Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Greatest Indicator of the Failure of Africans in America? Black Leader in Chicago Calls For UN Peacekeepers in City to Stop Black on Black Violence

Can you spot the great quote from this immortal passage in Nicholas Lemann's The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America?:
Chicago was home to the Chicago Defender, the country’s leading black newspaper, with a wide readership in the rural South. Robert S. Abbott, the Defender’s publisher, a small, round, well-dressed man who artfully combined the roles of race crusader and businessman, launched what he called "The Great Northern Drive" on May 15, 1917. The object of the drive was to exhort Southern blacks to come to Chicago, in order to make money and live under the legal benefits of citizenship. Abbott invented slogans ("The Flight Out of Egypt") and promoted songs ("Bound for the Promised Land," "Going Into Canaan") that pounded home a comparison to the events described in the Book of Exodus for his audience of extremely religious children of slaves. 
Black violence requires a United Nations response...
He persuaded the railroads to offer "club rates" to groups of blacks migrating to Chicago. At the same time strong-back businesses like the stockyards and packing houses, desperately short of labor because of the war, hired white labor agents and black preachers to tour the South recruiting. Black porters on the Illinois Central, who at the time were a prosperous, respected elite in black America, spread the word (and passed out the Defender) on their stops in Mississippi towns. E. Franklin Frazier, the black sociologist, reported that, "In some cases, after the train crossed the Ohio River, the migrants signalized the event by kissing the ground and holding prayer services." 
The black population of Chicago grew from 44,000 in 1910 to 109,000 in 1920, and then to 234,000 in 1930. A local commission on race relations reported that 50,000 black people had moved to Chicago from the South in eighteen months during the war. --  p. 16
Did you see it? 


I'll make it easy for you. As black migrants from the South entered the northern portion of the United States, they rejoiced at the their new found freedom:
"In some cases, after the train crossed the Ohio River, the migrants signalized the event by kissing the ground and holding prayer services." 
Blacks kissed the ground and held prayer services after they were liberated from the chains of Jim Crow and the white supremacist culture of the South.

What happened less than 80 years later in Chicago, courtesy of the descendants of these liberated blacks (who kissed the ground north of the Mason-Dixon Line)?

This, perhaps the greatest reminder of the prescient nature of our ancestors in trying to protect white people then and also their posterity by passing laws deems racist/discriminatory in nature today. [

Chicago official seeks UN help over ‘genocide’ in black community,Russia Today, 12-20-17]:

With Chicago, Illinois enduring nearly 3,500 shootings and over 600 homicides this year, one official is seeking the assistance of the United Nations in dealing with the ‘quiet genocide’ of the city’s black community. 
Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin traveled to the UN last Thursday and met with the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Oscar Fernandez-Taranco to discuss the murder rate in Chicago’s African-American community. 
“The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations,” Boykin told the Chicago Tribune before his meeting. “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed. We have to do something — black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.” 
Former Chicago police officer Dominick Izzo, who is running for Cook County Sheriff, said Boykin was probably looking for ideas and not likely to override his sheriff or Cook County's police supervisor by seeking UN boots on ground.Boykin was probably speaking metaphorically when describing the killings in Chicago as a genocide, Izzo added. 
“This has been going on some time. This is not like an epidemic that just occurred this year only, or in 2016 with our last president,” Izzo told RT. 
“I’m talking about whoever the UN would decide to send in,” Boykin had said. “I think that the assistant secretary-general may have some ideas outside of sending in troops. He may have some ideas about how we get to peace in these communities.” 
Izzo said the issue is being kept quiet by the community members themselves. 
“They are the ones in most need of help but they are scared to get help, or ask for help.The only epidemic, and it makes my blood boil when I hear that term, we have [is] the black-on-black violence,” said Izzo. “The African-American community is at a genocidal rate killing their own. It is not from the police and it is not from any external collective group of people.”
Go back and read the anecdote from The Promised Land. Here, read the key passage below of what black participants in the Great Migration did upon leaving the southern states:
"In some cases, after the train crossed the Ohio River, the migrants signalized the event by kissing the ground and holding prayer services." 
In 2017 Chicago, black leaders are no longer killing the ground in joy, but calling for UN Peacekeepers to come to the city and stop the blood from spilling all over it courtesy of ubiquitous and continuous black on black violence.

The promised land, indeed...

