Why might the South be the deadliest region of the United States?
Good ol' boys, never meaning harm?
White guys with Confederate flags decals on their pickup trucks?
White suburban soccer moms?
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Charleston, South Carolina: the only reason the city has any homicide/crime problem is because of the black population |
Or because of black people?[Demographics? Guns? Southern culture? Reasons for regional homicide variations remain elusive, Al.com, 9-20-2013]:
The South remains the country’s deadliest region, with a 2012 homicide rate of about 5.5 killings for every 100,000 residents. At 6.7 homicides for every 100,000 residents, Alabama’s rate is higher – even after accounting for an error in the FBI statistics pointed out by state officials.
Among cities with at least 100,000 residents, Birmingham ranked No. 9 last year, according to the FBI data. That is higher even than Chicago, a city that has gained a great deal of attention as a place with an out-of-control murder problem.
Alabama’s other large cities – Montgomery, Mobile and Huntsville – ranked 30, 38 and 85. Only Huntsville’s rate was in the bottom half of the country’s big cities.
Demographic differences cited
James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University in Boston, said the most murderous cities and states tend to have higher concentrations of black residents, who on average are six times more likely to be involved in murders.
“There are certainly patterns there,” he said.
But Fox cautioned that race often masks deeper socioeconomic factors, such as poverty, unemployment and low levels of education.
“Demographics is a big part of it, but it’s not the whole story,” he said. “Of course, it’s not race, itself. There’s a whole array of economic issues. … It looks like demographics, but it’s really socioeconomic issues.”No, demographics is the only part of the story that matters.
It is simply race itself.
Poor economic conditions are created by blacks. Poverty does not create crime; crime is just a manifestation of low impulse control, poor future time orientation, and a lower overall IQ on the part of the individual black person engaging in illegal activity.
It is simply demographics.
So, just as black criminals are more likely to own illegal guns (and use them in criminal acts), white Southerners are more likely to own legally-purchased guns to protect themselves, their family and property, as well as their businesses from those dangerous blacks.
Some dub this 'racism'; we dub it simply engaging in sane act. [White racists more likely to be gun owners: study, Washington Times, 11-6-2013]
Why not a quick look at some of the South's biggest cities, and just who is behind the crime, homicides, and nonfatal shootings?
Perhaps, by chance, you'll notice a correlation.
How about Charlotte?:
The yearly number of killings in Charlotte keeps falling.
In 2012, Charlotte-Mecklenburg recorded its lowest number of homicides in 24 years – 52 as the year ended Monday night. The number of homicides has dropped each year since 2010.
Herbert Weathers, the former president of the Enderly Park neighborhood association in the Metro Division, resigned from the association in frustration two years ago, after the division’s 18 homicides. He said it seems like the city is becoming safer, but his community is missing out on the crime reductions.
“Most of the crime is over here on the west side,” he said. “The reason why – it’s where all the poor black people are.”
Lower black population in Charlotte means lower homicide rate
Victims mostly black men
The deaths cut across every racial and socioeconomic group, but some trends emerged:
• The Central Division, which includes uptown and Southend, recorded one homicide, the fewest of any division. A swath of south Charlotte extending south between Randolph and Providence roads was virtually untouched by homicides.
• Again, the people most likely to be killed were black men. Nearly 3 out of 5 of the homicide victims were black men. Seventeen of the victims were black men under 30 – nearly a third of all victims.
Blacks make up about 32 percent of Mecklenburg’s population but comprised more than 71 percent of the homicide victims. Police say 37 of the victims were blacks, 10 were white and five were Hispanic.So Charlotte only has a homicide problem because of black men, meaning that wherever black men reside in the city, people are correct to fear for their lives?
Yes, that's the case.
Same with Jacksonville, Florida.
But most especially the charming, beautiful, bucolic city of Charleston, South Carolina (via Free Republic from a local ABC affiliate in 2004):
City Working To Find Solutions For Black-on-Black Crime
Charleston, SC - Officials in Charleston have come up with several ideas they say could reduce incidence of black-on-black crime in the port city. Those ideas include affordable housing, business development and job training. Blacks make up 34 percent of Charleston's population of almost 97,000 people.
