"Give me liberty, or give me death. " Patrick Henry
Judge a man by his enemies, to understand his effectiveness.
Anonymous, George Soros, the Neocons, Social Justice Warriors and their allies in the entertainment industry, the Republican establishment, the Democrats, the mainstream media... just a partial list of those individuals/entities uniting to stop Donald J. Trump
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If this doesn't happen, expect Mount Rushmore to be destroyed in the name of destroying the spirit of the great white fathers... |
And now, Barack Obama. ['It has to stop': Obama blames campaign-trail rhetoric for violence at Donald Trump rallies, Business Insider, 3-15-16]:
US President Barack Obama said Tuesday that "vulgar and divisive" language was damaging America's reputation abroad and leading to violence at GOPfrontrunner Donald Trump's rallies.
"I'm not the only one in this room who's more than a little dismayed about what's been happening on the campaign trail recently," Obama said to a group of lawmakers at a Capitol Hill luncheon.
In a thinly veiled shot at Trump, Obama said offensive rhetoric had been aimed at women, minorities, and Americans who "don't look like us or pray like us or vote like we do."
Obama added, however, that protesters had engaged in "misguided attempts" to shut down that speech, adding that we "live in a country where free speech is one of the most important rights that we hold."
"In response to those attempts we've seen actual violence and we've heard silence from too many of our leaders," he said, before praising House Speaker Paul Ryan for decrying the divisive rhetoric. "Too often, we've accepted this as somehow the new normal. And it's worth asking ourselves what each of us has done to contribute to this vicious atmosphere in our politics."
"I suspect that all of us can recall some intemperate words that we regret," he continued. "Certainly, I can. And while some may be more to blame than others for the current climate, all of us are responsible for reversing it. For it is a cycle that is not an accurate representation of America, and it has to stop."
He made the statement not to be politically correct, he said, but to shed light on how "corrosive behavior" undermined "our democracy and our society and even our economy."
"This is also about the American brand," he said. "Who are we? How are we perceived around the world? The world pays attention to what we say and what we do."American brand?
The entire world is trying to get to America or they are trying to pour into Europe, just so they can have a free slice of this American brand (courtesy of the dwindling white Americans/Europeans subsidizing it).
Anonymous, George Soros, the Neocons, Social Justice Warriors and their allies in the entertainment industry, the Republican establishment, the Democrats, the mainstream media... just a partial list of those individuals/entities uniting to stop Donald J. Trump.
Add Barack Obama to the growing list, a man whose time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. has inadvertently awoken millions to the reality of their own dispossession.
America is irredeemable: so who cares about the American brand?
Who cares?
What should be frightening to those managerial-elites currently piloting the ship of western civilization, steering it directly to eventual amalgamation with the rest of the world, is this: Trump dared come along at a precisely the right moment when people were ready for the next era of western civilization, not its undoing.
Give me Trump or give me death.
"This is also about the American brand,"
The Teleprompter-Reader-in-Chief is giving the game away. America is no longer a country, and certainly not a nation, at least not from the perspective of the Oval Office. It's a "brand" to be marketed, traded and ultimately rendered obsolete by globalization.
Arm up folks.
The American brand is as good a name to call it as any. We'll die and be maimed in your wars. We'll invent stuff for you to steal. We'll work ourselves into an early grave until you toss us aside and don't let us even do that anymore. We'll take in your violent, retarded masses too stupid to survive and we'll work to keep them afloat.
We're pretty much a big pirate chest to be looted by the likes of Mitt Romney and then lectured when we use our last dime to try to prevent him from doing it to our kids. I don't even know what to say anymore, especially when so many Americans are still debating the finer points of Cruz vs. Rubio vs. that quiet negro doctor, etc.
Obama showed a surprising amount of humility here.
Still waiting for his apology for his racially charged comments about Trayboon, Mike Brown, etc
The more that Trump is attacked, the more we know he is the right man for America-for AMERICANS. Not for Mexicans, or Central Americans, or aybody else for that matter. What a paradise this country COULD BE, if only we were allowed to make it so. Like the Wizard of Oz, its time for the little man behind the curtain (Soros?)to have the curtain pulled aside and all plots & devices against us laid bare for all to see.
Anyone who dosen't see that Trump frightens the ones in power over us is either colossally stupid or willfully blind. I want to see that wall built! Mexico might as well be paved over completely as it is nothing more than a gigantic highway for freeloaders to pour into the US.
