than black people. (This is no longer the case, I believe last year that this had changed) The DWL loves to point this out. But what they leave out is A) The difference in numbers was roughly 1% B) The percentage of each population that received welfare. (It was like 13% of whites v. 45%+ of blacks) C) The difference in total population numbers between the two. When you consider all variables, the beginning argument is proven false. (And thats not to mention that White paid around 80% of all money that goes into these programs, but that is a related argument)
I learned in school, and I imagine this is no longer the case, that when an argument has a false premise, all conclusions rendered will be false as well.
Another aspect of this mentality is the false comparison. The DWL sees all things as a 1-to-1 situation, Or what i call the Law of Zero Sum. This is prevalent throughout society as well. An excellent example of this is the article I saw the other day stating that more people died from selfies than from shark attacks this year. (This is just like the welfare comparison, taking numbers at their face-value) But what is never stated in the article is the amount of people taking selfies compared to the amount of people swimming in shark infested waters. My intuition compels me to believe there are many more people taking selfies than swimming with sharks, yet the number was barely greater. Call it extrapolation if you want, but I submit that the rate for death by shark is much greater that the rate for selfie deaths. But to the DWL, this fact is discarded because it disproves what they want to believe.
This Ms Shelley is just as guilty as the negroes that killed her husband, because she excuses and condones their behavior.
There are tow things that make a society work: Standards and the Will to enforce those standards. They are not mutually exclusive
Beam Me Up
The Baron
Europe is in real trouble. Going to get really nasty. We need to watch carefully since I sense an "emergency" south of our border that is going to drive MILLIONS of Aztecs and Mayans across our border all at once.
IT's coming. In fact, it is already here.
This is the last year of a White Europe.
Brilliant article. It's edgy, it's tough, it's painful, but it's all true. It's almost cruel to rub the nose of a grieving widow in the cesspool of the reality of the black undertow. But if there is some small chance that your analysis may enlighten her or her children and perhaps save their lives, then your harsh ungracious analysis will have been worth it. Even if there is only a 10% chance that you successfully planted a seed of reality in her mind, then it was worth whatever discomfort she may have temporarily felt. The Darwinian consequences of denying reality are unforgiving. It is frightening to think of the level of propaganda and mind-control necessary to get a widow to deny that 2+2=4. It's 1984.
Wow. That poor dead man, being married to that fool who is now determined to destroy their children. The other night, we went to grab some dinner at a fast food place. There aren't a lot of blacks here but enough that we're always wary. My children and I waited in the car for my husband to run in and get the food, and along come three black "teens". They behaved exactly like they always do, loud, jumping around, trying to look "hard". I foolishly left my purse at home and had asked my husband for his "safety ensurer" (if you know what I mean) which meant he was in there armed with only a knife. You better believe my eyes never left him for a second and my hand never left the item I was holding, in case I had to run in and back him up if they attacked him. This is the reality of the country now. Anyone who doesn't understand this is doomed. I pity those poor fatherless children, now left with a delusional mother, but what can be done? Some people will not ever wake up. Those of us that are awake will never go back to sleep. And I'll never forget my purse again. It's bad form to be in BRA with only one "safety ensurer".
For those of you who think negro "get over their "violence" and hatred of Whites:
""A former male nursing assistant at Walker Methodist Health Center in Minneapolis pleaded guilty Monday to raping an 83-year-old woman who suffered from severe dementia and Alzheimer’s disease — the latest in a recent surge of abuse cases involving elderly residents at nursing homes across the state.
Early in the morning of Dec. 18, 2014, George Sumo Kpingbah, 77, of Brooklyn Center, was seen by a witness moving in a “back and forth, thrusting motion” while standing at the edge of the elderly woman’s bed, according to a state investigative report. The witness, a nurse at Walker Methodist immediately contacted the night supervisor, who removed Kpingbah from the floor and called police. Kpingbah was arrested and charged with felony third-degree criminal sexual conduct.
At a Hennepin County District Court hearing Monday morning, Kpingbah stood motionless, hands folded, as his court-appointed attorney told him he could face up to four years in prison with the guilty plea. Family members of the elderly rape survivor held hands in the front row as Kpingbah calmly nodded and said, “yes,” when asked to confirm that he inserted his penis in the woman’s vaginal area.""
The rest is a mishmash of pleading and promises by the negro to "never do it again". Makes you sick.
This would not happen to helpless elderly Whites; if Whites had a Country of our Own.
She's probably been on heavy meds since it happened and surrounded by a bunch of "we are the world" Churchians to convince her that loving her enemies is the only the answer. These people don't know what real love is.
"I think a lot of these kids just come from such bad situations in their own family, and they just don't know where else to turn," - Widow Shelly
Of course they came from bad situations in their own family. Their families are bad, as were their families before them, as will be the next generation of their families. But this is only based on modern civilization's definition of “bad.” These situations are normal for blacks all of the way back to Africa. It will take a lot more than a “Juvenile Intervention and Faith-Based Follow-Up” feel-good program to reverse what Mother Nature has been fine tuning for 200,000 years. There is a place for blacks, and that place isn't in a modern society.
The thing about the "Shelleys" of the world is that they can assume their airs of pious superiority only as long as there are other people who will shelter them from reality. What happens when they live in a black majority polity in which they are subject to violence and vandalism every day? They call 911--and the cops do not show up, or if they do, perhaps arrest them on charges of "racism" for interfering with "oppressed" peoples. Think this could not happen? Look at South Africa today. Look at the No-Go zones in Europa. Come to think of it, look at Detroit, Newark, Baltimore...