But blacks accounted for 71 percent of the city's 45 homicide victims in the past three years. At least one black person has been charged in every case where there has been an arrest. The FBI reports similar problems in other parts of the country. Mayor Joe Riley ( has met with a city task force to discuss a program to teach construction trades to young people. The Reverend Joe Darby of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP says community groups are working on ideas that will be announced later.Oh, it gets better. From Charleston's The Post and Courier, a special January 28, 2004 issue contained a long article deploring the high rate of black-on-black crime in the city. The front page article "Charleston's mean streets take toll on community" produced these facts:
Dusk gave way to night as Henry Wright sat outside an elegant Market Street hotel, carefully rolling a sprig of rosemary and a short-stemmed yellow rose into a crumpled wedge of tinfoil.
Working with prosthetic hooks, Wright fashioned makeshift bouquets to hawk to visitors strolling this bustling corridor of restaurants and shops.
Though he works alone on this street night after night, Wright rarely feels threatened.
"There's so many cops out here," said Wright. "It's a different story on the other side of town. ... You can get shot at, and they'll be putting another clip in the gun before any police come to help you."
The place he refers to is less than a mile away, but it seems as though it belongs to another city entirely.
There on Charleston's East Side that same night, homeless men in ragged clothes sipped from 40-ounce malt liquor bottles in a scraggly patch of woods carpeted with jagged glass, wadded trash and pine needles. Young men huddled on street corners, spoke in muffled tones and glared at passing police. Blue emergency strobe lights flashed against dilapidated buildings as officers questioned somber-faced onlookers about reports of gunfire.
In this neighborhood, as in some other predominantly black areas of the city, life lacks the carefree, postcard images that Charleston projects to the outside world. These are the gritty places where drugs are sold, gunfire crackles and lives are lost in flashes of intraracial violence.
Violence by blacks against other blacks within the community accounted for dozens of deaths and scores of serious injuries in recent years. Many of these victims are young men with prior criminal records, cut down by gunfire in disproportionate numbers. The death toll is leaving a vacuum filled with simmering anger, life-shattering grief and unsettling fear.
"This is not John Q. Citizen being shot down while mowing his lawn," police Cpl. Jason Emanuele said as he patrolled the east and west sides of the city on a recent night. "It's largely people involved in crime, and crime is a dangerous game."
Charleston is faced with a problem that plagues South Carolina and the nation.
Nationally, homicide is the leading cause of death for black males ages 15 to 24. In 2002, blacks were responsible for about 92 percent of slayings in which other blacks died, according to FBI statistics.
"I believe we've gotten completely away from what makes life precious, and we have to get back to the idea that life is still worth living," said the Rev. Charles McLamore, a pastor at Francis Brown AME Church on the city's West Side.
City officials, police and residents blame the violence on numerous causes, including poverty, widespread drug use, lack of job and educational opportunities, broken families, loosening of moral standards and an overburdened judicial system that is too quick to cut deals with offenders. Whatever the cause, the result is plain to see.
Blacks comprise 34 percent of Charleston's population of 96,650, but they accounted for 71 percent of the city's 45 homicide victims in the past three years. In every case in which there was an arrest, at least one black suspect was charged.
In 2002, black-on-black violence accounted for about 56 percent of the city's 555 aggravated assaults, which are crimes involving weapons or serious injuries, according to State Law Enforcement Division statistics.
Until recently, the violence drew little attention from city leaders or the wider community. Many still bristle at discussing the subject in racial terms. Others say such denial only causes the problem to fester.
"We've got a big old elephant in the room, but nobody is supposed to see it," said Carl Smalls, a black West Ashley truck driver whose son, a promising college football player, was gunned down by two black strangers in Columbia in 2002. "We still have the old ways of looking at things. We don't want the white man to see we have a problem. But if we don't fix it, it's going to wipe us out."
On Thursday, Charleston Police Chief Reuben Greenberg, who is black, will host a community meeting as a step toward creating an "anti-crime" culture. Greenberg called for the forum one day after he issued an apology to those offended by his comment about black-on-black crime.
In an interview for a Jan. 4 Post and Courier story about Lowcountry homicides, Greenberg said, "I refuse to take responsibility every time one black son of a bitch kills another. I have no control over that. There are social factors much more powerful than anything we can concoct in the Charleston Police Department."
The NAACP demanded an immediate apology from Greenberg and called on the mayor and City Council to dismiss him if he refused. Little was said about the underlying problem Greenberg was addressing.
Smalls, 47, said civil rights groups such as the NAACP have done the community a disservice by ignoring "real problems" such as black-on-black crime while tackling marginal issues such as Greenberg's comments and the state's unwillingness to remove the Confederate battle flag from the Capitol grounds.
