If you've read The City that Bleeds: Race, History, and the Death of Baltimore, you know black people in Baltimore carefully protect their 70 percent black city from gentrification by using black criminality to keep out white people from recolonizing their city and ever being a demographic threat to black political power.
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White people plant 'guerilla' gardens in 70 percent black Baltimore at murder sites throughout the city, where blacks have killed one another... |
So what does black political power look like? Not so shockingly, exactly what you'd expect black dysfunction to look like. [Baltimore mayor creating office to steer black men from crime and violence, Baltimore Sun, 2-2-18]
In 1918, Baltimore was almost 90 percent white. It didn't need of an Office of African American Male Engagement to try and steer the black minority from committing crime, because laws were put in place to deal with black criminality swiftly and to protect white residential/commercial property owners from the consequences of black dysfunction.
But what does a city look like where those laws are gone? [Volunteers plant 'guerrilla' gardens as Ceasefire tribute to shooting victims, Baltimore Sun, 5-12-18]:
Michelle Moore never will forget the night she returned home to Barclay Street, pregnant with her now 15-month-old daughter, to find a man shot dead in the street near the elementary school. The victim, identified by police as Domonique Thaniel, 37, had been riding his bicycle through the city’s Abell neighborhood that night in January 2017.
On Saturday, Moore and a group of volunteers returned to the site of the shooting to shovel dirt into planters and fill them with tomatoes, squash and cucumbers in Thaniel’s honor. The idea to bring light and plant life to places of darkness and death, one of dozens of Baltimore Ceasefire events around the city Saturday, came from Abell resident Crystallynn Fallier. Fallier, a 33-year-old ceramic artist, organized the planting of “guerrilla” gardens at murder sites throughout the city.
“It’s healing for the neighborhood to have a garden planted in his name,” Moore, a counselor who works with children, said of the tribute to Thaniel. She said she came to the Ceasefire event because witnessing the aftermath of a shooting shook her up, and because “I work with kids, and I work with too many kids who have lost parents or uncles to gun violence.”
This weekend’s “Ceasefire,” the fourth such grassroots effort to reduce and raise awareness about violence in the city, started Friday and was to run for 72 hours with events such asblood drives, rallies, movie nights, food collections and block parties. The mantra for the weekend, as with the previous Ceasefire weekends, was “Nobody kill anybody.”
As of midafternoon Saturday, Baltimore police had not reported any fatal shootings.
On Barclay Street, Fallier, 33, who runs Joules Studio from her Abell Avenue home, crouched near one of the raised beds created from leftover plastic rings that protect water meters outside city homes. She had seen work crews about to dispose of the rings and thought they’d make sturdy sidewalk planters. The idea to swoop into neighborhoods with plants grew from there.
“Today’s project is to physically bring plants, which collect light and energy, to the spaces where people have actully been murdered,” Fallier said. Going “guerrilla-style,” means just showing up and dropping in a planter, either near vacant or abandoned houses or murder sites. “As the lives were taken without permission, this was put together on a rather short notice, and we don’t necessarily have permission...I want to honor the lives and bring back light to where it has been stolen.”
Theresa Reuter of Hamilton Hills said she had attended past Ceasefire events and memorials, so on Saturday she decided to put on boots and a hat to go out and plant.
“We all need to raise our voices and put our bodies where our hearts are so that these places where our brothers and sisters have been murdered are remembered in a way that we can stop it happening anymore,” said Reuter, a retired elementary school art teacher and artist.Where once western civilization flourished, now white people plant 'guerilla' gardens where black people have murdered other black people.
There's a metaphor for decline and ruin in this story if you look hard enough.
Paul, I think one of the most important questions here is "What is wrong with those White people?"
If we're able to answer that question we'll be much further along to solving the current problems we have right now.
"What is wrong with those White people?"
They think Africans are human, when all the data says not really.
Trying to make humans out of Africans is a fool's errand, as 153 years of "freedom" has proven. We need to send them away, to where they can be themselves without bothering us or having their envy excited and turn into hate. As they belong nowhere in the Americas, that means their continent of origin.
I’m going with ‘darkness and death ‘. What on earth are these people thinking? All this symbolism, for what? I’m thinking that all this stupidity is contagious. Killing and gardens. Can’t believe that I never put the two together.
