It's a headline that should send chills down your spine. [Atlanta home invasion: ‘Please don’t shoot, I have a little baby’,, August 19, 2015]:
Michael Lash knew he had a broken leg and he couldn’t feel his other foot. One bullet had gone in the front of his thigh and out the back.
Four blacks participated in home invasion of the Lash's in Atlanta
While trying to protect his wife and two young children, the northwest Atlanta father was shot in both legs Sunday evening, the beginning of a few terrifying moments for the family. As Lash was recovering Tuesday, Atlanta police were investigating the home invasion, hopeful that security cameras on neighboring homes and evidence left behind would help identify the suspects.
The Lash family had just returned to their Sumter Street home from vacation Sunday night when two male teenagers approached Lash on his front porch, witnesses told police. The teens — one in a yellow shirt, the other in a red one — asked if they could borrow a jack for their car and tried to force their way inside as two other teens stood across the street, police said.
When Lash tried to close the door, he was shot by the teen in yellow, who had a short afro and tattoos and piercings on his face, Lash was able to tell witnesses and police.
Inside the home, Lash’s wife, Whitney, heard the shots, grabbed the couple’s 6-month-old daughter and ran toward the back door, her mother, Jessica Huffman, told Channel 2 Action News. Whitney Lash called 911, and in a hushed voice, told the operator her husband had been shot.
“I just ran outside with my baby,” the mother said in the 911 call.
The suspects fired two shots at the mother, but missed her as she ran out the back door and to a nearby home for help.
“He followed her and caught up with her at the gate and she turned around and said, ‘Please don’t shoot me, I have a little baby,’” Huffman said.Michael and Whitney Lash, as well as their two young children, are white.
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"Please don't shoot me, I have a little baby": This is the child Whitney Lash referred to, only seconds before black males fired at her |
The four "teens" who participated in the home invasion - including shooting Michael in both legs and then shooting at his wife as she held their young child - are all black.
The absolutely haunting 911 call, where Whitney reveals the attackers are black, can be heard here. [911 calls released in violent home invasion, shooting,, August 18, 2015]:
What's going on? Tell me what you see,” the 911 operator said. “I just ran outside with my baby. There's a black young man at the front door. He just pulled a gun on my husband,” Lash said. That was the call Lash made the moment police say a group of teenagers busted in through their northwest Atlanta front door and shot her husband Mike in the leg. Investigators say the teens were there to rob the Lashes as they returned home from vacation. As they forced their way in, they shot Mike Lash then chased Whitney out the back door as she carried her 6-month-old daughter. Police say they even fired shots at her.Evil.
Pure, unadulterated evil.
But it's what you learn about the Lash's that leaves you puzzled, and completely saddened for a people under continued assault across not just Atlanta, but all of America.
Michael's mother-in-law expressed sadness for the black home invaders, who shot at her daughter and granddaughter after shooting him:
“I just hate it for those young boys that they're doing this to their life, but if they’ve done it once I think they'll do it again,” [Jessica] Huffman said.But it's what Michael did after he was shot - and his family's life was still at stake - that shows Lawrence Auster's concept of the Eloi and the Morlock's (a reference to The Time Machine) is 100 percent dead-on. [Atlanta father shot during violent home invasion quoted scripture,, August 19, 2015]:
The northwest Atlanta father shot in both legs during a home invasion remained hospitalized Wednesday morning following surgery to insert a rod from his knee to his hip, Michael Lash’s wife said.
In a post on an online fundraising page for the family, Whitney Lash said her husband doesn’t have feeling in his foot, but doctors are hopeful physical therapy will help him regain sensation.
Still, it was her husband’s words after being shot that Whitney Lash said are helping the family through the ordeal. Her husband was praying, citing one specific verse from Luke 23.
“Forgive them Father, they know not what they have done,” Michael Lash said, according to his wife.
“His immediate grace and forgiveness for others in the midst of life and death is a constant reminder for me as I feel anger trying to creep in,” Whitney Lash posted online.Anger is the right emotion, considering four black people just shot your husband and then fired bullets at your young child.
Turning the other cheek means the bleeding won't stop until you're dead.
Eloi indeed.
I loathe Eloi and can spot them a mile away. However, insufficient information available to draw that conclusion about this family. That particular bible verse is rather generalized and similar to "may God have mercy on your soul - typically said at executions.
When a black out of the blue asks you for anything - spare change, a cigarette, a light, directions, the time etc. - you have been targeted and attack is eminent.
Notice the Gofundme medical expense is unusually high. Me thinks they are looking to bug out. Smart move! I'll assist even given the slight ruse.
why do they focus on forgiveness?
w children there, did he have trained attack dogs??
if not, why not???
"They" know EXACTLY what they are doing! "They" look upon YT as their natural prey. And why shouldn't they? YT have shown themselves to be totally without the once normal sense of self-preservation. As for this victim's bible makes me physically ill to think that he is not outraged by the attack on his family. Where are his gonads?
Im glad to see PK do this story. The best thing that could happen from here to cram this article down every liberal parent's throat. Do everything within your means.
If there was a loose lion in the neighborhood, and the lion had pounced on the father, chewed a leg off and chased the mother for awhile, would everyone stand around and pray "forgive the lion, for he does not know what he does".
Nope, everyone would be really excited to get a gun and put down the big cat that had a taste for manflesh.
And THAT is why television brainwashes us non-stop that blacks aren't feral big cats, they are morally superior to us. Have you noticed that there are more and more positive images of blacks on television? Someone is worried the brainwashing might be wearing thin.
I was at the gym and the gym showed football on screens everywhere. The same commercial of babies wearing football gear played over and over. HALF the babies were black. `I had to stare at my feet on the treadmill.
Still, it was her husband’s words after being shot that Whitney Lash said are helping the family through the ordeal. Her husband was praying, citing one specific verse from Luke 23.
“Forgive them Father, they know not what they have done,” Michael Lash said, according to his wife.
Sadly but true, religion IS the opiate of the people.
Michael Lash is a jack ass.
Philadelphia Mike
Really?? Forgiveness for idiots who could have easily taken your life and even worse, the lives of your children? I'd like to be able to say "you're a better man than me" but instead I'll just say " your a bigger ass than me"! Keep forgiving this scum on earth. And I'll guarantee you they'll stay the scum of the earth. Thanks for making life shitty for the rest of us!!!! Idiots all on this one!
How could a father and husband get all biblical when something like this happens? It boggles the mind.
I don't have a problem with forgiveness, but I do have a problem with it while the ass-bag is currently trying to murder you. Even Christ got pissed enough to whip and scourge the Temple moneylenders and I'm sure he forgave them as well, after the ass whoopin' was effectively dished out.
What we're dealing with here is a sub-species that unless checked will run rampant. Niggers have two states of being: Either at your feet or at your throat, and I am not interested in making distinctions between the good and bad ones anymore.
Keep up the good work PK.
I wanted to feel so sorry for this family. I simply do not. Not in the least. They are literally an enemy to our movement of race realization and would undoubtedly condemn us for our beliefs while actively working against our goals.
Fock. Them.
What is it going to take before the drastic actions that we all know need to be taken?
Do these violent creatures have to shoot up Yale or Harvard campus to wake up those with their eyes closed to reality?
I really can't fathom how any human could coddle such beast.
What's it going to take?
I'm so tired off our Black Plague.
Even when being robbed, whites tiptoe so carefully regarding blacks.
To wit: "There's a black young man at the front door. He just pulled a gun on my husband,"
In a sane world, you could say: "a nigger has my husband at gunpoint" and people would be concerned about the violent crime.
Today (as in 1984), people are primarily concerned with thought crimes.
This is just why I carry concealed.
Any and all suffering either of them might suffer in the future will bring no sympathy from me. In all honesty, I as I was reading I was wondering if their would be a fund for donations. As I read I felt anger at myself for even considering giving them a dime. If they were being assaulted and I could save their lives, I would let them take the lead. I sympathies and concerns now are only for their poor children who will be taught to be gracious victims throughout their lives.
After the gay marriage battle was lost, the fags took to social media to proclaim "Love Wins". Love is causing the victim of this home invasion that almost ended in tragedy to ignore her inner voice ("hate creeping in") that is correct.
Hate keeps this kind of shit from happening in the first place. But we're too busy to hate because we have to watch TV and one up our friends on Facebook etc. God forbid we...HATE (gasp!)
If Michael Lash had canceled his Cable/Satellite he'd have $2000 the fist year alone to spend on a nice, state of the art HD security camera system with a mobile App. The second year would have paid for a nice eight foot fence & gate. The third year would have seen a AKC registered and trained security dog. That's $6k for a damn near impenetrable residential system. Lastly, I've been carrying my pistol at home since I noticed an uptick in home invasions about 5 years ago. I unchamber the round that I carry when out of the home and carrying concealed and I switch to an OWB holster once home, but it's there on my hip if I need it. Home invaders would have to get past the cameras, the fence and the dog first... but you get the point.
Got Preps?
I agree this seems, on the surface to be an awful and violent confrontation. But what we have got to understand here, before we rush to judgement, are the fundamental cultural differences that underlie this interaction. I spent two years in the Congo studying molecular physics at the University of the Congo. I learned a lot about African culture in that time.
In Africa it is an accepted practice for young African teens to visit village households as they are traveling about the land. They most often stop by to have a meal, other times they are just looking to meet young women who may be in the dwelling and would like to dance and sing with them. African teens that visit a house will usually indicate their hunger by rubbing their tummies and grunting. Since language is not always common, they may simply sound out "mumpha mumpha, ortanga", which is Swahili for "I am hungry". All households throughout subsaharan Africa will recognize this as the universal request to be served and typically a dinner or lunch will be assembled by the female of the house. As I said, this is very common and this behavior is just part of the famous African phrase we are all familiar with from Hillary Clinton's well known book It Takes a Village.
I can't be certain, but I think these young African teens visited this house filled with white people and because the white people were not familiar with this custom, a fight broke out. It's unfortunate that these teens will now have their lives ruined only because of the ignorance of these white home owners.
It will take a lot more effort on the part of the white population in this country before this kind of tragedy can be avoided. I urge those of you who understand the complexities of African culture to share that and educate the white people around you.
I'd sure feel better if she'd stick with anger. Let it rise and harden into solid action to protect her family from further harm. Her husband is possibly maimed for life and only ghetto shooting prevented 3 of 4 victims being murdered. Forgiveness isn't even biblically sound in this case. If they want to be Christian, I suggest they find a new church or just read what the Bible says - it's not the pablum that's mostly preached.
