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Charles Barkley: A role model when it counts |
To understand this principle, all you have to do is look at one Charles Barkley. An overrated basketball player, habitual gambler, alcoholic who got a DUI while speeding toward a hummer, and an individual prone to bar fights and assaults, Barkley has come out in favor of homosexuals. Basically, he’s incredibly qualified to be a governor (as he has always said he wants to be).
The National Basketball Association (NBA) has gone into full-blown Glee mode over a comment Kobe Bryant made, where he called somebody or something a ‘faggot’ in a game. That Bryant could ‘allegedly’ rape someone and see little blowback, but face a lynch mob for calling someone a ‘faggot’ tells you all you need to know about life in 2011.
In an attempt to one-up the It Get's Better commercial campaign (to understand real bullying, check out Foxsnooze.com), the NBA released a "don't call people or their basketball moves 'gay' because that's wrong" commercial.
In an attempt to one-up the It Get's Better commercial campaign (to understand real bullying, check out Foxsnooze.com), the NBA released a "don't call people or their basketball moves 'gay' because that's wrong" commercial.
Barkley, rarely one to take the moral high ground, had this to say:
After two basketball figures publicly came out over the weekend, former Auburn player and Leeds native Charles Barkley has encouraging words for gay athletes.
"It bothers me when I hear these reporters and jocks get on TV and say: 'Oh, no guy can come out in a team sport. These guys would go crazy,'" Barkley said on 106.7 The Fan in Washington. "First of all, quit telling me what I think. I'd rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can't play."
ESPN reports that Barkley said he's certain he played with gay teammates on two or three teams during his basketball career, but he never worried about awkward situations involving gay teammates, because "[It] doesn't work like that."
Phoenix Suns executive Rick Welts and former Villanova starter Will Sheridan announced their sexual orientation last weekend. Sheridan had already come out to and was accepted by his college teammates, according to ESPN.
ESPN reports that Barkley, who played for the Suns, wishes Welts the best.
"First of all, society discriminates against gay people," Barkley said. "They always try to make it like jocks discriminate against gay people. I've been a big proponent of gay marriage for a long time, because as a black person, I can't be in for any form of discrimination at all."
That’s a pretty strange quote from Barkley. Because he is Black, he can’t be for any discrimination at all? What does that even mean? Remember that Black people will always believe that white discrimination is what holds them back in BRA, despite every segment of society bending over backwards to ensure such impediments to success are erased.
What was it Barkley once said about being a role model?:
I'm not a role model. I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court. Parents should be role models. Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids .- Charles Barkley in 1993.
Newsweek wrote this about the obvious political opportunist back in 1993:
The exploits of Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley have stirred a debate about what pro athletes owe their fans. Are kids really that naive?
It's hard to believe now, but there war, supposedly, a time when every pink-faced, pug-nosed American youngster wanted more than anything to grow up to be president. Well, as any casual visit to the haunts of the young and unfamous will show, the aspirations of youth have undergone a change.
If kids can be said to vote with their T shirts these days, it's sports stardom over politics by a landslide. Across the country, from West Hollywood to Miami Beach, mall rats are flaunting the leaping likenesses of Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley on their chests. Presidents can raise taxes and wage war; but did Bill Clinton-or Hillary ever pump in 55 points in a playoff game?
Accordingly, the revelation that the slam-dunking Jordan has been running up scores in Atlantic City casinos, too, has rekindled some sharp debate about the obligation of sports figures to set examples for the young. In the brusquely forthright words of Barkley: "I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court." That observation, immortalized in a widely seen television commercial, has stirred up roughly equal measures of support and dissent. "In essence Barkley is correct," says Boston College sociologist Michael Malec, former editor of the Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
"If you want to emulate what he does on court, you've got a wonderful model there. That doesn't necessarily mean he ought to be a model as a father or husband." But others saw the remark as merely rationalizing Barkley's own uncourtly deportment. "Funny, how big shots accept all the trappings of role modeldom--especially the residual commercial cash-before they renounce their broader responsibilities to society," scolded New York Post sports watchdog Phil Mushnick.
