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Gun violence in America is almost entirely a black phenomenon; just disarm them and the violence goes away (per Wall Street Journal and Atlantic Cities) |
More importantly, the fear of black criminality that convinces productive families to vacate urban America and move from suburb to suburb in search of a tranquil city to raise a family would also - instantly - be removed from the minds of white people.
You see, rampant black criminality - and the rational fear of black crime - is the reason cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta, Memphis, Detroit, Baton Rouge, Birmingham, and St. Louis have become cities where few white faces are rarely seen in areas that are heavily black.
Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) can blame white racism for the poverty and poor conditions found in majority black areas of urban environments, but the reality is simply this: wherever black people numerically become the majority, the physical conditions of the community will degenerate immediately to a level befitting its new majority population.
Primarily law-abiding white Americans are (and always have) currently purchasing record amounts of guns and ammunition for three reasons: a rational fear of black crime; a rational fear that the government is clamping down on gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment and that it will ultimately use its power to disarm white America -- the only people capable of restoring order out of the chaos in the modern racial democracy that exists in the United States; and, finally, that a "collapse" of some sorts is imminent.
But think about it: hasn't a collapse of Biblical proportions already happened to 90 percent black Detroit; 75 percent black Birmingham; and others areas of the nation that can scarcely be called 'civilized' anymore? Where black gun violence is as much a fact of life as welfare checks arriving at the first of the month and the EBT/Food Stamp/WIC card being reloaded at the same time?
What if innovation and an entrepreneur class were to return to these cities via the magic of gentrification? All that serves as an impediment to the rebirth of cities like Detroit and Birmingham is the presence of scary black people - based on crime statistics, "scary" might not be too strong a word.
What if it became a crime for black people to own weapons?
Just take a look at some quick stats before brushing aside this rational idea as 'racist':
- From Atlantic Cities [The Geography of US Gun Violence]: Gun violence in America has reached epidemic proportions — over 30,000 people died by gun in 2011, according to preliminary data [PDF]. This past summer, dubbed the summer of the gun, these numbers felt all too close and all too random, with shootings near the Empire State Building and in an office in D.C. closely following mass killings in Aurora, Colorado and Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The first map above shows the overall rate of gun-related deaths per 100,000 people by metro. The rates vary substantially from a high of 32.8 in New Orleans to a low of 3.6 in Boston. Birmingham has the second highest rate with 20.5, followed by Memphis with 19.8. Las Vegas (17.6) and Jacksonville (17.5) round out the top five metro rates. After Boston, the metros with the lowest rates include San Jose (3.8), followed by Providence (4.1), New York (4.8), and Hartford (4.8).Race, unfortunately and tragically, factors into gun death at the metro level. The share of the population that is black is positively related to both the overall rate of gun death (.56) and even more so with gun-related homicides (.72). The pattern is similar for the share of the population that is comprised of young black males which is also positively related to the overall rate of gun death (.55) and murder by gun (.70).
- From the Daily Beast, via the pathetic David Frum [Gun Violence Isn't a Racial Problem]:Yesterday the Baton Rouge Advocate published a lengthy analysis of the 2012 murder stats in the city. Take a look at this PDF of one of the inside pages. Last year, 83 people died by homicide in Baton Rouge. Of that number, 87% were black, and 87% were male. Two-thirds had been in trouble with the law before, and one-third had been in trouble with the law for drugs. The median age of victims: 26.Of the perpetrators, the median age was 22. Get this: 96% of them were black, and 90% were male. Almost two-thirds had previous arrests. One out of four had a drug record.Most of the murders took place in the poorest parts of the city.What can we learn from these statistics? That murder in Baton Rouge is almost entirely about young black men from the poor part of town killing other young black men from the poor part of town. It's mostly a matter of thugs killing thugs.
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State Homicide Rates by Race -- Courtesy of Vox Day |
- From the Washington Post, a breakdown of gun violence in New York City [The Color of Murder and Gun Violence in New York] :"In short, 95.1 percent of all murder victims and 95.9 percent of all shooting victims in New York City are black or Hispanic. And 90.2 percent of those arrested for murder and 96.7 percent of those arrested for shooting someone are black and Hispanic. I don't even know where to begin to describe the horror I still feel looking at those numbers. But the word 'hunted' comes to mind."
- Vox Day noted that the New York Times published a column arguing that because black people kill black people in urban areas at such extreme rates, all of America should be disarmed. He pointed out something else entirely, illustrating the relationship of gun violence to... race [Race and Guns Part 1] :
Below is a chart I [Vox] prepared based on the state-by-state offense rates, per 100k population, comparing black homicide to non-black homicide. The source was the commenter Silver's comment on a recent Steve Sailer post, derived from a 2009 FBI report. The average state homicide rate is 17.3 per 100k for the black population and 2.5 per 100k for the non-black population. As Silver notes, the FBI information cannot be used to directly compare black and white homicide rates, since the non-black rate combines the white, Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian rates. I will attempt to sort out some of those rates in the next post on this subject, but even a casual glance will suffice to show that the states with the highest non-black homicide rates, the District of Columbia (9.1), Nevada (5.2), Arizona (4.4), and California (4.3) tends to coincide with higher levels of Hispanic population.
