Friday, March 25, 2016

American Exemptionalism! Proof We're Still a Shining City on a Hill!

The following is an illustration for why Planned Parenthood should be on every block in majority black communities in what's left of the United States of America. [9 people charged with murder in fatal Georgia teen brawl, WSBTV, 3-24-16]:
Nine people have been arrested on murder charges and one more person is wanted in connection with a fight that left a teen dead, the Richmond County sheriff said. 
According to the Augusta Chronicle, Demajhay Bell, 18, was stabbed Friday afternoon during a massive fight in a neighborhood south of Augusta. 
It all started when dozens of people came to the 2200 block of the Chaps Lane in Hephzibah to see two girls fight. 
Richmond County Sheriff Richard Roundtree told the Chronicle the fight began as an argument between two girls at school, but continued to escalate over time as more people got involved, choosing sides, and eventually meeting on Chaps Lane. 
Eyvette Byrd, 39, told police a crowd of 30 to 50 people came to her home wielding baseball bats, knives, pipes and other weapons to fight her 15-year-old daughter, according to the newspaper. 
“This is the epitome of a senseless murder,” Roundtree said. 
Investigators believe Bell was an inactive participant when he was stabbed in the neck. Roundtree said Bell was inside a house for much of the fight, but was stabbed by Demetrius Harris Jr., 21, Eyvette Byrd’s son, when he went outside, according to the paper. 
Byrd, who is also being charged in the case, attempted to drive the injured teen to the hospital, but another altercation broke out, causing her to stop and get out of the car. 
Bell then moved into the driver’s seat and attempted to drive himself to the hospital, but pulled over when he saw an officer nearby. He stumbled out of his vehicle and got into the marshal’s car. 
Bell was taken to the hospital, where he later died of his injury. 
Police arrested Quiauna Henley, 35, of Hephzibah; Quiasha Henley, 18, of Hephzibah; A’Lexis Cain, 18, of Hephzibah; Tyteanna Thomas, 18, of Augusta; Raheem Jobes, 19, of Augusta; Myah Dunbar, 18, of Hephzibah; Eyvette Lashawn Byrd, 39, of Hephzibah; Demetrius Lamont Harris Jr, 21, of Hephzibah; and Terry Lee Daniels, 19, of Augusta. They are each charged with aggravated assault and murder. 
Warrants have been issued for Eddie Doneal Carter III, 18, of Augusta.
Though a large portion of the population is not (courtesy of the rise of Donald Trump), the United States of America is irredeemable. Were our nation healthy, none of the participants in the violence in Richmond County would ever have been born.


Anonymous said...

Negroes must be stopped. It is up to you. Do something.

They are another species; look at the genome. They are the wolf to our domesticated dog. Except they are more vicious, and their genetic signature makes them another species. Look it up. Birds with fewer genetic differences are considered other species; why not the orc? It's political correctness!



The science is behind you.

Look at Iceland and Haiti!!

Fatigued in Minneapolis said...

I've said it before but I'll say it again; we're seeing increased inbreeding..

Anonymous said...

More than one orc equals a riot; always true. Look at those things! They are truly wild savage animals. Looks like a nature documentary. And the US Gov wants these things in school with your kids!!?? Unbelievable!

End it now. Do not mix with orcs; they will destroy you!!

Anonymous said...

Let them all move north and have a Free Dixie!

Lulu said...


SC Girl said...

The names alone made me laugh. Seriously, where the F do blacks come up with these names? Even the normal ones like Yvette and Alexis they still have to n*ggerize by spelling them in a way that is not found in the English language (Eyvette, A'Lexis???).

Once again, I must agree with PK that Planned Parenthood needs a building in every "vibrant" neighborhood, and I'm a pro-life Christian too (at least for white babies) but I'm sorry, sometimes you have to pick a lesser of two evils. I'd rather have little Shitavious be killed in the womb than be born and create another Amanda Blackburn case with his buddies who also should have been aborted.

proudyt said...

Let's just let animals be animals. They should be arrested just for their names. They continue to help think their own herds. I don't see a problem with it.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum said...

Coming to a your neighborhood soon, courtesy of AFFH and your loving President. The negroes are now actively being thrown into our faces, our new next door neighbors. There is not, there cannot be, any escape. No, we have to have the negro in our faces 24/7/365 a full lifetime of all negro, all the f*cking time!

What's really sad is that the neighborhood in this clip was probably middle class white about fifteen or twenty years ago. An old friend of my husbands recently returned to our city which is his home town. Long story short, he's a recovering alcoholic and is trying to put his life back together. Nice enough guy but apparently lives in a very bad area (lots of vibrant yoof with absolutely nothing to do in the middle of the afternoon). When my husband told me of the house this guy was renting, he said, "You should see the house! It's a beautiful old Victorian with a lot of the original detail! .....but it lives in a kinda bad neighborhood. That's why his rent is so cheap."

That neighborhood was probably quite fashionable fifty or more years ago. Now, like so many others, it is devolving into the African mean. But it's what negroes do, it's who they are. Centurian made a very good comment on the last thread. There is overwhelming evidence that the negro is not a fully evolved species, if not permanently and very severly retarded. They are not now nor can they ever be white. Expecting them to behave as such is like expecting my cat to tap dance like Ann Miller. It's just not gonna happen. You can have civilization or you can have blacks. You cannot have both.

Anonymous said...

I was taught as a child that all things in nature have a purpose, but the collection of mugshots at the following link has revealed that teaching to be fiction. The human abominations depicted in the mugshots cannot be explained with conventional laws of nature. Few of us would deny that buzzards and maggots serve a useful purpose in nature, but I challenge anyone to explain what useful purpose any of these orcs serve. The only good news related to this story is knowing that we will no longer have to feed and house Demajhay now that he is gone.

I was prepared for the ugliness, but I will admit that I was surprised by what appears to be a heavy 5 o'clock shadow worn by A'Lexis. I didn't realize that young female orcs had this characteristic. Perhaps it was just the lighting in the booking room.

Anonymous said...

IQ67 behaviour on display for all to see. How, Mr. DWL, is this lynching group savagery the result of anything but inbred barbarism? Did white people incite a crowd of blacks to congregate in a specific location so they could spectate and/or participate in a massive brawl? This very scene has played itself out many times before; this must be what it looked like two hundred years ago when black tribes in Africa attacked other tribes so they'd be able to acquire slaves to sell to the Muslim traffickers. After all, those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And boy, do they ever.

proudyt said...

Sorry,I just can't get past those dumb ass fucking name's.

Anonymous said...

Police arrested Quiauna, Quiasha, A’Lexis Cain, Tyteanna, Raheem, Myah, Eyvette Lashawn, Demetrius Lamont, Doneal

They're color coded and they have names like this. Good luck with that whole integration thing.

Unknown said...

I read the article just fine till I got to the participants names. I had to give up!

rex freeway said...

Straight up "ooga booga". If your city or town has more than zero Negroes then Negrofuxation is already occurring and it may already be to late. The ability to cross breed with a regressive Liberal is real.

Anonymous said...

I cant decide what the soundtrack for that video should be: The Benny Hill song, or the theme for the old National Geographic show.

Anonymous said...

Quiauna ... Quiasha ... A’Lexis ... Tyteanna ... Myah ... Eyvette ... Demetrius ...

Good luck finding those names on a set of Mickey Mouse ears.

PB said...


What the....

Californian said...

Nice footage of, what, Liberia? Rwanda? Boko Haram in Mali? Looks a little too green to be Mogadishu. Maybe it's closer to home, like Port au Prince. I mean, where else would you see "a crowd of 30 to 50 people ... wielding baseball bats, knives, pipes and other weapons to fight [a] 15-year-old..."

Oh yeah...

Anonymous said...

I just love it when the mob mentality works in our favor. Reap what you sow, negros.

Isn't excellent watching natural selection at work? He had blood pouring from his neck but he wanted to run off and fight some more! That's an excellent way to bleed yourself out you fucking dumbass.

I'd imagine if they had their hands cuffed behind their back and we're getting beheaded by ISIS they'd be chimping out still. It's not like a thing like that would ever happen given that blacks and ISIS are natural allies.

This is another example as to why I have to pay so much to avoid and protect myself the dindu. Mortgage, guns/ammo, 150lbs dog/dog food/vet bills, alarm system/sercurity cameras, top of the line locks, etc.

For once I'd like to sleep in late. Even on weekends I'm up at 5am sharp so I can start getting shit done around town while they are sleeping. Fucking exhausting living with these savages.

On top of that I have to constantly remind my family members because they are not full blown realists. My Mom and Dad going to Orlando next week, they have to be reminded to be careful around them. My sister has a lacrosse game in Maryland, she has to be reminded to be careful around them.

Good riddance.

Mr. Clean said...

SBPDL said: The following is an illustration for why Planned Parenthood should be on every block in majority black communities in what's left of the United States of America.

I'll catch hell, but.... Planned Parenthood is evil and not the way to deal with this.

Segregate. Make them responsible for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you interpreted the video, but what I saw was another example of the vibrancy with which African Americans enrich our communities. There was the wonderfully choreographed dance in the streets, followed by a display of self defense training. No doubt these teen women were practicing how to fight off attacks by the Ku Klux Klan, which has thousands of members just waiting to lynch schoolchildren like the ones you see in the video.

And then there was the spontaneous baseball practice by the teen men, showing how once again African Americans can keep themselves entertained even when deprived of essential social services by "white flight." Clearly, we need to start funding midnight baseball games!

This reminds me of a similar street festival which African American teens brought to my university campus one fine spring day. There were similar dances and athletic activities. True, some car windows got smashed, but no doubt that was due to police over reaction.

I even participated in the revels by standing in front of one of the revelers and stating that I was willing to go to "bat" for the oppressed everywhere. Funny thing is, the next thing I can remember is waking up in the university's free clinic with a bandage around my head. The intern, an African Tanzanian, said that I had something called "blunt trauma."

I don't get it. The reveler who I was trying to show solidarity with was not smoking a blunt. He had a baseball bat.

Ivry Tower, BS, MFA
Critical Race And Progressive Studies

bubo said...

I don't understand? How did these honor students escape the dreaded school to prison pipeline Hillary said was so prevalent? Are they victims of over policing like Bernie says is responsible for the perceived high rate of violence among blacks? Everyone knows that this type of stuff happens in white neighborhoods too, right?

Anonymous said...

This would be an absurd story even if it applied to a nature documentary. You could read this story verbatim to a DWL and they would insist it was all lies, as it is so far from paint theory and what they believe the realities of black society are.