Hey, maybe they can plant tomatoes, lettuce and onions so the 'hood can have fixings for a roving BBC to help stop da bilence!
I went to the article and watched the short video embedded within.
The people doing the planting are all ...... WHITE.
A pool should be started as to when one of these White cucks will get gunned down themselves while "bringing light" to da hood. Or how long will it be before the blacks cry out that White people are disrespecting where their black bruthas were gunned down.
Would love to see the looks on these White guerrillas' faces when they run into some of the actual hood gorillas!
you know what would be HEALING?
If they would stop shooting each other....
If I may paraphrase George Smiley -
"Ever bought a fake picture? ... The more you pay for it, the less inclined you are to doubt its authenticity."
This seems like a strange shitlib take on some kind of bizarre fertility rite. I guess Cultural Marxism isn’t cutting it as the new religion of the left and they’re trying something else on for size. Liberalism is a mental disorder, here is more proof.
Shhhh . . .
Do you hear that?
That loud whooshing sound?
Like a low flying jet or an approaching tornado?
That is the sound of the last shreds of common sense and self-preservation being sucked out of the brains of these incredibly naïve fucktards. Have fun being raped and necklaced by your pets!
It's a shame there are no active volcanoes on the east coast. Our Lady of Blessed Incineration, hear my prayer . . .
First of all..... guerilla gardens? I can't be the only one who LMAO at that.
Second.... “I work with kids, and I work with too many kids who have lost parents or uncles to gun violence.”
Ah yes!!!! The dreaded "gun violence"! Not useless violent sub-human species called blacks but GUN VIOLENCE which we all know is best friends with those "streets gone wrong."
All snarkiness aside though, I really am sick of these "people." We can't enjoy ANYTHING in this country anymore without blacks (and illegals for that matter) f***ing it up. I hope the rest of white America will wake up before it's too late.
Did you hear the one about the police chief indicted on tax charges?
Baltimore Police Chief DeSouza is going, going, GONE!
It's time vasectomys were given free of charge to all black males, I'm sure when they hear the word free, the lineups will go on for miles .
Does this dim bulb liberal not realize the irony here. Guerilla Garden? Of course anyone with even a hint of self awareness is thinking the obvious, Gorilla Garden!
Another Guy in Florida
That's my response.
"What is wrong with those White people?"
They refuse to recognize that equality is a social construct.
This article illustrates perfectly the chasm between humans and blacks. Where blacks murder each other, humans plant gardens.
They are not like us.
"Guerrilla” is a misspelling. It should be "Gorilla" instead, much closer to reality. How long before these "gorillas" are blowing each other away fighting over the food these gardens are supposed to provide? What seems to have been forgotten is that any garden needs care and WORK to produce anything, whether it is food, flowers, whatever. Are the "gorillas" going to do that work?? Fat chance. Maybe the libtard white morons will do the work for them.
Guerrilla gardens? More feel-good symbolism over substance. Another sign of backward people.
^This. In a nushell.
Nice photo P.K., way to find the one picture of the group without any blacks or other diversity. There is diversity in the group, isn't there?
Besides bearing a strong resemblance to the name "Black Guerrilla Family", isn't it a slight against the black community to form a do-gooder organization made up entirely of whites? Remember the whole comparison thing and not to do it? If whites go out of their way to be selfless it makes black people look selfish by comparison. Solution? Don't go out of your way to improve the community through your efforts and your time.
Have you ever seen a non-white couple adopt a white child? There are a billion examples of behaviors that we engage in that they would never think to do, and there is a biology behind this.
If the organization continues to exist and receive city funding you know that it will soon be taken over (and of course, ruined) by groids where it will slowly cease to function as an entity that does "good" and morph into one that provides "jobs" for otherwise unemployable Africans in America.
Their urges to "heal", "plant" and "build" are painful to watch - they do not even realize their actions amount to genocide.
And if you rub their noses into the fundamental incompatibility of Africans and humans, they will attack YOU.
It´s cognitive dissonance at its finest - Hitler´s revenge ;b
Don´t want to sound djenndahrist but - what is it with our womenfolk they have forgotten what their instincts are for?
