When Birmingham's first black mayor, Richard Arrington, ran for re-election in 1983 there were crumblings that the white business community would try and find another candidate to split the black vote. Thus, giving a white candidate a chance to take the city back. Jimmie Lewis Franklin's "Back to Birmingham: Richard Arrington, Jr., and His Times," is nothing more than hagiography, but it includes this one telling quote about collective black political power and why universal suffrage is universal suffering:
A noted clergyman at one of Birmingham's largest churches could no resist comment on the alleged efforts to split the black community by having other blacks in the mayor's race. Arrington, he said, would receive 99-1/2 percent of the votes in the black community. The other one-half of 1 percent need, "a good psychiatrist." (p. 275)Arrington would win easily and rule over the city for 16 more years, and thanks to the monolithic black vote. What's sad is that the "one-half of 1 percent vote" becomes the figurehead for Conservatism Inc. to promote that "individual" black person who is the voice of sanity and immediately must be promoted to a position of power within Fox News, National Review, Weekly Standard, etc.
Meanwhile, black people consolidate all power within the municipality they control via monolithic voting; that "insane" black individual garners the adulation and respect of Conservatism Inc., appearing as guest lecture on the GOP speaking circuit.
That black clergyman back in 1983 nailed it... though the "one-half of 1 percent" black individual who didn't vote for Arrington doesn't need a psychiatrist; it's the white conservatives who believe "content of character" is morally superior to attaining power by judging by "color of skin" that needs a good psychological evaluation.
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Birmingham in 2013 is a dying city; just don't notice who is in charge... the "rope of equality" would unravel... |
It is on p.238 of There's Hope for the World that Arrington writes these words:
"Like cities worldwide, Birmingham continues to face serious challenges, and just as progress in those cities ebbs and flows, so will the same happen in Birmingham. But Birmingham has turned the corner and its future as one of America's progressive medium-sized cities is assured. In the chamber of the Birmingham City Council, on one of its walls, is the following slogan: "Cities Are What People Make Them."
The slogan reminds me of Shakespeare's words from Coriolanus, Act III: "What is the city but the people?"Recall that 75 percent black city of Birmingham recently saw its 77 percent black city council pass an ordinance banning the building of new payday or Title Loan stores. Cities truly are what people make them.
But this is what the black citizens of Birmingham continue to vote for; the city of Birmingham continues to lose population, see its tax-base dwindle, and watch businesses flee for municipalities with both a built -in customer-base and where a talent pool for potential employees are abundant.
An innovative and entreprenurial people are not found in Birmingham today, but that doesn't matter -- black people are still in charge. That's all that matters, with a quote from Robin Kelley's book "Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class" supplying the rationale:
"the black poor generally believe that a black administration was a marked improvement over the past century of white, largely racist city governments. (p. 99)Life in 75 percent black Birmingham, where the slogan in the chamber of the Birmingham City Council is correct: "Cities are What People Make Them."
Just don't notice or comment on the fact that life in 2013 Birmingham is directly correlated to the 34 years black people have dominated the city government there.
Or the Birmingham Public School system, perhaps the worst in all of America. At least the almost entirely black student body is learning the correct view of history, which fuels that 99-1/2 percent desire by the black electorate to keep blacks in power [Birmingham teacher gives R-rated 'Django' assignment to students; parents question exercise, Al.com, 1-22-13]:
A Huffman High School English teacher is being questioned for instructing her ninth graders - as part of a Black History Month exercise - to see the R-rated Quentin Tarantino movie "Django Unchained."
The assignment is part of a scavenger hunt, and one of the items requires students to see the violent slave pic "Django Unchained," a "Roots"-goes-"Pulp Fiction" shoot-em-up about slavery and revenge.
As one parent - who asked that her name not be used for fear of retaliation against her child - put it, "I hardly see what my child can get from this movie other than how horrible white people were."
Hope English, who teaches the ninth-grade English class, declined comment today. Larry Contri, director of high school instruction, said Birmingham city schools "does not endorse students attending any R-rated movie as part of a class assignment."
Contri said he is having the requirement to attend the movie as part of the scavenger hunt removed from the list. Parents will be notified of the change, he said.
In the assignment, English says it is being given "in an effort to develop your understanding of the black history that surrounds you daily."
Other items on the assignment, which requires students compile their findings in a Power Point presentation or display board, include visiting the Civil Rights Museum, the 16th Street Baptist Church and Kelly Ingram Park.
The first item on the hunt? "Go see Django Unchained." The assignment required students bring proof that they saw the movie - a ticket stub and summary of the movie, including what "disturbing things" they learned about black history from the movie.
"I just want to know if this is in any way an appropriate assignment for students that aren't even old enough to see the movie?" said the parent. "This is not Red Tails, a movie based on factual events of the Tuskegee airmen. This is Quentin Tarantino's version of exploiting slavery's ugly history for entertainment purposes."
The assignment, which Contri said is optional, is due Feb. 15 and is worth 300 points toward students' grades. The requirement that students see "Django Unchained" was removed, he said, and a revised scavenger hunt list was sent home today."Django Unchained" is the perfect film to show the 98 percent black students who makeup the dwindling enrollment of Birmingham Public Schools, a system rivaling Detroit Public Schools for most ineffective (courtesy of the students who comprise the enrollment) in the nation, for it showcases the type of ideology that fueled the civil rights movement.
