Saturday, April 14, 2012

Freedom Failed: World Star Hip Hop (WSHH) Edition

From a sit-in to a World Star Hip Hop approved Black Brawl: Freedom Failed
Were one of the 48 contiguous states in the Union to decide to go all anti-Federalist and declare that they will honor "Restrictive Covenants," tomorrow, I would move there.

This is the first step toward restoring a sane policy of home ownership and establishing the ability to build long-term capital that can be passed down from generation to generation, allowing REAL WEALTH to be built and accumulated. Only people - family's - who want to establish roots in a community and understand that they (and their posterity) will directly effect the quality of neighborhood and have the ability to sustain an economy for the long-term can understand what it means to build a nation.

As part of the Second Battle of Atlanta - which starts tonight (finally) - I started reading Sprawl City: Race, Politics, and Planning in Atlanta. It's a left-of-center read which only needs one simple rebuttal: the Atlanta metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs growth are directly correlated with an innate desire by white people to live as far away from Black people as possible.

When whites abandon one suburb for another, the character of that suburb falls upon the new majority population. The same truth is for a county as well. 

But because "Restrictive Covenants" are unconstitutional (Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948) (LandMark Publication), Clayton County can go from 90 percent white in 1980 to almost 90 percent Black in 2012. Where a thriving community with top schools once existed, you now have the lowest property values in all of Georgia and the worst school system.

The Black Undertow folks. It's real. Damn real.

Also, I'm of the opinion that a business owner should be able to discriminate when it comes to who they will serve. Were this idea to be seriously debated, I'm of the opinion that most white business owners would run for the hills instead of getting behind what is arguably the most pro-business concept (ultimately it would a referendum for freedom) imaginable.

However, I believe that immigrant business owners would nod their heads in approval and get behind this concept, for they largely own the small shops that cater to the Black population of America (taking their lives into their own hands by opening up shop in primarily Black areas).

It is with this in mind that we bring to you latest video of Blacks Behaving Badly (a wonderful term coined by a writer who now pens columns for The Daily Caller). I don't like these types of videos unless they prove a point.

This one does. It directly relates to why Restrictive Covenants must make a comeback (real estate agents would see huge dividends to a restoration of this legal concept on property and who it can be sold to) and why business owners must immediately start demanding that their right to discriminate be restored.

After all, looking at the residential patterns of metro Atlanta citizens, your average white person would rather commute an hour each way to work (10 hours a week; 40 hours a month; 480 hours a year of wasted productivity or time spent with the family) then live next to a Black person or send their kids to a school filled with Black kids who will inevitably bring down the quality of education.

Declaring Restrictive Covenants unconstitutional was a move in the direction of "freedom"; so was the passing of Civil Rights laws that made it impossible for a business owner to discriminate against certain types of customers frequenting their establishment.

Guess what?

Freedom Failed.



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Zenster said...

Agnes Day: I wonder about the IQ of the Chinese. Who has really been tested? Were the tests only on city dwellers, or were the poor peasants in the countryside tested as well?

A great question and one that would obviously have significant influence upon the outcome. The only sure thing is that, wherever possible, those Chinese Mandarins manipulated the results worse than any stage mother.

Zenster said...

Paul's Biggest Fan: By creating the nanny state, you create dependency on the government and, in the minds of the geniuses of the day, reduce violence against it. Well...that didn't work.

Oh, yes it did. But only for the government. Our public servants have become enslaving masters.

Mr. Rational said...

D J knows that Morris code!  The commenters here are truly a talented bunch.

nameispointless, the thing about ghettos without any friendlies is that they are target-rich environments by definition.  You can use any tactics you like including scorched-earth without risking your own.  When TSHTF I think a lot of those hostile immigrants are going to find out to their horror just what they've messed with, and a whole lot more are going to die before they know what hit them.

Discard said...

Liberal compassion is horse shit. Why haven't they compassion for lower class Whites? Because it's sanctimoniousness, not compassion.

Discard said...

Agnes Day at 9:02 pm: The alleged higher intelligence of Orientals is one of my pet annoyances. Nobody in the West has any Idea of the average IQ of Chinese peasants. The Chinese coming to America are not representative at all, nor are the Hindus we get. And even the descendants of 19th Century immigrants are not typical, since only the most successful men among them got to marry one of the relatively few Chinese women available.

Zenster said...

Anonymous (4/15, 2012 8:17 PM): It makes me sick when I compare these crimes to the national coverage of a single incident of a man, both accused of murder and falsely accused of being White, murdering a black boy - and possibly in self-defense.

Killing, not "murdering".

The True Truth said...

Rightio. Let's get started.


I did not say there was nothing wrong with the EFFECTS of Liberalism in America. I did not say that the EFFECTS of Liberalism are not destroying American society. I did not say that Liberal political thought, when followed through to it's endgame, does not cause damage, nor did I say that I admire many millons of Liberals for NOT having done so. I believe I typed the following: "[their White guilt] blinds them to the quasi-logical nature of the socio-political standpoints they are brain-washed into accepting as their own" precisely BECAUSE I was trying to illustrate that Liberals in America ARE blind to the truth.

