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Are there tests at Catherine Ferguson Academy? |
Courtesy of Detroit, the town that illustrates beautifully (and tragically) what happens when white flight and Black empowerment mix, you have the story of Catherine Ferguson Academy - a school for more than 300 pregnant or new mothers that are also high school students - closing:
Catherine Ferguson Academy is unlike any other school in the country. It has been educating teen mothers since 1988. A high graduation and college acceptance rate, the alternative Detroit public school is set to shut its doors for good, following massive budget cuts and a lack of financial support from the private Charters system.Earlier this week, in an effort to save their school, current and alumni students staged a sit in which quickly ended when local authorities arrested the girlsRachel Maddow used her show on MSNBC in an attempt to bring sympathy to this closing academy and the plight of the pregnant girls shown the door in Detroit. Many of the students were arrested in protesting the closing of the school.
We know that Detroit is headed for economic collapse. The entire state of Michigan and its Black population is headed in the same direction. You can search our archives here and see that we have written about Detroit on numerous occasions.
Here's a 2004 story on Catherine Ferguson, a school that is 90 percent Black and virtually every student gets a free lunch (what about the babies?):
This year the school was named a Breakthrough High School by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. One of 12 schools nationally to win the distinction, Catherine Ferguson earned it based on the following criteria: At least 50 percent of the school is minority; 50 percent of the student body qualifies for free and reduced-price meals; and at least 90 percent of students graduate and are accepted to college.
The academy had no problem meeting the requirements — with 94 percent black students and 5 percent Hispanic, and more than 90 percent eligible for free or reduced lunches, every year Catherine Ferguson achieves a 90 percent graduation rate; 100 percent of those who graduate (85 last year) are accepted to two- or four-year colleges, most with financial aid, says the school’s principal, G. Asenath Andrews.
“Kids transform themselves here,” Andrews says. “We’re just a pot and kids jump in and turn themselves from lead into gold.”
Every year, enrollment is first come, first served for as many as 400 students and 200 babies. There is no academic requirement; most of the girls are in the process of dropping out when they enter. As many as 20 percent drop out every year, Andrews says. (The 90 percent graduation rate is based on students who make it to their senior year.)
Andrews says the difference at her school is personal attention to each student. While Detroit public schools average 35 students for every teacher, Catherine Ferguson has an 18 to 1 ratio. Each student is assigned to a homeroom teacher whom she stays with until she graduates. The homeroom teacher is responsible for looking after the student, the “first line” before issues head to the principal’s office. When the kids don’t show up or don’t do their homework, a teacher asks, “Why? Where are you? What’s going on?”“What we know about schools that are successful is that kids feel involved,” Andrews says. “I couldn’t work in a school where the teachers didn’t care. If there’s a problem with a student, I’ll go to her house, to her neighborhood.”
Catherine Ferguson coaches every student on friendship, respect and loyalty as well as parenting skills. The school offers on-site services, including food stamps, an immunization clinic, dental services, and parenting/family literacy and counseling classes. Also, students can take a three-week summer school program at Queens College in Canada, as well as other off-site study programs. To graduate, students must do an internship in a professional setting.
The one-stop education and social-service center is a great boon to Fior Marmol, 19, a young runaway who had a baby at age 15.
“When I graduate in January, I’m going to go to Central Michigan University,”
Marmol says. “I want to get a four-year law degree and learn two other languages. I already know English and Spanish. I want to go into the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency].
It wouldn’t be far-fetched to conclude that Andrews possesses magical powers of persuasion. While Detroit public schools are bleeding students and dollars, prompting the recent announcement that the district will close 40 schools and cut 4,000 jobs to shore up a $200 million two-year deficit, Catherine Ferguson, somehow, every year, obtains about double the funding per student of the average Detroit public school. Andrews is tight-lipped about her budget and how she makes it work, except to say that the school is district-funded and gets dollars for special-needs students.
We can't find test scores for this school (if someone can, please send them over or post them in the comments section). Something smells incredibly fishy about this whole story. When you watch Maddow's news piece, notice the horses and gardens. This story has everything that liberals love: a school named after a slave, with an enrollment of almost all Black girls that are pregnant or have just given birth, and the illusion of success at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.
We aren't sure what a Great School Rating means, but on this site, the school gets a 1 out of 10.
It's obvious that Detroit is going back to nature, as the city is slowly overrun by vegetation in a scene reminiscent of Earth Abides.
These type of strange news stories from Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) reporters - like Maddow - are going to be ubiquitous in the coming months as austerity measures begin to dismantle BRA piece by piece.
