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No more money: white liberals know what is coming |
Despite the freezing temperatures, hundreds fought for a place in line in Marietta to apply for federal aid to help pay their heat and power bills this winter. Only 30 people were being let in at a time at the assistance center in Marietta.All over Atlanta, Black people lined up for help receiving Federal assistance or non-profit charity to pay their bills or receive diapers. The altruism on display from private charities is heartwarming, but the alarming sense of entitlement apparent among the aid-seekers should shock even the most hardened DWL:
"It was freezing," applicant Linda Benefield told WSB-TV. "I was in line for three hours and 15 minutes, but I needed the help."
Some needed even more help just to deal with the cold. Ambulances were cold in and took at least two people to the hospital because of the freezing temperatures.
"People just couldn't stand the cold," said applicant Deandre Marshall. "They were not letting people in fast enough."
Marshall said people in line were crying, afraid they would not even get a chance to apply.
"I never thought I would be in the line," Marshall said. "It's almost like being in a soup line during the great depression."
The money is offered through a network of agencies in Georgia.
A day after hundreds of people queued up outside a Marietta community center to apply for assistance with heat and power bills, hopeful applicants began lining up again around midnight, waiting in the sub-freezing temperatures for the doors to open Thursday morning.
This time, however, officials let those in line come into the Mansour Center on Roswell Street an hour early at 7:30 and get relief from temperatures that dropped to 27 degrees.This is a sad situation. Black people face unemployment at a much higher rate then other racial groups (funny, Atlanta home builders relied on illegal alien laborers for the unprecedented home building that erupted throughout the suburbs as white people escaped further and further away from the inner-city and its Black-centric problems) and scant few opportunities appear on the horizon.
“We’re freezing,” said Lecher Eady, a Marietta mother who arrived at midnight seeking help with her bills. “Our hands are cold, our feet are cold.”
In DeKalb County, Atlanta police were called to the Atlanta DeKalb Human Services Building on Warren Street Wednesday morning after "loud arguing" broke out among a large crowd gathered to apply for energy assistance, according to police dispatchers.
Lakesha Charles, who has been out of work for two years, was number 16 in the Marietta line Thursday, which, she said, is “better than number 100.”
The mother of six said she “heard it was ridiculous” on Wednesday, when only 30 people at a time were let into the assistance center.“Hopefully, we can get in and get help,” she said.
“I saw it on the news and decided to come up here because I really need the help,” Kamara said. “You’ve got to stand in line, because it’s not going to come to you.”
This mentality is highly prevalent among Black people.
The entire purpose of the agencies that grant aid to those in financial trouble is to make them "self-sufficient" though this is the opposite of what is transpiring:
"The Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority (FACAA) supports the current Presidential Administration's approach to accountability. We join him in executing a stimulus program that helps people to get back on their feet but more importantly that teaches people how to remain self-sufficient in troubled times."Not all Black people in the United States of America (or Atlanta) rely on public assistance, charity, entitlements or government programs to subsist, though an increasing majority of them do. The out-of-wedlock birthrate for Black people shows that in the near future the dwindling super power known as the USA is on an unavoidable collision course with the destruction of welfare state, as more and more Black people will become dependent on the altruism of others to live.
The country is disintegrating before our eyes. Again, no one is excited by seeing hordes of unemployable Black people line up for free housing assistance or aid for their power/heat bills. A continued decision to reject nature will only ensure that she returns with a frightening vengeance when the money runs out.
Perhaps this is why DWL and Stuff White People Like (SWPL) white people live in areas with near zero Black people, because they instinctively understand that the system cannot hold. Their money is best invested in helping from a considerable distance, instead of living among a population that will rebel once the assistance can no longer be provided.
It's ending. Atlanta is not a safe place, nor is any major city with a population dependent on Christian groups for charity/food or Federal assistance for housing/gas/jobs/heat/etc. Criminality is synonymous with Black people in these cities and once the money runs out, civilization is instantaneously gone.
We are on a road to nowhere, and nowhere is approaching at a velocity that picks up daily. We take no pride in writing about Black people's problems in Atlanta, but these problems are but a microcosm of the ills that plague every city in the country.
Video can be found here.
Or here.
Or here.
Personal responsibility is not a problem for Black people, as the Federal government will always be there to provide assistance to the universally oppressed. That money (and white guilt) is running out.
What's going on in your cities?
While there is black entitlement here (northern Texas) it's not as bad as the mexican ladies who run all the government offices that see the public every day. Or the gays and femi-nazis that if they scream loud enough and long enough the city government just capitulates to their unreasonable demands. I'm sure you all heard of the gay bar raid in the national media two years ago. The main problem with blacks here is corruption. They've bankrupted Dallas and several area school districts through stealing from other blacks and their community.
There will come a day when one state says enough. They will stop sending tribute to the Federal Government and realize that wars our government wage do nothing to help that states citizens and in reality, only further bankrupt the nation and require more taxation from that state to prop up the nation.
My money is on Texas, Arizona, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana and eventually Washington (a resource rich state with a nutty DWL mentality running the state government).
The South has a large population that requires Federal assistance, charity and Christian benevolence to merely exist.
We live in sad times. I feel sorry for every person who had to stand in line to receive assistance for heat/power bills, or stood in line hoping to get free housing back in August.
Then I think about all of those people who do everything in their power to make it to America and perform the jobs that Black people just won't perform (illegal immigrants).
I agree their our many problems, as you delineate laz. However the genesis of it all started with the surrender to civil rights demands, which created an sanctified class of individuals (Black people) who can do no wrong.
Now homosexuals have found identity politics a path to riches and extra-rights, as have all minority groups.
The source of it all rests in the capitulation that took place in 60s.
I lived in inner Atlanta, Midtown, and ALL of the crime was black. All of it. Breaking into cars, vandalism, all black. The liberal whites in the inner city are all in denial. The city is run for blacks by blacks, and tax whitey until he squeals is the plan.
SBPDL: Please. Don't go down that path about the homosexuals. The vast majority of us want to be left the hell alone. For every prancing fool you see in a gay pride parade, there are thousands of us who find the whole event repellent. For every Barney Frank, there are thousands who have played by the rules to buy a house or launch a business, only to see the free-loaders raiding our wallets with the aid of government badges and guns.
We make an easy target because we are burdened with self-appointed "leaders" who claim to speak for all of us. They do not speak for every homosexual any more than Abe Foxman speak for all Jews.
Take a real good look; when the Federal Ponzi scheme finally collapses, you'd better have a supply of food and ammo laid in, or else you will be consumed by the hungry, unemployable desperate hoards.
In defense of gays, gays are not murdering, rapping, and robbing average Americans in record numbers. They are also not rioting over gay affirmative action. I feel they should be allowed to be left alone like every other American so long as they don't infringe on another's liberties.
It's probably worse than we're thinking:
Anon at 7:42:
That is the first time I have ever brought up homosexuals (save for the Black people against gay marriage entry).
I completely agree with your statements and find them in line with my thinking.
However, my point is the decision to create an entire movement that mimics what Black people did to achieve Civil Rights (extra-equal rights).
I almost got in a brawl with 50 gays at a pool party I had the misfortune of attending with a female accomplice last summer in a high-end locale, for daring to say no disenfranchised group deserved extra-rights.
In a sane society (one constantly looking toward a brighter tomorrow for all citizens), it wouldn't matter if an individual was a homosexual because that would never come up. People would live their lives constantly striving for something greater than themselves, because communities can only exist in this scenario.
In the insane we live in, everything has been heightened to one of identity politics, save one group...
So no, I will never go down that road, nor religion.
Your point is stated eloquently. Nothing more needs to be said.
Love this quote: "I was in need of help with my energy assistance" said Niko Northington. What does that even mean? That she normally gets help with her energy bills but needed more than the usual assistance this time?
I've seen several clips on the news about this (before SBPDL did their story on it) and, in general, I see almost nothing but black women at the Mansour Center. Occasionally I saw a male or two, maybe a Latina, and a white woman, but it seems to be almost exclusively black females lining up for this heating assistance and, earlier in the summer, Section 8 housing. Why? My assumption is that black females are having to be head-of-household because there is no family unit (i.e. married mother and father raising the child(ren)) but I could be wrong.
