A quick conversation with a few lawyer friends dissuaded us from that idea for the time being, though it will probably grace the cover of a book down the line.
Stuff White People Like (SWPL) people are an interesting lot, summed up brilliantly in this entry from the book:
#8. Barack Obama:
Because white people are afraid that if they don’t like him that they will be called racist.Has more straight-forward reasoning ever been supplied to authenticate the admiration for Mein Obama by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWL) who congregate in cities that have a conspicuous absent of Black people?
While most whites abandon Mein Obama with a speed unparalleled in American politics, DWLs offer General Zod their loyalty, obedience and check books.
These cities occupied by SWPL-types are some of the safest, cleanest and volunteer-friendly in America, plus, they offer some of the best areas for Trick-or-Treating in the nation. Strangely, the worst neighborhoods in America are scarcely found within these SWPL metropolises.
But then again, kids aren’t found to often in these areas. Steve Sailer (oddly, an inspiration for both Christian Lander’s idea of SWPL and a major influence upon SBPDL) coined the term Affordable Family Formation, which eloquently points out the trends found in white American demographics:
But then again, kids aren’t found to often in these areas. Steve Sailer (oddly, an inspiration for both Christian Lander’s idea of SWPL and a major influence upon SBPDL) coined the term Affordable Family Formation, which eloquently points out the trends found in white American demographics:
The single most useful and understandable birthrate measure is the “total fertility rate.” This estimates, based on recent births, how many children the average woman currently in her childbearing years will have. The National Center for Health Statistics reported that in 2002 the average white woman was giving birth at a pace consistent with having 1.83 babies during her lifetime, or 13 percent below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman. This below-replacement level has not changed dramatically in three decades.
States, however, differ significantly in white fertility. The most fecund whites are in heavily Mormon Utah, which, not coincidentally, was the only state where Bush received over 70 percent. White women average 2.45 babies in Utah compared to merely 1.11 babies in Washington, D.C., where Bush earned but 9 percent. The three New England states where Bush won less than 40 percent—Massachusetts, Vermont, and Rhode Island—are three of the four states with the lowest white birthrates, with little Rhode Island dipping below 1.5 babies per woman.
Bush carried the 19 states with the highest white fertility (just as he did in 2000), and 25 out of the top 26, with highly unionized Michigan being the one blue exception to the rule. (The least prolific red states are West Virginia, North Dakota, and Florida.)
In sharp contrast, Kerry won the 16 states at the bottom of the list, with the Democrats’ anchor states of California (1.65) and New York (1.72) having quite infertile whites.
White people in areas that are routinely covered here at SBPDL are outbreeding those white people who deem themselves more sophisticated and cosmopolitan, dwelling in overpriced domiciles (prices that way to legally keep Black people out) found in cities abound with culture exemplified by those who frequent Whole Foods.
The wrong kind of white person shops at Wal-Mart (interesting, both of these stores have had incidents where Black patrons were encouraged by anonymous PA pirates to leave the store). This wrong kind of white person is exactly whom Charles Murray talks about in a recent article he published:
The United States is bankrupt - morally and financially - thanks to the Frankenstein monster that is BRA. Programs that seemed reasonable at the time of their creation now cause people to cast doubts about any Black person who attains a role of prominence in a company, government agency or, well, any position of power; The Department of Justice is plagued by those whose guilt clouds any notion of fairness and equality under the law; and each day the ticking time bomb of the Black underclass creeps ever closer to finally reaching 'zero'.
Bifurcation has transpired in America, and the blogger Half-Sigma illustrated why that is with this statement:
We've been hard on the Tea Party here in the past, but have come to realize that the elements that comprise this movement are the best that remain of Pre-Obama America.They represent what we will label "untouchable whites" who live in so-called Red States and espouse views which progressives label anachronistic. We know, for one thing, that the New Elite clusters in a comparatively small number of cities and in selected neighborhoods in those cities. This concentration isn't limited to the elite neighborhoods of Washington, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley and San Francisco. It extends to university cities with ancillary high-tech jobs, such as Austin and the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill triangle.Those people who comprise the truly left behind in American life represent the best elements that remain in this nation. Denigrated by DWLs as "Tea Baggers" or as hateful, bigoted, xenophobic rednecks, these are the people who have watched as Black Run America (BRA) has been erected with hardly a peep of protest.
With geographical clustering goes cultural clustering. Get into a conversation about television with members of the New Elite, and they can probably talk about a few trendy shows -- "Mad Men" now, "The Sopranos" a few years ago. But they haven't any idea who replaced Bob Barker on "The Price Is Right." They know who Oprah is, but they've never watched one of her shows from beginning to end.