"It speaks volumes about where we're at in the black community as far as leadership," Smalls said.No, this article speaks volumes about why white people in America purchase firearms as protection; not out of any 'racist' inclination, but out of the simple notion that living in the South means you'll be near large populations of dangerous black people.
Charleston has large sections of the city that are uninhabitable because of dangerous black people, whose lack any appreciation for life and engage in a fratricidal war against their own people.
The same situation is found in Charlotte and Jacksonville, where real estate occupied by black people is deemed by 'poor' and 'dangerous'.
Oddly, the only reason the real estate in these cities is both 'poor' and 'dangerous' is because of the black population that inhabits the area.
But the South is still inhabited by racist white people, who only buy guns with nefarious purposes at mind.
The black population fuels the homicide rate and the decisions by individual white people to purchase a gun for protection.
The South doesn't have a homicide problem; the South has a black problem.
Great article PK. The South will once again have to rise up and lead the nation back to greatness. I have lot of friends and family in Charlotte area. May God bless us all in these dark times (pun intended).
NC Guy
Jim Crow was right.
"Those ideas include affordable housing, business development and job training."
Good luck.
Quote: "There are patterns here."
Great! Someone finally noticed!
"No, this article speaks volumes about why white people in America purchase firearms as protection; not out of any 'racist' inclination, but out of the simple notion that living in the South means you'll be near large populations of dangerous black people."
But that's exactly what a "racist inclination" is: Recognizing that races exist, and that members of a race share common traits. One observed trait among black males is their much higher tendency to commit violent crime, especially murder. The Australians and Brits who conducted the "racism and guns" study, simply misused the word "racist" as a perjorative. Nice effort, though, mates.
What is the point of polling gun owners' beliefs about race? If there is no corresponding increase in "racist" white-on-black killings, then the study is meaningless. Perhaps they would better serve their own cuntrymen by studying the anti-Western beliefs held by their third-world muslim immigrants, and whether those beliefs have resulted in more crime, and whether those immigrants should be kicked the hell out.
"Demographics is a big part of it, but it’s not the whole story,” he said. “Of course, it’s not race, itself. There’s a whole array of economic issues. … It looks like demographics, but it’s really socioeconomic issues.”
You simply have got to admire their consistency. They will never admit to what is clearly in front of them.
The level of indoctrination in this paradigm is f**king breathtaking. Until the mid-60's or so, you would have never, or at least seldom, have heard this explanation. But now it is pervasive, a belief held against all evidence from the mouths of a gigantic cross section of the population.
Whether witch hunts in 18th century or adherence to the tenants of the Southern Poverty Law Center, humanity is capable of mass hysteria. Frightening really and it only confirms my desire to move as far into the mountain wilderness as I can manage.
Maybe someone should do a pie chart on the numbers, by race, of homicides in the U.S. Then, put it on a card, make copies and leave those cards around. Something simple.
Too early to say for sure, but it sounds like an asian congresswoman was a vicitim of the knockout game.
Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.), a freshman lawmaker from the New York City area, was attacked and robbed Tuesday evening in the Eastern Market area.
Meng said she had just said goodnight to a friend she had dinner with in the neighborhood about 8:30 p.m. when she was attacked from behind.
Responding police officers found Meng disoriented at 2nd St. and Independence Avenue SE with bruising and swelling to the back of the left side of her head, and injuries to her left knee, hand and face. Meng was not able to remember where she was robbed or describe her assailant or assailants, according to a D.C. police report.
What a glorious post racial utopia. Yes we can! Si se Puede. Forward. To each according to his needs, workers of the world unite!
Indian said...
Asians are smarter than whites, that will never change, even whites in prominent positions, like Jared Taylor, have said "Asians will always be smarter than whites because its in their genes".
If whites, or any race for that matter, want to survive, they have to make friends with Asians. We are superior in almost every way.
It is better to make friends with the wolf, than to despise it for being a wolf.
Blacks are biological weapons. Someone is taking this country down, simple as that.
I really like the Charleston, SC area, and I can tell you that the tourist areas are very safe, safe enough for white people to do "ghost walks" (really a history walk for people that like that kind of thing) at night without fear. I guess this would be the area around the central market extending to the water on one side and the old cemetery on the west (?) side. The area around the old prison does not seem safe at night however. Get out of there by sundown.
If you do go, also be sure to see the fort and the aircraft carrier, they are really cool.
