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Houston, 1969: How did these white guys ever succeed without Black people? |
Curbing excellence seems to be a ploy to remove all remnants of white people excelling where Black people constantly fail. Perhaps if science labs are removed from high schools (as in Berkeley), the stunning athletic achievements of Black people will somehow progress our levels of scientific knowledge.
Instead of investing money in the "gifted" segments of society, we are intent on de-investing from those programs and redistributing that money to areas of consistent failure:
NASA has selected the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corp. of Falls Church, Va., to administer a $1 million career development and educational program designed to address the critical shortage of U.S. minority students in science and engineering fields.
The NASA Astrobiology Institute's (NAI) Minority Institution Research Support (MIRS) program in Moffett Field, Calif., is providing the funding for the four-year effort. The program will provide opportunities for up to four faculty members and eight students from minority-serving institutions to partner with astrobiology investigators. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and the future of life on Earth and the potential for life elsewhere.
"Providing new education opportunities for minority students will both enrich lives and answer a critical need for proficiency in science and engineering," NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said. "But just as importantly, the program is an investment to cultivate imaginative thinking about the field of astrobiology."
The United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corp. will use its extensive database of 14,000 registrants to develop an online community to provide webinars, virtual training and videoconferences, and provide outreach and recruitment for program participants. The program's objective is to engage more teachers from under-represented schools in astrobiology research and increase the number of students pursuing careers in astrobiology.
"Our nation's underserved populations are a tremendous resource on which we must draw, not just for science, but for everything we do," said Carl Pilcher, director of NASA's Astrobiology Institute. "We are extremely pleased that the NAI MIRS program will continue contributing under the leadership of such a strong and experienced partner."
Founded in 1998, NAI is a partnership between NASA, 14 U.S. teams of universities and other organizations, and seven international consortia. NAI's goals are to promote, conduct, and lead interdisciplinary astrobiology research, train a new generation of astrobiology researchers, and share the excitement of the field.
One of the first rules of SBPDL is that any organization that fails to have significant numbers of Black people (or vocational fields) is operating at crisis level. Only with the introduction of large numbers of Black people can offset this horrible situation, for the efficiency of an organization and its status as a progressive, tolerant company (or vocation) is at stake.
So how many Black astrobiologists are there?:
During the Astrobiology Science Conference held at NASA Ames in April 2002, less than 1% of the 800 attendees were African-American. To increase the visibility and participation of underrepresented scientists, The Minority Institution Astrobiology Collaboratory (MIAC) was formed.A sane society would have no problem asking why that might be, but an insane society merely inquires as to how a greater representation of Black people will be possible (hint, lowering standards to becoming an astrobiologist).
One institution that has allocated money for NASA (and is a predominately Black university) is Alabama A&M. A top producer of Black people with advanced doctorates, Alabama A&M is also home to growing controversy that involves NASA, tens of millions of dollars and a chief compliance officer who used to be a janitor:
According to high ranking officials at Alabama A&M University, the FBI has started asking questions about recent events at the Research Institute.
That's the flagship scientific research program, an 11-year-old separate corporate entity that employs A&M professors to handle millions in private and government research contracts on behalf of NASA, the Defense Department and numerous companies, such as Boeing.
"Yes, some senior administrators have been informed of a potential situation with the Research Institute," said university spokesperson Wendy Kobler on Thursday when asked about the FBI investigation. "Of late, there have been no follow up conversations about the ongoing inquiry into the Research Institute."
According to the former institute attorney, Annary Cheatham, after a summer of more than five firings and forceouts, there's just about no one left at the institute with a background in science or with the necessary security clearance.Yes, the chief compliance officer that oversaw millions in grants was a former janitor.
The institute's small governing board, which includes former A&M trustee Shefton Riggins and current A&M trustee Tom Bell, on June 14 held a private meeting and fired the man who had helped found the institute, physicist and longtime director Dr. Daryush Ila.
They hired Dr. Tommy Coleman, who has a background in plant and soil science. In July, the board removed Coleman and put in director Deidra Willis-Gopher, a former teacher.
Kevin Matthews, a former Madison County janitor, became the new chief compliance officer. And Cheatham, who was brought in as general counsel for the institute on July 20 and let go 15 days later, said the bylaws were rewritten to place Matthews on the Institute board with Riggins and Bell, meaning Matthews is, in part, supervising himself.
Like all government agencies, NASA exceeds its employment of Black people (correlated to the percentage of the overall US population) by 49 percent. This isn't enough, as NASA lags in diversity:
In a year of firsts, the nomination of an African-American to lead NASA hasn't grabbed national front-page headlines used for a black president moving into the White House, or for the selection of a Hispanic justice for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Yet, if former astronaut Charles Bolden is confirmed as the next NASA administrator, he will take over an agency still struggling to match the racial diversity found in the nation's population, much less the federal work force in general.
Part of the reason is because minorities are underrepresented in the science- and math-related professions from which NASA draws, said space policy expert Howard McCurdy.
But that doesn't excuse NASA, he said.
"The federal government has viewed itself as having a special responsibility to be a model employer, to go beyond what the occupational distribution allows," said McCurdy, a public affairs professor at American University in Washington, D.C.
"I don't sense that NASA moves much beyond what the occupational categories provide them. They are much more comfortable with technical challenges than with social ones."
When it comes to racial parity, NASA falls short in all but one ethnic group, Asian-Americans. At Kennedy Space Center, the situation is a little different.
Blacks, who make up 12.8 percent of the U.S. population, represent 11.3 percent of NASA's employees. They make up 17.9 percent of the federal work force. At KSC, blacks make up 7.6 percent of the work force, compared with 10 percent of Brevard County's population.Hispanics represent 5.9 percent of all NASA employees, although they make up 7.9 percent of the federal labor force and 15.1 percent of the nation's population. Ten percent of KSC's work force is made up of Hispanics, compared with 6.9 percent of Brevard's population
We once went to the moon. We can't go back now, not because mankind is getting dumber, but because mankind is having to curb excellence so that Black people won't be left out. Honors classes, military entrance exams, AP exams, the SAT, LSAT, MCAT and ACT, the Wonderlic and any other test that requires a No. 2 pencil must go, because they deny Black people the opportunity to bless many vocations with wondrous variety and diversity.Asian-Americans, who make up 4.6 percent of the national population, represent 6.3 percent of NASA's work force. That's nearly double the 3.4 percent they represent of all government employees. At KSC, 4.2 percent of the work force is made up of Asian-Americans, compared with 2.1 percent of Brevard's population."
American innovation has been handicapped by the failures of Black people and to compensate for this continued poor academic showing (and thus high rate of barber shop employees), all companies or organizations - both public and private - must lower standards.
To understand why America made it to the moon in 1969 is to understand where America would be ranked in the PISA scores internationally were the white score not saddled with those of an underachieving racial group.
The contributions of Black people can not go unnoticed: where would the world be without the Super Soaker or this nifty invention to hold sagging pants up?
We can only look at modern Huntsville to see where mankind is heading, thanks to Antoine Dodson.
Those of us looking at the year 2010 coming to close realize the world of Harrison Bergeron is upon us.
It really amuses me how a lack of blacks, Hispanics, or women leads to 'outreach' and consequent lowering or changing of standards.
So we basically blow money (opportunity cost) to create and inferior product; someone with more talent, and less cost to develop that talent, gets cast aside because of the wrong skin color or the wrong equipment below the legs.
To be clear, modern amerika is nothing more than an amorphous conspiracy against white males, and whites in general. You cannot watch or read the news, or look at what goes on in this country without concluding that.
The good news is that in a competitive world, we cannot afford to waste our resources like we do; in doing so we WILL be surpassed, and if it goes on long enough, conquered. Either by military means, by being economically eclipsed (see:Pax Brittanica), or by eventual Mexicanation due to treasonous border control.
So, enjoy your programs and set-asides...it will lead to collapse. But in the end, these recipient groups care not a whit about the future their choices TODAY make - and this ironically is precisely why their lives and families are in such disarray.
Steal from the productive and studious to give to the lazy and incapable. A grand idea, until the bills come due.
@ SBPDL...Oh man, this one has bummed me out!
I remember as a child, watching with breathless wonder and awe mans first tenative steps into the cosmos with Apollo. Gene Rodenberrys hopefull vision of going where "no man has gone before" seemed on the verge of reality....
But alas, it was not to be!..You see we put those men on the moon with an army of brilliant WHITE minds!. Specifically those brilliant German rocket scientists Werner von Braun, Hermann Oberth, Eberhard Ruess. But now our Germans are all gone!. The visions of Von Braun & Oberth never realised...What makes be despair more than anything is the realisation that Rodenberrys & Von Braun's & Oberth's dreams (& the dreams of Aryan man) will probably never come true..Why?:
Becuse the white world is dying is why. All of the west is facing a demographic catastrophe of biblical proportions. Our lands are being swarmed with tens of millions of ignorant, low i.q. third worlders & our societies are afflicted with the madness of political correctness & "multiculturalism"...There is hope on the Private sector front for space exploration but our demographics will soon kill that. Russia?, Russia is our one bright spot right now but they too are facing a demographic time-bomb!. China?, China has ambitious plans for space but only as it applies to the commercial explotation of the moon & the asteroid belt. Lets face it, Asians can build competant & stable socities but exploration is not their penchant Exploration is a "white" thing!.