How about this for a verse: "the sword of god, the blood of the lamb, Vengeance is mine!" Seriously, who do these pathetic white Christians think they are appeasing by showing no anger in the face of pure evil? I bet he shows a little bit of fire when the negro running back on his favorite football team fumbles the ball. But when four bloodthirsty subhuman shit skins are attempting to murder him and his family he promptly tucks his dick in between his bleeding shot through fucking legs, immediately looks to the heavens and starts begging for his god to forgive these bastards!?!?!? PATHETIC!!!!! WEAK!!!!! COWARD!!!!! ABSOLUTELY SICKENING!!!!!
Now I must get a rag to clean up all the blood that just shot out of my eyes.
Christianity, and Judaism also, btw, are gone. Replaced by Dindu worship. Diversity and PC and Jesus 2.0, either MLK or Obama version, whichever Lightworker you prefer, with saints from Morgan Freeman to ... OJ.
Sadly even the Pope is no longer Catholic, he seems more a devotee of Dindu worship. He certainly wants Europe flooded with Africans and Muslims.
I am not surprised by that attitude. It is religious in nature. A folk religion that arose as women rejected the Christian limits on sexuality, and Alpha males also. Old time Europeans before Christianity sacrificed to Zeus, or Apollo, very occasionally human sacrifice. Far more often the bloody Celtic gods and Odin and Thor, particularly hungry for blood. That seems to have come back into favor now. Amber Pasquale, Amy Biehl, Katy Steinle, Aidrenne Shelly, Bob and Nancy Strait come to mind.
People need a religion. Jesus won't do anymore, so its Obama or King, with Dindu worship as its core. Pretty much most of the elites in this country actually worship Obama.
Related: "Black Lives Matter" ambushed Hillary! and her incoherent answers put paid to the notion they are working for her. She said she would no longer talk to Black people about their issues but only Whites, and that all Whites needed to "atone" for "sin" and "original sin" her words regarding Slavery and Racism. Hillary! made a Kinsleyian gaffe, defined by Michael Kinsley as a politician saying what they actually believe. Hillary! is no different than most elites, they actually believe all Whites have original racial sin and must atone to Black people.
Unbelievably sick of this forgiveness mantra.
It Can't be how most people react.
I'm betting it's just that all the "how the hell do you think I feel, these lunatics have to be stopped" comments just don't get printed because of PC media. i.e. "Teens" instead of "all too common homicidal black criminals"
Feel sorry for the child. It will have a rough future.
It takes a special kind of white person to live in Atlanta. These two seem like they fit in well. They probably spent their vacation helping out at some black lives matters function.
The police might as well forget about finding the culprits. The couple most likely will just use the trial to spew a bunch of crap to the media pledging their forgiveness to the feral negros and refuse to testify against them. Then they will do the talk show circuit explain why black lives matter and the taking down of white supremacy starts with a single gesture. The liberal audiences will sigh a collective ahhhh and give them a standing ovation. Unknown blacks will call in exclaiming how their act of kindness changed them and now they have nothing but love and kindness in their hearts. They will get a "That's a good white boy "from Obama .
In the meantime the released gangsters realizing how they dodged a bullet will make sure at their next home invasion they don't leave witnesses.
Mich Mike
Nancy Grace has been covering this story heavily the past few days. Want to guess how many times she has mentioned the race of the "guys" that did this? Yup.
When I first saw this story and the house it reminded me of the farm attacks in Zimbabwe and S.A.
Once again we see the fruits of the civil rights era.
Surprised that the white woman wasn't charged with a hate crime for identifying one of the suspects as black when talking to police.
When I see example, after example, after example... it becomes pretty obvious why blacks (particularly black males, bm) make up such a disproportionate percentage of the prison population. They do the most brazen and ghastly crimes and don't think twice about it. Showing no remorse and laughing during court proceedings may also explain why they may be charged more often and with higher sentences. That and the fact that repeat offending is usually left out of the stats, as well as the severity of the crime. From all the news I read I see example after example of dindus and Bantus involved in most crimes reported, particularly the grizzly and very memorable ones because they have no shame and lack any sense of empathy.
When I read that the only way to significantly lower the black prison population would be to drastically reduce the sentences of violent offenders I lost all sympathy for any lame excuses they might have. Does being depressed or "underserved" (whatever the f@ck that means) give people a free pass to break the law with impunity, even with violent offenses?
This guy now has a bum leg for life, all because he had worked/earned/saved enough to make himself a tempting target for morally bankrupt black opportunists.
I need to compile links from individual cases of both black on white and black on black crime that show a steady stream of wanton violence emanating from the black community. That way whenever people complain about the "racist" justice system I can show them case for case WHY these subhuman savages make up such a huge part of the prison population.
If people of my race were overflowing prisons and made up the vast majority of school discipline problems I would be pointing people away from that fact, not towards it. People might come to the "crazy" conclusion that members of my race had a hard time following the law and conducting themselves appropriately.
It's either blacks are incredibly violent and disruptive, or there is a crazy conspiracy across courts and classrooms that public officials do out of spite, even if doing so could jeopardize one's job.
If I lived anywhere near a negropolis I would have survival and contingency plans prepared as if I was living in an active war zone. Extensive security footage (from multiple angles) and a close-knit (white) neighborhood watch would seem to be the bare minimum, and I would see gun ownership as mandatory.
I wouldn't just sit around "hoping" nothing bad would happen to my family or to my neighbors- blacks are opportunist and without shame- it is only a matter of time when they are going to strike. You can rule out the "if" part.
Ferguson and its rocket scientist residents continue to make me proud:
Nine people were arrested and St. Louis police used tear gas to clear a street of protesters after an armed man fleeing from officers serving a search warrant was shot and killed Wednesday.
Approximately 150 people gathered at the scene of the shooting late Wednesday, many of them hurling obscene gestures and expletives at investigators and questioning the police use of deadly force. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said tear gas was used after protesters threw glass bottles and rocks at police. Some chanted "Black Lives Matter," a mantra used a year ago after the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that a vacant home had been set on fire near the scene. Dotson also said that officers were responding to reports of burglaries in the area.
At a press conference earlier in the day, Dotson said two suspects fled from the home about noon Wednesday on the city's north side before the 18-year-old turned and pointed a handgun at the officers, who shot him. That suspect, identified later in a statement by police as Mansur Ball-Bey of St. Louis, died at the scene. Police are searching for the second suspect, who they said is believed to be in his mid- to late teens.
Both officers, who are white, were unharmed, according to a police report.
Must have not pointed out the race of the suspect because he wasn't "unarmed".
I wonder if I try harassing and berating police officers while throwing glass bottles at them if I will be arrested. Actually, no I don't, because I would be arrested on the spot.
Is this part of my white privilege?
Get. A. Dog. Preferably black that can't be seen at night. Dogs are their Kryptonite.
This is awful. No words.
No doubt if the POS thugs are caught they will get probation. After all, it's Whiteys fault.
This one got national coverage -
ROCHESTER, N.Y. - Officials say three people were killed and four others wounded when a gunman opened fire into a crowd after a basketball game in western New York.
The drive-by shooting happened late Wednesday outside the Boys and Girls Club in Rochester. CBS affiliate WROC reports police say it doesn't appear that the shooting was related to the basketball game.
No names released yet, but I'm sure it will be the usual suspects. It was a very black section of town.
“Forgive them Father, they know not what they have done,” Michael Lash said, according to his wife.
What kind of a mangina says this about four pieces of filth that shot him and may well have raped and shot his wife if she would have been in the house? The "teens" knew EXACTLY what they were doing. They most certainly planned the home invasion to the extent their limited mental faculties allowed.
What a soft-cock. If any current or former LEO/first responder can explain the hows & whys of brain chemistry from trauma etc I might pause to rethink.
I wouldn't want this guy in my corner/circle if TSHTF. I recall reading one of Jung's disciples saying in crisis you fall back on your training. A cops blog (or at least article/post, probably linked from here) said the same thing.
This has me thinking the corruption of Christianity is worse than I thought. I liked this article
The phrase "so heavenly minded, no earthly good" comes to mind.
This story was on the news again this morning. Sickening. Here in Atlanta you see this every day. Always the same.
Even Jesus new there was a time to righteous anger. When are we gonna see that it's acceptable to defend ourselves and our families.
The neqs was touting this man's courage. I say that it takea more courage to take a stand in the midst of a society that tells you it's not.
Sorry for the rant
Religion - one of the bests means of thought control devised by man.
The father who was shot is a bonafide cuckservative, probably will vote for Mike Cuckabee
and ask the judge for leniency when the blacks perps are convicted.
It appears the grandmother is also braindead.
Too bad the baby will likely inherit that self hating cuck gene
Here's the statement the father should have made:
"What I hope everyone takes away from the tragedy that has just befallen my family is that negroes are not compatible with a First World Civilization; they must be separated from the non-negroes if we are to even pretend we are a true civilized country. Please, don't let my tragedy go to waste; do your research and you will find that negroes are different genetically in ways that effect how they think and behave; this leads to our natural revulsion at their group dynamics and the drive to separate ourselves from them."
"You will see that science supports the proof they have lower IQs, poor future time orientation, lowered impulse control and lower threshold for violence. All these add up to a dangerous sub-species that has no business being forced upon our neighborhoods by the federal government and their dystopic programs (paid with White tax dollars, btw). So, enough already; let's DO something. Separate the negro; free him from all this awful racism I keep reading about; give him his own land where he can be free and flourish; I'm sure the next Switzerland is just around the corner once the 'shackles' are off. You have no idea how much pain I'm in; they shot at my wife and baby; send these animals to their own safari park"
"That is all".
PS. Trump should be at this guy's hospital bedside for a visit and photo op with the family; the presidency will be clinched if he does this.
Why not just invite them over for milk and cookies. MORONS!
There is a war against Whites; you are the enemy; they are coming for you and there will be no mercy. The negroes are a weaponized parasite. Expect no mercy. Luckily, due to their lower IQs most can't get there sh%t together to do any wide-scale damage, but their DWL and Muslim friends will soon make sure they can project their savagery further into your world.
OT, if Trump wants to really see a surge in his support, he needs to make a bold pro-White move. He can keep it low-key so as not to present too fat a target for his enemies, but he should do something to show he will fight against the black undertow, and not just the illegal invasion by hispanics.
A visit to a White cop who has been demonized by the press and the negroes would be a great start. No big fanfare; just say he's supporting law enforcement and spend some time with that officer and his family. Show solidarity in a subtle way, and keep the actual verbiage involved focused on 'supporting law enforcement'.
Grab that ring baby, the White House is yours if you do.
"Vote Trump: Let's make the White House White again".
Georgia's black population is 31%.
That 31% commits 83% of the murders, 62% of the rapes, 82% of the robberies, and 63% of the assaults.
Eloi Schmeeloi.
The Teenagers were removing that Family's smug white privilege. That so called happy family was built on the bodies of young black men.
This is how they think.
It's "racists" who actually respect blacks not "anti-racists" or "Christians". They in their paternalism have stripped blacks of their agency of their humanity. In their eyes they cannot be responsible for their actions or for themselves and require superior whites to help them.
