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Alvin "Ultimate Warrior" Greene |
Based on AP analysis of preliminary exit poll data, the Republican rolled over unemployed military veteran Alvin Greene, a Democrat who won his party's nomination but not its support.
Greene lives with his father and faces a felony obscenity charge, accused of showing pornography to a female college student. During occasional interviews in his nominal campaign, Greene insisted that DeMint had started the recession.
Greene barely campaigned and never raised enough to break the $5,000 threshold that required him to report finances.
DeMint spent $3.5 million he raised to instead help other conservative candidates.
In defeat, Greene was able to collect an astounding 356,969 votes:
U.S. Senate: Republican Jim DeMint's win wasn't surprising, but there was real hope that third-party or write-in candidates could make a nice-sized dent in the race. For naught. DeMint's 63 percent finish makes for a solid-looking victory when you don't consider the context of a colossal mess like Alvin Greene. The Democrat did pull in 28 percent of the vote, with 356,969 people sahttp://voices.washing
tonpost.com/comic-riffs/2010/11/best_comics_pitch_of_the_day_c.htmlying they'd rather have him than DeMint. So, there is that embarrassment.
Though he won't represent South Carolina, Alvin Greene is making a bid to resurrect the memory of one of professional wrestling's most popular, charismatic, and enigmatic stars, the Ultimate Warrior. Legally, of course, this is a specious claim because wrestler - the real Ultimate Warrior - owns the trademark to the name. This isn't stopping Alvin Greene, a man who once said that manufacturing superhero toys of himself could bring South Carolina out of the economic abyss.
Losing is only the first part of the journey for Alvin Greene, as he plans to create a comic book based on his concept (already trademarked and legally owned by the wrestler the Ultimate Warrior) of being the Ultimate Warrior:
Faster than an incumbent politician, stronger than the Hulk, able to leap both Michael Jordan and the ballot box in a single leap from logic. Alvin Greene may have lost his offbeat bid for the Senate, but no one, apparently, defeats his alter ego: the "Ultimate Warrior."
Greene's candidacy ended as quirkily as it began Tuesday night, with the Democratic challenger posing no threat to South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint -- yet in the alternate universe of comics, Greene remained unbowed.
Speaking to a handful of reporters on Election Night, Greene paused to pitch his comic book featuring a do-gooder superhero helping families in foreclosure, reports WBTV.com -- the vanquished surreally touting the superpowers of the ever-victorious "Ultimate Warrior."
Of his superheroic "alter ego," Greene tells reporters, citing a couple of retired athletes: "He can see into the future. He is faster than [Olympic medalist] Maurice Greene and he can outleap [Michael] Jordan."
If only, for Greene's sake, Ultimate Warrior could outpoll a sitting senator. With great power, it seems, comes great eccentricity.
For more "Ultimate Warrior" images, you can click here.
The Alvin Greene comic can be found here. The real Ultimate Warrior's comic can be found here.
The WWF wrestler, The Ultimate Warrior, was billed as being from Parts Unknown. Alvin Greene is an individual who is truly from Parts Unknown, and we at SBPDL wish him a successful post-election career.
Based on some of the characters that have appeared in WWF/WWE before, Alvin Greene might just fit right in Vince McMahon's cartoonish and racially insensitive world.
Still though, how did he get that many votes? That should go without saying.
The new US Senate will have no Black people and that is a travesty. The faux Ultimate Warrior Alvin Greene would have undoubtedly made some inspiring speeches on the floor of the Senate, and we are all poorer for his losing.
More election coverage will be coming up later tonight.
From Exit Polls, Alvin Greene got 80 percent of the Black vote in South Carolina:
Nationwide, 90 percent of Black people voted Democratic.
Fifty-three percent of Black college graduates voted for Greene, while 82 percent of Black people without degrees voted for Mr. Greene.
Whatever I think about Alvin Greene, Lawrence O'Donnell is as contemptible a piece of mainstream media sewage as I have ever witnessed.
Cry me a river
After Obama totally screwed everybody over.Voters did not make the same mistake.Just because your black doesn't make you fit to run for the the United States Senator.
"unemployed, currently living with his parents and indicted for showing a white Clemson co-ed pornography"
Oh yeah, that's the kind of guy who should be a Senator.
It's almost unbelievable that the percentage of blacks in the state and the percentage of the vote Greene received is identical. And yet, there it is. Amazing.
