That's what preppers/survivalists claim you'll need enough emergency supplies to 'survive' for, until help arrives.
Seventy-two hours.
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The revolution (devolution) won't be televised, it will be Tweeted. |
But what if help isn't coming?
In a city that is 77 percent black (located in a De Soto Parrish, Louisiana, where 36 percent of blacks and 9 percent of whites were on EBT/SNAP in 2009) and in a city that is 34 percent black (located in Webster Parrish, where 38 percent of blacks and 12 percent of whites were on EBT/SNAP in 2009) we got a glimpse of what the future has in store for us.
An economy, based on Just-in-Time inventory methods (where many of the consumers rely on a JPMorgan Chase backed government EBT/SNAP food stamp card), kept afloat by a dying empire's credit rating will disintegrate into madness on The Day the EBT Card Stops Working.[Walmart shelves in Springhill, Mansfield, cleared in EBT glitch,, 10-13-13]:
Shelves in Walmart stores in Springhill and Mansfield, LA were reportedly cleared Saturday night, when the stores allowed purchases on EBT cards even though they were not showing limits.
It all happened at the end of a day in which the EBT system went down in several states, including Louisiana. Xerox, a vendor for the EBT system, experienced a power outage while conducting a routine backup test in one of the company's locations. While the system was back up Saturday night, it appears that it was not functioning entirely properly in some areas.
The chaos that followed ultimately required intervention from local police, and left behind numerous carts filled to overflowing, apparently abandoned when the glitch-spurred shopping frenzy ended.
Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd confirms they were called in to help the employees at Walmart because there were so many people clearing off the shelves. He says Walmart was so packed, "It was worse than any black Friday" that he's ever seen.
Lynd explained the cards weren't showing limits and they called corporate Walmart, whose spokesman said to let the people use the cards anyway. From 7 to 9 p.m., people were loading up their carts, but when the cards began showing limits again around 9, one woman was detained because she rang up a bill of $700.00 and only had .49 on her card. She was held by police until corporate Walmart said they wouldn't press charges if she left the food.
Lynd says at 9 p.m., when the cards came back online and it was announced over the loud speaker, people just left their carts full of food in the aisles and left.
He says contrary to rumors, nobody was unruly or arrested and they were mainly there to help prevent shoplifting and theft.
A dispatcher for Mansfield police also confirms officers were called in for crowd control at the Mansfield Walmart. She said the shelves were cleared out, forcing Walmart to stop selling food at 9 p.m. There were no arrests.
There was, however, a huge mess left behind. Pictures and videos obtained by KSLA News 12 show aisles packed with shoppers emptying the shelves in Springhill. Another video shows what appear to be at least dozens of overflowing carts left abandoned in the aisles at the Mansfield store, against the backdrop of emptied shelves in the meat department.
Kayla Whaling, a spokesperson for Walmart, tells KSLA News 12 that the company was "fully engaged and monitoring the situation and transactions during the outage."
"We did make the decision to continue to accept EBT cards (and purchases on WIC and SNAP) during the outage so that they could get food for their families."
Asked whether Walmart would be taking the loss on any food purchased on the cards that did not show limits, or on the perishable food left behind in carts, Whaling would only say that "we monitored transactions during the outage."Zombies are the stuff of fiction; blacks are the stuff of nightmares.
Your government isn't subsidizing zombies; it's been subsidizing blacks.
The veil covering racial reality is exposed at just the mere removal of the systems camouflage.
The Day the EBT Card Stops Working.
Law. Order. Stability.
All will evaporate within 24 hours of this scenario unfolding.
Only four days, we at SBPDL broke down data from 2009, showing what percentage of blacks and whites were using EBT/SNAP in America's largest cities (via county data).
Study it.
It's the ultimate tool for preppers/survivalists.
KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana News Weather
Great snapshot of when the gibs are finally played-out.
What a failed species.
Every single one of them should be prosecuted. They all knew damn well what they were doing.
But none will.
african-american justice .....