“He was friends with the person who stabbed him”

"30 to 50 people came to her home wielding baseball bats, knives, pipes and other weapons to fight her 15-year-old daughter"

"Byrd, who is also being charged in the case, attempted to drive the injured teen to the hospital, but another altercation broke out, causing her to stop and get out of the car."

"The fight originated as an argument between two girls at school but continued to escalate over time as more people got involved, choosing sides, and eventually meeting on Chaps Lane"

"...girls fighting, boys hitting each other with bats, and the driver of a Dodge Charger trying to run over several of the teens"

“Anytime you have a mother driving her child to something like this, you have a problem.”

"Authorities also arrested a mother and daughter – Quiauna and Quiasha Henley, ages 35 and 18."

Truth Corps said...

If Trump wins, it would be a huge blow to Political Correctness in this Nation. Imagine President Trump commenting on this TNB. Imagine a Nation where you could talk openly & freely about the typical nigger behavior showcased in this video without fear of losing your job. Oh yeah- that Nation existed. It was America prior to the 1960s.

How about the next Ferguson or Baltimore riot that happens under president Trump? Say hello to the National Guard.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Fed Up in Middle America said...


Anonymous said...

Now they want to call those raysiss police when they need help. Why don't you call the thugs from BLM, or get one of the fake "reverends" down there to have a peace march or firearm exchange.
Let them kill each other. The only thing that bothers me is my tax money funding and sustaining this zoo by keeping all the animals fed.

Anonymous said...

This video is the first place winner of TNB for 2016. What more could you ask for, two sheboons fighting over a buck, pipes, Dodge vehicle running widely, a stabbing, ooking and eeking, screeching for the amber lamps.

D-FENS said...

Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of "As the Hood Turns".

Brian in Ohio said...

Yet another story where no mugshots are required to determine race. If the ridiculous names weren't a dead giveaway, when two high school girls fighting over a boy escalates into 50 people armed with bats, clubs and knives showing up to brawl, you KNOW it was blacks.

The fact that the only person they managed to kill was an(allegedly) innocent bystander is another tell tale sign of orc activity.

And who was the first person the young buck ran to for help as he was bleeding out? Why, a uniformed police officer! That's right, the hated po po. Ohhh, the irony. That's alright, I`m sure he didnt snitch...

Just like us, huh?...

Stay alert, stay alive.

Earl Turner said...

Georgia is lost, folks. Our wonderful Republican leadership just loves the darkies and beaners way too much. Well ok, that's not the most accurate way to put it. Our Republicans hate working class whites and have used the darkies and now the beaners as a biological weapon against us for so long that now the state is turning blue. But that doesn't matter to them. They'll do ok, they've made their millions on our backs and their gated communities will always be safe because they and their leftist counterparts can afford the security.

I'll say this as a soldier. If I'm called to provide security for the 1% during some sort of civil disturbance, I'm going to have a hard time seeing every troublemaker who might slip through.

Unknown said...

The first names are absolutely hilarious.

Unknown said...

Look to Africa; having been on that continent for millions of years the native population never developed the wheel, never domesticated the zebra or any other animal, never figured out how to develop and sustain any type of crop. Hell, they have never managed to domesticate themselves! Why then should YT expect anything different just because they have been transplanted to North America? Time to admit YT unwittingly introduced an invasive and dangerous species and take appropriate measures to eradicate it from our shores.

PB said...

I'm guessing that all that detritus running around like over-excited chimps in an otherwise nice-looking suburb is a product of what you call "section 8" over there?

Foul creatures. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the orcs babble in that video! Truly sounds like another language; a monkey-house screechfest.

Please, someone, back to Africa with these things. Sooooo annoying!

Constructive Feedback said...

SBPDL Says: "The following is an illustration for why Planned Parenthood should be on every block in majority black communities in what's left of the United States of America."

The History Of WWI (Watching On Hulu):

The German soldiers tied women to trees, raped and brutalized them. Then they nailed their little children to the tree next to them so their mothers can watch them die. Then after the children died, the German soldiers shot the mothers in the head.

Its a good thing that SBPDL doesn't control history because we'd never hear this due to the fact of your bias that only Black people are mass violent.

Ratchet said...

Bring back the death penalty like it was originally intended to be used. This behavior isn't caused by racism, lack of opportunity or any of the other "because" excuses that have been forced upon us by their enablers. This is simply typical behavior if they are not restrained in some way. Guilty? 24 hours later you are dead.
It won't stop all of them, but if they know when they get caught that they will likely get dead it tends to improve behavior. Side benefit being that it will also weed out the traitorous whites who have chosen to emulate them.

Anonymous said...

Quiauna Henley, of Hephzibah; Quiasha Henley, 18, oof Hephzibah; A’Lexis Cain, 18, of Hephzibah; Tyteanna Thomas, 18, of Augusta; Raheem Jobe's, 19, of Augusta; Myah Dunbar, 18, of Hephzibah; Eyvette Lashawn Byrd, 39, of Hephzibah; Demetrius Lamont Harris Jr, 21, of Hephzibah; and Terry Lee Daniels, 19, of Augusta. They are each charged with aggravated assault and murder.


Anonymous said...

"“This is the epitome of a senseless murder,” Roundtree said."

Wrong, this is just africa in america. This is pretty standard operating procedure for american-africans. How DARE you paint them as criminals, you racist! Your privilege prevents your from seeing the true depth of your bigotry and lack of respect for their rich and vibrant culture.


Anonymous said...

Can they say ANYTHING without cussing?

Anonymous said...

Another White bites the dust...

Negro savagery knows no bounds. They must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Landmark Mall in Alexandria VA had a stabbing last night on the opening night of a carnival. DC media does a tremendous job protecting their apes.

Anonymous said...

"Byrd, who is also being charged in the case, attempted to drive the injured teen to the hospital, but another altercation broke out, causing her to stop and get out of the car."

So her chowd was dying in the passenger seat as she was driving it to the hospital but a fight was nearby so she just couldn't resist stopping the car to get out and fight?

This would be unbelievable if it didn't involve negroes.

Anonymous said...

President's statement, August 16th, 2017

"My internal security advisor has given me an update moments ago in which I learned that the inner city riots across America have now resulted in the shootings and stabbings of at least two dozen White Americans. The rioters have all been black. Three minutes ago I gave the National Guard the order to move into all the city centers and take back the cities. They have the orders to shoot to kill if they are fired upon."

"Told you I was going to make America great again!"

Anonymous said...

FYI, Orlando is very dangerous. Tell your parents to never relax or better yet, tell them not to go there. Killings, armed robberies, car break ins, random shootings, carjackings, etc are just the tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

How can people look at videos such as this and still believe that Blacks have the same innate IQ as Whites and the same impulse control.

Steve Jackson

That man Goddard said...

My son lives in the metro Augusta-Richmond country area. He told me he hadn't seen this on the news when I had asked about it. Another cover up?

Bill in St Louis said...

Not sure why this even rates an article here, after all, NHI. (No Humans Involved)

Anonymous said...

Can't help it but reminds me of this scene.

Im 60 years old now and every year the TNB gets worse.
Sorry 'groids you've had your 70 years of free stuff, you are a parasite race.

Happy and safe Easter to you all here at SBPDL.

Mutant Swarm said...

Anonymous Earl Turner said...

Georgia is lost, folks. Our wonderful Republican leadership just loves the darkies and beaners way too much. Well ok, that's not the most accurate way to put it. Our Republicans hate working class whites and have used the darkies and now the beaners as a biological weapon against us for so long that now the state is turning blue. But that doesn't matter to them. They'll do ok, they've made their millions on our backs and their gated communities will always be safe because they and their leftist counterparts can afford the security.

I'll say this as a soldier. If I'm called to provide security for the 1% during some sort of civil disturbance, I'm going to have a hard time seeing every troublemaker who might slip through. (Emphasis added.)

March 26, 2016 at 4:59 AM

Just remember these two phrases:

"About face!"


Stan d Mute said...

For about the 60 millionth time: this is absurdly simple to stop. Just tie welfare to birth control. Obviously, if you cannot support yourself you cannot support any new noglets. So, sign up for welfare, get Depo Provera *implanted* birth control. This bypasses the "Nazi sterilization" crap as well as the anti-abortion crap while achieving the exact same result - no new nogs. But it's common sense so we know it will never happen..

Anonymous said...

That video is fucking great.

What starts with 2 females slapping each other escalates into shirtless bucks swinging baseball bats escaletes into vehicular homie-cide in about a minute. They LOVE violent chaos, just listen to the excited screetches!

Until one of their own tribe is wounded, then they wail in anguish and start screetching for help from Da PoLeese and Da Amperlamps.

They don't call BLM or their Reverums, they expect the White man to come save dey homie.

And let's not forget that this started over 2 young sows fighting over a buck that would drop them both in a heartbeat for an obese White female.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous D-FENS said...
Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of "As the Hood Turns".



Philadelphia Mike said...

Wow!....These happy ending stories are great!

I think that I'll start my own bed time stories for the younger kids. And the evildoer, of course, will always be a negro...who in the end is brought to justice by an axe...or an arrow...or a hand gun...or by an angry mob of white villagers. The possibilities are endless. :)

Be Bold, Be Vocal, Be Assertive.

Philadelphia Mike

Anonymous said...

Since black males are the culprits in the worst and most horrific crimes people tend to focus their comparisons on them (i.e. black males vs. white males).

But if you really, truly, without a shadow of a doubt want to see how blacks are not like us, compare their "women" with our women.

You may be able to find a few white trash meth addicts here and there among our majority white population, but you will NOT see white women fight each other for these reasons in front of their children while grunting like excited gorillas.

There is a reason they have to ware the locks of all other races (and even from horses) on they hay-ids. They look repulsive enough with the wide nose and permanent scowl, they are still smart enough to figure out what will help them get laid.

Feminists and their related man-hating ilk have attempted to anything traditionally feminine or beautiful something women are to be ashamed of. It would be like telling a man to be ashamed for being physically strong. Unfeminine females are what make up the video above- no thanks, even angry men shouldn't act like that.

And you're asking me if I want this type of behavior and attitude in my neighborhood?

Paintjob Theory said...

"Quiauna Henley, 35, of Hephzibah; Quiasha Henley, 18, of Hephzibah; A’Lexis Cain, 18, of Hephzibah; Tyteanna Thomas, 18, of Augusta; Raheem Jobes, 19, of Augusta; Myah Dunbar, 18, of Hephzibah; Eyvette Lashawn Byrd, 39, of Hephzibah; Demetrius Lamont Harris Jr, 21, of Hephzibah; and Terry Lee Daniels, 19, "

What do you all reckon the odds are that any of those names have been on a job application? How about an application for SSI/Disability/welfare/other assorted gibs muh dats?

