Enemies both foreign and domestic.
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Black Run America's (BRA) biggest sycophant |
We have talked about the military many times before at this blog, pointing out that the special forces of the United States remain monochromatic; that the US Coast Guard has difficulty finding qualified Black candidates who can remain in the program; that the United States Air Force deploys flight squadrons that have less Black people than the film Top Gun; the Greatest Generation wasn't exactly a diverse bunch; Naval Academy standards must be lowered so that Black people can qualify for enrollment; and that Chief Moose of the DC Sniper fame apparently runs the human resource department for the US Army now at Fort Hood.
We have also discussed George W. Bush and Kanye West too, twin pillars of American Exceptionalism.
President Bush was beloved by the military, a man whose Mission Accomplished moment in 2003 couldn't have been better scripted by Hollywood writers or Madison Avenue copy writers if they were given an unlimited budget and every A-level actor to choose from.
Fitting though, that President Bush display his complete subservience to Black Run America (BRA) and perfidious nature when questioned about his worst moments as Commander-in-Chief, and leader of the proverbial "free world":
Former President George W. Bush says that Kanye West's insinuation that he is a racist, made in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, still stings today — and that the episode was the "all-time low" point of his presidency.
Bush's long-delayed reaction to West's ad-libbed comment that "George Bush doesn’t care about black people," made during a live TV benefit show for hurricane survivors, is from an interview the former president taped with Matt Lauer of NBC.
Here's the exchange, from an early transcript the network released, as quoted by Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly:
“He called me a racist,” Bush tells Lauer. “And I didn’t appreciate it then. I don’t appreciate it now. It’s one thing to say, ‘I don’t appreciate the way he’s handled his business.’ It’s another thing to say, ‘This man’s a racist.’ I resent it, it’s not true.”
Lauer quotes from Bush’s new book: “Five years later I can barely write those words without feeling disgust.” Lauer adds, “You go on: ‘I faced a lot of criticism as president. I didn’t like hearing people claim that I lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction or cut taxes to benefit the rich. But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all-time low.’
President Bush responds: “Yeah. I still feel that way as you read those words. I felt ‘em when I heard ‘em, felt ‘em when I wrote ‘em, and I felt ‘em when I’m listening to ‘em.
Lauer: “You say you told Laura at the time it was the worst moment of your presidency?”
Bush: “Yes. My record was strong, I felt, when it came to race relations and giving people a chance. And it was a disgusting moment.”
Lauer: “I wonder if some people are going to read that, now that you’ve written it, and they might give you some heat for that. And the reason is this — “
Bush [interrupting]: “Don’t care.”
Lauer: “Well, here’s the reason. You’re not saying that the worst moment in your presidency was watching the misery in Louisiana. You’re saying it was when someone insulted you because of that.”
No greater simultaneous devotion and acquiescence to the ideals that power Black Run America (BRA) can be located then these words from George W. Bush, a man who even considered endorsing Barack Obama in 2008, if he had been asked:Bush: “No, and I also make it clear that the misery in Louisiana affected me deeply as well. There’s a lot of tough moments in the book. And it was a disgusting moment, pure and simple.”
Yesterday, an even more intriguing story appeared on a blog of the Financial Times. Alex Barker writes of his "favourite Bush anecdote," which "some of the witnesses still dine out on":
The venue was the Oval Office. A group of British dignitaries, including Gordon Brown, were paying a visit. It was at the height of the 2008 presidential election campaign, not long after Bush publicly endorsed John McCain as his successor.
Naturally the election came up in conversation. Trying to be even-handed and polite, the Brits said something diplomatic about McCain’s campaign, expecting Bush to express some warm words of support for the Republican candidate.
Not a chance. “I probably won’t even vote for the guy,” Bush told the group, according to two people present. “I had to endorse him. But I’d have endorsed Obama if they’d asked me.”Recall Stuff White People Like #8, and you might begin to understand that George Bush has more in common with SWPL whites than he does with Untouchable whites that he professes to represent. Had he given Obama his endorsement, we might be already bombing Iran with Mr. McCain in office.