(Did i misspell african? Because i keep getting a prompt to correct it. But not the american part?)
Let it go, the sooner the better.
Lets not have 100,000,000 more non Whites are given citizenship.
Interesting article over at the Washington Examiner, looking at the alliance between leftist Occupy Wall Street types and the very Wall Street banks they're supposedly protesting against. Both sides were firmly in favor of installing Janet Yellen as the new head of the Federal Reserve regime.
More Quantitative Easing (Bernanke Bucks, funny money) is the primary goal for both sides and it overrides everything else. No QE means the insolvent Wall Street banks go belly-up. No QE imperils EBT and all of the other entitlements that the Black undertow relies on.
Remember this the next time you encounter a liberal OWS-style do-gooder. If they truly cared about the working poor, they'd be fighting tooth-and-nail against Obama, Bernanke, Yellen, the Fed and its QE policies, the Democratic megadonors (Jamey Dimon, head of JP Morgan; Jon Corzine). Can't do that though. That would endanger the status quo, with its Wall Street oligarchy kept in power by the EBT-dependent underclass.
Several nice exhibits of word smithery....
The revolution (devolution) won't be televised, it will be Tweeted.
Methinks white people have the technology to selectively turn off tweets.
kept afloat by a dying empire's credit rating will disintegrate into madness
Methinks the masters of empire know this. As long as the poor unfortunates are in the dark, when the time comes they will be primed to lay blame on 'the system,' rather than respond effectively.
Zombies are the stuff of fiction; blacks are the stuff of nightmares.
Your government isn't subsidizing zombies; it's been subsidizing blacks.
Keeping them in the dark.
That is a picture of one hell of a dark underbelly.
EBTers threatened to riot:
This was just a glitch. At some point in the near future, it won't be just a glitch, it will be forever and for real. Then the party gets started.
Wal-Mart: Everyday Lowdown Customers, Guaranteed.
I am surprised to say that I thought that it would take a little longer for the negro to drop his "I am a good one" routine and go full feral, given how much they have put into trying to look like humans. 2 hours is, well, surprising...
During the coming crisis, you take your life in your hands to go to a store as they will be in World War Z mode in three hours, not three days.
God help the Pharmacy, gun and liquor stores.
This "test" by the Mocha Moon God should put everyone on notice.
Have several months of your daily medications, if any, several tablets of Ciprofloxin (a broad spectrum Antibiotic also good for food poisoning and "bad" water, and some codeine based pain killers.
If you see looting, go home. Set the defenses, load your rifle and light the fireplace. In a few hours you will know whether to crack open your emergency food reserves for a longish wait in place or pack them to begin preparations to get to your boat or farm or vacation place or whatever place you have to wait out a really extended bad.
Remember where there is one groid, there is another or 2 moving up on your six.
Liberal hypocrisies ...
I saw dozens of White liberals on Twitter reminding everyone that thousands of vets are on EBT. (I'm sure these liberals are totally for raising military pay, right?) In the same breath, total denigration and disrespect towards the WWII vets who cleared the Barrycades to see the monument(s) in DC. Apparently WWII vets who want to see the WWII monument "just don't get it" and are "Tea Party crazies and extremists".
Don't use veterans as props for making your political points if you're then going to crap all over them in support of your political overlords in the Democratic Party, you treasonous scum liberals.
Obama relieves two more Generals. Military is getting purged, Why? What is going on?
Occupy Wall Street has infiltrated the Tea Party from what I have heard. The whole political scene is bogus, just The Party.
I wonder if the EBT glitch was a practice run for the real thing and not a mistake at all, sort of like a Pavlov's dog experiment. Hmmmmm...
Anyway, stuff just keeps getting weirder.
White Mom in VA
It's the ultimate tool for preppers/survivalists.
The ultimate tool is not to live around black people. You may also want to keep a surplus because there are natural disasters that knock the power out. Stores have to throw away any defrosted food and it may take awhile to get restocked when the power is back on. ATM's and cards won't work even if a store is using their backup generators to keep the store open. You won't have any cash from the ATM's either.