Jessica Huffman fought back tears talking about her son-in-law’s bravery.
“He said, ‘I can't let you (in) because my wife and two children are in there.’ They said, ‘We want to go in and see them. Huffman further pointed out that it was vitally important that all four family members give approval before loaning the jack. As such she felt the perps were justified by shooting both of his legs. What valor what courage.....yes bravery indeed.
The skreets took dem boys. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was the legacy of slavery and the white man's raycizm.
Brainwashed. You have EVERY RIGHT to be angry with somebody who is trying to steal your life. And if you're not, you will not live.
It's that simple.
Hard times require hard people. Stay-Puft Marshmallow people will not only not survive, but it's looking more and more like they don't deserve to live (in an evolutionary sense). I mean, they profess "love" for the bacteria when they get infections, and refuse to take antibiotics? Of course not.
Never ever open your door to negros! DWLs for sure here. Too far gone, even in the heat of the moment, the wife stuttered while describing the "black" young man. Could not bring herself to speak what her eyes are telling her to the negro dispatcher. No sympathy sorry.
How is it that a man without testicles can father two children ? Bravery !
A young handsome white father with a beautiful wife and child living in Atlanta and not packing heat? He should have been standing over four bodies and saying " forgive them father, they know not what they have done."
Ah those teens and their hijinks.
Those rascals!
The kids and their shenanigans!
Those youths never tire of their pranks do they?
I hate to say this but the area these people live in is one of the trendy liberal gentrification areas of Atlanta that is in reality a ghetto where DWL's find it liberating to move into. I feel for the guy and they were certainly targets due to being soft whiteys but i am sure they were warned by family and friends not to live there. i don't even drive there unless i have to and im gone as quickly as possible. i would never subject my wife and kids to such a rathole. i would be afraid to go to work and leave them at home. you need to at least own a couple pitbulls, security system and cameras, and a gun at minimum to live in this area if you are white.
I am very religious myself and prayed extremely hard for these teens and all others like them that commit these crimes. I pray for their death to come as quickly as possible. You saw what God did to those who betrayed him right to his face. Unless they could swim for 40 days, they didn't make it.
Cuckservativism is the religion of the "right" and party line GOP in this country. It's time to WAKE UP before you bleed to death turning the other cheek as PK says.
I talk to a lot of people throughout the day, mostly White, and of all kinds of economic backgrounds. They all say "something is coming in this country". Guy yesterday was Vietnam vet. Said bluntly, "America heading for a racial war, I may not see it but its coming brother".
God Bless all the posters and readers here, and especially "Bless" these "teens".
NC Guy
once the father heals up I bet he does some missionary work in Hati and/or adopts a black baby
The Lash family shouldn't be criticized just for being religious. People with a sincere belief in God tend to commit fewer crimes. I'm guessing that none of the the four “teens” truly believe in God although it is possible that their mommas or grandmas occasionally go to church and praise the lord.
If I lived in area such as Atlanta with the high potential for exposing my family to the typical behavior of black teens, I would have had a firearm and/or other weapon within reach. God gave me and my family life, and it is my belief that I have a moral duty to protect it. In Mr. Lash's situation I would have tried to kill all of the aspiring rappers who were threatening the safety of my family, and If I was successful I would have thanked God for guiding my hand. Rather than make an unnecessary guess as to what the teens knew or didn't know I would just let them and God work it out.
Apparently my view on forgiveness also differs from the Lash family. I can't imagine forgiving someone who has no interest in being forgiven or has any remorse whatsoever for their acts. The teens didn't attack my family, yet my primary emotion regarding them is a feeling of hate. It would probably be a good idea for me to pray about that negative feeling.
In stories like this we see the need for a VERY strong hand in law enforcement; these animals need to be locked up for a LOOOONG time. And guess who the man to do it is? Trump's new Attorney General - Trey Gowdy.
Dream Team.
I have a new friend from the club I belong to. He is just turning 50 and has been a realist for the past 30 years. After college he taught math to young negroes in the Benton Harbor Mi. area. The ones in the juvenile system, and does he have the stories. Spit, punched, slapped, that he suffered at the hands of the YOUTH. What was he doing to recieve such treatment. TEACHING MATH.
His crime was trying to teach math, and for that he was treated like shit. Its a white thang yall. He knows about SBPDL now.
Thanks to whomever posted The Revolt Against Civilization book. It's prophetic and chilling.
I will never understand the forgive end of violence. It's not like you are forgiving a human. These animals will never know anything more than violence. You cannot pray that out of them. Kill them and be done with it. Time may heal a wound. But nothing can take the memory away but death. And knowing the ones responsible for your pain and anguish are gone from earth will set your mind at ease, knowing they can never do it to another human again.
God can forgive me. The blacks can go to hell.
From earlier post but worth repeating:
"We have been conditioned for decades to see the black man as a kind of innocent and helpless child who has suffered so terribly that he must never be held accountable for his actions and his needs must always be placed before our own. Regardless of who you are or your position in society, this message has been very insidious and probably influences you more than you would like to believe. In a way, the black man has become our new Christ figure."
Turning the other ass cheek is the sign of a loser, a coward, an idiot.
This story is why I carry ALL THE TIME NOW. Also, I've read enough to know that you are most at risk leaving and returning to your own home. Be very careful. Look around as you drive up. Have outside lights. Leave a car in the drive way, leave a TV know the drill. You're White, aren't you?
The negro knows the goodies are with the White people (The negro has no idea HOW the White people got the goodies since the idea of work, saving and preserving can not register in a simian brain). So, the negro WILL go into the white areas. So, just because you are in a predominately WHITE area does not mean you are safe. They don't care. They intend to have a "gun fight" and they know YOU AREN'T.
Lock, load and carry. Make sure everybody in your household from 12 years old and up can handle weapons. I take my son to the shooting range and my younger daughter comes along to get used to the sound and safety methods. She can handle my small .22 Beretta but not yet the .22 Ruger which is a great gun for kids to use.
Keep loaded guns near all doors of your house. Make sure each bedroom has a loaded gun. I also have one in my brief-case, office desk, car and ankle holster. To me and my family, having a gun around is like having extra TV remotes. It is normal, good and makes great family fun. We like to sit at the diner table and pass around daddy's handguns (13 of them)
If you love your family, yourself and your race, you will gun up.
They should also heed Jesus words when He told his apostles to sell their cloak and buy a sword.
Some people have a reflexive tendency to not want to think bad about anybody. An okay thing when all that is involved is getting along with people but not so good when treated as literal truth. Of course this time around it is being carried out to the point of nuttiness. This time around if I had been around when the mother-in-law said that stuff, there is a good chance that I would have verbally assaulted the women in the harshest sort of way. Because such people do not easily change their mind, the real reason for the verbal assault would be for the sake of punishment. This kind of nuttiness should not be allowed to stand. When they pull a gun out and start shooting at you they no longer warrant sympathy. And people who want this sort of extreme forgiveness are making things worse, not better.
Two genetically superior Whites and their genetically superior children are nearly offed by negros in what would have been a horrible and heartbreaking retelling of the Wichita Massacre but the preprogramming held, the propaganda succeeded; instead of the White people demanding retribution, matching outside the negro nests of these vicious (I mean come on, who shoots at a running mother and her baby? What can it possibly accomplish?) home invaders they at once and in best Politically Correctly "Forgive" the Orcs.
Whites will never be safe till negros FEAR to touch a White.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Good God, somehow I don't think Mr. Lash would be as forgiving if those gutter rats had actually killed his wife and/or baby. At any rate, he needs to get his family the hell out of there and start arming himself and his wife. And, hopefully, wake up his head from the liberal fog that is engulfing it!
This sh*t won't end until the last DWL male screams out, "I forgive LaJaveeus for raping my wife and daughter, robbing them, and then carving them up like Christmas hams. After all, it's the terrible, terrible legacy of the slavery!"
when you live in Blaclanta u going to get blacked & crimed. Just comes with the territory.
nowhere is safe
no one is safe
Things would have been different if that happened at my house. Headlines (which would have been on every channel) would read something like "At Least Two Teens Dead From Multiple Gunshot Wounds In Apparent Home Imvasion Gone Wrong"
Of course Michigan,thankfully, is a stand your ground state. Even so the media would crucify me for defending my family from an obvious attempt to kill us all.
Just imagine the nightmare the wife experienced running with her baby while being shot at. This man put his family in harm"s way answering the door to negroes. They are not like us. I hope for those kids,he wakes the fuck up!
re: "When a black out of the blue asks you for anything - spare change, a cigarette, a light, directions, the time etc. - you have been targeted and attack is eminent." - I would like to second this warning. A real obvious one is a request to "use your cellphone".. etc.. BIG-time advanced warning. I carry a leather SAP with a ball of lead in the end of it. I'm also going to buy a "SAP cap" ballcap with a ball of lead-like substance in the end of it; short of conceal and carry, non-lethal protection has become necessary; those who don't feel this way are in denial. I'm 55 years-old; I'm also going to take a course in Krav Maga this fall.. Check it out.. Get prepared friends; this ain't goin away.. Beyond that my goal it to move to a town in Colorado I've chosen (91.78% / 0.60%).. Heaven on the Earth.. or what's remaining of it..
Now i see why mother-in-laws have a bad reputation...liberally.
it should be so, so obvious that the african-american subclass is on a steady, destructive downward spiral. blacks who have a little bit of introspection and some drug free moments must be aware of their plight. that is the reason so many of them exhibit such self-destructive, nihilistic behavior. they know that their race is not intellectually capable of handling life in a modern society - and they despair. black leadership cannot accept, at least openly, the proposition that the black race is doomed by it's limited capabilities. as has been noted before, the empirical evidence for all to see is there, re: detroit, baltimore, atlanta, philadelphia, chicago, et al. my lasting image of a dilapidated, s**t hole is inner city philadelphia where I witnessed drunken black derelicts staggering and urinating outside of stores on a busy street.
what can be done by the white apologists for black misbehavior. not much i am afraid. evolution will ultimately reward the capable and destroy the inept.
4 black males knocked on their door.....and they opened the door!?
Julie @10:17pm.
This has to be your best comment so far, nice job. LOL
Anon #1 said:
"When a black out of the blue asks you for anything - spare change, a cigarette, a light, directions, the time etc. - you have been targeted and attack is eminent."
I'll go one step further--they don't even have to speak. They just have to eye you. I was walking in a short tunnel connecting subway tracks and noticed a black leaning against the far wall. As I got closer I noticed he was looking at me and he started nodding with a dopey smile on his face. I didn't wait for him to open his mouth before I sprinted past him and up the stairwell to the track, which was crowded with people.