God Bless Trump!
Yeah, the remark about the "American Brand" was completely off the cuff and unscripted- which is pretty rare for this negro-in-chief. He's usually smart enough to know when to stop babbling away when there is no telemprompter to follow. The cards are all on the table know for everyone to see. The only ones who haven't figured it out by now might just as well be dead. There just ain't no fixing stupid.
This election and the way they're surrounding Trump has really preoccupied me lately, up to and including sleepless nights. These people are vicious and cruel. They'll stop at nothing to shut Trump up. His life is constantly in danger and this really disturbs me.
What really pisses me off, however, is the blatant remarks that the only way to stop Trump is with a bullet. Can you even imagine if anyone had said that during Obama's elections? You'd be having a close, personal relationship with Bubba in the state pen had you even joked about it at a cocktail party.
And ya gotta love how Obama rings his hands and stammers, "Gosh, we just have to stop inciting violent behavior with irresponsible rhetoric!" This from a POS who lamented about how baby Travon could have been his son. What exactly Trump said that is so "rayciss" is never really talked about. Defending borders and requiring immigration screening is all he's really advocated so far, arguing for enforcing what is actually still our quaint "rule of law", wink, wink.....
Trump has awoken a sleeping giant. He might very well be taken down, but there is a populace out there that's not going to watch this sucker go down without one helluva fight. If that doesn't make your European heart swell up with pride, you're probably already one of the ones who won't make it to the other side. Stay strong and believe that we are fighting the good fight. Honesty and integrity need to overcome the forces that are working to destroy our country.
Thanks for the forum, Mr. Kersey. $ on the way.
It truly is amazing how many of the "elites" are rallying to the cause of anyone but Trump. Never mind the poll results, the delegate counts or the massive numbers of people attending the rallies, the elites have their own ideas of what's best for us.
The problem is we have had DECADES of the elites formulating policy and things have gone from bad to worse to untenable. I graduated in 1984. The merger mania of Wall Street in the mid to late 1980s was a real eye opener. I remember the insane bidding wars between rival companies for the purpose of getting their hands on two or three targeted assets of the victim company. Remember some of those episodes? Some of these guys were so severely leveraged that even if they ended up managing to buy the targeted company, they now had no capital left to actually RUN the company.
This would be like frantically outbidding everybody on ebay for a '63 split window Corvette, and not having anything left over for gas. So the winning bidder ends up cherry picking the radio knobs and the hubcaps and then deliberately sending the car over a cliff. In the crazy '80's, that meant ten of thousands of people being thrown under the bus, after working at a company for decades.
We have been under a hostile takeover since the early 1990s. Donald Trump is the only board member siding with the stockholders against the sellouts who want to finish dismantling this country. The other board members have been telling us for years that they can't pay any dividends, but they always manage to pay themselves, don't they?
Malcolm Ex-Lax
The left has all guns blazing for Trump. They`ll call in every favor, use every dirty trick and even invent some new ones before this is over.
You get the most Flak when your right over the target. And ladies and gentlemen, we are on the bombing run...
Stay alert, stay alive.
I haven't listened to Step 'n Fetchit since the Traycoon incident, reading about his bullshit is bad enough. The upside is that we not only won't have a nig Prez ever again, it'll probably be a long time before we see another Dem Prez. He has forever tainted the "Democrat Brand". I truly believe white America has learned its lesson.....the hard way.
Here's how your dear country slowly turns to mud...
SURE! It's the billionaire's truthful speech that forces people to resort to violence. It has nothing to do with the lack of self control that is largely associated with the dindu. We witness these patterns over and over. No politicians even dared to call out the stupidity of the riots in Baltimore. It was all due to something else.
You know we are so polarized right now. I would anticipate large scale riots if Trump wins. They will not accept the victory of a realist because the welfare dries up. When/if Trump addresses the trade imbalances, negros will run out of excuses to live off of everyone else.
I hope you guys are well armed. They will be going out of their way (even more so) to kill innocent people if Trump wins.
I'm always a glass half full type a guy so I see the good in both outcomes.
Hillary victory: the self destruction of blacks is only further enabled, SJW/dindu activism makes more realists.