That poor man was obviously set up as the patsy to some elaborate and ultimately cruel joke. I could not watch more than a few seconds of the video.
Yes, I'd have voted for DeMint if I lived there. But the point remains that Greene was turned into a laughingstock and I don't think he has the presence of mind to realize it.
There was a time, during the honeymoon period following Obama's election, that some people, both black and white, actually believed that the massive black voter turnout for Obama was due to genuine hope, or interest in candidate Obama for the kind of man he was, rather than the simple fact that he was a black democrat.
The Alvin Greene debacle, as painful as it was to watch, is instrumental because it should quickly lift the wool from the eyes of any non-black who cares to see the truth. Demographically speaking, South Carolina is roughly 30% black; Greene received close to 30% of the vote in South Carolina. Hmmm...
This of course helps contexualize black perception of Obama, or black perception of politicians in general. If Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, or Lil Wayne ran for president on a Democrat ticket and had the machinery behind them to heavily advertise, they would get the same exact number of votes that Obama got.
Ultimately, I think that blacks prefer dictators for life, a la Baby Doc/ Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti, rather than actual democracy. If it were put to a vote today as to whether or not Obama should be made de facto head of state for life in a coup, want to guess how many blacks would be willing to believe in that particular "change".
Recently "comedian" Paul Mooney (who makes his living pretty much living off Richard Pryor's corpse) said that there will be no more white presidents, ever. It will be interesting, if this Republican momentum continues, to see the look on his bitter face when the Obamassiah must vacate 1600 Pennsylvania.
Whites of course can be fooled twice (as evidenced by Bush's two terms) but Obama made the classic mistake of treating his enemies too badly, too early. His bargaining on Univision, against his "enemies" (re:whites) was the clincher coming as it does on the heels of the Holdergate/ New Black Panthers debacle. The number of white liberals young or suicidal enough to continue voting for their displacement won't be large enough for old purple lips to enjoy another term. He and his wife with the well-defined biceps will have to find a new hustle. Maybe public speaking engagements for massive fees?
"Whites of course can be fooled twice (as evidenced by Bush's two terms)"
Oh puleeze.
Voting against two insufferable douche-bags like Al Gore and John Kerry had nothing to do with being "fooled" by George Bush.
"Still though, how did he get that many votes? That should go without saying."
This was a sad joke perpetrated on the citizens of South Carolina. I'm sad to report that race had nothing to do with it.
I have one question. Why was there even an election?
-Black guy
"I'm sad to report that race had nothing to do with it."
I'm happy to report that you are consistently full of shit.
He won the democrat primary BECAUSE of race.
He received over 300,000 votes on November 2 BECAUSE of race.
I can't find exit poll results yet (or racial date) on the South Carolina election yet, but I did find this nugget:
"In South Carolina, Democrat Alvin Greene, having defeated the candidate his party's establishment preferred, received $165 via Paypal during the month that his Warren Group campaign advisers managed his website.
Greene did face a serious charge, it is true; but Greene was and is innocent until proven guilty, a principle in the law of which lawmaker Jim Clyburn appears to be ignorant, and there is a history of white southerners unjustly accusing black men of insulting their daughters' honour.
Even if media accounts of the flirtation incident involving Greene were true, the Republican party in Louisiana preferred to back – successfully – its Senate candidate, David Vitter, a married man who apologised after being accused of hiring a prostitute.
Liberals mocked Greene, even though his platform was identical to, or more progressive than, Obama's – for example, Greene supports universal healthcare – because Greene speaks poorly on TV. Unions that endorsed Al Gore, whose advocacy of free trade gutted labour rights, opposed Greene, despite his pro-union positions.
Despite being virtually sabotaged by his own party, Alvin Greene won 28% of the vote, with the Green party getting 9%. Since the Green party won only 0.2% of the vote in the 2008 presidential elections, Greene – without the Democratic party-sanctioned defections – might have won 37%. That would have put him within close reach of 42%, O'Donnell's million-dollar result in Delaware. As Greene reminded me when we watched election returns at his home, Barack Obama himself only won 45% of the South Carolina vote in 2008, with many millions more campaign dollars.
In short, Greene was no joke. His candidacy was killed by his own party."
This article comes from an English rag, apparently penned by a highly effeminate Black person.
Alvin Greene was a joke, an embarrassment, and a symbol of all that is wrong. Yet he still got more than 300,000 votes.
More than 300,000 ostensibly bipeds in South Carolina, possessing a modicum of intelligence (enough to read), voted for Alvin Greene.