Eating vegetables fertilized by shed blood - what a wonderful idea.
"See here, Ace," my interlocutor intoned, perhaps a bit too familiarly addressing me with the appellation by which I was colloquially known about the campus, "there's something not right in the City of Baltimore."
I carefully closed the moldering pages of my ancient copy of Undeplorable Kulte, being sure to insert a finger in the passage I happened to be perusing, then met the somewhat agitated gaze of the intruder to my shadow vaulted library.
I recognized the fellow as a graduate student who had gained some repute for his thesis on the Negronomicon, the forbidden volume by the Mad Minnesotan DeWhyt Lybrul, as well as cutting a swathe through such social scene as Arkham town might boast.
"Since you chose to interrupt my evening relaxation," I condescended, "inform me of your observations."
He took a deep breath, then recited, "I was on an expedition to the City on the Chesapeake, gathering data for an article to be submitted to the Stoddard Review of Eugenic Science, and there I observed a most peculiar phenomenon..."
He stopped while his eyes drew distant as if unto some nether region of the Outer Darkness to be found in the corners between the shelved volumes.
"Well, man," I insisted, not a little irritated as the hour was well past the midnight meridian, "spit it out!"
He nodded, composing himself, "strange dark shapes shambled all about the City, while peculiar rappings echoed from odd wireless looking devices held on shoulders of hooded garments, and then sharp reports rang out, like shots."
"Yes, yes," I had observed such peculiarities in my own forays into ancient urban wastelands, duly reported in various respectable journals and well publicized lectures. "You no doubt encountered the Cult of the Sivvil Rites, that degenerate order whose ostensible and obviously insane goal is to make equal that which is not and can never be equal."
"Wait, wait, there's more," he leaned forward, blue eyes blazing, "for the next morning where corpses once laid upon pavement, in their place thrust forth strange and numerous plants."
Without giving much thought, I opened up the tome on the very passage I had been perusing when interrupted and read aloud, "Great holes secretly are digged where streets have gone wrong, and gardens have learnt to go guerrilla that ought to ceasefire."
When I looked up from the page, it was to observe that I was again alone in my library, while the voice of the intruder could be heard distantly on Miskatonic Green, screaming.
I sighed, poured myself a well deserved brandy, and reflected with not a little cynicism upon the stability of our next generation of scholars.
R. "Ace" Rielst
Department of Physical Anthropology
Miskatonic University
What they're doing has no value and makes no difference whatsoever. It's all about their "feelings" and the rush they get from a false sense of accomplishment. As far as symbolism goes, this symbolizes nothing more than impotence and futility. Essentially, they're "perfuming the skunk" in an attempt to mask the stench but it makes them feel good to do so and they get to shout, "Look at what we're doing!"
As these deluded white fools continue to celebrate themselves, blacks will keep on killing each other and not give a damn about the gardens except for the opportunity presented to steal the flowers and vegetables. Besides, who's going to weed and maintain the gardens? Blacks certainly won't.
Oh well. Maybe when Sharkeisha and Sheronda get into a weave ripping, knock down drag out street brawl over "da las' cucumber," we can at least hopefully get an amusing video out of it. Then, of course, the whitey's will be blamed for all the trouble they caused since they "didn't plant enough fo' ever'body and caused all dis to happen."
A small correction - It's GORILLA Gardens.
Ah yes, the "raise awareness" canard...so long as you don't become aware of the real root of these problems. No, no, no...just continue to blame whitey!!
I wonder how much longer shitlibs can continue with their phony, lying, virtue signalling?
Yeah, look at all these white shitlibs getting high by pretending to care and "raising awareness." If THEY had an ounce of awareness, they'd realize how futile their efforts are.
Not to mention, when the photo op's over and the "awareness raising" signal-fest finishes, they'll hop on the bus and head right back to their white-enclave, far, far, far away from the black war zone.
These people need to be mercilessly mocked and made fun of. They certainly have it coming to them...
"Volunteers plant 'guerrilla' gardens as Ceasefire tribute to shooting victims"
They seem to forget that so often those "victims" were thugs themselves who placed second in the Bodymore, Murdaland, criminal activity competitions. They deserve no "tribute." Instead of planting gardens, this is where people should have their pets relieve themselves.