But look, just when you start to feel sorry for some of these individuals, you get a comment like this from Michelle Butler which changes everything: "To tell your children one week, 'Hey mom got a new job. Our Christmas is going to be good this year.' And now you have to turn and say, 'Mom doesn’t have a job..."
Instead of worrying about Christmas, why not join the real world and save that money for TIMES LIKE THESE!!!!! No sooner had the woman gotten the job being a babysitter ("nanny" my ass!) than she started telling her kids Christmas was "going to be good", when her first priority should have been to secure the basic necessities of life (on her own dime) before trying to go buy a bunch of overpriced, foreign-made toys that her kids will play with one time before becoming bored with and abandoning. It's comments like Michelle Butler's that reinforce my belief that some people will just never learn and the best thing for society to do is not subsidize their poor decision making skills, but instead leave her to fend for herself. No sooner does she have a nickel in her pocket before she's already trying to spend it.
I can virtually guarantee that the woman who needed "help with her energy assistance" needs it so she can plant her offspring in front of a television set all day, and have the heat set for 72.
I get these bill inserts from Alabama Power, and got them from AlaGasCo when I had their service. Each year around this time the appeals come for contributing to a utility assistance fund. I don't give a thing. Not a dime. I know that money goes right into the public housing downtown, which I am already supplying with confiscated money ("taxes").
Our entitlement-based society gives employed citizens many reasons to NOT empathize or want to give to "the Needy," the biggest being the fact that these people aren't usually truly in need. Either their "need" is based on an infinite string of poor choices, or they take only because it's offered, even encouraged.
In my work, I daily come in contact with many of the so-called poor - the best fed (fattest), most comfortable, and best entertained poverty-stricken individuals on Earth, all of whom live better than I in terms of life's goodies (cable, cell phones, plasma TVs, game systems). I have heard directly from many how they or their parents receive WIC, food stamps, SSI, etc, while many of these same folks have "good jobs." Over the nearly 30 years I've been exposed to this urban culture of poverty, I've never witnessed anyone truly hungry or living poorly, other than a few homeless people who are that way either temporarily, by their own choice, or have mental issues.
If we could rid the welfare roles of these people receiving in aggregate billions of dollars each year, think of what we could do for the TRULY needy (blind, disabled, aged).
In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year
I find it hard to feel sorry for blacks in America, even the ones waiting in line for assistance. I've travelled extensively and seen people that were actually trying to get ahead and still living in misery. Blacks in America don't even try anymore, and they're so unabashed about it.
As far as the welfare state goes, de Tocqueville nailed it right on the head, almost two hundred years ago:
"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
Sorry but my country going down the drain causes me a lot more sorrow than the sights of a bunch of lazy, no accounts standing in line to get a piece of my paycheck so they can pay their bills.
This video is f'ing hilarious. One of these kids is black, and the other one is Latin, but I'm pretty sure they still got in trouble for this. Black people don't like being laughed at...
If we take entitlements and welfare payments away from blacks, they will riot and burn down our cities as they did in the 1960's. In the blink of an eye, blacks will wage a violent war on White America (The Man). Blacks believe that all of the spoils in life are greedily taken by the whites from a private stash somewhere. Whites are only stingy and keep the best for themselves instead of sharing.
Where will you be once this black violence breaks out? If you are near the inner city, please consider moving out while you still have time. Blacks love to chuckle about our "fear of a black planet", and yes, we are very afraid of losing what we have worked and sacrificed for if it all goes up in flames. Guess who won't be paying for the cleanup. And blacks will be the ultimate losers, as always. At least for now we can keep them fat and happy and under control. We have offered them to volunteer for a new type of slavery, and they are signing up in the millions!
The cost of controlling rioting blacks and rebuilding our cities once they have burned is much larger than the cost of keeping blacks pacified with cheap goodies like food, rent, and daycare, and promises of reform. Spend millions to save billions.
We have to find a way to manage black rage, and material items seems to do the trick for now. Good luck to us if we decide to take this away from them.
The south isn't all black.
-Black guy
If blacks were actually the majority on welfare it would have ended decades ago.
So, please end welfare and watch whitopia become Baghdad over night.
If you need a reference take a look at Russia.
-Black guy
"So, please end welfare and watch whitopia become Baghdad over night."
When welfare ends, white unrest will seem like kindergarten compared to the uncontrolled violence that blacks will unleash.
Black Guy gets more fucking dumb every day.
37% of African Americans receive welfare benefits.
5% of whites receive welfare benefits.
Whites are 65% of the population vs. blacks being 15%. Percentages not total numbers have to be used to measure welfare dependence, retard.
@ Black guy:
"If blacks were actually the majority on welfare it would have ended decades ago.
So, please end welfare and watch whitopia become Baghdad over night."
LOL! Well said, my friend! Well said. Most people on welfare are white. Doesn't matter whatever the 'Disproportionately...' harpies say.
Yes, it doesn't matter if more blacks are on it in terms of population size vs. whites, because white people swipe those EBT cards faster than anyone else.
My mother works for the Welfare Division in my city (a very diverse one) and most of the people who not only come in the facility for assistance but DEMAND the assistance are WHITE.
This is simply a fact.
White people get mighty uppity when they aren't treated like kings and queens. Yes, this is also the reason most racist whites have a problem with black people: we will not kiss your asses.
Actually, I would love to see a revolt against white elitists, like our beloved Circus ringleader SBPDL, by poor whites, instead of said poor whites--ie. TeaBaggers--bitching about poor blacks and Latinos. As my favorite black radical thinker the late Bro. Del Jones would say, "And the blood will run."
Anon 3:13PM:
No, your stats are wrong. You got that from Stormfront, didn't you? Yes, the best place to get ANY info on black people!
In 1994, most people on welfare were white.
White 38.8%
Black 37.2
Hispanic 17.8
Asian 2.8
Other 3.4
In 2006, whites were still beating blacks, although a higher percentage of blacks in proportion to their pop. size were on welfare.
39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients
38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000
17% Hispanic 5,083,000 of 29,900,000
Stop lying! Black guy's point was on point. Stop rigging the game: white people love free shit, too, probably more than most...
By the way, why is every damn troll on this site accused of being me? I love to hear myself speak so much that I will always sign in as 'Desiree'. Just for reference. LMBAO!
We can hasten the economic, environmental, cultural, and social collapse of America by not changing the current immigration policies that transport millions of low-IQ, poor and unemployable people into our Nation. By continuing to enlarge a vast underclass of needy welfare people, we can quickly bring an end to this madness, that was once called America. Si, se puede!
Arguing with Desiree or Black Guy is a pointless exercise. Dismissing proportionality of welfare usage in this argument is laughable but you cannot expect a negroid to understand grade school concepts. There are 200 million white people in the US and 38 million of your worthless kin. From your figures there are 300,000 more whites on welfare than blacks. If these figures do not represent the chasm of human worth between the two races to you than nothing will. But you are correct in your basic assertion, Desiree.
As someone already mentioned the reactions between the races of losing these freebies would be quite different. One group would accept the loss of government largess and the other would riot, kill and as they always do burn down their own neighborhoods.
Wow, what a shocker, Deziarrhea writes an interminable, unreadable diatribe to say that she agrees with Black Guy.
Ten Questions Deziarrhea has still not answered:
1. Why do blacks throughout the globe have the highest violent crime rate?
2. Why do blacks have the highest murder rate?
3. Why do blacks have the highest rape rate?
4. Why do blacks have the highest AIDS rate?
5. Why do blacks have the highest abortion rate?
6. Why do blacks have the highest illegitimacy rate?
7. Why do blacks have the highest illiteracy rate?
8. Why do blacks have the highest dropout rate?
9. Why do blacks have the highest poverty rate?
10. Why do blacks have the highest incarceration rate?
Nobody ever said there weren't white people on welfare. But those white people are the exception not the rule.
The fact of the matter is that being educated, employed and self-reliant is considered an amazing feat in the black community. For white people it's just what you do when you grow up, nothing spectacular.
Anonymous said...
Black Guy gets more fucking dumb every day.
37% of African Americans receive welfare benefits.
5% of whites receive welfare benefits.
Whites are 65% of the population vs. blacks being 15%.............................................................................................
