Without a black population, largely black immigrants from Chicago attracted to the city by liberal social welfare programs, Milwaukee would have maybe one or two homicides a year (both committed by a mentally unstable white person who will garner NO sympathy within the white community) and perhaps 10 nonfatal shootings in a year.
Courtesy of a black population, Milwaukee is one of America's most dangerous cities. [How could this happen? No easy answers to Milwaukee's spiraling violence, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 19, 2015]:
![]() |
White man... either wake up or stay down for good. |
A man is shot dead after accidentally crushing a toddler with his van; in the gunfire, the toddler's teenage brother suffers fatal injuries. A 17-year-old girl is slain by an errant bullet after two other girls in an argument call their boyfriends for backup. A 4-year-old girl is wounded after 13 bullets rip through her home.
Dozens of violent incidents so far this year have left at least 43 dead, and the number may already be higher, with police investigating the deaths of two people Friday as possible homicide by arson.
The questions abound. What were they thinking? How could this happen? Who is to blame? And most important: What can be done?
Meaningful answers are another matter.
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong," said Joel Dvoskin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona.
In Milwaukee, about 80% of homicide suspects and 80% of victims are African-American.
Kwabena Antoine Nixon, a poet, educator and co-founder of Flood the Hood with Dreams, regularly works to help empower young minority boys within their neighborhoods and schools.
In one activity, Nixon calls two teens to the front of the room and asks them when each had his first fight. The answer is usually at age 4 or 5.
What did the other person look like? Nixon asks next.
The teens' answer: black.
What about the second fight? The third? Black. And black again.
The room usually falls silent when Nixon makes his final point: When fights in their neighborhoods escalate, they're only hurting each other.
Some of the young men, Nixon said, have never been taught alternatives to violence."If you don't know any better, you can't do any better," he said.
Adults must also take responsibility for improving their neighborhoods, in Nixon's view
"We have in our community a savior complex, that someone's going to come through and fix it all, and because we believe somebody might come through and fix it all, there's no self-accountability," he said. "You have to take some responsibility for yourself."
The question isn't complex and the answer is undeniably simple: Milwaukee has a violence problem because individual black people collectively engage in a violence acts the white community refrains from participating in (the mid-year Milwaukee Homicide Review report for 2015 is mandatory reading for understanding the niggardly few contributions of white people to the violence in the city).
But with the rise in black violence comes the truth few white people dare confront: black criminality and the complete breakdown in law and order (as well as the collapse in property values and the food desertization which follows) is a form of open warfare against the civilization white people create.
Which bring us to the "Wrong hood, bitch!" moment, where a black female and black male viciously beat a white woman in Milwaukee. [Disturbing video shows woman being punched, stomped on outside north side gas station, Fox6Now.com, August 27, 2015]:
A confrontation outside a Milwaukee gas station turns violent and the disturbing video has surfaced online. The incident happened last week outside of a north side gas station. One community activist says it is important to see the reality in some parts of Milwaukee and make sure there is change.
Near Locust and Teutonia, a woman is punched and kicked by two people while others stand around filming the whole thing.
“To see that actually all go down actually made me feel sorry. This is a human issue,” said Community Activist, Tory Lowe.
Community Activist Tory Lowe says the video, though disturbing, is necessary to watch.
“What we could learn from it is what not to do. How not to address issues, how to see what it shouldn’t look like,” said Lowe.
The video has been shared across social media and beyond city limits.
“That doesn’t represent the good people of the city of Milwaukee,” said Lowe.
The incident happened last Tuesday, August 18th. The victim has not come forward and the attackers have not been identified.No, this act does represent the people of the city of Milwaukee: the black people.
The correlation to the Africanization of Nordic/Western Europeans countries by mass immigration and the complete destruction of the largely Germanic-in origin city of Milwaukee should be sad to only those without a knowledge of the suicidal vise white guilt has the white mind.
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»A "alternative to violence"
What dat be mean?
I dont beez unnastand day.
If i get disrespek den i gotsta beez use violent.
Dats jus how we do.
Lived here for 25 years. They destroyed their half of a good city. Alot of black on white violence before this. I told my mom to buy a gun.
Lived here a long time. Definite black problem. i wouldnt be caught dead in that neighborhood at night without a peice. Alot of black on white violence. Alot of dwls
Ah, Blacks. What would we do without thier endless savagery, barbarity & violence ?
Oh, live in peace & safety, that's right.
The DWLs and multicultural diversity White-guilters are too stupid to live. And dangerous.
These oxygen thieves understand violence and nothing else. Try to explain morals to one of them. They shake their heads yes but the blank stare tells you everything you need to know. If you are caught in a situation with one or more and you have a way to protect yourself, strike first. Never try to explain your way out. If you have no protection try to get to your car. Never worry about striking one with your vehicle. You feared for your life.
Teaching them has failed
paying them has failed
jailing them has failed
Instant brutal force is the only thing they will understand
Not sure what to do with Liberals. They understand nothing.
If only we had fully funded Head Start :(
How could this happen? No easy answers to Milwaukee's spiraling violence, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 19, 2015]
Funny, this sort of violence was not present until say, 1954, the year of Brown vs Board of Education. Then for some odd reason, we've seen all sorts of black perpetrated shootings, black perpetrated gangbanging, black perpetrated flashmobs, black perpetrated home invasions with associated torture-murders, black perpetrated pillaging of cities...
What could the US been doing differently prior to 1954? Did Americans have some easy answer to black perpetrated violence in those dark days before civil rights became the law of the land?
Gee, what happened to the Milwaukee of Ritchie, Potsie, Ralph, and the Fonz? Oh wait, I know, the black tide rolled in from Chimpgago.
Sick bastards all. Whitey however, just keeps on taking it. I don't see anyone standing up to this shit show. I really don't hear anyone saying much either. Milwaukee sheriff David Clark ( a black man) seems to have had enough and Is at least calling out the racial exploitation that's been going on since Obama has been in office. One voice in the wilderness.
Dozens of violent incidents so far this year have left at least 43 dead....
What else could this be but "Violent Incidents Gone Wrong?!"
Well, the gas station incident could not be too serious, could it, since the blacks making the assault were "unarmed." Good thing the victim did not have a gun and shoot them, because then should would be pilloried in the media for killing "unarmed teens."
Which does bring up a point. How many of these black-on-white attacks today are the result of blacks perceiving YT as weak and vulnerable? And if Michael Brown is to be beatified for roughing up a convenience store owner and assaulting a cop, then perhaps incidents like this one are the result of thugs seeing this as the new cool. If YT's government does not back up its own police in the streets, maybe it is time for a new tribe to take control. Works in Africa. May be happening in African America.
And coming to a 'hood near you!
Baltimore post. Here's the article detailing all 45 of Baltimores murders in July.
43 of the 45 are black. 1 was an Asian infanticide, and the other was an Indian who got robbed and shot. #blacklivesmatter, except that crucifying the police for trying to do their jobs has caused many of these black people to die. Nice work Mayor Hyphen
The WAR ON POVERTY was very successful in ruining Americas major cities. Now THE PROGRAM is being used through out Europe and England. If it worked here it will work there. Any body in Europe that opposes their women being beat and raped by Africans and Muslims is a Neo-Nazi. Of course the worst thing a person can be called is a RACIST.
Gee, what happened to the Milwaukee of Ritchie, Potsie, Ralph, and the Fonz?
I believe there was an episode where Ritchie's father invites a black co-worker to dinner. The family reacts. In the end, everyone is a happy liberal.
Let's flash forward six decades. Ritchie's home has been invaded by a black gang, Potsie was passed over for a job in the brewery for an incompetent affirmative action hire, Ralph has had to pull his kids out of public school because of black perpetrated violence, and the Fonz was paralyzed in a drive-by shooting. And oh yeah, Laverne and Shirley are raising half-black children on welfare.
At this point, Dr. Emmett Brown shows up in his DeLorean time machine, goes back to 1954, and tries to warn the original cast of what will happen if Brown vs Board of Education de-segregates America. Alas, he is locked up as a madman and thus events play out.
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong," said Joel Dvoskin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona."
Of course they are. Because people like you make a living by making them as complex as possible, so that you can work on them for decades without actually solving them. A simple solution is always better than what you people have to offer, which is no solution at all.
I had some friends from Milwaukee who told me how bad the blacks there were, and that was in the early 80s.
Blacks used to be afraid to mess with any white person. Lynching worked, and was much quicker and cheaper than what we have today.
A list could be made of all the programs, services and freebies that have been generously offered blacks over the decades, one by one. Once the list is complete we could then find out exactly why each and every effort made has failed.
150+ years and trillions of dollars should be accounted for.
Dr. Emmett Brown shows up in his DeLorean time machine, goes back to 1954, and tries to warn the original cast of what will happen if Brown vs Board of Education de-segregates America.
Everyone WAS warned. Bull Connor, George Wallace and the rest knew through long, bitter experience. The PTB chose not to believe... or chose to inflict the damage on White America out of pure malice.
No "anti-racists" today deserve the benefit of the doubt, and I don't think we should consider the ones of the past innocent either. The pillory of history the Marxists are putting on Washington, Jefferson and Lee belongs on them instead.
"No easy answers." Funny how they can see, but not comprehend. The same media that labels every day German citizens "Neo-Nazis".
Are they so damn stupid they believe the rest of us will take anything they say at face value?
They show the victim(s), then the suspook(s)(sometimes) and they don't understand the problem.
How many, and what kind of tests do you have to fail over and over to be a tv reporter?
How could this happen? No easy answers to Milwaukee's spiraling violence, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 19, 2015]
Funny, this sort of violence was not present until say, 1954, the year of Brown vs Board of Education. Then for some odd reason, we've seen all sorts of black perpetrated shootings, black perpetrated gangbanging, black perpetrated flashmobs, black perpetrated home invasions with associated torture-murders, black perpetrated pillaging of cities...
What could the US been doing differently prior to 1954? Did Americans have some easy answer to black perpetrated violence in those dark days before civil rights became the law of the land?
Anon added this comment:
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong," said Joel Dvoskin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona."
Of course they are. Because people like you make a living by making them as complex as possible, so that you can work on them for decades without actually solving them. A simple solution is always better than what you people have to offer, which is no solution at all.
2+2=4, unless that has changed since the haydays of "da way I learnd'ed it."
Look, we're nowhere close in this "race" to winning anything.
They already won. We've already lost. Our only hope today is for survival...
When you're only (last) hope against this mentally challenged tide is survival,
that to me is like making a bet with the devil, sort of speak. I personally don't
want to make a bet with the devil, that I, of course, could lose that bet, one
which could have easily have been had in my favor without a bet ever being put
in place. It's more like a bet that's already been placed IN my behalf, ha, and
nonetheless by the same folks that more less force me to pay that bet, every
2 weeks, for oh, let's say the last 27 years of my life thus far.
So basically in point, the only thing we're doing as YT's in this country is
fighting for our survival while we fund the very thing that led to (and now
keeps) us fighting for our survival. And there's the full circle, the full moon.
Either way you look at it, your only outcome IS survival. "The Man" has control
over EVERYTHING else. Here's the kicker from one of my many perspectives. Who's
going to be there to take over when "The Man" loses some of his control ?
I guess it certainly won't be us. We'll still be in "survival" mode to even
think about what we CAN do. Survival mode to me is like already admitting and
giving in that we already lost this bet place in our behalf. We're merely being
forced to live in survival mode for a bet that we've not only lost, but one that
we will continue to pay for (fund) into the foreseeable future....
Now who would be that dumb enough to place a bet like that ? Could it not be
the same ignorant stupid asinine folks that make insane deals with Iran and
such ? They're ALL enemies in my book. Against YT for everything known to
humankind. I don't want to just fight for survival, for I know that I am
capable of not only winning survival, but also much more that comes with the
intelligence of humankind, ONLY for humankind. Us. Not them.
PS. Thanks to the commenters :)
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong," said Joel Dvoskin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona."
I guess "Dr." Dvoskin has never heard of Ocham's Razor.
And yes, the answer is remarkably simple. In fact, you could even say the answer is right there in black and white.
Ladies, when you hear "Wrong hood bitch!" thats the signal to open fire.
Please allow me to clarify a very important point in all of this: The commenters here, and all over YouTube, etc., continue to express frustration via comments about how "stupid" the liberals, the media and the gubmint are that they somehow "can't see" what the problem is. I should think by now you would all realize there is no way that many people in power could simultaneously be that "stupid." It's literally impossible for that to be the case. This should be a dead giveaway to you all. It is a conspiracy. It is deliberate. Do you really think the dark invasion of America and every European country is just a gigantic coincidence? Massive simultaneous but coincidental stupidity of media, universities and gubmints? Please, now who's the stupid one?
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong,"
Occam had it wrong?
Lynching worked, and was much quicker and cheaper - Anon 2:14
Occam vindicated once again.
And now, a word from our sponsor:
Watching too much TV can kill you, researchers warn
Kill your TV, before it kills you. Do it for the children.
I was going to post a thought on how to end all black violence that went like this.
If we gave blacks everything their hearts desired meaning all they had to do was snap their fingers and someone would go out and get it while that sat on their lazy asses drinking and enjoying their favorite narcotic all free of charge they'd have no reason to kill,but after thinking some more I realized they would still kill each other over a woman or man or should one step on another's foot accidentally or cut them off in their hooptie the guns would come out.
So as you see you can and never will tame the savage beast. It's too deeply wired in be changed.
I'm not sure a million years of evolution can change them..
Yes there is an easy answer but it will never happen.