But how do you teach the 1963 Civil Rights movement in a city and a school system that has all but collapsed? [How to teach 1963: Educators across metro Birmingham take different approaches, Al.com, 1-25-13]:
Minor Elementary School teacher Allison Sanders knows the importance of teaching her fourth-graders about the civil rights movement. And she knows the challenge of teaching those students in a world where legal segregation is a thing of the past, but almost all of her students are of one race.
So she divides them, as segregation laws did a half century ago. She labels half the class as the pink group, and the other half as green. The green group gets all the best stuff. The pink group settles for less.
But throughout this experiment, the groups eat only with those of their color. They play in groups, live at school in groups, congregate in groups. And they never mingle.
"The first two days were hard - the kids were angry," Sanders said. "But they're learning vocabulary, like integration and segregation and unjust and prejudice ... And they need to understand how they can go to the places they go today. They need to know what kinds of sacrifices were made for them."
It is a creative approach to teaching a subject that is often hard to teach and, many times, neglected. Throughout metro Birmingham, the teaching of the landmark year in civil rights history of 1963 varies as widely as the communities in it that make up the area.
In Birmingham, teachers have embraced this teaching moment. In the suburbs, some students say, instruction and commemoration has been spotty at best.
"I don't think it's taught enough in our school system," said Steven Craig, a junior at Homewood High School. Craig learned the usual during black history month growing up - about Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.
But it wasn't until he took it upon himself -- after it came recommended to him by a cousin at Midfield High School - to enroll in the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute's Youth Leadership Academy, that he even learned who the Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth was. That was during the summer before his sophomore year in high school.
"It's just not taught that much in over-the-mountain schools," Craig said. "I have a friend who went through the academy with me also from an over-the-mountain school system who had to correct a teacher on one of the dates she was teaching from the civil rights movement.
"We're in a city where we don't have to sit in a classroom and learn from a book," he said. "This isn't World War II we're talking about - we're not thousands of miles away from the sites. Take them to the Civil Rights Museum; take them to the 16th Street Baptist Church. Take them to Kelly Ingram Park."
The problem, says Sam Pugh, outreach coordinator for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, has little to do with urban vs. suburban school systems.
"It's a generational issue," he said. Young teachers who know little about the movement themselves, coupled with students who are far removed from it, means many students just don't learn much about it, he said.
"It's a harsh moment of history and some don't want to remember that, so they don't pass it down to the next generation," Pugh said.
Pugh visited Minor Elementary School on a recent day. He taught them about the 1963 Children's March - a nonviolent march by hundreds of Birmingham school students with the goal of ending segregation in the city.
He taught them about Shuttlesworth's role in the fight against segregation. He told them about the four little girls not much older than them who died on a sunny Sunday morning in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.
And he told them how all of these events eventually led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a landmark piece of legislation that ultimately ended segregation.
And then he let them play tug-of-war. But even that had a lesson, as he lined each side of the rope with an uneven number of students. One side was the "establishment" - those who wanted segregation.
On the other side of the rope was "equality," those who wanted to end segregation. While a few more students were pulling for the side that wanted equality, it was clearly still a struggle on both sides of the rope.
The point of the exercise? To show students what a struggle the movement was, but that with determination, the battle could be won.A"rope of equality?"
"Django Unchained?"
These educational tools will improve math scores and graduation rates in the BPS system and convince start-up tech companies to invest in Birmingham's cheap downtown real estate, knowing potential employees harbor such sought-after technical skills as knowing how to "untie the rope of equality."
The battle was won; the condition of the city of Birmingham in 2013 is a fitting tribute to this glorious victory, where the city rots while the civil rights monuments are continually polished and peddled out to the general public to distract them from the conditions in a completely black-dominated city.
Remember the slogan in the chamber of the Birmingham City Council: "Cities are What People Make Them."
Paul, BV here again, whatever happened with the billboard plan? I would be willing to throw a few bucks your way if its still on.
It would be easy to create a billboard layout with a picture of a suburban house with a neat yard and a once-palatial but falling-down house in Birmingham (or Detroit, or Gary) and the caption "Cities Are What People Make Them".
And it would be immediately condemned as racist.
This is why it should be done.
@Mr. Rational:
Ex New Yorker here.....These cities that have been taken over by blacks are nothing but outdoor prisons. Cities that at one time were thriving places of employment and commerce are now nothing more than ghettos of DEATH. Penitentiaries without walls where the culture of death is accepted as an on going lifestyle. An open penal colony were children kill each other on a daily basses. Status on the street is based on how many times you have been shot. A culture whose idols are ex-cons, dope dealers and pimps.
These people are walking zombies. They are the living dead who thrive on death and destruction. Everything they touch dies, including the cities they now rule over.
Billboard might depict the white victims of a black home invasion, with the caption "Django Unchained.
The 11 poorest countries in the world are in africa and 23 of the 26 poorest are majority black.
.... and in other happy news of the day, meet a possible future member of congress. Perhaps Juan McAmnesty and the Pink Palmetto Princess can recommend that D'Won nominate him for a federal blackrobe job. He'd be a splendid candidate. Too black to fail.