The rest of the place is shit.
I'm sure you've heard about the Fambly Dolla Sto' attempted robbery that went wrong for the black robbers in Mobile, Alabama.
Who can blame these young violent black men, when every single day they have to contend with the turrble, turrble facts of slabery. When oh when will this turrble slabery finally end?
Wait... WHAT? WHEN??? Are you sure about that?!
You're joking.
But that would mean... then all those excuses would be...
Nope, it's just not possible. There's got to be slabery all over the place, it's the only explanation that makes any sense.
no matter what the LIB-RATS say or hide, it just comes down to the NGR mentality! or no matter how many black race hustlers say and tell lies about how they are mistreated, persecuted, and treated badly because of their skin color(funny how they look like walking shit piles)they will never, ever change. until the day when the WHITE RACE stops feeding and sheltering these feral beasts and starts putting more of them in jail instead of house arrest and lame bullshit like that. we need to build more jails. mr. liar in chief do you want job growth? well that's one way.
and this NGR knockout game these NGR fucks have been playing are getting so much attention lately. let's see if it lasts. my question is where are the white kids paying these mother fuckers back? where's jj.jackson and the cancer ridden not so Sharpton? CRICKETS!!!!
GODSPEED/SEGREGATION CAUSE A LITTLE NGR IS TRYING TO KNOCKOUT THIS NATION!!! p.s. fuck you fat oprah. I hope that freedom medal chokes you while you sleep.
I've come to the conclusion Jim Crow was no born out of inate hatred if Blacks by Whites as the popular thinking goes. No Jim Crow was the natural response borne out of observing Blacks intimately for several generations. The Southerners knew instinctively that Blacks were and are a major threat to their way of life.
I just moved to South Carolina for a job. The area is nice but there is NO way in the world I would even consider buying a house and settling down here. TOO MANY NEGROES. They even have BET on the TeeVee in the cafeteria. I will take the Mestizos any day of the week.
Not suprised. Just check the end results. The prison system is 90 percent black. The majority of crime and homicide is committed in their communities. Blame the wealthy, greedy white plantation owners for this mess. They wanted free labor to maximize profits to harvest their crops and land. The outcome three hundred years later. A society in ruins, prisons over run, an economic system broke. All due to the white mans greed to maximize their profits. I'm a white man that looks at the real cause of the problem. Now, nothing can be done. Blacks would have never crossed the ocean to be here from Africa. I think many forget how this has happened. Only option now. Move as far away from those large groups as possible, as many do.
Speaking of cirme, has anyone noticed that on weekend shows like 48 hours where they find some possibly cleverly planned homicide, it is always a white person or whites involved?
only white racists own guns...LMFAO!!! yea ok ...where do they come up with this shit.
I just bought a nice 9mm Taurus PT111G2 pistol, fits nicely in my pocket and holds 10 rounds I live in Myrtle Beach when I am in the US and the place is totally nigger now. Chili's, TGI Friday, KFC, Hardees!!!!! ALL nigger staffed and managed, WTF is happening in America?
I sometimes tire of all the equating of "poverty" with "violence", "hopelessness", and "immorality". I'm from Appalachia and eventually moved to the city. In Appalachia there's widespread endemic white poverty. But I wouldn't say there's feelings of "hopelessness". Instead there's a sort of "poverty-pride" - being proud of how far you can make a dollar stretch, or being proud of how little you feel dependent upon buying into consumer culture. You can live this way in the cities too, and some people do - sharing space in apartments or larger houses. Basically what I'm talking about are people who make sacrifices, don't buy as much stuff, and live within their means even if they have a low annual income.
These people always seem to be white. I've never seen a black person living this lifestyle.
Certainly not everyone wants to live such a Spartan existence, but for religious or other reasons, some people just want to live on a shoestring budget, and many people are proud of being able to do so. It's Depression-era ethics to be sure, but there is a sense of self-confidence and pride that can come from knowing you don't need much money to survive - you can do these things yourself.
I suspect most blacks will never know this feeling.
Great article. Demographics equal destiny. The agonizing death of my hometown Albany,Georgia proves it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: We should have picked our own goddamn cotton.
Anonymous said...
"Those ideas include affordable housing, business development and job training."
Good luck....USA went down that road 50 years ago!
Trillions of dollars mis spent and things are worse [twice as many negroes...food = pop increase].
November 20, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Anonymous said...
Maybe someone should do a pie chart...
