"The junior hoodlums who roamed their streets were symptoms of a greater sickness; their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of ‘rights’ . . . and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure.” -- Starship Troopers
The Spirit of St. Louis Bell Curve City (coined by Countenance).
Where once a nation was motivated to greatness, though momentarily silenced by the awe-inspiring courage of Charles Lindbergh and his feats piloting the Spirit of St. Louis, the proud revolutionaries of an entirely new nation are joining Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder in wearing their color brave ribbon. [Holder: 'Change is Coming' After Police Shooting in Mo., Boston Globe, 8-20-14]
Proudly wearing their Color Brave ribbon, knowing Mr. "My People" is guaranteeing "justice" (he's a self-proclaimed "activist") for the blacks and the family of Mike Brown, the black community across is America is poised to be liberated from the long white arm of the law. [Top Obama advisers tell African American leaders that justice will prevail in Ferguson, Washington Post, 8-20-14]:
Remember: any opposition to Barack Obama (and, by extension, Eric Holder) means you have racial animus against their agenda. You aren't being color blind (whites must be blinded to race, while non-whites are brave about advocating on behalf of their race...). [Holder sees 'racial animus' in opposition, The Hill, 7-13-14]
Holder has dispatched 40 FBI agents and members of the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice (sic) to 67% black Ferguson to unearth clues on the shooting of Mike Brown; in reality - and after a third autopsy of (in the spirit of John) Brown's body - it is this army of investigators that are tasked with framing the innocent Officer Darren Wilson, whose only crime was being a white police officer protecting his life from a rampaging black man.
Recall: the FBI launched a civil rights investigation into the shooting on Monday, August 11 (though Ferguson Police were well aware Officer Wilson sustained a heavy beating at the hands of Brown, which required the former be hospitalized). [FBI will investigate death of black teenager in Missouri, Los Angeles Times, 8-11-14]
Amid the violent protests and looting/arson committed by black insurrectionists in Ferguson, Holder was troubled - not by their actions - by the force utilized by the police in trying to restore order to a town regressing to the black mean. [Federal Authorities Wade Deeper Into Teen's Death: Justice Department Orders Autopsy of Shooting Victim Michael Brown, Wall Street Journal, 8-17-2014]
Tanks to restore order and regain the monopoly from the black insurrectionists? No good.
Where once a nation was motivated to greatness, though momentarily silenced by the awe-inspiring courage of Charles Lindbergh and his feats piloting the Spirit of St. Louis, the proud revolutionaries of an entirely new nation are joining Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder in wearing their color brave ribbon. [Holder: 'Change is Coming' After Police Shooting in Mo., Boston Globe, 8-20-14]
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"Color Brave" Eric "My People" Holder |
Proudly wearing their Color Brave ribbon, knowing Mr. "My People" is guaranteeing "justice" (he's a self-proclaimed "activist") for the blacks and the family of Mike Brown, the black community across is America is poised to be liberated from the long white arm of the law. [Top Obama advisers tell African American leaders that justice will prevail in Ferguson, Washington Post, 8-20-14]:
The administration has been working behind the scenes to assure leading civil rights groups that it is determined to see justice achieved as Obama — who has been criticized by some African American leaders for not visiting Ferguson himself — seeks to preserve his support in the black community with his handling of the racially charged case.
Holder and senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett briefed 1,000 African American leaders, community organizers and civil rights groups in private conference calls this week, White House aides said. The strategy was aimed at enlisting the groups to “help keep the situation calm and focused,” said a senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the conversations.
In an open letter published on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Web site Tuesday, Holder said his goal was to “ensure that this tragedy can give rise to new understanding — and robust action — aimed at bridging persistent gaps between law enforcement officials and the communities we serve.”Oh, Holder's Color Brave letter to the black community, published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, echoes a truth so few are willing to take to heart: we have the power now, white man, and your fate is exactly that of your race in Rhodesia and South Africa. [From Eric Holder: A message to the people of Ferguson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 8-19-2014]
Remember: any opposition to Barack Obama (and, by extension, Eric Holder) means you have racial animus against their agenda. You aren't being color blind (whites must be blinded to race, while non-whites are brave about advocating on behalf of their race...). [Holder sees 'racial animus' in opposition, The Hill, 7-13-14]
Holder has dispatched 40 FBI agents and members of the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice (sic) to 67% black Ferguson to unearth clues on the shooting of Mike Brown; in reality - and after a third autopsy of (in the spirit of John) Brown's body - it is this army of investigators that are tasked with framing the innocent Officer Darren Wilson, whose only crime was being a white police officer protecting his life from a rampaging black man.
Recall: the FBI launched a civil rights investigation into the shooting on Monday, August 11 (though Ferguson Police were well aware Officer Wilson sustained a heavy beating at the hands of Brown, which required the former be hospitalized). [FBI will investigate death of black teenager in Missouri, Los Angeles Times, 8-11-14]
Amid the violent protests and looting/arson committed by black insurrectionists in Ferguson, Holder was troubled - not by their actions - by the force utilized by the police in trying to restore order to a town regressing to the black mean. [Federal Authorities Wade Deeper Into Teen's Death: Justice Department Orders Autopsy of Shooting Victim Michael Brown, Wall Street Journal, 8-17-2014]
"Tell them to remove the damn tanks," Mr. Holder told his deputies on Thursday [August 14th], according to a law-enforcement official, referring to heavily armored vehicles the local police had used. That day there were discussions among local officials about how to scale back the armed presence, officials said.Though the white police in Ferguson needed to "remove the damn tanks," Holder was also quick to point out the much-maligned police department need to remove white people from its ranks... in favor of blacks. [ERIC HOLDER: Ferguson Police Should 'Consider' Becoming More Racially Diverse, Business Insider, 8-14-14]:
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is suggested the police authorities in Ferguson, Missouri should diversify in order to sooth racial tensions with the community.
"Over time, ... [the police] should consider the role that increased diversity in law enforcement can play in helping to build trust within communities," Holder said in a statement released Thursday afternoon.
More black officers, taking jobs away from white people? Oh so sweet to Mr. Color Brave Holder...
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Holder demanding any vestige in defending the whites of 67% black Ferguson: "Tell them to remove the damn tanks..." |
With black people in Ferguson, St. Louis, and across the nation rejecting the rule of law in favor of a lynch mob mentality (due process is somehow racist), it's important to consult the words of Mr. My People, when he addressed the 2013 NAACP Conference. On the heels of the George Zimmerman acquittal, Holder denounced Stand Your Ground laws, an obvious forerunner to denouncing white cops ability to use force against black people threatening their life or engaging in criminal activity (the soon to come Michael Brown Act)....[Attorney General Eric Holder Addresses the NAACP Annual Convention, Justice.Gov, Tuesday, July 16, 2013]:
In the days leading up to this weekend’s verdict, some predicted – and prepared for – riots and waves of civil unrest across the country. Some feared that the anger of those who disagreed with the jury might overshadow and obscure the issues at the heart of this case. But the people of Sanford, and, for the most part, thousands of others across America, rejected this destructive path. They proved wrong those who doubted their commitment to the rule of law. And across America, diverse groups of citizens, from all races, backgrounds, and walks of life, are instead overwhelmingly making their voices heard – as American citizens have the right to do – through peaceful protests, rallies, and vigils designed to inspire responsible debate – not incite violence and division; and those who conduct themselves in a contrary manner do not honor the memory of Trayvon Martin.Interesting to compare and contrast the words of Holder in 2013, to the actions of blacks nationwide today; the justification for blacks anger in 67% black Ferguson is somehow centered with the obvious lie of Mike Brown having his "hands up and saying don't shoot" prior to Officer Wilson executing him in cold blood...
Do those black people looting/rioting/vandalizing/burning/graffiti-ing in Ferguson disgrace the memory of Mike Brown, Mr. Holder? [‘Time To Kill A Cop': Ferguson Protesters Throw Urine, Bottles At Police, CBS St. Louis, 8-20-14]
That's the story black people in Ferguson, St. Louis and the nation over believe, though it's a legend even Liberty Valance would find incredulous.
Despite the mountain of evidence available, which the DOJ actively tried to suppress and keep out of the public eye, Holder probably believes Mike Brown was executed... knowing his roots to severing racial injustice go back decades. [DOJ asked Ferguson police not to release Michael Brown video, Washington Times, 8-16-14]
Where once it was the policy of the federal government to protect the property values of white homeowners and business owners (who were actually invested into the long-term stability of a city, which would generate not only profits, but appreciate over time), the new policy of the federal government is beautifully articulated in the words of Holder when he demanded black rioters/looters/arsonists/insurrections be allowed to sack Ferguson unmolested by the white police:
"Tell them to remove the damn tanks..."The spirit of the times in Bell Curve City, personified by the presence of Eric "My People" Holder: let the blacks riot and loot, as long as the white man removes those damn tanks impeding their ability to remake the city of Ferguson in their image.
