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Year Three starts today at SBPDL |
We try not to take ourselves that seriously here at Stuff Black People Don't Like. That we moved away from the traditional, numbered posts and went in another direction was never our intention. It just happened, courtesy of a dude named Omar Thornton.
This all began back on May 22 in 2009. Now two years later, it's become clear we've started something special here.
Terms like Mein Obama, Black-Run America (BRA) and Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) that originated here are now slowly entering the vernacular of other Web sites dedicated to exposing Hate Facts. That's pretty cool.
We've published two books, SBPDL Year One and Hollywood in Blackface. On November 11, 2011, a fictional book tentatively titled Enough will be published. On July 31, 2011, The Opiate of America will be published. The book is a collection of the articles we've done on sports - both collegiate and professional - and how these positive images of Black people garnered from consuming athletics have enabled the toleration of rampant Black criminality. With 40 percent new material, this is the book we are most excited about.
Other books that will come out before the start of 2012 include SBPDL Year Two and also a white paper of about 80 to 120 pages on the (true) state of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)..
Long-time readers should know the type of stories we explore and ideas that we have for other books include: a look at how BRA impacts Corporate America; a look at how BRA impacts the United States military (especially the missile defense systems ); The Cosby Effect, which will be a sequel to Hollywood in Blackface; The SBPDL Guide to Major American Cities; and one other idea that we'll keep a secret.
Yes, we are ambitious here. What's wrong with that? It's because of the ever-increasing traffic (thanks to you, dear readers) that motivates us to work even harder. That SBPDL caught on is due entirely to the fact that Those Who Can See kept (keep) coming here, sending us awesome stories and ideas, and motivating me to work harder.
Motivating me to work harder... I mean that. Thanks to everyone who has ever posted a comment here (yes, every comment is screened), E-mailed me a story or E-mailed this site to a friend. Thanks to everyone who ever posted a link to this site on a forum or sent it to someone that ended up writing about SBPDL.
Thanks to Mencken who edits every article after I post them. You added a legitimacy to the site I can never repay. Thanks to those Web sites who link to us in their blog roll.
Year One and Year Two are in the books. It's now time to start Year Three.
Please post any and all criticisms of this site in the 'comments' section and tell us how we can improve. That's the only way we'll get better.
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Minimally, this site provides a place where obvious truths can be discussed, conversed, and conferred without the castrating effects and confines of political correctness.
Your site is essential reading. I link it regularly on the French conservative blogosphere. Congratulations. Feel free to start other such jokes.
Thank YOU and please keep up the great work! We need your voice !
Please post any and all criticisms of this site in the 'comments' section and tell us how we can improve. That's the only way we'll get better.
No criticism, this site is one in a million, the only modern encyclopedia of black pathology in America that I know of. (and source of my own blog title)
Because I use it as a reference work so much, I would love to have, like in a classical encyclopedia, a sort of 'Table of Blog Contents' organized by subject. (sports, crime, education, etc.). People looking at the blog could click through quickly to just the posts on that one topic, organized further by date, sub-topic, etc.
I would actually be willing to do this, if anyone else thinks it would be of use. Staying organized can help for later, you never know how big this thing is going to get...
Keep up the great work.
Congrats, SBPDL!
Please accept this token of my gratitude for the work you do:
"tell us how we can improve"
I remember you wrote something about creating podcasts; that would be an improvement because more Africans would have access to the content that you put-out.
The prose presented on this site is well beyond the comprehension capabilities of the average African - remember: the vast majority of Africans are either illiterate or aliterate. Poscasts would surely be a way to reach these people and could lead the MSM to your work as more blacks would holler and scream because of the hate truth.
Congratulations Paul on your great website. It is a service that has the guts to expose the poison and double standards of political correctness in today's BRA. Good luck to a great Year 3!
Angry White Dude
Paul if you need any help on the military end for your up coming book I'd be glad to help out.
What makes me proud is that there is still people out there who have the balls to say what is right and say what others will not. I am also one of those guys. At 30 years old I grew up in Detroit...I know all to well about blacks. It feels good to be the knight and shining armor against the horde. The man who wont sit by and let 8 black men beat one white guy up. You have a brave site with brave writers and deserve all the respect in the world for stepping up where so many look over their shoulders and bow before bra. Never back down and under fire look for others...we will come ;)
I agree with Miles that the main thing that could improve this site more would be to have some sort of table of contents for the best articles (both numbered and unnumbered), organized into appropriate categories (sports, movies/tv, TNB, "racism," etc.).
Also if possible it would be wonderful if you could completely transfer all of sbpdl.com to sbpdl.net, so there would only be one site (I only visit this one). I recall that the purpose of sbpdl.net was to get around the google censorship. How did that work out? If it helped or did not help it would be best if you could post from one site, instead of splitting your articles over two.