White Guilt is the Original Sin, an all-encompassing mindset that deludes people into believing every concession made to Black people will ultimately end with the cessation of the question "And Then?"
In Black Run America, being called a "racist" is the ultimate road to perdition and George W. Bush is haunted not by 9/11, two wars that have taken the lives of countless Americans or a global financial crisis that was exacerbated by decisions he made in office, but by the callous words of Kanye West when he stammered incoherently on live TV next to Michael Myers and let out the immortal line: "George Bush doesn't care about Black people."
Happy Veterans Day, 2010. May we one day look back on the failed experiment known as Black Run America (BRA) and remember the capitulations that men like George W. Bush made to ensure it would endure.
It his intense devotion to the principle of BRA that will only augment the numbers of Those who can see.
Thank you Veterans. Now the question is when will men of character and quality rise so that the failed social scientists of the 21st century will finally be called out for bringing this world to the edge of chaos and ruination?
As Ron Paul pointed out, that document that SBPDL mentioned precludes these current wars from happening without a written declaration first.
The low point of the Bush presidency, as someone already pointed out at American Renaissance, was the day he was elected president. And then it was all downhill from there.
I spent four years in the Army and one year in Iraq, and though that does not make me an expert on this conflict in the same sense as someone like Thomas Ricks, I think I should say the following on behalf of anyone who died in this conflict: Unless you or someone in your family was in theater and their life was at risk, your "support of the troops," amounts to a bumper sticker on the back of a rollover prone SUV that consumes oil at a rate that neccessitates this kind of monstrous war. The burdens of this conflict, unlike the Second World War, were not shared by all Americans, but a very small percentage. There is no "Rosy the Riveter," in this picture. No draft equals kids mentally breaking down after their fourth or fifth deployment.
The George Marshall institute (hardly a liberal think tank) estimates that our involvment in Iraq has created seven times as many terrorists as there were the day we invaded Iraq. The war costs in excess of $1000 dollars per minute, and amid this costly enterprise Bush slashed taxes at a rate that would have made Nero or Caligula blush.
Let's say Obama is a total AA case; his admission to Harvard, his post on the law review, and his appointment to Potus. Even if this is the case, his advantages pale in comparison to the kind of nepotism that Bush benefited from. He managed to ruin a cushy oil business, shirked National Guard duty in a post that was designed to keep his cowardly ass out of Vietnam, and then like some sort of king he became the leader of a country on the strength of his father having once been the president.
Cry me a river
President Bush was president for 8 years and Kayne's remark is his low point? First of all no one care's about black people. What about 9/11 and the 30 million illegals he let enter America.
That's something I expect from a democrat. Yes, our former president was more upset by being labeled a “racist” by an obnoxious, arrogant rapper, than by starting an unprovoked war on false pretenses. Such is the tortured psyche of our last “Conservative” Republican president.
Peter Hitchens wrote a good piece on the election of Obama titled "The Night We Waved Goodbye to America" that had the following quote:
"These strengths had been fading for some time, mainly due to poorly controlled mass immigration and to the march of political correctness. They had also been weakened by the failure of America’s conservative party – the Republicans – to fight on the cultural and moral fronts.
They preferred to posture on the world stage. Scared of confronting Left-wing teachers and sexual revolutionaries at home, they could order soldiers to be brave on their behalf in far-off deserts. And now the US, like Britain before
it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World."
What Hitchens didn't say (though he knows) is that what really paralyzes Republicans and Conservatives is the issue of race. Ultimately we're in Iraq because RepubliCONS are afraid to confront race, not just left-winged teachers and sexual revolutionaries. How can Bush and co. go to his overwhelmingly white constituents and tell them that he pretty much is a social liberal who believes what Liberals believe about them, what would he have to sell them, other than tax cuts for the rich? Nothing, which is why he started a war to keep his voters minds off the reality that he is no different than the left on the issues that really matter. It worked out well for him, it kept conservatives from talking about his domestic agenda for eight years; it didn't work our so well for the nation, but what does that natter to Bush and the rest of the upper-class collaborators? They got theirs.
