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The reason for the gun grab? The impending George Zimmerman Acquittal? |
Law abiding citizens the nation over watch as an incredibly feckless GOP capitulates to virtually every Obama decree, knowing no politician or political opposition would ever dare confront a black man (but promoting Dread Tim Scott as the savoir of the GOP... another priceless move by Conservatism Inc.).
Now, he comes for guns.
Liberal icon Michael Moore, in an inspired Yule-message, notified white people it's time to put away the guns [Michael Moore: ‘Calm Down, White People, and Put Away Your Guns’, CNSnews.com, 12-26-12]:
Three things, according to Moore, make America unique in its violence: poverty, “fear/racism,” and the “me society.”
“We're an awfully fearful country considering that, unlike most nations, we've never been invaded,” he said. “Why on earth would we need 300 million guns in our homes?”
“I get why the Russians might be a little spooked (over 20 million of them died in World War II). But what's our excuse?” Moore said. “Worried that the Indians from the casino may go on the warpath? Concerned that the Canadians seem to be amassing too many Tim Horton's donut shops on both sides of the border?”
“No. It's because too many white people are afraid of black people,” he said. “Period.”
Moore continued: “The vast majority of the guns in the U.S. are sold to white people who live in the suburbs or the country. When we fantasize about being mugged or home invaded, what's the image of the perpetrator in our heads? Is it the freckled-face kid from down the street – or is it someone who is, if not black, at least poor?”
“I think it would be worth it to a) do our best to eradicate poverty and re-create the middle class we used to have, and b) stop promoting the image of the black man as the boogeyman out to hurt you,” he said.
“Calm down, white people, and put away your guns,” said Moore.Actually, two thing makes America unique in violence: black people creating conditions in a community where economic activity is a 'life-or-death' situation for business owners; and an inability by the state to have put down black riots in the 1960s and in 1990 with lethal force, thereby directly ceding power to the lawless.
With major cities like Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, Newark, Rochester, and Camden turned over to lawless black people, white people fled to the suburbs; and yes, they purchased guns to protect their families and property where the state had failed.
It could have been different. Reading "A Nation on Fire: America in the Wake of the King Assassination" by Clay Risen, one name stands out as having the audacity of courage to have potentially changed the direction of not just his city, but the entire nation as well: Mayor Richard Daley:
Saturday evening Richard Daley and his fire chief, Robert Quinn, had climbed into a helicopter for a 45-minute tour of the riot damage in Chicago. They flew up and down the West Side, maneuvering around billowing smoke from still-burning fires and lingering over the occasional looters. As they went, Quinn pointed his finger at the looters, then at the firemen. They couldn't work under this kind of threat, Quinn said. He told Daley to get tough. Looters, he said, should be shot.Well... we know what happened next in the United States, with the ideology of Black-Run America (BRA) seeping into every institution in the nation.
They he landed at Meigs Field, on Lake Michigan, and a scrum of reporters me them as they returned to City Hall. " I never believed it cold happen here, " Daley said. "I hope it will not happen again." Then he called his police superintendent, Richard Conlisk, and dressed him down for not issuing shoot-to-kill orders.
A week later, on April 15, after the riots in Chicago had died down and the looters gone home, Daley would hold a press conference... he explained that the riots were the result of a breakdown in order among the city's black population, particularly in the schools.
"I have conferred with the superintendent of police this morning and I gave him the following instructions... I said to him very emphatically and very definitely that an order be issued by him immediately and under his signature to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand because they're potential murderers, and to issue a police order to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city... In my opinion, policemen should have had instructions to shoot arsonists and looters - arsonists to kill and looters to main and detain. I assumed the instructions were given, but the instructions to the police were to use their own judgement.
The next day, April 16, with the riots still fresh in the national consciousness, the press conference was on the front page of almost every major paper in the country. The Chicago Tribune ran a page-one banner headline reading "Shoot Arsonists: Daley."
But even as he was taking the defensive, Daley had an aide tabulate the letters and telegrams coming in on his comments. A week later, he proudly reported that he had received ten thousand letters and a thousand telegrams, and they were running 15-to-1 in his favor. Daley, it turns out, was giving voice to what many already felt.
As one letter writer told the Chicago Tribune well before his speech, the anger of Chicago's urban whites went deeper than the April riots, even as those events brought it to a rolling boil. "Guilty men, even murderers, are free if not 'advised of their rights," wrote Daniel Sobeiski. "Rioters and lawbreakers are not punished, but psychoanalyzed and given government grants. We forget about brutality to police and society. You may not yell fire in a crowded theater but you can freely advocate burning a city down. Is it no wonder that sick minds, seeing this, feel free to act?"
Another reported that "the white community waits apprehensively, fearfully anticipating violence led by black militants." Yet another asked, "What are people to do? Put up with this sort of thing or run from the neighborhood we worked hard to maintain?"
Chicago alderman Thomas Keane gave voice to many when he said, "I don't know why were are disturbed about the mayor's statements. .. Instead of criticizing actions of the police, I feel it's time to use brass knuckles and get down to telling those committing to stop." (p.178 - 181)
Today, the Obama Administration and his lapdog press would simply issue one directive, reported this way: Shoot those who don't disarm and give up their guns.
Today, Chicago stands on the edge of death, courtesy of black criminality driving away investments, and potential law-abiding citizens (and the precious tax-revenue they produce to subsidize the black population).
It's another story, this one from the late-Charlton Heston. In his book, "The Courage to Be Free," he wrote:
The message from the cultural warlords is everywhere, delivered with the arrogant swagger of absolute confidence. Summarized, it is this: Heaven help the God-fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle class, Protestant (or even worse evangelical) Christian, the midwestern or southern (or even worse rural) hunter, apparently straight or admitted heterosexual gun-owning average working stiff, or even worse still male working stiff, because not only do you not count, you're a downright obstacle to social progress. Your tax dollars may be just as welcome and green as you hand them over, but your voice deserves no hearing, your opinion is not enlightened, your media access is virtually nil, and frankly mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something about your new America.This book came out in 2000... since then, the silence from the group of people Heston defended has been... deafening (though had the GOP tried to rally them in 2012, Romney would have won). Instead, the GOP has decided to promote individuals like Dread Tim Scott as the new face of conservatism, believing that black people in South Carolina - who voted overwhelmingly for the cretin Alvin Greene for senate in 2010 - will come sprinting to the GOP side.
And until you do, why don't you just sit down and shut up! (p.5-6)
Meanwhile, no champion can rise to defend the untenable: the white population of America.
But it is one more story from Mr. Heston's book that needs repeating, with Mr. Obama and his lapdog press doing a full-court press for guns:
Police couldn't stop the riots in the wake of the Rodney King trial verdict in Los Angeles. I know. I was there. I was at home in the Los Angeles area when those riots broke out just a few miles away. And I was armed. Like everyone within a radius of fifty miles of those riots, I was concerned when I realized that the Los Angeles police Department could not , or would not, control the carnage and vandalism.Perhaps Mr. Obama, Eric Holder, and the media are well-aware that George Zimmerman will soon be acquitted of all charges in the Travyon Martin incident, knowing the track record of self-control that black people possess and their historical record of engaging in Spontaneous Blackness at a moments whim...
The fear ran so quickly and so deeply throughout the Los Angeles basin that even my liberal friends were frightened. My phone rang day and night. As TV news choppers hacked through smoke-darkened skies over L.A., I got a phone calls from firmly anti-gun friend in clear conflict.
"Umm Chuck, you have quite a few... ah guns, don't you?"