The point I made, however, is not that I believe Liberalism leads to wonderful, happy things (it doesn't) but that for a person to take up Liberalism DESPITE the fact that it spells disaster for society, requires only empathy and human caring. There is nothing inherently wrong with empathy and caring. There is nothing wrong with having ARRIVED at Liberalism as a STARTING POINT. It is the first logical place to go to, being non-sociopathic, empathetic humans. It is the first stop on what should be a LONG journey, however the journey is not one many take. To a Liberalism-indoctrinated mind, other types of thought can seem hateful, uncaring, ruthless, mean, abhorrent and even strangely in-human or inhumane. I know this very feeling well. Coming from Australia to the UK, one is suddenly confronted with what one sees as "racists" but whom mere months down the line you suddenly see as "race realists", having by that stage experienced inner-city UK life. That life being one filled with large populations of individuals from genetic groups which I had never before encountered in the Utopia of White and Asian-ness that is Australia.

To repeat what I typed above:

To a Liberalism-indoctrinated mind, other types of thought can seem hateful, uncaring, ruthless, mean, abhorrent and even strangely in-human or inhumane.

Surely some of you remember feeling that way, as you transitioned from DWL to realist? Many people coming here to this website for the first time may have only recently Awoken.

The True Truth said...


Zenster says:

Liberals who buy into how minorities helped build America are voluntarily participating in their own eRace and it is a contemptible act.

True Truth responds:

It is only contemptible if you IGNORE the fact of the reason they were ABLE to be BRAINWASHED into holding those views in the first place - the fact of their empathy, natural tendency for caring, and revulsion at the thought of ANY kind of hatred!

It is NORMAL, in a healthy, happy, non-sociopathic mind, to want only GOOD for ALL people around us. It takes A HUGE jolt (which may come in the form of experience of living around other races, experience of the flawed justice system, experience of being denied University entrance because of AA etc.) to snap a normal mind out of the "be nice at all costs" mentality.

NORMAL People DON'T LIKE TO BE BAD, even when being bad might selfishly benefit themselves, their familes, or their kin/communities. That is the CRUX of the matter which none of you seems willing to admit. I know that I AM a good person, and that it took a HUGE revolution of thinking in my mind to realise that my "good" will be frittered away in a second like cold water dropped onto a hot stove, in a society run by EXTREME liberalism, and populated by humans who do not strive for "good" as I do.

Zenster says:

"Tolerating the intolerable is NOT a desirable quality"

True Truth responds:

Yes, it can a desirable quality, (not in the pursuit of bringing about political change, no, but in terms of measuring the 'goodness' of a person) because most of us non-sociopaths realise that what we may term 'intolerable' is someone else's 'what the hell are you talking about?', and by someone else, I mean the blinded Liberal mind.

People who didn't tolerate what THEY found to be intolerable include Hitler, Charles Taylor of Liberia, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Idi Amin of Uganda, multiple generations of sociopath teen high school shootings etc.

One would actually HOPE that it takes a long, hard slog of dizziness-inducing thinking to change from 'tolerate everthing' to 'everything is not tolerable, even though all these millions of people around me think it is, and even though they all find being intolerable in the way I am now to be a HATEFUL, HORRIBLE way to be'. In other words, one hopes that it takes a lot for a sane human mind to go from being soft to being hard and to being what appears to our own newly-free-from-brainwashing minds as borderline sociopathic. No one wants to feel or think things that they previously found to be abhorrent or just plain inherently 'wrong'. If we all could do this so easily, this website would be freqented by MILLIONS, this comments section would have THOUSANDS of comments, and Obama would not be in the Whitehouse.

AnalogMan said...

Anon @ 4:27 - Brilliant comment, thank you. Please get yourself a handle so that we can look out for your comments. I, for one, look forward to seeing more.

If I may add just one thing: "By their fruits ye shall know them". Liberals like to pretend that they act from the highest moral motives, but their actions are too often profoundly evil.

The True Truth said...


Zenster says:

(Something about facetious things I typed not being facetious.)

True Truth responds:

I was most definitely being facetious. I was definitely not being serious. My intent was to provoke thoughts and perhaps some other more tangible reactions. Achieved!

Anonymous says:

...well, thinks...I am half right and half wrong about empathy being a desirable, human quality. I half-ceded that point already, when I termed empathy "evolutionarily frivolous" (apart from it's importance at various points in history).

The rest of what Anonymous types in his/her FIRST comment is right on the money, except the point at which he/she concludes that to forego Liberalism is a sign of advanced thinking. Though being correct in the fact that (like I said in Part 1 or 2) Liberalism is the first step in a journey, through which one must PROGRESS to reach conservatism, those who progress faster are not more advanced in thinking, but rather, are LESS impeded by empathy/the giant backpack of guilt the thinking human must carry in Western society/the worry that becoming conservative means become less human, and less good.