On top of that, I don't know why these foolish white people even go to such locations. They've been shown to be places of deadly black crime and, just by being white, these DWLs are at risk.
I live about an hour from Baltimore but I wouldn't think of stepping foot inside the city. It's just not worth the risk. Why make yourself so easily available for black attack? Bodymore is a lost cause. Put a fence around it and let the locals eat each other up.
"...blood drives, rallies, movie nights, food collections and block parties. The mantra for the weekend, as with the previous Ceasefire weekends, was “Nobody kill anybody.” "
Implying that if you don't put on a three ring circus to distract these savages or constantly remind them to not kill one another that they are incapable of refraining from murder.... The mere existence of any of these things is a stark reality check as to why they will be forever futile attempts to civilize the black African.
“We all need to raise our voices and put our bodies where our hearts are so that these places where our brothers and sisters have been murdered are remembered in a way that we can stop it happening anymore,”
Not like the presence of lush greenery prevents them from acting any different back in their native habitat. I hate to be a wet blanket here, but I don't have high hopes for this one going too far in turning negroes human. What happens the day after the last DWL finally admits defeat and loses the motivation to keep shoveling shit against the tide cleaning up after their unruly pets?
The real shame of it all is that if we were to repatriate every non-white back to their ancestral homelands, even these brainlets would restore Baltimore into a peaceful, clean and prosperous first world city.
Take up the White Man's burden--
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper--
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go mark them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.
The gorillas aren't going to be blowing each other away over what is grown. Grown food involves WORK to prepare and made into something palatable.
That simply isn't going to happen. Not when you can stick up a KFC or Church's.
Virtue signaling at it's finest, nothing really risked or problem solved but you get feels good. This is the trophy for everyone generation all grown up.
I would love to know what blacks think when they see these White fools planting these gardens. "Look at those honkys; they crazier than we are!"
gorilla gardens would be more appropriate.
This is off topic but noteworthy, premeditated taxpayer funded negro lottery. Win a million dollars for being a black council member and get fired by other black council members. Then say they were wrong for doing it. Weez hasta pay dis man for da wrong we dun him. http://www.wistv.com/story/38196581/richland-county-council-reaches-settlement-with-fired-administrator-worth-over-1-million
Delaware dude to Sam at 10:14. We had a church bunch show up at Judy Johnson Park. They brought their shovels, rakes, and other implements of destruction along with small plastic garden sheds. They toiled for hours to make an improvement in a war zone as the hilltop area is called. The gorillas stood eating chicken off the back of a car. When they were done, they swept the bones, boxes and trash on the ground not 5 feet from a trash can. Next week back come less of the church group only to find their tools missing. they bought new tools and toiled for hours again. This time they locked the garden sheds for security. The next week only a few came back to find tools and sheds gone without a trace. So much for helping a neighborhood of thugs live a better life. It continues to serve as a trash dump today.
You heard the one about the black guy who showed up at the hospital for a vasectomy dressed in a tuxedo? The nurse asked him why he dressed up so much and he told her, "If I'm gonna be impotent, I'm gonna look impotent".
These deluded white virtue-signalers doing these guerilla plantings would be wise to have police escorts or they'll wind up being attacked by the gorillas.
-Lee Lepanto
There is an odd informal cult of sorts that has sprouted up with young liberal white women. When you start hearing them work buzzwords like "healing" and "light" into every conversation - go ahead and brace yourself for the biggest incoming load of shit you've ever heard.
At its heart such wishful non-sense reveals the commitment to delusion that colors and informs their own thought processes. These left wing women want to believe in magic rather than reality --- that there is some ritual they can perform, some phrase they can chant, or some crystal rock they can strategically place that will have transformative properties. Let us not forget the white lady who wanted to "heal" Ferguson with a yoga studio. NAMASTE!
The average person figures out by around age 6 or 7 that "make-believe" doesn't work. Only children expect reality to conform to illusion rather than accepting reality and interfacing with it soberly.
The reason there is so much resistance to truth is that it almost always falsifies rather than confirms superstitions and beliefs, and in an act of self-preservation, people flee from its challenge. It is truly insane the things that people will do and the things they can convince themselves of rather than jettisoning "belief."