Walmart like all big businesses has insurance to cover any electronic funds errors so they probably figured it's better to just take a loss and put in a claim rather than having a Zulu riot on their hands.
This was planned. It's redistribution of wealth / reparations. The same thing is going to happen in Chicago with the VENTRA card. It's a sham. They get a million people to pre-load their cards with real money, used by the payer for CTA fares and divvy bike rentals. So, it's an instant holdings company with hundreds of millions of dollars at hand. Then, the debit card feature has no limit, and when they say go, they drain the whole fucking pot. It is the quickest way to turnover money from the private citizen to the welfare recipient. While half of the people are forced to fund the program by buying a card to get to work, the other half is going to liquidate the collective account in one day by spending it on durable goods and / or cash transfers. Two weeks.
This was a trial run for the final transfer of wealth. If you have to buy a ventra card, buy one with an account with no money in it. You will all be enslaved in one single day!
Anonymous above, re the "vets on food stamps"
I'm sure there are some, but I think it goes in the same category of all those "homeless vets" we always hear about. Yeah, they're homeless, largely because of self-inflicted damage, but they only say they're vets to draw sympathy. The professional anti-homeless movement also eats up the inflated "homeless vets" stats.
The horrible thing about the ventra card is that it's all private money from people's bank accounts. Read the fine print - they can replenish your card (the collective holdings) when necessary, like the iPass tollway device....the Private citizen will thus transfer their wealth (or whatever is in their debit account linked to the Ventra acct) to those who also have the card but are on the "receiving" end. All because they needed to get to work or ride one of those pretty blue bikes in the autumn light. Sheep headed off to slaughter.
Read it and walk, to work, CC.
I went into a 50/50 white Trader Joes here in Oakland CA. Saw the sign yesterday that said: We cannot take EBT cards today. I though 'the day the EBT card stops working had finally happened.
read PKs article carefully.
Springhill Police Chief Will Lynd confirms they were called in to help the employees at Walmart because there were so many people clearing off the shelves. He says Walmart was so packed, "It was worse than any black Friday" that he's ever seen.
Yeah, for some reason, I don't think we need to worry about vets resorting to Spontaneous Blackness if the EBT system shuts down for a few hours. As for the Blacks, even these DWLs wouldn't want to be in the vicinity if the gravy train derails.
What absolute slobs.
this is just like the white girl that the two black monkeys drugged in the trailer, raped, and then called all their buddies from the neighborhood to join in.. and they did! 20 black male monkeys gang raped the girl one after another all day...
Now here we have the same thing.. EVERYONE stealing without one moral qualm... everyone of them had the same idea right away.. to take as much as they possibly could before the glitch was fixed...
it's not isolated individuals.. it's a criminal CULTURE.. Just like the fact that it's not isolated individuals who are FAT. How much you wanna bet that if you see surveillance footage of the event, that 90 PERCENT of those black monkeys will be clinically obese..
they are literally getting fat off the hog at the expense of us working class people...
WE will pay for this, just like we pay for everything else.
The problem is deeper than merely a segment of the population demanding free food. With the current fiscal crisis, the danger of a total financial system collapse is quite small due to the planners, regulators, legislators .... ability to decide to stop fighting after there has been enough hand wringing, and gnashing of teeth, to convince all the world the US is run by fiscally sane people.
The problem is that our financial system is not sane. It requires constant growth or else it collapses, and constant growth requires an increasing supply or raw materials and credit. Neither one is finite and both are severely strained as of this writing. For the near future, quantitative easing (a shell game that produces funny money) will work and the dollar will remain in place. At some point in the future, most likely when congress and the president decide to have another go at feigning concern over the budget, there will be no solution. Then the EBT cards, government paychecks, hell all paychecks, might just stop.
