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You won't see this in all-Black cities |
Across the nation, Black children who reside in Black Undertow cities and counties are bused into all-white enclaves to Trick-or-Treat in safe environments, where parents do not neglect nor rely on the state to rear their children.
Thus, Putnam’s study needs a caveat: homogeneous Black communities run counter to Putnam’s findings that diversity destroys the social fabric of a city; the greater the percentage of Black people in a municipality, the more atomized and unsafe the environment.
The Washington Post has just published findings that the all-white enclave is a thing of the past, inadvertently putting the final nail in the coffin of Trick-or-Treating:
Today their Silver Spring community of Hillandale is home to people of every race and ethnicity — the epitome of what one sociologist calls “global neighborhoods” that are upending long-standing patterns of residential segregation.So what happens to those communities that are classified as Black enclaves? Well, Black kids vying for initiation into gangs and high levels of Black crime make Trick-or-Treating (and the ability to create lasting relationship and build communities) an impossibility.
Around the region and across the country, the archetypal all-white neighborhood is vanishing with remarkable speed. In many places, the phenomenon is not being driven by African Americans moving to the suburbs. Instead, it is primarily the result of the nation’s soaring number of Hispanics and Asians, many of whom are immigrants.
The result has been the emergence of neighborhoods, from San Diego to Denver to Miami, that are more diverse than at any time in American history.
As the nation barrels toward the day, just three decades from now, when non-Hispanic whites are expected to be a minority, these global neighborhoods have already begun remaking the American social fabric in significant ways. Their creation and impact have been especially pronounced in the Washington area, where minorities are now the majority.
A Washington Post analysis of 2010 Census data shows a precipitous decline in the number of the region’s census tracts, areas of roughly 2,000 households, where more than 85 percent of the residents are of the same race or ethnicity — what many demographers would consider a segregated neighborhood.
In the District, just one in three neighborhoods is highly segregated, the Post analysis found. A decade ago, more than half were.
Majority Black cities across the country rely on the generosity of non-profit organization and church organizations to bus their children into all-white enclaves for safe Trick-or-Treating. In the “bad” (read Black parts) of Jacksonville, attempts have been made to make the Halloween tradition safe.
Doesn’t this run counter to Putnam’s study, that the more homogeneous the community the greater the trust? All-white enclaves don’t require such programs, but all-Black cities do.
Which brings us to Prince George’s County, that all-Black enclave that his home to some of the highest foreclosure rates (and a horrible school system and high crime rate) that The Washington Post featured as an aberration in the increasingly diverse world.
Why? Because non-Black people don’t want to live there; it isn’t safe:
From Loudoun to Fairfax to Montgomery, communities that are growing are also growing more integrated, with people of every race and ethnicity living side by side. Prince George’s stands virtually alone as a place that is gaining population yet has an increasing number of residents living in neighborhoods that are overwhelmingly one race — in this case, African American.
A Washington Post analysis of census data shows that the number of Prince George’s neighborhoods where more than 85 percent of residents are the same race or ethnicity — what demographers consider a high level of segregation — has inched up, from 25 percent in 1990 to 27 percent last year.
Though the increase is small, any uptick is startling in comparison with everywhere else in the region. While the all-white neighborhood has all but disappeared from Northern Virginia, Montgomery and the District, the all-black neighborhood is on the rise in Prince George’s.
Yet the Prince George’s experience also illustrates the limits of integration. Most blacks and whites still live in separate neighborhoods, despite the dismantling of legal segregation decades ago.
Today, integration has moved beyond black and white. Integrated neighborhoods often are created when Asians and Hispanics move into predominantly white neighborhoods, said John Logan, a Brown University sociologist who has studied segregation patterns for 30 years. He says these “global neighborhoods” pave the way for more blacks to move into a community without triggering white flight.
In the Washington region, 90 percent of whites still live in neighborhoods where they are a majority or the largest group. Many whites remain unwilling to buy houses in black neighborhoods, Logan said, and so are most Asians.
“It’s going to be a long, long time before that disappears,” he said.