Dr. James David Manning (a.k.a. Uncle Ruckus) calls Holder's type a "Pinched Nose Nigro" I don't normally agree with too many blacks, but in this case I think he's spot on.
Eddie in St. Louis
It is all so true. They truly do not care about whether the officer is guilty or not. They see this as their right to express their frustration of being held down by the white man. I learned this during a conversation the other day with a young black male who bummed a cigarette from my in the jobs center parking lot (coincidently just a few blocks North of where all the rioting has been going on). He railed against police brutality, then went on a rant about how all of the African cultural achievements had been stolen and destroyed by Europeans in order to keep them (blacks)as an inferior people. I asked him if he ever actually read the works of Martin Bernal, whom many of these claims originated from. He had not, nor was he aware Cleopatra VII Philopator was a Macedonian Greek, whose entire lineage, except for her paternal grandmother, is known. His response was to the effect:...'white people just want you to think that. They don't want people to know the black man is the origin of everything in the world.' All they care about is getting their way, and what they have deluded themselves into thinking they rightfully deserve.
If Holder removes the MRAPs from Ferguson, it will be the same as Lord Chelmsford splitting his forces and leaving LTC. Pauline, a man with no field command experience (like that Highway Patrol fellow the Governor placed in charge in Ferguson) in charge of the camp at Islandlwana. The results, I fear, will be the same.
"due process is somehow racist"
It's also sexist....
I wrote about this before but it didn't make it into print so I'll try again.
In spite of all the talk about race, no one seems to be commenting on the peculiar racial character of these riots.
There are lots of riots all over the world. There have been many riots throughout history for example there were the riots in Republican Rome led by the tribune Saturninus. In Byzantium the Nika riots killed 30,000 people. The British had a series of riots in the seventeenth century that let to the "Riot Acts'. As in 'Reading the Riot Act.'
There have been 14 major riots this year so far. The Ukrainian Riots had over a hundred fatalities.
All these riots are have been either over some political dispute or a sports result. All except the Ferguson Riot. It is over a police shooting. American blacks have these periodic riots over police shootings. As far as I can tell - with only a few hours of looking - no one anywhere or anywhen has rioted over this kind of issue except blacks in America.
The blacks in America seem to believe that the whites are out to get them. The Jews for example really were targeted by the surrounding majority community many times in their long history of persecution. But blacks are just being delusional. There are no national political figures who advocate shooting blacks.
So it's hard for me to credit any of the nominal explanations that blacks have for all these riots. The only thing that seems to make any sense is the desire to create looting opportunities and have a kind of summer outdoor festival.
Pat Boyle
Don't forget that Eric Holder is not even a real America black with slave blood. His grandparents immigrated here from Barbados where they were part of the mulatto elite or at least had more money. Eric Holders wife has the same Barbados immigrant background. She is very light skinned. Obama and Holder are two mocha malefactors trying to get one over on whitey by whipping up their darker masses into a frenzy
I'd love to see a future class on the "failure of diversity."
That guy is funny as hell.He calls out nog disfunction every chance he gets.Worth checking out.Richard Cranium.
Hello SBPDLers!
I haven't commented much lately. Not much to add and been busy killing myself doing white-people things like workin' my butt off for the 50% of my pay Uncle Sambo lets me keep.
What I have found interesting this situation is that it appears to be a life/death struggle between two groups of The Empire's most privileged subjects: The LEO and the Negro.
LEOs and Negroes have much in common here in BRAmerica:
- They both feed at the public trough
- They are both mostly accountable to no one in their daily actions
- They both have a deep sense of entitlement
- Neither group snitches on their own for misdeeds committed
- They both are largely enfranchised to harass,rob, beat, and even kill members of the white middle class
- They both regard us white, middle class tax serfs as beneath contempt
It may be impolitic to say, but my "inner Bane" is greatly enjoying the spectacle.
IF blacks really, really, really feel that we RACIST Whites are so awful, why do they live anywhere near us?
Didn't Dr. Martin Luther King, Blvd, Jr. yelp out "free at last..."? Well, darkies, you are now free to get the hell away from us awful Racist White Devils. Right?
Come on now, Sambo. We are the cause of all your problems. We keep you down. We steal all, and I do mean ALL, your inventions, we rape your women in frat houses, we won't hire you, we deny you a college education, we won't let you walk down the middle of a street, etc....so, why don't you leave us?
We leave you. We, too, don't like our women raped. So we pack up our women and move away. Can't you do the same? When we suffer at the hands of blacks, we move away. Hey, if we can do that, then why can't you? And, according to you, we are more damaging to YOU than you are to us, but you don't take your freedom and move away and be free of us.
Why not? Can some Sambo, who is reading this, PLEASE explain that.
Will the white people of Missouri stand up and defend Officer Wilson from Holder and the Black hoard coming for "justice" ?
These nog riots are what the nogs do for entertainment.It is a window of 'opportunity' for nogs to loot,rob,chimp-out,destroy things,etc.ad nauseum.Now they have the tacit support of the doj,and our spineless prez. Pseudo-conservatives prattle around the edges of the obvious,making sure they qualify their lukewarm support for the police with plenty of ridiculous excuses for the nogs.While we will not vote our way out of this,(I have no illusions about that.)the symbolic value of getting the nogs out of the White House should not be underestimated.They were given a chance,and,as usual,they failed by any standard of measurement.It may not seem like it,but there is a tipping point and a 'last straw'.We are getting closer every day. Richard Cranium
Pat Boyle said: "...it's hard for me to credit any of the nominal explanations that blacks have for all these riots. The only thing that seems to make any sense is the desire to create looting opportunities and have a kind of summer outdoor festival."
I attended a grade school that had a preponderantly black student body (courtesy of block-busting on the South Side of Chicago) almost fifty years ago. With respect to that experience, your comment is spot on. It was true among the eight year-old kids back then, and it is evidently true among black adults today, too. My third-grade peers were *always* primed and ready to become unhinged the instant an opportunity presented itself, and the moment was greeted with rapturous jubilation when it arrived. It was as though they were born with an itch that only shrieking, running, and swinging their fists could scratch. They scratched it, as often as possible. It was quite an education for me - since the tender age of eight, I've never been quite the same.
If ever a reality show was created to capture the daily goings on in a school full of inner-city blacks, millions of Americans would receive a (belated) chance to join Those Who Can See.
Final thought: Has there ever been a black riot for "justice" that occurred during sub-freezing weather? Or are those events like picnics, to be enjoyed only in suitable warmth?
As with the Trayvon episode, this kid killed for "Felony Chimpout" has stirred up lots of anger among Blacks all over.
I've spoken to folks in Georgia and North Carolina on business recently and they are telling me their Blacks are much more aggressive and unfriendly these days.
Blacks are feeling their power. They know the worm has turned and Whitey will always back down when the DWL gun is at their heads.
Gradually, but accelerating, every Black in America is becoming a "no limit nigga".
Wake up White people, The Cosby Show was a lie. We learn everything we need to know about Black people from Trayvon, Rodney King, Colin Ferguson and Al Sharpton. Liars, killers and immoral monsters all.
The riots are grotesque, and not frightening, really, since there is a very large police presence. Maybe things might get a bit rough for those unclassifiable creatures called "media", but other than them and the truly pathetic Asian shop-owners, things are annoying for all the hype that is generated, but not much beyond that. Now if this was a European-style riot, yeah, I'd be scared. But it is simply the typical black BS: brainless, pointless, trashy, full of chanting and goofball antics.
On PK's last blog post someone wrote
"At some point the squid and media will lose control."
To some degree this is already happening, and it's happening faster and faster every day. TWMNBN have an obsession with following laws indiscriminately and without logical alterations to the point of overusing a tactic until it's an absurd intention-exposing failure.
The issue isn't whether or not they'll lose control, it's what the next move will be and in what way they will overcompensate before their failure. Remember, they have their own nation which has a nuclear arsenal and they're the most sadistic mass murderers to have ever existed.
They'll continue using the black biological weapons until it fails, and now that it's starting to fail, be cognizant of what else they expose. Will it be a more militarized police force that they'll attempt to usurp, a literal poisoning of the well or other biological viral attacks, or a straight up nuke?
Everyone will have to just wait and see.
Pat Boyle said "no one anywhere has rioted over this kind of issue except blacks in America."
Goa India,Nigerians rioted, attacked police and destroyed property over the death of a violent Nigerian drug dealer at the hands of the police in 2013. There were also multiple riots in Punjab India by pan-African blends the same year.
Guanzhao China, 100 Nigerians rioted and destroyed property after the death of one of their own who died while running from police in 2009.
If I remember correctly, the London riots a year or two ago were initiated by rumors of mistreatment of a black kid by police as well.