What we saw recently may have been a dry run. I know it has been wonderful to find all the recently middle-class enabled blacks who regularly trash my nice, small town grocery store, have for some reason been unable to shop there. It has been a blessing.
The scene at Walmart gives a better picture, and it should not open any eyes, only confirm what most suspect. When the real credit crisis happens, there is no way to maintain peace and order if a certain segment of our population performs according to stereotype.
The president's canning of various generals is troublesome. There seems to be a dearth of information regarding many of them. Given the wire tapping and other signs of paranoia, this president may fear the worst and be trying to find a way to save "his people" while forgetting that all of us who obey laws, do not chimp out, etc. are his people. I would not be surprised if at some critical point, when he has declared martial law and Peeps has ordered DHS into the streets to protect you know which group, that we see an "unfit for office" procedure hurried through congress with military support. In other words, a putsch.
Look at it another way. If your goal was to preserve all the diversity in the face of a financial crisis, could you, and still have a country? All the petty hate crimes, knock-out games and youth mobs cannot accomplish what a simple weekend at Wally's would prove. Diversity is unsustainable.
60 minutes did a piece on Detroit tonight. Executive summary; we're baffled about how this happened, something to do with car makers going downhill, or riots, or maybe Government corruption, or dunno, all the white people left for some reason. Anyhow people are on the case and we're sure it's going to get better soon
Wal-Mart: Everyday Lowdown Customers, Guaranteed.
You can say that again. There's a Wal-Mart Supercenter and a regular grocery store about equidistant from where I live. The Wal-Mart not only has lower prices, it's also in a town which levies no sales taxes on food. This means that groceries at the Wal-Mart are considerably cheaper than at the regular grocery store. Even this being the case, I still do as little of my shopping as possible there. Being around all those trashy people is just depressing. Not long ago, I actually saw someone there with an ankle monitor on.
On EBT-Day, Negroes will riot nationwide. Every town will be a Katrina. You will be on your own until the National Guard shows up.
Unfortunately, the National Guard will then go door to door, relieving you of your guns, ammunition, and food in order to benefit the "community". Anyone who resists will be deemed a white supremacist/neo-Confederate prepper/horader, with predictable results.
Anyone notice a lot of discussion of secession in the mainstream media recently? Just look up the word on Google News and chances are you'll be pretty surprised.
They tried to censor this video. NBC News removed it from its article about the incident. 75 year old White man was in a Philadelphia mini-mart when a nig sucker punches him and assaults him.
Blacks ARE doing this on an unprecedented mass scale. Blacks ARE specifically targeting elderly Whites and school-aged kids. The mainstream news media is absolutely Orwellian in covering this up and stuffing these incidents down the memory hole instead of reporting honestly on Black violence. The mainstream media is trying to goad and prod Blacks into launching a race war against White America with its Trayvon coverage.The Trayvon thing is just the newest episode of a recurring meme (think Duke Lacrosse trial, fake noose hangings, Tawana Brawley, OJ Simpson, LA Riots, etc. etc.) used to extort money and institutional guilt out of Whites.
If your Govt is not opening tourist attractions during the budget crisis, why not arrange trips to local 'areas of colour'', so they can experience the real America in all its vibrant and diverse glory? Treat it as a sort of alternative Indian Reservation, except you can by souvenir crack instead of turquoise jewellery and model totem poles.
I'd go.
"He says contrary to rumors, nobody was unruly or arrested and they were mainly there to help prevent shoplifting and theft."
Shoplifting and theft is not "unruly"?
"10mm AUTO said...
God help the Pharmacy, gun and liquor stores."
Gun stores don't need God's help.
After watching a few crazy black Friday videos last fall, my husband looked at me and said "Imagine being in the grocery store, and all of these people fighting us for food". This is what kicked off the beginning of our food preparation.
After seeing this EBT event over the weekend, I'm so glad we've been prepping all of these months. My family thinks I'm crazy, but they'll be the first ones to knock on my door when the time comes.
