Thursday, May 3, 2018

How in the World did Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Pixar, SpaceX, and Twitter Succeed with such Low Black Employment?

Shot. [Tech companies not hiring blacks despite ownership rates, AP, 5-3-18]:
WASHINGTON (AP) — African-Americans are among the top owners of mobile devices, but aren't being considered when it's time for social media and technology companies to hire. 
The National Urban League is highlighting this new technology gap in its 2018 State of Black America report released Thursday, and pushing social media and technology companies to put in place safeguards and corporation solutions to make sure minorities don't get left behind in the digital revolution. 
"C-suite executives of tech firms publicly espouse the gospel of racial and gender diversity and inclusion, but these spaces do not reflect our nation's demographic diversity," said Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League. "Only increased representation from top to bottom will drive corporate change that prioritizes equity." 
Morial said that the latest Equal Employment Opportunity reports filed by Google, Facebook and Twitter showed that only 758, or 1.8 percent, of their combined workforce of 41,000 employees, were black. And their own research showed that in the majority of tech companies, fewer than five percent of the workforce is black, while at least half of the workforce is white. 
The organization introduced a "digital inclusion" index that is supposed to answer the question: "Are the new job, business and educational opportunities created by increased digitization of our world being equally shared?"
Chaser. [Uber's diversity numbers aren't great, but they're not the worst either — here's how they stack up to other tech giants, Business Insider, 3-28-2017]:
Uber used to be staunchly against releasing its diversity numbers, but the ride-hailing giant has had a change of heart in the last month since the company has been rocked by an investigation into sexual harassment in its workplaces. On Tuesday, the company released its diversity numbers for the first time as part of its plan to rehab its company culture.  
In short, Uber's diversity numbers are not great, but not the worst when compared to industry giants like Facebook, Apple, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft. One glaring problem is the lack of women or underrepresented minorities in tech leadership positions. Nearly 89% of technical directors are male at Uber, and 75% are white.  
"This report is a first step in showing that diversity and inclusion is a priority at Uber," said CEO Travis Kalanick in a statement. "I know that we have been too slow in publishing our numbers — and that the best way to demonstrate our commitment to change is through transparency. And to make progress, it's important we measure what matters." 
Some of America's most important technology companies have shown black labor to be superfluous, boasting market caps in the hundreds of billions without contributions from an "indispensable" racial group the federal government mandates both private and public sector accommodate or face their wrath in court. 

Our present and future is held hostage by the concept of equality, which stipulates only white supremacy (and what this ideology births: structural inequality/implicit bias/white privilege) can be the reason behind low black employment/representation at Google, Facebook, IBM, Apple, Telsa, SpaceX, Pixar, Microsoft, and other technology companies. 

How, oh how, would these companies have ever succeeded without blacks? 


Westminster Dragoon said...

Google, Facebook, IBM, Apple, Telsa, SpaceX, Pixar, Microsoft et al. don't own any tobacco or cotton plantations, do they?

Anonymous said...

They’s bees all workin at NASA.

Anonymous said...

PK, I wish you would put a like button on each post, seems only fit since stats are so important, just sayin!

Anonymous said...

Quite good actually!

Ya think that IQ thingy might just be the problem? Me thinks so.
But maybe there's another reason. Anyone???

Anonymous said...

Off topic for the current post but still pertinent..


Tick tock folks

Anonymous said...

The irony of it all is therein is the problem

Anonymous said...

These companies will pack up and move to Asia if the Afromatve Action demands get too burdensome here.

Anonymous said...

How does Switzerland succeed with so few blacks?

Anonymous said...

I hope a lot of you noticed how weird, bizzare, awkward and out of place the whole (((Make America Horny Again))) campaign that accompanied the Trump sex allegations was.

We are winning.

Bob Smith said...

"put in place safeguards and corporation solutions to make sure minorities don't get left behind in the digital revolution"

They aren't being left behind they can buy the most advanced tech those companies sell anytime they want. There is no "whites only" line for tech.

Since when does being a customer of a company entitle you to a job there? These people are morons if they think using a technological device gives you the skill, or implies you have the intelligence, to work on its design and construction.

Anonymous said...

So many of them never finish school, so the numbers almost match the hiring rate. Should be even lower but I'm sure they had to throw in some tokens.

Anonymous said...

"and 75% are white." So what,Whites still make up the MAJORITY of this country. There is no problem here...But there is a problem here,the NBA was 74.3 percent black during the 2015-16 season and 81.7 percent were people of color. And .. NFL surveys revealed that the league was approximately 68% African-American and about 28% white, with the remaining 4% comprising Asian/Pacific Islander, non-white Hispanics, and those preferring a Mixed Race category.

KeyserSatöshi said...

I've been in IT for over a quarter century now, and have worked in about a half-dozen mid- and large-sized companies. Most of my positions have involved the software development life cycle, and I can honestly say that, throughout all that time, I've yet to come across a competent black developer. I struggle to recall if I've even come across a black developer period.

BTW, I recently read an article online somewhere bemoaning the fact that less than 1% of US Air Force fighter pilots are black, this despite the fact that the USAF is trying so damned hard to "rectify" this "injustice."

Hmm....could there be a connection??

What could it be???

Anonymous said...

No one can say publically that few blacks have the cognitive ability or work ethic for IT. The same goes for Indians from India. Read the linked article and the comments.

These companies are mostly white and Asian. The few black and Indian outliers are already represented.

They often have a well-paid negro executive in charge of "Diversity" and "Inclusion" who supposedly is searching out and recruiting black talent so they can say they are not racist.


Anonymous said...

they have the least number of blacks because they want to succeed as a company. which means they hire the best employees they can find. which means they have the least number of blacks.

Anonymous said...

A candidate should run on a platform of removing every single mention of race in any federal or state law or program. Make everything the govt does race neutral, race blind. If we really are all equal why do we need to have the govt do special things for certain races.