When you think about how our ancestors passed the Naturalization Act of 1790 and 1795 (restricting citizenship in the U.S. to only white males of good character), utilized restrictive covenants and sundown laws to protect both private and commercial property values, as well as forms of de facto and de jure segregation to protect white civilization from the advancing barbarism of Africans in America, you can only come to one startling realization: What was it they knew?


Non PC Infidel said...

Santa Claus is a gay black man with a white husband.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been around the block a few times and I can’t recall the United Nations ever fixing anything. Talk about a waste of time, and a waste of money. This is off topic but does chucky cheese accept food stamps? Just wondering how it attracts so many trouble makers.

Anonymous said...

White Christians, White Wiccans/Pagans, White worshippers of the old Roman/Greek gods, would pray to their Gods for strength, for wisdom, and sometimes the right wind - some flavour to help them do what needed to be done.

Blacks on the other hand, are always looking to a higher power to just do everything for them, just give them what they want. They don't pray for justice for them good boys, they pray for aquittal.

A genocide is the extermination of one people by another people, but what's happening in Chicago is mostly black-on-black Non-Crime, except when the violence spills out to ensnarl an unfortunate modern human*

In 2017 Chicago, black leaders are no longer killing the ground in joy, Freudian Slip, Mr. Kersey!

*modern human - Why Am I Neanderthal? - National Geographic:

Everyone living outside of Africa today has a small amount of Neanderthal in them, carried as a living relic of these ancient encounters. A team of scientists comparing the full genomes of the two species concluded that most Europeans and Asians have approximately 2 percent Neanderthal DNA. Indigenous sub-Saharan Africans have none, or very little Neanderthal DNA because their ancestors did not migrate through Eurasia.

On one level, it’s not surprising that modern humans were able to interbreed with their close cousins. According to one theory, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and all modern humans are all descended from the ancient human Homo heidelbergensis. Between 500,000 to 600,000 years ago, an ancestral group of H. heidelbergensis left Africa and then split shortly after. One branch ventured northwestward into West Asia and Europe and became the Neanderthals. The other branch moved east, becoming Denisovans. By 250,000 years ago H. heidelbergensis in Africa had become Homo sapiens. Our modern human ancestors did not begin their own exodus from Africa until about 70,000 years ago, when they expanded into Eurasia and encountered their ancient cousins.

D-FENS said...

Experience has shown that UN peacekeeping forces can be as problematical (rape, pedophilia, corruption) as the parties whose peace is to be kept. Usually, in a peacekeeping operation, the antagonistic parties are geographically separated in distinct regions. In Chiraq they live among each other. There really is no peace to keep.

Ex New Yorker said...

I must have read hundreds of stories about all these "youths" blowing the shit out of each other. It's always the same old song and dance. We need someone to help us stop the violence. It never ends. Send money for programs. We need jobs. Help. Help. Help. The government must send some "magic juju" to save our dumb stupid asses. This time the United Nations will save us.

In all these articles the root cause of this violence is never talked about. These blood thirsty little savages didn't just parachute down from some evil cloud in the sky. Where did these kill happy little fucks come from. They are the spawn of the WELFARE SOCIETY. The Socialist government is paying young and dumb women to pop out babies by the thousands. These girls are too dumb to know where babies come from and to lazy to get a job. What does a teenage ghetto queen know about raising children. But not to worry, here comes Uncle Nanny riding down the streets on his big white horse to rescue the downtrodden.

These welfare breeders start popping out cannon fodder for the gangs and whores for the street pimps at the age of 14. What in the hell is a 25 year old woman doing with 6 or 7 "keeds". These women are so dumb they need to go to a "special program" to learn how to boil an egg and make a ham sandwich. Because nobody knows "who's your daddy" when they get older they may end up fucking their own cousins. When their not fucking them, their shooting them.

Dead bodies lying on the sidewalks of the great "promised land". All because the bigger the brood the bigger the check. Based on the breeding age of 14 or 15 we are now into the fourth generation of welfare spawn. The tax payers pay to birth them and the tax payer pays to bury them. I've mentioned before about how one is dying in the hospital emergency room while another one is being born upstairs in the maternity ward. All paid for with an endless stream of cash coming from that big magic castle in Washington, DC.

These future gang bangers get fed Fritos and Kool Aid while "dey mama" sits on her lazy ass smoking reefer and snorting coke. The ambulance sirens scream through the dark night with their cargo of dying bodies while the tax payers pay for all this shit. Murdering people does not come cheap. The money used to "fight crime" would be better spent as a bonfire to roast marshmallows.