Actually it's even worse than that. Every statistic that I've read shows the black population at no more than 13.1% (& as low as 12.6%). So considering that blacks at 13% of population makes of 38% of WR's (& remember that 38% is the blacks ACTUALLY REPRESENTED ON WELFARE, NOT their whole population!)...It seems that blacks have a real problem when it comes to rudimentary mathematics & the siphering of percentages!...Disarray cannot grasp that whites are 67% of population but 39% of WR's & blacks are 13% of population at 38% of WR's!!.....Or to put it another way IF the same percentage of whites (who total some 210 million in the U.S) had 37% of their population on welfare(the black percentage on welfare, blacks 37% & whites 5%)) then then total white population on welfare would be 77.7 million people!! (not the less than 11.7 million that are currently on welfare-or 5% of white population!)...Get it Desireck!
"My mother works for the Welfare Division in my city"
Let's review, shall we?
Human + Stanford = success, positive contributions to society, wealth, stability, etc.
groid + affirm'tive ak'shun + Stanford = Las Vegas "welfare division" sheboon.
Any questions?
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
1. If you know anything about animal behavior that should be an easy one. Strife, hostility, and violence are typically the products of suffering, shortages, etc. The same type of chaos happened in France and Russia.
2. see #1
3. I don't know, do they? Or is this a proportionality thing? Question: do you care more about white women being raped by black men or those who are over and above raped by white men?
4. Well, in terms of Africans, AIDS was first discovered there (or so they say!). It's no surprise that there'd be a lot of Africans affected. As for black Americans, prisons. Common denominator for HIV/AIDS transmission is male homosexuality, whether someone gets it from a woman or a needle-using junkie the root is gay sexual contact. (The Suits don't want you to know that.) And drug users and gay sex exist in prisons. So...yeah.
5. Abortion? So what! Some women honestly should not have children. Would you really want a child raised by a teen mom--of any race--who cares more about her clothes and boyfriend than her baby? I wouldn't. Besides, the 'baby' is just a couple of cells; who cares?
6. I don't know why blacks have a high illegitimacy rate and I agree it is a problem in our community. My mother was a love child, although her parents married shortly after. My father was a total 'bastard', albeit his father was a white man. Alfred Kinsey--who I don't trust completely--claimed that black men and women have larger genitals. I'm guessing that, coupled with our sensual culture, makes us have sex a lot because we enjoy it. But that's just a guess. I wonder if the illegitimacy rate in communal, 'it takes a village' African societies is similar to blacks' in the US? Because I know you are trying to make a biological argument but I'm pretty sure you are wrong. Remember: illegitimacy is a legal title; marriage is on a piece of paper. Would a baby born to two lesbians be illegitimate if they weren't 'married'? By the way, the white teen moms on MTV are really making you look good!
7. I don't know any black person who is illiterate so it's hard for me to comprehend the notion of illiteracy. My grandma was not the best speller, reader, etc. and she was poor, had to pick peas, hungry. Schooling was less important than survival.
8. Dropout rates. You know, that's a complex question and I will just say many times kids, of any race, dropout because they have to take care of their families, sometimes their parents, siblings, they have to work, and completing high school gets lost in the fray. Two friends of mine didn't graduate (Latino) and neither did my stepsister (black). Life happens. The Census takers record the numbers and don't provide context. I don't think people intentionally drop out to dropout. I finished HS 3 years ago and I get how the kids feel. HS is a prison, and I was one of the smart kids. I imagine it's a lot harder for those who are poor or have chaotic homes.
9. Remember, black people were SLAVES in this country and it was less than a century ago we achieved equality. That huge jump from slavery to people like Oprah and Bob Johnson is bound to leave some people behind. Rags to riches is a fantasy for most, although capitalist pigs like to harp on it like it's doable. Most people never leave the economic bracket they are born in. Poverty is a cycle and poor people adapt to poverty and learn a certain set of coping strategies that may not be advantageous in the long run, like living for the moment. They don't know any better. My answer is rooted in the cyclical nature of poverty.
10. see #1. It's a crime to break the law and the consequences of that tend to involve being locked up. There is racism involved in some of that, too, but I won't touch on so-called conspiracy theories here...
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
Now, I've answered your questions as honestly as possible. Now answer mine:
1. What was the catalyst that began your mistrust/hatred of blacks?
2. Why the hell do you care about a group of people who I KNOW you have no contact with in a substantial sense are doing (riding the metro bus to work and having black teens drown out the songs in your iPod do not count as a substantial, life-altering interaction)?
3. Have you ever had an intimate conversation with a black person that resulted in you deeming them intellectually less than?
4. Have you ever tried to be charitable to a black and you were berated and/or beaten for your 'naive' altruism?
5. Have you had black friends, specifically male, if you are male?
6. Do you have a good reason, based on tangible experience, to cringe or cower or feel disgust when you encounter blacks?
Please answer away. I tried to keep it as simple and easy as possible. I just have a strong suspicion you have not had enough meaningful contact with black people. Many times, stereotypes and prejudice are based in ignorance, fear, and stupidity...
I still can't find the government statistics of welfare recipients by race, though you must consider the percentages for whites, Blacks and Hispanics by proportion to their overall rate of population.
This is interesting though:
@ Don:
No, I understand the proportionality. If you read my comment thoroughly, I acknowledged the proportion issue.
But my point, Don sweetie, is that your 'break down' doesn't change the fact more welfare recipients are white than black, and that more welfare recipients are non-black than black, which should shatter the Reagan-era BS about a Welfare Queen.
Black guy was right. Period. More people on assistance are white than black, regardless of what Stormfront likes to say, and if welfare was dismantled, there will be a white revolt.
Stormfront: not a place I expect to find intellectuals. I remember seeing something so silly about black people on there, that the ones who were usually successful are probably mulatto or have white in them.
Yes, Oprah Winfrey, who can trace her blackness back to Liberia, is totally rich and famous and intelligent because she has good ol' white blood! Yum, yum! Thank you, whitey!
"1. If you know anything about animal behavior that should be an easy one."
If this is your way of saying that blacks behave like animals, then we agree.
"1. What was the catalyst that began your mistrust/hatred of blacks?"
I do not hate blacks, and trust must be earned.
I simply recognize blacks for what they are, which means I have no realistic expectation that blacks will ever behave like civilized human beings.
"Strife, hostility, and violence are typically the products of suffering, shortages, etc."
How often are you going to repeat this horseshit?? Are you fucking retarded?
1. During the Great Depression, crime rates did NOT increase.
2. During the recession from 2008 to the present, crime rates have fallen.
Although you would like to pretend that it has nothing to do with race, the facts say otherwise.
"I just have a strong suspicion you have not had enough meaningful contact with black people."
LOLOL Deziarrhea, stop being so cliche'd, racism is not a product of ignorance or fear.
Racism is a product of experience.
In my youth, I believed the liberal lie that we're all exactly alike.
I'm in my 50's now, and I know better.
@ Desiree
1. Transferring high schools in 10th grade and being beat so many times for being the new white boy that they sent me home the first day.
2. Went back to school this year and I've had to wade through them for the better part of the year. So many are felons they have a job fair for them every month.
3. Every day at school.
4. Yes. It's called taking out your wallet to give them a couple of dollars and they swipe your wallet out of your hand. Although, most just take the money as they don't really care where it comes from.
5. Best friend in high school is black. Have had several friends that were black growing up. Although, we know by past posts that you don't consider them black cause they don't act like a damn chimp. I'd also like to point out that me and my black bud from high school still keep in touch 20 years later.
6. You mean besides the constant cussing at the top of their voices, always having to be an exhibitionist, or harassing people coming and going from the any building where they congregate. Most of the times I've been beaten and/or robbed was by blacks.
If whites don't end welfare for blacks, expect the asians/hispanics/middle eastern who is taking over the country will end it for blacks as they hate black people more than white people and have no white guilt.
"if welfare was dismantled, there will be a white revolt."
LOL @ "white revolt"
Only 5% of whites are on welfare, that's going to be the smallest revolt in history.
"Yes, this is also the reason most racist whites have a problem with black people: we will not kiss your asses."
Blacks hate whites to the core. Blacks, to their own demise, spend their entire lives and much energy trying to be the opposite of white, which explains their criminality, unwillingness to act like compassionate humans, lack of planning, and anti-intellectualism.