If we AREN'T all equal, let's publicly discuss why. Let's research and discuss the genetics behind all this.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I'm facing a few of these issues as well..

Lily White said...

Oh, come now, Paul. You can hardly expect them to work a full time job in the tech industry while they're so terribly busy being "honna stoonts" who "ain't doin' nothin'," all while "turnin' dey lives around." There are only so many hours in a day, after all!

Anonymous said...

Colored boy logic--"We ook and eek into sail foams, so why come we can't get hired to develop them?"

Yeah, my grandma knew how to change channels on her TV-she should have asked to become an electrical engineer for Motorola......

The trouble with colored boy logic is that it gets listened to. They are what they are, like a spoiled toddler is what it is. No adult in their right mind just mindlessly caters to every whim of a spoiled toddler, but every whim of groids is mindlessly catered to, and have been for 50 years

Of course, no one's stopping these budding geniuses from starting their own company and dazzling us wif dey brilliance. Hewlett-Packard famously was started from a garage in back of a small house. So was Apple.

A lot of these guys running high tech companies are pretty damned savvy in addition to being book smart--they are able to navigate under the PC radar to ensure they hire good candidates--or at least avoid bad ones, and do it in a way that can be justified.

A friend who worked in aviation told me that 9/11, bad as it was, was a long-term Godsend, allowing for tightening up of hiring standards. Just by stepping up background checks and making felonies and serious misdemeanors an obstacle to hiring, with no waivers, due to "national security", it gave cover to companies for rejecting groids and other lowlives, who were being hired for temp/contract jobs (and causing problems, as always).

D-FENS said...

I’m reading that dozens of the caravan of invaders has been let in to the US for asylum hearings.

We obviously are not voting our way out of this.

KeyserSatöshi said...

Another thing to point out: sure Microsoft, Apple, and all sorts of other tech companies can signal and signal and signal about how much they love them some diversity and love black people...

...but, as the saying goes, actions always speak louder than words. So they're just acting like your typical shitlib: preach diversity and how much you love blacks until the sun goes down, but avoid them like the plague, especially after the sun goes down.

Steve Smith said...

Like yourself, I have been in IT for over 20 years. I currently work for a smaller company. We are currently staffing up, and I have been tapped to help with interviews.

Out of the 5 candidates that I have interviewed this past week, 3 were black. None of the 3 could answer even the simplest tech questions. All 3 had a very inflated opinion of themselves and a matching haughty attitude. Needless to say, I didn't recommend any of the 3. I was out voted on all 3.

...time for ME to find a new job.

By the way, out "HR Manager" is black. She also doubles as the receptionist.

Sadly, out tech standards are being dumbed down, much like our educational standards.

Non PC Infidel said...

The last job I had before I retired was as a radiation worker. That too is a field in which one will find almost no blacks. Either they can't pass the background checks to get a government clearance or they can't pass the tests. Their absence in Health Physics is even more noticeable. Can you imagine Trevontis being responsible for using racist math (maff?) to determine the time, distancing and shielding required to protect workers from a radioactive source or even being required to state what kind of personal protective equipment should be worn? The thought is terrifying! Even when working an outage at a nuclear plant and being required to decontaminate a lot of the equipment from the reactor core (camera's and cables) as well as the walls of the core itself~ zero blacks on the crew.

Some jobs are just too dangerous to allow diversity to be represented so they can shuck and jive around de place and feel impawtant and included. They'd wind up getting people killed.

Drew458 said...

My university put the comp sci and engineering students in the same college. There was one pretty blonde girl. There were 2 black guys, one in CS and one in EE. While the EE guy had only average grades, he received offers from every single company he interviewed for. The CS guy never graduated. The pretty blonde married a hunky guy and lived happily ever after, never working a job in her life.

These are hard disciplines. It takes a different kind of mind to be a good engineer, and a different, different kind of mind to be a good programmer. Not that the corporate world has ever understood that, and has done it's best to try and hammer these people into molds that don't fit and force them to meet arbitrary schedules invented by managers who don't have a clue. Plus they change the specs constantly, for which they should burn in hellfire.

Anonymous said...

Hire more blacks to work for tech companies AND ride-sharing companies...WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!

I can’t wait to see the YouTube videos of new black employees brawling in the cafeterias at Google and Apple. Or the news reports detailing the uptick in thefts, sexual assaults and robberies being committed by Uber drivers (whose pictures won’t be shown, of course).

It must suck to be one of these executives having to deal with this BS. They complain because you don’t hire enough blacks, so you do it to appease them. Then when bad behavior goes up and productivity goes down, the same people will be on your ass about that. What can you say at that point? “It’s your fault for making me hire bunch of unqualified blacks!” We know that would go over like a turd in the punch bowl.

Of course, most of these executives are cucked “down with the cause” types to begin with, so I don’t have much sympathy for them when they get eaten by their own. :-)

Antidote said...

I am not being hateful when I say racial equality is bullshit. The Bl@cks are different from the Han from the Caucasoid from the Dravidian from the Australoid. There is no "supremacy" and there is no "hate"----it is simply genetic differences.
The brain of each developed over eons under different conditions and with different genetic input, so each is a biochemical computer with different capacities and functions.
I don't know what the answer is. Maybe these companies could open up job opportunities for those employees who have mucho Ergaster/Erectus "ghosts" in their DNA. Perhaps huge cafeterias could be opened up in the break rooms with such individuals serving as fry cooks, dish washers and even waiters. Maybe live entertainment could be mandated at every break and meal.

Pat Boyle said...