This story of Catherine Ferguson Academy closing - and the unsuccessful privatization of the school through chartering - is an example of the free market at work. Any wonder why Black people don't like Ron Paul or the Austrians at Lewrockwell.com?
If you let the free market dictate things, its obvious that no financial incentive or return on investment (ROI) can be calculated by privately funding Catherine Ferguson Academy.
The collapse of BRA is upon us and it's not going to be pretty. Detroit Public Schools have no money and attempts to make people empathize with the plight of Catherine Ferguson Academy is silly and non-productive. No one forced these girls to have sexual relations and get pregnant:
The DPS faces a $327 million deficit out of a budget of $1.187 billion. A conventional student in the DPS costs $7,600 to educate, which is the highest in the state by far. But the DPS also has several "specialty" schools where the per-pupil cost is much higher. One of them, Catherine Ferguson Academy, exclusively educates teen mothers. With free daycare and other amenities, it costs the school $12,619 per pupil to educate its students.
You want to shut it down to save money? I understand. But how many of these girls will never complete high school if you do that? And what will become of them, and their babies, as a result?
Only a nation completely dedicated to Black-Run America would fund such a school, even though they claim to have a 90% graduation rate and 100% college and higher education acceptance upon graduation. How is that even possible?
Something fishy is going on in Detroit and one day the books will be opened and an independent audit of the city will occur. Then, and only then, will we get to know just how big of a lie (and cost) the Catherine Ferguson Academy represented.
Enjoy the video below.
Here's their orientation video: Gets things crackin' for the rest of the year.
The notion of an alternative school where blacks are taught self discipline contradicts the goals and objectives of multiculturalists. They prefer an educational system that warehouses blacks youths where they learn to be violent criminals who disrupt America's culture.
The Southern Poverty Law Center's lawsuit against Jackson Public Schools is an example.
Capital City Alternative School in Jackson is the subject of the SPLC's wrath. Administrators at the school had the audacity to make students behave; even restraining them when necessary.
Apparently the SPLC doesn't care if undisciplined blacks end in prison. The objective of multiculturalism is to reduce blacks to anti-White racists who will disrupt America's Western culture through crime and violence.
Schools that doing anything less than warehouse black "students" where they learn anti-social crime and violence will not be tolerated.
These schools are nothing more than diploma factories. The students attend, doing no real schoolwork and receive a diploma when it's all said and done. A diploma is supposed to be a certificate of abilities. When you hand out such certificates like they're candy they become worthless. In order to make up for the high school diploma now being worthless we have to pay for their associates degree as well. Eventually we'll all need 20 years of college to certify we're not black.
Why are blacks so hyper-sexualized? Why can't blacks learn how to use birth control?
Are blacks so irresponsible that they can't or won't take control of their base instincts?
These girls are producing babies with no father and no chance at receiving useful skills that will help them be productive members of society, simply wards of the state. Come on black people start taking control of your impulses, start doing for yourselves, and QUIT expecting someone else to foot the bill!
No one forced these girls to have sexual relations and get pregnant
The human teenager is biologically ready for sex and wants to have it; only since the invention of 'adolescence' are pregnant teens shuffled under the catch-all, "Babies having babies."
Wishful thinking!
But, nevertheless, it is culturally relevant to acknowledge 'adolescence' and if a teen gets pregnant, she has somehow ruined her childhood and is arbitrarily destined for poverty due to the rabidly anti-woman patriarchal structure of the United States.
Until all of this changes, and laws catch up with biology, ostracized pregnant teen girls need to be educated. They've known this since at least the 1950s, when 'bad girls' of all colors would go to alternative schools.
These people genuinely care about the futures of their girls. All things considered, since there is a statistically important correlation between poverty, domestic instability, and crime, it's better to take on the extra costs for this school instead of incur extra costs feeding and sheltering prison inmates later on.
What is your beef? This is a societal GOOD, or do you just see color and the opportunity to jab at blacks?
If black people, as you say, are trying to harm whites, than it is almost pro-white, by your logic, to help these girls!
Wow, I guess you only think in the "'I gotta get my shot at black people' fix" short term. LOL!
Yes, keep selling your pamphlets, fraud...
90 percent Black and virtually every student gets a free lunch (what about the babies?)
Won't somebody think of the children?
I just heard on the wire Rachel Maddow is heading a benefit concert for the Catherine Ferguson Academy. She and Vince Neil are going to do a duet of Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls".
