"There's a difference between us. You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it." -- William Wallace, Braveheart
As I watched the events in Chicago at the cancelled Donald Trump rally on Friday night [March 11th] unfolding in real-time - courtesy of a FoxNews.com livestream - something finally dawned me I've known all along: though America is irredeemable, many Americans still have the courage to live.
No, that's not right.
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March 11, 2016: A photo of a white cop in Chicago, attacked by white Marxist/black radical/illegal alien filth that dared deny Donald J. Trump and his supporters the right to peacefully assemble. |
Many Americans have the will to live, if only they could be allowed to live.
But it's hard to thrive in captivity, when every-time you reach for the stars, chains bind you to the earth.
A good friend of mine has always said if the boot ever came off for just a moment, we'd be shocked at how many people actually belong to the ranks of Those Who Can See.
Watching what happened over the weekend of March 11 - 13th across the United States of America, as one man bravely stands to speak up for redeeming America has left me absolutely breathless.
Because of the very nature of how irredeemable America is in 2016 (courtesy of repugnant white leftists/Marxist filth/Black radicals/Beltway Conservative non-profits fleecing real Americans/open borders), for a man to come along and merely state his goal is to "Make America Great Again" means an absolute repudiation of the nation-breaking policies these vermin have perpetuated.
Vermin isn't strong enough of word, but because children may be reading this, we'll stop there.
Who knows what compelled Donald J. Trump to run for the GOP nomination to be the President of the United States of America, and at this point who cares?
In only a few months of running for office. everything has changed (hey, I even stopped shopping at Macy's!).
And on Friday night in Chicago, Illinois, a multi-racial gang consisting of white liberals/Marxists, illegal aliens, black radicals, and non-white detritus dared deny American's their First Amendment right to "peacefully assemble."
Say what you will, but the very name of "Trump" is now synonymous with the word "freedom."
Freedom for what and freedom from what... I'll leave that up to your interpretation, but something extraordinary is transpiring right now, beyond the wildest dreams of the most militant fictional writer daring to pen a story of the liberation of the European people.
You see, our future was never supposed to be tied to uplifting Africans, or watching as our nations were colonized by people not only alien to our culture, but racial aliens as well.
Our future was always supposed to be about creating a world for our posterity, one where they could flourish; not as slaves to subsidizing racial aliens' proliferation in our nation, and watching as the cities/communities our ancestors built crumble under the weight of racial truths we can't even say aloud.
As presently constituted, the United States of America in 2016 does not offer that possibility, though a significantly large number of Americans do yearn to be free once again.
Whatever possessed Donald J. Trump, a billionaire to turn traitor to his class, stand up and dare say it was time to "Make America Great Again" (with this phrase admitting something was desperately wrong in the nation), we owe him our thanks, gratitude, and our allegiance.
Vermin isn't strong enough of word...yep it's always an insult to animals. Even animals don't act this. I also think I need to review my supplies. Summer of rage is coming. You know it's coming when the commies, border jumpers, street rats and queers unite against evil YT.
White hating punk who attacked Trump lionized by CNN:
At an earlier anti-white protest (H/T Steve Sailer):
Amen. And might I also add that we need to make it absolutely clear before it's too late that if an attempt is made on Trump's life -- and God forbid it's successful -- there will be a complete and total hellstorm unleashed, and I don't mean on Election Day. Right now the vermin that have been plotting his downfall aren't the least bit concerned that anything will happen if they're able to knock him off, and any Americans that still love this country need to make it known that they couldn't be any more wrong.
Maybe it's me. Maybe it's where I live, Philly metro area, but I never come across those who can see. I mean truly can see. Occasionally I encounter those who can instinctively feel what we see but they don't truly see it. These are the types who when I attempt mild conversation on these matters will acknowledge certain taboo truths but will be quick to state that they "have black friends,they're not all like that, Mexicans work hard, it's not the Jews that are the problem it's the media!!!!!, and I'd rather have the quiet and polite Mr. Chang and his family as my neighbor rather than some white trash family with a Camaro in the front lawn. Seriously, and these are self-professed right-leaning ppl. I'd guess that the total number of racially conscious Whites who know the score and can truly see our situation in a macro-historic sense are in the seven digits, somewhere between 1,000,000-9,999,999 range. I'd love to be proven wrong but perhaps we don't need all of the feelers to be see-ers. We just need the see-ers to shepherd the feelers. Btw, Trump is at worst an opportunistic fraud or at best a feeler. Either way, his campaign is helping us usher in a new era of which where it will lead is anyone's guess. We just need to keep pushing, fighting, surviving.
Back in the days when I had a television I would sometimes look at a channel called FREE SPEECH TV. This was where the multi-millionaire Communist Amy Goodman had her Democracy Now Show. After 9-11 when BUSH THE MORON was going into the Middle East there was a big peace demonstration in Washington which I watched on TV one night. First a white person would give their speech. Then a black guy would make a speech about "the revolution" which was followed by throngs of white left wing hipsters cheering and applauding. One white speaker followed by a black speaker. This was how it went. The stage was filled with about 20 blacks waiting for their turn at the mike. All they talked about was hating white people.
I sat there in a daze with my mouth hanging open. All I could think was "Holy fuck...This is the same shit from the 60's all wrapped up in a new package." Every black speaker went into their rants about racism and fighting against evil whitey while the crowd of whites cheered them on.
For any of you younger folks on this site I want you to know that the 60's was not about PEACE AND LOVE. It was a fucking bloodbath. Don't believe any thing you may have read or seen on TV. Those peace and love hippies were beaten, robbed, bloodied, raped and butchered by blacks. Those stupid hippies believed all that love bullshit while being preyed on by animals. Thousands died from violence and drug overdoses. The media was promoting drug use along with the hippie life style. In the late 60's thousands of young kids ran away from home so they could "wear flowers in their hair." All across America many parents never saw their kids again because they ended up in fucking body bags in Los Angeles, Frisco or New York. It was all a con job. I know. I was there and saw it happen.
The radicals and Commies with their peace riots made the Vietnam War last longer. If there were peace demonstrations during the Korean War the Communist would have kept the war going until 1960 instead of ending it in 1953. The asshole radicals and those upper middle class liberals are the ones who caused all the problems at the universities egged on by left wing professors. Political agitators and drug gurus like Hoffman. Rubin and O'Leary were nothing but pieces of shit. I myself had dropped out way before those turds ever showed up. My belief was leave me alone and I will leave you alone.
What you are seeing now is the same old tried and true tactics used 50 years ago. Same type of people. Same bullshit. It works every time because the "useful idiots" are willing to go along with the great lie called EQUALITY and FREE SHIT. It's all free....vote for me.
Those demonstrators in Chicago were paid to be there and were organized by leftist extremist. The media is playing them up to be the victims. I can not even imagine what will take place in Cleveland with the Republican convention. I wonder what will be the next city they burn down. You know....burning for Bernie.
Just hope he doesn't end up like George Wallace.
So... is that an endorsement for Trump?
(courtesy of repugnant white leftists/Marxist filth/Black radicals/Beltway Conservative non-profits fleecing real Americans/open borders)
You missed one category.
I have been looking at all the clips of the agitators that are showing up outside the Trump rallies and one thing does bother me. I really find it hard to believe that some of the Trump supporters are dumb enough to react to these dirt bag agitators. That is exactly what they want. AN AGITATOR is there to get people to respond. They are hoping for people to react to their prodding. That is what they live for. That is why they are called AGITATORS. They are trying to get people riled up and upset.
The best thing to do is IGNORE THEM. There is nothing that bothers an agitator more than being ignored. It will ruin their day. THEY HATE TO BE IGNORED.
There is an old lady in town that is a commie liberal who is always trying to get me into an argument over politics. What gets her mad is when I agree with her. Awhile ago she called me a bigot and I told her she was right. She likes to get under your skin and I just ignore her. When I refuse to get into an argument with her she really gets pissed off.
When the agitators can get the Trump people to respond you will see in the background as the TV cameras start moving in. Two people yelling at each other is what the media loves to film. It makes the Trump crowd look bad because they are trying to defend their beliefs and the media starts creaming in their jeans because they just got good film for the nightly news. If there were nobody arguing with each other there would be nothing to film. IGNORE THE AGITATORS should be the new Trump tactic. Repeat....IGNORE THE AGITATORS.
While re-watching The Return of the King for the umpteenth time this evening, I was inspired to make this campaign poster.
"I've got one that can see!"
-They Live
People are fed up but not in the way the elites had planned for it to go down. The Marxists and their armies of useful idiots are massing in the streets preparing for their end run... while we're just getting started. Prepare for Götterdämmerung, ladies and gentlemen. But rest assured, victory is ours for the taking. We have the numbers and we have most of the guns. We have most of the truly educated people. They have a relatively small number of illiterate street thugs to do their nasty work for them (most of their would-be comrades are already ensconsed in cages all over the nation). We have pretty much every cop and soldier on our side, past and present, black and white and hispanic and Asian and you-name-it alike. Many of us have already fought wars in other countries. This time the war is on our streets. Once the large-scale shooting war starts in earnest, there will be no Geneva Conventions and no quarter given to the enemy. And no quarter given to us. 2/3 of blacks would starve and likely cannibalize the other 1/3 if somebody simply knocked their EBT cards offline. Which is something many 15-year-olds could do nowadays.