Anybody that has a government job has to pass a random drug test. To get free money from the government you don't have to do anything, but if you work for your money you have to piss in a cup. The biggest weapon of mass destruction ever used was the black man. That is the only reason this crap is allowed to go on and we see it in one city after another.

Blue Eyes Matter said...

They all seem to look, talk, and act the same. So how do they determine who is the enemy to be shot every chance they get? Is there some pheromone blacks emit that makes them go batshit crazy on each other? It seems like everybody knows everybody in the hood, but nobody knows anything when one of them either shoots, stabs, beats, or runs over another one. Maybe we should try a new tactic, lock up everybody there blubbering about their family Dindu Nuffin, until they decide Stop Snitching is a very bad life strategy.

Anonymous said...

I was in Chicago not too long ago, and I can now see what the problem is.


Grant Park along the waterfront is full of trees. These trees, according to the Palm Springs Principle, are keeping African Americans from accumulating wealth and thus they are causing shots to ring out.

So here is what Chicago must do: cut down all the trees in Grant Park. Yes, that's right, cut them all down and let the Africans on the South-Side view the inclusive waters of Lake Michigan. Then the value of their properties will be enriched and, with vistas liberated, peace shall break out in Chicago.

I must thank my good comrade, I.M. Klewless of the department of Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies, for suggesting this solution.

Ivry Tower, BS, MFA
Critical Race And Progressive Studies

Anonymous said...

U.N. Peacekeepers wouldn't stand a chance with this type of African.

Anonymous said...

The vaunted black ability to project into the future is on display again. Blacks would be screaming "racism" if Korean, Brazilian, Indian, etc. UN troops arrived to stop black crime.

Boy the way Glenn Miller played said...

Boykin was probably speaking metaphorically when describing the killings in Chicago as a genocide, Izzo added.

No, he was probably speaking hyperbolically. In general, black governmental officials lack the intelligence to speak in metaphors and parables.

Unknown said...

600 a year is nothing, they shit out 10 times that in replacements, courtesy of de gubment (i.e. your) tax funded feed & breed programs. Just another scam fo mo money.

Anonymous said...

As long as they are killing each other (NHI),so what?
Police are staying fetal, courts and prisons are a revolving door, politicians are beyond corrupt,and citizens continually vote for business as usual.
Bringing in the UN won't solve a thing, it will simply add cost to the taxpayers.
Female in FL

Iron Sharpens Iron said...

Our ancestors knew a lot, as negro dysfunction in Negroes in Negroland accurately described. The North was somewhat naive, not having been cured of their naivety simply because they did not live around blacks. Fast forward 80 years, and we have black infested shit holes like Chicongo where white flight is accelerating. It took a while, but the negroes taught the northerners they came in contact with everything about negro dysfunction. Then whitey left. Sad truth is there are still millions of naive northerners who have zero experience with Africans-in-America and these same do gooders are the ones making it a policy to hide negro dysfunction and criminality while working to divert whitey's hard earned money to help the negro live in this country.

People forget that we literally just found these negro savages a few hundred years ago eating each other and otherwise living in mud huts without running water or plumbing, no government, no written language, no agriculture, no public records, speaking rudimentary languages; the negroes didn't build cities, or two story houses, or even outhouses, didn't build sea worthy vessels, and even the wheel was unknown to them. They lived just like animals in the moment with little to no thought about the future whether it be an hour from now or tomorrow. To expect these same savages to be readily equipped to take part in western civilization is as laughable then as it is now.

But bringing Africans to the USA will end up destroying this country, that much is pretty clear by now based on the enormous data of negro dysfunction.

Deadeye Dick said...

What they knew was exactly what you, I, and others here at this site know. We're just not allowed to talk about it. Negroes are not, and can not be civilized. You cannot fix a problem until you take off the blinders and confront it head on.

Anonymous said...

The 2 words in this article that bother me the most is "black genocide". First of all, they are dying by their own hands, meaning black on black murders. Also, their are far more black creatures on this earth than whites and they reproduce at a far greater rate. Their is NO BLACK GENOCIDE! What is happening is WHITE GENOCIDE! We are actively being reduced and replaced! We're told not to have children because muh overpopulation. Then to support our lagging population we need to import millions of brown people, muh cheap labor. Wake up whitey you're being replaced. 14

KeyserSatöshi said...

Won't sending UN troops to Chicongo just result in MORE Africans killing Africans???

LFMayor said...

Get some Ghurkas in there and keep that popcorn coming!

Anonymous said...

Send arms. Wall it off. Check back in five years.

Repeat formula in all large urban centers with similar problems.