Talk to them about sports, and you may get an animated discussion of yoga, pilates, skiing or mountain biking, but they are unlikely to know who Jimmie Johnson is (the really famous Jimmie Johnson, not the former Dallas Cowboys coach), and the acronym MMA means nothing to them.
They can talk about books endlessly, but they've never read a "Left Behind" novel (65 million copies sold) or a Harlequin romance (part of a genre with a core readership of 29 million Americans).
They take interesting vacations and can tell you all about a great backpacking spot in the Sierra Nevada or an exquisite B&B overlooking Boothbay Harbor, but they wouldn't be caught dead in an RV or on a cruise ship (unless it was a small one going to the Galapagos). They have never heard of Branson, Mo.
There are so many quintessentially American things that few members of the New Elite have experienced. They probably haven't ever attended a meeting of a Kiwanis Club or Rotary Club, or lived for at least a year in a small town (college doesn't count) or in an urban neighborhood in which most of their neighbors did not have college degrees (gentrifying neighborhoods don't count). They are unlikely to have spent at least a year with a family income less than twice the poverty line (graduate school doesn't count) or to have a close friend who is an evangelical Christian. They are unlikely to have even visited a factory floor, let alone worked on one.
Taken individually, members of the New Elite are isolated from mainstream America as a result of lifestyle choices that are nobody's business but their own. But add them all up, and they mean that the New Elite lives in a world that doesn't intersect with mainstream America in many important ways. When the tea party says the New Elite doesn't get America, there is some truth in the accusation.
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Untouchable whites as seen in the film "Next of Kin" |
Bifurcation has transpired in America, and the blogger Half-Sigma illustrated why that is with this statement:
Is SWPL the new elite? I think so, especially if you accept that there are two flavors of SWPL: preppy-SWPL and hipster-SWPL. Investment bankers are preppy-SWPL and people working for non-profits or in creative industries are hipster-SWPL, but both types of SWPL like sushi and degrees from Ivy League schools and neither type of SWPL would take a vacation to visit the heartland of America in an RV.
Now what creates the resentment of Tea Party people towards the SWPL elite is the fact that the SWPL elite disdain the “wrong kind of white people.” SWPLs feel like they belong to a different tribe than the non-SWPL whites. They are more interested in teaching English to monks in Sri Lanka and bringing solar power to remote parts of the Himalayas than they are in helping Americans living in the same country.
So thanks are due to Christian Lander. The more we at SBPDL read about SWPL people (and visit the cities that SWPL-types call home), the more we realize what a deplorable lot they represent. Based on demographic trends though, SWPL people are entering the twilight phase of their dominance.
SWPL-types have nothing but contempt and hatred for those lacking their alacrity for causes that would mean extinction if practiced.
What does it all mean? We'll explore that tomorrow.
SWPL is a blatantly racist website. However, this criticism is generally not well taken because racism directed at whites is deemed acceptable in today's society.
SBPDL, I think you're wrong about the Tea party. They have no clear agenda. They're basically an amalgamation of disgruntled right-wingers. What are the key issues for them? As far as I can tell: they want fewer taxes, and they don't want you to have access to health care, but they don't offer any viable alternatives.
This is not an admirable position.
'Untouchable whites' sounds elitist, like they're beyond reproach, maybe 'white untouchables'. Also they already speak a fair bit of English in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) as it's a Commonwealth country. But these are quibbles. Interesting blog.
"What are the key issues for them?"
Are you kidding??? Have you noticed what's taking place in Greece and France??
Get the goddamn government out of our lives, let us keep our money, get rid of entitlements.
If you want access to health care, then get a job, take out your fucking check book, and purchase it. No one is trying to prevent you from having health care. Why the fuck do you expect someone else to pay for you?
Which part of this are you unclear about?
1st anonymous, Tea Partiers want to pay for their own health care. They want you to pay for your own health care. Me not paying for your hamburger is not blocking your access to food, you just have to pay for your own. Get it?
To the anon @ 7:05 PM, as John McEnroe would say, "You cannot be serious!"
The Tea Party has no clear agenda? Yes we do. We want the polar opposite of anything 0bama wants! We want adherence to the U.S. Constitution. We want capitalism. We want liberty. We want the government to stay the hell out of most areas of our lives. We want a strong, proud military. We expect our leaders to be for us, not against us. We want our grandchildren to be able to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness rather than being shackled to generations of onerous taxation in order to fund the incredible debts that 0bama/Pelosi/Reid have created. We want the freedom to pursue excellence in everything we do. We want the fabric of America preserved. Godless freaks, perverts, and slackers are in the minority and should not be catered to. We want illegal aliens to get out of the U.S. We want unions abolished. We want teachers held accountable. We want wasteful government spending to cease. We want the Fair Tax. We want new laws that say if you don't pay income taxes you don't get to vote. We want welfare recipients to take drug tests. One strike and you are off the dole. We want for America to continue to have the finest health care system in the world. We want everyone to have health care, only we want them to pay for it themselves. We don't see health care as a right. We are pro-life. We detest political correctness in every form. We are The Truth.