Joanie Cunningham is gang raped at a BlackLivesMatter rally. Arnold's Drive-In is now a rap joint. Cunningham's Hardware never reopened after the looting that followed the acquittal of a White cop (officer Kirk) shooting a negro that shot first. Howard and Marion Cunningham were killed during a home invasion robbery "gone wrong". Richie's older brother Chuck never re-appeared after a few episodes as he knew Milwaukee would be fucked up by negroes. After college, he became a Republican activist. Seeing the futility of the GOP, he now lives on his ranch in Montana.
Kwabena Antoine Nixon, a poet, educator and co-founder of Flood the Hood with Dreams, regularly works to help empower young minority boys within their neighborhoods and schools.
In one activity, Nixon calls two teens to the front of the room and asks them when each had his first fight. The answer is usually at age 4 or 5.
What did the other person look like? Nixon asks next.
The teens' answer: black.
What about the second fight? The third? Black. And black again.
And to think that all this time I thought that race was just a social construct!
"We have in our community a savior complex, that someone's going to come through and fix it all, and because we believe somebody might come through and fix it all, there's no self-accountability," he said. "You have to take some responsibility for yourself."
Yes, Kwabena Antoine...and the savior for your people always has been and still is the White Man.
And just like the Savior in Jerusalem, we've been betrayed and crucified by those we've been saving.
Philadelphia Mike
Gee, what happened to the Milwaukee of Ritchie, Potsie, Ralph, and the Fonz?
I believe there was an episode where Ritchie's father invites a black co-worker to dinner. The family reacts. In the end, everyone is a happy liberal.
Let's flash forward six decades. Ritchie's home has been invaded by a black gang, Potsie was passed over for a job in the brewery for an incompetent affirmative action hire, Ralph has had to pull his kids out of public school because of black perpetrated violence, and the Fonz was paralyzed in a drive-by shooting. And oh yeah, Laverne and Shirley are raising half-black children on welfare.
At this point, Dr. Emmett Brown shows up in his DeLorean time machine, goes back to 1954, and tries to warn the original cast of what will happen if Brown vs Board of Education de-segregates America. Alas, he is locked up as a madman and thus events play out.
August 30, 2015 at 2:07 PM
LMAO, sad but true, but pretty much exactly how it DOES play out today.
Hey Trump, do you really know what it's going to take to make
"Ameerka great again" ? How are you going to convince your socialist
members to contribute to making ameerka great again ? As much as I'd
like to think this is possible, I'd rather you end the current admin
and everything negative that had and was created with it first, so
we could start out fresh. We could (hopefully) never have to repeat
this lesson we've learned oh to well this first time around, Knowutimsayincuz ?
I used to be young and idealistic and believe that blacks were just like everyone else but I now avoid them.
I'm Asian - my parents came here from India - and I grew up in NYC and went to NYC public schools. The schools I went to were crumbling, but because 95% of the students were NOT black... the worst disciplinary problems were passing notes in class or an occasional spitball. Maybe once or twice a year one boy might punch another and the parents would be called in and they did NOT defend their miscreants, they took a strap to them.
I remember the first time I got to know a black. There were three of us girls assigned to a project. The white kid was sweet. The black kid was the racist. She mercilessly harassed the white kid until the poor girl was in tears.
But I still thought that most black people must be basically good and it was just an unusual event.
My parents would say negative stuff about blacks and I'd argue with them because I thought they were wrong. My parents never had a problem with any other race, BTW.
Well, what can I say. My parents were right.
I know a lot of people don't like Asians and that's their prerogative. I get it, especially if you're a tech worker and an H1B visa has taken your job - which is totally wrong, BTW, and our government should secure our borders. But at least Asians generally stay off welfare and aren't likely to be criminals.
I used to own a small business and I hired all races (but only American citizens) but what I found was that every black I hired, I had to be on their tail 24/7. Who needs that? I didn't have problems with any other race though I did have a problem with a young white woman - she was very liberal and got upset when asked to do things she thought were beneath her. I had explained to her when I hired her that it was a small company, everyone had to do stuff outside their job description sometimes, including me - if my receptionist was sick, I answered the phones. A few times I cleaned the toilets when we were just starting out and I couldn't afford a cleaning lady. That's part of having a start-up.
But what I learned which is so unPC about hiring - don't hire blacks and screen women more carefully (which I hate to say, as a woman, but it's true. Women can be great workers but you have to be more careful in the hiring process.)
Anyway, I don't care if we have segregation. I am happy living with whites, Hispanics and Asians but if we had segregation and I had to live only with Asians, I'd be fine with it. But I don't want to live among blacks.
BTW, for those who say India is a sh*t hole - they are right BUT one thing that is going on - it is modernizing fast. Before the East India Company and the British Empire, India had about 22% of the world's GDP. China had 25%. There was a reason Columbus was looking for a passage to the East - Europeans wanted the goods that came from India, China, etc. Also Indians and Chinese and other Asians have invented a lot of stuff. Hispanics in MesoAmerica had the pyramids and the complex Mayan calendar and so on. Obviously white Europeans have created the industrial revolution and democracy, etc., and the most important concepts of a modern society have been created by whites. But here's the thing - what have Africans ever done?
De-segregating America was simply injecting a cancer cluster directly into your heart. We have allowed our natural defenses to be overwhelmed and now the infection is destroying us.
Chemotherapy anybody...?
Where I live more and more people are moving in. I don't know where they are coming from, and I don't know what employment opportunities are attracting these people. It is mainly blacks and......this is ticking me off......White men with black women/ wives and their mixed children. I am in the store right now and saw a good looking White man with a not so fortunate looking black female and their kids.
I wonder if Sec 8 housing is bringing them here. Crime has risen with all these new people moving in. I am in a small farming community in the southwest, except the farmland is being sold off and not farmed any more.
Genetics at work. N^ggers are just different at that level; they literally cannot assimilate into a non- orc society. Nature prevents it via the differing behaviors their genome creates; non-blacks shun their savagery. And are then persecuted for it.
I work not too far from where this viscous animal attack occurred. Milwaukee is a piculiar city in that the divisions between scum and wealth are so narrow. There is a concourse BMW dealership, Porsche, Lexus, Mercedes Benz dealerships within blocks of where I work, and within blocks of that is the heart coontown. I'm surprised things aren't worse than they are. The location of my work is one of the BIG reasons that I am seeking employment elsewhere. Gas isn't cheap and a 40 min commute into little Zimbabwe isn't work what I'm being currently paid. Infact a couple months ago we had a high speed police chase cut through our parking lot, narrowly missing smashing several vehicles, including mine. Not worth it. It goes without saying that Milwaukee would be a wonderful city to live and work in minus the negro population.
An above poster observed with evident consternation: "How many, and what kind of tests do you have to fail over and over to be a tv reporter?"
Sir, to get your modern "reporter's credentials," I believe you first have to live at least 50 miles from any feral nog or unbelievably murderous Mexican MS13 gang banger, never have sent your child to a public school to get his teeth kicked in by Mexicans or blacks, watched every episode of Law and Order wherein the only people who commit crimes are evil skinhead types or close cousins of the Manson family, and firmly committed to the clearly mistaken notion that blacks are true, evolutionarily-developed Homo Sapiens as in Caucasians and Asians.
I hoped this helps.
Confessions from a Teenage Mud Shark.
After seeing Philadelphia Mike’s honest confession about his past infatuation with Chinese and Indian girls, I feel compelled to spill my guts about my dark and sordid past.
I was a teenage mud shark.
I look back on those days with complete disbelief as though that 18 year old girl who chased after black men wasn’t me. As though she were another girl from another place and another time. A girl whose life was diametrically opposed to the life that I’m living right now. But I was her. And she was me. With a sense of relief, though, I can honestly say that I never ran from my past. Instead, I learned from it. I embraced it as a very grueling life lesson.
There’s no need to elaborate on how I became attracted to blacks. It’s as though a template has been set which entraps young white girls into believing that black boys are more masculine, more attractive, more charismatic, and more virile than white boys. I can tell you with first hand experience that quite the opposite is true.
After multiple heart breaks, many betrayals, several broken bones, multiple near arrests for guilt by association, I looked back at the road I had taken with that sinking feeling that my life was over. That I had thrown it away.
My family ostracized me. After crying to them countless times to get money, each and every one of them finally disowned me. My old friends never returned my phone calls. Always giving money to a black boyfriend who would then spend it all on drugs and other women, I was flat broke.
Fortunately, because of problems with pre-menstrual cramps, I had been on birth control pills. I never got pregnant. And fortunately, I had enough sense to know that giving birth to a black man's child means nothing to him. Absolutely nothing. In now way would it keep him by my side.
One day, I had nowhere to turn for money. My rent was one month behind, the utility bills were unpaid, and I was desperate. So, with the few dollars that I had left, I took 2 trains and 3 buses to the small town where my grandmother’s mother still lived…alone. I rang the doorbell of my 86 year old great grandmother, wondering if she, too, would shun me . I hadn’t seen her or heard from her in years. When she opened the front door I just stood there and cried.
She cradled me into her arms and cuddled me just like she did when I was very young. She asked me if I was “in trouble”. I told her that I wasn’t pregnant but that I had hit a dead end and had no one else to turn to. She brought me inside and fed me some toll house cookies that she had just baked the night before and said, “No dear, you haven’t hit a dead end. You’ve finally found a way out of that dead end that you’ve been living in. And now you are here. With me. Everything will be fine, Vera. I promise you.”
The tears streamed down my face. I could hardly breathe from sobbing.
I moved in with Grams for a few months, got my life back in order, and am now happily married with 3 beautiful green eyed sandy haired WHITE children.
I am now a full blown race realist, having experienced the despair of association with black men first hand.
And I miss Grams so so much. She’s gone now and my eyes are watering and my throat is hurting, just typing this confession. If it weren’t for her kind words and generous heart, I’m not sure where I would be right now.
I miss you Grams. And I love you. So so much.
tradcon in the last thread said:
"To Anonymous at 1:42 p.m. above (and apparently at 8:32 p.m. of the previous night): You indicated that you have informedly bought into all of the liberal positions identified in your post. Why then, pray tell, do you not informedly buy into the liberal positions on race, such as "institutional racism," "white privilege," "disparate impact," "affirmative action," and the like?"
I could write a 120-page manifesto on this, but I can summarize it in one word: blacks.
Ahduh bin i' sku'it demman shih.
As one of the few white people in the room, apparently I was personally responsible for turning them into violent and illiterate little savages. White privilege, yo.
As I believe I said yesterday in so many words, at some point the supposed ways that white people keep blacks down get so all-pervasive and yet so arcane that you may as well call them witchcraft. But exorcising the demonic influence doesn't happen in the black community, it happens in the white community. We have periodic witch hunts and prayer meetings and public confessions and encyclicals and then we all throw money in the gibs pot to appease the spirits of racism and injustice.
Here's a good example:
No matter how good a teacher you may think you are and no matter how much you may love your little black pupils, if you slip and make a statement that implies that white values or ways of thinking are better than any other values or ways of thinking, then it's your fault if all your pupils flunk out and become whores and crack dealers. Never mind the fact that we're English (and Spanish!) speaking people in a country that was founded by whites, that was settled by whites, and that is based on white theories of government and society. At best, white values are just another values system in a world filled with different values systems. At worst, white values systems are inherently racist and just another tool to keep black people in the mud. Right?
Meanwhile, the Indians rape girls to punish their relatives, the Taliban shoots girls for going to school, ISIS stones girls for the mere rumor of premarital sex, Nigerians kidnap and rape girls as an act of war, South African blacks rape baby girls to cure AIDS, the Chinese abort girls because girls are unlucky and a burden....
But it's the white values systems that are the problem, you see. These things all happen because white people put a curse on these other people a long time ago, so we're actually responsible for these atrocities. It would be terrible to imply that the rapists and murderers themselves are responsible for rape and murder. It would be even more terrible to imply that these individual rapes and murders are the natural outgrowth of cultures and values systems that treat women as disposable. That would be RACIST, and being a racist is worse than raping a baby to cure AIDS. (Note well that AIDS was created by white people in order to destroy black people. We're horrible like that.)
Bring most of these people to the US and put them in an environment where they're exposed to the dreaded white values and they become model citizens. But most black people just fall apart under the onslaught of white juju.
Which is a better explanation? That all white people everywhere are engaged in a giant occult conspiracy to keep black people down using the magical power of our whiteness just because we don't like the color of their skins? Or that a lot of black people are stupid, violent, and degenerate?
Based on the education I got in the Oakland public schools, it's obvious to me that a lot of black people are stupid, violent, and degenerate, and no amount of indoctrination in the paint job theory can change what I saw with my own eyes.
Damn straight.
Not a peep out of a voice that would really matter. Silence is deafening when it comes to the Houston police officer gunned down. I'm afraid that even after the violence of the past week, people still don't see what's going on. All you hear is how everyone is armed to the teeth and yet no one defends themselves. Shootings on the streets, home invasions, beat downs, etc. we are acting like sitting ducks, easy pickings. Here I am, so angry and tired of it all but I also would be an easy target. I guess we either truly learn to defend ourselves or just stay home. It's that disgusting out there!!!!
Pat Boyle said:
Gay Rights - Homosexuality is almost certainly a disease caused by some infectious micro organism. It will be cured and then gay men will slowly die off.
Almost all of these social problems listed above are well on their way to being fixed without any help from me.
Pat, I would greatly appreciate it if you could reference your sources for this. Please post the links.
"...mandatory reading for understanding the niggardly few contributions of white people to the violence in the city..."
Nice one, PK.