And this is where I despair. For I know that if we go. If we do not reverse this demographic catastrophe we are facing. If we do not expel the muslim & black hordes from our lands...Then this world is truely facing a new & everlasting dark age. Controlled by rapacious Chinese who's only thirst is money while what is left of the rest of humanity wallows in dumb, mindless sameness..
The bold & hopefull visions of Gene Rodenberry, Hermann Oberth, Robert Goddard & Konstantine Tsiokovsky I feel may never come to fruition..For if we go?, well there goes the "whole ballgame"...I still hold out hope that all is not lost & that our peoples WILL someday go to the stars!...My DEEPEST hope!.
NASA= Not About Space Anymore.
Far to much YT debbil magic for BRA.
You know, I find it funny that it is always white men who set up the standards or the guidelines for everything and, of course, end up being the 'best' according to those standards.
They say: 'Intelligence should be measured on mathematical, spatial, and verbal abilities.' Two out of the three are things to which the male brain is better suited.
This leads to icing out women. You people do realize that there is something fishy if the average IQ mark is 100 and whites happen to not only fall on that average but also are making the tests. I mean, come now...
Then, they say: 'The sciences and mathematics will be the de facto disciplines to measure intelligence and achievement.'
Again, fields traditionally went into by men.
It's worth remembering that women and blacks, for example, had been kept out of higher education far longer than we all realize. Thus, there will always be a 'catch up' game.
But, you know, women and blacks or Hispanics might not want to go the route of the sciences. That doesn't mean they are less than. You just gravitate to what you love and what you are good at.
Many people who are good at math may lack in other fields. I knew someone who was phenomenal at math but their papers were abysmal. Likewise, I am not great at math (although I can be taught by a good instructor) but I excel at thinking (ideations) and writing.
We all have our gifts. Black people may want to go into liberal arts and become lawyers and judges and thinkers. They don't have to be science/math geeks.
Who cares? To each their own. Stop worrying about what blacks are doing like a psychotic racist asshole and worry about why there seems to be a correlation between whiteness and wanting to have sex with children and animals. And I'm talking orientations, not convenience.
NAMBLA, Dutch-based Martijn, the boy-loving culture of the Ancient Greeks. Pederasty influenced much of the arts there.
I saw some rednecks inseminating turkeys on 'Dirty Jobs' the other day and I worried for the safety of those animals...
Please worry about your own community, SBPDL. Let us worry about ours. I'm sick and tired of you guys writing books about how to procure children and selling them on Amazon. It's sick!!!
Back in the 80s we (Western Germans) were watching with sheer disbelief how East Germany managed to harmstring itself to the point of economic collapse. The situation there was not unsimilar to what is happening at NASA and in the western world as a whole.
Back then the Politburo decreed that all citzens were created EXACTLY equal and that everybody had a right to a job. Thus, factories were instructed to hire and pay a salary to anybody showing at the door.
As you might expext, Eastern German factories soon found themselves with plenty habitual drunkards, fiends and the mentally retarded on their hands. They couldn't fire them, since the Politburo had decreed otherwise.
To minimize disruptions the rabble was organized in "bummelkollonnen" which roughly translates to "the-not-so-fast-column". Members of these columns were paid the same wage as all their colleagues despite rarely showing up at work, much less in sober condition.
Needless to say morale among normal employees suffered over the years. In the 80s almost everybody had had it. Former model workers began to steal anything from their workplace that wasn't nailed down. After the unification, newfound Eastern German friends bragged to me about how much they had stolen at their workplace and how much they had hated the "not-so-fast-columns". Needless to recount how that little social experiment worked out.
When I lived in the USA for several years in the 1990s, I thought that the whole affirmative action business had a slightly Eastern German smell about it. By now the odour is positively overpowering.
Think about it: Back then it was factory jobs or drunkards, fiends and retards. Now it is subsidized spacetravel for homies, pimps 'n hoes. That's what I call progress!
I contacted Carl Pilcher, the head of NASA's Astrobiology Institute, regarding this statement he made:
"Our nation’s underserved populations are a tremendous resource on which we must draw, not just for science, but for everything we do."
and asked: By what standard and by what evidence do you make such a claim? You are a scientist, sir, so I expect a rational, well thought response - one of a convincing nature based on fact and not theory.
I have not received a response.
Funny SBPDL. You hate when I mention pedophilia and bestiality...
Why do you deny the truth?
You know, I find it funny that it is always white men who set up the standards or the guidelines for everything and, of course, end up being the 'best' according to those standards.
They say: 'Intelligence should be measured on mathematical, spatial, and verbal abilities.' Two out of the three are things to which the male brain is better suited.
This leads to icing out women. You people do realize that there is something fishy if the average IQ mark is 100 and whites happen to not only fall on that average but also are making the tests. I mean, come now...
Then, they say: 'The sciences and mathematics will be the de facto disciplines to measure intelligence and achievement.'
Again, fields traditionally went into by men.
It's worth remembering that women and blacks, for example, had been kept out of higher education far longer than we all realize. Thus, there will always be a 'catch up' game.
But, you know, women and blacks or Hispanics might not want to go the route of the sciences. That doesn't mean they are less than. You just gravitate to what you love and what you are good at.
Many people who are good at math may lack in other fields. I knew someone who was phenomenal at math but their papers were abysmal. Likewise, I am not great at math (although I can be taught by a good instructor) but I excel at thinking (ideations) and writing.
We all have our gifts. Black people may want to go into liberal arts and become lawyers and judges and thinkers. They don't have to be science/math geeks.
Who cares? To each their own. Stop worrying about what blacks are doing like a psychotic racist asshole and worry about why is it that there seems to be a correlation between whiteness and wanting to have sex with children and animals. And I'm talking orientations.
NAMBLA, Dutch-based Martijn, the boy-loving culture of the Ancient Greeks. Pederasty influenced much of the arts there.
I saw some rednecks inseminating turkeys on 'Dirty Jobs' the other day and I worried for the safety of those animals...
Please worry about your own community, SBPDL. Let us worry about ours. I'm sick and tired of you guys writing books about how to procure children and selling them on Amazon. It's sick!!!
Ignorance really is bliss, I'm guessing. Please, white people, learn about the things you do.
This handout to blacks and people of color is part and parcel of Obama's loathing of white achievement(he, like Desiree, rejects his whiteness).
The pinnacle of our peoples' technological prowess and achievement IS NASA and its space program and that is exactly why Obama cut funding for it. Instead, NASA now has the elementary task of making people of color 'feel good' about their accomplishments to high-science - however infinitesimal they may be.
For a better understanding of this I recommend: The Roots of Obama's Rage, by Dinesh d'souza.
Thank god private space flight is coming - it may be in its infancy, but it is coming and it is spearheaded by white men of superior intellect. I highly doubt they will begin a minority outreach program and tap-in to all that suppressed genius out there. Again, this NASA folly is PC at its most destructive.
All of the Anti-racists ... excuse me, I mean all of the anti-white hate mongers out there need these weapons if they are to continue to lower-the-bar and continue to suppress white identity:
1) they need to be able to use the word 'racist' with impunity and they need that word to stay potent.
2) they need Political Correctness, in all its malignant obfuscation.
The good: Both are losing potency - we see and feel this all around us. The law of diminishing returns does not shy away from the minority bow and quiver.
The bad: we still have a long way to go but we are making progress and bringing this Twilight Zone world we find ourselves in back to sanity.
White Guy, you are a welcome addition here...what the hell took you so long???
The Pedophilia thing is getting old.
Here are the stats on child abuse.
Rate of child abuse by race:
White = 51%
African American = 25%
Hispanic = 15%
American Indian/Alaska Natives = 2%
Asian/Pacific Islanders = 1%
Black people prevent a disproportionate amount of pedophila. Please stop talking about this. Okay?
Whitewatch? Highlighting one crime a day is disgusting and the people should be shoot on sight.
However, just take a look at www.thugreport.com
See the criminality problem for what it truly is and what NASA has to recruit from!!!
No more mention of pedophilia until we post the unvarnished truth on that whole issue next week.
But just as importantly, the program is an investment to cultivate imaginative thinking about the field of astrobiology.
I guess when a keen grasp of the laws of nature and physics is impossible to achieve, we must revert to "imaginative thinking." This reminds me of the fiasco that was the Ebonics Movement, the premise of which was that black children were just as intelligent as whites or Asians, they just had a different (but equally valid) way of speaking. Unfortunately, hard science is different from social science in that it is based on the concrete laws of the universe and has no room for shuckin-n'-jivin.
Specifically those brilliant German rocket scientists Werner von Braun, Hermann Oberth, Eberhard Ruess.
We no longer have time for Germano-centric views of race. Essentially, all Caucasians, from Alaska to Italy, are in this together.
Russia is our one bright spot right now but they too are facing a demographic time-bomb!
Russia gets talked up as the gold standard on many racial conservative websites, but really, I don't think you would want to live there. Russians are tough on minorities and gays, sure, but for all that Russia is still a backwards country. Russians themselves seem perpetually in need of a thug to rule them. That is not something we should seek to emulate.
The insanity of NASA kind of reminds me what's happening to the military now --- whiskeys-place.blogspot.com/2010/12/why-repeal-of-dont-ask-dont-tell-is.html
Thank goodness we in America are all going bankrupt. Thank you economic collapse!