Feb 28th, I used an article from the WSJ (believe it was linked in an article here @ SBPDL) to make this:
I recently watched a news report about the Knockout Game in which the reporter "wonders" who is behind "the game" while numerous clips of blacks attacking white people play on a video screen behind him. I had to burst out laughing at the sheer idiocy being displayed by the reporter. It's either sheer idiocy or an attempt to convince people (in the face of overwhelming evidence) that they shouldn't believe their own eyes.
In the same sense, the MSM and DWL's attempt to deflect attention from the obvious fact that blacks in the South are responsible for most of the crime (as elsewhere) and instead focus on "racism, guns, failing our youth" and other sideshows. Even when some do face the facts, they still try to deflect all responsibility for black criminality and dysfunction by blaming it on poverty, lack of education, the ever present "racism" excuse and evil white people etc.
They'd blame it all on flush toilets if they thought they could get away with it.
What amazes me is the mental gymnastics they engage in to avoid telling the truth or facing it themselves. They'd make a contortionist in a circus sideshow green with envy.
Even so, I have to wonder at who takes them seriously and then, I think back on the Anthrax attacks a number of years ago. Numerous idiots (upon spying the usual number of dead squirrels on the local roads) went hysterical and began calling the police in a panic and freaking out.
That's the type who believe and support the libtards and take them seriously.
Did I mention that we now live in an Idiocracy?
Trial junkie here. These hand-wringing articles never end. "Black males are the main victims of murder."
They are also the main perpetrators.
To paraphrase McDonalds, I'm lovin' it that the KO Game/Polar Bear Hunting has finally gotten some mainstream media attention, even despite the laughable attempts to downplay race.
Of course, it took some attacks on New York's Chosen community to bring the issue to the forefront. (Sorry guys, I know you don't care much for us Goys, but you ARE wearing our uniform and the Bantus can't tell us apart.)
The point is, it wasn't supposed to be this way. Mainstream conservatard media personalities DO NOT want to be talking about this.
The only reason they are is because of the tireless efforts of guys like PK and Colin Flaherty. They are pushing black pathologies into the mainstream and there is a groundswell of white middle/working class support behind them.
Back in the Soviet era, Pravda and Izvestiya had one major advantage over our propaganda outlets: they didn't have to sell advertising to stay alive. Ours do, to a certain extent.
They are reporting on the KO game because they have maintain a shred of relevance to people who buy things other than Swisher Sweets and high gravity malt beverages.
Now that they've started reporting it (no matter how lukewarmly) they can't stop. God knows the Bantus aren't going to stop the assaults. This is a cycle that will work to our advantage.
Some of those statements are priceless "This is not John Q. Citizen being shot down while mowing his lawn" (uh, sometimes it is)
"we've got a big elephant in the room"
make that a nig elephant.
"Asians are smarter than whites, that will never change, even whites in prominent positions, like Jared Taylor, have said "Asians will always be smarter than whites because its in their genes".
If whites, or any race for that matter, want to survive, they have to make friends with Asians. We are superior in almost every way.
It is better to make friends with the wolf, than to despise it for being a wolf."
Right, and that explains why asians are still immigrating and studying en masse to the more advanced, democratic and powerful WHITE countries just like yourself using the White man's electricity, computer and Internet LOL
Asians are nothing but useful idiots to Jared Taylor to expose black dysfunction and confirm that diversity from all other races can only lead to the disenfranchisement and replacement of White majority everywhere. We don't need another FOREIGN parasite to suck us dry even more as it is, so please do us all a big favor and STAY in your "smarter" countries to do your slave labor.
We were doing just fine until the 1965 Immigration Act and we don't need to make friends with wolves when we were already able to exterminate them in the first place.
Troll off and clean up your own mess !
Filthy India:
Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China:
And then there was the piece today on 'CBS This Morning' about all the "teens" involved in this new thing called Knockout King. Their insider pointed out that there is no pattern to the way they pick out victims, while also not pointing out the pattern of the assailants. Lately I have been giving little golf claps to the CBS program for continually pointing out the heaps of bullshit that Mien Obama has been putting out. But this one story set them back a few steps in the factual reporting scheme of things.
>>"Certainly not everyone wants to live such a Spartan existence, but for religious or other reasons, some people just want to live on a shoestring budget, and many people are proud of being able to do so. It's Depression-era ethics to be sure, but there is a sense of self-confidence and pride that can come from knowing you don't need much money to survive - you can do these things yourself."
