Early this year, we saw a black career criminal charged with murdering a white World War II veteran bring up implicit bias and white privilege in his defense trial.
Had he waited a few years to commit this murder, he may have found a sympathetic jury truly woke to the reality of implicit bias (IB), which could some day see state sanctioned executions of those harboring incurable levels of IB.
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"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a black woman yelling at a white male - forever." |
That's the direction we are headed. [NAACP Goes Big Brother: What We Need Is Mandatory Implicit Bias Testing, Hot Air, May 9, 2018]:
NAACP President Derrick Johnson wrote a piece for USAToday yesterday announcing that his organization was calling for mandatory implicit bias testing for all public officials. Implicit bias testing is a method which claims to be able to detect subconscious bias within individuals’ thought processes (more on that in a moment). While Johnson didn’t call for mandatory testing of everyone, he thinks testing everyone is a good idea.
"Everyone should get tested for implicit bias, and if you’re a public official or receiving public dollars — it should be mandatory. It’s just a matter of time before another black person is abused, arrested, or shot dead for flying, golfing, driving, walking or drinking coffee “while black.”…
While the United States has a very long history with explicit bias and state-sponsored racism, we are only partially committed to believing the extent to which our internal biases impacts us subconsciously. We are unable to grasp that implicit bias functions like a powdered drug stirred into our societal drink and continuously seeping out our societal pores, ranging from law enforcement to education to religion, entertainment and media. It’s like our shadow and travels with all of us everywhere we go, regardless of our self-proclaimed objectivity or colorblindness…The NAACP is calling for an expansion of the movement to demand mandatory testing for implicit bias, particularly for officials paid with public dollars. For major corporations, implicit bias training must become a part of corporate responsibility rather than always as a response to video-taped intolerance.
This is the beginning of a movement designed to awaken the soul of our nation in ways that not only make us better people, but also a society where we are both accountable for what we know as well as what we are unaware of. "
Specifically, Johnson recommends people take (and be forced to take) the Harvard implicit association test (IAT) which is available online.Conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats are subservient to the concept of egalitarianism, basing social policies on if they are sufficiently observant of this morality.
Conservatives and Republicans don't possess the vocabulary to provide any shelter from the horror of state-mandated IB testing, with a compliant private sector ready and willing to borrow from the NAACP and explicitly advocate exclusively for the advancement of colored people.
And, of course, I'm sure that sacred negroes (who are angelic beings) would never have any kind of implicit bias and are exempt from such tests or requirements. They're moral giants who must show everyone else (especially debased and horrible whitey)the way. Puke. From "We Be Kangs!" to "We Be Saints!"
Careful, negroes. Those mile high pedestals you're trying to place yourselves upon can result in altitude sickness and severe nose bleeds. Oh- and don't get dizzy from your high perch above the rest of the world and lose your footing- it's a long way down.
"It’s just a matter of time before another black person is abused, arrested, or shot dead for flying, golfing, driving, walking or drinking coffee “while black.”"
Give me one example in the past 5 years where that has happened where the black person in question didn't do something to initiate the episode.
"Flying"? Argumentative black woman refusing to comply with flight safety instructions and who is abusive to staff and fellow patrons gets kicked off plane.
"Driving"? Argumentative black pulled over for a gross traffic violation refuses to comply with officers instructions and reaches for something out of sight gets shot.
"Walking"? Gentle Giant walking in middle of street after robbing convenience store refuses to follow officer's orders to get out of the street, fights officer, tries to take officer's gun, and gets shot.
"Drinking coffee"? Argumentative blacks loitering in starbucks refuse to buy anything and refuse to leave have cops called on them.
"Golfing"? Black man cheats on wife, gets into drug-fueled argument, crashes car leaving the house and cops are called on him.
Breaking news! Breaking news! Read all about it!
NAAWP Calls for Mandating the Testing of Low IQ of Blacks (While Explicitly Advocating Exclusively for the Advancement of White People)
I'd love to see THAT headline!
"That's the direction we are headed. [NAACP Goes Big Brother: What We Need Is Mandatory Implicit Bias Testing, Hot Air, May 9, 2018]"
Uuhhh... Shouldn't that read, "NAACP Goes Big Brutha"?
Since the “pezdent” we know hasn’t thought this through because he has a low IQ and poor future time orientation he missed something important.
