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It's 2011: The new archetype of beauty... she has inner beauty |
The author of the now censored study describing why Black females are the least attractive, Satoshi Kanazawa, also wrote this fantastic article for Psychology Today (which is still available) that describes 10 politically incorrect truths of human nature. No. 1 is a worth repeating:
Men like blond bombshells (and women want to look like them)
Long before TV—in 15th- and 16th- century Italy, and possibly two millennia ago—women were dying their hair blond. A recent study shows that in Iran, where exposure to Western media and culture is limited, women are actually more concerned with their body image, and want to lose more weight, than their American counterparts. It is difficult to ascribe the preferences and desires of women in 15th-century Italy and 21st-century Iran to socialization by media.
Women's desire to look like Barbie—young with small waist, large breasts, long blond hair, and blue eyes—is a direct, realistic, and sensible response to the desire of men to mate with women who look like her. There is evolutionary logic behind each of these features.
Men prefer young women in part because they tend to be healthier than older women. One accurate indicator of health is physical attractiveness; another is hair. Healthy women have lustrous, shiny hair, whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster. Because hair grows slowly, shoulder-length hair reveals several years of a woman's health status.
Men also have a universal preference for women with a low waist-to-hip ratio. They are healthier and more fertile than other women; they have an easier time conceiving a child and do so at earlier ages because they have larger amounts of essential reproductive hormones. Thus men are unconsciously seeking healthier and more fertile women when they seek women with small waists.
Until very recently, it was a mystery to evolutionary psychology why men prefer women with large breasts, since the size of a woman's breasts has no relationship to her ability to lactate. But Harvard anthropologist Frank Marlowe contends that larger, and hence heavier, breasts sag more conspicuously with age than do smaller breasts. Thus they make it easier for men to judge a woman's age (and her reproductive value) by sight—suggesting why men find women with large breasts more attractive.
Alternatively, men may prefer women with large breasts for the same reason they prefer women with small waists. A new study of Polish women shows that women with large breasts and tight waists have the greatest fecundity, indicated by their levels of two reproductive hormones (estradiol and progesterone).
Blond hair is unique in that it changes dramatically with age. Typically, young girls with light blond hair become women with brown hair. Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women. It is no coincidence that blond hair evolved in Scandinavia and northern Europe, probably as an alternative means for women to advertise their youth, as their bodies were concealed under heavy clothing.
Women with blue eyes should not be any different from those with green or brown eyes. Yet preference for blue eyes seems both universal and undeniable—in males as well as females. One explanation is that the human pupil dilates when an individual is exposed to something that she likes. For instance, the pupils of women and infants (but not men) spontaneously dilate when they see babies. Pupil dilation is an honest indicator of interest and attraction. And the size of the pupil is easiest to determine in blue eyes. Blue-eyed people are considered attractive as potential mates because it is easiest to determine whether they are interested in us or not.
Now what exactly did the study state and what did Kanazawa conclude in his blog post that got Black women everywhere (whom, if trends continue, will all be considered morbidly obese in 30 years) upset and had them rushing to a beauty salon to get weaves and hair that looks white? Well, it said this:
What accounts for the markedly lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women? Black women are on average much heavier than nonblack women. The mean body-mass index (BMI) at Wave III is 28.5 among black women and 26.1 among nonblack women. (Black and nonblack men do not differ in BMI: 27.0 vs. 26.9.) However, this is not the reason black women are less physically attractive than nonblack women. Black women have lower average level of physical attractiveness net of BMI. Nor can the race difference in intelligence (and the positive association between intelligence and physical attractiveness) account for the race difference in physical attractiveness among women. Black women are still less physically attractive than nonblack women net of BMI and intelligence. Net of intelligence, black men are significantly more physically attractive than nonblack men.
There are many biological and genetic differences between the races. However, such race differences usually exist in equal measure for both men and women. For example, because they have existed much longer in human evolutionary history, Africans have more mutations in their genomes than other races. And the mutation loads significantly decrease physical attractiveness (because physical attractiveness is a measure of genetic and developmental health). But since both black women and black men have higher mutation loads, it cannot explain why only black women are less physically attractive, while black men are, if anything, more attractive.
The only thing I can think of that might potentially explain the lower average level of physical attractiveness among black women is testosterone. Africans on average have higher levels of testosterone than other races, and testosterone, being an androgen (male hormone), affects the physical attractiveness of men and women differently. Men with higher levels of testosterone have more masculine features and are therefore more physically attractive. In contrast, women with higher levels of testosterone also have more masculine features and are therefore less physically attractive. The race differences in the level of testosterone can therefore potentially explain why black women are less physically attractive than women of other races, while (net of intelligence) black men are more physically attractive than men of other races.
It’s a well known fact that Black women have less success at online dating and lower rates of marriage, but is it due to higher rates of testosterone? Not being an evolutionary psychologist, we’ll leave the questions raised by Kanazawa to be answered by professionals.
However we are equipped to look into other aspects of the questions broached by Kanazawa and marshal evidence that might enrage the fine ladies at racialicious.com, thegrio.com, newsone.com, theroot.com, and feministing.com.
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Yuck! No one finds her attractive! |
Sports Illustrated puts out a swimsuit issue every year and, ever year, its white women that sell the magazine. The discriminating invisible hand of the free market is at play here, while other, not so invisible hands probably come into play too:
More than 70 percent of professional athletes are African American, but you wouldn’t know it by reading the latest issue of Sport’s Illustrated’s much ballyhooed swimsuit issue.
The 184-page issue, the magazine’s most profitable, boasts 18 models, but only two are African American and you won’t see them until page 140.
The magazine is one of the industry’s top sellers, averaging more than one million newsstand sales along with 3.2 million issues that go out to subscribers.
Needless to say, getting into the pages of the coveted issue is a career maker, and models such as Brooklyn Decker, this year’s cover, and Bar Refaeli, 2009′s cover model, became household names after appearing in the magazine.
Sports Illustrated has been publishing the swimsuit issue continuously since 1964, and Tyra Banks has been the only African American model to grace the cover. She first appeared in 1996, but shared the cover with model Valeria Mazza, who is white.
No two models since then have shared a cover. All have been white. Only one other issue, 1994′s, featured multiple models. Kathy Ireland, Elle MacPherson and Rachel Hunter appeared together.
Tyra repeated on the cover solo in 1997, but the photo caused a controversy because of allegations that Banks’ hips were photoshopped to make her look slimmer.
Sports Illustrated has found, as have Maxim and Victoria’s Secret, that the tastes of all men seem to be monochromatic. Put a white woman, preferably buxom and blond, in a skimpy bathing suit or lingerie and you have instant success as well as buys. That’s the free market at work.
Personal opinion might not be fact, but the failure for major magazines or Victoria’s Secret to introduce Black women into their marketing campaigns or pages has to with market testing and more than a few thousand years of evolution. Sadly, social engineering through film and stupid shows like Project Runway and America’s Next Top Model have yet been able to dissuade men (of all races) from desiring white women.
The same thing can be found in the world of pornography. This billion dollar industry resides on men purchasing (or downloading) indescribable sexual actions that, more than likely, have a white girl participating in them. Montana Fishburne was applauded by other women of color for desiring entry into this seedy industry, because so few Black women are found in this industry.
Black women are rarely found in the porn industry because connoisseurs of porn apparently have little desire to purchase videos that showcase such Nubian sexuality. Supply and demand anyone? Market forces for Black women in porn simply aren’t there.
Again, every study on internet dating shows that Black women are the least desired of all races putting up a Match.com or Eharmony.com profile. Recall that John Mayer was slammed for “racist” remarks in Playboy when he stated he had no attraction to Black women. How many people have even heard that Albert Haynesworth used the “I’m not even attracted to Black women” defense in trying to persuade his lawyer of his innocence?
Back in 2008, The Wall Street Journal ran an article on the beauty industry called “Crossing Fashions Thin White Line.” Fashion models tend to be white and non-descript, because designers want people looking at the clothes these rail-thin whiteys wear as they walk the catwalk. Of course people complained about the lack of Black women and we have this article from Reuters for your consideration:
A dearth of black models strutting the catwalks is a persistent issue in the fashion world and while the numbers have improved, there are still too few, fashion observers say.
At New York's semi-annual Fashion Week ending on Friday, many designers used two or three black models, in the more than 30 shows attended by Reuters reporters. Several only used one, and some had none. Most of the shows featured between 12 and 25 models.
Labels Tracy Reese, DKNY and Diane von Furstenberg displayed a high number of black models this season while others, such as Vivienne Tam, did not use any.
Too few industry types are following the lead of former Vogue editor Grace Mirabella, the first to use a black model on the magazine's cover, said Tim Gunn, creative director at Liz Claiborne and co-host of Bravo television's "Project Runway."
Some designers consider cultural and ethnic diversity on the runway, "but there are not enough," he said.
While the issue was once left to pioneering black models Iman and Naomi Campbell to note, attention has grown recently.
This year, Vogue Italia's first "Black Issue," with more than 20 black models, created worldwide buzz and sold out.
We feel sorry for Black women out there who are forced to compete in a world where their inner beauty is of no match for the outer beauty of white, Asian or Hispanic women. It’s our sincere hope that some form of scientific breakthrough can come that starts to measure a woman’s inner beauty, because we believe Black women have every other racial group of women beat there.
Until then, Black women will continue to complain that the fashion world passes over them, and The Atlantic magazine will publish articles that let us know we move irrevocably closer to the date when all Black women in America will be considered morbidly obese:
(In 2008, the five states with obesity rates of 30 percent or more were Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee.) Black children are more at peril of becoming obese than white children; black women are more than 50 percent more likely to be obese than white women. “At the current rate of increase,” epidemiologists noted in a recent article in Obesity, “it will take less than 30 years for all black women to become overweight or obese.”
What’s funny is that predominately Black Web sites were quick to publish the findings of a “personal opinion” study from Allure magazine which Newsone.com claimed to show that “mixed women” were now viewed as the most attractive.
We’ve reached a point where successful Black women can’t find potential mates to marry. Obviously these Black women don’t have a net worth of a mere $5 dollars (like the majority of single Black women), but that they have so few opportunities at marriage and so few potential suitors would indicate that outer beauty is what they are lacking.
When you think about, one can only blame evolution for creating this positive view of white women (among all races of men) that places an inordinate amount of value on looks instead of inner beauty.
