You have to love the Philadelphia Inquirer. It has broken down homicide in the city in an easily accessible online database, allowing the reader to break down murder in the city between 1988-2012 by date, race, age, sex, and weapon used. [Homicides in Philadelphia,]:
Since 1988, over 9,000 people have been slain on the streets of
Philadelphia, affecting every neighborhood in the city. To put that
deadly toll in perspective, during the length of U.S. combat operations
in the Iraq war, 3,517 American troops were killed in action - and 3,113
people were killed in Philadelphia.
So, 9,325 homicides from 1988-2012, with 7,303 of these victims being black. But this is nothing new:
Areport titled “Murder
Is No Mystery: An Analysis of Philadelphia Homicide, 1996-1999,” which was
released in 2001 and provocatively asked:
If this
went on in your own neighborhood, would you stay? Would you go out at night?
Would you consider leaving the neighborhood, or even the city, if you could? Of
course you would.
In the
late 1990s, blacks were 43 percent of Philadelphia’s
population and 76 percent of the alleged murderers . Whites
were 52 percent of the population but just 5 percent of alleged murderers.
racial disparities in crime are not simply products of the 1960s. In
1950, Philadelphia was predominantly white, with blacks comprising
roughly 20 percent of the population. Even then, disproportionate levels
of criminal offending existed. “Patterns in Criminal Homicide,” written
by renowned criminologist Marvin Wolfgang, was hailed as the most
thorough study of homicide at the time. Wolfgang studied every homicide
in Philadelphia between 1948 and 1952, and concluded that many were
caused by trivial insults and petty arguments (162).
Wolfgang showed that the white murder rate in Philadelphia between
1948 and 1952 was 1.8 per 100,000 people, while the black rate was 25.6,
or 14 times the white rate. By the mid-1970s, the white murder rate
increased to 2.8 per 100,000. The black murder rate, meanwhile,
increased to 64.2, 23 times the white rate.
That same Philadelphia Inquirer map: 78 percent of homicide victims have been black between 1978-2012 (1,501 have been white) |
Philadelphia doesn't have a gun-crisis; it has a black crisis.[Shaking up 'Kila-delphia' with cameras,, 8-9-2012]:
Joe Kaczmarek's police scanner pops to life with chatter just before midnight.
Moments later, "Kaz," as
he's known, is rushing to the scene of a robbery near the Temple
University campus alongside fellow veteran photojournalist Jim
By the time they arrive, the 20-year-old robbery victim has been taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the back.
Kaz snatches two cameras
from the back seat of his car and jumps into the street. He is roving
around the crime tape like a caged lion, snapping photographs as police
take away two men in handcuffs.
Standing nearby,
MacMillan thumbs away at his smartphone, updating Twitter: "On shooting
scene at 17 & C.B.Moore in North Philadelphia now."
Kaz and MacMillan co-founded to help curb gun violence plaguing what is supposed to be the City of Brotherly Love.
"I want to put the
audience out there in the streets," Kaz said. "I want them to see what
I'm seeing every night in this city: The children watching crime scene
investigations night after night, day after day. Anything to disrupt
this, marginally disrupt this, we consider a success."
Philadelphia had 324
homicides last year. Arguments are the leading motive for murder, and
blacks make up 85% of the homicide victims, according to police data.
Blaming a weak economy, a
crumbling public school system and dysfunctional family units, Chuck
Williams, director of the Center for the Prevention of School-Aged
Violence at Drexel University, said residents are desperate and come
from a culture where they learn the way to handle an argument is with a
"This is a people
problem, not a government problem," said Williams, a Drexel education
professor who works with educators and youth to prevent school fights,
shootings and cyberbullying. "I see so much hopelessness and despair. A
broken child comes from a broken home, with few exceptions."
The Knockout Game is bad in Philly; the black gun-crime is even worse. Let's start addressing that, if we are to see Philadelphia move toward a different future than that of 2013 Detroit.
blacks should not be allowed to own guns. BUT, that's unconstitutional, so an amendment to the constitution is needed - OR - only people with high school diplomas & NO criminal record who have NOT received welfare or EBT in the last 5 years should be allowed to own guns. a bit devious, but it partially accomplishes the goal.
Whites want secede from the economic lead weight of Blacks.
St. George to secedes from Baton Rouge:
It's time to separate ourselves.
blacks should not be allowed to own guns. BUT, that's unconstitutional, so an amendment to the constitution is needed - OR - only people with high school diplomas & NO criminal record who have NOT received welfare or EBT in the last 5 years should be allowed to own guns. a bit devious, but it partially accomplishes the goal.