How many of these sub-apes do you folks wager could feed themselves or survive in sub freezing weather in absence of white charity and other handouts?

Anonymous said...

Footage from another angle:

White-Skinned Goodness said...

I love this modern technological era. How easy it is to find an effusive stream of video proof illustrating the African hordes performing their best work. What a farce of a race!!! This video should be required learning in every elementary school across the world. It's best to learn to avoid the groid early...

NemoMeImpuneLacessit said...

Somewhat off topic, but ...
Yesterday the Governor of Idaho signed into law permit-less concealed carry aka constitutional carry. Idaho is the 8th state to do so.

Roberto said...

What??? No one pulled out a gun and started shooting? They really need to step it up.

Anonymous said...

For any DWL lurkers out there, here's another large street brawl that occurred in Memphis last Sunday just so you don't reflexively think that these occurrences are the exception rather than the norm:

(apologies to anyone who already posted this in the past week--it seemed appropriate to repost it in this thread)

Same type of situation. Argument in church spills out into the middle of the street.

--At least four brawls involving dozens of blacks.

--One person mowing people down with a car.

--Adults and juveniles involved, girls specifically

--Quotes from eyewitnesses given in an apparent non-English language

But I'm sure this happens all the time when those uneducated white Southerners pile out of church on Sunday...this fights are just a product of poverty, right?

Unknown said...

A self-licking envelope. Maybe the blacks have got an invention to brag about next February.

FlowerBell said...

Jim Crow and sundown laws were enacted not because people are black, their color is just a flag. The laws were enacted to protect good citizens from the criminal behavior of Africans. African violence is real and undeniable. Pretending otherwise is unsustainable.

D-FENS said...

If scrabble only allowed proper nouns.....

Anonymous said...

Imagine for a second that everyone involved in this melee were white. Imagine that 30 to 50 white people , both young and old, showed up on someone's front lawn demanding to fight a 15 year old white girl.

If that were the case, how would this not be the top news story in America? They'd have psychologists in droves booked on all the cable news programs, the Daily Show, late night, and SNL would have a field day with the story.

As it is, with blacks involved, the story is buried in local news and on the few racial realist sites to mention it.

The black race agitators often comment on how when a little white girl gets murdered, it's a national news story, but the thousands of little black girls that get killed in between each one of those are unmentioned. They claim it's because of racism. No, it's because of inherent racial realism. Little black girls getting shot and killed by stray bullets in the hood is expected. A mass shootout over a spilling soda on a pair of sneakers is expected. 50 person brawls stemming from a high school argument is EXPECTED. Whether blacks like it or not, whites, even DWLs, have become immune to their behavior. Even if this story was distributed nationally, DWLs would start mentally zoning out when the details started rolling in, as they have heard the same story before, over and over, and would rather repress yet another story of TNB than be forced to acknowledge it.

Indeed, this would rightfully be a national news story if whites were involved because it would be unprecedented. It would be relevant to ask why such a situation could occur, because steps could then be taken to prevent it from ever happening again.

As it stands, a large black street melee is not only not unprecedented, but common. The cause can't be investigated because the answer is obvious but unspeakable in our PC society. And there is no solution as these events will continue to occur over and over as the behavior is innate. Increased police presence can't help, because aside from city festivals/fairs, there's no predicting when a small argument in a gathering of black people, be it in a high school or a church or a movie theater will spiral out of control into a huge brawl. All that is assured is that it will happen with regular frequency.

Anonymous said...

Well, that neighborhood is another blow to the argument that "poverty" and lack cause black dysfunction. It doesn't look like the a ghetto or the quarters. The relatively prosperous looking area proves again that it's not where blacks are that makes them dangerous. It's who blacks are. They are an incredibly violent, primitive, low IQ, no-empathy herd. At least chimps and gorillas can survive on their own. Blacks can't. They've got to be housed, fed, given made-up jobs, assisted, whatever. They are useless to us at best and a mortal danger at worst.

Paintjob Theory said...

". Guilty? 24 hours later you are dead.
It won't stop all of them, but if they know when they get caught that they will likely get dead it tends to improve behavior. "

We must stop anthropomorphizing them. They are not human, do not have human emotions, and do not react as humans do. Threats of future consequences for bad behavior only work on humans. If you beat a dog 4 hours after it shits on the floor it never makes the connection. Same with negroes. With instant and violent punishment for misbehavior you might be able to somewhat train one or two, but at the end of the day their inability to think beyond 30 seconds into the future makes threats completely hollow. The "I din do nuffins" phenomenon is an expression of this lack of brain development. Again, like the dog who shit on the floor an hour ago looking at you puzzled as to why you're angry at them NOW. They're not doing anything wrong now so they never have done anything wrong, they really just don't have the brain function required for thinking in four dimensions and understanding time as we do.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take this moment to thank all those who created the modern technology that allows Africans in America to be easily filmed and exposed for what they are for all to see. I would also like to thank Africans in America for being so incredibly stupid that they post videos of themselves acting like animals and glorifying their primitive idiocy. In every sense, Africans in America are their own worst enemies. Again, thank you for exposing your primitive, violent, stupid wretchedness for all the world to see. With every film clip posted, you prove everything the segregationists of the past said about you to be absolutely true, factual and accurate.

It's actually quite hilarious. On the one hand, Orcs deny everything said about them and, on the other, they post videos proving it!

Blessed is he that has a stupid enemy.

Anonymous said...

Trump needs to massively overhaul our punishment system. The current rules do NOT dissuade the violent n*ggers from their savage crimes. We need to look into what would actually DETER crime, not just be a slap on the wrist.

I still think making them do hard labor picking cotton in Alabama might be the best punishment. And have live TV feeds so all their niggaz back in da hood can see what playing Knockout Game on Whitey did for Lil Tay-Tay.


I take GREAT PRIDE in being open minded and tolerant. Really.

Let's take the topic of abortion. As a man, who can never be pregnant, who am I, a White Male piece of shit, to tell a WOMYN what to do with HER body. Thus, I give my full support for "CHOICE" and a WOMYN has the RIGHT to control her body.

But, also being main-stream and never a fanatic, I can see both sides. Let us be fair. Let us have open dialogue. So, in keeping with the spirit of equality, here is my opinion.

1) I am PRO Abortion and all Black women should be free to abort their little niglets.

2) I an ANTI Abortion and all White women should be helped in letting their cute little White Babies be born, loved, or loved and put up for adoption with a White Family.

There, I am so proud of my understanding. You are Welcome.

Anonymous said...

Since reality of late has been too depressing to deal with, I've been re-reading the Northwest novels by Covington. Although neither I nor my children would be allowed to reside there, just imagining such a place might one day exist is balm for my soul.

Anonymous said...

The sheriff said this is happening more often now because youths want to get on video posted on the internet: their claim to fame. "Looks at me."

proudyt said...

Imagine being a business owner and looking at applications for potential hires. Now imagine coming to on application with the name Quiauna on it and the next application the name Kathy. I don't know about you but I'm hiring the latter. I'm gonna figure Quiauna was named by some swamp mama and raised by some swamp mama and thus already set in her swamp mama ways. The names they give their children sets them up for a lifetime of ridicule and failure.

Anonymous said...

Dixie here -

Anon at 8:07, I say amen again and again! The nog troubles actually began on April 9, 1865 when these irresponsible, uneducated, ignorant children were unleashed, and at the direction of the government. Almost nothing has changed in 151 years.

Augusta is darker than darkest Africa. There are still a few white people left in certain small areas of the city suburbs. The area around Augusta National is dangerous. That golf course is truly an oasis in the middle of a trashed jungle. Be careful if you drive anywhere on Washington Road, especially north of I-20. I've never lived there and have no desire to ever be a resident of Augusta. Being a visitor was bad enough.

My husband told me of hearing a story where a nog parent was blasting a (probably white) teacher because she couldn't correctly pronounce the student's name. I believe it was spelled "La-Sha" or something similar. After many attempts from the teacher, the parent finally said, "the dash don't be silent."

Sick'nTired said...

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!

Anonymous said...

I agree, abortion is evil, that is why I support mandatory sterilization.

Anonymous said...

Soundtrack for this video, eh? I'm thinking Ligeti's "Requiem." Sound familiar?

It should. The whole video reminds me of that one scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where the man-apes are at war with those who would take their water. ZERO DIFFERENCE!

Okay, there is a difference: Those apes were evolving. These? Cannot.

-Carolina Cicero

Fatigued in Minneapolis said...

We're about to go CAT5 here in Minneapolis sports fans; stay tuned.. (ruling forthcoming in Jamar Clark" case etc.; aspiring rapper turning life around; offed by popo etc.).. I've finally figured out what "white priviledge" is; it's the luxury of waking up and going thru your day NOT obsessed about being black!.. They must absolutely hate it, to be so completely obsessed with it. It must be like a disease. Every day you wake up.. and your AFRICAN! YUCK!!!... I almost feel sorry for them..

Bogolyubski said...

I think some of you are putting way too much hope in Donald Trump here, even assuming he's the real deal and not Perot 2016 as some still suspect. To accomplish anything close to what you're hoping for, a President Trump would have to literally declare a state of emergency, assume dictatorial powers and do the following in short order:

Arrests for Treason
1. B. Hussein Obama
2. Congress (all 535 of them)
3. All federal judges, including the Supreme Court
4. All heads of federal bureaucracies, and more than a few underlings
5. The Joint Chiefs
All arrested for treason would be given a very rapid military-tribunal trial, followed by execution if found guilty (very few if any are innocent).

That's just for openers. You'd have to have a sizable loyal military force to carry this off, and they'd have to kill a lot of people without hesitation. A chopper-gunship with mini-guns could deal with a mob of rioting negroes in very short order. The Banana Empire regime in DC is fully "converged" with SJWs. Not only do such genocidal assholes control the government (including the military), they control all of the media (Ministry of Truth or Lügenpresse), all of academia (down to your local public-schul), plus the majority of state and local governments - including the police. Starting to see the problem here? The possibility of Trump actually pulling something of this magnitude off is extremely slim to say the least.

Even assuming Trump is permitted by the ruling oligarchs to assume the office, there's not a great deal he'll be able to do in light of the fact that even the so-called "opposition" party is lined up to stop him. He'll have the R-jerseys and D-jerseys united to oppose any attempt to dismantle racial preferences, section 8, refugee racketeering, or the ongoing invasion. Housenigga Hussein has appointed scores of Marxists to the Federal bench - with full Repuke approval. How do you think these black-robed mandarins are going to rule??