Trump victory: large scale civil disobedience, DWLs/SJWs killed in collateral damage, realists are well armed enough to stop the threats
Train up. My buddy and I have went beyond regular plinking out in the desert. We are training for real scenarios
Great news. I have a 24" DPMS complete upper receiver on the way, .308 Winchester. I'll be smoking domestic terrorists from 500 yards away.
Trump dared come along at a precisely the right moment
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. But I sure never expected him to look like Donald Trump. I'm probably one of the few here who never watched him on TV. That's probably a good thing. They say people who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either being made.
I love how, the more they attack him, the stronger he grows. Drudge reports his poll numbers have just broken 50%, and he is now at 53% nationwide. And who do we have to thank? Why, those kind cretins who rioted at his function in Chicago. I saw one poll that reported 22% of respondents reported they were more likely to vote for Trump as a result of the riots, as opposed to 11% who said they were less likely to.
Of course, that in itself says nothing interesting. More or less likely than what? I suspect those 11% probably hated Trump to start, and were never going to vote for him anyway.
Probably most of those 22% who are more likely to support Trump, supported him before. These are the many people who comment on the Internet, "I'm more determined than ever to vote for Trump".
No, the interesting ones are those who write, "I wasn't going to vote for Trump, but I sure as hell am going to, now". I've seen them; have you?
What I haven't seen is a single person saying, "I was going to vote for Trump, but since the protests in Chicago, I've seen the light, and I won't vote for him now."
That's what counts - changing minds. And the tide is running our way.
I notice that likes to America invade third world countries so we can steal the oil, opium and bananas. The people we DON'T KILL we move to America. We put them on welfare, give them loans to start businesses and hire them as doctors at VA hospitals. The soldiers who fought in those dirty little wars end up living on the streets. We have thousands of homeless veterans and we spend the time and money feeding and supporting Mexicans who are invading our country. Homeland Security calls our veterans "homegrown terrorist".
How in the hell can someone who is NOT A CITIZEN of this country complain about their rights. This country is really fucked.
I am fortunate enough to have an excellent gun shop right down the street from me. It's quite entertaining, seeing the amount of business they do. What's even more fun is WHAT is being sold. AR-15s of all types are on backorder. ANY semi-auto pistol above .40 cal, same thing. 62gr. 5.56 NATO "green tips" sell out within a couple hours of a shipment arriving.
I have done a fair bit of business with the owners, so last month, they tipped me about some incoming 62s. I got there to wait for the truck and bought 3k rounds. Another regular bought 2500, and sent a text to one of his friends. I hung around just for shits and giggles. The texted friend showed up with 3 more of his friends, who were also texting away. A shipment of 50,000 rounds arrived at this shop at 1:45, and was sold and out the door by 4PM. Don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
There is one thing for sure about all this: race realists, Southern nationalists, AltRighters, etc., all need to be getting out in the streets and fighting the good fight. We have to take this thing off of the Internet and into the realworld.
I notice that likes to America invade third world countries so we can steal the oil, opium and bananas. The people we DON'T KILL we move to America.
It's called: "Invade the world, invite the world."
Anonymous said...
"When/if Trump addresses the trade imbalances, negros will run out of excuses to live off of everyone else." They don't WANT jobs back in America for this reason.
Donald Trump could wear a dress on TV while beating little puppies and I'd still vote for him that any of the career evil doers that are running.
Ether you'll nosh on a lower quality caviar...
... we'll continue with our predictable decent into hell.
I'll even buy you your first 10 boxes of Ritz.
in DC
It's Trump folks.
Illegals and orc/mud bangers, pack your bags. Off to the penal colonies...
We're gonna get our country back! Return it to the founding settlers' descendants.
"I'm more determined than ever to vote for Trump".
Its not the vote that counts, its those that count the vote who count. You gave your voting systems away to private companies. You will get who they want regardless of who you all think you voted for.
The scary part of the immigration situation is their ability to vote. They are multiplying faster than any other race in America. They will always vote democrat, along with blacks, and white idiots. The Democratic Party will always represent itself as " for the people ", demonizing anyone who questions immigration, or crazy handouts. Once the Mexican population gets a bit larger, they'll be able to outvote us. On everything. Then we truly will become a socialist nation, with the burden of paying for all this crap, so they can " have a better life", will be felt by working Americans tenfold to what we're experiencing now. Good times on the horizon.
I was saying TRUMP OR BLOOD last August after the Kelly fiasco,to reprise the chant of supporters of another New Yorker,Sam Tilden,who got shafted in 1877.
