You have the right to laugh at this program, realizing it's an implicit admission by the state on the enormity of racial differences that no tenured whiteness studies professor can explain away anymore.
No matter the dollar amount pumped into the "My Brother's Keeper" program, the Obama Administration (and successive administrations) will be unable to nurture cognitive development/self-control nature never intended.
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Al and Obama: The former was advising the latter on the events in Ferguson (roll on snare drum...) |
Go ahead and add another zero to the programs budget (you know what? add two or three), and you'll still have a situation reminiscent of Lucy pulling the football from an onrushing Charlie Brown.
Hilarious failure.
When President Obama dispatches the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force to Ferguson to attend the funeral of 18-year-old Michael Brown, if you aren't laughing then you'll never get the joke. [White House aides to attend Michael Brown funeral, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 8-24-14]:
President Barack Obama is sending three White House aides to the funeral of Michael Brown, the young black man whose fatal shooting by a white police officer sparked days of racial unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.
The announcement came Sunday as Rep. Lacy Clay, the Democratic congressman representing Ferguson, credited a visit by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for defusing some of the tension in the North St. Louis County suburb.
Leading the White House group for Monday's service will be the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, Broderick Johnson. My Brother's Keeper is an Obama initiative that aims to empower young minorities.
Also attending will be the deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, Marlon Marshall, and an adviser for the office, Heather Foster.
There's no reason to be upset with Obama's racial loyalty in this situation; the only thing to find offensive is, by this point, images of Officer Darren Wilson immediately following his encounter with Brown should have been viewed by the Obama and the Department of Justice (sic).
They have sided with a black criminal, who severely beat a white officer before his life was (correctly) extinguished; the facts exonerating Officer Wilson should have been hurriedly sent around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the offices of the Department of Justice, immediately causing an immense amount of embarrassment for those black government officials who leaned on Al Sharpton's on-the-ground reports for guidance. [Revved Up: How Al Sharpton became Obama’s go-to man on race., Politico, 8-21-14]:
And the White House, as the crisis following Brown’s death seemed to flare out of control, worked extensively behind the scenes to maximize The Rev’s doing what he does, using him as both a source of information and a go-between. After huddling with Brown’s family and local community leaders, Sharpton connected directly with White House adviser and First Friend Valerie Jarrett, vacationing in her condo in the exclusive Oak Bluffs section of Martha’s Vineyard, not far from where President Obama and his family were staying. Obama was “horrified” by the images he was seeing on TV, Jarrett told Sharpton, and proceeded to pepper him with questions as she collected information for the president: How bad was the violence? Was it being fueled by outside groups—and could Sharpton do anything to talk them down? What did the Brown family want the White House to do?
It was a heady consultation for Sharpton, who spent years on the outside dreaming of a place in the pantheon of the civil rights leaders he revered as a teenage street preacher in Brooklyn, and it’s an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama...An advisor to the President of the United States.
Don't be mad about this development, but instead laugh.
Let it out.
Take your time with this one.
Step back from the computer, go outside and laugh.
Do it.
You'll feel better.
Anger is the wrong emotional response at this point.
Just laugh.
Put another couple of "zero's" at the end of the number for the "My Brother's Keeper" program, just so Broderick Johnson, chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, can be flown to attend every funeral of a non-white male gunned down before he could fulfill his potential and provide the cure to cancer, the chemical equation for ending all pollution, and patenting the most efficient dietary supplement for eradicating obesity.
America stopped being a serious country long ago, so don't take stories such as these two seriously.
Just laugh.
Hard and long.
It's much, much healthier to laugh.
Anger can come when the photos of Officer Wilson are released, showcasing the injuries he sustained while fighting for his life with a belligerent Brown; anger can come when black politicians and leaders such as Attorney General Eric Holder (who obviously knew every detail of Officer Wilson's encounter with Michael Brown before he went to Ferguson on Wednesday, August 20th) refuse to castigate or condemn the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" movement, instead clinging to a fictional narrative of an evil, white racist cop executing a black choir boy.
On second thought, even when the photos are released and Slate, Huffington Post, Gawker, and Twitter explode into an orgy of stories and Tweets explaining how Officer Wilson's injuries - sustained when he merely confronted Brown walking down the middle of a street, imploring to walk on the sidewalk - don't matter (caved in face, to be more accurate), laughter will be a far greater response than anger.
"Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand."
Slightly off topic but I am amazed at the coverage the foley beheading is getting while I never heard a word about the equally heinous Kansas massacre until I started reading these sites. Foley was in a war zone. As gruesome as the murder was it is a state of nature place right now. And part of me thinks foley wanted to show how misunderstood the oppressed are. He has a swpl look about him.
But the victims of the Kansas massacre were just in their apt when a couple of groids broke in tortured and murdered them. Where is the coverage of this?
I really do laugh when "My Brother's Keeper" (AKA aybod poda hep version MMCDXVIII) is touted as if it is the first time anybody has considered spending money to fix black dysfunction.
So it seeks to "empower young minorities"? It's like trying to find a way to make the winds in a tornado get up to 500 mph. I think the negro has been empowered quite enough.
Interestingly enough, it seems Al Sharpton has better White House access than Jesse Jackson. I guess Jesse's tears for Obama weren't enough to offset his alleged remarks about doing surgery on candidate Obama's genitals.
In an unrelated shocking story, a party in LA yesterday attended by rappers (real ones, not aspiring ones) ended in gunfire. I didn't bother to read who was shot, because I don't care, but I did see where a white, Australian model in attendance felt it necessary to hide in the crapper during the shooting.
I would hope that she learned a lesson, but somehow, I seriously doubt it. She'll be right back in the middle of a negro party before you know it.
"America stopped being a serious country long ago…"
But it is still serious about some things; corruption, lies, negro pandering, waste, theft and generally crushing all that was good about the country.
Just think of an American from 1964, maybe the peak of our nation's greatness, hearing a story that describes a negro President sending a special group of government funded negroes to honor an 18-year-old negro who was killed attacking a cop after robbing a store. You couldn't have possibly imagined such insanity. But we are living it.
I have to concur with the poster on the previous post. Dissemination of pictures of Wilson and his injuries are now an imperative. they have to be seen widely, even at this late stage. Holding back serves only the Black agenda now. If its a privacy issue, then they need to realize that sadly this is bigger than the man's/family's desire (presumed) for privacy. Unfortunately we now live in a world of "pictures or it didn't happen".
"but I did see where a white, Australian model in attendance felt it necessary to hide in the crapper during the shooting."
So naive. Australian women still think its all bright lights and Broadway in the US. Not the ones who were at NOLA during Katrina though, they learned the hard way.
Al sharpton embracing obama, elevates the hoaxer's credibility, and diminishes the office of the President.
Tawana brawley, white interlopers , crown heights riots. ALL caused innocent deaths in their respective aftermaths.
I feel like Iron eyes Cody, as a tear falls for what this great country become.
Black Bastards All.
off topic but not really
I tried to get this posted at TMZ about the shootings at the VMAS but they kept blocking it...because they just love their black hip hop rappin thugs and their glorious lifestyle they love to teach to white kids
this is what I tried to post'
LMFAO!!! REALLY,REALLY NO. SAY IT AINT SO....RAPPERS ...AFRICAN AMERICAN "CULCHA' no the hell you say,this can't be true...after all the BS over the hero cop in Missouri doing his job and then the so called rappers have a shootout and preach how it's not their BLACK RAP "CULCHA' that's to blame LMFAO!