It may be time to completely ice out Desiree, SBPDL. Her comments are reaching a level of incoherence that is no longer entertaining.
Blacks are probably over-represented in pedophilia convictions "cause dey got profiled, ya heard!".
Desiree - Pedophilia??
You cite the lowest common denominator, of any race, as the basis for, and counter argument of: black degeneracy and under-achievement.
As if the absolute worst, the most vile form of human being, of any race, obfuscates the achievements of an entire people?
Absolutely disgusting Desiree - shame on you.
Your vile tactic is akin to name-calling and an admission that you have no argument for (anything) I've written, or any post on SBPDL ... and you choose the most graceless way in which to admit that defeat.
So, please, Desiree, I hope you attack the best of my people with yet more and more colorful charges ... because for every one you cite, I can name 100 more who have advanced humankind and who have, by extension, made you western existence, oh-so cumfy.
You said: "We all have our gifts. Black people may want to go into liberal arts and become lawyers and judges and thinkers."
The problem here is, before blacks came in contact with Western civilization, i.e., white civilization, there were no black artist of high-talent or significance, no black lawyers, no black judges, and most certainly - no black thinkers shooting arrows of wisdom toward posterity.
Name one black philosopher, from antiquity to modernity, who devised a sublime philosophy? I suppose I won't get an answer. What makes you think blacks can co-opt white society and move it forward? There is NO evidence of human progress, from antiquity to modernity, in any black country. I defy you, Desiree, to prove me wrong.
You wrote: "You know, I find it funny that it is always white men who set up the standards or the guidelines for everything ..."
One of the most remarkable qualities of European character, regardless of ethnicity or language, is our ability to strive for transcendence: the idea of going PAST that which exists NOW and to do so with a Herculean effort.
Visit the old Gothic Cathedrals, visit the Vatican, Desiree, and look up, see the vaulting and the sublime beauty, and notice that which is above you - you see air and the desire to fill that space with glory and go above and beyond ... then you'll realize that we're not meant to be tied down.
But never-mind that ... let's lower standards to people of color can feel good about themselves.
I ask you, Desiree: Would it be possible to transcend if white people did not set such rigid standards and guidelines for achievement? Would you prefer Western man use the standards and guidelines of your African forebears?
Maybe it is because of Western man's desire to tranced that blacks lack the fitness and intellect to move forward in their own societies: See Africa.
Again, Desiree, why is Africa in a state of criminal and moral decay? It is black run and black don't have the mythical white man 'oppressing' them.
Why, Desiree ... why?
"Unfortunately, hard science is different from social science in that it is based on the concrete laws of the universe and has no room for shuckin-n'-jivin."
Great point. Great point, indeed.
Gimme a break! Is there anything a White person can do… that does NOT OFFEND some damned minority? Speaking of which, I have yet to see minorities worry about offending White people… which they do. Which they do!
Nobody cares when other races bash whites.
"...You know, I find it funny that it is always white men who set up the standards or the guidelines for everything and, of course, end up being the 'best' according to those standards..."
Fine. You people set (up?) the standards.
We said let's send a man to the moon. Done.
You said let's bust a phat rap. Done.
Not at all sure what you are arguing about. If you could say that Africans did that already, fool! or similar, you'd win.
But you people have done nothing but destroy.
Please site black accomplishments vs White. Please. Feel free to go back to before we kept you down.
I'll hold...
blacks are garbage. Although, look at Detroit...
I've never posted in response to Deserie, nor will I; my question to the rest of you is, why do you?
I view her posts as the internet equivalent of a semi-retarded six-year old who smears his own feces on the wall, writing his name. You want to encourage the effort, but cringe at mopping up the stinking mess.
Responding in any way to her posts is below anyone...why bother? Feed the trolls and they reproduce...or...repost.
Black Guy I like. While usually wrong, he's the kind I'd like to argue with in a bar sometime.
Don't feed Desaree and she will wither. So steel yourselves and ignore. Your debating her is a form of internet affirmative action. Stop it.
Yeah, I won't mention it anymore until I see your 'truths' on the subject. And, no, seeing that Greaves the Second sold 300 damn copies of his book on Amazon, I think harping on white pedophilia is NOT old.
I am merely asking a question, by the way. I don't know why you get so upset. I just want to know why white people seem to be the ones who are pedophiles, not PoC.
The Ancient Greek pederasty was the foundation of homoeroticism.
But, yes, lets see you jerry-rig a post out of that white ass of yours on white pedophilia and how black people, as you will undoubtedly say, 'invented it'.
And, a suggestion: please, please, please remember that pedophilia is an orientation, not an action. Most people who molest kids are not pedophiles, but many pedophiles have molested children.
If you don't acknowledge the difference, your whole post will be incorrect and pointless. Remember, I know a lot about pedophiles. A LOT!
@ White Guy:
My mentioning of pedophilia is not a retort to you or SBPDL's BS. I was just asking a question that has yet to be answered.
I mean, in the whitest of the white countries, like the Netherlands and Denmark (the Dutch), child porn is pumped out on some sort of conveyor belt.
I just want to know what is it about white people or white culture that makes them more predisposed to having sex with children and/or animals. It is just a question.
As for everything else you said--
I find it funny that, to you, a black lawyer, doctor, writer, philosopher (the shamans, elders, and leaders of tribes were the philosophers! White conquest has only spread Aristotle, Plato, and the like!), etc. is only possible because of contact with 'white civilization' while the Africa that is 'in a moral and criminal decay' is entirely the fault of the blacks that run the countries and the blacks that live there.
Now, you should know that these 'corrupt' governments are following Western models of governance, not to mention deviating from the traditional communalism for foreign capitalism.
So, there really is no corner of Africa truly unadulterated by white 'civilization' and white contact. Therefore, is it really fair to blame Africa's current condition unequivocally on blacks who are not instituting aboriginal governance and social policy?
If that is the case, you should recognize that our success and brilliance is our own as well, not the one drop of white blood in our veins.
If you were an honest person--and I see that you are not--you would acknowledge this. I am unafraid to wager that Africa was fine before she was sodomized by the White Man.
As if the absolute worst, the most vile form of human being, of any race, obfuscates the achievements of an entire people?
Absolutely disgusting Desiree - shame on you.
Not shame on me, White Guy. I agree with you. Again, I said I was merely asking a question that has honestly perplexed me for a while now.
You know if you weren't such a hypocrite and actually stood by what you said in that excerpt, you would have to acknowledge that SBPDL's site is pointless and racist and filled with ridiculous stereotypical generalizations.
That he's painting with a WIDE brush and going beyond the margins.
But you are a hypocrite and dishonest. A slow, sloooww evolution for you, White Guy. Baby steps; I'll wait.
However, just take a look at www.thugreport.com
See the criminality problem for what it truly is and what NASA has to recruit from!!!
Don't you find it a little hypocritical that you can disavow the disgusting and somewhat uniquely white behaviors done by whites on White Watch, yet you sit there and type that NASA's basically got 'slim pickings' picking from a pool of ALL BLACKS represented by and only by the black criminals on Thugreport.com?
I mean, you basically have decided those whites are not yours but have yoked all blacks with the criminals from that site.
Do you not see how that's hypocritical or are you just too stupid and too damn insane to realize how stupid that is?
I mean, if you want to play the 'all for one' game than you MUST accept your Undesirables as reflective of you and your 'people', as well. No cherry-picking.
Please, if you want to shift this site to the next level and become King of the TeaBaggers, or whatever the hell you want to be, you've GOT to LEARN to tie up loose ends in your logic.
As of now, you are just a sad little egomaniac. I pity you.
@ Sierra NV:
Black Guy I like. While usually wrong, he's the kind I'd like to argue with in a bar sometime.
I chop this up to either two conclusions:
1. You like Black Guy because he's not a threat, given his separatism and advocation of segregation of the races. He doesn't say a damned thing but agree with SBPDL in the oddest way possible;
2. You are a sexist, because I've also noticed there really is no back and forth between the white damsels that post here, either.
Whatever one you chose reflects badly on you. Calling me a retarded six year old finger-painting with doo-doo is nothing but name-calling and has no basis in reality. If that gives you comfort at night, you are living in deep denial.
@ Silent running: Who responeded to my comment:..."We no longer have time for Germano-centric views of race. Essentially, all Caucasians, from Alaska to Italy are in this together" .....
Sir, I did not not try to project a Germano-centric perspective. Only that it WAS the Germans who in large part put human kind on the moon (I mean do we REALLY thing we could have done it without the more than 300 German rocket scientists that we aquired through operation "paperclip" after WW2??). Lets face it, until the allied powers saw fit to destroy Germany in 1944/45 Germany WAS the Flower of western civilization (From German unification-1870, until 1930 Germans made up 1/3 of ALL Nobel laureates & 1/2 of all the worlds patents. After the chaos following WWI & the rise of the 3rd reich that dropped off dramatically).....Greece was in the 7th-3rd c/bce... Rome 3rd c/bce-5th c/ce. Byzantium, 5th c/ce-9th c/ce. Italy was from 1050-1400 c/ce...France 1400-1750 c/ce. Britain, 1750-1870 c/ce. But in MODERN times, Germany has set the standard. That was my only point...You are correct we are ALL in this all together (i was only giving a historic perspective).
"Russia gets talked up as the gold standard on many racial conservative websites, but really, I don't think you would want to live there.