It is important to realize that whites and blacks are different sub-species of humans, born out of mutually exclusive, different, gene pools, producing different humans. Further, that our mutually exclusive, different human sub-species produces different, mutually exclusive cultures.
Although we whites wish liberty for all, that no race or individual be subservient to us, it is also true that ideal in no way changes the facts that our different gene pools create individuals engineered for different cultures.
It is also important to realize that whites did not enslave blacks, and further it is important to realize that it was blacks that enslaved blacks and lastly that blacks enslaved blacks because that is the nature of the culture of blacks as the black gene pool has created them to be. In fact, the blacks that came to the American colonies had been enslaved by their fellow blacks back in Africa, and arrived that way here, but then here in the colonies were lifted up out of slavery and into indentured servitude. Then finally it was a black, who having earned his freedom from indentured servitude that as a land owning black sued in a British court to enslave his fellow blacks and won, thereby beginning black enslavement in America. His name was Anthony Johnson, and he can be checked out online.
It was the white, northern, idealistic movement that began the process of emancipation. Itself a worthy though somewhat ill-advised movement, as simply freeing the slaves left the blacks in the difficult position of trying to negotiate themselves in a foreign culture they were ill equipped to participate in.
The civil rights movement was the finality of the liberation process, and came at a time when the socialism of white liberals had taken root. This afforded the blacks their best opportunity to successfully participate in the white higher culture, by parasitizing the white culture.
This in itself is only a short term solution. The long term solution for blacks is to meld with the white gene pool that their nature can quickly evolve into a less animalistic, more human form of human sub-species. This appears to be fine with white liberals but not with non-liberal whites.
As I see it, for we non-liberal whites the best solution is to separate out from the white liberal, black, brown and Islamic alliance and forge our own white nationalist nation state. This can be accomplished by non-liberal whites accepting the burden of gathering together in republican states and proclaiming our independence.
A task of great difficulty for sure, but the alternative, in the long run is possible extinction of our white race.
May we non-liberal whites find our courage born of moral resolved achieved, and garner the moxie so needed to undertake this task, and follow it through to our Promised Land. May Godspeed our endeavor. Thank you.
until old leroy is told the truth from blacks other than the usual suspects j.jackson, al "not so" SHARPton, and that little trouble maker bitch ass spike lee, they will never get it. their so-called black leaders the above mentioned and the naacp need them to be in the dark.(not only in skin)
there is alot of that pretend hate cash going around lately. and we know where some of the "SKIM" takes place. right off the top! and then there's the f-ing democrat party that shills to this race. i can only imagine what that 1st. only half white president is doing under the radar. they will never, ever give up the victim tag that they so love. until the collapse they won't change a f-ing thing. lib-turd whites pay way better than any employer will ever pay their not so bright race. one last thought! after the collapse there will be no white liberals in any white onclave i'm apart of. to them i say you helped them, now you live with them! the only good liberal is a spayed or neutered one! SEGREGATION&GODSPEED WHITES!!!
"It's a generational issue," he said. Young teachers who know little about the movement themselves, coupled with students who are far removed from it, means many students just don't learn much about it, he said.
"It's a harsh moment of history and some don't want to remember that, so they don't pass it down to the next generation," Pugh said.
Or maybe they struggle to pass it down to the next generation because, left to their own devices, sub-Saharans heve NEVER developed a written language. EVER.
"May we non-liberal whites find our courage born of moral resolved achieved, and garner the moxie so needed to undertake this task, and follow it through to our Promised Land. May Godspeed our endeavor."
Amen. I have never understood how one can even talk with an Orc. The negro is an animal and we are not Dr. Doolittle. We have no racial interests in common and yet Whites are currently forced to spend a great deal of our worktime and substance providing them with the fruits of our culture, science and law which allows them to exist at all, let alone exist in our Homeland, which I think is a terrible mistake. Their entire culture is based on a hypersexual Neo-tribal babble that is incomprehensible and foul. It is paid for with White tax dollars under threat of "No Justice, no Peace" and a history of terrible riots.
Try explaining to a functioning White 6 year old what a "turf war" is; a "beatdown"; what a negro "Polar Bear Hunt" is in the nonlegal sense of the phrase. The White child will look at you and ask: "Why don't you cleanse the land of such evil?"
A White Nation State would have no limits. Perhaps that is why TWMNBN are determined to prevent the formation of one and flood the predominately White Countries with as many "Melanin enhanced" animals as possible.
Paul Kersey,
Speaking of DWLs.
Why don't your write about how the major papers in Alabama: The Birmingham News and Huntsville Times, and Press-Register (Mobile) are all owned by Advanced Publications. Advance Publications is part of the S.I Newshouse media empire
Advance Publications is run out of the very white borough of Staten Island New York. 64% white vs 10.6% black.
Advance also owns the New Orleans Times-Picayune, which is in steep decline. The Times-Picayune is now only printing 3 days a week.