White exodus
Some whites with deep roots in Prince George’s say they sense that the white exodus from the county is largely over and that Hispanics have helped make the county feel more diverse than ever.
Maryland state Del. Justin D. Ross (D) and his wife are raising four young children in Hyattsville, not far from the University of Maryland in an area that has long attracted a mix of people. His two oldest children attend University Park Elementary School, where the student body is 30 percent black, 30 percent Hispanic, 26 percent white and 8 percent Asian.
“We’re giving [our children] a competitive advantage in a real world that will look much different than the one my parents grew up in,” said Ross, 35, who is white and grew up in Prince George’s.
But most white longtime residents have friends and neighbors who have left the county and made little secret of why, said several who met on a recent afternoon to discuss white flight and diversity.
“A lot of white people don’t want to live around black people. It’s crazy, I know,” said John Petro, a developer who lives in a predominantly black subdivision in Bowie and has no intention of moving away.It’s crazy? Hmm… in virtually every major city in America that has a high population of Black people, nearly all-white suburbs have been created. It would be crazy if it were only one city; that it is EVERY city where Black and white people interact that has seen an exodus of the latter (with the former then in charge of a city that they inevitably see collapse) means it is definitely NOT CRAZY!
“They don’t always say ‘black,’ ” said Jane Eagen Dodd, a retired schoolteacher who lives in an Upper Marlboro community with a rich mix of people from different backgrounds. “They say, ‘The county is changing.’ ”
So what is Trick-or-Treating like in Prince George’s County, where crime is a huge problem (thus, disproving Putnam’s study on how communities that are homogeneous are much better than the diverse cities)?
How many of the kids in Prince George’s County are bused into the dwindling few all-white enclaves around D.C.?
The Washington Post can brag about Prince George's County offering Black people a chance to be around "Black role models" while gloating about the end of all-white enclaves. But where will Black kids be able to Trick-or-Treat when these all-white enclaves disappear?
Halloween is the one night of the year where an entire community leaves their homes and interacts with each other. Interesting that Putnam's study on how racial diversity erodes community trust needs a caveat: the greater the percentage of Black people in a community (even if it is an all-Black enclave), the less the community trust.
*Insert joke about spooks on Halloween here*
The scariest thing you are likely to see this Halloween if you are white
Atlant's Ansley Park is full of million and multi million dollar homes full of White Humanity. Tonight, they have their neighborhood trick-or-treet protected from the Atlanta black undertow.
Several streets are blocked off with cones and police cars with lights flashing.
Not only do these Whiteys pay $30-50,000 per year in property taxes to pay for the APS that can't pass blacks to the next grade without cheating for them, they also must spend a few thousand on police protection to keep the blacks away during Halloween.
Why? Because Ansley Park is too close to Ga. Tech for White comfort. About one mile a 6 minute drive. All the crime at Tech could just as easily spill over to Ansley.
Lester Maddox's Pickrick Restaurant location is now deep within the borders of Ga. Tech. The sacred and historic building was recently torn down and is now a grass lot awaiting a historical maker from Civil Rights icon and leader John Lewis. Look for lots of tear jerking rhetoric about the pain of segregation. Maddox closed his restaurant instead of allowing the Fed. Govt. tell him who he must serve.
When he did serve, his clientele was from the 100% White working class neighborhood of Home Park and Hemphill Ave.
Now, Home Park is the site of repeated African American attacks on Ga. Tech students. Diversity is our what?
The violence problem is so continually bad, Atlanta's liberal Journal and Constitution is now succumbing to frustration and leaning toward asking the unmentionable questions:
Is crime at Ga. Tech an urban reality?
Robberies, assaults persist despite efforts by officials to stifle the trend.
Officials at Tech and other schools have responded to the incidents with stepped-up patrols, courtesy shuttles, self-defense classes and other efforts to educate students about the dangers of in-town living. Yet, Tech students continue to be vulnerable.