Russians are tough on minorities and gays, sure, but for all that Russia is still a backwards country. Russians themselves seem perpetually in need of a thug to rule them. That is not something we should seek to emulate".....
On Russia, my point is that they ARE currently ahead in space exploration ( I mean they started the whole thing!). But their demographic situation does not bode well for their long term survival (I was not trying to infer the superiority of Russia's social order-If any). These whites are not as enamoured with "political correctness", but if they don't start having babies (& LOT'S of them!, then their futures too are grim)
I hope this clears this up?..I myself am of Scot's/Danish/French ancestry, so I have no ethnic ties to either Germany or Russia.
@ "White guy"
I have to say brother. I truely enjoy everyone of your posts. Your insightfulness is so refreshing...Keep'em coming!.
Desiree reminds me of that one loud mouthed hag in the movie Lean On Me that raised irrational meandering arguments just to get attention, but at the end all the kids ended up singing over hr to block her out. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty sure the rest of you are like me when I just see her name and skim past her illogical and fictitious arguments down to the next person who has something coherent to say.
Let's get back to the point, NASA is an important institution. We can through 100 billion dollars to combat poverty, or 100 billion dollars to advance mankind through NASA. I'm pretty sure that the latter provides us with a 100 fold return on investment over the former.
Desiree said:
"Calling me a retarded six year old finger-painting with doo-doo is nothing but name-calling and has no basis in reality."
I thought he was being generous. I would've placed the age estimate at about 18 months.
"You like Black Guy because he's not a threat"
Deziarrhea, YOU are not a threat, you light-skinded dumb fucking whore.
You are a fucking imbecile.
Sierra Nevada
People respond to Deserie because they don't want her views to go unchallenged. Also to showcase her behavior, because she provides a lot of ammunition. You're right about not feeding the trolls.
Trolling is throwing a plastic bone in a cage with hungry wolves - they'll fight for it to the death just to find it's not edible.
At some point during her wonderful career as a flamer she undoubtedly ended up in a flame war with someone who is better than her. Everyone here exposes her lies, tear apart her arguments, making her look generally like a bozo. At this point, there's only one thing she can do: insult the dirtbags!!!
And as for
"Ignorance really is bliss, I'm guessing. Please, white people, learn about the things you do."
What a stupid fucking thing to say.
SBPDL is the black equivalent of whitewatch. For every whitewatch there's a Niggermania, Chimpout, Stuff Black People Hate. Whitewatch doesn't even come close to the amount of racism against blacks. There's nonwhites who hate blacks far more than the average skinhead or klansmen. There is such intense racial hatred towards black people that instead of an anti white coalition, perhaps, just perhaps there might be an anti black coalition. Non black minorities hate black people more than they hate whites.
Disarray said:
"me a retarded six year old finger-painting with doo-doo"
Yes, you are.
I don't think that a day goes by that I don't wake up thinking "Damn, I'm glad I'm white." Kind of like my own little white version of keepin it real. Great work ethic (check) respectul of other people's personal space as well as property (check) Hell, just those two things alone will carry you pretty far. Yep, it's not really all that hard to be liked. Amazing. :)
Good god. Is it any wonder America is doomed? Pretty soon we will have to eliminate science and math altogether as not to offend black and hispanic students.
Oh I see,
Black achievement in science or lack of = Greek pedophilia of 2800 years ago. Is that a weird kind of ‘but white people do it too’.
The statistics you site are interesting regarding child abuse. The only problem is that it is child abuse not pedophilia. Added to that statistic is that at 25%, and blacks are 10% of the population, that means that child abuse is 8 times more likely to be committed by blacks. Knowing blacks ability to report crimes, I wonder if there are reliable statistics on that. Didn’t Oprah have trouble in her SA school because she had adults molesting students? Didn’t Oprah admit that she was molested by her father? Haven’t most ‘famous’ blacks today admitted that they were molested as children? If Africa ever had pedophilia more than 100 years ago – we will never know – since Africa didn’t have a written language until YT plucked them out of the trees 100 years ago.
Now Des the lez, back to your crayons, and try and stay in the line, and back to the subject of the CRISIS of lack of blacks in science.
...education is a "catch up game" for minorities...
This is a lie. Many blacks use this excuse to explain their lack of ability. I wonder how many generations of "education" it takes for blacks to catch up? My mothers white ancestors lived in the hills and on farms. She was the first in her family to finish high school, college, and receive a Master's Degree. She worked and went to school while raising her children. She now earns six figures now with little to no effort. How do Asian and Indian immigrants do so well in American colleges even though their parents live on farms and cannot read?
Black slaves were not educated by European standards at any point. Blacks will never "catch up" and be able to compete with whites or other immigrants. Blacks have been immersed in European culture for several generations now and are mostly unable to grasp the concepts. There is a one very important reason for this.
The learning and achievement gap can be explained by lower intelligence and IQ levels of blacks. Period.
Hmmmmm, no outrage whatsoever about blacks being lynched...
Desiree is the Uppity Queen of the Malapropism...in her posts and blogs, she frequently uses the wrong word. In this particular thread, she used "chop" when I think she meant "chalk"...and memorably (hilariously) in her own blog she used "bogarted" when surely she must have meant "barraged."
Typos are one thing--we all make them, especially when typing into discussions like this one...but these malapropisms add an extra note of humor to Desiree's (frequent) boasting of her own "intelligence."
Definitions beez all rayciss an' sheeit.
@Anonymous 3:44AM:
Black achievement in science or lack of = Greek pedophilia of 2800 years ago.
What a ridiculous thing to say! If you'd read carefully, you'd know I was merely asking a question about white pedophilia.
Silly, silly. And quite pathetic, actually.
Yes, many blacks were molested, but were they molested by actual pedophiles? Is there a black equivalent to NAMBLA?
I personally have two white female friends--middle-aged--who were sexually abused by pedophiles. Actual pedophiles who, for one of them, abused the whole family, boys as well as girls. The other was a victim of a teacher, although she's pedo-sympathetic now. The first has a friend who's husband turned out to be an actual pedo, as well as a gay friend of hers who was friends with a 'gay man' who liked young boys.
I'm just saying -- I'm shocked at the abundance of the orientation in your communities. That's all I'm saying...
But let's see SBPDL's post on the subject. Let's see if he's honest and can point out the distinction. You, you'd be better off, SBPDL, to acknowledge that it's a problem in your community instead of trying to BS people into thinking it's a 'black thing'. Because, sorry, boyfriend, it ain't.
@ everyone else:
You can call my posts 'trolling' or whatever you'd like but none of you have ever responded to anything I've said in an intelligent way. You harp on the 'trolling' instead, or say something like 'dumb fucking whore' or resort to just childish name-calling.
You'll pick out something so infinitesimal in lieu of having a real holistic response.
Or you guys play the 'shift the blame' game: 'Asians/Latinos hate blacks more than whites...' or 'If China did this, blacks would be crying for white oppression again...' etc. Not exactly a real justification to keeping the status quo, is it?
Or you'll go into 'talking points mode', a typical derailing tactic, again, in lieu of having a real response to what I think are simple, straight-forward questions.
You may think you 'out-argue' me but that's just not the case. If I'd been 'schooled', I would have left a long time ago. But I have not, and I'm not a masochist.
Please, try harder. I'm just not phased by anything AT ALL that you people say because it is so damned ridiculous! I'm trying to get you to see flaws in your logic.
SBPDL is even too far gone mentally to recognize that he's a true blue hypocrite, not to mention quite literally insane. (see: my 8:29PM post to him)
Actually most of you are insane; racism is insane, illogical, absurd, and can withstand no debate. Even funnier is that you people refuse to acknowledge your racism.
I can stop harping on the proliferation of pedophilia in white culture. But at least try to make a real effort to be honest. Failing to acknowledge problems in your own community while pointing out the problems in others' communities is the definition of a hypocrite. If you want to consolidate white power, by all means, fix white people first! Someone months and months ago said this very thing!
So sad you people don't 'get it'. This is the reason you will be dead in a fucking generation, regardless of SBPDL's stringent efforts! I mean, you're basically nodding at your computer screens to a rich little white boy in a figurative tin-foil hat. You'll say, 'Oh, it's going to go to shit then,' but that's just what people in denial say.
Hahaha. This is so funny to watch!
@ Anonymous 6:58:
and memorably (hilariously) in her own blog she used "bogarted" when surely she must have meant "barraged."
I now the post you're discussing:
"Mesereau, on the other hand, was merely Michael's criminal lawyer, and I highly doubt he bogarted Michael with questions of his children's biology."
One of the definitions of 'bogarted' is to use bullying or intimidation to get something from someone else. So, I am not necessarily using it wrong. In the context of a lawyer defending a weird and secretive client, in order to cover all the bases, lest the client be annihilated in front of a jury, sometimes the lawyer will need to bogart him to get answers.
Perhaps the sentence needs a little tweeking because the sentiment was definitely with 'bogart' not 'barrage'. ;-)
'Chalk' is better than 'chop', yes. I am always open to learning as much as I can, the sign of a truly intelligent person. Please, by all means, send me a line through my blog mail if you know of all of the numerous 'mistakes' I've made in my entries. I'd like to fix (or defend) them.