If this Marxism loyalty test is ever implemented all of the bucks and sows on welfare have to take it too. And we all know how biased they are. Negro public officials not biased? Let’s not forget that for some ungodly reason the NAACP gets tax dollars. It negroes weren’t so dangerous and detrimental to property values they’d be worth having around for the entertainment they provide.
"Everyone should get tested for implicit bias, and if you’re a public official or receiving public dollars — it should be mandatory. It’s just a matter of time before another black person is abused, arrested, or shot dead for flying, golfing, driving, walking or drinking coffee “while black.”…
Implicit Bias Testing for people recieving public dollars? I'll bite! What about people recieving welfare benefits, food stamps, participants in school feeding programs? My biased parents worked their asses off and when I went to elementary skoo (90%+ black) the only black kids who weren't on free/reduced lunch were the two blacks from my neighborhood!
"Drinking coffee while black"! Ha, ha, ha! There's a lot of white people who would be guilty of that particular charge! Eugene Detweiler-Rossiter, I find you guilty of drinking coffee while black! When you are released you are hereby to drink coffee only with cream and/or sugar!
"This is the beginning of a movement designed to awaken the soul of our nation in ways that not only make us better people, but also a society where we are both accountable for what we know as well as what we are unaware of. "
How about starting up a movement designed to see if black people have souls and to see if they can be made into better people capable of understanding they may hold society to account bit they must put themselves into subjection to that same society.
They want "testing", that will surely show that all blacks failures are the result of racism, and not their own stupidity.
This reminds me of how they screamed for body cameras on police, that would surely show how racist, and unfairly targeting blacks they were.
But when they revealed the god awful amount of TNB and bullshit the police had to endure, and in most cases actually HELPED the cops when accused of racism, they screeched that the cameras "violated dey rights".
So bring on the tests. And when they show that whites in business`, and especially government, bend over fucking backwards to try and appease blacks, look the other way for TNB that would get a white fired, and even tolerate small levels of theft, all to avoid a workplace chimpout, because diversity. Then what?
When it shows they are coddled like no other race, and still fail, then what?
"Mo dem programs" would be my guess.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Always demanding something more (which they never earned). Always mewling about their oppression and how awful de white folk be treating them. Never once having enough sense to wonder why we don't want to be around them. I've got negro fatigue in a bad way and now freely admit it to anybody who will listen.
OT: Looking for a new home. Saw a lovely house in a neighborhood we liked on the internet. It was beautiful! cathedral ceilings, fireplace, gorgeous backyard for entertaining, just the right size, even had a pool. I showed it to hubby and we made an appointment with our realtor to go see it tomorrow. We decided to check it out before tomorrow's appointment and drove by and parked. A sudden appearance outside by the next-door neighbors deadened all enthusiasm: sullen-faced negro sow and Lil' Shitavious, who looked about 4. I thought I was going to puke. Hubby's comment was "...probably why the place is for sale."
Exactly. Let’s cut a deal, we’ll agree to implicit bias testing as a condition of employment as long IQ testing is also a condition of employment.
Well golly I am biased against blacks, in general. While I have met a handful of really nice ones (except for their insistence on what their kids might leave them money-wise instead of loving them for being their offspring) I have found the rest to be belligerent, with a short fuse and a low IQ. Also much fatness and a huge interest in all things shiny and possessing a materialistic viewpoint and an inflated view of themselves. They seem to be stuck on Maslow's lowest step. Which is fine as they are completely different than other races but I don't think we'll ever be compatible with them and so the current paradigm of forcing us to mesh in a compatible way will always fail. Just as it always has and always will.
Test....? I don't need any rest, I'm bias because for over 50 years i have paid attention to Negroes and their dysfunctional culture and lack of grey matter. If you're not biased YT, then you're a damn fool.
True implicit bias testing on everyone would be a double edged sword that blacks would not want to touch.
Why don't white men rape black women? Is that a case of implicit bias? Why do black men rape white women and marry white women more than white men do the same to black women? It would seem that black women are somewhat repulsive to the average white male. Speaking as one white male, I think I would prefer not to have sex if they were the only black women available. Isn't a person's personal taste accounted for? Some people cherry pie, and some people prefer apple, but it is just personal taste.