After watching the video I've concluded that the blacks perceived a disrespek from the white woman. Initially, I thought that they wanted to steal the sack of groceries (probably malt liquor) because I didn't see the blacks set it down and the buck did pick it up as he was leaving. After a second viewing of the video it appears that the sack had been placed on the sidewalk before the video began. My guess is that the disrespek occurred as the blacks were leaving the store then the buck set the sack down to beat up the woman. The disrespek might have happened inside the store or the white woman might have met them while entering the store as they were leaving. The fact that the incident has not been reported suggests that the white woman is either afraid of retaliation or she feels some degree of culpability.
Regardless of how it happened it demonstrates the complete absence of a sense of fair play by blacks. The buck was at least twice the size of the white woman yet both blacks felt the need to continue to kick the victim long after it was clear that she was beaten. Tangling with blacks when outnumbered is like tangling with hyenas – one needs to be well armed.
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong," said Joel Dvoskin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona. "
Really? So... I guess blaming black people, I mean that would be kind of simple, right? 'Cause, I mean they're obviously black and all...so...that would be wrong, then?
Typical leftist/BRA obfuscation. These are complex sociological and economic issues here, folks, best withhold judgment and wait for the pros to figure this out for us. Uh-huh.
I'm glad that my extended family is comprised of race realists who would never put themselves in a position to be attacked by rampaging chimps or have to respond to such an incident as it happened. The result would be bloody as hell and the negroes wouldn't like the result one damn bit. All of it is prevented by following the simple maxim of: Avoid the Groid.
As horrific as the video is, I can't help but think this woman brought all this upon herself by being a dumbass by hanging around a store infested with chimps. Worse yet, she let them get within striking distance. She's like a child who doesn't know the difference between a garden snake and a rattlesnake or the difference between a butterfly and a hornet. Or the difference between civilized humans and savage, feral apes.
Hey sweetheart, they're color coded for a reason!
Learned your lesson yet? Or will you be like the dumb bimbo at the beach who sees sharks in the water and excitedly gushes, "Let's go swim with the dolphins!"
I don't blame the negroes for being what they are any more than I blame a rattlesnake for being a rattlesnake but I do blame the people who want to spread them everywhere and who try to convince everyone that rattlesnakes are harmless just like garden snakes. That is pure evil.
I look forward to the day when people like that (and their pet "snakes") are dealt with in the harshest terms possible.
No easy answers?
Dear gods.
Madison, Wisconsin, has had the same experience.
Back in the 1990s when I lived there, there was a crybaby editorial in the local "alternative" newsweekly (in fact run and staffed by members of the local SJW/DWL access class/establishment). It bashed on about how horrible Wisconsinites were for being concerned about the flood of welfare parasites gushing in from Chicago, Detroit, and St. Louis to take advantage of Wisconsin's generous welfare programs.
There was a reviled and hated political movement, for instance, to require people on welfare to find paying employment. Here, look at the horrible right wing neo nazi conservative tea bagger klan member program, Wisconsin Works that was so hated and reviled:
Accompanying the editorial piece was a cartoon of a black woman with a black kid. She was squatting pathetically, guarding the toddler with her arms, while a circle of white people stoned them. I remember being disgusted and angered by its inaccuracy and manipulation...
...and saying nothing because all my work colleagues, including my boss, were talking about how right and deeply moving the editorial was.
They talked about it for days, and it was clear to me that they were engaging in a bonding ritual consisting of an ideological test. The program secretary suggested shyly that maybe some people had had bad experiences with "inner city" people, and she was attacked by the most assertive self-appointed negro lovers.
She was very upset. I offered her moral support for her experience of mobbing...and that, and the fact that I didn't join in the bonding ritual, made me suspect.
Finally the lady who organized a big annual MLK Day open house at her house (except for one or two tokens from the University, only whites attended in her upscale neighborhood) demanded I declare myself on the topic. I said that living in an 85 percent white neighborhood (as I did) disqualified me from comment; that was best left to the people who had more diversity in their daily lives.
You see, she lived in a 100 percent white neighborhood...and had her entire life.
She was furious and talked about having volunteered with ACORN or something.
One colleague came up to me afterward in private. He asked very quietly and with respect what my experience was. I told him about spending my first 30 years in a city that was more than 60% black. I told him that I though that the DWLs were talking about something outside their experience. He was extremely relieved: he had grown up in Baltimore.
As the Allied and South Madison neighborhoods, and the east side/Willy St., got worse with the black influx, the DWLs/SJWs dug in harder. Obviously all that black sociopathy and psychopathy was whites' fault. Need I note that most of the people I worked with were "Eskimo Amish" who identified as white only when it suited them? Otherwise they bashed away and used real whites' concern about blacks as a way to get more Tribal.
Is it a complex question?
When our cities were 80%+ White and nearly 0% black they were safe clean nice places.
Now they are less than 50% White with lots of blacks, and the worst violence is ALWAYS in the black areas and/or committed by blacks.
Why is that complex?
Ok, maybe for a negroe that's as complex as advanced physics but for everyne else it's actually really simple.
She's like a child who doesn't know the difference between a garden snake and a rattlesnake or the difference between a butterfly and a hornet. Or the difference between civilized humans and savage, feral apes.
Hey sweetheart, they're color coded for a reason!
I'm still laughing! Color coded.
I'll have to remember that one.
Vera, I'm glad you shared your story. I bet very few have a story like yours with a happy ending.
I do have a question that I'm sure many here would be curious to know and I'm not being rude but curious. How can white women be "involved" with negroes? Besides they things you mentioned above being that close physically has to be repulsive. I can't walk near a negro without the smell hitting me, so I'm just curious. Every time I see a male or female with a negro I ask myself this question.
What does the video tell us? It says to me that if you are White, there are places in these United States, certain neighborhoods, where you are not wanted. This girl's skin color was enough to mark her out as an enemy, never mind what her "inner feelings" about blacks are. In fact, she may even be a "mudshark", given her presence in the area in the first place. But that still doesn't make her welcome, does it?
Now, I can also tell you, without ever having visited this city, that the blacks that assaulted her would be safe and secure in the Whitest part of town. I know that because EVERY White area in this country is safe for blacks to walk into, at all hours of the day or night.
Yet, seeing this obvious difference-that blacks are welcomed or at least politely dealt with in White areas, and that Whites are often-usually-in danger in black areas, we can all attest to the fact that any MSM discussion about "race problems" will always focus on what Whites need to do to better accommodate, welcome, and assist blacks; how blacks are victims; and even how "White silence = violence".
Whites are being singled out as victims in increasingly shrill terminology. Just in the last 48 hours, a White LEO was gunned down in public by a black; while hours later a BLM crowd at a State Fair "protest" called for "Pigs in a blanket; fry 'em like bacon".
We are no longer safe in certain sections of our own cities; yet the reverse is not the case: the black man can strut his way through any neighborhood in the country. All while protestors (and by implication the media and government) call for an end to "White Supremacy".
Vera said ”. . . And I miss Grams so so much. She’s gone now and my eyes are watering and my throat is hurting, just typing this confession. If it weren’t for her kind words and generous heart, I’m not sure where I would be right now.
I miss you Grams. And I love you. So so much.
Reading your story made my eyes get a bit misty, and they almost never do that. It sounds like you had a good great grandmother. For what it is worth, some of the most effective employees in drug/alcohol rehabilitation facilities are recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. I hope that you can use your experience to prevent others from taking that path. Also, you might want to ask yourself what Grams would do, if you ever have a wayward child/grandchild/great grandchild. You owe for your second chance, and you might be called upon to repay it some day.
Anonymous said ”Pat Boyle said:
Gay Rights - Homosexuality is almost certainly a disease caused by some infectious micro organism. It will be cured and then gay men will slowly die off.
Almost all of these social problems listed above are well on their way to being fixed without any help from me.
Pat, I would greatly appreciate it if you could reference your sources for this. Please post the links.”
I could be wrong, but I don't believe that PB was serious.
Coonmutiny Activist: "That doesn't represent the good people of the city of Milwaukee."
PK: "No, this act does represent the people of the city of Milwaukee: the black people."
Sounds like you're both in agreement.
Savior complex = white/ human pay up
Please, please, White parents, make sure your children, both male and female, take some sort of physically demanding self protection training. Enough already with this soccer stuff! Boxing, combat obstacle course, something that is challenging AND includes physical contact with another person. So many of our kids are terrified of physical discomfort...we must return to the days of "rub some dirt on it and get back out there".
I was recently widowed in May and finally went on that long talked about cross country road trip that my wife and I had always talked about doing when we retired. Unfortunately, God had chosen to take her earlier than anyone could have ever imagined and at the age of 42 I found myself losing the only woman that I had ever loved.
So I decided to take that road trip now, with the memory and the longing still fresh. Without much fanfare and with minimal preparation, I loaded up the SUV and told our 2 kid, “All aboard!”
The best decision I made in preparing this cross country adventure was to invite my father along. He’s a retired truck driver. My mother still works and couldn’t get the time off.
Dad is a race realist through and through. In fact, he’ll beam with agreement and pride if anyone calls him a racist. He likes the Chinese and the Mexicans. But he doesn’t say much about the Indians except that he feels stupid when he’s around them. But he’s always said that he wouldn’t even get close enough to a black to give them the time of day.
Being a truck driver, I let Dad be the back seat driver and lead us on our trip.
And I am amazed to say that we still live in a very white nation. Dad knew all of the places to avoid, all of the towns and cities to bypass. We drove through lush farm land along rolling hills, small towns that still retained the small town charm, mountains, lake towns, river country, and flat as flat can be farmland where the sunset was mind boggling.
White America is beautiful. And we were made to feel at home everywhere.
I am just so glad that Dad came along. And that the kids were able to see White America while there is still a White America to see.
In what scenario is it justified for a man to kick a woman in the head? Then you have people watching it for sport, and recording it with their phones.
Wake up people. Rome was not this barbaric. Primitive savagery had to be stopped by force in order for civilization to exist. There is no other way. Our politicians are puzzled by the attraction of Trump? Really?
Get a frickin clue you useless, out of synch, overpaid pieces of sh*t! You could count the number of our so called representatives who have seen this on the fingers of one hand. You could count the number of our so called representatives who will comment on it with no fingers. Zero, zip, Nada.
Where the hell is our fourth estate? Where are the reporters who will stand up and ask our politicians about this incident? I'll tell you where, they're stopped at the door by security so the "real" reporters,i.e.,the vetted sycophants who have pre-approved non questions to ask in front of the cameras can grovel in appreciation. No media network today is going to risk the wrath of their sponsors, and parent companies to tell the truth about the black erosion of civilization. No sirree Bob, they got to get paid. That is, they have to sell, sell, sell. Snack foods, soft drinks, beer, movies, CDs, restaurants, on and on, ad nauseum. Basically, they're selling our future, our safety, our heritage, things that should never be up for bid.
Seeing stuff like this , oh dear God, they're no words to deal with this situation. I'm sure most of you are like me. Will Oprah air this, and do her famous stunned silence pose? Yeah, right. These are Obama and holders people. Never forget that.
I dont think all white neighborhoods are safe for negroes.
I reckon theres some pretty unhappy whites out there that might just take a shot at any negro bold enough to strut through their neighborhood, especially at night.
Im not gonna mention names, but I think there are a good many places that the negro knows perfectly well to stay out of.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
I'd like to think that a race realist was born here, but I suspect that this poor girl will go home and atone for her misdeed of being in the wrong hood of her oppressed brothers and sisters in Christ.
I did check. scroll down to 'refugee assistance'....the photo of the 2 in dashikis playing drums [too busy to get a job]
Here in Mississippi the Emmit Till justified killing is starting up again. They keep repeating the lie that all Till did was just whistle at a white woman. His friends said Till kept a picture of a white woman in his wallet and they dared him to go in the store and proposition the white woman there. The store clerk said he grabbed her hand and by her waist. She ran out the store to the car to retrieve a gun and that is when he whistled at her.
Every time I see a news story from a black area of any American city it always the same, FILTHY! Here's a suggestion for the darker areas of America. Walk outside, pull up your pants, pick up a broom, dustpan, rake, get a lawnmower and clean up your filthy, disgusting neighborhoods. I have never seen a lazier bunch of ingrates in my life. I really find it hard to believe that anyone can look at that mess every day and not know it's WRONG! What the hell would make you wonder why no one wants to be your neighbor. Take a good guess. So in closing, get off your ample asses and get to work. The whiteys will be more than grateful. Oh yeah, behave yourselves. You really have been utterly despicable for quite some time.
So we're all sadly in agreement that segregation, exportation or anything that tests the limits of the Constitution written by the White founding father and never intended to be applied to Blacks will be nigh impossible without a major paradigm change among even mainstream (non-DWL, non-White-guilt) America.
So be it.
But I submit there may come a time - perhaps very soon - where a quorum of people is enough to start the steps toward some sort of shift. The abhorrent behavior of the BLM terrorists at the MN State Fair will be seen far and wide - even MSNBC, CNN and NPR show snippets, even while defending the terrorists (and sometimes the message). So even when they don't mean to, they're surely providing the info needed to wake-up their zombie audience.
If Comrade Sanders, or God forbid Killary, are elected, or a RINO who may as well be a DWL, things really are likely to get ugly. The scope of how bad it gets and how far it reaches will remain to be seen. It would be nice to see the LEO community start turning a blind eye toward crime against Blacks - to both preserve their own safety (as we all agree on - non-Black LEOs, EMS, fire, etc. should just stop responding to calls in and around the 'hood) but also to allow a little retribution and grass roots "tuning-up" of the beasts.
That would be a good day in America.
In a meeting Friday with Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editors and reporters, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Police Chief Edward Flynn singled out Wisconsin's 2011 concealed carry law for criticism, saying shooting incidents are up every year since it was approved.