Kasich is hilarious.Trump buried him in the other 4 states tonight,yet the Buckeye Brigand is acting as if he had a George Washington type landslide.
Obama is the most racist president this country has ever had. If a white president said half the shit he says there would be rioting in all of our major cities. Which by the way is my next point. I predict massive 'protests ' in several cities at the same time is on the way. The left is getting ready to flex their muscles. I know 'protesters' who were in Chicago last Friday night. They learned about this on Facebook. Can't we organize the same way ? Let's disrupt Bernie or Hillary at their next rally. Let's hear what the media says if we give them a taste of their own medicine. Think the media will make heroes us ?
Spring Break Miami. Not where the boys are, where the blacks are. Another fine American tradition ruined by the black undertow. George Hamilton and Delores Hart must be disheartened to see the current version. Are time machines really fictional? I sure could use one right about now.
Sick and Tired,
We won't have to disrupt Mrs. Clinton or Bernie events. With Trump's sweep tonight, this whole thing has gotten bigger than even the Trumpster completely underestimated. You can practically see the brown stains in the seats of the pants of the pundits on CNN tonight. They're visibly shaken.
Trump's speech tonight was strong, positive, and directly on point. He revealed more of his sense of humor, which I find rather charming, by the way. Mrs. Donald Trump is one lucky broad. The guy has cast iron balls and thinks with the right head.
Really? Could this be any more contrived. Negative comments by that moon cricket is about the biggest endorsement Trump has received to date.
This is all a huge reality show, at least Trump has experience in that department.
As most of you know there is only one "political party" in America. The money party. The attacks against Trump are coming from all sides. This is proof of the HIVE MIND. Not only do they hate Trump, they also hate us. We are not part of the HIVE so that makes us also the enemy.
I wish that Donald Trump were going to do everything he says he's going to do. I don't hold hope that he will, and in fact he will continue the federalization snafus of Barack Obama. So far in the election cycle, he's changed his mind six ways to Sunday on immigration (undocumented welfare recipients and Democrat voters), he wants to expand Common Core and public education (urban unions), and he is not going to do a damn thing about getting rid of the Section 8 mandate that Obama has implemented, mainly because he wants to "provide jobs building them 'efficiently.'" Those three items will guarantee the same crappy results that have led to the malaise.
This is not about "making deals" but reestablishing the component of what made this country great: White Americans building great things with little government buroucracy. Donald Trump may claim he wants to do this, but he's not building a skyscraper or a golf resort by greasing the palms of leftist politicians like Hillary Clinton or Chuck Schumer.
If you reject this post, it is fine, but please at least keep it in your archive along with the date. If I'm wrong, I will gladly admit it in 2018, or sooner if I'm pleasantly surprised at being wrong. But this is based upon 40 years of active study of American culture, along with a detailed study of thousands of years of human societies in general, to come to my concluslion about Trump.
Another of 0bammy's sons is shot dead while working "on the job." Fambly membas blame the homeowner for killing their burgling shitskin relative claiming, "He wuz all into ejumakashun and sheeit." Name of the recently deceased? Trevon....
I offer my heartfelt congratulations to the skilled sharpshooting homeowner who delivered the Taxpayer Relief Shot with a single bullet to the chest.
I was the one that asked you to elaborate on some of your prescient points about the 60s/hippie/peace and love/drugs/blacks thing- thank you very much for doing so. I always wondered what happened to these hippies.
I would also suggest loading up on 50gr varmint tips. The damage on the targets I shoot is incredible.
I have a 16 inch barrel, 1:9 twist, I shot at a case of sodas with a little .223, 50gr varmint tip and the entire case fucking exploded. Doing some research they do excellent damage on soft targets.
55gr M193 does well on soft targets and have the same capabilities (I think) at close range compared to the green tips on hard targets.
I too have done my fair share of loading up on green tips but I'm curious about their practical use. I don't anticipate any dindus to be smart enough to purchase body armor of any kind so I think varmint tips and M193 suit me better. I might be wrong, but I heard M193s were banned by NATO forces because the round doesn't fracture much, it's bends and tumbles through tissue, making it inhumane, especially with the lower twist rates.
If you look hard enough online you can find "green tips" without the actual green on them. They are 62gr and will attract a magnet just like green tips (M855).
Please tell me you live in San Diego.
So our POTUS has spoken thru his asshole again.