"Yes, I do."
"Shotguns and... like that?"
"Could you lend me one for a day or so? I tried to buy one but they have this 15 waiting day period..." (p.73)
Is this the reason to go for guns?
White people are right to be fearful of black criminality -- look no further then 2013 Detroit, a 92 percent black city, for a powerful reminder of the type of community black people are capable of creating.
Never forget this one sentence: White America owes Black America nothing.
Not even our guns.
Please stop the baseless attacks on Tim Scott. He's a decent human being who was elected to congress by conservative whites, and unlike millions of white liberals, he is not in favor of re-distributing white wealth to non-whites.
You can disagree with his appointment to the US Senate, but you're really missing the point. It's not so much about "bringing in black voters", as it is about the image problem the GOP has with millions of independent white voters who are reluctant to vote Republican because it's "too white".
To use one of your favorite phrases...most whites have been "conditioned to believe" that if something is "too white", then it must be bad, and probably racist.
I don't think it could have been different. Black driven ethnic cleansing of US cities of White working/middle class was crucial to the political control of what Charles Murray calls the narrow elite, the top 1% or less of education and income combined, that run nearly everything. Just as in LONDON, where the city is now majority non-White after the anti-White riots of 2011, gave elites there political control, so here.
What the elites want is to maintain and protect their hereditary, elite advantage. In China these elites do so with horrendous pollution, abusive legal systems (what Heston said about ordinary White men could be repeated WORD FOR WORD about ordinary Chinese who are the constant victims of princelings and react with violence), but not mass immigration since they already through the Communist Party have control over everything and don't need what amounts to "mercenary voters."
Obama is massively stupid. Suppose he succeeds in making legal ownership and defense with guns illegal? What then? He'll make every White guy a criminal, and dependent on ad-hoc criminal organizations to provide defense and manipulation of the system through corruption and such.
But as soon as the elites realized that they could use Black votes and ethnic cleansing to hold onto power and create ever-bigger political organizations to provide easy, corrupt money for them and their kids, America's cities were doomed.
No need to look at scapegoats, that's just human nature. EVERY classical scholar and Renaissance and Enlightenment commenter noted the two dangers to a people were the commoners who would vote themselves unsustainable entertainments, and the elites who must be guarded against degeneracy and corruption and acting on their own interests against the nation.
Tim Scott is a disaster because he'll vote Black, reliably, over GOP. See Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and Trayvon backing, gun grabbing Alan West.
It is true that "too White" is a bad thing for most Whites, but that is because the elites hate ordinary White people. Hence those who wish to ape their fashions and desires, naturally copy what amounts to our aristocracy.
There is of course an element of lack of dominance, cooperation, "niceness" which women find appalling, and is found mostly in White guys (hence the applause and box office for "kill Whitey" Django). But most of that is simply aping the aristocracy, where "White" aka ordinary White people is considered awful. [And the most White of White people, like Michael Moore, or Madonna, or Sting, are of course just fine, but then they're aristos.]
PK, I was going to request that you do Assn article today on gun grabbing. Maybe another perhaps in light of the new FBI report showing more people are killed with clubs, and hammers than rifles. Maybe Diane Eienstein wants to label my hammer am "assault hammer" because of the cushioned grip on it? Perhaps you can show how rural and historical whites have always had guns and even their children have guns and yet, they do not shoot each other, yet another wholly immature and violent segment of the population is incapable of this freedom.
Left Coast White Guy
I think liberals oppose the Republican Party because it is "too Christian". They simply use anti-white rhetoric because they have observed that it unnerves Republicans.
Liberals do not appear to worry about something being "too white". Look at their movies. Of course I have not made a study of it, but take the interesting if anecdotal example, "21", starring Kevin Spacey. This film is based on a true story concerning Oriental students, but the cast is mostly white.
Why? I do not know the reason for this particular film, but I imagine that, in general, when it comes to the bottom line, liberals are not that interested in lecturing people about being color-blind.
[QUOTE]To use one of your favorite phrases...most whites have been "conditioned to believe" that if something is "too white", then it must be bad, and probably racist.[/QUOTE]
The irony is that most of the Whites who believe that if something is too White, it must be bad and racist, are usually the ones who live in neighborhoods who's racial demographics are as White as the state of North Dakota.
They should put their money where their mouth is and to nearest Blackest zip code they can find so that they can benefit from such wonderful "diversity".
"Your tax dollars may be just as welcome and green as you hand them over, but your voice deserves no hearing, your opinion is not enlightened, your media access is virtually nil, and frankly mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something about your new America."
This quote from Heston nails it.
I firmly believe that what the elites of both parties (many, but not all of whom are TWMNBN) want for us is South Africa.
Like SA, the U.S. is amazingly rich in natural resources. In SA the remaining whites keep just enough of a technologically advanced society running to facilitate the naked rent seeking of a small, multi-national elite.
The groids do dual duty as menial labor and a terror squad to keep the whites too fearful and preoccupied with their own security to organize for their interests.
In America, what remains of an armed, white middle class is still a potential obstacle to the total economic rape of our country.
I was on another blog that contained a post about a recent gun show in Cobb County. The poster reported that there appeared to be 1,000 people waiting to get in, the parking lot and both sides of the street were full. He said that people were not browsing the aisles, but appeared to be buying what they wanted and immediately leaving.
There's a reason that guns and ammunition are back ordered for months now, and if they are available somewhere, the sellers are gouging the buyers.
One reason is that circumstances are exacting a kind of "procrastination tax" for those who didn't see this coming far enough in advance.
Another is the sense of security that owning a gun provides, but if the gun owner hasn't received any training, this is a false sense of security.
But the one that I believe people are sensing subconsciously is this: The government is about to declare open season on its most productive citizens.
Tim Scott has the second worst gun rights record of the SC delegation (only Lindsey Grahamnesty's is worse). Further, Timmy is a firmly in the good graces of AIPAC.
Prediction: I don't always agree with Whiskey, but he is right on this one; Scott will disappoint.
OT (or perhaps not). I do not have a knee-jerk tendency to reject conspiracy based explanations for events. The exception is when the explanations involve biblical prophesy, lizard-like shape shifters, extraterrestrials, "666" and the like. I have not closely followed the Sandy Hook shootings because these type of events ultimately end up as a big media circular tear jerk with the usual shrines of yellow ribbons, candles, teddy bears etc. I was aware of suspicions that Sandy Hook was a "false-flag" operation, or that it had satanic overtones etc. I dismissed these. But then I began to see videos of "witnesses" that looked like they were planted actors reading a script. Scripts that were not as they say in the movie business, checked for continuity. Now these could be just people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame. At the very least the media at least should have realized that their contradictory stories just didn't add up. This says as much about the media as it raises questions about Sandy Hook. Just google Gene Rosen Sandy Hook.
The relevance to Paul's post is the use of Sandy Hook to promote more gun control laws. Incidentally, there are similar questions regarding the other major shootings of 2012 including Aurora, CO and the Sikh temple in Wisconsin.
Anonymous said...
"[Tim Scott's appointment] is about the image problem the GOP has with millions of independent white voters who are reluctant to vote Republican because it's "too white".
Specious. But just to entertain the illogic used, how did Ronnie Reagan's amnesty work out for Kalifornia? Those "independent white voters" are still absquatulating that fiefdom of anti-White tendentiousness.
"Tim Scott is a disaster because he'll vote Black, reliably, over GOP."
Whiskey, you're not Ms Cleo, you don't have a clue how he'll vote, stop being a dick.