Anonymous said...

I can read that some people are fed up with negro excuses. The fact is they cannot fit in with our society. What the negroes yearn for is slavery! They don't want to be free men. They want to be told what to do, and how to do it. What do they get in return: a house with 3 square meals per day. The trouble is today's blacks are mostly obsolete farming equipment. White people need to wake up and understand that blacks have a subpar intellect and should not vote, be put on a jury, or hold an elected office. They should methodically be sterilized out of existence.

Gruelie said...

Hey, great to see you back. What did our ancestors know? they knew the nog must go. one way or the other

Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Boykin,

Or should I call you Mr. Mankin, since nobody is allowed to use the word "boy" in reference to beautiful black bodies, unless of course they have committed grievous crimes of a sexual or physically violent nature and are years removed from appropriately being called "boy", but I digress...

“They are the ones in most need of help but they are scared to get help, or ask for help.The only epidemic, and it makes my blood boil when I hear that term, we have [is] the black-on-black violence,” said Izzo. “The African-American community is at a genocidal rate killing their own. It is not from the police and it is not from any external collective group of people.”

Seems to me that if the UN generally bring in forces more militarized than US cops, and that black people are creating their own terrible peoblems, perhaps you should ask that black people in Chicago are treated like third worlders who are unable to fend for themselves or create anything of lasting value to perpetuate or grow a civilization.

If, with all the benefits of civilization,  YOUR people continue to be their own worst enemy, what is to be done? You speak of people who are in the most need of "help" being scared to ask for help! What is to be done for a people so ignorant that they must be assisted to quit genocidal levels of violence against each other? All of the world's nation's united together cannot change your people's self perpetuated genocide! I could understand if you all were still just in Africa and we could introduce Robot Police (yup, Robocops!) who brook no bullshit. Perhaps in 10,000 years we could have checked in with you all the see what the robots made of you. Sadly, you were brought out of Africa, much to the sadness and torment of the world.

Get with it, Boykin, your kind are proto human and until you collectively make a mental evolutionary leap forward you are doomed to the fate you choose daily for yourselves!

And as for what it was that our ancestors knew... It's the same as the ancestors of African-Americans knew. That the African is a savage beast, hell bent on following the darkest lists of its innate nature.


The UN can do NOTHING, unless they want to come in with .50cal machine guns.

Non PC Infidel said...

The United States doesn't need the U.N. to come into Chicago to put an end to the violence perpetrated by blacks. All it takes to stop it is the will to do so and the will to enforce the necessary harsh measures. The means exist- it's the will that is lacking. Of course, taking any concrete action against blacks in any manner would result in widespread rioting as well as screams that they were under attack by horrible white racists. The authorities know that so rather than deal with one great nationwide negro chimp out and conflagration, they'd rather let things continue as is and try to sedate negroes as much as possible with gibsmedats and programs. That, of course, has been a total failure as the crime stats and general negro dysfunction and parasitism clearly indicate and has and will only make things worse with each passing decade.

All the answers and solutions to negro dysfunction, criminality and parasitism existed at one time- segregation. They were isolated and contained in their own areas and any incursions into white areas for the purposes of behaving like feral negroes were swiftly punished with no apologies. Their parasitism was kept to the minimum as well. That is the only thing that worked then and is the only thing that would work now. Removing all the social controls on negroes (desegregation)and deciding to coddle them was one of the most stupid and imbecilic things this nation has ever done and the price is being paid and will continue to be paid and will become increasingly more expensive and more bloody. That is as certain as sunrise and sunset.

The only question remaining is "Can the Idiocracy be reversed and sanity restored?" I have my doubts.

Anonymous said...

Kinda like the trial of Jesus was a kangaroo court, done at night with no witnesses, so go statues of Generals Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Oh, and sold the parks out from under the city! A lawyer jumps up a month ago and solves the problem. Who'd have thought a lawyer could rescue us from all the terror?

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphis Greenspace announced plans for recently purchased public parks after the removal of two Confederate statues during a press conference Thursday morning.

Van Turner, the director of the non-profit organization, led the press conference.

“I am a lawyer and a servant of the people who saw a problem and used my skills, passion and drive to deliver,” said Turner. “I presented this solution to Bruce McMullen, the city attorney for the city of Memphis, and he has consistently been an advocate for the removal of these statues legally.”

Related: Mayor says “History is being made in Memphis” as Confederate statues removed

Memphis Greenspace purchased Health Sciences Park and Confederate Park just before the statues were removed Wednesday night.