I've said here before, any white man who joins the Army or Marines ought to have his head examined. He's fighting for a system that holds the idea that his extermination is the highest moral goal of society.
"The beasts of the field and the birds of the air have their holes and their hiding places; but the men who fight and die for Italy enjoy only the light and the air. Our generals urge their soldiers to fight for the graves and shrines of their ancestors. The appeal is idle and false. You cannot point to a paternal altar. You have no ancestral tomb. You fight and die to give wealth and luxury to others. You are called the masters of the world, but there is not a foot of ground that you can call your own." - Tiberius Gracchus
Here is my recollection of Katrina: A Category 5 hurricane is heading to the Gulf Coast. Buffoon mayor of the chocolate city Ray Nagin refuses to order a mandatory evacuation. Then after a few days, the buffoon tells his people to leave the city. Blacks sit on their asses and stay put. The Hurricane rips through the area. The Levees break. Black people do what they do best -- steal everything from Heineken to flat screen tv's. Dithering Governor Blanco refuses help from the feds. People try to provide assistance but are shot at by blacks. Corrupt black police can't handle the situation because they are just as crooked as the people looting the stores. Anarchy ensues. Michael Brown takes the fall for rampant black criminality. Bush gets called a racist. Yup, what a week that was in 2005.
Well, of course Bush's low point was being called a 'racist' and it has nothing to do with bowing to that nebulous Black Run America.
He was boning Condi in the Oval Office for Christ's sake (at least according to the newest issue of The Globe tabloid)! How can he be racist?!
I'm sure that hurt him a great deal, being called that by Kanye West. I bet many white people would agree since some claim not being racist because of social and sexual connections to black people.
I distinctly remember arguing with someone on this very site who claimed to not be racist because they had a black wife and mulatto child, all the while deriding blacks for every thing he could think of.
Joking aside, though, I don't think Bush is a racist... which is why he kept the borders open, was BFFs with Saudis, and was boning Condi.
@ cry me a river bitch anonymous:
"First of all no one care's about black people."
You lie! If that were true, Cry Me a river bitch, you would not care about stuff black people apparently, according to some white dude, don't like. You and SBPDL care about black people very much. I'd be flattered on behalf of my people but you all's level of attentiveness is not necessarily a good thing.
"What about 9/11 and the 30 million illegals he let enter America."
Those 30 million illegals are your people, Cry Me a river bitch. I cannot fathom how you can say such a hateful thing being a Latino.
So, are you of the opinion you should be the lone Latino benefitting from Whitey's America? Because you are 'legal'?
Illegality is not the problem, is it? You don't like them because they are Latino and espeak eSpanish.
I doubt you'd have a problem with a horde of Swedes being smuggled into the country, right, even if they were 'taking jobs' from hard-working Amurricans?
I'm not advocating you resort to ethnicity-based groupthink but your level of self-hatred is very, very disturbing to me.
And this is the most important lesson, I think, for every white who encounters a self-hating minority: no matter how cute they are or how adorable their groveling, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT feed them! Do not cater to them; do not fuel the fantasy.
They need only one thing: that is a wake up call from their own people.
If I was Latina, Cry Me a river bitch, I'd give you a good talking to. You make me very sad. No lie, you do.....
Accusations of racism, particularly from a non-white person, carry a huge stigma which can seriously negatively affect a person's life. Yet Kanye can just blithely say that 'sometimes people say things in the heat of the moment that they don't mean.' Once the accusation is made it becomes a story, there is no burden of proof on the accuser and they can retract their statement at any time without critisism. Surely something is wrong with this.
What is going on with your comments? Nothing I write is being posted. Why?
How can anyone debate if things aren't posted in a timely manner?
Deziarrhea, you are a nauseating, despicable, extremely dumb fucking whore.
That is all.
Kanye likes to put fish sticks in his mouth.
Bush may have more in common with SWPL than untouchable whites, but he had the innate ability to project himself as a down-home folksy character in a way that fooled many people; yep, just a simple Texas cowboy whose father happened to be president and head of the CIA. Just another blue collar Joe who got into an Ivy League school as a legacy and joined the Skull & Bones.