I'm amazed at what is commonly accepted as "bigotry" today.
Thirty years ago, had you asked any US citizen if they thought that selective immigration - meaning that immigrants should have something to bring to The Melting Pot, such as money to start a business, needed skills, or even a basic education that would keep them off the public dole, most would have said "yes".
Today, anyone holding that quaint view is an "anti-immigration bigot."
When Bernie rails against the injustice of 19% unemployment of African Americans, no journalist has the guts to even ask if those numbers couldn't be mitigated by curtailing the influx of low and semi-skilled workers from Mexico and the Third World.
Entry-level jobs such as janitors, nannies, house cleaners, lawn men, hod carriers, restaurant workers, ditch diggers and other unskilled pursuits were covered by blacks when they had no other options.
Today, no unemployed American, regardless of race, can support himself with any of those jobs, regardless of race, when times are hard or if he or she doesn't have better skills or the ability to obtain them.
Instead, Bernie says that everyone needs to go to college, because college is the equivelent of a high school diploma thirty years ago.
He is actually right, but for the wrong reasons. In 1930, if you had a college degree in anything, from anywhere, you were a smart son of a bitch.
Now, unless you are a STEM graduate, you are just a jerk-off who showed up and got credit for your American Studies class.
So: In 1930 or 1960, your average high school grad had more education than your average college grad has today.
The Dems want it both ways: Blacks don't have jobs because of a lack of education, which they have ample access to because it's easier to get Pell grants and loans than do the middle class, and because illegals take all the low-skill and medium jobs they could otherwise get.
However, the latter reason doesn't seem to impact the former reason.... in other words "reason" doesn't enter into the equation at all, when politicians pander to both groups.
Do we dare hope?..
Something is definitely in the air. Germany is making a HUGE turn to the right in repudiation of Merkels insane policies, mein kampf has become Germany's top selling book since it went back in reprint in April 2015. Nationalist parties are growing in huge numbers across Europe. Britain is threatening to pull out of the EU completely. Security fences are going up all over Europe to protect their lands. Only Canada & Sweden still seem completely insane?..
I'm 54 now. I was for a while starting to think, "it's all over" the white race has given up. It's lost it's will to survive. I knew, deep down, that old spirit, that fight was still there. It was just so deeply buried that it had seemingly, no release valve?.
As PK said, this is not about Trump. Trump is only that release valve that is awakening the slumbering white giant. It was ALWAYS there to begin with. Even if (gods forbid) some crazed lefty nut took out Trump tomorrow say, well the faucet is now open. The white giant is mad as hell & ready for action. Germany, an occupied nation for more than 70 years. Under a barrage of unrelenting propaganda/indoctrination against them. That they are now making a hard right-nationalist turn, that clearly shouts "WE WANT TO LIVE".. If those brave Germans can do it, I know we can too..
Dare we hope?..
I stopped shopping at Macy's as well. Don't even look through their flyer.
Buy your Trump merchandise via DJT website, not eBay, Amazon, etc.
There is another great Braveheart clip that all of those who serve BRA (in uniform and out) ought to familiarize themselves with.
Its the one where the King orders his archers to fire on the Scots who are engaged with his conscript infantry.
When one nobleman inquires whether the arrows won't hit their own toops, the King coldly replies, "Yes. But it will kill THEM too..."
Think about it.
Amen, PK. Very well stated.
And the real kicker, of course, is that the media then blamed all the violence on TRUMP HIMSELF!
That's chutzpah!!
Sh*t demons, illegal criminal beaners, & white leftist human wreckage attack Trump's supporters and HE IS TO BLAME!!
Fight this insanity folks or they'll be dragging you out of your house soon.
Get ready for four more years of Obama. This country is going to fall. The Silent Majority is staying silent, the race realists are staying silent. All talk and no action. The majority is once again giving in to the minority commies.
Go Trump!!
He needs to consistently point out that he can give long speeches WITHOUT a teleprompter! He should challenge his rivals to do the same and point out to people that they can't because they are programmed robots beholden to special interests and lobbies; they don't actually BELIEVE what they are saying so they have to read it off a screen.
Keep pointing that out and humiliate the opposition!!
I live and work in Chicago. I work with many black and Mexican people who have no problem voicing their political beliefs. They have no problem talking about yt right in front of white coworkers. However,as soon as a white person speaks up they start to get offended ! See ,they want us to just sit there and listen to all their bullshit and not say a word. Most of my white coworkers do just that but several of us have started to speak up and guess what ? Those of us who have don't hear anymore of their lies. My point is speak up, don't be bullied by them. They will back down almost every time. Don't be afraid to be white. Don't be afraid to speak up. That's what all these fucks are counting on. They want to shame white people into submission.
Amen ! Let's get to work.
Ex New Yorker -
Even better than to ignore the agitators is to MOCK them. When you ignore them, they can and do convince themselves they've irritated you, or that you are afraid to respond, and they're emboldened. Relentlessly mock them. Laugh at them. Stand in front of some spit-spraying, FU screaming Mestizo and smile. Note aloud how it must be difficult to be so dark, so much less capable than Whites - that would make you unhappy, too. Tell them they're really cute - ask to take their picture.
I'm constantly working on my rhetorical skills (initially minimal but improving due to hard work) online - I like going to Breitbart and other Trewcon sites to troll the cuckservatives. I'm careful not to use banned words, but I do deliberately use trigger terms (Negro, Mestizo, Mulatto, Oriental).
While being ignored does irritate the losers, it's difficult to pull off in a convincing way that they can't spin into "you're afraid of me" or "you have no answer." Laughter at their antics - noting the childish poseur behind their big, brave, antifa persona - drives them nuts.
Maybe it's me. Maybe it's where I live, Philly metro area, but I never come across those who can see. I mean truly can see. Occasionally I encounter those who can instinctively feel what we see but they don't truly see it.
Hello Anonymous,
You and I must live in very different parts of Philadelphia. The Philadelphians of South Philly, Delaware County, and the greater Northeast have to be some of the most wide awake enlightened White people that I have ever met. No where else have I seen race realists in such large numbers.
Even many of the Center City/Society Hill/Rittenhouse Square Philadelphians are closet) race realists.
Could it be that you live in the Main Line or Bucks County?
Philadelphia Mike (Trump has revitalized my hope...and my enthusiasm)
To all of my fellow realists of like mine, here at SBPDL,
I'm sure that all of you had wondered what happened to me. I kind of just disappeared off of the internet. Someone who was so verbal suddenly became so silent.
Although, my presence on the Internet had been scarce, I can assure you that I was out in public...full force...standing my ground...opening the eyes of the living dead.
But I will admit that at times I felt as though I was fighting a losing battle.
Donald Trump has given me back the hope that I was losing in our fellow White Americans. I never gave up hope on the Chinese...or Koreans...or Indians....but I was beginning to wonder if our own people were finally heading towards extinction.
But we aren't.
We are now vitalized, energized, and ready to take on the world.
Be Vocal, Be Bold, Be Assertive.
We are back at the helm.
Philadelphia Mike
Black Trump supporter killed Friday night, didn't here about that on the news.
Great movie, BTW... :)
The Lehigh Valley is loaded with delusional white libs.
No doubt many of you read JHK each Monday morning; He puts forth a real humdinger today by golly.. http://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/bull-run/
"Whatever possessed Donald J. Trump, a billionaire to turn traitor to his class,"
Whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose. So far he has gone out of his way to not offend YKW or blackie, and by my estimation, beaners and arabs are second tier threats by comparison. In fact I would suggest that if we could swap all of our blacks and YKW for the entire population of Mexico we would be singing "happy days are here again" within a year or two. In no way am I suggesting that I would wish for anything short of an all white homeland, but if I had to accept half measures, that's our priorities IMO.
Black Africans and privately controlled central banks are the two greatest weapons against freedom and western civilization as we know it. The banking monopoly ensures that there is limitless financing for agitprop and logistics and the African primitives are the footsoldiers in this not-so-silent war. If somebody is not addressing these weapons, or the hand which wields them, apart from rhetoric, we will get only more of the same.
I'd love to be proven wrong on this, but if Trump delivers on anything he has promised he'll be the first politician in my lifetime that has done so. This is like buying a powerball ticket and fantasizing about how we'll spend the money.
I'm going to send you some silver coin this week, via the VDare address. Please confirm that mailed donations to their PO Box will reach you. I'm very short on FRNs but I have saved a bit of real money by way of gold and silver which I'll happily donate a little in compensation for your hard work in maintaining this forum.
These vile unwashed miserble creatures need to be returned to africa but away from any cities,towns or native villages strand them way out in the wirlds of africa where they can live their uncivilized behavior and maybe be a meal for some lions and leftovers for the vultures and hyenahs
Here in Detroit ,a couple days ago a white male was abducted, in broad daylight, from a grocery store by 3 black males. They threw him into a van and drove off. No follow up on the story since Friday. Can you imagine the national coverage this would get if the races were reversed. This was quickly forgotten about until they find the body I guess, even then they'll blame the victim somehow.
A quite superb piece of writing PK.
The rest of the West is watching to see whether Trump wins the Republican nomination; as if he does and then attains the presidency: it will be a game changer for the West as a whole and not just there in America.
There are many people here in the U.K. who agree with much of what Trump says, which is why our MSM are so selective in what they broadcast of him and his speeches; so as to show him in the very worst possible light since they despise those who dare tell the truth as much as the majority of the U.S. media does.
