“The Great Migration” is the greatest calamity to befall
America since, well, ever. Were aliens to invade from outer space and enact a similar plan to that of the intergalactic beings from Independence Day, the damage would still be less catastrophic...
Truly, the moniker of “Manifest Destruction” is the
only way to accurately summarize what black people and their descendants did to
Northern cities.
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The most important book you will never read: A loose history of the consequences of The Great Migration |
Especially Chicago. Culminating with the election of Harold Washington as mayor in 1983, the black population of Chicago has long represented the primary source of crime, murder, mayhem, and best manner in which to drive down property value and scare away businesses.
Chicago was 84 percent white in the 1950s (and over 90
percent white into the 1940s), but with 3,000 black people arriving by train
each week in the 1940s, the city was bound to be remade in the black image; And
not in a positive way.
A book published by the staff of The Chicago Tribune in 1986
serves as the – for the moment – ultimate tale of the true contributions of
this “Great Migration” to Chicago. Titled “The American Millstone: An
examination of the nation’s permanent underclass,” this powerful examination of
the type of economic and moral culture black people created in the Chicago has
been read by few people as of late.
So, allow me to quote from the chapter, Crime: Crime in the
Ghetto – Everyone Pays the Price:
In 1972, it was the De Mau Maus, a gang of black terrorists who, in a five-month crime spree, killed 10 whites in robberies, home invasions, and random shootings in Chicago’s supposedly safe suburbs and along its well-traveled expressways.
In 1981, it was a white 18-year-old Cicero woman who as stripped, beaten, robbed and sexually assaulted by at least seven black youths during a rhythm-and-blues concert at International Amphitheatre, four days after Christmas.
In 1983, it was the Mahaffey brothers, Reginald and Jerry, two black men who climbed in the open bathroom window of a Rogers Park apartment, raped a 30-year-old white woman, beat her and her husband to death with a baseball bat and severely beat the couple’s 12-year-old son.
Crimes such as these, in which ghetto violence reaches out of the inner city and into the middle class, are not common. But when they occur, the frightening news stories get bold headlines and wider readership and spark renewed fears and prejudices that adversely- and unfairly – affect the vast majority of blacks, both poor and affluent, who are law abiding.
For years, whites and middle-class blacks in Chicago and around the nation have fled from a black underclass mired in poverty and routinely plundered and victimized by a subclass of criminals.
Then white and middle-class blacks are forced to recognize that, no matter how far they may run, no matter how much they may try to ignore the crime that makes life in the underclass a dangerous daily existence, there is no escape.
In fact, the number of black-on-white crimes is small- miniscule, really, when compared with crime statistics for the inner-city neighborhoods, called “snake-pits” by police and social activists.
Yet, for all of society, the effect of underclass crime- whether black-on-white or black-on-black – is profound.
Underclass crimes cost the wage earners of America billions of dollars a year in police, court and prison expenditures.
They turn many of Chicago’s public schools into places where the fear of crime and injury is routine for students and teachers and cause many parents – white and black- to move their children to private schools or move their families to the suburbs.
They feed white prejudices and fuel the slow-dying embers of discrimination and are used by many whites to justify their refusal to differentiate between blacks who follow the law and those engaged in crime.
And they underline the ugly reality of modern urban life that many whites live in constant, if little acknowledged, fear and guilt because of the existence of the underclass and the threat of underclass crime.
Many whites are scared of the lone black youth on an empty subway platform, scared of the group of black teens walking down the sidewalk, even scared of the middle-aged man sitting on the park bench.
Much of the city frightens whites. Many white suburbanites, in fact, are afraid to walk on any Chicago street, day or night. Most city residents, more savvy, know there are safe communities. But they also know there are ghetto neighborhoods that are best avoided at night and other inner-city war zones where it is dangerous for anyone – white or black – to appear at any time.
Even in their quiet, comfortable, “safe” neighborhoods and suburbs, whites fear the threat of underclass violence. Over and over, they have read how, with no logical pattern, ghetto crime has reached into the most peaceful of communities to destroy the cherished tranquility with violence and death. Over and over, they have known the bitter taste of their fear.