And how many of those shootings involved licensed carriers? Do tell.
I can smell that type of Mayor and Police Chief a mile away. Corrupt and dishonest sell outs that adopted liberalism as a career strategy. They know damn well who is doing the shooting and it isn't the same group that applies for CCW permits.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
What great comments! Vera, you sound like a girl who got smart too late, but thanks for the great story - very heart warming. Please continue to share your experiences.
Anony who told the tale about taking your old, trucker dad out to drive cross-country, another beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. Sorry you lost your wife at such a very young age.
There are so many others, Philly Mike, Mutant Swarm, Flower Bell, World War Me, etc. that I cherish reading, so keep up the insightful, realist, thought-provoking comments. When I get home each night from work the second thing I do after pouring myself a nice, cold, strong one is to read the comments on SBPDL!
I love the comments here almost more than I do the article (no disrespect to our host, who provides a superior venue to erudite conversation). Many, many thanks to Paul Kersey, for creating this space. His books are something every race realist should have in his/her library.
Lastly, for Pat's comments on homosexuals. I agree with everything else you say on this board but your view on gays. I see them rescue antiquities, historical places which are destined for the garbage heap, and have nothing but admiration for them as well as appreciation. Every town I ever lived in (and I've lived in a lot- particularly the one I'm in now) has seen property values skyrocket when gays moved in. The business where I'm presently employed sees gays spend scads of money. With gays, businesses thrive, neighborhoods rejuvenate, European culture experiences a renaissance. Africans? Not so much. At any rate, one would expect a tad bid more tolerance from one just outside of San Francisco. To each his own, I suppose.
no opinion here. what is already being said, i have agreed with for years. instead, i have a question. how widespread is the frustration on this board reflected across the country? are we a minority or is it a majority not yet known?
i came from a small town in a poor state. we had an HS football star there that we all knew was one of the best ever to come out of the state. but, nobody knew how good he was compared to other Div. 1 prospects throughout the US. he wound up being one of the all time NFL greats and had his pick of college powerhouses. my point to this analogy is b/c we weren't used to it (athletic talent), we couldn't recognize how big-time he was b/c we had nobody to contrast him with. like this growing frustration, it's not something our generation(s) has ever really experienced, not this bad. maybe, we aren't that relevant. but, maybe it just may be a helluva lot bigger than we know, just like that football player. like to know what you folks think the pulse of the nation really is? what are you seeing? what are people in your community saying? is trump popular b/c he is the most likely the candidate to be pro-white? what's your gut telling you? etc. me? i believe it's snowballing like big-time. not there yet, but a tipping point is fast approaching.
Saw this last night but wasn't able to comment until now, not sure if anyone has posted it:
An elementary school teacher who was allowed to keep his job despite being late for work 111 times in two years said Friday that breakfast is to blame for his tardiness.
"I have a bad habit of eating breakfast in the morning and I lost track of time," 15-year veteran teacher Arnold Anderson told The Associated Press.
In a decision filed Aug. 19, an arbitrator in New Jersey rejected an attempt by the Roosevelt Elementary School to fire Anderson from his $90,000-a-year job, saying he was entitled to progressive discipline. But the arbitrator also criticized Anderson's claim that the quality of his teaching outweighed his tardiness.
He was late 46 times in the most recent school year through March 20 and 65 times in the previous school year, the arbitrator said.
Anderson said he was one to two minutes late to school "at the most" but was prepared and was never late for class.
"I have to cut out eating breakfast at home," he said Friday.
$90,000 a year for this paragon of punctuality! I sure he be real good teacher and sht.
Lol. Excellent writing.
This "bitch" apparently was in the right (white) hood but it still didn't matter:
First comment gives more background:
The description "attacked" is technically correct, I suppose. But when someone is stabbed 16 times, the intention was clearly murder, not just assault. The title should say that a black man attempted to murder a white woman in her home, and just by luck (for the woman), she lived.I just feel like the story downplays the intent. It is only by a miracle that she lived, so the mindset of the perp was that of a murderer. Since he didn't live in the neighborhood, it is obvious that she was picked out because of her race. He purposely chose a white woman to attack.
Errebody in da hood already got Dreams!
Hoop Dreams
Rap Dreams
High-Class VIP Dreams
the tide is turning. people are talking. honestly. thats a first.
Nick Mosby is 'seriously' considering running for mayor of Baltimore.
He will go against current mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake-Hyphen (the riot queen) and the disgraced former Mayor Sheila Dixon (who stole money from a charity for poor people).
"Mosby's four years on the City Council have seen him sponsor some high-profile legislation, including a "Ban the Box" bill that disallows employers from asking about a person's criminal record early in the hiring process, and a law barring minors from entering liquor stores."
Too bad I can't place a bet on Baltimore's continued decline. With candidates like these things can only get worse, if that is actually possible.
Carolina Cicero-
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong," said Joel Dvoskin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona.
Yeah, spoken like a true defender of the BRA, of course, another reason to ignore folk like this, eh?
Simple answers, eh? I got ya one, Doc, courtesy of Ohm's Law: Alla sudden, all the lights go out. Like that. What could the problem be?
And the answer is as simple now as then, eh? That big blackout back in the 60's?
Incompetence! Set the breakers to kick off too low, well......! Thus, station trips B trips C trips D trips....
Same deal with peace, quiet and civility: Tell BLM to stick it sideways, and instead, find themselves passage east and back to Africa. One way, yes. There's you a simple answer!
I never raised a hand to a woman let alone cold cocked her. I've seen a lot of videos lately of negroes hitting women. It has got to be the lowest thing right up there with spitting in someone's face. I'm so glad I was raised right by two parents in our loving home. Thanks Mom and Dad for being the parents that you were. And remember what they say....Never relax around blacks.
And where the fuck is Obama at when it comes to the Houston cop shooting? Tell me again who's president he is. Only negro Americas that who!
Natzi means Nationalist -
Love of Country and its values,
The elitists shit themselves when that name surfaces, and we no why
If the male negro is ever identified, it should be euthanized for public safety reasons. That's not a man. That's a dangerously violent, subhuman creature.
Blacks are seriously screwed up! I am amazed, every day, at black acts of barbarism.
The news mentioned, just mentioned, that many people were protesting the "death" not murder, of the Houston police officer. The news station gave more time to the MTV Awards and Deflate gate. Other media outlets are reporting the orc has "learning disabilities", what ever that means. If he has learning disabilities then how did he learn to drive! People with learning disabilities, or mental impairment know right from wrong. Any excuse to avoid personal responsibility. The murderers family has given conflicting stories. The orcs lawyer will probably claim the thug has PTSD from racism. The thug will probably get a black racist judge and do very little time.
It was encouraging to hear of people protesting the racist murder. I wish I could have been there. It is time to start rioting too.
Vera, what a heartwarming story. Your great grandmother earned her place in heaven, all right.
"Vera" as in "TRUTH"? (My Greek is rusty. :)
"Nappy Days"
Any talented readers out there want to re-write the show's lyrics to reflect these dark times in Milwaukee?? ;)
OT: so libtards and DWLs want more gun laws every time there is a shooting? OK, how about no guns for blacks? They commit the majority of gun crime. Let's 'have the discussion' by starting there. I'm all ears...
"I'm gonna Glock, around, the block tonight...
Oh put your do-rag on, and join me hon..."
Bull Connor was right!
This is getting really depressing. My good childhood memories falling to the undertow...
Debate excerpt 5/21/2016
Moderator: "Mr. Trump, what are you going to do about the awful racial inequality in this country?"
Trump: "Day One of a Trump presidency we start with the straight talk, you understand? No more beating around the bush like a bunch of scared schoolgirls, I'm gonna just tell it like it is... and what it is is that negroes are different; they aren't like you and me; they have genetic differences that, in aggregate, lead to their dysfunctional behavior that results in non-blacks shunning them. And rightly so; they're just animals. Read up on it Megyn. Start with An Uncomfortable Inheritance by that NY Times science guy. Learn about allele frequency differences in the genome. Look at African history. Wake up!"
Moderator: "Uh......"
And they want "raparations"! Sheesh, you've already gotten that, undeserved by the way, 50 times over! And done nothing, absolutely nothing but waste our money.
"Gay Rights - Homosexuality is almost certainly a disease caused by some infectious micro organism..."
I thought you lived on this planet Pat.
"“To see that actually all go down actually made me feel sorry. This is a human issue,” said Community Activist, Tory Lowe. "
Oddly enough the humans up here in Maine don't have this sort of issue (apart from a couple of "refugee" colonies). Oh, and we don't have much of a demand for "community activists" either for some reason.
Hard telling with that name whether it's a tribe member apologist or some halfrican mongrel, but what this statement is really saying, and you'll see this echoed when blacks defend the violence and dysfunction of their kind, is that white folks do this sort of thing all the time and the police and media just look the other way. They really believe this behavior is normal, everybody does it, why are you picking on us for just being "human"?
Note how the "good" black quoted in the black-on-white attack article feels the need to refer to the white woman being in the presence of blacks as an "issue": "What we could learn from [the video] is...How not to address issues"
O/T but eh, all relative.
I lived in a once-suburban (now full out ghetto) city here in northeastern Ohio.
Within a mere 10 year period, from 2000 to 2010 this city has now transformed
to an all full out stage IV cancer. 2000 AA population was 44%, YT at 51%.
2010 AA population eclipsed to over 68%, YT population diminished to a mere
I was looking at the stats for this once nice vibrant majority YT city.
(Whoever wanted to refer to negroes as being something of vibrancy, had
to be sarcastically speaking.) This city went from an all high population
in 1970 of 34.093 people whereas it has declined ever since. Hmmm, wonder
why that could have happened, let's ask a liberal, eh ? Anyhoo, the population
has gone down to 23,138 according to the 2010 census. That's a 37% decline
with the trend continuing. I drive through the city from time to time just
to see how much the cancer has spread and what damage it has left in it's wake.
If you lived in the city in the 70's, moved in the 80's and took a ride through
it today, in the year 2015, you'd think a bomb hit the city. It did, a negro bomb!
So, a 37% decline in population over a 40 year period and now a city that is
over 68% AA, where the only difference between any other city in the USA that
is over 40% AA, and ultimately climbing daily, are the street names. Everything
else looks the same. A once nice working class society now reduced to nothing
more than a pile of ruins with pieces of shheit scavenging about. What this
37% decline in population results not only from white flight, but other negroes
who also join in the flight from their own, moving into another once nice YT
neighborhood, in which the cancer spreads to a a renewed host, one that they
more than likely knew in their past, thinking that they are just like us,
whereas the cycle just continues towards it's downward spiral, like turds
flushed down a toilet, useless to anything and everything in the entire world!
Quick personal experience story to share with you all:
Years ago, when my parents lived in this city, it was my moms 50th birthday.
It was on a Saturday. We had arranged for a "lawn surprise" for her b-day.
Well did they ever get their surprise! All 50 flamingos grew big wings and
flew the coup. Not a single one was left. They stole em ALL !!! A neighbor
a couple houses down the street had a camera system, but all he was able to
make out of the video is that the perps were all the "usual suspects" and
that was only because of how well their "vibrant" color stands out in night
vision. They all lit up like caspers evil twin, the unfriendly ghosts.
The local LEO's were called, but no further action. They couldn't make out
any of the suspooks in the video. There was a silver lining in the cloud
after this incident took place though. It finally convinced and motivated
the parents to move out the city once and for all, in which I called the
local LEO department to let them know how happy I was that these cretins
did what they did. I could never thank em enough for the "awakening" they
gave my parents. Too bad I'm an asshole towards all of them to ever thank
them for something so grand. Semper FLY !!! Negroe Bitches !!
I liked your story, Vera!
See! That's another one that knows what words to say, now if they were able to understand the meaning of the words.
Blacks are mad as hell because they're black - and dumb as a pail of nails. Can't say that I blame them! Margaret Sanger had it right.
PB posted links to studies concerning field mice when infected with a certain parasite would become suicidal or neurotic in other ways, and he implied that there are probably undiscovered dust mites or other parasites that can change human behavior. The premise is not absurd but seems far fetched, though it theoretically would also axcount for drastic changes in human sexuality among societies.
I dont personally agree but PB posts interesting stuff, particularly the genetics stuff
But you would think that after seeing, what we call TNB, over and over, day after day, month after month, year after...............never mind. Just started thinking about all that bright blonde hair the local reporters have.
Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you never have to experience what your parents did. (I also put my parents through hell in my younger days. Alcohol, not negroes).
I hope the public admission of your experience will benefit other girls of all other races.
Thank you again.
Regardless of where they felt disrespected, she didn't shoot either one of them. Too bad.
"Kwabena Antoine Nixon, a poet, educator and co-founder of Flood the Hood with Dreams, regularly works to help empower young minority boys within their neighborhoods and schools.
In one activity, Nixon calls two teens to the front of the room and asks them when each had his first fight. The answer is usually at age 4 or 5.
What did the other person look like? Nixon asks next.
The teens' answer: black.
What about the second fight? The third? Black. And black again. "
Sounds like Mr. Poet here is trying to re-direct the violence, not eliminate it. I see a "get YT" subtext. Thanks for your work in the 'hood, Mr. Poet and educator.
O/T: your tax dollars at work:
Bottom line: the US is funding guides to facilitate Africans moving into Europe.
What pisses me off on this forum as I look thru it daily and I post a good bit, but only some of my posts make it. Now if my posts are not going to make it why the fuck am I wasting my time??????
To anon @ 8:05 AM: Don't feel all alone there, brother. Many of my posts are also "recycled" instead of published. And I have wordsmithed some killer entries, too.....sometimes I have an inkling why they didn't get published, sometimes not.
