When one considers the state of Black America's elected representatives in Washington DC (how many of the Congressional Black Caucus are under ethics investigation, believe Guam might capsize or elucidate on the Florida Gators not taking no Jive?), it should be obvious that Mein Obama is the titular face of Black people in a government of undeniably incompetent elected Black officials.
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Does 2010 offer A New Hope for America? |
And the 2010 election was all about him, with those forgotten, old white people (I'm looking at you Juan Williams) of Pre-Obama America sending a defiant message to DC: Black Run America (BRA) must end.
Michael Steele had nothing to do with it, mind you.
Black Run America (BRA) has been around for sometime. It doesn't mean that Black people run America, it means that America runs for the betterment of Black people. Entitlement programs, free lunches, welfare payments, the creation of Whitopia's miles away from failing Black cities, the end of NASA, affirmative action and blatant discrimination against the majority population have existed for sometime.
But Mein Obama put a Black face on the whole concept, thus creating a whole new dynamic. His administration has gone above and beyond what the original goal of BRA was and created a scenario virtually unimaginable ten years ago (see here where Theroot.com gloats about how Obama has benefited Black America at the expense of America).
White America is wakening up. White America hasn't lost its mind, its slowly beginning to realize that it has legitimate interests in an age where minority chauvinism is reaching epic levels. Just look at the returns of the 2010 mid-term vote. White people are abandoning the Democratic Party at rates unprecedented in American history.
Worse, Rhode Island voted to keep 'Plantations' in the state name!
With the battle for 2012 starting now, let's take stock of what this actually represents. Can the Republicans accomplish anything, offering the proverbial New Hope so many people long for right now? Or will it be the case of The Empire Strikes Back, as when the Republicans took power in 1994 but did nothing in return for those who voted them in and trusting them with the reins of the government?
Remember, Newt Gingrich is positioning himself for a 2012 presidential run, thus ensuring that 1994 is recreated and the The Empire Strikes Back scenario coming true.
Exit polls have showed low Black voter turnout, but in the end the Black vote doesn't matter. What matters is that something strange is happening in America: white people are beginning to think in terms of their own interests and they believe the Republican represents the best product available right now to protect their aspirations and goals for the future.
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Or is 2010 merely 1994 again? |
Untouchable whites just want normal Pre-Obama America, a time and place when pride still mattered.
Continuing the Star Wars theme, does the 2010 mid-term election represent a New Hope or merely The Empire Strike Back scenario?
Of course, somewhere people are thinking about that third kind of white people we alluded to recently. Perhaps they represent Return of the Jedi?
Conservatives are congratulating themselves like the Rebel Alliance did after destroying the Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope. Those who can see wonder if this is but a repeat of the failed promise of 1994, when the gains of conservatives were negated by the pusillanimous elected Republicans once in office.
Are white people gaining courage to confront the term 'racist'? Rand Paul did win and he has shown courage against a barrage of attacks...
Black Run America (BRA) will not end until white people understand that they have legitimate interests and that these interests matter in a nation that is increasingly hostile to Pre-Obama America and its founding documents.
There will never be an end to the question "And Then?" and it should be obvious that there Can be no peace between SPWL whites and Untouchable whites.
But what is happening is something elemental: white people are starting to think as a group, if only implicit at first.Though the Tea Party people look for Black faces to make the movement seem palatable to those who believe racism to be a mental illness, the tectonic plates that hold together acceptable dialogue are shifting.
And that might be the ultimate Stuff Black People Don't Like. The zenith of 'hate facts'.
Black Run America (BRA) will not end until white people understand that they have legitimate interests and that these interests matter in a nation that is increasingly hostile to Pre-Obama America and its founding documents.
If you're correct (and I hope you are) and we're seeing the beginning of a Caucasian Awakening of sorts, it's probably a good thing that whites aren't aware of just how grueling a march this is going to be. After the awakening occurs, we'll still be faced with permanently hostile minorities and their SWPL fellow travelers as a substantial part of the population. We are indeed two peoples living within a single border, and this situation cannot last. Eventually there will come a breaking point.
Another black sub-human.
The Republican whores are going to pay lip service to rolling back the Obamination but it's not going to happen. They're all players. Those that are not will be joining the team soon enough. Those that refuse will be marginalized. The real US debt estimated by Boston University professor Laurence Kotlikoff at $200 trillion is going to be defaulted upon at some point, there's just no other solution.
The only thing that's going to save us is a refreshment of the Tree of Liberty. Entitlements have allowed the dependant classes to grow to a level unsustainable without massive subsidy.