What would the JIFF people do if a mob of "teens" invaded their building with the intent to burn it down? Or if their farmhouses were surrounded by mobs of Africans chanting "Kill YT?" Or if their local enrichers were grooming their daughters and sons as sex slaves? After much soul searching, they call 911 but the dispatcher tells them that the mayor told the cops to stand down so "demonstrators could have space?" And oh yes, rescuing one's children would lead to a hatecrime charge of "racism."
By the time it reaches this point, it's too late for the "Shelleys" to do anything other than meekly bow their heads to their new overlords and hand over their children and spouses to be sacrificed on brazen altars.
Arm up, YT, and be prepared to resist.
Wow, female negros are a dangerous bunch, even when they get wealthy. This negress chimped-out in first class, screaming, clawing and calling the Purser (Third Officer) a fuc**ng Fa**ot!
The pictures are priceless. You will only see this in the Daily Mail, because they are just like us...
Right you Racists?
Link Thingy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3244969/Azealia-Banks-attacks-passenger-launches-foul-mouthed-tirade-flight-attendant-calling-f-ing-f-ot-unable-plane.html
Never tell negro that they can have only ONE. That be disrespecting and sheet.
They be killing your White ass next time and sheet.
The point is, the "Shelley's Of the world are there only as long as they are enabled by other white people who are willing to risk their lives (not to mention careers) to defend them from the barbarians within the gates. They do not have to face the reality because at the end of the day they can rely on cops, soldiers and armed citizens to intervene and save their bacon, or at least toss malefactors into jail after a family member has been murdered.
Then they hypocritically denounce a white citizen or cop for shooting down a thug in the streets.
The "Shelleys" get the best of both worlds: the moral superiority which comes from "forgiving" a berserk underclass, and the protection provided by "rough men who stand ready to do violence on their behalf." The "Shelleys" do not have to put their faith to the real test, e.g., by moving themselves into the 'hood or a banlieu or South African farm and then refusing to call the cops when they are under attack.
Which brings me to another point: as much as it pains me to abandon other white people, maybe there ought to be some sort of general strike of "rough men." Do as herhonner da mayor of Baltimore has commanded, and stand down from doing violence in the defense of the "Shelleys." If it came to this, the "Shelleys" of the world would become extinct within a generation and the white race might then have a chance of surviving.
(And yeah, I know, I'm being churlish in maligning a perhaps grief stricken widow but the dilemma is that the "Shelleys" of the world are dragging down the rest of us into barbarism. Something to think about in the coming chaos.)
Jeez, what a sick sick Kneegrow worshipping bitch. If "they" killed all her kids 'n grandkids she be down on her knees at the corner of MLK & Vine blowing any & all apes who approached her to pay her "debt" to the sub-saharan Species (not Race, ladies 'n gents, Species)
/H hypie out H\
America's fascination and obsession with the negro is equally repellent and confusing. These are genetic aliens destroying your cities block by block, and yet you raise them up on a pedestal and worship them in your government, workplaces, and media. Just bizarre watching this incredible and powerful country commit suicide.
You people had so much promise.
This post really got to me, at first I was in disgusted, then came the disbelief at the total insanity of this woman. Still shaking my head I called it a night and went to sleep. Thankfully my creative brain kicked in overnight as a coping mechanism, or maybe I'm just twisted.. who knows? Follow my thinking here, at the very least we could use a little cheering up.
When I read the man had been robbed and killed on his son's birthday, it made me think that's close to how vigilante super hero stories begin, a traumatic murder of a parent or family on a significant date. Then reading her statements that were just so over the top in their refusal to lay blame or express any kind of anger, a bulb went off in my head. I reread the statements looking for deeper meaning, and found what I was looking for.
What if she is playing the long game? She can't roam the streets and crack skulls, but she could infiltrate the juvi jail where the state incubates thugs and provide some more covert "intervention" that she wishes the 3 that took her husband had received.
A few here, a few there.. an increase in overdose deaths and fatalities from fights with weapons would never get any press. And if it was even noticed nobody would suspect the mousy liberal lady was dropping shanks and dope all over the place. Her favorite trick is some hard to detect poison that induces heart failure that she learned about watching ncis with her husband a week before he was killed in a robbery gone wrong.
More grape drank shitavious?
Abruptly widowed by three murderous blacks, she became...
The Black Widow
I spent the last 4 days and nights bottle feeding (every 3 hours) four 3-week old kittens rescued from a barn. I wouldn't help this despicable woman if she was on fire. She's an abysmal excuse for a mother, wife and human being. I wonder how her dead husband's family feels about her NOBLE behavior. Me, I would want her dead, along with the 3 reprehensible creatures who robbed and murdered her husband. And then rotting in hell.
NJ Woman
I volunteer to make her sandwich board sign. She'll want to wear this at all times.
NJ Woman
P.S. She's not grieving. She hit the "holier than thou" lottery and she's luvin it.
This I can tell you. I will not die like the man in this story. How do I know this? I know this because I don't associate with people of all different races. That was his first mistake. He let his gaurd down since he knows a good one and look where that got his old lady and kids. Working for the lowly common negro. Yeah buddy you did well for your family. They are now you! Assholes for caring for troubled negro youth. Good job champ. One less liberal to convert in the race war.
Anonymous 10mm AUTO said...
Wow, female negros are a dangerous bunch, even when they get wealthy. This negress chimped-out in first class, screaming, clawing and calling the Purser (Third Officer) a fuc**ng Fa**ot!
The pictures are priceless. You will only see this in the Daily Mail, because they are just like us...
Right you Racists?
September 22, 2015 at 1:45 PM
The pictures are, indeed, priceless. But also very perplexing. They are so at odds with the BET and Hallmark stations movie images of black debutantes - what I thought most young black ladies were like. Now I just don't know what to think. Have I been misled??