More on the black thinking style:
"Following the arguments and actions of black leaders, listening to black callers on talk radio, led me over several years to an increasingly bleak view of black thinking styles. For one thing, it seemed to me that many blacks have a marked tendency to pick up some slogan and then just use it without much logical connection to the subject at hand. I also became increasingly aware of the "hustle," the way many blacks at all levels—from street people and politicians to celebrated "intellectuals" like Cornel West—did not use ideas as ideas, but as a hustle, as a way of manipulating people’s feelings. Suggestibility and the substitution of rhetoric for reason are general human weaknesses, but it seemed to me that these failings were noticeably more pronounced among blacks. Of course there are many blacks who are rational and logical and intellectually competent. But the proponderance of irrationality among the black population is hard to ignore."
Sad indeed. Those with third world genes simply can't compete in a first world society.
Black sexual abuse, especially father/child abuse is not reported because it is just a part of black culture and the black family value system. When Mama won't give it up, daughters pick up the slack. Black men have larger genitals and so they need to relieve this sexual tension regularly. Desiree told us this already. Remember the movie Precious? Well, it is a perfect example of the sexual relationships among many black fathers and daughters.
Black fathers, uncles, cousins and preachers have always been entitled to put their hands all over the little black girl children. Oprah told us that this runs rampant in the black community. I had a few black friends in high school. Both of them had a father and uncle who sexually abused them from around age 5. They did not see this as a problem, it was part of their family value system, part of the black "dirty laundry" that they do not like to air in public. Both girls felt some shame, but also felt that men were entitled to touch female children in this way. Their mothers knew about the abuse, it had probably happened for generations. The mothers were quite jealous of the father/daughter relationships and called their daughters "fast" and emotionally rejected them. Nothing was ever reported because the black woman was so desperate to have a man around, she let him touch her babies. I am not sure if the girls became pregnant, but if they did, they would just get an abortion.
I was horrified and was not able to be friends with these girls any longer because I felt such conflict. I also know a man who was sexually molested by a black man when he was 7. Whites recognize the crime, reported and prosecuted it more often than blacks.
Blacks do not snitch!
This clip may explain why there is more pedophilia reported for whites than blacks:
"... intellectual and moral passivity of blacks. While there are many decent, upright black people, there is a notable failure on the part of blacks effectively to resist the bad people in their communities. The result is that the bad people—the orators, the hustlers, the corrupt, the despots—always seem to rise to the top. That is why black countries, and black-run cities in America, are the way they are. There are good people living in those places, but for the most part they are only good in their private, familial sphere. They are not actively good in the social and political sense and thus rarely take leadership or succeed in creating a civilized political order. The number of morally courageous and principled blacks who actively resist the corruption and racialist conformism around them is very limited; in fact, such upright and intelligent blacks often separate themselves from the black community when they recognize how unwelcome they are in it."
Now, will someone please tell me why blacks are only 12% of the population in the USA, but commit more than 50% of the violent crime?
"Even funnier is that you people refuse to acknowledge your racism."
I hereby acknowledge my racism.
@ Anon: 12:03
Excellent post sir!. I have a younger sister who works in the federal prison sytem (Arizona). We have talked about her work on many occasions. She stated that a huge percentage of their black prisoners are there for sex crimes against children (most whites for drug/white-collar crimes)...Disereah may deny it until the cows come home but this is just one more area of societal dysfunction where blacks are vastly over-represented statistically....(of course TOTAL numbers amongst whites will be higher because we outnumber blacks by more than 6/1 & as was stated, whites are far more likely to report such crimes).
Good Lord, man, will you please moderate the comments? This is just too much inanity to scroll through. A virtual tide, if you will.
Have you considered how many people are NOT posting because of the troll(s)?
I know this site is only half-serious to begin with, but you have written a number of interesting, thought-provoking posts. But the comments sections have both grown and degenerated simultaneously. Do a little pruning, the way a writer like Lawrence Auster -- who I know you admire -- does, and your comments sections would become a)more readable, and b)much more inviting.
Please stop the Desiree comments, SBPDL! I never read them, and have to scroll through more and more trash from her. Sometimes I would like to make hard copies of your columns and the comments, but I certainly don't want her crap to be copied. It really has become a disruption. Won't you please put a stop to it? Other than that, I love your site.
"Even funnier is that you people refuse to acknowledge your racism."
Oh good Lord, Sister Souljah is lamenting racism. Is it racist of me to say pot and kettle?
"Please stop the Desiree comments, SBPDL! I never read them, and have to scroll through more and more trash from her."
Deziarrhea has her own blog that no one reads, therefore, in order to satisfy her bizarre need for attention from white males, she spends her unemployed days here, writing interminably long, meandering, predictable, mind-numbing diatribes.
"Please stop the Desiree comments, SBPDL! I never read them, and have to scroll through more and more trash from her"
I agree, she is the equivalent of a dog that shits all over the new carpet.
Just let her write her comments on her own blog, and then all those who are interested in arguing with her can do so over there, and the rest of us can be spared. Thank you.
Deziarrhea is nothing more than an attention whoring cuckold that likes to watch white porn. Best bet is to ignore her & be done with her. She craves this attention so she can post it on his site & get his 'followers' (which most of us know most of his 'followers' are her under different accounts).
Ignoring her would hurt her more than posting about her, just my humble opinion.
[that she-boon] Is dumber than a ten pound bag of dick hair---Sir Lawrence
If you really want to piss off the highly educated female negro, let her type out one of her long chronically boring pedophile, Nazi, cracker (and you call folks in here racist) style entries, then just toss it out. Maybe once in a while let one get through to give her a glimmer of hope that another entry will be let in. Then simply increase the length of time between allowing an entry in and she should just wither on the vine.
I would imagine it sucks for some folks who come here and have to sift through the myriad of bullshit entries by Desiree. I figure there are other sites that she could find that sufficiently blast away at white people and who knows, she might even gain a following. She never will here. Nobody gives a fuck about her. She certainly isn't going to change anybodies perspective any time soon. Just shut her down. :)
"So sad you people don't 'get it'. This is the reason you will be dead in a fucking generation, regardless of SBPDL's stringent efforts! I mean, you're basically nodding at your computer screens to a rich little white boy in a figurative tin-foil hat. You'll say, 'Oh, it's going to go to shit then,' but that's just what people in denial say.
Hahaha. This is so funny to watch!"
What are you talking about?? You make no sense whatsoever.
Black babys be starvin and whitey on da moon!
There should be no affirmative action or equal opportunity practiced here.
SPDL, please do the right thing.
"So we basically blow money (opportunity cost) to create and inferior product; someone with more talent, and less cost to develop that talent, gets cast aside because of the wrong skin color or the wrong equipment below the legs."
I'll have you people know that many of the inventions and discoveries that were found in America were from foreigners or other races besides whites. Ex., The concept of Magnetism was founded by a Russian, though historians say a Chinese man from the Dynasty discovered it first.
I'm just sick of the selfish and arrogant behavior from the fellow whites on here. I'm not racist against whites, but I think the types of whites on here need to get over their ego and do something worthwhile. You can point blame at others and take credit for what's not yours, but sooner or later you'll...
Get What You Get...
Or What You Deserve.
Yours Truly,
You Get What You Get
@ 7:50
Your wisdom is only surpassed by your ignorance ...
Russians ARE racially white. The white race has MANY different ethnicities within it, e.g., Italian, Spaniard, English, Swedish, Irish, ect ...
Think before you write.
"I'll have you people know that many of the inventions and discoveries that were found in America were from foreigners or other races besides whites. Ex., The concept of Magnetism was founded by a Russian, though historians say a Chinese man from the Dynasty discovered it first.
I'm just sick of the selfish and arrogant behavior from the fellow whites on here. I'm not racist against whites, but I think the types of whites on here need to get over their ego and do something worthwhile. You can point blame at others and take credit for what's not yours, but sooner or later you'll..."
Hey dullard, was that a Negroid Russian, or Chinese Russian? Discovery is good, but hey, how about development, production of that discovery?
My point was STEALING tax money at gunpoint to be SQUANDERED on non-productive causes to make libtards feel good is not only wrong, but is in fact hamstringing our nation, and our future.
Hey pal, ever been in a class where kids are 'mainstreamed' and try to teach while a functional retard SCREAMS for 40 minutes? Huh, pal? Try to teach, and how much do you think the other 20 kids learn?
You libtards, so superior. Look at us, we are so compassionate...destroyed 20 kids' learning just so we can feel good about ourselves!
Libtards like you have a reverse Midas touch - everything you come into contact with turns to shit.
Re-read what I wrote - I don't give a F*CK what race you are; if you qualify and have the capacity, have at it; none of these set asides, and wink wink, nudge nudge, well, we'll just help you out this one time...'cause you're minority!
What I've said is true on its face, and upon reflection. Period. The good news is we will not succeed with your libtard philosophy and we will be surpassed as a nation. It is simple evolution.
And I welcome the day creatures like you cannot feed on the productive; all your special programs and set-asides assume a productive class to sustain you...
...well, guess what? All those high-tax paying middle class jobs are overseas now, and as property value deflates so does that revenue. And when the host dies, so do the ticks.
"I'm just sick of the selfish and arrogant behavior from the fellow whites on here..."
Sure, and I'm sick of losing 50% of my income to support set-asides that go against my kids, sick of paying taxes so certain groups go to school on scholarships that I pay for, while my kids pay full costs. F off you gutless apologist worm.