What negroes want is a one way street with all good things going their way. They want free choice, but do not allow whites the same courtesy. Blacks have an NAACP to cater to their needs, but whites are not allowed the same privilege. Since blacks can NEVER be placated to work in a normal civilization, they need to be expelled from ours.
The way to pass the implicit bias test and not have to take the training is just give the negroes everything and you will need no training. In other words, lie about reality as you see it!
"Biased" is too gentle a word...."Convinced" is more like it.
Never once having enough sense to wonder why we don't want to be around them. I've got negro fatigue in a bad way and now freely admit it to anybody who will listen.
Great. Stop being afraid of the "R" word. Tell your friends about this website. Lynn, help red pill more people.
Also, self-reflection and self-observation are functions of the higher brain that, in their brains, are underdeveloped. Stop imposing human expectations on them and make it easier for yourself. See them for what they are.
We are unable to grasp that implicit bias functions like a powdered drug stirred into our societal drink and continuously seeping out our societal pores, ranging from law enforcement to education to religion, entertainment and media.
Oh no!, the powerful, invisible, omnipotent implicit bias is just everywhere! The other day, I was walking down the street and was almost hit by an implicit bias. I was shopping for produce and I did not check a tomato and took home a rotten one. The implicit bias is also in produce. OH LAWD! DEM DROOGS!
If anyone posts on social media, use the opportunity to challenge this sort of agitprop. Obviously, you can’t be as open as here. Just a simple “Why was Bill Cosby the last person to hold blacks accountable?” effectively points out that negroes are never at fault and that even the “good ones” are an illusion.
I had no idea who Derrick Johnson was. So I looked him up to see who this advocate of testing was and what were his credentials and what his experience might be.
There are four Derrick Johnsons in Wikipedia. The first three are all football players. The last is the head of the NAACP. Maybe some readers who are more current on football than I am, know about the Derrick Johnson who has his picture on the Derrick Johnson page - the burly one in a football uniform.
So whatever are the requirements and qualifications to lead the NAACP they apparently bring you less fame than that of a random obscure football player.
Mr.Johnson doesn't seem to know a whole lot about standardized testing. He seems to think they just make up questions as they see fit. He assumes there is something called an "Implicit Bias" test. I suspect that he is a little weak on test construction math. I wonder if he understands factor analysis or if can even rotate a matrix? I wonder if he knows Charles Spearman from Karl Pearson?
Does he realize that IQ tests are the most valuable and best understood tests in all of the social sciences? Hundreds of scientists, thousands of published studies, and millions of test subjects. Yet the federal courts have outlawed them in the Griggs vs Duke Power case. The basis for that court decision was in error of course and reflected racial politics not science. The inability of American industry do not use the best tools available for personnel selection probably has cost many millions of dollars since that case was decided in the seventies. IQ tests are liberating - a force for justice. But they do reveal the inequalities of the races and organizations like the NAACP need to disguise or obscure that fact.
I favor testing but only valid tests. Not some Voodoo nonsense test dreamed up by halfwits looking for media attention.
Is this what it means to be biased? Less than 48 hours of being signed to the NBA Whitey will make you overdose on crack cocaine?
NBA selection and overdose
On Tuesday, June 17, Bias was selected by the Boston Celtics as the second overall pick in the 1986 NBA draft, which was held in New York City at Madison Square Garden. Red Auerbach, the Celtics' president and general manager, had previously dealt guard Gerald Henderson and cash to the Seattle SuperSonics for the pick in 1984. After the draft, Bias and his family returned to their suburban Maryland home.