In fact, to ask a tangential question in my mind a this point, I wonder how many of you were born and brought up outside America? It is far easier to tip the little scales inside our heads in the direction of conservatism in America, because the worry about being 'bad', inhumane/inhuman or hateful is counterbalanced by the experience of the REALITY of Liberalism is a society of members who DO NOT CONTRIBUTE EQUALLY to the intellectual, cultural and financial pot. In Australia, Liberalism survives almost unchecked (apart from fiscal conservatism - Aussies love to look after their money) because, as I have said in previous posts on SBPDL, for the most part, everyone DOES contribute equally to the pot. Life doesn't seem unfair in Australia. Liberalism doesn't seem unfair. We take from the socialist pot, but it works because we all MOSTLY contribute fairly to it's contents, by working hard, working often, playing hard, playing often, creating (culture, art) and questioning (intellectual discourse is valued) and by not committing excessive amounts of crime.

Well over 90% of people are white in Australia, with some additional 8 or 9% being South-East Asian. A society composed as such, functions well and is fair, even under Liberalism.

Thus, outside of America (and perhaps the UK and France), many Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders find it extremely difficult to see race realism and other conservative social policies as anything other than a close relative of hate and "bigotry", and mere steps away from Hitler-style xenophobia.

People do not want to look at themselves in the mirror and see something they have been trained to hate. This is the core problem for conservative movements to overcome.

The True Truth said...


Zenster says: You have my freely given permission to politely get stuffed. Right along with with your moron snuggle buddy, The True Truth. I will not even stoop to defend myself against such slanderous rubbish.

So we have you...

1. Resorting to ad hominem attack. "Moron" isn't even cleverly incisive! Find an insult that better and more cleverly reveals some dastardly weakness in myself and my "snuggle buddy" Anon. We await the prick of your rapier wit! (Not to, I shan't go there.)

2. Derision of our arguments/opinions, wherein you brand them as "slanderous rubbish". Attempt to discredit worthy opponent while avoiding having to refute anything on a factual basis, with a degree of composure and calm is duly noted.

3. Anyone who aligns himself/herself against you, is immediately inferior. Superiority complex! Spectacularly predictable. You are so very transparent, Zenster.

Interestingly, "get stuffed" is peculiarly (but not exclusively, it must be said) British/Australian phrase. One wonders...

Midwestern said...

Thanks Kylie:

"I do know how you, R Neville and others feel and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's hell on earth, isn't it?"

Yes, hell on Earth. I am trying to decide what to do, money is an issue, as always. My neighborhood is bleeding blacks (-22%), and gaining whites (+34%), and the census shows that blacks are moving to the suburbs and outer counties of Indiana. The whites moving here are the wrong kind - DWLs or gay man couples, and they will only take us back to diversity again eventually.

It will be a rough road through gentrification as more whites are victimized by local blacks. We have over 60% low income rentals in the mix now. The rentals are owned by out of town white people and Middle Eastern slumlords. White men still come here to buy drugs and black prostitutes. So the blacks are not entirely at fault...this part makes me angrier than any of it.

I am looking at land outside of the city, maybe I will move. I am taking my kids camping this summer, fishing, and to the state parks. I garden behind a locked fence, and this helps my stress levels. I am just very physically effected by their energy, that's all, and angry at the whites who come here and contribute to the problems.

Mutant Swarm said...

Ivan Shatov said...

"Obama wants a race war so he can declare martial law and cancel the election, but we'll burn that bridge after we cross it."

Bingo. NOW, you can see. The groids are being whipped into a frenzy for precisely this purpose. The groids are the stormtroopers of the radicalized left, the lords of international usury. (Emphasis added.)

This blog and its participants are gradually beginning to apprehend the malevolent design behind that creature known as Obama.

April 15, 2012 9:47 AM

I am reminded of a quote from Miyamoto Mushashi's book on strategy, A Book Of Five Rings: "Timber that is weak or knotted throughout should be used as scaffolding, and later for firewood."

Mutant Swarm said...

Ivan Shatov said...

"Obama wants a race war so he can declare martial law and cancel the election, but we'll burn that bridge after we cross it."

Bingo. NOW, you can see. The groids are being whipped into a frenzy for precisely this purpose. The groids are the stormtroopers of the radicalized left, the lords of international usury. (Emphasis added.)

This blog and its participants are gradually beginning to apprehend the malevolent design behind that creature known as Obama.

April 15, 2012 9:47 AM

I am reminded of a quote from Miyamoto Mushashi's book on strategy, A Book Of Five Rings: "Timber that is weak or knotted throughout should be used as scaffolding, and later for firewood."

Liberty said...

Restrictive Covenants
DWLs in NYC and other places do it all the time.
They arrange their doorman-controlled super-secure buildings as "Co-ops", a corporation where each owner has a "share" in the building.
To buy in, you have to be "approved" by the other shareholders/co-op owners. The bar is usually pretty high for consideration:
-outstanding credit score
-requirement of a huge escrow deposit for "maintenance" and so on.
-proof of income that you can pay your share of expenses and upkeep,


A few blacks have tried to sue on discrimination but haven't won.