BRA is far bigger and more pervasive than many of you seem to realize. Most most whites who comprehend we have serious problem can't face up to the forces pulling the strings. This isn't to say you should lay down and die (lest any of you make such an accusation), but to seriously consider what faces us to devise strategies and tactics to actually defeat the enemy. Stop thinking that any non-white is going to be your ally, for starters. The best you can hope for is that some of them will stand aside when the shooting starts. Stop mis-identifying non-whites as whites also. You're not voting your way out of the extermination plan, and there are very few non-whites who have any real problems with the plan.

Maybe Trump can buy some time for us, but that's really the best we can hope for here.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Germany started the Islam rot in Europe by bringing in Muslim Turkish people to help it rebuild after WWII. It should have done the work itself, like we should have picked our own cotton. Try and take a shortcut (not do the physical work yourself) and you pay the price. Seems this is a pattern everywhere you look.

oogabooga said...

That looked like "The Wonder Years" neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

Police arrested Quiauna Henley, 35, of Hephzibah; Quiasha Henley, 18, of Hephzibah; A’Lexis Cain, 18, of Hephzibah; Tyteanna Thomas, 18, of Augusta; Raheem Jobes, 19, of Augusta; Myah Dunbar, 18, of Hephzibah; Eyvette Lashawn Byrd, 39, of Hephzibah; Demetrius Lamont Harris Jr, 21, of Hephzibah; and Terry Lee Daniels, 19, of Augusta.

That is a figurative and literal murderers row of weird negro names.


Eddie in St. Louis said...

How will this be turned around to blame on YT?

Anonymous said...

Anonnymous March 26, 2016 at 4:01 AM posted:

This video is the first place winner of TNB for 2016. What more could you ask for, two sheboons fighting over a buck, pipes, Dodge vehicle running widely, a stabbing, ooking and eeking, screeching for the amber lamps.

In a totally unrelated bit of news, BLM wants to officially comdemn D W Griffith's 1915 film The Birth of a Nation as racist and untrue. "It portrays us as oversexed, ignorant, uncivilized, and violent, says spokeswoman Dogturdda Watkins "Nothing could be further from the truth" "Word! and you KNOW dat!" echoed her assistant, Mr. Ize B. Chimpin'


Anonymous said...

Gun control would not work here. Hell, bat and knife control would not work. The only thing that would work is negro control.

proudyt said...

Anonymous 11:02 : how funny would Mr.Rogers it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood be to that ?

Anonymous said...

Worst mistake whites ever did was bring the SHIT SKINNED DEMONS here!!!
How long must we pay for that BAAAAD investment???

Why did we quit sending them to Liberia??

They keep trying to turn America into Africa...

I say if they want reparations.
We pay them to leave!!!

Anonymous said...

This grossly dysfunctional behavior to the participants is a display of genetic fitness and no doubt the winners get rewarded with the prize of mating rights. It is comical, really. Someone in Hollywood is drooling at the thought of merchandising this violence in a movie in the genre of "Planet of the Apes". It really does look like a display of chimp behavior. Fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder what Dad is going to say when he arrives home in his new car and fine tailored suit accompanied by a white business associate that he invited to dine with the family.
Oh, well, by the time he gets there the blood in the street and the tire-tracked yard will be spotless again, quickly attended to by the ever scrupulous and helpful neighbors.
And then his dutiful wife will warmly greet him at the door, before introducing the white associate to the rest of the family. But only after they have finished their studies in electrical engineering.
There is nothing to see here but bliss and family pride, right?
This must be true, because Obama has promised to transplant more of these social prodigies to your neighborhood and mine. Every television commercial tells us how lucky we are at the prospect. What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

OT. I'm glad that I'm not Catholic because I wouldn't want to have to explain this. It appears that the Pope believes that there is an equivalence between Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and the Pope washing the feet of a muslim who almost certainly hates all Christians. What Jesus did was an important lesson for his disciples to strengthen their understanding of their religion, the role of Jesus, and the concept of cleansing their sins. The only lesson being learned by the muslim orc in the picture is that Christian white men want to serve their muslim masters. It is almost like the Pope was so impressed with Obama's apology tour that he wants to incorporate it into his church.

Anonymous said...

Holy sheet......the names... the names.....and a 35 year old so called mother to an 18 year old - was 17 when she had the thing.

Today was reading about how Imam Obama has screwed up schools even more with the " Equity" policy crap. The Black and Brown thug children run the schools. The White teachers are berated for White privilege. If a White teacher is beat up by a Black or Brown spawn of Satan , the teacher is blamed for being White. White teachers are almost threatened to not file charges against a student who beats them up. No lie.

If you want Trump then write the GOP And RNC and let them know if they steal the nomination from Trump then there will be h3ll to pay.

Bird of Paradise said...

This sort of behavior is totaly unecetible in a civilized country these heathen monkeys need to be held accountible for their actions no more stupid excuses

NY Girl said...

Not from me, you won't! The very existence of PP means that white girls with white babies might avail themselves to their services.

Wall them off in Negroland, and they can establish whatever social, economic, educational, or criminal justice systems they damn well please, along with any mud shark sympathizers.

awakened white said...

Someone said earlier Animals, no, not even animals act like this. They may kill and eat one other but not act like these heathens.

proudyt said...

Look at all those bats those young men are wielding. And who says there's not enough blacks in baseball ?

kyle said...

"the fight began as an argument between two girls at school, but continued to escalate over time as more people got involved, choosing sides, and eventually"

My god its like lord of the flies isn't it.

kyle said...

"Byrd, who is also being charged in the case, attempted to drive the injured teen to the hospital, but another altercation broke out, causing her to stop and get out of the car."

I'm gonna take you to the hospiltal, oh no he didnt, hold on I need to smack this bitch first, drive yourself to 5he hospital.

Anonymous said...

Its not the youths fault. They must not have heard that Black lives matter.

On a side note. Did you notice when the spook in the red shorts gets hit with a glancing blow from the bat that it doesn't even flinch.
Yep! Nobody home in that empty coconut shell,but let's keep sending it to school pretending it has potential.

I truly can't understand how any human can find any potential in this species to protect it. I truly can't.

Anonymous said...

His mother missed some golden opportunities when naming him. She could have named him "Ringmah" or "Carrillion".

Anonymous said...


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told an audience today that illegal aliens are “not going away” and are “in effect” US citizens.
And the DC elites wonder why Donald Trump is winning the Republican primary???

The Washington Examiner reported:
The nation’s top immigration officer said that the “11 million” undocumented aliens in the United States are “not going away,” are “in effect” citizens, and added that deporting the few the administration wants out is unpleasant.

Jeh Johnson, secretary of Homeland Security, told Harvard University students this week that the administration is focused on its plan to integrate illegals into America, despite the policy being tied up in court.

Johnson said that he plans to be in the front row of the Supreme Court April 18 when the case is discussed.

But in the meantime, he is making the case that the illegals here, estimated at a much higher 15.7 million by the Center for Immigration Studies, have essentially become American. The proof: They go to school, have licenses to drive, and can even practice law in California.
It’s almost as if this administration is hoping for a complete collapse of the United States.

Anonymous said...

It's a "Minority Report" theory: You can predict future criminality based on names. If a white guy's middle name is "Wayne" he's at risk for becoming a serial killer.

If a negro's name can't be purchased as an off-the-rack bicycle license plate at a "Buckey's" truckstop, he's an "at-risk" youth.... That's just "science n' shit".

Sometimes, it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

I love it when libtards or blacks will say, "Non-blacks do this type of stuff too!! I saw it on the internet!" but it's always an ANOMOLY. It's like saying, "women play football too".

As soon as I saw the headline for this on cnn, I KNEW it would be black people. If it would've been non-blacks I would have been extremely shocked.

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at all the tribal baboons in the video. We'll be feeding them with our tax dollars. Either in jail, or with wellfare.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
OT. I'm glad that I'm not Catholic because I wouldn't want to have to explain this. It appears that the Pope believes that there is an equivalence between Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and the Pope washing the feet of a muslim who almost certainly hates all Christians. . . "

I am Catholic and the explanation is straightforward, this pope is a Judas and his 30 pieces of silver are the accolades he receives from the %1 as well as their shekels. Don't forget, Judas, the betrayer of Christ was chosen by Christ himself as one of the original twelve apostles. Christ chose Judas then Judas chose to betray Christ instead of keeping his commission to spread the Gospel of salvation. If even Christ chose an apostle who would later turn on him it isn't surprising that there would occasionally be bad popes too.

The lineage of popes includes heroic popes such as Pope Urban II who called for a crusade to drive back the Moslems which centuries later freed Spain from them in 1492. Pope Urban II's rallying cry attributed to him was Deus Vult, "God wills it". The crusades saved Europe, they were defensive in nature and religion was a prime (but not the only) motivation.

Pope Leo XIII condemned the philosophical movement known as "Modernism" which plagues the West today. Basically Modernism teaches that there is no fixed or absolute truth in religion, history, morals, law etc., that one's personal, subjective experience is definitive. Truth varies over time and place and what is true for one group of people may not be true for other people or may be only temporarily true.

This leads to moral then societal anarchy which we enjoy today. An example of Modernist thinking regarding the law is the constant excusing of nog behavior. There is an ever changing set of excuses for their bad behavior and an active campaign of lying about it too. The law is corrupted through "Civil Rights"(sic) laws, AFFH, Section 8, WIC etc. which knowingly encourages immoral behavior. The nogs aren't responsible for their actions because of the terribul, terribul legacy ob da slabery but YT is always responsible for everything.

Hopefully this pope will be gone soon and the next one will rally Christian Europe, Catholic and Protestant alike and its colonies around the world to throw out the Moslems and their allies. That is what civilization needs now more than ever.

Anonymous said...

I can explain it easily (and I'm Catholic), the Pope is apostate.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic Charity's should explain this horror.

Anonymous said...

You do all realize that the HNIC Obongo is trying to bring into the USA 100,000 Muslims from Syria, etc?

That's insane.

He is truly trying to destroy our country. We cannot let him do this.

I think Trump needs to have the government officially redefine Islam as not a religion (which is protected) and call it a political philosophy. Once the definition is changed in the eyes of the law we can take the necessary actions to stops its spread.

Fight smart.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to the video being used in a Chrysler commercial.

A sheriff in mirrored sunglasses approaches a Dodue Charger, looks into the window where he spies a negro with a shiv sticking out of neck, and says: "You in a heap o' trouble, boy."

Anonymous said...