This story has two things that liberal dyke Maddow loves minorities and girls how could she not cover this news piece?
Can't quite envision the homeboys farming with guns under their belts and saggy pants around their knees or black girls talking on their expensive cell phones and tight pants harvesting crops. More liberal delusions. Farming is now "cool" for Detroit, too bad black thugs and their liberal toadies had to destroy a great industrial city so that people could return to farming. Hey, I thought farming was painful for blacks because it reminded them of their past as slaves on the plantation? Follow dirtydog1776 on Twitter.
Catherine Ferguson school represents everything that is wrong with Progressive America.
Most of the teens at this school got pregnant (a) as attention-seeking behavior, to fill a void in their lives and (b) to kick back and get a free ride -- having babies as a single teen mom, in their twisted calculus, "pays". If you don't believe me, then you haven't done any work around teen moms who are quite open about telling you it's a ticket out from under the thumbs of their parents and a free ride with lots of goodies and attention.
Government programs are designed for social engineering, to encourage behaviors that those in control want. Ergo, we have programs that encourage single motherhood, teen motherhood, etc. This isn't an "accident".
Cut off the gravy train and the flow of funds to support this lifestyle/behavior, and you'll watch the behavior change quickly too.
"it's better to take on the extra costs for this school instead of incur extra costs feeding and sheltering prison inmates later on."
Why are your people always digging in our pockets? Always got a hand out and a mouth open.
Take care of your own problems and fund your own fantasy schools without involving everyone else.
My how things have changed.. When I was in high school (71-74) we had trig and English comp classes. I'm betting that courses offered at this school amount to things like 'Sterilizing Baby Bottles' and 'How to Balance a Check Book' ... That's a real easy way to 'cook the books'.. Funny thing is, out of a graduating class of 500 kids (Los Angeles.. Huge schools), there was only one girl that got knocked up.
"The human teenager is biologically ready for sex and wants to have it"
This is a mindless statement-of-the-obvious, and is not in question.
Typical Diarrhea.
What is in question is why blacks seem to have such a glaring inability to consider the consequences...such as pregnancy or STD...of their own irresponsible behavior.
For fuck's sake, use a fucking condom!
Not only do blacks have the highest rate of out-of-wedlock birth, they also have the highest rate of abortion, and the highest rate of AIDS transmission.
I think it's a good thing they once again learn the blacks how to pick up crops. After all, that's why the came to America in the first place.
- European guy
I wonder if these pregnant and teenage negresses in Detroit were growing and/or picking any cotton on the "farm" at their pricey school that my tax dollars bought and paid for. Nothing like taking them all back to their humble ancestral roots at 12 grand plus per head, right?
"The human teenager is biologically ready for sex and wants to have it"
As a former human teenager myself, one who was also raised Catholic in a stable two-parent, Italian-American, and middle-class household with both older and younger siblings, I can certainly attest to this as being true. But somehow, I wound up resisting the urge to spread my legs for even the boys whom I had the biggest crushes on in high school, or even let them get fresh with me. And this even despite all of the sexy thoughts that were racing through my mind back in those days, thoughts that I later had to reveal in the confessional booth and say my hail mary's for.
So why can't these black girls in Detroit be more like I was back in the day? I don't mean becoming goody goody little Catholic girls like I once was growing up, but just using some common sense by abstaining from sex with boys? Or sexing it up with older men, I guess? Maybe it really is like my dad used to tell me - "The darker the shade of those eggplants, the dumber they are."
Average 18 girls per teacher, at $12,619 each, that's $227,142. How much do they pay the teachers? $200K to teach Blacks? Or does the money go into a dozen pockets? How can it cost so much to pay a teacher (plus an aide), buy books, and keep the lights and heat on? Scam.
And admission to a two year college is nothing to boast of. It requires nothing but the minimal tuition they charge, $22 bucks a unit around here. You don't even need a high school diploma. I've signed up just to get access to the machine shop for my own use.
We'll make a deal with ya. You can have your "school for girls whose parents don't give a shit about them", but then that's it. Once they graduate from this school they are permanently off the public dole. No welfare, WIC, EBT, Section 8, public housing...etc
Fair enough, right?
As for your assessment of teenagers and their uncontrollable sex drive; you're projecting.
I remember one pregnancy (visible and that I was aware of) throughout my entire junior high and high-school years (1970-1976). A black girl got pregnant in 9th grade; I saw her back in high school two years later. I also remember the first black family that moved into my neighborhood, a member of the famed black "middle class" who worked for the federal government. The younger daughter was horribly obese and virtually unintelligible; the older one returned from her first year of college pregnant with the first of her illegitimate children. The "talented tenth," of which the black troll is so proudly a part.
