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Banning 'Baggy Pants' is harmful to the community. Criminals can blend-in now |
A 22-year-old man accused of rape had difficulty escaping from Memphis police in Whitehaven because his pants kept falling down around his knees, according to a court affidavit.
Police on Monday arrested Richard D. Graham of Memphis after a chase through apartment complexes that began in the 3500 block of Longbow, near Millbranch and Winchester.
Loud talking originally drew the officers' attention to three men, including Graham. When police discovered that Graham was wanted on a rape charge, he bolted but fell "multiple times while running due to his pants being around his knees," officers wrote in the court document.
On March 1, Memphis police charged Graham with rape following a report of a sexual assault last October involving a 14-year-old girl.
Police also charged Graham with evading arrest, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. He was held in Shelby County Jail with no bond amount immediately set on the rape charge.
We’ve told you before that Black people don’t like belts. We’ve told you that American Idol generated a pop sensation in the Black singer of Pants on the Ground, a song that preceded Antoine Dodson’s Bed Intruder rap but was just as beloved by white people who secretly enjoy laughing at Black people.
Arkansas recently banned saggy pants within its borders and Florida today passed a “droopy drawers” bill which prompted one writer at Thegrio.com to question if this was an example of racial profiling:
The Florida legislature passed a bill last week that bans saggy pants in school, allowing for suspension or other punishment for public school students who show their underwear or "butt crack." The sponsors of the bill -- state Senator Gary Siplin (D-Orlando) and state Rep. Hazelle Rogers (D-Lauderdale Lakes) -- are black. The legislation awaits Gov. Rick Scott's signature.
In the same breath, the state's lawmakers also passed a bill banning bestiality, or sexual relations between human and animals. With fiscal crises, unemployment and other problems facing the states, these hardly seem like pressing issues, certainly not serious enough to warrant a law.
In any case, let's stick with the saggy pants law for now.
An extreme step for something so trivial, so harmless, this is not the first attempt by Floridians to hike up the pants. For example, in 2008, voters in Riviera Beach, Florida approved a saggy pants measure which imposed a penalty of $150 or community service for first-time offenders, and jail time for habitual offenders. A judge found the law unconstitutional after a teen was forced to spend a night in jail. Last year, the city of Opa-Locka, Florida imposed a $250 fine and community service for those who don't pull up their pants in public.
And Florida is not alone. Last month, Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe beat Florida to the punch by signing a bill that bans students from wearing clothes that expose "underwear, buttocks or the breast of a female." Proponents believe the law will improve the learning environment and stem the violence caused by student competition over clothing styles. A similar effort in Tennessee failed in a state house subcommittee in April, a second attempt in as many years.
The town of Delcambre, Louisiana passed an indecent exposure ordinance in 2007 that prohibited the showing of one's underwear. In Hahira, Georgia, the city council passed a law prohibiting people from wearing pants below the belt and revealing skin or underwear.
Deciding to wear pants without a belt will seriously jeopardize employment opportunities for Black males already severely limited in employment opportunities by having the burden of a Black-sounding first name, poor credit score, and higher propensity for being a high school or college drop-out.
Last year a Bronx man was issued a summons by a police officer for disorderly conduct, and wearing "his pants down below his buttocks exposing underwear [and] potentially showing private parts."
It is our belief at Stuff Black People Don’t Like that these laws banning baggy pants do the public a grave disservice, especially when one considers these recent crime statistics published in Criminology:
The rise in the U.S. Hispanic population and the sharp jump in black violent crime during the late 1980s and early 1990s may skew statistics from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey that appear to show a recent drop in black violence, said Darrell Steffensmeier, professor, sociology, and crime, law and justice, Penn State.
The researchers, who released their findings in the current issue of Criminology, indicated that studies on black violent crime -- a crime that involves force or the threat of force -- often fail to account for the rise in the number of Hispanics in the U.S. Since there is no Hispanic category in the UCR and approximately 93 percent of Hispanics identify themselves, or are identified by law enforcement officers, as white, most arrests of Hispanics are added to white violent crime rates.