Wow! No.1 sounds like the sort of person SWPL and this post lampoons. Get a clue. TEA stands for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY.
In fact, there really is no "Preppy elite", they don't really have any political power. Political power is centered in the media. These conservative and business elites are collaborators in the classic sense, the American version of quislings who collaborated with the Nazi or Communist occupiers in the recent past. They're just in it for the money, and any power they have is basically just reflected power from the "cultural elite". Without the occupier the collaborator cannot exist.
Though some of the quotes imply the racial aspects of this civil war, this isn't good enough - it must be explicitly stated: this is both a class war and a race war, or more accurately, it is a race war by means of class warfare. The driving force is a genocidal hatred of white people and a desire to exterminate them, the forces driving this extermination campaign simply use the class divide as tool to accomplish the larger goal.
Lastly, the New Elite rule by controlling the flow of information and suppressing information that is harmful to their interests. They don't engage in logical debate. We haven't had a failure by democracy, we've had a failure of democracy because of the murder of open debate. Take away their control of the media and everything would change overnight, it's as simple as that.
There are people who work full-time, but they can't afford health care. What is your suggestion for them? Don't get sick, but if you do, die quickly? Why you so afraid that a few of your tax dollars will go to help somebody else? Living in the US of A comes with a fee. That fee is called "taxes." If you want to "keep your money," then get the fuck out of the country.
Every other first-world country offers public health care access. Why should so many Americans go without? How fucking unpatriotic are you?
If the Tea Party is only a financial revolt it is about worthless to us as a people and a nation.
It's very admirable that so many blacks have taken the time out of theier busy lives to volunteer to go to haiti and help with the cholera outbreak. Sports figures, rappers and tv /movie stars donate their money and time to support other blacks who have nothing.......oh wait that never has and never will happen. I want to see samuel jackson wiping some hatians ass.
"There are people who work full-time, but they can't afford health care. What is your suggestion for them? "
It is called personal responsibility. It must be required across the board, not just for the wealthy. I don't know about you, but I am cut from a cloth that required strength, health, and personal responsibility. I have very little money, but I still grow my own food, eat my greens, move my body and eat right. In the good old days, people did not always feel so compelled to save the weak and diseased from death, they only tried to make their lives more comfortable while alive.
What do you think people did before all of the handouts, prescription drugs and free/subsidized healthcare were so readily available? The community stepped up to help care for those who needed it. Not the government and the poor tax payers.
Here is my advice. Breastfeed your children for more than a year for optimal immune function, stop eating fried chicken, pop, Doritos and cheesecake for every meal. I know of third generation diabetics who still eat crap on a daily basis and complain as their disease worsens.
Stop eating sugar, get out and walk, stop smoking and using drugs, stop using harmful chemicals and eating food full of hormones, cut out the trans fats and corn syrup, start taking charge of your own health instead of waiting for the government to come and save you. Have you seen the physical bodies of most "working poor" these days? They are abusing themselves.
Sometime people get sick and die, do you suggest that we have to save everyone on the planet from death?
"There are people who work full-time, but they can't afford health care."
I can't afford health care either. In fact, there are millions of things I can't afford. Would you like to take responsibility for buying me all the things I can't afford??
If not, then why would you want someone else to pay your bills?
"Every other first-world country offers public health care access."
Move to one of those countries.
"If you want to "keep your money," then get the fuck out of the country."
I have a better idea. I'm keeping my money, and I'm staying right here.
You want my money??? Come get it! Good luck!!
Here are a few money-saving suggestions for people who can't afford health care:
1. Get regular check-ups, and pay cash. It's amazing how inexpensive an office visit is when you tell them you're uninsured.
2. Stop smoking, stop drinking, stop eating high-calorie, high-sugar, and fried foods.
3. Maintain a physically-active lifestyle, exercise regularly.
4. Do not have children unless you can afford them, they cost a fortune.
5. Make sure that your auto-insurance includes full coverage, plus uninsured motorist.
6. Walk-in clinics like Rite-Aid's "Minute Clinic" are accessible and inexpensive.
7. Take responsibility for yourself, it is not the job of others to take care of you.
To the anon @ 7:05 PM, as John McEnroe would say, "You cannot be serious!"