It seems like black people will always revolt against any law and order. The restrictions are too much for them. They want freedom.
By the way Pat, I also enjoyed your vids. They may not have got the views you expected because you didn't utilize the best keywords for searches. Do let us know if you decide to make more, and if you could, please post a link to the originals again. I'd like to re-watch them.
And a lot of those deaths in ukraine were police officers set on fire by banderite, pro-american/eu, western ukrainian scum. And those scumbags are now killing civilian in spades in eastern ukraine. Although, I have a feeling most amren readers think the people of the donbass deserve it.
BTW, I've been reading amren for over a year now (and read a lot of older posts when I first got into it) and I see people mention the Frankfurt school quite often but I get the solid impression none of them have actually read any works of those writers. Especially, when I see stupid assumptions along the lines of rap music being something they (I.e. horkheimer, adorno, fromm, etc.) would have promoted.
But I digress.
I'd say it's getting too dangerous to be a white cop anywhere. Can you imagine what this country would look like it all cops were black/brown? Anarchy and the occasional court scene from Idiocracy.
On the other hand, a little quiet vigilantism should be pretty easy to get away with since most cops would be in a strip club or asleep in their cars.
@Don M 4:41;
You've identified the prime driver in this whole Ferguson psyop.
*Both* the Weaponized Negroes *and* the MRAP Stormtroopers are creations of the Federal Government. They're playing the WWE game of false opposition to get everyone clamoring for MORE FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT. That Federal Involvement is the overall goal, and every person who agitates for FBI, Nat'l Guard or US Army North is falling into the trap.
The real solution to the weaponized Negro problem is armed homeowners and shopkeepers on the "Koreans in LA '92" model. NOT Officer TactiCool "my-name-is-fuck-you".
I also saw the same thing in school! Lots of Black kids showed up in our 6th grade class due to forced busing; Kansas City, MO and the court cases of course. They were always just burning for the chance to fight or stir up trouble.
Many of us would be forced to sit next to some huge Black kid and face unrelenting little insults and comments until we were enraged. Of course, you had to put up with it or get up and walk out of class. If you responded, the Black giving you s*!t would jump you with all his friends.
So many White kids got beaten up that year, my hyper-religious parents got scared and we moved to a very White part of OKC.
Even now, I see the same feature in adult Blacks. They are always itching for a fight, a screaming match or any type of confrontation. The only joy for them is hurting you, or forcing you to back down.
Jeff in Palm Springs- "I've spoken to folks in Georgia and North Carolina on business recently and they are telling me their Blacks are much more aggressive and unfriendly these days. Blacks are feeling their power. They know the worm has turned and Whitey will always back down when the DWL gun is at their heads."
DWL guns aren't at Whitey's head. The guns are pointed at the ground, and may not even be loaded. Blacks think they have power, because the White Army showed up with tanks and howitzers and Apache helicopters, and didn't do a damn thing, and gave all appearance of peeing their pants and backing down to High-yella Holder and Ron "Capn Crip" Johnson. So, yeah, now the chimps think they're silverbacks.
Hopefully, Missouri's woefully inept handling of this shitshow doesn't cause unnecessary violence in the rest of the country.
The entire police force of Ferguson should simply walk off the job. To hell with this town and the savages that inhabit it. Its quite clear they have 0 support from any significant government bodies and if there are, in fact, any politicos that do support Wilson they are lacking the spines to make their presence known. It turns my stomach to see the traitorous Holden, Obama and other elected officials choose to side with criminals and degenerates over a man who voluntarily put his life on the line to enforce the very laws of the country they are supposed to be representing. They are shameless, worthless, disloyal, sycophantic, hypocritical deceivers. Eric Holder and Barack Obama are the worst enemies the white law-abiding American citizen has today. How could we have let this happen...
How much are you going to take, White Man? Think reeeal hard about that.
.It may not seem like it,but there is a tipping point and a 'last straw'.We are getting closer every day. Richard Cranium
No, that tipping point is receding daily - into the past.
Haven't you people caught on yet? You passed the tipping point years ago. Your enemies are firmly in control. Voting won't save you. Your constitution can't save you - even if you could magically enforce it. It guarantees you will lose your country. There is no legal way to stop it.
This disaster will not be turned around, except by force.
PK keep up the great work. Any word yet on whether or not officer Wilson's squad car had a video camera in his dash as many squad cars do. I'm sure if such a video existed publishing that would end this massive chimp out rapidly. As someone with many family and dear friends in law enforcement I daily pray for their safety. In my eyes officer Wilson did his duty admirably and is worthy of acclaim. These groids will continue to "protest" until our nations attention is diverted elsewhere. My people Holder is hell bent on making an example of this good cop and he will use the full power of his office to punish him regardless of the truth. At no point will these groids believe the truth but only the medias narrative.
All the best.
North Floridian.
I am ready to use the same tactics that the Negro and White Liberal Democrats have been using. I hoped things could be resolved peacefully. That is no longer an option. So what ever it takes is what is coming. I think I know how the Founding fathers felt now. And the reason for the Constitution is crystal clear. Im ready gentlemen. Are you?
Who cares what the subhuman primate says? How long must we pretend that this destructive creature from the bottom of the evolutionary scale is human? We don't let chimps vote so why should let their close cousins the negro do so? They are a lower primate species that's just intelligent enough to be dangerous.
I just noticed that PK is getting way more comments than Free Republic, the traditional conservative home on the web.
That's pretty significant.
I honestly think a lot of racial realists feel like both liberals and conservatives are lacking in explanations. We've tried solutions from both camps and the same problems still exist.
Both* the Weaponized Negroes *and* the MRAP Stormtroopers are creations of the Federal Government. They're playing the WWE game of false opposition to get everyone clamoring for MORE FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT. That Federal Involvement is the overall goal, and every person who agitates for FBI, Nat'l Guard or US Army North is falling into the trap.
Would you like to be in front of those riots without body armor and an AR-15? A molotov cocktail can take out your eyes permanently...and for what?
Go back to infowars with your idiotic "stormtrooper" rhetoric. Most of us here want MORE FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT in black areas, just not the hand-out type. Or do you have another idea for BRA that hasn't been tried and failed? Education? Tried. Charity? Tried. Go study the federal budget and tell us this isn't a serious problem. We have entire cities on the dole and you're concerned about some cop with an AR and body armor.
Your infowars leader is absolutely terrible at assessing the greatest threats to the country. BRA is continuing to expand and destroy but you're concerned with the cops in a riot zone having too much gear. They have already been shot at but your dearest paranoid leader I guess wants them to walk in with billy clubs. Give me a break.
Re: Individualism vs. Collectivism
There is no necessary opposition between these since all people are both individuals and members of various groups. However, whites are suckers for the individualism pitch owing to emanations from twenty centuries of Christianity, with its central belief in an individual soul, supposedly possessed of free will (an anti-scientific, anti-racist concept in itself, as I've explained before), that will be individually judged and sentenced by rabbi Jesus after death. This way of seeing the individual as detached from the group has sunk very deeply into white culture. As a matter of fact, the war against the Nazi state has been frequently depicted as a struggle between individualism and collectivism, or between individualism and socialism, or even, most straightforwardly of all, as the struggle between Christianity and anti-Christianity. But in reality, it was merely one collective fighting another, one of which was anti-racist and the other white supremacist. It was actually a battle to decide how the natural phenomenon of race was to handled by states in the future. But both sides were collectives, as is any state.
Once again, it is only violence and the threat of violence from the technological state that forces whites and blacks together. If the state disappears, the races will separate naturally, without effort. All true racists should work for this.
The question on my mind is 'How will Holder's cronies in the DOJ frame the white cop? How will they scrape together a case against him even after he was beaten down-suffering broken bones around his eyesocket- and struggled with a perp over his gun, which was discharged in the car? The case they will try to make is that the cop was so enraged by this goon that he decided then & there to take him out. If you thought the Trayvon Martin case was a spectacle, wait till this one gets underway. We will be hearing about this for at least a year, if not more.
I think Trayvon Martin would be alive today if he had just walked home instead of loitering suspiciously. And when he saw someone watching him, he became enraged and decided a physical confrontation was a good course of action. He told his friend, the articulate Rachel Jeantel, a 'creepy ass cracka' was following him, so of course violence was called for!
I think Michael Brown would be alive if had just stayed on the sidewalk. But no, he chose to stride down the middle of the road in traffic, drawing attention to himself just after robbing a store! And when a cop asked him to move to the sidewalk, well, that was a blow to his pride that called for the cop to have his face punched in. One of Brown's so-called rap songs has a lyric'the only white people I like are on my money'.
Both of those idiots are dead because they didn't like the scrutiny of whites.
Couple of thoughts here:
- the post comparing LEOs & SIMBAs was spot-on. Over 15 years ago, I was bagging the daughter of a three-decade veteran of the police force of a major East Coast city (still on duty at the time) & he warned me- when I was having dinner with the family one night- to avoid the young cops. He explained to me how the cops hired starting in the mid-1990s just wanted to jack you up.