Yes, but how much crime is there in Appalachia? Huh? How high is the white crime rate in Appalachia, when compared to blacks? Also, do these particular poor downtrodden appalachians use their meager existence as an excuse for any and all crimes that they commit?
>>"I suspect most blacks will never know this feeling."
You're missing it. They don't want to know this feeling. In their minds, why should they? After all, they DID know this feeling back during slavery. They don't think that they owe anyone a single thing, so naturally they want it all now. They want their stuff, NOW. They don't wanna wait for heaven, they want it all on earth..........NOW. Their time has come, now, now, and now.
Not considering Asians horrible does not mean 'superior.'
When jared taylor talks about asians he sure as fuck isn't talking about Indians anyway. Average iq is about 75. No serious accompishnents. Majorty of the country lacks water and toilets. Rape is rampant like Africa. A population of 1billion that can't seem to keep a single 1 block area in the whole country clean. People openly shit on the streets in the capitol(and I'm talking south ex not a basti), not a single world class serviceor product is provided by India, indians need special police to watch the gurdwaras and mandirs in uk and canada because of violence, Indians are almost invariably involved in tax evasion and those who get into politics almost always get caught for corruption. Approximately zero oympic medals. I could go on.
My statement that asians need not be removed and that some europeans have learned from them wasn't an invitation for an indo-centric dipshit fest. Seriously, an indian saying he's superior in 'every way'? Gtfo!
Immediately look up "Rex Kramer danger seeker" online. Rex is SBPDL approved.
Like i said before, this shit is a parallel to 1984 and the double think. As we all know that book didnt end well. Pretty soon we will be executed for not allowing the groid to rape our wives and daughters.
Erie PA
South is doomed by too many free blacks.
Love how fox says it's not race right after he said it was...funny how it's always blacks who are poor, plagued by crime and in failing schools, like a conspiracy by every other race to make them look like primitive savages. Gotta pound the meme that crime causes poverty until ppl get it.
"largely people involved in crime" basically sums up blacks right there
sth_txs said...
Speaking of cirme, has anyone noticed that on weekend shows like 48 hours where they find some possibly cleverly planned homicide, it is always a white person or whites involved?
It's a show for white women. They wouldn't be interested in simplistic black crime. Much the same way that shows like Criminal minds, NCIS, Law and Order etc. are dominated by scheming white male criminals.
Brilliant. Never been tried before 1000 times
That's hate data
She love diversity long time
Yeah those genius chinks and their fantastic smog, high speed crash rail, and topple over buildings. We tremble before them.
Whites have higher IQ kurtosis, aka more geniuses and retards. This is why NASM could be called the white history museum and why guys named Neil left boot prints on the moon 50 yrs ago.
White peak has always exceeded Asian peak, while Asians have a better average.
And all.you slopes want to move to our societies just like every other race. Whites really ARE the Master Race
Just listen to these tribal savages...no empathy, no duty to society...the guy was supposed to leave and mind he own bidness and let their sprog chimp get he loot awn. Pk needs an article on this...it's bizarro world BC these negroes are totally alien in mindset and behavior
When confronted with this legacy, I bring up Liberia. Slavery was abolished there in.like the 1920s. But it still continues to this day. And these were freed slaves yearning for fkin freedom or something
Indian said:
Asians are smarter than whites... We are superior in almost every way.
Who your "we", Kimosabe?
You think because you live on the same continent as China, you're suddenly Chinese?
Look at this table of IQs by nation. Notice who's on the top. Yep, those are Asians, all right. But where's India? Why, down there at rank 61, just a few points above Zambia, with an average IQ of 81. That's even lower than American negroes.
I wish the good 'revruns' would freshen up their demands. We all know they don't want jobs or education or any of that other white stuff. They should just say they want all our money and for us to call them "master" because I think that's what they really want. Wouldn't it be a hoot to see Jesse on TV tell Bill O'Reilly or Brian Williams to call him "master" and fork over their millions? Or maybe I should just hope for 0bama's sons to start playing the knockout game outside the CBS studios in NY - that'd liven up their stupid morning show.
Don M notes:
Back in the Soviet era, Pravda and Izvestiya had one major advantage over our propaganda outlets: they didn't have to sell advertising to stay alive. Ours do, to a certain extent.