And hey, you assume I'm white? I could also be Jewish, or Asian, right? Strange how you don't assume I'm Haitian...or Hmong.
Lastly, Merry Christmas!
You Get What You Get,
What's the Dynasty? Russians are white, dummy.
Why would you allow Anonymous at 12/13 12:03PM to say complete fabrications about black people and I, as a black person, is afforded no response to such ridiculous falsehoods?
I am SHOCKED! And it's always regarding pedophilia, too... Hmmm?
Black sexual abuse, especially father/child abuse is not reported because it is just a part of black culture and the black family value system.
Well I didn't get the memo on that one! If this were true, why hasn't any of the black women in my family been sexually abused by fathers? or any of my black friends? If that was a family value, it would be universal. Stop generalizing.
Debate 101, boob: never take an extreme position because extreme positions can be knocked over by a feather.
By the way, don't we have a 70% fatherless rate? Where's the fathers to do this?
When Mama won't give it up, daughters pick up the slack.
Yes, for people who are fucked in the head. And this happens in white communities as well, probably moreso because of the white obsession with youth. This is called situational child molestation, NOT (white) pedophilia.
Black men have larger genitals and so they need to relieve this sexual tension regularly. Desiree told us this already.
How funny to misquote me. That was adapted from Alfred Kinsey, the white gay pedophile sex researcher.
Remember the movie Precious? Well, it is a perfect example of the sexual relationships among many black fathers and daughters.
Precious was a movie. If you base all of your beliefs about the black community on a movie, you are an idiot. True blue, dyed-in-the-wood. What if I said Bastard Out of Carolina, Too Young To Die, Sybil, A Thousand Acres, Dolores Claiborne, just to name a few, were indicative of white parent/daughter relationships? You'd call em an idiot, too!
Note: Tyler Perry is not indicative of all black people; The Color Purple is not indicative of all black woman experiences...
I know a lot of you guys like to say blacks are engrossed in victimology and this is the reason black people LOOOVE painful movies, when black people know their lives are mostly middle class and comfortable. What a great dumbass lie.
This is coming from a black person.
Black fathers, uncles, cousins and preachers have always been entitled to put their hands all over the little black girl children.
This is silly. Yes, and Debra LeFave and Mary Letourneau are how all white teachers behave towards students. And all of the Catholic pedophile priests are indicative of all white religious people. And all of the white families that took payoffs and cars so Michael Jackson could sexually abuse their sons are how all white people would react in that situation.
Give me a break. Remember Debate 101 rule above, boob.
Oprah told us that this runs rampant in the black community.
Hahahahaha! Oprah is an abuse victim and her abuse history has shaped her worldview. She's biased. I know white people worship goddess Oprah but come on now; she's not the be-all, end-all.
This is like me taking as gospel a street prostitute's view of male behavior!
Fucking moron.
Pedophilia was in: Ancient Greece, the Minoan civ., the Spartans, the Romans, Ancient Japan, Ancient China, redux during Italian Renaissance, Moorish Spain (note: Europe would have never left the Dark Ages if it hadn't been for the Muslims!), Persia (Bacha Bazzi [sp?] boys)...
Where's Africa? So easy to say 'Who Knows?' because 'nothing was written down' but the peoples are oral and yet no tales of boy-loving! No traditions passing on down the line (because a lot passes down the line orally, if you'd bother to learn about African cultures!). Nothing, nothing!
NAMBLA, Martijn, Levine, Kinsey... the legacy lives on for white people!
Okay, done with pedos for now. I will wait until SBPDL's jerry-rigged post on the subject.
"The concept of Magnetism was founded by a Russian"
A white guy.
@ You Get What you get:
I generally agree with you in terms of whites always getting the credit for inventing something that frequently was 'first invented' by a person of color. But I think many people, of any race, are so concerned with the 'We Did it first' game that they fail to realize the 'Great Minds think alike' factor.
This is the reason the so-called 'Black Invention Myths' websites are so ridiculous (and ridiculousness is the de facto mental position of white racists). The black people who got the patents or it can verifiably be said they contributed to an invention did invent said invention. Organically and of their own minds.
For example if a black person in Philly in 1850 developed the, say, coffee maker (this is just an example of an everyday item that is very useful; I am not saying a black person invented it), it is his invention regardless if a German person developed the same design in 1800. If the black person had never, ever heard of the German person's model of the coffee maker, then they both invented it and it is a 'Great Minds think alike' situation.
If two (or more) identical inventions occur in isolation, date notwithstanding, all people are the inventors.
This is what happened with agriculture; it occurred in isolation and just because it may have appeared first in Mesopotamia, doesn't change the fact people in N. America and Asia had this as well... in isolation.
It should be noted that a lot of times white people end up with all of the credit because a) they write the history books and b) they run everything and, thus, can get access to notoriety first.
It is very simple.
Yes, you are right: these whites on here have huge egos for no good reason. They look at only the 'positive' side of their histories and they credit Western civ or a White bloodline for black or minority accomplishments.
It's just indicative of a person with a very, very absurd argument. Again, racism is the synonym of Absurdity and no racist arguments have ever withstood solid debate.
Because absurdity (chaos, disorder) always loses as it is against nature and the laws of the Universe...
@ Anonymous 12:03:
Sweetie, pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Not an action. And by 'not an action' I mean a mental condition.
If you cannot distinguish between situational child molestation and pedophilia (which began with the Ancient Greeks and inspired all manner of their arts and culture -- yuck!), you are a lot dumber than you think you are.
Pedophilia = mindset; these people are attracted to children and childhood
Most child molestations that are reported to police = situational child molesters, who do it for various reasons including: drug/alcohol abuse; the child is available; mental illness; sociopathy, abuse history, etc.
This is not a hard concept.
White people go around calling everyone 'pedophiles' but pedophiles actually like children. Most child molesters prefer adults but, again, for a particular reason, they predate upon children because kids are easy targets.
Pedophilia, as represented by NAMBLA, Martijn, IPCE, etc. is uniquely white. Let's not forget Judith Levine and our very own Alfred Kinsey.
You don't have to believe it but the makeup of the advocacy groups speaks for itself. And you kid yourself thinking that sexual contact with children is a mainstay in black households. If that were true, why wasn't I molested? or my black friends? Black people draw the line at the sexual abuse of children; Michael Jackson, the only black pedo I've heard of who wanted to be white, lost his black fans after they found out he was a pedo, whites continued to worship him the world over!
Hahaha, really now? A couple of abuse histories doesn't change the makeup of pedophilia groups, the races of virtually all pedophilia writers, and the white Westerners for whom these Cambodian and Thai child sex markets were created! Not to mention the Ancient Greeks invented boy-loving, which was the foundation of modern homoeroticism and homoeroticism is the foundation of Western misogyny!
Sweetie, you have to trust me that you are out of your league on this one. Please, go sit down somewhere. I have dug deep into pedophile shit and sometimes these people are full blown racists. (Interestingly, there is a strong undercurrent of homosexuality in white nationalist movements. Eugene Terreblanche, for example, was a homosexual. Again, I've seen gay artwork in the depths of the Internet and a popular subject with some Afrikaner gay artists are the neo-Nazi movement's homosexual underbelly!)
If you were honest, you'd admit that there is something going on in the white culture that creates pedophiles.
I have a great video about these wonderful pedos on my website but see them here in their pasty glory:
On a similar note, there seems to be something popular in the white community that is encouraging Brazilian waxes for 8-year-old girls to prevent pubic hair formation, keeping them 'youthful' for life:
If you're honest, you'll acknowledge your community's pedophilia problem; it's easy to say things about the black community in terms of under-reportage because a debate opponent cannot 'prove' a negative. Therefore, you can make up lies.
Let's not forget the bestiality 'art' of John Waters' 'Pink Flamingos' and Bob Guccione's 'Caligula'. Oh, and the 'popular with whites' Donkey shows. CUT IT OUT, guys!
"But you people have done nothing but destroy."
I'm sick of the selfish behavior displayed from the whites on this site. I know that these kinds of whites will never get over their false belief that everything perfect originated from them...but lets take a look down memory lane.
First of all, Who was the first man to create a traffic signal? A-Garret Morgan (AFRICAN-AMERICAN)
Now think about all the trouble we'd have today if we didn't have traffic lights? Shall I continue? I think so...
Who created the Jenny Coupler? A-Andrew Beard (AFRICAN AMERICAN) This device automatically joined railroad cars and helped revolutionize the Railroad Industry.
Who created the first home/office computer? A-Mark Dean (AFRICAN AMERICAN) He built a component that allowed multiple peripheral devices such as a modems and printers to be connected to a PC, thus making the PC a practical and affordable component of the home or small business office.
Shall I continue? I think so....
Who created the first ventilated shoe? A- Henry Faulkner (AFRICAN AMERICAN)
Who created a resistor that is used in radios and televisions today? A- Otis Boykin (AFRICAN AMERICAN) This resistor allowed for a specific amounts of current to flow through for a specific purpose and would be used in radios and televisions. Two years later, he created another resistor that could be manufactured very inexpensively. It was a breakthrough device as it could withstand extreme changes in temperature and tolerate and withstand various levels of pressure and physical trauma without impairing its effectiveness. The chip was cheaper and more reliable than others on the market. Not surprisingly, it was in great demand as he received orders from consumer electronics manufacturers, the United States military and electronics behemoth IB
Now I can continue to go on about many African American inventors who have helped us shape society today, but I'll let you look up more info if you want.