That Black women spend billions of dollars each year attempting to get “white hair” isn’t enough to overcome the stigma of thousands of years of evolution. Hollywood hasn’t given up on creating positive examples of Black people in movies and in television, but they have all but given up on creating sex symbols out of Black women. The consumer has rejected those.
Successful Black athletes, actors and rappers all tend to find white women most desirous and pursue these gold-diggers when their inflated bank accounts allow them access to such ladies. Think of Ice T or Dr. Dre, who might put forth a Black power vibe in their lyrics, but were unable to remove their desire to secure a trophy white wife when given the opportunity.
So was Psychology Today wrong to publish a blog post that stated what any pervert with a knowledge of the pornography industry could tell you? No.
Black women are the least desired women on the planet. Sports Illustrated, Maxim, Victoria’s Secret, Playboy, the porn industry, television, movies, the fashion industry, and the fact that Black women are viewed largely as “a quick lay” (72 percent out-of-wedlock birthrate for Black kids) should be enough evidence to prove this point.
Or perhaps online dating statistics, where Black girls rarely get winks or E-mails.
Thegrio.com published this article, which blasts the Psychology Today study:
The resulting piece of journalism -- and I use that word very loosely in this case -- is just as offensive as one might suspect. And the author's arguments turn out to have quite a few holes, not the least of which is that his "scientific analysis" of black women's inferior beauty is based on the opinions of unidentified "interviewers" and their entirely subjective standards of beauty.
Having some men in white coats rate the attractiveness of a handful of women on a scale of 1-5 resembles a glorified version of the game "hot or not", not some serious attempt at engaging the scientific method. Which raises the question: why were such racist views and stereotypes about black women's attractiveness ever treated as legitimate by a prominent psychology publication?
It's 2011, and questions about racial inferiority were settled ages ago. These days phrenology (a pseudoscience that once sought to establish black inferiority using measurements of the skull) is known better as the title of a classic Roots album than a credible scientific theory of racial essentialism. And in an age where the black community can claim the beauty and talent of gorgeous women like Beyoncé, Kerry Washington, Jill Scott, Michelle Obama, Jada Pinkett Smith, Erykah Badu, and so many more, it's hard not to balk at ridiculous suggestions that we don't got it going on.
Thegrio.com is right, it is 2011. Why haven’t men’s views on female beauty changed? Sports Illustrated should be forced to put Michelle Obama on the next cover of its swimsuit issue; all romantic comedies starring Matt Mcconaughey must also co-star Gabourey Sidibe; all pornography downloaded or streamed from the Internet must only feature Black women performing lewd actions that the father who abandoned them would be incredibly proud of; and all non-Black members of Match.com, Eharmony.com, Plentyoffish.com or Okcupid.com must only wink at Black chicks.
After all, it’s 2011…
Naw. Sorry. I've never really bought this idea. I'm not arguing over whether white men find black women attractive or not, but I've always preferred black women's general shape. Gotta have some kinda booty. Yeah, I'm a black guy. Feel free to crack whatever joke you feel like, but I've never had a thing for blonds or blue eyes. Not that women like that aren't beautiful, I just never understood what everyone was so excited about.
As far as these wealthy black men go, it probably has to do with the exoticism of white women. Maybe the fact that they could never have one. It seems to be a thing among the black underclass that darker is bad/ugly. This is a fact I discovered around 9 or 10 when I first went to a mostly black school and heard black used as an insult. That's probably got more to do with it, cuz I like dark, chocolately women with a booty.
Also, the weight. Too high. You're right about that part. Men generally don't like women to be overweight, although with some, you can be big and shapely up to a point.
The simple fact is that percentage wise, it is just much easier to find an attractive white or asian girl than it is to find an attractive black girl. Lets say that out of 100 whites, 8 are absolute knockouts and 15 more are really hot. My experience with black girls is that out of 100 1 is a knockout and 5 more are really hot. There are some very attractive black women out there, heck my cousin is married to one, but there are just many many more good looking white girls. The things that make white and asian girls attractive, thin face, delicate features etc. are in much shorter supply with black women.
Great read!
I met a dark-blonde, blue-eyed, beauty, on Match.com - we've been dating for several months now, and, she told me, when we first started dating, how Africans were always harassing her and that she had to block almost all of them. She said she finds them very unattractive and that the vast majority of them can't even put a simple sentence together.
Yes. African women are less than attractive - this is a 'hate fact'. It works both ways, though: the overwhelming majority of White women find African males to be repulsive, in form function and character.
I long for the day when segregation returns. It will be beneficial to both Africans and Whites. Just as there is separation between church and state, so should there be separation between race and state.
Segregation should be a private matter. Period.
beyonce was on the SI cover so instead of repeating consult your own memory.
Excellent piece. Nice bit of dry humor on top of it. Kudos. Personally, I spend more time chasing after Asian and Latin women than I do many of the batshit-insane, multiculturalism-brainwashed white women I find on the West Coast.
But basic truths remains basic truths, all the same.
Our favorite chubby mulatto will lose her mind when she reads this column.
Expect lots of Diarrhea diatribes in the comment section.
"Naw. Sorry. I've never really bought this idea."
So what?
This article is about trends, not anyone's individual taste.
Just so you know, "mutation", when it comes to evolution, does not mean anything when it comes to genetic fitness. We evolved via natural selection, but "natural selection" entails "genetic mutation." No serious evolutionary biologist would ever speak of "genetic mutations" over the course of a species as being negative. Turning the word "mutation", as it pertains to evolution, into something negative, is highly reminiscent of scientifically ignorant people deriding evolution as being "just a theory." They don't realize that "theory" means something different to scientists as it does to regular people, and they apparently also don't realize that "mutation" means something different to evolutionary biologists.
From reading the *Psychology Today* quotes I got the definite idea that author Satoshi Kanazawa, at least, finds black men attractive, but I can assure him that the vast majority of white women do not. In fact, the same word used above by White Devil came immediately to mind: that any woman would feel anything but a visceral repulsion towards them has always been mystifying to me.
It de troot! Dem negro wimmins be plenny ugly!
As a median brown skinned American (was not born in Africa therefore…not African-American)white men, particular, approached me and stare the entire time while at the gym (I spend about 50 minute running on the treadmill every other day).
White men find me attractive in that they are comfortable walking up and starting a conversation; even asking questions relative to the black community in a non-offensive manner ( and I live in Virginia). So, I believe it’s more of an individual thing as oppose to the black women as a whole. Perhaps part has to do with one’s countenance in that some black women carry themselves in a very unattractive manner…and yes, I have completed graduate studies.
Furthermore, as a frequent traveler abroad, black women, from America, are revered in other country particularly in Europe (Venice Italy’s Marriott provided tour books with the cover featuring a very attractive dark brown women with a handsome Italian man-American men can’t compete with Italians).
Men of Izmir and Istanbul Turkey, the fashion capital of the world in terms of pricing (everything is very inexpensive, including custom name brand clothing and purses, diamonds, gold, leather (not cheap cow leather, but custom elk antler and lamb),treated me like a queen with the utmost respect, even paying for my transporation.
All those with tunnel vision needs to travel outside of the US; with their ethnocentric attitude.
@ Medium brown skinned Anonymous
To be fair, Mediterranean men (Italy, Turkey, Spain, Greece, etc) seem to enjoy and appreciate women of all colors...women of all sizes...women in general. You can't walk down a street in Italy without men trying to introduce themselves to you, whether you're black or white, 300 lbs or 100. Some people find it gratifying, some people find it annoying, but it is definitely a part of Mediterranean and Latin culture.
It's true that one CAN make black women attractive....if you do everything possible to make them look...white. Negroid features will not get you dates on Match.com. Period. I don't care how "sussessful' the black woman might be. Men simply do not find a head of pubic hair attractive, nor do they find a nose spread across half of a face attractive, unless they have a weird fetish for monster nostrils. Then there is the whole "they smell kinda funny" thing about blacks.
"As a median brown skinned American"
Correction: chubby mulatto.
Eh, I think that black women make themselves unattractive with their bad attitudes, bad "Baby momma" tendencies, and lack of restraint when it comes to food.
The overwhelming interracial couples I've seen of a white man/black woman mix, feature a slim black woman who seems to smile more than frown and allows the man to "take charge," even if it displayed in subtle ways.
There is less argument and drama than black/black couples or black male/white female couples. White females in interracial couples tend to behave like black women.
Anyway, even if white (blondes) were preferred, attitude would give black women a bit of an edge. After all, white men are abandoning white women for the very same reason, and going for darker, olive skinned brunettes from Asia, Latin America, and even the Middle East because they're perceived as being easier to handle. I can think of five such unions off the top of my head at the moment. (One even expatriated so that she wouldn't be "ruined" by American culture.)
So visual preference is one thing, and I won't try to dispute it. But I think that when it comes to marriage and family, men will give up a bit on the looks side and go for someone who is perceived as being more traditional and giving.
Granted, perception and reality are not always in synch.
"black women, from America, are revered in other country"
Well then surely you can provide white-male/black-female interracial marriage statistics to support this claim.
"white men are abandoning white women for the very same reason, and going for darker, olive skinned brunettes from Asia, Latin America, and even the Middle East"
Please provide marriage statistics to support this claim.
@ To be fair; Anonymous, no Mediterranean man approached me per se. In passing, if making an inquiry they would strike a conversation about American life; once they realize I’m not one of those pompous Americans we engaged in a meaningful conversation, which evolved to them showing a kind gesture of hospitality (as custom, i.e. serving apple tea and bringing my fiancé and me lunch) to a foreigners.
@ Correction: chubby mulatto; Anonymous, my grandparents were indigenous Americans (or Indians as referred by some). Because, I will not get sucked into a meaningless exchange, believe what you want; and have a nice life.
Last anon,
They wrote "chubby mulatto" because they thought you were a troll by the name Desiree.
I wonder what "Snape" would say? --the Man.
From reading the *Psychology Today* quotes I got the definite idea that author Satoshi Kanazawa, at least, finds black men attractive, but I can assure him that the vast majority of white women do not
Kanazawa uses an amusing qualifier to reach the conclusion that black men are exceedingly attractive: net of intelligence.
Given that females display a universal preference for the erudite over the obtuse, it should shock no one that blacks are deemed more attractive when their most *unattractive feature is ignored.