PB said ”I have to concur with the poster on the previous post. Dissemination of pictures of Wilson and his injuries are now an imperative. they have to be seen widely, even at this late stage. Holding back serves only the Black agenda now. If its a privacy issue, then they need to realize that sadly this is bigger than the man's/family's desire (presumed) for privacy. Unfortunately we now live in a world of "pictures or it didn't happen". “
Pictures will be released, but I'm not sure that the delay has a net harmful effect. Obviously most of the people living in areas with high nog populations worry about the riots, and I'm sure that the higher than usual level of unrest worries any rational police officer. But isn't it possible that as long as the uproar continues whites could continue to awaken and reach the conclusion that blacks can't be placated. Eventually the truth will come out that Brown was a pos who needed killing. This might stop the riots because the blacks will lose interest and prefer not to talk about it. The blacks won't be the slightest bit embarrassed or apologetic for their chimp behavior, but many more whites will view the whole fiasco supported by Obama, My Peeps, and BRA as unwarranted and perhaps begin to view the uplifting of blacks as a dream that can never come true. It seems natural to me that the white population in general will have less sympathy for a race that chimps out without reason.
Of course the blacks will never view Brown as a worthless pos, but most whites have the capacity to reach that conclusion when presented irrefutable evidence. We'll never have the support of blacks so their opinion is irrelevant. It is the white opinion that really matters in this mess.
I'm rooting for the White man, oh yes I am.
Not because he was apparently acting in self defense.
Not because he is (or was) a cop.
Not because he is a close relative (he's not, afaik).
Not because a racist Negroid died at his hands.
Not because Negroids here are parasites- I don't even fault them for being that.
Not because of all of the achievements of the White Man.
Not because over 5 billion non-White people alive today owe their very existence to the White Man's gifts.
Not because I don't care whether all the non-Whites live or die.
I'm rooting for the White Man because he is a White Man like me.
He is part of my extended family, which is my race or my species- Caucasian.
He is my kin.
That is why they are saying "I am Darren Wilson".
And that, ladies and gentleman, is the morality of nature that trumps all else:
The future belongs to those who show up for it.
-Beyond Hatred
We're a nation of idiots! Idiot America! I've given into the laughter a long time ago. Nothing surprises me any longer. This news piece was on Yahoo news tonight, Michael Brown called 'little kid in big body' Associated Press By Sharon Cohen and Jim Suhr
This is how the media criminals are still trying to shove this pc crap down your throat. It makes me gag. I've given up. I'm just a spectator any more watching the acts at the Circus Maximus formerly know as "America".
I can't make it any plainer than this photo:
Look at the tattoo below the eye.
Remember all this is coming out of the 13% oh I mean the 6% oh I mean the violent 2%.
The rest are GOOD Ones.
White Homeland ... Northwest Front
Long may the Tricolor Fly!
Just a few trillion dollars more and a few hundred more destroyed neighborhoods and schools and those colored folks will beam with intelligence. BO has it all figured out. No problem.
I can understand how good-hearted people who have never actually lived around Blacks would feel compelled to want to lift them out of their squalor because they don't realize that what they are seeing is the natural state of the negro.
Those of us who have lived around them understand that there are only few smart Blacks. Dr. Rushton's studies revealed that 17% of them are college educable, compared to 38% of Whites. So why didn't the do-gooders target that 17% with their lift-a-negro-up programs rather than try to pretend that we are all equal.
We could have spent a fraction of what we've spent on trying to elevate the whole damn race on the deserving few and we would have more to show for our money.
Every year the excuses for the achievement gap get better but the gap keeps gaping.
They are not my brothers...And I certainly don't want to be their keeper.
Philadelphia Mike
Did Obongo send any of his advisors to the funeral of the 9 year old White kid who was brutally stabbed to death by a 12 year old ape? Didn't hear anything about that.
Has anyone noticed the recent pictures of $harpton? Looks like he is in poor health. On the way out, AIDS maybe?
OT, but interesting and no surprise. Apparently magical conservative negro Ben Carson believes that America has failed the blacks. I have never voted for a black person, but in the past it is something I might have considered if a suitable black had been a candidate. Obama's tenure as president has benefited me by reducing the possibility that I would consider voting for any black. Regardless of a black's temporary public image they are bound to their race by their dna, and it is only a matter of time before before they adopt the views and thought processes shared by all blacks.
The only way that I could justify voting for a black would be if I expected the white alternative to do more damage. As bad as Obama has been, his incompetence has limited the damage that he has been able to cause if for no reason other than his stupidity and ineptness result in a political deadlock, and deadlock is better than runaway movement in the wrong direction. It is conceivable, although improbable, that a more intelligent white with actual skill in dealing with the two parties could cause even more damage than Obama. I'm one of those people who still believe that a vote counts for something, but I suppose if it comes to the point where I must consider voting for a black, my vote might be more useful by just crossing off the names on the ballot and writing in Mickey Mouse to make a statement. Oh wait, this won't work with today's electronic voting machines.
Today's environment is tough on the Republicans. Because the whites won't uniformly vote for the interests of whites, the Republicans have been reduced to pandering to blacks by offering their own magic negro.
Ben Carson, a rising star in conservative politics, said Sunday that race is just one factor surrounding the police shooting of the unarmed black 18-year-old Michael Brown – repeating his message that more personal responsibility and America’s failure to provide better economic opportunity to minorities also play a major role. . .
"Slightly off topic but I am amazed at the coverage the foley beheading is getting while I never heard a word about the equally heinous Kansas massacre until I started reading these sites."
Beheading videos show the evil acts perpetrated against white Westerners by Islamics. The ruling faction would like to wage more war in Iraqistan. These videos serve their purpose; so, you hear about them endlessly.
News about the Kansas and Tennessee massacres, the Christmas blowtorch murder, the shooting of a toddler in his stroller, and the countless other atrocities, all give light to the black war on whites. The ruling faction does not want to end this war. These kinds of stories do not serve their purpose; so, you never hear about them. Maybe you read a single paragraph summary on a back page, but that's usually the end of it.
Anonymous said ”. . . this is what I tried to post'
LMFAO!!! REALLY,REALLY NO. SAY IT AINT SO....RAPPERS ...AFRICAN AMERICAN "CULCHA' no the hell you say,this can't be true...after all the BS over the hero cop in Missouri doing his job and then the so called rappers have a shootout and preach how it's not their BLACK RAP "CULCHA' that's to blame LMFAO!”
I don't see the problem. Perhaps too much upper case.
I would suggest donating 20 dollars to SBPDL and buying a shirt supporting Officer Wilson. Who's side do you think the cops will be on when blacks get more out of hand. They will be on the law abiding side(our side) and taking care of the negroes, Darren Wilson style.
10mm AUTO said ”I can't make it any plainer than this photo: . . . “
How can anyone look at that and say, with a straight face, there is no difference other than the color of their skin? I wonder what the 5% reference under its left eye means.
it is truly amazing that the President of the United States, an office Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt held is know giving a quasi state funeral to a street thug and taking advice from a street 'preacher' seriously whats next make Al Sharpton a four star General????