On Wednesday, June 18, Bias and his father flew to Boston, Massachusetts, fromWashington, D.C., for an NBA club draft acceptance and product endorsement signing ceremony with the Celtics' coaches and management. Bias had discussions withReebok's sports marketing division regarding a five-year endorsement package worth $1.6 million.[6]
After returning home to Maryland, Bias retrieved his newly leased sports car and drove back to his room on the campus of the University of Maryland. He then dined with some teammates and a member of thefootball team. He left campus at approximately 2 a.m. on Thursday, June 19 and drove to an off-campus gathering, which he attended briefly before returning to his dorm in Washington Hall sometime between 2:30 and 3 a.m.[7] For the next three to four hours, Bias, longtime friend Brian Tribble and several teammates repeatedly insufflatedcocaine in the dormitory suite shared by Bias and his teammates.[8][9][10] According to the campus timeline, Bias had a seizure and collapsed some time between 6:25 and 6:32 a.m. while talking with teammate Terry Long.[7][11] At 6:32 a.m., when the 911 call toPrince George's County emergency serviceswas made by Tribble, Bias was unconsciousand not breathing.[10] All attempts by the emergency medical team to restart his heartand breathing were unsuccessful.[7] After additional attempts to revive him at Leland Memorial Hospital in Riverdale, Maryland, Bias was pronounced dead at 8:55 a.m. of acardiac arrhythmia related to usage of cocaine. It was reported that there were no other drugs or alcohol found in his system after his death.[12][13][14][15]
Four days after Bias died, on June 23, more than 11,000 people attended a memorial service at the Cole Field House, the university recreation and student center where Bias played for the Terrapins. Those speaking at the service included Red Auerbach, who said he had planned for three years to draft Bias for the Celtics. Auerbach added that the city of Boston had not been so shocked since theassassination of John F. Kennedy. On June 30, 1986, the Celtics honored Bias with their own memorial service, giving his never-used #30 Celtics jersey to his mother, Lonise.
Bias was interred at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery in Suitland, Maryland.[16]
I live in a right to work state and our company simply doesn't hire blacks. We have a bunch of South Americans, and Cubans, but zero blacks, and we operate like a well oiled machine.
OT: But not unrelated!
Is this the new "normal"? Teens roaming the land looking to start commotion and wait for the cops to arrive and then refusing the most basic directives? If this officer had done this to a tattooed white man he would be lauded. But he didn't and the Black Panthers demand gibs!
i can assure you.. i have absolutely NO.. unconscious bias. all of my biases.. ? are completely conscious
They don't need to give me a test - they can simply ask me. The Race and Weapons test or whatever it's called came back and said that I had no implicit bias. Apparently it doesn't test for explicit bias.
Pat Boyle said...Does he realize that IQ tests are the most valuable and best understood tests in all of the social sciences?
I seriously doubt he knows what IQ stands for.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I guarantee you this will backfire. If this was ever considered to become policy, the first thing that would result is that ALL public officials get tested for implicit bias, regardless of race.
What would be found is that blacks have just as much or MORE implicit bias on every level. In fact I wouldn't be surprised there was a corelation between IQ as implicit bias.
Furthermore, the test would be expanded to include implicit bias towards sex, sexual orientation, religion, height, body fat percentage, race, nationality, political affiliation, attractiveness,age, etc etc... And I bet blacks have stronger implicit biases with regards to all those metrics as well.
"Everyone should get tested for implicit bias, and if you’re a public official or receiving public dollars"
Does this include his own tribesmen?
These ape creatures will say absolutely anything for attention. I'd chalk this up to no more than "looks at muh".
Since IQ tests were initially used to test for the left hand side of the bell curve African-Americans should support the use of these tests.
I wasn't there and in a vantage point to know what happened, but when someone hollers that they can't breathe they actually can.
"What would be found is that blacks have just as much or MORE implicit bias on every level. In fact I wouldn't be surprised there was a corelation between IQ as implicit bias".
What do you mean, buddy? Do you had any evidence to back this crap? The way you talk you'd think there were millions of whites who didn't live around blacks but that thought they were just the same as them but with a different paint job!
Pat, I corrected a few errors in yr post,
Mr.Johnson doesn't seem to know a whole lot about standardized testing. He seems to think they just make up questions as they see fit. He assumes there is something called an "Implicit Bias" test. I suspect that he is a little weak on test construction math. I wonder if he understands factor analysis or if he can even rotate a matrix?
I wonder if he knows Charles Spearman from Karl Pearson?
Does he realize that IQ tests are the most valuable and best understood tests in all of the social sciences?
Hundreds of scientists, thousands of published studies, and millions of test subjects. Yet the federal courts have outlawed them in the Griggs vs Duke Power case. The basis for that court decision was in error of course and reflected racial politics not science.
The inability of American industry to not use the best tools available for personnel selection probably has cost many trillions or billions of dollars since that case was decided in the seventies. IQ tests are liberating - a force for justice. But they do reveal the inequalities of the races and organizations like the NAACP need to disguise or obscure that fact.