I see that you are very proud of this hatred of whites, Desiree, even though everything you touch on a daily basis was created by the whites you detest. Your life would be shit without white people and you know it. I encourage my white employees be very careful when interacting with blacks on the job because of this underlying rage. Blacks place no value human life.
I have seen many older blacks kiss white ass. In my job with a large trucking company, the blacks (janitors and package loaders) are always ALWAYS saying things like "yessuh" and "nawsuh", "jess happy to be here, suh", and "you have yosself a good day, suh." This is not just courtesy to their fellow man, but a shameful display as they shuck and shuffle around, and grin while lowering their eyes.
The young black bucks, on the other hand, have spent some hard time in prison and have major psychological issues, and so they do not even act like human beings. They snarl, glare, complain, curse, threaten and throw things when they get frustrated, just as an animal would. I think that any basic human characteristics will end with this new hateful generation of blacks. The women are just as bad, always cursing, complaining and threatening to whop someone's ass.
I think Desiree, that you are very sad for your people, and hearing the truth only makes it worse. There is work to be done. You have nothing to be proud of, nothing.
"Stormfront: not a place I expect to find intellectuals."
So, you don't even bother to read information on a site if you don't find it to be an intellectual site?? Do you consider yourself "intellectual"??
Desiree, you don't have to be a genius to notice the truth about black dysfunction.
"...riding the metro bus to work and having black teens drown out the songs in your iPod do not count as a substantial, life-altering interaction)?"
And therein likes the problem, Desiree.
Our perceptions are very, VERY different. When I ride the metro with my small children, and witness blacks speaking ebonics, drowning out everything with their loud cursing, MF this and MF that, "bitches" and "niggas" loud obnoxious black boys' crude rapping, horseplay and loud private phone calls, black women slapping their babies, I consider this a legitimate interaction with blacks. This is what I and many other whites encounter at the mall, at school, at the grocery store and other public places.
You don't see this as a problem because you live in a black world. To most blacks, being polite, quiet, intelligent, and considerate are all considered "acting white". These are social traits of white people and the western world. Blacks must express their blackness by all means or they will be publicly shamed by other blacks for not "keepin' it real". Overzealous black behavior is only normal and "fresh" to you, but it is repulsive to me. I hate it so much that I avoid it. Most white liberals that you are used to have given blacks a free pass to abuse everyone. I do not do this, and think that blacks should be held accountable for disturbing my peace and quiet. And you probably think this is only the racist hatred of whites toward blacks?? Why should anyone have to put up with this behavior in a democratic society, please tell me.
Whites don't behave like this in public, (the wiggas do) and so it is very insulting to my senses. Whites smile, say please and thank you, help each other, say hello, comment on my beautiful children, read their book quietly, listen to their iPod quietly, keep their children seated, and act in a reasonable manner. They do not show their asses to everyone and create a nuisance. Is this what you consider being treated like a King or Queen for whites? Well, then so be it.
I don't want to be around blacks in public places, and if I do decide to have a relationship with a black person, I will choose and accept them based on their similar values and behaviors. I normally do not subscribe to diversity and multiculturalism because it does not work. You have proven my point with your comments.
You seem to really have a hard time understanding very simple concepts. I am only trying to help you out.
"We have now sunk to a depth at which re-statement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men." - George Orwell
Desiree, we are only doing our duty by stating the obvious.
Well, I totally didn't expect the anonymous asshole to answer my questions! I'm so not surprised. I'm just trying to figure out whether it's cowardice or stupidity or a devil mixture of both. Hmm...
Or perhaps you are hiding the fact you have never had any substantial contact with blacks to justify your ridiculous bigotry.
Yes. That is the reason. Point proven! Thank you.
"1. During the Great Depression, crime rates did NOT increase.
2. During the recession from 2008 to the present, crime rates have fallen."
This is so funny to me. Unemployment is a symptom of poverty; it's not always a cause. During the Depression, the government tried so hard to institute programs to get people working. And the 2008 recession doesn't mean people were ending up with ghetto-like or Russian-like shortages. Are you serious?
Please, stop repeating lies. Think rationally. Use your brain.
Poverty is the root of crime; everyone knows this, regardless if you want to deny the facts or not. Just because someone is jobless does not mean they are impoverished. A correlation between the two does not equal a causation by the one.
This is Reading Statistics 101.
I actually think crime increased in my city during localized recessions so you stating a US stat doesn't really account for the stats on a city and state level.
So yes, what were you saying?
@ laz:
Thank you for sharing your experiences as a tortured white male in America. You belong to such a victimized class, so fragile and tender. Can you hear that? It's a violin sonata just for you.
By your logic, laz, I guess I wouldn't be black either since I don't 'act like a chimp'. What I don't like is a sellout. What white people like are blacks you act like them; anyone who does not fall into that category is a 'chimp'? Yeah...
Why do I feel you are being less than honest? White boys sometimes like to talk shit and then they get their asses beat. Were you talking shit?
Why has everyone here been beaten up or mugged? Sure, they say experience is the best teacher but I don't think that idiom should be used to justify generalizations.
Ah, so I see: racism for all of you is a 'security blanket'. Yes, I understand that many rape victims will hate men because of their victimizations. But that too--like every one of you people's reaction to blacks--is an irrational response in need of psychotherapeutic correction. Because fear and its byproduct hatred are not healthy.
Ciao, emasculated weaklings.
Anon 9:58:
I don't like noise like the rest of you. From blacks or whites or Latinos. I don't care. Loud talking and boisterousness pisses me off, too. I remember shopping at a thrift store and a gaggle of rich white kids (many of them blonds; it was odd) were running around the store screaming and making fun of the clothes that some of the shoppers there were perusing through (I was looking for books). These teens were looking for 'Halloween costumes' and being totally rude. Needless to say, I was very uncomfortable and we ended our shopping trip early.
Upon leaving the store, these white kids were in the parking lot drinking beer and being loud as hell. It was terrible.
So I get the dislike of the crass talking and loudness. It makes me uncomfortable, too. I don't live in your idea of a 'black world'. My whole street is white, black, Latino, Asian. My next door neighbors are white people. I remember a year or two ago, some white people a few houses down were blasting music late at night.
Ignorance and loudness knows no race; it just depends on your milieux and who you are around. Class really is THE predictor of behavior. In my neighborhood, the only loud blacks are the elementary aged school kids playing football in the street with little Latino kids and my neighbor's white kids. The people who blast music are almost always Latino. Those whites I'd mentioned make noise with the motorcycles they are always fixing up and revving.
I live amongst diversity and we all coexist in peace.
You need to learn to use qualifiers in your statements. It makes you look ignorant.
If you and your kids and I were the only people on the bus, you would think I was an angel from Heaven, maybe even the Second Coming of Black Jeezus. Because that's how I was raised. And, no, I don't act white. I am just me.
Have a fantabulous day.
Oh, by the way...
"comment on my beautiful children"
That sounds like Queen behavior. So, if I didn't comment on your kids, am I acting like a despicable black animal?
Get it together, lady. Black people remark on children all the time. This is the precise reason I don't shop at Wal-Mart (the big ones). Every black person's always trying to ask if my twin sister and I are twins. It's hard being 21 and still looking 15, let alone being twins that are cute. (Apparently, Wal-Mart is a place to pick up chicks? I've been grabbed and I didn't like it.)
No peace. Sorry you were mooned on the bus. That's not right. Hopefully the crack was clean, lol. You have proven to me with that entire comment that you liked to be treated like a Queen.
The mindset is hard to break from, I know. I hope you returned safely to your pedestal after your terrifying ride on the metro bus.
I was going to suggest people not share their unpleasant experiences with blacks because Desiree, despite requesting this information, was only going to use it to say they deserved it. But I see I was too late.
"Well, I totally didn't expect the anonymous asshole to answer my questions!"
Deziarrhea, I'm not answering your questions because they are all based on a false premise.
It's like asking "have you stopped beating your wife?".
You asked "Why the hell do you care about a group of people who I KNOW you have no contact with"
This is why I frequently refer to you as a Dumb Fucking Whore.
I am in contact with masses of black people every single day of my life.