The victims of the De Mau Maus, for example, were four people slain during a home invasion in Barrington Hills, a family of three murdered on their Monee farm and three men killed in separate shootings along Chicago-area expressways – a college student, a truck drivers and a soldier from Kentucky asleep in his pick-up. All 10 were many miles from the ghettos of Chicago when they were put to death.
Random acts of violence by whites, such as the murders committed by Richard Speck and John Gacy, send chills down the spine but are usually dismissed as the actions of insane or, at least, highly disturbed individuals.
Yet when random violence is committed by blacks against whites, it is often perceived by whites as a reflection on all blacks – even when the criminals are clearly aberrant.
The heavily segregated nature of Chicago and its suburbs has enabled most whites to avoid underclass crime, but it also has helped create urban neighborhoods in which crime is a day-in, day-out, fear-breeding fact of life and, for many, a way of life.
Such crime makes life a hazardous gamble for everyone in the underclass – whether law-abiding or criminal, whether gang member, store owner, welfare mother or minister.
It sets a tone for neighborhoods in which disorder, destruction and dependency are normal, while industry, stability and hope represent deviant behavior.
It exact a high cost in property loss, business flight and charges for goods and services and a higher cost in injury and death.
In 1983, there were 24 times as many violent crimes per square mile in the black districts as in the white districts, even thought he black districts had more than twice as many police as the white districts.
In addition, underclass youths find themselves in schools that are not only dangerous but woefully inadequate. The Chicago public school system spends $8.2 million a year on security, but in 1984 there were 528 assaults by students on fellow students- an increase of 39 percent over the previous year.
In the coming years, experts predict, the underclass will act as an ever-heavier dead weight dragging down the Chicago economy.
Already, the costs are very high. This year, taxpayers in Chicago will spend nearly $500 million for police protection, while it will cost Cook County resident nearly $300 million for the country court system and other law enforcement programs. Taxpayers throughout Illinois will spend $400 million more for the state’s prison system.
What this means is that each Chicagoan who has a job has to pay at least $600 a year to protect himself, his family and others from crime, much of which stem from the underclass.
The poor have always been with us, but not the levels of violent crime that exist today in the ghettos of Chicago and the rest of America.
The rise in the percentage of Chicago's black population (it's roughly 32 percent today)
Experts note that, even at the height of the Capone gangster era, the city’s murder rate was a fourth of what it is today. In those years, during the depths of the Depression, it was possible to walk safely almost anywhere in the city and, on hot nights, to sleep in the parks and on the lakefront without fear of violence. No longer. (p. 40 – 51)
$600/ a year in 1983 is equal to $1,333.55 in today’s
dollars, if the cost to protect ones family from crime remained static.
In the Capone Era, Chicago was less than five percent black.
What has Chicago gained from the “Great Migration”? What did
Detroit gain? How about Rochester or Buffalo? Newark, Camden, or Gary (Indiana)?
What indeed...
What indeed...
Thanks for the tip Paul. I'll see if I can get this on my Kindle got a long plane trip coming up and this will be a interesting if not aggravating read.
Kinda/sorta off topic, but I can't help thinking that black undertow sets new records for depravity everyday. Shootings and violence are an endemic part of black culture. We all know that. But dancing at a juke joint when you're just about to give birth????
I'd love to read this but I am afraid my Blood Pressure couldn't handle it.
Meanwhile,in Detroit's financial district:
"In 1983, there were 24 times as many violent crimes per square mile in the black districts as in the white districts, even thought he black districts had more than twice as many police as the white districts."
"In addition, underclass youths find themselves in schools that are not only dangerous but woefully inadequate. The Chicago public school system spends $8.2 million a year on security, but in 1984 there were 528 assaults by students on fellow students- an increase of 39 percent over the previous year."
Is it just me, or do these paragraphs contradict each other? In the first paragraph the author notes that the murder rate in black areas was 24X that of the White area despite more than double the police presence. This means that spending on law enforcement has to reflect the need for so many additional cops. So here is an example of how spending MORE MONEY does not make a dent in black pathological behavior, blacks will murder and wild DESPITE an increase in police presence relative to the White districts. This is interesting because in the very next paragraph the author notes the dysfunction found in black schools.