We could play this “net of” game all night.
--Blacks are also the most formidable Grandmasters in chess…net of intelligence.
--Blacks have also contributed the most to the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering…net of intelligence.
--Mike Tyson would be a suitable poet laureate…net of intelligence.
Now I’m going to hand my cat a Rubik’s Cube. He does a marvelous job solving it…net of intelligence.
*If one wishes to make the case that the black traits of violence, indolence, entitlement, or inability to defer gratification are less attractive than their (lack of) intelligence, I’ll cede the point.
Black women come down to 2 types...one is so low on the self esteem scale she has no conflicts, she is actually a borderline animal...similar to the beasts we hear about attacking patrons in public restaurants or selling their kids for a hit of crack...
quite simply this non-conflicted low self esteem black woman is sperm collector, and these type of women have no skills or intentions of building a structured family, LET ALONE a relationship, with one man.
NOW on the other hand you have the educated angry black women trapped between
2 worlds
these 2 worlds were so aptly defined by Spike Lee...
will the angry educated black women become 1 - a "Wannabe" or 2 - a "Jigaboo"...
we can translate that to "Uncle Tom or Nigger"...in the black world of definitions...either way...the angry educated black women self esteem conflict is shallow...and obvious, easy to pick up, even a white person can see.
SO easy to see, that men with self control over their dick, across all races will avoid the Jigaboo and the sperm collector...
so when you run the averages to get to a truly classic beauty that is a "Wannabe"...
She's probably gay and sleeping with a white blonde!
HA! Read this and do the math...we all know who this story is "targeting"...
From the South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Fifteen obstetrics-gynecology practices out of 105 polled by the Sun Sentinel said they have set weight limits for new patients. Some of the doctors said the main reason was their exam tables or other equipment can't handle people over a certain weight, but at least six said heavy women run a higher risk of complications.
"People don't realize the risk we're taking by taking care of these patients," the newspaper quoted Dr. Albert Triana of South Miami as saying. "There's more risk of something going wrong and more risk of getting sued. Everything is more complicated with an obese patient in GYN surgeries and in [pregnancies]," he told the newspaper.
go to link to read more....
@ “Please provide marriage statistics to support this claim” Anonymous, let me give you some insight as it appears you have not traveled abroad.
A limited number of blacks can be found, as far as I saw, in Italy. Outside of the illegal Africans selling knock-off items on the streets, there was only a hand full of blacks in Venice. So obviously there would be no “statistical” data to support my claim.
My opinion is based soley on personal experiences,as I have no desire to be a top mode, in a magazine, or on television as that is so sexist and shallow. I am a woman of substance and intellect who is quite secure and comfortable in my epidermis…if you know what I mean.
"They wrote "chubby mulatto" because they thought you were a troll by the name Desiree."
It's definitely Diarrhea.
I'm pretty sure "Huggums" is Diarrhea too.
Keep in mind, Diarrhea is OBSESSED with this topic, she will not be able to restrain herself from posting.
"Net of intelligence, black men are significantly more physically attractive than nonblack men."
Really? Based on what, gorillas in the mist? Nordic males are the only males of the species that do not resemble some form of jungle simian. Narrow face, narrow nose, slim lips, upright posture (when healthy) shorter arm length to over all height ratio, etc. Broad face peoples resemble
Orangutans, Africans--Silverbacks, etc.
"So obviously there would be no “statistical” data to support my claim."
Thank you for your honesty.
"My opinion is based soley on personal experiences"
Considering there are approximately 20 million black females living in America, this is a remarkably weak basis to make the claim "black women, from America, are revered in other country".
"More than 70 percent of professional athletes are African American,"
Huh? Blacks are about 65% of the NFL and 78% of the NBA. But they are only about 9% of MLB, maybe 1% of the NHL and far less than 1% in tennis, golf, swimming, cycling, wrestling ...etc.
Even sports like boxing and MMA are dominated by whites (thought there are still a few decent black boxers and MMA fighters).
good commentary. its funny to read the reactions on jezebel and racialicious. they either attacking the author or try to say that this is not science. of course trying to agree with the study is impossible as they have a zero tolerance comment policy for anything that is against their narrative. i thought liberals were all into freedom of speech....
As a median brown skinned American (was not born in Africa therefore…not African-American)white men, particular, approached me and stare the entire time while at the gym. (LIE)
I spend about 50 minute running on the treadmill every other day. (LIE)
White men find me attractive. (LIE)
Furthermore, as a frequent traveler abroad, black women, from America, are revered in other country particularly in Europe (LIE, ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT)
Men of Izmir and Istanbul Turkey [pointless bullshit] treated me like a queen with the utmost respect, even paying for my transportation. (LIE)
Desiree. Stop polluting this site. GTFO. And take your Huggums persona with you as well.
"white men are abandoning white women for the very same reason, and going for darker, olive skinned brunettes from Asia, Latin America, and even the Middle East"
Please provide marriage statistics to support this claim.
May 17, 2011 7:15 PM
Sorry, I only have observation and the man-o-sphere to back this up, but it's pretty interesting.
I mean, it doesn't have to be that way.
For example, my nursing aide teacher has three sons. One of them married a "true white" American woman. She refused to make potatoes the way he liked, claiming his mother "spoiled him" so she wouldn't. He just liked them boiled with a little bit of butter on the top! She divorced him later and now he's dating a Jordanian. Her two other sons married a Turk and a Greek.
Then there is my husband, his best friend, and several other of his childhood friends. Several of my college friends, high school friends, and even my cousins.
Only one of my male cousins of marriageable age is married. He married a woman who barely spoke English. Only one other is in a LTR - with an Asian woman. My female cousins are having more luck with marriage, all of them with white men.
Most men are staying away from marriage unless they're strictly religious because of BS divorce laws and feminism. It doesn't have to be that way. Ultimately, most people prefer to look for people like themselves to propagate their own kind. Feminism ruined Western women (and black women), but it will reach the rest of the world soon enough.
And trust me, being Hispanic, black people speak more freely around me because of the mythical "people of color" coalition that supposedly exists. I've heard black women trying to shame their men into dating "their kind."
The reply? Usually along the lines of: I tried, but I got sick of the drama.
Also, Huggums is not "Derierre." He posts in other sites under the same Handle.
Why was it "racist" for John Mayer to say he wasn't attracted to black women? He was just stating a preference. Preference and prejudice are not the same things.
here are a few tid-bits from the Wiki page:
"The study also observed a clear gender divide in racial preference with regards to marriage: Women of all the races which were studied revealed a strong preference for men of their own race for marriage, with the caveat that East Asian women only discriminated against Black and Hispanic men, and not against White men.[6] A woman's race was found to have no effect on the men's choices.[6] According to studies by Jenifer L. Bratter and Rosalind B. King made publicly available on the Education Resources Information Center, *White female-Black male and White female-Asian male marriages are more prone to divorce than White-White pairings.[7] Conversely, unions between White males and non-White females (and between Hispanics and non-Hispanic persons) have similar or lower risks of divorce than White-White marriages.[7]*"
(I know it isn't perfect, but it's what I can do at the moment, I must sleep soon).
White men are higher quality than other men because they're taught to be strong and yet respect women. And yet unions with white women tend to end in a higher rate of divorce. It doesn't matter what race the guy is. Why is this? Feminism.
Men are taking notice.
"Beyoncé, Kerry Washington, Jill Scott, Michelle Obama, Jada Pinkett Smith, Erykah Badu"
Be careful before you do an image search on each of these names... The first two are hot (when they make themselves look like white women), but it goes sharply downhill from there. Don't look at the rest after you've just eaten.
I'm a bit shocked at the notion that black women excel in inner beauty. Review the videos of black women brawling at Chuck E Cheese, McDonalds or schools. Seems to be me many, if not most, are testosterone-driven; few display inner beauty.
Black women from East Africa are clearly more attractive than those from West Africa.
Reminds me of the wacky black feminist stripper who fought for union rights because the best shifts in the peepshow booths were given to white women with large breasts and small waists.
"While a student at SFSU, she worked at the Lusty Lady peep-show to support herself through college, and noticed that the club hired very few black women, and that they were restricted from working in the "private booth" section of the theater, where dancers have the opportunity to make more money. After raising her concerns to the club's manager, Brooks was reprimanded and told that "black women make the club lose money." "
Read about the whole sordid affair here (if you dare): Exotic dancing and unionizing: the challenges of feminist and antiracist organizing at the Lusty Lady Theater.
Feminism has done a job on white women. Many white women are unfit to be mothers and life-long partners because of their attitudes.
Frankly, Id hate to try and date most women these days, it seems that many are just looking to "Hook-up" and who would want to marry a woman that had slept with 20 guys by the time she was 30 years old? Not me.
Personally, red headed, pale skinned women of Irish decent are just lovely. The paler the skin the better, I'll take freckles and all.
If you ever want to see beautiful women, go over to YouTube and watch Celtic Woman.
PS. It's not just their physical appearance that makes them beautiful, it's also their humility and their dignity and their demeanor. It takes all of these traits to make a truly beautiful woman, IMO.
Only one of my male cousins of marriageable age is married. He married a woman who barely spoke English. Only one other is in a LTR - with an Asian woman.
I don't think a lot of these men realize exactly what they're getting into until it's too late. Specifically, a white man who marries a nonwhite woman will have nonwhite children. These children will grow up with a fractured personality (as will all children of mixed race) which they will then resolve by identifying with the race of the nonwhite parent and aggressively denying their Caucasian heritage, often to the point of hatred.
As though having heavily-funded military bases in far-flung points of the globe weren't bad enough, American soldiers marrying Korean and Filipino nationals has become endemic. It works out this way:
Asian woman/girl wishes to escape her shitty country and come to the Land of the Big PX, she spreads her legs like they were wings and snags a GI. The GI is either a zit-faced 18 year old who is getting steady sex for the first time in his life, or a broken divorcee who wants the steady sex and cooking without having to worry about the woman cheating on or leaving him (although this is steadily changing). Both are guaranteed a "wife" with whom they will never be expected to have an actual conversation. Oh, and the woman's immediate family is usually able to follow her to the Land of the Big PX for "cultural reasons."
Among soldiers, those of us who came back with an Asian "wife" were identified as having officially Given Up.
""White men are higher quality than other men because they're taught to be strong""
That's funny. Maybe 50+ years ago but white men today by and large are taught to be effeminate and sniveling.