"The result is that the violent crime rates for whites are inflated and the black rates are deflated in these studies," said Steffensmeier, who worked with Jeffrey T. Ulmer, associate professor, and Casey T. Harris, graduate student, both in sociology and crime, law and justice, Penn State and Ben Feldmeyer, assistant professor, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
When the researchers adjusted for the Hispanic effect, there was little overall change in the black percentage of violent crime, said Steffensmeier.
Using arrest statistics from 1980 to 2008 in California and New York, two states that include a Hispanic category, the recalculated national figures indicated that the black percentage of assault increased slightly from 42 percent to 44 percent and homicide increased from 57 percent to 65 percent. There was a small decline in robbery, from 57 percent to 54 percent.
"It is the case that violent crime rates are lower today for blacks, as they also are for other race groupings, but the black percentage of violent crime is about the same today as in 1980," Steffensmeier said.
According to Steffensmeier, studies that purport to show declines in black violent crimes may also rely on timelines that are too short to be effective. For instance, studies that start in the late 1980s and 1990s cover a period of rapid increase in black violent crime fueled by crack cocaine use in the inner cities. According to Steffensmeier, the recent decrease is more likely a return to average crime rates.
"A study that uses statistics from a short time period can lead to a regression to the mean effect," said Steffensmeier. "Which basically means, when a trend rises quickly, it can fall just as quickly."
Some researchers have suggested that the improving trend in black violent crime indicates that African-Americans are experiencing better social standing in the U.S. Steffensmeier said that black progress may not be as pronounced or as broad.
"There may be a growing affluent black middle class, but at the same time, the black underclass appears to have become even more disenfranchised and more segregated from the rest of society," said Steffensmeier.
That the new Black middle class exists at all in America is largely due to a combination of affirmative action and government jobs (the old Black middle class was gutted by the 60s and Disingenuous White Liberal government plans). Oh… or token Black Republican politicians that are pushed to the forefront of the conservative movement to show that conservatives aren’t racist.
Black violent crime is only getting worse, despite high rates of Black incarceration. This is why such laws banning baggy pants must be overturned. Wearing baggy pants is a fine demarcation between the law-abiding and the law-breaking class. The only people who wear baggy pants are Black thugs, Black gang-bangers (or Hispanic) or wiggers. All represent the worst elements of the Black underclass, but one must recall that Morehouse College – a highly respected HBCU – had to mandate a dress code so that the so-called ‘elite’ Black male college students wouldn’t wear droopy drawers.
About a year ago, we were on a flight to New York City and members of Morehouse College were on board for some academic fair. Inquiring about the dress code, they shrugged it off, but it was obvious that the Black underclass culture permeates to all levels of Black culture now (Ron Paul is right; 95 percent of Blacks are lost!).
For the safety of all American citizens, any attempt to pass “droopy drawers” bills or “saggy pants” legislation must be opposed. As the magazine Criminology reports, it’s increasingly a shade of Black or Brown that people must fear when it comes to be mugged, raped, beaten or murdered.
Saggy pants let people know that trouble is near and potential employers that the candidate for the position (unless its sports related) isn't worth pursuing. Legislation that would remove this easy-to-identify criminal accoutrement threatens to destabilize civilization as we know it.
How else would Richard Graham have been caught in Memphis were it not for his ‘droopy drawers?’
I would also love to point out that pant sag has a direct correlation to i.q. The lower they sag, the dumber they are usually. YOU KNOW instantly who to avoid and where not to go. So yes, it's helpful in that way.
@anon May 10, 3.27p
--I concur. With stupid whites, there's often a noticeable positive correlation between larger hooped earrings and low I.Q.
Please do not ban saggy pants, it is free entertainment. Saw a young, black man walking across parking lot with pants around his knees and he fell on his face while walking. Lots of laughs. The only down side is when I saw a teenager with saggy pants and a large poop stain on his light colored boxers. I almost lost my lunch and I am used to rolling around on dead squirrels. Blacks will continue to moan and groan about how they cannot succeed in racist America and never have a clue.
We want blacks to act as non-White as possible. Crime, drop-out, pants on the ground, dredlocks, ebonics, sullenness, hostility, preferences all alienate them from us and give us another day that some of our White girls won't mate with them. Small hope, but it's all we've got left.