NJ Woman
"Anonymous said...
Eddie your a nitwit, your children probably have more common sense than you!!!
September 22, 2015 at 12:51 PM"
A Nitwit for telling them the truth? By all means, please sacrifice yourself and your family to your Negro Gods, but don't say you weren't warned in advance when they take a giant shit on you and yours.
10MM said "I'm Heterosexual and I believe in heterosexual rights, as you do in gay rights."
I'm Gay and I believe in White Rights, We can argue about the rest later. Right now there is a larger problem.
Just like Amy Biehl's parents...get on your knees and thank them until they cum.
The Baron: "DWL's refuse to accept mathematics i.e. statistics to into any part of their ideology that would contradict their narrative. Something as simple as Rate of Occurrence (Per capita) is instantly disqualified if it shows that the emotional truth is false. For example: Back in 2010, there was more white people on welfare than black people."
I had that coonversation over 20 years ago with an old IKAGO "computer programmer", with a different twist.
Him: Everybody stereotypes blacks for being on welfare, but there's actually more white people on the dole.
Me: The number of whites may be higher, but the percentage of blacks is higher.
Him: That's exactly what I'm talking about! The percentages!
A mind is a terrible thing to witness...
It was funny. I never tried to troll the guy, but he always thought me, the young White guy with a shaved head, agreed with him. One time we were discussing crime, and he said "See I'm like you, I don't think there should be a death penalty." (I had never implied any such thing, remotely.) He also thought it was turrbly racist that White people would shoot a black intruder on the spot, but they would hesitate if he was White. Well no shit, we don't want to shoot our son for sneaking in after curfew. Shitavious? We KNOW he doesn't live here. Or next door.
1:51pm- "Never tell negro that they can have only ONE. That be disrespecting and sheet."
The Burbank police are refusing to release his booking photo. I tried to search google images, and only found a chick with the same last name, who looks Arabic or Armenian, with about 100 duckface mirror selfies. There's nothing negrish-looking about her, and the name sounds middle-eastern, so I don't know if this was a chimp attack. Also, unlike her Kardashian Kousins, there were no apes present in her attention-whoring portfolio. So, "cheers" to her.
The tides seem to be turning against the clock kid, Ahmed Mohammed.
People are realizing that all he did was partially take apart a radio shack digital clock, and then partially reassemble it inside a pencil box brief case.
When I search, I am only using the words "clock kid", not "clock kid fraud" or something similar and it appears that the jig is up. Someone was even saying that the family can be arrested for fraud. Fingers crossed, but not hopeful. He fooled Obama, Zuckerberg, Microsoft, MIT among others, and has gotten all kinds of goodies for his stunt.
The first teacher he showed the clock to (the engineering one) told him not to show it to anyone else. Of course the kid did, having it go off in class and then continuing to only offer vague explanations for it even when questioned by police. I guess hurting a socially awkward youth's feelings is worse than having an entire classroom of kids go up in smoke.
The shakedown reminds me of the "families" of Mike Brown and Freddie Gray.
It also reminds me of the Muslim who won the Nobel prize in economics among many standout economists for his "ground breaking premise" of micro-lending. This advanced and never thought of concept of lending poor people and business owners small, rather than large amounts of money naturally should have won (/sarcasm). It turned out later that there were much more worthy contenders but they wanted to highlight a Muslim that year.
As with the "clock kid" there are thousands of brilliant white teens out there who have really invented things and could do even more if lavished with resources like this fraud was. Too bad they can't create a racial hoax to highlight their abilities though- they are just white, after all.
well, I distinctly remember a case portrayed at SBPDL of a coalburner who got her face slashed. I don't remember whether the pet chimp or the sheboons did the cutting, but she did garner quite a bit of sympathy here at SBPDL. In the following days I was amazed to see the CB and her mother turn up here to complain that "she was not raycis and did not want help or support from raycizts." At that point many took to calling her FrankensteinFace and Frankenface.
But this was the first time I saw how deeply the self hate and the total identification with the perpetrator had been embedded. It was like mind control from a space alien movie; it was 1984; it was like communist brain washing.
Now I know there are millions of FrankenFaces and Alexa Shelleys. I know it is too late; WTSHTF will never come; the Whites will never wake up. All I can suggest is that we give negroes more and more authority and power until they drive all of society into the ground. The entire country will look like Detroit; all business, infractruture and government will end. Perhaps at this point the Chinese could invade and re-introduce civilization.
OT: And the beat goes on...
Time for Negroes in the News:
Church shooting by psychopath whitey gets international airing and banning of Confederate symbols. Church shooting by Negro who wounds his own INFANT SON, baby-momma, and "da preacha" during an actual church service?---already swirled down the memory hole. And this one happened in "I Have A Dream" SELMA.
Police in Sacramento are looking for a mixed-race Negro who "allegedly" robbed a local Church's Fried Chicken restaurant. Reports of the burglar and his unnamed accomplice stealing legs and thighs, in addition to cash from the register, have not been confirmed.
This has been Negroes in the News.
You may now go back to analyzing the mental malady suffered by the grieving white widow.
"But negros are mere predators, Hyenas in human form that roam our land, killing out of boredom, or simply for the fun of it. IT IS AS IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN FOR THEM",
10mm Auto
Great analogy.
Philadelphia Mike
That was harsh, Paul. And well deserved.
Re: Achmed's Clock
See this 20 second video to see how it was done.
Fraud indeed!
We know that widow of J.P. Shelley is a delusional flake.
But what about J.P.’s mother (if she's alive)? I wonder how she feels about 3 feral negro males taking the life of the boy she gave life to…the boy she cuddled and loved…the boy she nurtured and sacrificed much of her life for.