Best case scenario: you transfer everything to sbpdl.net and link sbpdl.com to it, you get a nice best of table of contents, and you get around the google censorship and retain your main audience all in one place. I hope this is possible, but otherwise you seem to be doing quite well as things are.
This site is a dagger right through the heart of political correctness.
This blog is the antidote to the poisonous filth that spews from 99% of all other media outlets daily. Congratulations SBPDL on having the courage and the fortitude and for just taking precious time to tell it like it is.
You deserve a Nobel for truth telling and honest journalism!
Former Jarhead here,
I would like to nominate 'Marine Corps Armor officers' to the list at SBPDL. The USMC has only TWO battalions of tanks, contrasted with the Army that has multiple divisions. Newly commnissioned officers at the The Basic School (TBS) compete for the jobs they will get once they will graduate and there are only two to three spots for armor officers every class (that has hundreds). As result, the armor officer community in the USMC is a small, elite group of type AAA assholes. The community is completely white except for a few hispanics.
artist says,
I have to thank you for the great work you're doing here. As the other commenters are saying, you are exposing the truth and reality of what's going on not just in America, but the West as a whole. I encourage people to go to gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/ for a look at what DWL are foisting on native European peoples.
I do have one beef with you. You are ruining football for me!!! I can no longer look at college football and the NFL without getting disgusted. And don't even start with ESPN! It’s race, race, race, and the some more race!
I coached some HS and youth ball for 10 years in an integrated environment. The truth is black and white got along great. My son and his teammates, neighborhood kids all, moved together into HS ball and we had some great years. Around junior year the specter of college scholarships came into play. Then the separation of the sane and insane came into play. I started having an uneasy feeling that some of my black friends were displaying some downright selfish attitudes. I tried to suppress my negative feelings and I wasn't quite sure what I was feeling. The last vestiges of liberalism and white guilt clouded my vision. I chalked it up to some greedy individuals.
Six years passed since my son's senior year and those happy memories of games won and championships. I found myself at a wedding seated next to a black attorney. We started talking football. He had played at an HBCU. His son played several years before (he had played against Donovan McNabb) for a Big East team. He regaled me with all sorts of football stories. It was then that it dawned on me he was talking about one giant entitlement system for blacks. I'd long heard stories about white players getting the shaft in recruiting. Black coaches have told me college scouts say a 4.5 forty run by a white is "slower" then a 4.5 run by a black. This man said no such thing of course. But his preening, his talk of all the offers his son got, and his EXPECTATION that the kid would get a scholarship and play revealed an entitlement system that is 80% reserved for black players. His attitude combined with all the other thinsg Id seen and heard crystallized my vision.
Now I can't bear to go to high games and see the black parents berating the coach for not giving little Rashid the ball enough. I can't stand seeing Rashid sell out the big white kids who block for him. It's hard to take the players who play for 3 high schools in 4 years searching for a state title and an SEC ride. It's hard to look at the news reports of all these college players committing all sorts of crime. My college alma mater was once a clean program and now teammates are robbing one another and getting arrested. And 50 something white folk go to booster club meetings to rub elbows with 21 years olds who, if truth be told, do not belong in college.
And the man at the wedding? When we weren’t talking football he was trying to figure out if I was a republican/conservative/teabagger. He gave me a lecture on states rights and the use of the interstate commerce clause to rightfully regulate EVERYTHING in our society. All in ebonics of course. He even questioned me because I am not an urban dweller. In my region of the country it’s a well-worn “fact” that whitey is a racist if he lives in my county. I guess he’s right. Me and my family have been ethnically cleansed from our neighborhoods three times. He did all this in a polite way. It stayed polite because I did not take the bait. It smacked me in the face as to who is the nigger now.
Funny, when you’re a professional artist everyone thinks you are a flaming lib.
Congrats Paul and thanks for the ray of light known as the truth that you have shone down upon us masses whom the media so tirelessly seeks to mask with blinders. This site is the "Epic Bearded Guy" of the internet, and I'm damned thankful for your voice. Keep up this vital work!
I have been unable to post here for a few days, but have been following the articles and comments diligently. This site was a gift to me from Sheila and now is part of my daily routine.
It's funny, but I have always held these feelings, though rarely, if ever did I verbalize them. How free I feel now! I talk to my friends and family in ways that I never have before. I am unleashed!
Since I was staying abreast of things on this site, but unable to post (blackberry wouldn't let me!) I didn't get to chime in on the insane screed layed up by Desiree. Just wow!
I am always amused by militant blacks like Desiree screaming that white people can't talk about blacks and blackness all the while self-assured that she knows about whites and whiteness. Hilarious!