According to him, old cops, like this guy, took a "keep the peace" mentality. They were about keeping the communities they patrolled safe. This involved getting to know the local community, and only targeting the criminal elements.
He said the young cops were disturbing- and scary. They wanted to arrest- everytime. For piddly stuff. They didn't want to interact- they just wanted to intimidate, get violent, and throw you in the back of a squad car.
Now those young cops are the supervisors, and with affirmative action & police personality tests weeding out intelligent, thoughtful white officers capable of exercising judgment & following the letter of the law, I assume we are in the 2nd or 3rd generation of fascist police. While I feel for the living Hell that Officer Wilson is going through, I think most cops today are scum & cowards- happy to sit on their arses and write white folks tickets, while allowing Dontavious & Shaneequa to sell drugs, rape and rob, and kill YT.
- If the police (I mean white police, maybe East Asians too, all over the USSA) are too stupid to realize the tipping point for them has officially been reached- despite possessing the legal, constitutional monopoly on the use of deadly force in this banana republic- that they are now no longer permitted to defend themselves against a rampaging SIMBA like Michael "Looting/ Robbery & Felony Assault & Battery on a Store Clerk" Feces-Brown, then let Darwin have sway.
- White & East Asian cops who fail to revolt, or as someone already suggested- just not show up to work for weeks on end- can almost overnight dictate their terms against the cancer of BRA which has sadly destroyed so much of the former USA
- White & East Asian cops who are too stupid to realize their lives- and the lives of all their law-abiding community members- are on the line- deserve the fate that our disgusting AG Holdah is attempting to foist on Officer Wilson. Forget about we average YTs- when are the white & East Asian LEOs going to realize they now must cower at the hands of any filthy felonious negro (redundant, I know) and just suffer the beatings and/ or death which naturally follow?
Finally- for those of you old-timers complaining about white kids getting beaten up- I remember the older white kids I knew explaining to me how both the blacks and Mexicans were cowards. I noticed that the 2-3 of you discussing this subject mentioned how the blacks would attack with a group of friends. This is what the older white kids in my neighborhood in north central Texas warned us about- 1-on-1, the blacks especially, but also the Mexicans, would run crying as soon as you landed a punch, and that they really didn't have the heart to go toe-to-toe, and were not good fighters. However, once they had a couple of homies, and could isolate you, then it was bad news.
Moral of the story: blacks are cowards. They rape, rob, and attack in packs. They are similar to rampaging troops of unaffiliated male chimps, just less bright.
For you black trolls reading this, please tell your fellow sub-primates to keep antagonizing the white police. They largely deserve it, and I suspect before too long, to borrow a phrase already used in this post- the worm will turn again. And God help the worthless American black when it does.
General J.D. Ripper
They aren't tanks. They are armored personnel carriers.
A big difference, but utterly lost on so many.
Holder is right they need to remove the damn tanks, so that
B52's loaded with napalm bombs can supress these rioting negroes.
We are truly through the looking glass now.
I give you the Attorney General of the United States, one Eric Holder:
- a man about as black as a Scotsman with a tan;
- a man found in Contempt of Congress for withholding evidence of the government committing felonies, that is, facilitating hundreds of straw firearm purchases to incite Second Amendment opposition;
- a man who regularly insults members of Congress;
- a man who wouldn't prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for threatening white voters at a poling place because they were "his people";
- a man who federally prosecuted a white man for a "knockout game" attack as a race-bias crime, while ignoring THOUSANDS of clearly racially-motivated brutal crimes by black thugs all over the U.S. against people of other races;
- a man who sues businesses for running criminal background checks on applicants because he says it "discriminates against blacks."
- a man who won't investigate the IRS for harassing conservative organizations, and targeting them for CRIMINAL prosecution for applying for tax exemption;
- a man who wants to FORCE all neighborhoods in the U.S. to have the Democrats' quota of "racial diversity;"
- a man who's law firm has represented more murdering terrorists in court than any other, promoting excuses for their crimes;
- a man who says that throat-slitting international terrorists should be tried in civilian courts;
- a man who sends 40 FBI agents to investigate the shooting of a violent criminal thug who attacked a cop and fractured his skull;
- a man who tried to pressure the local police into not releasing video of the thug robbing a store and attacking a clerk minutes before attacking a cop;
Our Attorney General spends our money to take his entourage on a thousand mile trip (no doubt to a five-star hotel NOT in Ferguson) to console the family of a thug criminal and talk to "black leaders" about a non-existent "civil rights violation," when the ACTUAL crime victims are a severely injured police officer and a roughed-up store owner.
Notice that Mr. Holder, "black leaders," and the thug mob weren't much disturbed at all about the shooting death by Washington D.C. Capital Police of an unarmed, mentally-disturbed black woman, driving erratically in her car, with a child inside. But of course there was no political advantage to the Democrats for doing so.
If Holder has his way, and the Grand Jury is as dumb (or Democrat) as those in Travis County, Texas, then maybe a more appropriate literary referance will then be “The Trial” by Kafka.
It was as though they were born with an itch that only shrieking, running, and swinging their fists could scratch.
A cliche of old movies set in colonial era Africa was a white bwana hearing jungle drums and declaring, "the natives are restless." This might be followed by an attack of said natives hurling spears and such.
Sub-Saharan Africa today is at best 150 years removed from a state of pre-civilized savagery. (Exceptions for some coastal regions like the Cape, or the trade cities on the Saharan fringe.) And we see the outcomes in the havoc wrecked throughout former white colonies. The Rwanda massacres, the cannibalism in Liberia, the permanent civil war in Congo, the farm attacks in South Africa--little of this makes rational sense, or accomplishes any Clausewitzian style policy objective. It's savagery for the sake of savagery. Then again, that's what savages do.
An African living in America today has ancestors who a mere three or four centuries ago were living with no literacy, no industry, no organization higher than a tribe or petty king. Those ancestors were, well, "natives," and acted accordingly. Here we are in 2014 and as the controls are lifted, we see reversions to similar behaviors here in America (the African mean). It's not simply the rioting. Or the flashmobs. Or the drivebys. It's the lack of civilization around all of it. White people might once have rioted in Detroit, but the city was more civilized afterwards. White people can build amidst the rubble. Opposite is true when blacks riot. Their cities never recover from the havoc.
I suppose a few centuries is not enough to change things very much. And the natives are indeed restless...
Ex New Yorker here.....The selection for Michael Brown tee shirts on EBAY has gotten better.
I was hoping for a "My mother looted Ferguson and all she got me was this lousy tee shirt" but no luck. Maybe after a few more days when all the stores have been completely cleaned out I'll be able to get one.
Kinda what I was getting at...
Richard Cranium
Re August 20, 2014 at 4:53 PM CENTURION said...
IF blacks really, really, really feel that we RACIST Whites are so awful, why do they live anywhere near us?
I know exactly what you mean-if they are so oppressed here, they why aren't they emigrating en masse to somewhere (ANYWHERE) where they can be free?
There are two problems; firstly, the USA is the country that EVERYONE wants to emigrate to because it still offers the best chance to succeed if you're willing to work hard. Just look at the FLOOD of illegal immigrants pouring over the border-kids from Honduras come with nothing but the shirt on their backs, can't speak English, but they will work hard if given a job. Blacks want to earn a good living too, but how in the world do they expect to earn high wages when most of them are high school dropouts? There are black kids who finish school and join the workforce, we all know or work with them. But so many just don't have the stamina for academics when they reach their teens. Yet they blame YT for that.
Having said all that, my second point is: where, then, do they go to? Back to Africa? Europe? Many Africans despise African Americans-they feel that African Americans complain and blame others too much and don't take responsibility for their own lives. There are blacks living throughout Europe, but having seen the black protesters in Ferguson on the evening news, do they look like they can tackle learning to speak French? Italian? German? They can barely speak English, so forget that.
The real problem for them is that they simply cannot function in Western society-period.
Imagine a 6'2" 300 pound white kid on surveillance video strong-arming a shopowner out of a $50 box of cigars. Twenty minutes later, a black cop stops the white kid for walking down the middle of the street. The white kid thinks he's being popped for the robbery, so he rushes the black cop, hitting him in the face and shattering his eye socket, and tries to take his gun. The black cop shoots and kills the white kid.
Can you imagine the white community spending even five minutes bemoaning the fate of this (hypothetical) useless white thug? I can't.
BTW Ferguson is about 20 minutes from my house.
This high yellow negro "my peeps" also said the same thing about Jorge "George-Hymie" Zimmerman. And remember in that case that dude wasn't a cop he just played one for his community. I'm thinking e.dick holder is going to make the best case for this cop's arrest but it might not happen with the real story emerging.