Is it just me, or are the people staffing the Implicit Project not too dark, overall? I've looked at the links they provide and only one woman whom I would describe of African ancestry seems to be pictured. I'd say that implicit bias test needs to go forward as public policy which rules the USA.
As long as it works first at Harvard! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
This shows you the colors of the rainbow in which they really believe! Mostly white with some dothead Indians and a fair amount of Asians. A couple of "God's chosen" to make sure they get it right all the time. That's what I call integrity! The staff seems to over-represent, perhaps even PREFER their scholars aren't African!
The Harvard Neanderthal Educational Mafia!
That would be a test where I would be guaranteed 100%! One hundred percent implicitly biased.
Start by testing the blacks who work at DMV, county courthouses, and the post office. They seem to be the surliest of the lot I've had to deal with. Be sure to give the test to every waiter/waitress across the country as well, along with Wal-Mart cashiers, Chuck E Cheese employees, and the Asians who own "beauty supply" stores in the hood, along with the Indians who operate the convenience stores in black neighborhoods. Lets get their opinions and experiences on record, tell us what a day in their shoes is like. I guarantee BRA won't like the answers.
The inability of American industry do not use the best tools available for personnel selection probably has cost many millions of dollars since that case was decided in the seventies.
That should not be million with an "m". That should be trillion, with a "t". It's tens, maybe hundreds of billions every year.
Shots fired at a wedding in New Hampshire. 4 arrested. Less than 1.5 million people in the State and the state has less than 2% blacks.
With an overwhelming majority of white people can you guess the race of the 4 arestees?
Pat Boyle said...
Does he realize that IQ tests are the most valuable and best understood tests in all of the social sciences?
They should be. we've been using them for a hundred years now. For a hundred years, the tests have been studied, validated, and refined. And for all those years, we've known that blacks score lower than people.
Some people say that that reflects a weakness in the tests, not a real lack of intelligence in blacks. The tests are "culturally biased", they say.
And yet, in a hundred years, nobody has been able to devise a test that is not "culturally biased". There has never been a test of intelligence that
(a) intuitively measures what we think of as intelligence;
(b) correlates well with objective indicators of intelligence, such as academic success or success in occupations requiring intelligence (engineering, law, programming etc); and
(c) where blacks on average score at the same levels as Whites.
You want to make your fortune? Design a "culturally unbiased" intelligence test. One without "disparate impact" on blacks. Good luck with that.
Implicit bias test is total bullshit. I took it answering everything neutral except one question slightly agree that blacks are given preferences sometimes getting into college. Guess what? I BEEZ BIAS AGAINST BLACK!
OT: Watching the boob tube last night I encountered this commercial for a company called HelloFresh.com:
Yeah, that's your typical couple: an average-looking white guy and a chunky she-boon with what I suspect is a voice-over from a white woman.
Just a coincidence? YouTube offers this HelloFresh commercial too:
White girl and black guy. Is this company trying to tell us something other than what food to eat?
Substitute teacher attacked and injured by “out-of-control” students:
The story is quite thin on details (naturally), but a quick internet search on Colin Powell Middle School revealed the following racial breakdown of the student body:
African American:86.4%
Two or more races:4.0%
I think we can safely assume the missing details in the article...
RE: the four arrested in a wedding shoot-out in New Hampshire. They were not only Black, but Muslim:
“Witnesses reported seeing Salim Hussein, 22 of Nashville, TN, pointing a gun out of his white Chrysler into the crowd. At that moment, police said, another driver spotted him and crashed into the Chrysler. There were no gunshot injuries reported. Hussein was one of four men charged with rioting, which included Abdi Osman Mohamed, 18, of Erie, PA, Ali Dahir Hussein, 20, of Columbus, OH and Jafar Kahalid Issak, 19, of Columbus, OH. Issak and Hussein were also charged with reckless conduct. Police said all four were set to be arraigned in Merrimack County Superior Court on Monday.”
If you want to experience "bias" with blacks, get a job in the Heath care/First Responder sector. A more sullen, ungrateful race of people does not exist. EVERYTHING is a 911 emergency to them and their care is OWED to them (free of charge) by Whites in their little minds. I really loathe every single one of them I have to come in contact with. Counting down to Retirement so I can move out West and speak without fear of losing my career.
Same with us in Ohio at my job . The few and I mean 7-8 Blacks we have out of 300 of us are wrote off as worthless and do auxiliary tasks .