The Tennessee non-profit organization was formed less than a month ago and is currently in the process of obtaining a 501-C3.

Turner says he is humbled by the response of the city in the wake of the removal of the Confederate statues and hopes to do more for other parks.

“We envision the transfer of other parks to the non-profit. We can go out and raise funds for those parks and put playgrounds on the parks,” said Turner.

“We look to the future to create spaces, including all parks, that welcome all Memphians.”

Memphis Greenspace plans to renovate the parks so they can be a safe place for children and more accessible to the public.

Turner addressed critics of the purchase during the press conference.

“This is not a shady deal. It’s a legal deal.”

The Confederate statues have been moved to an undisclosed location.

Antidote said...

@ Ex New Yorker at 10:28,
my blood ran cold at the cynicism, fatalism and cruelty of your indictment. My Gawd, man, where is your humanity?! Dontcha' know we are all brothers and sisters under the skin?
Has everything been tried? What about Tuskeegee Model 'bootstrap self help'? What about W.E.B duBois 'Theory of the White Maing's raycizm?' What about Farrakan's self help Spacecraft-Yacoob philosophy? What about the WPA Negro Projects? What about Integration? What about busing? What about Bl@ck Economic Zones? What about The Civil Rights Act? What about the Voting Rights Act? What about Head Start? What about Midnight Bakkabawl? How about the gun buy back? What about Barrack Husayn OBONGO?
Oh sheit upliftment beez cool.

Sam said...

"Our modern human ancestors did not begin their own exodus from Africa until about 70,000 years ago, when they expanded into Eurasia and encountered their ancient cousins."

Was this the first White flight??

Baron Münchhausen said...

Got to love the slight of hand wording.

They speak of the Violence and Death as though it is a Weather Pattern or it's secretly KKK boogie men hiding in the shadows murdering innocent blacks and getting away with it; Always speaking of the percentage of Black Victims but never the Percentage of Perpetrators.

This is also propped up by the blatant lies that Black on Black violence is a myth and that Violent crime is going down. (It is rising; they just reclassify it or don't count it unless there's a conviction)

Anyways, Pretty sure that colluding with a foreign power to bring in troops to occupy u.s Territory is treason.

The Baron

Anonymous said...

What they knew was to believe their own eyes. Nowadays people believe the holy trinity of truth. Media, Govt, and academia, instead of their lying eyes.

Californian said...

Note the contradiction: on one hand, we are told that "race is just a construct;" on the other, that levels of violence in the black community are reaching the magnitude of "quiet genocide" such that UN peacekeepers are required to maintain order.

Could such contradictions bear some relevance on why White people once enacted segregation, and why everyone tends to move out of areas which become black dominated? Ah, but in BRA, such questions can not be answered honestly and certainly not in public. It's all one big ideological delusion, and one wonders how much longer it will be until the Potemkin Village comes crashing down.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you ask for. Especially when you ask for martial law.

Anonymous said...

The early southerners were well aware of the social and work habits of the average negro. They were not naive like some northerners who don't really see them for what they are. As for the blacks shooting each other...have at it boys and girls.

Paintjob Theory said...

"black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.”

And what percentage of the perpetrators of """gun""" violence? Either way I'm glad they ship the violent guns to black Africans and leave the non violent ones for us white folks.

“I think that the assistant secretary-general may have some ideas outside of sending in troops. He may have some ideas about how we get to peace in these communities.”

Er buh poda hep!!!

Come on, Sambo. Surely you have some new program or initiative to get black Africans to behave civilized? I had such high hopes for the program that was bringing in actual tribal warriors from Kenya and Uganda to teach your local tribes how act. Oh well. It is encouraging that they've finally pretty much admitted that the only possible way to have a large population of black Africans and not have sub-Saharan tier violence and blight is outright martial law.

Of course in reality if they get their wish, what happens when the first "goot boy who din do nuffin" is shot by some third world foreign soldier? Better yet, what happens when the third world (((UN))) troops just join the local tribes in looting, raping, and brutalizing the remaining humans in Chicago?

Now when the day comes that I see foreign soldiers with arms on the streets in this land I will kill them without mercy and without question by any means at my disposal. It is my right and solemn duty to take up arms and repel an invading army and those baby blue hats will make lovely targets. That said, I'd love to see this happen in African America. It'll go about as well as it did for that FBI officer earlier this year that got carjacked in Chicongo losing not only the government car but a select fire M4, two glocks, flash bang grenades, and some body armor.