I had lunch with a former employee two days ago. Sam and I always talk about politics but we also discussed "Third Normal Form" (an important principal in data theory). I had mentioned that I had fired both the black programmers I had inherited when I took over the programming staff. I didn't have to tell him because he's an experienced guy - nobody has black programmers. Sam is from Iraq, Kennewit was from Thailand, there was a guy from India, Mike was from Iran, we had two Chinese guys, and two Russians etc, etc, etc. It was a real United Nations kind of shop.

None of this was unusual it had been like that at the several previous Internet start-ups where I worked except the one where all the programmers who worked for me were either Russians or Ukrainians. Programmers (real programmers) come in all varieties. My lead programmer where I knew Sam was of an indeterminate white ethnicity but very gay. The Chinese guys were very good, the Russian guys were not so good, but the blacks were remarkable.

I had taught many computer science classes with hundreds of students and I had seen a couple blacks. But not actual programmers. I had never seen a real black programmer before I was hired at VL and they had two. That's how I knew that they were in real trouble. One was a nice guy the other was mean as a snake. When I fired the nice guy - he thanked me. The nasty one challenged me to fisticuffs.

The nice guy was in agony. When I fired him he was vastly relieved. I had watched him sit a complete eight hour day staring at the computer screen and never touching the keyboard. The had no idea how to program. He had been a set-up guy at a computer learning company. He loaded software at night. Our benighted personnel department was so eager to hire a black they hired him anyway. He couldn't program. It was like the difference between playing the piano and playing the radio.

The other nasty black guy could program - but not well. He could write simple programs in VBScript. But even this elementary technical facility was so unusual that he considered himself a star. No one had ever even heard of a black programmer before. He was a discipline problem. When at his first periodic review I gave this 'tough guy' a minimal bonus - he cried like a baby. He thought he was special. After I got rid of him I turned him in twice to the FBI. He had planted backdoors in the code.

So I understand why Microsoft and Google have very few black employees.


Romneypresident. said...

Equality equals mediocrity. Look at the US Government, 38% Black employees despite only being 13% of the population. Most inefficient business model around. Obama used government jobs as a wealth redistribution scheme.

D-FENS said...

Non PC Infidel - I too worked in the nuclear power industry. I was mostly involved with simulator software/Operator Training. Yes, very few negroes. The one black reactor operator I knew of actually physically resembled Jesse Jackson. But I have to admit he was competent. I am glad that PC was excluded from operator qualifications. Incidentally, nuclear plant operators spend every fifth week back in simulator/classroom training to review procedures, plant modifications etc.

The negroes in engineering and other positions were tokens.

D-FENS said...

Drew458 - There were no negroes in my nuclear engineering classes. The closest to negroes were the numerous Iranians (this was in the late 70s before the Shah was overthrown. Plus some east Asians. The Iranians were a pain in the ass with their dumb questions. To this day, Iranians annoy me though I don’t want to bomb them for Bibi.

Funny thing is that there was a hot blonde in the class. At the time, the male/female ratio was something like 20:1. The “females” usually looked like Rosie O’Donell. Most of the guys looked like “Flounder” from Animal House. She was in one of our lab groups but frankly we carried her. Last I knew, she was in Public Relations. Small world!

Anonymous said...

Very anonymous. I work for a large tech company. Not Google large, but on all the exchanges and known in the tech community.

Our technical roles are 81% white and 12% Asian, with 3% black, 3% Hispanic, and 1% biracial. On all the teams I've worked on, out of hundreds of engineers, I've worked with two black guys, one who was Hispanic, and one who was biracial. They're all smart and excellent at their jobs -- but there are not a lot of them. Even for non-technical roles, that number only bumps up to 4% black and 4% Hispanic.

The way that the company gets around the diversity thing is by focusing on hiring women, promoting LGBT rights, and having tons of lunch-and-learns on "neurodiversity" -- meaning autism spectrum and things like that (which ain't exactly hard to find with engineers).

Deep down, most engineering managers know that you can't hire completely incompetent people and expect to have anything like a competitive product. So, they focus diversity efforts in areas where they're just signaling (neurodiversity and gayness) or by creating non-technical roles for women and minorities.

Gwoobus Harmon said...

What is wrong with these tech companies? It is like they haven't watched TV or something.

Every time I watch a commercial I am bombarded with images of blacks in lab coats running science labs or suited up in lavish offices running large, successful firms. And who could forget the sassy black women who put incompetent white dudes on the moon? Or the amazingly high tech nation of Wakanda?

Surely there would be an all black tech company who could take advantage of this situation by having a monopoly on all of this black talent that the racist, backwards companies are not making use of.

Either that or it simply doesn't exist and pop culture's insistence of inserting these images is a subversive fantasy.

I am actually surprised that there is not organized black pushback against these commercials. Is there anything more exploitative and a big middle finger to black America than being used as props to sell luxury goods, retirement packages, and life insurance to whites --- while the lived average black reality is so far removed from the upper class lifestyles depicted? If I were black, I would hate seeing that on the TV all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Let's see the diversity numbers for these news companies.

Break out the data for the technical positions.

How many Blacks are on the boards?

Anonymous said...

Deep down, most engineering managers know that you can't hire completely incompetent people and expect to have anything like a competitive product.

This is why in areas like marketing and sales they are pressured to hire as many non-Whites as possible.

The result is that talented White marketers and salesmen are passed over in the name of diversity.

But more Whites are realizing that half of these jobs are basically slavery. Making six figures doesn't mean much when you spend 60 hours a week in a cubicle and traffic. Then on top of it you have to deal with reality-resenting morons all day. Better off in a small rural area making 50k.

Anonymous said...

Surely there would be an all black tech company who could take advantage of this situation by having a monopoly on all of this black talent that the racist, backwards companies are not making use of.

This is what I have always wondered. Wouldn't there be a massive investment potential if liberal theories are true? Why are wealthy liberals not investing their own money? In fact it should only be a matter of time before African countries create their own tech giants and show the WAYCISTS how stupid they are.