I sprinted up the stairwell like my life depended on it, and probably caught the black by surprise. Had I waited for him to open his maw and hear his prepared remark, I might have been in danger, even though it was mid-day in a crowded train station. This connecting tunnel was empty at the moment and I know the black guy didn't possess future time orientation.
The man's reaction details one of the reasons I was utterly hostile towards Christianity in my youth. As a very kid, I went though a period of religious 'conditioning'. Even at that young age, I rebelled against that turn-the-cheek-be-a-victim nonsense that was being drilled into me.
The mainline churches condition people with toxic levels of pacifism at a very young age. I suspect this man was gelded at a very young age via religious instruction.
It is time to embrace some healthy hatred for this race of degenerate people who declare themselves our mortal enemies every minute of every day. To love a deadly enemy is to have no sense of self-preservation, which is indicative of self-hatred. Hate and resist.
Turning the other cheek means the bleeding won't stop until you're dead.
Great line, PK. It should be on a billboard.
"Whites will never be safe till negros FEAR to touch a White."
right on the money there. that was what was REALLY different, back in the old days. Can you imagine what would have happened if blacks in say the 1940's or 50's had tried any of the shenanigans they do now? they would have been annihilated. They have no fear at all, now. they don't fear jail, the police, nothing- except maybe losing the gibsmedats.
It is amazing what whites will ignore and excuse to double down on their brainwashing. And I say this from personal experience, for I was not always a race realist.
In 2008 one of my former employees, a 29 year old Iraq war veteran who did side contract labor tech jobs to supplement his income from his main job with us, was called out to repair a cash register at a pawn shop in a black neighborhood. He had just arrived and had been there for all of about 3 minutes when a black 15 year old walked in, said nothing, and calmly shot him in the chest three times. He was dead before he hit the floor. The murderer did not ask for money or anything - just walked up and blew him away, right beneath the security camera.
It obviously rocked our workplace when we received the news, and everyone talked about how it was "senseless" and "random" and "shocking." But none of us once said anything about the BLACK perpetrator or showed any real anger, just disgust and sympathy for his girlfriend and his family. At the funeral, all of his out of state family came in, and again as we (over 150 white people) sat in that church and later put him in the ground, these people closest to him struggled to understand and accept the death of their loved one. Even at the wake that night at a bar as we swapped stories of how he touched our lives - none, not one, could identify or use the word BLACK or anything racial when discussing the worthless piece of shit who put us all through this.
I understand now, only after my racial awakening seven years later, why people (meaning me) would behave this way. We are taught that racially based anger or harboring vengeance is the most awful thing a person can do, even more so than the murderer who provoked such sentiments. I am pretty sure that even though most of the people there were thinking racial thoughts, no one wanted to be the one who actually crossed over into voicing them for fear of the public shunning they would receive.
We had all received the message somewhere along the way that the right thing, "the white thing," to do is to nobly transcend and rise above such undeveloped base impulses, especially within polite company. It is an opportunity to showcase how evolved and mature you are to silence that instinct within yourself and dispense some kind of altruistic nugget like "sorrow that the shooters chose this lifestyle, etc..." such as what the mother in law had to say.
Until we as whites re-learn the lesson that some angers are righteous and instill fear into those that would ignite them, we will continue to have these incidents. I will never be silent or race neutral in the wake of something like this ever again.
Matthew Robert (1979 - 2008)
I just watched the video. What do I see and hear?
A negro, Affirmative Action, desk news caster and an asian female, Affirmative Action, street news caster. Great. What the F are they doing in America?
And yes, they never mentioned the 4 youts were negro.
But, they have to show the stupid part where the Grandma expresses here DWL, "we are all God's chillins" and show "remorse" for how these negro youts are ruining their lives. No, you stupid hag, they are LIVING OUT THEIR LIVES: raid and plunder and kill the neighboring tribe, and take their women, kill their children and steal everything. This is the evolutionary successful adaptation of the negro hominid simian to their environment over the last 3 Million years. A very successful adaptation, by the way.
The asian Affirmative Action news female says the man was "defending his family". No, he was not. Did he have a gun in the car? Did he have a gun right near his door? Does he carry one on his belt? Does he have an ankle holster? No. The wimp probably thinks guns are boo boos. I hope the negro youts showed him the value of a gun. Idiot.
Also, his home and the vegetation around it are PERFECT for a home invasion. Plenty of places for africans to hide in the undergrowth and jungle, which they are very natural in, especially in the dark when they can't be seen. Natural nocturnal predators.
Women, if you are afraid of guns. Stop it. You should be afraid of rape or murder or even worse (blinded, paralyzed). Go NOW to gun shops and talk the the guys. They are the nicest and most polite men you will ever meet. They will help you and they are honest.
Men, if YOU are afraid of guns then, like the idiot in the video, YOU are not a man. A man defends his wife and child with any and all lethal means. There should be 4 dead monkeys on his porch.
" Even so the media would crucify me for defending my family from an obvious attempt to kill us all. "
yes. I think the latest poor dindu nuffins to get shot by a police officer was actually pointing a gun at the officers, getting ready to fire, and the dumbasses are STILL saying the cops should have " deescalated" the situation rather than shoot. elsewhere, I think a young man is on trial right now for homicide for shooting one of 2 blacks youfs who had invaded his home and attacked him.
Question: supposing a member of the criminal gang which conducted this home invasion were shot and wounded by the homeowner. Would that criminal's medical expenses be paid for by taxes, or mandatory hospital treatment?
But what of the crime victims here? Will their medical expenses be picked up by the taxes? Will they be treated for free by an ER?
Am I missing something here?
So yeah, basically anybody who thinks that these kind of highlight reels of black on white murders-rapes-knockout games and the like will "wake people up."
It doesn't. That light just doesn't go off for quite a few people.
I sat in a full room (and was one of) of 100+ white people who had a loved one murdered by a black and not a single peep racially - and this is in the deep South. I went on and lived my life no differently regarding race after that event. It was a combination of other things years later that got me to see things racially, even over personal experience.
The biggest hurdle is to make it okay to voice racial things publicly, not just in a soapbox like this discussion board with the like minded. We have to make it where people do not fear being shunned. I guarantee if anyone had spoken like that at the funeral, it would have been a tidal wave of everyone feeling comfortable to let out that aspect of their frustration.
We must convince all whites to remove their self-censor. People don't voice frustration because they don't see other people voice frustration. Break the Silence!
If I lived anywhere near a negropolis...
"Negropolis." I like that term! A black city. With connotations of "necropolis," or "apocalypse." Something out of H.P. Lovecraft, a devastated metropolis, inhabited by a degenerated populace. Detroit, Baltimore, Port au Prince, Kinshasha...what do they evoke?
The following statement nicely sums up race realism and needs to be repeated:
"What I hope everyone takes away from the tragedy that has just befallen my family is that negroes are not compatible with a First World Civilization; they must be separated from the non-negroes if we are to even pretend we are a true civilized country. Please, don't let my tragedy go to waste; do your research and you will find that negroes are different genetically in ways that effect how they think and behave; this leads to our natural revulsion at their group dynamics and the drive to separate ourselves from them."
"You will see that science supports the proof they have lower IQs, poor future time orientation, lowered impulse control and lower threshold for violence. All these add up to a dangerous sub-species that has no business being forced upon our neighborhoods by the federal government and their dystopic programs (paid with White tax dollars, btw). So, enough already; let's DO something. Separate the negro; free him from all this awful racism I keep reading about; give him his own land where he can be free and flourish; I'm sure the next Switzerland is just around the corner once the 'shackles' are off. You have no idea how much pain I'm in; they shot at my wife and baby; send these animals to their own safari park."
They look so much alike, it's spooky. You can just see the naivete in their eyes.
WHISKEY, your essay of the need for humans to sacrifice blood (sheep or their children) for the "gods" is Brilliant.
It is exactly why the DWL White parents love to sacrifice their daughters either to a negro gang rape or negro killing. It is why they love their sons to work for a negro or be taught by one. It is why the DWL mother loves her negro doctor even though we ALL know he is an affirmative action "C+" student who is incompetent.
Before the defeatist and cowardly "religion" of Christianity destroyed us, it was part of the pantheon of killer gods. Even the Romans had to bloody up the teachings of the carpenter from Nazareth. The Catholic Church was successful since it used VIOLENCE AND CONQUEST and a bloody body hanging from a wooden cross to wow and influence ignorant savages. And, at one time, we were all pagan savages.
It is why during the conversion of the Norsemen to the woman's religion of present, those who protested simply turned their obligatory cross up-side-down and wore it in reverence to the Hammer of Thor, a real GOD of Man.
WHISKEY, You have explained so much for me. Thank you.
Thanks to whomever posted The Revolt Against Civilization book. It's prophetic and chilling.
They really understood the racial situation a century ago. Which is why books such as this need to be read and re-read.
Alot of christian people have a skewed view of forgiveness.
Being a forgiving person DOES NOT mean you have to sacrifice your family to feral beasts. You csn forgive them later.
Abraham took up arms and rescued his son in law. He was in pretty good with God.
On a business blog I visit, there is an article about "shrinkage" at Wal-Mart.
That is shop-lifting. I would love to see a breakdown between the amount lost and the demographics of each store.
If China-Mart attempts to combat this with real effort, they will be accused of racism since we all know WHO will be arrested the most.
Live by the negro (appealing to the negro consumer base), Die by the negro (they will steal you blind and force your White customers away)
Psalm 144 1-8
Praise be to the Lord my Rock,
who trains my hands for war,
my fingers for battle.
He is my loving God and my fortress,
my stronghold and my deliverer,
my shield, in whom I take refuge,
who subdues peoples under me.
Lord, what are human beings that you care for them,
mere mortals that you think of them?
They are like a breath;
their days are like a fleeting shadow.
Part your heavens, Lord, and come down;
touch the mountains, so that they smoke.
Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy;
shoot your arrows and rout them.
Reach down your hand from on high;
deliver me and rescue me
from the mighty waters,
from the hands of foreigners
whose mouths are full of lies,
whose right hands are deceitful.
Being led to slaughter is one thing, leading yourself to slaughter is suicide.
I felt sorry for them until he forgave them.
Fuck that.
Ok, lets stop the race HATE.
This is simply a matter of this family being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
What's the point of forgiving those who would come back and slit your throat and spit in your face as you lay on the ground bleeding out? And finish off what they started by killing your entire family? They laugh at such forgiveness and see you as weak and stupid as well as pathetic and idiotic. A spineless wimp. A cockroach scurrying across the floor hoping to escape being stepped on and crushed out of existence.
The cucks in this story are simply trying to play the game of moral superiority and portray themselves as noble, holy and special in order to feel good about themselves. See how righteous we are? Aren't we special? That type of egotism and moral preening is going to get them killed. However, I'm familiar with the type- they think their narcissistic display will somehow influence their enemies and change their hearts and minds. And that by being that way, they'll somehow be rewarded in some imagined afterlife and hailed as moral giants and heroes with angels placing flowered wreaths upon their heads and cherubs singing and dancing in front of them as they toss rose petals in their path. We gonna meet Jesus and be rewarded with the winning ticket in the Holier than thou lottery!
