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What will you find in "Because We Live Here: The Paul Kersey Anthology?"
Whitest of the Norse Gods? Let's make Heimdall black in Thor and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. [Idris Elba defends Thor film role: Race debate stirs after London-born star of The Wire wins role as Norse deity Heimdall in Kenneth Branagh's new film Thor, The Guardian, 4-27-10]
In Thor Ragnarok, let's make one of the white Valkyries, the essence of Nordic feminine warrior might and beauty, a black woman! [Thor: Ragnarok actress Tessa Thompson talks redefining Valkyrie,, 3-10-17]
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In joint BBC/Netflix production Troy: Fall of a City, Achilles - described by Homer as having blond hair ("golden," "yellow" and "fair" - will be played by an African |
Homer notes throughout The Iliad how blond (also calling yellow, fair, and golden) Achilles hair is? Let's make him black! [BBC and Netflix Release First Look at ‘Troy: Fall of a City’, Variety, 12-20-17]:
The BBC has released the first pictures from “Troy: Fall of a City,” the upcoming swords and sandals epic it is making with Netflix.
Filmed in Cape Town, South Africa, the series stars David Threlfall (main image), in a very different guise from Frank Gallagher of “Shameless,” as well as Frances O’Connor (“The Missing”) and David Gyasi (“Interstellar”).
In the series Gyasi plays Achilles (above). David Farr (“The Night Manager”) penned the eight-part series, which BBC drama boss Piers Wenger said “will be like nothing broadcast before: a 3,000-year-old tale crafted on a huge scale.”
The story is told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege. Endemol Shine-backed producers Wild Mercury and Kudos are producing.
The BBC will launch the series in the U.K. and Netflix internationally.
There's an agenda folks: deconstruct white mythic heroes to nothing more than Africans.
Searching "whitewashing in film" brings back 3.75 million hits (casting white actors in non-white roles). It's a universally derided and lambasted practice.
Casting black actors in white roles?
Worthy of praise and incessant admiration.
Only white people can commit cultural appropriation, as the primary goal of popular culture in the 21st century is to reimagine heroes of the Occident as diverse and non-white.
The BBC has been all out on pushing a revisionist narrative along these lines. It is another blatant attempt to destroy a great Mediterranean civilization their cultural heritage. A great ocean going nation represented by a race that never even mastered boat building.
Next Summer a full feature Bugs Bunny movie will be released. It's called "Bugs in the Hood". Of course the Elmer Fudd character will be black. They have even changed his name. His new name will be DeAndre Fudd.
The love interest will no doubt be a blond Caucasian.
The story is told from the perspective of the Trojan royal family at the heart of the siege
Well, just consider how many cities are under siege from Africans, both in the USA and Europe...
I'm 33 years old. I can still remember my formative years, with a quarter of the American population huddled infront of their televisions dazzled by whatever sitcom was rotting our minds at the given moment.
Would Rachel and Ross ever get together? Will Ellen come out of the closet? Those days are long gone.
The (((enemy))) is scared shitless. Thank you internet.
Who even bothers to watch such crap? It's too ludicrous and idiotic to even consider watching. It's obviously aimed at the younger generation who have little knowledge of history in order to brainwash them and at stupid negroes who will believe such tripe and "feel good about dey his'ry and about demselves."
Might as well have a movie about Julius Caesar vacationing in Las Vegas with the 5th Macedonian legion. It's that stupid. Or a movie portraying leprechauns as African pygmies in Ireland.
On that note, I once watched an old Hollywood movie on tv that took place in Egypt during the Roman period. When Julius Caesar mentioned to Cleopatra something about the corn crop, it ruined the entire movie and blew the whole thing out of the water and I burst out laughing and turned the channel. Corn in Egypt well over a millennia before the old world even knew about South America or crops native to certain regions of that continent? Riiiight.
A negro as Achilles? LOL! Tell me- does he ride a polar bear into battle? Or perhaps a kangaroo? I'm joking of course. Everyone knows it was a giraffe! He even had a personal guard comprised of armored baboons with spears!
This is your nation on jews, America. When they control the media, government, education, etc. it's easy to double down on propaganda and shove multiculturalism down your throats.
When will you say, "Enough is enough."?
On the other hand, I can visualize Pee Wee Herman cast in the lead role of the coming bio-pic "Bathhouse Barry, American President".
Let's play word origin:
This term comes from latin, and has its origins from the greek mythos of Tantulus. That legend is where we get the term "to tantalize." In modern days, we think of "taunting" as something pro wrestlers and football players do to humiliate opponents.