That story with the blown-out eye socket would lead to depth perception problems. That gives this wonderful cop a pass on the 6 bullets fired. Hard to hit what you can't see when your one eye was blown-out due to this jr. college bound average field negro.
Yes the deck is going to be stacked against this award winning cop but it won't be as easy as "my peeps" thinks it going to be.
Marc Steyn was right. He said America would become darker skinned, more Muslim, much poorer and a less happy place to live.
That future is arriving now.
After Ferguson, you'll see shiatloads of money dumped into that area and lots more government jobs and benefits handed out.
It happens every time. When they get too uppity and get some of their chimps killed, we always increase the handouts from the AAPP - African American Pacification Program; free do-nothing jobs and lots of EBT and other benefits.
The chimps will calm down. We'll go back to the daily drug busts, chimp-out arrests, murders of White couples, rapes, shootings of White babies, etc.
Black America is on a winning streak.
Actually, I think colored cops in colored neighborhoods is a good idea. Pull all the white cops out, then see what the coloreds will snivel about next. If nothing else, it's going to probably save a white life.
And many of us cannot wait until that day arrives. They'll be put under the authority of every states game and fish commission. Every riot will announce the start of open season. Act like animals, be treated like animals, assholes!
Do you think they want to gunfight?
as more & more actual Humans world-wide come to recognize that biologically, sub-saharan africans are NOT Human but a different species, we may reach a point where they are treated as another variety of chimp albeit a more dangerous one.
They are not human & have no human rights. Hell, even the DWL's & Alinskites realize this, why else do you think they're building their "fall back" position - Animal Rights ?
Duhhhh, don't feed the Chimps
/H hypie out H\
Yes! Many are ready but unorganized and without leadership. But ready to follow a good leader.
(If you are going to post Starship Troopers clips, post the shower scene, ok?)
Back to a not-so-important topic: If we let nature take her course, the lack of water in Detroit with the Ebola gift from god could be a solution to this problem. One can only hope.
So far Ebola is too slow and not lethal enough. To wait 10 days is way to frustrating. If we are ever lucky to get this little virus going in our inner cities, then we can really have some fun watching the negro beg us Whites for help, of course after they blame us for inventing this wonder bug. Yep, darkies, AIDS was even slower so we White Blue Eyed Devil scientist invented Ebola just for you.
Free at last, free at last? Nope, Sambo, you are more dependent on the White race now more than ever. There was a time you had your own part of the city with your own stores, restaurants and clubs. Now, you have NOTHING and have to depend on handouts from the Government Plantation. How does it feel to be more inferior today than pre-1965? You are such dumb fucks.
Pretty much what I was getting at...Richard Cranium
Anon @ 8:23PM;
Who said anything about infowars, troll? Back away from the strawman before you get mesothelioma.
You're falling into exactly the trap I mentioned, rooting for DOJ/DHS and their billions of hollow-points; of course they'll stop and disband when they take care of what *you're* concerned about, right?
The correct response to molotovs; if he's facing you with one in his hand, shoot.
Only if they are the only ones with guns. Richard Cranium
Anonymous said ”The question on my mind is 'How will Holder's cronies in the DOJ frame the white cop? How will they scrape together a case against him even after he was beaten down-suffering broken bones around his eyesocket- and struggled with a perp over his gun, which was discharged in the car? . . .”
I don't claim to be a lawyer but I have an opinion. Unfortunately, when the prosecution is corrupt and on a mission they can accomplish a lot merely by filing malicious charges with almost no chance of prevailing in court. A prosecutor almost completely controls and limits the evidence presented to a grand jury, and only the most incompetent DAs fail to get an indictment if they want one. So the typical corrupt procedure is for the DA to obtain an indictment for the most serious charges possible fully knowing that when all of the evidence is presented to a real jury that there is little chance for a conviction. On the other hand, the defendant realizes that there might be only a 5 or 10 percent chance of a conviction by a rogue jury, but a conviction with prison time will destroy his life and the lives of his family.
A possible scenario is that the DA gets his indictment then makes some plea offer along the lines of a suspended sentence for a plea of guilty to a reduced charge while requiring the Ferguson PD to publicly institute “real change” to stop the attack on the poor black man. This real change will include replacing white policemen with black policemen and of course firing the white Chief because he allowed policemen such as Wilson to be on the force. The DA looks great because the plea results in a conviction and he has forced the evil police to yield to the demands of the blacks. Of course, the career of the defendant is ruined, but this is of no consequence to Obama, My People Holder and their cronies.
"Mike @ SATEX said...
The real solution to the weaponized Negro problem is armed homeowners and shopkeepers on the "Koreans in LA '92" model. NOT Officer TactiCool "my-name-is-fuck-you".
I laughed at that one - it's funny because it's true. As you pointed out, the roided-up, bullet-headed strip-mall commandos of today's police-forces are not our friends.
Anonymous said...
Go back to infowars with your idiotic "stormtrooper" rhetoric. Most of us here want MORE FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT in black areas, just not the hand-out type. Or do you have another idea for BRA that hasn't been tried and failed? Education? Tried. Charity? Tried. Go study the federal budget and tell us this isn't a serious problem."
By "most of us", do you mean "just me"? I haven't detected that people hereabouts are especially fond of the police, only that they perhaps like black ghetto thugs less.
If YOU want to indulge the beast that the federal government is / is-becoming, then knock yourself out. But leave the rest of US out of it.
And as to a solutiont, the first thing to do is to stop paying them to be feral. No more TANF, no SNAP, no Section 8.
You can write Eric Holder directly, at ASKDOJ.GOV
I do frequently and tell him what I think of his policies.
So far, I have been ignored. And yes, I am white.
BRA is continuing to expand and destroy but you're concerned with the cops in a riot zone having too much gear.
False dichotomy. It's not one problem or the other, it's two separate problems, (1) BRA and (2) militarized law enforcement. Both of which are creations of the Federal Government as has already been pointed out.
I think average whites who want to consider themselves liberal-minded are getting really fatigued with this story.
They likely bought the Left's Narrative in the Zimmerman case since Trayvon's record was sealed and because Zimmerman wasn't a cop or security guard.
In this Brown shooting, the Left is trying to apply the same exact narrative and it doesn't fit the facts of the case unless you choose to ignore them all.
While the media isn't advertising Brown's 4 felonies in the past year, word has got out that he robbed a store and assaulted the clerk hours before getting shot. There's indisputable video and everything. They know he was high when he got stopped in the street. They know he attacked the cop and broke his skull. They know that if they were the ones who just committed a robbery, attacked a cop, and tried to steal his gun, and then rushed at him again, they would likely get shot, no matter the color of their skin. There is no gray area in the events leading up to the officer opening fire. Unlike with Trayvon, they actually know that Brown was breaking the law and behaving badly when he got shot. They understand that if you attack a cop, and stand a good chance of physically overpowering him, there's a good chance you'll get shot no matter who you are.
Mike" Gentle Giant" Brown, is now shovel ready.
Life is full of ironies. One minute Brown was an aspiring rapper stealing cigars while thinking about college. The next minute he achieves the status of a %10 percent magical Negro. Latest stats on the Brown Memorial Fund - $114,276. Brown has earned more in the past 7 days than most chimps earn in a lifetime. His parents must be proud.
Anon said….
Your infowars leader is absolutely terrible at assessing the greatest threats to the country. BRA is continuing to expand and destroy but you're concerned with the cops in a riot zone having too much gear. They have already been shot at but your dearest paranoid leader I guess wants them to walk in with billy clubs. Give me a break.
Spot on. You've got negroes burning, looting and killing and i hear Alex Jones telling his dimwitted audience that "the police are demonic animals". Why is it so hard for so many white people to comprehend the danger that negroes represent? It's right there in front of their eyes, but morons like Jones are so invested in hating the cops.
I have noticed that the ministry of truth is beginning to change the images, stock photos, and shift how they present those present in Ferguson.
Decades of TV shows and commercials with carefully crafted and manicured versions of blacks (STEM professions, upper class home owners, stable households with active and concerned mother/father parental units fretting over their investment portfolio etc...) get completely dashed to the complete fantasy it is - when there is even one drop of reality allowed to sneak through on the telescreen.
Imagery of feral and intoxicated blacks with dreadlocks, no shirts, bandanas over their faces, ooking, screaming, throwing and destroying things is a major shock to those living in whitopias, whose only real exposure to blacks is that taken in through highly manipulated entertainment. It doesn't garner white sympathy/guilt for the demands of BRA when it is shown to be feral. It doesn't make the police out to be "goons" when the crowd is depicted accurately, rather than parsed through and filtered.
The real time reporting stopped, because there was no way to clip that part of it out. Suddenly, now the camera shots and stock photos being shown of the protests are tightly focused, showing clothed mixed race crowds in cool, calm solidarity. The street interviews are now heavily edited, and only feature articulate and clothed interviewees.