If Cole's thesis was correct, we would have to find that gun ownership and poverty are vastly higher among the black population than among the other U.S. populations. But this is clearly not the case with regards to gun ownership, since 44% of whites own guns compared to 27% of blacks, and the Hispanic poverty rate is 26.6%, nearly equal to the black poverty rate of 27.4%. Therefore, we can not only refute his argument that gun rights entail violence by comparing international crime statistics, but also conclusively show that his "necessary" recommendations for reducing violence are unrelated to the causal problem at hand, and as a result, extremely unlikely to reduce it in any substantive manner. - The city of Chicago, where handguns are already outlawed, is a case study in why black people should be barred from firearm ownership [Chicago Murder Rate Tops Afghan Death Toll]: A WND review of the Chicago Police Department Murder Analysis
reports from 2003 to 2011 provides a statistical breakdown of the
demographics of both the victims and offenders in the 4,265 murders in
Chicago over that time period.
Of the victims of murder in Chicago from 2003 to 2011, an average of 77 percent had a prior arrest history, with a high of 79 percent of the 436 murdered in Chicago in 2010 having arrest histories.
For the same 2003-2011 period, blacks were the victims of 75 percent of 4,265 murders. Blacks also were the offenders in 75 percent of the murders.
According to 2010 U.S. Census information, Chicago has a population of 2,695,598 people. The city is 33 percent black, 32 percent white (not Hispanic), and 30 percent Hispanic or Latino in origin.
For the 2003-2011 period, whites were nearly 6 percent of the victims and accused of carrying out 4 percent of the murders.
For the 2003-2011 period, Hispanics or Latinos were 19 percent of the victims and 20 percent of the offenders.
Between 2003 and 2011, 4,265 people were murdered in the city of Chicago. In 2012 alone, 512 people were murdered in the city.
Operation Enduring Freedom, the name for the war in Afghanistan, which started Oct. 7, 2001, has seen a total of 2,166 killed. The war has been ongoing for 11 years, 3 months and one week.
Operation Iraqi Freedom, the name for the war in Iraq, which started March 20, 2003, and ended Dec. 15, 2011, saw a total of 4,422 killed.
We could breakdown gun violence in Atlanta, Birmingham (just read The Killing Years), Milwaukee, Washington D.C., Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami, Orlando, Houston, Dallas, Tulsa, Detroit, Indianapolis, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Savannah, Macon (Georgia), Nashville, or Philadelphia.. but we could just read the Wall Street Journal's power article Communities Struggle to Break a Grim Cycle of Killing [8-18-12] for the truth:
Bureau of Justice Statistics data show that from 1976 to 2005, white victims were killed by white defendants 86% of the time and black victims were killed by blacks 94% of the time.
Then there is the matter of who is dying. Although the U.S. murder rate has been dropping for years, an analysis of homicide data by The Wall Street Journal found that the number of black male victims increased more than 10%, to 5,942 in 2010 from 5,307 in 2000.
Overall, more than half the nation's homicide victims are African-American, though blacks make up only 13% of the population. Of those black murder victims, 85% were men, mostly young men.
Despite the declining U.S. murder rate, killings remain stubbornly high in poor pockets of cities large and small. In some cases, the rate is rising sharply. That increase is draining resources from police, prosecutors, social workers and hospitals.How dare you argue for disarming black people, SBPDL! Couldn't that lead to the state enacting harsher laws against the black community that would then be unable to defend itself, especially the law-abiding population of black people who are also at the mercy of gun-wielding blacks?
And this same logic must applied to anyone hoping to grab guns from the law-abiding white population of the United States.
Closest we get to that is vigorous enforcement of felon in possession laws. NRA endorses and has helped design those programs, members of the Congressional Black Caucus oppose those programs, and slyly, the Obama DOJ is slowly dismantling them.
I say, ARM all blacks! Subsidize gun purchases for them. With their near total lack of self-control, they will soon be murdering one another with abandon.
Wait a minute!
Isn't this already happening in Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel's shining city of Chicago?
BRA is held on a few major pillars.
#1. There is no basis for IQ among racial groups based on Genetics.
#2. White Privillage exists there for there must be Affermative Action.
#3. Well Fare and other Social programs help more than they hurt.
#4. Violence is due to Social Ills as opposed to Heredity.
I maybe missing a few but these are the major ones. It only takes one pillar to be pulled out and the roof caves in.
As soon as people can admit that DNA causes many behaviors and that race is a reality the end is near. Never have we been so close but so far.
Maybe the awakening has been antisipated maybe it was the Squids, the Elites, or someone else? At this very moment B.O and the his cohorts are doing all they can to enslave the White European Populace. His European counterparts are trying the same tactics. Our backs are against the cliff either we fall or we rally and fight back. Either way we get what we deserve.
One man the right man just needs to step up. Shine a light be bright get the word out. Maybe a TV station needs to be created? WET (White Educational Television?) When the conditions are right and it is physically, financially, and socically safe more will join. It only takes a spark. America, England, France, most of the White World is a tinderbox. We are all just waiting for that spark.
Will we be snuffed out or will we blaze?
Confusing thing in post: your extensive quote from Vox Day is not blockquoted or otherwise set apart, and would appear to be your own words to those who don't click through to read the original.