Lastly, cold weather hasn't done much to dampen the daily coonery in Chicongo. For your listening pleasure:

If you had a drinking game where you take a belt whenever you hear the phrase "male black" even the most hardened binge drinker would be having his stomach pumped within an hour any given night after dark.... and this scanner is only a few zones! It's a mad house a MAAAAADDDD HOOOOOUUUUSSSE!

The Umpire said...

Iron Sharpens Iron: "...holes like Chicongo..."

Chicago: 29.3% black.

Republic of the Congo: 100% black.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: 100% black.

Uh, dude, aren't you being a little incongruous?

Or should I write, "in-CONGO-ous"?

The Umpire said...

"Won't sending UN troops to Chicongo just result in MORE Africans killing Africans???"

Not if they have t' swim across Lake Michigan t' get there.

D is for depressing said...

@ Ivry Tower

LOL! Excellent satire per usual.

And when the park is denuded and desolate the blacks will blame the city for not investing in beautifying the parks. So pathetic.

Merry Christmas to you and the staff at the University!
@Anonymous 12/20 8:37

"Indigenous sub-Saharan Africans have none, or very little Neanderthal DNA because their ancestors did not migrate through Eurasia."

This. This. This! Sub-saharan Africans (as well as Africans-in-America) are not completely human and once people accept this, none of the subhumans tendency will shock them.

The inability to make progress
The sky-high crime rates
The dumbing down of schools to accommodate the moon crickets
The inability to restrain base impulses
The "sperm donor" aspect of the black male
The high birth rates
The inability to understand simple, abstract concepts
The destruction of once thriving first-class White cities
The tendency of the moon crickets to not put as much value on a human life
The fact that Africa is a basket case
Their inassimilability

This should also explain why only moon crickets cannot make progress in today's technologically advanced world.
@Non PC Infidel

"Ho! Ho! What?!? Mainstream media heralds book depicting Santa Claus as a gay black man"

They don't have myths and stories of their own and that is why they need to steal our Santa Claus. Another level of pathetic
@ Ex New Yorker

"The government must send some "magic juju" to save our dumb stupid asses."

Stop trying to impose White logic on the moon crickets, their subhuman minds cannot comprehend it. For a real-world exercise on the biological basis of race, observe the slope and size of their foreheads and compare that to an actual human.

Anonymous said...

The UN Peacekeepers will do...what?

Hold prayer vigils?
Play midnight basketball?
Drive around in armored vehicles with rims?
Take youths on gunboat tours of Lake Michigan?

All these and more have been done, and none of it has stopped "the violence."

Well, cheer up, next year something even more absurdist will be attempted to stop shots from ringing out. Regardless of all the mayhem, BRA can always be counted on to bring some wry humor to an otherwise dull day.

Ken said...

America's beleaguered white population, or certain elements, also have to appeal to international organizations and friendly governments in an effort to bring publicity to the daily atrocities committed daily by the black criminal cancer. The US Government, along with certain traitors, condones and ignores human rights violations. No, I'm not insane.

Let's take forced school busing and 'integrated' schools, for instance. Black 'students' routinely rob, beat, harass and abuse white students. I can go on forever about my experiences 30 years ago in the NYC school system. I remember a powerful negro student named Vincent who tried to forced a white girl to perform oral sex on him in front of a packed classroom. (The male negro students at that Junior High School in Bayside, NY, were completely obsessed with their genitals. The most common eeking from their mouths was to say 'suck my d****').

To compound this issue, America's vile media, political and Hollyweird elite don't send their kids to 'integrated schools. Yet, they howl racism if anybody else does not want to send their kids to 'integrated' schools. Let's take a look at the Clintons. When they arrived in DC, did they send daughter Chelsea to the local majority black schools. Nah, they sent her to an exclusive all-white private school. This, my friends, is a great criminal act committed against us. We have to appeal to our friends overseas to condemn America's hypocritical elite. Maybe this will be a new way to stem the black assault.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to impose White logic on the moon crickets, their subhuman minds cannot comprehend it. For a real-world exercise on the biological basis of race, observe the slope and size of their foreheads and compare that to an actual human.

According to liberal magic brain theory that doesn't matter because all brains have the same functionality regardless of head shape. Theories of pre-frontal cortex differences are just the creations of basement dwelling racist idiots. The True Science(tm) has spoken and human evolution conveniently fits the ideals of racial egalitarians.

Anonymous said...

Ken said ”. . . This, my friends, is a great criminal act committed against us. We have to appeal to our friends overseas to condemn America's hypocritical elite. Maybe this will be a new way to stem the black assault.