"Sorry, I only have observation"
Considering there are approximately 100 million white males living in America, your own personal observations form a remarkably weak basis for your absurd claim that "white men are abandoning white women".
Try again Huggums...I mean Snape...I mean Diarrhea.
(CM = chubby mulatto.)
You should do an article on how black MEN are considereed the most attractive men. I want hold my breath.
Black women logically can't be ugly. If so why do they have so many kids?
Just fce facts. Blacks are taking over. White men are not having children. Not even white women want them. See: Heidi Klum.
You know, one thing I really like about this site is that it is one of the very few places where there is an honest discussion about race. Eric Holder, are you listening?
In the book "JUMP" (about high school basketball phenoms) there is a strange story about the Gold Club, Black athletes and a seedy athletic promoter named ziggy.
You can read the book over at Amazon at the link above. Check out page 28. The guy claimed there was a Ku Klux Klan mentality at the Gold Club, because only white women were dancing (and doing tricks). He felt good in helping out Black strippers get jobs there, since 67 percent of the city of Atlanta is Black.
Funny, 80 - 90 percent of the clientele were pro basketball and pro football players, i.e., Black dudes.
Obviously the brothers had no desire to see Black chicks dance.
Obviously Ziggy didn't realize that no one wants to see Black women at strip clubs, especially Black athletes.
Here's more on the Gold Club.
Most White women who hook up (can't say "married") with black males do so because they can't catch a White man.
May 18, 2011 5:59 AM Anonymous said...
"Just fce facts. Blacks are taking over."
Actually, blacks have already taken over; hence BRA - BLACK RUN AMERICA.
When America was founded the 1800 census revealed that nearly 20 percent of the population was black; 80 percent White.
By the early 20th century blacks comprised about 9 percent of the population, due in part to European immigration.
Today the black population has stabilized at under 13 percent. While blacks women pop out more welfare babies than Whites, they also have more abortions, succumb to STDs and kill each other at a much higher rate than Whites.
If the black population should ever eclipse the White population, America will look like Detroit. The difference being there will be no more welfare to prop up the black community.
Dissident said... "Feminism has done a job on white women. Many white women are unfit to be mothers and life-long partners because of their attitudes."
The inimitable Fred Reed -- who else? -- does such a good take on this. Please do read:
"why do they have so many kids?"
Because they are immoral and irresponsible, just like the black men who habitually impregnate then abandon them.
Any other stupid fucking questions?
"See: Heidi Klum."
Diarrhea, how many times are you going to copy-and-paste this?
The gorilla in a dress photo was a nice touch..lol Seriously , wow.
"Not even white women want them. See: Heidi Klum."
Typical Negroid drivel - read it and weep. If African males are so attractive, then why do White females find them so repulsive?
Face it: black is just the most unattractive shade of skin - and for the vast majority of Whites, Negroid features, e.g., flat noses, large lips, small ears, are not desirable; not to mention the host of pathologies that accompany those features.
"Black women logically can't be ugly. If so why do they have so many kids?"
Thank you for the above example of the African low IQ in full-bloom.
Africans, as you know, have low impulse control - a feature that afflicts both African females and African males.
Sex enters the mind of the Negro and the Negro acts on that sexual impulse, regardless of the potential consequences of the act, e.g., kids, STDs, ect ...
Moreover, the U.S. government is essentially running a eugenics program - its aim: to increase the lowest common denominator in American society, i.e., low IQ Africans, by way of all manner of welfare: EBT, Section 8, ect ...
The government promotes and encourages African degeneracy, at all levels of society.
"Blacks are taking over."
Do you think America will not come to look like Africa if Africans 'take over'?
Just face it: Whites are, by nature, different from Africans. It's folly to think the African can hijack White institutions and somehow maintain or enrich them.
You can't have a first-world nation with a third-world population.
i've always felt Asian women(south east and north east) and hispanic women were better looking than white women. I know i'm not the only one either.
Mixed black women are good looking sometimes, but something about them turns me off..maybe they are just too tough and manly. it's not just black women other races of women are quite ugly too. Polynesian women, Australian aboriginals/melanesians, South Asians (indian/sri lankans), and even Arabic women... they are all quite ugly to me.
It's not dark skin (because I think hispanic and south east asian women are hot too). Those races of women all have primitive features and all look very manly and nasty looking.
There is perhaps nothing more hysterical than admiring a Negress who has worked feverishly to give herself Caucasian features. Straightening the hair, bleaching it blond, and applying that cocoa butter to hide the skin ash. Truly an amazing spectacle.
This is just common sense. But then again, low black IQ/intelligence is common sense too, and obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes, and you're not allowed to talk about that either.
Congratulations to Psychology Today for saying what everyone already knows but few are brave enough to voice.
Whether or not "anonymous" or "Huggums are more Desiree sock puppets, am I the only one who noticed that while boasting of having a graduate degree, the "anonymous" colored woman's posting was filled with spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors?
As far as gracious and/or hospitable behavior in Turkey, that is due to local cultural standards of behavior and a calculated desire to increase sales. I, too, was offered tea and city tours routinely (whether alone or with my husband). Starved for fresh produce after my tour in Eastern Europe, I accepted a rug-vendor's offer of lunch and spent the next three days in intestinal agony. Painful reminder: DO look a gift-horse in the mouth.
In my experience, the rare black who travels abroad is convinced by various countries' standards of hospitality that he/she is being personally admired or worshiped. One more example of blacks' abnormally-inflated self esteem.
Whether pure black or mulatto, all these non-White women spend enormous amounts of time and money on hair treatments, nails, heavy make-up, gaudy jewelry, and tasteless clothing. Dare to compare them bereft of their peacock feathers, and you'll find them sorely lacking.
SPBDL ALERT: You have to see this rap video about picking up girls at wal mart. Non stop booty gyration from hoochie mama's.
"Psychology Today" is wrong! So is Playboy, Maxim, Victoria's Secret, Online Dating, Porn, Movies, Fashion... (Post title)
Playboy, Maxim, Victoria's Secret, Online Dating, Porn, Movies, Fashion, etc. are created by whites, geared towards whites, and overwhelmingly consumed by whites; they also largely reflect the creators and consumers in that they feature and highlight whiteness. It is no surprise that any study about attractiveness done within a culture where these are dominant products would also demonstrate white mirrorphilia.
You have to question the sample of this study. I remember hearing another study about "male" preference for blondes over brunettes because it signified youth (whites also find blond children more desirable). But who are these "males"? Outside of the West (disregarding Japan), nearly all women are dark-haired. This can only mean that the sample was either comprised solely of white men or that, if it contained other raced men (probably at a very small percentage of the sample), they either (a) were in the statistical minority in terms of preferences and thus did not distort the studies overall findings reflective of the white males in the sample; or (b) they have been socialized in some way by the dominant culture (white) to first give "blondness" an implicit association with youth and, second, to give "blondness" a value given Western society's obsession with youth.
I believe it is more of the former (most minority men socialized in Western culture would first prefer skintones and then, if for blacks only, hair textures closer to the dominant beauty standard). Most of these studies are conducted at universities where whites make up a statistical majority. Coupled with the fact that the study organizers are also white, who will, naturally, seek out like-raced individuals in social situations (as in gathering or choosing participants--this is an expected bias), these findings are just not exactly a surprising.
Curiously, though, researchers still erroneously believe that white = universal. There are 1.3 billion Chinese; I doubt their ideal woman has blond hair and blue eyes, since these are features statistically impossible to achieve in Chinese women.
Pop science magazines and TV shows only helpfully reveal what white men or minority men socialized in white-dominant Western cultures find as ideal beauty. These are not universal studies. The only feature that has a sort of universality is the hourglass shape, the wider hip and bust with smaller waist. But the reason for this is that women, of all races, naturally have this shape at the ideal weight range to about 15-20 lbs overweight.
Gabourey Sidibe is morbidly obese but most likely has beneath her girth an hourglass shape. This is proven on shows like "The Biggest Loser"; (Too much) fat is undesirable on both sexes because the male and female form become indistinguishable from each other.
If the study was done using black men or Brazilian men, for example, a large, round butt would be most desirable, something largely unattainable by most women except black or those with black admixture (mulattos); this is a trait that is wholly absent among whites, Asians, Native American/Inuits, or Mestizos. Larger breasts among white women is a statistically significant aberration, however, white women largely have smaller breasts, unless they are heavier, and this is the dominant trait in white women. American white women have larger breasts than other white women most likely due to America's obesity problem and that milk has growth hormone that causes white girls to have large breasts at young ages that continue to grow as they reach full maturation. Additionally, it could also be due to black admixture.
Desiring blue eyes is chiefly white; no other race produces people with blue eyes in statistically significant numbers. This is a moot finding.
Overall, that white women are found "most desirable" in the Western world is no revelation and these preferences--which I do not dispute--are highly relevant for white males and females. I would be surprised if any other women were preferred in a white-dominated society. That being said, these studies, and your skin mags, your pornography, your movies, and other white-consumption products, are in no way indicative of universal evolutionarily preferred traits. That is inaccurate.
Beauty is largely a social concept; this is why it differs according to culture and region and people can "look past" so-called ugliness when choosing mates (women are more nuanced and highly-evolved about this, which is why so-called "beauty studies" are largely conducted using male samples). Intellectual honesty dictates that that gets mentioned. Intellectual honesty is not considered a virtue in pop science magazines and TV shows.
A correction for you: That black athletes, some actors, and a few rappers marry non-black women--they are usually not white because white women do not possess the desired features, such as full lips, large (natural) breasts, and large, round butts, that black men prefer--is not an indication of black male preference of white women. (a) These women are typically not white, but mulattos, quadroons, or octaroons, etc. (both American and Latino varieties); and (b) socialization in America designated an attractive white woman (even if black males typically do not date white women, but non-white, non-black women) as something a successful male should have on his arm.
Most black men, regardless of status, date black women.
On a racist website, where white is held as superior, it is expected that you would not provide these relevant "footnotes" when discussing a study that predictably holds up white racial supremacy. However, that you failed to mention them, either by your own inability for rational thought or by convenience, does not make them disappear or make them irrelevant.
Again: It is NO SURPRISE that white "beauty" is considered most desirable in a white-dominated Western society. Why is it no surprise? Because whites are the creators of this culture and see everything through their lenses and from their viewpoint, i.e. mirrorphilia. Every non-white measured against whiteness will come up short.