The same concept can be applied, whites need to "group buy" a block as a corporation. It is like an HOA, except you as a group control who gets to buy in when a current owner wishes to exit.

DWLs invented the concept. My SIL went through quite the vetting before they were "allowed" to buy their unit in Brooklyn Heights in NY. And they don't technically "own" their unit, just the exclusive use of that space.

And banks will finance co-op purchases in NY. Especially since a major downpayment to the corporation escrow is required, proving the shareholder has "skin in the game".

Foreigner said...

I just saw that video and it doesn't make any sense. Why would anyone behave that way? It is totally senseless behaviour, no reason whatsoever behind their acts. I studied in the U.S. a while back and I never socialized with blacks because, even though they were getting a college education, they dressed and acted as if they were thugs from da hood. I can empathize with those americans that have to carry this dead weight, this burden, that has been imposed on you, and your need to keep a distance not out of fear but out of disgust. That's the adjective that best explains that video: it is simply disgusting.

blanc de seine saint denis said...

@zebster, 1951,...Zebster, as I say i discore this blog by searching on google "white flight" because that's what happened in suburb of paris for middle class. For myself il growned up in villiers le bel where there were riots in 2007 where 141 cops were shooted but theyy dont shoot back gagnsters because they were affraid that the situation contamied aother cities like in 2005. It's this way in france, cops let drug trafic because without it they know there will be civil war. Cops let youngs attack and stole too because autority is affraid of racism affair. But the situtaion is so serious that cops are shooted now with kalashnikov in villiers or marseille that one day a cop will shot back and there be big riots worse than yours because france is less large than US. Concerning the sentiment to US People, muslims hate you for irak but they all non muslims, for french people i would say that a majority dont like the US "pride". Not me, my parents give me and my brothers US surname because they liked US way of like based on deserved, braveness and liberty. You are seen for some french people to the country where everybody who want to success can success, the country of gold rush, rocky, rambo :"winners". In france the spirit is "paying benefits" where you help people who dont deserve it. Arabs and africans take all our money by family allowances and destroy everything : school, bus, cars, your's right that lots of people were against US for irak's war because pdt chirac sais it was a colonization war for gas...the real reason is taht chirac was affraid of muslim reaction...i was upset than france rejected US who help my grand parents during WW2. In fact france is as colonized now by islam than Nazi. In paris today, you are the only white in lots of bus and subway, my child is only white on her classroom. It's way i go in 3 months at 40Kms of paris where they are not. But in 20 years they will be. I repeat i wish my children to go to anglo saxon countries because of africans and because of bobos who betray us in the name of antinazi and tolerance...but these bobos dont live white them in rich areas...Concerning Lepen, she has a bad image because her father was antijews, marine his daughter is antislam and will get more votes for sure, the vote is sunday. In paris do you know that we learn that all the meat is "hallal" way?? That all pizerias are hallal?? That mosque are substituting churches by hallal money?? Muslims are in majority in marseille, in 20 years in all france. It s why when I see that 400 years later blacks christians and white flood are not integration in US i say france is lost. In france your black equal "antillais : guadeloupe.." and these black dont like africans too, imagine!! And yes, london, brussels, hambourg, oslo is like frankistan too...I will try to post one day on the file of the day if you are interested because for me its 18H now so midday in new york.

Kylie said...

Midwesterner: " I am trying to decide what to do, money is an issue, as always."

Yes, money is always an issue. And the affluent DWLs love that because it keeps whites that aren't affluent trapped in neighborhoods that are being ruined by the vibrant diversity the DWLs perpetuate.

I realize you might have reasons why you have to stay in your general area but if you can think about moving to a small, mostly white, conservative town, that'd be great.

We live in such a town, in a house that would cost 3 times as much in the major metro area 100 miles away from us. And even though we live not far from the projects, the blacks here are mostly pretty nice. My neighbor and I were standing in our front yards chatting when a couple of young black males walked by. They smiled and waved and even listened politely when my neighbor asked if one of them was related to a lady she knew. I sure didn't see that kind of civility from blacks in my old neighborhood. Of course, this is a conservative area and a lot of whites are armed. Except for a couple of white teens who race down our hill at night, our area has been very quiet after dark in the eight years I've lived here.

The difference between here and my old neighborhood is literally the difference between heaven and hell.

Of course, since we do have blacks in our area, I realize the great living conditions are subject to change without notice. But I think if there were such a change, there would also be a white pushback.

blanc de seine saint denis said...

i read myself back, sorry for the words i say i will post one time by day, it 's a pity i cant answer via my i want to add, if you want tnce for visiting, go to paris (louvre museuem, luxebourg garden, st germain des pres, notre dame, montmarte, take a bot on the seine to see eiffel tower in color) but dont go to chatelet, "gare du nord", paris is 20 arrondissements, avoid the 13th, 17, 18,19 and 20th). In france go to dordogne eat foie gras, go to castel of the loire, in jura to eat cheese and see little canada, in bordeaux to drink wine and see lacanau beach, in marseilleto see "pagnol city and the sea", in strasbourg...bye

Zenster said...

blanc de seine saint denis: Cops let youngs attack and stole too because autority is affraid of racism affair. But the situtaion is so serious that cops are shooted now with kalashnikov in villiers or marseille that one day a cop will shot back and there be big riots worse than yours because france is less large than US.