Or the alternative is that the entire system is lying to us and not actually interested in studying the full complexity of racial inequality.

D-FENS said...

“I am actually surprised that there is not organized black pushback against these commercials.”

The negroes have internalized all the product placement in movies and commercials to the point where most actually believe the myth. Combined with their mental/psychological limitations, that is a good part of the reason they are so out of control and dysfunctional.

Mr. Rational said...

Some of America's most important technology companies have shown black labor to be superfluous

I think you mis-spelled "oxymoronic".  <VERY big grin>

I second Pat's appraisal of Black technical capabilities.  Despite having them on various teams and groups I've been in, I have never been at a code review of anything written by a Black.  There was one guy who helped me get up to speed on a simulator once.  He was Kenyan, not Af-Am.  The Af-Am guy in the same team had a highfalutin' job description and spent lots of time at the keyboard, but in more than half a year I never saw a thing with his name on it.

Anonymous said...

diversity is obamas greatest strength--AA got him to where he is.

D-FENS said...

The president of the university I attended received the first PhD in physics from MIT. So, even accounting for AA, she is definitely one of the “talented tenth”. Yet she has run the university into the ground to the point where only 9% of alumni donate to the school and several have mentioned that they steer potential students away from the school. The Board of Trustees are afraid to terminate her because racial grievances are central to her career and she would no doubt cry racism. I suppose they could buy out her contract but she has run the school’s credit rating into the ground as well.

Unknown said...

The second a company stops hiring based on qualifications and starts hiring based on completely irrelevant criteria (race, sex, etc...) is the second that marks the beginning of the end of that company.

Why none of these companies don't stand up and say, "Look, we hire the best and most qualified applicants we can find that also have the best chance of helping our company succeed. We don't give a crap about their skin color, sex, or whatever. If you want to start a company that hires based on attributes that have nothing to do with your product and have no bearing on your success, go right ahead", is beyond me.

It'a friggin' common sense.

Pat Boyle said...


If there are a few more breakthroughs in the ongoing genetic revolution it may be that blacks might overnight close at least some of the mental ability gap. Were that to happen I would take back everything I ever wrote about black inferiority. That would mean blacks in real life were suddenly like blacks in TV commercials.

I never thought that was likely because IQ like height is polygenic. There is not one single SNP that determines if you are smart or dumb (or tall or short). You can tell that its polygenic because it follows a Gaussian or normal distribution. Single SNP attributes like Huntington's Chorea have a rectangular distribution.

But there is the possibility that the microcephalin gene is responsible for a lot of the black/white IQ difference. For this to be true requires a couple other things to also be true.

Microcephalin may have been a intrusion in the non-African genome from the Neanderthals. Neanderthals had bigger brains, if probably less otherwise less evolved brains. It could be that when Homo Sapiens interbred with Neanderthals they picked up this one gene. I don't know if this is true but we will know soon.


It could also be that IQ is to a first approximation a result of the bigger brain that this gene imparts. Whites and East Asians have bigger brains and higher IQs than sub-Saharan Africans. These of course have Neanderthal admixture and sub-Saharan blacks do not.We know there are some brain micro-anatomy differences with the high IQ Ashkenazi Jews that are independent of gross brain size. We also know that brain size correlates about .40 with IQ. If we could grow the brains of blacks maybe they would get smarter.

Microcephalin (MCPH1) also may be responsible for the much less frequent myopia of blacks. The bigger skull seems to go with bigger eyes (or eye sockets) and big eyes don't focus properly. If all this is true that's why smart guys from the smart races often wear glasses, like the caricature of the Japanese in the WWII Hollywood propaganda movies.

Maybe CHISPER or some similar technology might be able to introduce this gene into blacks and it might make a difference - i.e. their brains would grow. But black behavioral deficits are certainly greater than just IQ. We'll see.


chattanooga gal said...

"sexual assaults and robberies being committed by Uber drivers (whose pictures won’t be shown, of course). "
I think that has already happened recently.

Anonymous said...

What these black special interest organizations fail to see is that simply USING an electronic or computer device has NO bearing on whether someone is capable of creating, programming or repairing that device. That's like saying, just because a lot of blacks drive cars, there should be more black automotive engineers and mechanics.

Anonymous said...

If there are a few more breakthroughs in the ongoing genetic revolution it may be that blacks might overnight close at least some of the mental ability gap.

The main problem would be wide scale application if you are talking gene therapy. The costs simply haven't scaled down as it was expected they would. Even zygote selection is still cost prohibitive and that has been around for decades.

It would also require liberals to admit they have been either wrong or lying (obviously the latter) this whole time and all the departments they dominate are basically bullshit. Add at least 5 years for them to come around if not 10.

The only way to boost their brains on a wide scale level would be to do it the old fashioned way which is artificial insemination. Liberals and Christians would NEVER go for anything of the like as part of a public policy. But behind the scenes I have no doubt that urban liberal politicians are hoping they breed with Hispanics. I believe a lot of Christians and conservatives also support race mixing as a final hope for the mess we are in.

The bigger skull seems to go with bigger eyes (or eye sockets) and big eyes don't focus properly. If all this is true that's why smart guys from the smart races often wear glasses

That stereotype comes from bookworms and introverts spending too much time indoors as children which then prevents them from exercising their eyesight. Studies have shown that there are a lot more secretly smart jocks (which requires good eyesight) than everyone assumes. Europeans were hunters for thousands of years, the poor eyesight phenomenon is rather recent.

Anonymous said...

If there are a few more breakthroughs in the ongoing genetic revolution it may be that blacks might overnight close at least some of the mental ability gap.

The main problem would be wide scale application if you are talking gene therapy. The costs simply haven't scaled down as it was expected they would. Even zygote selection is still cost prohibitive and that has been around for decades.