The Tea Party has no clear agenda? Yes we do. We want the polar opposite of anything 0bama wants! We want adherence to the U.S. Constitution. We want capitalism. We want liberty. We want the government to stay the hell out of most areas of our lives. We want a strong, proud military. We expect our leaders to be for us, not against us. We want our grandchildren to be able to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness rather than being shackled to generations of onerous taxation in order to fund the incredible debts that 0bama/Pelosi/Reid have created. We want the freedom to pursue excellence in everything we do. We want the fabric of America preserved. Godless freaks, perverts, and slackers are in the minority and should not be catered to. We want illegal aliens to get out of the U.S. We want unions abolished. We want teachers held accountable. We want wasteful government spending to cease. We want the Fair Tax. We want new laws that say if you don't pay income taxes you don't get to vote. We want welfare recipients to take drug tests. One strike and you are off the dole. We want for America to continue to have the finest health care system in the world. We want everyone to have health care, only we want them to pay for it themselves. We don't see health care as a right. We are pro-life. We detest political correctness in every form. We are The Truth.
Sir, you horrify me. Are you sure you are with the Tea party, not the Nazi party? I'm ashamed of my country because it has people like you in it.
>You want my money??? Come get it! Good luck!!
The IRS will come for you, boy. Enjoy prison!
"I'm ashamed of my country because it has people like you in it."
Who cares?
"Are you sure you are with the Tea party, not the Nazi party?"
The Nazi's were The National Socialist Party.
They were in favor of universal health care.
Just like you.
"Sir, you horrify me."
LOLOL What a pussy.
Personal Responsibility = Nazi. The brilliance of the American Socialist never ceases to amaze. Your righteous indignation does not impress anybody, sir. I am ashamed to share a comment thread with you (wipe away tear).
"Personal Responsibility" is a very convenient sermon for the "haves" to preach. It doesn't make as much sense for the "have nots." Do you maniacs really believe that personal responsibility is the solution to all social ills? Peasants unhappy under feudalism? They need personal responsibility. Blacks unhappy under Jim Crow laws? More personal responsibility, please! Tibetan people being oppressed by China? Why, they need a big ol' dose of personal responsibility!
And that's exactly what you've proposed in your treatise on the Tea party above. Get rid of unions, so that workers become modern-day feudal peasants. Make the government "stay the hell out of" your life, so you can openly discriminate against anyone who doesn't go to your church to join you in your weekly dose of hypocrisy. Institutionalize discrimination against the "godless" and the "perverts" - liberty doesn't apply to them, apparently.
The Tea party's position is very comfortable for the wealthy and the selfish. For everybody else, it leaves a lot to be desired. It's easy to talk about personal responsibility when you're already successful.
"The IRS will come for you, boy. Enjoy prison!"
My accountant says I'm all paid up.
So what are you gonna whine about now?
Tibetans? Jim Crow? Feudalism? Please don't bring up the Crusades or Tim McVeigh. Return to the Daily Kos or HuffPo to spread your idiocy. Preach to the choir of self hating whites, black militants and Raza nationalists.
Statism is Feudalism. Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their army of bureaucrats are our lords and we the taxpayer are the vassals.
"Personal Responsibility" is a very convenient sermon for the "haves" to preach"
Hey dumb fuck, I don't HAVE health care.
But unlike you, I don't believe someone else should pay my bills.
I believe in taking care of myself.
That's called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, and it's based on PRINCIPLE, not "convenience".
My parents taught me that no one owes me anything (a lesson that you apparently never learned).
You STILL have not answered my question...WHY do you believe someone else should pay your bills?
" It's easy to talk about personal responsibility when you're already successful."
Who are you talking about??? How do you know that I am successful or not?? Maybe I am poor because I have made bad choices. I can choose to either 1. make gizmos for X corporation for minimum wage or 2. start my own gizmo business in my garage and become self-reliant.
I have very little money, but I am personally responsible. I work hard. I never blame anyone but myself when things go wrong. I don't expect the government to look out for my interests. I don't take money that is not mine. I don't work for companies that abuse their workers or the environment, and I don't buy their products. Maybe if we all do this, they go out of business. Let the market decide all of this, not the government.
Liberals are always screaming for the government to "create more jobs" (welfare) for the poor and unemployed, extend benefits at taxpayer expense, and spread the wealth from rich to poor. If you want to help the poor, that is your business. Give them your money and advice in private. But do not take my hard-earned money away and give it to someone who has not worked for it.
If I want to help people, I will do it in my own way by personal donation.