I know Desiree needs to believe that there is some kind of mystique associated with her pigmentation, but that's the long and short of it, she NEEDS to hold such a belief because of the sad state of affairs for her and her kind.
As I've been telling my friends and family; the numbers don't lie. The news is in and it's not good. This site takes the cold hard facts and stats and elaborates & extrapolates to the obvious conclusions.
Congratulations. I know how you feel. I've had my site taken down by Google as well. Keep up the fight.
I love your blog and appreciate everything you do.
The entitlement of the pet darkies is appalling.Many of us have had to curb our temper for a long time. This is mental torture for whites.
These blacks are fat bloated ticks sucking off the milk of my forefathers sacrifices while our corrupt leaders smile blithely and retreat to their security guarded mansions.
We are programming our white children to go into dark neighborhoods at their peril to elevate darkies.
If whites had the same racial loyalty as other muds do. If we were to pull our money they’d be bankrupt in a year.
How much more will these minorities cash in on?
Diversity means getting rid of the white guy.
Social Marxists will not be happy until we’re pounded into the dirt. They want white people as the new serfs.
Over my dead body and I mean that literally. I'm a good kind woman and have bent over backwards for many years and given a lot of time and money to various charities, never again.
I will only help white families and white children. All those toys for tots went to lakeesha and her brood of 6 kids who wouldn't pee on me if my guts were on fire.
Once RAHOWA happens and it's not a matter of IF but WHEN, most of these obese tubs of lards will be doomed in about a week without their insulin, crack and booze.
I've been trying to enjoy "The Killing" on AMC, but it has now become another vehicle of political correctness, with the obligatory "innocent minorities" being persecuted by crazed white bigots, culminating in a white-on-black murder scene.
It's as if these people live in an alternate universe.
You might do an article on Native American - Black relations. Native Americans don't like black people AT ALL.
Whoa, your three-year anniversary coincides with my four-month anniversary. Not gonna lie, it's pretty exciting.
You bring us all together into one giant community, Paul. My coffee would not taste as good in the morning without SBPDL. I hope that this site grows in popularity. I like how Angry White Dude has created "flyers" on his site, which I can download and distribute if I wish. I will encourage white people to begin "colonizing" the ghettos, speaking the truth, reclaiming American land for their children, and standing up in defense of our people.
We need this message to get out to whites before the DWL liberals make more of a mess of things. Thank you for all you do, and good luck with the book.
Bravo...Eric Holder needs to thank you for your courage to speak honestly about matters of race.
You are a 21st century, civil rights leader.
Perhaps the truth will make us free.
Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN
Book on the opiate and black guys are superior at sports but you are not allowed to mention their lack of IQ pushers who are quite the users of devil's dandruff
Let's just keep telling the truth! (and suffering the consequences.)
Seen this?
Everyone who hates racism and racial violence needs to view this video series [YouTube]▼
The Inconvenient Truth - Part 1: Black Racism.
The Inconvenient Truth - Part 2: Roots was a Fraud.
The Inconvenient Truth - Part 4: The System of Black Supremacy
The Inconvenient Truth - Part 5: The Truth About Slavery
One book well worth reading is "The End of Racism" by Dineesh Disouza. Nearly 1,000 pages of incredible research, it looks at racism from the beginning of time to the modern era. It examines foreign societies and exposes the rampant racism embedded in them while they condemn the USA. Best of all it explains and exposes things like the "One Drop Rule" and how that has been turned completely around. It once barred blacks from entry to society. It now shuts the door of affirmative action in the face of whites and Asians. It explains the struggle between the early NAACP and Booker T. Washington's more conservative game plan for elevation of the negro in America; the NAACP's "talented 10%" plan vs. a slow elevation of the entire race using the model of other immigrant groups. The NAACP model has relegated the ghetto to being the ghetto, the huge unsalvageable mess we now have.
He also exposes Margaret Meade and her asinine trip to the South Seas to study the primitive societies. The natives scammed her much like a wise-aleck kid giving a lost motorist bad directions. Unfortunately Western society bought the lies hook, line, and sinker and we now lives with these lies governing our every move. From this the myth of the noble savage and cultural relativism arose. He describes the creation of the “science” of sociology and how it was started by Marxists. From there he details the relentless campaign of lawsuits which is the basic strategy of the NAACP to tear down every wall of separation between the races. Think the Bill of Rights has a “freedom of association” rule? Think again!
Whites have let themselves be convinced that it is racist merely to object to dispossession, much less to work for their own interests. Never before has a people been fooled into thinking that there was virtue or nobility in surrendering its heritage, and giving away to others its place in history, only whites have been tricked into thinking that love for their own people is somehow “hatred” of others.
SBPDL is a blackly humorous look at where we are as a culture and the lies that keep us here. Those bonds are breaking and SBPDL is a part of that great resurgence.