Your point is important in that many Americans are unfamiliar with how little it takes to ignite, literally, another round of riots and carbeques (torched autos).

During 2005 in Clichy-sous-Bois, two youths fleeing police then illegally entered a utility substation and were promptly electrocuted due to their own stupidity.

Of course, this didn't matter in the least as hundreds of Muslims rioted for days, torching some 30 automobiles and causing millions of francs in damage. Taken in relative terms this is like the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles except for the fact that the French police did nothing wrong (not that they did in the King case but that is another matter).

Concerning the sentiment to US People, muslims hate you for irak but they [hate?] all non muslims, for french people i would say that a majority dont like the US "pride".

Well, I'm happy to say how that was never thrown in my face when I visited there. People also told me that such sentiments are more common in Paris than in other French cities.

In france the spirit is "paying benefits" where you help people who dont deserve it. Arabs and africans take all our money by family allowances and destroy everything : school, bus, cars, your children…

Fear not, mon ami, it is exactly that there here in America as well.

… it's right that lots of people were against US for irak's war because pdt chirac said it was a colonization war for gas…

Make no mistake, the entire MME (Muslim Middle East) campaign is about the oil. Any destabilization of the region is very bad for the entire world's economy. The only idiocy is in believing that America went in to steal Iraq's oil. Nothing could be further from the truth and the futile nation-building exercise we have engaged in should be our last, at least with respect to Islamic countries.

… the real reason is that chirac was affraid of muslim reaction…

This has been the case for some time now. The Eurabia Pact refers to how France agreed to, essentially, unlimited Muslim immigration in exchange for no interruption of its MME oil supply. Probably the worst decision ever made.

… i was upset than france rejected US who help my grand parents during WW2.

Thank you for remembering. A lot of Americans are appalled at the lack of memory shown by many modern Europeans.

In fact france is as colonized now by islam than Nazi.

Yes it is and Muslims have much in common with the Nazis but that is grist for another thread entirely.

Zenster said...

blanc de seine saint denis: i read myself back, sorry for the words errors

Speaking for myself, please do not apologize. It is far more important that readers at SBPDL get firsthand coverage of the racial situation in Europe. This is a subject that the American media never, ever mentions.

Robert Marchenoir said...

"1951" said...
Bien que, je ne accepte pas certains les positions de Mme. le Pen, j'admire vraiment sa opposition contre le communisme, le socialisme et l'islamizacion de France.

Sorry to disappoint you, but Marine le Pen is a socialist through and through. She is pro-big government, anti-globalisation, anti-capitalist, anti-big business... and anti-America to boot.

The only conservative aspect of her politics is her anti-immigration and anti-islam agenda.

This is in marked contrast to her father Jean-Marie le Pen, who supported free markets and a leaner government.

In fact, all French politicians are socialist to varying degrees. The far-left is obviously socialist. The so-called far-right is also socialist ! And everybody else in-between, whether officially from the "right" or the "left", actually supports socialist policies.

France is arguably the last communist country on Earth with North Korea, since even Fidel Castro admitted that Cuba's communism is not working.

Not so in French political circles, where communism is still widely viewed as a positive and generous endeavour, albeit historically flawed.

Anonymous said...

THIS BEARS REPEATING: "...looking at the residential patterns of metro Atlanta citizens, your average white person would rather commute an hour each way to work
(10 hours a week; 40 hours a month; 480 hours a year of wasted productivity or time spent with the family) then live next to a Black person or send their kids to a school filled with Black kids who will inevitably bring down the quality of education." WAKE UP, WHITE AMERICA. YOU'RE LIKE THE FROG IN THE SLOWLY BOILIING POT OF WATER.

Anonymous said...

Wow! All the namecalling and personal attacks on Zenster. Attributes of leftists. I'm just sayin'.....

Zenster said...

Anonymous: Wow! All the namecalling and personal attacks on Zenster. Attributes of leftists. I'm just sayin'.....

Thank you for noticing.

Zenster said...

The True Truth, I cannot count the times where I've seen comments like yours that are supposedly "being facetious" but, nonetheless, contain all sorts of bile or other trollish balderdash and, when the author is called on it, they innocently point to their little disclaimer of "being facetious".

It doesn't work with me and it clearly did not work with others here at SBPDL. In fact, it fills me with pride to see this community give such short shrift to your little subterfuge.

Do not expect replies from me in the future.

Zenster said...

Robert Marchenoir: Sorry to disappoint you, but Marine le Pen is a socialist through and through. She is pro-big government, anti-globalisation, anti-capitalist, anti-big business... and anti-America to boot.

The only conservative aspect of her politics is her anti-immigration and anti-islam agenda.

Thank you for that clarification as it is difficult, at best, to follow all of European (or just French) politics from abroad.