This coming from a man who passes on the funeral of Nancy Reagan but chooses to go to mike brown's! Fuck that idiot! What comes out of his mouth doesn't matter to White America anyway!
The thing is, other presidential hopefuls, and sitting presidents, have said many of the things Trump has said, and have been applauded for it. American politics has a history of gloves off, down and dirty discourse. Who are you bozos trying to fool with your newly acquired boy scout values? All politicians, conservative, and liberal, need to get down off their high horse, and actually get to know the people they are supposed to represent. They wouldn't like it very much. They don't like you. George W. Bush made that very clear with his undisguised disdain for the working man. The Clintons? Oh dear God, what a horrible piss-poor excuse for human beings. Not a damn one of them, not one, has tried to stop the unfair advantage the multinationals have given China, and other countries over the inhabitants of their supposed homeland. Clinton, Bush, Obama, they've all got on the gravy train, while your prospects, and those of your children wither on the vine.
Talk about divisiveness, that's their stock and trade. That, and creating crisis after crisis, to keep you stressed out and unsure about things. God forbid someone rally the rabble to see clearly who the real culprits are. Hell, we are some of the few people in the world not asking for a handout, just stop the government from allowing the multinationals to stack the deck against us. There's no need to import a drop of oil into this country. We are an oil exporting country. How can all of our oil have too much sulphur, yet it's fine for Europe, China, and Japan? Doesn't that seem like spurious logic to you? The large majority of the oil from the Alaskan pipeline went to Japan! Yet it was hyped as energy sufficiency. Time, after time, it's too expensive to manufacture in this country, it would cost you thousands of dollars for a toaster. Oh, the workers in this country don't have the skills, so they have to train green card scab imports. Dear God, do we come first anywhere in the eyes of these so called leaders? Only at election time.
Of course leaders of other countries are worried about Trump. Mostly they're afraid he will bring jobs back here, end the unfair trade agreements, make America strong again. Iran's nuclear reactor should have been destroyed before it had a chance to fuel up. Now, thanks to Obama, it's up and running, churning out weapons grade plutonium, and contains tons of highly radioactive fuel rods, making it an ecological disaster to destroy. Israel, and Saudi Arabia were ready, and willing to cooperate, still this Ponce, our Chamberlain, did nothing. Why does a country with more oil than God, need a nuclear reactor? One reason only Einstein, nuclear weapons. How's that Nobel prize Barry?
@Why Trump hurts Whites - If elected, Trump is likely to disappoint like all office holders. The expectations are unrealistically high.
But Trump is the icebreaker. He is showing that it is possible to break the taboos of PC. He is destroying the GOP as we know it. And when the GOP is destroyed, the Democrats will follow. Imagine the sudden release of "Reagan Democrats" and sane Republicans who are not in the thralls of the Israel Lobby, the religious wingnuts or the corporate sycophants. Throw in those who have exiled themselves from the process for years. You have the nucleus of a political movement or party that can right the ship.
Even if Trump is a creature of the establishment or the Kosher Mob, in some overly clever plot to consolidate or maintain their power, it will escalate out of their control. It seems it already has.
In fact, it may be even be better for us if they cheat Trump out of the nomination or an electoral victory.
Once again, the disconnect is strong in liberal America. Riots, rallys shut down, and it isn't the fault of those doing it, but "hateful and divisive" speech from one man. I had a client tje other day tell me that Trump was racist, and I asked him what exactly has he said that was racist. After the blather about hating mexicans and muslims, I pointed out the crime stats involving mexican, criminal immigrants and the obvious terrorism links to islam, combined with Trumps actual words. Then I simply asked him who said that was racist.... when he said it was on CNN and the internet, I asked him what he thought. He couldn't answer... and left looking worried. After an hour when he came back, he said that maybe Trump isnt racist, but he is pandering to the racists by being divisive. At this point, I just laughed at him, for there was no hope. When SHTF, city dwellers like him will be barbecue for the ebt-less dindu.
I'd love to know how much money Hillary gave the black "pastors" for getting out the vote.
Americans who "don't look like us or pray like us or vote like we do."
And don't get free healthcare, free Obama Phones, free food, free rent . . .
Charles Manson endorsed Trump. When will the media demand Trump's to disavowal?
Manson was-is a race realist, not a racist. He said after blacks won the race war, they wouldn't be able to manage a modern society. Now who would believe such a thing?