Countenance, do you have any examples of how Obummer & Co. are dismantling felon-in-possession laws?
Trying to solve the problem of so-called "gun violence" by disarming Whites, is like trying to prevent drunk driving by keeping sober people from buying cars.
How about a bounty on gang punks? They are next to worthless anyway, and use up good oxygen and food that could be put to a better use. Once the bounty program went into effect, maybe some enterprising person could organize bounty safari trips into the areas in question. Now, wouldn't that be exciting? As for banning blacks having weapons, this would put the ACLU and like-minded leftist/socialist/communist groups in quite a predicament, as they oppose public possession of firearms. Would be interesting to see if they would advocate africans having access to guns, in the interest of the holy equality.
Closest we get to that is vigorous enforcement of felon in possession laws. NRA endorses and has helped design those programs, members of the Congressional Black Caucus oppose those programs, and slyly, the Obama DOJ is slowly dismantling them.
Obviously, a ban on black gun ownership would violate all sorts of equal protection laws (not that the government has any hesitation in so doing when it comes to whites...). A back-door way to do this is via banning convicted felons from owning guns. Given the high crime rates among blacks, this would sooner or later sort itself out.
But here's the rub: such laws would have to be actually enforced. Given the current political climate, would they be? As the wisdom goes, the government is out to disarm the law abiding citizen, not the criminal element. It's the bigger picture which counts, and it will be interesting to see where Obama and Company are going with this one.
It might also be useful for race realists to join the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and other pro-gun groups, as well as your local shooting club.
Way to move the Overton Window farther to the right.
Props :)
Oh. So you're another squid theorist. Up till now I had respected you as a perceptive and intelligent commenter. Live and learn.
$100 says "bobylusky" wants to disarm whites he discerns "weathy" (or Republican, etc) of THEIR firearms also...
Got to make those rich eletists pay ya-know!
When are you guys going to figure out that this douchebag is a dyed in the wool COMMUNIST, just like.... that knee-grow Obama.
LIBERALS are the enemy.
The thousands of leftists schoolteachers, from K-Grad school... the Union members, the leftist bloggers, the local supermarket that accepts EBT...
Please. Wake the F*%# up.
There were only 99 murders in London last year. This is the lowesy yearly total since 1970.
The London murder rate is almost entirely down to ethnic minorites and foreigners and I bet I do not have to tell your readers what ethnic minorities and what foreigners.
I would be amazed if native Brits commit ten murders ayear in London.
P.K. Said, "but the reality is simply this: wherever black people numerically become the majority, the physical conditions of the community will degenerate immediately to a level befitting its new majority population."
Absolutly, 100% right on the money. Anyone who believes different, has a rude awakening headed their way. The ones who see, know this. The ones wearing the diversity goggles will see the ruin before their eyes, but they will go on into it anyway. I have no use for this type. My sympathy flies right out the window with them. You see, I've lived there. I know first hand, I have no illusions on how they act when they out number as a group. White flight isn't racism , it's common sense, plain an simple.
As for guns? type in........
"Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia --- Crime Rate Plummets"
"Gun Ownership - It's The Law In Kennesaw"
This is why, when I stumbled upon an essay on the Georgia Carry website that held as its basic premise that 'Gun control laws are rooted in racism', I shot off a flame-mail to their founder citing some basic crime statistics to prove my point: Guns SHOULD be controlled for blacks...hell, everything should be controlled. This was the essence of Jim Crow laws. The reasoned observation that a different set of laws was needed because the vast majority of black people could not handle any kind of rights afforded to civilized society.
If you've been to a gun show here in Georgia since the 2008 election, you will be treated to a growing mass of dark faces walking around with their particular lazy, simian-like gait, toting AR-15's they just bought. It's a very disquieting sight to say the least. The look in their otherwise dull eyes says : "Whitey...we on even grounds now!"
My only hope is that the technical demands of loading, firing, and then disassembling and cleaning an AR-15 to keep it in working condition will be too much for their limited intellect.
hey P.K.,as much as the real white america would love to disarm the ungrateful blacks in this country it won't happen. first blacks have gotten even more militant because of the rev. wright's of chicago(just ask old barry soetoro)and the cry/call will go out saying us honkey's are gonna plantation them again or line em up like they did in germany some time ago with a diffrent race. so the race hustlers jackson, sharpton, and liberal pig whites will cry foul at the mention of disarming all blacks. alot of this gun violence can be solved with stiff jail terms. no getting out on good behavior. any gun crime (except death) should be 25yrs no-exception. life/or death penalty for taking life of another with a a gun. and barry soetoro wants more stimulus, well how about building more jails for a start. and keep all criminals in jail till they do every day of their time. sounds easy to me. GODSPEED WHITES!!!
hey P.K.,as much as the real white america would love to disarm the ungrateful blacks in this country it won't happen. first blacks have gotten even more militant because of the rev. wright's of chicago(just ask old barry soetoro)and the cry/call will go out saying us honkey's are gonna plantation them again or line em up like they did in germany some time ago with a diffrent race. so the race hustlers jackson, sharpton, and liberal pig whites will cry foul at the mention of disarming all blacks. alot of this gun violence can be solved with stiff jail terms. no getting out on good behavior. any gun crime (except death) should be 25yrs no-exception. life/or death penalty for taking life of another with a a gun. and barry soetoro wants more stimulus, well how about building more jails for a start. and keep all criminals in jail till they do every day of their time. sounds easy to me. GODSPEED WHITES!!!