Whether they forgive or not, their fate is the same as long as they don't fight back and just roll over on their backs like dogs begging not to be beaten. Forgiveness in such circumstances is nothing but submission, surrender and cowardice in masquerade with an icing of narcissism to top the cake.
If my parents or relatives had ever acted like that, I would have died of shame, humiliation and embarrassment.
Further evidence that blacks have no place in Western societies. They have no frame of reference and are simply incompatible.
Many years ago negroes captured and sold for profit their neighboring fellow negroes. They are the ones who enslaved the groids; downstream from there it was just transfer of property. The moment almost all orcs went from free to slave was at the hands of a black. Read your slave trade history.
The same way most dead orcs today have been killed by a fellow nignog. To find the origin of evil, search out the groid; they're always lurking there behind the curtain... along with their enablers.
Slavery exists in America today. Negro pimps hold blacks, and many non-blacks as their sex slaves and profit from selling their bodies. Pimps are celebrated in negro "culture". It is slavery; remind those beasts about that (looking at YOU Charles Blow of the NY Times).
About the latest Furguson crap that somebody posted above:
Again, WHY are White police officers going into negroville? Why? And, if you are stupid enough to venture into Congo Land, why bother chasing a negro? You will only make matters worse and risk your own live chasing a $1 negro.
Protect the White Areas Only. Stay out of the Congo. Let them kill each other since we sure as hell can't (for now).
And Jesus said- He who has no sword let him sell his cloak and but one.
Harold C makes a very good point:
"It's "racists" who actually respect blacks not "anti-racists" or "Christians". They in their paternalism have stripped blacks of their agency of their humanity. In their eyes they cannot be responsible for their actions or for themselves and require superior whites to help them"
The groveling by this family is certainly repugnant. And we can be certain that when this family's children are old enough to attend school, they will be sent to a public school and further suffer at the hands of vibrant diversity.
Also, always remember: When seconds count, the police are minutes away...(maybe longer) Always be armed at home.
Aside from the fact this story makes a guy hopping mad, ready to take off the gloves and start seriously kicking some inferior genome arse etc.. it's a (arguably) humorous observation (responding to what one commenter above pointed out) perhaps we now need a Jeff Foxworthy-styled "You might be a clueless DWL if.." list.. etc.. One entry (lesson learned from this Atlanta story etc.) would obviously be: "You might be clueless DWL if.. there are 4 negro thug orcs knocking on your front door and.. (wait for it.. drum roll).. you.. OPEN IT!!.. Sucker!!! eheheh.. Also, subsequent to that.. it would seems obvious that "You might be a clueless DWL if.. there are 4 negro thug orcs knocking on your front door and you open and they shoot you and emotionally scar your wife and child for life and.. (wait for it.. another drum roll).. you.. FORGIVE THEM!!.. Sucker!!! eheheh..
Sorry for their medical expenses, but that's one gofundme account I will NOT be donating to. Like others, I'm truly sorry for their children and what they are going to have to endure due to their weak and ignorant parents. He may have two children, but if he's unwilling to teach them race realism and protect them from blacks, he doesn't count as a man or a father in my books.
As others said, why on earth did he even open the door? Their line will, most likely, cease with their daughters - they will either be sexually sacrificed to or killed by blacks. The end of 3 generations of White liberals. This is what thousands of years of micro-evolution has come to? A dead end? A self-loathing? God forbid. May Christ have mercy on them for what they will force their daughters to endure.
Since blacks like to work together to make excuses for their thieves, murderers, and rapists (I din see nuffing) maybe we can eventually have laws that collectively punish the local black community every time they commit a crime of violence or leave a huge tab for the taxpayer (i.e. extensive hospital bills).
For every communal infraction, take away a percentage of their next welfare/EBT check. I'm sure this would cause clearance rates to rocket towards the roof. Will the black community continue to cover for Jamal when they realize that he is costing them money?
Until other blacks and IKAGOs take action to clean house in their communities they should get no assistance from the rest of us.
Since blacks like to work together to make excuses for their thieves, murderers, and rapists (I din see nuffing) maybe we can eventually have laws that collectively punish the local black community every time they commit a crime of violence or leave a huge tab for the taxpayer (i.e. extensive hospital bills).
For every communal infraction, take a way a percentage of their next welfare/EBT check. I'm sure this would cause clearance rates to rocket towards the roof. Will the black community continue to cover for Jamal when they realize that he is costing them money?
Until other blacks and IKAGOs take action to clean house in their communities they should get no assistance from the rest of us.
Anon at 8:54.
Sorry, the headlines would read: (I must use BOLD)
Carolina Cicero:
And now you know why we rednecks have that phrase: "You dumn enuff ta take a knife to a gunfight....?"
Cop asked me once: "You always come to the door armed, sir?"
"Yep. Better to be judged by twelve than laid by six, sir."
Stay low, y'all.
I wonder if this white family had the same outpouring of love and concern as the black church in Charleston. White people were lining up to contribute funds and help to the black church. Now that something has happened to a white family, is the black community lining up to help whites? Sooner or later it will dawn on white people such as the delusional Christians in this story that blacks are animals and should be treated as such.
Chattanooga girl is right on many points that she writes! Whites are going to have to put the fear of the white man back into the lives of blacks. We can’t do that being nice to them. A few eggs have to be broken to make an omelet. OK…I think whites should break a few eggs…this is my opinion. The black community as a whole needs an awakening from the white community! They seem to not understand what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. They need to be taught this! They also need to be deprogrammed from years of liberal indoctrination bullshit.
However, let’s say some white realists helped to break some eggs to amend the problem, these same whites who were attacked would turn against the realists who tried to help them. They would be the first to cast stones at the realists who risked his neck to help save his family.
Treat blacks as you would a rabid animal. If they ask for anything, be on guard for some attack. As one person pointed out, if they ask for a light, they are probably sizing you up for a hit. I have dwelt with thugs before. They will try to get close enough to gauge what they consider a success. If they are much larger than you, expect trouble. The father should have told the blacks to get off of his property. If they continued, they were looking for trouble and he should have given them some. He should not have opened his door knowing there were more of them than him; if they drew a gun at that point, I would have let go with the arsenal.
Next point, never give blacks any sympathy, love or consideration! These white people turned my stomach with their words. Worried about the coons ruining their lives! WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THEM! The man should have laid all of them six feet under. They had no right to even be on his property.
Things white people should learn from this: carry a gun; don’t let another black step foot on YOUR property. You have a right to do that because it is YOUR property. We’re not talking public land now. These coons cannot step foot on YOUR property if you do not want them there.
Gwoobus Harmon and Centurion, your comments above are the best I've ever seen here and I've been reading here from almost the very beginning. Bravo, gentlemen, bravo.
Finding gems like this one in the comment sections of mainstream articles:
Black Power: A Done Deal ?
By Fred Reed, October 30, 2014
It is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can't do. Their power seems without limit.
Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. Blacks must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of Black Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of blacks.
Do laws requiring identification to vote threaten to end multiple or illegal voting? The laws must go. Do blacks not like Confederate flags? Adieu, flags. Does Huckleberry Finn go down the Mississippi with the N****r Jim, or did Conrad write The N****r of the Narcissus? These must be banned or expurgated to please blacks who haven't read them or, usually, heard of them. Do we want to prevent people coming from regions infested with Ebola from entering the United States? We cannot. It would offend blacks.
We must never, ever say or do anything that might upset them - as virtually everything does. It is positively astonishing. One expects the rich and smart to have disproportionate power. But America is dominated from the slums. One might think that a single set of laws should and would apply to all citizens, and that things should be done without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, and that all should have the same rights and responsibilities. It is, sadly, not so.
He continues on, didn't post the whole thing here for brevity's sake.
Realists are on the rise, a natural outcome of our media's embrace of black lawlessness and anti-social pathology.
Tennessee: Would be Dindu robber gets caught by bystanders at gas station & is held until Police arrive. He cries and wails on camera while his apparent victim invokes the name of Jesus and tells him how she and others would help him (“er body hep”) if he would just ask. Once arrested he attempts to kick out the Police car windows. Does his mugshot show just how sincere his “sorry” is?...
News story: take a look
Youtube... Video of capture
When this black worship ruined even the Tonight Show, I felt ready to detach from my viewership of NBC. And tv in general.
Not to mention mudsharkery in commercials for one of their minstrel sitcoms, "The Craig Robison Show"
On "The Revolt Against Civilization" Wow! Good Stuff, should be taught to White kids in every high school. His opening descriptions about Athens makes you weep.
I love Staddard's description of DWL and Saturday People.
""Lastly, there is the "misguided superior." He is a
strange phenomenon ! Placed by nature in the van of
civilization, he goes over to its enemies. This seems inexplicable.
Yet it can be explained. As the Under-Man
revolts because civilization is so far ahead of him, so the
misguided superior revolts because it is so far behind.
Exasperated by its slow progress, shocked at its faults,
and erroneously ascribing to mankind in general his own
lofty impulses, the misguided superior dreams short cuts
to the millennium and joins the forces of social revolt,
not realizing that their ends are profoundly different
even though their methods may be somewhat the same.
The misguided superior is probably the most pathetic
figure in human history. Flattered by designing scoundrels,
used to sanctify sinister schemes, and pushed forward
as a figurehead during the early stages of revolutionary
agitation, the triumph of the revolution brings
him to a tragic end. Horrified at sight of barbarism's
unmasked face, he tries to stay its destructive course.
In vain ! The Under-Man turns upon his former champion
with a snarl and tramples him into the mud.""
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Are the MSM finally rebelling against the powers that be? This actually made the national news! I hope this wasn't just a slip up and they start reporting what is really happening. Valkyrie
This family was lucky. I hope they all can heal. Then I hope they see the truth of the Black violence.
RIP Matthew Robert.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Unfortunately there are just too many Whites to make them realize what Gwoobus Harmon realized.
The mentality today is: you can't say it, think it or believe it unless it agrees with the state. Otherwise you are labeled a racist, bigot, and other choice Liberal bully words and shouted down, could lose your job.
Welcome to the USSRAmerika
Patrick Boyle:
I went and viewed your video on the Tuskegee Airboys. I am impressed. Very good and you were clear, precise and entertaining. You should do more of them, and I think you should do more with the Tuskegee topic and thoroughly expose all you can find. It may become a classic or "go to" video on the topic.
One thing you may want to look into is your comments about Myopia. 100 years ago just about everybody was Far-Sighted (Hyperopia) or had perfect vision (Emmetropia). Why is this? Current data leans towards a multifactorial reason for increased myopia.