Once again, life is not fair. Not everyone can be educated, not everyone will have strong families to support them, not everyone will be born with a strong body. You are searching for equal outcome, not equal access, they are very different ideas. Because of laws, we have equal access for all now. Still many people still cannot make it and require free passes and vouchers in order to survive. Don't you see the problem with this??
Not everyone is bright or talented enough to be as successful as others. They must find a fit for themselves, and it may not pay more than minimum wage.
If the poor keep make stupid choices, like having babies before marriage, or buying large wheels instead of groceries, then I feel no compassion for them and they will never make it. Why should I think that I know what is best for them? Obviously they are doing what works for them, I don't want to get in the way of their destiny.
It is such a self-important and liberal high place for you to be when you think that you can affect the outcome, good or bad, of other people's lives. You seem to think that you know what is best for everyone, this is a typical liberal attitude. Your beliefs only serve to make you feel more morally superior to other whites. That is what liberalism is all about, competing for the moral high-ground with other whites, not helping blacks and the poor.
Why not just speak of what YOU know and experience instead? You have not used the word "I" in any of your comments. Are you downtrodden, poor, a victim of evil labor practices, a victim of slavery, of discrimination, of racism, of classism? You sound like a self-hater, hateful of personal freedoms, hateful of the haves, and those who are more successful than you.
I believe that people should have the right to discriminate against anyone they choose. The government should not mandate that I support the poor and uneducated, hire people I don't like, hire based on racial quotas, or even live near people I don't like. Poor and unsuccessful people are poor and unsuccessful in America because of their poor choices and the poor choices of their ancestors. Period.
You STILL have not answered my question...WHY do you believe someone else should pay your bills?
Who said that somebody else should pay my bills? Apparently your reading comprehension needs work. Not only do you not have health care, apparently you also don't have a public education. Way to deny yourself those gov'mint handouts, dipshit!
To address your question: I believe that everybody who has a full-time job should have access to modern health care. This is not a matter of "personal responsibility," it's a matter of adjusting society to make it happen.
But since you're so "principled," come work for me! I'll pay you less than minimum wage with no benefits, and you won't complain because your parents taught you that nobody owes you anything. And it will be your PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to get food, shelter, and health care with your inadequate wages.
Maybe you think that if you had a job like that, you'd quit and find one that pays better. Well, imagine that every job you can find is just as shitty. Maybe then you would want to change how society works so that you can live a decent life.
That is what the democrats want to do now, and what you're so vehemently opposed to.
Are you starting to get it now, you selfish fuck?
"It's easy to talk about personal responsibility when you're already successful."
"I'm not successful, and I hate people who are. Successful people should pay my bills."
"I believe that people should have the right to discriminate against anyone they choose."
So, the truth comes out. And how many blacks have you kicked out of your restaurant so far this week?
Look, TMI, some of what you're saying makes sense. But the point that you're overlooking is that it's not all about you. You're not a hermit living out in the untamed wilderness. You live in a nation-state, a society that exists to serve its citizens.
You are able to drive to work because the government built roads. You don't have to worry about Marxist revolutionaries killing you and taking all your shit because the government throws enough bones to poor people to keep the Marxist ideology at bay. You don't have to worry about shake-down artists threatening to burn down your business unless you pay them "insurance" because the government enforces the law.
But the USA doesn't just exist to serve you. It exists to serve ALL citizens. And sometimes, that means helping people out. If you're against welfare, federally-funded health care, etc, then you should also be against road construction, law enforcement, food and drug regulations, noise regulations, etc.
"But do not take my hard-earned money away and give it to someone who has not worked for it."
Instead of complaining that the government takes your hard-earned money, you should be THANKFUL that the government supports a society that ALLOWS you to earn that money.
Living in this country, and reaping all the benefits that come with it, is not free. There are fees, and the more benefits you get, the bigger your fees. And sometimes, those fees go to help other people, so that they can also benefit from living in this country.
Anyway, I want to take a time-out and thank all of you Tea party members out there. Thanks to you, the Republican base has splintered, leaving the way open for Democrats to finally bring some much-needed reform to this country. Soon, you, yes, YOU, will be paying for my education, my health care, my housing, and my car. Really, we couldn't have done it without you, so thanks again!
"Peasants unhappy under feudalism? They need personal responsibility. Blacks unhappy under Jim Crow laws? More personal responsibility, please! Tibetan people being oppressed by China? "
Way to go liberals, saving the world one downtrodden victim at a time.
So, which one are you, the poor peasant? The black living under Jim Crow? The oppressed Tibetan? Do you feel their pain? What exactly do you stand for anyway? If you are none of these people listed, then are you just another guilty, self-hating, privileged white person who should be ashamed of his good fortune in America?