I was in my single digits during the "sixties" and watched the elegance and respectability melt away in society. Dances could not be held because negro violence and lethal levels of drug use, parks became uninhabitable, children who used to go miles from home to visit friends and school suddenly found that safety was a concern to the parents.
It moved in like a fog and now it chokes us.
The generation ahead of me chanted "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out", meaning "listen to the revolutionary movement, do drugs to encourage criminality and break the system and finally drop out of college and be poor so that you can be foot soldiers for the revolution when the time comes".
We watched as that generation died blasting discordant music in their deafening ears, vomiting and going insane from various drug overdoses, completely ignorant of their position in the world as the inheritors of the greatest White nation to ever exist. Thirty years later (so short a time!) we had the 1990's with the highest point in personal crime, interracial crime and drug crime.
What a legacy. Whites were like the 18 year old who inherits 10 million and blows it all in a year. When its gone, it GONE.
Still some struggle on, designing new things, building great buildings, advancing music, poetry, arts and sciences and bringing up a cleaner generation.
We continue to ignore things our ancestors knew (That the race know as negros must be eliminated from these shores, that the race known as TWMNBN worked overtime to break us, that any nation needs strict borders) and we continue to pay the price even as we slide into minority status in 2040 within our own Country, a status we will not survive.
The solutions are at our feet. Will we take them up?
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Anonymous March 13, 2016 at 10:58 PM said... Maybe it's me. Maybe it's where I live, Philly metro area, but I never come across those who can see. I mean truly can see.
If you mean those who are anti-negro, then I disagree. Negro fatigue in the Delaware Valley is clearly evident. I imagine there are still sections in Philadelphia proper where the negros really aren't tolerated.
If you mean strictly pro-white, then that might be another story.
"Marxism will march shoulder to shoulder with
democracy until it succeeds indirectly in securing for its own criminal purposes
even the support of those whose minds are nationally orientated and whom
Marxism strives to exterminate. But if the Marxists should one day come to
believe that there was a danger that from this witch's cauldron of our parliamentary democracy a majority vote might be concocted, which by reason
of its numerical majority would be empowered to enact legislation and might
use that power seriously to combat Marxism, then the whole parliamentarian
hocus-pocus would be at an end."
"Ex New Yorker said...
I have been looking at all the clips of the agitators that are showing up outside the Trump rallies and one thing does bother me. I really find it hard to believe that some of the Trump supporters are dumb enough to react to these dirt bag agitators. That is exactly what they want. AN AGITATOR is there to get people to respond. They are hoping for people to react to their prodding. That is what they live for. That is why they are called AGITATORS. They are trying to get people riled up and upset"
I was at the rally Friday sitting next to the aisle when one of the vibrants come up the steps. He was yelling something as he bounded left and right with fists clenched trying to scare and intimidate. No one responded but out on the main floor there were more interactions. The main floor interactions were inevitable as there were at least 150 or more vibrants whooping it up with In your face type posturing. It was a little tense. Outside was another story.
Little doubt remains that the forces of tyranny have crossed the line which for two centuries has protected the freedom of speech and the right to assemble in America, and are using their thuggish minions in an attempt to squelch any semblance of truth, rationality, realism, and democracy in our country.
The riots and protests of the sixties was not an easy era to live through, yet at no time in my seventy years have I witnessed such a deliberate attempt to remake this country into something our forefathers sought to insure would never take root - an authoritarian state, created through distortion, lies, and now the implementation of violence to accomplish their unholy agenda.
I for one, do not want my children and grandchildren seen as objects to be controlled and subjugated. To fear speaking their mind or listening to those views not consistent with fascist dogma. To see everything for which they have worked given over "for the good of the state." And, yes, even to fear a knock at the door in the middle of the night.
I do not believe that that point has yet been reached.
I do believe in the strength and resolve of the American people, their love of freedom and their willingness to defend it. And I believe we cannot, we must not, and we will not, lose our country to those who seek to destroy it.
The first step in reclaiming America and routing the liberal extremists back to their dark holes begins when President Trump takes office.
What happens when Trump picks Carson as his VP?
Philly Mike: "Donald Trump has given me back the hope that I was losing in our fellow White Americans. I never gave up hope on the Chinese...or Koreans...or Indians...."
Those three groups you listed haven't given up hope on Whites either, because they never gave a shit about us in the first place. Don't waste a minute of your time thinking (or hoping, whatever that means) about them. If the SHTF, those Asians aren't going to hunker down and fight side-by-side with you; they're going to scavenge what they can, before ultimately scampering off back to where they came from.
Is it just me or am I the only one who wants to see all he'll unleashed on these 'protesters'? I want to see the police have their hands untied and start cracking some fuckin heads. Then and only then will all these ' protesters ' be stopped. While we watch reruns of Ferguson,Baltimore,and Chicago they plan their next 'protests'. Trump is just the latest target of the left's ultimate goal of destroying the country as we know it.
I'm excited about Trump!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Philly Mike: "Donald Trump has given me back the hope that I was losing in our fellow White Americans. I never gave up hope on the Chinese...or Koreans...or Indians...."
Those three groups you listed haven't given up hope on Whites either, because they never gave a shit about us in the first place. Don't waste a minute of your time thinking (or hoping, whatever that means) about them. If the SHTF, those Asians aren't going to hunker down and fight side-by-side with you; they're going to scavenge what they can, before ultimately scampering off back to where they came from.
Hi Anonymous....
I guess that where I was going with that statement is....should our people ultimately self destruct (which I doubt), the torch of civilization would be carried on by the Chinese, Koreans, and Indians. Of course, it would be very different from European civilization...but it would be an enlightened civilization nonetheless. In other words...I saw hope that the world would not spiral downward into a dark age spanning hundreds of thousands of years of black tribalism and sub-human intelligence.
I have been thinking about music and race lately.
Some people - probably many here - think blacks are good musically. Not me. I'll tell you why.
Somehow a pop tune from my childhood has been running through my head. "I Love Those Dear Hearts and Gentle People". That's from the early fifties. It was sung by all the pop singers of the day. It's not likely to be reissued as a Hip Hop song. If you listen to the lyrics it's pretty clear that the people being praised are white people. The MSM would probably declare it a hate song.
I happen to only listen to classical music mainly opera. There is a change happening that even most opera fans have overlooked. Most of the best opera singers these days are East Asians. The best tenors are Korean. The best high baritone alive is Chinese. This is new. The regular opera audiences haven't discovered them yet. Only those who frequent YouTube know.
I started to listen to modern Chinese Art Song. It is very beautiful and rich. Of course I haven't a clue as to what the words mean but the music itself is very impressive. I don't think there has ever been a black composer who has ever written anything as good.
There are several black serious singers but not very many. For example there has never been a really good big voiced negro tenor. There has never been a black Mario Lanza. That's odd. Every major tenor including Domingo, Carreras and Pavarotti was influenced by Lanza - but not any blacks apparently. In serious dance there also have never been any blacks. I don't much like ballet but I have seen Nureyev and Bujones live. There has never been a black dancer on that level as far as I know.
Liberals like to pretend they like jazz and that it is musically important. OK, whistle me a couple Duke Ellington tunes. Yet millions of Americans and Europeans can whistle lots of Mozart pieces. And Mozart has been gone a long time now.
The major outlet for orchestral music in modern times is movie music. You probably have never gone to the local symphony hall to hear a new full orchestra composition. But you have heard the compositions by Bernard Herrman if you have ever seen a Hitchcock film. Or Elmer Bernstein (The Magnificent Seven) or Basile Poledouris (Conan the Barbarian). All these were great composers and all of them were Jews. Jews made little impression on concert music or opera in the nineteenth century but they have now come into their own. They are now as important to big orchestral movie music as they have long been to short form Tin Pan Alley tunes.
Blacks are seldom to be seen anywhere in music except in Rap and Hip Hop. Many hardly consider this music at all. It looks as if the next wave of music for adults will be coming from the East.
If you do some research on YouTube you will discover that in the fifties and sixties there were a lot of European musicians who performed to huge crowds in Japan. The Orientals like serious European music. They seem to have absorbed it and learned how to write music that Westerners find easy on the ear. I don't care for traditional Japanese or Chinese music. I hate the musical sequences in those old Kurosawa Samurai movies. The reason most people prefer 'The Magnificent Seven' to 'Seven Samurai' is the wonderful 'Cowboy Music' in the American remake. Well the Japanese seemed to have also figured that out.
oogabooga said...What happens when Trump picks Carson as his VP?
No. Perhaps Surgeon General would work?
Trump's VP pick will be important:
1) Trump will enter office at 70yo.
2) This might be an ego thing, so because of that (and being 70yo!), it is not unthinkable that he might do one term and bag it.
3) The way things are going right now, he might be at a higher risk for being bumped off in office.
Of course, it is always nice to have a VP who could be set up as an electable successor....
I am furious at the thought that if I dared to put a Trump bumper sticker on my car, it would likely be vandalized. I believe it would also put me in danger. I never would have believed that the day would come when I would have to be afraid to publicly declare my support for the candidate of my choice. In America. It is deeply disturbing.
NJ Woman
P.S. I will not be stopped from declaring my support in conversation, however. Dinner companions this weekend ridiculed Trump - I smiled and said I'm voting for him. No blacks in restaurant, so not fearful.