As to recommendations, it would be nice for SBPDL to collect crime Stats and anthologies of such like "the Color of Crime" so as to have them readily available for those who are speading the word.
Nothing is so educational as a face-to-face meeting with a group of unfriendly Blacks. Books are valuable for explaining the experience, but I don't think anyone who has been drenched in anti-racism all their life, as most younger Americans are, will change their views because of a book. Only after they've personally observed the phenomenon of Black dysfunction will they be curious enough to read an honest book about it. Why bother to invest the the hours in reading about something that you don't believe?
I was curious, SBPDL...
Given your insurmountable expertise (LOL) on 'all things black', how do you think black people should respond to what you say and write? Would you like us negroes to take heed to your screeds or is this sort of like intellectual 'Jim Crow', meaning, "For White's Only"?
I mean, you have amassed a substantial cult-like following, with little Kerseyites buying your pamphlets and listening to your radio interviews on whatever the hell you're talking about with total glee and excitement. Surely, seeing that your topic du jour is 'Stuff Black People Don't Like', you must have an opinion on whether you yourself should be on the list of SBPDL, correct?
And another question: is it all blacks that you hate, or is it just the criminals and other miscreants? I mean, if you plan to attack CEBFs, employing logic, I'd have to assume you must hate every black person, regardless of age, sex, religion, etc.
Because we all know CEBFs don't break the law; statistically speaking, an educated person, in general, is less likely to commit crimes. Also, you stated that you also hated starving African kids and you'd be more likely to pick up a belligerent and angry white person on the side of the road than a pleasant and friendly black person.
(All of these statements can be found by going through your blog archives.)
I hope that is not the case because it destroys your credibility as an effective race hustler.
Just sayin'...
PS: What is your next blog going to be about? Thinking strictly in terms of tangents and probability, will it be about 80s movies and comic book characters?
I was curious, SBPDL...
Given your insurmountable expertise (LOL) on 'all things black', how do you think black people should respond to what you say and write? Would you like us negroes to take heed to your screeds or is this sort of like intellectual 'Jim Crow', meaning, "For White's Only"?
I mean, you have amassed a substantial cult-like following, with little Kerseyites buying your pamphlets and listening to your radio interviews on whatever the hell you're talking about with total glee and excitement. Surely, seeing that your topic du jour is 'Stuff Black People Don't Like', you must have an opinion on whether you yourself should be on the list of SBPDL, correct?
And another question: is it all blacks that you hate, or is it just the criminals and other miscreants? I mean, if you plan to attack CEBFs, employing logic, I'd have to assume you must hate every black person, regardless of age, sex, religion, etc.
Because we all know CEBFs don't break the law; statistically speaking, an educated person, in general, is less likely to commit crimes. Also, you stated that you also hated starving African kids and you'd be more likely to pick up a belligerent and angry white person on the side of the road than a pleasant and friendly black person.
(All of these statements can be found by going through your blog archives.)
I hope that is not the case because it destroys your credibility as an effective race hustler.
Just sayin'...
PS: What is your next blog going to be about? Thinking strictly in terms of tangents and probability, will it be about 80s movies and comic book characters?
Paul, here's a story made for you. Black football player says let us play or our ghetto followers will burn down your cities!
"how do you think black people should respond to what you say and write?"
Read and learn.
BTW Diarrhea, aren't you banned?
"I was curious, SBPDL..."
Please be curious on your own blog that no one reads.
"Given your insurmountable expertise (LOL) on 'all things black', how do you think black people should respond to what you say and write? Would you like us negroes to take heed to your screeds."
Maybe you should take a look at the evil your people do and stop blaming whites - and others - for your problems.
At the very least, start acknowledging some degree of racial reality in regard to who is more racist, crime-prone and hate-filled.
In other words, next time one of your co-racialists starts yodeling about slavery and white racism, bring up some of the things you learn about on this site and see their reaction. Most likely, they will not be so open minded.
@ Anonymous:
Um, no, I legitimately want SBPDL to answer my questions, TURD-ledove.
I think they are relevant.
Indiscriminate hatred of an entire race of people is silly. I can understand disliking criminals but not CEBFs or innocent African children or friendly black people.
Additionally, I would think he would be interested in how blacks take to his material. What exactly do you mean by 'read and learn'? What specifically would you like us negroes to absorb? (Don't tell me it's JUST the part about us feeling shitty about ourselves? Wow! That seems like his goal, but let him tell it...)
Are you his Mommy? What, do you have extrasensory perception that tells you widdle Paul Kersey is afraid and in need of defending?
I think he's a big boy well past Pull-ups potty-training...
Let him answer the questions. Let him be honest; he knows he's amongst friends here. If he says, "Yes, I hate niggers, in general and in particular," I don't expect outrage.
