In elementary schools all over this great country, students are forced to read Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” This communique to a white clergyman from the sainted (at least according to the Episcopalian Church) Dr. King has been praised as the equal of divine writ by many Christian denominations.
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Character doesn't matter in Black-Run America; only Color
One of the most sentimental, tear jerking passages comes when Dr. King speaks eloquently about the evils of segregation, saying:
“you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky.”
Who could possibly argue with such passionate words? Who could possibly dispute the simple justice of allowing a young girl to enter an amusement park?
The answer of course is any non black person who has tried to bring his own children to an amusement park.
Once places of affordable, innocent entertainment for American families, they have now degenerated into holding pens for feral minorities who can’t keep themselves from cursing, molesting, or simply attacking each other or anyone else that gets in their way. Where families could once bring their children to enjoy simple pleasures like an ice cream cone or a ride on the log flume, theme parks are now just another one of those places that normal Americans can no longer go, just like beaches or urban schools.
Much like the public buses that the sainted Dr. King also integrated for us, normal Americans who set foot in these forbidden zones will be confronted by howling, animalistic mobs that will attack them and steal their possessions while screaming racial slurs. Unless they have an Epic Beard Man to defend them, their cries will be ignored and any media outlet that points out the hate crime will itself be smeared as racist.
Much like the public buses that the sainted Dr. King also integrated for us, normal Americans who set foot in these forbidden zones will be confronted by howling, animalistic mobs that will attack them and steal their possessions while screaming racial slurs. Unless they have an Epic Beard Man to defend them, their cries will be ignored and any media outlet that points out the hate crime will itself be smeared as racist.
Theme parks are just the latest thing that Americans can simply no longer enjoy. They can dramatically increase their prices to try to keep out what Dale Peterson called the “thugs and criminals” but that just leads to the forces of political correctness having special “ethnic days” which lead to the same kind of chaos as a peace festival. They can try to enforce decorum on their newly diversified workforces but that just leads to lawsuits. They can hire lots of security, but that leads to increased costs and them being driven out of business or more lawsuits if they do their jobs.
So, instead, we get what we saw at Alabama Adventure yesterday. Alabama Adventure is a water park built largely through the funding that the African-American mayor of Birmingham Larry Langford raised through municipal bond issues. The park was called Visionland, but predictably failed within four years and had to be rescued through a private company that renamed it Alabama Adventure.
Larry Langford himself followed in the footsteps of other great black mayors such as Marion Barry, Kwame Kilpatrick, and Sharpe James by being arrested for corruption and sent to jail. Actually, he was just following in the footsteps of the first black mayor of Birmingham, Richard Arrington, who was also arrested and sent to prison for refusing to disclose records during a corruption investigation. He eventually was cleared of further charges by making enough accusations of racism against the federal government and making sure he could get a jury of Birmingham blacks.
So, instead, we get what we saw at Alabama Adventure yesterday. Alabama Adventure is a water park built largely through the funding that the African-American mayor of Birmingham Larry Langford raised through municipal bond issues. The park was called Visionland, but predictably failed within four years and had to be rescued through a private company that renamed it Alabama Adventure.
Larry Langford himself followed in the footsteps of other great black mayors such as Marion Barry, Kwame Kilpatrick, and Sharpe James by being arrested for corruption and sent to jail. Actually, he was just following in the footsteps of the first black mayor of Birmingham, Richard Arrington, who was also arrested and sent to prison for refusing to disclose records during a corruption investigation. He eventually was cleared of further charges by making enough accusations of racism against the federal government and making sure he could get a jury of Birmingham blacks.
The now reborn Alabama Adventure was shut down recently because of what the media tells us is a “near riot.” Needless to say, it is not mentioned who is actually behind the near riot, but we are just told that it simply occurred, the same way a tornado or a hurricane might just happen. In the same way that we know who are the “youths” behind car burnings in Paris or a “flash mob” in Philadelphia, Americans do not need to be told what is the explanation for this mysterious riot. Once the six year old daughter of Dr. King becomes a group of the sixteen year old sons of daughters of other African-Americans, family entertainment, civilized conduct, or even basic public safety become impossible.
And of course, it’s not just Alabama Adventure.
It’s also Six Flags New Jersey.
And Disneyland.
And Sea World.
And Six Flags Texas.
And you did. Now, decent people of any race can no longer enjoy it. Of course, it still has to be closed even to your people once in a while because you can’t keep from attacking each other. And eventually, just like shopping malls, public parks, and bike sharing programs, even your people won’t be able to use it. Mall envy exists for a reason.
And of course, it’s not just Alabama Adventure.
It’s also Six Flags New Jersey.
And Disneyland.
And Sea World.
And Six Flags Texas.
And Wave Country in Nashville.
And everywhere else black “youths” gather in large numbers.
Why was Funtown closed to colored children Dr. King? Well, unfortunately, we didn’t have YouTube back then so we couldn’t show you. But considering your own private behavior of whoring, boozing, cursing, and embezzling, we think you knew even then. Your conduct, and the conduct of your people, might be saintly by the standards of today’s Episcopalian Church, but it’s not up to the standards of everyday behavior that normal Americans expect even while they are on vacation.
And everywhere else black “youths” gather in large numbers.
Why was Funtown closed to colored children Dr. King? Well, unfortunately, we didn’t have YouTube back then so we couldn’t show you. But considering your own private behavior of whoring, boozing, cursing, and embezzling, we think you knew even then. Your conduct, and the conduct of your people, might be saintly by the standards of today’s Episcopalian Church, but it’s not up to the standards of everyday behavior that normal Americans expect even while they are on vacation.
That’s why cities throughout the country are forced to adopt curfew laws and private businesses enact dress codes.
Even though you used fraud to obtain your doctorate, we’ll use the honorific for convenience’s sake. Dr. King, your daughter couldn’t go to Funtown because white Southerners knew that once it was integrated, your people would ruin it.
And you did. Now, decent people of any race can no longer enjoy it. Of course, it still has to be closed even to your people once in a while because you can’t keep from attacking each other. And eventually, just like shopping malls, public parks, and bike sharing programs, even your people won’t be able to use it. Mall envy exists for a reason.
That’s the saddest thing about this. Even as progressives and “antifa” and civil rights activists shriek about their victories over “racism,” they don’t really win. Schools today are just as segregated as they were in the 1960’s. Test scores never come closer to being equal. The crime rate has been reduced only by putting record numbers of blacks are in jail. The only way one can even create a black middle class is by shoveling huge amounts of government money at them and massively lowering standards, and that won’t be sustainable for much longer. And while Americans mouth the required pieties to avoid trouble, every single one moves as far away from the “bad schools” and “urban crime” just as quick as they can load up their electric car with an Obama ’08 sticker on it and lead happy lives far away from diversity and tolerance.
What happened to the American Dream? It was replaced by Dr. King’s Dream. And the worst possible thing happened. It came true.
I’d like to take my kid to Funtown too, Dr. King. But unfortunately, the only one left that is safe for children is in the Whitopia I moved to to escape from your dream. And I’m really sorry, but your daughter isn’t allowed to come – and my tongue won’t be twisted when I tell her why.
Wow, I was almost moved to tears by this. Powerful words. I am not alone.
Bravo, Paul, bravo!
I was going to ask you a question and was hoping you could post the answer as one of your blog posts. When I read this post I decided that I would write you here instead. You mentioned that using security or conduct codes in these parks and entertainment venues were opening up the owners to a discrimination law suit. My question to you is how much money is made/lost each year by people or businesses fighting these law suits win or lose?
Is it possible to find out what the economic impact of the NAACP, SPLC, ACLU has had on America and Americans? I know this would be a large undertaking but I am curious as to the real dollars and cents that are generated/lost with appeasing the Blacks in America.
I can only assume TRILLIONS of dollars go to civil cases every year either as awards or in the defense of these cases. If one were to only look at the last twenty years the numbers would be astronomical.
If you choose not to write on this I understand it would be very difficult and I'm sure the numbers and amounts would not be easily found but start with a case like Pigford it is over a billion dollars and this is only one case.
Do you realize that you just attacked the Holy Grail of blackdom by mentioning that "DR." M L King was a whoremonger, habitual adulterer, and just downright nasty hedonist. Yes, that's right folks, saint King!
Them's fightin' words cracker Jack! I can't wait to see the comments from blackdom when they read that. Please SBPDL, please let the comments through, so that I can gauge how venomous and vitriolic the hatred will be.
Inquiring minds want to know.
New SBPDL entry: The Truth About "Dr." King.
As a white kid in public schools, I only received one side of the story of the king. It'd be great to read about all of his dirty laundry here.
Superb sir!.
The black masses have no concept of the abject anger that is building up in our hearts, it is about to boil over. They have NO idea what 210 million angry, intelligent, highly organised & well ARMED Europeans are capable of?!!.. We have the despair of a civilisation lost.. That we had the means to prevent this but DID NOT!...
Our cities are destroyed, our women are raped by the tens of thousands, our schools are wrecked, our space program destroyed (to pay for BRA).. Now we can rarely even enjoy the company of our families in peace at a fun park or beach without it being ruined by the black beast.... We are victims of black crime at an unimaginagle scale (more whites are murdered EVERY YEAR by blacks than ALL the blacks lynched from the end of the civil war til today -Look up the FBI crime rate statistics, horrorfying.
And as all of this comes to a head & as society frays & stumbles toward it's inevitable collapse under the weight of the feral black beast, our hearts begin to grow cold & filled with bitterness of the reality that our futures & that of our progeny have been destroyed...We have the chance to save western civilisation but it can ONLY be for OUR people...PERIOD!!.
Segregation NOW, is the ONLY answer. The sooner, the less painful (for ALL parties)...If we do not?, then this will ALL end in tears.
Never go to the King's Dominion near Richmond. I went one summer and it was literally 75% Negro.
Tix are not inexpensive so I suspect local white Christian churches raise money and buy tickets for black churches who then give them away to their blacks.
Wow. Too powerful a post for it to be marred by a typo:
"...But unfortunately, the only one left that is safe for children is in the Whitopia I moved to TO escape from your dream."
That South Park tune continues our nation's absurd p.c. racial arithmetic by referring to "minorities" in the general sense, lumping together Asians with Native Americans with Blacks. Let's get real here.