Does the mother grieve while the merry widow of our fallen soldier prostrates herself humbly before the negro phallic…her new negro master?
Does the mother mourn while the merry widow now serves those who conquered and defeated her husband?
Does the mother look on in frustration as the children of her felled son are now enslaved by the merry widow to serve the negro masters as well?
Does the mother look on in horror as her grandchildren are irresponsibly placed into the direct path of the raging negro hordes?
Mrs. Shelley (mother of JP), if you are reading this, please let your sentiments be heard. From a mother’s mouth to our ears, we need to know that someone….SOMEONE….bears hatred towards those who killed him.
Philadelphia Mike
I still believe in some liberal things. I think wealth inequality is stark enough to threaten the foundations of society. I think we need to stay out of other countries. I'm gay and I believe in gay rights. I know many people on here might not be comfortable with that -- that's fine, everyone doesn't have to agree with me on everything. I would just say to you that most of us just want to live our lives and aren't the enemy here. But on the issue of race I'm not liberal, not anymore.
Not to get into the gay issue but I'm opening my eyes and seeing that the gays are some of the biggest race realists around. I'm beginning to also see that the media has been portraying them as sympathetic to blacks, when in fact, so many of them hate the blacks.
No matter how you look at it, the media lies, lies, lies.
This letter makes the Ferguson Yoga Lady look like a paragon of sanity in comparison!
Great line!
The DWL.... There is no end to their apologizing and excusing the actions of blacks, even as they die at the hands of the feral "teens". It boggles the mind...
Every time I read something like this, it makes me think of Jonestown. People like this not only drank Kool-Aid they knew was poisoned, but they got a glass for their children as well... They are beyond help.
You need look no further than the numerous white faces at a BLM protest for proof. They are the equivalent of Jews manning the guard towers at Dachau...
the perp is a young guy w a middle eastern sounding last name.
die versity, but not black.
his selfie is online
Never tell negro that they can have only ONE. That be disrespecting and sheet.
Anon @ 10:17 said
I still believe in some liberal things. I think wealth inequality is stark enough to threaten the foundations of society. I think we need to stay out of other countries. I'm gay and I believe in gay rights.
I believe, based on style, that you're the same anonymous poster who told us last week that you're "gay" but you hate the "gay rights" movement. I believe that several of us said we don't hate you, but we don't want to hear about it.
If you're here to provoke some "gay hatred", you're going about it the right way. Just keep shoving your perversion in our faces.
That's the last time I'm going to indulge you with that perverse use of the word "gay", too. Gay means happy.
"Beverly Shelley, we don't hate black people. They are what they are and they do what they do -- here just as in Africa."
Says who? You really need to just speak for yourself. I, for one, hate them.
"Throughout history, adults have willingly killed their own children as sacrifices to the GODS. Whether they stick them in a hollow brass bull and roast them alive, toss them into a sink hole in the Yucatan, cut out their small beating hearts, these SICK "parents" gladly kill their own children to show their devoted "love"."
Centurion, excellent analogy.
Philadelphia Mike
Abruptly widowed by three murderous blacks, she became...
The Black Widow
Some enterprising race realist cartoonist should take up the challenge!
There is only ONE thing that I admire about the Muslims.
Under no conditions whatsoever would they permit one of their women to do what the widow Shelley is doing. They would NEVER let one of their widows cross over to the enemy who killed her husband. Nor would she ever even contemplate doing so.
I'm not Muslim. But I'm willing to say that maybe we have a lot to learn from them.
I have given up on Christianity. 100%. Maybe one of us here at SBPDL should start a new religion of our own.
O/T: Saw this today. Funny and sad at the same time.
The 8th Solicitor’s Office says, Tavirous Settles pleaded guilty to murder and killing the wrong person.
Investigators say Karlita Phillips hired him to kill her husband in March 2013, but Settles mistakenly killed her brother-in-law, Jamil Phillips.
Even when hired and told who to kill, this guy screws it up, the brotha done kilt the wrong brotha. There's a "they all look alike" joke in here someplace too.
Once again White Women to the rescue of black boys/men whatever.And you know damn well she will be sleeping with one soon and having black children.I can see it now.Nice family portrait of her and her new brood and she will teach her white kids of their white privilege.And the black boyfriend will beat her into an inch of her life and accept it.
@Anonymous 8:57 AM
Good guess - I'm in the Adirondack Park in northern NY State. I would guess the year round population is >98% White. It's a poor region akin to the Appalachians. I grew up not too far from here. My home town has had population losses since the 1960's. Unfortunately, they have been bringing in so many refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia, Burma, etc. that the population has started to rebound. Former Catholic Churches have become mosques. This distresses even me which should surprise those that know my disdain for religion.
I've seen bear, deer, turkeys, hawks and a trout jump out of a pond to catch a fly. But not a single negro! The only foreign language I have heard is French, presumably Canadian.
Unfortunately, there are some determined DWLs that want to bring "diversity" to the Park:
Anonymous PB said...
10MM said "I'm Heterosexual and I believe in heterosexual rights, as you do in gay rights."
I'm Gay and I believe in White Rights, We can argue about the rest later. Right now there is a larger problem.
September 22, 2015 at 3:03 PM""
Got the Wrong Guy...
Mandy Magnolia said:
Those of us that are awake will never go back to sleep.
So true. So very true.
"Incidentally, this affair ought to make those who blame "TWMNBN" for everything consider the destructive power of other religions in bringing black savagery to white homelands."
It would be impossible to propagate the DWL religion without the aid of mass media. And who controls mass media?
Gays are gay based on genetics. Like negroes being the savage animals they are.
Am I correct? Or is gay a "choice"?
10MM said "I'm Heterosexual and I believe in heterosexual rights, as you do in gay rights."