The video looks like the R-rated version of the McKinney Pool Party.

Anonymous said...

Love how in the same story they show Bell thugged out waving cash etc

. ( picture of Bell holding stolen 9mm omitted im sure)

Then the next photo of Bell and his basketball team says he was part of a mentoring group called "strike force"

Me thinks "mentoring group" is code for "gang recruiter"

The worst part is how stupid the media thinks we are that they can put up two completely paradoxical photos / descriptions of someone and get us to believe he was a "victim"

He earned his ending... And his mother earned her grief.

Sorry Dehmanjay ..... But good riddance.

Mr. Clean said...

Anonymous March 26, 2016 at 6:30 PM said...I'm glad that I'm not Catholic because I wouldn't want to have to explain this.

I am Catholic and I will be happy to explain. Although he might be a nice man, this pope is not a good pope, to be kind. He is likely a loopy liberal and possibly a personal heretic. Papal infallibility (that the pope cannot teach error) only extends to issues of faith and morals taught definitively to be held by all Christians. That's it.

Practices involving the washing of the feet likely fall under discipline, which are subject to the whim of the pope and from which he is not protected from error or, more likely, imprudence.

Anonymous said...

OT, and spoiler alert. I watched Zootopia. It will probably offend those of us who look for entertainment rather than training when watching a movie. The movie teaches us that it is possible for animals with different DNA to live harmoniously together in a utopian society. The misunderstood predator class which comprises only 10% of the Zootopian population suffers discrimination triggered by the actions of a few predators that appeared to go “savage” by returning to their primitive ways of vicious killing. Of course it turns out that the unfortunate predators that went savage were actually poisoned by conniving unethical leaders of the majority prey class. The corrupt herbivore leader was playing on fears among the herbivore class to incite hate against the carnivore class. In the end, the hero bunny sees the wrong of her ways, exposes the evil herbivore plot, and lives happily ever after with her partner the fox. The movie contains many lessons, but parts were entertaining. The hero's encounter with the sloths at the department of public safety was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Remove the cars, the paved roads, and the modern houses and replace it all with dirt trails and jungle huts and the picture would be complete. Well, you'd also need to replace the baseball bats with machetes, clubs and spears but you get the idea. That's the environment the negroes were transplanted from and having modern surroundings doesn't make one bit of difference.

Taking the negro out of Africa and expecting it to behave other than what it's genetically programmed to behave as is the same as dressing a chimp up in a 3 piece suit, sitting it at a table in a bar and giving it a cigar to smoke. Very amusing but frustrate it and it will go berserk, chimp out and attack.

If it's all cultural as libtards like to claim, then why do Africans behave like Africans everywhere they're to be found- even when they've been removed from their African roots by hundreds of years? Different languages, styles of dress, non African cultural influences and environments make no difference- you still get the same animal- a violent, low IQ, parasitical and destructive beast.

Oh well. Nevermind. It's Easter Sunday and I'm just waiting for it to be over with and the news to show negroes chimpin' out at picnics, BBQ's and beating, stabbing, shooting each other over the last piece of chicken. Maybe Sherilla will rip DaKwonda's weave out because DaKwonda's sprog stoled an easter egg from Sherilla's niglet and DaKwonda don't wants to gibs it back. Or maybe we'll be seeing video of a human Easter egg hunt ruined by negroes with older negro "youth" attacking younger white children and stealing their candy. With negroes, anything is possible and very likely to happen.

Anonymous said...

Augusta is darker than darkest Africa. There are still a few white people left in certain small areas of the city suburbs--
okay, I will bite. How does Augusta get money?
Not federal free bees like sec 8 and tha ebt, but local gov money.
same for Detroit. how do they pay bills?

Anonymous said...

Yes. The Democratic/SJW political process is coming to a head. I am ready, are you?......

-JSF- in Minneapolis

Anonymous said...

I normally agree with you, pk, but abortion clinics no longer serve your desired goal. To the blacks in these videos having yet another child is like Charlie finding the golden ticket. In many states, having up to SEVEN children extends your social benefits proportionally for each, so each child means more of our money. Initially, Sanger founded PP with eugenics as the motive, but social entitlement programs have destroyed that over time. Now, Quentesha has no reason to abort little deerayjay, as it extends her paycheck by $5-800/mo. Blacks rarely use PP. Latinos typically dont use PP due to their deeply held religious convictions. Asians rarely use PP because their family structure is disciplined, and enstills career success before extending the family. It's mainly middle class white women who have abortions. Women who are "smart" enough to understand they can't provide for a child. Of course there are those 15 year olds, of all races, that have abortions, or rape victims that have abortions, but while those are the defense used for PP, they are rare one-off, not the average.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Police arrested Quiauna Henley, 35, of Hephzibah; Quiasha Henley, 18, of Hephzibah; A’Lexis Cain, 18, of Hephzibah; Tyteanna Thomas, 18, of Augusta; Raheem Jobes, 19, of Augusta; Myah Dunbar, 18, of Hephzibah; Eyvette Lashawn Byrd, 39, of Hephzibah; Demetrius Lamont Harris Jr, 21, of Hephzibah; and Terry Lee Daniels, 19, of Augusta.

That is a figurative and literal murderers row of weird negro names.


I am a relatively intelligent man. I have a B.A. in History from a state university. I tried, but I cannot pronounce any of those vibrant african names. This is not a joke, it is not sarcasm. I have no idea how to say those words. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Why weren't Xrayvious, Drivetrainius, Spoiledmeatreus and Kumquatria invited to this street festival?

Anonymous said...

Regarding comments made about BHO, Jeh Johnson et. al. trying to destroy the country: not really. They are trying to win dissident votes from the white middle class. White females, especially those who are educated at the university level, are easy targets for " leftist " ideologues, i. e., the Treachery Lobby.
Extreme individualistic females or feminists as they are called now, usually white, have a marked proclivity to dislike tribal thinking; since men tend to think tribally because they are genetically programmed to defend the tribe, they can be accurately considered anti- male. Thus men are considered archaic and conservative. The " XX " people - females - seek out the "Y" they need from the gene pool available. If the "Ys" available are junky beta males ( sarcasm ) who nevertheless are tribal members in good standing, the tribe loses. This is an especially grievous loss to the white race since our tribe has for the most part been good to males, giving us good deals like monogamy. The galling contradiction : white feminist females calling themselves Progressives and " Liberated " and championing anti-tribal causes like mass immigration of tribal antagonists who are often retrograde and thuggish.
I guess you could say they are trying to destroy the country, after all. A country without its people is just a piece of land.

Anonymous said...

x catholic

Is the present pope the devil?
when will a black be pope? like USA prez and UN prez.

Anonymous said...

The answer to the School to Prison pipeline is to get rid of the pipeline and make the school a prison.

Public Policy debates are fun!

Anonymous said...

I respect them for not using guns.

Anonymous said...

Thats not cussing because its in ebonics !!!

Muffugga = any other person besides oneself.

Sheeit = denotes disbelief or derision towards someone or something.

Dayum! = expresses surprise or excitement.

All perfectly acceptable words in modern day BRA.

Pat Boyle said...

Many people who frequent this blog are counting on Trump to remedy a lot of America's current problems. Me too. But being realistic, no matter how energetic he is there are many issues that he won't be able to fix.

Let's enumerate a few of the issues.

1. Immigration. I expect Trump to build a wall and reinvigorate the border patrols. He will probably also provide penalties for the so called 'Sanctuary Cities'.

2. Summer Black Riots. I expect that a Trump administration will damp down rather than encourage these burnings and lootings. The BLM will still exist but it will likely be much less intrusive in public life.

3. Black Education - Education becomes more and more important each year for those who expect to participate in the economy. Blacks lag whites and Asians by a considerable margin. But Trump won't be able to do anything about this. I doubt if he will even try.

4. Black Street Violence. Trump will support the police but little else. He never makes speeches on this issue. Black on black murder will continue apace. There will therefore be more black ministers leading pointless marches.

5. National Defense. Trump will probably push to rebuild American forces. It probably will be a smaller rebuilding than Reagan introduced. But it will still be significant. The Muslims will attack us again probably quite soon, so much of Trump's actions will be a response to their initiative. Maybe we can avoid a nuclear conflict - maybe not.

If Trump does these five things he will be judged by history a success. The Republican party will be reinvigorated. And we will begin to emerge from the economic doldrums.

But I would like more.

If we are to continue to include black people among us, we will need to modify our basic means of governing ourselves. Blacks are a sub-species that are prone to crimes and poverty. Every measure we or anyone else has tried to correct these flaws of citizenship have failed. Sooner or later we will have to address these problems.

As a political conservative I'm wary of sudden changes. So I suggest we start small and slow. First of all we should make the laws race conscious. The 2nd Amendment should not cover blacks. Blacks should not be allowed to have guns. Many conservatives will oppose such a rule and many liberals will favor it. But it's a good place to start. If it works, as I expect it will, it will set a precedent for other legal reforms.

Yesterday Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton all over the West. Her only advantage at the polls seems to be with negroes. Hillary for some bizarre reason is the negro candidate. To me this suggests that blacks should not have be allowed to vote. That reform will not come quickly but it makes sense. Blacks barely pay taxes or support themselves. Every year they become more and more a dependent population. We need to roll back the black franchise now that we see that it yields no positive results.

I do not propose a reintroduction of slavery. Slavery only made sense when we needed field labor. That day will not return. But it does not therefore follow that people who cannot fully participate in modern civilization need be given a full range of rights. Now that we know better, we need to get busy forging a new set of laws and customs that recognize racial realities.


Anonymous said...

Just for the record...

You DO know Donald Trump wants to expand HUD? He even wants Charlie Rangel to run it!

For the record, he has never renounced it, and in fact would make it "better."

Just sayin'...

proudyt said...

Anonymous 7:52 Great comment. Especially the part about the obese white race traitor. However , starting to see more and more young wiggers with black women. The liberals have really done a number on the centennial generation. 500 years from now most people will be grey.

Blue Eyes Matter said...

Happy Easter everybody.

Another negroidal brawl Easter egg hunt in Connecticut today. Hordes of black sheboons ran into field, pushing white toddlers out of the way, to grab more of the treasured eggs for their offspring. They teach their youf early that rules are for bitches, and to take what they want from the white man. What do you want to bet not a single one of them darkened the doorway of a church today? And, as usual, none of the media photos portrayed the perpetrators, they were all closely cropped photos of whites, shielding the black mobs from view.