That said, and should you feel so inclined, would you please comment as to the veracity of so much else that blanc de seine saint denis has mentioned. It is really important that readers at SBPDL begin to go global with Race Realism.

blanc de seine saint denis said...

(10 hours a week; 40 hours a month; 480 hours a year of wasted productivity or time spent with the family) then live next to a Black person or send their kids to a school filled with Black kids who will inevitably bring down the quality of education." It's incredible, it's the same situation in big citues in france especially in paris, my case.
Concerning Marine LE PEN, she is socialist of course but national saocialist because she wants to give the family allowances and all help from welfare state to french people, which is not the case now. She wants to send back illegal immigrants and unenmployend strangers too. Too, she is anti euro because you cant imagine how euro has been bad for us, we have to spend a lot to save greece and now portugal and italy and spain, and Bruxels makes taht we are not free to do what we want to do economically. Furthermore, globalization has stolen our industry. So yes i am for MArine who wants to make france as Finland or Switzerland, european countries outside of euro and who do what they want.

nameispointless said...

Anonymous said... @ nameispointless
And it has happened in Rotterdam, Marseilles and Molenbeek in Bruxelles.]

I am aware of this catastrophic turn of events. Islamists are quoted as saying, "we have Europe in our pocket."
Oslo now has rapes on a regular basis. This is a new phenonenon. Muslim men view Norwegian women as 'whores," because they do not cover.
Stealth Jihad is occurring in places you'd not expect.
Because of family living abroad, I read Euro and UK newspapers.
Australian policy mandates that immigrants study English, submit to classes teaching acculturation & assimilation.
I recently read that currently, there is a group that is defiant, refusing to consider, let alone complete the required ciriculum.
Australia wants to deport them.
Afghanistan does not want them back. Neither does any other Islamic state, though Austrailia is shopping for a receptive country.
It is an ongoing quandary.

Anonymous said...

As a people, blacks are failures on a global scale and will never be anything more than the lowest common denominator in any place they are or where they become a large percentage of the populace.
Their entire culture is one that degrades any area they move into and drags it down to their dysfunctional level while blaming the rest of the world for their own self created conditions and failures.
As a friend of mine from India once said, "If you took a million of these people to my country and they acted like they do here, the entire populace would rise up and righteously stomp their asses into the ground. No one would put up with it- no one!"

Zenster said...

nameispointless: Australia wants to deport them. Afghanistan does not want them back.

Fly into Kabul, land, open the hatch, push them out onto the tarmac and depart.

Or just fly over Kabul and push them out at 10,000 feet.

This whole farce of Muslim countries programming their people to be violent, sadistic, terrorists and then not wanting them admitted back within their borders has worn a bit thin.

blanc de seine saint denis said...

Bonjour everybody, it's 20 o'clock so 8pm for you so 2 pm in new york...zenster, i'm amazing that you read an article of clichy sous fact two muslims burnt because they fear of policemen who run after them because they stole cars were burnt the night of the dead and two days later the cuty near clichy then all the guettos in france since 3 weeks!! There were 30 000 cars burnt, schools and bus too and five old white mens murdererd. Then in 2007 the same in Villiers where 2 youngs in moto dead against a car of police by accident...141 cops shooted the 3 night after and then the governement sent 10000 policemen for a city of 20 000 people!! I was there and the journalist cant come as it was so dangerous...all the shop non muslims burnt!! Since 2007 police let all do beacause sarkosy is affraid but if there is another dead it will be the war..One month ago Mohamed Merah shoot 5 jews in a school and 3 military men in france beacuse he was pro irak..we discover that he was born in france but went to pakistan and irak...cops finally shot him because he wanted to dead as a martyr and then lots of people in guetto glory him. Do you know that in school in muslim suburb the pig is forbidden? The vote is now in 5 days and sarkosy and hollande are favorites for french people, for its the same. They are proarabs, promultuculturaly society. In france asian are here since 15 years and they make no problems, they are bright in school...why africans not?? I'm reading the bell curve, thanks to amazone because its forbiden in france and i know why african are less clever and more agressive...i want a whitopia, i like "dawson" movie by's what i want for my children...bye

blanc de seine saint denis said...

About australia, it's true liberalism can success in your country because oof 95% white people (what a dream!!) and asian people are the starngers, you have no afriacn no muslims..i read that african immigration was not accepted althoug 1985, why?? HAve they seen the horror in USA and south africa?? I can tell you that in france, canada and australia are the countries prefered for emigrate...BUT as your system success you will accept everybody and muslims too...and this will be the collapse of your system except if you see the horror in the chance that africa is far from australia, they cant come by boat...I wish my children to go to australia in 20 years..

Zenster said...

blanc de seine saint denis: There were 30 000 cars burnt, schools and bus too and five old white mens murdererd. Then in 2007 the same in Villiers where 2 youngs in moto dead against a car of police by accident...141 cops shooted the 3 night after and then the governement sent 10000 policemen for a city of 20 000 people!!