In a decidedly DWL tone, the author deplores the school environment that black children "find themselves in" (obviously not their fault) and then seemingly suggests that the $8.2 million spent on school security is not enough as there were 528 assaults in 1984 alone. HELLO MCFLY ANYBODY HOME? In the same breath the author declares that money cannot stop black violence (double the police, 24X the murder rate of Whites) but that $8.2 million in security funds are not enough to stop blacks from being violent in school. It's almost like the author sees the light when it comes to black adults, but when it comes to black "youfs" they are just little darlings completely victims of their own environment. If only the schools were "adequate and safe" (like the Whites schools?) then the little darlings would be just like us. It never crosses the author's mind that the schools are dangerous and inadequate (compared to White schools of course) because they are filled with dangerous black "youfs." Inadequate people make for inadequate schools.
" They feed white prejudices and fuel the slow-dying embers of discrimination and are used by many whites to justify their refusal to differentiate between blacks who follow the law and those engaged in crime"
So, fast forward a few years and it still applies. According to this genius, Whites can't differentiate between Blacks who follow the law or those who engage in crime. Seriously? If you are out walking and you see a Black person or a group of Blacks, your first impulse is for self-protection as we KNOW that you are statistically more likely to be attacked or killed by Blacks. So, bugger political correctness or feelings - I say run!
Why can't we organize the victims of Black crime into a force for fighting savagery?
Whatever happened to the 18-year-old Cicero woman who was raped by 6 Blackshits in 1980s?
Whatever happened to the Roger's Park kid, who had his mother killed and raped by a black, and his father beaten to death, and then he was beaten nearly to death by a baseball bat?
Where are these people, and what are they doing now? We could make a documentary on the Black Savage of North America: Real People, Real Consequences.
Has anybody on this board known a person or themselves been a victim of a violent Black crime?
What is this "Gun Violence"? America's main problem is "Black violence". We are so close to giving back this retort at one of the next Black supremacist presidents press conferences.
---concerned American
The reason some whites "tag all blacks with the criminal label is simple." When whites hear of people committing crime - whether white or black - they side with the law because they wrote the law and have confidence in the law.
When blacks hear of crime, they side with the criminal, because they believe "the law" represents whiteness and thus they resent it.
The only way to restore sanity is for the white majority to believe it HAS the right to force its law - i.e., white man's law - on anyone of any color who chooses to live here.
Let's not forget Henry Brisbon, the infamous i-57 killer who was given a 3000 year sentence. The Zebra killers of the West Coast and De Mau Maus of Illinois weren't much apart in their times of operation. Chicago has been the headquarters for Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam, now headed by Farrakhan, with it's cult of hate whitey. J Jackson has also made his home here and the current president also made his political start here. Lots of cross-pollination of various strains of black endeavor seems to have taken place in this city, a real witch's brew.
What a great idea,track down these people and have them make video statements that can be shown to the American people and also the Squids in DC.
"Yet when random violence is committed by blacks against whites, it is often perceived by whites as a reflection on all blacks – even when the criminals are clearly aberrant."
But that is the whole bloody point: vicious black criminals are not aberrant!!!!
If it was aberrant then the so called "good, middle class" blacks would also be up in arms alongside the White middle class. But what do these "good blacks" actually do? They side wif des bruthas and blame whitey.
Indeed, it is the very spawn of these mythical "good blacks" who are causing the hell on earth barbarities which we Whites so justifiably run from.
How in the world can any sane person not see what is so obvious?!
City resident,
Very interesting observation about Chicago's recent history.
The crime spree during Al
Capone's time was a result of graft money making off of stupid laws (prohibition of what the majority of the population desired yet harmed not their neighbor).
Today's Chicago's crime spree is not fueled by drug prohibition (which is also a stupid idea) so much as it is by mindless violence for violence sake.
The gangsters during prohibition kept their violence within the parameters of competitors without harming citizens (their customers)and tried to arrange territories everyone respected. Morally right or wrong, there was at least some far sightedness on the part of the White criminals.
But today's black crime gangs use violence at the drop of the hat without regard for what such acts and the resulting consequences may bring to the future.
The black hand-to-mouth mentality simply cannot be legislated out of existence.
Even when comparing White criminals to black criminals it is obvious that Whites are even then also morally superior.