60 Minutes recently did a sob story segment on the Times-Picayune.
More on the Birmingham News
In 1956, the Hanson family sold the News to S.I. Newhouse Sr.'s Advance Publications in New York for $18 million, the largest sum that had been paid at the time for a daily newspaper. The privately held Advance continues to own the News as well as The Huntsville Times and Mobile's Press-Register, the three largest newspapers in Alabama, as well as their shared website, al.com.
Print-edition cutbacks
On May 24, 2012, Advance Publications announced that its three Alabama newspapers would do away with its print editions on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The move was a result of the continuing decline in advertising revenue and circulation for its traditional print products. The move places increased emphasis on their website, al.com, and reorganizes the Alabama properties into two companies: Alabama Media Group, the editorial side; and Advance Central Services Alabama, which will handle production, distribution and back-office services.[2] The changes took effect on October 1, 2012, making Birmingham the second-largest city in the United States to not be served by a daily newspaper; New Orleans became the largest that same day.
Cities are extensions of their citizens. Is it any wonder, then, why American cities are Third World Shitholes??
This one video says it all:
Just like a large part of Chicago.
Wherever "they" congregate, a slum starts and grows.
Lincoln was right! He was going to remove ALL blacks from the USA and ship them to Central America, where they could start fresh, without slave traders in their midst!
But alas,,,,Lincoln was asassinated!
Just Damn!
Indeed, the "tug-of-war fight for freedom" exercise will surely improve the math scores for the students fortunate enough to participate and witness the exercise. I predict that the exercsie will result in these students scoring a "5" on AP calculus exams when taken.
Anybody able to spot the AL.com employee in the video?
Minor Elementary .... what a great name for a skoo of mental midgets who will most likely matriculate to either majoring in an African-American studies program, a EBT card lifestyle, or Nigga U.
Let me remind everyone once again about the endgame.
There will come a day when the last person who speaks French will die and with it the language. That seems impossible but in fact it's inevitable. French is about the number ten language today. Chinese is first. English is second. There are about 1,500 distinct languages being spoken today in Africa. I imagine that within a dozen years there will only be about a thousand. Some professor at some university will decry the loss of those languages. But what does it really matter? None of them have a word for enthalpy.
My second car was a 1948 Packard. My father had a Studebaker Silver Hawk. A friend of the family had a Hudson. All gone now. Japan has too many car companies. They are likely to lose Suzuki or Mitsubishi soon. Diversity evolves toward less diversity.
Similarly we are gradually thinning out the world's peoples. The Tasmanians are gone in historic times. The Ituri pygmies may be next. Or maybe the Yoruba will manage to kill all the Tutsis next time. In any case the diversity of peoples in Africa and the Amazon will diminish. Will anyone mourn for the Yanomamo?
Now that China seems to be interested in the African continent maybe these processes will speed up. Certainly the Chinese have the stomach for a policy of making room for their people. See Tibet.
The earth at some point will only have three races - whites, Asians and blacks. Amerindians will probably go out after the Australian aborigines are no more.
Also at some point the species will have so much control over our phenotype and genotype that race will no longer be a meaningful concept. At that point we will create the new human beings in whatever form we wish.
Some liberals think that that will be a difficult decision. Not really. When parents can choose the characteristics of their progeny, this is what they will choose: tall, intelligent, good teeth, good skin, good hair. Men will be muscular. Women will be beautiful. No one will be fat. Maybe at some impossibly distant point people will make other choices but not anytime soon.
Let's consider them each in turn. Intelligence - Asian's are better at math, at least in the bulk of the distribution. White people will want those genes. Height - Asians will want to be six feet tall too. Skin - no one wants acne. Teeth - no one wants cavities. Hair - no one wants to be bald.
There is no mystery as to what we want. We want to look like Franco Corelli and be as smart as Jeff Raskin. We also will want the leg muscles of Michael Jordan.
This is the future. How it works out in detail, I can't say but I don't see why we need black people at all. We know why they are so good at basketball already. We are very close to being able to graft black legs qualities into white legs. But we don't really understand mental abilities in anywhere near the same way. Brains are trickier than legs.
This set of speculations is based on the work of Luigi Cavalli-Sforza. According to him the five current races are like the fingers of your hand. The Asian and Caucasian fingers are close to each other. The Africans are distant. In fact the Africans are the thumb - a bit different from the others.
We are going to chop off the thumb.
Whats the poorest country in western
Whats the Blackest?
answer those 2.
The 11 poorest countries in the world are in africa and 23 of the 26 poorest are majority black
answer to quiz...haiti
Grossly off topic, but I'll share.
I rarely go to the movies, but decided to take the family to The life of Pi. It was quite a good film.
But the 20 minutes of previews that preceded it were nothing but a negro-fest. Every movie or TV show that was advertised had a negro front and center. If it was animation, there was an animated character speaking in hood rat dialect. I had to endure two minutes of some negro bakaball player intimidating a puggy white guy into giving him his dry cleaning as part of some TV show they were selling. This is f**king cinema?
What the hell is it with Hollywood, that they've got to jam negroes into every damn movie. They're 12.7% of the f**king population but seem to be 60% of any movie cast, or if not an outsized percentage, then the principle character is a magic negro scientist, super tough guy, or the warm and funny protagonist.
Hey, Weinstein or whatever the hell your name is, try portraying them as they actually exist, blood thirsty savage killers or lay about welfare cheats. Then you would sell some tickets.