The 2010 mid-term elections was an implicit declaration of war by Middle American Radicals (MARS) - white America - upon Barack Obama, a man who declared war on white America (which Theroot.com gloats over...)
Stuff Black People Don't Like has been online for 16 months and has documented the quick decline off Mein Obama better than most (if I do say so myself).
The book (SBPDL: YEAR ONE) will be a must read for those interested in understanding what is beginning to transpire in America.
"I'm sad to report that race had nothing to do with it."
I'm happy to report that you are consistently full of shit.
He won the democrat primary BECAUSE of race.
He received over 300,000 votes on November 2 BECAUSE of race.
Its further proof that YOUR political system is a joke, and you people fall for it hook line and sinker. What unemployed person with pending criminal issues has exactly 10,400 just lying around to throw away on some hum bug? How does someone who does no campaigning, no signs, no print ads , no commercials , no website garner thousands of votes in a primary against a known candidate from the same party?
You probably believe Bush is a cowboy.
-Black guy
"Its further proof that YOUR political system is a joke"
It's further proof that blacks are obsessed with race, and will vote based on race regardless of the borderline mental retardation of the black candidate.
I have to admit that Greene does seem like a "clean" black guy. I think Biden would agree. -white liberal pretending to be a black guy.
"It's further proof that blacks are obsessed with race, and will vote based on race regardless of the borderline mental retardation of the black candidate."
Do you see the irony of accusing me of obsessing on race, when my statement refers to potential election fraud and not race, on a website totally obsessed with race?
-Black guy
Despite the conspiracy theories of our resident swarthy libertarian, race was definitely a factor, but perhaps not the main one. The fact is that there are plenty of people in this country who would vote for a fucking gourd in a fedora and tie rather than punch the ticket for anyone with an (R) next to his name.
Ol' Alvin reminds me of someone who got invited to a 'pig party' and hasn't realized it yet ... And probably never will.
"Do you see the irony of accusing me of obsessing on race"
I didn't accuse "you" of anything. My reference to blacks voting for a semi-retarded black candidate was not directed at you. I'm fairly certain you do not live in South Carolina, and frankly I'm not convinced you'd have voted for Al Greene anyway.
From Exit Polls, Alvin Greene got 80 percent of the Black vote in South Carolina:
Nationwide, 90 percent of Black people voted Democratic.
53 percent of Black college graduates voted for Greene, while 82 percent of Black people without degrees voted for Mr. Greene.
"53 percent of Black college graduates voted for Greene, while 82 percent of Black people without degrees voted for Mr. Greene."
This is further evidence that the democrats rely on ignorant blacks for their votes, while educated blacks are more likely to have a mind of their own.
Anonymous in the third post is correct. Alvin Greene got 28.2% of the vote and blacks make up 28.2% of the South Carolina population, according to the latest Census Bureau statistics. So every black person who had enough sense not to vote for Greene was matched by a clueless white, Latino, or Asian who was determined to pull the lever for the Democrat no matter what.
Alvin Greene is just as competent and qualified as every other black in congress. In other words, he is a moronic savage.
Several people in my engineering office in the western part of South Carolina voted for Mr. Greene, in large part because DeMint is seen as a nasty little piece of work by people who have been in this state for a while. I didn't vote for him, since I am until the end of the year a resident of NY.
But if I had been a resident, I would have voted for him because I believe that he would have raised the Senatorial IQ average by a dozen or so points. Can one honestly say that Chuckie Schumer, Harry Reid, and Olympia Snowe are smarter than Mr. Greene?
"DeMint is seen as a nasty little piece of work by people who have been in this state for a while."
Translation: DeMint is a conservative Christian who believes that character and morality matter.
"Can one honestly say that Chuckie Schumer, Harry Reid, and Olympia Snowe are smarter than Mr. Greene?"
Yes. As despicable as they may be, they are infinitesimally smarter than Alvin Greene.
Alvin Greene got 28.2% of the vote and blacks make up 28.2% of the South Carolina population, according to the latest Census Bureau statistics.
If that doesn't get anyone to call bullshit I don't know what will.
Either the average person on this site is insanely obsessed with race or doesn't understand the system.
-Black guy
"Either the average person on this site is insanely obsessed with race or doesn't understand the system."
Well, YOU are an average person on this site.
Are you insanely obsessed with race, or do you not understand the system?
Perhaps both?
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