To what extent though? You keep on reading reports of how the "legacy media" is "dying", accompanied by occasional sob stories of hard-working dedicated Duranties (is there any other kind?) having to retire early to a humble cottage in the Hamptons or even (gasp!) Vermont. Like zombies, nothing actually appears to kill them dead though. I wonder how much access their squid owners have to Uncle Ben's drive-thru Cash-for-Trash window (soon to be Aunt Janet's)?
Pravda is the Russian word for 'Truth', while Isvestia roughly translates as 'News'. A common saying in the old Soyuz was that there is no truth in the news and no news in the truth.
Like most of you of European descent, am sure that plenty of my Brit ancestresses where raped constantly by the Roman Legionnaires but I do not
go around Knocking Out Italians for either fun or payback or back pay.
Slavery was a constant in all societies across space & time until
the stupid Brits (I can say that due
to my 100% Brit DNA) do-gooders decided to end the ancient & honorable practice of human slavery.
Point is that practically everybody is descended from slaves but only the Africans chimp out about it.
They are a violent scourge on humanity. No other race wants anything to do with them except for druggies & sex perverts
Here's some real ugliness:
Let's take a wild guess who those "77 poor nations" are. They want money from "the rich" (white) nations. It's all our fault when they have bad weather. Make with the gibs already. Fork it over!
Erie PA notes:
Like i said before, this shit is a parallel to 1984 and the double think. As we all know that book didnt end well. Pretty soon we will be executed for not allowing the groid to rape our wives and daughters.
Is closer that you think, tovarishch: Writing non-approved grafitti can get you a felony charge with a 30-year sentence (longer than the typical one handed down for a KO-King murder) in New Hampshire.
You are correct. Slavery has affected every race at some point in history. The first american slave owner was a black man. Blacks and their enablers ignore these facts to gain what they want. It is ridiculous how many whites fall into the guilt trap. Social engineering and revisionism in education has been at work ever since the civil rights movement so we can all accept blacks and pander to them.
Thank you for sharing. The negro-ites love to blame poverty for crime, but I always bring up your home state as proof that crime is in the black mans dna since the black population is low and the per capita crime rate with blacks than whites in WV. I was told by liberals at one point that there is less to do in Wv hence the crime rate. Meanwhile the black ilk in the cities, that offer more recreation, are polar bear hunting because they are "bored." Im so sick of blacks and their lame excuses. If there were a petition to deport them i would be one of the first to sign.
Indian (dot not feather) said...
"Asians are smarter than whites, that will never change, even whites in prominent positions, like Jared Taylor, have said "Asians will always be smarter than whites because its in their genes". If whites, or any race for that matter, want to survive, they have to make friends with Asians. We are superior in almost every way. It is better to make friends with the wolf, than to despise it for being a wolf. November 20, 2013 at 10:09 PM"
Wrong again. Asians are not "smarter" but some do have an incredible study ethic. No Westerner came up with the idea of cram schools (school after school) but Asians genetic disposition to be passive and conform to a hierarchy limits them. Can you imagine Whites coming up with a National motto "The Protruding Nail gets Hammered Down."? No Way. We have "Made in the USA" (supposed to mean good quality) or Truth, Justice and the American Way!" or "American Innovation". Change and quality (i.e. Evolving Meritocracy) is part of our blood.
The only "Asians" that are a few I.Q. points higher than Western Whites are the Japanese, forced that way by the resource poor environment.
As to India, it is a land of unbelievable Darkness and Cruelty. It was the Western Whites who kept you guys from throwing wives on the fire of the funeral pyre the husband. Even today, orphans are crippled and put out on street corners to beg. Yech.
India's odd religion where White skinned lighter Indians rule over the dark skinned masses (I am not saying this is evil, but given the worlds reaction to South Africa, I am surprised no one even comments on it.)Are you not worried about revolution? Is this not a wolf you should go make friends with?
I will say this one more time "Indian (dot not feather)". This is a blog for Whites to grouse and spread information about and come up with solutions to the uniquely White problem dealing with negros in North American. Telling us who we should make friends with is both the height of arrogance and borders on hostile disinformation. Why don't you find a nice Indian (dot not feather) blog and grouse to each other about the untouchables or the latest gossip about Ashwarya Rai?
Let's take a wild guess who those "77 poor nations" are. They want money from "the rich" (white) nations. It's all our fault when they have bad weather. Make with the gibs already. Fork it over!