Please be curious on your own blog that no one reads.
Acknowledging Discard's reply to my post about the DeSouza book: point well-taken. The anti-racism educated youth need more then book learning. They need life experience. My mid-twenty something daughters are getting de-programmed by living in Philadelphia. It's taking a while though. They know something is wrong, they know things are not as they have been taught, but they cannot quite put their finger on it.
One of the main goals of Marxism is to disorient and demoralize the population with lies.
Meanwhile, Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis tells us if the NFL season is canceled the little people who work in the stadiums will turn to crime and go on a rampage. Isn't Tweeting and Twatting great? We can actually hear what people think!
"I think they are relevant."
Which places you in a numerical minority.
If you'd like to gauge the relevance of your questions, post them on your own blog, then measure the response.
The likely outcome is that no one gives a shit.
BTW, aren't you banned?
Desiree said...
"..how do you think black people should respond to what you say and write?"
You really do not get the point of this site at all. Nobody here cares, nor spends a single second thinking about how blacks should respond or what they think. Don't you get it?
We don't give a shit.
Tell me Ms. Militant, do you spend any time thinking about what white people think about what you say and do? Please!!
We're not black-centric here, you friggin loon.
You think that whites are supposed to concern themselves with black reaction. We, do not. There isn't a single thing that I care less about than the black reaction to anything.
You're a ranting, raving self-centered loony toon who sees the entire world only as it relates to your blackness. What a truly patheitc existence.
Proud to be a supporter of one of the best damn blogs - EVAH!!!
My Eyes are WIDE OPEN!!!!!!
"..how do you think black people should respond to what you say and write?"
I'm guessing that they'll respond the same way they respond to everything else...
By committing crime, dropping out of school, and having more out-of-wedlock children.
Indiscriminate hatred of an entire race of people is silly.
Of course it is. Actually, I don't hate anybody. I do, however, hate the biased media that fails to acknowledge the epidemic of black-on-White crime, the educational system that devalues the contribution Western culture has made to civilization, the mischaracterization of Jim Crow laws as "anti-black", historical revisionism, et al, etc. etc.
I can understand disliking criminals
Not all black people are criminals and not all criminals are black. But the disproportionate number of crimes committed by blacks can be attributed to White privilege. It is universal and transcends economic and social status (note the black postal worker and lottery winner who gunned down an Australian landlord in Detroit.) It must be innate. It must be generic. Can we simply be honest and admit that?
but not CEBFs
It depends on the CEBF; particularly those whose achievements are attributed to Affirmative Action, dumbed-down entrance and advancement testing, and government job programs.
or innocent African children
I've met four African children in my life. Two were black children from Nigeria. Two were White children from South Africa. I hate none of them. Google "Sarah Maid of Albion" for an update on White genocide in South Africa.
By the way, did you read the news story about the black male who ran over a 3-year-old White Hispanic girl? She was lodged in his SUV's wheel well. He ignored her cries and drove him, killing her. No "James Byrd" media outrage. Here's the ◄ LINK ►
I suppose by now you may have heard of the 11-year-old Hispanic girl who was raped in a mobile home by up 18 (or more) black males.
Did you see the video on TV of the White kid who was beaten to a pulp on a school bus by black class mates? Are you aware this black-on-White violence against White children is a daily epidemic? Do you care?
I don't think White folks and Hispanics need to be lectured on racial hatred of children. Do you?
or friendly black people.
I recently read about a friendly White woman who invited two black teens into her home for soda and sandwiches while they called for help: Their car broke down. (I'm guessing the woman had seen the movie "Precious" or some other movie that depicts blacks teens as misunderstood, misguided souls who just need love.) The two black males came back and killed her and her son.
Additionally, I would think he would be interested in how blacks take to his material. What exactly do you mean by 'read and learn'? What specifically would you like us negroes to absorb? (Don't tell me it's JUST the part about us feeling shitty about ourselves? Wow! That seems like his goal, but let him tell it...)
I would like for black people to acknowledge that,
• if it weren't for Western culture, they would be living in grass huts, sporting lip plates and bathing their babies in cow urine,
• receiving an average annual income of $40,000 per year per black household in America is a little better than the $400 per year earned by average African families. Thank White people,
• Jim Crow laws were designed to protect Whites from black crime; not to discriminate against nice folk who happened to have a dark skin tone,
• the Jena Six should not have been honored by BET,
• and that blacks kill more blacks in one year (2008) than were lynched by Whites in over 80 years."
@ missbosslady:
Why do you call me Ms. Militant? Yes, I enjoy a Pan-Africanist revolutionary now and again and, yes, I do think they'd be better writing the guide for the black community than current 'community leadership', but I am definitely not anti-white.
