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The cheers were loud when he walked across the stage. |
At every graduation ceremony across the nation --whether high school, college, or post-graduate work-- a simple request is requested prior to the festivities commencing: please hold applause until all graduates have been announced.
Though the graduation ceremony is an opportunity to honor the individual, the event is largely a ritual connecting the new graduates to the alumni and instilling bonds to the traditions that are unique to that institution.
At every graduation ceremony across the nation that simple request for silence goes unacknowledged by one group of people, and this subversive response to the laws governing civility is never on greater display then during this sacred event.
Black people find the rigid formality on display at graduation ceremonies boorish and fascistic, an encumbrance on their natural predisposition to be loud and extroverted, and instead subscribe to the theory of vociferous and thunderous applause once the name of their son or daughter is called.
The auditorium, stadium or arena hosting the graduation ceremony will reverberate with the intense cacophony of “hoots” and “hollers” once the Black student strides across the stage to receive their diploma, basking in the sounds of adulation from family members while white people look on in a stoic sense of mock disbelief (snickering privately at the outlandish outbursts).
Graduation rates differ greatly by race, either at the high school level or collegiate level. With an abnormally high dropout rate for Black people at the high school level, it makes some sense for Black people to forget the manners dictating acceptable public behavior and the request to refrain from clapping until all graduating seniors’ names have been called.
Many times at college graduation ceremonies the Black pupil is a first generation graduate, so the incessant cheering seems justified. Coupled with the low graduation rates for Black people in college, the cheering seems ever more so reasonable.
The show of familial support is still a clear violation of the protocols governing proper graduation behavior. Of course, the notion of Black Run America (BRA) precludes anyone from mentioning this in polite company for offending Black peoples sensibilities is the greatest crime and offense one can currently commit.
The individuality and creativity of Black people is on full display at graduation ceremonies and daring to bottle up that raw energy would be a crime:
Graduations are a time of celebration. But this was not the case for five students graduated from Galesburg High in Illinois, but did not receive diplomas.
Everyone was asked to hold their applause until after the ceremony was over which is common practice in schools across the country. Not all schools enforce the policy.
According to The New York Times, Caisha Gayles, one of the students who did not get a diploma, commented: "It was one of the worst days of my life. You walk across the stage and then you can't get your diploma because of other people cheering for you. It was devastating ,actually." Gayles graduated with a 3.4 grade average…
Some think those denied were targeted because of race. Four of the students denied were black and one was Hispanic. Cheers rang out for white students but they were not denied diplomas.
Principal Tom Chiles denies the incidents had anything to do with race. Decisions were made according to the amount of disruption. Other students who were minorities got their diplomas. "It doesn't matter how hard you work, you get discriminated against," Gailes said, according to ABCnews.com. The American Civil Liberties Union reported it did not raise any concern with them and it is within the school's ability to control these situations.
Black people find the notion of a six-inch voice repressive and being forced to follow the rules established by society (i.e., white people) repulsive. By crying racism, Black people are exempt from the totalitarian and repressive idea of being quiet during a movie or holding applause until every graduate's name has been called.
This is an example of the special powers and privileges Black people take advantage of in Black Run America (BRA), for no one will dare call them out on any of their transgressions for fear of violating their delicate nature.
Stuff Black People Don’t Like includes holding applause until all names have been called at graduation ceremonies. Lacking self-restraint to follow the rules constituted by proper decorum and possessing a “look at me” attitude (most evident in the sporting arena), Black people gesticulate and whoop with reckless abandon at graduation ceremonies, unaware that the majority of people in attendance merely look upon their self-indulgently narcissistic display of pride with a sense of extreme embarrassment.
5 days since a Burger King employee murdered a customer, and STILL no name or pic. Hmmmmmm...
What are the odds the killer is black and the victim is white???
How many black "graduates" can even read?
I feel sorry for all the other graduates who earned their diplomas. Their solemn ritual was defiled by noisy savages. How unfair to the next person on the list who cannot hear his or her name called because blacks are being rude. What about their family? All the preparation, rented hats and robes, photos, it is like ruining a wedding or a funeral. They have the rest of their lives to scream out their negritude and yet they choose to ruin a special moment for some one who just spent 13 years suffering through school for that diploma. Blessed be the day when God damns them to Hell where they can scream forever to their black hearts content.
If this post teaches us anything, it proves brown vs. The Board of education was one the worst things to happen to black Americans in the 20th century.
Every school I attended K-12 was over 90% black and 0% white and it was wonderful. Peace and quiet.