If Zimmerman is found innocent (as he should be) I feel sorry for whites living near groid infested areas unless they're well armed and have the will to defend themselves with deadly force.
As for gun grabbers, they might find themselves in for a hell of a fight especially in more rural and conservative areas.
Reminds me of a story in my local area where the cops were continually harassing a man and finally went too far by going to his house one day to continue the "program." Both cops were shot and killed and the brothers weren't convicted.
Not everyone is going support the gun grabbers or roll over and lay down to be kicked ~and the result will be a lot dead people on both sides.
Maybe the gun grabbers had better follow the adage of, "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'!"
Actually it could have been. Blacks historically have been a mere 10-12% of the population, concentrated in the South. They could have been contained even with loosening of Jim Crow. The demise of America can be blamed on the Immigration Act of 1965. Once American permitted itself to be swamped by non-Whites the dye was cast. California a bedrock of conservatism fell to the Left and the rest is history. Texas's days are numbered as reliably GOP and the march to oblivion will be complete.
Blacks are bit players in this drama.
Anonymous said...
I was aware of suspicions that Sandy Hook was a "false-flag" operation
That does seem really far fetched. But then Fast and Furious might have been impossible to believe 20 years ago.
I believe the Obama administration, people like Axelrod, Jarrett and the departed Emanuel, are capable of absolutely anything. They have no internal morality that would moderate them in any activity. None.
I like that word.
"But just to entertain the illogic used, how did Ronnie Reagan's amnesty work out for Kalifornia?"
Besides, I'm not arguing the efficacy of the decision, only that it's not really about bringing in black voters.
"Those "independent white voters" are still absquatulating that fiefdom of anti-White tendentiousness."
More great words! I applaud you.
I work in a small business that is 99% white (about 20 people), and with the exception of myself and one other, they are all politically clueless. They are not liberals, and they are not stupid, but they think Obama is a "cool" guy, and they think the GOP is "too white". Most did not vote, but ALL were pleased with the outcome of the election, because they are not comfortable being part of something that appears to exclude non-whites.
Anonymous said...
"I work in a small business that is 99% white (about 20 people), and with the exception of myself and one other, they are all politically clueless."
It's interesting that you advocate the Tim Scott appointment from your 99% White workplace, and probably nearly all-White residential community. Just wait until another round of affirmative action wherein your 20 member firm may fall outside the race quota safe harbor and the Section 8 Housing quotas come to your area.
I also find it interesting that all those White colleagues at your firm think the GOP is "too White" and yet and they work at a 99% White firm. What's wrong with this picture.
Barry's imaginary sons and daughters are at it again.
Gun ownership is the best of all worlds politically for the elites. It allows them to do nothing when Black riots happen, and not offend their key voting bloc allies. Yet it allows a safety valve for Whites to defend themselves when required, I know, I lived through the 1992 Rodney King riots (it started on my birthday sigh). Gun ownership means Whites defend themselves and government can do what it likes to do best, when confronted with alienating Blacks who form the mercenary shock troops of voters: nothing.
Look at the UK. Whites were cleansed out of London with the 2011 riots. Now, there's not much going on right now, but underneath the surface I imagine all those "stuck" in the UK who cannot get out, to Switzerland or Scotland or other Whitopias are planning to vote UKIP as the means to say no to the EU and the EU project which means "diversity" aka being cleansed out of their capital city. When you've lost John Cleese ... you've lost not only the Minister of Silly Walks but a good deal of other White English people as well. Scottish Independence is more than just Sean Connery growling "You're the man now dog" (in Finding Forrester); in part its because the manifest failure of the elites there to defend against Black riots and rioters without a safety net prompts people to look for separatism and being smaller.
Taking away that safety valve is the mark of hubris. Of Napoleon or Hitler invading Russia because the enemy looks weak (and was) but underestimating the ability to conquer time and space and winter. Obama can't run for re-election. A fill in like Biden or Michelle will do poorly. And quite likely partisan style guerrilla attacks on the five thousand families that make up Murray's Narrow Elites (as in protests, outing, posting details, harassment, etc) will make Obama defend everywhere and be present in force, nowhere.
I enjoyed your latest blog post on the gun confiscation that is coming. I tend to agree that this is just beyond the horizon.
Just Google , "Mom shoots intruder" and start reading, Period!
Why can I make predictions about Tim Scott? Because he's Black. First, being Black he has ENORMOUS pressure to be part of the party line, to always "back the Black," to be a race man first and foremost. Clarence Thomas had the ability to resist this, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, and Allen West did not. All backed gun-grabs, lynching Zimmerman, and Trayvon Martin's parents.
Second, being Black means never having to say you're sorry. It is a protection shield, against any and all criticism when you toe the Black party line, when you act as a Race Man. Remember all that criticism aimed at Colin Powell when he backed Obama, twice? Neither did I because it did not happen, any more than Allen West got criticism for demanding gun bans in Florida after Trayvon Martin.
Third, it is hardwired into our DNA to prefer those we are more closely related to, and reject those more distant. That's Dawkin's selfish gene, validated by studies as diverse as Wilson and Harpending.
Science and math and logic and reason and history are not always happy, clappy places. They tell us "dark things" about human nature, sexuality, racial preferences and hostility, that we may not like hearing, but are none the less true. Ugly truth is preferable to pretty lies.
That is the heart of the "Dark Enlightenment," that the ugly truth revealed by reason, logic, science, math, and history are preferable to those fairly stories the new elites, Murray's "Narrow Elites" (from Coming Apart: White America 1960-2010).
Nope, I cannot know Scott's heart or brain. But because he's Black, I can make a fairly educated guess like a trader does on the likelihood of Greek bonds ever being repaid IN FULL. Or smart ones do now on say, Portland's muni bonds versus Atlanta's.
And that an Indian woman like Nikki Haley would need to pander to the Oprah crowd with Scott is not a surprise either. If everyone else is tribal its time Whites acted like Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Indian people for that matter in pursuing racial interests. That's one area where Whites ought to take notes and lessons.
Only liberals get uncomfortable when something is "too White". Even then, they still live in White neighborhoods. Everyone feels most comfortable when surrounded by their own kind. They may give lip service to diversity, but when blacks move into their neighborhoods, they suddenly get the urge to move somewhere with "less crime" and "better schools". This leads to a mentally damaging and usually unconscious contradiction in one's thought process. They're "not racist" but don't feel comfortable around masses of non-Whites.
I smell fear and desperation in our ruling class. The censorship, the completely baseless, knee-jerk cries of racism and now the gun-grabbing.
The sheeple are waking up way too fast. The damn internet and people like PK are destroying decades of careful planning.
They will ultimately fail. They have awakened the sleeping giant, the Saxon has begun to hate. They can't take our guns away without starting a serious conflict. They can't keep diversity from flash mobbing. They can't keep the economy running without printing insane amounts of fiat money.
Just a few years ago they didn't need draconian censorship to contain "hate speech". They didn't need to call every non-liberal White a racist. They didn't need to buy their own debt. They didn't need to take away law-abiding White people's guns.
BRA is on its death bed, I will dance on its grave...
Finally whiskey, ....the kind of wise insight we are used to from you.
Left Coast White Guy
Ugh! Indoctrination is so effective. Hitler did not invade the USSR because of hubris. He invaded Poland and then the Soviet Union because him and Stalin made a non aggression pact but was betrayed by Joe Stalin when he loaded their mutual border in Poland with Russia's tank divisions. He left Hitler no choice but to go on the offense since he was already fighting a western front.