I think I've figured out some of the reasons, though if PK has ever clarified this I'm unaware of it. Here's what I *think* stillborns a post:
1. Attacks on TWMNBN. I don't know the exact policy; allusions get through, rants don't. The middle area is gray. Obviously, PK wants to keep a laser beam focus on blacks, whatever his feelings may be on Saturday folks.
2. Condemnations of DWLs are okay, but my "mudshark" and "traitor" rants never make it to the light of day. Again, the focus must remain on blacks, I think.
3. Battle cries and calls to violence must be frequently received. I think PK is protecting us as well as himself by judicious review of "let's get ready to rumble" statements. Still, some seem to get through....I still don't know the algebraic reasons why.
4. I would guess ill-constructed arguments and grammatical nightmares get the heave-ho in order to maintain some outward respectability for the undecided who land here; "best foot forward", etc.
That's about all I can think of. Of course, PK could clarify all of this if he chooses. Don't give up anon; we're ultimately borrowing PK's platform and microphone, so it's his rules not ours. Hope you will stick around.
Debate excerpt 5/21/2016
Moderator: "Mr. Trump, what are you going to do about the awful racial inequality in this country?"
Sir, FOX has turned into a clone of MSNBC and CNN. Clearly Megyn Kelly is far more interested in seeking the approval of the Beltway Bolsheviks by demonstrating how "politically sophisticated" and fair and balanced she is by asking deliberately antagonistic questions which fall under the heading of "When did you stop beating your wife?"
She recently pulled the same pile of shit on Cruz. Candy Crowley would actually "moderate" one of our debates in a fairer manner than did Bimbo Kelly. Notice, too, that when democrats have these debates and interviews that their "moderators" are all DNC stooges tossing nothing but softball questions. They don't call the republican party The Stupid Party for nothing.
Who moderates the next republican debate? Hmm, maybe George Will, who fancies himself a genius for the ages, hates Trump, and who’s a closet leftist who despises anyone who doesn’t live in Washington, DC? Yeah, there's another one. Give him him a cal, Priebus!
Kinda O/T, but not really:
The Democratic National Committee makes a resolution expressing support for the Black Lives Matter movement. Gets this response:
“A resolution signaling the Democratic National Committee’s endorsement that Black lives matter, in no way implies an endorsement of the DNC by the Black Lives Matter Network, nor was it done in consultation with us. We do not now, nor have we ever, endorsed or affiliated with the Democratic Party, or with any party. The Democratic Party, like the Republican and all political parties, have historically attempted to control or contain Black people’s efforts to liberate ourselves. True change requires real struggle, and that struggle will be in the streets and led by the people, not by a political party.
More specifically, the Black Lives Matter Network is clear that a resolution from the Democratic National Committee won’t bring the changes we seek. Resolutions without concrete change are just business as usual. Promises are not policies. We demand freedom for Black bodies, justice for Black lives, safety for Black communities, and rights for Black people. We demand action, not words, from those who purport to stand with us."
NB: "Black people’s efforts to liberate ourselves..."
"that struggle will be in the streets"
"We demand freedom for Black bodies, justice for Black lives, safety for Black communities, and rights for Black people. We demand action, not words..."
Seems to me the Dems and the Media have let the genie out of the bottle. How are they going to get it back in? Or maybe they don't intend to try?
"Simple answers to complex questions are almost always wrong."
Unless the "question" is and always was quite simple. A failure to answer a simple question results in complex lies.
Jefferson said...
I'm pretty sure this is the Gay Germ story Pat was talking about that several folks on here where curious about:
Texas here:
Solid post.
Control of the imagery is one of the reasons our people are paralyzed in the current political climate. We pretty much only get to see images of blacks either as victims or in a positive light : Sports stars, successful rappers, movie heroes, the doctors/engineers/programmers/CEOs of the commercials, whipped/raped slaves, unarmed teens killed by white policemen, discriminated against, etc....
This is how a lot of white people view blacks - virtuous and powerful, and simultaneously undeserving victims --- Because they have seen this variation so many times, in so many iterations, that it is effectively a subliminal advertisement, all day, every day. The flip side of this carefully crafted media image of blacks, is the INTENTIONAL HIDING of any images that contradict it, such as this "wrong hood" video. There would be an unending loop on every channel if the races were reversed, and a white couple viciously beat a black woman into the pavement for being at a white store.
One of the keys to fracturing BRA is to break up the alliance of it shared with young and liberal white women. When you look at any of the demographic breakdowns in voting, whites still have the ability to dictate policy in all but a handful of congressional districts. The group within the white voting block that defects and swings the elections the other way is female progressives, especially the young ones.
Perhaps the most intelligent way to attack this is in an indirect manner. The key to any type of persuasive argument is to not be preachy and ham fisted; let the viewer draw their own conclusions and feel like they made the discovery on their own.
I wish I knew how to do editing and make youtube videos. If someone were to attack these kinds of things from a "feminist" point of view, maybe they would get more traction in this vital demographic. Title it VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN MUST STOP!
Create a fake user profile on Youtube with a planned parenthood/equal pay logo or something of that sort, then put together a rolling high light reel of the various violent attacks by blacks on women of all races, and make no mention of nor focus upon perpetrator race at all. Throw in one of a white man too (if you can find one) just to mix things up a bit and not make it appear transparently racial, but let the viewer connect the dots for themselves with image after image of black violator.
Sometimes the best strategy is emulate the exact thing the enemy has done to you. Reverse the image manipulation to more accurately reflect reality. Our people don't control the images .....
I'm hoping the RNC screws Trump out the nomination and he goes third party so all of the cuckservatives finally see how corrupt they are. Any straight, white male who votes for any one the establishment "choices" is a completely suicidal idiot. I'm not 100% sure about Trump but I am damned sure about Bush, Graham, Walker, Christie, Huckabee, Kasich, Fiorina et al.
Gwoobus Harmon makes a good point insofar as DWLs dominate the propaganda front. Race realists and the right in general do little to compete with them. It's worth watching some of Colin Flaherty's "White Girl Bleed a Lot" videos to see what can be done.
Create a fake user profile on Youtube with a planned parenthood/equal pay logo or something of that sort, then put together a rolling high light reel of the various violent attacks by blacks on women of all races, and make no mention of nor focus upon perpetrator race at all.
It would be interesting to see the reaction to such videos. In the hierarchy of DWL thoughtcrime, "Racism" is a much more serious offense than "Sexism." DWLs would find some way to rationalize away the statistical reality of massive black-on-white violence. Blacks, they would claim, are still the real victims because of centuries of slavery-segregation-redlining-blah-blah. And also, white-men-commit-a-lot-of-unreported-violence-against-black women-blah-blah-blah. An ideologue will reinterpret ideology to reflect their delusions.
Still, such videos would be worth a shot. They would have an impact on non-indoctrinated whites. And yes, mixing in a couple cases of white-on-black violence might make some sense in the interests of "objectivity." Rather than preach a message, appear to be objective and then let viewers come to their own conclusions.
To be effective, videos would have to be connected to some political message. The threat is not simply black-on-white violence, but the policies which create and sustain BRA: the liberal social engineering; the mania over "oppression;" the guilt-tripping; the race hustling. You'd have to convert outrage over the black-on-white violence into a political movement to smash these policies.
We had arranged for a "lawn surprise" for her b-day.
Well did they ever get their surprise! All 50 flamingos grew big wings and
flew the coup. Not a single one was left.
Who would steal lawn flamingos? Oh, wait, Africans in America.
(Great story, by the way!)
Bull Connor was right!
Yep, in modern America, the vast majority no longer even considers the principle of "Occam's Razor," but instead simply asserts that "Occam's Racist." H/t to Steve Sailer, 8/29/15.
Killing White cops!!... killing White reporters on-air!!
If the orcs aren't put in their place right now, it's over.
i have a question. how widespread is the frustration on this board reflected across the country? are we a minority or is it a majority not yet known?
I think it is widespread. I hear comments from white people about their being discriminated against by affirmative action. An otherwise liberal friend has complained to me about welfare families trashing his suburban neighborhood. There are younger people who are fed up with "diversity." And more people who are tired of seeing laws protecting white America being struck down by politicized federal courts.
The dilemma is that the mainstream candidates do not play up any of this. They chatter on about issues such as the minimum wage and other distractors. Look at the recent Republican "victory" in getting Congress. Have they repealed any of Obama's more egregious programs? A Rand Paul might have once commanded some respect, but I think more people are seeing him as a sellout to the Establishment.
All this is one reason that Trump has gained so much support. He appears to be taking on that Establishment. Whether he is real or a flash in the pan remains to be seen. Regardless, there is need for a political movement built around white racial-nationalist issues. We might look to the various European nationalist movements which are on the march today for examples.
Dude, they moved there because there ARE NO JOBS! You don't live in Stringtown, do ya? ;)
Beating and stomping a white woman?
Imagine what would've happened to that buck 50 years ago.
I swear.
Former Miss Greenbaum: "Every town I ever lived in has seen property values skyrocket when gays moved in. The business where I'm presently employed sees gays spend scads of money. With gays, businesses thrive, neighborhoods rejuvenate, European culture experiences a renaissance."
You should be a real estate broker. You could advise your male clients to start sucking ---k, to increase their property values. Yes, they spends scats of money, because they don't have families to raise. And a neighborhood is not rejuvenated, without new kids running around and playing.
Black people are violent because when a Black man or boy commits violence he gets rewarded with sex with a Black woman. Its as simple as that.
Black people are organized in a matriarchal, single mother, polygynous society. The violence is the key feature for sexual selection. African societies don't need male commitment over decades to raise a child. Food is abundant, so is mortality, hence rapid procreation and no real Malthusian limits, Black people are evolved to produce maximum births in an environment filled nasty diseases that wipe out populations regularly and prevent city / urban cooperative societies.
Black people are superbly adapted to rural Africa, and massively unadapted to life anywhere else.
A good fracture line between feminist DWLs and BRA is sports, particularly football and bakkaball.
About once a week, some boogie in professional or college sports rapes or beats on a woman. The story gets local coverage, the fans make professions of denial, the team does a cursory investigation, and the next week he's back on the court or the field.
Make the coverage very even-handed, include white players who rape and beat women, include violence against black women, throw in the words "sociopath" and "rape culture," and you're golden.
It could even be expanded to all crimes they commit. Michael Vick torturing dogs to death does not fly in DWL-land. Adrian Peterson whipping his kid on the balls with a tree branch does not fly in DWL-land.
Most DWLs are so far down the rabbit hole that if they see a video of 20 blacks attacking a white woman, they'll assume that she must have committed some microaggression and she deserved it.
But Ray Rice cold cocking his girlfriend? Unacceptable.
Declaring "wrong hood" is denying someone the use of public space on the basis of their race or ethnicity. It is established law that this is a civil rights violation... at least if the deniers are White and the denied are Black. Perhaps it's time to seek a writ of mandamus against the "Justice" Department to have the two perps brought up on Federal civil-rights charges for this. If Lynch's lackeys refuse to prosecute, it is thereby publicly established that there is one law that Whites have to follow in BRA but Blacks enjoy impunity. This is bound to get White people mad.
Californian said...
Still, such videos would be worth a shot. They would have an impact on non-indoctrinated whites. And yes, mixing in a couple cases of white-on-black violence might make some sense in the interests of "objectivity." Rather than preach a message, appear to be objective and then let viewers come to their own conclusions.
To be effective, videos would have to be connected to some political message. The threat is not simply black-on-white violence, but the policies which create and sustain BRA: the liberal social engineering; the mania over "oppression;" the guilt-tripping; the race hustling. You'd have to convert outrage over the black-on-white violence into a political movement to smash these policies.
There are so many fantastic commenters on this website, and Californian, you are among my most favorite.
The biggest priority, even ahead of articulating a coherent political movement, is to as a starting point simply make racial discussions an acceptable form of discourse. We can't even get that within polite society. That is the quickest ticket to social shunning. We must make it socially acceptable to criticize and discuss blacks and their effects. There is a one way stream of criticism - only whites, no other group. It is madness.
Yes, you, I, and other race realists are aware of the levels of black violence, particularly that caught on film, but the average white person is not. And as good as Flaherty, Kenn, and others are at hammering this message, many who need to see and hear it will outright dismiss it because of the messenger. You will not get a young, white, liberal woman to ever even click on or view a video they believe to be emanating from a "white supremacist."
We have to find a way to trojan horse race realism into things that are widely seen as acceptable to discuss in society, such as "violence against women." Never mention race, but make sure that the IMAGES are there to see. They will connect the dots themselves.
The way that the brain is structured is to recognize and catalog patterns. Pattern recognition and sequence prediction is at the heart of every aptitude battery and IQ test.
Right now, many whites cannot make an accurate pattern assessment (of racial reality, particularly with blacks) because they receive too many false images, while simultaneously having REAL and ACCURATE ones suppressed. That is the recipe to reach incorrect conclusions - their data set is completely skewed.
People must see an image of blacks other than that which is the scripted and manipulated version on the telescreen. We cannot make any effective counter insurgency until this is reversed.
But how do we get these images into their heads? ... Mass media surely isn't going to do it for us.... We have to be intelligent and crafty to get this out there, particularly to the intellectually lazy.
Beating and stomping a white woman?
Imagine what would've happened to that buck 50 years ago.
I swear.
Now do you see why they had segregation?
Why they had sundown towns?
Why there were lynchings?
Why Bull Conner got in the face of the civil rights movement?
Why the Alabama cops made their stand at the Edmund Pettus Bridge?