How much you wanna bet this author lived in a white neighborhood
Folks if you give people enough rope they will hang themselves. This seems one of those rules of nature that always comes true. The country is broke, the culture is rotten and getting worse. We are overun with 3rd world immigration and it is going to get worse. The africans in america are totally out of control. These people will never act like a civilized human. They are a cost to society that is robbing all present and future generations. The liberals have ruined the country in every and all aspects. Our press is nothing but a propaganda arm for government and the liberals. Not much the rest of us can do until this totally implodes, which it is doing before our very eyes. Perhaps we should just let this happen. It is too far gone to stick your finger in the dike and hope you can hold the fort a little longer until things turn around or get better. It has to implode totally before the vast majority can see the light. Once this dangerous farce of liberalism/socialism/communism has finally and totally been exposed as pure evil and an enemy of all people, we can finally get back to normal. In the meantime protect yourself and your family. The tide will turn once again back to what is right. If you want to leave a legacy you can be proud of and revered for, prepare yourself for the coming battle. Your children and grandchildren will be forever thankful as you will be one of the real hero's and patriot's that saved America and perhap all of the white race. Future history books will write about about your courage and your fortitude to overcome this destruction forced upon our country and our families. Once this is over,and it will be, liberalism will be crushed and discredited forever to the dustbin of history. I hope to see the day the liberal / communists are treated like the criminals they really are. In these trying times, knowing that one day and not very far down the road, we will see the tide turn, that keeps me going to fight the good fight. Plan for your family, prepare yourself, and protect yourself that is your best strategy right now. Our time is coming and all of you will be needed!
Sorry~ but those poor, sweet, innocent middle class blacks CAN'T flee black violence because they drag it with them wherever they go in the form of their friends and relatives.
All the violence, dysfunction and social problems are part and parcel of their culture and they can no more escape it than a skunk can escape it's own stench.
Off this specific topic
The story out of NYC of the negro being killed while defecating between two moving subway trains is the final story.
Shutdown SBPDL and all the others. It's done. There can be no greater example of the negroes' ultimate stupidity and their lack of suitability for any modern society.
"In 1983, there were 24 times as many violent crimes per square mile in the black districts as in the white districts, even thought he black districts had more than twice as many police as the white districts."
Clear evidence of discrimination because black districts should therefore have 24 times as much police as white, not just twice as much, in order to give equal protection. Of course, the fact that blacks districts have twice as many police as white is also clear evidence that The Man is putting down blacks by saturating the 'hood with cops.
"In addition, underclass youths find themselves in schools that are not only dangerous but woefully inadequate. ...
Ah, yes, the infamous dangerous schools. The ones with booby trapped classrooms which fire bullets into young scholars. The hallways full of trapdoors with saw toothed blades at the bottom to cut up hopeful MIT applicants. And let's not forget the IEDs in the stands reserved for honor grads!
...The Chicago public school system spends $8.2 million a year on security, but in 1984 there were 528 assaults by students on fellow students- an increase of 39 percent over the previous year."
Did Chicago public schools spend this much on school security before Brown vs Board of Education?
Just askin' ...
Why can't we organize the victims of Black crime into a force for fighting savagery?
This actually is a good idea. Perhaps some enterprising activist could start by doing a series of videos on social media, then link them together into a documentary.
Capone's time was a result of graft money making off of stupid laws (prohibition of what the majority of the population desired yet harmed not their neighbor).
I'd venture to say that the level of violence was not as high in Capone's time, at least not against innocent bystanders. Usually, if someone got offed, it was for a reason (such as the St. Valentine Day Massacre).
Today's Chicago's crime spree is not fueled by drug prohibition (which is also a stupid idea) so much as it is by mindless violence for violence sake.
Good point. A lot of today's gang violence is not related to the illegal drug trade. In any event, we have had a war on drugs as well as a war on poverty, and the situation in the inner cities keeps deteriorating. It's becoming a form of urban insurgency with the end product being the Detroiting of more former metropolises.
The Yakuza are quite violent and deadly, but Whites do not avoid Japanese, instead they can't get enough of them, to the point that the Nisei are disappearing through White intermarriage. The same exists for Chinese (violent, dangerous Triads) and to a certain extent, Latinos (the family of say, Mark Sanchez who might as well be classed as White as Latino, he's so mixed in racial background is typical).
And certainly Whites have no problem recognizing and asking for autographs of, Black celebrities. See Chris Rock's routine.