My laughter will come when Wilson is exonerated of all wrong doing and from the President down to the bottom feeders in Ferguson the looks on their faces will be priceless. Like they were all just told to pack a suitcase, your leaving for a one way trip to Africa. When that bottom lip starts quivering and a tear wells up in each eye thats when I'll choose to laugh. When police forces across this country have to respond to 13% of the pop going ape shit in the streets. And the National guard comes in and starts lowering the number of Welfare and EBT card recipients, I will roar. This is the future. And "my bruffas keepas" will no longer have a voice.
No one from the White House shows up for the funeral of Major General Harold Greene but they go to the funeral of a guy who allegedly robbed a convenience store, punched a cop, tried to steal his gun, then tried to bum rush and further injure the police officer. Nice...
Did you see the Rev. Jesse Jackson interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox. "When black murder whites, which is rare, justice is swift." Neither Chris Wallace or Ben Carson refuted this outrageous lie. This demagogue was implying that the number of black males who are "executed" by police far exceeds the number of whites who are murdered by blacks. Do verminous hatemongers and rabble-rousers like Jackson and Sharpton actually believe what they say or are they lying to incite anti-white hatred and suppress the horrific realities of black-on-white violence and criminality.
Let that photo serve as a remin der to the gullible white people who voted for him twice. Fool me once shame on you....fool me twice..shame on me.
So it seeks to "empower young minorities"?
the underserved
the at risk
There is no possible method to make a smaller brained, under developed frontal lobed subhuman equal. Genetic inferiority cannot be undone by throwing money and resources at the negroe. Nor can political correctness solve racial inferiority.
Warrior, I find that article ironic. Aren't all of them little kids in big bodies? Immature and not very smart?
Well said, Paul. "Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think."
I am still laughing at the video I watched today of the NBPP conducting "drill team" exercises, or something. Every other chanted phrase was either "Justice for " some dead black, or "Black power."
Years ago, when some newly rich computer guy drove his Ferrari off a cliff on the day of his IPO, I came up with the question: if that was you, what song would you have playing on the radio on your way down?
Well, we're all in that Ferrari, except it's more like a Greyhound Bus, and it's probably not going to end with a bang, but a whimper. Metaphorically, say it's Carbon Monoxide poisoning. So, the question remains: what song? In the spirit of this blog, I can come up with many:
- "Last Resort" by The Eagles (call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye)
- "Paint it Black" by the Stones
- "We gotta get out of this place" by The Animals
- "Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum(?)
- In the Ghetto by Elvis
I hope others will add to this. Some of us (like me) need occasional help remembering to laugh.
DWLs and their sad devotion to their Chosen Victim Race...such hypocrites.
They've never actually spent any time in close proximity to their pets. It's like going to the Bronx Zoo and looking at the tigers from behind Plexiglas - the sure do look beautiful & exotic, but unless they sink their claws and teeth into you, you cannot truly understand what they are capable of.
A humorous metaphor: Q) What is the definition of a Conservative?
A) A Liberal that's been mugged.
But once a Lib is mugged and realizes what a fool they've been, they are no longer in The Club and are discredited & outcast.
PK was on the right track with his suggestion that Depo Provera shots be administered to black females-and they should be free of charge. This is an expense that,I think at least, would gladly be shouldered as the potential costs further down the line in probable court fees, EBT/TANF, Section 8 housing, multi-year incarceration, misery&suffering&financial loss of victims, etc., are significantly higher.
WOW...imagine if you felt like this guy...just gunning people down because they remind him of 'evil.'
Accused Killer Says Livingston Teen’s Murder Was ‘Vengeance’ Against U.S.
it's like when the photos of Zimmerman's injuries surfaced.. First, people would say that they were photoshopped, then, once they accepted that they were real, the response became, "he shoul have taken his beating like a man. he still had no right to shoot."
it doesn't matter what evidence is presented... even video footage will be said to be phony.. just like when they were asking these rioters what they thought of the video of mike brown strong arm robbing the store, some people said it was "photoshopped"..
the only way Whites can have a society again is to move to an uninhabited island and start over...
Is race realism really spreading? Or am I just crazy? I see websites like this, read stories about whites standing up to Big Blackie, and I feel hope for the future. But then I watch a little bit of t.v., and it seems like there is more race-mixing, rap-worshipping and groveling whites than ever. And I guarantee you a LOT more people watching Dancing With The Chimps and NBA bakkabawl than read these sites.
Well, well, well ... look at G**gle's "doodle" for today. It turns out the Weeyums "sisters" (their gender is actually greatly disputed) weren't the first turds in the tennis punchbowl!
Thank you, G**gle. My day just wouldn't have been complete w/o a fresh kneegrow to worship ...
Ooh lawds, it looks like Suge Knight done got capped ...
Let's all say a prayer fo his ass. ;)
It's being reported that the Gov. of Missouri has said all flags in that state will be flown at half-mast for the cigar thief.
I kid you not!
Suge Knight got shot six times and still attended the VMAs. I suppose that is the difference between a real rapper and an aspiring one.
As humorous as it is that no matter how much money they throw away on trying to elevate the negro out of his savage state, nothing works and nothing will ever work.
The part that isn't funny is that with each wasted dollar spent on trying to fix the unfixable negro, , they just get angrier and angrier and just keep demanding more, more, more, and more.
They get more violent and savage.
The only thing they respect is the heavy hand.
"Holding back the pictures only serves the black agenda"
Jeez man, and just what purpose do you think anything that happens is for? Everything you see is an attack against Whites. This is the exact reason we wont see pics. Come on get a clue. What america do you live in? One for Whites? America is for blacks for the displacement and final extinction of Whites. The entire reason they are here and were stopped from being sent back to Africa. What race has been used to take down our greatest achievements though open borders? Look to Rome...Egypt.... Greece... Europe... Now America...
Not until you all realize the fact that all we see being done and I mean all. Is to displace White/European Americans, the purpose is our extinction. Its time to realize America pre-1964 is done. If you think voting will do anything you're in for a big surprise.
You think your oppressors whose goal is your extinction will care or show any concern for your cries? Look to South Africa for our future.
The reason youre seeing more ngor worship is foe they very fact Whites are finally starting to awake to their displacemt. Which is why the war against us is ramping up. Once we are or as we now are aware of the attack against White you will hopefully see the warrior fight. The more i hint around the morw you see White men aware just afraid to speak up. So speak up let them see yourw not afraid to call a spade a spade. You will see a fire start. Our speech and fear of using ot has an effective weapon. Speak up before you cant.
Here's one goal from My Brother's Keeper: All children should be reading at grade level by age 8 – the age at which reading to learn becomes essential.
Think about that. Blacks (and their culture) are so inferior that reading by 3rd grade, not kindergarten or 1st, is a goal they need extra help to work toward. Lots of white kids can read simple books by age 4-5 and even the slower read by the end of 1st grade.
And reading words is less than half the battle. I'd dare anyone to show me a black kid who not only reads but comprehends as well as a white kid. I don't believe there's even a talented 1/10th when it comes to comprehension.
My blanket statement to do-gooders is that I believe each community knows best how to help their own. Who am I to tell blacks what they need to improve? Sounds racist to me. That always stops them in their tracks and hopefully sows a little seed of doubt.
"Is race realism really spreading?...But then I watch a little bit of t.v., and it seems like there is more race-miixing...And I guarantee you a LOT more people watching Dancing With The Chimps and NBA bakkabawl than read these sites."