I'm Gay and I believe in White Rights, We can argue about the rest later. Right now there is a larger problem.
What's there to argue about? One guy wants his rights as a heterosexual, the other guy wants his rights as a homosexual.
Who cares?
But BOTH guys are race realists who believe in the survival of Whites...of civilization.
NOW, we're talkin'.
George Carlin said, "it's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it".
Just drove 30 miles with a friend to eat in a cafe over in the next town. We hit rush hour traffic on the way over. There were 7 cars in the on coming lane. On the way back at sundown we passed zero cars in the on coming lane. We don't have ANY BLACKS living out here in the FREE ZONE. The best part is we don't have many white people living out here either. That is a good thing because most white people living in America are getting crazier by the day.
5:17pm- "Investigators say Karlita Phillips hired him to kill her husband in March 2013, but Settles mistakenly killed her brother-in-law, Jamil Phillips."
Let me guess... the wife complained to the cops she'd been ripped off, and they need to get her money back.
I find it ironic that you've decided to write [sic] a couple of times in the email you received, yet every article on this site, including this one, have tons of typos and errors.
AnalogMan said ”Anon @ 10:17 said
I still believe in some liberal things. I think wealth inequality is stark enough to threaten the foundations of society. I think we need to stay out of other countries. I'm gay and I believe in gay rights.
I believe, based on style, that you're the same anonymous poster who told us last week that you're "gay" but you hate the "gay rights" movement. I believe that several of us said we don't hate you, but we don't want to hear about it.
If you're here to provoke some "gay hatred", you're going about it the right way. Just keep shoving your perversion in our faces. . . “
It is also possible that Anon @ 10:17 is Anon @ 4:50 commenting on his own comment. I hope that this isn't the case because that would be particularly irritating. It would be best if Anon @10:17 would quit attempting to sell the virtues of gays to a group that isn't interested in that topic. I'm sure that there are homosexuals on this blog who make very interesting and relevant comments, and I urge them to continue to do so. These individuals manage to make their comments without discussing their sexual proclivities just as the 97% of the commenters who are not homosexual manage to keep from discussing theirs. Do us all a favor Anon @ 10:17 and quit talking about your queer behavior.
Also, the negro in Africa that keeps building airplanes in his spare time is a good analogy. I think he's built over a dozen and they've all failed to fly yet he continues. BRA and its DWL's are just like that. Reality hits them time and time again, but they never have that ah! moment.
The widow with THREE now-fatherless children due to black criminals is an excellent example of how White guilt is destroying america and europe.
She was reading online and found out that some people were discussing her Husband's MURDER and we were *GASP* noticing that the MURDERERS were black! *FAINTS*
So what does she do? Hires a lawyer to send warning letters to try to stop us from discussing the issue so as to keep from offending the MURDERERS that MURDERED her Husband, and left her THREE children without their Father for the rest of their lives.
OMG! what if people tnought that SHE noticed that the murders were black!?
What if people were to find out that she disapproved of the wonderful blacks taking his life!?
Why, she probably NEVER EVEN NOTICED THEY WERE BLACK until WE mentioned it!
It just never occured to her!
The problem is NOT that blacks killed her Husband, the REAL problem is that WE were discussing the FACT that blacks killed her Husband.
They should let those wonderful blacks out of jail and put US in jail in their place. Besides, maybe the Husband had it coming, maybe he was wearing a Confederate Flag pin or he used the N word once a few decades ago.
10 mm Auto writes: "Cheer up, those with a sane mind will survive and found the Northwest Republic and the Free State of Utah, or flee to such."
I must admit, I'm intrigued about the idea of a Northwest Front. At the same time, I live in the South and I can't imagine leaving it.
What do fellow Southerners who read/comment on this site think of it? Do you think Southerners would really up and leave Dixie for a White Homeland? I'm curious about your thoughts.
To any psychologists who still deny the existence of pathological altruism .......Mrs Shelley would be a classic case study.
Imagine a pathology so nurtured and indoctrinated from childhood to believe that its beliefs and ideals are so noble that they transcend all logical thought and argument. Scary really.
These are the type of people that are public school teachers, college professors, and unfortunately ...... Parents.
These people tell their children to stay away from all kinds of things that are dangerous..... They will gladly put their children in harms way ..... As long as the intention is noble and rightoues .
Pathological Altruism is real and dangerous......
I had to go up into the Adirondacks last year, got hired to be the driver to pick up some equipment from Ray Brook, from the prison. I think I posted about it here - the only nogs I saw all day were some of the prison inmates. Which, someone should point out that's all the diversity they need. Prison is so remote it has no fences and the guys working outside of the main facility could just walk away. But they'd have to steal a car to get anywhere.
It was super nice up there, it was nice to go in a McDonalds and find all white help. Have heard the people can be snooty though, and the winters are cold as hell.
What do fellow Southerners who read/comment on this site think of it? Do you think Southerners would really up and leave Dixie for a White Homeland? I'm curious about your thoughts.
Fuck 'em, I'm not running. I'll hang around just to be annoying. They don't seem quite as uppity around here, not sure why but my guard is always up, especially pumping gas......hint: keep a lighter in one hand.
"Shelley said she wished there has been interventions in their lives before her husband's death."
Puh-lease. There have been "interventions" for these murderous punks their entire sorry lives. I know several people that work in a small city public school system with a "diverse" student body. The amount of time, effort, and money wasted on the worst of them is unbelievable. Speech and physical therapists, reading coaches, math coaches, one on one aids, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, mentors, individual education programs, inclusionary programs, etc., etc. This beyond the regular teaching instruction which, of course, is designed to "close the achievement gap". Outside the public school the city, county, state, and federal governments provide an entire galaxy of other programs. The US taxpayers have spent uncountable trillions over the past 60 years intervening in the lives of black people and this dingbat acts like Jim Crow just ended yesterday. DWL should stand for Delusional White Liberal.