Californian said:
"...In the hierarchy of DWL thoughtcrime, "Racism" is a much more serious offense than "Sexism." ..."
We can not do this (break White Women out of the DWL/Leftist/pro-black ranks) overnight. The enemy has spent the last several decades getting White Women to identify with blacks and against White Men.
At least since the mid-1960's, feminist luminaries like Susan Sontag have exploited White female grievances against the old White male power brokers. Blacks have been packaged as being in the "same boat" of powerless victims of the White Patriarchy.
The branding has been incredibly successful-just look at feminist gender studies type courses (and the larger PC milieu) at our Universities to see how blacks are considered fellow travelers with White women against a repressive and monolithic White male dominated society. There is also a very potent anti-Capitalist sentiment mixed in, and anti-Colonialism is the icing on the cake. The enemy, over and over again, is the White, male, capitalist exploiter/oppressor.
The heroes in this morality play are blacks, third-world peoples, homosexuals, lesbians, and all "Wimmen".
There are certainly some rather large cracks that have been papered over with emotional pleas for a kinship of the oppressed. For example, while women are busy hating men, they don't seem to realize it is Western White society that has given them the highest degree of freedom and education any women have ever enjoyed. The good guy/bad guy archetypes are so strong that women seem to give Muslim societies the benefit of the doubt, ignoring outrageously "anti-woman" and female suppression behavior there. The mere fact that Muslims have historically been the enemy of the Church, and have endured European colonization seems to magically absolve them from feminist hate.
Same goes for the incredibly dysfunctional world of what passes for gender relations amongst blacks in the USA. The liberal women give it a pass, because they have been indoctrinated to empathize with the so-called black "struggle" (a victimization cult).
Again, we White men have the facts on our side- but we have a huge societally ingrained set of "values" ranged against us. We do need to educate our White sisters in the violence and low-status of females in the black community, but I also believe this is a long-term project.
Black people are superbly adapted to rural Africa, and massively unadapted to life anywhere else.
The dilemma is that black people try to adapt first world environments into Africa. Thus, Detroit gets reduced to the level of Kinshasha, street gangs mimic warlord armies, and tribal raiding takes place into white territory.
"If the orcs aren't put in their place right now, it's over."
dude, ya ain't see nuttin' yet. during next democrat (social fascist) administration the slaughter of ytz will rise upwards to 1000 a day or more & none will be reported unless it's a reporter/propagandist who gets his or a high member of the social fascist nomenklatura
it's not nearly over, it's not even "real bad" yet :)
/H hypie out H\
Awh come on! Really...are we to believe the quotes shown in the article as spoken by "community activist Tory Lowe" would be the same if it were a black by white beat-down? Blah blah blah we can learn a lot about addressing issues, I feel sorry, it's a human issue...blah blah blahdy blah blah! We all know that calls for lynchings of all whitey's, followed by riots, Obama speeches et al would have spouted from Activist Tory Lowe's lips.
Heck every single instance of black-professed brutality by police has been a lie, but the chaos continues as if it were the opposite. Doesn't matter the truthful and real outcome of anything, blacks are on the warpath and whites are lying down on the road letting them run us over.
And where are the WHITE community activists, organizers, politicians when all this black on white beat-down crap goes down, day after day...? Where the heck are those cowards?
I'm too exhausted with all of this to keep repeating myself, and besides- everyone here knows exactly what I'm talking about. At SBPDL we are certinally a bright bunch ;) and we "get-it". But, besides talk/type - what are we supposed to DO about it?
Daily viewing of SBPDL and other fact based internet sites, I find myself viewing more than a dozen or so NEW episodes of this shyte daily, and I know if I searched harder, I would find double if not triple that for viewing.
It's infuriating, degrading and humiliating to whites, outlandish and apocalyptic for this to be where we've come as a once beaming, prosperous, cohesive society a mere few hundred years ago.
Where do we go from here except for an all-out-face-to-face?
As logical folks here @SBPDL - I ask all of you..."How in F-sake does this end?" For real, really, how does this end? Or will it never end, and this is our fate for being white in America? I honestly cannot see a solution except to continue with our white nomadic evolution and just keep running from them. Gawd, how sad is that? {{{sigh}}}
Thanks for listening.
O/T: Double Standard Alert:
Article author weeps over possible loss of historically black neighborhood to the evils of rising property value and White investment.
Claims the area was historically black, and should remain so- that we are allowing history to slip away if we do anything else with the land.
But I wonder how the author feels about the statues of Confederate leaders being hidden away and removal of Confederate imagery and place names across the land. Would that be letting history fade away, too?
More to the point, will the author stand up for traditionally White neighborhoods that are threatened with black intrusion? Will he oppose AFFH because it might tend to blur established historical lines of settlement? We know he wouldn't.
But we should file this article away for future reference when we read of an area being "too White". It might come in handy.
To the poster at 1:08
I recently visited Detroit. A sprawling city that could fit Boston, San Francisco, and a few other cities into its area. Beautiful brick houses with architecture that you just don't see on the west coast. Skyscrapers intricately designed and constructed out of marble and other exotic materials that would still be a feat if done today, let alone during the 30's. To see such wonderful houses and landscapes surrendered to an African mass of layabouts angered me to the core.
European immigrants helped build the areas that they congregated in- blacks just take over white stuff and then claim that it is historically theirs. They didn't build sht. They are just occupiers with a standard of cleanliness far below the rest of the population. Would love to go to the new "black" museum in D.C. to see all the black artifacts, which are just white-designed and created objects that the negro happened to use.
Heard a story about neighbors in Detroit who were angry that the next door neighbor had the audacity to improve his property value by planting trees! And these weren't fruit trees or some trees that you could conceivably argue would bring pests.
How DARE you improve the value of your property and by extension that of the surrounding neighborhood!
More and more people are realizing what a dead-end joke these people are.
@Vera who posted on August 30, 2015 at 5:07 PM
Thanks for sharing your story Vera. I'm glad you were able to get out of a bad situation.
Now, it's up to YOU to continue to spread your story, especially with young girls of today who believe blackmen are as wonderful as you did at 18yrs. Maybe your story will keep them from getting into a bad situation as well... and maybe not.
But, I do hope you realize you have a duty as the messenger.
All the best to you.
As logical folks here @SBPDL - I ask all of you..."How in F-sake does this end?" For real, really, how does this end? Or will it never end, and this is our fate for being white in America? I honestly cannot see a solution except to continue with our white nomadic evolution and just keep running from them. Gawd, how sad is that? {{{sigh}}}
How did Reconstruction end? There was a White Revolution which ended the post-Civil War version of BRA.
How did Soviet communism end? There was a collapse of the system and national groups took over.
It can happen here in the USA, today.
You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.
Abraham Lincoln, August 14, 1862.
I do like the angle that Californian and Gwoobus Harmon are advocating, as black culture is completely at odds with feminist culture.
You are correct regarding pattern recognition. A lot of feminists can't get enough "violence against women" porn to prove their points, so we should help them on that. The interesting thing is that the white women (particularly man-hating lesbo) and black "coalition" is a one way street in favor of the blacks. White women see blacks as their natural allies in their fight against the patriarchy, although blacks never agreed to this and will turn on them as soon as they are the only white ones in the room. And they will do it without a second thought, and without remorse. No promises were made, they would say, so all bets are off. You are on your own, white girl.
Like the above posters said, compile a bunch of videos of black men beating up both white and non-white women but allow their unconscious brains to make the link. While consciously they deny racism, unconsciously they know the truth and their actions speak much louder than all of their anti-white male speak does.
And who do they feel like hiring to fix everything from their internet to their cars when their lesbo friends are incapable or aren't around? Do you think that they would trust a Bantu to actually know how to fix it and to do so without sexually assaulting them?
We needs scores of videos with titles such as "Man beats up women over football game", etc. etc. It's not like we are short for material. Finding black men engaging in extremely sexist and violent behavior against women is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Learn a few of their buzzwords (patriarchy being the biggest) and share with them links and information that help them open their eyes a bit more.
And just like blacks, white feminists are always looking to jump down anyone's throat who is "telling them what to do"- multiple posts from "black men" telling them that they are viewed as easy and easy to control and that they shouldn't dress like whores or they are secretly "wanting it" might be just what the doctor ordered.
Another rift between the two that should not be overlooked is that affirmative action hiring has benefited white women much more than black men and women. An article from The Root confirms this:
When Dey stops dixaspekkin, den there beez no rapin, beatin, Oh bussin a cap in yo azz. I been nomnimated to speak on behaff of duh Black poplilation cuz I be duh smart brutha yo. Nomesayin.
Anonymous at 9:39 p.m I have been wondering the same things as you. How many people see what the readers and commenters on this site see.? I'm not sure but I don't think many see and feel what the readers here do. I've tried to make my friends and family wake up to what's going on but I don't think they care. People go about their daily lives and unless something jumps right out at them they are content to live and let live. I realize that I have animosity toward blacks that most people don't but I've had more experiences with black violence than they have had. Maybe they'll get it if something big happens ( like an all out riot or race war) but until it's at their front door its.....zzzzzzzzz
"Black people’s efforts to liberate ourselves..."
Liberate themselves from what, exactly?
From white people who employ them? From affirmative action? From having to live near whites? From white taxpayer money that pays for their housing, schooling, food, water, heating, and every other expense that you can think of?
I would love it if they were able to "liberate" themselves from the rest of us and move far, far away and without anymore taxpayer funded assistance. Why is white flight a problem, then?
Whites have always been their liberators, because they can never muster up the organization or industriousness to ever do it themselves. From the Civil War to civil rights, whites have been the ones who ultimately "freed" them.
Probably already mentioned, but this type of ethnic cleansing by bits and pieces reminds one of South Africa's descent. The situation is ripe in the USA. Long-standing grievances mirror those of the ANC. The one difference seems to be the wild card Hispanic element. I sense the awareness that Hispanics can be manipulated into being a third force countering black crypto-nationalism and Islamic screwiness is very much present in policy-making circles. How else to explain the importation of children, the creation of a virtual Hispanic nation?
I admit I have reservations about Hispanic power. It seems, because it is, foreign. But foreign doesn't necessarily mean bad, just as " native" doesn't necessarily mean good. Black hatred of whites is native to American white culture. We have been hated. We are hated and we will be hated in the future. Black power as it is usually expressed is combustible in a way Hispanic power is not. Hispanicism seems territorially based. It is actual in a way Afrocentrism is not. Blacks cannot go " back to Africa " and everyone knows it. All they can do is stew about it and get more dysfunctional with each passing generation. In regards to the Hispanic ( I am aware this is controversial ) since their culture is deeply rooted in the Amerindian, with each passing generation white America 's relationship with them seems to be getting more functional. We accept the obvious. Amerindian culture was here first. This isn't Europe.
I fear and pity blacks because they are heirs to defeat and subjugation, and seem compelled to try and refute that continuously. Hispanics not so.
I really don't know where the black experience will end. In slow motion Armageddon it seems.
"I've tried to make my friends and family wake up to what's going on but I don't think they care."
I think people, especially young people buy into all the standard excuses. I know I used to, but then year after year goes by, and they don't seem to add up. apply just a little logic, and the excuses fall apart. unfortunately, as soon as you start to do that, people just call you a racist and tune you out.
Can you imagine a black movement that was really a movement? Americas entire eastern seaboard with huge ships filled with blacks escaping the horror of white America. What would America look like ? Clean, calm, smart, lawful, quiet, and most of all safe!
"affirmative action hiring has benefited white women much more than black men and women."
I actually find that highly unlikely. It seems to me the chief benefactors are black women, as employers can hire one of them and meet 2 quotas at the same time.
Bernice said:
What great comments! Vera, you sound like a girl who got smart too late, but thanks for the great story - very heart warming.
Actually, I think that Vera didn't get smart too late. She came out of it alive and without any halfrican babies.
Bravo, Vera. You are one of the fortunate ones. You made some terrible mistakes but lived to talk about it and now have beautiful white children.
Is your husband okay with your past?
"will the author stand up for traditionally White neighborhoods that are threatened with black intrusion? "
truth of the matter, these "historic" black neighborhoods were probably historically white neighborhoods until they infested them.
So, there are no simple answers? Really?
If a White is responsible, then they vomit up all kinds of simple answers.
It's the Confederate Flag. Tear them all down.
It's the Mean Streets. Send in more White money
It's "Gun" violence. Disarm the White man.
As for the "white" woman who got beaten in that video: Uh, what was she doing in negroland? Is she "dating" a negro? Did she piss off the buck? Who was the negro hippo that joined in the attack? I think there is more to the story. Also, though it sounds cruel, when I see a White person IN the negro area of a town, I have to ask just how stupid or guilty are THEY?
You should be a real estate broker. You could advise your male clients to start sucking ---k, to increase their property values. Yes, they spends scats of money, because they don't have families to raise. And a neighborhood is not rejuvenated, without new kids running around and playing.
Actually, neighborhoods ARE rejuvenated by gays...even without kids. Because eventually, wowed by the splash and glamour that the gays do to these long abused neighborhoods, the rich liberals follow. And sooner or later they start to have children.
The gays saved Philadelphia. If it weren't for them the huge swath of historic neighborhoods would still be black blighted ghettos and we 3rd and 4th generation Europeans would have ultimately been forced out of the neighborhoods that we've been living in for the past 125 years.
So, I say, go easy on the gays. They are our artists, our builders, our architects, our scientists, our musicians.
They have contributed immensely to western culture.
Philadelphia Mike
Another comment: This to Pat:
Read a book called "Sperm Wars", Yes, I know, strange title.