How foolish do you have to be to think planting a garden will have some kind of magical effect and "drive out darkness with light?"
This is channeling the stone age and primitivism. The age of reason is truly in twilight. HONK-HONK!
I don't know why, but when I read this article I thought about a scene from the movie, "Aliens" where the drop-ship has just crashed. Here is the conversation that ensued:
Private Hudson: [after the drop ship crash] Well, that's great. That's just f***in' great, man! Now what the f*** are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty s*** now, man!
Corporal Hicks: [grabs him by the shirt] Are you finished?
Newt: I guess we're not gonna be leaving now, right?
Ripley: I'm sorry, Newt.
Newt: You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault.
Private Hudson: That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over! What the f*** are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?
Burke: Maybe we can build a fire, sing a couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?
Newt: We'd better get back 'cause it'll be dark soon and they mostly come at night. Mostly.
This is the critical passage:
“We all need to raise our voices and put our bodies where our hearts are so that these places where our brothers and sisters have been murdered ...”
Their "brothers" and "sisters" were murdered?
These guerrilla gardeners seriously believe that the people downed by "gun violence" are somehow related to them? Like they are fellow citizens of Baltimore? Or the USA? Or humanity?
What these people (depicted in the photo) fail to grasp is that the demographic to which they are claiming kinship feels no similar affinity for Whites. The blacks perpetrating these killings, and in all probably, the blacks killed by "gun violence," have no hesitation when it comes time to inflicting violence on Disingenuous White Liberals: whether they are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or thinking themselves safe in their homes only to find the underprivileged & oppressed kicking down the door, looking for spaces to destroy.
All this indicates, once again, the delusional state of those DWLs. The ideology to which they subscribe puts them at extreme risk from their "brothers" and "sisters." Of course, the loss of such delusional ideologues might be considered a righting of the balance, but the dilemma is that they are dragging down the rest of the White world with them.
Meantime, YT, if you live in Baltimore or anywhere else in BRA: stay armed, stay alert. You do not want to be commemorated by a guerrilla garden.
If the men didn't have flannel shirts and facial hair, they would be indistinguishable from the females, uh, xermales.
Gwoobus Harmon nicely sums it up:
There is an odd informal cult of sorts that has sprouted up with young liberal white women. When you start hearing them work buzzwords like "healing" and "light" into every conversation - go ahead and brace yourself for the biggest incoming load of shit you've ever heard.
You see such people in NGOs and mission groups (often including both women and men) who believe they can "heal the world" by doing good deeds. There is a quasi-religious/quasi-mystical aspect to this, accelerated by the delusions of modern liberal ideology.
One reason they can get away with it is that there are usually "rough people" who will bail them out when the "healing" and "light" run up against reality. These guerrilla gardeners know in the back of their heads that if the gangbangers show up, they can always call 911 and a SWAT team will charge in to their rescue.
But what happens when they call 911 and the line is dead? This is what happens when the black demographic becomes dominant, as we see today in the new rainbow nation of South Africa. Then all the "healing" and "light" reveals itself as delusion, mist evaporating in the hot noonday sun. And the main use of the guerrilla gardens becomes burial plots for the "healers."
Again, the dilemma with these people is that they are dragging down the White world with them.
Anonymous at 6:05: thank you for posting that story about the church cucks trying to fix the park. It cheered me up immensely reading about those morons getting deflated. I’m sure some of them learned nothing whatsoever from the experience.
You know those gardens are just going to get torn up, right?
And they have the nerve to complain about having been slaves! It appears that whites are now their slaves. Some more willingly than others. Disgusting.
I don't know why, but when I read this article I thought about a scene from the movie, "Aliens" where the drop-ship has just crashed. Here is the conversation that ensued...
Aliens has a lot in common with Zulu and many other movies portraying a "stand" by a small number of civilized soldiers against hordes of the "others." One reason these movies are so popular in the Western world is they represent a time when White people were willing to fight against all odds.
A related movie is Siege of Jadotville, based on an incident where a company of Irish troops held off thousands of black insurgents during the 1961 Congo Crisis. It's worth checking out, and also for considering how the political class does not quite represent the interests of their own people.