Although unlike Keynesian jobs, they won't disappear once you withdraw the subsidy. No, they'll just drop the pretense of going down to the welfare office to receive the money extracted from you by government under implicit threat of force, and just come extract it from you themselves.
The police and military will be far more likely to climb up the backs of these people to get first crack at you rather than save you from them, seeing as how their skill sets have no real use in a free-market system that will arise without a government to restrict and regulate it, which is the real purpose of these people, to preserve and carry out the government monopoly on force and aggression. They'll just keep on doing what they know and do best.
Maybe not the best analogy, but the Arab world isn't populated by Muslims because all the conquered thought Allah was great. The Arab world is Muslim because those who refused Allah got the sword.
The parasites are going to choose the sword rather than self-reliance. And if you don't give it to them when they come to clean out your pantry, they're going to give it to you.
Prepare yourself. This is only the beginning. We haven't seen anything yet.
As alluded to by the above poster, it will be very interesting the week America declares bankruptcy and the welfare checks don't go out. To a demographic that has a sense of expectancy and entitlement to that money, it's gonna be traumatic.
To the millions of apathetic Caucasians who are more interested in the NFL and consumerism than the direction and state of their country and culture, the message will only be brought home the day a family member is raped or murdered or raped AND murdered. Sadly, this awakening should come sooner, but the honkies I see and talk to would rather recieve a shrimp skewer from Outback Steakhouse to their eye rather than employ their critical thinking skills to foresee the coming storm.
This willful ignorance will either be the death of us all, or hopefully just the death of DWL America, which is the outcome I'm hoping for.
Well Buried Guns, please have more faith in us honkeys... In only a matter of 1 years time, my spouse and I have converted to Tea Party thinking from the liberal end, I am learning about and teaching my homeschooled children about the founding documents, true American history and survival skills, and I have become very aware of the ways of the entitlement culture (and have officially lost my innocence as a result).
I am telling everyone I know to prepare for the worst when the welfare runs out, and get as far away from the violent inner cities as possible.
Whenever welfare "runs out" nothing will happen, because welfare is simply manufactured poverty. Welfare recipients aren't dependent on the system they are created by it.
It has already happened, and guess what no poor kids starved and the inner cities didn't go up in flames. Besides the hole "welfare queen" is so 1980's. The hole story was made up for political gain for Reagan. Lets allow "our" conservative hero to rest in peace.
You guys have to get with the times. Today's enemies are Muslims and immigrants(only the ones who speak Spanish) LOL !!
-Black guy
This is so silly.
A negro's been in the WH for 2 years and white people are calling for a revolution.
Did anyone do that under Bush? He wasn't good, was he?
It seems like all of this 'Whitey's going to fight back' crap is all knee-jerk. It's based in racism.
If it were Hillary in office and she was advocating the same thing as Obama, there would be no Tea Party. Tea Baggers are a bunch of racist idiots.
There has to be some manipulation being done by the Tea Bagging politicians to convince poor white trash to be AGAINST their own interests!
How can any poor person be AGAINST universal healthcare? How?! That they are OKAY with paying co-pays and premiums is insane.
Where is circa early-1990s Hillary? No one should have to pay for healthcare because everyone will get sick.
And wanting to protect businesses? Why? Capitalism run amok is why everything in America is so unequal. A CEO making $20M/year does not care about Big Bill in his Virginia trailer park, no matter if he donates to the 2012 Sarah Palin campaign.
Tea Baggers need to stop choking on the balls of Palin and her ilk and realize they are being used.
That's where I feel sorry for Whitey: he always lets his own racism distract from the pertinent issues at hand.
How is Obama scary? Can someone tell me? He is half-white...
"A negro's been in the WH for 2 years and white people are calling for a revolution."
People were also calling for revolution during the Bush presidency, you dumb fucking whore.
This isn't news.
Cry me a river
Bush didn't screw up as bad as Obama. Whitey Is like a cornered rattle snake. IF you push Whitey they will fight back. Just like the Waco Siege or Ruby Ridge.
"Tea Bagging politicians" and "poor white trash" have the same interest.
"Free" health care isn't really free since we must pay for it with taxes; expenses for health care would have to be paid for with higher taxes or spending cuts in other areas such as defense, education, etc.
Since your a big fan of Glenn Beck
Stick Figure Logic:The Truth About Capitalism
Black people "need to stop choking on the balls of Obama and his ilk and realize they are being used".
That's why I feel sorry for you Desiree: you always let your own racism distract you from the pertinent issues at hand.
Like the Chinese colonization of Africa. Or Is that racist whitey's fault to?