That cuck, Ryan.
You know the GOP is nothing but the Marxists' wingman when Obama can't kiss Paul Ryan enough. Shame on Wisconsin for sending that cuckservative POS to Washington.
OK, now we gotta do what we can to help Trump.
One small thing I'd do is set up hidden cameras and put up pro-Trump signs outside. Then, when the violent leftist Hillary supporters come and rip them down, you can put the video on youtube. Hundreds and thousands of these videos will help Trump. Show the animals on Hillary's side for what they are; humiliate them.
Trump supporters just need to stay the course and play it cool; don't get provoked. Even when responding rightfully, the media will twist it to their narrative; already happening all over the place. Rise above it. Their time will come...
Trump also needs to be smart about how he deals with the savage orcs. He needs to turn them on Hillary. Make a big deal about her "super predator" quote and Bill's crime laws that locked the groids up years ago (rightfully so). Hammer her with that; focus BLM idiots on her, not Trump.
" Iran's nuclear reactor should have been destroyed before it had a chance to fuel up"
Where in the Constitution does it say that it's the job of our government to blow up nuclear reactors in a sovereign country halfway around the world? Iran has not declared war on us nor we on them. I would propose that many of our current woes are due to poking our nose in where it is unwelcome and does not belong. I am perplexed why people think that looking after Israel is our responsibility.
According to our constitution the federal government has very few responsibilities. The two primary ones are maintaining a NAVY to provide for DEFENSE and minting and regulating the value of coin. They are not defending our borders from invasion and have abdicated the power of coining money. Fighting wars to pave way for "Greater Israel" isn't part of their constitutional mandate, but if it's any consolation to you, this whole reactor deal is just a setup for a "crisis" down the road when we do go over and throw another war.
"You have the nucleus of a political movement or party that can right the ship."
Giving the usual suspects a chance to re-brand their two current parties, or possibly co-opt a third party so that the masses still believe they have free choice. These people didn't get where they are because they just go away when they wear out their welcome. They change their names, hide within other organizations and just repackage their same shit under a different label.
I think most of us on the Alt Right know Trump is not an ethnonationalist or a believer in an explicit White identity movement. He is a nationalist in general - supports an America for Americans. While he considers the multi-racial, multi-ethnic "hodgepodge" (so beloved of Obama) currently residing here as Americans, he still does believe in borders and rules, and playing by the rules. He fights and negotiates and deals, but he appears to have an overall sense of fair play - in the now old-fashioned White European sense.
Perhaps I'm naive, but I truly don't see him seriously backtracking or totally breaking his campaign "promises" if elected. He certainly has a healthy ego, but he's also smart enough to realize that people chanting "build that wall" aren't going to all meekly sit down and support him if he does a 180. I can imagine quite a bit of wheeling and dealing regarding current immigration law - who comes in, what the process is. Again, I think he is genuinely concerned about Mohammedan immigrants, particularly as he's aware of what's going on in Europe.
These are baby steps, but that's fine - it has to start somewhere. Sure, the Negroes who support him like his "big man" persona, and believe his immigration and trade policies will help them get jobs - that doesn't hurt me or any White nationalists at all. He's that first step, that wedge, which makes nationalism acceptable and palatable to the majority of the sheeple. It moves belief and discussions in the right direction.
Just look at the ideas being discussed openly now, and compare public mood to a year ago. Could any of us have imagined a campaign like this? To have subjects near and dear to us openly discussed? I'm not a full-bore cop supporter, but I can certainly cheer on cops beating the thugs who disrupted the rally in Chicago, and I think that's something Trump supports from his gut. At this stage, I don't particularly care if he "rules," Obama style, via lots of Executive Orders. The "American Brand" is gone and not coming back. The imperial United States is destined to fail, as well. What matters is that the remnants of America 1.0 (the primarily English settlers and their posterity) and 2.0 (the subsequent Christian European immigrants, both north and south, who consider themselves "Americans") acquire an unashamed, open sense of identity as a people, and agitate for their legitimate interests.
Yes!! Our higher IQs to the rescue!
I've suggested things like this before in our never-ending battle with dindu criminality; using our smartphones and custom apps to do battle with the legions of fiendish savage orcs.