Every "minority" group has passed Western Civilization 101, except... Blacks.
Only a water park full of Black people would transform into a near-riot. Has it ever happened otherwise?
I'm White and actually do ride the bus to work. I haven't been harassed for a few years, but being the only Cracker on the bus, I'm definitely not welcome. I'm not complaining; it's just how it is.
Excellent read. Everytime I read about, and see vids of, unruly Negro behavior my beliefs that Negroes are inherently wild and unruly are confirmed. Is it any wonder why there isn't a single successful black society in the entire WORLD??? My resolve to keep me and my family away from masses of Negroes increases every day.
Just in, black kid goes on shooting spree at Brighton beach. Where's the Russian mob to control things when you need them.
How ironic...I was just telling my 6 year old son that we can't go to Six Flags over Georgia because it is not a safe, fun environment and I saw the look on HIS face and felt bad. This is what the tyranny of Liberalism has brought upon place where we can go to enjoy anything without dealing with the aberrant behavior.
If anyone has any doubts about this at all, please visit ANY mall in the Atlanta, GA metro area and you will see exactly what I am talking about.
Thanks to illegal immigration, certain diseases such as drug-resistant TB and even leprosy have been making a comeback. When you know the CDC figures, you realize it is only a matter of time before communicable diseases from south of the border will be making their way to the black community, and from there to the white one.
With that being the case, it might be best to avoid large public venues altogether, especially ones where cooked foods are served and there are massive public bathrooms and water fountains. This includes sports stadiums, music arenas, and even movie theaters.
And no this is not hypochondria. We have a serious fucking problem on our hands.
Unspoken are the THOUSANDS of incidents that the MSM skips over to be PC. "Youths" beating on Whites, "Beat Whitey Night", the attacks in Denver, Seattle, Philadelphia, Kansas City, San Diego, San Francisco, and on and on.
In the last year alone, Seattle has lost 8 Police Officers to murderous negros and we have a negro population of only 8%! Almost every night is a new News Story about the latest stabbing, shooting, horrific case of Child Abuse, neglect, rape, etc. perpetrated by the negro. Want a stomach churning example, Diarrhea? There is this thing called "Ghetto Lobster" where negros leave their kids in the car too long in the heat and it cooks them to death. Today we had the first good day of the year and sure enough, young "Antwan" got cooked because the baby momma had to get her hair weave.
It has gotten so bad that The Seattle Times no longer publishes the race of perps (through they show the booking photos) so as to "not perpetuate a negative stereotype".
Now fun parks, in self-defense, must close to the little savages. Can you imagine the owners! Their balance sheets show that they should be making a bundle, perfect weather, lots of customers, rides all working perfect, but only if the "children" behave. Parks like this have never been a problem before, but the black undertow is destroying the business. Whites can flee, move to a new part of the Country where there are only Whites and enjoy such parks, but the existing non-movable businesses simply die.
The only alternative that would save them is posting a sign: "No Negros", but that would destroy them in a instant.
So they make up excuses, painfully obvious to the public what is really going on here, but the lie must be told to keep from being accused of "Racism".
Anonymous at 5:35 PM: Hispanics have NOT passed Civilization 101. When I lived in Los Angeles, the amusement park to avoid was Six Flags/Magic Mountain. Too many Mexicans.
Arclight theaters charge $15 to see a movie. Price discrimination, plain and simple. It seems to work for them.
The negro fence hopping at the water park summarizes everything you need to know about their mentality. If they think they can get away with something they will very likely attempt to do so.
However, what really gets them is their egregious miscalculation of risk vs reward and their misjudgment of evading consequence.
What can be done won't be done.
The sad truth the vast majority of American still live in the fog of delusion.
The media has trained us well to see what we are told to believe rather than believe what we see.
A few years ago a mob of loud, unruly black teens were disturbing the peace at the Circle Center Mall in downtown Indianapolis.
They were ejected.
That prompted the ACLU to get involved and defend the rights of black mobs to be obnoxious and disruptive.
As expected, the mall has suffered. Shoppers simply won't patronize shopping centers where black mobs hang out.
In recent weeks an anchor store at the mall, Nordstrom, has announced its departure.
The summation is: We can have malls, theme parks, and fairs without blacks. But we can't have malls, theme parks, and fair with blacks.
Every "minority" group has passed Western Civilization 101, except... Blacks.
I hear what you're saying, but let's not go overboard. Mestizos are only marginally superior to blacks and pose a far greater threat. Go to Los Angeles (or Phoenix, or Tucson, or El Paso...) and tell me the Mexicans have "passed Western Civ 101."
"That’s the saddest thing about this. Even as progressives and “antifa” and civil rights activists shriek about their victories over “racism,” they don’t really win. Schools today are just as segregated as they were in the 1960’s. Test scores never come closer to being equal. The crime rate has been reduced only by putting record numbers of blacks are in jail. The only way one can even create a black middle class is by shoveling huge amounts of government money at them and massively lowering standards, and that won’t be sustainable for much longer. And while Americans mouth the required pieties to avoid trouble, every single one moves as far away from the “bad schools” and “urban crime” just as quick as they can load up their electric car with an Obama ’08 sticker on it and lead happy lives far away from diversity and tolerance."
Absolutely one of the BEST, and most insightful, paragraphs EVER written on any blog. Thanks, SBPDL, for having the balls to say what's on everyone's minds!!
Is it possible to find out what the economic impact of the NAACP, SPLC, ACLU has had on America and Americans? I know this would be a large undertaking but I am curious as to the real dollars and cents that are generated/lost with appeasing the Blacks in America.
I don't think the costs are accurately quantifiable-there are far too many variables involved,and the numbers are probably too large for us to contemplate. Which might be a good thing,since an accurate and comprehensive study might very well lead to a bunch of blood in a bunch of gutters. ( I've addressed this subject here before,and appreciate the opportunity to do it again. )
The raw numbers would also have to involve things like housing costs for the part of the population that wound up moving to the burbs to keep their children in "good" ( aka "white" ) schools.
Then you have to add in the second and third vehicles needed by families,since Mom,Dad,or both now needed to commute 20 or 30 miles to work every day,and you would also need to throw in the operating costs of said vehicles,and the insurance and repairs.
Then you have to also throw in-somehow-the estimated loss of value of the real estate that was abandoned to the black community. And the costs of businesses relocating from areas that were now in community territory and had trouble keeping the help.
Then you could be really picky and start adding stuff like the farms that turned into subdivisions,but here you get into another argument. Are we,as a people,better off since we've paved over untold acres of what were once working farms,so that little Tim and little Jane didn't get their heads cracked open in their old schools?
Since I mentioned head cracking,you really need to at least make an attempt to add up how much local hospitals have lost from having to provide very expensive trauma care to people in the community who had no ability to pay for that care,or any intention of paying for it. And while I'm on that subject,how much has been spent at various ER's by the NON-black victims of black crime,and was that ever paid back? ( I thought not... )
And on,and on-like I said,I don't think anyone is capable of figuring out what we've paid out,and I've only scratched the surface.
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
If Blacks could pass Civilisation 101 then this could happen.
LIBERAL - Letting Inhuman Blacks Entirely Ruin American Life
Wow. A great piece of writing. Take that, Steve Sailor!
If whites think that blacks care if whites don't come to a swimming pool anymore because of blacks coming there, they are wrong. If whites think blacks care that whites move out of a city because blacks have taken over the city, whites have not been paying attention, because blacks do not care. If whites think not patronizing a restaurant because blacks come there, whites are wrong, blacks do not care. As a matter of fact blacks enjoy upsetting whites and running them away from any place that whites like to go. It's the objective of blacks to harass and disturb whites. Blacks like it that way. Blacks will very easily rob, beat, rape, and kill you without so much as a blink of an eye. As one black said to a group of us whites, "You whites ain't gettin' away from us."
Let's not include intangabiles. What if we just use law suites as a basis maybe include boycotts if possible. Say we only go back ten years what would the cost be?
Just curious.
@ Discard: You're absolutely right. Having escaped from L.A. myself, I know exactly of which you speak..
The 'Big 3' were Disneyland - Knott's Berry Farm - Magic Mountain.
I took my kids to Disney and Knott's many times.. It was safe. Both places had rules where if you looked like a gang member or were displaying obvious gang colors, you simply didn't get in. Magic Mountain obviously didn't care as evident of the gang fights that took place inside and outside. Bullets included.
I always felt REALLY bad telling a 9 & 7 year old 'We can't go there' when they're seeing commercials of happy people on giant roller-coasters. How do you explain to a 7 year-old about the dangers and evil created by these scumbags, when the people on TV are having the time of their life?
That was 12+ years ago ... I can only imagine what it's like there now.
It's sad to hear that King's Dominion in Virginia is now out of bounds, per anonymous' comment. My parents had never taken me to a real amusement park as a child, and I first went there in 1976 with a group of working-class friends I made at my first part-time job. They surprised me with a trip there when they heard I'd never been before. We were all White, and the vast majority of people at the park were as well (I don't remember any blacks at all, for what it's worth). It's still a magical memory for me.
Some of my fondest memories are from going to Six Flags Over Georgia for friends birthday parties, the Fright Fest event in October, and with my family.
Magical memories are right. A few years ago, I had a Friday off and one of my best friends and I went to White Water Water Park on a lark.
I have no idea how bad these places are now, but Six Flags was going downhill in the mid-2000s.
As one black said to a group of us whites, "You whites ain't gettin' away from us."
Let's see those blacks come try to follow me and my extended family into the woodlands of the Rocky Mountains after the fiat-currency-based US economy totally implodes by next year, the subsequent hyperinflation then kicks into full gear, and all of the food stamp debit cards have become just as worthless as most of these entitlement mentality blacks have been for so so long themselves. Somehow, I doubt that blacks like this one quoted above are going to be anything like the Soviet invaders that chased after Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen in "Red Dawn" - the strongest of them will probably resort to cannibalism instead, unless they haven't all just killed each other first. My .308 Remington 700 and .338 Lapua, both sighted in to match-grade performance, will take care of the rest.