The revolution will not be televised?
.... more like the black skinned violent undertow will not be televised, because that undermines the revolution.
Gotta say, all great comments. I think sbpdl always gets better when there is something like this happening in the news.
I do not think we will escape this miserable situation anytime soon, but it's really lovely just reading your commentary.
At least, though, in a hundred years Chinese & Indian nationalists will be translating this site for inspiration / proof they need to spay & neuter their nogs.
Even if we cannot survive this with our civilizations in piece, let them please
- Kulturkampf
Just wanted to point out that a 20 year old, unarmed white man was shot to death by a black cop in Salt Lake City the other day.
Not so much as a peep out of the main stream media. Pass it on....
I knew I must have missed some riots somewhere but Jassi has kindly provided some examples that I was unaware of.
He also pointed out that my video SEO was probably defective. Again thanks.
I am going to create some more videos - since I have been requested. I'm investigating a couple graphics packages. I used to be pretty good with 3D photo realistic animations. But wire mesh models take too long to create. I tried cartoons next. I made a cute little test cartoon of Obama a couple years ago. But I dropped that too. I've been looking at whiteboard animation lately. I'm thinking of a series of three to five minute videos on mainstream science topics. For example, the whole Ferguson mess may be explainable by the well known phenomenon of 'Frontal Disinhibition'. This is accepted in scientific circles but never mentioned in the media.
Paul does a great job on the breaking stories and a lot of the background. The world doesn't need me to duplicate his efforts - and I'm not sure I could work as hard as he does anyway. But maybe I can help in another way.
Pat Boyle
yes eric holder the attorney general who also is releasing felons often violent felons early from federal prison guess why...yes because too many blacks in jail!!! but seriously blacks area really losing the PR war with average folk, before people would side with them seeing them an the underdog, now Holders and Obamas glaringly open racism and stupidity simply cannot be explained away...as for a legal genious..how about St Michael Browns attorney how do ANY of them pass the bar exam
I don't claim to be a psychologist, but I have been told that policemen and criminals score very similarly on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). If this is true, it doesn't mean that policeman are criminals anymore than it would mean that criminals are policemen, but it does suggest that people with similar personalties are drawn to both vocations. Good police are a very necessary and valuable part of our society, and clear constitutional restraints pertaining to police activities are also very necessary.
"In an open letter published on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Web site Tuesday, Holder said his goal was to “ensure that this tragedy can give rise to new understanding — and robust action — aimed at bridging persistent gaps between law enforcement officials and the communities we serve.”"
When was Holder installed as the negro Ambassador? I thought his job was to be chief law enforcement officer of the USA, but now he is telling local law enforcement how to deploy their assets, how many autopsy's to perform, public commentary on how many negros to have on the local force and expanding the jurisdiction of the Federal Justice Department has in State crimes.
This is what living under an occupation must be like.
>>Pat Boyle said:
"There have been 14 major riots this year so far. The Ukrainian Riots had over a hundred fatalities."
Don't miss the big picture, Pat. All those other riots happened elsewhere. How often to Americans really consciously spend their time thinking and grieving over Ukraine?
Ferguson is happening in OUR neighborhood, so to speak and thus will always appear to be more important and relevant to Americans.
After all, if masses of groids can riot in Ferguson, they can also riot in a town near you or anyone else reading this site.
Funny how last yr Holder had to calm the groid crowds and warn them not to riot pre-Trayvon ruling. Wonder why he felt he needed to do that? If the races had been reversed, would he have given a speech warning whites not to riot?
Bottom line: Since the 60s, whenever whites have rioted its always been for esoteric reasons or practical issues (Woodstock, draft riots, Occupy Wall Street). But if you asked them if they were rioting because they're WHITE PER SE, they'd look at you crosseyed and say of course not, what are you anyway, "racist?!" They don't think that way even though collectively the group is mostly white.
Blacks dont think that way. They riot cause they want YTs stuff! NOW! Pronto! And if it isn't delivered fast enough they'll loot, rob, rape, and burn down your cities! That'll show you who's boss in BRA, won't it?
"All these riots are have been either over some political dispute or a sports result. All except the Ferguson Riot. It is over a police shooting."
Strongly disagree. Blacks are rioting because they're black and they want YTs stuff, now. The shooting is merely the pretext. if Michael Brown didn't exist they'd have found something else. Example: Suppose last spring during INDY's NRA convention a black security guard working the conference had accidentally been shot by a white NRA converntioner.
Are you saying that the MSM would not have made a huge stink? We'd still be hearing about it! Holder would have wet his pants to try and get the 2nd Amendment declared unconstitutional or at least more federal laws vs guns passed. The rioting would've been the same.
Funny, groids never seem to riot in the winter months. Wonder why?
"American blacks have these periodic riots over police shootings."
Not just over police shootings. Anything that puts them in a bad light vs YT gives them all the pretext they need to burn, rob, rape, etc.
Last week I met a rural sheriff that said since Kansas City got a black police chief, white cops have been forced to work black areas and blacks reassigned to the white suburbs. It used to be that new cops worked the ghetto for awhile. The ones who could handle it stayed and the ones who were about ready to start slaughtering diversity were sent to the suburbs. The sheriff moved his family over an hours drive out of KC because he didn't want to get killed in the ghetto and he wanted his family safe.
There's no hope for a white cop who doesn't get his eyes opened and mind right with what's happening to Darren Wilson. Only be a cop if you can protect and serve your own. If you can't use the good discretion your genes give you, then go do something else. You're going to need all the white friends you can get if things don't turn around soon.
If YOU want to indulge the beast that the federal government is / is-becoming, then knock yourself out. But leave the rest of US out of it.
The problem isn't the existence of a large government, the problem is the refusal to deal with the realities of race.
If you sit around and demand "minimal government" then you play to the hand of the opposition because they only need to offer 51% of the population slightly more than minimal government.
Focusing on the size of the government distracts from the real problem. It's also disingenuous to blame the government or unions when race correlates far more with living standards than size of government.
The Conservative/Libertarian focus on "big government" as the problem is intellectually dishonest. If "big government" was really the problem then Swedes would be trying to escape to Africa where there are plenty of "minimal government" countries. This type of intellectual dishonesty is not only an unhealthy distraction but easily serves the opposition with the 51% problem.
A bit off topic, but this is EXACTLY what we're fighting against, within our own race:
That, folks, is a textbook definition of insanity.
These types of events will always bring out the worst of the white-guilt nutters. Racial tensions stress them out and they go into some weird self-flagellation mode.
What is your definition of militarized? Owning AR-15s and body armor?
You can deny this all you want but that does not make the problem go away.
You distrust the Federal Government because of BRA but in all other areas with you the Feds are A-OK?
I'm more into logical consistency. If the Federal Government is untrustworthy in one area then it's very likely untrustworthy everywhere, imho.
The thing about the militarization of the police is that it is, in part, a response to the militarization of criminality. You have urban gangs which have upped the ante. And you have other gangs like MS-13 moving into the Homeland. If the police de-militarize, will the gangs follow suit?
In the past, there were institutions like families, neighborhoods and religion to provide a check on criminality at the lowest levels. These have been progressively destroyed by modern liberalism. The local men of the community might have once been able to handle malefactors. But those men are no longer there. So it comes down to the state "protecting" people. This does not mean you have to like militarized police. SWAT teams are often used for trivial purposes. They sometimes shoot and kill innocent citizens.
But what is the alternative?
It's like dealing with a barbarian invasion. You either fight, or are overrun. You may not like fighting, but do you want to see your cities pillaged?
It can be argued the reason we have not had too many Long Hot Summer riots in recent years is because heavy handed police presence has maintained the psychological ascendancy in the 'hood. Those who would riot know that they will be hit with a heavy police hammer if they get too far out of line. Yeah, there are sometimes gaps in the line, the barbarism breaks through on occasion in places like Ferguson. But we have to also look at the mainstream media for cheerleading the rioters, as well as the Holder gang for giving them ideological justification.
The reality is that having a large black populace is a game changer when it comes to law enforcement. You can not deal with the situation by Mayberry methods. YT has to maintain the upper hand. Failure to do so, whether in Johannesburg or Ferguson, leads to the destruction of civilization.
Did "My Peeps" the Pinched Nose Nigro go visit the YT Officer on his trip to Ferguson? Not no, but F**K NO.
Eddie in St. Louis
Why is it so hard for so many white people to comprehend the danger that negroes represent?
If those people had to face the truth, they'd have to face up to a threat they could not handle. It's a form of Stockholm Syndrome. When threatened, it is easier to identify with the aggressor and pretend there is no threat. The alternative is to take action which might cause one to face unpleasant realities. It is not an easy thing to stand up in front of the mob and force them down by sheer force of personality. Nor to have to risk all when it comes time to pull the trigger.