Speaking of which, a few companies in England have omitted the word "Easter" from their candy products. I noticed at the store last night Russel Stover (which was bought out by Lindt&Sprungl in 2014) had removed the word Easter from their chocolate bunnies. All to appease the Muslims, and atheists, I suppose. It's a Christian holiday, for crying out loud, if you can't handle that, if that offends your religion, then don't buy it. Yes, atheism is a religion, as it cannot be proven, or disproven, so it is a faith based belief system. Here's an idea, make your own brand of Ramadan chocolate AK-47's, and marshmallow car bomb Peeps, and we'll just not buy them. The atheists can have chocolate nothing's on nihilist day , I suggest April 1'st. Hershey's has chocolate crosses, have mixed feelings about that, but at least it acknowledges a Christian holiday.

Paintjob Theory said...

"Anonymous said...
OT. I'm glad that I'm not Catholic because I wouldn't want to have to explain this. It appears that the Pope believes that there is an equivalence between Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and the Pope washing the feet of a muslim who almost certainly hates all Christians. . . "

The current pope is a Jesuit. Some research into Ignacious Loyola (Sounds like a nog name, but he was a Spaniard) and the Illumbrados. The same ancient Babylonian mystery religion (essentially secular humanism) re-packaged and disguised under a veil of Christianity with the sole purpose of infiltrating and undermining Christianity and the Catholic church in particular.

As early as 1738 the Catholic church recognized the subversive nature, and occult paganism of these secret societies. In eminenti apostolatus specula was a papal bull barring members from becoming freemasons until quite recently. Jesuits are typically NWO types and this pope is no exception and represents a completed coup within the hierarchy of the Catholic church.

By the way, if the pope really thinks that "refugees" are great citizens why aren't they importing a few thousand to Vatican city? Just like Israel. Every YKW group pushing for WHITE EUROPEAN countries to become infested with the refuse of the world but their motto is "good for thee but not for me". Israel won't take in one of these mongs either.

In short it's the same old shit from the usual suspects. Once you figure out which groups were involved in every subversive movement and revolution in the last 1000 years and learn their motives and beliefs, everything that seemed baffling before makes perfect sense.

Happy Easter, and for those of you who are orthodox or don't believe... have a happy Easter anyway.

Anonymous said...

"Imagine for a second that everyone involved in this melee were white. Imagine that 30 to 50 white people , both young and old, showed up on someone's front lawn demanding to fight a 15 year old white girl.

If that were the case, how would this not be the top news story in America? They'd have psychologists in droves booked on all the cable news programs, the Daily Show, late night, and SNL would have a field day with the story.

As it is, with blacks involved, the story is buried in local news and on the few racial realist sites to mention it".

The difference is that, were those involved in this incident White (or Oriental, or Jewish, or...) it would be big news since it would be a "man bites dog" story. It would be such an anomaly.

Since this melee involved negros, it's one of those "Breaking news: Water is wet" stories. It's just the way they are. Look at the surroundings, the houses, cars, the streets: this is definitely an upper middle class "neighborhood". I keep hearing the excuse that inner city negros can't help themselves because of "poverty". I'm not seeing a whole lot of "poverty" in these vids. So what's the excuse for these middle class negros? They have none other than they're letting their Inner Africans come out to play: they can't help themselves: this is TNB.

This is why groids are best avoided.

And stop referring to negros as "orcs": that's very insulting to orcs. We already have several perfectly good descriptions of these semi-sapient simians. In LotR, the orcs organized into disciplined military units as an effective fighting force. Saurumon wouldn't have any use for negros.

Anonymous said...

Anon at March 26 @ 3:31pm said "Worst mistake whites ever did was bring the SHIT SKINNED DEMONS here!!!
How long must we pay for that BAAAAD investment???

Why did we quit sending them to Liberia??

They keep trying to turn America into Africa...

I say if they want reparations.
We pay them to leave!!!"

Marcus Garvey wanted reparation for the Negro in the 1930's but he was rejected by the mainstream Black and White leaders at that time. Garvey collaborated with outspoken segregationist and white supremacist Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi to promote a reparations scheme. The Greater Liberia Act of 1939 would deport 12 million African-Americans to Liberia at federal expense to relieve unemployment. The act failed in Congress, and Garvey lost even more support among the black population. If we can gain support again for such an act, you could see many blacks returning to Africa. Instead of forty acres and a mule, the US government would offer to build up the country Liberia to handle an influx of 30 to 40 million blacks returning to the motherland. Just as Billionaire Soros can fund Black Li(v)es Matter, a conservative Billionaire can fund a group that support Pan-Africanism.

Willie from Naperville

Anonymous said...

North Floridian here. I have not posted in a long time but this latest TNB brought me back to the site. On Easter no less. I fear the next few months leading to the election will be the most crucial period our nation has faced since the Cuban missle crisis. The election will be a complete sheeet show with the potential for a contested convention. Simultaneously the fed is losing its grip on our inflated stock market (that they created). I.e. They have no idea what to do with interest rates and are fully painted in a corner. Starting in mid April we will see terrible earnings reports from our largest companies that will throw our economy into a recession. The strong dollar will take the blame but the trade deficit with China is a major factor. The bar for earnings expectations has been lowered dramatically already and we will be well below. Throw in the potential for "brexit" on June 23rd where the Brits will vote to potentially leave the eu and this spells trouble. I mention the financial peril we face because the day the ebt card doesn't work, is coming near. everything changes when that happens. Could you imagine the chimp out when that happens? All that tax money we bitch about paying, serves mostly to keep the orcs in check. It has been our forced reparations that have already been paid for the last several decades.
Prepare accordingly folks.

Anonymous said...

Off Topic but On Topic...

News story reports that algebra is an unnecessary stumbling block in US schools.

From Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Who needs algebra?

That question muttered by many a frustrated student over the years has become a vigorous debate among American educators, sparked by a provocative new book that argues required algebra has become an unnecessary stumbling block that forces millions to drop out of high school or college.

"One out of 5 young Americans does not graduate from high school. This is one of the worst records in the developed world. Why? The chief academic reason is they failed ninth-grade algebra," said political scientist Andrew Hacker, author of "The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions."

So the US has a demographic which lacks the IQ to understand algebra. Aha! Let's drop algebra! No need for math. Better to take all those resources and instead put them into black history and feelgood soc subjects. Then when these students get to college, they will not have to be concerned about taking STEM courses.

The article, of course, does not look at the racial aspect of this. Is there some correlation between an exploding low IQ demographic and third world mass migration, and the US falling behind in math?

By the way, did US schools have a problem with algebra before Brown vs Board of Education?

Anonymous said...

Stop comparing white males and black males and switch to white females and black females if you really want a stark contrast. Compare the follow attributes:

Willingness/desire to fight
Number of swear words per sentence
Length and silkiness of hair
Ability to be ashamed of one's offspring and communicate it to others
Marriage to a man who actually works and cares about his progeny's future
Compassion for others and level of blind racial solidarity

The list should be much longer but I was too repulsed thinking of black women and their weaves and treated hair to list more.

Men (of all races) are attracted to FEMININE women. There is nothing feminine about black women.

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time the Pope did this- it's obvious he has a think for female feet, regardless of race.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you could qualify any of those names as "proper".

Anonymous said...

Too easy ...... Ill take cat 5 chimpout for 300 dollars Alex.

The cause of nearly all negro dysfunction.

What is "poverty caused by systemic racism"

Ding Ding Ding!!!!!!


AnalogMan said...

Bogolyubski said

To accomplish anything close to what you're hoping for, a President Trump would have to literally declare a state of emergency, assume dictatorial powers and do the following in short order:

Arrests for Treason
1. B. Hussein Obama...

The possibility of Trump actually pulling something of this magnitude off is extremely slim to say the least.

Even assuming Trump is permitted by the ruling oligarchs to assume the office, there's not a great deal he'll be able to do in light of the fact that even the so-called "opposition" party is lined up to stop him. He'll have the R-jerseys and D-jerseys united to oppose any attempt to dismantle racial preferences...

I don't think many here are hoping for anything as drastic as that. I think most are just grateful to see some movement toward sanity. He draws huge crowds who support him fanatically, and what has he actually done so far? He has promised to build a wall, implement a protectionist trade policy and a non-interventionist foreign policy, deport illegal aliens and limit moslem immigration, and he has said some nasty things and refused to apologise. In other words, he has made some unsayable things sayable. PC is on the defensive, and our concerns are being discussed. And look at the huge difference that has already made. The Right is energised, the Alt-right is on the move. For no effort, no legal changes.

He needed no support from Congress to do that. He needs no support to put it into practice. The laws are already there, he just has to implement them. Starting with immigration laws, and the Secure Fence Act.

He can do a huge amount as head of the Administration. Most of the laws that so bedevil your lives are not made by Congress; they are made by bureaucratic regulation. The President controls the bureaucracy. He can make or repeal any regulations, within the wide discretion given by the enabling Acts. He controls the Department of Injustice. He determines who gets sued or not sued by the Federal government. Just think what he could do with a few strategic Hate Crimes prosecutions.

AFFH? Never voted on by Congress. Poof! - it's gone. Federal grants to churches to import Somalis and Arabs? Foreign aid to Africa? I assume those are at bureaucratic discretion, but even if Congress were to mandate them, your current president has set precedents for obstructionism.

He appoints Federal judges. It will take time, but the vipers' nest that is the Judicial Branch can be cleaned out, without permission from the Legislature.

Get started!

Bill in St Louis said...

We have a winner! You get some free "White Privilege" , a job and the bonus of paying taxes to support little "Ladashsha"!

Anonymous said...

Thank you to whomever posted the story about dropping Algebra from schools. Last time I checked (last few years) Algebraic concepts were being integrated into the curriculum for all grades, starting with kindergarten.

Why do we need to stop teaching it? How did students in the past deal with it? Isn't the problem solving/logic involved with solving Algebraic equations something that might be useful for students down the road?

Which demographics are failing, and how are the teachers being blamed for it? Why does the U.S. still win academic championships yet on average we are the joke of the developed world? There must be some info missing here that could help us pinpoint the problem. The problem must be pretty insurmountable if approaches like taking Algebra off the table are considered solutions to this problem.

Who fails the most because of Algebra? Has Algebra been determined to be racist?

Anonymous said...

Informative as always Pat. I say thus regarding Mr. Trump: he is not the answer, he is the fuse.

-JSF- in Minneapolis

D-FENS said...

Like PK, here's another blogger who gets criticized for racism by relatives of the victim when a negro kills a White:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the ruined Easter egg hunt, maybe they can try something similar in Chicago, but with a twist: Have black kids hunt and peck for litter (which blacks create in abundance) and for every five separate pieces they collect, they get a fun-size candy bar. We could actually get blacks to pick up after each other this way. Unfortunately, you know the wrappers of the prizes will just take the place of the old litter.