I can’t disagree with your comment, but my question is what counties would be sympathetic to our problem? No country, including the USA, supports the white South Africans, and their plight is far worse than ours. I don’t see getting Germany, Sweden, France or any of the UK on board with pointing out the hypocrisy of our elites when that requires them to acknowledge that the problem is that blacks are incompatible with civilized society. We are on our own, and we need to plan accordingly and expect criticism from most of the world for taking steps to protect our race. We should expect no sympathy or help from any country.

Anonymous said...

To compound this issue, America's vile media, political and Hollyweird elite don't send their kids to 'integrated schools. Yet, they howl racism if anybody else does not want to send their kids to 'integrated' schools.

It was the Hollyweird elite that was so offended by South Africa. They spearheaded a lot of the protests.

Well where are the follow up movies to Lethal Weapon? The Evil White Conspiracy is no longer in charge, so where are the movies about how it is now a multiracial utopia?

What the media will NEVER tell you about South Africa is that most of the Blacks there are not native. The southern tip was in fact empty before Whites showed up. Now Blacks want to live there because Whites built a country. Oh dear too much reality for today, libs go to bed before your heads explode.

PB said...

The UN Peacekeepers will do...what?


Anonymous said...

In 1999, Mayor Mel Lastman drew derisive laughter from the rest of The Great White North when he called in the army to help Toronto through a Snowpocalypse that had brought down trees and hydrowires allover the city. I dread to think what 2029 will bring! Toronto is gonna get Detroited, or Chicongoed. I still remember an article complaining about how white Downtown still is, not anymore, not even on the West End of Bloor which was one of the last white holdouts till sometime last year, when it started being super fuxated courtesy of a push from Trump and a pull from Trudeau that brings in the worse rejects from the States, AND at the same time, Mayor John Tory declared some buildings in Jane and Finch uninhabitable, around this time I notice a lot more of them on the Bloor train.

I'll just leave this here:
Post on Dec 21, copied here because it's just a matter of time before mod gets the entire post:

u***** says: "It was really cold Sunday night, around 8pm, when I was walking eastward on Bloor a few blocks east of Runnymede. For some reason there looked like there was no one around. Got confronted by three black guys who shoved me and hit me on the side and wanted to see what I was carrying. Looked like they were still in their teens, not pros at this or anything. I handed my wallet over and I told them to just take the cash. They wanted to take my phone but I said I wouldn't unlock it, and after saying they were going to shoot me, I still wouldn't do it and they didn't take it. Pretty ridiculous experience. Called the cops and they found them and returned my money. Just a reminder that stuff like this can happen and to be vigilant when it's quiet and dark out. Sad thing is I sort of felt a tinge of guilt when I really should not have - they clearly made stupid decisions and no matter what background you come from, it's still your choice to assault and mug someone and you should be punished for it. But a criminal record may not do them any good either."

Comments Thread that hints at things you have noted which can no longer be openly discussed on Reddit:
[–]0****** Bloor West Village 24 points 1 day ago
Those encounters are likely with people who don't live in the neighborhood and are coming down via the bus routes which feed into Runnymede and Jane Stations.

[–]b******* Bloor West Village 19 points 20 hours ago
Yea, it’s all people from the station. They either get off one of the buses or they get out of the subway to go into McDonald’s.

[–]R******Yorkville 24 points 18 hours ago
That McDoanld's is extra sketchy. The unsupervised upstairs is a cesspool sometimes.

TTC was free last Sunday, in celebration of a line extension up to York. I originally had plans to go Downtown but I stayed home instead because I KNEW the subway would be fuxated.

Unknown said...

Fantastic post

Mr. Rational said...

Was this the first White flight??

No.  Pale skin evolved much later, and evolved separately in Europeans and NE Asians.

Californian said...

To compound this issue, America's vile media, political and Hollyweird elite don't send their kids to 'integrated schools.

Much of the dilemma for White people is in those hostile elites. The irony is that the Left complains about the "one percent" but that one percent (Soros, corporate foundations, Hollywood moguls, Wall Street) finance those very organizations -- including BLM -- which are pushing the Leftist agenda.

For YT, it's a two front war. One front is against the barbarians within the gates and the other is against the hostile elites who are pulling the strings.

The Umpire said...

"[The] Hollyweird elite don't send their kids to 'integrated schools. Yet, they howl racism if anybody else does not send their kids to 'integrated schools."

No. Actually, the Hollywood elite are perfectly fine with sending their kids to schools that are integrated (with bookish Asian kids).