It's no longer an IF, it's a matter of when.
you and I know that the wall-mart people who were doing this service(just accepting the ebt cards anyway) as a favor and a way to stop the gigs and DWL from calling the wall-mart brand racist! and did you see the thanks they got from the niglets? what they got was full carts to be re-stocked cause the feral beasts and liars that they are didn't have the money in the ebt account. because it was spent at the first of the month. I wonder how many of these ungrateful fucks even had the money in there? not many as you saw bye the full carts left behind.
I bet it went something like this. "girl, hey boo put yo momma on da phone". "girl, what you be doing did I woke you?" "girl get yo ass down to da wall-mart" "why" "cause these stupid honkey's are giving us free shit at da stoe"."girl stop trippin" "I will be trippin on all da free shit i'm a goin to be getting" "but boo I done spent dat money ups on da first of day month" "hurry boo befo they be changing day minds and shit" and @ 9:00p.m. a loud speaker say's. "attention all wall-mart shoppers the EBT system has come back on"! then all you here is "fuck, shhhiitt, honkey-ass indian givers". then the store goes silent and the white customers (the one's who dared stay)either checked out quietly or started re-stocking the fucking shelves! that's just what I bet probably happened! but you know me i'm just an evil honkey raaacist! who pays in cash bye the way. and I don't like talking NGR but this story I couldn't pass it up! no offense to my white fellow bloggers.
A true conversation ca. 1991
Friend: "You don't think the United States is the greatest country in the world?"
Me: "No."
Friend: "Why not?"
Me: "No country with 35 million negroes can be the greatest country in the world."
Friend: "I see your point."
If blacks had half a brain, they'd look at these recent events and think, "Hmm. Maybe I ought to prepare for hard times, just in case this happens again. Maybe I ought to stock up on essentials, rather than blowing every cent I so graciously receive from the American taxpayers on sugary drinks and fried shit."
But they don't. And they won't.
The only difference between this scene in Walmart (during the ebt "shutdown") and the Walmart (being looted during Katrina) is that, in this case, the niggers thought they could give the appearance of being "legitimate" shoppers instead of the thieving black trash that they are.
When the ebt runs dry for real, all stores better be prepared by having multiple armed guards on duty outside. Anyone not having cash or another legitimate way to pay for the stuff they want will have to be refused entry.
When mobs of chimpin' niggers show up, they'd better be prepared to shoot just like the Korean store owners did during the L.A. riots.
Lemme just adjust my tinfoil hat a lil here...
We all know JP Morgan Chase runs the EBT system. Some probably know that it also is one of the handful of Too Big Too Fail banks that is a "primary dealer" for U.S. Debt.
JPM profits immensely from quantitative easing (money printing) policies which could be curtailed by a failure to raise the debt ceiling.
Was this an accident, or was this a Bankstein sending a message to our dysfunctional CONgress and Chocolate Jeebus: "Reach an agreement, raise the debt ceiling, give me MY gibsmedats or I'll cut off THEIR gibsmedats! You know what'll happen if I cut off THEIR gibs..."
I dunno, you be the judge...
I too am sick of the homeless vet bull$hit. A vet is just like anyone else that took a job that wasn't guarenteed for a lifetime. If they fail after service, f*ck em. I recently met, i am not kidding, a brown ex-navy guy who is suing the navy for hearing and mental problems related to the flight deck. He was dishonerably discharged for drugs, and spent the last 20 years off a flight deck and on drugs. Homeless is too polite a term. The class action lawyer he has should be hung.
Some retailers in major cities, ie detroit, stated they might as well close because it is the vast majority of business. VAST MAJORITY! We are in trouble.
It pretty much identifies and confirms the next target for hackers.. Either on the funding side and/or the retail side.. It'll be interesting when the ebt system goes down for a week or so... Buy more ammo..
Eeeeeeeek oooooooooook! At stadium noise levels, is what it must have sounded like in those wal-marts. Those poor humans(working there). I can not wait for the day when EBT cards run dry. It will be truely epic.