But Bush had that red state "it" factor that was summed up some time after the Governor who presided over belly-up Arbusto was running against John Kerry. Bush was at a meet-and-greet and after he shook one smitten man's hand, a reporter asked him why he liked Bush more than Kerry. His response: "He doesn't make me feel like shit."
Sarah Palin might be one Chromosome short of a full sequence but she should manage to garner the same demographic by toting a mixed bag of the Southern strategy and some lip service to fiscal conservatism, but she actually has the ability to win for the same reason.
You are right, Desiree. No one would care about Swedes immigrating to this country. They are WHITE, they have higher IQs, they are not violent, they will work and they can think and function in the western world.
Desiree, you should be ashamed of yourself. It sounds like you just blow off at the mouth and don't even think before you speak.
I have only been on this site for a short time reading, but you seem to foam at the mouth with more stupidity than anyone. You offer nothing of value! At least Ryan was intelligent and had some good points and was conflicted about his position in both worlds. He was on the journey out of liberal thinking, like we all are here, and that is always a good thing. It is called "waking up". Your moronic comment about his sexual involvement with a black is useless, and shows your racist attitudes. He never said he hated blacks, he just knows that blacks are very different from whites and it causes conflict at every level. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME! Have you read any stats lately, or can you not face the "hate facts" presented here?
Low IQ minorities (NAMs) are destroying decency in every place on the planet. We are not fascinated with blacks in a good way, we must pay attention to what they are doing and make sure that America is not destroyed too.
Blacks ARE a self hating people. At least you admit this. Your people are turning the entire world into the third world, and you are a hypocrite. You do not want to live in this new Africa either, or the black ghettto because you know that blacks are violent to the core, cannot run a decent society, they cannot act with common decency for their fellow man, they cannot support an effective government, most cannot be educated, and they are unable to function in the western world.
What do you think America will look like once whites become the minority?? No more tax dollars, no more scavenging for scraps from whitey, no more roads and bridges, no more handouts, no more food on the shelves, not more welfare gubment jobs, no more inventions and scientific progress. It will be the end of everything you have become accustomed to and you should be very afraid.
Whites need to wake up and realize that blacks hate whites and would love to see whites eliminated. The entire black existence is based on getting revenge for slavery. Problem is, blacks are so dumb that they don't know that if whites are gone, it would be the end of them too.
Blacks are the most racist people on the planet. You should get real with yourself. And BTW, using big words does not make you intelligent.
Who cares what was the low point for this inept, bumbling, carpetbagging ersatz cowboy and fake conservative? God protect the white race from these compassionate conservatives. They are almost as hazardous to our survival as the cultural Marxists are.
He wants to be adored by negroes and illegal aliens like all the other country club Repubs (see also McCain and Graham).
Anonymous 5:19am:
I have never ever said whites should disappear. Ever. I realize you haven't been reading long (as you say) but if you can find a comment of mine where I have advocated the complete and utter annihilation of the white race, I'd be happy to see it.
Otherwise... yeah, you really don't have anything to say. If you find anything I disavow it, although I think your quest will be in vain.
The only way to create a harmonious, peaceful, and equal society and, by extension, world, is to pacify 'Whitey', knock him off his throne, deflate his head, and bring him back to the human race.
Whitey does NOT equal white people as individuals. Whitey is the system of inequality as a hold over from times past to which whites still benefit. If you want to twist my words, have at it. But that will only make you look dishonest.
I have to say that I find it truly amazing that you can call me a racist, especially when you say things like:
"blacks are so dumb"
"blacks are violent to the core"
And re: Swedes, "They are WHITE, they have higher IQs, they are not violent, they will work and they can think and function in the western world."
Everything I quoted above is an example of a true racist. You are making generalizations about people based on their heritage and the color of their skin. To assume that all Swedes would come to America, as opposed to Mexican immigrants, and do good is racist.
My critique of Ryan was based on everything he decided to reveal. He stated he had a black wife and mulatto kid. And, yet, he is espousing racist nonsense on a racist-incognito website. He stated that he was not a racist because he had a black wife.