If we had an app that allows us to trigger the phones camera and microphone and alert the cops we could film any approaching orc and have the info sent right to the cops- their faces, voices, and location. Throw in some face recognition software and the cops would be able to find all these dindus out with warrants and know where to go scoop them up for the Big Boat Ride.
So, here's how they are about to do something similar in Israel:
So wait a sec, Obama supporters LITERALLY burn down American towns and cites - Ferguson and Baltimore (and the other orc riots like Cleveland etc), they literally attack Trump supporters and one of them actually tries to attack him on stage, and when Trump's people protect themselves from attacking protestors and legions of savage Democrats interrupting their meetings it's Trump who is the problem, and not Obama, Hillary and the Democrats??!!
Truly unbelievable. Look no further than the paragraph above to see that PK is totally correct when he says America is irredeemable.
There is going to be massive social unrest one way or the other; prepare now. Move away from orc breeding and feeding areas, move away from gang territories that will soon be cleansed, stock up on personal protection and weaponry. Isolate the infection.
The is going to get very ugly; it NEEDS to get very ugly. And the orcs will draw first blood; they already have and have been congratulated and supported by Obongo and his savage democrats...
OT but a feel good video. This is a Oklahoma Highway patrol dashcam video of the last minutes of Cedric's bank robbery experience. Although Cedric, a groid with a long criminal record, was probably turning his life around after attempting to rob a rural Oklahoma bank, killing the unarmed bank president, shooting an unarmed white female employee of the bank who wouldn't accompany him as a hostage, and then taking another unarmed white female hostage at gunpoint for his escape – he now be daid. Unfortunately, the hostage was injured in the shootout; however, she would probably be dead if the officer had not intervened. It is also worthwhile to note that the initial although incorrect reports were that a man and woman were the robbers.
It is easy to forget that many of our officers are out there alone doing their jobs and every encounter has the potential to turn out badly. The lone officer in the video probably didn't know for sure how many people were in the suv or how many of them were armed, but he performed his duty with skill and unbelievable calmness. The officer was involved in a dangerous high speed chase, he had to force the perp's vehicle off the highway, then he exited his vehicle seeking cover behind the vehicle while immediately coming under fire while expending a magazine or two of ammo in a gunfight killing the perp, and then then he calmly reported that “shots were fired.” On a scale of 1 to 10 this guy rates 9 or 10 in testicular fortitude. This trait is common among white men, but it has been effectively suppressed by PC.
An ENORMOUS factor in the negro problem in America is the support behind the scenes from TWMNBN. And whats is happening right now...?!
Bongo wants another mid-east merchant in the Supreme Court.
Trump canceling Fox debate to go preach to the biggest lobby of all, AIPAC. That's right. All TWMNBN, all the time.
Will Trump tell them to pack their bags and let America be for Americans. or should we keep paying and dying for a country that actually is richer than us and has a higher per capita income. Mind-boggling.
What happened...?
Why Trump Hurts Whites said ”I wish that Donald Trump were going to do everything he says he's going to do. I don't hold hope that he will, and in fact he will continue the federalization snafus of Barack Obama. . . .”
Trump won't be able to accomplish everything that needs to be done, but there is a high probability that he can cause significant improvements to happen. If he does nothing more than call BS where BS is happening, lawmakers will be pressured to make positive changes. Few congressmen want Trump to focus his attention on them as he did “little Marco” and as he will soon be doing to Hillary unless the republicans manage to yank the rug from under him in an unethical brokered nomination.
Trump doesn't even need to accomplish half of his goals to be a successful president. I have never seen a candidate attacked by so many people and organizations with so many resources. The smell of fear is pervasive among the political elite. I hope Trump has the stamina to stay in the fight. He has to be very tired.
A few weeks back Cabelas offered a deal on NRA memberships. There were over 500 sign-ups in a single day. And that was just in one store.
The only competent thing this president has (unintentionally) accomplished is to strengthen the second amendment, in his efforts to abolish it.
As always with these brain-dead liberals they always blame someone else for the holiganism in chicago what about the infamous Bill Ayers and his Wetaher Undergound scumbags and George Soros a leftists mulit millionare and his fellow one worlders
@Paintjob Theory
Instead of attending the Fox debate, you see where Trump is heading don't you. Straws do show the way the wind blows.
Trump knows what's what.
Nicely summed up:
But Trump is the icebreaker. He is showing that it is possible to break the taboos of PC. He is destroying the GOP as we know it. And when the GOP is destroyed, the Democrats will follow. ... You have the nucleus of a political movement or party that can right the ship.