The natural warrior element has always been a minority of a society. And the warrior element among white people has been eroded in recent decades by any number of things.
This has been made worse because the people who ought to be the natural leaders of white resistance have long since sold out. A Reagan supports immigration amnesty. A Rand Paul goes on about police brutality. A Bush II kowtows at the funeral of Mandela. Now imagine if these fellows had instead stood firm for white people and white interests.
This is why it is vital for race realists to stand tall -- and inspire other white people.
Speak for yourself. You don't step back for a moment and think that when the people who CREATE a problem (in this case the black bio weapon) come in to save the day with the solution they had ready it's a little fishy?
The answer to this black savagery is the militia (which was conveniently demonized and severely crippled in the early 90's). Congress can call up the militia to "uphold the law, suppress insurrection and repel invasion".
Please reference 10 U.S. Code § 311 and your state code for militia definitions. In the case of Missouri, see "Missouri Revised Statues
' 41.070
In short, the "Federal" government got us into this mess and you can bet your arse they're not going to get us out. What we need is a lawful unorganized Militia and/or a few Sheriffs with a set of balls deputizing the honest citizens to keep order in our white communities.
I agree with last week's article here though that we should simply cordon off the negro areas and let them fend for themselves. We've been trying to civilize these evolutionary throwbacks for centuries and any progress you would think we have made slips away in an instant when they think they can get away with it.
I'll also go on the record and say that Alex Jones is a long time and well known bullshit artist and sensationalist. Be very careful about running with anything he sais unless it first passes the common-sense test and you do some significant independent research to verify for yourself.
Oh my you're angry. Said the black woman.
The thing about the militarization of the police is that it is, in part, a response to the militarization of criminality.
It's not the equipment by itself, it's the mindset. The equipment encourages the mindset. Put them together and eventually we're all Hajjis, subject to summary justice dispensed by Officer My-name-is-fuck-you. I am not convinced the nation needs 50,000 SWAT Teams.
Look, I'm 100% in support of the majority of honest, ethical police. They have a difficult job under conditions made worse by the day by AG My Peeps Holder. All I want is for the police to be held accountable to the same laws and same standards of behavior as the rest of us and for the police to refrain from kicking ass unless it's clearly necessary.
Will the white people of Missouri stand up and defend Officer Wilson from Holder and the Black hoard coming for "justice" ?
A few maybe. Don M highlighted one of the problems. There are so many cases of real police murders (usually carried out upon whites) which are invariably ruled as "justified" be the Banana Empire's 'just-us' system that even I have a very hard time looking past my own prejudice against the unionized goon-squad in a case like this one - where it's quite obvious that regime wants this cop destroyed. He's one of them, though. He chose to put on their uniform and their badge. Mr. Wilson probably believed the lies he was taught in school, in church and everywhere else though. Maybe this will make him consider taking the red pill. Countless whites don't seem have have gotten the memo announced by Sam Donaldson after Housenigga Hussein's 2nd coronation ceremony: It's our country now. It's actually been their country for a century now - though it has been spreading gradually like a cancerous tumor.
The example I gave is just one, from a very atypical angle. There are many more white Crystal Methodists who faithfully parrot the endless spin of lies coming from the numerous outlets of the Ministry of Truth about the "execution" of St. Swisher the Sweet, the Gentle Giant of Ferguson. As for Eric Holder, I note that a full two years after there were loud Repuke promises to remove him for his utter lawlessness (running guns to Mexican drug gangs), not only is he untounched, he's busy importing ground troops for the DHS revolutionary army - with the aid and support of numerous Republicans, "conservatives", "Tea-Party Patriots" and (especially) "Christians".
White folks have mostly embraced this creepy, self-righteous, insane religion. They want to be exterminated. Even in South Africa, they won't face reality - choosing to believe lies regardless of what they see right before their own eyes. We're not dealing with something here that can be addressed with logical persuasion, empirical arguments and hard facts. We keep on attempting to fight this demon in this manner and keep on losing ground.
EBOLA for President 2016!!
I'm heading out to the garage to make up a sign for my yard right now.
How long before a photo of it ends up on the internet as a hate crime?
Like with the ALS ice bucket challenge, I challenge everyone here to do the same thing. Make a sign and put it in your yard!
Sometimes, less words mean more.
Change we can really get behind.
The entire police force of Ferguson should simply walk off the job. To hell with this town and the savages that inhabit it.
They should indeed. Ferguson is a groid hellhole. It should be allowed to revert to the African mean. Any white cops need to go looking for another job. As for various Asian and Middle-Eastern shop owners, they can either provide for their own security of leave the country. People in Asia and the Middle-East buy things too. Go home. It's not worth it trying to make a living serving negroes, no matter how well the food-stanp scam pays.
@Pat Boyle,
I watched some of your videos on youtube. Great message but the delivery was not good. My advice- find an attractive white female to present your material for you.
Eddie in St. Louis:
Did "My Peeps" the Pinched Nose Nigro go visit the YT Officer on his trip to Ferguson? Not no, but F**K NO.
Why would you expect him to? Holder and the folks he represents are the enemy. They are not for us. They well never be for us, no matter what Matt Yglesias, the lying shitfaces on TV or you local "Christian" liar tells you. Remember the polite Nigerian in London, fresh from sawing the head off a disarmed white British soldier recently home from serving the Banana Empire's war over in the poppyfields of Pashtoonistan to make the place safe for femimism, sodomy and the bank accounts of YKW? The mud-colored Musloid first apologized for having to saw the pale chump's head off in front of those strong independent London wymyn, but then came out with a modern-day equivalent of the prophesy from Baalam's jackass:
Remove your governments. They are not for you.
Here I am repeating this again - and someone even took me to task for using it when there are even better remarks to the same effect from fellow conspiracy theorists like Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. Trouble is, the typical publick-skoo edumacated white person is unlikely to know anything whatsoever of Andrew Jackson and probably only knows of Jefferson as a plantation-owner who screwed with his female negro slaves, so I'm left with a darkie donkey to try and make my point.
You see, if Soldier Rigby had been a real patriot who really stood for his people, his history, his culture and St. George, he would have been doing everything he could to overthrow the lawless minority occupation governorship of the Banana Empire which presently rules over there in the UK Okrug of the EUSSR open-air gulag for YT. Folks like David Cameron would have a fair chance of getting shot dead or blown up, along with anyone who sided with them or attempted to protect them - including police, soldiers, judges, lawyers, lying Duranties, etc - even the stinking negroes such elite assholes imported into his homeland like the donkey who sawed his head off. Traitors deserve death - much more so than hapless chumps like Drummer Rigby who believed their lying shit.
Most white folks just don't fathom it any more. They can't connect the dots. They can't see what is in front of their lying eyes. They'll hold on to the most insane, absurd ridiculous myths - the first and foremost being equality. Any Chinese reading this blog damned well better be taking this collection of writings deadly seriously if you care about your own people, culture and history. The same malignancy which has infected whites is coming your way. They've even stated so openly. Held a pow-pow on the escape plan once they've sucked this place dry.
And you have other gangs like MS-13 moving into the Homeland. If the police de-militarize, will the gangs follow suit?
Hmmmm.... let's see... Who was it who allowed MS-13 gangs "mere children" to come across the border in the first place? Oh, wait..... the very same folks you expect to solve the problem. I'll bet they'll do a splendid job with that. Another one who didn't get the memo, I see.
Now we're talkin!
blacks in general are less intelligent than other races and not as civilized.
Violent behaviours are normal for them.
Chuck Hammer said:
"Look, I'm 100% in support of the majority of honest, ethical police. They have a difficult job under conditions made worse by the day by AG My Peeps Holder. All I want is for the police to be held accountable to the same laws and same standards of behavior as the rest of us and for the police to refrain from kicking ass unless it's clearly necessary."
So then, how do you feel about cop Darren Wilson? Should he get convicted of 2nd degree murder or manslaughter? Should he get tried for attempted murder? I mean, after all, he did shoot a groid and killed him, those are the facts. In that sense, the rioters are correct.
What should happen to Darren Wilson, in your opinion? After he recovers from his hospital stay, of course.
I've wondered about this myself!
I think that your right that if groups are given a choice each would choose to go their own seperate ways and be much happier as a result. Its both normal and natural to seek kindred.
I've often wondered if whether blacks would do better on reservations with their own towns, laws, schools and businesses.
This arrangement has worked for Native Americans so why not give African Americans reservations as well? Seems like the best solution for everyone.
They want to follow white people around from one suburban area to the next but don't want us to notice their criminality and dysfunction
What needs to happen for the greater good of all of America is for African Americans to have reservations much the same as Native Americans do and have their own communities their own laws, stores,schools and businesses.
So then, how do you feel about cop Darren Wilson? Should he get convicted of 2nd degree murder or manslaughter?