Whites have a rational fear of Black men and youth because the latter are by and large hyperviolent, amongst themselves and even worse towards Whites. Other than moral status mongering, there is no benefit to being ignorant of Black violence and threats.
Black people were not always this way. Black people DID NOT like Whites much in Segregation, for good reason, but the Black Nuclear family was intact, and the race to the bottom in violent thuggery for women did not dominate Black men as it did now.
Shawty Lo, who really, REALLY deserves his own reality show, is not too atypical of Black fatherhood as it exists -- 13 kids by 11 different women, aka "All My Babies Mamas" and all that implies. That reproduction and sex and affection are basically a short term contract with only the most thuggiest and dangerous applying.
Black women deserve a good deal of the blame, for rewarding violent killers by bearing their children, and eschewing stable and responsible men in favor of thugs; particularly when they are young and hot and not obese land-whales filled with tattoos (ala Lena Dunham).
Dude you have GOT to keep these posts shorter - especially the excerpted material.
- Arturo
I'm on the crime beat here.
A group of young female negroes, ages 16 to 20, hail cabs in Chicago. When they reach their destination, they strangle the driver with a rope from the back seat and threaten the driver with a knife. They steal the driver's money.
Negro women attack cab driver
Al Capone used to set up soup kitchens for homeless people who were starving. He was no Mother Teresa, but at least he did some good.
What do the Black and Brown thugs in Chicago do to help out the poor homeless people in their community ? Not a damn thing that's what.
He also says that the "vast majority" of Blacks are law-abiding. Defenders of dysfunctional groups always claim at some point that the "vast majority" of the group is just like us, or that the problematic cohort is only a "tiny fraction" of the group's members. These qualifications are frequently or alway untrue: throw-away weasel words that the author uses to advance his vision of how he wishes things were, not how they really are. They are a staple of Liberal writings, and their appearance immediately makes me suspect the veracity of everything the author says.
The same bunch that produced this nightmare will want to manage the collapse. They will need to be stopped.
In general, the so-called white man's law simply reflects the golden rule of 'do unto others as you would have them do to you', and as such its basic elements are the same across all functioning societies on earth. Other aspects of 'the white mans law' not found in other cultures are usually positive and expansive, like freedom of speech and habeas corpus, rather than negative and limiting. Blacks' troubles with 'the white man' s law' stem not from its inherent bias against black people, but simply from Blacks' general inability, both here and in other contexts, to adequately grasp the framework of cause and effect. The severity and effects of the crime, frequently committed on impulse in the heat of passion, are quickly forgotten even where they were initially apprehended by the perpetrator. The process of punishment that now occurs in real time may seem cruel and arbitrary to Blacks because they lack the particular intellectual ability needed to sufficiently associate it with the crime they committed in the past: there is a generalized weakness in their ability to link cause with effect.
*its cult*
*witches' brew*
Just like the Blacks in the Superdome after Katrina victimized the older and weaker Blacks, while the Whites banded together and pooled their resources for the benefit of all in the group, with extra attention given to women and children. This kind of altruism and generosity –at least toward the members of the in-group –probably grew from behavioral traits that improved the odds of survival in the frequently cold and hostile environments of northern Europe.
Much more of our behavior has a genetic and evolutionary component to it than is currently admissible under the rules of public debate set by our politically-correct betters.
Agreed. And the majority of the black middle class only exists in the first place because of racially discriminatory Civil Rights laws and public sector employment. The concept of the black middle class is highly problematic on any number of fronts.
In 1994 I was in Tiawan and wondering in a redlight distric that I should not have been. I wonder up to a bar and the young well dressed gentleman suggested that the area was not safe and I find my way back to my hotel.
We also used the Triades to exchange money at the local arcade because thier rates were better than the banks.
With civilized people even the crime can be somewhat civil.
it almost seemed that the writer thought whites are stupid and just plain pussy's. lib-turds maybe, but not all conservitive whites are. i remember the days we would see on the lib-controlled stations in the early 90's the skin heads were on their radar nightly. the turner diaries and stuff like that. janet reno and her rapist boss billy boy were out to crush the movement. funny though this half-breed won't crush down the black panthers now. so the rapist hated his own kind and the half-breed dosen't. don't fall for this defeatism bullshit some have been saying. the south will rise again!godspeed whites! another great P.K. artical.