It would also require liberals to admit they have been either wrong or lying (obviously the latter) this whole time and all the departments they dominate are basically bullshit. Add at least 5 years for them to come around if not 10. So probably 15 years at the earliest and by then we will already have the Africa population bomb problem. So I don't see much hope in genetics because we are going to have millions of Africans in boats invading Europe well before then.

The only way to boost their brains on a wide scale level would be to do it the old fashioned way which is artificial insemination. Liberals and Christians would NEVER go for anything of the like as part of a public policy. But behind the scenes I have no doubt that urban liberal politicians are hoping they breed with Hispanics. I believe a lot of Christians and conservatives also support race mixing as a crude solution even if it means lowered standards.

The bigger skull seems to go with bigger eyes (or eye sockets) and big eyes don't focus properly. If all this is true that's why smart guys from the smart races often wear glasses

That stereotype comes from bookworms and introverts spending too much time indoors as children which then prevents them from exercising their eyesight. Europeans were hunters for thousands of years, the poor eyesight phenomenon is rather recent.

Anonymous said...

I own a Swiss watch and I'm still perplexed at how those delicate working parts inside could have been made without black labor.

Anonymous said...

What you are saying is blacks are better suited for jobs that require physical labor, exactly why they were brought to this country in the first place.

D-FENS said...

Pat, it is far more than low IQ that makes negroes a menace by their presence. The violence, lack of impulse control for example. Then there is the fact that they are physically repelling to most non-blacks (but not as repelling as Australian abos).

It would take so much genetic re-engineering that we might as well stick with what works. It’s not as though there is a shortage of humans, or at least hominids on the planet.

Anonymous said...

I believe you mean CRISPR, not CHISPER.

Anonymous said...

Allow me to give another explanation for this, from above since I'm in the business:

"The bigger skull seems to go with bigger eyes (or eye sockets) and big eyes don't focus properly. If all this is true that's why smart guys from the smart races often wear glasses
That stereotype comes from bookworms and introverts spending too much time indoors as children which then prevents them from exercising their eyesight. Europeans were hunters for thousands of years, the poor eyesight phenomenon is rather recent."

Wrong on all counts.

Up until about 100 years ago, "we" were all far-sighted (you see best at distance) or neutral, (no need for any type of glasses for all of us under 40 years of age). Very few people were nearsighted and they ended having a nice life copying manuscripts.

So, why all the Near Sightedness (you can't see far well, but can see close without having to focus). Simple

1) Change in Diet
2) Change in the demands we put on our eyes (reading, which is entirely un-natural)

Let's take the big one: Diet. This includes everything from depletion of most nutrients from our over-farmed soils, genetic alterations of every single land plant we eat.....(not a single thing we eat today is what our species developed on), processing of what we do eat, our dependence on basically 9 plants for everything we anti-nutrients like alcohol, spices, herbs, strange new things like tropical fruits, New World plants not adaptable to Europeans (potatoes, tomatoes, corn, etc.)

A laughable example: Remember that phrase, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?". Well, today, due to the 500 years of breeding out all bitterness (the minerals and vitamins), the breeding out any "pulp" or thick skin (fiber, etc.) and the breeding in more SUGARS, so people will buy them and kids will eat them, the phrase is now: "9 Apples a day keeps the doctor away" since that is how many you have to eat to get the nutrition form just one REAL apple....and, as you eat all 9, you develop diabetes, tooth decay, bone decay and......and......near-sightedness (since we FORCE kids to read books - totally un-natural).

Then, our designer plants are processed, like wheat & corn & oats to be TOTALLY abnormal.

The original wheat had something like 12,000 genes while today there are up to 45,000 genes and something like 10,000 different designer "wheats". One for Duncan Donuts, Dominoes wants a certain wheat, bagels have special needs, Wheat Cereals that don't get soggy fast, etc., but while all these varieties of "wheat" were being developed NOBODY GAVE A DAMN what it does to makes us sick, it kills us, it caused Diabetes, it causes Alzheimers, it causes cancer, depression...and near-sightedness.....

I'll continue Part 2 latter.

I Invented Flying Pyramids said...

You know I was just saying to myself the other day, How ON EARTH do these companies succeed without Tyrone, Shaniqua, and Shitavious offering their fountains of wisdom? Why, they could suggest grape drank and chitlins for the break room!


It is IMPERATIVE that All of us boycott Dickhead Sporting Goods.

We need to encourage every single gun manufacturer and ammo maker to abandon dickhead sporting dump.

Do all your shopping ONLY at Bass Pro and other Pro White stores. Remember, an attack on the NRA, 2nd Amendment and/or guns is a direct attack on the White Race.

First they will go for the guns, then for us.

SO, boycott Dickhead and contact other gun companies to stop doing business with dicks.

Anonymous said...

How about this? A presidential candidate runs on platform of making any discussion of "race" illegal?

You can't mention it amongst friends, in articles, on TV, in Congress, etc etc. You simply can't mention race or write about it. If you do automatic 25 years in prison, hard labor.

What do you think that would do to our society? Imagine all the whining about race that would end.

Could we rebuild our Human society if nobody is allowed to talk about, and then create laws, quotas, lawsuits, etc, about race?

Interesting thought experiment.

Maybe we should try it...?

rex freeway said...

Successful businesses have no place for the village idiot race known as the Negro. Other than janitorial work, what can they do? You have to graduate High school or GED to start with. Most cannot pass this basic step.

Anonymous said...

Not, having black employees, is HOW they have succeeded. It’s that simple.

Sam said...

I worked almost 30 years as a machinist. I started out on conventional equipment, and then got into NC and CAD/CAM, which I really enjoyed. Fortunately for me I did not get locked into long-run repetitive production work, mostly R&D/prototype and manufacturing support. Really enjoyed R&D/prototype work. We had to interface with designers and engineers on many projects. Sometimes a designer or engineer would come to us with a problem, and left it to us to design and figure out a solution. Sometimes it would be frustrating, but overall very satisfying. Of all the places I worked I NEVER saw a black machinist. Plenty of Asians, and some Mestizos, but no blacks. Guess dem numbers and all dat maff don't work very well for them.