"It's interesting that you advocate the Tim Scott appointment from your 99% White workplace, and probably nearly all-White residential community."
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I don't find it "interesting" at all.
I like Tim Scott, just as I liked my ex-congressman Allen West.
My workplace has more than our quota of black customers, so please stop assuming that I know nothing about negroes.
"Just wait until another round of affirmative action wherein your 20 member firm may fall outside the race quota safe harbor and the Section 8 Housing quotas come to your area."
Myself and my co-workers are all self-employed, we are not "employees". There is no "quota".
"I also find it interesting that all those White colleagues at your firm think the GOP is "too White" and yet and they work at a 99% White firm."
Again, if you find this "interesting", then my definition is different from yours.
Whenever liberals bash the U.S for not having a per capita murder rate as low as Scandinavian countries, I ask them to name 1 Scandinavian country that has over 100 million Black and Brown people like the U.S.
The reason why Scandinavian countries have a lower per capita murder rate than the U.S, is because not a single Scandinavian city has as much "diversity" as Detroit, Flint, Chicago, Oakland, Birmingham, Atlanta, Philadelphia, etc.
"Why can I make predictions about Tim Scott? Because he's Black."
Which should make him PREDICTABLY a liberal democrat in favor of distributing white wealth to non-whites.
Of course, NONE of those PREDICTABLES are true.
The U.S. is bankrupt. It really is. There was an opportunity to "fix things" in 2008. We could have let the free market work itself out and let the NYC/London-based financial structure go under. Trillions in toxic bank-created debt would have disappeared. The financial oligarchs (the elite, "the Globalists", the new aristocrats) would have lost an enormous amount of their wealth and their power. Their policies would have been globally discredited. Without financier funding for the Brookings Institute, PNAC, AIPAC, etc. and without an unlimited national debt, our policy of costly, never-ending foreign intervention would have been impossible to continue.
Unfortunately, Americans didn't take the opportunity. Millions of media-obsessed, sports-obsessed so-called "conservatives" were complicit for cultural reasons. Conservatives would rather saddle their kids with $300,000 in debt and flush their future down the toilet rather than criticize U.S. military actions or challenge the financial establishment, because the media has taught you that only big-city, sushi-eating, libruls do stuff like that.
So, instead, all of that bank-created toxic debt was placed on the shoulders of the U.S. taxpayer. They created the derivatives and bought their beach homes with the profits, you pay to clear out their bad debts now. The BRA-agenda was empowered. According to the Brookings Institute's Which Path To Persia publication, you, the taxpayer, will be footing the bill for "humanitarian interventions" in Syria and Iran over the next 3 to 4 years.
What does this have to do with guns and Detroit?
The whole gig is up. There is no going back, no "fixing the problem" at this point. If the American pubic didn't topple the oligarchs at their weakest point, they definitely won't now. And there is no way in hell that the U.S. is going to go through 5 or 6 decades of grinding austerity to pay back all of these debts to countries that are militarily weaker than us and could never come collect. Yet the debt is a monumental drag on the economy and the oligarchs realize that the entitlement-parasite is getting so large, the tax-payer host is close to death.
So they're scrambling for the Reset button now. They need major, traumatic events to occur and bring in chaos so that they can justify rolling the financial odometer back to 0 and get away with their thievery. They may try to inflame racial riots. They may try to tear the country apart violently through gun confiscation. They may spark WWIII through a land-invasion of Iran or by provoking and then jumping into a Sino-Japanese war. They may do all of that once. In the meantime, they're looting the country.
They don't want you to have guns though. Let me qualify that. If you are a responsible individual who might use your guns to organize and protect your community, they don't want you to have guns. If you are a criminal, a terrorist, or someone who will likely use guns to start chaotic violence (which would then justify tanks in the streets and martial law) then you need as many guns as you can get and the oligarchs will gladly supply you (see: Fast and Furious, Obama arming Al Qaeda in Syria and Libya, etc).
Blacks? They're just mindless goons. They'll come take your things and kill your family, but they are NOT orchestrating this.
I pray you're right, but it can go any number of ways.
Left Coast White Guy
The readers of this blog are not real gun buffs - with the possible exception of 10mm Auto. I know this is true because I wrote something quite wrong last week about guns and no refuted me. If I had said what I said on a real gun blog everyone would have jumped down my throat.
I advised people against the Ruger Ranch Gun because I thought it was too expensive and it only had a five round non-detachable magazine that had to be reloaded one round at a time. That however is wrong.
I thought I knew because I had considered buying the Ruger and had examined it carefully. More than once I had had the gun sales guy pull one down from the display case and show it to me.
Yesterday I was watching some YouTube video gun reviews and to my amazement There were lots of Ruger ranch rifles - all with twenty round detachable magazines. Then it came to me. They had only shown me the California legal version.
So I apologize. In the ten years since I handled one of these little rifles they have fixed its accuracy problems and made many small improvements. It now looks like a fine weapon for a kind of neighborhood invasions we see so often after natural disasters. Alas I was also right about the cost. It now costs something like $1K. And of course you still can't get an effective one in California.
Whites were not ' cleansed ' from London. We are the majority in all of Britain and are not ' stuck ' here , I'm never leaving. Scottish independence is nothing to do with black riots just some Scots would prefer not to be ruled by us English . I don't think Connery lives in Scotland to avoid UK taxes. Ukip voters don't want German led Europe wasting our taxes and dictating our immigration policies aswell as other sovereignty issues.
Earlier on this blog someone mentioned the concept of hubris. In my former worklife, before becoming a psychologist/counselor, I was an English teacher. In Greek tragedies, the main character's fatal flaw is his hubris or blind pride. The character falls from grace and/or his stature due to this hubris.
I see the GOP, the Great Obumma, the elites, and their talking heads as having a great deal of hubris. They are so blinded by their wealth and power. They have an incorrect hubris induced perception that their status dictates that they can do whatever they damn well please to the middle or working class and that we will keep taking it. They are so wrong.
I see professional and middle class people in the US who want to do right and who strive to do so, but what is the point when the police state of a joke of a government will hang this class of people out to dry in order to protect the elite's little dancing monkeys such as Trayvon? Sorry but fuck Michael Moore. Where does he live? I betcha he has enough money for security cameras and guards and what not at whatever posh estate where he lives. He and mouth pieces of the elite like him are so out of touch...that is their blind spot, their hubris and it will in the end bite their arce.
Why? When the disenfranchised white middle and professional classes TOTALLY abandon the notion of working a stupid 9 to 5, which nowadays is like 8 am to 7pm, and abandon the idea of working hard to get ahead AND instead take that energy into leaving the USA or perhaps seceding or perhaps forming a resistance movement, the elites are DOOMED. They will no longer have the buffer of the middle class holding back the little Trayvons from killing them.
America NEEDS a White middle and professional class. The elite need a White professional and middle class of physicians, doctors, dentists,firemen, teachers etc. The elite are under their hubris induced delusion that they do not NEED us Whites in the middle, but they do. Elites whites in the GOP are so clueless and so removed from reality that when it hits them, it will hurt. The LAST thing the GOP needs to do is hispander or pull in blacks or women...it needs to get REAL ...but as Bobyluski (sp?), the Repubs are the enemy. They are shitting in their nest so to speak because they think they can. Again, pride goeth before a fall, and the GOP is falling fast, along with America.
The Feds are just a big tumorous mass that is fed via numbers of people willing to conform. Disengage and pretend to conform if you must to survive, but don't really.
The bigger they are, the harder they will fall....the fall is coming.