I think we will continue to be confused until we detail our brainwashing. Everyone here ignores the power of entertainment fantasy with its pleasurablly required suspension of disbelief interspersed with black-worshipping images.
In that vein here is my review of Jumanji, starring the late great Robin Williams (netflix)
First, I give it 3 out of 5 of those washing symbols you see on clothes as a rating.
Look for the looters, every last one is white.
When the characters go to the bad side of town, every last shiftless unemployed bum is white.
The annoying magic-negro character has the moral high ground, taking the blame for the bad deed of a white.
The magic negro is, of course, a genius.
And this is my favorite part. Although the white Characters know they are playing a very dangerous game for which weapons are quite useful, they NEVER prepare themselves with weapons between rolls of the dice.
Finally, the only police presence in town is the magic negro, who seems to have taken about the only job left in town.
In summary, if my brain is accepting that a stampede of jungle animals just jumped out of a board game, that is fertile ground to plant the seed that blacks are heroes.
Weisse Frau
It's been obvious for some time that Obama is, more than anything else, a racial demagogue. The impropriety of his various statements about specific incidents -- from Henry Louis Gates to George Zimmerman, and now this Brown killing -- has been monumental. But this takes the cake: sending White House representation to the funeral of an obvious criminal -- a thief (among other things, most likely).
So people all over the internet were trying to stop the go fund me page for Darren Wilson on the grounds that it was supported by "HATE!" groups, but they somehow didn't seem to notice that a major supporter of all this black agitation has a tattoo on his face that says "kill whitey."
How these types ever became known as people of the highest moral standards, and the torch bearers of scientific inquiry and objectivism is hard to figure out. They seem averse to any and all linear thought or consistency. In a short interview I recently listened to, Albert Einstein was described as a man who could sell an image of himself, but a complete fraud in his profession. He had supposedly done nothing in science other than plagiarize others. Image is more important than anything when it comes to swaying public opinion.
I was a leftist as a teenager and in my early 20's. It seemed rebellious and as if I was learning forbidden things. It was pretty mainstream then,but now leftism is the state ideology. Rebellion is no longer an excuse to join. Stupidity of youth? Sure, which is why kids need to get the hell out of public schools and start being raised by parents and those of like mind again.
Conservatives, race realists etc should also consider strategies and tactics that portray themselves in a good light in order to attract more support from those on the fence or partially awake to the black reality.
A thousand years from now, History will record that the White race which built the most advanced civilization ever seen on Earth, was destroyed by its own benevolence in trying to raise up other races. In its intellectual and moral superiority it failed to see that in doing so, it was akin to trying to befriend a junkyard dog that had been beaten its entire life, and knew only the imperative of survival. When in point of fact and reality, the dog should have been put down.
Anonymous said ”A thousand years from now, History will record that the White race which built the most advanced civilization ever seen on Earth, was destroyed by its own benevolence in trying to raise up other races. In its intellectual and moral superiority it failed to see that in doing so, it was akin to trying to befriend a junkyard dog that had been beaten its entire life, and knew only the imperative of survival. When in point of fact and reality, the dog should have been put down.”
Good prediction, but perhaps not the best analogy. The junkyard dog that has been beaten its entire life has an excuse for its behavior - blacks don't. Your analogy suggests that blacks have been beaten down and are only trying to survive. This isn't the case. When handed a gift on a silver platter, a black will just chit on it. A junkyard dog has more sense than that. Don't attempt to sneak in praise for the undertow with a bogus analogy.
They are not my brothers...And I certainly don't want to be their keeper.
keep em in jail.
Ben Carson, a rising star in conservative politics, said Sunday that race is just one factor surrounding the police shooting of the unarmed black 18-year-old Michael Brown – repeating his message that more personal responsibility and America’s failure to provide better economic opportunity to minorities also play a major role.
An obviously contradictory statement. He at once calls for "more personal responsibility" yet at the same time wants Big Government to provide all sorts of taxpayer goodies for his people. And Carson is the great hope of conservatives?
As for "better economic opportunity:" what exactly does he want? More affirmative action? More minorities only contracts? More BS black studies programs? More dropping of civil service standards for black candidates?
Comrade Brown could have taken advantage of all the programs which are already in place. He chose not to do so. He chose a life of crime. And paid the ultimate price. In a reasonable society, Brown's file would be stamped CASE CLOSED.
But we do not live in a reasonable society.
We live in BRA.
Anonymous said ”The reason youre seeing more ngor worship is foe they very fact Whites are finally starting to awake to their displacemt. Which is why the war against us is ramping up. Once we are or as we now are aware of the attack against White you will hopefully see the warrior fight. The more i hint around the morw you see White men aware just afraid to speak up. So speak up let them see yourw not afraid to call a spade a spade. You will see a fire start. Our speech and fear of using ot has an effective weapon. Speak up before you cant.”
I hope that you are right. We all need to do what we can. Chuck and Dawn spoke up, and we should all try to do the same.
Suge Knight got shot six times and still attended the VMAs. I suppose that is the difference between a real rapper and an aspiring one.
A very good point.
A thousand years from now, History will record that the White race which built the most advanced civilization ever seen on Earth, was destroyed by its own benevolence in trying to raise up other races.
Though I'm generally not optimistic it's important to remember that, like feminism, BRA is a massive pumping operation. The pumps have to run continuously to maintain an artificial reality. When the pumps stop, water will once again find its own level with a force that will equal the world-shaping flood that launched the Younger Dryas.
So is it any surprise that the government is afraid of the mythical "domestic extremist?"
And re what will happen to Darren Wilson: people should be prepared for the worst.
After all, despite absolutely no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by George Zimmerman -- in fact, exactly the opposite, as his booking fotos clearly showed his extensive facial and head injuries (ie he was obviously acting in self-defense, and authorities knew this right from the start) -- he was viciously prosecuted, and maligned by the media and government officials.
"America"--meaning the United States of--has NEVER stopped being a serious country. It's just that the Establishment decided that certain things can't be laughed at, and if they are, punishments ensue.
The Establishment has been Democrat and/or liberal for over half a century. They are notably lacking in humor except when saying dirty words and constructing straw men to shoot down, like "Christian fundamentalists who hate science and don't believe in evolution." Then they turn right around and reject population genetics and HBD science in general, the ongoing study of evolution.
There are many millions of Americans who still take the United States seriously. Stop joining in the left chorus of spitting on us.
"The United States" is a dream of whites to have a nation where they can run things without the interference of the Eurobanksters, a meritocracy that rewards the able, hard working, and intelligent. Our nation created miracles out of this formula and dispersed them (wrongly, I think) world wide. Now we're supposed to import nonfunctional morons from all around the globe, expose them to ourselves, and somehow the magic soil of the US and the magic proximity of white culture will "rub off."
And those of us who still take the United States seriously have been writing comedy behind closed doors about black degenerate behaviors for decades now. We are sick of the Establishment's message of appeasing degenerates to keep them from rioting. First, it's costly. Second, it doesn't work, and is costly.
That's my biggest gripe about blacks. They cost so much and give back so little. It's like having some rare breed horse with all sorts of genetic and behavior problems and a taste for air conditioning, shiny things, and making random demands while rejecting everything others have offered. The wife is attached to the idea of the horse, so everyone is expected to work for its keep.