Such movies can be an inspiration for the rising generation of Whites.
Anonymous at 6:05: thank you for posting that story about the church cucks trying to fix the park. It cheered me up immensely reading about those morons getting deflated. I’m sure some of them learned nothing whatsoever from the experience.
Such slices of life are uplifting as they inevitably prove the reality of race.
Gorilla Gardens. Nuff said.
My husband is former law enforcement, and he won’t save these fools now. He loathes them more than words can say. They are the problem and they don’t deserve any protection. Hopefully they will learn, whether it’s the hard or easy way, I don’t care. As long as no decent and awake white person dies because of their stupidity.
If they want to commemorate the passing of a citizen of the Gorilla Gardens neighborhood, wouldn't it be moreappropriate to plant a banana tree?
My husband is former law enforcement, and he won’t save these fools now. He loathes them more than words can say. They are the problem and they don’t deserve any protection. Hopefully they will learn, whether it’s the hard or easy way, I don’t care. As long as no decent and awake white person dies because of their stupidity.
Wasn't it just last year where one of the black tennis playing Williams "sisters" was playing on TV. A hapless white commentator, trying to compliment "her" on showing some finesse, said she was using "guerilla tactics". A big outrage was generated, because it was said he meant "gorilla". I think that they suspended the guy-maybe they fired him. LOL.
Concerning cuckwhites cleaning up yet another park that blekpypo trashed, I remember reading about a movie being shot in Philadelphia by M. Night Shyamalan. The city, besides getting big bucks, strongarmed the film company into building a playground in the 'hood, "foh' da kommunity" before they left. They did build one-a nice one-and it was totally trashed within a couple of months
“But what happens when they call 911 and the line is dead?”
Or a sullen negress answers and then hangs up “cuz she aint got no time fo dat sheet”.
Comments are hot -n- heavy on this one.
These Gorilla Gardens will be dried up and dead in 2 weeks.
“First of all..... guerilla gardens? I can't be the only one who LMAO at that.”
When I saw it, I thought “They spelled gorilla wrong”...
I worked for a couple of companies that did the Habitat-for-Humanity bullshit every year. They would post pics on the company intraweb of the company suck-asses mostly standing around while the actual builders did the work. A group photo at the end and all was well. They never went back a year later with an updated pic, they just went full steam ahead to the next one. Every one of these houses went to some ghetto sow with a houseful of niglets. Po' downtrodden black folk....throw up. They built a couple near me here in occupied territory. Funny thing though, they haven't been inhabited by any humanity in quite some time. Standing empty with knee-high grass/weeds for some reason.
The do-gooders don't realize that gardens are going to remind the negroes of working in the fields and set-off their slavery PTSD. More gun violence will ensue because of gardens gone wrong.
BTW, I once asked if any of the Habitat-for-Humanity houses ever went to white people. I was met with the speechless stare. It was quite amusing.
Back when I paid for TV/cable, once or twice a year a story featured clean up crews cutting & making over parks & playgrounds. An army of middle aged YT make cucks. Humping riders & gear to the hood under a hot sun. Sweating the day away. Little Nogs at play. By accident I'm sure, the camera panned around, guess who's watching from the shade of porch awnings?
Thanks, Californian @ 9:03 am. Here is some enlightening conversation from the original movie, Alien:
Ripley: Ash, can you hear me? [slams her hands down on the table] Ash?
Ash: [awakens and starts speaking in an electronic and distorted voice] Yes, I can hear you.
Ripley: What was your special order?
Ash: You read it. I thought it was clear.
Ripley: What was it?
Ash: Bring back life form. Priority One. All other priorities rescinded.
Parker: The damn company. What about our lives, you son of a b***h?
Ash: I repeat, all other priorities are rescinded.
Ripley: How do we kill it, Ash? There's gotta be a way of killing it. How? How do we do it?
Ash: You can't.
Parker: That's bullsh*t.
Ash: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.
Lambert: You admire it.
Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.
Parker: Look, I am... I've heard enough of this, and I'm asking you to pull the plug.
[Ripley goes to disconnect Ash, who interrupts]
Ash: Last word.
Ripley: What?
Ash: I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies.