Do we really need to reach out to the White voters that worry about anything that is "too white?" Wouldn't it be better, more natural, more intellectually honest and more productive to reach out to those Whites that have dropped out BECAUSE of pandering to the negroes, mexicans, welfare clients, financial elite and neocons? What good would pandering do if, once power is obtained you have to revoke what you stood for? And what good is implementing a plan based upon pandering?
Of course this all assumes that things can be straightened out through voting. I think that opportunity was lost about 20 years ago.
Good short read, "Americans Never Give Up Your Guns"
Excerpt from article,
For those of us fighting for our traditional rights, the US 2nd Amendment is a rare light in an ever darkening room. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but are in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position. In all cases where guns are banned, gun crime continues and often increases. As for maniacs, be it nuts with cars (NYC, Chapel Hill NC), swords (Japan), knives (China) or home made bombs (everywhere), insane people strike. They throw acid (Pakistan, UK), they throw fire bombs (France), they attack. What is worse, is, that the best way to stop a maniac is not psychology or jail or "talking to them", it is a bullet in the head, that is why they are a maniac, because they are incapable of living in reality or stopping themselves.
The excuse that people will start shooting each other is also plain and silly. So it is our politicians saying that our society is full of incapable adolescents who can never be trusted? Then, please explain how we can trust them or the police, who themselves grew up and came from the same culture?
I really like the idea about the hidden DVD's and a possible movie and/or graphs and information contained. This idea is far better than the billboard. You might ask why? I'll tell you, people like to be part of an in group people like to be a part of secrets and secret societies. Make a DVD it does not need to be a movie in the traditional sense. Make a DVD with an Anonymous type Guy Faulks Character explaining the genocide against Whites. Show graphs and statistics include Unamoused's flyers.
I would really push the Pro White angle think back to the 80's how many Groids wore "It's a Black thing you wouldn't understand" T-shirts. Well file sharring and creating hard copies of DVD's to drop and sneak into places can be a "White Thing" Make all Whites from Alphas to Omegas and inbetween porud and happy to be White. Add very pro white stories on how we created everything good and useful in the world such as modern science and photo realistic art. Show how we are not week little non atheletes include research into some of the great White Athletes. With good editing, maybe this could be a joint project between Paul and Unamused, the DVD could be just and hour but hold a lot of info easily accessible. Make it available for download on Reddit and 4Chan. Make sure it is entertaining and funny yet informative and captivating. Exclude anything to contraversial make sure a broad section of Whites will enjoy it.
I love the idea bet it would spread like Wildfire and I have no doubt it would be big news for months. Admit such in the information explain exactly what the MSM will do as they will denounce it and the viewers as horrible racisits but the info will all be real and fact checked no opinions just fun and entertaining facts.
Please do this paul it would be much bigger than any old billboard. Done right it could change the world!
A few things...the attacks on just about any GOP congressman are FAR from baseless...they are in fact, spot on. Who in that farce of a "conservative" party are standing up to the gun grabbers at this point? I think a lot of people here are underestimating the blood in the water and the evil, insidious sharks who are circling. These people mean to disarm us...one step at a time. 1. Registration - this is coming in late January. 2. The systematic destruction of both the firearms and ammo industries in this country. 3. Outright confiscation. Think it "can't happen here"??? Take a look at Australia. Only here it will be far, far worse.
We are standing on the cliff...Obama and his minions, the Blacks, the Browns and the putrid, pathetic, self-hating Whites are going for broke here. Obama knows damn well this will disarm law abiding Whites, and leave a deadly arsenal in the hands of Blacks. Do you really think that the Bloods, Crips and MS-13 are going to hand over their guns? This is all part of the plan...bottom up, top down. Our cities will become so lawless, that whoever is left will beg for the Federal Government to do something...and that "something" will end up being a totalitarian police-state.
Friends...turn off your TV...hell, smash it into a million bits. Mind control is effective even if you are aware of it happening. Arm yourselves while you still can, and the resist with every fiber of your being. Resist the evil, destructive force the BRA represents. My family and I have instituted an all out boycott of all corporate run enterprises : fast food, packaged food, entertainment, TV, Movies, media networks, etc...they are the enemy, pushing filthy miscegenation at every turn. Buy generic or local or whatever...just don't feed this monster anymore. If all patriotic Americans decided to not participate anymore, the wheels will grind to a halt.
(Black) Teen Brawls, Stampede Close Louisiana Mall
Yes, I'm going to admit a personal interest here.
Tim Scott just went to the Senate for one reason and one reason only, because he's black. He just finished his first elected term as a Congressman, didn't even start his second elected term. A dot Indian Governor appointed him.
A six times elected Congressman, a man who I was proud to call boss for about six months, one William Todd Akin, would run intellectual circles around this Scott lug all day long and all night too. But, oh no, no Senate for Todd! Mainly because of one out of context remark and half the Stupid Party knifing him and our campaign in the back in earnest.
Even not counting race, South Carolina took a step backward going from Jim DeMint to Tim Scott.
Pop quiz: If you were a lunatic who wanted to shoot up a school and kill lots of innocent children, what kind of gun should you choose?
Diane Feinstein thinks you need an assault rifle. She doesn't really know what an assault rifle is, but she's determined to stamp them out none the less. Most of her criteria for a banned weapon are little more than superstition. For example one of the features that she uses to identify an assault rifle is if the butt stock is adjustable. That's not a joke, you can't make this stuff up. An old fashion wooden stock is OK, but if the stock can be adjusted to better fit different size users, it's verboten.
But I digress. What kind of gun should you use, crazy person?
The answer seems to depend on your nationality. Our loonies often do in fact use assault rifles. But in Finland they use .22 caliber pistols.
I'm sure reader "10mm Auto" would sneer at such a tiny pop gun, but in Finland they have had two recent events where a young man committed mass murder with one of these. In the second case it was a school and he shot and killed nine kids.
Feinstein and the gun grabbers say they object to assault rifles because they are derived from military weapons. There is no army anywhere on earth who uses a .22 pistol in combat - and there never has been or will be. These little guns in .22 LR are used mostly for indoor target shooting. And I don't mean an actual range I mean target practice in your apartment's bedroom.
In California there are laws surrounding the .22 LR cartridge. If you shoot most animals with this they arrest you - it's just too weak. It would be OK for a squirrel or chipmunk but nothing much bigger.
So for the gun grabbers, we have some pretty compelling evidence that just banning assault rifles is not going to be enough. If you think the only way to solve this problem is banning weapons, then the government will have to take everything. Every gun that is except for Feinstein's bodyguards who both carry concealed weapons.
Notice also that there were two mass shootings in Finland. The copycat effect works over there just as it does here. I have a suggestion.
Instead of crushing our second amendment rights let's crush the media's first amendment rights. Let's ban not guns in the hands of citizens but rather ban the excessive media coverage of these terrible shootings. Fox News had wall to wall pundits discussing this last school tragedy for weeks. They know full well that this sort of sensationalism encourages others to do the same thing.
We should never allow the picture or the name of the shooter to appear on TV. We should only have straight reporting. No panels of "experts" putting in their two cents worth endlessly.
But this eminently reasonable proposal won't be acted on because Fox and the others want ratings. Good news is bad news in the news business.
Last night I saw the last half of "The Dead Pool" - one of the later Dirty Harry films. Harry Callahan had to stop a lunatic from burning himself alive. He had soaked himself in gasoline and was waiting for the media to arrive. He wanted to kill himself on the 11 o'clock news. Harry broke it up by turning off the TV camera. The fictional Dirty Harry knew the right thing to do. The real life Bill O'Reilly doesn't.