Time for YT to pay some more for his sins against the holiest and most spotless folks evaahh. Not to worry, the always intrepid, willing and able "entrepreneurs and job creators" at Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and various other tentacles of the great vampire squid have been salivating to lend the regimes (collection agencies) ruling over YT some freshly-baked fake money, gin-up some cow-fart futures for bond-backing and get into the swaps racket. When it's done, we can all slither down to Merdegeld and Dorscheisse's Deli for some superb shit-sandwiches and wash them down with a few jugs of the Rev. Jones' finest grape drank.
I heard this in the early 1960's from a man of about 75-80 years old. "Negroes won't accept equality. You've got to be over or under them" It offended me at the time, but I've come to believe he was right....
OT pile of BS
Lunenburg MA HS
FB team blamed for nigger graffiti
if you saw the story this morning notice that the graffiti was sprayed on the concrete block foundation and not on the siding
only the son or the father would be so considerate of their property
just more self inflicted racism
of course DWLs blame the white racists among them and then punish the team
bobbyluski forgot to mention the Alabama Lehman Bros as one of the tentacles.
From : Yankee Giuseppe
Watching a real estate show on HGTV this morning at the gym since real estate interests me. During the commercial break, 4 commercials in a row featured kneegrows in either starring roles or the role of the sage voice to be heeded. These commercials were for goods and services the likes of which kneegrows generally do not utilize.
Readers of this blog know why the commercials are structured that way and what the purpose is.
OT: we've recently discussed the subject of the warlord. Californian fleshed that out by mentioning insurgency theory. Is law enFORCEment adopting insurgency suppression almost regularly in white neighborhoods and all but abandoning dark neighborhoods to anarchic (warlord) rule?
I live in south carolina, and when the knockout game comes here, i will be more than happy happy happy to put a hole in someones head the size of montana
"the size of Montana"
the size of RI would do just fine
Anonymous said...
Indian said...
Asians are smarter than whites, that will never change, even whites in prominent positions, like Jared Taylor, have said "Asians will always be smarter than whites because its in their genes".
If whites, or any race for that matter, want to survive, they have to make friends with Asians. We are superior in almost every way.
It is better to make friends with the wolf, than to despise it for being a wolf.
November 20, 2013 at 10:09 PM
You're that troll that used to hang out on the American Renaissance boards, aren't you?
Tell me again how the Indians got to the moon before the White people...
"It is better to make friends with the wolf, than to despise it for being a wolf."
Wolves being what they are, and having the nature of wolves, it is in fact impossible to make friends with a wolf. White people would do well to remember this: the wolf will never, ever, ever be your friend, no matter how nice you are to it.
It is best to shoot the wolf for being a wolf. It is sheer madness to attempt the futile task of making friends with a wolf. Didn't anybody see that movie about the nutcase with the grizzly bears? Same thing with wolves.
Do not let the wolf into your country, or your home, or your university. Do not feed the wolf. Do not give the wolf a job, a diploma, a green card, or your daughter.
Sarah Palin had the right idea regarding wolves.
Watching a real estate show on HGTV this morning at the gym since real estate interests me. During the commercial break, 4 commercials in a row featured kneegrows in either starring roles or the role of the sage voice to be heeded. These commercials were for goods and services the likes of which kneegrows generally do not utilize.
Readers of this blog know why the commercials are structured that way and what the purpose is.
Yes, Some are 'awake'.
A gun? I found something cheaper and much easier to get to scare away young black males. I keep it in my pocket at all times. It's called a job appication.
I found something cheaper and much easier to get to scare away young black males. I keep it in my pocket at all times. It's called a job appication.
But it only works on targets who can read.
From another board:
"You play Knockout, I play Glock out."
Warlord rule is one of the steps toward anarchy/civil war. We should encourage it.
All this complaining white people are doing, and yet, black people are still here, and we're not going anywhere. Ha ha ha... Your own people are trying to bring us next to you, which makes it even funnier... Your diseased forefathers could have left us in Africa, but couldn't because they were too lazy to work themselves, and now we're here laughing as we take your government cheese and jobs.. Jim crow was only a couple of generations back, and we've already got a seat in the Oval Office, wait a few more generations.. It gets better.. ;)
The Orientals and Hindus who come to this country are not typical of their countries, but are smarter than the average. We don't import rice farmers and goat herders from Asia, only from Somalia, where they represent the upper crust.
I see nothing alarming with this article .It made me smile as the facts show how much they kill each other. brighten my day. keep up the good work negros.
Blacks hate it when a white person kills one of them, yet blacks kill dozens of their own week after week and no issue is made of it. Why?
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