Tantalus was one of the sons of Zeus and provoked an eternal punishment of fruit remaining just outside of his grasp as he starved. Every time he would reach for it, the branches would raise themselves. Teasing and demoralizing has long been known as an effective form of assault. The compounding psychological torment was the justice for betraying the Gods and stealing from their feast as an invitee.
The Roman legions would "taunt" opposing armies by banging their shields, chanting that opposing armies were cowards, etc... and sending out weaker units to provoke undisciplined barbarians to break formations and rush in to attack, making them vulnerable to the strategic and tactical counter-offensives the Romans had prepared.
All of these re-castings in popular culture with blacks as Norse gods, orphan Annie, the founding fathers, etc... are in effect "taunts." They are literally daring Whites to come out and attack the low hanging fruit (Achilles being portrayed as a black as spades Negro from sub-Saharan Africa.)
It is pure demoralization, and nothing else.
I mentioned in a previous article that it is not enough to physically displace Whites in their own lands, they must also be culturally dispossessed. It doesn't matter what it is : from Shakespeare to Beethoven, to the "Hidden Figures" at NASA, to medieval wenches in Budweiser commercials and retirement investment advisors --- everything must be re-cast as multi-cultural if not explicitly wise and supernaturally talented blacks. The only surprise is that Achilles is not depicted as a gender fluid, mulatto, womayn. No proud, strong, righteous White men allowed on screen - unless they are the villain defeated by White women leading a coalition of non-whites.
Here is a tip, goys, blacks aren't the ones insisting on and paying for these popular media portrayals and remakes of White icons - It is all a literal (((taunting))) of your culture, heritage, and history ------- "DILLY DILLY"
F*k this AIDS equivalent culture where disease is good and health is bad.
Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci are next. And for you WW2 buffs, how about Audie Murphy?
It's noteworthy that blacks aren't embarrassed by this pandering. I would be if a production on the Ming Dynasty patronizingly had whites in it. It would be just as ludricrous as blacks playing French nobles in a Middle Ages movie. I realize that some blacks are so damned ignorant that they believe they were pompously prancing around in Europe, having cerebral conversations with kings but most are merely incapable of shame.
Give a kid a coloring book this Christmas:
I suppose casting the negro in his natural habitat just isn't entertaining. In fact, it's down right horrifying.
Cultural appropriation. Just don't watch it. Don't pay for it. Encourage everyone you know not to watch it and not to pay for it. Money talks.
When I ponder the mindset of the people behind this shit on both sides of the Atlantic, I think we can divide them into 2 camps:
On the one hand, there are those goyish-shitlibs who genuinely feel that if there are more blacks in commercials, movies, etc., then blacks will suddenly pull up their pants, stop acting like thugs and sociopaths, and start doing things like, say, fathering their multiple illegitimate kids and becoming productive members of society, instead of the costly burden they mostly are.
Then, on the other hand, there are (((those))) who simply want to undermine whites and the nations we've built. They do shit like this out of nothing more than malicious spite and hatred.
The former are just your stupid, run-of-the-mill soy-goy shitlibs; the latter are pure evil.
I'm sure that this will have lots of mudsharking and all main female characters will be hot white womenz
Anonymous Ex New Yorker said...
Next Summer a full feature Bugs Bunny movie will be released. It's called "Bugs in the Hood". Of course the Elmer Fudd character will be black. They have even changed his name. His new name will be DeAndre Fudd.
And instead of shooting at Bugs and Daffy, he'll be shooting at his neighbors for 'disrespekting' him..........
You think this is bad, NBC just cast John Legend to play Jesus.
I’ve decided that blacks are silly and stupid. Rewriting history one event at a time. Go ahead, when you’re done with this idiocy you will still be the low man on the totem pole.
A black Achilles?
How will this character bring a pertinent sense of gravitas to the role, facilitating an understanding among African't-Americans of the real nature of this character.
They should switch his name to "A-Killa" since he was the greatest African warrior in the history of the universe! Or perhaps they can call him Achilles the Heel, since he is a black man and is therefore, “Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, and domestic violence all star”.
And speaking of domestic violence all stars, instead of Zeus, we can rename him, "Juice" and we could have OJ Simpson in that role. He would bring a nobility to the role that no white man could... Since John Wayne Gary is dead.
Speaking of Achilles, Wheel of Fortune had a Somali college student as a contestant. He virtually butchered the word "Achilles." He lost and the look on Pat' s face was priceless.