It is about reproduction and what happens to the male and female body during various sexual situations, and why. It explains that homosexuality IS genetic and explains why it exists.
EVERYTHING in nature exists since it must benefit reproduction, survival, etc. The best way to look at that is to understand the concept of: Getting your DNA into the next generation. Also, regard all life as a "viral particle" or just a DNA/RNA strand that will do whatever works to get itself duplicated into the next generation. That is all Nature cares about while at the same time Nature doesn't "care" about anything. What ever works, works.
"wrong hood, bitch" is EXACTLY the simple answer the stupid Phd college professor doesn't see. The negro beating the stupid white woman DOES understand it.
Anon said
Yes, they spends scats of money, because they don't have families to raise. And a neighborhood is not rejuvenated, without new kids running around and playing.
Beautifully said. Thank you.
As I read through the comments this morning I stumbled on two about my remark that homosexuality is going away. One guy wanted references the other one thought I had been joking.
No, I wasn't joking.
What I said was consistent with main stream biology. Most of the people who actually study such things have been more or less agreed on how homosexuality comes about and have been for twenty years. But gay activists have been suppressing the scientific evidence very successfully.
Take twenty minutes and watch my YouTube video of two years ago:
If I were to do it over today I would probably include a section on transgenderism which is similar but different. It effects a different set of mid brain nuclei. The whole discussion about Bruce Jenner seems to show that people don't realize that his developmental error is well understood. For example Larry Wachowski (The Matrix) has pretty much the same thing.
There are lots of references - Cochran, Ewald, LeVay and others. I have a hypothesis but you don't have to accept my ideas. The basic mechanisms of homosexuality are not all that controversial among people who study such things.
But there are many groups who like to conceal the well known facts. My best friend shocked me when he admitted that he understood that blacks had lower IQs but thought I had just made up the fact that blacks had smaller brains. That fact has been known since before Darwin and our modern imaging technology has only made that observation more solid.
The facts are:
- Homosexuality is almost certainly a disease although transgenderism isn't. It is a developmental error.
- Blacks and other tropical people have smaller brains than do people from northern Europe and East Asia.
- Blacks have low MAOA repeat counts.
I guess I'm a minority of one, and I'll probably get censored anyway, but it needs to be said. I'll keep it short.
Vera, I hope you realise that you were luckier than you deserved. You behaved disgracefully. Once you go black, you don't deserve to come back.
Your family that rejected you deserve as much thanks as the great-grandmother who succoured you. If you had been even tolerably comfortable with your life, you would have stayed there.
You're not out of the woods, yet. Do you believe that a past like yours can be shrugged off without leaving any scars? It's bound to put stresses on your marriage. You will need to work doubly hard to make it work. You will be paying for your mistakes for a long time.
Freedom now. Freedom from enforced, anti-white, parasitic, genocidal 'diversity'.
anonymous noted:
"Black people’s efforts to liberate ourselves..."
"Liberate themselves from what, exactly?
From white people who employ them? From affirmative action? From having to live near whites? From white taxpayer money that pays for their housing, schooling, food, water, heating, and every other expense that you can think of?"
I posted the original excerpt from BLM about liberation Anon is launching off on there...I'm glad to see someone caught that outrageous bit of bravado and singled it out for further dissection.
Now here's food for thought: can someone make contact with BLM (I doubt they're eager to work with PK) and ask them to elaborate on their desired liberation?
I'm quite serious- if they want to liberate themselves from dependence on our charity and liberate themselves from the cycles of incarceration that result from their preying on Whites and turning them into crime victims- well, we may have something in common after all!
Again, this isn't sarcasm or a joke....some neutral party needs to explore what their idea of "liberation" is- if it means living separate from and independent of Whites, we need to work together, yes I said it, together, to make this happen.
I see Miss Greenbaum also has misunderstood what I said about gays. I try to confine my comments to race matters for this blog but I will reluctantly expand on my gay comments because I have been unclear.
I don't hate gays. In fact as Steve Sailer has pointed out most normal heterosexual men rather like gay men. The reason for this is simple enough. Gay men are nice. They are, in lots of competitive industries, non-combatants. Anyone who has been in a leadership position in government or private industry knows most of your male rivals are always trying to stab you in the back, Gay men less so.
The sexual practices of gay males sex fill me with revulsion. Oddly enough gay female sex is a popular genre in pornography for many straight men. But interpersonally I don't much like lesbians. Again Sailer's stats show this is the common attitude for most straight men.
I don't mind gay men so much as I dislike transgender men. They seem to always be trying to pass themselves off as women. Since I'm tall and I sought tall women on Internet dating sites, I was always running into these fakers.
I have often remarked on how gays were good for real estate and blacks were bad. I lived across the street from the Castro. I saw what kind of improvements two gay guys could bring about on those old tired rundown Victorians. Really good fixer uppers those homosexuals.
But none of this matters. If the Gay Germ Theory is correct we will soon be entering a world in which there are fewer and fewer gays. A lot of this may turn on the issue of if the fetus is a male homosexual or lesbian. My guess is that couples will be more likely to abort a male gay fetus than a female one. But I could be wrong.
The whole society changed overnight when the 'Pill' was introduced. Something like that could happen again as early as next week. If there was a reliable medical test for homosexuality, lots of parents would abort the gay fetus and try again.
As I said in my video: my opinion doesn't matter, the gay people's opinions also don't matter. Government's opinion doesn't matter. Only the opinions of the parents will matter.
I understand why your people were upset, Vera, but I think to disown you was too harsh. If you were my sister, you would always be my sister regardless of where life led you.
Many times in my life I have found things out the hard way as well! It sounds like you have been blessed with a lovely family. Anyway…your story touched me and God Speed wherever life takes you!
Your story was one of the most heart felt, warmest stories I’ve read on this blog.
Ex New Yorker here......I enjoy all the comments on this sight but there are some that I must disagree with. YOU CANNOT WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE THAT HAVE SUBMITTED TO THE BRAINWASHING PROGRAMS. When I lived in the Southwest I Knew a hippie that I was friends with back in NY. I saved his ass one day in Washington Square when he was about to get shit kicked by two jigs. That was not the only time I backed him up. He knew all the same girls in NY that I knew who had been raped by blacks. He was in my house one day with his two monster kids and I used the N-word and he got all bent out of shape. He didn't want his kids hearing that kind of talk.
I can't recall how many times I helped some hippie from getting jumped by jigs and spicks and they got upset BECAUSE I WAS INTO VIOLENCE. Fuck you peacenik creep.
A cafe owner in town told me how he saw on TV a story about all the violence caused by TEENS IN AMERICA. When I told him and his wife that those "teens" were black I got the same shit about racism. Every news show in the country starts off with the local story about TEENS. The viewers sit at home and all they see are black faces beating up whites and trashing the city. The B-Word is as forbidden as the N-Word. The media uses the T-Word instead. If these dumb mind controlled white fucks can't figure out what is happening it is NOT OUT JOB TO TELL THEM. Let them learn it on their own.
In the years on this planet I have been friends with all kinds of people from drug addicts to Army Generals. I have learned about people the hard way. A vast number are totally fucking brain dead. These same brain dead morons spend their life savings sending little Jennifer and Connor to some high dollar BOLSHEVIK UNIVERSITY so they can become brow beaten into submission. The schools and media have turned people into unthinking obedient androids and mind slaves. The new taboo words are now MALE AND FEMALE. Using them makes you a SEXIST. The brain dead are like burned out drug addicts and winos living on the street (the PC word is OUTDOOR PERSONS). The only word I can find in my high school drop out vocabulary is HELPLESS. The sleeping masses will only wake up when MOMMY TAKES AWAY THEIR TEDDY BEAR. That time may soon be coming. A strange wind blows across America.
Off topic: read article about historic black area worried about development, Chesterfield, in St Louis paper.
Why is there no help from rich blacks? Sharpton and Jackson could afford to give these people money to keep the land. Jackson is spending money helping his illegitimate daughter become the next Beyonce.
Oh, riiiight.....stupid me. Blacks only matter to other blacks when a White person physically harms a black. Does not matter that the black is trying to kill the White. Sharpton and Jackson and Farrakhan and their ilk make money off blacks, but can't give money to help blacks. That is the government's job. I keep forgetting that Blacks have no concept of helping community unless it is to create mass violence.
(I have never, ever, seen or heard of a wealthy black helping their own. I could be wrong)
(The black lives matter idiots are asking rich, famous blacks for vocal and financial support. If rich, famous blacks start giving money things will definitely get worse)
Anonymous D-FENS said...
If only we had fully funded Head Start :(
Clearly, this was caused by a lack of midnight basketball programs in Milwaukee.
"Kwabena Antoine Nixon, a poet, educator and co-founder of Flood the Hood with Dreams, regularly works to help empower young minority boys within their neighborhoods and schools.
In one activity, Nixon calls two teens to the front of the room and asks them when each had his first fight. The answer is usually at age 4 or 5.
What did the other person look like? Nixon asks next.
The teens' answer: black.
What about the second fight? The third? Black. And black again.
The room usually falls silent when Nixon makes his final point: When fights in their neighborhoods escalate, they're only hurting each other."
Am I to infer that it would be right and proper for the room to erupt in cheers if these miscreants had answered "White" or "Brown", because then, they would be hurting someone else? I guess they are entitled to ethnocentrism in a way that we are not. It is really galling to me that this vignette is presented as a poignant moment that will move us all to reflect...screw this race-hustling d-bag and his half-assed "empowerment".
Someday, I hope to be able to say:
"Wrong Continent, Sambo"
I agree, I've said before that Reconstruction is our blueprint in dealing with BRA. It has already been stopped once and can be again. However back then things had to get pretty bad before they got better. I'm not sure we're at that stage yet but it could get there quickly if the negroes continue on this path. I really don't see how they would do anything but that, I've never read about or seen an instance of a mob using caution or judgement.
Californian and Goobus Harmon have really hit on something. I think it would be tricky to walk the Marxist minefield but I think it could be done. Caution would be key, everything would have to be indirect and statistics would have to be rock solid since this crowd loves to talk about manipulation of data.
All the same if the feminists turned against BRA my money would be on the feminists.
Pat Boyle said . . . As I read through the comments this morning I stumbled on two about my remark that homosexuality is going away. One guy wanted references the other one thought I had been joking.
No, I wasn't joking.
I'm the person who thought that you were not serious. I certainly wasn't being critical, but when you made a one sentence announcement that there is a gay germ causing the gays and once the germ can be eradicated gays will disappear you should have anticipated that it leaves many of us simpletons hanging. Your normally thorough posts don't usually leave loose ends, and in the future it might be a good idea to include some authority for such statements as the other Anon suggested.
Anyway, I enjoy your comments and plan to watch the video.
To Pat Boyle
Please just stick to the race issues.
When you start discussing your theory about gays, your credibility starts to wane. Big time.
I've probably done a lot more research than you've done. And for personal reasons.
Race Realist Father of a Gay Son
Whoa, boy, whoa.
Pat Boyle, what in the world are you thinking? A germ which causes homosexuality?
There's absolutely no proof anywhere whatsoever that supports such a hypothesis. Somehow I can only think that your very close exposure to the most radical and fetish oriented gays on the planet has distorted your ability to think clearly on the subject.
Please, Pat. We've been respecting your opinions so far (most of the time, anyway). So don't go flakey on us now.
One aspect of your life's story that I find especially important is the fact that after hitting your family and friends up for money time and time again (only to use it for your black boyfriends' self gratifying vices) they all finally shunned you.
Tough love.
In your particular situation, had your family not hardened themselves to you and your misjudgments, it's quite possible that you'd be living in a ghetto right now with a brood of your own negro children running wild in the streets.
I've often wondered if tough love is really the best path to take when dealing with someone you love but you know that helping them is just enabling them. And in your situation it most certainly was the best choice to make.
I have to give a lot of credit to your family for hardening their hearts to what they knew was wrong. It must have been especially difficult for your mother.
So I hope that you're not holding any grudges against those who ostracized you. They were only doing what they thought was best.
You were so fortunate that your loving 86 year old great grandmother still had enough wherewithal to be independent, have her own home, and find the room in her heart to share it all with you.
I wish more of our girls would wake up just like you did. I can't help but think that because of enabling, weak minded, and supportive parents these girls keep meandering down dead end paths.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Anon said:
Please, Pat. We've been respecting your opinions so far (most of the time, anyway). So don't go flakey on us now.
Again, I must be the only dissenting voice in the room. I think it's a mistake to demand absolute conformity and orthodoxy on all subjects. Sometimes, "flakey" ideas turn out to be correct.
So please, Pat and others, continue to post interesting ideas for discussion and further research.
Pat's entitled to his opinion. I'm the oldest (b.1950) of 3 sibs, a brother (1952) and a sis (1954). In the early '60s, I was playing little league baseball. My brother was playing with dolls. My belief....gays are born that way
Blacks cannot go "back to Africa" and everyone knows it.
Why not? Garvey did. It's a continent of roughly a billion; Africa can accomodate more descendants of slaves than the USA can take mestizos. If nothing else, it can eat them as fast as they arrive. Who cares if it's nasty and brutal; it's traditional, meaning authentic Africans should embrace it.
Vera's parents were 100% right to ostracize her. Too many times, we hear about those Coalburning Gone Wrong events (aka Jumping the Mudshark), where Ter'rigiris not only kills his white girlfriend, but her young kids, her mother, her aunt, or any other unfortunate bystander.
I'm glad she turned her life around (as Jesus said, Go and sin no more); but if she does try to help other white girls from making the same mistake, I hope she does so as anonymously as possible. To publicly discuss it with people at work, school, church, etc would severely humiliate and cuckold her husband -- possibly worse than outing herself as an ex-prostitute. Doing so on the internet, in her real name, would be 10,000x worse.