"That’s a very difficult question to answer," said Sgt. Curtis Davenport, an Atlanta Police Department spokesman. "I don’t know if anyone knows why. I do know that we are taking steps to try and prevent [crimes] and arrest those responsible."
end snip
The challenge for campus police is two-fold. Students are often impulsive, immature and naive, and urban campuses are frequently placed alongside low-income neighborhoods. "Many of our students had a false sense of security," said Thomas Trawick, chief of police and director of emergency management at Clark Atlanta University.
end snip
Low-income neighborhoods that were once Whites Only neighborhoods = Diversity = violent crime.
Constant "Diversity is our strength" propaganda from Ga. Tech = students have a false sense of security.
If Techies still have any sense of security at all after the long trending rash of attacks near and on campus, then they deserve it as bad as the afrovoodoos can give it.
Diversity = crime = urban reality. Just adjust yourself and suffer, because if you speak up, you'll be branded a vile klux racist who stigmatizes minorities with lies that stoke hate and violence. You will end up on the SPLC's Hate Watch list, and the ADL will force your employer to fire you. The NAACP will march on your business, and your local neighborhood thugs will be anointed by the MSM as the suffering saints of the ongoing struggle for civil and human rights.
"These amiable children of cannibals give us hideous slums and eternal apprehension for the future."
Cambridge is a big time dump in Maryland. You can consider it a mini Detroit full of entitlement rats.
How long will it take till people wake up? How many formerly white-only enclaves of dying Americana have to be integrated till we finally realize that our children's future is in extreme peril?
Why do we hate ourselves so much that we cannot express our desire to continue as a distinct people? A distinct culture? A distinct nation? Even our ancestral lands in Europe are flooded annually with immigrants who do not share the same values as we do...much less the same basic physical features.
The truth is, for all our supposed "need" for "diversity"...we are the most diverse race on the planet! We may have blonde hair, red hair, brown hair, black hair, blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, hazel eyes...and a million hair/eye combinations in between...sometimes all within one extended family.
...which is what we are. An extended family. And it is time we start seeing ourselves as such.
Remember, as you venture out into the hell of the postmodern (and postmortem) West...Halloween is our holiday. The Celts originated the bulk of the holiday with their Samhain celebration, the Germanic tribes celebrated a similar custom called Winternights, and the Romans had Parentalia, the Slavs had their Great Week as well, etc. etc. etc.
Halloween is, like the America that created it, a celebration of our unity as a people. The ancient practices of our ancestors cannot be rooted out, not by Puritan oppressors or their killjoy descendents in the Liberal establishment today.
Celebrate the changing of the season, celebrate the eternal return of winter.
And pray to the Father that our blizzard of ignorance is coming to an end.
We are a tired, defeated race. We've been had.
I don't know how liberals can say with a straight face that diversity is a strength when black kids have to trick or treat in white neighborhoods.
Another thing. IF the "more homogeneous the community the greater the trust" than why can't blacks trick or treat in there Black enclaves. Why would they celebrate Halloween with people they hate with every tired muscle in their Black power body?
IF Diversity was a strength Asians and Hispanics wouldn't think twice about moving into black neighborhoods. And there wouldn't be a white exodus.
Liberals way of thinking blows my freaking mind. Everything in Robert's study should be common sense. They say "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results". IF Diversity didn't work the first time why the hell would it work the second time. Goodness must be judge with results.
I love how white communities create a safe and fun holiday in which children can safefully "Trick or Treat" from door-to-door without fear of getting muhdick, and blacks send their horrid children there to tear up the place and chase away other children.
Why don't blacks realize that if they at least tried to act like a normal human, then they wouldn't be subjugated to the harsh critism by the rest of the world? It's too easy to change your behavior to fit in, but I guess their brain is too unadvanced to evolve beyond a "gibmedats" stage.
It's all another battle in the culture war. Interesting how Halloween has picked up as a holiday in recent years. Perhaps the symptom of a covert white renaissance?
“A lot of white people don’t want to live around black people. It’s crazy, I know,” said John Petro, ...
Do they bother to ask why? Does it have anything to do with crime rates, etc?