Why should I waste my time answering such an idiotic question that's based on a false premise?
If you'd like to ask me an intelligent question, I'll answer, but I won't waste my time on your stupidity.
It's up to you.
"Unemployment is a symptom of poverty"
This is categorically false, and remarkably ignorant.
"Poverty is the root of crime"
This is categorically false, and remarkably ignorant.
The Great Depression wrought the greatest poverty in American History, yet crime rates did not change.
Repeating a lie does not make it true, it only makes you look stupid.
No, Anonymous 11:19, I don't mean to say they deserved it but some beatings really are victimless crimes. And I'm a pacifist saying this.
I doubt a pedophile rapist being beaten in the street would garner sympathy. I know you agree.
If you talk shit, the inevitable result will be a beat down. We can debate whether the person delivering the beating needs to learn anger management skills, but, please, don't be SURPRISED if, as a white male, you talk shit to a black male, and then your ass is handed to you.
I'm just saying use some common sense. Especially if the guy is bigger than you. The David and Goliath thing is a myth, a metaphor.
I don't mean to be callous to laz but beat downs are usually not unprovoked. If he was the victim of an unprovoked beat down, my heart TRULY goes out to him. It really, really does and I would issue a mea culpa because bullying is wrong.
I just don't think that is the case. Maybe I'm a cynic?
I've had many white male friends and they are some of the most sarcastic assholes I've ever met. Sometimes you want to hit them. I mean bash their skulls in. I can be a bitch, too, at times, but the switch is usually off.
Maybe it's a guy thing? A white guy thing...
"During the Depression, the government tried so hard to institute programs to get people working."
And it made the problem worse. Of course, you still haven't explained why crime did not increase during the worst national poverty in American History.
You know, Desiree, your arguments here do not appear to be convincing or mind-changing; and the arguments that people make to you, you do not find them persuasive. I for one need no more evidence than this to conclude that the black and white races are best kept apart. What more evidence do you need to conclude the same?
""comment on my beautiful children"
That sounds like Queen behavior. So, if I didn't comment on your kids, am I acting like a despicable black animal? "
Hater! I am mostly treated like a queen in my life, yes. My husband and children spoil me rotten and I love it! In public and around others, I am very generous and friendly. I must say, however, that I am not a welfare queen like most blacks. Very different indeed.
You and most black women really hate how we white women walk in this world, flipping our hair, feminine and sweet, and we get soooo much attention from our men. I am sure you cannot remember the last time you were looked at by a man in that way. All the black men are dating white girls, right?
I generally don't expect blacks to say anything nice to me or my children, and they don't. Is this racism by lowered expectations? Maybe yes.
Whites give each other pleasantries all the time, even when they don't know each other, and often even say nice things and smile to rude blacks. We are very considerate in a quiet way too. My children are beautiful and well-behaved, and we get comments about that all the time. You don't have to be a Queen to get compliments, hater.
"You need to learn to use qualifiers in your statements. It makes you look ignorant"
Looks like you are running out of juice, Desiree.
I never claimed to be a genius or intellectual like you have on several occasions. I think that most people on this site got my point "just fine", thank you very much. You seem to be the only one disputing my comments. And you are showing your angry black woman hostility.
I would rather be around a drunk group of white kids than a sober group of black kids any day.
"The mindset is hard to break from, I know. I hope you returned safely to your pedestal after your terrifying ride on the metro bus."
This comment is from a true jealous envious hater. I don't intend to "break from my mindset" ever, Desiree. I have a right to love myself and demand that others treat me with respect. Maybe you should examine your self-loathing, I do believe I have already suggested this on several occasions.
I was not terrified by the black miscreants Desiree. I was just disgusted by their behavior and choose to avoid it.
"And, no, I don't act white. I am just me."
Sooo....you have already lost your black race membership card, right? Blacks do not tolerate other blacks acting white, everyone knows that! Is this blog a place where you can forget about your true identity by creating a new persona?
When was the last time you were called an Uncle Tomasina, Desiree?
Desiree, I am interested in hearing your take on my experience with blacks. A little background, I played 3 years of Division 1 football at a Pac 10 school. I grew up in a rural town and had no experience living in a city or around the "black community" and also considered myself liberal going into college. Here are my answers to your question.
1. What was the catalyst that began your mistrust/hatred of blacks?
Two of my friends got their dorm broken into and were held up at gunpoint by two of my teammates (both black)for allegedly saying something racist at a party. My school newspaper sided with the two guys who broke in and almost all of my black teammates agreed that the two white guys deserved it and there was no reason for the two black guys to be kicked off the team. This was my first experience with the criminally sympathetic white hatred mentality of black people.
2. Why the hell do you care about a group of people who I KNOW you have no contact with in a substantial sense are doing (riding the metro bus to work and having black teens drown out the songs in your iPod do not count as a substantial, life-altering interaction)?
I care because since I started school I have been mugged and beaten a block away from my house by a group of blacks. My uncle had his house broken into (and being a good marine tried to stop them) and was stabbed by two black men. My sister has been robbed by her black neighbor and supposed friend. (All these occurred in 3 separate states). In short, I care because I have been forced to care.
3. Have you ever had an intimate conversation with a black person that resulted in you deeming them intellectually less than?
Yes, following the breaking and entering indecent freshmen year. I had several conversations where black teammates tried to explain why the two white guys deserved to be robbed at gunpoint in their room at 3 AM. Also, try being the "smart guy" on a football team and asked to edit their coursework. "Intellectually inferior" is an enormous understatement.
4. Have you ever tried to be charitable to a black and you were berated and/or beaten for your 'naive' altruism?
Yes, freshmen year I invited several black teammates to a friend's fraternity party. One ended up punching a frat-member's girlfriend.
5. Have you had black friends, specifically male, if you are male?
Yes, I roomed with 3 other players freshmen year (all black because they roomed athletes together by offense/defense and skilled positions together). They were generally good guys but I actively discouraged my family and friends from visiting my room when they visited for games and I never brought a girl back to the dorms.
6. Do you have a good reason, based on tangible experience, to cringe or cower or feel disgust when you encounter blacks?
Yes, yes I do.
"... White boys sometimes like to talk shit and then they get their asses beat. Were you talking shit?"
This hits the nail on the head. They can't even try to dispute the fact that violence is what drives them. Talking "sh*t" is handled with well-deserved violence. NOT with a verbal dressing down or comeback. With well-deserved, appropriate...violence.
They know no other way, and only suppress this when they absolutely have to...
"Poverty is the root of crime"
There are lots of poor white neighborhoods with low crime.
There is not a place on earth where the black crime rate is low.
"If you talk shit, the inevitable result will be a beat down."
Blacks can not distinguish between freedom of speech, and assault and battery.
One is a constitutional right.
The other is a crime.
Deziarrhea, the stupidity of your comments grows exponentially.
I live in Memphis. I'm armed. I won't hesitate to shoot if the shit hits the fan and blacks revolt. Get a job and stop blaming whitey you assholes.
"meaningful contact with black people" Hahahaha. I think the problem here is that a lot of us actually HAVE had "meaningful contact" but we normally refer to it as being mugged.
Like anon 2:07 I went to college with one idea of black people and left with quite another. I would estimate that me and 90% of my friends had our cars broken into. A considerable number of people I knew got jumped after leaving parties, walking out to their cars late at night, coming back from the library etc. I could name three guys off the top of my head who got pistol whipped.
As students of the University we got emails from the campus police whenever there was a crime on campus, which was pretty common. The emails always included a description of the perp, and it became a running joke after a while. The description was always the same: "African-American, male, medium height, medium build, wearing a hooded sweatshirt." Looking back, I'm surprised that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP etc. didn't show up and protest those emails being sent.
I guess I should have transferred to a school that didn't have any blacks living nearby. My mistake. If I have kids though, especially daughters, they'll be going to a school out West, or in a rural area. Somewhere that black people haven't ruined yet.
Female anonymous:
"You and most black women really hate how we white women walk in this world, flipping our hair, feminine and sweet, and we get soooo much attention from our men."
LOL! Why would a black girl be jealous of a white man giving attention to a white woman? Please explain that one to me.
What is this femininity you are talking about? What, do I have to walk around in stockings and a starched 1950s housedress? And sweet? What is sweet? Should I bat my eyes and giggle to let a man know I'm single and 'vulnerable'?