Anon at 6:04 AM: As long as head cracking is on the table, keep in mind that many hospitals in California have gone broke providing free everything to accident and violence prone Hispanics. No doubt other states with large numbers of aliens have the same problems.
I agree with the Anonymous at'd think black people would care when whites migrate away from them and the city turns to Cairo, IL or Detroit, MI...but they don't. They don't and can't think that far ahead. Every time whites leaves the area turns to a total clusterf** matter where it is, whether in America or South Africa or France or anywhere else. But black people really just like the thought of causing pain to whites, and can't think far enough ahead to realize they're cutting off their nose to spite their face.
I live in a city that is 30-40% black and there's very little violent crime, but the property crime is ridiculous and it's always black people. They will still anything that isn't nailed down, seriously. I pay quite a bit for good renter's and auto insurance for that reason. When I leave my apartment I'm always worried my stuff won't be there when I get back. And I'm afraid if I get robbed they'll hurt my pets or let them escape. There's just this total lack of respect for dignity and neighborhood around here.
Anyway, as for amusement parks, the last time I went was a couple years ago. Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH. I would recommend it if you're in the area. There were some black people but no disruptions. But the city of Sandusky, 20% black, is a mess in some parts...I got lost in it and it was not a fun experience. Abandoned buildings everywhere, black men loitering around for no apparent reason, just a general ugliness and malaise I was quite happy to escape.
RE: Mexicans and Western Civilization 101, at least there have been actual civilizations in Central and South America. Maccu Piccu could not be replicated by Africans today, let alone Africans 600 years ago. I'd rather live anywhere in Mexico than anywhere in Africa.
The big parks in Orlando just keep prices high. They never have "youth" problems at Epcot or Universal. That's the only way. Ghetto blacks can't scam themselves in or jump fences either.
On a side note "Graduation" parties struck again leaving one promising youth dead and several wounded in Central Florida. SBPDL needs to explore this dangerous late spring phenomenon.
"As one black said to a group of us whites, 'You whites ain't gettin' away from us.'"
But I bet that black wouldn't dare say that to a group of Hispanics.
Whites used to fight back as well and maybe they will again someday.
"The big parks in Orlando just keep prices high. They never have "youth" problems at Epcot or Universal. That's the only way. Ghetto blacks can't scam themselves in or jump fences either."
I hear you. But it is a shame that poor whites cannot enjoy affordable amusement/entertainment anymore. Poor whites were protected by segregation - the most sane and just solution to our racial reality - until the evil, insane, perverted "civil rights" movement destroyed that safety zone.
I would not go to Orlando or any Disney park, travel and financial considerations aside (I will not submit to being photographed or groped, so no more air travel for me for the forseeable future). I detest how Eisner and his ilk have debased the Western-oriented product that Walt Disney produced in his heyday. From what I hear, one has to be careful to avoid "gay days" and other diversity edicts.
The more I think about what you wrote, Paul, the more I hear echoes of Thomas Jefferson (yes, seriously!). Whereas good ol' St. MLK tried to tug on White people's heartstrings at the thought of a presumably-innocent child, Jefferson matter-of-factly noted that "Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them." --Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821. ME 1:72
These matters are a grievous reality for Americans today. But the root problem on either side of the color question is sin. The further any people are removed from the Ten Commandments, the less civilized they are. We must remember the Creator Who endowed us with certain unalienable rights.
“you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can't go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky.”
Jews and others used to be barred from many institutions. Did they cry because they couldn't get into a certain country club or resort?
No, they built their own resorts, banks, clubs ..etc.
I would have respected blacks a lot more had they just built their own amusement parks.
"Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them." --Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821. ME 1:72
He was a race realist then. Shame we have none now.
Anon at 11:21
Turn the other cheek? Look everyone and I mean EVERYONE who has dealt with blacks has tried this. The missionaries in the 1600's sitting in the pot hoping God would stop their death, the Egalitarians of the 1700's, the Americans of the 1800's, etc all have tried to say, "They are just like us, only a little backward and sinful, we just need to show them the Word."
Crap. All of it, Crap. We have nearly destroyed our civilization listening to crap like this. Life is for those living here and now, my children and yours and I refuse to feed them into a social machine that says "It is just sin, repent and all will be better" while horrors like Knoxville and Anne Pressly continue. God did not mean for people to allow an aggressive, primitive culture to drown us. Negros have no "inalienable rights" as Jefferson Said, "Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them." and he wrote that poetry.
Negros are a dangerous, assimilable, primitive culture that destroys Whites. They must be removed back to their homeland. Here is what negros REALLY think:
Further, try selling that idea that blacks have "inalienable rights" to the people of Rhodesia or South Africa, they count the "Sin" of Blacks in drops of White blood. Jesus instructed his followers to carry Swords, in the Garden of Gethsemane Peter cut off the ear of a Roman Sgt with his, so they were all carrying. You can not live, grow, prosper in a culture that advocates mass suicide and allowing blacks to become a majority is mass suicide.
I refuse.
Price discrimination works for me. Problem is black purchasing decisions aren't rationally based. Research has shown they spend dispproportionate $s on high profile consumer goods like cars and clothings, not so much on long term durables like homes, financial instruments, etc.
The problem is wherever whites go, blacks will follow-- thye can't help it. Informal segregation on a state basis will work, like it did 100 years ago. We will benefit from the "talented tenth" (ie. CHarles Murray, Ray Charles, etc) who can pass White Civ 101 and leave the rest to their own devices.
Gay Days at Disney isnt endorsed, recognized, or supported by the Disney company in any way. Its just a bunch of gay people, and their kids, freely associating with each other once a year at the parks to have fun. I went a few years ago with my boyfriend and had a great time among all of the other nice, polite, wealthy, well behaved white gay people.
I think I mentioned this before here but Hispanics really hate blacks. Unlike us white people, who attempt to maintain an artifice of political correctness while fleeing blackening neighborhoods, Hispanics fight back.
Research has shown they spend dispproportionate $s on high profile consumer goods like cars and clothings, not so much on long term durables like homes, financial instruments, etc.
Once upon time buying Giffin goods, buying more of something as the price increases (completely irrational), was only observed in rats hooked on cocaine.
You have a strong case for the Economics Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobbel.
I just wanted to throw this out there, Anthony Weiner gets caught taking pictures of his penis and sending it out to women. Charlie Rangel, who was indicted on 11 charges of fraud, defends Weiner in the court of public opinion. The end result? 50% of NY's polled say Weiner should stay.
What do you think that number would be if a politician was caught saying the word nigger in a chat room or private conversation???
We live in a world where elected officials found guilty of fraud or lying to cover up the pictures of their penis sent out on the internet are able to stay in office but a person who says nigger would be vehemently attacked from all sides.
SBPDL, I have really enjoyed reading your articles of late, though I am Black I agree with most of what you are saying but as a black man (color only) I fear for my own well-being and future of my children. I don't like being around ignorant black people either and they embarrass me too and I do not want to be lumped in together with ignorant people because of my skin color which I have no control over. My proposal for segregation is that there should be some sort of intelligence card one should have that could be integrated into Driver's licenses that show one is capable of civilized behavior and logical thinking. You would have to show this to fly on a plane or go to an amusement park. I am sure there would still be accusations of racism because most black will fail this test initially but maybe that would push people to take classes or get smarter and think about their actions. Again, I feel your pain white people but you all are very smart, there has to be a better way than color separation, that seems beneath an advanced mentality such as yours. Again, to commentators I think more black people need to hear what you all have to say maybe some would change, I don't think they know your anger is reaching critical mass. I myself have been telling diluted forms of what you all have been saying to many black children in hopes they improve their behavior.
Speaking of Seattle: WA state Supreme Court overturns a first-degree murder conviction because.... the prosecutor axed racis' questions.
I use to love going to Safari land in Six Flags Great Adventure, NJ.
It now seems redundant.
"My proposal for segregation is that there should be some sort of intelligence card one should have that could be integrated into Driver's licenses that show one is capable of civilized behavior and logical thinking."
I think it should be behaviorally-based as opposed to IQ-based. I know good, decent, law-abiding blacks who are not necessarily high-IQ, but are civilized and well-behaved.
Most black criminals begin breaking the law at an early age, and continue for life. Once they begin to establish a rap sheet, they should be denied the liberty to travel freely among the civilized.
It's sad to see the places have to shut down. Even in the little town of Fayette Alabama, they had to shut down the public swimming pool due to blacks harassing the white girls.
The good thing is, most blacks can't swim, so they stay out of the lakes and rivers.
"What happened to the American dream? It was replaced by Dr. King's dream, and the worst part is it came true."
Wow dude that was powerful! That quote belongs on the future monument to the collapsed pre-Obama America.
Come on now, you know that Dr. King's letter from a Birmingham Jail was written in 1963. Let's employ some intellectual honesty. Had a young black girl gone to "Funtown" in the 1960s, she'd likely be set upon by a white mob and hanged from the Ferris wheel and photographed for a postcard.
I ain't going to say there aren't some seriously bad actors among black folks (mostly of the younger generation)but the gross generalizations of black behavior are way over the top.
I'm a 51-year-old African American man and trust us, those of my generation don't like that ghetto-acting crap either. Believe it or not, some of us move into "good" school districts also.
So let's try to employ some critical thinking skills (surprise, yes I can do that also) and look at the behavior of individuals as opposed to entire groups, but then there would be no reason for this site, I surmise.
Anon at 10:30AM: Perhaps those who believe that extraterrestrials built the Inca and Mayan cities think that way because they can't imagine Hispanics accomplishing anything. To some people, little green men are more plausible builders than Cholos.
Ret'd LAPD here. Over the years I spent as a police officer I watched how blacks turned every opportunity for advancement into an opportunity for criminal enterprise. I wish that blacks had the abilities to make and successfully run an amusement park but everyone, including blacks, know they simply do not possess the acumen to do so in a legal way.
Every endeavour I saw blacks undertake, with well publicized funding through donations, always ended up being a criminal business. A pre school that became a drug dealing operation, employment centers that were nothing but scams to get more government monies, etc. It was endless. No one ever owned up to having any responsibility, it was always due to the "culture of racism" that "doomed blacks to fail". Sure, some blacks went to jail and subsequently prison for their misdeeds, but the propaganda to defend them and deflect focus on what they did usually lead to reduced charges from a scared DA's office.