And in positive news...
Everyday, I count my blessings that I am a RACIST.
This is the 1st website I go to and usually the last I check before I turn off the computer.
We, here, are something special. We are the "thinkers", the "free thinkers of the 1800'", the original "Illuminati of the 1700's". We are not afraid to THINK, discuss, and search for the Truth.
Imagine. We walk in the steps of Galileo, Da Vinci, Copernicus, Kepler, The Greeks Teachers, etc. Those who came before us and had to hide their knowledge and their intelligence as we do today...........it is the price you pay to "THINK".
Sure, we are hated, but I would have it no other way.
Liberals like to pretend they like jazz and that it is musically important.
This is so true.
Practically every school has a jazz band. Why? How many liberals actually listen to jazz when in the car? Sure they will go to a jazz festival and own a few cds but they are listening to something else 99% of the time.
I find these 30 piece lilly white jazz bands to be such a joke. It's not as challenging for the kids as classical and it's not entertaining the parents either. Why not have bluegrass? Blacks no longer care about jazz and yet it remains popular with liberals as a way to patronize Blacks.
I remember a jazz festival in college. Not one Black person in the audience. I've only seen Black people playing jazz at bars. I'm sure they get good tips from guilt ridden liberals.
May God Bless and guide Donald Trump.
The attacks upon him from the left and the right are proof beyond doubt that they are terrified of him; not because he would plunge the country into chaos (a notion which I completely reject) but because no one owns him, and he really will stand up for us and for American values. That he will shake up the establishment and expose the mountains of hypocrisy our gvt has buried us under. The gvt is the one dividing us, not ourselves. Please God, guide him and protect him. Mr. Trump, do not fail us.
Anyone watch First 48 the other night? Where the Mexican lawn mower was taken hostage and then burned alive because he didn't give them the right PIN?
Kidnapping and murder of a MEXICAN LAWN MOWER. The guy had a family and was lured into the house by a shark.
What's funny about liberals is that they think more Mexicans are the answer to America's racial problems. In their minds the fewer Whites the better since Whites are the ultimate cause of all racial inequality.
Here in reality Mexicans do not like Blacks and don't understand why White people put up with them. Mexico is NOT PC. In fact they put their own Black Sambo on a stamp
Meanwhile in the Bronx...
Jazz is a way for liberals to affirm their political identity and patronize Blacks as a group activity.
One of them will put on jazz at the office and then ask "Does anyone mind if I put on Jazz?"
Correct answer:
OOOOhhh I really like jazz.
Even better answer:
I like jazz. A lot of people don't realize how much modern music actually borrows from jazz (IE Black people invented modern music).
Wrong answer:
I can't say I really like jazz. It's just not my thing
Even worse answer:
To be honest I only listen to (country or classical).
I live and work in Chicago.
Why? Just curious.
This is kind of off topic but something that I've been thinking about for a while.
Part of Trump's appeal is that he talks seriously about illegal immigration and what to do about it (other than rolling over and surrendering). He says he wants to build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it. Fine by me. Perfectly possible. One hundred and fifty years ago the USA built a transcontinental railroad with picks and shovels and sledge hammers to drive in the spikes. Fifty years ago we went to the Moon using slide rules, computers the size of semi trucks and on a rocket that burned kerosene. We can build any kind of wall we need. He wants to deport the illegals but the enemy contends that it is just impossible to actually, physically identify, collect and remove the illegals from American soil. My opinion is that it is possible to remove the illegals and that it can be done by "encouraging" the illegals to remove themselves. Here's the idea:
In the English Common Law and in the traditional laws and customs of European countries there was the concept of the "outlaw". In this case, the term "outlaw" doesn't just mean someone who has broken some law ... such as robbery or assault. It means that someone who had been declared to be an outlaw (by a "writ of outlawry") was no longer entitled to the protection of the society's laws. The outlaw's existenance was outside of civilized society and was considered to be no different than that of a wild and dangerous animal. Any person who was an outlaw could be hunted and captured anwhere at anytime by any citizens using whatever means necessary (including lethal force) and without any negative consequences for the citizens. Any citizen who aided an outlaw in evading capture was automatically deemed to be an outlaw also. Anyone whose absolutely first act on entering this country is to willfully violate its laws should have no claim to protection by those laws. So, if this concept can be revived in some modified form (such as retaining due process for anyone aiding an outlaw) and combined with the citizens' Second Amendment rights, an auto-emmigration stampede aught to be the result.
While I'm at it: in England there used to be what were called "Marcher Lords". The marches were territories that bordered on areas that were wild, semi-civilized and dangerous (like Wales and Scotland). The Marcher Lord was authorized by the King to enforce a very swift, strict and rough justice in his area in order to preserve the King's Peace. What if we had something similar in places like Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, etc.? There could be right next to the court house a universal dindu family tree with one branch that sticks out horizontally and bears fruit constantly summer and winter.
The Chicago incident reminds me of the German Brown Shirts, who disrupted Hitler's opponent meetings. Likewise the Black Li(v)es Movement and the Move on Movement disrupts Donald Trump's campaign stops. This should motivate many here to vote for Trump.
If Trump chooses Dr. Ben Carson as his running mate, he will get the christian votes and some black votes. This will increases his chances to become president. I don't think he will choose Dr. Ben Carson as a running mate, he kept emphasizing Dr. Carson's interest in education. He most likely will choose a woman as his running mate as a checkmate to Hillary Clinton.
Willie from Naperville
"All these were great composers and all of them were Jews. Jews made little impression on concert music or opera in the nineteenth century but they have now come into their own."
I suspect that despite their best efforts to pretend otherwise, they are White Europeans at heart.
Philly Mike: "I guess that where I was going with that statement is....should our people ultimately self destruct (which I doubt), the torch of civilization would be carried on by the Chinese, Koreans, and Indians. Of course, it would be very different from European civilization...but it would be an enlightened civilization nonetheless."
Hi to you, too. If we and our posterity do not carry civilization into the future, then it makes no difference to me what the world looks like. A thriving future renaissance world, inspired by the greatest White philosophers in history, is one I will not be smiling down on from Heaven, if our people are not prominently involved or benefitting from it. I'll go look at the stars or something.
As for the Asian capcity for civilization, look at what they've produced already. The Indians and Chinese have outrageous disparity between the elite and lower classes, and both are grossly overpopulated and polluting their native habitats. Half of Korea is threatening to blow up the other half, which btw, has its own problems. Why are so many of their children available for adoption by outsiders? I've also heard of signs posted in the South, pleading with its people to stop pissing in the streets because "we are trying to become a civilized nation." If you haven't figured out where to piss yet, then... Good Ruck.
Awesome. The VP has almost no power and almost no influence on things beyond making public appearances. If Carson is VP then we will grab a bunch of the black vote we desperately need and owe those voters nothing because the VP isn't much more than a paperweight in the whitehouse.
The Killa Ward gang and their rival gang the Coma Division are hunting each other down in Chicago. It has been making the news since children, mothers and grandmas of gang members are included in the shooting.
To save the children and grandmas, the rival gang members could be put in one of those empty buildings in Detroit, fully armed, until nobody comes out. Everyone could wear Go-Pros and the building could be cameraed-up like Hunger Games. With the television proceeds, every mama, 32-year old grandma, and gang-banger child could be offered a cut of the money in return for a voluntary sterilization.
"The Chicago incident reminds me of the German Brown Shirts, who disrupted Hitler's opponent meetings. Likewise the Black Li(v)es Movement and the Move on Movement disrupts Donald Trump's campaign stops. This should motivate many here to vote for Trump."
Much more recently, Eric Honecker famously sent East German protesters to "protest" at capitalist-pig west German political events for years.
I love your stuff ex-New Yorker.
Regarding "Repeat....IGNORE THE AGITATORS." Remember the Moonies who used to bother people at the airports? One tactic to get Moonies to leave you alone was to surround them with clickers. That is, if anyone saw a Moonie bothering a hapless airport traveler, everyone nearby would surround the Moonie and click. I thought that was cool. You couldn't hear what the Moonie was saying over the clicking but you, yourself, were not cursing. And the clicking sound was telling the Moonie you didn't want to hear them.
If they bring a bullhorn, amplify your clicker with a bullhorn (and bring earplugs!). If they move away, heard them toward the exit.
"Our future was always supposed to be about creating a world for our posterity, one where they could flourish; not as slaves to subsidizing racial aliens' proliferation in our nation, and watching as the cities/communities our ancestors built crumble under the weight of racial truths we can't even say aloud. ".
Profound truth in a nutshell. Thanks.
On CNN today, Trump was being criticized for using "rhetoric" and "language that incites" by the commenters, who accused him of being irresponsible. And yet the people who organized the riots, protests, and marches of the last year said and did things that incited much violence, yet no one suggested they control their "rhetoric". All I can think of is the man in his 70's who punched a "protester". Sad to think it had to be a 70 year old who finally stood up for white Americans and their rights, but this may be the "punch heard round the world". And of course Trump was criticized for offering to pay the mans legal fees.
This is getting very interesting.