"I'm rooting for the White Man because he is a White Man like me."
This is groid thinking.
White men root for white men who act like white men. We have this thing called law, and it's the fruit of reason. It's blacks who side reflexively with other blacks because blacks be black blacky black black.
I side with whites when they act white. I'd say Ofc. Wilson acted with reason and law. Had he gone feral and violated that, I would not side with him.
Anonymous @8:34 said:
"don't attempt to sneak in praise for the undertow with a bogus analogy"
I see your point and can see why it might be interpreted as such.That was not my intent. I meant only to point out that 5,000 years ago Africans were living in grass huts with dirt floors. Today, they still live in grass huts with dirt floors.
A year or so ago I did a bit of research on the Tuskegee Airmen. I ran across some facts that few know. Black mutinies.
There was a naval mutiny by whites in the eighteenth century. It was a small vessel and it was a small uprising. Otherwise the Navy has had no mutinies.
But the Army has - many. The odd thing is that they all seemed to have been mutinies of blacks. White troops at least up until Viet-Nam never mutinied but blacks did all the time. Look it up in Wikipedia.
The history of racial integration in the Army was one long mutiny after another. The blacks shot at the white officers. The blacks were court martialed, imprisoned and executed.
The main objection the white officer corps had to the Tuskegee Airmen wasn't mindless prejudice. It was experience with previous efforts to use blacks in the Army.
BTW the Tuskegee Airmen they make all the movies about were only the fighter pilots. The black bomber pilots all mutinied and were imprisoned.
So the whole African-American race seems to be preternaturally inclined to riot. It seems to be a racial characteristic.
Pat Boyle
Groids have never wasted any of their limited brain power on any type of education in the past, so what makes Obozo think that his noble-sounding "My Brother's Keeper" initiative will now ignite the baboon-boys appetite for learning anything productive?
Obviously, it is nothing more than another pandering boondoggle to (A) show the DWL's & Media Obozo's big heart and vision, and (B) one more way to further deplete the economy and destroy the country.
Who will staff and "run" it? A few thousand new groid government employees? That by itself dooms it to failure...just like all the past similar programs since the days of LBJ.
P.S. Speaking of LBJ, would any of you like-minded Texan patriots do us all a big favor by pissing on his grave? Thanks!
My Brother's Keeper?
You mean like we get to be guards in a prison full of blacks? Isn't that pretty much the situation now?!?
Here's a thought: why isn't the mainstream media dismissing officer Wilson's shooting of aspiring rapper Brown as an "encounter with the police gone wrong?"
Mock, scorn, and ridicule are powerful weapons.
Words and images are scary to tyrants that is why they go after dissidents and agitprop artists.
Statist scum hate the family and God because they feel people are being loyal to something other than their precious god that failed known as the state.
Anonymous said ”I see your point and can see why it might be interpreted as such.That was not my intent. I meant only to point out that 5,000 years ago Africans were living in grass huts with dirt floors. Today, they still live in grass huts with dirt floors.”
I'm suffering from negro fatigue and I probably overreacted to your analogy. Your point was well made.
Remember the Australian baseball player who was gunned down by some vibrant diverse honor students out on a thrill kill maybe we'll be inducted to the local gang mission??
I side with whites when they act white. I'd say Ofc. Wilson acted with reason and law. Had he gone feral and violated that, I would not side with him.
Na-no. That's all well and good if its a choice between two WHITES and who to root for.
IF the choice is white vs black, we should all root for white.
For whatever else be the case, we know that groids' DNA is of a lower quality and lower order than DNAs of whites.
Go for white over groid. In about….99.9999% of the time, you won't be disappointed.
Of course the communist party in Amerikwa known as the democrats love criminals.
Illinois has the honorary governor's wing in a prison somewhere.
Look at all the democommie officials rotting in jail from New Orleans to New Jersey.
But the victims of the Kansas massacre were just in their apt when a couple of groids broke in tortured and murdered them. Where is the coverage of this?
Unless there is another more recent Kansas massacre I'm unaware of, the one you're referring to took place in December of 2000 in Wichita. Thanks to the tireless efforts of folks like Foley, a DWL Duranty who was every bit our enemy when beheaded by an "Englishman" (note the damned lies of these bastards in re-definiing nations which have existed for hundreds of years?), the Carr brothers who carried out the Wichita Massacre (plus another murder just before), are well on their way to being turned loose upon YT again. They boasted about getting out when they were hauled away after conviction.
We had a rather interesting discussion of the police and their nature on the other thread. Just to tie the Wichita Massacre in, this atrocity was yet another instance of the police officer-corps parroting PC platitudes, along with the prosecutors (the folks whose job is supposedly to convict the bad guys) that there was no racial motivation involved in the Carrs' slaughter of whites. They lie every time it happens. The fact that they do so is indicative of who is really in charge, since being truthful would cost them their careers - even in 2000.
Today's environment is tough on the Republicans. Because the whites won't uniformly vote for the interests of whites, the Republicans have been reduced to pandering to blacks by offering their own magic negro.
Not even the Repuke elite can be that stupid. Do you happen to recall the Model-T election for the US Incitatus (look it up if you've been edumacated in publik schul) seat in Illinois (where governors make your license plates) ten years ago? The Repukes - ever the clown-farts of politics - ran Allen Keyes against Housenigga Hussein. Unlike the mulatto Hussein, Keyes is mostly african. A true black man. He pandered to negroes all over the state, but especially in Shitcongoland. Hussein got 80% of the negro vote. Bottom line: Old LBJ was correct. They will never vote Repuke.
Gun-grabbin' Ben is there to garner the vote of the dumbass "Christians", the very same folks Ann Coulter rightly took to task for their endless pharisaic missions to Africa. Trying to evangelize New York City would get their asses arrested for Anti-Semitism, while building shit-brick health-care centers in Africa gets them brownie points with their DWL friends and relatives. Not only did America cease being a serious country decades ago, Christianity ceased being a serious religion over a century ago. The only thing these "conservatives" are interested in conserving is BRA.
Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.
eah notes:
After all, despite absolutely no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by George Zimmerman -- in fact, exactly the opposite, as his booking fotos clearly showed his extensive facial and head injuries (ie he was obviously acting in self-defense, and authorities knew this right from the start) -- he was viciously prosecuted, and maligned by the media and government officials.
Thank you for pointing this out, eah. It's actually even worse than you describe because the regime's minions have arrested him on petty and trumped-up charges at every chance (speaking of police who are lawless and themselves obey criminal orders), his marriage was destroyed and he's running out of money. He'll end up in jail or dead one way or another. The Banana Empire wants him punished.
Keep in mind, GZ is not white in any way, shape or form and he was a faithful party member until his encounter with the holy negro. Again, where are all those La Raza (the race) types, the Repuke Hispanic caucus, etc.? Oh wait .... they're all over at the altar of St. Trayvon of Skittles, genuflecting away along with the poofters of the Catholic church, Repukes, negroes and Crystal Methodists. While there are advocacy groups for folks of GZ's race (as long as they're attacking whites), there is no "La Raza" for whites at all.
Where can I find photos of the injuries to Darren Wilson's eye socket?