Alternatively, there was a time in this country when you could watch a movie and there would be no negroes whatsoever. Is Hollywood a kind of jobs program like the f**king post office? Can't Finkelstein just donate to the United Negro College Fund and leave us the hell out of his guilt trip induced crusade to destroy America?
I f**king despise Hollywood. Best outcome I can see is Indian Bollywood crushing these Hollywood cockroaches, by producing the kind of movies America used to make.
Advance Publications, founded by Samuel Irving Newhouse (born Solomon Neuhaus). Another great American name - could have come right off the pages of the Declaration of Independence, no?
The scorpion's nature is his nature, as is the groid's. Tabula rasa my ass. The old ones were right about them both.
10mm AUTO said...
Try explaining to a functioning White 6 year old what a "turf war" is; a "beatdown"; what a negro "Polar Bear Hunt" is in the nonlegal sense of the phrase. The White child will look at you and ask: "Why don't you cleanse the land of such evil?"
Of course, even a child would understand that we are engaged in an insane effort to bring the negro toward the standards of most any non-negro culture.
And yet still the affirmative action, the actual preference in corporate America to employ the most ignorant blacks. Or the Federal government's focus on providing them unending charity, while disadvantaging other productive groups.
I see a time in the future, where all Africans will be brought to the U.S. Huge C-130 transports will carry the entire population of Africa into America. Obama will provide the "refugees" with the full ride, your assets will be confiscated by the Feds, while African families will be settled in your home. If your "guests" have a bone through their nose, you will have to adopt that. Your daughters will be "married" off to these Africans.
NBC, ABC and CBS will report that this is only right and you, a citizen, will be doing your job to support our first black President.
Sounds crazy? Have you been watching anything that has been going on over the past decade?
Anyone at this point who denies or overlooks the link between black people and the decline of everything around them is either lying to themself out of white guilt or is deliberately hiding the facts because they're part of the conspiracy. I care nothing for them regardless of which column they fall into.
Im married to an Asian woman. We have two kids together. I have no general issue with non-whites. I'm not an irrational, racist hatemonger who just can't accept people who look different from myself. Negroes are an economic parasite and a dangerous predator to people who look like me, and by extension my children. I hate negroes in the same way cats and mice hate each other, or wolves and sheep. There's nothing wrong with me. I don't need enlightenment. I'm not stuck in the 1950's and haven't been left behind by an intelligent, progressive society. I feel no guilt for making a reasoned, fact-supported judgement about black people based on experience, and every day they continue to prove me right. If a negro broke into my home today, I'd put a bullet in their head and feel no more sympathy for them than I would a rattlesnake that ventured too close to my children and lost its head to a shovel. They are wholly incompatible with the kind of world I aim to hand over to my children, and there is no reason for me to feel ashamed or hide my feelings. I don't need them, I don't owe them a god damned thing, and neither do you. The sooner people start realizing that their "racism" is healthy and embracing the idea that they care enough about their race (and the race of their offspring) to go against the grain, the sooner the negro and those who wield them as a weapon have absolutely nothing left with which to fight us.
Repeat after me: The negro is a dangerous, unsustainable race who are incompatible with the peaceful, thriving civilization we aim for our children to inherit. It is normal to distrust, dislike and fear them and it is they who should feel guilt and shame for what they've wrought upon the world our ancestors built us. I owe them nothing.
"Fight for freedom" .... hmmmm.
I think when that term gets filtered throgh the primitive negro brain, it simply gets translated as "KILL WHITEY!".
That's all they need to know. They're child soldiers in the NWO army, and they'll be at your door son, 'fighting for freedom'.
Speaking of Anthony Johnson its interesting to note that before the Johnson lawsuit, it was not uncommon for blacks to sell theirselves into servitude because it was law that after seven years they were released and given aplot of land or monetary compensation. Another bit of history that you wont learn in public school. Michmike
Brilliantly stated. Post of the week, if not the month! I would love to incorporate some of those points into our forthcoming printed materials. Well done!
Gwinnett Gladiator
Here's your multiculturalism in a nutshell. Here's you DIEversity a thousand times over.
Every culture and race stands up for itself save one. The white race and Western culture are committing suicide. Of course we're being murdered, but we're allowing this to happen to us. We could stop this overnight, but we must get together as a race and do it.
We need to qut supporting Hollywood and start advocating for ourselves ex post hast.
These people want to genocide us into oblivion. Other races have no compunction in killing us off.
Here's some Vietnamese and Chinese doing a beatdown on some hapless whites in a parking garage in Boston.
The future for white Amerika.
I neglected to mention that it was some Negroes filming the above YT beatdown by the Asians.
I love the new Amerika....don't you?
My only hope in seeing that beatdown is that maybe, just maybe, with my fingers crossed....perhaps; those on the recieving end were white Liberals that support Dieversity and gun control and unlimited immigration and depise white privilege and hate themselves for their heritage, ad nauseam, ad infintum.
Wouldn't that be justice.
Ray, i couldn't have said it better. Just curious, does your wife share your views. I ask this because virtually every single Indian, Chinese, or Korean I know despise the descendants of the pyramid builders.