P.S. - Good God, some of you people really love,love,love your gays. I suspect gays are created more by molestation and other traumatic events, than by genes or germs. Unlike blacks, their behavior doesn't leave beaten and dead bodies at gas stations, but it does leave scars.
Is that English you are speaking/typing or is your spell check and auto correct broke??
WTH?? I sincerely hope for your sake you did this on purpose and are not this stupid or really speak this way. Lord help you if you do.
Homosexuality is almost certainly a disease although transgenderism isn't.
Homosexuality is rampant in prison, especially women's prisons.
Did they all catch a disease?
@Race Realist Father of a Gay Son
No one gives a fuck that your son is abnormal. ABnormal. 2% of the population, Got it?
He and his leftist, liberal, tolerant minority fucks have just about run over the Nation because "men" like you ceased to cull their own herd. Your son is open to EVERYTHING. Diversity, tolerance, anal and oral sex between two men. I guarantee he supports the removal of Southern monuments and flags and the annihilation of whites in general. You failed as a father. Come to terms with it and get busy if you're truly a race realist.
Vera, thanks for the inside story on going out with black men. Can you give us more insights? What is their mindset? Do they live up (or down!) to the stereotypes?
We've seen the stats on black illegitimacy and violence. What is the black perspective on these things?
And glad to see you got back onto the white path!
"If the Gay Germ Theory is correct ..."
If it's correct, then how do you explain this?
Even if there's some connection between T. gondii and homosexuality, almost 90% of homosexuals in the study weren't infected. If your theory were right, they'd all have it.
Pat Boyle, holy crap. Stick to the black issues…Your Cali is showing…
"Again, I must be the only dissenting voice in the room. I think it's a mistake to demand absolute conformity and orthodoxy on all subjects. Sometimes, "flakey" ideas turn out to be correct."
That's true, but a good dose of evidence would help. If Homosexuality is caused by a "germ" (are we talking virus, bacteria, fungi here or what?) then can any other human behaviours that we don't like be sheeted home to Germ theory? Is Black dysfunction caused by a "germ"?, because if so they're all eligible for disability. Hell, think this through guys.
"If there was a reliable medical test for homosexuality, lots of parents would abort the gay fetus and try again."
You know Pat, as a "germ-ridden" Gay (irony, don't get cranky), you're probably right here. Were I a Straight parent, thinking as they would, that's probably were I'd go were such a test possible, but that idea of a test would presume acceptance that homosexuality was a normal biological variant of the Human condition, which would add truckloads of ethical issues. if you think it through, there's no family (genetic) continuity, there's no joy of Grandchildren etc...so what's a parent to do? But, in a country obsessed with abortion etc, and completely bamboozled by the concept of "God", how far would you go? Do you put homosexuality on par with forms of intellectual disability? Do you accept abortion/birth selection/designer babies etc? Thanks for at least calling us nice. We like nice. no, we really do.
Thanks for the can of worms by the way. Interesting. That you always are.
"A lot of this may turn on the issue of if the fetus is a male homosexual or lesbian."
So is homosexuality genetic or an infection?
I think it is mostly genetic but is associated with beneficial traits favored by natural selection which is why it persists. There are probably environmental factors which can tip the balance in some cases.
I don't hate gays, per se. I would like to be able to ignore them which means I don't want them in my face. I am SO SICK of hollyweird types "coming out". Fifteen or twenty years ago it might have been considered brave. Now it is a publicity ploy usually used to get a career edge.
I'm gonna say gays are that way because of genetics; same way nigs are dysfunctional globally in predictable ways. Allele frequency differences in the genome; a tiny shift can have a large difference in observed behavior.
Many women will kiss, fondle, finger etc other women, and yet consider themselves straight. Just takes two drinks! ;)
Not buying the germ theory; would you say nigs are savages because of a germ? Let's stay on topic.
Umm, yeah. They've also contributed to the (insert minority here) rights campaign that has the whole damn country focused on their own specific interests, rather than the best interests of the country as a whole. And gays as a voting bloc rival blacks in their political uniformity. And we haven't even cotton to the burden they place on our health care system by DELIBERATELY passing AIDS to each other.
And no, Philadelphia hasn't been "saved." By and large, it's still a shithole.
I have never, ever been attracted to black men, so I suppose I am lucky in that regard. But, my mother made it a point to tell me, from the time I was a very little girl, that she would kill me if I went with a black. And my mother meant it. I plan on telling my children the same thing. If they go black, they are never ever welcome back. I am happy that your family is more forgiving than I would be. Because it is a choice. Being gay isn't, but choosing a non-white mate IS. Therefore, I have no tolerance for it. The Anonymous who would always love their mixing sister is the reason that this type of thing occurs. If people had to face the very real fear of losing their families over dating blacks, it would happen a lot less frequently.
Pat, I agree with you regarding the gay issue. I don't hate gays but the fact remains that they are the vast majority of child sexual predators. This nonsense that people spew about child molesters not caring about sex is just as insane and as big a lie as equality. They may be good for neighborhoods, etc but I certainly don't want them around my children.
AnalogMan, I agree with you 100%.
Vera, your great grandmother took a considerable personal risk to take you in. It is common for the black exes of white women to come in and murder the entire family when the white woman leaves them. It is extremely dangerous for everyone associated with a race mixer, not just the mixer themselves. It is the major reason I would disown a family member (or child) that engages in that behavior.
I would also like to know what your husband thinks of your past. Does he know? I hope you told him because many white men would not like to be tricked into marrying a woman who has been with blacks.
The name "VERA".
No, your Greek isn't rusty, it's just Latin. Ha.
Vera is from Veritas, and one of it's meanings is "truth".
I see someone generalizing about gays as all being " leftist, liberal, tolerant minority" folks.
The biggest racial realist I know, who is also very much on the conservative side of the spectrum, is also about as gay as they come. But he's also older (born mid-1950s).
I know of younger ones who not only will go black, they seek it out. All I can guess is they fall for the same nonsense that puts women after them. You'd think after a few beatings they'd come to their senses.
As a side note, how does Google know to make an account with the same handle I use on another internet service? I've never logged in here and only post anon.
Truth Corps said ”ABnormal. 2% of the population, Got it? . . .”
Hence, the shorthand term “queer” for homosexual.
a : differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal
b (1) : eccentric, unconventional (2) : mildly insane : touched
c : absorbed or interested to an extreme or unreasonable degree : obsessed
d (1) often disparaging : homosexual (2) sometimes offensive : gay 4b
The traditional meaning of the word queer seems to describe the problem pretty well without being harsh. So how did the word become offensive, and how does the word gay better describe the abnormal condition in any way? It sometimes seems that PC requires the use of words that induce ambiguity and confusion rather than clarity.
I want to apologize to Paul for inadvertently hijacking the discussion. I won't be discussing homosexuality here again.
We must clean the ivory towers brothers and sisters. Follow the money. Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and then "Seeds of Destruction". Our 'leaders' are not stupid, they are bought and paid for...by whom? Follow the money. Who controls the media? The same media that makes blacks look 'virile and trustworthy'. We only need to cut the head off the snake to end this. If we don't we are doomed. Do not support the snake with your dollars or your minds.
Some evolutionary theorists say homosexuality is genetic in origin. It has been maintained in the species because childless, above average intelligence males are useful tribally. They can function in roles as " diplomats " and reduce tension that can lead to genocidal conflict. Lesbianism I think is another animal.
That was a beautiful story, and I am so sorry for your loss!
This explains it all
So the little boy asked his mom if socialism and racism were the same. His mom replied....
"No son socialism you see is white-e going off to work to pay his tax' s
so we can have our section eight housing our ebt card and a whole host
of other free-bees."
The Son replied "But mom won't that make white-e mad?"
The mom consoled the son with these words "That's what is called racism."
It is an attempt at Ebonics. Satire
Liberals understand everything quite well. At least the "leaders" do. That is the big people problem. They are self-serving, traitors of White people. And that is why any misfortune, yes any, that befalls upon one, I see it as justice. The pleasure of said misfortune is greatest if it resultant of any action or behavior by one of their most protected perpetual victims group™.
"I'm pretty sure this is the Gay Germ story Pat was talking about that several folks on here where curious about:
Cochran is a smart guy but in saying that it can't be genetic because of its "evolutionary costs" he seems to be laboring under the impression that homosexuals never have sex with women, which is obviously not true. Many of them not only have sex with women, but have children. Even transgenders like Bruce Jenner have them. It's really pretty common; maybe even more common than not.
A better assessment of the evidence would lead to the conclusion that, like IQ, homosexuality is partly determined by genetics and partly by environmental influences. Germs may play a role, but its unlikely they are the sole cause.
Thank you. Liberals are not stupid. They understand quite well what they are doing. I am speaking of the Liberals who hold power. They are self-serving, and traitors of White people. That is why any misfortune, yes any, that befallen upon a Liberal Socialist, I take great pleasure in it. Particularly when the misfortune is resultant of the actions or behaviors of one of their most protected perpetual victims™.
'“That doesn’t represent the good people of the city of Milwaukee,” said Lowe.' - Yeah, neither of them.
"Pat, I agree with you regarding the gay issue. I don't hate gays but the fact remains that they are the vast majority of child sexual predators. This nonsense that people spew about child molesters not caring about sex is just as insane and as big a lie as equality. They may be good for neighborhoods, etc but I certainly don't want them around my children."
We just had a huuuge bust of a global paedo network that was run out of Australia. They were all males of course, but very equal opportunity in their sexual choices. Gay Peds are far more likely to be organised, it would seem, while straight Peds are more opportunistic.
13% of the population being Asian would be better than 100% White in my opinion. Now that could be seen as some positive diversity. Throw in a small percentage of Mexicans, I like their food. But if every single Negro vanished from this country tomorrow, it would be an immediate positive, and a future paradise if mass immigration was stopped and even reversed. You admit to whites being the leaders in innovation and advanced civilization. Imagine how far the world could be ahead if we had just picked our own cotton and never had the black plague.
to Anon 9:27am - I'm not sure what you mean by "another internet service". If you mean "another blog", and the other blog is a Blogger/Blogspot site, then it probably left a cookie in your browser and carried your ID name over to this one (also Blogspot). You could open a separate browser for this site, or enter "privacy mode" or whatever, but if you're reading/posting from your usual IP address, none of that will matter -- they'll still know who you are. If you're that concerned about it, then use Tor and a VPN, and a sandboxed OS.
Or, you could continue to not-incite violence or not-confess to crimes, and not-worry about it so much.
Excellent. I have to ask if you would mind if I ever used that verbatim on some Liberal rag site someday. I wouldn't take credit for it. I would quote an anonymous author.
P.S. - Good God, some of you people really love,love,love your gays.
Yes, we do!
Anonymous NY Girl said...
Umm, yeah. They've also contributed to the (insert minority here) rights campaign that has the whole damn country focused on their own specific interests, rather than the best interests of the country as a whole. And gays as a voting bloc rival blacks in their political uniformity. And we haven't even cotton to the burden they place on our health care system by DELIBERATELY passing AIDS to each other.
And no, Philadelphia hasn't been "saved." By and large, it's still a shithole.
Another troll here posting trying to put us commenters at each other's throats.
Sorry, "NY Girl". Your divisive attempts aren't working on this guy.
Anyway, for anyone who has ever been to Philly recently, you would know that it has been gentrified and revitalized beyond our wildest dreams.
Yeah, it used to be a shit hole. That was 20 years ago. But now...well...it's an amazing place. Beautiful in a very colonial and European sense. The architecture is unique and uncommon for the USA. Very old world.
Don't get me wrong, though. Once you leave the 25 square mile (5 mile X 5 mile) core of the city, it get black and bad. But we're working on that as well. The WHITE pioneers have already claimed their stake in the peripheral badlands.
And at the city's furthest edge is Chestnut Hill, one of the most beautiful sections of town with Victorian mansions and castles. Google it.
We will not let up until we've got it ALL back to ourselves...just like it used to be.
Philadelphia Mike
Im not as adamant against LGBTs as I am against negroes, but I dont have any love for them...zero.
yes, they may gentrify the neighborhood, but straight people might do just as well if they werent burdened by paying exorbitant taxes to support the undertow. I dont intend to deflect the issue, but I dont want any gays around me. I suppose I see them as a lesser evil, but not much less.
I do see some usefulness in the LGBTs. Support for the LGBT is a big thing for the liberals, whereas, the problematic negroes dont have much use for them. Herein lies a beautiful opportunity to place a wedge between the liberal establishment and the negroes. The negro dislike, possible hatred, of LGBTs could be of huge advantage in alienating the negroes from he liberals if properly engineered. This is something that should be further explored.
Transgendered...eww...just nauseating. Thanks to whoever posted about Larry Wachowski.
I enjoyed the Matrix, but I'll never be able to enjoy it the same way again. Im not sure what might lead one to such depravity, but it is certainly a mental disorder at the least.
With that, I intend to remain focused on the race issues and leave the gross sexual orientation business to the faggity people who deserve it.
I have to agree 100% with what Truth Corps said to Race Realist Father of a Gay Son.
What a heartbreak for a father though...my deepest sympathies.
over and out
Hey Philly Mike...did Kensington ever get cleaned up? I was there in the 80s and it looked like a bomb went off there.
I'm not the kind to kick you when you're down, and I thank you for your honesty and candor, but like SC Native asked, how could you every get to that mindset in there first place? I truly don't understand. I'm not trying to be mean or cruel, but I can't fathom how you found the appeal you formerly had. Enquiring minds want to know what brought you to that point even?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
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