Skunks don't mind their own stench. And Negroes do not mind their own murderous dysfunction
Thats racist shouts some organization because in New York 52 000 searches turns up 7 000 criminals. As Danny Glover pointed out if blacks committed less crimes then there would not be as many stop and searches.
That is roughly a 1 in 7 success rate.
I agree, proof positive that the intelligence isn't there.
What was the last thing thru his ass when the trains squished him?
His mind-hahahahaha
If anyone thinks blacks care if the US falls into another third world dysfunctional shit hole you would be wrong. Will blacks and hispanics get along and support each other with tax dollars, pilot the international plane routes, run the trains on time, keep the schools up, keep bridges and highways up, teach the chillren to read and right. Yeah. Sure. The US and White people will just keep rolling along when Whites become a thing of the past which is taking place right now and faster than anyone's imagination.
There are a lot of good black folks, it's just that the other 99% make the decent one-percenters look bad. :(
When and if things do fall apart, whites will come together to restore the type of nation they want to live in and will rise from the ashes just as they did after the Great Depression or after the Civil War.
However, one great impediment will be that blacks will try to continue to parasitize and feed off of whites. As communites struggle to rebuild and restore a civilized existence, blacks will flock to them for all the gibsmedat that they're used to. That is what has to be stopped by any and all means necessary despite all the whining and howls of outrage from blacks and libtards.
When and if the crunch comes, we can ill afford a non productive, violent and parasitical population. They will have to be expunged and left to their fate to either sink or swim according to their own efforts and abilities.
Failing that, everything will just go into repeat mode with all the same consequences that are already abundantly in evidence.
When there's only enough to provide your own family with food, clothing and shelter, Loquisha and her brood of 6 worthless welfare niglets by 5 different baby daddies will be shit out of luck.
What would you do when Loquisha and her brood showed up on your doorstep demanding that "dese chilluns is hongry! Dey gots to be fed! You owes us! Sumbody gots to be responsible fo' dis!"
I say march their asses at gunpoint to the county line and tell them to get lost and never come back. Otherwise, they'll do to your family what collectively they do to places like Detroit.
They aren't worth it.
Trial junkie here. I remember the De Mau Mau killers being on the back pages of the newspaper.
As I wrote in a previous thread, whites who committ heinous murders are usually druggies, psychos, etc. Blacks who do so are frequently garden-variety people, not an "abberation."
The announced purpose of Section 8 is to make crime rates even across all zip codes. This is essentially a war against the law-abiding middle class, both black and white. I can prove it:
The whole point was to bring moderate- and low-income housing to affluent towns — or, as Deputy HUD Secretary Ron Sims put it, “to remove zip codes as a factor in the quality of life in America.”
--Ny Post, May 8, 2012
A couple days ago I posed the question, Who destroyed Detroit? Today we are discussing Chicago but it was still the same guy - John Rust.
He was the man who in 1933 or so invented the cotton picker. The so-called Great Migration had been underweigh for some years but the Rust cotton picker kicked it into high gear.
In 1932 it took 80 blacks to pick the same amount of cotton that it took one man in 1933 to pick with Rust's machine. Those 79 other blacks went to northern cities like Detroit and Chicago.
See The Second Great Emancipation: The Mechanical Cotton Picker, Black Migration ...
Interesting news~ many police departments are saying they won't enforce O'Niggers gun laws. Texas has even threatened to arrest any fucktard that comes there and tries to do so.
Seems like O'nigger is stirring up a hornets nest.
Trial junkie here. I did a Google search on Reginald and Jerry Mahaffey, the home invasion killers mentioned above.
The Mahaffeys were a minor cause celebre with the Usual Suspects. They supposedly had confessions beaten out of them. As it turns out, they had the posessions of the victims in their apartment. One of them was wearing a crucifix belonging to Dean Pueschel.
Both were eventually sent to Death Row, but Conservative Republican Governor George Ryan commuted all death sentences to "life in prison" a decade ago.
I checked the Illinois Dept. of Corrections and both Mahaffeys are (perhaps surprisingly) still in prison.
What would you do when Loquisha and her brood showed up on your doorstep demanding that "dese chilluns is hongry! Dey gots to be fed! You owes us! Sumbody gots to be responsible fo' dis!"