Female in FL
From time to time I imagine that I’m a 5’10” blonde super model. Famous, rich, beautiful and extremely intelligent. Then I snap out of it and return to reality. I suggest these idiots do the same.
Blue Eyes Matter said ”. . . A great ocean going nation represented by a race that never even mastered boat building. “
On point given the topic, but it leaves open the possibility that the race in question could have mastered other skills when in fact that race has mastered nothing in the past 100,000 years other than an ability to turn anything into shit.
It's a tv miniseries because the ones manufacturing this drek know that if they made it a feature length movie and sent it to the theaters, people would not be going to see it and it would be a massive flop. They need a "captive" audience so what better medium than television? It's where they put a huge percentage of their magic negroes, race mixing mudsharks and "dumb white guys" for public consumption via commercials and other productions. They don't want whites to be able to avoid any of it.
Gwoobus Harmom nailed it perfectly in his post and the only answer is to kill your tv and control what you or your children watch. I killed my cable/satellite tv services seven years ago and have saved nearly a thousand much needed dollars a year since then which more than pays for internet services with enough left over to cover the phone bills.
Kill your tv and get the negroes and the taunters out of your house and out of your life and save money for other things too- it's a win/win! Plus you deprive the enemy of funding and have the pleasure of slamming the door in their faces. It's a modern day equivalent of segregation. You have the power- use it!
Perhaps Achilles will fly a pyramid into battle?
It would be just as ludicrous as blacks playing French nobles in a Middle Ages movie.
Film makers reached that level of idiocy in the last Transformers film, Transformers: The Last Knight. It started with a battle that, according to the Wikipedia description, took place in 484 AD that saw King Arthur's knights battling the Saxons. Imagine my surprise to see the character playing Saebert, one of the knights, was very black. Gee, who knew that at least one of King Arthur's knights was black? Should there be a sequel focusing on him called Hidden Knights?
This film made as much sense as seeing one of northern European characters in The Huntsman: Winter's War also played by a very black actor, Sope Dirisu.
This is on top of being bombarded with black actors in most television commercials. It seems to have gone into overdrive after blacks complained of a lack of black actors receiving Oscar awards. Now film makers fall all over themselves to include blacks in everything they do.
While hispanics actually constitute a larger minority group, I don't seem them much in TV commercials. In fact, they're almost absent. I figure that's because they're working two or three jobs, doing low-level work that blacks will no longer do (why work when YT will give you free money?), and they're too busy to whine about too little face time on TV and in movies.
Does BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation or perhaps something else?
The best way to stop crap like this is to not support it. I wanted to see "Thor" but I passed because of what they did to the Norse Gods. The same was true in the fantastic four with a black johnny storm. I refuse to watch that crap. DO not support the people that fund it and the products that are put in our faces. Hitting them in the pockets is the best thing you can do. It is working for the NFL, after all.
I had that same experience watching Vikings. It immediately took me out of the show. Writers are getting sloppy, especially since Google is at their finger tips.
most of these black remakes bomb. I suspect this one will too.
The way PBS did it for WWI was to spend several minutes on a black soldier who killed several Germans while serving with the French Army. They had to cover Sargent York and spent the same amount of time. Super marine Dan Daly was quoted ("C'mon you son of bitches, do you want to live forever?") but was never mentioned by name.
On that note, I once watched an old Hollywood movie on tv that took place in Egypt during the Roman period. When Julius Caesar mentioned to Cleopatra something about the corn crop, it ruined the entire movie and blew the whole thing out of the water and I burst out laughing and turned the channel. Corn in Egypt well over a millennia before the old world even knew about South America or crops native to certain regions of that continent? Riiiight.
The usage of "corn" in this instance doesn't refer to maize but to the primary grain crop of a region. The term corn predates the European arrival in the New World.
Anon at 8:50 said, "...they're too busy to whine about too little face time on TV and in movies."
Sure, they whined about lack of Oscar nominations, but have blacks really been whining to have comic book heroes turned black or to have upper middle class intact black families in every commercial? I think these decisions are all made by elite whites hoping to both brainwash the public and morally preen.
Here's a story about the Somali "college student" on Wheel of Fortune claiming he isn't an idiot. Other than mispronouncing "Achilles" so badly they wouldn't accept it (since he obviously had never heard of the name), he couldn't come up with an answer for "The World's Fastest _a_", and guessed "On the spot DICESPIN" instead of "On the spot decision".
Black singer cast as Jesus in NBC's Jesus Christ Superstar. Do you think we're going to see a black Moses or black Muhammad any time soon?