I always worked divisions with high black populations and saw firsthand how natural they were at being violent, belligerent, and parasitic with no remorse or consideration for their actions until AFTER they did something. When I observed what these blacks were doing, MLK and his "dream" never crossed my mind. These people were doing what came naturally no matter how many blacks and DWL's yammer otherwise.
You would have to show this to fly on a plane or go to an amusement park. I am sure there would still be accusations of racism because most black will fail this test initially but maybe that would push people to take classes or get smarter and think about their actions.
This is a people pool you are only allowed enter when you pass Civilisation 101.
Thanks for censoring my comment about six flags gurnee. I heard you were a kosher nazi - seems about right how you misdirect the cause and origins with nonsense and labels. The word is out on you...
"I hear you. But it is a shame that poor whites cannot enjoy affordable amusement/entertainment anymore. Poor whites were protected by segregation - the most sane and just solution to our racial reality - until the evil, insane, perverted "civil rights" movement destroyed that safety zone."
I wonder how much wealth is wasted by whites in a given year trying to escape Black Tyranny. Whites have to live in far more expensive neighborhoods, take far more expensive vacations, spend far more money on schools, etc just to escape black dysfunction.
This site is about Black people. I approve or decline comments based on that one criteria. Posting here is a privilege.
If you want to talk about those issues, you can head over to Dr. MacDonald's site. Okay?
I appreciate you reading this site, and I hope you continue frequenting it. But this site is SBPDL.
What cause are you even talking about?
Re-post your comment on Six Flags. I don't even remember what you wrote, but it obviously said something that deviated from the conversation.
What the hell is kosher Nazi?
Anon at 4:35 PM: I would guess that most of us here know pleasant, responsible Black people, at least the older ones among us. But however we might feel about our particular co-workers, we all realize that a town with 30,000 Whites is a much better place than a town with 25,000 Whites and 5000 Blacks. Where Blacks exist in any more than token numbers, you've got trouble. That's just how it is. If the problem was just individuals, there'd not be a problem.
@Former Black Militant
William Shockley noted that unskilled and skilled blacks had on average of 5.4 and 1.9 children respectively. The outcome, he predicted, would be an increase in unskilled blacks relative to skilled blacks.
His proposal was to offer blacks with IQs under 100 payment to be sterilized.
Although Shockley was denounced as a racist, his proposal would create a black "super race" of highly intelligent and well-behaved negros.
I once had a black friend from Africa who was embarrased by black Americans. Had he been White, he would have been considered a racist.
When I was in high school (mostly black), I noted that only about 10 percent of the black students weren't ghetto-ized. Sadly, even most of those bought into the victimization nonsense.
This is an excellent post. Thanks for all you are doing.
We will benefit from the "talented tenth" (ie. CHarles Murray, Ray Charles, etc) who can pass White Civ 101 and leave the rest to their own devices.
The "talented tenth" actively and enthusiastically run interference for their ghetto brethren. Witness Anon@4:35. "Some bad actors"? Being over half of violent felons with a population of just 13% is not to have "some bad actors." It is to be a problem population.
Will the talented tenth renounce Affirmative Action? Will they accept genetic differences in IQ? Are they willing to live in a country that is unashamed of being an invention of Caucasians only? Are they willing to "get over" slavery?
Your "talented tenth" will produce children, and their children will have children. As generations come to pass, reversion to the mean occurs.
Let me say this plainly: half measures are no longer good enough.
If your precious heart quails at the thought of living in a country with no blacks whatsoever, that's your problem. And you'd better fix it.
"I wish that blacks had the abilities to make and successfully run an amusement park but everyone, including blacks, know they simply do not possess the acumen to do so in a legal way."
This is an odd statement.
There are many businesses ran by blacks that are not illegal. I'm sure they could run an amusement park, as well as the various black millionaires and billionaires (Oprah, Bob Johnson), and be successful.
Keeping riffraff out of a park is another story. Riffraff seem to follow normal people where ever we go. It's like the old saying: "Misery loves company."
"Every endeavour I saw blacks undertake, with well publicized funding through donations, always ended up being a criminal business."
It makes sense that you'd only see criminal businesses seeing that you are retired LAPD. If police officers don't see crime, we have a big problem on our hands!
What I don't understand is how you can generalize an entire group based on your expected encounters with riffraff who happen to be black. That makes little rational sense.
"I myself have been telling diluted forms of what you all have been saying to many black children in hopes they improve their behavior. "
Former militant,
Good, that's exactly why I post here. It's my simple desire that blacks will do exactly what you're doing. Start shaming your own people into more disciplined behavior and tell them to quit blaming the white man for all their problems-it's really that simple for me.
When whites are being unreasonable I have no problem saying so, blacks need to do the same with their people. Thanks.
"Let's employ some intellectual honesty. Had a young black girl gone to "Funtown" in the 1960s, she'd likely be set upon by a white mob and hanged from the Ferris wheel and photographed for a postcard."
You want to talk about intellectual honesty, then make such a ridiculous statement? Such savage reactions were rare, and certianly not the "likely" outcome.
"I ain't going to say there aren't some seriously bad actors among black folks (mostly of the younger generation)but the gross generalizations of black behavior are way over the top."
These behaviors are much more common among blacks than any other group - even if you control for income. And its getting worse.
"Believe it or not, some of us move into "good" school districts also."
And after enough of you do, typically when the student body becomes around 20-25% black, your children destroy the school.
"So let's try to employ some critical thinking skills (surprise, yes I can do that also) and look at the behavior of individuals as opposed to entire groups, but then there would be no reason for this site, I surmise."
Actually, it would seem that your critical thinking skills are lacking. Let's say you have 1,000 people in Group A, and 500 of them engage in "generic negative behavior." You also have 1,000 people in Group B, but only 10 of them engage in "generic negative behavior."
Group B represents a pleasant community, with only 1% of the population engaging in negative behavior. Add 500 people from Group A, and now you have 260 negatives out of 1500 people. You've jumped from 1% negative to about 17% negative.
And that's the problem. It doesn't matter if there are some good black individuals and some bad - the bad percentage is too high. Adding a large group of blacks to a white community ALWAYS brings down the standard of living.
More crime, more violence; more need for social services, more police, higher taxes; worse driving with less respect for traffic laws; higher insurance rates; more poorly maintained homes/yards and lower property values; decreasing school performance resulting in lower standards and eventually widespread institutional cheating to boost black scores; money spent on alarm systems and services because your kids are breaking into homes.
On and on, and all accompanied by the constant cries of racism, that its all in the imaginations of white people. We simply imagine that our communities were better before you came along. The isn't a 100% correlation so it isn't fair to notice that the correlation is pretty damn strong. And the constant demands of consessions to "make up" for the racism. So now our kids who are in the 90th percentile miss out on gifted/advanced classes so those last few spots can go to the top black kids (who only place at the 85th percentile).
So, sorry, 51 yr-old black guy. You might be a nice guy; you might be smart, hard-working, and upright. But the people you bring along destroy our communities. And are the main reason for the downfall of this country.
Come on now, you know that Dr. King's letter from a Birmingham Jail was written in 1963. Let's employ some intellectual honesty. Had a young black girl gone to "Funtown" in the 1960s, she'd likely be set upon by a white mob and hanged from the Ferris wheel and photographed for a postcard.
The more likely outcome of a young black girl trying to go to "Funtown" in 1963 is that she would have been told that she wasn't allowed inside and that she'd have to go elsewhere for entertainment. And if she persisted in trying to get in,then just possibly the police would have been called in and she would have been - just possibly - charged with misdemeanor trespassing,or something similar. I very much doubt that a lynching would have ever been in the cards.
And since you brought up the subject of lynching,I have a question for you.
As we are told,every time a black man or woman gets accused of anything at all,the practice of lynching is an indelible stain on the fabric of the United States,and can never be bleached out,and all of us pale folks are morally bound to pay to make up for it,forever and ever,and can't ever get out from under the debt we owe the black folks for extra-judicially executing some of them. ( Never mind that quite a few white folks were lynched as well,and that the practice usually required quite a bit of provocation. Let that go for the purposes of argument. )
My question is this-without a doubt,blacks were lynched. I'm perfectly comfortable admitting that there were certainly some innocent victims of the process.
Are you,Sir,willing to acknowledge that there were some blacks who were guilty of whatever it was that got the locals excited to begin with?
That's the URL for an article about a 1916 lynching in Waco,Texas. Was the conduct of the mob horrendous? Absolutely.
But what about the conduct that got the mob riled up to begin with?
OK Stuff, now Diarrhea is posing as a 51 year-old black man who writes "ain't" alongside "I surmise"?? The only thing she forgot in her post was "LOL".
"So let's try to employ some critical thinking skills (surprise, yes I can do that also) and look at the behavior of individuals as opposed to entire groups, but then there would be no reason for this site, I surmise."
More FERAL on FERAL behavior...and again occuring at FERAL Paradise!
Dozens Brawl Outside Downtown San Jose McDonald’s; 2 Stabbed
Go on...take a wild guess....
LAPD wrote:
"Every endeavour I saw blacks undertake, with well publicized funding through donations, always ended up being a criminal business."
I too have found this to be true in my interactions with blacks. Most blacks call themselves "entrepreneurs" or "event organizers". They are constantly conspiring to get more money to set up a criminal enterprise. Black are not good managers of their own personal funds, and so are unable to be good stewards of other people's money.
Unfortunately, there are literally millions of taxpayer dollars available to blacks, and it is always wasted.
@Anonymous June 10, 11:49 a.m.,
"Jews and others used to be barred from many institutions. Did they cry because they couldn't get into a certain country club or resort?
No, they built their own resorts, banks, clubs ..etc.
I would have respected blacks a lot more had they just built their own amusement parks."
Perhaps not amusement parks, but Black Americans did have their own institutions and centers of commerce. No doubt you've heard of Greenwood, in Tulsa, OK, called the "Black Wall Street." Alas, some black folk made the mistake of sticking up for another black man who was accused by a white woman of accosting her in an elevator.
The result? Whites pretty much destroyed Greenwood, even going as far as bombing it from the air. The 90th anniversary of this sad event just passed, on May 31.