This is what he'd said on July 12:
"I am no hateful racist, my wife has just gotten pregnant and I will be the father of a half-black/half-white baby about 7 months from now if all goes well."
That was his defense against being called a racist!
I'm not just spouting off at the mouth about whites with no basis in reality. I am just quoting them directly. And the reality is you CAN have black/minority sex partners and still be racist scum.
"Blacks ARE a self hating people."
Most definitely, of course; why do you hurl it in this direction as an insult? It's merely a sickness... Ah yes, it's because the idea of black people hating themselves makes you feel good.
If you can answer me one question I'd be happy as a clam: why do you think blacks (such as the late Michael Jackson), Latinos (such as Cry Me a river bitch), Asians (never, ever forget them), mulattoes (like Vin Diesel), etc. are self-hating, ie. hate who they are racially and would cut out their spleens to be white?
If you can answer that honestly and truthfully, I will make a decent attempt to at least think through my 'rabid' diatribes.
Thank you.
PS. If whites were the minority in this country, I think it would be the same as it is now (ie. the sky is not falling). Which is why the concept of BRA is truly foreign to me.
"no more inventions and scientific progress"
Really, I don't think whitey has been leading the way on that front for several years. Wait, I bet you think all black inventions, too, are myths! LOL!
PPS. You are right; big words do not equal intelligence, mastering them does. Funny, because I always thought I was a little lax on my vocabulary; I didn't think I used any big words in my comments!
"Deziarrhea, you are a nauseating, despicable, extremely dumb fucking whore."
Tell me about it.
IF she doesn't care what SBPDL writes why does she keep commenting.
Just because I'm Hispanic doesn't mean I have to like them. Even César Chávez was against illegal immigration. I don't like them because they're turning America into the country they fled. How stupid is that.
There isn't 30 million Swedes wreaking havoc in America. What is it with her and "self hatred". I'm not ashamed or proud to be Hispanic. The feeling is neutral. I'm just glad to be an American.
One of my pro amnesty cousin's did give me a "good talking to". I just stared at her tits the whole time.
Cry me a river
I know that a lot of people frown upon whites who join the service because they support BRA. There's people in the military who think the government is the ultimate bully. And they can't be bought with a government paycheck.
"Sarah Palin might be one Chromosome short of a full sequence..."
I would say she has one to many. lol. (sorry couldn't let that one go.)
I really hope you are being ironic, because if you're not, wow! I'm speechless. What does a draft dodging phony neo-conservative "cowboy", a closeted bisexual mediocre mainstream "rapper", and a day set aside to honor this nations military veterans( having your daddy set you up in the national guard to avoid combat doesn't count)have in common? Nothing.
-Black guy
"I doubt you'd have a problem with a horde of Swedes being smuggled into the country, right, even if they were 'taking jobs' from hard-working Amurricans?"
Your premise is idiotic, Swedes have no reason to enter the US illegally.
Sweden has a high standard of living because it is a white country.
However, non-white countries are shit-holes.
Therefore, it is quite predictable that non-whites will try to enter the US illegally.
Deziarrhea, surely even a dumb fucking whore like you has noticed that we don't have a immigration problem with Canadians.
" He wants to be adored by negroes and illegal aliens like all the other country club Repubs (see also McCain and Graham)."
Don't worry he is just like you. Also don't be naive they are all country club people. Including the ones that claim to speak for the "real Americans"
-Black guy
@ cry me a river bitch anonymous:
"One of my pro amnesty cousin's did give me a "good talking to". I just stared at her tits the whole time."
Wow! And I thought the only problem you had was self-hatred! Please, please, no more secrets. You are revealing too much! But, eew! Gross! Sexist!
No one is saying you have to be pro-illegal immigration. I don't agree with illegal immigration, either. I also agree in that there are areas in the States that are turning into 'Little Mexicos'.
But that is besides the point. They don't know any better and are kept isolated and uneducated by the Suits who want their cheap labor. They are then blamed for the way they keep their communities? How do you expect poor people to live? Haven't you ever seen images of Skid Row?