In case you've missed the preview advertisements, there's a new superhero TV show coming called Black Lightning. I doubt that I need to describe it, or mention that the inner city villains appear to be white and the hero and victims are black.
That was also the theme of the 2000 remake of Shaft with Samuel L. Jackson as a police detective and the inner city villain, played by Christian Bale, was a clean-cut white guy. How realistic was that? The various hood rats who appeared in the film were cast as swell fellows.
History is always insulting to someone. Blacks are carrying it to the extreme.
I don't worry all that much about the loony practice of casting black actors in parts that should be played by white actors. Technology is improving all the time. Soon we will have the ability to cast our films entertainments anyway we like.
We are quite close even now to be able to have the lead players in our movies played by actors who are not actually alive. Years ago we had Lawrence Olivier play in the film "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow". Then we had Oliver Reed digitally brought back to life in "Gladiator". The latest Star Wars movies have the dead Carrie Fisher and Peter Cushing played by digital fabrications.
We are very near to having new westerns in which John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart again appear. It will soon become common for many roles to be played by digital artifacts rather than real humans on sound stages.
Shortly after that someone will produce a movie in which you the viewer get to choose the star. Maybe you like Antonio Banderas as Zorro but perhaps others might prefer Tyrone Power. The menu on the opening credits will let you choose. At that point we should be able to choose the race of the stars or even all of the cast.
Personally I will welcome the opportunity to see movies in which Samuel T. Jackson no longer appears. What white star could we get. For Jackson our substitute need only talk too loud - no tricky subtleties would be needed. Or perhaps we will eliminate all the black people from the real world and the government won't allow any black people to appear in films at all. Denzel Washington would be replaced in his old movies by some comparable white guy like Chris Pratt (?).
As has been mentioned here before, nothing opens more white eyes than shit like this.
Right now, out there somewhere, is someone seeing this and for the first time, questioning the narrative.
The (((media))) has had a rough go of it lately, what with all their perversions laid bare. So look for them to double down on white replacement.
The left ALWAYS doubles down.
Stay alert, stay alive.
re Pat at December 22, 2017 at 2:11 PM
I think all of Samuel Jackson's roles would have been better played by Michael Rooker, who played the tough and rough Merle Dixon on The Walking Dead - the difference between Jackson and Rooker's tough is that Rooker's performances has nuances, there's soul behind his eyes even in a full blown glare, with Jackson it's just the same sullen insolence.
I have never forgiven Rick for attacking Merle from behind and then leaving him behind on the roof - T-Dog threw the first punch, Merle won the fight fair and square and then backed off from putting down the dog that bit first.
Don't you know, silly cave beast? Any role once played by a white actor can be played by a black actor. Thereafter it must always be played by a black after or it's cultural appropriation and that's (whisper) R-word, r-word. If the role was played first by a black actor it must ALWAYS be played by a black actor, or it's cultural appropriation and that's (whisper r-word, r-word).
One poster the other day bragged of seeing the new Star Wars by- you guessed it, (((George Lucas))) and I promptly lambasted her for paying for our own genocide via propaganda but the comment never made it through.
Seriously. STOP paying for the shit (((Hollywood))) is peddling. Everything they touch is tainted. Even the Hollywood people that work on conservative artists like Clint Eastwood's stuff are ALL (((enemies))).
You could read a book every single day and still not have enough years left in your life to catch up an all the GOOD literature out there. Literature that is full of TRUTH and not anti-White. Start around 1964 and work your way backwards.
Carleton Putnam is a good start. Free with Kindle Unlimited or a very cheap paperback to have as reference when we're finally an oppressed minority sometime around 2030.
Amazon LINK
perhaps we will eliminate all the black people from the real world and the government won't allow any black people to appear in films at all.
The news about the first White farmer to return to his farm in Zimbabwe hints at the hidden Chinese influence which removed Mugabe and made it possible. Will the Chinese rule Africa with Whites, or take it for their own? Either way, Africans are finished. Supplanted. Obsolete.
We don't want them here either. They claim we need them. They fear the truth. They should.
Don't you know, silly cave beast? Any role once played by a white actor can be played by a black actor. Thereafter it must always be played by a black after or it's cultural appropriation and that's (whisper) R-word, r-word.
I see an opening for a CGI video/voice filter for movies to remove the GNOMEs. If I were writing it, I'd call it BLACKOUT. All Blacks out.