Refusing them would just mean they'd try to rob you, steal things or vandalize your stuff out of jealousy. They shouldn't get anywhere near your door. If you let them get onto your block you're already in trouble. If they do get onto your block, your safest option will be to make sure they don't get off again.
When matters get that bad, White areas will be marked "KEEP OUT". There will be blatant warnings that there is no more gibsmedat. Streets will be blocked with burned hoopties with spinner rims, and heads will be put on stakes more than once.
Moondoggie said...
Folks if you give people enough rope they will hang themselves. This seems one of those rules of nature that always comes true. The country is broke, the culture is rotten and getting worse. We are overun with 3rd world immigration and it is going to get worse. The africans in america are totally out of control. These people will never act like a civilized human. They are a cost to society that is robbing all present and future generations. The liberals have ruined the country in every and all aspects. Our press is nothing but a propaganda arm for government and the liberals. Not much the rest of us can do until this totally implodes, which it is doing before our very eyes.
Perhaps we should just let this happen. It is too far gone to stick your finger in the dike and hope you can hold the fort a little longer until things turn around or get better. It has to implode totally before the vast majority can see the light. Once this dangerous farce of liberalism/socialism/communism has finally and totally been exposed as pure evil and an enemy of all people, we can finally get back to normal. In the meantime protect yourself and your family. The tide will turn once again back to what is right. If you want to leave a legacy you can be proud of and revered for, prepare yourself for the coming battle. Your children and grandchildren will be forever thankful as you will be one of the real hero's and patriot's that saved America and perhap all of the white race.
Future history books will write about about your courage and your fortitude to overcome this destruction forced upon our country and our families. Once this is over,and it will be, liberalism will be crushed and discredited forever to the dustbin of history. I hope to see the day the liberal / communists are treated like the criminals they really are. In these trying times, knowing that one day and not very far down the road, we will see the tide turn, that keeps me going to fight the good fight. Plan for your family, prepare yourself, and protect yourself that is your best strategy right now. Our time is coming and all of you will be needed!
This is an excellent summary of the present situation from Moondoggie. I would go one step further and argue that we should do whatever we can to bring the collapse about faster. My reason for taking this position is that the squid oligarchy who runs the country is aware that the present situation is not sustainable. They are doing everything in their considerable power to extend and pretend so that a totalitarian state apparatus can be constructed to exterminate the minority of whites who are awake and just waking up to the reality. According to the regime's own statistics, violent crime is at near-historic lows. Why the sudden push for gun control now? There is only one reason. Gun control is the inevitable precursor to mass extermination. Make no mistake: The folks who Moldbug refers to as "the Cathedral" want us dead - all of us. Leftists, like Muslims, see nothing wrong in continually lying about their goals and objectives, but now and again you'll see the mask slip off with some of their more loud-mouthed agitators like Tim Wise.
Not that we need anymore proof of how dysfunctional blacks absolutley idolise black thug criminality, we had proof from our haitian troll, and now - read a gang of black thugs in newyork took on the name of the kenyan black terrorist group.
Proof for all to see that blacks think a criminal is cool, the sing about it, they make movies about it, they live it.
And that's why folks, that black shithole ghettos, are black shithole ghettos, cause they love thugs and criminals, the love them in haiti, they love them in rwanda, the love them in zimshitwe, and in south kafrica.
Look at the criminals they elect into office, and look at their criminal police and judges.
Allow blacks to self cull.
I hope I'm not member of the elite, but everytime I think the elites actually got blacks to oppress themselves while thinking they were getting freedom, I just want to laugh really loud and psychotically.
What a genius plan, make blacks opress themselves while they've been duped into believing they getting freedom with the help of their false messiahs.
A trully ingenious plan.
They feed white prejudices and fuel the slow-dying embers of discrimination and are used by many whites to justify their refusal to differentiate between blacks who follow the law and those engaged in crime.
Whether you credit genetic memory or the cold data collection and analysis done way back in the reptile portion of the brain, one thing remains consistent: where the rubber meets the road, media/gov brainwashing simply doesn't stand up against the survival instinct in many (perhaps most) Caucasians. Any time whites mumble platitudes while taking concrete steps to make their families safe, the platitudes have lost.
We could make a documentary on the Black Savage of North America: Real People, Real Consequences.