And fellow hoopster Karl Malone, in a column written for Sports Illustrated, chided Barkley directly : "Charles...I don't think it's your decision to make. We don't choose to be role models, we are chosen. Our only choice is whether to be a good role model or a bad one."
The debate itself has undergone a transformation; the Pollyanna premises of old have given way to the latter-day realpolitik of tarnished celebrity. Says sociologist Charles Payne, professor of African-American and urban studies at Northwestern University: "If you were to go through baseball's or football's Hall of Fame, you're not going to come up with a bunch of choirboys." Most fans, in any case, seem perfectly willing to overlook Jordan's gambling caper. For one thing, unlike Pete Rose, he hasn't been reckless enough to bet on his own sport. "It was just something he did for fun, not anything to harm anything," says 12-year-old Genny Sonday, of Lincoln, Neb., speaking for many of her peers.
But that doesn't quite get the ball jocks off the hook. Celebrities like Barkley may decline the honor, but their high visibility obliges them to behave with at least an awareness that they are being watched by millions. Like it or not, they have a power of influence on worshipful young fans multiplied by the huge factor of television-perhaps even more so among the minority poor, who have few other avatars of success to excite their hopes. It may be well and good to point out, as most child psychologists do, that parents are the main role models in a child's life.
But that smugly assumes an intact and caring set of parents to do the job. "What does it say to the kid who doesn't really have anybody?" asks Dr. Robert Burton, a Northwestern University psychiatrist who specializes in treating athletes. "Kids need to have someone they can idealize in order to aspire to become better themselves. Without that, there's not much hope for them."
Had Barkley been a role model to Black kids back then, one wonders if the racial gap in learning would have closed? Perhaps Black kids would actually behave in school? Now, in need of political capital and smelling an opportunity to gain good will, Barkley has come out as being pro-gay.
It’s interesting to note that Black people watch on average seven hours of television a day, more than two hours more than the national average.
We are assuming they ain’t watching Glee or other television shows that have slowly made a toleration of overt homosexuality the norm and positioned those who oppose anything to do with homosexuals as evil bigots (as Entertainment Weekly showed, this has been ongoing for roughly 20 years). Gay is the new Black in Hollywood, and Barkley realized how easy it would be to suddenly interject himself into the equation and become a role model to the masses.
This is an issue we don’t care about at all. Black people are incredibly anti-gay (resorting to the type of ‘bullying’ that the pro-gay movement tries to pen on all of those who aren’t pro-gay enough), yet because they are somehow still considered an ‘oppressed minority’ they get to join in the political umbrella that is aligned against the traditional majority in the United States.
Because homosexuality has become an identity for some many, upon ‘coming out’, Black CNN anchor Don Lemon can call himself a double-minority. We’ve reached a point in pop culture where Black writers can complain that Glee isn’t inclusive enough because it won’t address Black homosexuality issues?
Most people don’t care about the homosexual issue. They just don’t. The political capital one can gain by being ‘on the right side of history’, i.e., pro-gay, is immense. We at SBPDL just don’t care about this issue (however, we did see a ‘gay pride’ parade in both Atlanta and New York City, and found the character on display enough to induce the same reaction Ace Ventura had when he learned Einhorn was really Finkle). All we will say is that in our society, if you say anything that sounds offensive to the homosexual agenda, you automatically become branded anti-homosexual. ("Cuddle? What a fag.")
But we are going to call out Charles Barkley, an individual who refused to be a role model to a community he claims can’t discriminate (because they are all Black) when that community is collapsing on itself in illegitimacy, crime, murder, mayhem, and… just read this Web sites archive for a whole lot more.
But he can be a role model when it comes to a politically expedient issue such as the drive to absolve all of society of anything anti-gay.
Charles Barkley, you sir are a hypocrite. So obviously, you’ll make a great politician.