Re the black woman's mantra "The human teenager is biologically ready for sex and wants to have it," this merely reinforces what so many at this site have noted, i.e. blacks' naturally impulsive and short-term behavior and lack of self-control. Human sexuality has not changed tremendously over the past few centuries, but societal mores have. Contrary to popular (i.e. ignorant) opinion, most Americans historically did not marry and reproduce as teens. The average age for marriage and first birth is documented and easily verifiable. This "teen mom" thing that the black female views as normal and natural (sort of like Woodie Allen and his adopted Korean daughter/wife: "the heart wants what it wants")is very specifically a black underclass trait which is unfortunately spreading to the White underclass (both here and in the UK as well). Mexicans and Arabs have always had child/teen brides. Educated Asians wait even longer than Whites for marriage, and have minimal illegitimacy in America.
If the blacks in America want to celebrate this dysfunctional behavior, they are free to do so, but NOT at my expense. The White taxpayer is going broke paying for the dysfunctional and majority-black underclass.
Desiree has to ask this simple question, "What is your beef?"
Let me spell it out for you sistah!
Simply put: My damned tax money goes to pay for all this misbehavior by your black brethren. COMPULSORY taxation without a word on how my money is being spent. Guess what sistah, I don't want to pay for any more white welfare babies and I damned sure don't want to pay for any black ones! Got that?
Pretty simple isn't it?
You see this is the fundamental difference between your type of thinking and mine. In a nutshell, you believe that somehow I deserve to be taxed to pay for whatever indiscriminate social program that some dumb-@$$ white liberal dreams up. I believe that whatever I rightfully earn should be mine to do with as I please?
Also, before you go calling me a right-winger, I'm NOT! I don't think any damned Conservative should take my money and spend it willy-nilly on defense either. It's not theirs to take!
Up to 20% drop out each year? So... after one year, 80 percent remain; after two years, 64 percent; after three years, 51 percent remain; and apparently 90 percent of those graduate, according to whatever fucked-up criteria the school uses.
That, to me, is a graduation rate of 46 percent, not 90 percent.
But of course, das raciss.
Note the affirmative action, and your tax dollars, at work: "100 percent of those who graduate (85 last year) are accepted to two- or four-year colleges, most with financial aid." Wow, it turns out that (a) being Black, and (b) being from the country's most pathetic and pathetically well-meaning school, help your chances of getting into college!
In an ideal world, these women would go on mandatory birth control until they could prove they were able to care for another child, and then sent to public school. Those college educations would go to White and East Asian girls who earned them.
Isn't the academy building beautiful though? Actually, whenever I look at photos from Detroit, I am baffled by the architectural beauty of that city. Even in decay, many of the buildings there still convey a sense of the greatness of their original builders.
Much like the statue of liberty protruding from the dirt at the end of "planet of the apes".
In July, I'm planning on going to Detroit for the weekend. I've flown into the city many times, but never ventured into the town.
Like Franz, I've been struck by the heartbreaking beauty of the building that are falling into disrepair by those incapable of maintaining a modicum of the civilization that built them alive.
I will document the entire weekend with pictures and video. I plan on doing the same with Birmingham, Baltimore, and at some point St. Louis.
Much like the statue of liberty protruding from the dirt at the end of "Planet of the Apes".
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Once upon a time Egypt was unlucky enough to marry a certain princess off and got rulers who had not even invented the wheel. Black Athena insists that these people are the root of civilisation.
I guess that explains why Egypt is so successful these days?
"As many as 20 percent drop out every year, Andrews says. (The 90 percent graduation rate is based on students who make it to their senior year.)"
That works out to a real graduation rate of about 46%.
I wrote this late last night because I couldn't sleep. Finding this story on Thegrio.com kept me up for another hour because I couldn't stop laughing after watching Maddow's story.
Thanks for the updated information on the graduation rates. I still can't find any test score information.
SBPDL, I'm beginning to think YOU are Disarray, trying to get some back and forth going.
After all, nobody could be that stupid...right?
Not Desiree... I know she's driven off a few readers, but some of her comments help accentuate an article or post that I do.
She has her own blog.
Anon @ 1:37,
Ha-ha! I once entertained the same thought, but Desiree has her own blog, which if you visit there you will that she actually is that stupid.