1) Many with good vision (genetically) were killed in World Wars 1 and 2. Millions of those with the best vision were killed and didn't father future generations.
2) Drastic changes in diet and low grade food such as refined wheat and refined cereals along with large increases in refined sugar consumption is a cause of calcium deficiency. The white of the eye (the Sclera) will not maintain it's shape and strength with insufficient minerals in the depleted soil/food.
3) A huge increase in near work. Look at the early ages we "force" kids to read. Look at the volume of material. The human eye was NOT designed for reading. Why did this not happen in the past? Few if any textbooks. Teaching was done on a black board and the children sat at some distance and watched and learned. They didn't do the constant near focus which is considered the trigger for the eye ball changes (that would be somewhat prevented with a higher calcium intake).
Youre doing better, but still a little off your "high water" mark of a week ago. Im quite sure your training at the Univ of the Congo in molecular physics (LMAO) is working out well (BTW-a google search of "university of the congo molecular physics" revealed no programs thusly titled)
The guy in ATL did as you suggested and allowed the negroes to shoot him, and also as you predicted our highly advanced (white) medical technology will save his life. You really are pathetic...I mean prophetic.
In your latest post you suggest that african teens may visit my house "rubbing their tummies and grunting". I would strongly advise any negro against this as it will almost surely cost them their lives. Rubbing their tummies indeed.
You do provide me a good laugh, so please keep it up.
When I read about these sorts of events Im reassured that leaving the US was the right decision for my family's safety. Personally, I dont understand why any white person would want to live in or near Atlanta, but in making that choice you open yourself up to just this sort of trouble. Altanta is a negroville and best left to the negroes. If youre white and you choose to live there then you get what you ask for.
Dont you find it interesting that you never hear about these kinds of incidents in rural white communities. Live near negroes and suffer.
I believe that a renewed interest in eugenics should be encouraged. Less than 100 years ago this was considered the latest in science, all to be washed away following WW2. Start learning about eugenics and how to get it back into the public consciousness.
over and out
"Turning the other cheek means the bleeding won't stop until you're dead."
My new motto.
This is priceless, the University of the Congo is one I'm going to use in the future. Thanks Julie.
It's why they crushed Emma West.
A woman acting like that is more dangerous than a man doing it.
Lothrop Stoddard is an interesting man. You can find his books at
Anonymous said...
4 black males knocked on their door.....and they opened the door!?
No. Read the article:
The Lash family had just returned to their Sumter Street home from vacation Sunday night when two male teenagers [race unknown] approached Lash on his front porch, witnesses told police. The teens — one in a yellow shirt, the other in a red one [skin colour not noted] — asked if they could borrow a jack for their car and tried to force their way inside as two other teens stood across the street, police said. When Lash tried to close the door, he was shot by the teen in yellow, who had a short afro and tattoos and piercings on his face, Lash was able to tell witnesses and police. [No other description available]
Apparently, the family had not yet entered their home when they were accosted on the porch.
"Cuck, short for “cuckold,” is a term referring to a man with a female significant other who engages in sexual activities with other men. Online, the term is often used as a pejorative to condescendingly describe a male who is sexually inadequate or sexually submissive".
Sadly the analogy fits Michael Lash.
Off topic but so what. Feral black beast just identified as the killer of an 84 year old White woman in Detroit murdered back in 1999. This poor woman suffered egregious physical harm at the paws of this beast, who beat and strangled her to death:
The ultimate example of a liberal apologist.
Although another commenter already mentioned it, it cannot be overemphasized how dangerous the area where this occurred is. A total no-go zone for decades. It's one of the very worst parts of the ATHell, but one where developers go in and buy land extremely cheap, then build McMansions in cute, faux craftsman style. Then stupid, blind, theresonlyoneracethehumanrace people like these go and fall in love with a physical structure and pretend that nothing else exists that isn't cute and pleasant. Look at us! We're so with the times and saving the environment by living IN town! Everything besides the row of 6 houses the builder built is a war zone. And OMG, with kids?! Where the f- are they going to go to school?
That guy deserved what he got for doing something so stupid by moving his family there and unnecessarily risking the 3 lives that are most precious to him. I remember seeing some similarly clueless people on HGTV a few years ago where the premise of the remodel was to help someone in Atlanta that had endured the same exact scenario. At least that person felt guilty and carried some blame.
And even this experience seemed to have no effect, because the fear of being called racist is far worse than losing the lives of your entire family. That mentaIity defies the entirety of the animal kingdom. I just see far too much of this every day to believe that DWLs are "waking up" in any significant number. I want to be wrong, but I only see evidence that I'm not. Eloi, indeed.
Gwinnett Gladiator
Ignore the dead and injured Whites... the Orc, ooks and makes a sad...
If the attackers had been White or Mexican, would Michael Wimp Lash have been so quick to make a public announcement of forgiveness?
His benevolence in forgiving these vile negro males rings a false note of keeping up with the Jones's. He thinks it's cool to show forgiveness. He thinks it's the thing that his friends and neighbors would probably want him to do. So with the reasoning and inner strength of an insecure teenager who follows the straight and narrow line of peer pressure, Michael Wimp Lash wasn't man enough to publicly express the inner rage that he felt.
Michael Lash probably has fantasies at night about the 4 black teens. How he was able to reason with them and show them the right way, the Christian way. In his fantasy the remorseful teens then lay down their guns and ask for forgiveness themselves. They all hug each other as Michael Lash sends his wife off to the neighbor's house. All alone with his reformed black youth, he then gets on his knees and sexually services them one by one as a sign of mutual respect and honor.
He's a disgrace to our species. He ought to pack up and move into the ghetto where he belongs. Then he can forgive the thugs over and over again as they violate him and his family. That is, until they finally kill him.
*the grisly ones
What happens when you run out of cheeks to turn?
Don't be sorry. We live in ranting times.
At one time, Christians were very good at defending themselves. I don't see how being a Christian automatically equates to being an emasculated eunuch who is concerned with the well-being of people who just tried to kill him and his wife.
So true.
Ex New Yorker here....I told this story a couple years ago but will tell it again....I was dumpster diving late one night near NYU. The dumpster was full and I was on top digging through the stuff when a couple of PERSONS OF COLOR were coming my way. I saw a long neck Budweiser bottle lying on top and pulled it next to me.
One of the PEOPLE OF COLOR was about 40 years old and the other was about 15. A yuppie geek in a suit and tie was coming in their direction and the older of the two jumped in the guys face and yelled at the him to "Give me some spare change." The GEEK PERSON OF NO COLOR got scared shitless and gave him all the change he had in his pocket and then went running down the street. The older guy says to the younger guy "That is how you panhandle a white guy. WHITE PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF A BLACK MAN." This all took place directly beneath where I was at on the dumpster.
The old guy finally looked up and saw me and said "What you looking at (the word he used made reference to me having sex with my mother)." I picked up the beer bottle and tapped the bottom against the side of the metal dumpster. The bottom broke away leaving me with my favorite weapon. A broken beer bottle. I can't remember what I said, but it had something to do about the guy having just met a white guy who wasn't AFRAID OF A BLACK MAN. They took off running so fast the old guy tripped over the young guy and almost took a nose dive into the sidewalk. I survived the jungle because I had become as wild as the animals I found myself living around.
I became aware that the feral beast did knew how soft white people were and used that to their advantage. The white person's fear made them easy prey. This country was built by strong and fearless people. They have now become frail and spineless. The MOST IMPORTANT LESSON I learned on the street was to never hang around with somebody that was stupid or weak. Your life could depend on it.
Nasheed said. “We just finished a march about stopping violence. We did it last weekend, so it’s not like people don’t care.”
Ferguson-area lawmakers on the reaction to girl's murder vs. police shootings
(Sent from KMOV4)
"Dens raughts aftuh da march anudda po black youf was kilted"!!
She failed to mention that!! What a sow.
This reminds me very much of the Nathan Trappuzano shooting in Indianapolis last year. The first thing his young wife did was forgive da thug nigga that shot him in cold blood and still doesn't regret a single thing he did. White America needs to wake up and answer the call... if you reside within 50 miles of section 8 housing or a black population greater than 12% you must protect yourself cause your life and the life of your family depends on it. For fucks sake, shoot back.
I have a different take on this story. Could it be possible that this family are actually realists and are well aware that the msm won't publicize their story on a national level unless they use the 'poor negro' angle, knowing full well that most sane white people with notheless feel anger and disdain for these feral yoofs? I know it's a pretty huge leap, but I can't help but wonder how many times these parents probably heard how bad blacks are in Atlanta and know full well these stories aren't getting reported enough(which they aren't). Its a huge leap, especially after hearing about that old lady who got robbed and sucker punched by two groids in a church! She also forgave after they cracked her skull for pocket change. Delusional!
Yet another attack of black on White and our politicians remain silent.
All of them are worthless, spineless, and self serving parasites.
Black lives matter.
Just switch a few letters around and you get "Vile blacks matter".
I think the movement should take on it's new name.
Vile blacks matter.
Philadelphia Mike
Beta scum. What about, "Do any among you have a sword?" for your bible verse? It was part of the culture that when disciples of any sect went wandering they took a weapon to deal with thieves on the road. Any paradigm that shapes God into wanting you to allow your wife and kid to be shot at with no desire for vengeance is unnatural and foolish. Anyone tries to take me out of my wife and kids lives deserves what they get. Anyone tries to take out my wife and kids will suffer before they die if the first shot just wounds them.
Julie said...
I agree this seems, on the surface to be an awful and violent confrontation. But what we have got to understand here, before we rush to judgement, are the fundamental cultural differences that underlie this interaction. I spent two years in the Congo studying molecular physics at the University of the Congo. I learned a lot about African culture in that time.
Julie is really enlightened. I only wish we had more people like her on my campus. Our molecular biology department is dominated by institutional racists who oppress beautiful black students by only allowing "qualified" students to enter the program. But who defines "qualification" in a white supremacist society? I say it is time to abolish so-called molecular biology programs and replace them with advanced multicultural studies.
Now excuse, me I am off to the campus fair trade vegan coffee house where they are having spoken word on how Africans invented science.
I. M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies
Wonder why the political elite surround themselves with protective guards,it wouldn't be because they are concerned we might know there real roll in society, they wouldn't need them if they did what the rest of us want,and it really was of the people,by the peope,scum bags
Centurion, all you are doing is showing ignorance of true Christianity and making enemies of allies.
The traitorous Whites who support BLM etc need a website where their personal behavior is exposed, and their hypocrisy spread out for all the world to see. For example, each week the list is reshuffled to put on top those Whites who are preaching the Black Lives Matter bulls*t the loudest. Say it's Hillary making some orc-support statement; the list would put her at top and give her ratings in categories that expose her real-life nog hatred.
1) House. Show where she chooses to live and how it is almost in a big-free zone.