Back to the drawing board.

Anonymous said...

The savagery of the American N*gger is limitless. Let that video play in every Anthropology class across the world: they are not Human.

Anonymous said...

Atheism is a religion in the same sense that not collecting stamps is a hobby. You can't "prove" a negative. For example, prove that I can't fly. Go on, do it.
The burden of proof is on the person making the extraordinary claim.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if making a white version of the following "article" would be deemed racist:

Spoiler, intellectual development and accomplishment is not covered. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Why weren't Xrayvious, Drivetrainius, Spoiledmeatreus and Kumquatria invited to this street festival? . . . "

Aren't those names of Chrysler cars from the 1960s ?

Just axin', gnome saying ?

Anonymous said...

I visited this site. Based on the authors comments I am now confused? I want nothing to do with blacks, period. No exceptions. The question that confuses me is this: Am I a realist or racist?

-JSF- in Minneapolis

Mr. Rational said...

Now, Quentesha has no reason to abort little deerayjay, as it extends her paycheck by $5-800/mo. Blacks rarely use PP.

In Mississippi they do; 72% of the abortions are for Black women.  The low welfare benefits no doubt have a big effect.

BTW, "dayum" and "sumbitch" are perfectly common expressions in the South.

you know the wrappers of the prizes will just take the place of the old litter.

Make them scan in the bar code of the old wrapper along with their trash to get the next piece of candy.  Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I see genetics brought up as a valid argument (in a study, for instance) the writers are ALWAYS quick to make notes and post hypotheticals of what "might" have a hand in all this. It's like an endless game of scapegoat for them- spot the target to pin the tail on!

Everyone is so sick of these beast people that I get some satisfaction that the worst of this crap will be going away forever soon, Trump or no Trump. Our populace has changed, and it isn't the liberal/progressive label that people are flocking to now these days. They should really do a double count on who's actually voting for Hillary (lol Bernie, they already did him in). They will be surprised to find a lot of people will be signing up for Trump, they just aren't advertising it. Multiculturalism has failed. Diversity has failed. Liberals just haven't figured it out/admitted it yet to themselves.

Every white liberal out there has had to had multiple experiences be taken by these people while signals of giving and cooperation are appropriated into a one way gravy train that they don't do anything for. I don't know how many examples of blind racial solidarity I need to show you to demonstrate that blacks make HORRIBLE allies.

White liberals out there: what have black people ever done for any of YOUR or OTHER PEOPLE'S causes when it doesn't directly benefit blacks? Is completely nothing the right answer? Ever seen a black person passionate about the environment or anything else for the matter over race? Didn't think so. They talk about the Republican party ripping itself to shreds, blacks are a complete cancer on everything socialist and liberal and are tarring every single one of your movements by association. Most people have always felt uncomfortable or uneasy around blacks, now they know why. There may be some dissonance there, but they sure don't walk the walk of their diversity talk.

If the majority of future refugees, illegal immigrants, and especially black section 8 recipients were moved to all majority liberal cities (Portland, Seattle, Austin) then there really would be no liberals beyond the age of 25 anymore. All THEIR parties and surroundings will have been ruined and then they can develop a racial realist perspective and finally join us.

Anonymous said...

Bring back chain gangs and put them to work building the wall along the border of Mexico. Anyone tries to escape, or act up, shoot them and add them into the wall like they while building the Great Wall of China, which was also built using captured slave labor.

Sick'nTired said...

I guess all those anti gun violence marches are working.

AnalogMan said...

Anonymous said

It's Easter Sunday and I'm just waiting for it to be over with and the news to show negroes chimpin' out at picnics, BBQ's and beating, stabbing, shooting each other over the last piece of chicken. Maybe Sherilla will rip DaKwonda's weave out because DaKwonda's sprog stoled an easter egg from Sherilla's niglet and DaKwonda don't wants to gibs it back. Or maybe we'll be seeing video of a human Easter egg hunt ruined by negroes with older negro "youth" attacking younger white children and stealing their candy. With negroes, anything is possible and very likely to happen.

Funny you should say that...

The Daily Mail once again reporting on American events the American press won't touch.

Marauding parents in Easter Egg hunt rampage: Out-of-control adults push children to the ground, steal their buckets and leave one four-year-old 'bloody' at chaotic free event

- Children were trampled as 1,000 people stormed the PEZ center field
- 9,000 eggs were laid out on three different age-bracketed sections
- But when the egg hunt started, 'parents stormed the field stealing eggs'
- One four-year-old was left 'bloody', many toddlers 'pushed into the mud'

This happened in Connecticut. No clear photos of the actual mayhem, and some photos appear to have been deleted after posting, but we know, don't we? I thought CT was relatively jig-free, but the evidence speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

-JSF- in Minneapolis said ”I visited this site. Based on the authors comments I am now confused? I want nothing to do with blacks, period. No exceptions. The question that confuses me is this: Am I a realist or racist?”

The realist understands the statistical significance of being black and can accept the fact that inequality runs throughout nature. Most definitions of racism describe it as a belief that inherent differences among the racial groups determine achievement, or that one's own race is superior, or a particular racial group is inferior.

My personal opinion is that the recognition of the correlation of easily measurable characteristics to a particular race cannot be racism. If that was the case, it would be racist to state that black people have black skin or to say that Indians have brown hair. It is indisputable that the average black has a lower IQ than an average white, and it is indisputable that their lower IQ limits their ability to compete with whites in areas requiring intelligence. It is also indisputable that blacks commit far more crime per capita than whites although there might be a dispute regarding the cause. These facts speak for themselves.

I think that racism begins when a race is unfairly treated. I don't want to start a Jew tirade, but the Nazi view of the Jew was probably racist to the extent that Jews are a race. The Nazi's believed that they were superior to Jews as well as all other races, but I am not aware of the facts upon which this belief was based. Jews are often hated or resented by other races or groups of people, but often the underlying problem is that the Jews are too successful or perceived as manipulative. I'm not suggesting that racism is always bad because a nation of racists will probably survive longer than a nation that welcomes the very diversity that weakens unity among the population.

You have stated that you want nothing to do with blacks without exception. With the statistical knowledge that you have of blacks your desire to avoid blacks is probably more pragmatic than racist. If blacks were actually just like whites except for skin color, my guess is that you wouldn't avoid them any more than you would avoid a person because of their hair color.

Based on my unscientific analysis of your short comment I'm declaring you to be a realist. However, you are advised that the current trend in BRA is to call anyone who recognizes any negative trait of an average black or who doesn't want to be near blacks a racist. The term realist is not accepted by BRA.

Anonymous said...

Blue Eyes Matter said ”. . . Happy Easter everybody.

Another negroidal brawl Easter egg hunt in Connecticut today. Hordes of black sheboons ran into field, pushing white toddlers out of the way, to grab more of the treasured eggs for their offspring. They teach their youf early that rules are for bitches, and to take what they want from the white man. What do you want to bet not a single one of them darkened the doorway of a church today? And, as usual, none of the media photos portrayed the perpetrators, they were all closely cropped photos of whites, shielding the black mobs from view. . . “

When I first read of this brawl I immediately though it must be related to blacks, but I have been unable to confirm this suspicion. I looked at some of the pictures at the link provided by AnalogMan but I was unable to determine from the pictures what group had caused the problem. Is there an actual report or are there pictures that confirm our suspicions that this is another outbreak of TNB? I didn't realize that the black concentration had reached this level in Connecticut.

Bird of Paradise said...

Not surprising the demac-RATS want to hold gun makers liable since the vulture the shark and the donkey are partners in crime and demac-RATS are in luague with the trial lawyers

Anonymous said...

"the United States of America is irredeemable."

The USA is NOT irredeemable IF Whites would grow a pair and do what needs to be done concerning Blacks. The "Black problem" could be hugely reduced if Whites had the willpower to do so just like the "Muslim problem" in Europe could be hugely reduced if Europe had the will to do so. However, until Whites grow a pair and do what needs to be done concerning Blacks, illegals, Muslims, etc., then yes, America will be irredeemable.

Anonymous said...

"If the majority of future refugees, illegal immigrants, and especially black section 8 recipients were moved to all majority liberal cities (Portland, Seattle, Austin) then there really would be no liberals beyond the age of 25 anymore."

I live in Austin and we have plenty of illegals as it is a sanctuary city in Texas. We also have Blacks who behave badly as usual but they are only 8% of the population so not nearly as bad as somewhere like the inner cities of Atlanta or Detroit as the numbers are much smaller. The media here covers hugely for illegal and Black crime.

Anonymous said...

Analog Man: I knew my prediction would be accurate. I'm equally sure that smaller negro chimpouts occurred in places other than in CT and we just haven't heard about them. As is, if Vegas had been stupid enough to take bets on whether an Easter egg hunt chimpout would or would not take place, I'd have immediately put down 10K and won a bundle- but even Vegas isn't stupid enough to bet on blacks behaving themselves.

Over this Easter weekend in my town, there was a shootout at a club that's NOT located in the hood or even nearby. However, it attracts blacks and even Hispanics. The news (of course!) failed to identify the group responsible but locals got online and related how they either live or work in the area (or both)and the "club" always has up to a 100 negroes outside loitering in the parking lot and there have been numerous fights. The local McDonald's locks its doors early because of their presence. People want the club declared a nuisance and closed down.

Anyway, as with the story of the CT Easter egg hunt being ruined by negroes, it doesn't matter if the MSM tries to cover up who was responsible. Everyone already knows and will post the truth in comment sections where comments are allowed or video will wind up on youtube. The MSM is engaging in a massive fail. Even if they disallow comments, people go on the Internet and find the truth anyway. Only the naïve believe what the MSM spews.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said @ March 27, 2016 at 7:46 PM:

"I thought CT was relatively jig-free, but the evidence speaks for itself."

Years ago it was.

In my Junior High there were zero..NONE..and in High School there was one and he was in the "retard" class so you rarely ever saw him. I recently went through my yearbooks and sure enough I remembered correctly. This was in the 1970's.

Back then there were a few sprinkled around some of the cities like New Haven and Waterbury. There was a larger population, contained, in Bridgeport. That was about it.

It would appear they have invaded like the hoard of locusts they are. I still have friends in CT and they tell me they have trashed the aforementioned cities

One more thing to add. Life in those days was WAY different than it is now. Growing up in Whiteopia like that was in retrospect..awesome !

Steve Smith said...

Willie, once again you're missing the point.