I don't feel sorry Ms. Gayles at all. What the hell did she expect to happen? Her family is just one of many silly blacks that move to white neighborhoods and send their kids to white schools hoping for acceptance.
Please be honest. Wouldn't all of this been alleviated if Gayles family sent their children to school on "their side of town"?
-Black guy
Q. What's the difference between seeing eye dogs and black people?
A. Seeing eye dogs actually earn their diplomas.
But yeah, blacks are the worst at graduation ceremonies. If I was an usher I would kick them out as soon as they started getting uppity, and grin when they cry "dats rayciss!"
Regardless the age group, self-control unfortunately is rarely emphasized or lauded as an admirable attribute within black community.
To this extent, the black community overall have absolutely pitiful observational skills (ie: movies theatres, concerts, dining, graduations) because no matter what the event, like toddlers, they all want to be "part of the show" and get very upset when it's not "about them".
When the vociferous blacks are held accountable for anti-social actions by a civil society, they scream with anger, however they inwardly relish this, as the event is finally being truly being made "about them".
"To this extent, the black community overall have absolutely pitiful observational skills"
Historically, a presidential inauguration is a time for reconciliation, to temporarily put politics aside, and celebrate the democratic process.
But at the Obama inauguration, blacks demonstrated their complete lack of self-control by disgracefully booing the introduction of President Bush.
"Gi' Rotney a chance! Gi' Rotney a chance!"
The two sample videos were very interesting. One featured a peaceful ceremony and one ceremony concluded with a brawl. They both had one thing in common. No white people
"The auditorium, stadium or arena hosting the graduation ceremony will reverberate with the intense cacophony of “hoots” and “hollers” once the Black student strides across the stage to receive their diploma, basking in the sounds of adulation from family members while white people look on in a stoic sense of mock disbelief (snickering privately at the outlandish outbursts)."
I graduated from a predominately black high school in Los Angeles. The ceremony was great. There were no brawls and no confused upset white people. As a matter of fact there were no white people at all.
No one had a problem with cheering and clapping.
Being someone who attended predominately black schools. This particular "issue" is rather foreign to me. I'll just have to let the angry white people and their token black "friends", neighbors, and classmates enlighten me on this topic.
-Black guy
"Every school I attended K-12 was over 90% black and 0% white and it was wonderful. Peace and quiet."
Ah yes, peace and quiet and yet, you could not even complete four years at a college that caters to morons.
I'm sure your manual labor and 'gibs me dat' skills are outstanding though!
"Wouldn't all of this been alleviated if Gayles family sent their children to school on "their side of town"?"
black guy, you are right on, yes, this is what we have been trying to say. I think that black people should be required to send their children to "black only" privately-funded institutions of learning. Some tax money could be used, but only if it is generated from the ghetto. Use the Negro College Fund to pay for scholarships. Blacks should be able to racially segregate with their own money if they choose. They can use ebonics, rap math, anything they think will work.
You would find that no white person would disagree with this. But the problem is, once the test scores, safety, and security of the schools begin to plummet, and the first rape or murder takes place, the dropout and teen pregnancy rates soar, blacks will start screaming for a bailout and demand vouchers for "white" schools.
Please Note: There will never be "white acceptance" for a group of rowdy, criminal, uncontrollable blacks who disrupt the classroom and prevent learning from taking place.
The problem is the bad students, not bad schools. No matter where blacks go to school, they bring down every average. Have you read this piece:
Do you really think that their behavior would be better if they were in all black schools in the ghetto with black teachers?? Are you going to raise the funds to set up this black school for your people, black guy, and encourage them to pull their children out of white schools for good, or are just talking out the side of your face again?
BTW, your 90% black schools were not quiet and safe. You are a liar and everyone knows it.
"...hoots, hollers and even air horns drowned out much of the ceremony in 2005 and nearly touched off fights in the audience when the unruly were asked to quiet down."
Now that we have the power of BRA, school districts will just ban all graduation ceremonies for everyone because blacks cannot follow the rules and be quiet in any situation. They have to express their blackness by all means necessary. Blacks do not like to be shushed, and will begin to riot and fight if they are asked to quiet down and act like humans. If we had black-only schools again, they can do whatever they want at graduation.
"BTW, your 90% black schools were not quiet and safe. You are a liar and everyone knows it."
Black Guy lives in an alternate universe where blacks are intellectuals who get married before having children, then live peaceful, productive, law-abiding lives.
"the first rape or murder takes place"
Question: do you care about the rapes and murders of white women AND white children at the hands of white men?