Got that, folks? Five infidels butchered, 30,000 cars torched (that's somewhere on the order of a half million to one million dollars in vehicles) plus the usual millions of franc in damages.

Those 2007 riots in the Parisian suburbs of Villiers-le-Bel and Arnouville were triggered when:

… two teenagers - aged 15 and 16 - were killed when the motorcycle they were driving collided with a police car.

Police sources said the two were riding a stolen mini-motorcycle, and that neither was wearing a helmet.

The police car was on a routine patrol and the teenagers were not being chased by police at the time of the accident, police said. The collision wrecked the front of the car and smashed the windscreen.
[original emphasis]

Personally, I would have emphasized how:

… the two were riding a stolen mini-motorcycle, and that neither was wearing a helmet.

Nor did any of the rioters seem to take not of how the two thieves

… were killed when the motorcycle they were driving collided with a police car.

As someone commented at the link:

That's a very naughty motorcycle... Colliding with a police car all by its own volition...

blanc de seine saint denis: One month ago Mohamed Merah shoot 5 jews in a school and 3 military men in france beacuse he was pro irak..we discover that he was born in france but went to pakistan and irak...cops finally shot him because he wanted to dead as a martyr and then lots of people in guetto glory him.

Isn't it long past tea to simply prevent people from traveling to Pakistan? Those who do should be placed under routine surveillance no matter what.

Some American news accounts of the Jewish school massacre neglected to mention how Mohamed Merah's final act was to leap from his apartment balcony, blazing away, weapon in hand, only to be shot in the head by a sniper.

If you want to understand just how biased the European media really is, consider this quote from The Guardian:

As France launched one of its biggest manhunts, the media speculated that a crazed neo-nazi, perhaps an ex-paratrooper, was behind the attacks in which two of the soldiers killed were Muslim. [emphasis added]

Perish the thought that anyone should remember about the "Nazi Roots of Modern Radical Islam", and how Hitler"s "Mein Kampf" (retitled, "Mein Jihad"), is a perennial best seller in the MME (Muslim Middle East). From the above link:

The Nazis provided Al Husseini with luxurious accommodations in Berlin and a monthly stipend in excess of $10,000. In return, he regularly appeared on German radio touting the Jews as the "most fierce enemies of Muslims," and implored an adoption of the Nazi "final solution" by Arabs. After the Nazi defeat at El Alamein in 1942, Al Husseini broadcast radio messages on Radio Berlin calling for continued Arabic resistance to Allied forces. In time, he came to be known as the "Fuhrer's Mufti" and the "Arab Fuhrer."

Many neo-Nazis have a distinct fondness for Muslims.

Geoff said...

Simple response to the situation--do NOT buy property. You get locked in, and even if you move to a caucasian city, the Fed govt can move 10,000 Somalis next door within six months.

It's time to rent, people. At all costs.

Anonymous said...

You're awesome! Lol
I haver had him pegged the same a year ago.

nameispointless said...

You get locked in, and even if you move to a caucasian city, the Fed govt can move 10,000 Somalis next door within six months.]

Right you are.
Insiders tell me there will be thousands more refugee 'resettlement' Iraqi immigrants as we withdraw from that country.
If an Iraqi so much as poured tea for a NATO troop, he can claim need for sanctuary.
Already this sneaky administration has secreted in several thousand, and into unlikely places; for one, Idaho. A very LDS, conservative, heretofore white-opia state. It hasn't worked, and it isn't likely to.

Simon Jester said...

Simple response to the situation--do NOT buy property. You get locked in, and even if you move to a caucasian city, the Fed govt can move 10,000 Somalis next door within six months.

It's time to rent, people. At all costs.

This might be an OK strategy for upper-middle class professional types, but what must be remembered is that for working-class whites, home equity has been a crucial means of wealth accumulation and upward mobility. This ladder of opportunity has now been destroyed for them.

Tyrone Shoelaces said...

Here is a link to the video if you cannot see it. It wouldn't load on my iPad so I went and found it

Did you get that black dog yet?

Mr. Rational said...

home equity has been a crucial means of wealth accumulation and upward mobility. This ladder of opportunity has now been destroyed for them.

Very keen insight.  This is one more element of the war of the elites against the middle class, and a particularly evil one at that (the elites profit from mortgage churn).

Tyrone shoelaces said...

.........---If only enough OB/GYNs would perform tubal ligations and vasectomies on blacks @ birth, if this is even possible, we would have a start. To get consent from the parents, just explain that the procedure is for safety purposes. Most won't know what the terms mean and will think it's for the child's safety, not ours.---.......

I laughed out loud at that. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Jeez, I can't believe a simple discussion on whether or not the Reagan tax cuts led to the economic growth of the 1990's would end up so violent.

BuffaloCharlie said...