Now, tell me how this shows that this race has done nothing but destroy? What your kind needs to do is realize that ingenuity, creativity, and solutions don't just come from whites. Now dwell upon the information I've given you and next time think about how idiotic and selfish your imprudent behaviors are before you post.
You Get What You Get
The traffic signal invented by Garrett A. Morgan in 1923?
"The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.
Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal"
Black Invention Myths:
I'm sure with very little research the so-called black inventions you listed could be debunked with minimal effort. An over zealous afro-centric author cannot change the history of creativity and invention.
In all likelihood, any African who, in-fact, contributed to the advancement of humankind, has European blood - just look at his/her skin tone.
Note, the [coffee-color skin-tone] of the first African astronaut in the above video and understand: it is the hallmark of European ancestry.
The fact is: the black race, in all its history, from the dawn of black existence itself, have contributed almost nothing to society, culture, technology, or, advancement of any kind that would otherwise better humankind.
It it NOT 'racist' to acknowledge this reality. What's racist is for you to attempt to put a black face on Western-civilization.
"Now, tell me how this shows that this race has done nothing but destroy?"
I'm sure there were a couple of Ford Pintos that ran like Swiss clocks, too.
Ms. Desiree, would you please clarify something for me? You said you could learn math if you had a good teacher. Does that mean you can't learn math on your own? I'm an engineer and most of my math teachers were Asian or Indian. They would show the class how to work through a couple of problems, in badly broken English, then they would assign 25 problems for homework. I can't tell you how many trees I killed practicing math problems. So answer me this: Do you think you could learn calculus without the benefit of a "good" teacher or not?
"First of all, Who was the first man to create a traffic signal? A-Garret Morgan (AFRICAN-AMERICAN)"
OMG! Are people still repeating this whopper???
Blacks will believe ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Anon 1:13
I am sure the invention of the railroad coupler and the traffic light are major contributions to civilization and we could have never existed without it. But before you post your McDonalds black history month 'black accomplishments', I think you need to research before you regurgitate the foolish claims you posted. 1. all of those supposed inventions, were basically an improvements of white inventions. 2. Inventions blacks like to claim, such as the air conditioner, were invented by whites and when blacks tried to improve the invention, twenty years after the concept was invented by whites, it was found not to work, was actually dangerous, didn't improve the white invention and was not cost effective.
Sorry, but a people with an IQ slightly above retardation, we don't expect much. But to steal credit from actual white inventors is just pathetic.
"Ms. Desiree, would you please clarify something for me? You said you could learn math if you had a good teacher."
No, she can't.
She says so on her weblog, and explains that's why she's not getting a chemistry minor.
"26. I am TERRIBLE (x1,000,000) at math! (No lie; terrible! My strength is clearly writing, thinking, and other nonmathematical pursuits. No chemistry minors in my future!)" -Desiree
"But to steal credit from actual white inventors is just pathetic."
First of all, I haven't stolen any credit from white inventors here. I did my research and gave you the information. And if you think stealing credit from inventors is pathetic, then you need to look in the mirror and see the skin color you wear!
Whites (not all of them) have stolen credit from others for inventions and ideas. Now if your going to play the unoriginal role of Whitey is supreme, then keep preaching your crap. Otherwise, get your facts straight and see that the grass isn't greener on the others side.
Also, 'You Get What You Get' isn't Desiree people. I am not Desiree and if you were smart and had a brain, you'd see that my posts aren't under the name Desiree. Also, you'd see that Desiree's comments have been under her name. This goes to show that Whites also can be very stupid and have low mind capacity.
"I can't tell you how many trees I killed practicing math problems. So answer me this: Do you think you could learn calculus without the benefit of a "good" teacher or not?"
If you can't understand that I'm not Desiree, then I'm not sure you know a thing about math.
And for all the rest of you guys, Russians may have the skin color of whites, but are they treated like whites? And what I was referring to was that most 'white' Americans don't give credit to where it's do, and my example was a Russian, and we all know that Russians in American aren't given much credit.
So now for all you imbeciles, you need to realize that ingenuity doesn't just come from whites. You guys have shown your own bias by not accepting the fact that your not the only race who has come up with something helpful. And to the anon who believes my people have done nothing but destroy...you need to look at the many accomplishments of African figures in textbooks and real life.
You'll never know the truth until you actually go out and search for it yourself.
You Get What You Get
"What's the Dynasty? Russians are white, dummy."
If you know anything about China then you should know what the Dynasty is. Hint-Old age of China.
Anyway, search it for yourself. I'm not going to waste my time doing it for someone who calls me a dummy, when yet they don't even know the full meaning of my comment.
"What's racist is for you to attempt to put a black face on Western-civilization."
Give me a break. So it's racist for me to tell people about black inventors and try to prove that blacks are not destructive? You've got to be kidding me. And if you find that racist, I suggest you look up the meaning of the word and get help from a doctor on your absurd sensitivity issues.
You Get What You Get
Desiree, much as you'd like to think people who excel in one field lag in others, this tends not to be the case.
Studies on the g factor show people who excel in a subject like math tend to excel in other areas as well.
I know very popular writers who have degrees in science and engineering.
You Get What You Get
Go be stupid somewhere else.
Now, listen here, you piece of shit. You get up in the morning, maybe with the help of a forklift, and get food out of the refrigerator, which white men invented and you don't understand. (What's the compressor for? Did you know a refrigerator had a compressor?) Then you sit down to write your thoughts on a defenseless computer, which white men invented and you don't understand.
Finally you spew your wormwood and gall on the internet, which white men invented and you don't understand.
White people aren't perfect. Not even close. They have a lot of baggage. They have white guilt. They drink beer and chase women. Sometimes they start wars with other whites. But they have done more for mankind than any other race.
You deserve any bad thing that you get bitch.
"Russians may have the skin color of whites, but are they treated like whites?"
Yes. Negroes will attack/rob/rape/murder a Russian just as they would any other white.
"I did my research and gave you the information."
You parroted a bunch of hilariously idiotic and easily refuted black invention myths.
This qualifies as neither "research" nor "information".
"So it's racist for me to tell people about black inventors and try to prove that blacks are not destructive?"
1. Black invention myths are not only lies, they are also racist.
2. Blacks are destructive. Perform a simple exercise, assemble a list of all the places on the entire planet that were improved by an influx of blacks.
Best wishes.
You Get What You Get said:
"So it's racist for me to tell people about black inventors and try to prove that blacks are not destructive?"
It's racist for you to paint an African face on white invention.
The truth is this:
You can cuff your ears and close your eyes as tight as possible, but it does not change this fact:
There are NO black inventors who changed the course of humankind or history. None. Zero. Any black invention, of any significance whatsoever, will be, in-point-of-fact, based on - and constructed from - a previous white advancement.
It is NOT racist to acknowledge this reality and, I remind you, it is this same reality,[i.e., the state of things that ACTUALLY exist], you need to base your investigation on when trying to prove black achievement at any level or degree of significance.
The same reality needs to be applied in your attempts to discredit the claim that black culture is destructive.
Sir, I did not not try to project a Germano-centric perspective. Only that it WAS the Germans who in large part put human kind on the moon (I mean do we REALLY thing we could have done it without the more than 300 German rocket scientists that we aquired through operation "paperclip" after WW2??)
Very true. It was not my intention to denigrate the Germans or ignore their technological prowess. What I objected to is your use of the word Aryan, a term that is hopelessly compromised and an immediate turn-off to Caucasians who are otherwise attracted to white racial consciousness. For some reason I neglected to quote this part of your statement, so I cannot fault your reply to me.
On Russia, my point is that they ARE currently ahead in space exploration ( I mean they started the whole thing!). But their demographic situation does not bode well for their long term survival (I was not trying to infer the superiority of Russia's social order-If any). These whites are not as enamoured with "political correctness", but if they don't start having babies (& LOT'S of them!, then their futures too are grim)
Well, that's true of all of Europe, but there is quite a lot of difference between a Russian and a West European. Russia is not of the West and has yet to create a country that any sane Westerner would want to be a part of. I only advise caution when mentioning Russia's positive aspects, as her negative aspects are far more numerous. Hope this clears up any confusion.
"(What's the compressor for? Did you know a refrigerator had a compressor?) Then you sit down to write your thoughts on a defenseless computer, which white men invented and you don't understand."
You obviously don't understand the message I was getting out. First of all, you need to understand what you're getting into before you start spitting insults and spam all over the internet that nobody needs and nobody cares for. What you need to do is go use your pathetic immature words back with the middle schoolers. You'd fit right in.
Now, the message I was trying to get out was that blacks have also created inventions that have shaped our society. What's truly racist and prejudice is that you won't acknowledge the fact that this is the TRUTH. You can call me racist for trying to prove a point that in no way called people flat out RACIST. What's hilarious about this argument, is that you guys started shouting RACIST before the black guy did.
This goes to show that all of your absurd comments about black people always resort to the racist card is hypocritical.
"There are NO black inventors who changed the course of humankind or history. None. Zero. Any black invention, of any significance whatsoever, will be, in-point-of-fact, based on - and constructed from - a previous white advancement."
This is a perfect example of what goes on in the real world. Political whites not giving credit to where it's due. I'm sick of your greedy, self-absorbed kind. Grow up and finally get that thing called WISDOM.