Someone has posted links before to interactive maps that show population breakdown by race, public assistance usage, crime, etc.
Can someone repost the link?
This is a good reference but it doesn't show breakdown by county. I think it was a NY Times interactive map that had breakdown of various stats by county.
Links worth bookmarking.
Speaking of the Overton Window:
How about proposing the "One Baby Momma"
law purely as thought experiment:
One Baby Momma - no penalty
Two Baby Mommas - 90 days in jail or vasectomy
Three Baby Mommas - One year in Jail without vasectomy, with vasectomy 6 months.
Four Baby Mommas - mandatory vasectomy and 2 years in jail.
and so on and so on.....
The Race Hustlers and the left will go nuts. Good just as intended. But a surprising number of middle class blacks and hispanics will see the merit in the proposal. This is how you split the Black and Hispanic vote. No Pandering, just show you got some sack.
Catholic and Christian Conservatives leaders will also hyperventilate. "This will only promote contraception and ABORTION!!!" But they will be forced to confront the fact that the vast majority of the flock are far more concerned about the runaway growth of the underclass, urban decay and crime than another unwanted welfare baby and future gang banger.
It appears as though a lot of gun crimes are caused by blacks with criminal records. That means they have been to prison or jail and have not only survived it but have prospered making contacts through networking with other black criminals. The penal system does not work for blacks they enjoy that briar patch. Prisons should be comprised of work gangs, breaking rocks and digging holes. The next day breaking more rocks and covering the holes. What's so cruel about manual labor for our lazy thugs.
Enthusiasm for firearms in today’s African American community can be directly attributed to the specter of slavery, which still haunts many black Americans. Slaves were denied the privilege of owning weapons on the antebellum plantation. After emancipation, African Americans quickly developed a fondness for guns as a means of protecting themselves from racist whites who opposed Reconstruction.
African Americans continue to covet guns largely as a response to widespread firearms ownership among whites. Disarming the reactionary, white, middle class is a necessary prerequisite to convincing urban African Americans that firearms ownership is a barbaric relic of a bygone era.
Dr. Donald Moshe Eppstein
National Institute of Historical Geographic Research
There is no need to present the facts. Barry Soetero is not interested in facts. He is interested in destroying the US Constitution and consequently destroying Whites. When has facts meant anything to this half-white person? He is intent on destroying this country and White people. There's your facts.
Chicago's and other big city politicians know that the all out adoption of Broken Windows and Stop and Frisk policies combined with tough illegal gun possession sentencing, and the death penalty for felony homicide would cut murder rates dramatically.
Steve Sailer writes how upper Manhattan liberals know this is true and support these very policies for themselves all the while crossing their fingers that the NYT's, ACLU's and Obama's campaign against Stop and Frisk will fail.
See Heather McDonald's latest article over at City-Journal on "Stop and Frisk" and how it made a big difference in the Bronx is worth reading. Learn how the NYT, NYCLU and lefty judge Shira Scheindlin is hard at work trying to gut it.
Can you imagine the drop in violent crime if Negro's could no longer own guns? I mean they will always break that law but if liberal judges were removed and common sense sentencing guidelines were put in place, we could live in a much safer society.
There is a reason why jail is called N!@@3& University. I'd argue that many high schools are the same, especially in urban areas and districts with open enrollment aka passing the buck schools.
As I write this,a group of well intentioned blonde liberals are speaking gleefully about Barry's inauguration. I remember when coffee shops were the territory of fierce debaters and intellectuals. Nowadays it's all praise for the king.
Here is a rough math breakdown for all the low information voters out there:
US Population: approx 300 million
Black %: 12% or 36 million
Blacks commit approx 60% of violent crimes (murder, rape, armed robbery, agg. assault)
12% of the pop. committing 60% of the crimes.
Now subtract she-males: 6% of the pop. committing 60% of the crimes.
Now deduct males below 10 or over 60:
roughly 3.5% of a population of 300 million
Now we have made the case why every black male between 10-60 should be monitored at all times.
You do realize that we are at the fthin end of a wedge here? The blacks are numerous enough to form a statelet. 40 million. That's effectively the same population as France for what it's worth. They have MLK as their Moses with his own day that for them rivals Christmas and Easter day, they have Their Joshua In Obama and they have other various prophets. They infest the civil service, they operate as a
Thoughtcrime Police on campus and in the media. You are witnessing how religions form in real time.
When the latest fracas against our Republics second amendment began after the December 2012 CT. school shooting, my first thought was, if we must restrict guns here in America, it should be all liberal democrats who are restricted via a disenfranchisement of their 2nd Amendment rights. Now I believe that all who should be disenfranchised from our democratic process, white liberals, blacks, browns and Islamics, should also be disenfranchised from America’s second amendment. Small but important difference.