Yes indeed, blacks under Jim Crow were successful because they had personal responsibility. They were married, created businesses to support their own neighborhoods, supported neighborhood schools, church, etc, nothing like today while living under welfare. They looked out for each other through personal charity and family networks. Yes, yes yes!!!! Now the black community has no foundation and is not successful because of personal choices.
Peasants have revolted throughout history. They worked for what they had, even if it was very little. They did not let inconvenience and personal discomfort stop them from surviving. People died, people endured hardship, but they had personal responsibility.
It is more evil to know that you are a member of the poor black underclass, unmarried, on welfare, and then make the horrible mistake of not using birth control and allowing yourself to become pregnant again, bringing yet another child that you can not feed into your mess of a life. Happens hundreds of times every single day.
So, you are actually against social progress?
Do you believe that the Magna Carta should never have been written, the declaration of independence should never have been signed, the slaves should never have been freed?
Instead, you assert that everybody should just have had personal responsibility. Am I understanding you correctly?
"Hey dumb fuck"
Not this worn-out phrase. Get some new thoughts! Expand your vocabulary! Seriously? And you think you're so smart? Please.
Said Anonymous on October 26, 2010 at 12:44 PM: So, you are actually against social progress?
If it's "social progress" that's gotten this country to this point, I don't know how much more forward motion we can all stand.
"The wrong kind of white person shops at Wal-Mart."
You're an idiot. I could care less if the store is predominantly black or had some racist slur on blacks there! As long as I'm getting groceries for a reasonable cheap price I'm happy. Why spend more at a classy white store? This is the line where race comes after necessities.
Last anon...
That sentence may have been difficult to decipher and wasn't my intention. It was written from THE POINT OF VIEW of the anointed SWPL, status seeking white person.
Parts of this essay might be confusing. I'll try and change a few things to make it more straightforward.
Lander and the guy interviewing him are the two most obnoxious-looking people I've ever seen. Is Lander Jewish?
"Is Lander Jewish?"
Why, are you the Gestapo?
"Not this worn-out phrase."
Followed by this worn-out question:
WHY do you believe someone else should pay your bills?
So a nameless white eloi (or perhaps one of our Ancient Friends) stops in to chat with us.
He expresses horror at the thought of assuming a free man’s standing posture, rather than the kneeling porcine slouch required to dine comfortably from the trough. He reacts as all organisms do when their free slop is threatened: he squeals and thrashes about, soiling everything in his vicinity. As such he pokes his snout into this website to bleat about the wonderful narcotic benefits of lying in one’s own filth—at least until the butcher arrives.
Such an effete creature could only be a product of—and survive to adulthood—in the decadent terminal stage of multi-cultural western democracy. It is here where walking, talking vaginas express horror at the thought of having to actually pay for the health care that they consume. One can imagine this same body part expressing similar horror over the off-temperature of their Starbucks latte.
Well, our delicate little flower, your horror is only beginning. A white standard of living cannot be maintained by a black/brown population. You on the left could have either your welfare state or your multicult: but reality dictates you can’t have both. So, naturally, both is what you chose. And now, to have today what will be impossible tomorrow, succeeding governments have mortgaged the future of seven generations. It will never be paid, unless by wheelbarrows of trillion dollar bills.
And so as a result the trough will run dry, blacks will loot, rape, and pillage (at an even greater rate), the Hispanics will ethnically cleanse the southwest, and you will learn that the word horror actually has a true meaning.
"Not this worn-out phrase. Get some new thoughts! Expand your vocabulary! Seriously? And you think you're so smart? Please."
Hmmm. Sounds a lot like one of my posts from yesterday...
"It's a shame you're not capable of forming an original thought, or expanding your vocabulary."
"You're an idiot. I could care less if the store is predominantly black or had some racist slur on blacks there!"
Who overuses the words "idiot" and "racist" along with the phrase "I could care less"???
Sounds a lot like the guy who wants other people to pay his bills!
You forgot to end your post with the obligatory "Seig Heil!"
Sweet Christmas, where do you degenerates come from.
"And how many blacks have you kicked out of your restaurant so far this week?"
I have a better question.
How many blacks have committed violent crimes against whites so far this week?
"The Tea party's position is very comfortable for the wealthy and the selfish."
I was one of your "working poor". I had no insurance, etc and I have the same values. That's right, I said values, as in morals. The morals you obviously don't have.
Any person in America (especially the poor) can take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, walk into any trade school in the country today and have a skill and career in a year. They will take just about anybody (including felons), are cheap compared to 4 year schools (10K-20K), and are a huge tax break. You can't tell me it can't be done because I did it last year. So, get your fat, lazy, gout ridden butt off the sofa and go to school.