Belgian giant
Watch the newest episode of "South Park" to see how far this has gone. They blatantly lie about the Trayvon martin case and the events that unfolded that day. One used to be able to rely on SP to at least tell it like it is but for the last 3 seasons that has not been the case. The end is near.
Baron Munchausen
Yes and no. Look at what you wrote... A 'brown' vet. Remember there are many whites in Appalachia who are on food stamps etc who don't 'wild out' at the system. Same applies with Vets.
Perhaps I simply don't know how the EBT system functions. Are not the cards individual specific so that transactions using a card can be presumably traced to the cardholder? If they are then Walmart would have a record of the transactions for each card. When Walmart submitted the transaction records to the Federal government for reimbursement the fraudulent transactions would be revealed along with those EBT accounts to which they were connected. The accounts have to be connected to individuals somehow since there is a 4 digit pin security feature but more than 10,000 EBT card accounts so the PIN is not the account ID. Additionally the benefits are individually customized according to several factors including family size so they have to be individually allocated and therefore identifiable.
These attempts are fraud were just stupid. It's akin to robbing a liquor store and leaving your ID on the counter. It's going to catch up to them and it won't take long at all. It ought to cause them to loose their benefits all together. Of course this is BRA and it probably won't.
How about showing a little mercy and compassion? I'm sure having the welfare machine crash was almost as traumatic and confusing for these people as father's day.
I don't think anyone needs to prepare for a 72 hour crisis. If your house survives you probably have more than seventy two hours of food in your refrigerator and pantry right now.
I have half a dozen steaks in my freezer right now. If the power goes off they will still be good after three days. If Safeway is stripped of all food I still don't think three days will inconvenience anyone.
When the earthquake hits here - probably this winter - I think we will have to be able to go for more like five or six days. This is quite easy to do. Yesterday I bought a big bag of rice for just this contingency. Twenty pounds of rice in a plastic bag should be plenty. I have a couple big water jugs and a fireplace. I won't starve.
If services are out for longer than a week the quake will probably be so big that it will kill me outright. No use preparing for that. It's important to not over prepare. Your biggest risk in a crisis may very well be your neighbors. If you have an emergency generator yours will be the only house in the neighborhood with lights on. The looters will be drawn to your front door.
I also have a pistol and a rifle. I expect the lowland blacks to come up the hill. But again I don't want to have too many guns. Guns are an attractant. If you have big arsenal your neighbors will know and the neighborhood invaders will be drawn to your house.
It's better to keep a low profile. I'll sit in the dark for a week and eat rice. I'm well enough armed to be able to deter casual intruders. I'll catch up on my reading and lose a few pounds. I'll have stories to tell for years to come.
Don M said..."Reach an agreement, raise the debt ceiling, give me MY gibsmedats or I'll cut off THEIR gibsmedats! You know what'll happen if I cut off THEIR gibs..."
Interesting, and not to be dismissed offhand as conspiracy theory. One wonders what is really going on in the upper echelons of power. Perhaps some struggle for control? An attempt to rein in the White House? Or a test run of the next level of escalation of BRA against white America?
Stay tuned...
BTW I've been researching EBT and welfare payments for my next movie. I'll get the script finished today and will publish it this weekend - God willing and the creek don't rise.
My last two illustrated lectures were probably a bit too academic. It's hard to capture just the right tone. I may have been overly technical but most people are not ready to believe that black violence is biological not sociological even though that's what the weight of the evidence shows.
Me: "No country with 35 million negroes can be the greatest country in the world."
HaroldC said...
These attempts are fraud were just stupid. It's akin to robbing a liquor store and leaving your ID on the counter. It's going to catch up to them and it won't take long at all. It ought to cause them to loose their benefits all together. Of course this is BRA and it probably won't.
No it won't. They're niggers. They get a pass on such actions.
That would require future-time orientation and an IQ above 85. See the problem?
Albertosaurus said ...
It's better to keep a low profile. I'll sit in the dark for a week and eat rice.