One place I worked at the company took on a black engineer. Don't remember if he was EE or ME. Didn't see much from him. I almost felt sorry for the guy. He looked so out of his element. About the only time we saw him was when he would hit the vending machine for a Moon Pie, so.....that is what we nicknamed him, Moon Pie.

Mr. Rational said...

The main problem would be wide scale application if you are talking gene therapy. The costs simply haven't scaled down as it was expected they would.

It'll always be more expensive than outright gene replacement and not work out as well.  A slightly-modified African will still be African.

It would also require liberals to admit they have been either wrong or lying

No, you just subvert their propaganda.  "If there's no real difference, then Africans having White babies will eliminate all effects of racism in just ONE generation!"

The only way to boost their brains on a wide scale level would be to do it the old fashioned way which is artificial insemination.

Halfricans are still Halfricans, like Zero.  Donated embryos would replace 100% of the African genome and all its deficiencies, and liberals would be caught in their "we're all equal" trap if they objected.  Replace a billion Africans with a billion English, Germans, French, Polish, real Americans... and watch Africa attain its full potential in one generation.

Of course, we should do it in the Western hemisphere first.

Anonymous said...

Spot on.

Inquisitor said...

It's such horseshit the stuff Trump is peddling saying negro unemployment is so low. They just stopped reporting or bennies dried up. Real unemployment overall is probably still around 15% and negro unemployment is probably twice that at least.

Stumbling blind mother said...

This will sound hyperbolic, but I’m in Southern California, so it should add a bit to the veracity of my story:

Several years ago, I was considering a career switch and I applied for a library position at a local school. Now, I have a Master’s degree, I worked in a library for work-study in graduate school and I am attractive and well-spoken. My interview for this library position was with a mestizo female and a black female. Needless to say, I didn’t make it to the next round of interviews, but I have a relative who works for the school. Guess who the job went to?

A black former Wendy’s security guard.

D is for depressing said...

In short, Uber's diversity numbers are not great

Good. Can you imagine a black driving an Uber picking you up and proceeding to rape and rob you.

minorities don't get left behind in the digital revolution.

What is he talking about? Blacks are not being left behind. At the first sign of a beat down, they're the first to pull out dey sail foams to shoot and upload to WSHH. They also use Twitter/Facebook to organize flash mobs.

boasting market caps in the hundreds of billions without contributions from an "indispensable"

The reason why they have market capitalizations in the billions of dollars is because of the absence of blacks. Can you imagine a black writing iOS? The thing will crash at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we all already know the answer but still I'll ask: in what neighborhood would a Wendy's need a freakin' security guard lol

Anonymous said...

Do all your shopping ONLY at Bass Pro and other Pro White stores. Remember, an attack on the NRA, 2nd Amendment and/or guns is a direct attack on the White Race.

First they will go for the guns, then for us.

What the Dick's CEO doesn't get is that they won't stop with AR-15s. He means well but doesn't understand the liberal mind.

If they ban AR-15s then shooters will switch to handguns and semi-auto shotguns. Semi-auto duck guns will be demonized by the media as unnecessary. They will point to Britain and tell us that we only need break open shotguns.

Anonymous said...

The original wheat had something like 12,000 genes while today there are up to 45,000 genes and something like 10,000 different designer "wheats". One for Duncan Donuts, Dominoes wants a certain wheat, bagels have special needs, Wheat Cereals that don't get soggy fast, etc., but while all these varieties of "wheat" were being developed NOBODY GAVE A DAMN what it does to makes us sick, it kills us, it caused Diabetes, it causes Alzheimers, it causes cancer, depression...and near-sightedness.....

Diet is not the cause of nearsightedness. Modern diets are still better than what a lot of pioneers ate because we aren't vitamin deficient. I'm not a fan of GMO wheat or all the chemicals put in food to make it shiny and preserved but vitamin deficiency was once a much bigger problem, especially for pregnant women. It's a myth that the pioneers always had a healthy and balanced diet.

Anonymous said...

It's such horseshit the stuff Trump is peddling saying negro unemployment is so low. They just stopped reporting or bennies dried up. Real unemployment overall is probably still around 15% and negro unemployment is probably twice that at least.

Unemployment is low compared to 2007 but the numbers are definitely fluffed. If someone looks for a job and then gives up they are no longer unemployed according to the government. Funny that.

The numbers also don't measure underemployed. So all the 33 hour a week service jobs that have been created since the 90s count as employment.

It also doesn't include Whites that are unemployed but don't file.

It's a joke of a definition but no President is going to propose changing it to something more realistic.

But I would also guess it to be closer to around 15 or 20% and has never been in single digits.

Anonymous said...

It would also require liberals to admit they have been either wrong or lying

No, you just subvert their propaganda. "If there's no real difference, then Africans having White babies will eliminate all effects of racism in just ONE generation!"

What I am saying is that liberals would have to admit they are wrong or lying to even support some type of government insemination program. Liberalism is based on the idea that race doesn't exist. If race doesn't exist then such a program isn't needed. If everything is environmental then such a program would be a colossal waste of money and "ignorant" according to liberal theory. They can't just reverse 180 and say well maybe we need to change their genetics.

Halfricans are still Halfricans, like Zero.

I get your point but you could easily cut their crime and welfare rates with such a program. Not saying I am for it or see it as the ideal outcome. I'm just saying it would work if those were the goals and it is technically feasible unlike gene therapy.

Anonymous said...

Most mass-shootings in this country are done with handguns anyway. Assuming a potential shooter couldn’t get a rifle on the black market (there are a shit-ton of them out there), he’d just use a handgun or shotgun. Most mass-shooters choose those anyway, even without a rifle ban.