You will say you do but that would be a lie. Your hatred of blacks is much stronger than your love of your own people (and if you even dare say you are an individual and there is no white collective in this country, you no longer have the right to speak on the so-called greater than status of the ENTIRE white race).
The reason why white people hate black people so much is because we manage to be proud in spite of our history (case in point, some graduation behavior--seriously, shushing the applause of a black family watching their child, one of 4 black doctors at med school, graduate is stupid white elitist behavior; no shit they will be excited! Sure, it's annoying but come on...).
This, of course, is a flaw in the master plan.
White people, get it together. Stop worrying about what fly, awesome, everyone-thinks-are-cool black people are doing.
Get YOUR communities together.
Totally PATHETIC!!!
"Black Guy lives in an alternate universe where blacks are intellectuals who get married before having children, then live peaceful, productive, law-abiding lives."
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. But racism in itself is dumb, so the racist, of course, will be equally stupid.
I will avoid the typical song-and-dance: I say what about XYZ; you say XYZ are exceptions not rules; I say that is an argument of convenience because racism is illogical; you try to defend it in an even dumber way--
Yes, my tap shoes are in storage.
"Question: do you care about the rapes and murders of white women AND white children at the hands of white men?"
This is probably the single dumbest fucking question I've ever heard in my life. Deziarrhea, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Tape their mouths shut and haul them out the doors would be the prudent solution.
"Get YOUR communities together.
Totally PATHETIC!!!"
How do we get our communities together and how will we know when they are together oh great and mighty magical flying nigger? Will we know that we have arrived to greatness when our literacy rate, crime rate, IQ and scholarly aptitudes are equal to you coons?
"Black Guy lives in an alternate universe where blacks are intellectuals who get married before having children, then live peaceful, productive, law-abiding lives."
Deziarrhea lives there too.
"This is probably the single dumbest fucking question I've ever heard in my life. Deziarrhea, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me."
But you still didn't answer the question. I mean, I would think it would be an easy one, seeing that white politicians and patriarchs the world over since the dawn of polite white society have harped on the importance of protecting white women and children above all else!
Unless, like white superiority, that, too, is a great lie?
I think it might be.
The stereotypic white man is a great sexist, and radical feminists--many of whom were white during the movement's preeminence--always talked about how MEN (and this means WHITE MEN because no matter how leftist these women were, their upbringing and, thus, worldview, was white) are the people who hurt women and children (by this they meant ALL women and children regardless of race, and they'd be right).
Now... try again.
@ Anonymous 10:32:
"How do we get our communities together and how will we know when they are together oh great and mighty magical flying nigger? Will we know that we have arrived to greatness when our literacy rate, crime rate, IQ and scholarly aptitudes are equal to you coons?"
Ooh, name-calling and he used the word 'nigger'! He must've been angry!
Well, the needs of the black community are much different than the needs of the white community. Measuring yourselves against the same template would be pointless, don't you agree?
So, I believe--as someone had remarked before on this site, a white person so you can trust them!--that when the pedophilia rates decrease the white community will be on the road towards 'got it together-hood'.
And that's pedophiles, not child molesters, because they aren't the same thing; educate yourselves.
That would be a great start.
But really, you obviously have a problem if you are too busy hating 'great and mighty magical flying niggers'. Hate-mongering is a great rallying cry (for argument's sake) but, at the end of the day, what do you have?
A low IQ white guy calling a black person a nigger and a coon over the internet as if it will hurt anyone's feelings.
Fast-track to success. Get'em White Boy!!
Actually Desiree, I say "nigger" regardless of emotion. I was in a bright and cheery mood when I made the original post. And yes, the needs of Whites and niggers are different. Whites need racial cohesiveness without feeling guilty about it and niggers need to find a way to live without Whitey.
"But you still didn't answer the question."
You think I read your post??
Dear Desiree, do you find it odd that African and Islamic women's rights seem to be nonexistent? Now why could this be? Could it be that if the women did rise up the men would kill them (as they have in the past)? White men not only allowed women to address grievances but gave in. Also, women's movements didn't begin until AFTER the Industrial Revolution when life outside the home started becoming more appealing and comfortable. And nigga please, chivalry is a White thing, you wouldn't understand. Rape wasn't even a crime in the glorious African muddaland until Whitey showed up and made it a crime (this is why all rape stats for S. Africa are either Apartheid or post-Apartheid). All you know is you found something else to blame Whitey for.
Tape their mouths shut and haul them out the doors would be the prudent solution.
Don't go to school with whites. That would be a prudent solution we all can live with.
Besides that's already a reality for the majority.
-Black guy
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