Anonymous at 4:55 said: "People were also calling for revolution during the Bush presidency..."
I was about to say the same thing -- well, more or less, and mostly less -- to Desiree when I saw your spot-on comment. I know I sure wanted a revolution during the Bush years.
Obammy has no one to blame but himself for what happened in the mid-term elections. People who were out of work wanted a fucking job not health care. People say polls don't matter but when every poll you saw clearly stated that the number one issue with the voting public was the economy and you continued with a health care push, your in need of a clue. The only way Obammy will stay in office for a second term is if the economy improves by great strides in the next two years and that dumbass Palin is the only other choice for President. If anybody else goes up against him.....he's toast. What more could have been done to point him in the right direction? Possibly a giant orange neon flashing sign that said: jobs....Jobs...JOBS!!!
"That's where I feel sorry for Whitey: he always lets his own racism distract from the pertinent issues at hand."
I feel sorry for Darkie because he's violent, uneducated, and criminal.
HillaryCare was introduced then immediately passed and there was no opposition to it at all from the GOP.
I don't know why we needed this new ObamaCare bill since we already had universal health care implemented in 1993.
I believe Mrs. Clinton was able to get this legislation passed because she was clearly white and definitely not black.
Partisan politics were unknown prior to Obama's inauguration and no government/presidential policies had ever been protested by American citizens.
I would like to thank Desiree for her stunningly insightful political analysis. She could be the next Eugene Robinson or dare I say Michelle Obama if she continues captivating SBPDL readers with her withering attacks on crackers.
I'm writing this from the local library because a corporation stole my trailer where I kept my computer.
Billy Bob.
Whenever welfare "runs out" nothing will happen, because welfare is simply manufactured poverty.
Anon @ 1:27 has it right. The national debt is now (or soon will be) such that we'll never be able to pay on the principle, and that debt is wholly owned by China. Eventually they're going to call it in, and when we default, they'll have to do something about it. If they don't, they're coming with us, and they know it.
Runaway inflation might force their hand, and we're already seeing the first signs.
Foreign assets can be seized and debt declared null and void only through revolution. Bring It Down.
"People were also calling for revolution during the Bush presidency, you dumb fucking whore.
This isn't news."
(Stop with the 'dumb fucking whore' thing. If you knew me personally, you'd quickly realize the 'whore' title and the 'dumb' title make no sense directed thusly...)
As strange as it sounds now, I was a republican when Bush was in the White House during his second term. A real republican, which made me quite entertaining, I'd imagine, to my center-left white teacher at the time, and I watched the news religiously because I was a political junkie (if I get some historical events incorrect, forgive me; it's been a while). The revolution being called for while Bush was in office had nothing to do with race, though.
Anti-war activists were the main people shouting against Bush, if I can recall specifically.
Hatred of the war was the impetus for being against Bush, right or left, really.
Not so for Obama. His color is the issue because why people never thought a black guy would get into office. When it happened, as this blog reflects with it's silly 'BRA' (LOL!), Whitey knew he had to do all he could to shift the pendulum back in it's correct direction.
Where were the Tea Baggers when Bush was in office?
I think SBPDL had a post way back then and he'd said something to the effect that Tea Baggers are against Obama first and foremost because he is black, which is a true observation.
If Obama wasn't black, some--if not most--of the vitriol directed his way would be greatly diminished.
This is fact. Sorry you are too blind to see that.
There was no racially-based animus against Bush by white people; it was kept in the realm of political viewpoints, left vs. right.
Which is why the concept of 'BRA' is ridiculous.
cry me a river bitch anonymous:
I specifically remember you stating that you are not white, yet, post after post, you go to bat for whitey?
I'll have to be really honest and say I do think you are white, but, for argument's sake, if you are not, your continued praise of whitey is both funny and sad...
Funny in that you believe your devotion and allegiance to Whitey is even appreciated. No, no, your ardor is NOT reciprocated. It is more of an example of what whites did with the Native Americans: knowingly pit two sides against each other to let the Natives kill each other and then, when the bloodshed is over, gathering up the spoils left behind, laughing all the while.
Or, they are merely siding with whatever your race may be to go after the common enemy, black people. When the common enemy is gone, the barrel of the gun will be in your face.
The hilarity of it all is in your obliviousness.
And all of it is sad because you naively believe kissing Whitey's feet will keep you as his lap dog and treasured pet. And you, being so pathologically screwed up, are so unaware that, like Old Yeller, you WILL be taken out and shot the moment you do something wrong, even if it is not your fault.
But...but... I do think you are white. Someone's gotta call you out on it. If you are not, what's your race, pray tell?