Here's an example of a black inventor who DID INVENT the device from her original idea.
Also, isn't it just a coincidence that all of you who accused my facts as being lies never gave any sources of where they found their information? I think it is. I was the only one who gave information and a source.
"You parroted a bunch of hilariously idiotic and easily refuted black invention myths.
This qualifies as neither "research" nor "information"."
Listen up people, if you don't have a source for your information that you CLAIM is true, then I'll know that it is only a futile opinion coming from a pathetic soul like you. You know there's a racist saying that goes, "The White boy waits for the answers while the Black boy has already done his homework."
Maybe it's true. You tell me. (Kidding about the 'you tell me', 'cause I know what you're answer is going to be.)
Now dwell on the information I've given and your own stupidity. And hopefully you'll remember to actually consider and think about what's given and what we have. The way you guys act on this blog makes me think you're not thankful for much.
P.S (I like how people are still calling me stupid, but yet you guys had no response on your own stupidity of mistaking my identity. I see how it is now. ;))
You Get What You Get
"blacks have also created inventions that have shaped our society."
"Listen up people, if you don't have a source for your information that you CLAIM is true"
Coming from the person who made several absurd "black inventor" claims, this is hilarious.
Here's a better idea...stop posting stupidity.
The list is staggering.
We have given you sources. Just go to the site above and you will see all the black invention myths debunked. One thing that you haven't done. But you don't need to we know where your (your doesn't not equal you're - you are) we have all read the BS from McDonald's365black. From what I can tell of your writing, your hood must consider you a Rhodes scholar with that 6th grade edjumakation. Now hurry up and log off - the library is closing.
"The list is staggering."
Seeing how there was no licince or date the site was published, or proof of sponsorhip or acknowledgement from any other certified company, author, or what not I am forced to doubt your claims. This goes to show that you don't have any valid information to prove these so called "Black Myths".
It's time all of you non-believers and discrediters got some new material and actually brought valid information to the table.
"Coming from the person who made several absurd "black inventor" claims, this is hilarious.
Here's a better idea...stop posting stupidity."
Here's a better idea...why don't you prove that I made several absurd black inventor claims?! Maybe I'd believe you, but until then you can join the boring, unoriginal and worn-out "Only Whitey Does Best" club, which is very popular on this blog. Not that I'm surprised it is.
Until next time I'll be smiling and sitting pretty until you guys actually bring valid and logical information instead of your biased and stereotypical propaganda.
You Get What You Get
You Get What You Get said:
"Also, isn't it just a coincidence that all of you who accused my facts as being lies never gave any sources of where they found their information? I think it is. I was the only one who gave information and a source."
White Guy said:
A clear admission that you haven't read my first reply to your afro-centric nonsense, or any other replies from other posters.
You Get What You Get said:
"The White boy waits for the answers while the Black boy has already done his homework."
White Guy said:
My god, let us imagine, for a second, if this were true ... close your eyes....See the endless comforts and amenities of the Sub-Saharan African lifestyle. I can smell, nay, I can almost taste the bush-meat?
This is a sophisticated gem, a technological wonder of a continent. Its people are so advanced. We should import them all to America.
You Get What You Get:
I have no stomach to visit your fantasy world and argue with your willful ignorance any longer.
Black inventions have been discussed here before
The point of this post was to show that Black scores are well below those of whites, Asians and Hispanics, in every test imaginable (save the 40 yard dash).
Thank God for the super soaker!
"This goes to show that you don't have any valid information to prove these so called "Black Myths"."
This goes to show that you're a fucking idiot.
The black invention myths were debunked long ago, and this has been discussed many times on this blog. The information is also easily available using google, so please stop begging others here to do your research for you, you lazy piece of shit.
Or better yet, just go ahead and continue believing in black mythology. I couldn't care less.
I'm just going to conclude this. Let me lay it all out for you people.
You guys are baised and have double standards. I'm sure if a group of blacks were to come in here claiming this and that without any proof or evidence backing their claims, you too would argue that you can't just claim something without anything to back it up.
And no, I don't want you to do my research. All I want you to do is give proof that backs up your claims. All you guys have done is try to turn the tables on me which is something your kind is known to do when they feel threatened. Your kind also is very dull.
It's a coincidence that every poster on here is just feeding off the other posts with the "Black Myths" comeback. I would expect you guys to do better than that, but that just goes to show that you don't have any logical or reasonable argument whatsoever.
And if you guys think I'm such an idiot, WHY DO YOU EVEN POST BACK?! I mean if you know someone's an idiot, than why do you get so fired up, spit immature words and respond? It's called ignore. This also goes to show that if anyone is an idiot here, it's you guys. You have no links, no proof, and no logic whatsoever.
In this case the black man was the only one who DID HIS HOMEWORK.
Now this argument is over. Deal with the fact that your futile attempts have got you nowhere. For once in your abhorrent lives realize that when you don't give credit to where it's due, you don't get credit either.
You Get What You Get
"You guys are baised and have double standards."
You sound like a pathetic crybaby. Change your diapers and suck on a pacifier, you'll be fine.
It is not anyone's responsibility to educate you, so stop whining.
If you want to go through life saying stupid things and believing in mythology, that's your prerogative.
If it makes you feel better, Thomas Edison was black. So was Ben Franklin. And Sir Isaac Newton. Neil Armstrong too.
Now piss off.
Mr. You Get What You Get,
I posted an earlier comment to you [December 25, 2010 2:43 PM] then responded to Ms. Desiree with a question. You wrote, "If you can't understand that I'm not Desiree, then I'm not sure you know a thing about math." Do you have a problem with intermediate reading comprehension? I already know that arguing with you is like showing a dog a card trick, but you should at least be grateful that I acknowledged blacks may have invented a thing or two.
And I'm disappointed that Ms. Desiree hasn't responded to my question ... in my humble opinion, admitting failure before trying is decidedly un-American. Her attitude is at the heart of why black people generally fail when being judged by white standards. The opposite is never true -- even though I'm a white collar engineer, I'm sure I could master hacking limbs off with a machete or gaming the welfare system.
The Engineer
This is a really funny thread. Sometimes I get sick of the Afrotrolls, but they do serve a purpose. There are new posters and viewers of this site that need to be brought up to date. Without being updated they are in danger of believing this McDonald’s black365 as historical fact. The afrotroll need to do everything in their power to disprove everything that is being pointed out in SBPDL. If they couldn’t accept that, they might have to come to the conclusion that throughout their worthless existence they have been more of a liability then any contributor to the world. No one is trying to convince Afrotrolls of their fallacy. Reasoning, research and historical fact require IQ, so no one here is expecting you to get. If you can’t look at the deplorable and pathetic condition of blacks throughout the world and you really think that is just a zeitgeist fluke – well there isn’t much cope for you.
Des the Lez, what you listed as white pedophiles, what of it? Do you need to know of a black chapter of NAMBLA to understand that blacks are more likely to commit pedophilia, or sexual abuse of children? Because you found a white author writing a ‘how to book’ about pedophilia, do you really think that that means it is prevalence in white culture? The fact that a black person doesn’t have the brains or ambition to write a book on it, says nothing about black acceptance of pedophilia. Then you speak of Afro oral traditions – do you really think there isn’t an Afro story about a father going on the ‘down low’ with their son? What is the present history of blacks in America, Africa and Haiti? Just because blacks in this country view it as a secret (or dirty laundry) doesn’t mean that it isn’t overwhelmingly happening in your race. Because you have decided to ignore that sub-Saharan Africa, not only practice pedophilia, rape, cannibalism and bestiality, doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.
Just for fun
Do you really think the Janney coupler wasn’t invented by a white civil war veteran Eli Janney in 1873, and that has nothing to do with why it’s called the Janney coupler. Instead it was invented by Andrew Beard in 1897 – really?
If you need to find a black invention – I think Richard Pryor invented crack
Please monitor. The Des comments, just high jack the discussion. Also, name calling like - fucking moron - makes what point - except yep she's black. Such a credit to her race.
"Also, name calling like - fucking moron - makes what point - except yep she's black. Such a credit to her race."
This is truly amusing that a comment like this would be posted and would show how redundant people on this blog are. You target another individual for dropping a cuss word with another insulting word even though many of your kind have done that plenty already. Shall I show you? I think I shall.
"fucking idiot"
"You deserve any bad thing that you get bitch"
"Now, listen here, you piece of shit"
You Get What You Get
Ha-ha. The ultimate oxymoron: "black intellectual". I wonder if they can get a "40" and a pack of Kools in one of those toothpaste tubes..
As an absolutely impossible situation what if pedo activities were harnessed to create a FTL drive? Would the people of the world use it to get out of the solar system and beyond? Just spitballing on this, but still a valid and thoroughly preposterous idea.
Well, don't forget that the black inventor Marc Griffin created, "Bulletball".
After all, he quit his job, sold his wife's wedding ring, sold all of his possessions, and it only took him TWENTY-SIX YEARS, to create "Bulletball" (aka a barehanded ball version of air hockey) and you can get your own playset for a mere $399.00 per gameset (or 10 cents worth of painters tape, some spare cardboard from boxes, and a retard's love of idiocy).
Here's a CRACKED article on the matter.
And look at all those kids out there making this a grand success. Do you hear crickets?
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