I don't know who Charles Barkley is. Since I don't watch football, basketball, baseball, etc I don't know who any of these "role models" are. I don't even know the rules for any of these sports. I've attended one college football game, and left at the halfway mark and one major league baseball game because a business associate invited us to his corporate box. Again, could have happily left after a few innings. Mind numbingly boring.
To me, it's just an updated version of Bread and Circuses.
So what any of these "role models" do or don't do is irrelevant to me.
Cable is nothing more than brain rot.
"because as a black person, I can't be in for any form of discrimination at all."
So I guess Barkley is against affirmative action then.
This clown has always palyed the race card. He once said that the Philadelphia 76ers were afraid of having an all-black team - thus insulting Tim Vranes - the one white guy on the team at the time and his supposed friend.
He as also a supporter of the Jena 6 attackers who bravely beat up a white kid in a 6-on-1 beatdown.
Barkely also said the failure of Auburn to hire a black football coach (who had like a 21-45 career record) is evidence of racism.
Barkely is a racist like most blacks.
SBPDL your obsession with sports is pathetic. sports are just the bread and circuses of the modern day. the masses of america are occupied while corrupt senators destroy us internally and third world barbarians cross our borders to raze our lands.
Charles Barkley is a gigantic douche.
If it were not for professional sports and the Hollywood entertainment industry, there would not be the level of "Negro worship" among both whites and DWL's alike as there is today.
meh. a black guy who doesn't totally hate homos. I kinda dig it. Considering the fucking pass black entertainers get for their usually over-the-top homophobia it's a nice break.
He is NOT a role model, btw.....
Homosexuality is perversion-that's why we have "queer-bashing". We should remember that the number of sports/film/television celebrities combined are still a tiny {though highly visible} fraction of the total citizenship of the U.S.A. At the end of the day, people that want to RAISE CHILDREN in a safe and healthy environment do not go out of their way to include homosexuals in the sphere of their existence. Parents may teach their children to respect the rights of others, but I truly believe that, in most healthy American families, that is the beginning and end of the discussion, unless "it is wrong" is at the end. The heart and soul of America is not Hollywood or New York or in any of our {once} great cities. We know who, what, and where it is and surely we know that the HEART of America doesn't give a good damn what Charles Barkley or Lady Gaga or any other high profile lunatic says about Gays on television. They know that it's wrong and their grandchildren will know that it's wrong.
ugh not this shit again. Go to any major city where the homos have bought up all the cheap property in minority areas; they make it livable again. Are there gangs of queers looting and 'wilding'? F*@k as a guy who lives by serving tables, I'll tell you who i'd rather have in my section. Get over it, it's SBPDL, not SGPDL. This is why i don't go to Chimpout anymore....
The issue of homosexuals is rarely, if ever brought up here.
I think I've constantly made reference to the fact that it is homosexuals who led the gentrification of many formerly unlivable, all-Black cities.
I once got this advice from a stock broker and I've lived by it since: "If you aren't pushing a Jew or a Homosexual out of the way for a piece of property, you don't want it."
Religion and homosexuality are not discussed here. I was just pissed off and wrote this one quick.
SPDL - I truly love what you've done on this blog, but I think you're all wrong about Barkley and his "not a role model" comment years ago.
IMO he wasn't saying that to excuse bad behavior on his part, but rather to say don't put it on him (or any other celebrity, athlete or high-profile person) to raise your fatherless son. Because isn't that what the whole fuss about "role models" in the black community was about?
My reaction at the time to the comment was sadness about the perceived need for celebrity "role models."
My own role model is my father, something that is well known to people who know me. I have a good father, and to paraphrase Robert Frost, that has made all the difference.
I have to laugh at pathetic emasculated and effeminate white men some times. When whites idolize men like Barkley and others, when these same whites teach their children to look up to these people as "role models", it surely demonstrates a sickness of the psyche. I mental disease, if you will.