Another thing: you would think that all the liberals who work in the DC beltway would be moving into counties like Prince George's to be enriched by the diversity. Especially when you consider that -- since according to multicult ideology, white people invented racism-sexism-homophobia -- black enclaves must be paradises of tolerance.
Ok, ok, I am being ironic, to put it mildly. But don't these points ever get raised? Or is the mainstream media so brainlocked that they really can not consider the answers?
Havent done the Halloween thing in years. Too many 15,16,& even 18 year old-in-appearance 'youths' who dont bother to wear costumes were showing up. Most didnt bother to say 'trick-or-treat'...just stood there with a pillow case. (seems to be the container-of-choice for most, dunno why)...Guess when you do the obligatory "and what are you supposed to be?"....hood-rat & thug/gangsta werent popular answers!....Kid Clorox
I don't have the racial demographics for Ft Knox but the Halloween experience there in the 80's was decent, no civilians for one thing so alot more control on who could come and go in the area. The blacks we had as soldiers also behaved themselves, we didn't have many hispanics, few asians and of course tons of White folks. When it came down to being shot on sight for messing with a child of spouse, stealing from a house etc it was a better world. The UCMJ could be implemented in regular society without using marital law and it'd clean things up, bring back the death penalty of rape and child molestation. Yes it's true there have been few executions especially when it comes to the followers of Islam, pity because it'd discourage the other bastards from trying their crap.
Pvt keeping an eye on things.
Are White people psychotic?
On one hand they acknowledge the reality of black crime and violence by avoiding blacks whenever possible.
These same White people will recite, verbatim, the multiculturalist creed while immersing themselves in White guilt.
All whites are terrified of black people, it's instinctual.
Privileged whites are hypocritical liars who live in all-white communities are never possible, but babble on and on about diversity (and retrospect, they "rejoice in diversity" by reminiscing about their student years at Columbia or Yale, when they had so much fun staying in shape by running for their lives from feral blacks).
These privileged white liberals are lying hypocrites, and they are never confronted with the truth, because they never have a conversation with anyone who disagrees with them.
Just confront him with some simple facts, and watch their façade crumble.
I took my kids trick-or-treating in a white enclave last night with some friends. I wanted to see if the blacks would show up to ruin the fun. It is exactly as you describe in this post.
During daylight, there were hundreds of young white couples with small children dressed as fairies, brides, rock stars, lions, and Buzz Lightyear. They were pulling small children in Radio Flyer wagons, and holding babies in carriers. Some walked dogs in costume.
Some SWPL parents were sipping craft beer and glasses of red wine, talking and laughing as they strolled, and most of them were in costume too. It was pure, innocent, and was great fun. I felt safe and relaxed. The residents had fake fog machines, jack-o-lanterns, fake cobwebs, and had rigged swinging ghosts on cables in their trees to lower on the sidewalk to scare the children. They played spooky music, and many sat outside to greet the children. There was fun and conversation, and a real spirit of community....for a short while.
Once the sun began to set, the troublesome blacks, dumped off by the car load, came in from the inner-city. They wore no costumes, and most were older teens and adults. "Flash mob" and "wilding" came to mind. The men wore black hoodies and sagging thug pants and carried paper grocery sacks. They ran in packs of 10 or more from door to door, no "Trick or Treat", no thank you, just candy bullying and disrespect for the neighborhood. They pushed past the families with small white children. Some residents mysteriously ran out of candy.
The porch lights begin to go out and the white families left.
At least the white children got one good hour of fun. We need to do something about this.
In my apartment complex there were no problems. I saw Hispanic and Black children out trick or treating and there were no issues. No one needed to be bussed into a White neighborhood to be safe.
In fact, I have never heard of anyone feeling unsafe during trick-or-treating.
It's not just blacks that get bused into white enclaves, around here (north San Diego county) the "la-teen-ohs" come around in their white or blue mini vans, old Explorers, or lowered little imports crammed full of anchor babies and fat burrito fed "parents" to loot the neighborhood candy...
Why don't blacks realize that if they at least tried to act like a normal human, then they wouldn't be subjugated to the harsh critism by the rest of the world?