I noticed most psychotic, white mass murderers are liberals. It seems to me the only exception was Tim McVey, who went after the government, not school children. Further, everyone should know about both blacks and browns with guns. Their lower IQ, born of a tribal producing, more r selective gene pool, makes them incapable of the necessary responsibility to a higher cultures, dangerous in the wrong hands, creation.
More importantly, the liberals and their democrat party are targeting America`s second amendment first and foremost to begin the transmogrification of our free enterprise Republic into their socialist democracy. I sense they see the 2nd amendment as the chink in the armor of America`s free enterprise Republic, and further, see it as the chink that can be exploited most.
Rome built its roads one brick at a time. America’s liberal, socialist democrats see the usurpation of our Founding Fathers America as a similar, one step at a time process. This is where a non-liberal white can really see, and sense out, the true intent of liberal democrats, and their big dream of a socialist democracy, with themselves at the top, enjoying the highlife of power, fame and fortune, at the expense of, and with all others, subordinate to them, floundering about in tyranny, poverty and misery.
This is exactly what our Founding Fathers seceded from in the first place.
Barac Obama and King George the 3rd, two peas in the would-be same pod. Thank you.
IF the entire nation was disarmed and all guns destroyed, this would have no effect at all on the levels of black criminality. All it would do is make the criminals switch to another weapon. There'd no doubt be a quick rise in the popularity of machetes and knives among the diversity with mob attacks becoming all the rage. Would it matter if the law states no one can carry a knife with a blade over four inches? Of course not.
I lived in Hong Kong for three years and guns are banned there. The criminal element simply used meat cleavers in their mob attacks and one of the most common threats was, "We will CHOP you to death."
The point is that criminals will always find a weapon to use and you can't ban everything. Ban machetes and knives and they'll switch to baseball bats and clubs.
The problem is not the weapon the criminal chooses but the criminal himself.
As for Dr. Eptsteins assertion that blacks wanted weapons (due to attacks by racists who opposed Reconstruction) perhaps Dr. Eptstein could explain why even back in those long dead days, blacks were still responsible for the highest rates of crime and were the majority imprisoned for crimes just as they are today? Or shall we be treated to more DWL assertions that blacks are sweet innocent angels with halo's and wings who just want to protect themselves from the evil white devils? A rhetorical question as we already know the answer DWL's would spew and need not hear it again.
Paul Kersey
I listened to your presentation at the VDARE seminar on Satureday. More SBPDL and VDARE readers should have attended!!! 30 bucks for a worthy cause makes one's week.
By the way I used an ten years old pc running Windows XP well below the GOTOMEETINGS' stated minimum requirements, because it was my only non-Linux computer I heard you chipmunk on GOTOMEETINGS just fine.
Mr. Rational
This isn't proof that Obama's DOJ is dismantling the "Project Exile" style programs, but it could be a clue. But there could be another explanation -- Not every ex-con caught in possession of a gun is going to get prosecuted. Often, the cops hold that rap like the Sword of Damocles over the heads of blacks so arrested for it, in order to turn them around back into the "community" as stool pigeons.
Note to low information voters: It has been illegal for convicted felons to own firearms since 1968 on the Federal level, probably earlier in some states.
I disagree about Obama as George III.
That's good for stirring up the patriotards but Jefferson
Et al created a proposition that clearly opened up the way for Kang F'Ubu.
A King is racially related to his subjects. George III was at least a Germano-English fellow who enjoyed farming and shooting and hunting and he conquered darkies of all sorts. He didn't flood his nation with blacks or see that they were elected to the Premiership.
Jefferson stated that all men are equal. He could have been explicit about keeping that to whites. Or he could have avoided the idea at all. He should never have said it or written it down.
Dear Anonymous said... at January 24, 2013 at 8:33 AM
Relax buddy, I believe you have been punked
The good doctor is pure satire:
Dr. Donald Moshe Eppstein
National Institute of Historical Geographic Research(NIHGR)
Really Now!!!
LOL we I first read the good doctor. Googled him. Could not find him. If he does exist, please post a link. I would love to be further educated by the enlightened one.
I say, ARM all blacks! Subsidize gun purchases for them. With their near total lack of self-control, they will soon be murdering one another with abandon.
Wait a minute!
Isn't this already happening in Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel's shining city of Chicago?
No. According to Cheeph of Póh-leece McCarthy, the murders of all those shining Sons of D'Won - potential rocket scientists and astronauts all - are actually the result of visitations from the evil spirits of New England Puritans and ghoostly Confederates like Robert E. Lee and Nathanael Forrest. So there you have it, YT: Even if you're dead - it's still your fault!
But here's the worst part of this absurd tale. The millions of college-edumacated white females who routinely listen to NPR actually believe it.
Anonymous above wrote:
IF the entire nation was disarmed and all guns destroyed, this would have no effect at all on the levels of black criminality.
If all deadly weapons disappeared, it would have a negative disparate impact on whites. That's because blacks have a gang/group mentality (and their fists and feet), and white people tend to act and live as individuals or very small groups.
I have good friend who is a successful and wealthy business owner. He has the appropriate "conservative" ideals of hard work, pull yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps ethic, take personal responsibility, et al..
However, despite being degreed, he was never academic. His knowledge of history is nil. His understanding of politics and current events is bizarro. He does understand we have a race problem and personal responsibility problem in society. He forms his opinions via the media.