How these types ever became known as people of the highest moral standards, and the torch bearers of scientific inquiry and objectivism is hard to figure out. They seem averse to any and all linear thought or consistency. In a short interview I recently listened to, Albert Einstein was described as a man who could sell an image of himself, but a complete fraud in his profession. He had supposedly done nothing in science other than plagiarize others. Image is more important than anything when it comes to swaying public opinion.
Imagine my shock and awe!!! It's really simple, Jassi. It works like this: They come up to YT and run the following script (or one of the ten-million variants on the very same theme):
Pretending to be your good friend, they'll look at a pile of shit and say ‘That’s GOLD!’ Then, they’ll look at a pile of gold and say ‘That’s SHIT!’ And then they’ll find ten comrades to rewrite every book and newspaper within reach until YOU and your kids look at the shit and agree that ‘Yes, shit is gold and gold is shit!’ Then, while you are putting shit in your pockets, they’ll take all the gold and share it their comrades.
It's much better than Colt-45 malt-liquor because it really works every single time. I'm glad to see you're not falling for it any more. The most important skill one can possibly develop is that of discernment and awareness. Pass it along. Equality - the greatest shit-sandwich ever sold! 20 trillion and counting!
Anonymous said...
"Well said, Paul. "Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think."
I was in my mid 30s when I saw the Rodney King beating by LA police. At that time I thought that was a tragedy. But I thought it was pretty funny when he fell into a pool and drowned. Not because I became a mean person, but because I see things as they are.
Years ago, when some newly rich computer guy drove his Ferrari off a cliff on the day of his IPO, I came up with the question: if that was you, what song would you have playing on the radio on your way down?
Hot Rod Lincoln - for me.
If I had to listen to the Eagles, I would have shot myself, the radio or both.
It looks like we ARE our 'bothars keeper". "Brown Love" has already cost a life. Notice how quick they are to determine that there was not "Hate Crime". We are being slaughtered for whatever the negro is outraged over today:
WEST POINT, Miss. -- West Point police said a man received life-threatening injuries in what they are investigating as an aggravated assault at a restaurant. Ralph Weems IV, who was injured early Saturday, was in fair condition Sunday at North Mississippi Medical Center. A relative, Bradley Barnes of Madison, told The Associated Press that his brother-in-law was in a medically induced coma following brain surgery. "They're going to try and wake him up tomorrow and see what damage was done," Barnes said, describing Weems as a 32-year-old former Marine who had served in Iraq. David Knighten of West Point told AP that he and Weems had gone to a Waffle House early Saturday. He said a man waved him over outside the restaurant and told him politely that people were upset by the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and it wasn't a safe place for whites. When he went in, he said, Weems was inside and was arguing with other men. They left after an argument that brought police, Knighten said. He said he showed those officers his .45-caliber handgun and his concealed carry permit. On the way to Weems' house, Knighten said, they went into a Huddle House restaurant with a nearly vacant parking lot. However, he said, they apparently had been followed by more than 20 people. Knighten, who said he had served with the Air Force in Afghanistan, said he came out of the restroom to find Weems surrounded. "I was trying to defuse the situation," he said. After some shoving, he said, the security guard told everyone to leave. Knighten said some people blocked him from leaving with Weems. When he got out, he said, Weems was down and people were kicking him. Knighten said others attacked him, adding "I do remember racial slurs being yelled from the crowd." Knighten says he has broken bones in his face, a cut over his left eye and a blood clot in his right eye. Police did not arrive until after the crowd had left, he said. "This does not appear to be a hate crime," Police Chief Tim Brinkley said in the press release.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Bogolyubski said... Gun-grabbin' Ben is there to garner the vote of the dumbass "Christians", the very same folks Ann Coulter rightly took to task for their endless pharisaic missions to Africa.
GOP outreach continually fails to get the black vote. Rand Paul is like some white missionary in the Congo who thinks he can convert the heathen, but instead ends up in the cannibal pot (see the Congo Crisis of the 1960s for some literal examples of this).
We've seen endless numbers of white missionaries, NGOs and rock stars march into Africa itself, expecting to "do good." The result? Black majority rule Africa continues its downward spiral into famine, corruption and slaughter. Yet the missionaries continue to march to self-destruction.
The reality is that the only system which created civility among black Africans was apartheid and its various white colonial equivalents.
Against the assault of 5 shells from my pistol grip Bernelli nothing can stand
"17% of them are college educated".
Uh, what do you mean by "college" and "educated"?
Since the 50's colleges have added worthless comical courses and degrees. Just what type of "education" did this 17% get?
Womyn's Studies? African Studies? Please.
I tire when people compare two unrelated facts. "College" and "education" are NOT the same thing. One can go to college and get a pathetic education, or none at all. One can get a fantastic education without a day of college.
Most, if not ALL of what I know about world history, origins of religions, cause/reason of the first US Civil War, etc, 9/11, etc. I learned without and in spite of colleges or education.
Colleges no more educate than Churches tell the Truth.
So, saying 17% of the Negro population graduated from (Howard U? Don't make me laugh) from college is a meaningless statement.
With AA, lower standards, no entrance exam, supplied tutors, race norming, extra credits, exemptions due to sports, etc. etc., a degree for the MAJORITY of these "students" is totally worthless.
I ran across some facts that few know. Black mutinies.
I think it was in Darwin, Australia during World War II some brave, heroic black soldiers went to liberate some beer in preparation for the liberation of the Philippines and reinforcements had to be flown in to stop TNB.
You can take the chimp out of Africa but you cannot take Africa out of the chimp.
"Eve of Destruction" to your song list.
On "Conservative inc." : one of the only radio hosts that told the truth about things regarding blacks was Ken Hamblin aka "the Black Avenger."
He always used to say of the black undertow: "they've ruined their neighborhoods and now they're coming for yours", with the Feds holding the door for them.
On another note: Man am I glad for South Korea winning that Little League game over the all black Chicago team. The media bullshit from sports libs would have been excruciating.
10mm AUTO said ”It looks like we ARE our 'bothars keeper". "Brown Love" has already cost a life. Notice how quick they are to determine that there was not "Hate Crime". We are being slaughtered for whatever the negro is outraged over today:
WEST POINT, Miss. -- West Point police said a man received life-threatening injuries in what they are investigating as an aggravated assault at a restaurant. . . “
Reports like this are maddening. Normally I would ask why Weems didn't start “stopping the threat” with his .45. However, with him being surrounded by 20 chimps and armed only with a .45 that probably held 8 rounds I wouldn't want to second guess his choice to attempt diffusing the situation. Probably, if he could have shot one or two, the others would have run away. But if he had emptied his mag and “stopped” only two or three, he and Knighten would probably both be dead. I'm guessing that he let them get too close before he decided to use the pistol and then got disarmed or otherwise became unable to draw his weapon.
I suppose that in our world of BRA whites must decide to either avoid chimp country, or eat breakfast in packs and exchange their .45 pistols for LAR-15 pistols with 30 round magazines. Damn those are loud.
"We'll never have the support of blacks so their opinion is irrelevant. It is the white opinion that really matters in this mess."
Exactly Anon, and its those Whites sitting on the fence that need to be reached. That's why my opinion is that their needs to be pictures. Blacks? Forget it. What you guys call "DWLs" (we have them too) well, many be be lost for all time, but kids grow up, and new responsibilities often beget new worldviews, so you've got to concede that not all of them may be lost forever. These days wars can be won or lost inside media alone.