Come to think of it, that would be handy for radio as well. Remove all the hip-hop, McDonald's commercials and anything else with a Black voice actor or promoting Black forms or interests. Replace it with White music. Maybe über-White Taylor Swift?
D-FENS: "Does BBC stand for British Broadcasting Corporation or perhaps something else?"
Britain's Beyond Cucked
We need to fight fire with fire...I'm starting a petition to remake Selma with Kevin James playing MLK.
I just checked up on what's happening in The Walking Dead, and TV SPOILER: Apparently Scott M. Gimple, executive producer of the series since Season Two and the husband of Julia Wackenheim, is killing off Carl Grimes.
Andrea doesn't die during The Governor arc in the comics, she dated Rick and they got married. I think Gimple killed off Andrea early in the TV series in order to set Rick up with Michonne. In the comics it was Andrea who becomes Carl's stepmom:
I predict that Walking Dead TV series will end with Michonne pregnant, so we can't have Carl stick around!
Daryl x Carol will never happen because they are both white, and focusing on a white romance is racist.
I'm glad I pretty much tuned out after Season One.
It's quite interesting that there are zero comments on the article.
Ricky Tucker said...
We need to fight fire with fire...I'm starting a petition to remake Selma with Kevin James playing MLK.
Nah, Rosie O`Donnell. You can never be to LBGTQwhateverthefuck aware these days.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Anonymous said...
The (((enemy))) is scared shitless. Thank you internet.
This cannot be overstated, and in fact must be repeated relentlessly, to counter (((their))) attempts to dispirit us, to make us believe all hope is lost. It is not. Every bit of this (((media))) propaganda we're seeing is a result of the fear which has them by the throat since Trump's election and Brexit showed them that whites have not sufficiently succumbed to their brainwashing. We are awakening; I see it everywhere, more and more each day. (((They))) see it too.
Gavin Newsome said...
This is your nation on jews, America. When they control the media, government, education, etc. it's easy to double down on propaganda and shove multiculturalism down your throats.
When will you say, "Enough is enough."?
Soon. Very soon. I can feel the fury building, all across not only America, but in Europe, Australia - all White countries. And the "ENOUGH!" is going to extend far beyond rejecting propaganda. What's going to happen, the fury that's about to be unleashed, in the next couple of decades, will be remembered for a thousand years. I have no sympathy. They've brought every inch of it upon themselves.
Gwoobus Harmon said...
Here is a tip, goys, blacks aren't the ones insisting on and paying for these popular media portrayals and remakes of White icons - It is all a literal (((taunting))) of your culture, heritage, and history
Believe me, (((they))) are about to greatly regret this activity. This is not a threat. It's a simple observation of what I see building up all around me. As I noted above, an enormous fury is building, which is global in size and scope, and cannot be diffused.
Anonymous said...
I think these decisions are all made by elite whites hoping to both brainwash the public and morally preen.
(((WHITE))) ELITES. NEVER lose sight of this fact. Jews are masters of hiding in plain sight. It helps that they own the money supplies of every Western country, and can leverage this into control of media, education and government, who dutifully disappear them from public scrutiny. Funny thing though, for all they scream about the glory, virtue and necessity of multiculturalism, the Jews have deliberately created a global monoculture which exclusively and abusively serves Jewish interests alone. As Mr. Rogers would have asked, "Can you say hypocrites, boys and girls? I knew you could."
Anonymous said...
Here's a story about the Somali "college student" on Wheel of Fortune claiming he isn't an idiot.
At the bottom of that article, I found this link to an even better story: - white teacher bumped from her first class seat, in favor of noted CongressNog Sheila Jackson Lee. Airline lies about it, (((WaPo))) kills the story.
Corn denoted wheat and other grain crops before it referred to maize.
Like Shaka Zulu being played by a Swede
I actually saw that show, he was an American negro collage student, somehow he managed to ring up over 15 grand on a few lucky spins and when he was going to solve the puzzle he stupidly said Ack el lee, the next round he spun the 2 halfs of the car and around 8 grand in money pluse it was a prize puzzle and he messed it up again. A white contestant would of walked away with over 70 grand in cash and prizes
How do you say " vibrant diversity" in ancient Greek?
I'm from Bulgaria, we have some myths that cross with the old greek legends (Orpheus, the thracian warriors of king Rhesus who were allies to the Trojans and etc)and I'm shocked of the amount of bullshi7 in the american movie industry. Now I hope that noone will give Netflix the legal right to make tv series around "The Lord of the rings", otherwise we will have Gandalf the Black and korean elves... I'm just sure of it...
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