You really do not get the point of this site at all. Nobody here cares, nor spends a single second thinking about how blacks should respond or what they think. Don't you get it?
We don't give a shit.
Hmm, I'm not so sure about that. I think you care a great deal about blacks. SBPDL is indelibly connected to his subject du jour and I am pretty sure his heart does a little flutter whenever he sees blacks on TV or in movies or hears a sporadic black joke.
By employing logic, I am sure you are the same way. Otherwise you would not patronize a site that focuses on black people in this 'all-bases-covered' sort of way.
We're not black-centric here, you friggin loon.
No, I disagree. I think you are black-centric, at least SBPDL is. Instead of reasonably focusing on black criminals/miscreants/ne'er do-wells, he focuses on ALL blacks. I would call that black-centric.
He is firing his gun at random and doesn't care if he hits a self-centered, overpaid black athlete or a CEBF or an innocent African child.
I wonder what kind of mental trickery you had to do before typing that comment without twitching and/or bursting into laughter.
White superiority/supremacy is predicated upon the inferiority of blacks. It's sort of like notions of good/evil or yin/yang; one half cannot be uniquely distinct without the other half. Without blacks (and 3rd races) being inferior, you cannot be superior in your whiteness.
Tough titty if you don't like the way the system is set up but that is the truth of the matter.
I am genuinely interested in whether SBPDL's hatred/dislike/discontent for blacks is general or particular; sure, I crack jokes about anal sodomy and the like but I am curious, especially since I sense an ever-expanding head. Again, based on his previous blog entries, I know he thinks ALL BLACKS are Satan Incarnate.
If this was not true, he would not ejaculate over himself posting about a truly moot article about how white people in a white-Western society view black people as less pretty than white people. If this was not true, he would not have said he prefers animals not suffer over innocent African children (I love animals, too, but come on...).
I am simply seeing if he can delineate or, rather, gauging the level of his psychosis.
This is truly fascinating. His blog is getting ever more popular and I want to see if his goal of strengthening the white community--or whatever the hell his goal is--is based on new, fresh thinking or a redux of Ye Olde Tyme bigotry.
I think he may not want to acknowledge that he hates all black people indiscriminately because it is a credibility killer...
Thanks for your reply, missbosslady. Apparently, projection is alive and kickin'!
Congratulations on your great site and important work. It is rare today when an individuals puts himself out in front to speak and pursue the truth without regard to how he may be perceived or the possible consequences. Without individuals such as you truth would die and discourse would be totally dishonest. You provide a great forum for people to come and present their views in an honest fashion, without fear of being shut down due to political correctness, and for people to enjoy discussion with like minded individuals, as well as be educated and provide their own insights. Keep up the good work.
Cngratulations on your 3rd year anniversary!
I am looking forward to reading the books, and as well, viewing "Enough".
Sadly, I see the loser I-wish-I-was-white-and-it's-not-fair-I'm-not "Desiree" is back.
My advice to all vis-a-vis "Desiree" is the same as for all trolls who occasionally surface from under the bridge: ignore them and their bleatings, and they go away.
"I think you care a great deal about blacks."
How many times are you low-IQ negroes going to mindlessly repeat this silly cliche?
I'm concerned that blacks are destroying this country the same way blacks destroy everything they touch.
I'm also concerned about keeping safe from rampant negro violence.
This does not mean that I "care a great deal" about negroes.
Personally, I appreciate the fact that blacks are considerate enough to control their own population growth by killing each other off.
I really appreciate all the feedback. I'm working on putting a glossary for frequently used terms (kind of an SBPDL FAQ section) and a way to access all of the "Best" articles in easy to find locations.
As to SBPDL. net, the site is going to be updated daily with a post from the past and the current post (on SBPDL.com) to see which one gets better traffic.
The traffic at SBPDL.com has been amazing as of late and growing. But the goal is to take things up a notch and, yes, a podcast down the line is in the works.
However, I'm going to try and get a quick book out by July 1st called "No Football, No Problem: Why the NFL lockout doesn't matter"
It will be all new material and maybe 100 - 120 pages.
Staying busy at both work, in the gym, socially and doing this ( I consider SBPDL a hobby at this point ) keeps me sane.
Thanks for the feedback and overly kind praise!
If you want to do something really cool to celebrate two years of SBPDL, go to your local Barnes and Noble and have them special order a bunch of copies of "Hollywood in Blackface"... leave them throughout the store when they arrive!
Let me reiterate, you just don't get it!
I have read enough comments here, that have gone at length to try and break this site down for you, yet you still fail to understand. Me thinks you ain't as bright as you think you are.
Really, folks have spent endless time explaining things to you, yet you still plague people with your dull-wittedness. You ask questions that have been answered over and over. You have been provided a plethora of data to support the commentary, yet you still fail to grasp what's being posited here.