"Do we really need to reach out to the White voters that worry about anything that is "too white?""
Perhaps not, I don't know...
Earlier in my life, I would describe myself similarly...uninformed but not stupid, not liberal but politically correct, and quick to distance myself from anything that seemed "too white".
I did not change as a person, I simply became informed about the reality of race, thanks largely to Al Gore's invention, the internet.
(This site has been my grad school!)
In my opinion, MOST whites (certainly not ALL) would never vote liberal/democrat if the truth about racial reality was common knowledge. Of course, this is why the media and the entertainment complex work so tirelessly to keep the truth from the masses.
Mr Kersey, would you please stop parroting that obama won the election...he most certainly did not! There was probably more voter fraud in the Nov. election that ever before in our history. He is in office by fraud and he knew he would be all along. I'm so sick and tired of hearing conservative talk show hosts repeat that same lie, "Obama won the election". BS!
"A six times elected Congressman, a man who I was proud to call boss for about six months, one William Todd Akin, would run intellectual circles around this Scott lug all day long and all night too."
With all due respect, Missouri democrats SUPPORTED Akin during the Republican primary, including huge donations, then CHEERED when he won.
They saw him as an easy mark.
They were entirely correct, he was an easy mark.
I agree that he was unfairly destroyed for an irrelevant comment, however he showed incredible selfishness/narcissism by pointlessly staying in an unwinnable race.
"Mr Kersey, would you please stop parroting that obama won the election.."
Would you prefer that he say Obama LOST the election???
Because that would sound really stupid...
Unless your feet were in the ground in this race, then don't talk to me like you have one iota of credibility. I can only assume that you don't live in Missouri, and only have ever been to the state from 30,000 feet above this.
How did we win the primary? I wrote this not long after the primary day:
Yes, Claire's pre-primary buy that seemed to treat us as her primary opponent before the primary helped some, but it was not the only reason. As for "huge donations from Democrats" into Todd's coffers before the primary, I don't know where you're getting that, because it was certainly not true. We were operating on shoestrings all along when it came to money, both in the primary and in the general cycles.
You said:
he showed incredible selfishness/narcissism by pointlessly staying in an unwinnable race.
On my own blog, I'm slowly starting to tell the tale. I haven't even gotten to that part yet. But when I do, you will come to realize that there was selfishness and narcissism involved, but it wasn't Todd's selfishness and narcissism. I mean, Todd was one of the very few people in elected politics who didn't have an ego, who wasn't so arrogant, like most politicians, to think that the world needed him in public office to keep on spinning. So do you honestly think that some sort of ego or narcissism kept him in the race? I can assure you the answer is no. I know the real answer, and in time, I'll reveal the real answer, and when I do, the real answer is going to go splat over a whole bunch of people.
Bookmark this URL:
When I spill that particular bean, I will spill it there.
This will also help (but I wrote this before I publicly admitted being on Todd's campaign staff, which I didn't do until after the election, even though I certainly dropped enough hints before the election):
It is full of people who can't be trusted like incapable adolescents....the are called Africans, Mexicans, Guatemalans, El Salvadorans,...most except white Americans.
Left Coast White Guy
Anonymous cries:
Mr Kersey, would you please stop parroting that obama won the election...he most certainly did not! There was probably more voter fraud in the Nov. election that ever before in our history. He is in office by fraud and he knew he would be all along. I'm so sick and tired of hearing conservative talk show hosts repeat that same lie, "Obama won the election". BS!
While your point could be true, the situation is even worse if it is. We do know for a fact that the Repuke Party has abided by a consent decree issued in 1982 that essentially allows groids to carry out ulimited voter fraud without any legal challenge. The consent decree was only fought by the Poofter Partee one time - in 2010 - when they took it before a groid blackrobe appointed by D'Won.
The regime is utterly lawless. If there were any patriots in the military, they would be fully justified to overthrow the criminal regime in Washington DC and carry out a massive bloodbath in every single federal building: Drumhead courts and summary executions on the spot. But that is even less likely than Repukes doing something apart from assuming their customary position to fellate D'Won and give him whatever he desires. So much for all the oaths taken to "defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic".
Once again, Whiskey's central point about the craven cowardice of white folks stands unrefuted. Apart from places like this and a couple of others - there's just no "there" there. After all, watching Shitavious throw a ball on the TeeVeee and catching the next niggafest on Dancing with the Staaahs is far more important than things like survival. Not even in South Africa, where full-blown genocide is under way, will whites stop believing the greatest lie ever told: equality über alles.
I work in a small business that is 99% white (about 20 people), and with the exception of myself and one other, they are all politically clueless. They are not liberals, and they are not stupid, but they think Obama is a "cool" guy, and they think the GOP is "too white". Most did not vote, but ALL were pleased with the outcome of the election, because they are not comfortable being part of something that appears to exclude non-whites.
On the contrary, they are so stupid it is a wonder they know enough to breathe. This attitude you describe is a parroting of indoctrination received via the government edumacation racket and by watching the Ministry of Truth jujubox. Morons worshipping a faux-morality.
As for Tim Scott, he's merely another Neo-Trotskyite Housenigga like Allen West. He can be counted on by the likes of the Pink Palmetto Princess Miss Lindsay Graham to support important projects such as amnesty and gun control. Just another magic negro for Conservatism, Inc. - donkeys wearing elephant masks.
"Unless your feet were in the ground in this race, then don't talk to me like you have one iota of credibility. I can only assume that you don't live in Missouri, and only have ever been to the state from 30,000 feet above this."
I do not live in Missouri, and my feet were not on the ground, however this story was widely covered nationally.
And even a dummy like me knew that Akin would lose, and lose badly.
So did millions of others.
I'm sticking to my interpretation of events, I respect your right to tell me I'm wrong.
Anonymous said...
The U.S. is bankrupt. It really is...
...The whole gig is up.
Yea, the gig is up. Those in the political class with the ability to steal having been doing so with gusto for a decade or so. There are a few sources of somewhat liquid wealth remaining. Your bank account and your 401(k)/IRA are among them. They will pluck that fruit once the right "crisis" is created.
The nation once had a concept of treason. Well treason is going on all around you, a gigantic swirling mass of greed and lawlessness. Who in leadership would you trust as the nation crashes? Obama, Boehner, Reid, Pelosi, Axelrod, Bloomberg or maybe Sheila Jackson Lee?
Whatever flaws the political elites may have demonstrated throughout our history, they were small potatoes compared to what we are witnessing now.
You don't have to go all the way to Finland to make a point about the much-maligned .22 long rifle round. The shooter at Virginia Tech killed nearly all of his victims with this very round, fired from a Walther P-22 pistol.
As for the Sandy Hook incident, there appear to be conflicting stories about what weapon was used by the shooter. One newscast features a weapon being removed from a black car supposedly driven by Lanza which appeared to be a shotgun, not an AR-type weapon. A shotgun would have been even more deadly used against a group of shool children than an AR, which typically fires a small-caliber round at very high velocities. These tend to go through their targets, especially if they are the commonly found full-metal-jacket rounds. With a shotgun, lead buckshot doesn't so easily pass through the target and expands nastily upon impact.
"Whiskey, you're not Ms Cleo, you don't have a clue how he'll vote, stop being a dick.
Scott is black,,he WILL vote black and lockstep with Obama, COUNT on it.