What are you talking about exactly? I don't really 'get' the white psychosis so please help me out!
"I am sure you cannot remember the last time you were looked at by a man in that way. All the black men are dating white girls, right?"
Most black men date black women, just like most whites date in their own race. A few black guys with white women is really not a cause for alarm.
Newsflash: most white women don't have bodies like Kim Kardashian or Coco, thus black women don't have to worry about black men jumping overboard for white women. Grow asses and bigger tits and maybe black women will start to freak out!
It's funny because you are the second white woman on this site who has tried to harp on black men and white women to me, as if it is a diss.
Another newsflash: I don't give a shit! I don't even date black guys--never got the memo on that--so your 'insult' has no sting, sister.
As for being checked out by men, I'm 21. I don't expect my like-aged male counterparts to be genteel and subdued as a man would be with an older woman like yourself. I am happy to hear that they are treating the elderly with respect. But you are right: I have never had an older man give me so much attention. I think this is because most older men don't want to flirt with a 5'1" girl who looks 15-16. Not really a good idea.
"This comment is from a true jealous envious hater."
'Hater'? What, are you in a rapper's posse? No, I was remarking on the fact that wonderful, brilliant white women--like Dworkin, MacKinnon, Brownmiller--have worked so hard fighting for women's rights and yet so many white women who've benefitted from their struggles still revert back to this anachronistic 'white goddess' pedestal mentality: "Oh, I'm so perfect and delicate. Don't let anyone hurt me, Master."
If you don't get it, sorry!
You really have serious issues. So, I'm a jealous little black girl and I hate white men winking at white women? Oh no, the earth is thrown out of orbit; such aberrations from nature can't be tolerated! And you are this white woman who hates being around black people yet you HAVE to remember to remind me that black men LOOOVE white women.
By your logic, white men should be worried white women are running to black men and white women should worry that white men love Asian girls!
Get it together. Right now. I just got done looking at pictures of Buffie the Body (google her) and I DOUBT you could make me feel as jealous as she does. I've said it on this site before: the only women I would envy in typical 'hater girl' fashion would be A BEAUTIFUL BLACK WOMAN because, outside of Kim K and some WoC, black women are the only women I find sexy. Some white girls are 'pretty' but they are not sexy to me and thus not enviable.
Get it, Ava Braun?
@ gb:
Unlike the asshole anonymous who calls me 'Deziarrhea' like an idiot, thank you for answering my questions.
However, you have basically solidified my view that it is unfair to generalize a race based on the actions of a few members.
But I cannot be surprised by this given your culturally isolated background. You had negative experiences with blacks and your lack of any previous contact with black people could not be there to balance those negative experiences. So, basically, those encounters colored your worldview and, as a result, you hold--holistically speaking--irrational prejudices.
I get it. I get all of it. But it doesn't change the fact that it's ultimately irrational. To negatively judge an ENTIRE group of people based on the lone actions of a few of it's members is the definition of prejudice and the foundation of racism.
Maybe you'd disagree but I feel sorry that you didn't have enough contact with blacks so you'd possess the intellect to judge people individually. In spite of my negative interactions with some whites, I have been around enough whites to KNOW not all of them are like the few assholes I've encountered.
I think that's something you guys really need to learn.
By the way, your answer to #5 is invalid. By the term 'friend', they'd have to be people you are intimately connected with. You know, a FRIEND. If you don't want the family to meet them, they are just acquaintances. So, you have not had black friends. My point was proven.
Oh, and 'altruism' is not inviting someone to a party. If altruism's meaning ever became that watered down, we are all in big trouble.
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
If you'd read my comment, you'd know that I wasn't saying beating someone up is necessarily the right response to a moronic verbal outburst. But it is a typical human response, especially by men, and potentially an inevitable result if you shit talk. This has been proven for millennia.
Honestly, if another man lewdly cat-called at your wife, I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to punch first and ask questions later. A white girl my freshman year in college (I was in a hicktown) called me a bitch because I sat in one of her unmarked 'saved seats' in Sociology. I counted to 10 but I still regret not going after her, at least verbally.
You said you were in your 50s? Jeez, what were you like at 21? No, let me guess: a blank stare and spittle on your chin. Baby steps, man, baby steps...
""Poverty is the root of crime""
What a load of BS. Excuses for everything.
Character, culture and DNA is the root of crime.
"Honestly, if another man lewdly cat-called at your wife, I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to punch first and ask questions later."
Deziarrhea, I'm in my 50's, I outgrew this sort of childishness about 30 years ago. The likely results of physical altercation are criminal charges, physical injury, hospital bills and legal bills. Only an idiot or a child would get into a fight over "disrespect" (of course, this is common among blacks). I couldn't give a shit what some loser thinks of me or my wife.
"You said you were in your 50s? Jeez, what were you like at 21?"
I've already told you this, perhaps you have a short attention span.
I firmly believed we're all exactly alike, and that the future was a world in which all races would live together in harmony. Like you, at 21 I thought I was so much smarter than everyone else.
But I wasn't.
I eventually grew to understand that I had been sold a big liberal lie, a colossal boatload of horseshit.
Deziarrhea it is quite possible that both you and Black Guy are examples of blacks who have embraced responsible behavior, and would probably blend easily into normal society.
But no matter how much you want to avoid it, the truth is that most blacks are not capable of doing so. It is the nature of black people to behave irresponsibly, self-destructively, and anti-socially.
And this is true throughout the entire world.
This is why no matter where you look, if you see black people, you'll also see high crime, illegitimacy, and squalor. It's black DNA.
Your constant drumbeat that people here "hate blacks" completely misses the point. I don't hate blacks, I don't hate anybody, but I'm disgusted by the fact that blacks embrace atrocious behavior, and then defend it.
It makes me sick.
Of course, I know all blacks aren't bad, I know plenty of black people that I hold in high regard.
But they are the minority, and that is not going to change. And the main reason it will never change is because responsible blacks (like you perhaps) refuse to hold other blacks accountable for their terrible behavior.
Instead you drone on with your tiresome "blame whitey" routine, which is not only unoriginal and mindless, but it's pathetic and annoying.
I don't like wasting my time posting actual responses to you because you're either too young, too immature, or too blind to grasp what I'm saying.
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
Look at your argument--
You say, "It is the nature of black people to behave irresponsibly, self-destructively, and anti-socially."
And, "It's black DNA."
Then you say, "by the fact that blacks embrace atrocious behavior"
Don't forget, "you and Black Guy are examples of blacks who have embraced responsible behavior"
You see, you can't have it both ways. Is it nature or nurture? You are fully aware that your whole argument is complete and utter BS so you have to throw in a qualifier, like this: "Of course, I know all blacks aren't bad, I know plenty of black people that I hold in high regard."
If it were 'black DNA', as you claim, then it would be impossible for both Black guy or myself to ever be productive and capable citizens. Also all of the black people you claim to hold in 'high regard'.
Do you know anything about DNA? Because if you did, you wouldn't make such moronic comments. Because DNA is heritable and all humans' DNA is 99.9% identical. And I suppose you'd think the ~0.1% difference accounts for the alleged vast difference in the races?
No, it mostly accounts for phenotypic differences. And these phenotypic differences are triggered due to ENVIRONMENT. Yes, the proteins that are coded by genes mutate due to ENVIRONMENTAL signals. This is the raw material for natural selection that is the basis of evolution!
I don't expect to see many genes for hairiness in the native peoples of the Serengeti or South America, just like you wouldn't see many genes for dark skin in the native peoples of Sweden.
The goal for the human being is to survive and genes will mutate to be advantageous for the environment in which a person lives.
Also, the differences in 'culture' are shaped by the differences in environment. Mesopotamian culture was much more warlike than Egyptian because the former lived in an environment that was less naturally secure and had to fend off invading peoples.
So, seeing the amazing similarities between me or Black guy or one of those blacks you hold in 'high regard' ('good blacks') and other black Americans you dislike ('bad blacks'), it would be impossible that any of us would be able to avoid this deadly 'black DNA' you are talking about. Impossible.
I know these things. I am a biology major; we learn SCIENCE!