Wow! You have a real hate party going on here....congrats! You folks seem to enjoy hating blacks so much, its like a full-time hobby! Well if you truly believe blacks are inferior, then that's fine, you can sit with your guns in your barricaded home and feel superior all you like. The rest of us will be busy trying to make a better world for all of our children. Why don't you try reading a bit about the many brilliant and talented black people throughout history? Oh, that's right, most of them were left out of the history books! Well, you can see how blacks have dominated sports and much of the entertainment world, so I can kind of see why you all feel so threatened, but dig this reality: Black people aren't going anywhere! If you hate blacks so much, why don't you go start an all-white enclave somewhere like Idaho, or Montana?

Zenster said...

BuffaloCharlie: Why don't you try reading a bit about the many brilliant and talented black people throughout history? Oh, that's right, most of them were left out of the history books!

Record keeping is a lot more accurate these days and from an even larger population in America than ever before there is still a rather conspicuous absence of genius level Blacks.

One simple thought experiment can prove this. How many Blacks have ever won the Nobel prize in any of the hard science categories? Here's a hint:


From the link: No black person has yet been honored with a Nobel Prize for achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine.

So much for all those "brilliant and talented black people". Simply put, there just aren't enough of them to justify putting up with the TNB of the other 90%-99% of Blacks.

And, please, don't even try to tell me that the Nobel committee "be rayciss!" They nearly wet themselves in the rush to award our Brown Messiah his Peace Prize, despite the fact that the window for nominations closed weeks before this chair warmer took office. Just as glaring is the complete and total absence of any prize-worthy accomplishments on his part in the past four years.

Well, you can see how blacks have dominated sports and much of the entertainment world, so I can kind of see why you all feel so threatened, but dig this reality: Black people aren't going anywhere!

Finally, you get something right (i.e., "Stopped Clock Syndrome"). No, they aren't "going anywhere". In fact, this abject lack of collective progress is just one aspect of their entirely unpromising future in America which is rightfully causing an increasing number of people to talk about repatriating Blacks to their countries of ancestral origin.

Here's another easy thought problem for you:

Could the world survive without athletes and entertainers?

Now, try this one:

Could the world survive without engineers and scientists?

Do you see where this is leading? Blacks are like screen doors on a submarine. That is, essentially useless save in exceptionally rare circumstances while they otherwise serve as a constant and near-total drag on all forward progress.

If you hate blacks so much, why don't you go start an all-white enclave somewhere like Idaho, or Montana?

Many of us would if we could afford to. Unfortunately, the Oval Office's chair-warmer, in conspiracy with his Wall Street f&%k buddies, just tore the heart out of White middle class America by looting their savings and cashiering their property values.

PS: Your comment was, literally, dripping with Kool-Aid™. Pardon me while I now wipe off my monitor screen.

Mr. Rational said...

Look!  Fresh meat!

Why don't you try reading a bit about the many brilliant and talented black people throughout history?

We'd love to, but we keep finding two things:

(1) Their résumés were often grossly inflated, crediting them with things they had only trivial roles in developing (ex. Charles Drew, George Washington Carver).

(2) They only seem to be able to exercise their talents when they are in a White country, taking advantage of White culture.  In Africa, the only types who get anywhere are the strongman warriors like Shaka Zulu.  They produce no science, no architecture, no great works of music, no treatises of philosophy.

The rest of us will be busy trying to make a better world for all of our children.

When their children kill your 6-yr-olds for being racist, the genes which left you without critical thinking and a sense of self-preservation will be removed from the pool.

Anonymous said...

fucking idiots. I hate I read this garbage.

Zenster said...

Anonymous (4/19, 2012 5:49 PM): fucking idiots. I hate I read this garbage.

[airport announcer's voice]

Remember, the White area is a no sniveling zone. Those who attempt to snivel may be ticketed or towed.

Remember, the White area is a no sniveling zone. Those who attempt to snivel may be ticketed or towed.

[/airport announcer's voice]

Anonymous said...

.45Jack: WorldStarHipHop has plenty of redneck videos.. for instance one shows two white trash women fighting each other, while one of their kids watches

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate this website because I can see the truth, so thanks for your hard work!

With that said, by calling out ALL liberals, some posters imply they're as stuck in a mindset as the 'liberals' they detest.

What do I mean? I'm a 'liberal' in certain areas, but would be deemed a conservative in others. There is is thing called common sense and when used in conjunction with intelligence, a person can usually arrive at the correct way of thinking, regardless of political party and ideology. My point being, too many people actually believe changing the political party in the Presidential office will actually change anything. Dems and reps are so corrupt that it's laughable to think there is any difference between the two. I *do* like the use of dwl though, because that completely makes sense to someone like me. I think dwl's think of blacks as the blakcs they attend college with, or are cool with at a bar or neighborhood they live in. They DO nOT interact on a regular basis with the average hood rat, so they're totally freaking clueless about dumb blacks and why ignorant ghetto people are such a threat to America and whites. No matter what garbage is spouted about 'liberal' this and liberal that, THERE are DIFFERENT schools of liberal thought...I for one would be one of the first to dump a nuclear warhead on holes like Iran. No mercy. But at the same point, I can't stand Reagan, bush..or Obama. Don't freaking pigeon hole us into ridiculous expectations...some posters need to remember that.

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