"Come on get a clue. What america do you live in?"
I don't. Well not unless you consider Australia an American State, which is how it gets used sometimes through the ANZUS alliance. Releasing pictures would be a pushback, just like the store video of the Brown robbery was clearly a pushback. Control of images is indeed part of how propaganda wars are fought within media. We need more pushback because as surely as they are doing it to you, they are finding ways of doing similar to us. We get it from Muslims of all kinds, African imports, Aboriginals, Maoris etc because they don't have a really big homogenous population of single species Blacks to use the way they do with you. Its a global phenomenon (War on White civilization) but you in the US are the frontline.
"My Brother's Keeper?"
These brothers require a zoo keeper.
Comrad Deblasio wants to spend MILLIONS on mentoring black youth with former felons.
I kid you not! You just cant make this stuff up!
The progressive commie libs are sooo predictable.
"Anonymous said...
Where can I find photos of the injuries to Darren Wilson's eye socket?
August 25, 2014 at 12:02 PM"
You'll get your photos soon enough and probably with the medical report. His lawyer has already shutdown that notion (my opinion). He has not been indicted. He and his family don't want the public scrutiny.
Glad to hear about the spectacle today. My understanding is they danced, sang, shouted, etc. I have not heard if anyone was shot dead at the gathering.
Scot Irish
There was a time we Whites were our brathahs keeper...we kept them busy in the cotton fields...there were no drive bys, no crack, no White cops shooting them,......they were better off as slaves than as "free men"....proof? Just look at their existence today......
and all comments in "the media" should reference them as the "Puppet Press", alinskite propagandist's etc
/H hypie out H\
PB said ”"We'll never have the support of blacks so their opinion is irrelevant. It is the white opinion that really matters in this mess."
Exactly Anon, and its those Whites sitting on the fence that need to be reached. That's why my opinion is that their needs to be pictures. Blacks? Forget it. What you guys call "DWLs" (we have them too) well, many be be lost for all time, but kids grow up, and new responsibilities often beget new worldviews, so you've got to concede that not all of them may be lost forever. These days wars can be won or lost inside media alone.”
I understand your opinion, and it isn't unreasonable. I just have a different one. Lets say for the sake of argument that within one hour of the shooting that pictures and other irrefutable evidence had been released clearly showing beyond a doubt to a rational mind that Brown was the aggressor, assaulted the officer and pretty much deserved what he received, and that all of the black so called eye witnesses to a back shooting were lying. The whole thing might have died down without so many riots or the involvement of Obummer and his sidekicks Sharpnot and MyPeeps, but few outside of Ferguson would have noticed the incident. In other words, nothing would be different than it was before the incident.
Possibly because the pictures have not yet been released, and I'm sure that they will eventually be released, the situation escalated to a full blown chimp-out for all to see and backed by the above mentioned idiots. When the evidence exonerating the officer and proving Brown to be a pos is released there will be many whites, who's opinions matter, who will recognize the attempted lynching of Wilson as the bizarre carnival of persecution by blacks that it is. I believe that more whites could wake up and climb off of the fence because of the delay than if the incident had been suppressed to a local event by early release of all of the available information. I don't have a crystal ball, but that is my opinion at the moment.
Dr. Rushton's studies revealed that 17% of them are college educable
@CENTURION owing to their 85 average iq theoretically only 17% are capable of going to a real college to get a real degree the rest is made up stuff.
Today's environment is tough on the Republicans. Because the whites won't uniformly vote for the interests of whites
And what makes you think Republicans act in the interest of average whites? Open borders, whoring for corporations, tax cuts for billionaires, race denial programs like NCLB, trying to ban abortion while criticizing welfare, all while spending trillions on wars and talking about minimal government.
Republicans are freaking idiots. They were warned years ago that open borders would create hispanic voting blocks for Democrats. And what is their plan now? HEY LOOK EVERYONE WE ALSO HAVE A BLACK CANDIDATE.
"I believe that more whites could wake up and climb off of the fence because of the delay than if the incident had been suppressed to a local event by early release of all of the available information. I don't have a crystal ball, but that is my opinion at the moment."
You raise a good point there. The spectacle unfolds as expected, then, with actual evidence, show it up for the display of disgusting behviour that it is. The down side of the is that Ferguson gets sort of sacrificed but just maybe things have reached such a pass that it is inevitable that damage gets done, such is war (which this clearly now is). I'm hearing a lot more American accents around my town lately (Northern Australia) so I think some Americans have taken the concept of "white flight" quite literally.
Anonymous said ”Comrad Deblasio wants to spend MILLIONS on mentoring black youth with former felons.
I kid you not! You just cant make this stuff up! . . . “
That is an interesting concept. I don't claim to be a lawyer, but I didn't know that it was possible to be a former felon. Wouldn't a person who has committed a felony be a felon? So does this mean that on one day these mentors were people who had committed felonies and the next day they were people who had not committed felonies. Confusing – there is a lot about BRA that I still don't understand.
"Sharpton's rise to White House advisor, came courtesy of".........Tawana Brawley, Duke Lacrosse, George Zimmerman etc
PB said ”. . . The down side of the is that Ferguson gets sort of sacrificed . . . “
It depends on how you look at it. With a 67% black population Ferguson was already like a patient in the final stages of terminal cancer.
Possibly because the pictures have not yet been released, and I'm sure that they will eventually be released, the situation escalated to a full blown chimp-out for all to see and backed by the above mentioned idiots. There are too many blacks and idiot whites that think cops are supposed to always use a nightstick or taser even if their life is threatened. They also don't get that cops are trained to shoot center mass and aiming for limbs is unrealistic.
They don't get it. This is how their brain works:
Unarmed dude losing to armed cop = murder.
They wouldn't care if there was a video showing St. Swisher reining blows on the cop. They would still ask questions like "why didn't he shoot him in the leg?" and idiot white journalists would repeat that question even though it is explained to them every time this happens.
You're projecting rationalism to where it doesn't exist. This is an emotionally driven event and tied to general frustration with the state of BRA. Both blacks and white journalists were expecting more progress at this point and need these types of events to reinforce the fantasy that whitey is to blame for everything. To them it's really not about swisher or the cop, it's proof that whitey is holding down blacks.
With an average IQ of 85 and a standard deviation of 13.5, less than 15% have an IQ over 100. Real college material requires an IQ on the order of 115.
"Comrad Deblasio wants to spend MILLIONS on mentoring black youth with former felons. I kid you not! You just cant make this stuff up! . . . "
Well, it wouldn't make sense for black kids to have white mentors, would it?
Anon 3:58pm- "Lets say for the sake of argument that within one hour of the shooting that pictures and other irrefutable evidence had been released ... The whole thing might have died down without so many riots or the involvement of Obummer and his sidekicks"
Yup. As has been mentioned before, there was nothing unique or magical about this shooting, that this one was worthy of a riot. White officers kill black dindoonuffins every day in every state. When a riot is "needed", the agitators simply close their eyes and throw a dart at a wall full of newspapers, and off they go.
When these opportunities arise, it is better to allow the fires to burn, and let the baboons show their ass (so to speak), so that normal people are reminded that, indeed, these creatures are baboons or close cousins thereof. Watts? Forgotten. Detroit? Forgotten. Rodney King? Forgotten. Katrina? Forgotten. It is good for people to remember what they have [willfully] forgotten so many times. Maybe it will finally stick, but I won't waste my energy hoping for that.
t wouldn't make sense for black kids to have white mentors, would it?