"Actually it could have been. Blacks historically have been a mere 10-12% of the population,
And if you believe that figure, WHICH we have been hearing since at least 1970, you must also believe that islam is the "religion of peace" Personally, I think the black populat8ion of Amerikistan is more than 60 million and another 40+ million ILLEGAL ALIENS from every hostile country on the damn planet and I've been to most of those.
"people like Axelrod, Jarrett and the departed Emanuel, are capable of absolutely anything.
YUP! just like the Penguins in the plane crash in the movie "Madagascar" said when informed of 2 missing passengers "THAT'S a number I can live with" says the chief Penguin and thus it is with these politicians we have now, only the figures are much higher and going to get higher but I also believe those numbers are going to begin including a number of those self same "rulers" and they will not be missed.
Jefferson! look into the problems that the Scandanavian countries are now having with Pakistani muslim rape of White Nordic women, it is getting totally out of control.
"people like Axelrod, Jarrett and the departed Emanuel, are capable of absolutely anything.
$1000 is hardly expensive but an AK-47 can be had for $500 or less and ammo is pretty darn cheap. My daughter noted that it is hard to aim the AK and I told her, having been shot twice in Vietnam with them, that no one aims an AK, it is basically a spray and pray weapon overall though it can be used with some accuracy with experience. he M4 is much lighter and easier to handle overall but she liked the AK best. .223/5.56mm ammo is getting pretty expensive but nothing recently suggests that dealers are gouging the purchasers in my mind, simply a demand that has exceeded the supply, FAR exceeded the supply!! Of course we have many hand guns and LOTS of ammo for all of them including the .22lr for possible food hunting in the future.-
To all those who believe the Immaculate Emperor Hussein the Messiah won't be dictator for life:
For the price, an LR-308 is much better than the Ruger Ranch rifle IMO. Mine will shoot as good as my M1A and is easier to clean, modify, and add different scopes/sight combinations. 20rd PMAGS are less than $20 (or were before the panic set in).
For what it's worth, I hope everyone is armed & has plenty of ammo & training/practice. They are coming.
I will die before I give my Liberty & Freedom up.
The "good stuff" is carefully & safely hidden away while still being accessible. I have a few "token" firearms I will hand over if confiscation begins, as they are worthless but will count to Big Brother. At a later date the "good stuff" will be brought back out & used accordingly...
I have a strong feeling the this is the over-reach that may just set the whole thing off.
God be with you all.
Macon, ga had a mayor named Ronnie "machine gun" Thompson and he issued shoot to kill orders for all criminals when macons crime problem got out of control.
Anonymous @4:40 PM said:
"It's interesting that you advocate the Tim Scott appointment from your 99% White workplace, and probably nearly all-White residential community."
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but I don't find it "interesting" at all.
"Just wait until another round of affirmative action wherein your 20 member firm may fall outside the race quota safe harbor and the Section 8 Housing quotas come to your area."
Myself and my co-workers are all self-employed, we are not "employees". There is no "quota".
"I also find it interesting that all those White colleagues at your firm think the GOP is "too White" and yet and they work at a 99% White firm."
Again, if you find this "interesting", then my definition is different from yours.
What, you don't think that's interesting? Not even a little homorous? I think it's hilarious.
Your 20-member firm is 99% White (what's that then, 19.8 of you?), not by your employer's racist decree, but by your own self-selection, and you're bewailing your Whiteness? You can afford to do so, because you're not subject to government quotas? Bloody hell, I wish I had the imagination to write this kind of parody.
I don't know how sincere you were, but I share your admiration of Sternenlicht's vocabulary. "Absquatulating" - beautiful! I had to look it up to be sure he wasn't making it up.
Finally, if you're planning on participating in a discussion here, please get yourself a handle, so that we can make sense of it
Why yes, they are dangerous wild animals why do you ask?
The best chances for peace and prosperity have always been in homogenous societies. You don't see that yet. You will. America has had the appearance of a successful multiracial society. Nothing could be further from the actual truth. Whites have controlled all the major institutions in this country. That is changing now. Get a good swig of diversity and you'll be singing a different tune. America was built by and for whites. Remember that. With blacks in control you get Africa. With Mexicans in control you get Mexico. With Asians in control you get Asia. Learn it. Live it.
In the end, an African will see things from an African perspective. With them blood truly is thicker than water.
Everytime I've seen a workplace controversy involving black vs white, the blacks always support black even when the black person is demonstrably wrong. They don't care about right vs wrong- it's black vs white everytime and they will always support the tribe. Any black person who breaks ranks will be ostacized and condemned and have the full weight of "da brutha's" coming down on his or her head.
When shown to be demonstrably in the wrong, the immediate response is to scream, "Dis be rayciss!" as that rallying cry brings the ape tribe ooking and eeking en masse with the immediate threat being a massive chimpout if things don't go their way. This is usually accompanied by much ooking and eeking about how "we is gonna contact da NAACP!"
On the street, it's worse as the blacks gather en masse and there's the immediate threat of physical violence and a mob attack.
That's the black culture and I've seen this pattern repeated for decades and is the primary reason I carry a weapon.
When dealing with blacks, you can forget about right and wrong, what's just and fair and all that. It's all about Get Whitey! Being in the right means nothing and is no protection at all as it would be with other races.
If an authority figure should become involved in the altercation, you can always count on blacks to lie their asses off and claim, "He done called us niggers!" or some variation of that false accusation to justify their own crappy behavior and actions.
Around blacks, never relax.
Full Auto observes:
In the end, an African will see things from an African perspective. With them blood truly is thicker than water.
Actually, this is the case for everyone except whites. Do you somehow think blood isn't thicker than water with TWMNBN? Chinese? Mexicans? Arabs? Punjabis? For some strange reason, whites are much more non-tribal - especially the more northern sub-groups (Anglos, Nordics). There is still a little native tribalism to be found among Greeks and Italians, for example. This natural tendency has been used against us by our own elites (and the hostile alien elites who also inhabit squid ranks).
What the elites want is to maintain and protect their hereditary, elite advantage. In China these elites do so with horrendous pollution, abusive legal systems (what Heston said about ordinary White men could be repeated WORD FOR WORD about ordinary Chinese who are the constant victims of princelings and react with violence), but not mass immigration since they already through the Communist Party have control over everything and don't need what amounts to "mercenary voters."
Just like when you have a Civil War history debate come up between a liberal and conservative/Pro Southerner, the libs never ever condemn Lincoln for marrying into a slave owning family, and continue to viciously attack leavning no room for any reasonable reassestment of the evidence on the South solely responsible for the War and institution of slavery. If you try to chime in as hard as you can against their CW propaganda they shout you down like a Baptist preacher then corner you into a massive faux paus on your behalf. Or they continually mock you in a very fast relentless fast train moving verbal attack until you just say Eff it and be quiet.
For all this rabid irrational hatred and condemnation of the South and slave owning people of the past, they wouldn't lift any of the viciousness they ramsack onto any commoners (like us) constantly when we dare question or try to correct their errors and propagations of history and redirect attack onto, say, the modern descendents of one of the richest slave owners of all time in American history who all still live in the same mansion today built 400 years ago by hard slave labor (Shirley Plantation). They want to crush we peons with the hatred they have for the South instead of people related to those involved with the most evil acts they see ever done by mankind.
Thanks to Bogolyubski for the information that the Virginia Tech Massacre had also been perpetrated by some loon with just a .22 pistol. I hadn't realized that.