Two weeks ago he accompanied an older and wiser friend to a mega gun store and range in SE Pennsylvania. His older friend is a self-described liberal who has decided to investigate the "gun culture" since the CT Massacre. The older friend is totally against what the left is attempting. He maintains a small cohort of eastern elites is crapping down the throats of the nation.
So my buddy called me up to describe his outing. He was breathless. He was astounded at what he saw. And none of all it matched up with the Michael Moore/PBS/NYT of "the gun culture".
First off, he was amazed that the joint wasn't filled with toothless savage rednecks. He was amazed at the number of females. He was amazed at the number of people "just like you and I". He was amazed that the range actually has rules and that no one was threatening one another. He was amazed at the reverence of those shooting. He noted the "culture" is actually one of respect and responsibility. He was amazed at the size of this super store. He was amazed at the volume. It took 5 minutes to find a parking place. The store was packed so tight with customers that it was hard to walk through. The wait for a shooting lane was 50 minutes.
So there I sat listening to his epiphany. He took the scales from his eyes and saw this is not what big media and our 1 party state say it is. It's his neighbors. It's normal people. His semi-upper class myopic east coast bubble had been burst.
When I decided to arm myself 4 years ago (my wife and I took our mandated handgun training class on Inauguration Day 2009) my friend was very upset with me. His hand shook when I showed him my S&W. Now, 4 years later, his McMansion neighborhood is plagued by forced entries and burglaries.
My next step is to take him to the range.
Yours truly, from the 1 party state.
As the very first poster in this thread mentioned, the felony prohibition of the 1968 Gun Control Act already makes it illegal for large swaths of the black population to own guns. They seem to have no trouble at all in obtaining all they could possible need regardless of what laws are on the books. Even in draconian gun-control of the UK-okrug of the EUSSR, the local groids have no problem getting guns.
While I appreciate the reductio ad absurdam rhetoric of "Disarming Black America", a better point is that negro control is infinitely more important than gun control when it comes to dealing with crime.
Back to my observation about the 'Freepers' being like Wylie E. Coyote: Read and laugh at their shock and awe over being left hanging in mid-air over oblivion by those they steadfastly supported - yet again! Not to worry, they'll fall for it the next time, too.
Paul Kersey,
Obviously, your post was an exercise in moving Overton's policy window. A good means of readjusting perspective.
For decades the worthless and expensive attempts by the likes of Jack Kemp and Karl Rove, have largely consisted of jumping on the Left-wing policy bandwagon, in hopes that me too pandering will get minorities to identify as Republicans. What did enterprise zones or aggressive affirmative action minority mortgage lending do to create Republicans or jobs or build minority wealth?? It just fleeced taxpayers.
But that is what you get when you allow the left to control the policy window.
A better way, would be to identify legitimate black business owners who have been the victims or targets of black crime. Every city has had examples of black barbershop and beauty shop owners shot and/or killed by black hoods. Why were they not allowed or even encouraged to own firearms in order to protect themselves?
In cases where a black business man defends his property, why not make this a story. That is what is required to control the narrative.
How about pushing the meme that every black Republican is a just a taxpayer who got robbed??? Instead of allowing the MSM to call the Uncle Toms.
It seems to me that the left-wing media is always out to get blacks who righteously defend themselves and their property rights. They are called Uncle Toms.
Here is one great example:
Former Indianapolis Colts future NFL HoF receiver Marvin Harrison refuses to be shaken down by a drug dealing hood. Did Harrison act out side the law to prevent being repeatedly an extort target by a notorious drug dealing thug? Possibly. Yet if Harrison tried to act fully within the law the local hoods would have killed him just for being a snitch.
What does Harrison get for his trouble, that right, being called an Uncle Tom.
I lived in Chicago and I asked a Korean coworker, if it was true black gang bangers avoided robbing Korean businesses. Because, I read where a Chicago Cop stated blacks believed gun control or not that Koreans were armed. My coworker said "Not only were his business owning parents armed, but rob one Korean business, and you might as well be taking on the whole neighborhood. Next, thing you know gang banger be dog food".
Likewise the idiotic no balls Republicans lost more votes among minorities of all colors for not going all out and defending the surely innocent and at least wee bit part black George Zimmerman against Trayvon Martin, when his neighbors of all races appreciated what Zimmerman did to protect his community.
Trial junkie here. Absolutely. The Idiot Celebrities are always demanding "white people give up your guns." They never make such a demand of blacks.
Might I suggest more rigorous mathematics? Treat black violence as if it were a disease; treat guns, knives, political power, race as if they were environmental factors. Establish correlations. Describe cost/benefit to white (NE/NAM) society for the removal of each environmental factor.
William Bratton interview from WS Jrnl Jan 19 2013 -
"Stop-and-frisk is not something that you can stop. It is an absolutely basic tool of American policing," Mr. Bratton says. "It would be like asking a doctor to give an examination to you without using his stethoscope." Critics, he complains, "always leave out the middle term—stop, question and frisk. About 60 to 70 percent of the stops don't result in a frisk in New York."
countenance said...