Not rocket science, "Einstein".
Question: are you too stupid to understand this simple yet tremendously important little fact? Me thinks you might be...
Most Black men bang Black women, don't wear a condom, and leave them after they become pregnant.
I'd hardly call that dating.
C'mon Paul, don't you get that "Opinionation" is Desiree again? And you take the effort to reply to her? What a waste of time. Here is a hint: who else says idiotic things like "me thinks"?
She is like a black Affirmative Action hire - she degrades the quality of your organization, you can't just fire her if you want to, and she will never go away on her own.
Typical Negroid drivel - read it and weep. If African males are so attractive, then why do White females find them so repulsive?
Face it: black is just the most unattractive shade of skin - and for the vast majority of Whites, Negroid features, e.g., flat noses, large lips, small ears, are not desirable; not to mention the host of pathologies that accompany those features.
This comment is terribly overwrought. Attractiveness is incidental when it comes to love and marriage. White women not choosing black males for marriage or "online dating" does not ameliorate the reality that white women find black men physically and sexually attractive.
As an example, the black Old Spice pitchman was created by whites to attract white women who would then tell their boyfriends (most likely white) to use Old Spice.
Advertisers know that white women, at least, are intrinsically sexually curious about black males, and have been sexually curious since slave days. Only a racist website would deny this obvious truism.
As for facial features and skintone, whites, due to mirrorphilia, are implicitly going to prefer features resembling their own, although whites tend to dislike overly pale skin. Whites do not like Asian eyes because they do not resemble Caucasoid-shaped eyes and they dislike Asian and black flatter faces because they do not resemble their own.
Interestingly, black women who date white men are typically the "rejects" in the black community; by that, these black women typically have darker skin (blacks tend to exhibit colorism, as well as those in Latin America), kinkier hair (there are levels of acceptable kinkiness that do not overlap into curly or straight textures), or more features traditionally associated with slave status.
I would argue that whites are more open to blacker skin, probably out of pure curiosity and sometimes awe, than black people. I should note, blacks tend to have a cut off point: anyone darker than, say, Angela Bassett may be too dark, generally.
Blacks like blackness, but not African blackness.
Additionally, this is why it is foolish to call blacks "Africans". Blacks and Africans are worlds different; Africans and West Indians are largely more intelligent, hard-working, and successful proportionally when they reside in the West (i.e. provided an opportunity for upward mobility) in comparison to blacks.
Africans do not like American blacks. You are an idiot to think they are the same. They are not. Apparently, you lack the intellectual capability to delineate.
"Playboy, Maxim, Victoria's Secret, Online Dating, Porn, Movies, Fashion, etc. are created by whites"
Your tired "blame-whitey" mantra can not change the fact that of all female races and ethnicities, black women are the LEAST LIKELY to be married.
"who else says idiotic things like "me thinks"?"
"Advertisers know that white women, at least, are intrinsically sexually curious about black males"
Source, por favor.
I was right regarding Snapes being one of Desiree odoriferous socks and I am going on record as stating "Opinionation" is another. I knew you could not stay away, we are your oxygen. I cannot say that you do not liven up the commentary section. They tend to become echo chambers of like minds without dissenting opinion. Welcome back, only this time try not to meander into the territory of a creepy stalker.
Black folks (Michael Jackson; Beyounce) lighten their skin to be more attractive.
White folks crowd the beaches and tanning salons to be more attractive.
Can't anyone be comfortable in their own skin?
"Only a racist website would deny this obvious truism."
In order for something to be an "obvious truism", one must offer compelling, unimpeachable evidence. Just calling something an "obvious truism" does not make it so, and simply repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
I suspect envy and feelings of inferiority explain most of the black-on-White hatred.
Q: Who else other than Diarrhea is incapable of making a point in less than 15 snooze-worthy paragraphs?
A: No one.
Desiree: your disturbing, anti-nature, world-view, will never be disguised no matter which sock-puppet you choose to employ.
"Attractiveness is incidental when it comes to love and marriage"
Yes, yes ... love conquers all. Horse shit.
No healthy White woman or man, sound in both mind and body, would squander his/her cultural, genetic and biological heritage on a non-white, especially an African.
Most Whites, including myself, are incapable of falling in-love with Negroes or non-whites. The Whites who do, have scummed to the 'lure of the exotic'. In its most pure form, the lure of the exotic pushed Western Man to the Moon and back - in its most perverted form, the lure causes American GIs to marry some Hong Kong slut, or, a propagandized White female to adopt an African baby just to prove to everyone, including herself, that she's not a racist.
They are in the extreme minority, thanks to mother nature herself.
Where I see heritage and tradition, you see racism and bigotry.
"I would argue that whites are more open to blacker skin, probably out of pure curiosity and sometimes awe, than black people."
And that argument would be based in fantasy, just like your liberal anti-nature philosophy. The only time I am in awe, is when I see the naked body of a healthy White woman. Black skin triggers an instinctual defense mechanism deep within my brain, as it does with the vast majority of Whites.
"Additionally, this is why it is foolish to call blacks "Africans""
African are Africans - it is of no consequence what geographical location they find themselves in. African pathology, is expressed, in its same destructive manner, no matter where they reside.
'American-Africans' are the continuation, the actual extension, of their African forefathers ... African savagery is only contained - if contained is even an appropriate word to use - because of the threat of physical harm and imprisonment.
When law and order ceases to exist, e.g., Katrina, the African slips into his/her natural state: Savagery.
The only time I am in awe, is when I see the naked body of a healthy White woman. Black skin triggers an instinctual defense mechanism deep within my brain, as it does with the vast majority of Whites.
First of all, I am not Desiree. I don't even know who that is.
Secondly, the vast majority of whites have no problem being in "sexual awe" when they laid/lay with the innumerable blacks that created (a) the American black population with it's up to 17% white admixture on avergage; (b) the American, European, and Latin American mulattos, quadroons, and octaroons that populate the globe; and (c) the perception and reality that white women find black men physically and sexually attractive.
Do not delude yourself; you are not demonstrative of the "vast majority" of whites. Blacks and whites may not marry each other but they definitely "fuck". And unlike marriage and love, "fucking" is solely based on attraction.
As for Africans and blacks, again, you show your ignorance in delineating. Blacks and Africans are not even close to being similar. Doubting African intellectual prowess because the continent is poorer is like doubting Indian intellectual prowess because they are they have the most people in poverty in the world, that one country. Then, when Africans and Indians go to Europe and America to learn and/or live, they are highly successful.
Africans and blacks are not the same.
With regard to the study, Psychology Today gets mostly unnecessary flak. The problem with that pop science magazine is that they failed to expose the sample demographics and use qualifiers; if they had, people would not be angry and would accept their findings as indicative of the white population, which is fine. It is obvious those findings are Eurocentric; anyone doubting that is naive. The problem is that they failed to do this, forgetting that the publication is not based in Norway or Germany, where at least 90% of the population is white.
Women of non-white races (and white women who are not blond, blue-eyed, or large-breasted) will of course feel insecure. But because white mirrorphiles only think of themselves and from their own viewpoint, they haphazardly released a study and slapped "universal beauty standards" on it, which is not true.
These are Caucasoid beauty standards, and understandably so, although I am sure there are many white men who like small breasts and darker eyes and hair and olive skins.
I remember reading in Newsweek that a study said men prefer women with C cup breasts. The source? A French study (white country). There was also a study about voice pitch and that men preferred higher voices on women most of all, even in comparison to mid-pitch voices. Source? I believe it was a study from Canada (white country).
This is not about "Blaming Whitey"; this is about intellectual honesty. They make these studies primarily for entertainment value or use them as a sort of focus group for white-oriented products. Also, given that we reside in a patriarchy, they are subtle hints for white women to try to "look like that".
Yes, white males and females in a white-run country find themselves most attractive...
This is not a white run country. Every effort over the past 50 years to create new archetypes of beauty have been attempted (and largely rejected).
Positive white role models in movies and television have been replaced by the manufactured attempts to create a positive Black Fictional Image (see Hollywood in Blackface).
Every attempt has been made to create positive images of Black women, but the best that has been achieved is Oprah, a innocuous-enough mammy that white women invite into their home for a proverbial chat every day.
"Playboy, Maxim, Victoria's Secret, Online Dating, Porn, Movies, Fashion, etc. are created by whites"
Whites create everything but our inventions are used by everyone else too. So, yes, whites created online dating. But blacks use this and indicate their preferences.
In any part of the world, lighter skinned females are going to be preferred over darker skinned females.
In Asia, both male and female models are either white or very pale Asians. Same for the Middle East and Latin America.
Damn! Is she so stupid to call every argument Racist (TM)? Can a white not question black motive or intention without being called Racist(TM)?
Are blacks the new untouchables and are we not supposed to critique anything that they do?
I get so sick and tired of hearing people like, "you know who", spout Racist(TM) this and Racist(TM)that. It's a non sequiter.
Quit it already, it's a worn out cunard, besides your constant overuse of that term is lessening it's sting daily. Whites are starting to become immune to it's effects-Amen!
Here's the deal: you blacks start critiquing your own and we whites won't have to-how's that sound? I'd much rather watch 80's music video's on YouTube, but I feel compelled to come here instead.
Women of non-white races (and white women who are not blond, blue-eyed, or large-breasted) will of course feel insecure. But because white mirrorphiles only think of themselves and from their own viewpoint, they haphazardly released a study and slapped "universal beauty standards" on it, which is not true.
But the study noted that Asian, white and Hisanic women are more attractive than black women. Why would non-white women other than blacks feel insecure?
Also, the author is Asian.
Finally, white women do have olive skin and dark eyes/hair. Our people run the gamut from red hair and pale skin to dark hair and olive skin with many in between.
Any blacks call themselves colored!
Haven't been on this site long enough to know who the troublemakers are, so I don't know who Diarrhea or Desiree are. I just like to come here from time to time and today, I offered my opinion. I'm simply saying that as a black male, I've never had a thing for blonds or blue eyed women. Bar Rafaeli, Brooklyn Decker and women like them are indubitably gorgeous. I just don't have a particular body type. Not enough back.