Sorry guys, but I'm going to dissent.
Unfortunately, encouraging blacks to engage in anti-social behavior only brings MORE anti-social behavior, and we all ultimately pay for it.
Ah, baggy pants! Of course, the genesis of said low hanging pants was in our prisons and jails. Offenders are relieved of their belts upon entry, hence the pants commence to falling.
What a wonderful thing to emulate - prison garb! Good job black folk!
However, I concur with SBPDL. I too wish to keep the identifiers in place.
Ass hangin out, neck tatoo and some gold teef - Boom, winning!
Here is another reason why they are beneficial to society.
I am having a problem with my white, Greek-American son and his pants. Every single day I have to tell him he is not a negro and to pull up his pants. It is driving me crazy.
Looks like a bad law because it ostensibly takes away an easy way to spot and identify embeciles. Of course, since the blacks don't obey laws anyway, they'll continue showing their ass just like they do now. Cops generally won't enforce it because they don't have time to write up every dumbshit in Florida who's pants are falling down. But it will come in handy from time to time when cops know that a certain black has commited a crime but don't yet have enough information to make an arrest. Not to worry, if his pants are falling down they may detain him while they determine which felonies for which the thug is responsible. And the fact that two black democrap legislators are behind (pun intended) this law renders it NOT RACIST. That's pretty sweet.
Haha, that's great: he fell multiple times while trying to escape. I picture it as a slapstick routine, with the bemused cops strolling along behind him as he runs and trips and runs and trips and...
Anyway, ban the pants as a symbolic gesture; a message -- like Europeans banning the burka: "That isn't our culture. Assimilate."
When my son was nearing adolesence I told him, in no uncertain terms, that 'pants on the ground' just wasn't an option, a non-negotiable. I then told him where this fashion statement began.
Lastly, I asked him if he still felt like he might want to dress as a loser, douche bag prisoner.
That's a hard question to answer in the affirmative.
I'll give you another tip for your male teen, it works like a charm.
Every once in a while I would take my son on a little ride through one of the worst areas of town. Up close and personal. I don't mean a quick pass, no, a leisurely drive up and down a few streets until I sensed serious discomfort coming from the passenger seat, then we got the hell out of there.
Of course, I would not advise doing this at night, but there's usually enough heinous shit to see during the daylight hours to unnerve your kid and give him a good reason to wise up. I recommend adding some drama, as you approach the hood make a point to tell your son to roll up the windows and lock the door.
Reality teaches the best life lessons. Our male teens see a commercialized version of the ghetto, and one that can't hurt them to boot. A little taste of a real ghetto can have a profound impact on a young man,
Off Topic...but I wrote the following piece for an Onion-type site long before Hollywood in Blackface. There was something about race and modern commercials that seemed so ridiculously fake:
Diners demand interracial fun depicted in T.G.I. Friday's ads
…excuses, excuses!
As a libertarian I dont think that the state has any damn business telling anyone what they can and cant wear, even idiots. We dont need more damn bureaucracy micromanaging our lives.
I say leave them alone, they're making a fashion statement(sarcasm); albeit a ridiculous one. Besides that, it's hard to know how many lives have been saved, because hostile ghetto punks couldn't chase someone down because of their "knickers being in a knot"?
Let them wear their ghetto garb, because as others have said, it's an instant identifier of a potential criminal and most certainly an imbecile.
I can see the American Civil Liberties Union having a field day with this; good luck!
"Looks like a bad law because it ostensibly takes away an easy way to spot and identify embeciles."
You seriously need better skills at reading people. There are tons of visual clues besides saggy pants. I for one can spot a "youth" from a block away, saggies or not.
I clearly remember in high school in 1992, when the saggy pants fad started. Legislation won't stop bad fashion. People are entitled to dress like morons. Saggy pants are the equivalent of wearing a T shirt that says "My IQ is 80, please keep your distance because I'm going to do something moronic."