Folks post from this site are looking at the here and now, and not through the lens of American history.
Had Greenwood survived, the black people there just might have gotten around to building that amusement park.,_Tulsa,_Oklahoma
"Had a young black girl gone to "Funtown" in the 1960s, she'd likely be set upon by a white mob and hanged from the Ferris wheel and photographed for a postcard."
Not true. She would would have been told politely that Negroes were not allowed in Funland.
Even in the 60s, racial violence was primarily something done by blacks. The only difference was that whites would sometimes retaliate (like Hispanics do to blacks today).
Of course, the media only showed up when whites retalitated to make it seem like evil whites were oppressing poor, peaceful blacks.
"Perhaps not amusement parks, but Black Americans did have their own institutions and centers of commerce. No doubt you've heard of Greenwood, in Tulsa, OK, called the "Black Wall Street." Alas, some black folk made the mistake of sticking up for another black man who was accused by a white woman of accosting her in an elevator."
Greenwood was built for blacks by the government with Reconstruction money and consisted of a few banks, restaurants and hotels. By white standards it was an average neighborhood. But if that is the "black Wall Street" it is nothing to brag about.
A black man tried to rape a white woman and the blacks tried to protect him (with guns). There was a race riot and the blacks lost.
Incidentaly, the "black Wall Street" was rebuilt after the riots. By the 60s it was just another black ghetto.
Excellent! Well done! Spot on! Every white person in the US needs to read this truth document. If your black, and you don't like it, don't rail at the author who is only relaying the truth to a sleeping, but awaking, white population.
I spent eight years in the military, and I can assure you as a white person you want nothing the black race has to offer. All races got along with each other very well in the Marines, except the blacks, and my cross training with the other branches proved the same. They were a PITA from boot camp to the day I got out. Unfortunately they are still a PITA.
Thank you for your reply and posting my comment directed at you.
I simply pointed out the fact in my original censored comment that Six Flags in Gurnee, IL has (since the early 90's) and continues to be a suffocating experience when one encounter large packs of negros in matching uniforms.
My second point was directed at the talk in the comments about civilization 101. I remarked that Mexicans make Mexico.
My final point was about the cause root. Thus, the jew behind the curtain - do the research. Can you not see the fact that we have been under the heel of jewish created Communism since 1913?
Have you read the Russian #1 Report(1919)? Please find the time -
Kevin MacDonald's book Critique of Culture is a fine read; however, I will pass on his site.
A Kosher Nazi is controlled opposition - a goy pen handler.
I have been visiting your site since its inception and I have enjoyed many of your posts. All I can hope for is that you come to understand the correct why of the matter that sickens our Western Culture.
Until next time...
Come on now, you know that Dr. King's letter from a Birmingham Jail was written in 1963. Let's employ some intellectual honesty. Had a young black girl gone to "Funtown" in the 1960s, she'd likely be set upon by a white mob and hanged from the Ferris wheel and photographed for a postcard.
The more likely outcome of a young black girl trying to go to "Funtown" in 1963 is that she would have been told that she wasn't allowed inside and that she'd have to go elsewhere for entertainment. And if she persisted in trying to get in,then just possibly the police would have been called in and she would have been - just possibly - charged with misdemeanor trespassing,or something similar. I very much doubt that a lynching would have ever been in the cards.
I ax u y she nod alou in?
Izzit cos she liek 2days blak peepels an haf no respec'?
I once had a black friend from Africa who was embarrased by black Americans. Had he been White, he would have been considered a racist.
One of my friends from Africa would never be spoken to by "liberals". His crime? He did not have access to a supply of "weed".
You guys need to segregate America. Give the blacks a couple of Southern States and make them move there. Then, make any liberal white who wants a multi-racial society go there too. But it will never happen whilst Jews control your media and your dollar, and white Libtards agree with them. Same in Europe, except blacks and moslems need to be sent packing to Africa and Pakistan. Otherwise, we'll all be Zimbabwe.
"Had a young black girl gone to "Funtown" in the 1960s, she'd likely be set upon by a white mob and hanged from the Ferris wheel and photographed for a postcard."
Yeah, sure. Retard.
"Had Greenwood survived, the black people there just might have gotten around to building that amusement park."
The incredibly shocking and unexpected translation of this statement:
"It's whitey's fault."
Anonymous at 9:46, I recognized the "51 year old black man" as the black female troll, too. She consistently makes the same grammatical and syntactical mistakes and the same linguistic quirks (failure to differentiate; there doesn't (sic) seem to be; businesses ran (sic) by blacks).
"Such savage reactions were rare, and certianly (sic) not the "likely" outcome."
The poster was being facetious. While I doubt a 1960s black child would be strung up on a Ferris wheel (this reaction would have immediately expedited the goals of the Civil Rights leaders because there was a positive correlation between the violence done by white supremacists/segregationists and the disgust felt by more moderately "racist" whites to this violence), it's fallacious to claim the reactions were "rare." By the time hard records for lynchings were available - 1882 - and the last recorded lynching - 1968 - almost 3500 blacks were killed.
It's only reasonable to assume that more lynchings of blacks occurred before 1882 (although most lynched during slavery were white abolitionists or sympathizers to blacks - about 10% were black) and that the numbers are conservative.
Lynching was social control and involved members of the town. This is primarily why lynchings were most common following the Civil War and prior to the initiation of Jim Crow laws; when blacks gained some social mobility previously unavailable to them as slaves, the white=good/black=bad dichotomy was challenged as blacks went into government, became lawyers, and opened universities. The only way to keep blacks underfoot was through terrorism. It's a misnomer that lynching was punishment for crime - lynching was extra-legal. Today's public consciousness about lynchings is that it was secretive, came about via "mob mentality," or was viewed as shameful by the majority of whites but all of that's incorrect. Lynchings are considered uniquely American and were public spectacles to be enjoyed by white townsfolk.
Remember the postcards. The lynching of Jesse Washington - a mentally retarded 17-year-old - incurred 15,000 spectators, including children. He was beaten, burned, castrated; he tried to climb up the pole to get away from the flames. One white man stated the event made him embarrassed for his country and ashamed of being white. Jesse's corpse was displayed in the black community as a "warning."
He'd been accused of killing a white woman but the TX judge had severe doubts. Townsfolk meted out "justice" on their own, even though he was innocent and had been muscled into confession.
I think the most significant thing to remember is that these were publicly condoned acts of violence and were retributive in that it made blacks keenly aware that they had to keep with the "status quo." Punishment for "crime" would merely be incidental - it was for social control.
Had King wrote his piece in the late 1800s-early 1900s, it could easily be argued that a young girl going into Funtown would be strung up by whites.
Just not in the 1960s. She could have been pelted with rocks or shouted down with racial slurs by the patrons, though. Had she been a part of a landmark "decision" to allow blacks into Funtown, she also could have had her home bombed.
All of these reactions are steeped in precedent.
"So now our kids who are in the 90th percentile miss out on gifted/advanced classes so those last few spots can go to the top black kids (who only place at the 85th percentile)."
Please cite this and prove that it is so widespread that you can make such a generalization. It just sounds like rhetoric.
"Never mind that quite a few white folks were lynched as well,and that the practice usually required quite a bit of provocation. Let that go for the purposes of argument."
Many whites had been lynched but it pales (no pun intended) by comparison. The enormous disparity between reported lynchings strongly suggest it was social control when it came to blacks.
The function of ALL lynching was execution without due process; a mere accusation could get someone lynched. It's fantasy that it was a man acquitted for a crime he did and then got his "just desserts" by the public.
History has demonstrated otherwise. "Provocation" was many times contrived and manufactured. If someone was guilty, they could have easily been tried and convicted in court. But lynchings were extra-legal and not a function of the justice system by ANY means.
And, for the record, no one deserves to be lynched. Today's public consciousness about lynching is actually an insult to the victims. These were heinous, savage acts reminiscent of Dark Ages-Middle Ages European public torture-sport.
"Even in the 60s, racial violence was primarily something done by blacks."
This is inaccurate. The majority of violent race riots, even into the 1960s, were done by whites and race riots done by blacks were functions of poverty and despair.
Some examples of white riots:
Wilmington Insurrection of 1898
Tulsa Race Riot of 1921,
Memphis Riots of 1866,
Springfield Race Riot of 1908,
Omaha Race Riot of 1919.
Please link to information saying otherwise. Your claim is historically flawed.
Are you talking about individual crime? American society into the 1960s was like Apartheid. Jim Crow prevented mixing.
Please link to your basis. Your statement is odd.
"Of course, the media only showed up when whites retalitated (sic) to make it seem like evil whites were oppressing poor, peaceful blacks."
Please cite this. This sounds more like rhetoric than anything else. Please provide a link.
"Most blacks call themselves "entrepreneurs" or "event organizers". They are constantly conspiring to get more money to set up a criminal enterprise."
Do you have a link to support this? Otherwise, this is an anecdotal fallacy. How many blacks do you know that have set up criminal enterprises? You must have been a star witness in many racketeering cases!
Old Negro crime:
On the first day of January, 1910, the total prison population of the United States was 136,472. [...] In every section of the country the percentage of Negroes among prisoners and juvenile delinquents was much higher than their percentage in the general population. For the country as a whole the Negroes constituted 10.7 per cent of the total population, while they constituted 30.6 per cent of the prison population. In the South they made up 29.8 per cent of the population and 70.1 per cent of the prisoners; in the North they were 1.8 per cent of the population and 13.1 per cent of the prisoners; in the West 0.7 per cent of the population and 5.9 per cent of the prisoners. (Reuter, 1927)
Smyrna, Del., Aug. 9. As has been the case yearly for a dozen years there was a fatal shooting affray at the Negro [Christian] camp meeting at Friend-ship last night. Howard Hollis, a Negro of Clayton, Del., was shot in both legs during the fight. ... It is not known who shot Hollis as bullets were flying thick and fast during the melee."