It is also possible that Anon @ 10:17 is Anon @ 4:50 commenting on his own comment. I hope that this isn't the case because that would be particularly irritating.
Philadelphia Mike, here.
Sorry, guys, that was me commenting at 4:50. And no, I'm NOT Anon @ 10:17. I forgot to use my handle.
I was just reporting on what I've seen in my travels. Just as the media portrays negroes as doctors and wise men on television, we've also been led to believe that the homos submissively fall onto their knees in front of their negro masters.
Not true.
From what I've been seeing over the past few years, the homos here in Philly are at odds with the blacks...and are now starting to show outward hatred towards them.
Hey look, I'm not giving an opinion about lifestyles, here. I'm just telling you like I see it in the Delaware Valley (Metro Philly, and the PA, NJ, and DE suburbs). And a lot of them are not afraid to call a spade a spade. But then again, a lot of us Whites (hetero and homo) in Philly are of a different breed from the rest of the country. We're just not afraid to say it like we see it. Our shells have been hardened by necessity.
I guess I shouldn't have made that comment at 4:50 because I really don't know how the homos react to the blacks elsewhere in the FUSA.
And to the commenter that doesn't like to hear the word "gay" used. I never thought about it until now, but I think that I agree with you. Homo is a much better word to use. And I'm not using it in a mocking or derogatory way. There are heteros and there are homos. Right? So why not chuck the PC and just use plain English?
As they say, the jig is up (for the jigs). The world is getting onto the drain that this primitive branch of humanity has been causing. And with or without nut jobs like the merry widow Shelley, the elephant in the room is slowly coming into full vision.
Philadelphia Mike
PS, this place is gonna be a zoo with the Pope coming to town.
*************What do fellow Southerners who read/comment on this site think of it? Do you think Southerners would really up and leave Dixie for a White Homeland? I'm curious about your thoughts.*************
I live in Texas. Been here 40+ years. I have lived in 3 of the major cities here. Now live in a small semi-rural area away from most of the crappy human element (Diversity). I am planning my escape. I see the handwriting on the barrio wall. This state is demographically doomed. It is being targeted by international Marxist elements for destruction, just like California. When my parents finally pass on, I will bury them, sell everything I have, and head to the mountains of the Northwest. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming are my 3 top picks. I look forward to the mountain scenery and the barren cold keeping Diversity away. I hope to die there among my own people instead of the cocktail mix of AfroHispanicOrientalArabic garbage infesting this once great land.
And I keep asking myself: Noble men got massacred at the Alamo for this??
To the Anonymous that wrote:
"What do fellow Southerners who read/comment on this site think of it? Do you think Southerners would really up and leave Dixie for a White Homeland? I'm curious about your thoughts."
September 22, 2015 at 7:12 PM
There is a saying here that goes "I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as soon as I could."
I was not born here, but I've lived in Texas the majority of my life, moving away at times but always coming back. Texas was mainly built by the Germans & Scots, the two white ethnicities that I share most of my DNA with, thus I have a connection here that goes beyond simply living here. Texas is my home and I will never leave it willfully.
At the Alamo, they fly the flags of the countries and States of the men who gave their lives defending this land, even though everyone of them called this place "home." One day they may have to fly the flag of my home state at a new Alamo. I will leave it at that.
Now, to not be so dramatic,,,
The stars at night shine so big and bright,
Deep down in the heart of Texas!
The Baron
Once again, it's the "Smarty-Pants" syndrome.
I'm tellin' ya... It blows-my-mind!
These incredibly insane statements by Whites who believe they are hipper, socially adept, in-the-know, far more intelligent, blah blah blah blahdy blah blah, than all of us racists who know absolutely nothing about life, social structure, civilization, human beings, and all the mess that comes with pushing race integration on humanity.
These insanely stupid people have managed to convince themselves they are so G-D smart, and have corralled an entire nation into believing race doesn't matter.
I may make a T-Shirt that says: I'm living next to, working along side, and playing with stupid", with the finger pointing around in a circle.
Gays are gay based on genetics. Like negroes being the savage animals they are. Am I correct? Or is gay a "choice"?
NOBODY CARES. Talk about that shit somewhere else.
Best blog post ever PK. Kudos for telling the psycho bitch Shelley to pound sand.
To answer the question about leaving the South. Yes, we are leaving as soon as possible. I don't fear negroes but I can't be around my wife & children 24/7. All it takes is one encounter and then I would make the movie "Law abiding Citizen" look like the "Muppet Christmas".
Finally, if you're reading this Mrs. Shelley, burn in hell you crazy bitch. I will pray that your children wake up from your brainwashing, what a real testimony they could give to other whites.
Blogger brian warden: "I find it ironic that you've [sic] decided to write [sic] a couple of times in the email you received, yet every article on this site, including this one, have tons of typos and errors."
It's "you decided", not "you have decided". Also, do you measure typographical errors in long tons, short tons, or metric tons? Do you print them out first, or multiply the weight of an electron by the number of page views?
You're kicked out of the guard tower, Grammar Nazi. Go peel some potatoes.
This horribly, obscenely narcissistic woman's husband was murdered for fun by subhumans. Her obscene response is to begin a campaign of VIRTUE SIGNALLING. This is quite obscene in the most literal sense. Liberals are not at all virtuous and in fact this behavior is evil.
We need to call liberals, including cuckservatives on their obscene, evil VIRTUE SIGNALLING.