The true reason is because there just to damn lazy to even try, the standard practice is get as much as you can with the least amount of effort, combine that with the low IQ's and you have a recipe for worthless do nothing hood rats.
Pardon the pun, but here's another nail in the coffin in the death of holloween.
You'll find tons of Mexcrement at any white festival. They love free stuff for the ninos.
They have destroyed almost every white festival in Texas.
"In my apartment complex there were no problems. I saw Hispanic and Black children out trick or treating and there were no issues. No one needed to be bussed into a White neighborhood to be safe.
In fact, I have never heard of anyone feeling unsafe during trick-or-treating."
So, what is your point? Are you saying that because you don't see it with your own eyes that it does not exist?
Have you read any of the links that SBPDL included in this post? Millions of white parents know what Halloween means when you are blessed with "diversity". You fail to acknowledge the dysfunction of black culture with every post. Even if blacks behave themselves, many whites STILL would prefer to not have to deal with them at all.
How do you know there were no problems?
How do you know that no blacks were bused?
How do you know that that the property owners did not feel threatened by the blacks and mexicans? How do you know that no crimes occurred?
You don't. You don't live around "authentic" blacks. You are lying to yourself.
No Trick-or-Treaters AGAIN this year!
Two words "Gated Community".
No Trick-or-Treaters AGAIN this year!
Two words "Gated Community".
"In my apartment complex there were no problems. I saw Hispanic and Black children out trick or treating and there were no issues."
So what?
Who gives a fuck?
Resident in my childhood home (So Cal.) no longer give out candy. The Mexicans started to show up with out costumes and shoved brown paper bags at my elderly mom. No "trick or treat" no "thank you". That was the end of Halloween in our neighborhood. Now the Mexicans can go to some other white neighborhood and do the same until everyone stops giving out candy on Halloween.
It's strange how diverse our neighborhood becomes on Halloween night. Vans full of them line our streets (a small pocket of suburb-like homes in a sea of mono-cultural vibrancy).
What's wrong with them trick-or- treating in their own 'hood?
Came here to make a joke about spooks and goblins on Halloween. LOL. Nice, Anonymous #1.
They wore no costumes, and most were older teens and adults.
Here now that is most unfair.
They came dressed as thugs.
Negroids prowl at night so Whites in the fringe areas have learned to contain their communities Halloween to late Afternoon and twilight. When the negroid "youths" begin to show up, pushing and hassling others and staring daggers at little children and going after White girls and putting out their paws for "Gibsmedat", the lights go out, the homemade effects go off and the families disappear inside.
I have the blessing to live on an all White Island in the Pacific NorthWest, so the sense of community is high, the danger is low and the Kids are happy. This year was big for Zombies and Darth Vaders (all of 3 feet high!). The night air was filled with laughter and fun. This morning I watched the news and listened to the reports of shootings, robberies, murder and mayhem in the more "Diverse" areas. I took out my 11 year old dressed as a Spartan Warrior to all the usual homes and got caught up on all the general gossip. Whites are waking up more than you might think as a lot of the conversations revolved around why this celebration could not be done in "other places".
Evergreen needs to knock it the fuck off with these retarded "clueless" posts. He's either a total retard (those famously lower-than-snakeshit black IQs, anyone?) or a disingenuous troll, and probably both.
No costumes?
No trick, no treat.
Global neighborhoods? Don't go thinking that the Hispanics or even the Orientals are on your side. Anon at 9:19 PM asked why the Blacks couldn't even try to act human, and thereby get along. Hispanics, and even more so Orientals, have the sense to act human, but their goals are no different than the Blacks. Other SoCal refugees or residents can confirm what happens when the foreigners arrive in enough numbers.
Before we moved to the suburbs, it was common to get older black and mexican "teenagers" (looked like grown men to me), with or without costumes, sometimes toting their costumed newborns with a pillowcase for goodies.
It was safer to go to a Halloween party and skip the trick-or-treating all together. Then we moved. My kids had a great time last night. We live in a neighborhood out in the country now--only one black family in the neighborhood.