I somewhat agree with you on that.
Anonymous - noticing reality:
Blacks ARE doing this on an unprecedented mass scale. Blacks ARE specifically targeting elderly Whites and school-aged kids. The mainstream news media is absolutely Orwellian in covering this up and stuffing these incidents down the memory hole instead of reporting honestly on Black violence. The mainstream media is trying to goad and prod Blacks into launching a race war against White America with its Trayvon coverage.The Trayvon thing is just the newest episode of a recurring meme (think Duke Lacrosse trial, fake noose hangings, Tawana Brawley, OJ Simpson, LA Riots, etc. etc.) used to extort money and institutional guilt out of Whites.
Yet again, the question arises: Why is the so-called "mainstream media" still in business? Does it keep its doors open by selling ads to groid bakkaball moguls, axpiring rappers and negro tech startups? Why is it still here?
like all fans of SBDL/news savvy..up to date...waiting for his take on this...well...he wrote this article months[many months] ago. Keep up the great work/website! {Hi NSA!]
"They get a pass on such actions."
Blacks are a protected species. I called to complain about a Section-8 rental next door a few years ago. Four grown black females with a total of 16 children and sacks and sacks of groceries coming in every day. They had 3 cars, cable, iPhones, hair weaves, etc. They even ran a business on Saturdays charging walkup customers for styrofoam-boxed container meals.
Two of the women held jobs. Men lived there off and on. Social services visited once per week. And it continued.
I called the SNAP food stamps program to report fraud, and the black woman on the line said that they can live together and combine benefits. She said that men can live and eat there too. They don't follow-up on clients. Don't care who is getting fed.
There are no stipulations for the program. Zero.
I also reported the illegal food carryout business, and she said that was a Health Department issue.
They don't give a shit what blacks do. The more looting the better, as long as the black babies don't starve.
"If blacks had half a brain"
You answered your own statement in six words.
You are attributing human (Homo-sapien Sapien) characteristics to a hominid. (Homo-habilis Africanus).
Which is really just plain silly.
Rob06 posts:
Great little experiment in behavioal science. What does this remind you of?
"If blacks had half a brain, they'd look at these recent events and think, "Hmm. Maybe I ought to prepare for hard times, just in case this happens again. Maybe I ought to stock up on essentials, rather than blowing every cent I so graciously receive from the American taxpayers on sugary drinks and fried shit."
But they don't. And they won't."
I reply,
Thank God they don't. Every one that starves to death or kills another Orc over a box of Frosted Flakes is one less WE'LL have to fight in the End. And believe me, a fight is coming.
Prep now while you still have time. Medications, Food that will keep, Water & water filtration systems, first aid supplies. Network with like minded folks.
Ill bet dollars to donuts the chinese have figured out that their consumption engine can be jumpstarted at will by hacking, clearing the shelves, and then refilling those empty shelves faster than waiting for whitey to buy the shit.
Negro behavior once again speaks volumes about "African American" gutter culture.
Help me! The major news outlets must employ an army of full-time left-leaning editors for the comment sections of their websites.
For fun, I created a FB and Gmail account to post my thoughts on the EBT bull$hit stories. I was AMAZED at how quickly the armies of censors pounced on my posts.
Things are changing folks. Many feel the same.
@ Don M "Was this an accident, or was this a Bankstein sending a message to our dysfunctional CONgress and Chocolate Jeebus: 'Reach an agreement, raise the debt ceiling, give me MY gibsmedats or I'll cut off THEIR gibsmedats! You know what'll happen if I cut off THEIR gibs...'"
This is why I come to SBPDL 10 times a day - independent thinking! To your point, this is SUCH a rare event, which took place during the fake, 13% gov't shutdown, which is equally rare. What are the chances that these two events occur simultaneously? Particularly after the libtards have actually taken a tiny bit of blame for the shutdown? Helps get the focus off the Nat'l Park ridiculousness, etc.