PAT says:
"I favor testing but only valid tests."
I assume that would be the tests where everybody, everywhere, gets scored a "100". Right?
Actually, these kids are the sort who would do really well in an underwater robotics competition. Looks can be decieving. Here is an article from the day before this tragic event which, as you should notive, happened to a BLACK doctor. Feast your eyes on some successful students in underwater robotics.
If this bias is “implicit”, it means it can only be inferred indirectly. Which means it be easily “proven” as needed. How convenient.
The same organization that fights against testing quantitative job skills or checking criminal records of applicants wants to climb inside the brain of every White person(public officials are just the jump off) and force them to accept modern leftist views or derail them by deeming them a racist.
Whites are still the majority in this country that our ancestors created, as the last election is a testament to. Whites better start defending themselves in every way and at every level while they can. The future is too dark to see.
OK, I went to the Underwater Robotics competition site, (and if you read carefully you will note this):
"Colin Powell Middle School successfully achieved 1st Place in Production Presentation, 1st Place in Marketing Display and 1st Place Overall."
Notice item #1) Presentation, item #2) Marketing, and then #3) Overall.
What about the ROBOT itself? Did it work? A Product "Presentation" is hype and promise. Where's the Beef?
Marketing Display? A negro Robot "looks at me" presentation. Muy Dyk for Robotics. Where's the Robot? Where's the Beef?
Overall? Just how was this calculated? How much for the operation of the actual ROBOT?
And, did the ROBOT do as it was programmed, do it correctly, function correctly, shut down correctly and basically "obey" correctly all "orders" given to it? In other words, did the Robot....Act White?
I see no Robot? I see future rap stars, whores, welfare mom's, etc. and a whole lotta wasted money...that I, a White Man, is paying for............
;)) ;)) lmaooo!
I thought the robot article was a complete parody, from the content to the stereotypical names of the students.
But good catch on how they won, essentially by finishing first in a few "looks at me" categories ("explanation" and "marketing"), they were able to claim first place overall.
I'd like to see where they placed when it came to "applying the physics, math, electronics, and engineering skills learned in the classroom to solve problems from the marine workplace". I'd guess that they have no such skills and obviously didn't need them to win the categories they won.
Frankly, Derrick, I don't give a damn. Is he really so damned stupid, that he believes that anybody with a human brain would fall for such an ignorant test? Anybody here unable to guess what the correct answers to such a test would be? If you cannot anticipate the correct answer to these biased questions, you're probably a negro. After 60 years of this equal rights bs, we all pretty much know what to say. Googles best algorithms for facial recognition could not tell the difference between a negro, and a gorilla. Neither can we, but were smart enough to know we can't speak the truth around you know who.
I looked up the actual winners of the Shedd Midwest Mate Robotics qualifier.
Between the two finalists there is one negro. I am so sick of negroes getting a ticker tape parade just for being negroes.
So the fact that 16 students (about 2.5% of the student body) have done well in a competition Is relevant how, exactly? Are you suggesting that students from the robotics club attacked the teacher? Or are you suggesting that the entire student body is part of the club?
When we hear that students in a school are out of control and violently assaulting faculty, it’s a safe bet that it’s a majority black school. And no one said the teacher was white, so I’m not sure why that is relevant...
If you think this sort of behavior isn’t more common in black schools, then you are “deceiving” yourself.
Knowing of the court case, (but not knowing the particulars) I can say that there were areas of Federal employment where IQ tests were mandatory... The three most popularly known government “intelligence services” required them.
And, they still do.
I don't understand how any Afros, excluding those who have passed through the winnowing of military service, gain employment there... but they do.
I had an Aunt who was "self-Frederick Douglass-ed", and set me straight about AA's.
Her measured IQ was 151. She was both disheartened and disgusted by the direction ghetto “culture” had taken in her lifetime.
She would say that ‘The black race was the only one of the three races of mankind that was jofully, even gleefully, running headlong and full-tilt into de-evolution...’ and it made her physically ill contemplating the beginnings of it!
As CW2 approaches I find myself thinking of her more and more. She started nagging me to prepare my family for a race war thirty years ago.
She was a fantastic person. I'm certain she's looking down and just shaking her head and shedding a tear over the wanton idiocy of her people.
― BmG
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