That's why Swamp People, Gold Rush, Ax Men and the like are so popular. "groid free". And if you have TiVo you can whip by the cascade of groid infested commercials. While it's true the cast members may not be the brightest bulbs in the kitchen you have got to know that these folks won't take any shit from the average hood rat...and these types are the ones that do the work in this country.
Ray, i couldn't have said it better. Just curious, does your wife share your views. I ask this because virtually every single Indian, Chinese, or Korean I know despise the descendants of the pyramid builders.
They might despise his sons, but they voted for the magic negro by a 3 to 1 margin in the last 'mostest important erection evaahhh'. The only logical explanation is that they hate YT more. Sailer even opined that the vote may have been driven by Asian male resentment over seeing all the white men with Asian wives and girlfriends.
Ray Scissom said...
I have no general issue with non-whites. I'm not an irrational, racist hatemonger who just can't accept people who look different from myself...
There's nothing wrong with me. I don't need enlightenment. I'm not stuck in the 1950's and haven't been left behind by an intelligent, progressive society. I feel no guilt for making a reasoned, fact-supported judgement about black people based on experience...
Repeat after me: The negro is a dangerous, unsustainable race who are incompatible with the peaceful, thriving civilization we aim for our children to inherit. It is normal to distrust, dislike and fear them and it is they who should feel guilt and shame for what they've wrought upon the world our ancestors built us. I owe them nothing.
Might be the best post I've ever seen here.
We owe them nothing.
Bravo, well-said. I would only add that negros aren't capable of feeling shame in the context of "honor", they are only capable of feeling shame in the context of "ego".
OT, but it's important. The evidence keeps mounting, but the clueless "conservatives" continue to deny reality - just read the thread responses. Some in total denial post that it's just ammo being returned from Iraq, but hardly anyone on that site would even question the validity of a DHS - something whose closest parallel was the USSR's Army of the Interior Ministry.
I have to ask: What's the point of continuing the discussion here? There's no opposition to this at all. The full jackboot of BRA is coming. Absolutely nothing stands in its way. If you can get out of the country, leave while it's still possible. Stick a fork in it. Holodomor 2.0 here we come.
"Ray, i couldn't have said it better. Just curious, does your wife share your views. I ask this because virtually every single Indian, Chinese, or Korean I know despise the descendants of the pyramid builders."
She's not quite at the level I am. I often share posts and comments from sbpdl with her and she always agrees with the thoughts and ideas, although I can tell sometimes that she feels guilty about admitting the truth and going against the indoctrination she has received all of her life telling her we're all the same. I know that she thinks of me as intelligent and reasonable and knows me to be a caring and fair person. If I were some stereotypical redneck racist like the media would portray me, she might not give my ideas a chance. She understands that I share this information with her more out of love for her (and our kids) and in the interest of their safety than I do out of some blind hate for black people.
You have to keep in mind, too, that I'm not saying "honey.. look at that nigger over there. i bet he stinks". I'm saying things like "you are more likely to be a victim of violent, black crime than you are to die of whatever fear-inducing crap the media is pushing today" or "Watching Greys Anatomy, eh? Ever been to a hospital where 75% of the surgeons were black? Would you want to?" or "if you remove negro crime from the equation, there isn't a whole lot of gun violence in this country" or "Wow. If you watched this long enough, you'd think all black people were kind, grandfatherly types looking to make the world a better place, but we know the truth, don't we."
She doesn't watch the news or care much for current affairs. On almost all topics she concedes that she's able to live blissfully unaware of the dangers in this world because she knows I'm keeping an eye on things. It's not because she's not intelligent or doesn't speak the language. She's not a mail order bride or a hyphenated-american. She has been here since she was an infant, was naturalized legally and is a dedicated, productive American.
Bogolyubski said...
OT, but it's important. The evidence keeps mounting, but the clueless "conservatives" continue to deny reality - just read the thread responses. Some in total denial post that it's just ammo being returned from Iraq, but hardly anyone on that site would even question the validity of a DHS - something whose closest parallel was the USSR's Army of the Interior Ministry.
Isn't the type of ammunition they reportedly purchased banned by the geneva convention?
Bogolyubski said...
They might despise his sons, but they voted for the magic negro by a 3 to 1 margin in the last 'mostest important erection evaahhh'. The only logical explanation is that they hate YT more. Sailer even opined that the vote may have been driven by Asian male resentment over seeing all the white men with Asian wives and girlfriends.
I think this has less to do with a love for the magic negro among asians than it does the fact that the GOP ran a candidate without broad appeal to even their own base. I didn't vote for him. I proudly pulled the lever for Gary Johnson. If they wanted to win the election, they could have ran Ron Paul who would have beaten Obama handily.
"This one video says it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8XKtlM28GE"
Indeed, contrast with:
John 15:13...for your kindred.
Dissident said...
Every culture and race stands up for itself save one...
...we must get together as a race and do it.
The billboard campaign or other means could bring attention to the fact that "White Pride" need not come at the cost of other races, but that we'll no longer let the lack of it continue to relegate us to second class status in this country. I don't seek solidarity with my white brothers and sisters because I hate everyone different from me. I seek this solidarity because I love my white brothers and sisters and want to see them prosper and continue the good we've done for all of humanity.