Why blacks are afraid to go trick-or-treating in "dey own hoods": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW-3Ym5oZcw
Ha ha. Yours truly has some funny posts on the video too.
When the hell did we ever get to vote on having our living areas turned into global neighborhoods anc changing our social fabric? Nobody ever asked me and i'm SICK of the Third World foreigners!
I grew up in a neighborhood that has 1 black family out of 54 houses. They were older, their kids moved out when I was around 10 and they kept to themselves. Fortunately it's stayed that way for almost 30 years, they're still there, and the rest of the neighborhood is still White.
They didn't stay home for Halloween "for religious reasons" my mother said and no one messed with their house. We used to have a guy pull a hay wagon on his John Deere and some of the families that lives Waaaaayyy back came to the middle and set up their vans with spooky stuff and bowls of candy. It was fun.
The only house on the street that was ever a problem was the foster house at the very very end. Needless to say it caught fire at least twice (the only house to do so at all) and kids were in and out all the time, probably half White and half black. Neither were desirable, but that's what happens when families break down and kids aren't raised properly.
I can't imagine what would have happened to Halloween had the neighboord had more black residents or had gained them over time. What does it take? 5 houses? 10 houses? Out of the 54 before it would reach "tipping point" status, prices stagnate and then drop and (with loose bank lending in the 2000s) thus more come to the neighborhood to take advantage of the "community", at least while it's still there.
I was lucky as a kid.
Man Beaten, Burned Inside Wilkes Co. Home
Hmmm, no description of the..."thieves" and "culprits".
My neighborhood has a pre-defined "wink wink" time for the neighborhood kids to quickly get out for the really good candy...then the street shuts off the porch lights and the local kids then go to their private parties for the evening.
More and more white communities are offering "neighborhood" private parties and other activities ONLY open to families that have a Party Invitation.
White people are just plain smarter.
"In my apartment complex there were no problems. I saw Hispanic and Black children out trick or treating and there were no issues. No one needed to be bussed into a White neighborhood to be safe.
In fact, I have never heard of anyone feeling unsafe during trick-or-treating."
You are a black man, correct?
"You are a black man, correct?"
Yes, I am a Black man, and what I saw on Halloween isn't what I read in this article. Where I live, this doesn't happen. In my apartment complex, Whites are the minority and there haven't been any major problems. No violence for as long as I've lived there(2 years). Alot of families back where I live, as well as college students. And this Halloween, I saw kids out trick or treating and there were no problems.
"So, what is your point? Are you saying that because you don't see it with your own eyes that it does not exist?
Have you read any of the links that SBPDL included in this post? Millions of white parents know what Halloween means when you are blessed with "diversity". You fail to acknowledge the dysfunction of black culture with every post. Even if blacks behave themselves, many whites STILL would prefer to not have to deal with them at all.
How do you know there were no problems?
How do you know that no blacks were bused?
How do you know that that the property owners did not feel threatened by the blacks and mexicans? How do you know that no crimes occurred?
You don't. You don't live around "authentic" blacks. You are lying to yourself."
I am saying this stuff didn't happen in MY neighborhood. I don't live in Prince George County, so I can't vouch for that area. All I know is what goes on in the suburbs of Atlanta. I am not denying there are dysfunctions in the Black community. I am just saying none of that happened where I lived.
I didn't here any gun shots. In fact, I have never heard ANY guns shots in the 2 years that I lived there. And by the way, if there were buses, I would have seen them for myself. And by the way, I actually saw these kids leave their apartments and go out trick or treating together. Never once saw any problems. How do I know this? I live there. I know what goes on there because I live there. I can vouch for what I see where I live.
And you're saying I don't live around "authentic" Blacks? Are you saying that if a Black person doesn't commit crime or causes problems, he or she isn't authentic? Sounds insulting to me as I'm Black and I don't cause problems. There is a reason I don't live in the ghetto. I want to live in a safe neighborhood.