No law is going to stop criminal blacks from owning guns. Only law-abiding whitey's are ever going to follow these inane laws that are really just designed to disarm the masses. A law to ban blacks themselves would make more sense, but good luck with that would be all that I would say to that.
Look at what has happened over in England. All the handguns were banned there in 1996 after the Dunblane shooting. It also now takes a lot of legal hoops for an English person living in a rural part of England just to legally own a double barreled shotgun. But then I read two unrelated stories on the London Evening Standard website just this week about two different black criminals in London getting caught with more than just handguns - they were caught with submachine guns, actually - one of them shot somebody with his, and then made a Youtube rap video about it.
Meanwhile, back here in the BRA, law-abiding whitey's in New York City are now getting letters from their own police department to inform them that their registered guns are no longer legal because of some new city law against guns that can hold more than five rounds of ammunition.
NYPD sending out gun confiscation letters to law abiding citizens
Drudge and Fox News seem to be the only news orgs actually showing the Negroid problem.
I think it's time we have a beer summit.
Statistics be all racist and shit.
"I think it's time we have a beer summit."
Maybe when blacks serve colt 45, they confuse the beer with the gun.
Who are the least outraged about violent crime? Those most victimized by it. The blacks. If they were outraged all of those "good black men" we're constantly hearing about would have gone into ultra-militant vigilante mode decades ago. But they haven't. Why? Uh, let me think...they're not like us. Not remotely.
Felons aren't supposed to own guns, either, but they do. I think swift and strong criminal sentencing might be a more effective deterrent. But we're skirting around the real problem here: groids.
That article was very interesting. Im waiting to see how the white people are vilified for wanting their children to actually learn in school. Not be shot, beaten, set on fire, etc. I just know they will find a way to ruin this. Home schooling is about the only option some people will be left with.
Erie PA
See "Sharkeisha"
They're just like us.
Agree with A @ 4:24. The VAST majority of these crimes are committed with illegal guns, outside the scope of government regulation. And any restriction on gun ownership will invariably come back to bite law-abiding citizens in the butt.
Not exactly gun violence here Paul, but watch this Negress named SHARKEISHA ( Yes, I $hit you not that is her name) beat the $hit out of a fellow Negress.
Just think; if they hate their co-racialist this much, just imagine for a moment how much they must hate the evil YT.
As always.....A-V-O-I-D T-H-E G-R-O-I-D..
A boy walking the hallway in high school, gets knock-out game played on him...15 year old arrested, charged with third degree assault. Those in charge are insisting this isn't going to be tolerated. Then why only third degree assault, when thug admitted it was a game he and his friends played?
It looks like 'Knockout King' has made the mainstream news; you know what that means, don't you?
It means no one will remember it a week from now. It will be an 'old meme'. Fodder for late nite talk shows. And anyone who tries to bring it up in the future (no matter how bad black violence gets) will be laughed at and mocked, as if they're talking about killer bees or acid rain. (Does anybody else remember acid rain? What happened to the big scare over acid rain?)
The Sharkeisha video is simply classic in almost every respect. If you would have put a 38 in the "Sharks" hands at that particular time, there is no doubt about what would have happened. If there was ever an example of poor impulse control here it is.
blacks should not be allowed to own guns.
No. Out of control blacks should not be walking around in a fee society where guns are available.
If we want to continue to live in a civilized society we have to end birthright citizenship. It should only be conferred to those that can pass a simple civics and English test. Also, incorrigible criminals and the chronically lazy should be stripped of their citizenship and deported. These two actions would definitely have a disparate impact on the Negro population in this country.
Funny how the map turns black where there's the most killing. That map be rayciss!
When I was a younger man, Philadelphia was the first place I was ever shot at (albeit unintentionally). An arguing group of black teenagers off of South Street. Screaming, shouting. There were some quick pops. It was undoubtedly an unaimed shot, but the unmistakeable supersonic >snap< of a bullet passing overhead sent me scrambling. 9mm I guess. I got the hell out of there.
There is much wisdom in the saying "Avoid the groid". That's why I live in flyover country.
Anon 8:23: "If we want to continue to live in a civilized society we have to end birthright citizenship. It should only be conferred to those that can pass a simple civics and English test. Also, incorrigible criminals and the chronically lazy should be stripped of their citizenship and deported."