Pat Boyle, interesting observations about music above. I watched the show "Little Big Shots" with Steve Harvey, last night, featuring young children under 6 playing classical piano, performing martial arts, etc. All of the kids were Asian or white- except one black boy whose genius was directing a gospel choir. The only reason hip hop and rap is popular is because stupid young white people buy into it. When a young girl in my family turned 14, I gave her money for her birthday. She asked me to take her to the store to spend it. She grabbed up a rap cd- and I calmly explained that if she wanted to take my hard earned money and spend it on music that referred to her as a "bitch" or a "ho"- that was her choice, but not a good choice. She bought something else. I will be ecstatic when todays young people "time out" of buying this rap crap, and the next generation turns to Eastern music or whatever it will be. It will be amusing to watch all the rap "musicians" and hip hop "artists" go broke and the music die out, and how quickly the non buying public will be accused of "racism" for not buying that crap any longer.
Can't come soon enough....
L in Atl hell
and Ex New Yorker said- "The best thing to do is IGNORE THEM. There is nothing that bothers an agitator more than being ignored. It will ruin their day. THEY HATE TO BE IGNORED."
Let me say, from living currently in a mostly black environment, he is totally correct. There is NOTHING blacks hate worse than to be ignored. I go out of my way to avoid them- if it means going down another aisle when one is blocking the one I want to go down- so be it- I need the exercise. Otherwise, they will ignore you the first 10 times you say "excuse me" and maybe move the 11th time, with attitude. But totally ignoring them just blows their minds. They have become so used to being catered to, given attention to, given freebies and extra concern, that if you do treat them "equally" and ignore them and keep on steppin', it rocks their little world. And saves YOU a lot of aggravation.
L in Atl hell
Sorry, one more thing. A Z Ray said ". I was for a while starting to think, "it's all over" the white race has given up. It's lost it's will to survive. I knew, deep down, that old spirit, that fight was still there. It was just so deeply buried that it had seemingly, no release valve?. "
Don't give up on us just yet. And keep this song in mind as sort of our battle cry of sorts- listen closely to the lyrics- reminds us of our forefathers who were warriors...
L in Atl hell
Trump is going to address AIPAC in a few weeks. That should be interesting. How can AIPAC invite Trump if Trump hasn't repudiate Zdavid Duke' "endorsement"?
Even if Trump drops out, gets denied the nomination or doesn't win the election, the GOP will never be the same. Trump has lanced the boil and everyone has see the nasty puss contained within. Even the Freepers have woken up - Cruz, Limbaugh, Levin, etc. - all conservative icons are now roundly dismissed as cucks and traitors.
The GOP will implode and take the Democrats with them.
It's a task to get folks stepping right. I have quite a few enlightened and ballsy neighbors. Ready to step, "Where's your Trump t shirt?" My neighbor asked me, I told him I was cerakoting my .45 in Trump white and blue. He gave me a pass.
If a group of humans went to a black lives matter rally with the intention of shutting it down similar to what the scum pull at Trump rallies.
The humans would all be arrested and charged with trespassing ,inciting a riot ,I ntimidation,, breach of peace and possibly a hate crime as well as their photos ,names employer,and town or city in which they reside on every liberal media outlet.
I'm not much of a religious man ,but I pray often that Mr Trump become our next President and lives to serve the two pull terms.
I hope you do the same.
Most of the music, literature or visual art I've seen by TWMNBN is avant garde trash. Their humor inevitably involves the crude, the vulgar or some reference to body parts or functions. There are some rare exceptions.
This doesn't even include their involvement in porn.
Can someone explain to me why blacks are all riled up about Trump?
The guy has never said one negative thing about blacks as far as im concerned. I mean i know the reason why..Rich, powerful, confident, alpha white male who says what's on his mind.
Why do they hate him?
Say what you will, but the very name of "Trump" is now synonymous with the word "freedom."
Looks like Trump has gained that honor.
Funny thing is, if the GOP as a whole would stand up for what Trump has stood up for, it would become a near-permanent majority party.
Can someone explain to me why blacks are all riled up about Trump?
Possibly the results of "activists" conducting agitation in black ranks.
Or perhaps blacks have an instinct for understanding that Trump is YT's Big Man and that if he wins, the gravy train is over for Africans in America.
Can it get any lower than this?
I'm shocked our local rag printed the race of the Perp. Nomesayin?
I give it a better than fair chance that an attempt is made on Trumps life before the election. We`re still a ways out and look how crazy shits getting.
The left is running out of arguments. Every time they send protesters, it`s just gas on a fire. Trump has YT fired up and the left is getting desperate. And desperate people do crazy things...
Stay alert, stay alive.
Anonymous said ”. . . Wrong answer:
I can't say I really like jazz. It's just not my thing
Even worse answer:
To be honest I only listen to (country or classical).”
And then there is the worst answer:
Jazz makes me want to puke.
Practically every school has a jazz band. Why? How many liberals actually listen to jazz when in the car? Sure they will go to a jazz festival and own a few cds but they are listening to something else 99% of the time.
One of my local stations plays mostly jazz during the day. About a third of my music listening is to it. I especially flip over when the country station starts playing disco or rap; country is supposed to be a refuge from that crap.
It's not as challenging for the kids as classical and it's not entertaining the parents either. Why not have bluegrass? Blacks no longer care about jazz
I find jazz more listenable than classical, and the fact that Blacks no longer care about it is a plus. Maybe it doesn't repel the "yoots" as well as baroque, but you could use it as mall music and the leftards couldn't say a word.
Bluegrass... ugh. Boring music and lyrics about things like murder. To get interesting you have to go into the jazz/rock influences like Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.
I remember a jazz festival in college. Not one Black person in the audience.
Isn't it great? Virtue signalling, decent music (Dave Brubeck... man, what a guy) and a dindu-free environment. What's not to like?
While re-watching The Return of the King for the umpteenth time this evening, I was inspired to make this campaign poster.
I like it. :) I too am a die hard Lord of The Rings nerd. I've seen the movie countless times and I've watched the behind the scenes footage on the extended edition DVDs and something struck me after I became race conscious. I looked at the ENORMOUS amount of work and genius that went into making that film and I realized there is no way in hell you would ever find a group of blacks who could do that. NEVER. Even if you pulled from the top of the talented tenth and found those that were on the high end of the bell curve they still could not create what that team of white artists did.
It was two white men, Alan Lee and John Howe, who practically single-handedly designed the look of all of the kingdoms and towns. Richard Taylor who runs Weta Workshop is a legit genius. Him and his team designed ALL of the weapons, costumes, and miniatures for the movies.
It's just nice to keep in mind what white people can accomplish when we really put our minds to it. It's why we created the greatest country in the world, a place so amazing that everyone else wanted to come here because of it. That's why it makes me sick that many of the baby boomers were brainwashed by YKW into handing it over to non-whites. The baby boomers in turn programmed their children, Generation X (my generation) into accepting complete libtard ideology.
When I was a teenager in the 90's, I thought being "racist" was the worst thing ever. I have since seen the light and I feel no shame whatsoever in being proud of my heritage and culture. I also don't feel bad about having the perception to notice the reality of the collective stupidity, violence, and utter uselessness of the dindu tribe. There is no denying what happens when you let dindus run amok and third world Mexicans to flood into the country and live off our dime for the rest of our lives. Just look around. White people can't go anywhere anymore without the threat of a dindu chimping out and attacking them.
Donald Trump has given white Americans hope, a voice that says, Enough already! No more degeneracy. No more handouts. No more whining and playing the race card. We need to go back to the days when your average white American could easily afford a home and raise kids in a nice, safe environment.
I know this is a long-winded post, I'm not usually such a Chatty Cathy but I'm just excited about how many people are waking up and saying, enough of this. The tide is turning! :)
"Funny thing is, if the GOP as a whole would stand up for what Trump has stood up for, it would become a near-permanent majority party."
Last time a strong white man and his party stood up for whites and the European genome and civilization, it ended up with the firebombing of Dresden and Hamburg and the rape of Berlin.
Don't you realize that the GOP is putting everyone on notice that it, like its Gen. Eisenhower 70 years ago, does the will of the Allies--i.e., EU and global banksters? Not, NOT, those of us with nearly 400 years of roots in the US republic.
"Wrong answer:
I can't say I really like jazz. It's just not my thing "
My answer:
"Yeah, I mind. I detest jazz. It sounds like a bunch of stoned big city blacks noodling on instruments they don't fully understand till it's time to get a paycheck and go get some p***y and downlow and heroin and hash in the back room. I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard."
You've made an excellent point. I have no doubt that the owner of a car with a trump bumper sticker would return to his vehicle to find all his windows broken or worse yet some lowlife Scum waiting for his return. We need to start standing up to the bullying done to us on the right. Let's let the sleeping giant awaken from his slumber and make the left shit their pants. We have the power to stop this now. What are we waiting for !?
The Blacks have been organized by Obama and funded by George Soros. Soros, a teenager during WW II, hunted Jews for the Nazis.
Obama meets with the thugs of Black Lives Matter monthly, sometimes weekly. They plan their protests (more like riots). They are never arrested, and the media, on Obama's side, spins the narrative to be negative against Trump.
Soros funds several non profit groups which cause social chaos and political turmoil. He funds the No Borders in Europe. He owns the majority of buildings and hotels that house the Muslim invaders. Soros is behind the Muslim invasion, behind Obama not calling tertorists what they are, behind the attacks on Trump along with all the other elites and politicians and oligarchs who control the government. Soros is evil and wants to control the whole world like Hitler try to do. Soros may succeed. Too many people do not know about Soros, do not know the evil intentions of the filthy rich.