"SBPDL, I'm beginning to think YOU are Disarray, trying to get some back and forth going.
After all, nobody could be that stupid...right?"
That's actually kinda funny, however, this site has never needed Diarrhea in order to spark discussion, the subject matter itself is quite provocative.
"So why can't these black girls in Detroit be more like I was back in the day?"
To negroes, the word "consequences" is foreign language.
Several generations have been programmed to think that racial realism=Hitler. We have to get past that.
H was a murderous guy who really had a thing about Jews-but he didn't concern himself much with blacks. He happily shook Jesse Owen' hand during the 1936 Olympics-and his best buddy during the war was the Japanese ambassador, Baron Oshima. During the post-WW2 period, the media and USG have fabricated this crazy conflation of H and common-sense Anglo-Saxon racialism. With a little time, the spell will be broken.
P.S. If H had been really the kind of ultra-KKK-style "racist" most people today think he was, this guy wouldn't have survived:
P.P.S. This was not intended to be a defense of H, but rather of critique of those who like to create hard-and-fast categories that encompass a wide variety of phenomena.
That's actually kinda funny, however, this site has never needed Diarrhea in order to spark discussion, the subject matter itself is quite provocative.
Please. Several people have pointed out the echo chamber of similar opinions on this site.
SBPDL deletes my comments for three reasons:
(1) The white women complain--white women's tears are the most potent antidote to cojones known to man;
(2) Because of my race (black)--recall: Professor Snape was quite prolific and we said identical things;
(3) He knows that I point out glowing errors in his stereotypical, reactive, and simplistic 'logic', not to mention while doing this 'pointing out', I have exposed him as an instigator, not a leader.
I mean, he had a problem with a comment I made about black women and Kanazawa! Wow!
Although one is entitled to change, I remember him saying he cared little about the shit hitting the fan for America. I believe he still believes this behind the Mein Obama/Pre-Obama America tripe. But this is the typical thought process of those living in cloistered whitopias. He's insulated from Midwestern's ghetto, like Glenn Beck, and he's padding the walls of his bunker with your money, much like Glenn Beck.
What I don't understand about this blogger is why he insists on being an intellectual coward. He says this is not a white nationalist site (I agree; this is a white supremacist site); supposing this is true, and he is discussing blacks, why not allow me to post?
I know I am not as milquetoast as Black Guy (no offense) which makes him more easily digestible but I find my posts apropos to his topics.
SBPDL: I don't get the hate, girl...
@ missbosslady:
Desiree has her own blog, which if you visit there you will that she actually is that stupid.
LOL @ the totally ironic typo.
Anyway, if you can go to my blog and find 'stupidity' in any of my most recent entries, have at. Funny because I thought most whites thought Jacko was a child molester.
Perhaps you're a fan and simply disagree.
@ Sheila:
is very specifically a black underclass trait which is unfortunately spreading to the White underclass
I know you are prone to fantastical distortions of reality but this one is a little too much even for you.
If what SBPDL says is true--something that Black Guy also repeats--that whites want nothing to do with blacks regardless of socioeconomic status, white illegitimacy in the underclass would be a function of white underclass sexuality.
I am sure the teen moms on MTV have not had their so-called superior white morality siphoned from blacks via the big-bad 'pro-black' (LOL) MSM!
By your logic, Shee, I should blame God for all of the teen pregnancies along the Bible Belt. That's about how much sense you make.
No, I won't. The thing is sex is free, fun, and spontaneous. The inevitable result is pregnancy if one is ignorant--like most low income horny teens--about contraceptives. I also think there is a lot of pressure on girls to be sexual and that worth is sexually derived.
I'm not trying to be morally relative here (I stand behind my biological argument, though) but if the statistics show a strong correlation between poverty, domestic instability, and crime, it benefits society to help these at-risk teen girls.
Stop being racist.
Like most blacks and liberals, Desiree knows the truth about her own people. Everyone knows who the troublemakers are. Desiree feels like a winner when she is around other blacks, because the majority of them are simple dolts. She is like black guy and all other black who believe that they are the edumacated and elite. In the white world, however, there are much higher standards. The white world produces a glass ceiling for blacks. Everyone knows this.
She cannot ever admit it, though, for doing so would cause her to completely deny her existence as a black victimologist, and a true hater of whites, something to which she has devoted her entire life to. She would have to turn her back on the collective, where she would shrivel and starve. It would become a reality that she is a fraud.