Also, like you keep saying on your site, a lot of these famous black athletes and other stars come from the ghetto. They probably never really met any white women and they sort of mythologized them. I, on the other hand, grew up in places where I had lots of contact with whites. My first crush was some white girl with pretty eyes in elementary school. I've just never found white women as a whole to be singularly beautiful. Also, Oluchi Onweagba. That is all.
Correction. Read "I just don't have a particular..." as "I just don't like that particular body type."
Huggums is definitely Diarrhea.
What a freakin psycho!
"Playboy, Maxim, Victoria's Secret, Online Dating, Porn, Movies, Fashion, etc. are created by whites"
Not Gentile Whites.
I am Mediterranean (Croat/Italian) and although I do think blonde hair and blue eyes are of supreme beauty, I may be thankful for my darker features once middle age rolls around.
I do think the European people are the most beautiful, especially Northern men. It is a shame that feminism has ruined so many white women to the point that our men have to look to South America and Asia to find a suitable wife.
re: black women: Blame my universalist sensibilities, but I feel kind of bad. It must be tough to not only be at the bottom of the IQ totem pole, but also the social one. At least some black men can up their value by getting lotsa moneys to bang dem white hoes.
This is not a white run country. Every effort over the past 50 years to create new archetypes of beauty have been attempted (and largely rejected).
This is a white-run country, numero uno; if you disbelieve this just because we have one black president after a parade of white presidents, you are foolish and live in a fantasyland. Numero dos, if anything deviates from the long-held notion of Caucasoid "beauty"--again, a social concept--in a white-run, white-established country, it is no surprise that it will be rejected.
In all white-run countries (or white-dominated/white-conquered), whiteness is implicitly-linked with beauty. That is just how it is.
You are obviously an idiot. This is Sesame Street-level stuff.
If Sweden came out with a study that stated Swedish men prefer blondes, I would not shit in my pants.
You are attempting to argue a patently fallacious point that white beauty is evolutionarily more desirable. The author's pseudoscientific boilerplate about genetic mutation load and how that leaves blacks at a disadvantage physicality-wise (?) is silly. Clearly, if you knew anything about basic biology and evolution, (a) you wouldn't highlight such drivel, and (b) you would know that the mutations underwent from black to white are not so radical that they would change people from being "ogres" to "angels".
I mean, really? The majority of mutations nonsense and have no effect. The need to have lighter skin or darker skin is based upon environment. This is why white Australians have the highest rates of skin cancer; they are not supposed to be in that environment. In the UK, they experienced a wave of black children not growing properly due to the lack of sunlight providing Vitamin D to the bones. In such cool, cloudy weather, the weak sun rays were not penetrating darker skin.
If whiteness was evolutionarily more desirable, than whites would not be a statistical minority of the global population.
The study is flawed when it speaks to "universality". That is the beef. If you don't get that simple fact, you are an idiot, not that I expected anything more, to tell you the truth. I could easily fisk through your entire article more so than I already have and destroy it piece by piece but I won't do it in a comment section.
I think you've gotten the point by my previous posts.
In any part of the world, lighter skinned females are going to be preferred over darker skinned females.
Because lighter skin is, currently, associated with whiteness, due to consumption of Western culture, and, historically, associated with higher classes, as in people who had no tans did not work outdoors doing menial labor.
In Asia, both male and female models are either white or very pale Asians. Same for the Middle East and Latin America.
In Asia, this preference for whiteness is due to contact with lighter-skinned East Asians, if we're discussing Southeast Asians, or contact with whites, if we are talking about both East and Southeast Asia. As for Latin America, that is an entirely different beast with race/color issues much worse than in the United States.
Apparently, you people are too stupid, perhaps, to acknowledge the root of something. Again, if whiteness was genetically best, than there would be a larger white population. It would make no sense for people in Africa to desire whiteness when this would cause cancers, seeing that white skin and light eyes is disadvantageous in that environment.
The only explanation for someone from a dark-skinned country to desire whiteness is because of colonialism. It is not biological; it is social.
Apparently, this is some masturbation fantasy for white racists. Put the lube away and pick up a book on biology, and none of that creationism bullshit.
But the study noted that Asian, white and Hisanic women are more attractive than black women. Why would non-white women other than blacks feel insecure?
Also, the author is Asian.
The author's race is a moot issue. What is your point? Also, non-white, non-black women are closer to the white ideal (read: skin color, hair texture) and will, expectedly, be considered more attractive.
But none of this is science; it is bubblegum analysis in a pop science magazine. I.e. not relevant to anyone but those who resemble the study's participants.
What don't you people understand about this?
"Huggums is definitely Diarrhea.
What a freakin psycho!"
Um, I don't think he is. He has a profile page. Wouldn't Diarrhea want people to go to her blog, instead of some sock's? She comes of narcissistic to me. I think it's getting stupid the way everyone assumes that every black person on here is her.
It's like we give her more credit than she deserves and clog the comments up with these stupid "Where's Waldo," citings. It's like you want her on here; I don't. SBPDL's blog gets tons and tons of traffic! Huggums obviously is just one of the random blacks who shows up.
Shut the fuck up with the paranoia already. She obviously isn't on here nearly as much as we think. If anything, I'd think she was Opinionation. Her socks are always trying to be "intelligent," like Professor Snape. But I could be wrong. SBPDL gets lots of hits to his site; these people could be anybody...
Actually I have seen studies (Terman's Termites) which show that those who have high IQ are also much healthier and prettier (taller, more symmetrical features, better hair and skin tone) with much better social adjustment as a result.
Does this mean I am 'bigoted' against dumb people? No. It means that I acknowledge that some parental combinations just get the mix dead on correct 'in all of the above' categories of advantaged selection.
i.e. Trait determinancy is multiply expressive, not just in a single area. Genetically.
Because ONLY the genes give you that in terms of recognizeable alpha-rated leveraging.
Look at wolves, lions, any species where social behavior is one of limited access to mating privileges or nutrition based on a limited term of eligibility until replaced by an individual that is better/stronger/healthier. All exhibit the same conditional traits.
You can _tell_ the alphas. They are bigger, better proportioned, with greater energy and endurance that translated to a fire in their eyes.
They do things other pack/pride members cannot with an unconscious assumption of right because it is. And achieve dominance as a result because none in their extended beta/omega family groups questions their alpha behaviors **innate** success.
Probably didn't start out this way in humans where a scrawny outsider could get lucky in finding a predator kill and 'get lucky' as a successful hunter with a female, passing on his legay, that night.
But it certainly has been that way for a long, long, time now. Because the jocks and cheerleaders aren't just stronger, they are smarter, prettier, with better social connections. Just like alpha wolves.
So much so that I wonder why we are not seeing signs of other traits expressed that go along with these obvious phenotype ones. Telepathy, empathy, command dominance. All of these things exceed 'passive social charisma' as a negotiative tool and where -old money- may be a _very old_ legacy indeed (the genes are selective even if the family name alters), the 'nobility' that is conveyed with it may have had evolutionary interval long enough to make speciation a significant likelihood.
Even in those who still nominally 'look like us'. If only as idealized.
Even if this hasn't occurred, yet, electronic dating will -magnify- the trends for it to do so as now 'the girl next door' that would have married her highschool sweetheart down the block or at least in the same class as neighborhood/city and thus confined her evolutionary donais to a middle class grouping no longer has to.
If she looks good enough and has the highly evolved pragmatic sense of 'going with the winner' electronic media in a postpatriarchal society means she can sample a huge population of alpha normed appearance individuals and so pick and choose the best of those as an ego-driven expression of her own instinctive drive to achieve upward social mobility as pulchritudinal outcome for her genes.
While nominally natural, such is in fact dangerous for all whites because even if the girl-chooses female stays within our racial group, she is necking down evolutionary outcomes.
Only by maintaining a wide peer-group norm of 'ordinaries' do you get multiple elevated gene expressions through random recombinancy as meiosis.
As traits narrow down to elites, they fix with smaller and smaller populations who must do more with fewer numbers and become fiercely attached to their women (who in turn can only suffer downward mobility as a consequence of rebellion).
As we are already such a small population outside our homelands and increasingly inside them, this is worrisome indeed...
I mention this because I think it's equally likely that the other races are actually pre-radiation vergences of homo sapiens speciation into specialst groups (think Darwin and finches).
This is also important because, while we are still genetically compatible we may _not_ coincident in evolutionary maximums of transition.
With the rising power of environmental (social agendism) restrictors or enablers on acceptable mating partnerships we can take steps backwards or forwards based on group as well as individual permissivity too.
What remains constant is that certain instinctive awareness of 'in the presence of greatness'.
This is particularly what I think is happening with black males, who think very highly of themselves even if they have no reason to, as a subliminal motive and operative evolutionary psychology acknowledgement of superior white genetic base.
Their population norm is far behind, evolutionarily and so they reach upwards.
Just like females and with an approachable desperation rather than ego trip to females who like that.
OTOH, black women, still female-pragmatic in their overall evaluation of themselves and others, remain fixed on other blacks because they know their own limits.
And so suffer disproportionately because they raise no one's genes and so are looked down upon by -all- males.
In this, 'human is human' when it comes to detecting overt and subliminal variated superiorities. And longing for same with the deep rooted instinctive understandings that _this is evolution_.
As a chance to take a step up.
Being female in particular may have a significant role function in determining this 'superiority sense'.
By nature they must be more submissive to mate and so are accessible. Much more so than males with our giant egos. In the absence of patriarchy they have no genetic defenders.
They also are more likely to express the external indicators for superior characteristics as idealized forms (better feature symmetry and racial homogeny, more level personality) than testosterone distorted males.
But there may also be an internal genetic factor that is occulted. Because females carry eggs with more room for extra-nuclear or epigenetic material.
This fact may mean they have an as yet unacknoweldged ability to selectively fix certain 'admirable' partner genotype traits as phenotypic (expressed) forms in the next generation through sexual imprinting of some sort. Lamarcke wasn't wrong he just didn't know how to say it right.
Just like females and with an approachable desperation rather than (white male) ego trip to females who like that co-victim understanding.
OTOH, black women, still female-pragmatic in their overall evaluation of themselves and others, remain fixed on other blacks because they know their own limits.
And so suffer disproportionately because they raise no one's genes and so are looked down upon by -all- males.
In this, 'human is human' when it comes to detecting overt and subliminal variated superiorities. And longing for same with the deep rooted instinctive understandings that _this is evolution_.
As a chance to take a step up.