Big cubs fan !
Here is another story about how the 60's were controlled. I keep saying this is stuff I wasn't going to write about....but fuck it. About 65/66 there were posters on the Lower East Side about "joining the revolution" and gave a date and location where the hippies could show up so you could hear the good news. My girlfriend and I go to this small movie theater with about 30 to 40 rows of seats. We walk in and stayed at the back without sitting down. On the movie screen was black and white film footage of the Height Ashbury riots. ALL THE FOOTAGE WAS SHOT FROM BEHIND THE POLICE LINE. It was all police footage and it showed the hippies ranting and raving in the streets for some reason which was never made clear. Not one bit of the film was shot from the hippies point of view. I was a photographer and know about camera angles.
After the film three guys were on stage talking about the revolution and "changing the world" bullshit. These guys had sweat bands around their heads but no long hair or beards and were in their little hippie outfits. I saw through the bullshit instantly. They were cops or feds. Some of the hippies were yelling "Power to the people. The streets belong to the people."
They asked for questions from the crowd. I asked where they got the POLICE FILM FOOTAGE. The gave some two bit answer and I asked how they were able to sneak into the San Francisco Police Department and steal the film. One of the cops jabbed his elbow into the guy standing next to him and pointed in my direction. As the cop started up the aisle after us we took off out the door and never looked back.
The whole COUNTER CULTURE hippie thing was controlled by outside forces. It was all a scam and everybody bought into it. The media was also part of the program.
There was this asshole from New York who came to hang out on the BEAT SCENE in Frisco in 1962. The Frisco beats didn't like most of the NY creeps and stayed away from the guy. He was pure shit and in 1964 got busted selling drugs to the feds. He got a long prison term in Chino. A year or so later I run into this scum bag in Washington Square Park. He told me the cops let him out so he could open and operate a HIPPIE FREE STORE. The free store in NY was run by Catholic Charities. It was were the hippies could hang out and string beads. All the phones were tapped. This was the same church who operated the "home for run away boys" that the PEDOPHILE Father Ritter ran.
Nothing is what it seems. It is all a facade. A stage show for the geeks and believers in the lie. What your seeing now with the Trump rioters is the same game with a different name. There is some big money paying for RENT A CROWDS. This time I don't think the people are buying into the bullshit like in the old days. Maybe the tipping point has finally been reached.
It's weird that ad agencies are able to sell the clients on negro worship, even if the product is inappropriate for that demographic.
I read today that Louis Vinton is making Will Smith's androgynous son Jaden the centerpiece of its Spring luggage line....WTF? Perhaps the new bag will resemble an oversized condom with a strap and lipstick prints.
This statement you made sir:
"For any of you younger folks on this site I want you to know that the 60's was not about PEACE AND LOVE. It was a fucking bloodbath. Don't believe any thing you may have read or seen on TV. Those peace and love hippies were beaten, robbed, bloodied, raped and butchered by blacks. Those stupid hippies believed all that love bullshit while being preyed on by animals. Thousands died from violence and drug overdoses. The media was promoting drug use along with the hippie life style. In the late 60's thousands of young kids ran away from home so they could "wear flowers in their hair." All across America many parents never saw their kids again because they ended up in fucking body bags in Los Angeles, Frisco or New York. It was all a con job. I know. I was there and saw it happen."
I am one of those younger folks. Can you please elaborate upon this if you can? I wonder often 'what happened to all those 60s-70s hippie people?' Nobody ever gets into that, there were no big follow up documentaries. One site I read once said that many kids innocently went to Frisco and got into weird devil cults, were taken advantage of, killed, etc. In the Zebra book by Howard, I think some of the victims were wayward, lost hippies. No one ever talks about them as a lost generation, they only show the "peace and love" beginnings!
And so I ask you sir, if you know anything about this topic, your elaboration will be appreciated more than you could ever know.
Trump did disavow the "KKK" endorsement, including live on The Savage Nation last week. Duke also denied endorsing Trump. And I see in my news feed today some KKK leader has decided to endorse Hillary instead. Media silence.
Anon said
I'm not much of a religious man ,but I pray often that Mr Trump become our next President and lives to serve the two pull terms.
I'm not religious myself, but this attitude intrigues me, and with Paul's indulgence I'd like to explore it. Several people have said something similar. Would anyone care to enlighten me?
It seems to me, if you're praying for Trump to be president, you're assuming certain things would follow. But you can't know how that would work out. We all hope for the best, but none of us knows if Trump is the best man, or if his presidency would be the best for us all in the long term. None of us even has the perspective to see the big picture.
Now, you're praying to a Being who you believe has that eternal perspective, who knows Donald Trump intimately, and who sees the future, and you're telling Him what he should do? - who should win an election? Wouldn't it make more sense to pray for guidance for ourselves and the electorate?
Sorry if that sounds preachy. I'm not a great believer in prayer, but I do understand about atheists in foxholes. Jesus said to pray "Thy will be done" (which is pretty much what I said above), but that's like saying "Please do what you please", which seems kind of pointless. But praying for what you want could have unforeseen consequences. So, why do you do it? Just curious.
Our country is on the verge of a monumental swing to the Right. It is occurring in Europe at this minute. The Far right Nationalist Party in Germany scored a tremendous vic. that momentum will sweep across the continent, cross the Atlantic, and place Trump as the president. Not only will we hold the top office, we will win big in local. state. and other federal offices. The time of the groid and other non-white parasites is coming to an end.
Wayne and his wife.
Anon said: "Sorry, one more thing. A Z Ray said ". I was for a while starting to think, "it's all over" the white race has given up. It's lost it's will to survive. I knew, deep down, that old spirit, that fight was still there. It was just so deeply buried that it had seemingly, no release valve?. "
Don't give up on us just yet. And keep this song in mind as sort of our battle cry of sorts- listen closely to the lyrics- reminds us of our forefathers who were warriors..."
L in Atl hell
Oh, I KNEW that fight was in there somewhere. I was concerned that it was so deeply buried that our "awakening" would come to late to make a difference..
Our people have overcome countless, implacable obstacles. Eons of ice ages. Plagues. Black deaths. Invasions. We've always bounced back. We are, for better or worse, fated to live in such times. If we could come together as a people & unite as one, the things we could achieve would be.... UNIMAGINABLE!. I KNOW what our people are capable of. We have towered above all in all human endevours..
The future does not belong to pitiful beta types that adore Sanders or Clinton. Or treasonous cucks like Limbaugh or Medved (I know, tribe). The future belongs to the bold.. My deepest hope is that WE are the bold that will seize that future..
"Trump is going to address AIPAC in a few weeks."
Why can't he tell AIPAC to go Cheney themselves, as he is seeking to represent the American people, not the Jewish Lobby and their endless sedition against all of our countries.
This is Trump's "real deal or not" moment.
On the off chance that any of you reading this would vote for Hillary and not Trump, read this:
That POS as VP would mean guaranteed descent into becoming Brazil - with all it's mystery meat subhumans, violence and corruption.
Stop these insane America-hating freaks!!
Here we go again!!
Filthy little orc nog named TRAVON was just shot dead for committing a crime in Florida!! That's right, TRAVON!
Was it the Zim-Zam man doing the honors? Nope, most likely an orc sow considering the location.
And, of course, since it's nig on nig violence, this won't make the MSM.
Oh well..
To the American communist, blacks, hispanics, hipsters, SJWs, POC, and left wingers, I know that is a lot of repetition, Donald Trump represents White people and they and the lying press and media aim to take him down, just like they aim to take down White people to our deaths.
Mr Trump is getting what we Whites have been getting for years now. Will he be able to withstand it? That's the question.
So, you've just come back from voting Trump today, right?
If not, and you have the chance, please go out and do it.
If you need a little something extra to inspire you, go to youtube and find the "viral" video of President obongo letting some mystery-meat latino hybrid "rap" in front of the White House. It's utterly disgusting; this country is gone. (freak is the guy who wrote the show 'Hamilton' on broadway; a slap in the face of our founding fathers.)
We must GET RID of obongo and his ilk. No Hillary or Bernie.
Get Trump in there before the black and brown undertow starts washing you away...
Trump, or die...
just got back from voting from the Donald.
Also, I supported my incumbents in NC --- they've kept NC free of sanctuary cities, prevented taking in refugees, fought Section 8 relocation and not coddled the dindus. The GOP and Conservative, Inc. has failed a lot of people, but they are still fighting for us in the Tar Heel State!
- Jefferson
Trump's revolution should be smart and simple.
Throw out EVERY illegal in America.
Enforce all EXISTING gun laws. Sweep the 'hoods and frisk and search. Illegal gun? Off to jail for a loooong time. Enforce all laws strictly. Eliminate gangs completely. All in jail or penal colony. Zero tolerance.
Just those simple changes and we'll see HUGE differences; enormous improvements to our quality of life.
Just do it.
@ Centurion - "We, here, are something special. We are the 'thinkers', the 'free thinkers of the 1800', the original 'Illuminati of the 1700's'. We are not afraid to THINK, discuss, and search for the Truth.
"Imagine. We walk in the steps of Galileo, Da Vinci, Copernicus, Kepler, The Greeks Teachers, etc. Those who came before us and had to hide their knowledge and their intelligence as we do today...........it is the price you pay to 'THINK'.