The only thing left is socialization. The human brain is only wired at birth with the basic connections to survive outside of the womb. The Reptilian brain. As a baby develops, brain connections are formed BASED ON ITS EXPERIENCES, not its DNA. Have you ever heard of feral children? They are the proof of the nurture argument.
The existence of 'good blacks' is proof that all of your theories are BS. All of them. If you place a healthy child in an environment with opportunities to thrive, they will thrive. If you put them in a hostile environment with no opportunity, expose them to violence, and tell them they aren't shit, they will develop thusly.
You can find criminality and the behavior of some blacks despicable. I agree; I don't like criminals either. But don't sit at your computer and type BS that has no factual basis in anything but racist pseudoscience and Hitler-esque phrenology.
I don't defend bad behavior; it is just that, in the face of arguing with racist morons, for example, it needs to be made clear people are not born bad, they were made bad. If you want to end criminality, you need to go to the source, which is a lack of opportunity and no ability to thrive. Because the fact humans are SOCIAL animals, it is not genetically advantageous to be antisocial. If it were in genes, it would have been bred out in a heartbeat! But it's not; criminals are MADE. Not hard concepts, guy...
"By the way, your answer to #5 is invalid. By the term 'friend', they'd have to be people you are intimately connected with. You know, a FRIEND. If you don't want the family to meet them, they are just acquaintances. So, you have not had black friends. My point was proven."
If living in the same room with 3 other guys for a semester isn't intimate you have a seriously warped idea of reality.
Not to smart Laz
According to Laz definition of a friend, Prison bunk mates are friends.
"You see, you can't have it both ways. Is it nature or nurture?"
Good God. Please stop with these childish, idiotic, cliched non-arguments.
I don't fucking care whether it's "nature or nurture", but in my opinion, it's both.
Blacks are genetically less capable, PLUS, in order to "keep it real", they deliberately choose to behave like sub-humans.
So you see, I CAN have it both ways.
This was as far as I read, I find your posts agonizing and unreadable, the equivalent of verbal waterboarding.
@ laz:
No, being roomies may be 'intimate' but it does not qualify as emotional intimacy (not that men would know anything about this), something you'd get with a friend. Not too smart, indeed. You are a regular Einstein.
Yes, I shared toilets and showers with 20 nasty girls and none of us ever became friends. I currently live in the same house with someone I don't even TALK to; same living quarters does not qualify as intimate.
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
"I find your posts agonizing and unreadable, the equivalent of verbal waterboarding."
So convenient; I'm not at all surprised at your testicular deficiency.
Well, I was just letting you know what a peer-reviewed biology textbook says.
But what do biologists know about DNA, especially ones who are highly respected in their fields??
Yes, I will trust what a 50 year old man who calls a girl 'Deziarrhea'--a spin off of 'diarrhea', very clever--says about DNA instead of Stanford- and Yale-trained scientists and professors of biochemistry and molecular biology! I will forget that they've written books and articles on their subjects.
What the hell do they know anyway?
Teach me science, sweetie! You are much more qualified than they.
"Blacks are genetically less capable, PLUS, in order to "keep it real", they deliberately choose to behave like sub-humans.
So you see, I CAN have it both ways."
Please read my post, guy. I made genes 101 as simple as possible, knowing that you are a layperson. That above excerpt is fantastically stupid. If blacks are genetic less-thans and possess the predisposition to 'fuck up', why would they need to CHOOSE to 'fuck up' if it is already hard-wired? Shouldn't it just happen, you know, spontaneously?
Nurture, nurture, NURTURE! Environment, environment, ENVIRONMENT!!
Black Jeezus, I'm slaying 'em, every day of the week!
"According to Laz definition of a friend, Prison bunk mates are friends."
Prison has semesters?? Who knew?
"So convenient; I'm not at all surprised at your testicular deficiency."
And I'm not at all surprised that your feelings are hurt because I find you tedious.
Stop begging, it's pathetic.
You are a child, there is nothing that you could ever write that would trump my lifetime of experiences, observations, and education...frankly, it's a foolhardy waste of your time.
Now please go back to being a typical 21 year-old and thinking that you're smarter than everyone else.
"Stanford- and Yale-trained scientists and professors of biochemistry and molecular biology! I will forget that they've written books and articles on their subjects."
The man who fucking discovered DNA, James Watson, was publicly crucified a couple years back for stating that blacks possess inferior intelligence.
So what were you saying again?
It's called the bell curve, sugar.
The genetic propensity to behave like, well, savages, is there - more in some, less in others. But it is there. After observing EVERY black run country, PLUS observing how "well" blacks have done in the good old US of A (which they hate), I can't imagine coming to any other conclusion than they can not do it - "it" being behave like civilized beings.
To claim that blacks are as civilized as whites, or as smart as whites, is to be unhinged from reality. Wish all you want, but history is what it is. And when you excuse violent behavior by saying that you shouldn't talk sh*t to a black, you lose the whole pot.
Game over...
@ Desiree
"No, being roomies may be 'intimate' but it does not qualify as emotional intimacy (not that men would know anything about this), something you'd get with a friend."
First, I'd like to point out how sexist this remark is.
Second, by your own words above, men have no emotional intimacy. Leaving men with the physical. If men are so emotionally stunted then smelling 3 dudes' farts, their fetid breaths, listening to them smack their lips when they eat (not a jibe, just a pet peeve. my brother smacks and I just want to punch him in his face.), throwing a shoe at them in the middle of the night because they woke you up jacking off, and all the myriad things guys that age do to annoy the s**t out of you IS INTIMATE.
@ Mr. Tibbs:
First of all, Watson co-discovered the structure of the DNA molecule, not the substance. And if it had not been for Rosalind Franklin's use of X-rays, both he and Crick would not have their Nobel prizes. (Women scientists are frequently shafted; a moment of silence for the real discoverer of nuclear fission, Lise Meitner.) The substance of DNA was known for a long time before Watson and Crick got their names in lights.
That being said, Watson's opinion, although he is a very intelligent man, does not mean much. Perhaps it means more than mine but there is a breadth of literature not in support of his beliefs, and he has not done any research of his own in that field.
If anything, Watson was merely relating a belief he'd already held, as he's said similar things about women and is viciously arrogant because he has a Nobel prize. Again, he's not done his research. The 'race and IQ' question has yet to show any GENETIC component. Of course, that will never happen, no matter what Stormfront tells you. Remember, humans are 99.9% identical.
With your logic, I am assuming if Mrs. Fields of Mrs. Fields cookies insisted it's bad luck to bake Snickerdoodles after Labor Day, you'd exhort me to follow her rules??
Yeah, she might be a cookie expert but if she has no original research to back up her superstition, my ears are closed.
@ Anonymous 2:39:
"To claim that blacks are as civilized as whites, or as smart as whites, is to be unhinged from reality."
If you're looking through your European lenses; if you went back into time to Ancient Greece, no doubt you'd find the gratuitous man-boy buggery in the great Gymnasium distasteful -- you'd be LAUGHED AT. It's called learning to be culturally relative, something most whites on this site are incapable of being. Everything you'd said beforehand is just garbage; you'd have to eliminate so many variables before even beginning to examine whether blacks and whites are different. Most researchers are just not honest, likely due to the fact they already hold biases against groups of people.
Fine. If you want to believe, as a white person, you are more civilized than me, go right ahead. But don't flap your gums about genetic differences. You will look like a buffoon.
@ Deziarrhea anonymous:
Yes, 'experience is the best teacher' blah. I get it. If you don't want to be friends with black people, or live near them, or anything, that is fine with me; we aren't missing your 'cherished' companionship. But don't sit there and type anything about black DNA and the other crap you were spewing. You know nothing on the subject. You're just wrong.
Go sit down and eat your prunes and bran flakes. I'll be here with Similac on the rocks...
@ laz:
No, that is not intimacy; you get no pass or leeway. All of those are simply pet peeves you find distasteful. Was I involved in an intimate relationship with a boy who farted on the high school school bus and I had the MISFORTUNE of smelling it?
I hope not.
Again, I am not surprised this concept was difficult for you and gb to understand. You are men.
And men are emotionally deficient pigs with a callous disregard for anyone's feelings, as you have so colorfully showed.