I am the original 10:17 PM gay poster. Given the nature of anonymous comments, I know that is hard to prove. I have been reading this blog for over a year in which most of my liberalism has fallen away.
That said, I don't read all of the comments everyday and didn't know that someone has previously posted that they were gay and hated the gay rights movement. That was not me. Nor by mentioning it was I trying to push an agenda, I expected disagreement though and it's fine.
I didn't want to distract focus, BUT I WAS trying to point out that there's more people on your side when it comes to race than you might realize, people who you might not suspect. In fact any white person who, like me have lived around blacks, been exposed to their behavior, seen the videos, etc. I believe the Left is overplaying it's hand with all but the most extreme liberals who will follow them over a cliff as long as they can keep from ever offending anyone ever again. The question is if you can get them to admit it to themselves first, then aloud to others.
In reply to one comment about leaving Dixie to establish a white homeland elsewhere, I am a southerner and would find that heartbreaking to do. I love the south, but honestly the whole US has increasingly become a boring monoculture anyway and the south has lost most of what made it individual, just in the last 20-30 years it seems. There's whole pockets where blacks are breeding out whites, but the Mexicans are taking over even more because they have at least a bit of business sense. I think we're mostly safe from what the Muslims have done to London for example, but who knows. That said, I definitely still prefer the climate here!
Not a Southerner - but soon to retire/relocate in WV (Appalachia). I will not give up 90%+ of the territory of America to live with my back against a mountain wall. Suspect true sons of the South feel the same way. More interested in lines of communication and support between us when need arises. I have assisted in teaching/training two generations of soldiers, got enough in me to do one more. I have seen the faces of the enemy - and they can be beat senseless once the rules change and gloves come off.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Both Cunningham and Sandifer have juvenile court records. Shelley said she wished there has been interventions in their lives before her husband's death.
There was a time in the USA when there was intervention which would have saved her husband's life:
* Intervention via sundown towns
* Intervention via facilities marked "Whites Only"
* Intervention via groups of citizens called "vigilante committees"
* Intervention via programs run by civic leaders such as Eugene Bull Connor
But ghee whiz, what happened when the USA got rid of all that intervention?
September 21, 2015 at 10:39 PM
Now there are some interventions I can believe in! :)
I'd rather be around a gay white than an Orc any day!! The gay does not bother me if that is their choice as long as they don't cram it down my throat. Even some gays see an Orc for what they are. One hundred percent heterosexual here and one hundred percent not liking orcs.
@antidote September 22, 2015 at 3:56 PM
"well, I distinctly remember a case portrayed at SBPDL of a coalburner who got her face slashed. I don't remember whether the pet chimp or the sheboons did the cutting, but she did garner quite a bit of sympathy here at SBPDL. In the following days I was amazed to see the CB and her mother turn up here to complain that "she was not raycis and did not want help or support from raycizts." At that point many took to calling her FrankensteinFace and Frankenface.
But this was the first time I saw how deeply the self hate and the total identification with the perpetrator had been embedded. It was like mind control from a space alien movie; it was 1984; it was like communist brain washing.
Now I know there are millions of FrankenFaces and Alexa Shelleys.I know it is too late; WTSHTF will never come; the Whites will never wake up. All I can su ggest is that we give negroes more and more authority and power until they drive all of society into the ground. The entire country will look like Detroit; all business, infractruture and government will end. Perhaps at this point the Chinese could invade and re-introduce civilization."
The CB needed to be told that we don't support her and that she is the scum of the earth and that what we support is our race but she isn't part of it. We object to those who attack our women or any others or our race and since she looked kind of like a Caucasian, we identified her attacker as an enemy. She needed to be told to mind her own business. She does not own discussion of this issue just as this currently discussed Merry Widow and her lawyer also do not own the discussion and it is also none of their business.
"It was like mind control..." No, it WAS and IS mind control. "...it was like communist brainwashing." No, it WAS and IS communist brainwashing.
"I know it is too late; WTSHTF will never come; the Whites will never wake up." Take heart. It is not too late for us to reverse our fortunes and win our rights and place back. Some whites will never wake up. They are the enemy just as much as murderous non-whites. It doesn't take all of us. It just takes enough of us.
brian warden said...
I find it ironic that you've decided to write [sic] a couple of times in the email you received, yet every article on this site, including this one, have [sic] tons of typos and errors.
Yeah, you're not wrong, but it could happen to anyone, couldn't it? I've often said Paul needs a proofreader. But in the meantime, why not just relax and enjoy the conversation? You'll get used to the typos.
Why would we leave the land of our ancestors, the places of their graves, the history of our people? Better to fight and, if need be, die to free our homeland than to die in a foreign land, pining to the end for one last glimpse of our one true love, the South.
SJWs routinely issue take-down notices that they have no right to. In general, your face being on a photo does *not* give you copyright - copyright resides in the first instance with the photographer. If the photo is from a newspaper, coroner, police photographer, the family (or the individual himself, come to that) has no standing whatever with respect to copyright.
Maybe you'd make an exception for a man's widow, but replies to these kind of shenanigans should be along the lines:
"Thank you etc etc can you please tell me on what basis you hold copyright in the material? If you cannot explain to me how it is that you hold copyright, I will not take down the material. If you issue a takedown notice, I will immediately seek redress for a falsely issued takedown notice, for which the DMCA provides considerable penalties."
Of course, I Am Not A Lawyer.
Sorry 10MM. Just realized how I wrong I got that. My intent was pure anyway. Next story up shows why in one nice little clip.
Ive adopted a new handle after reading todays excellent comments.
My thanks goes out to riptapart for the inspiration.