"Sure, we are hated, but I would have it no other way."
So true. I think what drives a lot of our enemies into a frenzy of violence is hate that is driven by envy. The genetic garbage realizes, at some level, that they will never sculpt like Michelangelo. They will never paint like Rembrandt. They will never write music like Mozart. They will never invent flight like the Wright brother.
They know it. And it makes them absolutely furious.
There isn't a person here that can play any music. Yet, let's make fun of jazz. Most country music heroes could not play the first note of most jazz tunes or standards, let alone improvise on chord changes. The popular music has a few chords. How do you get a rock guitar player to turn down? Stick a melody and chord chart in front of them! Hahaha!
When we get some hotshot drummer or bassist at a jam session, we call tunes at 350 bpm or faster. The rock and hip crap guys can't even start! They THOUGHT they could play.
I love jazz. I play it well. Black or White, I'll school you!
It appears that most posters here sees Donald Trump as the great White Hope! Remember that if Trump is elected, he would face an opposing congress that are both Republicans and Democrats. We would have to vote in people who have the same mindset as Trump, possibly a new group of candidates to see a new change.
Peter Schiff gave a good analysis of Donald Trump's possibility to change the economic landscape here in America.
There are Blacks who are voting for Trump, including myself. People here are seeing the Black Li(v)es Matter idiots and think they represent all blacks. This is so far from the truth, Black people I talked to will vote for Trump, who are the black conservatives. We are the silent minority who have the same values as YTs.
Willie from Naperville
One of the angles that libs and neocons are trying now is to claim that Trump needs to take an "unprecedented" 70% of the white male vote to win.
This is of course holding all of their other assumptions about how people plan to vote constant as if Trump himself isn't as "unprecedented" as you can get. There is no need to gripe over the details- Trump will get the votes. He knows that he is off the cuff, interesting and inspirational, the other guys- not so much. Everyone is SO sick of canned-talking point speeches without specifics. Having to baby the biggest bullies around us has turned into PC-overload and Trump is the only candidate that spells relief.
I just hope the guy isn't afraid to accept support for his election- one of the tactics of his desperate rivals is to bleed him dry just like the Jihadists have bled us dry in Afghan, Iraq, Libya, Syria...
I hope he can put out a unifying vision that is basically a bunch of common sense approaches to making us strong again. The wall withstanding, if there is some way that Trump can put a bunch of people to work in a meaningful way in which they could contribute to society I'm sure everyone would be much happier. If Trump can make some deals to put that extra muscle to work he could show the Dems how real jobs are actually made. I know not to put too much faith in one man, but Trump offers so much inspiration and leadership now it's hard not to get excited about recent events.
One valuable thing that Trump and his people need to think about is this-
What are people willing to do for free.
There are tons of ways to support Trump and to make him look even stronger that don't cost any of us on the ground a dime, other than our time. If he can make his followers feel supported I'm sure they could come up with countless new ways to make him even more electable.
Trump is grassroots on the "right" and the liberal cabal doesn't understand it. Blacks are always good. You must not speak ill of blacks. Blacks are always the victim. You are evil for being white, doubly so if male.
Break your PC chains and take a realist perspective. Don't be afraid. The threat against free speech in Chicago should be a rallying cry for Trump supporters. Liberal rags across the internet have disbanded their comment sections because the truth just doesn't jive with them anymore. Blacks have gotten loose, it's gotten ugly, and everyone has seen it all with their very own eyes.
We need a president with a spine. We need a president that inspires. We need a president who is a leader.
Trump 2016
And now the 'divider'n chief' is addressing the nation on how Trump is responsible for these Marxist scumbags causing trouble. It's appalling that they're letting him get away with this presidential campaign meddling. When Trump finally wins the Republican nomination, don't be surprised if this goof cancels this year's election, that will result in an all out civil war. Scary times ahead of us.
How do you get a rock guitar player to turn down?
Does this include the guitarists from the likes of Metallica and Iron Maiden who get their chord changes from classical music?
Sorry to offend anyone but jazz has always made me think of an epileptic falling down a flight of stairs while clawing at the strings of a guitar during a seizure.
And I see in my news feed today some KKK leader has decided to endorse Hillary instead. Media silence.
The Democrats have always been the party of the KKK.
Anon 12:00 PM
Music for people who cannot play music.
Unashamedly stolen from another site.
Hello! I would like to comment to NJ Woman and Sick and Tired: I purchased a set of 2 magnetic bumper stickers for $5.99. These can be put on and taken off. It doesn't completely eliminate the potential for trouble, but it was the best I could do.
To SC Girl: Especially LOVED your post today. I am one of the brainwashed baby boomers you refer to, born in '55. I woke up and I am far from being the only one. But many of my fellow boomers were never really asleep. I came of age (14) in '69 and the peace and love stuff Ex-New Yorker refers to was wearing thin by then. I knew quite a few long-haired hippie types who were always armed and openly disdained blacks who they referred to as "spooks". What really excites me is how many Gen Xs, Ys and Millennials are awake! Generally it seems to me the most aware ones are the ones that grew up seeing the black community in all it's glory. I was protected from that by being raised in the suburbs or I think my awareness would have come sooner.
Thank you for your outstanding post! BTW, I received a Chatty Cathy for my 5th birthday. She had dark brown hair and freckles and her cord broke before she was a year old. I've always had this feeling that my parents may have filed away at that cord to make it wear down faster. You can only listen to "Let's play house!", "Please change my dress" etc., so many times!
Well, this is it, guys, another Super Tuesday! I am excited and hopeful. My goal is to try and get my husband to jump the dem plantation in the general and I believe it may be attainable since the enemy seems to be co-operating as they did in Chicago. That really got my husband's attention. As they say in the Greek wedding movie: The man may be the head of the household but the woman is the neck and she can turn that head any direction she wants! Now thanks to one of you directing me to that Clusterfuck Nation piece, I am working on my sister, too.
No matter what happens in the general, I will never, never give up trying to direct friends and family to information that can make them SEE.
Bright blessings to all!
The 60's. One of my best friends on the Frisco and New York beat scene became an undercover informant. Me and this guy spent years beating the shit out of jigs and drunk rednecks. He was an ex-paratrooper. Half the of the old beats from the early 60's were ex-military and were not into the peace bullshit.
Years later I found out my best friend was setting people up for two bit drug bust. I won't go into details but it kind of blew my mind. I've already told stories about shit me and him went through. In the early 70's the blacks were ambushing and killing cops in NY. It was really getting bad. My friend came to my pad one day and laid on the table three mug shots of black guys. Each photo was the size of a baseball card. All he said was "This is the BIGGEST THING going in NY right now. Have you seen any of these guys hanging around." I pointed to the guy in the middle and said "I won't swear this in a court of law but this guy looks like a guy that moved in across the street a couple weeks ago." A couple days later I was sitting on my fire escape and saw four detectives bring the guy out in handcuffs. I never really knew for sure if my friend was DEEP COVER or just an informant. There are times when you don't ask questions.
Well my friend finally became "my informant". He kept me up with new updates on who to stay away from. Who never to call on a phone. Who not to let in my pad. He came by the pad one day with an old friend of ours who was a titty dancer in Frisco. I found out that informants had ranks like in the Army. E-2, E-3, E-4...etc. Nearly all of them were hippies that had gotten busted on some two bit drug charge. She said she was in a hippie pad and 5 out of the 7 hippies were informants. HALF THE PEOPLE I KNEW WERE WORKING FOR THE FEDS. It was fucking unreal. I lived in a world that was so insane I still can't believe I made it out alive. It was getting harder to tell the good guys from the bad guys and I reached a point where I didn't trust anyone. My circle of friends became smaller and smaller. It took a while to learn who was who. I always knew which drug dealers were working for the Feds. THEY NEVER GOT BUSTED.
Please, start your own blog and go on now, please! There are some here that have had enough stories.
The whole site seems to be 4 people now. P.K. with all his movies, ex new Y, formally miss who? And Anologdude. Screw this BS I’ve had enough!
That's awesome. One of the best films ever produced. If it was made today, the race pimps would lose their minds for not having a black in the main cast(or film in general). At least they were depicted accurately when the gates of Mordor opened.
EX New Yorker:
Stay. Don't listen to the losers who find fault with you. Any intelligent being can see your "name" up front and CHOSE (Pro-Choice) to read or not read your comment. Duh.,
It is always the liberals, equalists, "why can't we all get along", "I love everybody" who HATE us. F'm.
So, to the low class and ignorant "Anonymous" who finds fault with this site...go back to your negro community where you belong. This site if for "WHITE ONLY".
Jigaboo "music" performance in Rose Garden. Disgusting. What's next? Perhaps that gigantic negro girl and her fellow tribeswomen could repeat the nauseating performance they did at the Super Bowl (which looked like they all had to go to the bathroom). Obama is beneath contempt. The White House will need to be tented and fumigated before the next president moves in.
NJ Woman
This is a Tim-o-thy Leary story. You will not read about this anywhere else. This is when the turd head had gotten busted trying to sneak a bag of weed across the Mexican border. This was a story printed in an underground paper printed on the Lower East Side.
They were having a fund raiser for this guy at a hippie dance club called "The Dome" on St. Marks Place. Why this rich fuck needed money I could never figure out. The reporters wanted to do a private interview with him back stage and he suggested they do the interview on stage in front of the crowd. They insisted they wanted to do the interview in private because of a very personal question. Leary refused so they went on stage.