So when Juanita or Shitteesha get transferred from the DMV over to the Citizenship Certification Office, you think they're going to stamp "DENIED" on their fellow savages' papers? How about if those duties are taken over by the IRS, who is currently waging war against the One-Degree-Right-of-Center "tea parties"?
I agree with your idea, but there needs to be a systemwide reboot, first.
Yahoo news amazes me [usually in a bad way].
Man spends Thanksgiving in jail — again
Arrested more than 1,250 times, Henry Earl spends the holiday in prison for the third time in five years. Decades-long rap sheet »
More stories
More than 1,250 arrests and this black man still roams the streets.
So when Juanita or Shitteesha get transferred from the DMV over to the Citizenship Certification Office, you think they're going to stamp "DENIED" on their fellow savages' papers? How about if those duties are taken over by the IRS, who is currently waging war against the One-Degree-Right-of-Center "tea parties"?
I agree with your idea, but there needs to be a systemwide reboot, first.
These points made here are why I said above that although it would be much more effective toward eradicating violent crime to ban the blacks rather than to ban the guns, making such a thing happen in the present state of things would not be at all feasible.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Sharkeisha a mythical name not a real name? It's sort of like Stagerlee - the mythical black prankster who always bests the white man.
Philadelphia. I live an hour away northeast and still not far enough away from the feral blackness. However, if I go any further north, I'll have to deal with the black dysfunction of Newark.
BTW,a new complementary Twitter feed to SBPDL...
Off topic but I just watched an episode of The First 48, where cops in Dallas investigated the murder of a Mexican man. Three niggers kidnapped him, took him to one of their homes, beat him until he gave them his ATM card's PIN number. They try to use the ATM card but the PIN was wrong, so they took the Mexican to a creek bed and burned him alive. During the interrogation of one of the killers, the detective asked "Did anyone try and put the man out of his misery?" And the nigger beast just looked at the floor and said "Aw naw, no one". Anyone ever hear about this? No? I bet you have heard about Emmitt Till ad nauseum though.
If only Trayvon could have hooked up with Sharkeisha ... what beautiful chirruns they could have made.
Philly just banned the 3-D printed guns. That will help.
As if the local groids know how to work a printer.
I've got an idea on how to protect my home, and it's a lot cheaper than one of those home security systems ... I'm just going to put a sign up in my yard that reads:
While looking for "the fight" on YouTube I came across numerous vids taken yesterday -- black crowds "at Walmart" etc, on Black Friday. Running amok, fightinhpg, crashing through police crowd control barriers -- mayhem.
Not one vid, but a sampling from across the nation.
"I want to put the audience out there in the streets," Kaz said. "I want them to see what I'm seeing every night in this city: The children watching crime scene investigations night after night, day after day. Anything to disrupt this, marginally disrupt this, we consider a success."
AS a First Responder in the deep South, I reply:
I want people to see what I see. Negroes are not like the ones portrayed on TV. The houses are all FILTHY, the trash is overflowing & strewn about the yard usually. They regularly beat, rob & steal from one another.
Black marriage is a myth. I saw the Kay Jewelry commercial yesterday where the negro gets on one knee & proposes to the negress while the folks in the background gush.... such horseshit.
There are thousands of black churches dotting the South & NEVER in 40+ years have I passed by & seen a wedding party emerging to pass through a hail of rice & birdseed. NEVER. Funerals though, all the time.
Marriage means they can't fleece the System of benefits meant for truly unfortunate people.
Negro Fatigue has a firm grip on yours truly.
" John Bigboote' said...
There is much wisdom in the saying "Avoid the groid". That's why I live in flyover country."
So do I, but even in this small town they're moving in. Cheap housing units and probably some coalburners are the gateway it seems. In this small town, there are at least two families who have adopted groid children. Two of those lil' groids , around 4 and 5, were throwing rocks at my vehicle as I drove by. I stopped and confronted the 5 year old boy who started going street on me (!), and the 4 year old girl who started lying for him, telling me it was ice that was being thrown. The DWL "mother" was "shocked" and put Lil' Groid in his room for a "time out." They will age, they will attend the high school here, and more will follow.
Flyover country - at least my part of it - isn't free of da undertow.
Stay strong and keep posting. In the end, we win.
Anonymous said...
If only Trayvon could have hooked up with Sharkeisha ... what beautiful chirruns they could have made.
So funny I had to laugh. That afreekan DNA. Here in the USA.
off topic
That 14 year old mulatto killer...
of the mass. teacher...he is listed as 'White' on the crime report.
That 14 year old mulatto killer... of the mass. teacher...he is listed as 'White' on the crime report.
Compstat in action.
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