"Sweet Christmas, where do you degenerates come from."
Cry me a river bitch.
We're just living in the real world.
Anon @ 11:55
All those people were willing to work and sometimes even die for what they wanted. You can't make a comparison when you won't even entertain the thought of working for something.
I think I threw up a little at the thought of the rot in our society that you represent.
The feeling is mutual, believe me. I'm just waiting for the day that the next flood comes and wipes you and all the other abominations like you. Only it won't be sent by god.
It will be sent by Obama.
"It will be sent by Obama."
Oh look! Another Obama-worshipper!!!
"I'm just waiting for the day that the next flood comes and wipes you and all the other abominations like you."
And then who will pay for your health care???
"Who said that somebody else should pay my bills?"
Do you prefer to be responsible for your own health care, or do you prefer that someone else pay for it??
Personally, I do not want anyone else buying anything for me, that's not how I was raised, I was taught personal responsibility.
laz Cry me a river bitch
If we forced our politicians to live in black infested areas, they would see first hand the utter devastation and violence they cause. Blacks turn neighborhoods into wastelands within 15 years or so. But unfortunately, the powers that be usually live very sheltered and privileged lives and just don't care if the black population grows 'on the other side of the tracks'.
Hey SBPDL who about doing an entry on the n word that something black people don't like.I haven't seen it addressed and I'd like to get your thoughts on it. Forgive me if it's addressed (I'm sure it probably is, actually) somewhere on the site, I just didn't see it yet.
"I'm just waiting for the day that the next flood comes and wipes you and all the other abominations like you. Only it won't be sent by god.It will be sent by Obama."
And here, in his carelessness, he lets the mask slip. Our tolerant liberal flower--so concerned with healthcare for all--yearns for a genocide of whites lead by his black master.
I can only wish its kind were more routinely honest.
Look, here are the facts. Blacks are inferior. Criminals. Savages. They will never join the community of decent people. They cant. Its not in their nature. Just look around. The USA. the world. Reality. Live it.
Anon @5:34
Dude, chill, I'm on your side. lol.
I'd like to add one thing to Porter's brilliant enfilade.
Obama's healthcare scheme will require all American "citizens" (read: subjects) to purchase a corporate product. If they refuse to purchase this product, they will be fined. What will happen if they refuse to pay the fine? Probably more fines and IRS/law enforcement scrutiny, with all roads, no matter how long, leading to a prison sentence. The end result is that you must purchase healthcare or be imprisoned.
Secondly, healthcare must be provided by paid healthcare professionals. If healthcare is now a human right, no different from life or liberty, then those professionals are made slaves, since they must provide free healthcare. The fact that they are paid is incidental. What happens when the providers of a "right" are too short-staffed to provide it? Or if they strike?
This is what government does. It invents more and more "services" that, of course, only government can provide, until whole industries are crushed beneath its girth. What you're seeing now is the logical conclusion to a state apparatus left unchecked.
But I don't expect a little child to understand the dangers of large government, or what a "right" is or isn't. Public schools indeed!
"Instead, you assert that everybody should just have had personal responsibility. Am I understanding you correctly?"
To nameless white eloi:
This is what we have ALL been saying to you. You finally got it, congratulations!! I have counted six such posts in this thread alone.
Ending slvery is morally just and the right thing to do for the entire society. The act of fighting for independence from England with knowledge of the threat of war and death was the ultimate act of personal responsibility. Blacks did much better after they were freed from slavery, but declined considerably after welfare was expanded.
Giving tax-payer funded welfare to single black women or using it to foot the bill for self-imposed disease is not morally just and creates more problems that it is supposed to solve. Your arguments make no sense.
"To nameless white eloi:"
He's not white.
It's the same negro who infects every post on this site.
"You live in a nation-state, a society that exists to serve its citizens."
Your statement shows your ignorance. The government is not required to create a social safety net for you. The United States' #1 role is national defense - to protect its citizens from foreigners and terrorists with a strong military, not to feed, clothe, house and educate them. People must provide these things for themselves, or obtain them from private funding and charity.
Are you suggesting that we change the scope and reach of the government's power?? That is not how the country was founded.
You seem to think that without governmental help, Americans will all become homeless, polluted, starving, orphaned, uneducated, out of control, injured and diseased victims and must be protected from discomfort and inconvenience. Your constant "what ifs" are annoying and show that you are very scared and unsure of yourself, and frightened at the thought of having personal responsibility.