Baltimore Sun, Aug. 10, 1915. (Collins, 1918)
In the city of Philadelphia the increasing number of bold and daring crimes committed by Negroes in the last ten years [1889-1899] has focused the attention of the city on this subject. There is a widespread feeling that something is wrong with a race that is responsible for so much crime, and that strong remedies are called for. One has but to visit the corridors of the public buildings, when the courts are in session, to realize the part played in law-breaking by the Negro population. (DuBois, 1899)
Roanoke, Va., March 29. Drunken Negroes took charge of an excursion train between this city and Winston-Salem last night and as a consequence Sidney Wood of Winston-Salem is dead at Martinsville, and two-score other Negroes are more or less wounded. Knives, razors, and pistols played prominent parts in the melee [...] The train was stopped several times by Negroes pulling the bell cord, and the train was cut in two several times, leaving a number of coaches behind with a second section following [...] The three coaches which were cut off were filled with white people [...] When the train reached Bassetts, in Henry County, every Negro in two coaches was apparently in a fight. The screams of the terror-stricken women added to the excitement.
Baltimore Sun, March 30, 1910 (Collins, 1918)
In 1809 [in Philadelphia] the leading colored churches united in a society to suppress crime and were cordially endorsed by the public for this action. After the war immigration to the city increased and the stress of hard times bore heavily on the lower classes. Complaints of petty thefts and murderous assaults on peaceable citizens now began to increase, and in numbers of cases they were traced to Negroes. The better class of colored citizens felt the accusation and held a meeting to denounce crime and take a firm stand against their own criminal class. (DuBois, 1899)
"Are you talking about individual crime? American society into the 1960s was like Apartheid. Jim Crow prevented mixing."
Blacks were free to walk on the same public city streets as whites. There were no pass laws (if you know what i'm referring to) like there were in Apartheid South Africa. Also, Jim Crow laws were phased out nearly everywhere in the North in the period following the Civil War.
Historical tables on African-American criminality
1. Lynching was crime control and nothing more. Yes, more blacks were lynched than whites but blacks also committed more crime than whites.
2. More blacks are killed each year by other blacks than during the entire history of lynching. More whites are killed by blacks every year as well.
3. Almost all those lynched were people guilty or rape and murder.
An excellent book on the history of lynching is "Lynching — History and Analysis," by Prof. Dwight Murphey. An excellent review can be found here:
More white people are killed by blacks each year in America than all of the blacks that were lynched from the end of the civil war to today.
Look it up.
But it's kind of like a protest sign I saw during the channon christian murder trial:
"We used to lynch them, now they shoot us"
"Even in the 60s, racial violence was primarily something done by blacks."
This is inaccurate. The majority of violent race riots, even into the 1960s, were done by whites and race riots done by blacks were functions of poverty and despair."
Wrong as usual. The last white-on-black race riot was the Detroit riots of 1943. These riots were almost always started by black people raping, robbing or murdering whites.
Most black riots today are caused by black criminals being shot or beaten by police or by just the usual black racism.
A good book on the subject is "Negrophobia." As the title suggests, it is a leftist book but it doesn't try and pretend that whites attacked blacks for no reason.
Here is a good review:
"Are you talking about individual crime? American society into the 1960s was like Apartheid. Jim Crow prevented mixing."
Jim Crow protected millions of whites from rape, robbery and murder at the hands of blacks. It is a much more just system than what we have today where whites and others are routinely victimized by black racists.
"Had King wrote his piece in the late 1800s-early 1900s, it could easily be argued that a young girl going into Funtown would be strung up by whites."
Only if she started killing and attacking white people. But then again that's why blacks were kept out in the first place. We can see why by the everyday crimes of blacks that are well documented on this website.
And, for the record, no one deserves to be lynched. Today's public consciousness about lynching is actually an insult to the victims. These were heinous, savage acts reminiscent of Dark Ages-Middle Ages European public torture-sport.
How then would you describe the numerous incidents that happened over Memorial Day Weekend? The Community celebrating with a slight excess of vibrance and enthusiasm???
You need look NO FURTHER than the FBI's own crime statistics to see who the real perpetrators are. Also, the Justice Dept's. stats. on the subject of black on white crime.
You're defending the indefensible and trying to to say that blacks aren't responsible or aren't committing crimes in grossly improportional amounts than whites are.
Just admit to yourself that blacks have a problem with authority, a problem with criminal pathological behavior, and a problem with blaming others for their own failures. Until blacks come to these realizations, they'll never hope to getting along in a polite society. And there will always be racial strife, animosity, and antagonisms galore.
Liars lie, but the statistics don't.
Also, just search YouTube for more typical black pathological behaviors. You see in this age of instant communication and ubiquitous cell camera use, it's become impossible for the MSM to lie about typical black behavior.
We can now bypass the censors and the culture distorters. Video after video on YT, just prove the truth that blacks are frequently violent and hostile.
What a coincidence, the "51-year-old black man" who calls himself "Jones" uses the exact same phrasing that Diarrhea uses, along with her tedious, long-winded posting style.
What are the odds?
"Jim Crow protected millions of whites from rape, robbery and murder at the hands of blacks."
This is complete and utter bullshit. This is rhetoric, not fact. You're trying to justify the institutionalized racism against a group of people due to their skin color by arguing a hypothetical projection, which is just fallacious if you even knew the overt racism faced by these people. Blacks knew better than to "go fussin' with" white people during Jim Crow!
Even with a documented crime rate among blacks that was disproportionate to that of whites (crime-poverty correlate), blacks were not out hunting whites like pigs.
That is wrong and an exercise in blatant historical inaccuracy.
"It is a much more just system than what we have today where whites and others are routinely victimized by black racists."
Please explain the basis of your use of "black racists" in the context of the victimization of non-blacks. By the use of that term you are essentially implying that blacks seek out non-blacks, due to skin color difference, to harm.
Please cite information showing that the minority percentage of interracial crime done by blacks is due to racism. Be honest enough to admit it's total garbage if you cannot.
"These riots were almost always started by black people raping, robbing or murdering whites."
The rallying cry for the riots was what you've listed but the reaction suggests that these reasons are ultimately incidental, if they even occurred (history's shown that accusations, rumors, and innuendo were enough to incite whites - they needn't have hard proof) and, therefore, to justify the actions of the rioters based on a "rallying cry" is ridiculous.
Blacks were low on the totem pole and if one offended it would have been easy to simply put them behind bars.
The race riot was much like the lynching: it was a form of retributive social control and an act of terrorism against blacks. It was used to assert superiority and keep blacks in their established place within society. If one person offended against a white, what would be the reason to tear down the whole neighborhood of innocent blacks unless the goal was to maintain social stratification?
A word on Jim Crow: the decline of Southern lynching and the advent of Jim Crow are linked. Since blacks were kept in line with Jim Crow, terrorism was no longer needed for social control and maintenance of the "status quo."
For everyone saying that Jim Crow was solely to protect whites from blacks, that is pure fantasy. The laws were about maintaining white superiority. Just look at the laws on social etiquette norms:
- A black man couldn't offer to shake the hand of a white man because it implied equality;
- White motorists had right-of-way at all intersections;
- Blacks had to step aside to whites on the sidewalk, even an older black to a white child;
- Blacks had to refer to whites using Mr., Mrs., madam, sir, etc. but whites could use blacks' first names, never reciprocating the courtesy;
- Blacks could not be affectionate with each other in public, although whites could;
- In conversation, blacks could:
Never assert or even intimate that a White person is lying.
Never impute dishonorable intentions to a White person.
Never suggest that a White person is from an inferior class.
Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.
Never curse a White person.
Never laugh derisively at a White person.
Never comment upon the appearance of a White female.
That was the etiquette, not the black codes. All of this social rigidity denotes that Jim Crow legislation was solely due to maintaining white racial superiority; it had nothing to do with protecting whites from crime. That is a fanciful myth.
On the contrary, Jim Crow was brought about (a) to uphold white superiority of all types, and (b) to prevent social equality because it could lead to interracial sexual unions.
"B" had been a fear since Reconstruction.
Jim Crow laws. Number of Black women raped by whites. 0 Same as now.
Now number of white women raped by black men. 37 000+
Awesome article! You are a damn good man! Blacks really have ruined America. I'm sick of their whining (and that of all other "minorities", or soon-to-be-majorities", unless we end immigration), and I hate their criminality. What the US needs is an organization specifically geared towards gathering in as many whites as possible, and then representing our interests as the NAACP does for blacks. What do you think?
Also, consider posting some of your stuff at I think it would be most welcome.
Soros/Jones/Snapes is a white man.....Paul is a black man. Rules for radicals...agitate.--the Man.
"This is complete and utter bullshit."
No, it's complete and utter truth.
Diarrhea, in all the months (years?) that you've been posting here, you have not changed a single mind about anything.
Congratulations on being consistent.
BTW, in case I haven't mentioned this to white man is ever going to marry you. Although there are some who will take you out on dates, then bang you like a cheap whore (as I'm sure plenty already have), none is going to marry you. You can't hide who you are, and when a white guy sees the real white-hating black-racist that you are, he will run for the hills.
Remember you heard it here first.
Let's get down to brass tacks.
I don't care about lynchings, Jim Crow, racism or any of the bad things that happened to blacks. I don't care about Selma, or buses, or lunch counters, or any of that nonsense.
I don't care about what happened in 19-dickety-do or 18-dickety-do.
I am not the least bit convinced of any scholarship produced proving that blacks are eternal victims simply because I do not care.
I don't care because I do not live in the past. I live in the present and the future. And what does the present and the future reveal? It reveals that blacks are a threat. They are a violent and dangerous group of people that will eventually have to be dealt with by military means. Keep in mind that the hippie generation of guilty white liberals is dying off and those remaining are being murdered by black thugs (good riddance.) The wildings in Chicago took place in the wealthiest area of Chicago, full of Obama voters and other white liberal garbage. They will become reluctant segregationists just to protect themselves...and the black will be gotten rid of.
I'm the 51-year-old black man. I am not some woman, nor am I Jones, who put forth some good points. I stumbled on this site a month ago and know this site is all about tapping into some folks' fears, biases and prejudices against one race. You all continue to believe what you want to believe.
But most reasonable people know that bad behavior knows no race, color, or creed. I pray you all who want to talk about how bad blacks are for America will come to realize that.
"Had Greenwood survived, the black people there just might have gotten around to building that amusement park."
The incredibly shocking and unexpected translation of this statement:
"It's whitey's fault."