Styles of dress, in general, are abhorrent today. Women dress like sluts, with everything skin tight, too short, or designed to bring one's eyes to strategic spots (such as writing across the backside). Please note I'm not in favor of Victorian garb (there are commenters at The Thinking Housewife who believe Kate Middleton's wedding dress was cut scandalously low, and consider bare arms a cardinal sin). Then there's the other extreme - wearing pajamas in public. I took my younger kid to the medical clinic on a recent Saturday (they always get sick on a weekend) and in came a White woman, early 20s perhaps, wearing Star-Wars themed pajama pants, flip-flops, and a t-shirt with D'Won on the front, and words on the back: Barack Obama has my back. I held my tongue, but it was truly difficult.
I'm fortunate that my older boy has never mimicked the ghetto style; he generally dresses well but does wear too much black. Still, as he's 19 I can't really complain. I attribute the lack of any real clothing problems to both my boys having to wear uniforms for so long (Christian school through 8th grade).
True anecdote: when the older one was about 4 or 5, we went to D.C. to visit my parents. My father told my son to remember to wear his baseball cap properly, because only jerks wore them backwards (like the blacks). So there we were, going down one of the long metro escalators, and my son points at some blacks going up next to us and pipes up "Mommy, is he a jerk?"
I like to drive around town with a pellet gun and shoot young brothas in the ass with bbs. I think maybe some will learn a valuable lesson about the extra protection that pants provide over underwear alone. Some are obviously too dumb to figure this out even with a welt on their asses. Those are the ones that I shoot in the balls.
I can´t help it, but this only reminds me of the Chinese saying (Charlie Chan level, I cannot guarantee it´s genuine):
"There is no such thing as rape. Woman with skirt up always quicker than man with pants down."
Sounds like a good reason fo keepin it legal, no?;b
Just like every other embarrassing trait and choice in the relentlessly antagonistic, odiferously marinated, anti-social swath of African't culture- this style choice is typical.
When your horridly halitostic and willingly intellectually stunted, ashy brown peers are in a state of arrested emotional development, should not be surprising when adults who act and dress like toddlers are considered normal.
There should be a huge billboard on every MLK Blvd in the United States that glows and scrolls 24/7: "You people are so fucking weird. Grow up or get out."
In a traditionalist society, albeit one that still allows for a sense of pluralism in other local communities/states, I believe the correct answer is "Yes, we can ban baggy pants." Meanwhile in a real republic (i.e., NOT like the federal tyranny we live in now), two states over they would NOT ban baggy pants. So you see, in a traditionalist conservative society, each local community gets to decide which secondary effects are allowed as adjunct to the primary pillars of heritage and culture. (BTW, personally I abhor any and all affectations of the black subculture, including baggy pants which are an 'in yo grill' dissing of whites by blacks. In MY local community, I would ban the things in the same way I would make graffiti against the law).
Yes, I'm all for it if it slows down the savage beast. It has probably saved more than one person of being the victim of a violent assault or rape. Personally when I see that display two thoughts enter my mind: one, that I feel like saying "pull your G-D pants up, nobody wants to see that", and two, I just want to field-goal kick them dead in the ass. Just sayin'.
A popular gun store in my city has their front door locked and the employees buzz you in after they have assessed one's desirability as a customer. A sign on the door says "No Sagging Pants Allowed in Store". Hilarious watching as blacks who can read try to pull them up and get rejected anyway, while the ones that can't read just walk off after several minutes with no response.
Tell him what I tell all whiggers who wear their pants that way--the genesis of the style. It came from California prison inmates--partially for the reason sited above, but mostly to enable prison sex. You see, you can drop your drawers quite readily while, at the same time, advertising your buttocks and their availability.
So, ask your son if he is advertising his availability for prison style gay sex.
Does anyone remember back in the late 80's when the Africans were all wearing those goofy African medallions around their necks? They were made of beads and were multicolored with the outline of the African continent.
How about those idiot shirts that they were wearing then, that said, "You wouldn't Understand, it's a Black Thing".....What the Hell! You're damned straight I wouldn't and I don't want to!
Blackdom befuddles my white sensibilities and my better judgment. Whenever I see white kids emulating these people I recoil in horror; thinking, you poor, pathetic, simpletons. You're trading your birthright for that?
Black ghetto culture is so laughable, as to be incredulous sometimes.
Once you go black you never go back ONCE YOU GO BLACK WE DON'T WANT YOU BACK
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