"The revolution being called for while Bush was in office had nothing to do with race, though."
And the current anti-Obama revolution also has nothing to do with his race, you wishful-thinking race-card-playing Obama-fluffing dumb fucking whore.
"Whenever welfare "runs out" nothing will happen"
"Runs out"?? WTF? Are you really this dense?
Did you even read his post?? It referred to the DEFAULT of the US national debt, which is a virtual certainty. The resulting economic collapse would bring about:
1. End of Oil imports into the US. leaving no fuel for your car, bus, train, etc to operate
2. Rolling electrical blackouts lasting days (if we are lucky)
3. Empty store shelfs and no food (no fuel to transport food, and no fuel to run tractors).
4. No jobs, unemployment greater than 90%
5. No firemen, or police to provide security.
6. Complete breakdown of the social structure.
And your comment is "nothing will happen"???
Read what happened during the Soviet Union collapse. Only there won't be any bailout by the IMF, ECB, etc for the US, we will be on our own. Unlike us, when the Soviet Union collapsed they were a net energy exports (still are today). Oil wasn't a problem for Russia, but it will be a huge problem for the US.
Cry me a river
(Stop with the 'racist YT' thing. If you knew most white's personally, you'd quickly realize the 'racist' title and the 'white trash' title make no sense directed thusly...)
Everyone knew America would have a non white president. I just didn't think It would happen in my lifetime.
Tea Baggers were nowhere to be found because Bush was Republican just like them. Maybe the Tea Baggers are against Obama because he's black. That's not the only reason. There's immigration and universal health care. And that Is just the tip of the iceberg.
The concept of "BRA" Isn't ridiculous. Look around and you will find white people are bending over for black people.
Gladio ex Libertas
"The revolution being called for while Bush was in office had nothing to do with race, though. Anti-war activists were the main people shouting against Bush, if I can recall specifically."
...except after Katrina, when Kanye West spoke what nearly all blacks were thinking during his infamous sub-retarded rant. How quickly they forget....
So what you're actually saying is that white people are not allowed to dislike this man as a president under any circumstances. No dissent allowed!! That's definitely the core principle America was built on, right? I think I remember something in the Constitution about NOT having the right to criticize a black person's ideas, but I'll have to double check that. I'll keep you posted.
Personally, I can't stand the guy, but it has nothing to do with his skin tone...I disagree with his white half just as much as I disagree with his African half. His policies are completely unrealistic and poorly thought out, as are most far-left ideas. So if that makes me a "racist" in your book, you should probably reconsider, as I don't think that word means what you think it means.
"Whenever welfare "runs out" nothing will happen"
"Runs out"?? WTF? Are you really this dense?
Did you even read his post?? It referred to the DEFAULT of the US national debt, which is a virtual certainty. The resulting economic collapse would bring about:
1. End of Oil imports into the US. leaving no fuel for your car, bus, train, etc to operate
2. Rolling electrical blackouts lasting days (if we are lucky)
3. Empty store shelfs and no food (no fuel to transport food, and no fuel to run tractors).
4. No jobs, unemployment greater than 90%
5. No firemen, or police to provide security.
6. Complete breakdown of the social structure.
And your comment is "nothing will happen"???
Read what happened during the Soviet Union collapse. Only there won't be any bailout by the IMF, ECB, etc for the US, we will be on our own. Unlike us, when the Soviet Union collapsed they were a net energy exports (still are today). Oil wasn't a problem for Russia, but it will be a huge problem for the US.
"Stop with the 'dumb fucking whore' thing."
Stop posting stupidity.
"Tea Baggers are a bunch of racist idiots." Why does wanting less government, less taxes and personal responsibility make me an idiot? Desiree, take Black Guy and go somewhere else.
Cry me a river
My "devotion and allegiance to Whitey" is actually appreciated. Like it or not I'm not the only non white that "goes to bat for YT".
You think whites "gathered up the spoils left behind" in white wars. Like WW1 and 2. Like the Revolutionary War. Who pitted whites against each other? Huh?
You make it sound like whitey is the common enemy of non whites. Black people are the common enemy of every non black race. They have earned everybody's hate.
I am not Old Yeller. I'm not some dog on a leash who can't think for himself. Besides didn't you say you dated a white guy and had white friends.
Believe or not I'm Hispanic. Some of the Hispanics I rub shoulders with openly hate blacks. They like to call black people "mayate" which is the English equivalent of "nigger".
"Besides didn't you say you dated a white guy and had white friends."
Deziarrhea has a thing for white guys, that's why she come here everyday.
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama,who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
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