Being female in particular may have a significant role function in determining this 'superiority sense'.
By nature they must be more submissive to mate and so are accessible. Much more so than males with our giant egos. In the absence of patriarchy they have no genetic defenders.
They also are more likely to express the external indicators for superior characteristics as idealized forms (better feature symmetry and racial homogeny, more level personality) than testosterone distorted males.
But there may also be an internal genetic factor that is occulted. Because females carry eggs with more room for extra-nuclear or epigenetic material.
This fact may mean they have an as yet unacknoweldged ability to selectively fix certain 'admirable' partner genotype traits as phenotypic (expressed) forms in the next generation through sexual imprinting of some sort. Lamarcke wasn't wrong he just didn't know how to say it right.
It is interesting that to be considered truly Jewish, you have to be counted so for five generations on your MOTHER'S side.
These people (via genealogic studies to support their religious doctrines) may well have been making subconscious eugenics/genetics choices for centuries -before- they were class-isolated in Europe as an island population.
They also have HUGE commitments to genetic studies in places like Jerusalem with one of the largest genetics institutes in the world. What if taking the daughter of the smart brother and breeding her back to the dumb uncle has a genotypic function to epigenetically lock in unexpressed traits that would otherwise rotate, generationally? Icky? Yes. But also important, if true.
We whites should use our brainpower to see beyond the obvious of skin-deep here. There is so much that should be known that is in fact _missing because it is withheld_ from the public discourse on how genes drive, well... everything.
Particularly with regard to hybridization between races, we would be wise to take absolutely no blind leaps on the sophist basis of 'race is a social construct'.
"The only explanation for someone from a dark-skinned country to desire whiteness is because of colonialism. It is not biological; it is social.
Apparently, this is some masturbation fantasy for white racists. Put the lube away and pick up a book on biology, and none of that creationism bullshit."
You are just spouting. Where are your stats that the desire for non-black women among males is due to "colonialism" or "racism"?
Japan colonized much of Asia. Yet Filipinos and Koreans do not prefer Japanese women to their own.
Even if an Asian scientist wanted to make an argument for white supremacy, why would he include Asians and Hispanics in his list of desirable females? Morevoer, would the lefties at Psychology Today really ever allow a pro-white article to be published?
Please provide some evidence for your musings.
"The author's race is a moot issue. What is your point? Also, non-white, non-black women are closer to the white ideal (read: skin color, hair texture) and will, expectedly, be considered more attractive."
Then wouldn't he have made a scale from white to black instead of just making a black/non-black distinction?
"Shut the fuck up with the paranoia already."
Ok, and you please stop expressing your sexual preference for young children.
"See: Heidi Klum"
But she has 2-3 kids with a white man (her ex-husband). Glad to see Seel is using his resources to raise them!
Disease is back with a vengeance, immediately returning to fine form with her latest alias, Opinionation. The personal insults, bloviated rapid-fire posts, sexual obsessions, misplaced verbosity and staunch defense of black women. From afar she is amusing.
"Blacks and whites may not marry each other but they definitely "fuck". And unlike marriage and love, "fucking" is solely based on attraction."
Not true. I have banged many women I was not really attracted to. Sometimes a guy is just horny, drunk or a woman is just too willing to pass up. Just because you bang a black woman (and I have) doesn't mean you think that - as a whole - they are as attractive as whites or others.
In the end, and no matter what studies they do, in my experience, birds of a feather stick together. I am a light skinned Hispanic female and I cannot say I was ever attracted to Black men. My Hispanic husband is darker than I am but his features are such he would never be confused for a Black man. Black men paid me very little attention though my darker skinned sister has always had a lot of interest from Black men. The Black men that I know are not more attracted to White women and date and marry Black or dark skinned Hispanic women. I do not subscribe to the idea that all Black men are foaming at the mouth for a White woman. I have yet to meet a Black man IRL who does this. I see plenty on t.v. and the Black men I have seen around with White women have some pretty skanky ones I’m sure are White rejects.
None of the White women I know are attracted to or even curious about Black men and do not date them. Men will generally sleep with what is available but when it comes to marriage, most think twice about who they go down that road with. I don’t know that’s its about color per se, but I suspect it has more to do with features and a desire to go with what is like you. My husband and I both wanted to marry someone of our own ethnic and cultural background and rejected the idea of marrying outside of those guidelines. We advise our daughters to do the same. Again, this has been my experience which would not hold up under scientific scrutiny but I’m always surprised at what I read about how everyone is looking to go outside of their race or ethnic background for partners. I don’t believe it is a natural inclination.
Freakin psycho? Really? Anyways I read this blog continually. Not as often as Vox Day's blog, but yeah, basically Bar Rafaeli and Brooklyn Decker don't have enough back for me. Other than that, they're knockouts. I'm probably in the minority on this, but I've never had the special thing for white women. They never seemed especially pretty when compared with other races. This is purely anecdotal of course. Also, I'm simply guessing as to why so many famous black people date white women, but I doubt it's looks. And when I say "I doubt it's looks" I mean "I doubt that they prefer white women's particular set of looks". Of course they date babes, but I doubt the allure of white women is purely about looks for all of these men.
Again. Let me reiterate. Oluchi Onweagba. Just thought I'd put that out there. Do whatcha wanna with it.
Dear It Seems Strange That Superior WHITE FOLKS Invest So Much Of Their SUPERIOR Time Focusing On Black Folks:
Help me out.
As a Black guy with education, who is "blessed" to work in a large, White organization I pick up on the preference of my WHITE co-workers.
It seems that one person that comes to mind in particular doesn't like FLAT BUTT White women. No - I did not say he liked Black women. He vocalizes his preference for White girls with "junk in their trunk".
Since the White blonde bombshell is the REFERENCE standard of beauty why did my White buddy place a filter on their BACK SIDE?
Also since YOU put this beauty reference out for all to see around the world - if BLACK MALES like me who are literate and know how to use a computer see your suggestions and then GO GET A WHITE BLONDE GIRL - who is the beauty reference would you support this?
After all this miscegenation would improve the Black gene pool. RIGHT?
Offer up your White daughters to help out the Black gene pool!!!
Huggums said...
Bar Rafaeli and Brooklyn Decker don't have enough back for me.
And I'm sure they'd weep bitter tears over it every night, if only they were so unfortunate as to be aware of this.
Constructive Feedback said...
I did not say he liked Black women. He vocalizes his preference for White girls with "junk in their trunk".
White girls with "junk in their trunk" are still white girls, genius. So this disproves the theory of the Psychology Today article how, exactly?
" "fucking" is solely based on attraction."
LOLOL Only a woman could say something so idiotic.
"I'm probably in the minority on this, but I've never had the special thing for white women."
How many times do you intend to repeat this?
And WHY do you think anyone gives a fuck??
Constructive Feedback said...
if BLACK MALES like me...see your suggestions and then GO GET A WHITE BLONDE GIRL
Well, gee, what would that tell us? That Kneegrows continue to spend their entire lives obsessed with Whites? That black males generally only use white women in order to "get back at Da Man?" That black males spend their lives trying, ever so desperately, to keep up with what the White man is doing? Of course, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery -- even if the imitation is utterly laughable, at best.
Besides, you're overestimating the ease with which a "Black guy with education" such as yourself would be able to pull the kind of "White blonde bombshell" one might find in a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. And, yes, I am aware of the gutter-trash-with-daddy-issues that tends to go for your kind. To put it mildly: the kind of white woman that you could pull and the kind of white woman fancied by men all over the globe are about as similar to each other as sewer rats are to giraffes.
In other words, keep dreamin', Sparky.
Oh, and:
who is the beauty reference would you support this?
Way to sock it to Whitey in an eloquent, powerfully stated fashion there, Educated Black Guy.
"Dear It Seems Strange That Superior WHITE FOLKS Invest So Much Of Their SUPERIOR Time Focusing On Black Folks"
Similarly, it's strange that farmers invest so much time focusing on locusts.
Or maybe not...
"Since the White blonde bombshell is the REFERENCE standard of beauty why did my White buddy place a filter on their BACK SIDE?"
Instead of coming here to ask stupid fucking questions to people who don't give a shit...why don't you just ask HIM??
"but I doubt the allure of white women is purely about looks for all of these men."
So in other words, you do not know.
For the record. I've seen beautiful women from all races, including the black race.
It really is a matter of preference, as I prefer women with red/blond hair and pale skin features, these are the women that I find most attractive, personally. I've seen black women that were attractive as well.
So to address Constructive Feedback's question as to whether white blonds are the benchmark of beauty, I'd just say; not for me.
There are many more components than just physical, outward beauty and appearance. For a woman to be really beautiful she has to have her mind in the right direction and focused on the welfare of her husband and family and not brainwashed by feminism and all it's accoutrements.
Many components to natural beauty, but the physical is only one of them. Besides, I'll take a loving, nurturing, faithful woman, over a pretty slut any day!
As far as offering up our white daughters for the black gene pool?
That's what Hollywood, PC multiculturalism, pop music,feminism and most major media has been doing to our white women for years. Now, it's time to reverse that awful trend and hopefully sites like this one will be the ammunition to get it done.
Constructive Feedback, ENGLISH PLEASE! What a bunch of ghetto blabber! Could not make any sense of it. Try again.
"seems that one person that comes to mind in particular doesn't like FLAT BUTT White women. No - I did not say he liked Black women. He vocalizes his preference for White girls with "junk in their trunk".
Since the White blonde bombshell is the REFERENCE standard of beauty why did my White buddy place a filter on their BACK SIDE?"
I don't like flat butted women either. But many white women have curvy figures with ample butts (Kim Kardashian, January Jones, Marilyn Monroe, Gina Lollabrigida ...etc).
Not sure what your point is or how that disproves the study. Again, the study is not pointing out that white women are some artificial standard of beauty. It is noting the attractiveness of black and non-black women.
So why do you keep bringing up white women as opposed to Arab or Hispanic women? Are you a racist?
"Dear It Seems Strange That Superior WHITE FOLKS Invest So Much Of Their SUPERIOR Time Focusing On Black Folks."
That's because you guys cause all the problems in the U.S. And when we move away from you, you try and follow us even though you say we are racist.
Thanks for your comments and for following the blog. He isn't Desiree (unless she created a fake account back in 2009 so she could fool us all again).
Check out his blogger profile. I read Vox occasionally. I'm more a Zerohedge.com kind of guy myself.