"What is it with her and "self hatred". I'm not ashamed or proud to be Hispanic. The feeling is neutral. I'm just glad to be an American."
What do you mean what is with me and self-hatred? I'm black and you are Latino; I see commonality in our status as minority! Duh! I honestly cannot fathom how you can say you are proud to be an American but 'neutral' about being Latino?
Your very words, my dear boy, belie your protestations of neutrality! Didn't you call Latinos 'savages' in another thread?
Jesus Christ, Cry me a river bitch, just say you hate being Latino. Just tell me how you really feel. I may then decide to leave you alone about your self-hatred issues. Many Latinos pretend to be white anyway; I've read that the racial hierarchy in Latin America is even worse than in America...
Soldiers in the United States armed forces take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. What would happen if some of them actually read the Constitution? What if they really believed in the individual rights and limited government so clearly articulated by the Founders? What if they despised federal meddling, foreign adventurism, and the socialist poison that has seeped into every corner of our lives? The result would be the Special Forces Underground, and its “political warfare journal,” The Resister.
The Resister is published pseudonymously by active-duty Special Forces men — the smartest, best trained soldiers in the army. They are experts in covert and delicate operations of all kinds: reconnaissance, sabotage, intelligence and operations behind enemy lines. It is a delight to discover that some of them cannot be corrupted by a regular government pay check.
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
You say that's an idiotic premise re: the Swedes but the truth is, even if Swedes were coming illegally in the place of Mexicans, you wouldn't have a problem because they are white.
I mean, you are tying to minimize that FACT by saying their country isn't a 'shit-hole', thus they wouldn't come over.
That isn't even the point.
I don't know if you are a she or he but, surely, you are the gaping dumb fucking whore. (stress 'gaping', lol)
Not me. Don't be so dense, kid. Try to think hypothetically. That is the essence of ideations.
They are almost as hazardous to our survival as the cultural Marxists are.
I'd say they are more hazardous, because they can implement all the same policies under the guise of conservatism. I've often said that I was very grateful when Obama was elected. Obama is an enemy revealed while McCain is an enemy hidden. If McCain had been elected, you wouldn't see any of the outrage currently directed at Obama. Soldier-worshiping imbeciles would be telling us to "give his policies more time." When push came to shove, he'd play up his "war hero" image.
("Hero" is the second most abused word in the English language, after "racist." This is what a real hero does to earn the title. This is the standard that should be met if you wish to use the word.)
Immigration is not a law-and-order issue. It's a race-and-culture issue. Always has been, always will be. Illegal Mexican border-jumpers and large numbers of legal Mexican immigrants result in the same thing: colonization. They'll turn this country into Mexico legally or illegally.
If it were up to me, I'd bring every Afrikaner here and settle them in the Southwest, regardless of what the law said.
Silent Running,
"Immigration is not a law-and-order issue. It's a race-and-culture issue. Always has been, always will be. Illegal Mexican border-jumpers and large numbers of legal Mexican immigrants result in the same thing: colonization. They'll turn this country into Mexico legally or illegally."
Immigration is an economic issue. Cheap labor is a commodity to be bought and sold on the open market. It is what keeps our Capitalist machine running. Before you get the wrong idea I'm not against Capitalism. I love it! It's the only thing that allows my family to enjoy a wonderful life in this country full of racist assholes, because no matter how crazy they get they cannot defeat the all mighty dollar. Money rules all.
-Black guy
-Black guy
"I see commonality in our status as minority!"
Desiree, this statement shows everything that's wrong with your worldview. Any "real" minority (by which I mean a fresh-off-the-boat immigrant) would tell you that there is NO "commonality" with other minorities. A new immigrant will look at WASPs, blacks, and Mexicans as "the other." Your belief in a "commonality" is just another way to be anti-white. But it's not like you invented this position: it's the dominant position of BRA.
"even if Swedes were coming illegally in the place of Mexicans, you wouldn't have a problem because they are white."
That's like saying "even if snow-skiing were to become popular in Mexico...".
It's absurd. There is no snow in Mexico.