Of course not. It's rare to come across a case as clear-cut as this where the police officer received a serious injury before killing the perp. Brown got exactly what he deserved and Officer Wilson should get a medal.
We need to start a movement to pressure the govt to grant land to be used as reservations for African Americans not unlike Native Americans have. This will allow them to make their own laws and have their own communities this solves a lot of problems for everyone.
On Aug 11th in SLCU a black cop shot a white kid to death, the media tries to ignore it and the few that have mentioned it avoid mentioning race. The story can be found on wnd amongst a few others.
So let's put more real people with recorders and cameras in the field. The negros like to perform for a crowd. Never meant one that hasent. Lol
Those are some SICK, MENTALLY DERANGED individuals!!
The answer is. RESERVATIONS! We need to get our govt to grant blacks reservations so that they can have their own communities and laws. A place where they can be themselves.
This should make everyone happy.
Anonymous said ”We need to start a movement to pressure the govt to grant land to be used as reservations for African Americans not unlike Native Americans have. This will allow them to make their own laws and have their own communities this solves a lot of problems for everyone.”
This might be a workable plan, but I'm afraid that drawing a parallel between Native Americans and African Americans might be faulty. It doesn't appear that Indians multiply as prolifically as blacks nor do Indians seem to be drawn to whites in the same way as blacks. The vast majority of Indians don't live on reservations, but their behavior in white society doesn't stand out in the same way as black behavior. It is almost impossible to identify a person as Indian if they are more than a couple of generations removed from a single Indian ancestor whereas no one knows how many generations must pass before negroid blood becomes unnoticeable. Indians just don't seem to be as problematic as blacks.
Aren't Detroit and other majority black cities kind of de facto negroid reservations? If the reservation concept is workable, we could just designate these cities as reservations. Before we create or designate reservations we will certainly have to make some plans for containment.
Reservations? Absolutely not. Repatriation back to Africa as a form of reparations. They're very proud of their ancestry so the Motherland is where they should thrive. They expect 20 acres and a mule, plus money, right? Okay. 20 acres they will get but it will be in Liberia. As for a mule, we provide them with a sensible car like one of those Nissan or Toyota types that are not sold in the US. Each repatriated black will get $20,000.00 cash in US funds. After they receive all of the above they must renounce their citizenship and surrender any American issued identification documents. We will also provide a free one way plane ticket. That's the only way.
Anonymous said ”. . . I don't see why I should be concerned that the Ferguson police have an armored vehicle and some AR-15s. Why should I be worried? I would want the same equipment if I had to deal with riots in that area. Why does it matter if they came from the Feds? Would the situation be ok with you if they bought that equipment themselves? . . “
I agree. A police force should have whatever equipment that it needs to safely function. The mentality of the police force is my concern. Officers with little respect for the Constitutional rights of citizens are the danger, and they are a danger whether or not the police force is militarized.
In certain cases the highly organized militarized actions of police can reduce the chances of harm to all parties involved. For example, conducting a drug bust with a strong militarized show of force will likely dissuade thoughts of resistance by targets of the bust. The same bust conducted by Andy and Barney would be far more likely to end in tragedy.
The key here is deciding what equipment is necessary. When the US Government is heavily arming agencies with no apparent need it begins to get creepy.
I am so sick of African-America.
Chuch Hammer said:
"Of course not. It's rare to come across a case as clear-cut as this where the police officer received a serious injury before killing the perp. Brown got exactly what he deserved and Officer Wilson should get a medal."
Whatever. Wasn't sure that's why the question was asked. I mean with this answer, you do realize, don't you, that Eric Holder won't consider you his friend, right?
Good to hear that you do consider SOME groids to be..uh, actually guilty of charges/crimes and not mere innocent sweety victims along the lines of dinn do nuffins.
But, Eric Holder will definitely not be pleased with your type of answer.
What needs to happen for the greater good of all of America is for African Americans to have reservations much the same as Native Americans do and have their own communities their own laws, stores,schools and businesses.
Yeah, they already have that. What the hell's 84% Detroit? Or 98% E.St. Louis?
Trouble is, when the usual groid fuckery occurs, guess who they call in to help to fix it for them? (thru shake down and additional taxpayer dollars, etc.)
Come to think of it, they aren't all that much different than Indians (GERONIMO, and not GHANDI). All that's missing is for groids to get a couple of casino licenses from Unc Sammy. Maybe Sharpton could be put in charge of running one and JayZ another one.
Esteemed party member Comrade Kommissar Holder will battle the evul waycist honky cracka Bull Connor who is attempting to keep angelic noble nagras from getting a drink at the segregated water fountain. What? What do you mean it is not 1964 anymore? Bitter clingers who doubt the immaculate messiah status of dear leader are everywhere.
Comrade Kommissar Ayers, Czar of ReEducation, will deal with those thoughtcriminals.
This may or may not be interesting depending on your mindset, but I read sites all the way across the spectrum, like Huffington Post, just to see what the morons are up to. There I read an assessment of Holder, who I despise thoroughly:
"Relying on Holder to take action is like sending a guy with a cup of water to put out a wildfire," said Gregory Lattimer, an attorney who has represented family members of people killed by D.C. police, including DeOnte Rawlings, a 14-year-old boy shot in the back of the head by an off-duty officer in 1997.
"[Holder] was part of the problem in D.C., not the solution," Lattimer said. "He says all the right things and then he goes out and defends the status quo."
My guess is he's just trying to contain the acting out in Ferguson and keep it from igniting a general conflagration. Glad it's been a relatively cool summer.
I did think it was hilarious when he addressed the Highway Patrol Captain as, "My man! You're the man!" Not only is it condescending and incredibly lame, as in maladroit, stilted, inauthentic, but it's ridiculously unprofessional. He might as well have said, "Mah niggah." and done the multi-step Vietnam era handshake while clutching his crotch. Idiot.
Poor Eric, neither the left, the middle, nor the right can stand him.
I visit this site often, because it speaks the truth unabashedly. And I usually agree with most; however people can't let blind hatred totally blind them reality.
1 - Yes, cops are more militarized; yes they are becoming 'too big for their britches' and yes police arrogance needs to be tampered by disbanding their unions, attaching 3rd party citizen review boards and demanding that the 'snitches die' attitude among them be demolished. A good cop is a good cop, but the moment they turn their heads for a bad one, they cease to be 'good'. This is America. This is not Russia, this is not China or North Korea. We have rights. Without those rights, we cease to be Americans. Fact. Cops cannot be allowed to disabuse American citizens of their rights to assemble, journalists which are the true neutrals in world and national affairs MUST be protected at all costs, regardless if you think 'lamestream media' has it in for you or an agenda. Even if you don't agree, you have to support their American rights.
2 - There are 'good protesters' and 'bad protesters'. The people looting are clearly serving their own agendas, not the people generally concerned about a guy being shot in the middle of the street in daylight. They have that right to be concerned and want the truth. Whether you like it or not.
3 - With that said, people who jump on the bandwagon 'arms up' bullshit (including some media) and assume Brown is completely innocent are being as irresponsible as the Gestapo onsite overseeing crowd control. The fact is there's no video footage at the moment, so both 'sides' will continue to cling to whatever suits their narrative.
I personally see video of Brown intimidating the shop owner with his size and blatantly stealing then arrogantly just walking away with stolen items. Arrogant. I do believe he aggressively confronted the cop who then had the right to render Brown immobile. But with that said, WE CAN'T BECOME A MOB LIKE THE OTHER 90% of people on both sides.
There are nuances here that get lost in the fingerpointing and racebaiting.
This is more than just a bunch of blacks acting out; this is protecting American freedoms by proxy...it is a FALSE thing to assume that if you do not support police actions that you support Brown. But average human beings are too stupid to stop and think through the nuances.
Been reading this site for 2 hours...
This is the most proactive thing I've read.
Were I a cop in that town I'd be
heading down the road asap...
You can write Eric Holder directly, at ASKDOJ.GOV
I do frequently and tell him what I think of his policies.
So far, I have been ignored. And yes, I am white
Guess you'll be audited.
I have no hope in him nor his "fairness."
Anonymous said ”. . . The people looting are clearly serving their own agendas, not the people generally concerned about a guy being shot in the middle of the street in daylight . . . “
Can someone explain why I keep seeing the part about the shooting being in the middle of the street in daylight. Is this supposed to make it a worse shooting than if it had occurred in an alley in the shadows of darkness with only the officer and deceased as witnesses? Perhaps this is the media's way to deliver the message to idiots that the evil officer had the audacity to commit a horrible act in front of God and everyone without actually having to say those words and appear biased.
Can someone explain why I keep seeing the part about the shooting being in the middle of the street in daylight.
And why do no pieces in the Corrupt Marxist Media declare that "St. Swisher of Sweet, aka Michael Brown, robbed the liquor store and assaulted the clerk IN BROAD DAYLIGHT"?
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