2) Kid's school. Show her school choices for her child and how it minimized nog exposure.
3) etc etc.
Do this for all the traitors and show the world how they preach nig acceptance and equality, yet in their personal lives choose to insulate themselves from the black undertow.
I got no problem gettin biblical in these situations ...... Eye for an eye
... Tooth for a tooth.
"On a business blog I visit, there is an article about "shrinkage" at Wal-Mart."
Negroes just can't wait for sales and are forced to take matters (or in this case, merchandise) into their own hands.
Perhaps Wally Mart should change its slogan to "Stolen here and fenced elsewhere".
Twitter link to "ShordeeDooWhop", an idiot negress BLM agitator who posted THIS nonsense:
"I encourage everyone to keep doing the work you've been doing to dismantle white supremacy. It's crucial."
Yes ShordeeDooWhop, let's dismantle White supremacy...
Dismantle every single jumbo jet & airplane, the airports & all skyscrapers Nationwide. Dismantle the cell phone towers & Interstate freeways. Dismantle the pharmaceutical industry brick by brick & drug by drug. Dismantle the ENTIRE communications grid & Computer industry. Dismantle the Education system. Dismantle the Hospitals & Emergency care. Dismantle the Military that one TWO World Wars with a 98% White force. Dismantle the Symphonies & Art Museums whose doors are rarely darkened by a black. Dismantle the Space Program. Dismantle MIT and all the other Engineering Schools. Dismantle all the span, cable & arch bridges in America. Dismantle the food producing farms that feed the entire World.
It's crucial.
"Black lives matter" anagram:
Blackest Rival Met.
Evil Black Matters.
The bible is only as good as the person interpreting it. And if you look up "logical conflicts in the bible" you will see that there are many ways to interpret the bible. Slave trader, slave owner and abolitionist all read the same bible.
There are many fine religious people. But they would likely be just as good without the biblical mumbo jumbo. On the other hand, there are numerous charlatans and fools that find the bible very convenient for their own ends.
I survived the jungle because I had become as wild as the animals I found myself living around.
That's the thing about BRA: it reduces everything to the level of the jungle out of sheer survival.
BRA = Blacks Reverting to Africa.
The autopsy on the latest dindu nuffin to be shot in St. Louis says he was shot in the upper right side of the back and his heart was struck by the bullet.
I've tried explaining to dindu's and libtards that the heart is on the left side and for a bullet to strike the heart, it would have to travel from right to left- indicating that the perp was turned sideways possibly to fire at the cops- yet they just don't get it. These people are stupid beyond belief.
Anatomy be racist!
Forensics be racist!
It's why they crushed Emma West.
A woman acting like that is more dangerous than a man doing it.
Good point.
Emma West should be considered the Rosa Parks of the race realist movement. She stood up (on a bus no less) and spoke truth to power.
The difference is that Rosa Parks had an organization behind her, as well as the mainstream media.
A piece of guerrilla theater might be to have a new Emma West stand up on a bus, tell third worlders they do not belong in the first world, and when the system cracks down--launch a counteroffensive. Publicize this in alternative media, have her speak at nationalist group meetings, make it a free speech court case.
Tennessee: Would be Dindu robber gets caught by bystanders at gas station & is held until Police arrive. He cries and wails on camera while his apparent victim invokes the name of Jesus and tells him how she and others would help him (“er body hep”) if he would just ask.
That video is worth further discussion!
Might as well have been trying to teach algebra to house cats.
george n. turner the black Chief of Police for the City of Atlanta, said the perp brandon jerome smith was "young and dumb". I think that's what michael lash was saying when he was quoting "they know not what they do". Yes....they're on the same page no doubt.
Charles Martel, El Cid, Jan Sobieski, George Washington, and George Patton were all devout Christians. This clown Lash isn't man enough to wipe their boots and I don't regard him or his ilk to be real Christians. They are cultist that worship the Tribes of Jacob and Dindu and pay a man in a fancy suit to tell them that a hippy named Jesus loves them.
And about this "turning the other cheek" business. In the days that Christ walked the Earth if a Roman soilder struck a non-Roman they had better bow, scrap, and grovel at the soilder's feet to beg forgivenness. When Christ "turned the other cheek" He was saying, "Go ahead and hit me again. I'm not stupid enough to fight you because that will surely mean my death but I won't bow or grovel to any man. I dare you to hit again!" As Christ showed over and over he was a not a wilting flower but a total badass.
You don't have to spend a lot of money on a guard dog. I picked up a young Rottweiler at the shelter and he served me well for twelve years. They are not that hard to train. If you show the animal love and affection you'll find that it will happily give his life protecting you.
My dog adopted a stealth mode of operation. He wouldn't bark if he heard an intruder he would just wait in the dark for them to enter the yard or house and when they were close he would attack. Once I left him in the house while I went to a funeral, when I got back I was concerned when I saw he was covered in blood. After inspecting him I could tell that it wasn't his blood. When I went in the bedroom I saw the broken window and what was apparently the site of a desperate battle. There was blood on the floor, blood on the walls, and all of the knocked over. This was back when I used to call police. They told me that with amount of blood they expected to find the perp lying close by but he must have had help because the blood trail ended at the road. They did find an angry young black man who said he mauled by a pack of strays. Since DNA wasn't used back then they had no evidence and he wasn't charged.
But it still gives me a reason to smile when I think of the terror that must have been going through Dindu's mind as he was in the jaws of my friend.
Rest in peace River.
Mich Mike.
Above link to the chimp, 18 they caught one of four
Yes, you don't live in this zip code (sumter st, atlanta) 30318: Here is why:
Races in zip code 30318
Zip code 30318 races chart
14,215White population
28,991Black population
78American Indian population
2,303Asian population
13Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population
82Some other race population
877Two or more races population
3,177Hispanic or Latino population
Read more:
I would like to than Truth Corp for the video of the dindu nuffin robbery in Nashville. I will add it to my collection of videos for future reference. This woman was brave to fight for her purse, but she was lucky some husky white males were hanging around to run to her aid. I hope she becomes a race realist after this encounter; the men were probably already are probably race realists. Many white men and women still drink the kool-ade, but I hope things are changing with the advent of youtube. I'm not sure this will be allowed to stay on youtube much longer as it shows the true nature of the dindus.
Again...thanks everyone...and Paul for the great information and links! This is my favorite source of race news!
If we are going to get biblical, let's choose to no longer cast our pearls before the swine.
At least most housecats have sense enough to use a litterbox , to a negro , the world is his toilet.
Anon at 7:02 PM:
"At one time, Christians were very good at defending themselves. I don't see how being a Christian automatically equates to being an emasculated eunuch who is concerned with the well-being of people who just tried to kill him and his wife. "
He has probably read the New Testament-something you would expect every Christian to have done.
Yes, you can quote "an eye for an eye", but that is Old Testament-you know, the half of the Bible the Saturday people still consider valid.
You have to understand that the Christian cult as it stood in the first couple of hundred years after Jesus, when the New Testament books were written, was an apocalyptic faith. They firmly believed they were living in the end times, that the world would soon be judged by God, and the elect would be translated to heaven.
"Resist not evil"
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow"
"turn the other cheek"
"And him that taketh away from thee thy cloak, forbid not to take thy coat also"
These folks were expecting an immanent end to the world, one which would see their earthly enemies harshly judged by God. They themselves did not need to do anything.
This program has seldom been lived up to by Christians in the last 2000 years because it isn't practical. So, Christians tend to go Old Testament, and life goes on.
I'm a Christian. You do not want a piece of me.
Entering a base is s dangerous time when coming off patrol. The mind finds closure and people get very sloppy. It's telling that a war zone mentality might have saved him. There's a military saying that states "gear adrift is gear a gift." IOWs, some thief is always watching. Think of coming home after a full day to your nice lawn and cold beer. That's where they attacked him. They say there's no summer song. Yet, the savages in DC are muttering BBHMM. If you're in a city, use your brain and keep it clean.
in DC
"Unarmed teen shot in back" is glaring headliner today.
Once again blacks tearing up their city before the investigation even begins, once again a criminal is being hailed as a hero.
I was listening to news about St. Louis shooting. The family of the shot kid is claiming kid was shot in back and had no weapon. The family knows the kid had no weapon because ALL police lie. The attorney said all police lie and this is not the first time, and someone else said police only lie when dealing with blacks.
What the attorney of shot kid's family said makes no sense at all. This got my attention. Attorney said the kid was in a backyard two houses down from where police were serving search warrant. The kid ran because the kid did not recognize plain clothes detectives.
If the kid was two houses away, not even in the house police were serving a warrant on, then why did the kid run!!!!!? Why did the kid just not go inside the house he was at? If he was not doing anything wrong why not go inside until the commotion was over?
And how does the family know the kid ran because the kid did not know it was plain clothes police? The kid was in another house two houses away? Hhhmmmmm. I don't think so.
The statements by attorney are conflicting.
So obviously the kid was not two houses away, he was in the house police were serving warrant on, he knew it was police and tried to escape.
The attorney for shot kid's family is lying. Black LIES matter.
Ok folks, I feeling like I'm reading never ending nightmarish tales of the crypt, er, dindus, here. The comments keep on coming in, cha-ching. Helps me, helps me, I'm trying to keep up but falling behind, lol. Interested times indeed, folks !!!
Even the stock market today. A sign of the true times we're about to enter, or for
some of us out here, already living in these signs..... I'm with the latter of the 2.
I deal with what we all comment about on here on a 5-day a week basis, if you
can catch my drift. Today was no different. I record this stuff on my phone,
just to listen to it later with amazement, er, total disgust towards them.
I stand there and listen to it, I let them let it all out. I might say a couple
of phrases but I never go out of my way to defend myself for these accusations
that they make towards me. I know they cannot be taken out of their element,
especially in their AA created positions they're in. Trust me, I've been down
that road before and have learned that you cannot coonmunicate with sub-humans
unless you are speaking in THEIR native tongue. I've learned that I'm not in the
position where I can do that, so I let them come at me in all their natural glory,
record it for future record keeping purposes (for those things in life that you simply can't make up). I KNOW they don't like me. I guess what they don't know
about me is the feeling is COMPLETELY MUTUAL! There are many different ways that
I can show it to them more than say it, so that's just what I do. If they can't
catch on, oh well, one day they will......maybe..... sometimes the best thing(s) in
life is worth keeping a secret for the moment :)
I've learned over time, only because this was stuff that was never taught in the
home I grew up in. I had to find out completely on my own, as many of us have on
here. Yes, I've most definitely had my awakening, now the hardest part in life is
putting much patience on something that needs to completely eradicated like 50 some
years ago....
But eh, I promised myself, for the moment anyways, that I won't let them break me!!