I never thought of that. That's very insightful. White mentors might try to teach Black kids mathematics, craftsmanship, and all the other obsolete skills for the economy that's going away (either offshored or done by immigrants). It's much better for them to have Black mentors who can teach them how to get stuff from the system even if it makes no jobs at all.
And of course, if they go to prison the system has to support them anyway. It really is the way to win.
Mr. Rational said...
With an average IQ of 85 and a standard deviation of 13.5, less than 15% have an IQ over 100. Real college material requires an IQ on the order of 115.
No Longer. Open admissions [to get blacks and PRs] started in 1970 or so in NYC.
Once upon a time many were considered
Remember that line?
Colleges started 'remedial programs' and vastly lowered standards.
I looked at US News n World report
and saw a 'college issue'...shocked to see them list
'percent that graduate in 6 years' or somesuch.
Is race realism really spreading?...But then I watch a little bit of t.v., and it seems like there is more race-miixing.
Just because someone watches the NBA doesn't mean they believe that race doesn't exist. If anything the NBA presents a problem to race deniers since it conflicts with theories on how poor nutrition keeps black brains from fully developing (but doesn't affect height??).
TV sitcoms are fantasies spun for profit. If they don't appeal to you then you aren't the target audience.
Racial realism has been spreading with the internet and will continue to spread unabated into the minds of indoctrinated whites. You want proof? Just look at the comments on mainstream news sites. It used to be considered extreme fringe to suggest there might be a genetic component to a cultural problem and now the "social construct" crowd is often on the defense.
The old left still controls the media and education system but the internet is a very big problem for them. I think at some point they will be forced to do an about face and admit that differences exist. I assume that many of the older left leaders are fully aware that they are lying but want to keep the lie going as long as possible to encourage mixing to make sure whites are a minority when the great lie collapses. But I actually think this is a poor strategy on their part. If whites feel like a threatened minority then they will rout the majority trying to control them in ways the majority never considered. It's actually wiser to keep whites as a 55% majority that subsidizes the minority. I don't think few realize how much damage a room full of highly functional sociopaths can cause. Leftists are foolish to think that sociopathic WASPs will keep paying taxes and playing the game.
Po lil (non)rocket scientist, dey be haves his fewnareel tooday:
A tide is building. Pilot waves like this incident are proliferating. Unspoken truths are finding a voice. Old allegiances are being discarded and new ones taking a firm hold. Millions of individuals are coming to the same conclusions-- this is no longer my country. I have been abandoned by my leaders. AND I am NOT alone.
All that's required is a new elite to fill the vacuum, one that's deserving and bonded by duty and responsibility. An elite that will lead by example and dethrone the decadent incumbents. History is marching and the beat quickens.
I got a BS in 7 semesters as a full-time student, and the last semester was about half-time.
Of course, that was before all the required "diversity" courses and other Marxist indoctrination that now appears to be required by all "institutions" other than, say, Hillsdale College. Also, I'm way on the right side of the bell curve.
Believe it, the Asian press is having a field ay with this display of primitivism in the "heartland" of the USA. They are cluck-clucking and laughing at the same time. This nation of wierdos and degenerates is going to take on the PLA...yeah sure it is.
And what is worse, the major media is clueless about it. Some clown on CNN proclaimed he "understood" why the idiots were rioting.
With an average IQ of 85 and a standard deviation of 13.5, less than 15% have an IQ over 100. Real college material requires an IQ on the order of 115.
So in other words 15%+ are capable of graduating high school while the majority like Michelle Robinson are only capable of remedial education?
Our NATIONAL representatives are attending the funeral of someone who has nothing in common with them other than race- he is one of THEIRS.
How in ANY way is this different from the crap that passes for government in Africa? NO MORE BLACK PRESIDENTS, EVER.
Those of you with your hardon for Ben Carson, hoping that you can somehow absolve the stain of de slabery from your white souls, drop dead now please.
Two ventriloquist dummies operating each other now that is impressive.
Anonymous said ”Our NATIONAL representatives are attending the funeral of someone who has nothing in common with them other than race- he is one of THEIRS.
How in ANY way is this different from the crap that passes for government in Africa? NO MORE BLACK PRESIDENTS, EVER. . . “
I have modified my voting rules. Previously, only gun control proponents were in the category of politicians who could never get my vote under any circumstances. Now I have added black candidates to this list for reasons including the ones you mentioned. This includes self-proclaimed pro-gun black candidates because they just cannot be trusted.
Yeah, you'll laugh until you realize that they'll debase the dollar so much to pay for nonsense like this, that soon, Mexican yard workers with pesos from back home will be wealthier than their employers.
So, help this poor confused Carolina boy out.
Obama says we are supposed to be "our brother's keeper." So, I'm supposed to keep a brotha? First off, I don't have room for one, and second, wasn't it us Southern White folks keepin' brothas that started off this whole mess to being with?
When the NIGRA'S move in... the whites MOVE OUT... the neighborhood dies!
And here's a little gem i penned for some laughter...
I have decided to name the two hemmorhoids (that occasionally flare on the D.C. rim) Barry and Eric.
Like Siegfried and Roy, Barry and Eric also thought they were the ultimate harbingers of skilled interdictive whoopass in order to train their white tigers into Las Vegas style entertainment.
Being neither players, nor gamblers at that, Barry and Eric decided to become permanent residents of said rim. They became defacto squatters. They cared not whether their contusion into the K-circle made difficulties for the tiger. Barry would visit, but only to get a reach-around from Harry (unbeknownst!). He would never wager. He sat and watched with disdain.
No, much less, as they were more interested in narcissistic posing and posturing. Barry, especially, was fond of seeing himself as a "clean" Tiger Woods. If there was a demanding situation that required full attention, he'd do 9, 18, 27 holes (just to prove you right)! Barry loved being the machiatto messenger of Eric the Blacking. Eric loved Barry's sibilance as he uttered sweet cronyisms to him. It was the perfect simian-biosis!
Barry was never much of a beer drinker, but loved his smoke. Although a reformed inhaler, by trade, he could no longer spark like in the good old days. So he substituted cigs. Knowing that cigars were the underpinning of his Lincoln Park daze, he instructed his skilled troop to raise the excise taxes on the tools of the trade. This would ensure a steady and cheap supply of never-ending blunts to the Barry telephone crowd.
Barry interjected himself, quite frequently, into civic discussions and issues not suited to his perspective. A kettle holder, which is black, cannot be called a pot(us), can he?
Yet so he did! And the sharpton(gued) serpents reared their sibilant heads in groups! More beatings for the tiger! The entertainment of knock-out gaming was lost on the residents of Sin City. There were no odds to be made in a zero-sum game.
The tiger was starting to resent the "training" foisted upon it by Barry and his surrogate sword, Eric. A backlash was starting to form. Seeing the same tired faces, whipping continuously with contempt (at those who do not want a phone?),
day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.......was simply enraging to the tiger.
Well, you know the rest. Moral of the story? Leave a sleeping tiger lie.
And here's a little gem i penned for some laughter...
<golf clap>
Anonymous, pick a handle and post using Name/URL (leave URL blank). Stick around.
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