Whites do not have a reason to leave a white country. The only people who are trying to leave their own shit-hole countries are non-white people.
Have you noticed that even with 5000 miles of open border, we do not have an illegal immigration problem with Canada?
That's because Canada has a high standard of living, with only a small minority of non-whites.
How many non-white countries can you name with a high standard of living, you dumb fucking whore?
"It's the only thing that allows my family to enjoy a wonderful life in this country full of racist assholes"
As the hispanic-on-black violent crime rate grows unchecked, only a negro would cheer-lead the arrival of more illegal Mexicans as some sort of benefit to his family.
Immigration is an economic issue. Cheap labor is a commodity to be bought and sold on the open market. It is what keeps our Capitalist machine running. Before you get the wrong idea I'm not against Capitalism. I love it! It's the only thing that allows my family to enjoy a wonderful life in this country full of racist assholes, because no matter how crazy they get they cannot defeat the all mighty dollar. Money rules all.
Like Edward Abbey said: "Conservatives love their cheap labor, and liberals love their cheap cause."
If the immigrants in question were to come into the country during times of labor shortage, then return home once that shortage dissipates, then it would be an economic consideration. But they aren't doing that. They're staying here, and since the overwhelming majority are low-IQ third-world peasants, they are net consumers of tax dollars. So much for the economic argument.
But if they are such a drain on the economy, why are they allowed to stay? Here is where the "cheap cause" comes in. Liberals support both the importation (citing the specious economic argument that you've spouted) and the naturalization of these immigrants because they know very well that such people will vote overwhelmingly for the welfare state, and because the liberals are guided by their liberal religion to displace the evil Caucasian majority.
Immigration right now is a state-sponsored scheme meant to destroy traditional America. It has zero to do with the free market.
I'm aware of your libertarian leanings, Black Guy. Your views are inane, just as you yourself are inane. Thanks for playing.
Black Guy is looking at things through his victimology glasses. Don't expect for him to truly understand anything completely. He cannot see things as they are, as we see them.
Desiree cannot recognize BRA because she looks through the same lenses. Victimology is like a religion to blacks. They are trying to get to the promised land. Cha-ching.
"If whites were the minority in this country, I think it would be the same as it is now."
Except for all the starving, homeless black vagrants wandering around begging for food. Blacks are getting fat on the gravy train now, but when whitey stops paying the bill, all hell will break loose. And Desiree, even if blacks became the majority, they would still act like minorities. It is deeply ingrained in black culture.
"I didn't think I used any big words in my comments!"
You use big words for a negro, that is what I was trying to say.
Desiree and Black Guy,
I will collect donations and buy you each a one way ticket to Africa leaving tomorrow. Will you take it? One condition, you can never come back.
Let me know what you decide.
Oh right. That's what I thought.
These strange clairvoyant orbs really work.
After reading L'Roi's puerile 3:34pm response to Silent, I shook up my 8-ball while asking "Is L'Roi's head about to be spiked into the sand like a jowly black volleyball?"
The response: "No doubt about it"
Silent Running,
As long as this is a Capitalist nation. Immigration will always be a "problem" that will never be solved.
-Black guy
"I will collect donations and buy you each a one way ticket to Africa leaving tomorrow. Will you take it? One condition, you can never come back.
Let me know what you decide.
Oh right. That's what I thought"
I don't think you can book a flight to Africa, because I don't believe there is an airport that serves an entire continent, but I could be wrong.
Thanks for the offer, but I will have to pass. Beleive it or not I actually love this country.
-Black guy
"As the hispanic-on-black violent crime rate grows unchecked, only a negro would cheer-lead the arrival of more illegal Mexicans as some sort of benefit to his family."
What happens in Prison or the street corner doesn't concern me or my family. Besides the neighborhood I live in is over 90% black.
-Black guy
"What happens in Prison or the street corner doesn't concern me or my family. Besides the neighborhood I live in is over 90% black."
LOL You can't possibly be this stupid.
Lots of laughs!!
"Anonymous said...
How many non-white countries can you name with a high standard of living, you dumb fucking whore?"
Let us see: Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau. There are actually quite a few.
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