I refuse to let them break me, for if they do, I KNOW I won't go down easy. I'm a
tiger that knows not to fall for the banana in the tailpipe. Can't trick this cat
again, (you ppl.) So I'll continue to let them carry on, in their most comfortable
place to do it in, where they are offered the most protection, and they're free to
express themselves in the lowliest way they can. They live to talk down to me.
I'm sure that after I walk away, they'll continue their convo. about me later.
You know how these "sheboons" can be, they live for the life of gossip, and being
in a safeguarded position to talk down to folks like me. Trust me though, I'm most
definitely an Alpha, much unlike this Mr. Lash kinda guy. Brainwashed beta loser !
I just realize that in my case, as many have spoken about on here, I simply have
to grin and bear it. For the moment that's the position I'm stuck in, for these are
the type of afro-physicists I'm dealing with. The same totally unprofessional ones
you see on tee-vee coonmercials "ACTING" out the parts that they can never
successfully do in real life. Ahhh, I'm waist deep in the trenches with these
folks. Please make the day come where you do rightfully wake up this cat from
the notions of sleeping with the enemies. I want my donation to this country to
really have as much meaning behind it as mankind could possible offer ourselves !!
CNN's Don Lemmon is criticizing St. Louis police for looking too militarized to control rioting.
Seriously???!!! So according to liberals and blacks, police should show up in jeans and a tee shirt and try to speak with rioters and looters. With absolutely no protection. What idiocy.
mich mike
I, too, had a wonderful Rottwiler for years. smartest dog I ever owned. You didn't have to even try to train her, she just picked up what you wanted her to do by your expressions, I guess.
A HUGE than you to Truth Corp for the TN video of the HEROES restraining the negro thief. I loved how the negro cried like a sissy while the white men held him fast. I reckon he didnt expect white men to be strong...a common misperception among negroes these days.
I particularly enjoyed the part, about 2/3's of the way through, where the white man uses the pressure points behind the negro's ears to restrain him.
These men are HEROES, plain and simple.
I would have liked it better if a group of negros had appeared and tried to stop these heroes...that would have made a better video.
Bottom line...this negro will only be charged with theft and will likely do no jail time and be back on the streets again in a matter of weeks or months. In the meantime he gets a little R&R and can catch up with his homies.
Thanks again for posting the link.
someone pls post this or email it to the 'forgiving victims' at their page,
Sheila said...
Sorry for their medical expenses, but that's one gofundme account I will NOT be donating to. Like others, I'm truly sorry for their children and what they are going to have to endure due to their weak and ignorant parents. He may have two children, but if he's unwilling to teach them race realism and protect them from blacks, he doesn't count as a man or a father in my books.
As others said, why on earth did he even open the door? Their line will, most likely, cease with their daughters - they will either be sexually sacrificed to or killed by blacks. The end of 3 generations of White liberals. This is what thousands of years of micro-evolution has come to? A dead end? A self-loathing? God forbid. May Christ have mercy on them for what they will force their daughters to endure.
IWSB in Indy: "you must protect yourself cause your life and the life of your family depends on it. For fucks sake, shoot back."
I agree.
-Han Solo
Georgia's black population is 31%.
That 31% commits 83% of the murders, 62% of the rapes, 82% of the robberies, and 63% of the assaults./
Another meme is Shmoo "a creature that enjoys being eaten". Maybe this guy has not gone that far! Where the hell was his gun. I would have a weapon in every room of the house if I lived in Apelanta!
Nice. A couple of rottweilers and that guy wouldn't be in a hospital and his family traumatized.
Not jail silly--death
MA realist
Anonymous said...
When this black worship ruined even the Tonight Show, I felt ready to detach from my viewership of NBC. And tv in general.
You felt? What did you do?
These bastards insult you in your own home, and you pay them to do it, but at least you felt? They corrupt your children, lie to you, but by golly you felt ready to stop them?
Feelings aren't worth a bucket of warm spit. Come on, this is the easiest thing you will be required to do, to reclaim your life. But it's a necessary first step.
Everybody: If you're sincere, show it today. Kill your TV. If you can't do that, then don't pretend you're going to take your country back; you'll never do anything.
The Meek won't inherit anything west of Chicago.
The true biblical response whether or not you know it.
Liberals shouldn't breed they're unfit parents because they're nihilists.
or in Chicago, or North, South, or East of it.
If you care more about your religion than your own children, then you are an idiot.
Also,TRUTH CORP: We don't have to dismantle anything. The negro is doing it.
"youth" = young Afro-American feral criminal. This is as close as the MSM can get when describing this sort of outrage.
Any honest dialog on race has to be begin with the African Americans acknowledging that the celebration of irresponsibility and criminality in lower class African American pop culture is the real problem on not the phantom of "institutionalized racism."
As soon as I heard of this crime I knew that the victim was white and the criminal was a "youth". The reason you do not daily hear about young white invading homes, beating up random people of other ethnicities or killing children in drive by shootings or murdering old people for their money is because they are rare occurrences.
The Race Hustlers i.e. Al Sharpton and the guilt mongers i.e. President Obama; would have declared martial law had a young white committed this outrage on a black family.
My info from friends with NYPD - family on vacation, house was being cased prior for a burglary and awaiting nightfall. Unexpected arrival of family triggered half-ass home invasion. Tough call reference situational awareness - even I probably would have been caught off-guard, and I am a trained professional.
Probably opened the door anticipating a neighbor welcoming them home. Struggled to get door shut with 2 perps pushing in. Shot twice both legs with .40 S&W - held long enough for wife and infant to flee to neighbors. Perp fired 2 shots at her (missed) caught up, grabbed her cell phone and fled.
Police response time unknown - total time of incident apx <5 minutes. Total take - 2 phones - little if anything else. 911 dispatcher skills questionable and slow.
The family comments, including the generalized Christian ones, all come from the mother-in-law only. (My own mother-in-law was a pain in the ass). The AHJ (a liberal/leftist rag) is the source that focuses on and stresses them.
Hondo's sending 100.00 to help with medical and "relocation" expenses. I don't throw my own people under the bus, especially the Christian ones.
Carolina Cicero:
BTW- The little asswipe's been arrested:
There is nothing inherently wrong with Christianity just as there is nothing inherently wrong with the schools or media.
The problem is that all these Western institutions have been influenced by a suicidal and delusional ideology. This ideology holds that race is merely superficial and that a worldwide utopia would exist if not for White people.
If Christianity were the problem then Southern California should be a renaissance of racial realism. It isn't and in fact the opposite is true. The typical secular SoCal White is far more self-loathing and apologetic than the average Mormon or Baptist. Some denominations are better than others but I don't believe for one second that Christianity is the fault in all this.
I agree that the man in the story irresponsibly put his children at risk. I won't be giving one dime to his recovery fund.
One problem with the shotgun is that you can't answer the door with one in your pocket. I also think the pump action is too slow for women and small framed men. Shotguns are great but I don't think they are a good defense choice for everyone. They are also very loud compared to a 9mm and don't reload as quickly. Shooting one indoors will blast your ears, especially if you hold it to your shoulder.
And as others have said a dog is required if you have a house that is even marginally close to blacks. A dog plus a video camera sign (real or not) will send 99.99% of blacks to the next house.
Dogs can actually be trained to let you know if a black is walking up the street. In Vietnam Dobermans and Rotts were used to smell out the Vietcong. But of course race is merely skin color so that shouldn't be possible.
If even 20% of Whites followed the camera/gun/dog rule then home invasions against Whites would drop. Blacks will rob each other if there is less risk involved.
Everybody: If you're sincere, show it today. Kill your TV. If you can't do that, then don't pretend you're going to take your country back; you'll never do anything.
I'm a liberal and I would have shot this guy in the face. But then again I would never have answered the door for him.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
At one time, Christians were very good at defending themselves. I don't see how being a Christian automatically equates to being an emasculated eunuch who is concerned with the well-being of people who just tried to kill him and his wife.
I was speaking in regards to the present day mainline churches version of Christianity. My experience with them is they interpret the New Testament with such zeal for pacifism that its followers should roll over and be slaughtered in the face of evil.... Lest one dare to raise a hand in his own defense; an act for which a man will be damned.
I leave it to others to define what 'classic' Christianity really says. For me, what is the contemporary version of interpretation is worthy of nothing less than contempt.
Religion is indeed the opiate of the gullible. However, only under the spell of religion does a metro-cuck like Michael Lash get such a hot woman to be his wife. Mrs Lash, you need a man in your life. Your next child needs a man for a father.
It's a crime that this man would beg with his family's attackers rather than taking the hammer of Thor to their thick skulls and not stopping till they all were neutralized.
Blacks victimize blueeyes just as the religions of the melanistic south/tropics always have. That this man would be praying for appeasement to a Jewish desert god rather than going full furious berzerker on his wife's and child's attackers says everything.
Sumter St. NW is in the Bolton neighborhood of Atlanta. Take a look at the profile:
On the map of the neighborhood at top, select "racial diversity" in the dropdown menu. Then click on the neighborhood (Bolton, outlined in red).
You will see that Sumter Street NW is an especially diversitastic area of that neighborhood.
That these fools would live in such a neighborhood screams Appeasers who care more about pie in the sky ideology than the life's blood of their own child.
Georgia doesn't have Attempted Murder or Assault with a Deadly Weapon. If these thugs ever get caught, they'll most likely be charged with Aggravated Assault which carries a 10 year sentence tops. And they'll likely be paroled after serving only 25% of their sentence. So they will be back out on the streets in no time. I work in Corrections, and I can guarantee you that in Georgia these thugs will be back out on the street very soon.
I think at least PART of the fault is with the state of Christianity today.
We're churning out girly-men as pastors and priests; these poor "chestless men" have somehow never been taught even to RECOGNIZE evil, much less how to stand in righteousness before their congregations each week and call out and condemn the multiple examples of sinfulness celebrated by the news media.
Until we get REAL MEN in the pulpit willing to stand and support God's commandments (even if such speech "hurts the feelings" {*sniffle*} of Officially Designated Victim Groups) we're going to have idiots like the above believing that they are supposed to "forgive those who trespass against us". [[The correct interpretation of "Christian forgiveness" is that IT FOLLOWS REPENTANCE. It's only AFTER the miscreant has recognized and confessed his wrongdoing and -usually- done some sort of penance (such as paid back what was stolen, or served the sentence imposed by law), that the "go and sin no more" kicks in.]]
"Forgiveness" without "repentance" is -in its own way- an evil. It allows the malefactor to escape justice. Justice is necessary; it's the "balancing of the books" between offense and punishment. If a child, or a criminal, or anybody, is allowed to get away with bad behavior, over and over, without ever being called to account, he/she/it/they will never have a motivation to learn GOOD behavior.
Christians -even foolish pastors- who do not DEMAND repentance and reparation for wrongdoing are allowing the perpetrator to continue in sin... they are contributing to the damnation of his soul.
... which is not very Christian of them at all, when you think of it.
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