Mr. Rational
This isn't proof that Obama's DOJ is dismantling the "Project Exile" style programs, but it could be a clue. But there could be another explanation -- Not every ex-con caught in possession of a gun is going to get prosecuted. (Emphasis added.) Often, the cops hold that rap like the Sword of Damocles over the heads of blacks so arrested for it, in order to turn them around back into the "community" as stool pigeons.
Note to low information voters: It has been illegal for convicted felons to own firearms since 1968 on the Federal level, probably earlier in some states.
January 24, 2013 at 8:44 AM
The cops don't hold it over their heads, the junior district attorneys do. The gun charge is the first thing thrown out, unless the gun was actually fired in the commission of the crime.
Why? So they can stack up a ton of "wins" and get out of the D.A's office, and get a real attorney's job - for the defense side. If you don't win a lot for the D.A, you get fired. If you don't win a lot for the defense side, you get paid anyway. Hell, you can even call a police hotline and turn in your own client and get another retainer, if you're behind on the Porsche payments.
I'm not criticizing you at all. I'm being rhetorical.
I'm sure you've read at least portions of the modern writing of the King James Bible. Sometimes, you will see words and prepositions in italics. Those words were added later after the original KJV was written to add linguistic context to what is being communicated. A person reading the KJV at the time the KJV was written would understand it in context, but language has changed that we need to insert these prepositions for the 21st Century reader to come away with the same meaning as a 17th Century reader.
Many believe that needs to happen with the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence.
As written, it reads like this:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...
The proposal that many think needs to happen would have it reading this, one simple word in italics added:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, in that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...
Adding "in" would add context that Jefferson actually meant, which was implied in the language of its day. And it would also remove any egalitarian imperative of the language.
Another, simpler, more obvious argument, is that the DOI is not a governing document.
Anonymous above:
Bratton reminding us that "Stop and Frisk" is really "Stop Question Frisk" is very important to grok. Because of the "question" part, it turns a frisk that is a result of SQF into a Terry vs Ohio stop, because the "questioning" is used to establish reasonable suspicion, and keeps SQF constitutional.
Anonymous at 10:36 AM, why should anyone here give a damn if the repukes "lost more votes among minorities of all kinds?" What, precisely, would the benefit of arming purportedly law-abiding blacks be? I don't believe I'm wrong in saying that most here are NOT arguing that if only blacks were somehow made a bit smarter and adhered more closely to White mores that they'd be just hunky dory as neighbors or as White girls' suitors. The old ideal of "assimilation" may have worked (I personally agree with Vox Day that it didn't nearly as much as assumed) among White immigrants. As I've argued to my husband (who's come around to seeing and agreeing with my viewpoint), even if you claim to admire a black like Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams, do you want his son or daughter marrying into your family?
Your argument is predicated on the same assumptions as those who insist that immigration would be great for America, as long as it's purportedly high-IQ Chinese and Indian immigration. Race proceeds from genetics and culture proceeds from race. The type of society and behavior most here desire depends upon White people - and regardless of whether they're "virtuous" or not (the IKAGO - I know a good one - fallacy), blacks and other "minorities" are not desired.
Enthusiasm for firearms in today’s African American community can be directly attributed to the specter of slavery, which still haunts many black Americans.
Indeed, and this is why the federal government should implement an affirmative action program to require gun stores to sell assault rifles to blacks. This will compensate for the long history in America of blacks being discriminated against in firearms purchases, and the disparate impact of felony convictions of black men. The DOJ can even redistribute firearms confiscated from the white middle class to black people who have been forced by slavery, segregation and racism to live in violent cities such as Detroit. This way, they can defend themselves against the forces which would re-enslave black people. And let's work with racially enlightened countries, such as the rainbow nation of South Africa, such that we may experience the joys of a disarmed white populace.
--Interstate Researchers On Nonviolent Youth
What, precisely, would the benefit of arming purportedly law-abiding blacks be?
The advantage would be in dividing the opposition. The advantage would be in playing them off against each other. The advantage would be some blacks voting for pro-gun candidates, thereby at least giving more breathing room for the rest of us to practice 2nd Amendment rights.
And when all is said and done, the advantage might be one more thug shot by a storekeeper or homeowner--and that thug will not be going after your daughter or son.
300 million total population seems a tad low for some reason...
Anonymous suggested: How about proposing the "One Baby Momma"
law purely as thought experiment:
One Baby Momma - no penalty
Two Baby Mommas - 90 days in jail or vasectomy
Three Baby Mommas - One year in Jail without vasectomy, with vasectomy 6 months.
Four Baby Mommas - mandatory vasectomy and 2 years in jail.
What stops some thug from knocking up 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in a year before he gets snipped?
If you want a peaceful solution to the problem you need to eliminate the low-IQ, impulsive and those without future time preference. You need to sterilize the females more than the males, especially the illiterates. You need to get them before they have 2, preferably before they even have one. THEN you need tough work requirements for the ones who haven't volunteered to be fixed and pop one out without getting themselves a diploma and a husband first. When the rest see how hard it is to be a "baby mama", they'll line up in front of the clinics.
If you reduce the lifetime reproductive rate of the ghetto to 0.2 children per woman, the problem evaporates like a puddle in the desert sun.