This fact plus the two Finnish killings pretty much demolishes the argument that the problem is caused by the availability of powerful, military combat rifles. There is no standard firearm that is smaller and weaker than a .22 pistol. Almost no gun expert advises their use for home defense. They are better than nothing of course if someone comes in and threatens you, you will deefinately want something bigger.
Most experts think that a .45 ACP or a 9mm Parabellum are about the minimum for home defense. They disparage the .380 Kurz, the .32 auto or revolver and the .25. If you must have a .22 at least you should have the .22 Magnum. .22 rim-fires are alternatives to air rifles or BB guns. They all make very little noise. They are popular for kids and apparently for killing kids.
The idea of an Assault Weapons Ban does not follow from the record of killings. It is not an appropriate response by government. It is exactly the wrong thing to do.
It is very likely that in the near future white people will soon need something more than just a handgun. Lex32 recommended an AR-10 clone. I'm sure that that model is a fine weapon. I don't know because I don't bother with researching guns I will never be allowed to have in California.
Why now do we suddenly need long guns when short guns have sufficed in the past? Maybe you don't, but I certainly do. A lot of it depends on your area's vulnerability to natural dsiaster and its number of blacks.
Oakland is due for a major shake. The black Oakland population live on Bay Fill (soft mud). The whites live on rock. God seems to be discriminating against the black man again. The quake damage will not be spread equally. Every white person I know has made at least some elementary preparations to deal with the loss of power and water. I have my doubts about the level of preparation down in the black housing projects. I also have some doubts about the efficiency of our local government in responding to a disaster and keeping public order.
Post-disaster disruptions and looting seem to be increasing. In the past you only had the prospect of facing a single home invader who was in your house. If you can shoot a handgun accurately for thirty feet or so you can get by with a six shooter. But if you want to prepare for the prospect of groups of neighborhood invaders - the requirements are different. You will need to shoot further because you will have to engage them outdoors and there will be more of them. You will need a couple extra magazines and a long gun. An AR-15 is ideal for this. An AR-10 (.30 caliber version) maybe even better but you can get away cheaper.
Think about those Korean shop owners in the Rodney King riots. What were they using to protect themselves and their property? How many rounds did they fire?
Thanks to Bogolyubski for the information that the Virginia Tech Massacre had also been perpetrated by some loon with just a .22 pistol. I hadn't realized that.
Please forgive, I have been off doing "preparation" for the coming nastiness. Events are moving quickly and I have been upping my PT as well as other things to get ready.
Albertosaurus! I didn't correct you on the Ranch Rifle because I don't have any enemies to the "White" of me. I have never been the one who flames someone over incorrect info, I just keep teaching. The only time I get firm is when my own words are distorted, which was not the case. I am glad to see you are looking at firearms. I agree that the .22 auto is worthwhile as both a survival weapon as to get game. Anything is better than a rock!
As to gun bans, See: http://www.bob-owens.com/2012/12/something-funny-happened-on-the-way-to-the-tyranny/
"Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone. This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war."
Ammo, Camping supplies, dried food, weapons and other things are moving fast. Astonishing really. My biggest surprise? 50BMG ammo is GONE. If not gone, it is selling for upwards of $5 a round. This is the kind of ammo you use for cutting power lines, defeating armored targets, destroying A/C and generators, etc. Someone is really thinking outside the box.
Please read:
"Remembering the numbers from our earlier conversation, I told him that removing a few dozen of the worst reactionaries wouldn’t change anything. Other fast-talking right wingers would just take their places. Except they would be angrier than ever.
“Not dozens.” He paused. “Around two thousand, actually.”
The new number shocked me. “That’s not possible.”
“No, it’s very possible. We’ve studied it from every angle.”
“No, I’m very serious,” he said. “Here’s how we came up with two thousand. I was given a copy of a new law enforcement software program, one that Justice had for testing and evaluation. A refinement of the social networking analysis stuff. Data-mining, all of that. We put it on a clean computer, adjusted it for our own parameters, and made the list. We tried it at different levels from ten up to ten thousand. The optimal number for the greatest effect with the least initial disruption came in at about two thousand.”
"They freely posted comments such as, “You can take away our rights, but we still get to vote under Rule 308,”
Good stuff. Negros will never understand this, or the momentum behind what they are building. They think Whites are weak and scared. We are perhaps fearful of them, but many other races have thought the Whites weak and we use their bones as fertilizer. The next few months are going to be critical, so all be ready. Paul K., you as well. Take extra precautions (see article I quoted).
"These little guns in .22 LR are used mostly for indoor target shooting. And I don't mean an actual range I mean target practice in your apartment's bedroom."
I'm sorry but you are either crazy or dumb if you shoot anything in an apartment bedroom. I wouldn't shoot .22 shorts or even a pellet gun in a residence.
Anonymous: Sorry but fuck Michael Moore. Where does he live?
He lives in the northwest extreme of the lower peninsula of Michigan, not far from Traverse City. It is a Whitopia, of course. The big story of 2011 there was the murder of a White girl by a fellow named Schwander, a "native American". Yes, the other NAMs.
I betcha he has enough money for security cameras and guards and what not at whatever posh estate where he lives.
Knowing the area, I doubt that he has them. He is not surrounded by "diversity" which would require it. Perhaps you can look up his address and see if there are aerial photos of his abode on Google images; the satellite maps will tell you a lot too.
I'm sorry but you are either crazy or dumb if you shoot anything in an apartment bedroom. I wouldn't shoot .22 shorts or even a pellet gun in a residence.
I agree that's crazy and I wouldn't do it myself, but others do. I never shot my air gun inside and I've never personally owned a .22. A .22 rifle with a suppressor is no louder than an air gun. So you can see why some people are tempted.
When I was in college I had a rather fierce buddy who shot his pistol indoors. Some friends had him stay at their basment apartment in Washington DC one evening. When they got home all the neighbors were in the street around their place. Bob had been shooting the cockroaches. I think it was a .380.
You could make a case that Bob was crazy. But he was in the Special Forces. So somebody though he was normal enough to serve. Another rather odd thing he did once was he went into a black ghetto street - with his gun in hand - and yelled "Nigger, nigger, nigger" up and down the street. Nobody ever took him up on his challenge.
That was a long time ago. Maybe today it would be different.
If you read reports of riots, stabbings, shootings, welfare cheats, muggings,armed robberies, assaults and batteries, child abuse, failing schools, gangs,you’ll see black or brown faces. If there’s not a picture,you’ll read names like Quadrekius, Shameeka,Lemaricus, or whatever pseudo-Turd World name the offender goes by. How could America have let itself be debased and corrupted by such a flood of shiftless, unproductive, violent, backward, dysfunctional, unassimilable degenerate parasitical descendents of slaves?
America is fast regressing into nothing more than a convenient pile of sh*t for low-IQ parastical blow-flies…..We’re a civilization sliding into the abyss.
London has suffered white flight for many years. I am a white flighter from London (the yr 2000). The riots in 2011 probably made the problem worse, but it didn't start then.
Young single whites like living in London since it is exciting and there is masses to do in the evening. For families however, other than the very wealthy, the situation is utterly hopeless, with kids afraid to go out, dreadful schools.
Wow, I've had that disturbing thought about 'open season' for the past few days. Glad I'm not the only one. Black people try to act like they're not racist, but considering how they acted after the Rodney King trial (couldn't wait to find a whitey to kill), can you imagine that if their 'God'/black president said 'Ok everybody, time for you to get your revenge, its open season on whites' that most of them would have the humanity or even the critical thinking skills required to say/think 'No, I'm not obeying my black president (or Dear Leader, whichever)? Somehow I doubt it
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