I hate to say but everything that's been tried, heretofore, has been the wrong thing.
Midnight Bucketball, police as sodajerks, whatall... this doesn't address the problem. I am certain gorilla gardening will work no better!
Wishing our ancestors had not improved their life by moving their indenture to North America... or that they will go back... doesn't address the problem.
Wishing they'd go back is “magic thinking”― in the same family of wish fulfilment as “the exceedingly ugly guy: the ugliest man in the county” as a highschool senior “mooning” wistfully over the superbly beautiful and smart cheerleader.
(btw, I grew out of it ;-D )
The dindu population have a swell deal here. For the most part, people trip over themselves trying to give the dindu whatever it asks for; or even, whatever it might ask for, just to keep from hearing the “r”-word.
Would anyone w|such low moral character as DISPLAYED by dindus willingly give-up the blizzard of freebies, material and social, to go where they'd be on equal footing?
Of course not!
They're allowed to act worst than chimpanzees on a bender and no one says “boo!” Rape, pillage, kill? ‘Oh! they can't hep it!’
Ben Franklin once said, when asked about helping the poor, that ‘we are to help them, but also to make them uncomfortable in their poverty’.
We need to stop catering to the dindu urges and make them uncomfortable in their degenerate culture.
We need to call-out and (gently) mock every instance of “blackism”... don't let the unstated presumption of “...I am black and therefore I'm entitled... ” or it's two close cousins: “...I am black, and so I'm unable to do better...”, “...poor widdle me, I'm black so everybody's always out to get me...” stink-up the air by remaining unchallenged.
Meet their whining with accusations of not manning-up, immediately give examples of other races that in the same situation did. Do this before the race-card's played.
When the slavery-card's played― and you know it will be― say something like ‘You're feeling opressed because it's been over to 200yrs? What happened to the pride that built Egypt... that lasted a lot longer than slavery did!’ Yeah. You and I both known the dindu had nothing to do with Egypt, but it will knock'em for a loop!
If that's not to your liking, try something like ‘My ancestor's diaries explain that they, personally, fought in the Civil War to free the mistreated black slaves. Most of my ancestors died fighting. What have YOU personally done for the freedom that cost my ancestors their lives?’
If Mr.Slobtavious comes back with a crack that YOU didn't participate in the liberation of slave, all the better!
All the better because not you, or anyone else in the U.S. has been involved in black slavery since that war! Time to stop trying to ride a horse that's been five generations dead!
What I am trying to say, in my usual long-winded fashion, is that until there's pushback nothing will change; we'll stay on this trajectory until we crater in to CW 2, and that unnecessary bloodshed.
While we are duty-bound to stand our ground and fight for our Liberty, Property, and Lives; we are just as duty-bound to do all we can on our part to avoid the bloodshed, w|o compromising the important aspects of what we are.
I wouldn't ask for that sort of compromise-to-negation of a foe; I certainly will not accept erasure for myself!
― BmG
habitat for blacks= jimmy carter?
I always wonder what these “habitats” look like a year later.
Hm... handing over a home to someone who doesn’t have a clue how to take care of it. What could go wrong?
Mallory M.
These fools will be cannon fodder in the next big chimpout. They`ll be the ones you see on TV getting the Reginald Denny treatment because they believe all this virtue signaling they`ve done has gotten them some sort of special status.
Good fucking luck with that.
At least your stupidity might buy some time for someone with a brain to make good their escape.
Do gooders. Ignoring common sense and reason to do something nobody wants done, since always.
Stay alert, stay alive.
How do you come up with this? This is great creative writing. I have to really pay attention.
A friend of mine was putting together a large deal (hundreds of millions of $$) to improve some port in Louisiana. One of the hurdles he had to face was some groid alderman/city council member asking them to build baseball fields, and a park for "da coonmunity", which required buying additional prime real estate from one of his constituents. The deal ended up being put on hold due to it and led to investors who were willing to contribute millions of dollars in capital to pull out. As of now it's no deal, and potential money/jobs (isn't that what they are always asking for) working in the expanded port are off the table. They truly are their own worst enemies.