Anon (playing off on the Eppstein joke):
Indeed, and this is why the federal government should implement an affirmative action program to require gun stores to sell assault rifles to blacks. This will compensate for the long history in America of blacks being discriminated against in firearms purchases, and the disparate impact of felony convictions of black men. The DOJ can even redistribute firearms confiscated from the white middle class to black people who have been forced by slavery, segregation and racism to live in violent cities such as Detroit. This way, they can defend themselves against the forces which would re-enslave black people. And let's work with racially enlightened countries, such as the rainbow nation of South Africa, such that we may experience the joys of a disarmed white populace.
Not even necessary. Once Sen. Di-Fi's gun ban is enacted (already essentially guaranteed by McConnell's surrender yesterday on changing the filibuster rules), D'Won can proceed with the creation of his Homeland Security army. So, we'll see YT taxpayers handing in guns they paid for as they are taxed at the same time to buy new select-fire assault weapons for the Mocha Messiah's DHS army - whose ranks will be made up of millions of those unemployed yoots and honah studintz, MS-13 members and assorted new immigrants just doin' the work Americans won't do - all under the watchful eye of nice Haaavvaaahhd-graduate officers with classic American surnames such as Blitzstein, Rosenberg, and Shapiro. The DHS ordered billions of rounds of ammo last year, enough to kill everyone living in the Banksta Banana Republick 5 times over - all approved by Weepin' Johnny and his bathhouse boys. Lots of the Freepers think it was just for practice, of course. Guess they're going to find out pretty soon. Fools.
In context certainly true.
But in their Amsterdam counting houses and slave shacks some very unpleasant people read it another way.
That statement is Pandora's Box. Enjoy the D'squidveous mess that ensued.
a - no penalty
Two Baby Mommas - 90 days in jail or vasectomy
Three Baby Mommas - One year in Jail without vasectomy, with vasectomy 6 months.
Four Baby Mommas - mandatory vasectom
vasectomy is to males...
tubal ligation is for gals
@Bogo: Those billions of bullets the DHS bought last year were *hollow point* bullets. A fact apparently overlooked by the Freepers.
That theory has substantial basis in logic bound reality. You would be wise to explore it, and these aren't your friendly neighborhood bagel shop owners the Goldsteins.
Baltimore Watcher
@ various posters:
1. the ghetto is drying up from lower birth rates. lots of "planned parenthood" intervention. 'baby mommas' with 9 kids are a thing of the past. Don't confuse the deep South with the the 'Hood.
2. First do no harm. The War on Drugs the War on Everything and Everyone is the proximate cause of most violence. And vigorous armed defense will go a long way to stopping another big chunk. ]
Think socially, not emotionally.
You want to evaporate the source? aboilsh the conditions. Not the symptoms, the CONDITIONS THAT CREATE THE PROBLEM. Why is there so little crime in the woods? Because there are no Blacks? But why are there no Blacks in the Woods? Because they are a PRODUCT of the Hoods, not the Woods. Get it? The urban dinosaur wreckage creates the people to go with it. Bulldozers would do a lot more to change things than laws.
And anyone who thinks "tougher law enforcement" is the answer, just wait til it's you or a loved one in the dock. Justice is not that simple. Watch your fascist opinions vanish like bad air when it's YOU facing 25 years mandatory. This sword will be used against you, it already has so wake the fuck up.
Muay Tyson said…
#4. Violence is due to Social Ills as opposed to Heredity.
I may be missing a few but these are the major ones. It only takes one pillar to be pulled out and the roof caves in.
If violence is due to social ills, and social ills, say the liberals, are all due to ignorance, and genetics don’t determine IQ, why have blacks worsened given all this free help by our taxes?
giles the farmer (who is another apologist) wrote: The urban dinosaur wreckage creates the people to go with it. Bulldozers would do a lot more to change things than laws.
That was the theory behind Section 8: eliminate the projects and relocate the hood rats to suburbia, and they would absorb middle class virtues through osmosis.
We know it's wrong; crime follows the hood rats like night follows day. Don't piss on us and tell us it's raining.
anyone who thinks "tougher law enforcement" is the answer, just wait til it's you or a loved one in the dock. Justice is not that simple. Watch your fascist opinions vanish like bad air when it's YOU facing 25 years mandatory.
We've watched our crime rates drop when the criminal class is stuck behind bars. Do you mean to tell me that your "loved one" was on trial for something they didn't do... or are you arguing that law enforcement is "racist"? Tell me, are you one of those claiming Trayvon Martin was "murdered" while he was trying to beat George Zimmerman's head to pieces against a concrete sidewalk? I'll bet that you are, whether you'll admit it or not.
Mr. Rational wrote: You need to sterilize the females more than the males, especially the illiterates. You need to get them before they have 2, preferably before they even have one.
Are you nuts? If anything, the males should be sterilized more than the females since most black women aren't wanted by anyone other than their own fugly thugs and black men can spread their nasty seed everywhere including knocking women outside of their own race.
If anything, the males should be sterilized more than the females
And where are the thugs coming from? They come from fatherless households where mostly or wholly illiterate Black females get knocked up. If they are sterile, they stop making more thugs. One thug could impregnate a dozen in a month, reducing the supply of fertile thugs isn't going to change matters much. There aren't enough coal-burners to make a big difference; they aren't populating the ghetto.
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