You’re right about Britain being the endgame. They incrementally banned guns until virtually nothing was left. It hasn’t stopped crime (or even mass-shootings) there, but it has had effect of making the law-abiding populace compliant and docile. Once the people no longer had the means to resist (and had shown themselves to be compliant by their acquiescence to being disarmed), the government became bolder. Revocation of double-jeopardy protection, restrictions on free speech, etc. The British have become so cucked that they now look the other way while 7th Century savages rape and molest their women and girls wholesale...

This stuff went on for years. The only people who were initially arrested were angry fathers who confronted the rapists and a right-wing politician who tried to sound the alarm...

This is the direction the Left wants to take America.

Not on my watch...

Stay safe. Stay alert. And keep your powder dry...

AnalogMan said...

Bastion Harm said...

... I've yet to come across a competent black developer. I struggle to recall if I've even come across a black developer period.

I've had similar experience in South Africa. I've only ever worked in one IT shop that had a black programmer. I never had any contact with him, so I can't comment on his work, but if he had been any good I'm pretty sure I'd have heard of it, precisely because that would have been remarkable.

Back in the 1980s the Computer Society of SA had a project to recruit and train black programmers. It couldn't be done. With a pool of millions to choose from, they couldn't find significant numbers who could pass the 3-4 month course. They just don't have the intellect to grasp the concepts. They tried bridging courses, they tried "culturally appropriate" courses, nothing worked. Naturally.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: my ex was a EE working at a world renown chemical company. she had a co-worker named Tony. one hell of an engineer and a good guy. very funny with a quick wit and a sharp tongue when required. Tony was given a large project and a new black woman engineer who was supposed to help. She was assigned a portion of the project to complete. this included pricing, drawings, bids, vetting contractors and subs. As this project progressive, Monique did nothing. stroll around gawking at reactors and piping all the while wondering what to do. Tony realized they were failing behind and were going to stall and his butt was on the line. he also knew Monique was on the fast track for promotion for die-versity. so he quickly got the team to complete Monique's part of the project. it completed on time. Tony gave her an outstanding review and recommended her for a promotion to some other poor soul. ex and I spent quite a time listening to him recount his adventure.

Anonymous said...

“Da first watch wuz made by brothas in Wakanda. Cave Whitey stole dat too. Nome sane?”

Anonymous said...

After listening to blacks speak, using words like ax and never conjugating verbs, I ask myself would I ever hire one of these illiterate morons. Imagine having one working next to you at google or microsoft! They are simply retarded or ignorant in the extreme.

Anonymous said...

From Above:


"Cavemen", etc and thousands of years of tool creating, cutting, sewing, etc did not create nearsightedness. We have the ability to focus for all actions within the range/use of our hands. This never goes away until you reach around 40, and THAT is because you are supposed to be dead by the time you are 40.

The human/hominid/hominin body was designed for about 35 years. After that, well, Nature/God has no use for you since your children have reached adult hood. Die.

The increase of reading, etc HAS been detrimental to the human eye since it is both un-natural and damaging, but the damage needs to have another factor....lack of the nutrients to prevent the "stretching" you mention above.

There are other interesting causes of near-sighted-nes, that being the eye/brain reaction to 3rd and 4th Order spherical and chromatic aberrations caused by the effects of near focusing on the retina, which is different from distance focus. But, that is another topic for which you will have to go to college for, like I did.

Where does the "white of the eye" come from? Basically Calcium. So where did all the calcium go? It was taken OUT of the foods we eat (too bitter) and replaced with sweet sugars. Then we go and eat huge quantities of refined cane sugar. How is sugar metabolized? By using up the body's sources of Calcium (and other minerals, but I am trying to keep this simple). Where does the calcium come from since the soil, food, diet is depleted? From your bones and teeth....and any other place....the "white of your eyes"....

Refined sugar does not come along with the nutrients needed to metabolize it. The original sugar cane did, but the refinement, beginning in the 1700's, to supply the European "tea" market, etc. removed all of it.

Pure sugar is a slow acting poison and kills you by causing malnutrition...and eventually diabetes, gangrene, Alzheimer's, strokes, depression, high blood pressure, and every other modern affliction, combined with modern grains....etc.

This topic is MORE involved than what I am saying, but you get the idea.

1) Depleted Soil
2) Un-natural "food"
3) Un-natural refinement of this "non-food"
4) Addition of sugar, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, coca, milk from another species, etc. etc. etc. that we were NEVER designed to ingest....and a lot more
5) Reading/Writing/Computers/Cell phones.

It is a multi-factorial decay of your body. Since it involves so many pathways, it gives great cover for the food industrial - FDA - Complex to pass the buck and blame others and to make people like me look the fool.

Just list this with other government-societal lies like: Equality, Global Warming, Religion, Autism, Floride, Federal Reserve get the picture.

You are being farmed.

Anonymous said...

Don't be overly enthralled with Tesla. The company has been burning through cash and is likely to crash and burn within a few months. See the grim details at:

A company can be wise in having very limited groid infestation but still have no financial sense.

Ohio Machinist said...

We have like maybe 10-12 Blacks in our entire plant . They are the worst Machinists I have ever seen . There's probably 300 or more workers on both shifts . One was fired this weekend I found out , for stealing scrap , bar-ends . Aluminum and Bronze . His shitbox car was full of them . He worked there for 7 years . Lord knows how much the monkey stole from the company and other co-workers . They are openly resented and hopefully will all retire or transfer to one of the nog-infested plants .

Basic Math Skills , forget about it . These muh diks need a calculator to figure out where and when to take a shit . I refuse to talk to any of them ,as they look for Liberal , Whitey they can exploit .

NoWatermelonFoYou said...