Good God, Bro. Anonymous,
Is that the best you can come up with? Ever think that, in historical context, that statement might be true?
Whitey could have picked his own damn cotton and left the Africans the hell alone. So if you want to rail against what you perceived this country as becoming, just look in your ancestors'
Critical thought is too much for yours and the other feeble minds that post on this site. Have a great day.
@Anonymous said...
"Soros/Jones/Snapes is a white man"
No, "Jones" is Desiree, a demented Negro troll.
@ Jones
Could it be that the troll Desirée aka Diarrhoea is back again this time posing as Jones? I might be new to this blog but I'm well aware of her presence and the fact that she's hellbent on convincing us that her people are ultimately justified in their incessant quest for reparations from whitey. It seems that the social laws or etiquette you're pointing up in the above post were merely there to instill a modicum of civility amongst the Black folks, since civility as a rule is not innate in Black culture. Some of these laws might have been restrictive towards Blacks, but overall they made sense as your kind needs to benefit from a framework to behave properly is civilized societies.
All etiquette is history now and look at what's happening in BRA.
Sorry Jones, I never suffered from white guilt and refuse to be swayed by your arguments that are aimed at justifying a group's inability to succeed despite having been clearly advantaged by many reforms from the mid-60's onward.
P.S. In the mid-50's Ghana and South Korea had more or less the same per capita GDP. At that time, resource-rich Ghana seemed to have the edge. Unfortunately, Ghana was peopled by Ghanians and Korea by Koreans, so things took a predictable turn.
@Anonymous said...
Good God, Bro. Anonymous,
Is that the best you can come up with? Ever think that, in historical context, that statement might be true?"
That whatever happened in Tenn has doomed blacks to an eternity of dysfunction? Yeah, sure. Funny how other races are able to pick up the pieces. Ie, Japan.
"Whitey could have picked his own damn cotton and left the Africans the hell alone. So if you want to rail against what you perceived this country as becoming, just look in your ancestors'
Yeah, I agree with the first part. Importing slaves was obviously a serious error.
However, we did free them, then allow them to stay in the country.
And so, once're welcome.
"But most reasonable people know that bad behavior knows no race, color, or creed."
You are the ONE MILLIONTH person to mindlessly type this tired platitude!
"Could it be that the troll Desirée aka Diarrhoea is back again this time posing as Jones?"
Does a bear shit in the woods?
So if you want to rail against what you perceived this country as becoming, just look in your ancestors'
Wad b dat mean wen nod in Ebionics?
So you do block comments? I believed I was on topic: Jim Crow and lynching.
I admit the Mary Turner lynching was pretty graphic. What they did to her unborn child was disgusting.
I'll re-paste without that inclusion:
"1. Lynching was crime control and nothing more. Yes, more blacks were lynched than whites but blacks also committed more crime than whites."
Black lynching had nothing to do with crime control. It was extra-legal, retributive, and most importantly, was public participatory. Even CHILDREN participated. It functioned as social control, the intention and effect being keeping blacks faithless in the justice system and in agreement with the racial "status quo." Jim Crow then replaced lynching; it was the new form of social control.
The most violent lynchings were at the accusation - not proof because these were extra-legal actions - of rape of a white female. Castration was almost always a part of the torture process, which suggests that lynching of black men had a psychological importance to white males, who were the organizers of these executions, based in sex. The symbolism was in upholding white male superiority within the social milieu.
To even try to support such barbarism shows you know absolutely nothing about the practice! If you want to legitimize the torture of men and women, by all means, believe in sorry rhetoric.
But you are mistaken in your history. No amount of sophism will change this. Lynching victims were murdered.
"2. More blacks are killed each year by other blacks than during the entire history of lynching. More whites are killed by blacks every year as well."
Lynching figures are considered conservative and are only based on those reported. Most significantly is that racial terrorism was being committed against black men and women and was fully condoned and participated in by the white public.
Recall the postcards.
The majority of crime is intraracial. More whites are killed by whites each year than those killed by blacks. But may I correctly assume that those murder victims don't matter much to you?
"3. Almost all those lynched were people guilty or rape and murder."
This is wrong. May I just say that I find it interesting that you list "rape" before "murder." Word order is a fascinating thing. Assuming you are a white male, it makes perfect sense for you to put "rape" first given history. The white male has always wanted to maintain the white female's "purity" and black male-white female contact - social and sexual - was a constant, irrational fear of virtually all white men. Sex was the most loathsome of contact, rape being incidental, but rape could more justify acting on the paranoia.
Anyway, about 50 women were lynched during lynching's recorded history. One woman, Mary Turner, an innocent black whose husband was murdered by whites looking for another black who'd killed his white boss after years of abuse, was lynched gruesomely.
All she'd done was protest her innocent husband's murder.
What you don't seem to be grasping is that designating the word "guilty" to lynchings is part of the faulty public consciousness regarding lynching. Guilt had nothing to do with it as lynching was the very dealing out of "justice" (yeah, right) without due process of law.
You apparently have it in your head that lynching was noble and that the victims were perhaps criminals who got away with it. No, the vast majority of lynching victims were never tried - who knows if they were guilty beyond an accusation.
You're assuming, which is contradictory to history.
Again, I don't know why you are tying to defend the practice by suggesting the victims were guilty. If they'd been proven guilty, they'd be in jail, not tortured, maimed, and killed. This was a barbaric act; there is no justifying such absolute cruelty.
If you are human - and I will assume you are - no amount of anti-black feelings would prevent you from losing your lunch. Most American whites would find that level of overt racial hate and violence too much to bear. We are all so far-removed from it.
Even with our white fair-weather bigots and quasi-nationalists, the savagery of lynching would cause considerable disquiet. This is a testament, I think, to how far we've come.
Seriously, don't justify lynching. It's not something to get behind. It really isn't.
"However, we did free them, then allow them to stay in the country.
And so, once're welcome."
So, you can take the credit for freeing the slaves but not take credit ("guilt") for the horrors of lynching? Understandable, but odd.
And for the record, I am not Desiree, Diarrhea, or whoever else is a "Negro troll." I'm also not a black man in his fifties.
The Negro Jones Said:
"A. Please explain the basis of your use of "black racists" in the context of the victimization of non-blacks. By the use of that term you are essentially implying that blacks seek out non-blacks, due to skin color difference, to harm.
B. Please cite information showing that the minority percentage of interracial crime done by blacks is due to racism. Be honest enough to admit it's total garbage if you cannot. "
I'll take this one.
A. In Ohio, negros are running around screaming "It's a Black World" as they assault Whites. They attack in Mobs in Chicago selectively targeting Whites. In Denver, they use the term "Beat Whitey Night" to orchestrate their attacks via text messaging, which is pretty good for for shitskins. Twenty-seven attacks in Denver alone that involve only black on White crime. In Philadelphia, negros use the term "Polar Bear Hunting" for the systemic targeting and assault and Robbery of Whites. These are racist attacks by negros against other people not of African linage with documented evidence supporting the case, either text messages, Audio, witness statements, or video.
B. You are wrong in your statement, a Majority of Interracial crime (90%) is perpetrated by negros. (See: for crime of murder in New York. Click on Race of Perp, remembering that negros are only 25% of population. But Let's take Rape. Number of negro females raped by Whites. ZERO. Now number of White women raped by black men. 37 000+. One hundred a DAY. This huge discrepancy can only be explained by racial hatred. Rapes, as the DWL say, is a crime of hate and the desire to control; and based on this reality, negros hate and desire to control White women. Further, as negros live among negros, this rape must accomplished by a negro leaving its nest and seeking out a White woman to rape. The Knoxville Horror or the rape of Anne Pressly are good examples. Anne Pressly was in her own home when she was attacked. Her face was beaten with a piece of firewood so violently that she was unrecognizable, the blood was cut off to her brain due to the jawbone being driven back so as to cut off her carotid artery and her blood was found on the ceiling. (
"But most reasonable people know that bad behavior knows no race, color, or creed."
True, that's a fact...but then how do you explain gratuitous & extreme violence so present among the least evolved?
I was horrified at the sight of victims of groids in Sub-Saharan Africa and the US. These images are shocking but what shocks me the most is the mere mention of these heinous crimes is considered taboo by the DWL crowd. The complicit attitude of those so-called 'anti-racists' is criminal. They're the ones that are encouraging such behavior by refusing to take a stand and denouncing these atrocities.
The world we live in is totally insane!
This blog is SBPDL. Believe what you want; that's the only right you have left in America.
I'm not interested in discussing the topic you seem only interested in talking about and exposing.
Other sites do that.
If my disinterest in talking about that issue turns you off from SBPDL, well, sorry.
Thanks for reading, and understand that other sites on the Internet cater exclusively to discussing that issue.
"So, you can take the credit for freeing the slaves but not take credit ("guilt") for the horrors of lynching? Understandable, but odd."
What are you on about, jackanape? I haven't said a word about lynching in this entire thread.
That must be one of the voices in your head, Desiree.
"But most reasonable people know that bad behavior knows no race, color, or creed."
You are the ONE MILLIONTH person to mindlessly type this tired platitude!"
You are the ONE MILLIONTH person to mindlessly type this tired platitude!
So what does that mean? I win a prize? Does such a statement typed one million times make it any less true? ell you what, I'll give myself the prize of never again visiting this site. It's a total waste of time.
Why are you even wasting your time here? These people want to believe that black Americans are some kind of subhuman animal, let 'em believe it. Screw 'em.
I'm done with this site.
Last anon,
Sorry you are done with the site. Perhaps you can go to Philadelphia, Chicago or other major cities and work on stopping Black people from engaging in behavior that gives people the impression they are some kind of "subhuman animal"...
The same thing holds true with Muslims. If there are only a few in a locality, they are much more willing to assimilate to the local culture, to "fit in". Once their numbers rise high enough, though, they begin to resist normative American social values and cling more tightly to their dysfunctional cultural roots. (I'm not even talking jihad here; I'm talking about a tribal honor/shame culture that is so focused on discovering and retaliating for any hint of "disrespect" that it can't see its own self-sabotaging behaviors.)
Seems to me that the urban black/ ghetto culture has these same flaws. And YES, there are whites who have the same behavior patterns. The thing is, whites don't have the easy excuse of "it's not my fault; it's that everybody else is racist" ... so at least SOMETIMES people from "white trash" households can be persuaded to see that THEIR OWN BEHAVIORS are the chains that hold them back.