The most recent (2008) Rambo movie touched on the same subject. A group of DWLs hire him to take them up the river so they can help the "poor downtrodden villagers" to which Rambo replies "some places are beyond helping", they end up getting taken hostage, lives are lost, and blood is shed. The movie takes place in Laos, but could be easily substituted for any African country/or BRA city. Well worth a watch.
If I could draw anything better than stick figures, I would illistrate these posts, compose them into a book, self publish it and send you all one for Christmas. This site has some of the best informative, funny, realistic comments, hands down.
“Soul Man” ;-)
Well this is what liberalism has come to.
A small group of White liberal women planting vegetables.
Oh and a boyfriend of one of them that was undoubtedly dragged out there.
There is an odd informal cult of sorts that has sprouted up with young liberal white women. When you start hearing them work buzzwords like "healing" and "light" into every conversation - go ahead and brace yourself for the biggest incoming load of shit you've ever heard.
But liberalism has a reality bias. A snarky late night talk show host made that comment and since it makes liberals laugh it must be true.
Liberals are on the side of science. That's why they get hysterical when you ask simple questions like how genetic traits can differ between individuals but not groups.
They have t-shirts that say they f-ning love science. So edgy.
What is the alternative? That liberalism is a pseudo-cult that is disconnected from reality and all these Social Science degrees are based on egalitarian wishful thinking? That can't be true. Nope, must be another explanation.
These left wing women want to believe in magic rather than reality --- that there is some ritual they can perform, some phrase they can chant, or some crystal rock they can strategically place that will have transformative properties. Let us not forget the white lady who wanted to "heal" Ferguson with a yoga studio. NAMASTE!
That really sums up who we are dealing with. At the end of the day the remaining liberals in these cities are left wing White women that believe in magic.
I think most of the remaining liberal White men just want to get laid. They aren't normally at the forefront of these activities.
The Dave Matthews Band donated playground equipment to a black public housing complex in San Francisco, and the blacks promptly burned it down. Who other than blacks would set fire to playground equipment?
As the lives were taken without permission, this was put together on a rather short notice, and we don’t necessarily have permission...I want to honor the lives and bring back light to where it has been stolen.”
Please see Matthew 26:52. Something about "He who takes up the sword shall perish by the sword."
It occurs to me that one day at the site of one of these 'plantings' some of the brothers from the block catch those liberal do-gooder White fatties and have their way with em. Whites have re-vacated the areas that were slated for gentrification in Baltimore, the crime is simply too great. Home invasions are the big thing with the bros now. And they always rape the women, minimum, then shoot them. Who wants to live like that? And so no one lives there anymore. I didn't like servicing phones there twenty-five years ago, I can only imagine now.
"Please see Matthew 26:52. Something about "He who takes up the sword shall perish by the sword."
Let's not forget my favorite "those who turn their swords into plowshares, will be plowing for those who didn't"
To Anon, May 16, 2018 at 6:06 AM
That is one of the funniest jokes Ive ever heard.
We can't enjoy ANYTHING in this country anymore without blacks (and illegals for that matter) f***ing it up. I hope the rest of white America will wake up before it's too late.
Ok. Wake up then what? Revolt? Then MOG (minority occupied gov) sends in their little goon sqaud shock troops and C.W.2 erupts. This summer will be unlike anything other seen, just my two cents. Do hope the libs get eaten by their pets. Sweet justice
Come on, man. Nobody in their right mind likes the Dave Matthews Band!
When I was a kid my neighbor was an avid fisherman. He would scale and gut the fish and bury the guts next to his roses which were beautiful.
Perhaps they are doing it wrong.
Michelle Moore never will forget the night she returned home to Barclay Street, pregnant with her now 15-month-old daughter, to find a man shot dead in the street near the elementary school.
It was the night where she packed her bags and drove till she was in the free lands...wait, she stayed to plant a garden?
Did anyone watch the royal wedding this morning? The expression on Her Majesty's face...Prince Philip looked rather livid too, throughout, and that black pastor who brought up SLAVERY again! Listen, there was this horrible thing that happened to Chinese people around 50 years ago (more recent than slavery), but we don't bring up Nanking at every occasion, certainly not during a time of celebration.
Funny and mentioning negroes killing negroes in Chicago is one of my posts that got me a ban on Twitter
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