If you want to be a cry baby at my jabs at the male sex, I have tissues. Be my guest. You--a man--calling me--a woman--sexist is akin to an abusive husband crying police brutality when he's roughed up during booking.
Yes, it carries little weight and no one really cares.
"But don't sit there and type anything about black DNA and the other crap you were spewing."
Deziarrhea, piss off. There is nothing you could ever write that could alter my behavior or my opinions in any way.
You telling me what to type or not to type is the equivalent of you telling the sun not to rise.
You telling me that I don't know anything about black people is the equivalent of you telling a Texan that he knows nothing about Mexicans.
"Deziarrhea, piss off."
Harsh words. Are those prunes not working, old man?
"There is nothing you could ever write that could alter my behavior or my opinions in any way."
That may be the case. But it doesn't change the fact you are wrong. WRONG!
"You telling me that I don't know anything about black people is the equivalent of you telling a Texan that he knows nothing about Mexicans."
A one year old black child knows more about blackness, being black, and black people than you do. You are just an old bigot set in your ways. You know nothing about black people, black culture, and definitely NOTHING about 'black DNA' and didn't even attempt to challenge me.
With your logic, that talking chihuahua from Taco Bell knows a lot about Mexicans, too. Yes, the White Man, so well-versed in everything 'Minority', women, too. He knows us better than we know ourselves.
How does he do it?? It must be a 6th sense... O!, Mystical Whitey, I worship thy heavenly talents! Mold me; I fear not becoming an Uncle Tom!
Farewell for now. We shall meet again at the end of the week! Keep your sword drawn; I will have nothing but time for a whole month!
Oh yes: CHECKMATE!! ;-D
"Remember, humans are 99.9% identical."
They are also 98% percent identical to chimpanzees.
"No, that is not intimacy; you get no pass or leeway. All of those are simply pet peeves you find distasteful. Was I involved in an intimate relationship with a boy who farted on the high school school bus and I had the MISFORTUNE of smelling it?"
Once again the sexist disregards the point to spew her hatred. Here it is again: If men are so emotionally stunted then that only leaves the physical. You weren't stuck on that hypothetical bus for semesters at a time, and being "emotionally healthy" because you're a woman it hypothetically shouldn't have bothered you.
"Again, I am not surprised this concept was difficult for you and gb to understand. You are men.
And men are emotionally deficient pigs with a callous disregard for anyone's feelings, as you have so colorfully showed."
Sexist. Laughable but, sexist.
"If you want to be a cry baby at my jabs at the male sex, I have tissues. Be my guest. You--a man--calling me--a woman--sexist is akin to an abusive husband crying police brutality when he's roughed up during booking."
Yeah, yeah, we've all heard it before: "I can't be a racist, I'm black!" or "I can't be sexist because I'm a woman!"
Grow up.
Disarray's true nature finally comes to light: she is one racist, sexist, violence-loving bitch.
Let's review.
Disarray enjoys watching people being victimized by violence, whether it's black girls beating up a white girl or a white cop punching a black woman in the face. She believes that "talking shit" justifies many blacks assaulting one white. She thinks that police brutality is just fine.
What's up with this ghetto mentality? We live in a nation of LAWS, Disarray. Most decent folks respect and support this. But not you, apparently.
In this thread we have seen Disarray reveal her racism against white people, her sexism against males, and her ageism against the middle-aged.
Your bigotry is an illness, Disarray. Get some treatment, and soon.
"That may be the case. But it doesn't change the fact you are wrong. WRONG!"
No, I'm right. Now piss off.
"A one year old black child knows more about blackness, being black, and black people than you do."
Wrong again. Now piss off.
Actually, young babies know plenty about Blackness at an earlier age:
It takes years of programming by DWL educators to turn their natural thinking against them, though white people still seek white neighbors (liberal or conservative).
"They are also 98% percent identical to chimpanzees."
And we are 50% similar to yeast and bananas. What's your point? We cannot mate with yeast, bananas, or chimpanzees but humans of all races can breed, proving our sameness.
The '99.9%' figure is just to distinguish between identical twins, whose DNA is 100% the same (we won't discuss epigenetics but that's another faculty proving the impact of ENVIRONMENT on genes/proteins); owing to the fact humans of different races are phenotypically distinct, for the most part; the differences between sexes...
~0.1% difference is inconsequential in terms of a race difference argument. There are only a small amount of genes (single digit) that account for 'race'; again, it's all physical.
@ Disarray Anonymous:
"Disarray's true nature finally comes to light: she is one racist, sexist, violence-loving bitch."
All of the above is untrue, except the part of me being an occasional bitch. I'm a woman, it's in our nature. Because I am an honest person, I can admit at least that fact.
Racism is the belief that one race, particularly the race of the racist, is superior to another. I have stated that all people are the same. If I was a racist, the majority of my friends as of current wouldn't be white and I wouldn't have a preference for white men.
It's odd you are not throwing that word in the direction of other commenters who explicitly spout BS about blacks being less than whites, or the 'model minority'. However, I am not surprised by your selective attention.
Sexist? Not at all, but men do tend to err on the side of emotional deficiency and sexual supremacy, no doubt due to socialization in a patriarchal society. Any sexist remark I make or have made is mostly due to a kneejerk reaction to the stupidity not atypical of the male sex. But, it's true, I am very solidly feminist. But feminism is not synonymous with misandry; we are just aware and cynical.
Violence-loving? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am a pacifist. It's funny that you would dare to turn what is essentially a common sense observation--that 'shit-talking' could lead to a fight--and twisting it in order to berate me. Incredibly dishonest.
As for me being ageist, he did call me a child despite the fact I am an adult. Again, another kneejerk response. Sure, in the last week I have said, 'Fucking old ass!' but the context was a girl with a lead foot behind the typical--yes, typical--slow driving senior. It's not exactly deep-rooted. My closest friend, who's also white, is middle-aged. Again, momentary lapses in political correctness are not indicative of a strongly held belief.
"Your bigotry is an illness, Disarray. Get some treatment, and soon."
Whatever. You should tell that to SBPDL who wrote a whole post (excuse me, cut-and-pasted) on how racism was NOT a mental illness. But, I guess it is in this direction, especially from a person who has already revealed her anti-racist 'street cred'?
General Disarray wrote:
"Sexist? Not at all..."
"...the stupidity not atypical of the male sex."
...How is it that you can post both of these statements in the SAME COMMENT??? The hypocrisy is stunning.
@ Anonymous:
There are 'stupid' (and I fully realize the term is subjective) things men do and do only (such as being emotionally closed-off and staying angry).
Just like there are stupid things women do and do only (such as throwing away all of their dreams for a 'good man' or altering themselves for a man in general).
How is it sexist to point it out? Perhaps you can say I'm biased against men being a woman, but that is about it. I'm definitely not a misandrist!
Funny you harped on only that; yes, because on everything else (well, this included, but, you know...) you have no argument.
Anon -- It is ashame that it was necessary for Blacks to have to protest for ANY Rights. You comment about "extra rights". You sit comfortably from on high making your declarations and making judgments, but you are a person that has never had to question your standing any day of your life. You live arrogantly in blissful ignorance and declare other races greedy for wanting the "same" rights you do not even think about.
Your deliberate ignorance is appalling.
"Funny you harped on only that; yes, because on everything else (well, this included, but, you know...) you have no argument."
So then, anything that you don't harp on, it's because you have no argument...right?
"Disarray's true nature finally comes to light: she is one racist, sexist, violence-loving bitch."
You call me a hypocrite, yet how can you call me 'sexist' and a 'bitch' in the same comment?
Explain that.
"So then, anything that you don't harp on, it's because you have no argument...right?"
There's two good reasons to why people fail to address something in their opponent's argument: 1) you forget, or 2) you don't have an adequate response.
Seeing that my responses tend to be totally long and I am a scrupulously thorough person because I don't like to be accused of doing things for convenience, it's probably because I forget.
You, on the other hand, write short comments, usually ones with no explanation to ridiculous blanket statements. Yes, it's probably because you don't have an argument.
I'm sure you'd want to bring up the idea of no response due to the ridiculousness of an opponent's argument? Well, if that were a good reason in my mind, I wouldn't be on here. All arguments here are built on sand and stupid as hell. I just enjoy sparing matches. You can always find time to make an idiot feel like an idiot.
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