One of the principal reasons that white people aren't more organized is that the majority of the white-supremacist organizations that exist are just as reprehensible to most reasonable white people as they are to non-whites. They need an outlet that's focused on fixing problems and having reasonable discussion about the problems we face and a seat at the table in this country and less on unbridled, irrational hate of everything you don't understand.
This is precisely why I spend so much time reading the articles and comments here at sbpdl. PK and the commenters here are people I generally feel represent my interests. Most importantly, I feel much more confident in sending links to this site to others who are starting to see and continuing to wake people up than I would sending a link to posts on stormfront or chimpout or amren regardless of how well written and factual the link itself may be.
I'm not here because I'm blinded by hate for everything non-white. I'm here because I see a pattern has emerged showing that black people in general are a costly, dangerous drain on the system I'll be passing on to my progeny in the coming decades. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see black people for what they are, but reading a few articles here offers more of a red pill to those still clouded by white guilt and unable to break free of the chains that bind their mind and leave them vulnerable and weak than a bunch of nigger jokes and cross burning memes will ever do.
We don't owe black people anything, but we owe our children a better world than we inherited. Putting a friendlier, more rational and familiar face on the movement is in every white person's best interest. We can win an intellectual war against the low-IQ negro and the disingenuous whites who make their war on us possible by eliminating the stigma.
1. Innocuous looking sites and articles we can link people to that are filled with the facts and statistics to plant the seeds. No anti-black commentary. We need a network of "whitewashed" sites we can use to infiltrate the media, facebook, etc without tipping the hat.
2. Media representation. We need people out on the streets and in the cities using these facts to shame and discredit BRA and the WMFWMIP (white motherfuckers who make it possible). When some dumbass black politician calls for gun control or demands money, we need to be there to refute them. Operating as "taxpayer" alliances, etc will work.
3. Outreach. If we all care about white people as much as we say we do, we should be helping them. We need organizations to help elderly whites move away from the overrun war zones. We need to offer scholarships to white students, fund organizations to stop whites from aborting white babies, and create programs that reward the kind of behavior we seek for our society. We need to support white business that runs afoul of BRA and needs us. We need to fund organizations that expose media bias, oppose those that portray white people negatively and call attention to revisionist history.
4. Character. We need to find people of unimpeachable character to represent us in the spotlight. We need people who know how to play the game, who know that they won't get a fair debate. Everything they say needs to be meticulously researched and delivered calmly. We want to be judged on the content of our character, too.
It seems that SBPDL readers have been commenting on this story.
Knockout King in Indianapolis downtown, white women beaten down by back male:
Speaking of life in ABRA, I just had to laugh out loud. Welcome to Illinois, comrades! Here, governors make your license plates when they get caught. There are just so many layers of blinding stupidity, but I'll just mention a few of the more obvious ones:
1. How's all the gun control working for all those nice black church ladies who voted for decades on ends for pols who disarmed everyone? They'll never ever connect the dots, of course.
2. Watch how fast all the nice "conservative" white Evangelical idiots come to their aid. They'll probably end up with a tidy net profit after all is said and done. Hell, if they're clever, they could use church robberies as a new variant of the "nigga lottery" - I can almost see the gears slowly turning in the nappy head of some groid mountebank "preechah" there in his thousand-dollar suit (which still looks tacky). Have some of the homies knock the place over and wait for the cash to roll in from all them honkey chumps. It's like Colt-45 Malt Liquor - works every damned time!
3. Even the robbers are stupid. If you want to score big robbing a church at gunpoint - go for the Episcopalians. They're all rich DWLs and you can be sure the church will be a UN-approved gun free zone. Hell the white girls there will probably be turned on and give yo' homies some nice Lewinskys.
DAMN are Black people stupid.
I had to take a walk after watching this. The damage done to our nation by the left is irreparable.
lenzap said...
Indeed, contrast with:
Mumford and Sons AND OCMS??? We can never expect a bunch of negro rappers to measure up to that.
OT, but-
Just saw a preview for a show called 'Deception' on tee-vee. It showed a black/white couple - white man, black womyn this time. While ominous music plays, we are treated to close-ups of the white man holding a big knife while the mocha-toned sow gazes on in helpless horror. You just know he's bad news.
Not to wory, though; there's a smooooth black buck cop right on that wicked honky's trail! Justice will be served!! Stay tuned!!!
This show is aimed straight at white womyn. We are so fucked.
Glad to see your accurate assessments again.
Baltimore Watcher
Just saw a preview for a show called 'Deception' on tee-vee. It showed a black/white couple - white man, black womyn this time. While ominous music plays, we are treated to close-ups of the white man holding a big knife while the mocha-toned sow gazes on in helpless horror. You just know he's bad news.
Not to wory, though; there's a smooooth black buck cop right on that wicked honky's trail! Justice will be served!! Stay tuned!!!
This show is aimed straight at white womyn. We are so fucked.
I don't disagree (We are so fucked). However, I have to make the point: Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head and making them watch TV. The solution, if you will, to the problem is remarkably simple: Throw away or sell your TV. There is nothing on TV that isn't propaganda. Nobody on our side owns TV networks, TV stations or companies which produce TV programming. How hard is it?