At what point do you think, that it is more than obvious, that you are clearly incapable of understanding what is being said?
Your a broken record. The same old failure to comprehend repeated and repeated again. Ugh!
Hell, I've only been coming here for a few weeks and have had no problem quickly getting up to speed on your various hang-ups and vagaries, as well as your penchant for down right disgusting dialogue.
I think the better question is; why you would continue to patronize this site. Other than being a vehicle that continuously perpetuates EXACTLY what this site states you seem to serve no other purpose. Well, sometimes you're funny, unintentionally. In fact, when you whip out your dictionary I can't help but recall the recurring bit on In Living Color, when Damon Wayans would portray the inmate putting his vocabulary to use. Hilarious!
Your posts are ridiculous and so are deserving of ridicule. If you wren't so obtuse, you might learn something.
You are the living embodiment of what this site is about. With every post, every word you never fail to confirm that which we have all come to know to be true. At your very best you are sub-par, that's gotta suck, and goes a long way to explain your lunacy.
More benevolent youf activity in NYC... yes, it's the 'young people' again.
Multiculturalism was never meant to work; its purpose was and is to destroy. Mission accomplished.
"White superiority/supremacy is predicated upon the inferiority of blacks. It's sort of like notions of good/evil or yin/yang; one half cannot be uniquely distinct without the other half. Without blacks (and 3rd races) being inferior, you cannot be superior in your whiteness.
Tough titty if you don't like the way the system is set up but that is the truth of the matter."
Nice musings but where is your proof of "white supremacy?"
Asians - not whites - score highest on SAT's and IQ tests. Asians have lower rates of crime, divorce, abortion, drug use, high school dropouts and other pathologies.
Blacks are at the opposite end on all these measures.
But how is that "white supremacy?"
"If this was not true, he would not ejaculate over himself posting about a truly moot article about how white people in a white-Western society view black people as less pretty than white people."
But the article was not about that. It was about an Asian scientist commenting on a study about female attractiveness. The study did not show whites to be the best looking. Rather, it noted that respondents thought white, Asian and Hispanic females were more attractive than black females.
So why are you blaming whitey again?
"Instead of reasonably focusing on black criminals/miscreants/ne'er do-wells, he focuses on ALL blacks."
Because the overall black community supports black criminals/miscreants and ne'er do wells.
Ever seen a black rally/protest about black-on-non-black crime?
Me neither.
Your broadsides are filled with words like "ejaculate," "masturbate" and "anal."
You obviously have deep sexual frustrations.
Perhaps you would be better off trolling for guys at your local bar. Or at least visiting other types of websites that cater to your inner desires.
@ missbosslady:
I think the better question is; why you would continue to patronize this site.
That is a good question. It definitely isn't because I want to be white.
In fact, when you whip out your dictionary I can't help but recall the recurring bit on In Living Color, when Damon Wayans would portray the inmate putting his vocabulary to use. Hilarious!
Those are funny skits but I don't use my dictionary. All of the words I use are ones to which I am thoroughly familiar. Fakes and phonies are the only ones who whip out thesauruses to bolster their comments, make themselves seem smarter.
I'll take yours as a compliment in that you believe me to be intelligent. Surprise, I am well above what you believe to be the average 'black' IQ: it's 135.
Presuming me to be less than what I am reflects poorly on you and merely proves my point--as this basically is a sociological study--about this wing of thought: if one has to boost himself only by lowering another--and based only on presumptions--one really has nothing of value in themselves.
Your posts are ridiculous and so are deserving of ridicule.
I think you mean my skin is ridiculous and is deserving of ridicule. I've seen how blacks who agree with the points made on this site are treated: not good. SBPDL watched "The Boondocks"; he should know full well about the episode of self-hating very black-skinned Uncle Ruckus, who is basically a white racist in a black body, being attacked by rednecks. His white friend, who accepted him due to having like views, said, "Ruckus, hell. They just hate you because you're black."
It's all about pigment (and/or hair texture). You could never be nice to me even if I agreed with you. And therein lies the difference between a healthy conscious and psychosis.
@ Anons:
But how is that "white supremacy?"
Whites don't compare themselves to Asians (well, at least not publicly); the historical 'battle', so to speak, has always been between black and white. That is why this site exists. If Barack Obama had never been elected President, there would be no Tea Party or SBPDL.
Whites have always targeted blacks and oppressing blacks boosts white standing. Please stop with the sophist voodoo.
But the article was not about that.
It was about that (did you read SBPDL's entire entry?). Latinos and Asians conform more closely to the white beauty standard due to skin color and hair texture. But the point with SBPDL was that he posted it because he wants blacks to hate themselves since, according to the white-black dynamic, black self-hatred = elevated status for whites.
Because the overall black community supports black criminals/miscreants and ne'er do wells.