Hmmm, let's see:

Hollywood: 5.2% black. Hmmmmm.

West Hollywood: 2.8% black. Hmmmmm.

Hollywood Hills: 4.6% black. Hmmmmm.

Hollywood Hills West: 2.7% black. Hmmmmm.

Hancock Park: 3.8% black. Hmmmmm.

Beverly Grove: 2.0% black. Hmmmmm.

Beverlywood: 4.2% black. Hmmmmm.

Cheviot Hills: 1.3% black. Hmmmmm.

Rancho Park: 3.6% black. Hmmmmm.

Palos Verdes Estates: 1.1% black. Hmmmmm.

San Marino: 0.5% black. Hmmmmm.

Pacific Palisades: 0.4% black. Hmmmmm.

La Cañada Flintridge: 0.5% black. Hmmmmm.

Hidden Hills: 0.4% black. Hmmmmm.

Beverly Crest: 1.7% black. Hmmmmm.

Calabasas: 1.0% black. Hmmmmm.

Encino: 2.4% black. Hmmmmm.

Santa Monica: 3.5% black. Hmmmmm.

Rancho Palos Verdes: 2.1% black. Hmmmmm.

Westwood: 2.0%. Hmmmmm.

Brentwood: 1.2% black. Hmmmmm.

Bel-Air: 0.9% black.

HUH?!! 0.9% BLACK?!! Uh, but, what about "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"?!!


Beverly Hills: 1.4% black.

HUH?!! 1.4% BLACK?!! Uh, but, what about "Clueless"? But...but...what about Lawrence, or Murray, or.....or.....DIONNE?!!


rexfreeway said...

Here is a case of a rural family believing that Negroes are just like us. And she paid the price with her life....

The Umpire said...

Celebrities Who Live In Malibu (the ending is the "best" part)

Leonardo DiCaprio

Miley Cyrus

Jack Nicholson

Ellen DeGeneres

Jennifer Aniston

Paris Hilton

Britney Spears

Halle Berry

Charlize Theron

Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt

Pamela Anderson

Kate Hudson

Charlie Sheen

Mel Gibson

Robert Downey Jr.

Tom Hanks

Courtney Cox

Emily Blunt

Mathew McConaughey

Goldie Hawn

Bruce Willis

John Travolta

Eddie Murphy (pff, finally)

Jim Carrey

Steven Spielberg

Sean Penn

Janet Jackson

David Letterman

Jane Seymour

Pierce Brosnan

Sylvester Stallone

Whoopi Goldberg


Bill Murray

Bob Dylan

Richard Gere

Mel Brooks

Robert Redford


Axl Rose

Kurt Russell

Anthony Hopkins

Sally Field

Dustin Hoffman

Martin Sheen

David Duchovny

David Spade

Jeff Bridges


Barbara Streisand

Diana Ross

Patrick Dempsey

John Cusack

Danny DeVito

Nick Nolte

Shirley MacLaine

John Stamos

Howie Mandel

Dean Cain

Minnie Driver

Emilio Estevez

Brad Paisley

Suge Knight

Rick Rubin

Jimmy Page

Josh Groban

Matt Groening

Malibu: 1.2% black.


PB said...

Paisley? I wonder where he parks the tractor?

AnalogMan said...

Mr. Rational said...

Pale skin evolved much later, and evolved separately in Europeans and NE Asians.

Are you sure? Nearly all the reconstructions of Neanderthals that I have seen show them as fair-skinned. I remember reading a report of the first DNA sequencing of a Neanderthal that claimed the subject had red hair - although it added that the specific mutation that would have caused it was not the same one that causes red hair in Europeans.

I found this report on Drudge today. Possible evidence of humans** in America 130,000 years ago. Wouldn't that be a black eye for the "Out of Africa" theory?

Archaeology as blood sport: How the discovery of an ancient mastodon ignited debate over humans’ arrival in North America

** Well, hominids, anyway. But we already know about Neanderthals and Denisovans in Europe and Asia.

james wilson said...

The Chicongo police can stop the violence, it's called Stop and Frisk. The blue helmets will run at the sound of a backfire.

Augustus said...

I waiting for someone to suggest that. I imagine people that disciplined patrolling gang turf, with gang members underestimating them. They'd walk around with those FAL rifles, and the gangs would feel like Detroit in the late '60s when the Detroit natives failed to realize the National Guard had been replaced by 82nd Airborne troops overnight.

Unknown said...

Why else would they have left?