There are about a million better things one could be doing with spare time than watching anything on TV. Why is this very simple step so difficult for so many to comprehend? It's fine to warn of this propaganda, and you should feel free to do so, but you should also mention the simple step that can be taken every time you issue a warning: Turn it off!
DAMN are Black people stupid.
No argument there. However, I do have to wonder if whites are even more stupid. Really, how do you explain voting for Republicans for decades on end when they invariably betray them to the squids? I have have to laugh at what total chumps all those Tea Party folks were a couple of years ago. They went out and marched, campaigned and managed to vote the Repuke party into the house. What are they going to get for this hard work and effort?
Amnesty, gun control, Obamacare, taxes and even more spending. Oh yes, and a new shiny DHS army armed to the teeth, staffed with orcs, just waiting for the order to carry out the program and eradicate them - all paid for with tax revenue taken from their own pockets. At least the groids are getting real payment in the form of welfare, government jobs, affirmative-action, etc. What do whites who vote Republican ever get? A silver-plated dagger in the back with Ronnie Reagan's picture? Who are the really stupid ones?
That law comes from biblical law and also is the origin of severance pay. When a person was convicted of a crime they couldn't pay restitution for or got into debt and became unable to pay , they would become a slave for six years at the end of which they were to be sent out with generous amounts given to the freed slave.
Left Coast White Guy
My wife is Asian as well. She attended university with no taxpayer or scholarship support. We went through the LEGAL channels for citizenship.
In Southern CA, negroes are becoming scarce (good news) - beaners are the problem (bad news). My wife complains more than I do about parasites and mexicans crowding the waiting room at the Drs. office knowing that our taxes / insurance premiums are paying for them.
As there was no realistic choice on the presidential ballot last time, we both left it blank. Romney was NOT a choice and Obongo was a non-starter.
I Live in Asia, my wife is Asian. I can tell you 100% certainty. If it were not for contact with the West America in particular life would be very brutal for 95% of Asians.
The US built Korea and Japan South East Asia much of it was under European control. This is what took the potential for more intelligence and ignited a spark.
Asians are very much controled by the idea of reincarnation and karma. Most East Asians still follow Confusionist teachings. This means that status and age are incredibly important you can be Stephen Hawking or Einstien but with out the right family you would be stuck in the shit.
The contact with the West and the out right construction of civilization changed Asia for the better.
Asians maybe great at pure IQ tests but they have little ability to create or inovate the can only mimic and improve what they have already seen and been taught.
I don't know what it is but White people are special are skills and abilities are the perfect mixture for freedom and culture.
Before the 1800's most Asians were slaves to their country men not even to the level of surfs and they would ahve stayed that way were it not for the West. They are smart but they are also missing something.
Bogo said: "Throw away or sell your t.v."
Nice idea, but an idea that will never, ever even occur to 95% of the population.
We are so fucked.
Don't throw away or sell your TV. Steal the programming you want from the internet. I use a program called Sickbeard to download the shows I have approved of my children watching and choose for my wife and I to watch from Usenet. The commercials are already removed, the files are high quality, high-definition, and you can get any number of devices to play them on your TV (I use a small form factor PC running Openelec for mine). I pay $10/mo for access to usenet and get all of the movies, TV shows and music I want without having to give my money over to people who want me dead. Don't want to watch magic negro programming? Don't subscribe. I don't have to worry about my children watching anti-white BS or commercials, everyone is happy, and the squids get zero of my hard-earned dollars for the privilege.
For the moderately plugged-in folks, here's a complete guide to setting it up:
The Complete Guide for Setting Up SABNZBD, SickBeard, Couchpotato and Headphones
Bogo said...
total chumps all those Tea Party folks were a couple of years ago. They went out and marched, campaigned and managed to vote the Repuke party into the house. What are they going to get for this hard work and effort?
Amnesty, gun control, Obamacare, taxes and even more spending...
While never a Republican as such, I did believe there was potential to move that party in the right direction. No more. Obama, Marx, Alinsky, Stalin, Axelrod, very disturbing patterns.
Some author wrote a book about it, he called it the "Hercules factor", the factor which makes white males (historically the movers and shakers of civilisation) risk-takers, explorers, defying death for the sake of knowledge, etc. Combined with white IQ, it made the white race incomparable and inimitable. It is being bred out, legislated out, and "educated" out of white males, but no other race has the same combination of characteristics, which is why the civilisation created by whites must end with whites. Other races cannot create the world which whites created, even if they are just as smart. For one thing, their males don't have that "Hercules factor", which is much more than courage alone. It's courage, a white concept of honor, a kind of individualism which makes white males push themselves on against their own limits even in solitary pursuits, a quest for knowledge both for its own sake and for pragmatic reasons, and much much more. The males of no other race have exactly this quality, and no females.
Ray: what do you mean by "form factor PC running Openelec"?
Better yet, if you please, if you know any links regarding the basics of this operation, suited for beginners, I would be most grateful.
I went to that site you mentioned and tried to read the "The Complete Guide for Setting Up
SABnzbd+, Sick Beard, CouchPotato, and Headphones", but it's too advanced for me at my current level. Thank you.
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