Instead of men teaching their children correct, non-PC history and demonstrating to them what a man is supposed to look and act like, they watch "professional" sports together?
I'm not against sports, per se', but the way it's being marketed and fawned over thee days is absolutely ridiculous. Worse than that, it's totally shameful and demonstrative of a mental pathology...a sickness of character.
Go ahead white men and teach your kids to idolize these reprobates. You've only got yourselves to blame for the next generation of stupid white men.
I hear you. But I teach my son to play sports. To the extent he watches pro sports we openly cheer for white athletes (particularly in combat sports like boxing, wrestling and MMA). He also knows about racism against superior white athletes and how it links to racism against whites in general.
I'm going to have to side with the gays on this one. Unlike blacks, gays don't form gangs, mug th elderly, owe a fortune of child support, engage in wanton criminality, etc., etc., etc.
The prison influence on the Black community is huge. A Black man coming home from serving a prison sentence is given a hero's welcome; like the rest of us would congratulate a man who got a degree or completed a tour of duty. Prison culture, and by that we also mean Black ghetto culture, views homosexuality differently than the dominant culture. They believe that if a man is the "giver" in anal copulation with another man and the "receiver" in oral copulation by another man, he is not gay. That may not make much sense to any of you, but that's what your average homeboy thinks.
I'm going to have to second "Anonymous" above. Gays are the first to gentrify a neighborhood. They don't take pride in abandoning kids, trashing good neighborhoods, and being in prison. And let's be honest, they really only ask to not be persecuted. They don't demand special rights or blame straight people for their problems.
Unlike blacks, gays don't form gangs, mug th elderly, owe a fortune of child support, engage in wanton criminality, etc., etc., etc.
Moreover, I don't think gays will pose much of a physical threat when the riots begin.
The normalization of homosexuality has had grave consequences for this country, and in time those who helped BRA come to pass will suffer (but from whom?), but what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes is mostly not my business. When they demand that I sanction their behavior, however, they are making it my business.
"Homophobia" is a very loaded term and should be discarded by right-thinking people. "Phobia" implies base, irrational fear, and in this not-so-subtle propaganda term the homosexual lobby has painted 100% of their critics as fearful and ignorant savages.
I agree with Silent Running.
Homosexuals are demanding more concessions from traditional heterosexual societies all the time. I know this blog isn't about this subject, but since it was broached I'll chime in. If gay's want to be Gay, then so be it, but quit making your sexuality political.
Leave sex where it's meant to be in the privacy of someones home. This should be a non-issue.
Homosexuality and our coyly-phrased TNB share plenty in common. Both deviate from the standards of Traditional Western Civilization that many of us are keen to restore. Tolerance begets acceptance, which begets promotion.
DWLs would do well to study 'Single Nigger Theory': that the one black guy in your company's IT department acts normally, speaks well enough, and carries himself with an unremarkable gait. Of course, DWLs project that normalcy onto all black people in their minds, but as we know, gathering a crowd of all blacks results in a cacophony of muh dickin, pants-saggin, hip hoppin madness.
There is a corresponding Single Faggot Theory. That one guy in your work group shows a few nonsexual pathologies (perhaps he's neat, doting, and overly self-conscious), so we smile at ourselves for tolerating his bedroom behavior because welp, that's the American Way. But put twenty homosexuals together and they will quickly paint the office Pastel Purple so they can swing from chandeliers and urinate on each other in the most flattering of settings.
Only a fat, decadent culture can afford homosexuality in its midst. Consider the "backward" societies these days that still outlaw gay behavior: homogenous populations of limited scale. Just sixty five years ago, homosexuality was wholly frowned upon here in America. But as we increased our scale with multiculturism, gender fluidity, enforced diversity, we in turn destroyed our efficiency at any number of endeavors.
Normalization of deviant behaviors will bring sweeping consequences. Overt homosexuality should be shunned just like ebonics on a business call. As for Barkley, I must thank him for reminding me that even the 10% of blacks who might profess to "be like me" are actually still quite different.
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