"Evergreen needs to knock it the fuck off with these retarded "clueless" posts. He's either a total retard (those famously lower-than-snakeshit black IQs, anyone?) or a disingenuous troll, and probably both."
Doesn't surprise me that you would try and insult me.
Here in Long Beach there was an assault / shooting one halloween...
and an attempt to silence witness
I found it....
Witness says she saw youths attack women on Halloween - Los ...
Nov 30, 2006 – Testifying in a hate crime trial in Long Beach, an African American ... Witness says she saw youths attack women on Halloween ... to leave after some girls confronted her with a threatening greeting. ... February 17, 2005
Re: super cracker - Until about a year ago I lived in the wonderfully diverse community of Roselawn, a suburb of Cincinnati (only so I could put more money into development of some inventions).
I left when I saw that, even on Wednesdays, a couple hundred of your bros were hanging out in the strip mall parking lot next door after hours to get drunk and cracked up. There were so many murders and other serious violent crimes there that the local news channels stopped giving out descriptions of suspects in these crimes, for a time, as they were reporting on blacks every day. Rape is a regular occurrence in the area as well. As is strongarm and armed robbery. You would let your kids go trick or treating there?
zero trick or treaters that I was able to see, and its been dropping off for a while.
I only gave out candy my first year in this house, it was mostly teenapers without costumes or wearing "Scream" masks. This year while driving home all I saw were mammies bringing their niglets around for gibs.
Californian October 31, 2011 9:24 PM: “ ‘A lot of white people don’t want to live around black people. It’s crazy, I know,” said John Petro, ...’
Do they bother to ask why? Does it have anything to do with crime rates, etc?”
Of course they don’t ask why, because there is no answer whites would be able to give that would be justifiable in the eyes of John Petro, et al. As per the quote you supplied, it is taken as gospel that such thinking is “crazy”. They don’t ask because they already know the answer: you are a dastardly, despicable RACIST®.
Californian October 31, 2011 9:24 PM: “… you would think that all the liberals who work in the DC beltway would be moving into counties like Prince George's to be enriched by the diversity. Especially when you consider that -- since according to multicult ideology, white people invented racism-sexism-homophobia -- black enclaves must be paradises of tolerance.
Ok, ok, I am being ironic, to put it mildly. But don't these points ever get raised?”
Californian October 31, 2011 9:24 PM: “Or is the mainstream media so brainlocked that they really can not consider the answers?”
You, sir, are obviously a RACIST®.
I've said this before and I will say it again -
Black people better pray that white people's influence in politics and economics not deteriorate because the new "whites" I.E. asian, hispanics and middle easterners do not buy into this political correctness bullshit as they exercise and stamp their influence in politics and economics.
Homeowners in mostly white neighborhoods are tempted by government subsidized section 8 which offers them more than the reasonable market will. This is the first fatal step of the long race to destruction. No different
than was the same push on banks to provide mortgages to these same, even if subprime.
Reminds of definition of insanity.
Yes, thankfully whites are waking up to all of this.
I was having a beer in a local pub and the young bartender was talking about his first Halloween experience this year giving out candy in his new house with his new girlfriend. He has no children.
He was shocked that there were so many rowdy, poor, ungrateful blacks, including adult males, who were not in costume. He seemed very shocked that Halloween is not what it used to be. He kept saying, "I don't know what happened. What happened to Halloween??". I told him that blacks do these to harass white people. Blacks find great fun in this sport.
He said that because of the blacks and their atrocious behavior in his white neighborhood, he will never participate again. He said that his neighbors have said the same thing.
Why do blacks rely on whites to provide everything for them? Why can't blacks just go to the local Walgreens and buy a bag of candy and leave white people alone???
Anon at 5:35 PM, Nov 3: It's not homeowners who are tempted by Section 8 vouchers, it's landlords. Here in my town, the local politicians promoted the building of huge "luxury" condo developments. They can't begin to fill them, so the developer has turned to recover his money. Lucky upscale condo-dwellers, they get all the breaks: Sophisticated living, chic restaurants next door, and diversity!
This website is so disturbing.
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