You have denounced the very principles of the Constitution that called for a very small and limited government that trusts its people to run their own lives. You are anti-American, and seem to have no faith in your own country and that is truly a shame.
"Do not fear a country that trusts its people, that refuses to rob its citizens of their income and their freedoms. Americans are good enough, smart enough competent enough, and forward-thinking enough to control their own lives with little government interference."
- Larry Elder "Showdown"
"I believe that everybody who has a full-time job should have access to modern health care. This is not a matter of "personal responsibility," it's a matter of adjusting society to make it happen."
Nice thought, but that is pure socialism. By "adjusting" you mean adjusting the Constitution and the original plan for the American government? I have access to modern healthcare, and I pay for it in full, I don't make anyone else fund it. Office visit is $76.00. Prescription might be more. Cancer treatment, not sure, probably costs thousands. I have a healthcare spending account, I pay all fees associated with it. Who should pay for my care if I get sick? Maybe private insurance is the best choice.
So, you see, we already have equal access to the best health care/disease management system in the world. Only, the government is not required to provide it for us.
"Look, here are the facts. Blacks are inferior. Criminals. Savages. They will never join the community of decent people. They cant. Its not in their nature. Just look around. The USA. the world. Reality. Live it."
Is it reall this hard to understand that you're facts are biased? Blacks are not perfect, and that doesn't excuse the behavior of those who did so wrongly, but it does mean that not all blacks are bad. Most whites are stereotypical and will believe anything told to them on the news or internet regardless of it's the most stupidest thing.
It's either you're really gullible, insecure, biased or big headed. It's time you've realized that you're wrong and as long as you continue to believe this crap you're going to be wrong and get nowhere. What has this blog done for you? What effect has the information on this blog and others done? NONE!
No one even pays attention or agrees with the information on here and others for a REASON! If this information was so true, than why is it that it's not taken into effect? Why is it that it hasn't changed anything? There's a REASON for this and it's right under your nose. You're just too big headed and blinded to realize it.
Now take my words of wisdom and do something worthwhile for the rest of your lives.
Honest Crusader
"Blacks are not perfect"
Good point.
Blacks have the highest violent crime rate, the highest murder rate, the highest rape rate, the highest illegitimacy rate, the highest dropout rate, the highest illiteracy rate, the highest AIDS rate, the highest abortion rate, the highest incarceration rate, etc etc etc...
Therefore, your statement is correct.
Blacks are not perfect.
And water is not dry.
Freedom Fighter, Honest Crusader, LOW IQ DUDE:
We all believe what is posted here. We have all experienced it first hand, not on TV or the Internet. Have you bothered to read the supporting comments at all? I was pleased as punch to find this site, it supports what I have experienced around blacks in my daily life, it helps whites to shed their white guilt and start demanding the same things from blacks who have been given a free pass for too long. Why do we continue to give special treatment to blacks? Because we all know that they bring the nation down instead of pulling their own weight. This must change.
It is a great place for a laugh, a great site to forward to our liberal friends and family members to so that they can be ready to deal with super-sensitive blacks in their daily lives. Did you ever say, "I wonder why blacks act that way?". No need to wonder any longer, thanks to SBPDL. He is providing a very important service for America.
" If this information was so true, than why is it that it's not taken into effect? Why is it that it hasn't changed anything?"
Is this a joke or are you really trying to be logical?
What drug are you smoking?
You must live in an all black world, because you don't even appear know what the problem is! Is this the first time you have heard about black behavior being a problem? I suppose that if you are living among blacks 24/7, you would not know about the higher standards of white people and this would all seem very distasteful to you. Actually read some of the posts, they are quite brilliant!
Sorry Freedom Fighter. Did not mean to get your name mixed in there, but I am getting confused with all of the naming conventions.
Lying Crusader
Cry me a river bitch
How can facts be biased if their facts.Huh.Don't blame white people for hating blacks.Blame yourself.Blacks brought all that disdain on themselves.
"What has this blog done".We're united by hate.And this site writes about what the liberal mainstream media doesn't.IF this site is wrong.Why don't you point out It's faults.This site also gets under your skin Eh.
A lot of people agree.Just look at the comments.
"Most whites are stereotypical and will believe anything told to them on the news or internet regardless of it's the most stupidest thing."
Helpful hint: when trying your hardest to appear superior to Human Beings, it's really best to avoid ebonics such as "most stupidest."
I dun no you dint ax me. Jest sayin'!
Ditto to all the conservatives who have posted here. Thank you. Why am I "selfish" because I don't wish to spend my tax dollars on people who have no personal responsibility. I work hard for my money. If I wanted to live in a socialist country, I'd move to one.
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