Haha. This is not even close to being true. Most crime is intra-racial so blacks will typically protest black-on-black crime or predatory violence by police officers, etc. It is a complex issue I will not go into in a comment thread.
You obviously have deep sexual frustrations.
LOL, I don't.
@ FoxSnooze.com:
*shakes head*
"But how is that "white supremacy?"
Whites don't compare themselves to Asians (well, at least not publicly); the historical 'battle', so to speak, has always been between black and white."
But Asians are a different race than whites and there are many in the U.S. Why are they outdoing whites despite often coming here penniless and without a word of English?
Blacks have been here longer than many whites yet have the same pathologies each generation. Isn't nonsense about "white supremacy" really just a crutch for black failure?
"But the article was not about that.
It was about that (did you read SBPDL's entire entry?). Latinos and Asians conform more closely to the white beauty standard due to skin color and hair texture. But the point with SBPDL was that he posted it because he wants blacks to hate themselves since, according to the white-black dynamic, black self-hatred = elevated status for whites."
Yes, Latinos and Asians are closer to whites in appearance. But wouldn't a white supremacist be angry that the study finds Asian and Latina women attractive? Blacks don't read SBPDL so why would he care about blacks hating themselves?
"Because the overall black community supports black criminals/miscreants and ne'er do wells.
Haha. This is not even close to being true. Most crime is intra-racial so blacks will typically protest black-on-black crime or predatory violence by police officers, etc"
But almost all interracial crime is committed by blacks against non-blacks. And there is more black-on-white crime than black-on-black crime. Blacks routinely protest even fake crimes (like Tawanna Brawley and the Duke lacrosse hoax). Yet no blacks have ever protested against black-on-non-black crime. If they have, please provide some evidence.
"or predatory violence by police officers"
But all police cars have video cameras. And "police brutality" against blacks almost always turns out to mean cops (of all races) subduing a black who tried to kill them.
"Whites don't compare themselves to Asians (well, at least not publicly); the historical 'battle', so to speak, has always been between black and white."
Nonsense. Where is your proof of this (or your other theories)?
Talk of the "yellow peril" goes back at least 100 years. Early 20th century race scholar Lothrop Stoddard wrote that Asians were a greater threat to whites than blacks.
"Whites have always targeted blacks and oppressing blacks boosts white standing."
But - as this site shows- blacks are not oppressed. You are the most privileged group in the U.S. and enjoy every legal preference imaginable. If your theory was true, wouldn't we have Jim Crow rather than affirmative action?
" @ FoxSnooze.com:
*shakes head* "
I thought I heard something akin to marbles clanking around in a tin can...
"Whites don't compare themselves to Asians"
That's because Asians assimilate...they behave in a way that is consistent with Western culture, and they embrace Western values...self-reliance, hard work, education, family, rule of law...
Blacks reject all of these things.
"Whites have always targeted blacks and oppressing blacks boosts white standing."
Fact: the negro standard of living is HIGHER in the presence of whites.
Without whitey, black life closely resembles Haiti or Liberia.
Diarrhea, do you ever get tired of mindlessly repeating these easily-refuted blame-whiteyisms?
And CRASH! The comments sections turn to crap again. The frequently interesting commentary here is transformed into pointless refutations of the insane idiot.
I've made this suggestion before, but what this blog really needs is a better comments system that includes the ability to block trolls.
I approve or reject all comments. I made the mistake of letting Desiree through... Brother, it won't happen again.
I actually like Desiree's posts.
First, it confirms the irrational thinking of many blacks.
Second, it provides an opportunity to respond to irrational thinking.
I would appreciate the opportunity to engage in a one-on-one debate with her. However, she would have to provide thoughtful responses rather than sarcasm or ad hominem attacks.
To me, it's kind of like the point I think Paul's made that, were it not for the Great Society and other AA programs of the last 40-50 years, we'd already be living in the Jetsons-style future...in the same way, responding to trolling posts in the mistaken belief that any meaningful communication is possible becomes a distraction stopping all forward momentum.
Such people will never provide "thoughtful responses" -- that's the point, man. What they wants to do is interrupt the thought processes and communication of the like-minded people posting here. The worst thing that can happen is that people have a place to begin to think and talk freely about what's actually happening.
Brother Anonymous,
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
Granted, like blacks disrupting theater audiences with their obnoxious noise, I can see where Desiree's troll farts infect the flow of intellectual discourse with nonsense.
I think an off-to-the-side discussion may be useful in peering into the cavernous skull of a politically correct social leftist. Such a discussion would require a serious and intelligent effort from the leftist. Therein lies the glitch. If the leftist was serious and intelligent he/she would not be a social leftist.
However, Paul seems to know what works as is attested by the wonderful success of this site.
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