Its interesting that the people commenting here seem to take the side of the corporations,most of whom are our enemies! They employ white men far less than our abilities would indicate. They are very prejudiced against us. Just read up on the Damore case. They are infested with anti-white feeling,even as they use white men to stay afloat. I know we all resent AA,but in the case of a Google or an Apple,to take the two most obnoxious corporate pigs,I say,"Bring it on!"

The idea of Google being forced to hire blacks to do complex coding is hilarious! I am all for it. And it benefits us too,as they will have to hire more white men to ride herd on,and fix the work of,the negro geniuses.

Can you imagine DeShaun,LaQueneesha etc.,on the engineering team for Apples latest project? I would love to see the PC assholes push this good and hard. Da black mayne bin leff behine in da digital divide!!

Google should be forced to hire half of their new engineers and coders,etc,from the Buhlack community! Dey be rayciss!!!

Anonymous said...

Quite a few brilliant and knowledgeable commenters on this site. I’m asking this question in all seriousness. Since the topic has to do with hiring and promoting blacks based on numbers, does anyone really know if obama was an affirmative action student? I’ve often wondered how he got to the ivy's. Does anyone have knowledge of this being tokenism or A.A.?

Mr. Rational said...

people commenting here seem to take the side of the corporations,most of whom are our enemies! They employ white men far less than our abilities would indicate.

In the defense of sensible corporations, they're forced to by EEO and "disparate impact" law.  Basically, any test for employment which doesn't qualify Blacks at 80% of the rate that Whites qualify at is illegal discrimination.  Doesn't matter if it's insane NOT to discriminate, it's illegal.

This is one of the poisonous fruits of PJT, aka "blank slate" theory.  It's flat wrong, but in many areas we are required by law to act as if it's true.

Mr. Rational said...

Since the topic has to do with hiring and promoting blacks based on numbers, does anyone really know if obama was an affirmative action student?

He somehow got to be president of the Harvard Law Review but never wrote anything for it.  That says all that needs to be said about his actual abilities.

Anonymous said...

In short, the operating system they are running isn't up to snuff but it doesn't matter because we can't upgrade their hardware... Is this what it boils down to?

djf said...

re: Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Ca-existing owners to sell their weapons or face prosecution

Question: What is ex post facto?

Answer: ex post facto law definition. A law that makes illegal an act that was legal when committed, increases the penalties for an infraction after it has been committed, or changes the rules of evidence to make conviction easier. The Constitution prohibits the making of ex post facto law.

Detroit Refugee said...

Send your blacks to FRAP. Our Trim/Final Assembly aka "The Jungle" keeps losing them to the many issues plaguing the hood. A couple yrs back we lost something like 60 at one time. Mostly attendance and failing drug tests. We've had the occasional theft too, the big no no is violence though.

Brian in Ohio said...

Technology has progressed at an unbelievable rate in the past 70 years. Faster than at any time in human history.

Previously menial, repetitive tasks that a negro could be trained to do, perhaps competently, but never efficiently, have become highly complex with robots taking over most of the precise work. Have you seen a modern car assembly line? You couldn`t honestly expect an 80IQ black to perform, let alone not get themselves killed or maimed in such an environment.

Hell, even fast food workers are being replaced by robots.

The modern Western world will simply run out of things that blacks can do.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rational said...
"He somehow got to be president of the Harvard Law Review but never wrote anything for it."

Actually, he did write one "rebuttal" in the Law Review to an Asian student arguing against affirmative action admissions (you can find it online if google et al haven't made it too hard to search for it). It could be the only thing that he's actually written himself that's available to the public. Bad grammar and sloppy prose aside, in his article, Obama openly admits that he, the president of the Harvard Law Review, was himself the beneficiary of affirmative action throughout his academic career and that it produces positive results.

And that confirms why all his grades and test scores have been meticulously hidden from the public all these years.

Anonymous said...

Steve Sailer has pointed out H1B visas drive down wages, so blacks smart enough to get hired at tech companies work on Wall Street instead.

Anonymous said...

To D-FENS at 10:59 AM May 4, 2018

So you graduated from Renssellaer? In what subject and what year?

I did not attend nor graduate from there but I have genetically related people who did.

Anonymous said...

To all who replied concerning Obama’s admissions to Ivy League schools, thank you. Never knew exactly how he got to the top of the heap. Now, I do. Explains a lot.

Stumbling blind mother said...

The school, and the aforementioned Wendy’s, was in a very “diverse” area. 😂😂

Anonymous said...

I had noticed it a few years ago - where ever you went the blacks were glued to their mobile devices like no other. These people couldnt so much as fart without having their phone with them. As I said to my brother - these people are great users of technology that they could NEVER create. The same thing applies to cars, running water, electricity, heat, air condition and pretty much every other thing in modern society. Yet we are told over and over that it is whites holding them back. If it wasnt for whites they would be living in mud huts in Africa.

I have been in the technology sector since 1990. Have multiple degrees in engineering. Ask me how many blacks I have encountered in the technology space in 28 years? SEVEN, thats right SEVEN in 28 YEARS. Ask me how blacks I encountered in the engineering program in college? NONE. And the ones I encountered were hardly brilliant. Average is about it. No rocket scientists sending men to the moon. Oh I forgot, blacks are the reason we went to the moon. It wasnt the Nazis that we brought over from Germany after the war. It was the blacks.

Unknown said...

Our present and future is held hostage by the concept of equality, which stipulates only white supremacy (and what this ideology births: structural inequality/implicit bias/white privilege) can be the reason behind low black employment/representation

I'd suggest that lack of interest on the part of Blacks is the real cause. They're simply not interested in the same things as Whites and Asians. They're just not interested in the technical trades and skilled professions. Or much else, beyond a few limited things.

Anonymous said...

Bigger brain in small capacity skull, yeah it worked great when the German’s bred Dobermans that way.