After a short talk about two bit shit they again asked if they could go back stage. There was still a personal question that they wanted to ask him in private. He insisted he had nothing to hide and they could ask him on stage in front of everybody.
Came the big question. "Is it true that when they found the bag of weed it was hidden in your daughters vagina." Leary had a friend standing there that said "Hey you guys..be cool." Leary stuttered and stammered and turned and walked off the stage. This was printed word for word from the taped interview in the paper and I later met a kid that was there.
When they got to the border he had his 16 year old daughter stick a bag of weed up her pussy. This was the great LSD guru. The spokesman and leader of the 60's. He was an idol of the hippies. The great man. The 60's was all a scam.
We have a paid shill in our midst. SBPDL has arrived.
So nobody is joining the militia you have invested your money in to fight for White Americans. There are people putting up a fight. Have you seen a Trump rally? Are you one of the 46,000 Pennsylvanians who switched political parties just to vote Trump?
Whites are JUST STARTING to push back. You have to realize how many White people there are in this country who never are directly burdened by diversity. Many of us go months, some home bodies even years seeing only White faces and CNN or Fox News. Winds are starting to shift.
Willie said ”It appears that most posters here sees Donald Trump as the great White Hope! Remember that if Trump is elected, he would face an opposing congress that are both Republicans and Democrats. . . “
Wow, what a interesting concept. The Legislative and Executive branches of the government might actually be separate. I wonder why the writers of the Constitution didn't think of that.
Dear NY er and others,
I read the 'Village Voice' long ago.
I believe it was there I read of Tim Leary, who would go to colleges w his light show, flowers and white pajamas and talk drugs and consciousness.
There he was known as a hard drinker and ass pincer.
Sorry to offend anyone but jazz has always made me think of an epileptic falling down a flight of stairs while clawing at the strings of a guitar during a seizure.
Someone thinks that bebop is all there is to jazz. It is the most African (degenerate) form, yes. But try Dave Brubeck or Artie Shaw and tell me if there's anything epileptic.
When you get to Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer jamming, you have jazz... but there's no Africa in it.
Remember that if Trump is elected, he would face an opposing congress that are both Republicans and Democrats.
Good. When Trump will sign pro-American bills, we can see who the traitors are in Congress who obstruct legislation to repair and restore the nation. And in the next election we will have dozens of Eric Cantors wondering what the hell hit them.
"the VP isn't much more than a paperweight in the whitehouse."
I would suggest that being President of the Senate is a rather powerful position. And of course being next in line of succession in the event the president resigns, dies, or is removed. We DO NOT need more black Africans in our government. If 6 Bantus were dousing you with gasoline and Uncle Ben Carson came along he'd pass them a match. Rest assured he hates YT as much as the rest of his tribe.
If Trump is even a tenth of the great white hope you folks make him out to be he would not try to bow to PC in selecting a running mate.
Are you really seeing that much change in people. I reside outside of a small all White town north of you, @20 miles north of Allentown. I notice more people talking about politics than I ever have living here and working with the public. Citizens of these small, almost 100% White towns basically have always had low opinions of non-Whites. The thing is, they never German to directly experience all the joys of diversity directly. At least 20% of the population, probably more, don't even bother to lock their doors while they are gone. But every time some dark fambly moves in for some HUD, they never last long. I believe they come across too many people who openly express their displeasure with intrusion into our town. It is great. I have always been more of a risk taker, so most don't go this far, but my car keys remain in my ignition for months. Whether in my driveway or anywhere in town and all day at work, my keys stay right in it. If I am going to be less than 10 minutes I usually leave it running.
"the VP isn't much more than a paperweight in the whitehouse."
Read up on MK ULTRA. If Leary wasn't a stooge for the CIA I'll eat my hat.
"Please, start your own blog and go on now, please! There are some here that have had enough stories. "
An even better solution is for you to fuck off and start your own blog and then you can publish comments from whomever you chose. To the best of my knowledge PK approves all these comments and it's HIS blog. Logic dictates that he feels that the posts that we see contribute to the purpose of this site.
"Enforce all EXISTING gun laws. "
The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States (read it again if you can't understand it) suggests that ANY law restricting the right of the people to keep and bear arms should be considered null and void. If you still believe guns are the problem you're in the wrong place.
PK, I sent you 2$ in pre-1964 circulated coins today C/O the VDare address. I hope it finds you.
Joe McCarthy warned us of these dirty communists and their plans for america now is the time to heed his warning and pull out of the United Nations
I posted a good comment, and can't find it. 😔 Oh well.... Nice to see other folks are awake to the madness and BS thats occurring all around us. I hope some miracle happens where whites can live in peace, and not have to be taxed to friggin death to pay for all these deserving, underprivileged, peaceful, multicultural heros that are robbing, carjacking, killing and raping us on a daily basis. Just don't see it happening. 😔
Anonymous said...
The whole site seems to be 4 people now. P.K. with all his movies, ex new Y, formally miss who? And Anologdude. Screw this BS I’ve had enough!
March 15, 2016 at 12:49 PM
We'd go bankrupt, having to house them in prison, and feed them.
Anonymous said...
The whole site seems to be 4 people now. P.K. with all his movies, ex new Y, formally miss who? And Anologdude. Screw this BS I’ve had enough!
Wow. I'm flattered. That's some distinguished company you've included me in. What exactly was your criterion?
If your intention is to excommunicate us four, you should know that P.K. actually owns this blog. In case you hadn't realised. I, for one, would hate to lose him. Or XNY, or Bernice.
Anyway, I respect your wishes. Go in peace. We'll miss you... I think... Who are you, again?
The thing I missed the most after Johnny Carson retired from The Tonight Show was the band, led by the one and only Doc Sevrinsen. Got to see Doc a few times at the Kool Jazz Festival, in the late 80s and early 90s.
Played tenor sax in the school band program many, MANY moons ago, but I still remember some of those pieces. We were at a tri-state jazz festival in Tallahasse, Florida, just a stone's throw from the campus of FSU the weekend John Belushi died. Six months later, Buddy Rich played a show at my high school. Crazy times.
Brubeck definitely makes the desert island list. So does Doc, Stan Kenton, Glenn Miller, Chick Corea and Maynard Ferguson. If I could only have 1 CD on the desert island, M.F. Horn 4&5, Live at Jimmy's would be the one. Absolutely mind-blowingly epic version of MacArthur Park, topped only by Got the Spirit, with a perfect intro by Bruce Johnstone, and an amazing free-time romp by Ferdinand Povel.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
Basil Poledouris was Greek Orthodox.
We'll miss you... I think... Who are you, again?
"And might I also add that we need to make it absolutely clear before it's too late that if an attempt is made on Trump's life -- and God forbid it's successful -- there will be a complete and total hellstorm unleashed, and I don't mean on Election Day. Right now the vermin that have been plotting his downfall aren't the least bit concerned that anything will happen if they're able to knock him off, and any Americans that still love this country need to make it known that they couldn't be any more wrong."
Hear, hear. I will gladly give anything and everything to rise up against any who would cause harm to this man. This should be made known in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS!!!!!
Ex New Yorker...
"All across America many parents never saw their kids again because they ended up in fucking body bags in Los Angeles, Frisco or New York. It was all a con job. I know. I was there and saw it happen."
If its not too difficult for you to recount, please elaborate...please. This needs to be told by one who has the first person experience...especially a wordsmith with such eloquence as you.
"There could be right next to the court house a universal dindu family tree with one branch that sticks out horizontally and bears fruit constantly summer and winter."
Love it!!!
"Bluegrass... ugh. Boring music and lyrics about things like murder. To get interesting you have to go into the jazz/rock influences like Bela Fleck and the Flecktones."
Umm, excuse me, Bela Fleck started out playing bluegrass...
"When Trump finally wins the Republican nomination, don't be surprised if this goof cancels this year's election, that will result in an all out civil war."
If we cant have a President Trump, then let us have war! Bring it!!!
"The whole site seems to be 4 people now. P.K. with all his movies, ex new Y, formally miss who? And Anologdude. Screw this BS I’ve had enough!"
Dont let the door hit ya....
Personally Ive been a jazz listener for decades, but very discerning. Its not my favorite music, but I enjoy it occasionally.
In the last 15 years Ive become a huge C&W fan, but not the new generation, older stuff...Merle Haggard, Hank Snow, Lefty Frizell, George Jones, etc. 100% negro repellent music.
Im a big bluegrass listener. I live in an apt community and am constantly cranking old time bluegrass music, much to my neighbors disdain...oh well.
God bless Donald Trump!
Bela Fleck started out playing bluegrass...
And then he grew up. (half-smiley here)
In all seriousness, folk/bluegrass is the only genre outside of rap where I've heard stories of killing more or less for its own sake. It really is reminiscent of TNB. I would not want children listening to it, not others', not my own.
As a musician, I am not ignorant to the positive influence of blacks regarding music. Music is based in emotion and rhythm, and black people only think in terms of the former, yet are inherently skilled in the latter. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that.......yet, white people, like the Ancient Romans did with just about everything, take what is valuable and refine it to an art.
Plenty of those bumper stickers down in Florida, where someone stupid enough to mess with another man's vehicle, would likely eat lead stew.
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