I agree with sending them to Liberia, but why should we have to pay to build it up? They should do it their own family damned selves.

Bird of Paradise said...

If they dont want to be shot then they need to get a job and earn a living other then breaking into other peoples homes or robbing others to support your drug addiction

Anonymous said...

I'll believe y'all are serious when I read that one of you has created a Save The Boers organization which is raising money and relocating white South Africans to the United States, housing them, feeding them, getting them on their feet here.

That campaign would do more for the cause than 100 websites like this.

Anonymous said...

We don't really make a distinction here. To admit that there is a genetic pecking order to the races makes you a realist in some circles and a foaming at the mouth racist in others. To see is to see.

Anonymous said...

- But when the egg hunt started, 'parents stormed the field stealing eggs'

Who the [expletive deleted] steals Easter eggs???

And did such travesties occur during segregation?

Just asking...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said ”I'll believe y'all are serious when I read that one of you has created a Save The Boers organization which is raising money and relocating white South Africans to the United States, housing them, feeding them, getting them on their feet here.

That campaign would do more for the cause than 100 websites like this.”

I have often wondered why white South Africans don't immigrate to the US. I know a guy who dated a SA woman who's father was a doctor in SA. She was here to acquire a business degree. She was a smart and pretty gal, and I can't imagine how she could keep from improving our gene pool. I never learned if she was interested in becoming a US citizen.

What exactly keeps them from coming here?

Unknown said...

Anyone named Quiauna or Tyteanna or the like, should just be arrested whenever encountered by LEOs. There's no way they aren't guilty of something!

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of white folks here that need us more, and not to mention, the Boers are more wealthy than your average white American, so they should get out while they still have plenty to do so. Nobody is keeping them there but themselves!


JSF in Minneapolis:



A @ 9:28 AM

Dear History Major:

The reason you can't pronounce any of those fine Post-African names is because they are not names.

They aren't even words.

They are "sounds". Or better yet, "grunts" and "vocalizations".

Perhaps a linguist can enlighten us on how early "man", or hominids, developed speech. We seem to have a classic example of evolution. Evolution in "speech", where advanced hominids "learn" that different sounds can identify their off-spring.

It is a novel and advantages approach. One can call the nigglets for feeding time, EBT shopping time, shop-lifting time at Wal-Mart, sex with uncle-daddy time, etc.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of white folks here that need us more, and not to mention, the Boers are more wealthy than your average white American, so they should get out while they still have plenty to do so. Nobody is keeping them there but themselves!

You are hallucinating. The Boers are DENIED entry to ANY other White countries. Nobody is keeping them there but the UN and ALL White countries whose governments deny them.

D-FENS said...

WW 1 had the Germans bayonetting babies and the arms free Lusitania.
WW 2 had a phony map showing planned German colonies in South America.
Vietnam had the phony North Vietnamese attack on US ships in the Tonkin Gulf.
Grenada had the phony kidnapping of the US medical students.
Panama had the phony molestation of a US national.
Gulf War 1 recycled the babies being killed only this time in incubators.
Balkans War had phony concentration camp photos.
Afghanistan had the phony underground caves that had hospitals, tank repair facilities, hardened command centers.
Gulf War 2 had phony WMDs.
Syria has ISIS which we are supposedly bombing while Israel is giving them assistance. Meanwhile, we are resettling them here in the US.

Ruses of war.

Anonymous said...

The big towns in CT like Waterbury, Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport are nog infested shitholes, where most of the crime and shootings happen. The rest of CT is mostly small white villages/towns where people take pride in their homes, property, and community.

Anonymous said...

All Algebra is is solving for an unknown. Ex: If Shitavious sells 14 bags of crack for $20 each, how much did he earn? 14×20=X, solve for X.

Sick'nTired said...

When I fill out my taxes, there are always boxes to check if I want to give $3 to domestic abuse, save the environment, etc. If there was,a box that said give $200 to send Africans back to Africa, I would check it every time, as I imagine most Americans would.


A @ 6:27 PM

Ah, you don't understand Negro Math.

Shitavious "sells" 14 bags? Realy? Well, 2 are for LaTrina who blows him for 2. Uncle-Daddy scams 3 bags since Shitavious owes him for being allowed to "do" sister-cousin last night. THEN, po po wants 5 bags for looking the other way and the Rev. needs 3 bags so he can do the Deacons wife who is strung out yet will "do the wild thang" if Rev comes up with the candy. NoMeSayin?

Life is hard in the hood !!! Mean streets and sheeeet. You white folk, with yo' damn Privilege and stupid book-learnin' don't know how hard it is for the community. It ain't easy scoring and pulling tricks and avoiding work and such. Damnn. When you born in the wrong zip code you have no chance. This "free" edukation ain't no free when the Man makes you go to class and learn white-cracka-ass math and sheeeeet. WTF do I have to learn no G'damn whiteass math fo? I want my Section 8th money honey !!! Don't give me this WhiteAss crap. You owe me, honky. You pay or my community will burn yo place down MOFO !!!! JOb? F you honky. Obama says I no have to work. I have rights, white boy!!!! GIb me my money !!! Yo done drag my papa from Afrikah 400 years, you owe me, boy. You pay or I get my boys Travon, DeScrotum, DaPenis and some I no know dem names, to beat you white ass!!!!

AnalogMan said...

Anonymous said...

What exactly keeps them from coming here?

Don't laugh, but... American immigration law. It's strictly enforced against White South Africans. Even to get a tourist visa for the USA is difficult.

The law requires Labour Department certification for any immigrant. That means he has to have a job offer; the job must have been advertised for several months, with no qualified American applicants. The only exception I know of is for nurses.

Anonymous 10:54 said

There are plenty of white folks here that need us more, and not to mention, the Boers are more wealthy than your average white American, so they should get out while they still have plenty to do so. Nobody is keeping them there but themselves!

That is nonsense. It's not even close to true, even in relative terms. That is, the average Boer doesn't live on the same standard as the average American. Factor in the exchange rate, and the average Boer would be a pauper in America. For example, when I left South Africa, I sold a 22-acre farm with a 3000 square foot, brick-built home, 30 miles outside Cape Town, for the equivalent of about $100K.

White South Africans are discriminated against by the government policy of Black Economic Empowerment. White engineers, for example have been fired in their thousands from the national electric utility, Escom, and replaced by blacks, with the result that rolling blackouts are now the norm. And these monkeys are running a nuclear power station.

Thousands of senior government jobs now have black incumbents. They sit in the big corner offices with the plush carpets, the fancy official cars and the fat salaries. If you ask to speak to the top man (true story, this), you get shown to this official. After you explain your problem (which he doesn't understand), he summons a subordinate who escorts you down to a small room in the basement, with no windows, and pipes across the ceiling, where a White man, who used to have that top job, will sort out your problem. Needless to say, he's still doing the job, but he sure isn't getting the salary.

But he's lucky to have a job. Thousands of others are destitute and living in squatter camps. How are they supposed to find their way to America? They couldn't even get a tourist visa, let alone afford an airline ticket.

The fiendishness of the BEE policy is that, even if you don't seek government contracts, you're forced to hire these black managers, appoint black directors etc. That's because the firms that compete for those contracts are scored, not only for their compliance, but also for their suppliers' compliance. So, if you want to sell anything at all to any commercial enterprise, they'll all be looking for suppliers that can enhance their own BEE rating. I'll leave it to you to speculate who could have designed such a diabolical system.

At the fall of civilization in South Africa, I sent two of my daughters to study in America, with the intention that they would not come back. One married an American, and is now a citizen. the other married a Canadian, and, though she had a job, it had to be given to a citizen and she is now living in Canada, waiting for her anchor babies to grow up and send for her. We're the lucky ones.

Anonymous said...

The History Of WWI (Watching On Hulu):

The German soldiers tied women to trees, raped and brutalized them. Then they nailed their little children to the tree next to them so their mothers can watch them die. Then after the children died, the German soldiers shot the mothers in the head. "

Ah, so Hulu is running anti-Hun propaganda from 100 years ago?

Excellent, Shekelstein, excellent.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

I'll believe y'all are serious when I read that one of you has created a Save The Boers organization which is raising money and relocating white South Africans to the United States...

Let me remind you that we aren't black. We don't need "community organizers", stop the violence rallies, and reverands in 3000 dollar suites to tell us what to think. The strength of white people is that we understand that showing up to work on time is half the key to success. We use our future time orientation to prepare ourselves for a better future. That's why we are successful, and it will continue until our nation goes full Zimbabwe because the DWL allowed us to be invaded. Our biggest strength is to continue to be successful.

B said...

Lol. You have one, undocumented (let's be realistic) example?

Brilliant investigative, persuasive journalism!

Anonymous said...

Federal dollars laundered by being pumped through local sources, public and private.

Anonymous said...

My God, you just blighted a treasured childhood memory for me. I will pretend I didn't see that, and try to forget.

Anonymous said...

It should tell us something that there was no diversity as we understand it in human societies until very recently. Societies and nations were synonymous with race or ethnicity. There have always been groups of migrants and foreigners within the larger society, but they were not regarded as real Spaniards, Manchus, Swedes, Venetians, and what have you. The concept of dozens of different racial groups living together as equally vested members of a cohesive nation is completely unknown in human history. That should be telling us something.

Anonymous said...

It is? Don't tell anyone. Somalis specialize in deliberately seeking out and moving into clean, wholesome, overwhelmingly white communities, and they will definitely be interested.

Anonymous said...

What are you smoking? The Boers are on the verge of genocide. Hundreds of thousands of them are living in camps with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Anonymous said...

One factor is that the SA government doesn't want qualified whites to leave. They saw what happened in Zimbabwe when the white professionals and skilled workers were pushed out. Lately the SA government has been using the trick of not providing would-be emigres with the police report that is required by many countries for new immigrants. They don't tell you they're not issuing the certificate; they simply don't do anything to process it. If you call or visit police officials to find out what's going on, they give you various excuses or simply lie to you. They will withhold it until your immigration permit expires, your prospective employer gives up on you, and you're right back where you started, in South Africa with no way out.

Another factor is that it is virtually impossible for a white South African to obtain refugee status in a Western country. Immigration officials in Western countries are generally leftist hacks or ethnics who refuse to believe that a white person can be the victim of persecution because of the color of his skin. Even if your case is well documented, they will reject you, because the alternative would require them to admit that South Africa after apartheid is not the glorious multicultural paradise they so badly want to believe that it is.

Matchbox 21 said...

"Richmond County sheriff Richard Roundtree tree told the Chronicle...."

Geez... Shaft is their county sheriff! That could be the problem right there.