The funny thing is, all the Orcs think it was ABSOLUTELY due to the shutdown, as indicated in their Twitter posts from the iPhones that white taxpayers paid for, in spite of the near-immediate news to the contrary, even from their own fedrah gubmint. Aybeh poda hep.
@ Albertosaurus and rjp - I have struggled with similar thoughts for over a year now. I don't have everything I would like to have, but it doesn't do me a damn bit of good to have it, only to have to abandon it because it can't all be carried. We scored a 10 lb. bag of rice for $5, and are keeping extra water on hand. Drawing attention to ourselves would probably be the biggest mistake, and my house is completely indefensible even if had an AR-10 or 15.
We're doing what we can in the face of what I think is inevitable, but realistically, there's only so much that's possible. Hoarding a mountain of expensive supplies in a completely indefensible environment seems completely counter-productive, yet I interpret that as the primary m.o. of most all preppers.
Gwinnett Gladiator
We're doing what we can in the face of what I think is inevitable, but realistically, there's only so much that's possible. Hoarding a mountain of expensive supplies in a completely indefensible environment seems completely counter-productive, yet I interpret that as the primary m.o. of most all preppers.
I read something recently that makes great sense to me. If you prep your preps should be as inconspicuous as possible - preferably invisible. So forget about the room full of enough food to feed your family for a year. Much better is a smaller amount hidden in several places throughout your house - inside a wall at the back of a closet for example.
If it ever comes to the zombie apocalypse - and for the record I don't think it will - your only real protection will be lots of distance between you and those unlike you.
I won't poopoo the squid-warning-shot theories, but I like to think -- assuming the IT backup experiment story was true -- that the IT guys went through the checklist of What-If's, and when they got to "What If it breaks so badly ((GASP)) that the EBT cards stop working?" they just said "Fuckum." Mayyybe, even hoped it would happen.
I am so glad the nearest town is 15 minutes worth of dirt road away from. Dallas is about an hour away.
Now to start caching away consumables (better late than never).
One thing that strikes me is to do what has been a hallmark of white cultures for ages, and that is cooperative endeavors. The greatest problem is outside of family, who do you trust ? It seems obvious, but human nature as it is, can you really know the inner workings of non family ?
I think what we saw from Walmart was the choice between a full-scale Cat 5 Chimpout, and a controlled looting of the store. They must have figured that the cost of letting a bunch of grape soda and Capn' Crunch go out the door was much less than broken glass, missing cash drawers, badly injured employees, etc... I think when the EBT system goes down for good you will see this type of scenario until the store is empty. Smaller store owners might try to fight them off instead.
As far a prepping goes, I see other posters here saying that it is not worth it, foolish, etc...but why not try to make the best stand possible if things go South? Are you going to just throw your hands up and say 'come get me' to the dusky masses? I know that I don't plan to go down without as much resistance as possible.
Do not feed the animals. When they riot, shoot them.
"pat said...
Your biggest risk in a crisis may very well be your neighbors. If you have an emergency generator yours will be the only house in the neighborhood with lights on. The looters will be drawn to your front door."
In a serious crisis - not just some episodic interrupton of normality, but a real societal collapse - your greatest asset will be your neighbors, assuming they are of a trustworthy sort. Hackneyed as Donne's line has become, it is still true - "No man is an island". One reason that a lot of preppers are stocking enormous amounts of supplies is to be able to provision their neighbors.
GG muses:
Hoarding a mountain of expensive supplies in a completely indefensible environment seems completely counter-productive
It probably is, but if your environment is indefensible, you need to be ready to bug out anyway. Package what you need in a way that lets you throw it into a vehicle in 60 seconds and just get going, or keep your stash at your safe house. You do have a safe house to bug out to, don't you?
You don't have to let people know what they're storing for you. Put it in opaque plastic crates, seal with tape and label either cryptically or by the color/style of the crates themselves. If it's food supplies, have enough for everyone.
They probably did not agree to nukes being movedfrom their base without consent, so chairmen o had them purged.
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