She would at once be forced to deny all of the lies, and the pro-black/anti-white indoctrination of her black culture. She would be a nothing, an empty shell of a person with nothing to believe in, and she would be EVEN MORE rejected by her own black people. She would have to kiss whiteys ass in order to get a crumb.
Desiree is only a device being used to get you to think and move in the right direction people. A blessing in disguise. So move.
"...it benefits society to help these at-risk teen girls."
The black culture and its lack of morals puts these girls at risk. It is outside of the scope of our government to help them.
So help them, Desiree. Privately. Hold a bake sale on Saturday. Collect you nickels and dimes for them. Make a list of financial sponsors door-to-door.
The best thing for these careless and fecund black girls is to provide mandatory birth controls shots in exchange for the monthly welfare stipend. We already know that blacks cannot be trusted to control their impulses.
Please do not continue to steal my hard-earned tax money and redistribute it to these women. I deserve better than that.
I have seen "Raccoon man" made the butt of jokes on several web sites. But I have to differ. This guy is exactly what black people need and maybe a good many white people; self reliance personified. I hate to sound like Mel Gibson in the Patriot but, raccoon does make a fine meal and I salute this guy for getting his own sustenance.
Drum roll please!.......................
Ready, here it comes, take your seats white America. Batten the hatches.
"Stop being racist."
How did we know that was coming? She's so original.
"Ha-ha! I once entertained the same thought, but Desiree has her own blog, which if you visit there you will that she actually is that stupid."
I checked it out. I didn't stick around very long but I was surprised to see it wasn't all about black power. Weirdly, the whole thing seemed to be about Michael Jackson.
Anyway, w.r.t. the OP, the best thing they could do is offer certain demographics the opportunity to make some easy cash by getting sterilized BEFORE they have any children. We'd all be better off.
"Please. Several people have pointed out the echo chamber of similar opinions on this site."
Yes, and more than several people have pointed out that you're an insufferable, filthy pig.
So I guess it must be true.
"SBPDL deletes my comments for three reasons:"
1. You're a filthy, insufferable pig.
2. You're a filthy, insufferable pig.
3. You're a filthy, insufferable pig.
"Like most blacks and liberals, Desiree knows the truth about her own people."
She knows.
She hates it...and she denies it...
But she knows.
"statistics show a strong correlation between poverty, domestic instability, and crime"
Of course there's a strong correlation, all three are a direct result of out-of-wedlock birth.
That Maddow fella is pretty funny.
Maybe we should just put billboards up on every MLK Blvd that say:
Spit don't make no babies.
Negroes, on the whole, have very limited impulse control. Hence, legions and legions of knocked-up black girls. And who "makes it OK" by footing the bill? Me, the effing taxpayer. I'm fed up. Fed up, fed up, fed up. And whose society inevitably gets 'effed' with illegitimate hordes of thugs and parasites? Mine and my children's.
As a high school teacher I do what I can, within the confines of staying employed, by bringing scorn upon this situation. Most students (plenty of black ones) have NO concept of what illegitimacy is....at least not until they get to hear me rant and rave.
"I have seen "Raccoon man" made the butt of jokes on several web sites. But I have to differ."
Only a nation completely dedicated to Black-Run America would fund such a school, even though they claim to have a 90% graduation rate and 100% college and higher education acceptance upon graduation. How is that even possible?
I think blacks think it goes up to 150. Too many football coaches have ordered them to give that much.
Fed up, fed up, fed up
Agreed, but it's much worse than that. The kind of profligate spending mandated by BRA will ensure that this once-united country goes the way of Yugoslavia.
"Anyway, w.r.t. the OP, the best thing they could do is offer certain demographics the opportunity to make some easy cash by getting sterilized BEFORE they have any children. We'd all be better off."
Just present the offer in the right way, and you'd have hundreds of takers. Advertise the ability to muhp@$$eh one's brains out with no consequences. They'd be lined up for blocks.
(I agree; this is a white supremacist site)
Dudes who do not know how to behave in public are inferior to those that do.
Imagine the savings if every Black were offered $100,000 at age 15 to get sterilized. It would probably still be a bargain for us at $250K. A REAL investment for the future.
I guess they want their piece of the Pigford pie.
Why spend $100,000 for what you could probably buy for $500, or a crack rock and a soda? Any why wait until age 15? At the rate they're going, most blacks will be grandparents at 15 in a few years.
Anon at 6:21 AM: My point is that Blacks cost us so much that we'd be better off spending a lot of money up front rather than allowing them to dump their seedlings on us. I would gladly pay less, or nothing at all.
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