So yes, there's a problem with some of the "minority cultures" in this country. Too many minorities, both blacks and Muslims, seem to believe that they come into this world "perfected": that there are no standards which apply to them; that they deserve respect yet have no obligation to show respect to others; and that they have an absolute right to act on whatever whim or impulse seizes them at any given moment.
So, the short version is: The problem is with the CULTURE, not the COLOR.
But -- how do we fix a culture? Especially when any criticism is pounced upon by the "Professional Grievance Mongers" (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, CAIR, etc) as PROOF of our racism, bigotry, and all around "hate"?
"So what does that mean? I win a prize?"
It means that you sound like a broken record stuck on repeat.
It means that you write things that are breathtakingly unoriginal and trite.
It means that the concepts of statistics, probability, and proportion are completely foreign to you.
Last anon,
Sorry you are done with the site. Perhaps you can go to Philadelphia, Chicago or other major cities and work on stopping Black people from engaging in behavior that gives people the impression they are some kind of "subhuman animal"...
You left out Detroit, the Paris of the west, in the name check you insensitive clod!
Marseilles, Paris, London, Molenbeek Belgium, Rotterdam, Amsterdam and so on. Everywhere Muslims go in a large number they set up a parallel state when the numbers are correct.
Why are you even wasting your time here?"
Her name is not "Jones", her name is Diarrhea, and we've all been asking her this same question for months.
She has an unhealthy obsession with white males, and she fantasizes that a white male is going to marry her, and sire her biracial offspring. Of course, since she's already a "light-skinded sista", the kids are going to look white.
We're all hoping that one day she'll get a job or a boyfriend, but until then it looks like we're stuck with her.
"So, the short version is: The problem is with the CULTURE, not the COLOR."
Sorry to disagree, but black violent crime and black illegitimacy are worldwide, as is low IQ.
Love this site. This entry especially. Ive know for years that many places are not safe anymore. Places like amusement parks, the movies, public pools and the like are not safe anymore and are to be avoided.
Im not going to put a blanket statement out that all black people are the cause of this, although many of them seem to hate whites and the rest of them are silent about what is happening.
Avoiding amusement parks and carnivals has been something I have been doing for many years.
Its nice to see that there is a blog adressing this issue.
By the way, isnt it ironic that this discussion is about how there is an element of black people that ruined places that were supposed to be fun and there are black people that post here to harrass and annoy the white people who post here?
I guess they will just keep living King's dream. Where I live decent people can't even go to the theatre's to see a movie anymore. Police officers have to be stationed at the cinemas on Friday and Saturday nights. Thx Dr. King.
It is silly and self-destructive to think that race is the basis of our mess. The black folks got seduced into the entitlement mentality during the '60's by the radicals who took over from ML King, and by politicians who thought that throwing money at a problem would solve it.
There are plenty and growing numbers of blacks who have a bit of common sense and reject the entitlement nonsense.
Congratulating ourselves on being white will solve nobody's problem. We humans are in this together, and we will not get our on our own.
The second great commandment tells us to love our neighbor, not the nearest white person, just like we love ourselves. Nothing but obedience to God will turn things around.
THIS is the most racist site I have ever been to in my life... I mean come on! First: You guys say that blacks insult, rape, steal, kill.... HAHA! are you serious!?! - you are nothing but a bunch of racist white people getting your BLACK 101 teaching from the media! Talk about being civilized?? We were lynched, drowned, babies killed, hung, genitals chopped off for you amusement, burnt alive, and heavily propagandize from opposing White-Euro governments. There are many blacks, including myself, who are completely capable of creating and or participate in a ordered society. There are so many people with mental issues it dosent make any sense. EVERYBODY'S CRAZY!! You wanna know the truth about all of this. WE NEED CHRIST! plane and simple. We all have dirt and have done GREAT (if there were a such thing as a higher case, I would use it!) EVIL!! Romans, Greeks, British, Americans!! DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE WHAT WHITE (or Black) governments have done in the course of history, especially war. Man is not innocent - ALL ARE GUILTY! Yea so what - a bunch of black kids hang out here of there - BIG DEAL - Native Americans were civil - Native Africans were civil - in fact there ways of war was influenced by the European nations. Africans were naturally and always a communal people - there idea of war esp the Zulus and Swaziland was one of only NECCESARY terms. White governments went to war for Land and Money. POWERED BY GREED!
Well Kevo Factorial 37 000 white females <--- note emphasis are raped by black guys each year. 0 Black females are raped by white men (or asians)
"Native Africans were civil"
and slave holders.
This site is not for you, besides what you're describing up there is being done to your people by your people all over the African continent. Do you know the definition of a "roi-nègre"?
If you're not happy being an American citizen, then I would invite you to leave for any one of these peaceful Sub-Saharan African countries: Congo, Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, Somalia, Liberia, Nigeria, the Ivory Coast, SA just to cite a few.
Liberia was created especially for the freed American slaves. I would strongly suggest you make it your next holiday destination. I am convinced you'll find great resonance with it's inhabitants.
And now, that being said: would you please clear the air.
Here's another clamoring Afrocentric buffoon by the name of DEVO who's polluting the site. Can you please intervene? They're flocking to this site like a moth to a flame.
I wonder if it's not another of Desi's new persona, but then I wonder. She just might be infecting other members of her tribe into spreading their feverish unwarranted indignation at us.
Native Africans were civil Fo Shizzle Ma Nizzle dey trea dey slafes vary wel?
I know right, because white people never riot when in large groups!
I belong to a group that tries to adopt rescued dogs to good homes. We give presentations at various venues, never had any trouble. But once we did the local amusement park, and we were beset by the gangs of feral teenagers. They kept trying to hit the dogs in the face, said they were going to make them bite so they could sue me. It was such a funny game to bait whitey, who was bound by the chains of civil behavior, not to mention the threat of accusations of racism. Like a lot of people, I think I have been tolerant of their hateful, ugly behavior too long. They are poisoning our world. As in other cities, civic celebrations have been marred by violence - usually a shooting or two - by these vicious kids. Enough!
"THIS is the most racist site I have ever been to in my life... I mean come on!"
Hey Kevo. Does telling some unpleasant truths make this site racist (TM)? Or is it the simple fact that the truths are uncomfortable to you that makes this site Racist (TM)?
I've never considered myself a bigot or anything of the sort, but I've reached a point in my life that I refuse to bow to political correctness any longer. I wish no harm for blacks at all, but I won't sit back and allow black culture to inundate every aspect of my life either. The media pushes the rot of ghetto culture constantly (rap, idolatry of black athletes, etc.).
I don't blame blacks for this necessarily, because they don't control the media, but please don't insinuate Racism (TM) into the equation when it's not the cause of critique.
Most of us on this blog are just ordinary folks that are sick and tired of our culture, way-of-life being destroyed. We're also tired of feeling unsafe and threatened any time we want to go into a city or a neighborhood.
Is that Racist (TM) to you?
HAHAHA!!!...I THINK THIS BLOG IS HILARIOUS!! SBPDL..I dont know if ur white or black or neither...I don't care....It's unfortunate that so much of it is true....& even more unfortunate that some people don't even want to shatter the stereotype...what's even worse is the fact that now those of the ghetto mentality seem to feel VALIDATED in their disgusting behaviour even more because they voted their color & now they have an angry RACIST black woman in the white house with her husband pressing forward their socialist agenda...its a shame that even if we don't want to generalize, or stereotype, there's a whole future generation that still wants to live as tho they're actually oppressed!
I just found this site today. It has instantly soared to the top of my favorites list. You are mistaken about America 101 (whoever excluded only the blacks). Mexicans and Puerto Ricans can join the blacks. They act just like them!
Wow, I didnt know people could be this ignorant in their stereotypes about "Black Folks".. What I'm wondering is all these stereotypes wouldnt have to do with Whytes enslaving blacks and creating these supposed behaviors, that you now complain about,,, your ancestors made your beds,,, now lay in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This entire phenomenon is caused by the popularity of those awful season passes. A form of corporate welfare by whichever park is stupid enough to sell them at less than the price of two admissions. While the profitable parks who don't beg for bankrupcy protection price them at x3-4 times the regular price, the parks that will remain nameless still feel that allowing parents to dump their delinquent kids off at the park 20 times a year when they go to park is more important than profits.
I'm of melanin and I'm sorry you can take your children to what you want. But, let's be fair and honest it's not just my people but all are acting up and out at society. The gangs, bikers, drug dealers, mob and any other organized crime like police, government officials, CIA, FBI and so help shape this reality we all live in. Dr king had a dream for all who are civilized
I am a black attorney....I will continue to follow this blog. I didn't know that white people felt this way about black people. I'm thinking back to the white guys and girls I represented in criminal court for drug possession, armed robbery, domestic violence, rape, DUIs, disorderly conduct, aggravated assault, murder, manslaughter....I wonder if they felt the same way about Me, as you folks feel about blacks. I certainly provided excellent representation. Wow...ten months of practice as a public defender tells the truth about who is committing the ain't just a black thing! .. You people should take your blinders off and mind your
As a black attorney who once served as a public defender, I have to say that I am shocked to see that white people think of me in such horrid ways without giving me (my husband and children) the benefit of the doubt. I am now wondering how the white man or woman that I represented in criminal court for crimes such as rape, armed robbery, aggravated assault, assault and battery, pedophilia, malicious wounding, manslaughter, public drunkeness, drug possession/paraphernalia, murder, theft, destruction of public property, stolen credit cards, bad check writing, felony hit and run, DUIs, reckless driving.... I'm now wondering if those white people I represented REALLY thought that it was me who was uncivilized...for trying to mitigate their circumstances. All I can say is this...I feel sorry for any black person who has to get services from any of you people. I'm sure there are nurses, doctors, lawyers, preachers, teachers, waitresses on this blog. God help us all! GOD HELP US ALL!
We are all familiar with Burke's comment on what the triumph of evil requires. Why then do not the talented tenth among the black race speak out against the crimes committed by their financially less well off brethren? The Irish immigrating to this country eventually became civilized. If they could any group can.
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