It's shameful how these doormats don't see their own culpability in such tragic deaths like Mr. Shelley. I get that it's fashionable to apologize for bellicose blacks. But all that self-hatred contributes to the toxicity of the zeitgeist. It's truly a proof that what goes around, comes around. If every one of these deaths caused an awakening, rather than a doubling down on the apologia mentality, the zeitgeist would change. It would be palpable: whites will no longer tolerate lawless blacks. We will maintain situational awareness (which liberals call profiling); we will arm ourselves; if attacked, we will shoot to kill. We will no longer assume that blacks are the victims of this mythical omnipresent, omnipotent white racism.
If there's anyone in the presidential race that can help fix this, it's Donald Trump. I don't love the guy's position on everything, but if the country has an ounce of hope left, it's with him. I think also that people's outrage with the black cancer is what's contributed to his surge in the polls.
"Shelley said she wished there has been interventions in their lives before her husband's death."
Like 3 abortions.
If I may beat a topic to death that is indirectly related to our racial struggle.
I'm the one who wrote:
"A@ 10:17: I'm Heterosexual and I believe in heterosexual rights, as you do in gay rights."
There was a point in my comment and I think some people missed it. What the hell are "gay" rights? When I wrote "heterosexual rights", I was hoping everybody would have seen the real point. BUT, since we are in this discussion, will a "Gay" person, with all respect, tell me what "Gay Rights" are?
Personally, I do not care if gay behavior is genetic, environmental or a "choice". It is not normal, even though it occurs in nature. All things that occur in nature, are "natural", but not necessarily beneficial. Ebola is beneficial to Ebola viral duplication, and is harmless to Simians, yet lethal to us. Nature doesn't care and all of it is natural. Nature has no emotions. Only we humans make any ethical or moral comment and even then, these labels are subjective. "Though shall not kill....unless the government gives you a gun, ammo and a uniform".
Nobody knows if one is gay or not (unless the person is KNOWINGLY flaming.) Nobody knows what I did on the nude beaches of Greece back in the 70's with those Swedish girls but does that behavior (definitely genetic and a choice! Yeah baby!!) earn me special rights? "Threesome Rights"? See my point? One does not get special rights due to what sexual contortions they do in bed. Geeeesh.
All I care about is the WHITE RACE first. All else is a far second.
(If this gets posted, I wish to thank PK for his patience.)
Donald Trump came out with a strong, and correct, defense of the Second Amendment and gun ownership.
HE stated clearly that the RIGHT to own weapons is not granted/given by any government, but is a "natural" right and the 2nd Amendment is only backing up that ideal. He wants the "right" of all concealed weapon permit holders to be able to carry in all 50 states just like you can drive in all 50 states if you have a drivers license.
He was smart enough to point out that driving a car and having a drivers license IS a privilege granted by the State and not a right in any way, but owning and carrying a gun is NOT a "right" granted. You are born with it.
The problem is NOT that blacks killed her Husband, the REAL problem is that WE were discussing the FACT that blacks killed her Husband.
In BRA, the ultimate crime is noticing.
One of the biggest race realists I know is a gay man. I don't care who he sleeps with. The way women behave today it's hard to blame him.
But I also have seen gay men perfectly down with diversity, in fact I'm aware of a couple of them (oddly of hispanic background) who prefer it.
Well, at least they're not making babies.
On the matter of "intervention..."
The USA has been "intervening" on behalf of blacks for six decades:
* De-segregation
* Assorted civil rights acts
* Affirmative action
* Black studies programs
* Corporate grants up the wazoo
* Positive role models on 500 channels of telescreen
* Turning education upside down to close an alleged "achievement gap"
* Public housing of every assortment
* Tearing down Confederate flags
* The groveling of every last DWL in the Homeland
* Giving blacks "space" to pillage white-built cities
* Handing over children to be slaughtered by flashmobs, drivebys and torture-murders
* And, etc., etc., etc.
The payoff?
Massive black crime. Massive black illegitimacy. Massive black educational fail. Massive black trashing of infrastructure.
The reality is that the situation in the USA has become worse on all fronts. With all that intervention. And it's going to get worse as long as liberalism remains the national ideological delusion.
I'll ask the obvious question: can anyone show us where "interventions" have stopped the degeneration of a black dominated city? Show us where "interventions" have rebuilt a Detroit or Gary or Selma.
The end result of "intervention" is a husband gunned down by black thugs.
Bring back the word negro, 'black people' doesn't really describe it.
Texas here:
Damn solid post.
And heart breaking.
I went to high school with JP and I am heartened to read that the story of his murder will not easily disappear down into the memory hole.
And while this worthless b*tch self flagellates and devalues her husband's life, these orcs laugh at her and mock her.
Probably already been discussed, but still: whites and Asians are not the same human stock as are negroids. Cultural differences aren't worth analyzing; they're not essential. What is essential is due to genetic differences accumulating over millennia. Nothing can be done about these differences. I am interested in exploring the idea that homo Erectus walks again. Sounds weird, but that's life. Erectus and Sapiens just aren't going to get along. Political correctness ( neo - Marxian doublespeak ) requires dysfunctional avoidance of the obvious truth of genetic differences in everyday life.
Sure, black actors on TV do sound wonderfully white-like ( maybe even better than us ! ) but when we re - enter reality it becomes all too clear all of the time. They ain't us, ain't never going to be. Stay clear of them.
I am the original 10:17 PM gay poster.
Click "Name/URL". Pick a handle (leave URL blank).
I WAS trying to point out that there's more people on your side when it comes to race than you might realize, people who you might not suspect.
Unless you are willing to vote, not just not-Democrat, but for candidates that the Corrupt Marxist Media are hounding as "racist" BECAUSE they are "racist", you are part of the problem.
Das ist liberal way.
"Threesome Rights"? See my point?
Well it appears those ladies did.
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