Oluchi Onweagba.
No. Thank. You.
I won't even take the time to refute these ignorant comments. All I will say is that if you really believe this racist crap then I feel sorry for you. Black women come in all shape sizes and colors so I find it funny when someone says they're not attracted to black women because black women end up looking like almost any race and as with Jon Mayer if you can pick out 5 from tv that you like then odds are that there are hundreds if not thousands that you would like in real life so you might want to stop repeating the lie that you aren't attracted to black women. fool.
Beofre you go touting overweight statistics notice that overweight and obese are lumped together. Take out overweight (black women carry their weight differently and even obese can look like this 5'3" 169 lbs)
Could she stand to tone sure but does she look like Gaborey Sidibe? no
"I won't even take the time to refute these ignorant comments."
Wow great come back you idiot.
Flavia said...
"Playboy, Maxim, Victoria's Secret, Online Dating, Porn, Movies, Fashion, etc. are created by whites"
Not Gentile Whites.
Excellent point, Flavia. Mishpucka is busy.
First, I would like to see Kanazawa address the attractiveness of Asian as they appear to white women. Secondly, how are there so many generations of light-skinned blacks? Is that not a result of white male/black female miscegenation in previous centuries?
SBPDL dizzy has many sock puppets, and she may have had that puppet for use on other web sites like VOX. She is insane there is no doubt about it a club or cell is what she needs.
But many white women have curvy figures with ample butts (Kim Kardashian, January Jones, Marilyn Monroe, Gina Lollabrigida ...etc)
I'd wager the Kardashians have more Turk blood than anything else. Of course, even a Turk doesn't want his daughters to end up with Negroes, but that's what Bob gets for defending O.J. Getting cancer was the smart move on his part.
It is funny that the author of the blog ranked Asian men high when they suffer the terrible stereotype of being small, effeminate, and weak with small penises. I am calling bullshit on that one again. I am sure that is bias talking from that Asian man!
He's a pseudoscientist. I wouldn't be surprised if he was measuring skulls during his free time. So-called evolutionary psychology lacks the rigor of actual hard science and it's "findings" are typically relegated to hour-long broadcasts on basic cable.
Find me a gene and we'll talk.
His argument for "why" black women could be considered "less attractive" than other raced women is specious. Of course, the easy answer would be they fail to conform to the "standard"--yes, there is one in spite of white people's disbelief--and are the farthest away from that "standard", which, according to whites measured in these studies, translates to fairer eyes, hair, and skin, i.e. WHITE.
Black people have the darkest of skin, the darkest of eyes, and a hair that is both dark and kinky.
As a demonstration of basic functionalism, the farthest one is away from the "norm"--which is white in a white-run/white-dominated society--the more "bad" they are considered. Again, Sesame Street level stuff.
If blacks allegedly have higher testosterone levels than other races, apparently it did not effect the naturally larger breasts, hips, thighs, and buttocks of black women (the obvious sexual features of females). This overall elevated levels of testosterone in the black race is an isolated measurement; did he show how this alleged elevated T level in black women impacts the estrogen level? I didn't see that in his screed.
Again, naturally big butts and big breasts are not conducive with T levels interfering with their female physical features!
Where are your stats that the desire for non-black women among males is due to "colonialism" or "racism"?
Where are your stats that say they aren't? A study done in Poland is not universal, it's Eurocentric; a study done in France is not universal, it's Eurocentric. If you can prove to me that the sample demographics aren't overwhelmingly white and that the individuals of color--assuming that they even account for a small percentage of the sample--were not from societies inundated with Western media, I would have no problem agreeing with you.
However, your de facto response that I am somehow "Blaming Whitey" by pointing out the reality of white dominance in the Western world does not ameliorate your illogical standing.
Remember: denial is no substitution for rational thought.
If all of this is "spouting" to you, it is simply because you disagree. That I can annihilate this blog post and the article to which it is based using nothing more than common sense says a great deal.
Sure, white people can find black people less attractive; they can find the middle races/ethnicities (Asian, Latino, etc.) more attractive than blacks but still less attractive than whites.
Again, none of this is news and none of it is based upon anything universally evolutionarily defined. Note "universal". Then, learn a thing or two about sexual selection. If whiteness was most desirable, as per Kanazawa, there would be significantly more whites in the global population. There is not. No one in Africa is going to pick a blond, blue eyed mutation in that hot environment.
Yes, no matter "how pretty"! (drag)
When you realize these simple facts, you will be a much happier and smarter person. Learn actual science!
Japan colonized much of Asia. Yet Filipinos and Koreans do not prefer Japanese women to their own.
What a ridiculous comeback to the point that groups of people who now bleach their skins to be lighter when previously they had no issue with their natural hues only after white and/or light conquest.
If you cannot recognize the root, how will you ever understand the issue?
Asians cutting their eyelids and blacks perming their hair have nothing to do with naturally desiring white features.
Finally, why are you all so obsessed with blacks? If you don't like black women, that's your issue. Black women don't like white men anyway.
White people think white people are best! HOW IS THIS NEWS?
I don't like flat butted women either. But many white women have curvy figures with ample butts (Kim Kardashian, January Jones, Marilyn Monroe, Gina Lollabrigida ...etc).
Statistically speaking, the majority of white women are "Miss Six O'Clock". Their sexual features are flatter. The glaciers and caves and mountainous terrain of Europe is not conducive to producing larger butts. But the grasslands of Africa absolutely are.
Kim Kardashian is not white; and, even if she was, she is an aberration, an exception to the rule. She is genetically closer to Arafat and bin Laden than Casey Casim (sp?).
Are Jews and Arabs white now, or are you just claiming Kim Kardashian because it fits your viewpoint? Yes, she has white blood in her but she is not "white".
January Jones is not ample butted.
Marilyn Monroe was very flat in the rear. Watch her in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes". Marilyn was a larger woman and white women only have "ample butts" when they pick up weight (using the term "ample butts" lightly).
You can list aberrations but white women don't have the bigger sexual features than black men like, which includes big breasts and a bigger butt.
Get real.
I am trying to understand this recalcitrance in letting go of the black man/white woman fantasy. A black man says a white woman is beautiful but she could use a bigger butt and you think it is a slight.
Come now...
Secondly, how are there so many generations of light-skinned blacks? Is that not a result of white male/black female miscegenation in previous centuries?
The American and Latin American black, mulatto, quadroon, and octaroon populations prove that attractiveness is arbitrary and socialized. I might add various Arab and African mixed populations as well.
Essentially, Kanazawa is talking out of his ass. White people like themselves. Okay...? That's politically incorrect because...?
And he will never explain that white women are not attracted to Asian men. They always remark on black women's marriage rates but Asian males are at the bottom, too.
Maybe it's the small penis stereotype that keeps everyone away?
Kim Kardashian is not white; and, even if she was, she is an aberration, an exception to the rule. She is genetically closer to Arafat and bin Laden than Casey Casim (sp?).
She has Armenian, Dutch and Scottish ancestors so that makes her ?
The number of white "ancestors" Kim Kardashian has is irrelevant: her features are more like a negro than a white woman's. Case closed.
There was an issue of SI Swimsuit Edition in the late 80s that had an unprecedented number of tokens in it. (And we're talking African black, not American black: pitch dark skin with very short hair and names like "Roshumba.") It was excoriated by just about everyone. They never did it again.
Opinionation, you are an ignoramus. You're nitpicking, looking for every slight oversight you can find in Kanazawa's argument. He never said ALL white peoples are attractive the world over: he's merely arguing that the features universally found most attractive are features found on white women. But then, you would have understood his point if you didn't live in a liberal, minority-worshipping fantasy-land.
What article talks about Asian men,Opinionation?
I don't know where you get that article from,but Asians do have higher IQ than the blacks;it's a stated fact.
By the way,Kim Kardashian is technically "Caucasian",even if she isn't called "white".I have a friend whose Iranian and he looks as snow as white in skin color,even though his eyes and hair are fairly dark.
Hell, I'm a white man who with viewpoints that would be considered pretty racist to most these days, but even I have known/seen attractive black women. I'm not referring to women who were obviously mixed, but typical black women.
One problem with race 'realist' websites like these is lack of common-sense and the pseudo-intellectuals, and blindly angry people, that often drive them. The same sort of common-sense lacked by agenda driven science like this article. Making blacks hate themselves does whites little good.
Maybe when some of you grow up there will be a start to a true white community and culture again. Crap like this doesn't have anything to do with building one. This will turn many already racially motivated whites off.
**To beat you all to it: I'm also Desiree, Huggums, Opinionation, or whomever the hell else you want to put in there.
I think this issue has become black vs white, when there are far more opinions out there. I live in NY, and most of my friends come from other racial backgrounds (hispanic, asian, desi, and a few blacks)
In general I'd say young people enjoy dating outside their race. I'm a white guy who dates almost exclusively so. I prefer anything besides black or white, though. Black chicks I liked a lot more before I moved to Harlem. The ones here in NYC are fat, rude and dumb as shit. It turns out the ones in the deep south where I lived before are again fat, rude and dumb as shit.
In fact, everywhere I look they're 2 out of 3 of the following: fat, rude and dumb as shit.
The only exceptions are the educated ones. Or the ones pursuing a degree, they count too. And these, my friends, are the good ones. They almost always date outside their race. These black girls lose their ghetto talk and attitudes. They usually lose their love of ghetto foods and ghetto music.
Other blacks hold them down with insults about losing their black culture. This is a culture that could use a little bleaching anyway, and then black women will get a better review from ALL men.
Please note: White men are probably the most accepting of black women. Talk to Asian, South Asian, or Hispanic people about how blacks are viewed in their culture.
Who was the NBA player attacked in the letters pages at Playboy for marrying outside his race? Fat Albert is not alone.
What a racist racist world!!! As a young black woman, this article (and comments) only reinforce the truth that the vast majority of white people are racist, narcissistic motherfuckers. I grew up already knowing that it was going to be hard for me in life because, one I am black and two, I am a woman. I knew, as a child, that other races found black women least attractive just by what was showcased in the media. The internet has showed me the true colors of the white man! For in reality, most white people do not have the balls to say half the shit that was written here to a black woman's face. Racism and sexism will never go away, but as an individual I will try to impact anyone's life that I possibly can in order to destroy the negative stereotypes of black women.
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