Fantastic idea. Put it on YouTube and it's virtually guaranteed to go viral immediately.
The gangsters during prohibition kept their violence within the parameters of competitors without harming citizens (their customers)and tried to arrange territories everyone respected.
Yet it's the blacks that endlessly insist that they be gangsta. Sorry, but we own that too. When the Gambinos were at their peak they were bringing in $500 million a year.
In these trying times, knowing that one day and not very far down the road, we will see the tide turn, that keeps me going to fight the good fight. Plan for your family, prepare yourself, and protect yourself that is your best strategy right now. Our time is coming and all of you will be needed!
Outstanding comment.
Lets get real,these niggers are not tough,without weapons or 10 on 1 they run a mile when you call the out,
Theyre frigging cowards and talk it up acting ghetto and hard ,but they shit themselves on their own
Ah, yes, the infamous dangerous schools. The ones with booby trapped classrooms which fire bullets into young scholars.
My high school had those blade traps from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It's where I learned to shoulder roll. Lost a lot of friends, though.
Good point. A lot of today's gang violence is not related to the illegal drug trade.
As an interesting aside (for those interested in the subject), it is now believed that the hyper-aggressive Los Zetas cartel no longer makes the majority of its money from trafficking. They have moved into the more traditional organized crime fields of kidnapping for ransom and contract killings, without the traditional restriction against killing civilians. One study indicates that no more than 20% of the cartel's profits come from trafficking.
Seems like O'nigger is stirring up a hornets nest.
"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake" is a quote I'm seeing more and more. If Obama is cynically pushing for gun control in order to stir up chaos, it hardly matters if his enforcers earnestly believe the philosophy he uses as cover. That philosophy will very soon collide with reality.
What about New York? Huge number of blacks - crime rates much lower. Isn't that strange?
[QUOTE]He also says that the "vast majority" of Blacks are law-abiding. Defenders of dysfunctional groups always claim at some point that the "vast majority" of the group is just like us, or that the problematic cohort is only a "tiny fraction" of the group's members. These qualifications are frequently or alway untrue: throw-away weasel words that the author uses to advance his vision of how he wishes things were, not how they really are. They are a staple of Liberal writings, and their appearance immediately makes me suspect the veracity of everything the author says.[/QUOTE]
If the vast majority of Blacks are law abiding, the per capita murder rate in Black America would be similar to that of European countries and East Asian countries.
But I read that the per capita murder rate in Black America is 26 per 100,000.
There is not a single Caucasian and Oriental country with a per capita murder rate anywhere near as high as Black America.
It is safe assume that the percentage of law abiding citizens is way lower in Detroit than it is in North Dakota for example.
Anonymous said...
What about New York? Huge number of blacks - crime rates much lower. Isn't that strange?
Paul, can you research?
Are 95% of NYC murdas
by blacks, browns, immigrants?
2003 E2 nightclub stampede - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the E2 nightclub located above the Epitome Chicago restaurant in Chicago, Illinois, in which 21
this is priceless..
and in no way do I 'gloat' over
22 innocent peoples deaths
As the club was African-American owned and duly attracted a predominantly black crowd, Jesse Jackson had in the past supported Kyles and Hollins when community groups had sought to close down the facility due to building code and other infractions. He publicly came to Kyles' defense after the incident, saying that Kyles was “an upstanding example of a young professional person in [the] community.” Kyles was also a supporter of Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, and a regular contributor to Jackson's political campaigns.
"Allow blacks to self cull."
Nonsense. 1/2 million Black females here have grown to 40 million +.
Anon 9:04 said "and in no way do I 'gloat' over 22 innocent peoples deaths
Don't worry about it. There were no innocent people there. It says, right in the article, "As the club was African-American owned and duly attracted a predominantly black crowd..."
I certainly don't mourn them.
This just in.....the search continues for the prolific, murderous,raping young black man named Sumdood.
Sumdood,aka Disguy,Myman,has an almost Robin Hood like status in the Negro community.Although he commits the majority of crimes in the black ghetto,no one will report him to the police.
"Sumdood is my man,fitee grand",says Booville dweller Locquashia "Bluegums" St. Ides.
At the local emergency room/community center/daycare /hair braiding clinic ER doctor Pissed Off Doc said, "Sumdood sure does keep us hoppin'".
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