As far as we know, Trump could be one big disinformation campaign. He certainly came out of nowhere. But who cares? The critical thing is the impact he has had on the zeitgeist. It's like he has opened a street market which dispenses Red Pills. Politics in America will not be the same again.
Where in the Constitution does it say that it's the job of our government to blow up nuclear reactors in a sovereign country halfway around the world? Iran has not declared war on us nor we on them. I would propose that many of our current woes are due to poking our nose in where it is unwelcome and does not belong. I am perplexed why people think that looking after Israel is our responsibility.
Because it simply isn't about Israel. Islam is incompatible with the West and the instability of the ME should not be magnified with nuclear weapons.
The entire region was filled with Muslim tribes fighting over water before the West showed them how to drill and refine oil. And now we're supposed to just sit back and let them collect nukes? After we drastically raised their standard of living? In some ME countries they don't even work. Foreign laborers do all the jobs while the natives simply get a check from the government. That's how crazy rich they are from oil. Expecting that they not develop nuclear weapons in return is pretty reasonable.
PaintJob Theory said ”Where in the Constitution does it say that it's the job of our government to blow up nuclear reactors in a sovereign country halfway around the world?...”
About the only thing that the federal government is required to do is to defend the nation. Article Four, Section Four - “United States shall guarantee to every State a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion.”
A nuclear armed Iran is more of a danger to the United States than the English navy would have been at the shores of the US at the time of the writing of the Constitution. The preemptive destruction of a psychotic but sovereign nation's ability to destroy our nation with the press of a button is certainly within the scope of the Constitutional requirement to protect the States from invasion.
Japan didn't declare war on the United States until after their attack on Pearl Harbor, and not many people expect Iran to make a formal declaration of war on the United States before they launch missiles. A big difference between 1941 and now is that the amount of damage that a nuclear armed Iran could cause to the United States before we could respond would be orders of magnitude more than what we absorbed at Pearl Harbor.
From: http://bearingarms.com/family-laments-shooting-death-teen-burglar-homeowner/
“I don’t care if she have her gun license or any of that. That is way beyond the law… way beyond,” said Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris. “He was not supposed to die like this. He had a future ahead of him. Trevon had goals… he was a funny guy, very big on education, loved learning.”
I am sure he was an aspiring rapper. And yes, he had a future of overcoming streets gone wrong. Alas for him, shots rang out, thus cutting his career of learning, education and second story work.
If we had an app that allows us to trigger the phones camera and microphone and alert the cops we could film any approaching orc and have the info sent right to the cops- their faces, voices, and location. Throw in some face recognition software and the cops would be able to find all these dindus out with warrants and know where to go scoop them up for the Big Boat Ride.
Technically viable but as with everything else in PC society there is a legal problem.
Face recognition software has to connect to a server. That server would need a database of all convicted felons. There is no way in hell the government would allow that to be connected to a private app, and even if they did you would end up in court with the ACLU.
But I think your sentiment is correct. Whites need to use their natural advantages.
That means move away from the cities don't bother trying to solve this problem with gadgets.
I'm all for security precautions but they still don't beat moving yourself away from the threat.
I voted yesterday, here's my experience. I went to the poll during my lunch break, when I enter the poling place there were six people waiting to vote. As I reach the table to get my ballot, the guy at the table gave me a Democratic ballot without asking me if I wanted a democratic or republican ballot. When I told him I wanted a republican ballot, he gave me an odd look. I proceeded to vote for Trump and my neighbor who was running for a political office.
Gov. John Kasich wins his home state and his only win, now he's already talking about the nomination. This summer should be interesting!
What will happen if Trump wins the office of the president, could we see chaos in the streets from Black Li(v)es Matter and Move On Movement?
Willie from Naperville
For those who seek salvation, Trump will lead us out of the wilderness.
When the SHTF I intend to put down riots in my street with M40 .300 Win mag, Nightforce scope.
PK, $$ on the way.
Trump also needs to be smart about how he deals with the savage orcs. He needs to turn them on Hillary. Make a big deal about her "super predator" quote and Bill's crime laws that locked the groids up years ago (rightfully so). Hammer her with that; focus BLM idiots on her, not Trump.
Won't work. Blacks love the Clintons even though Bill signed NAFTA and sent Black middle class jobs to Mexico.
White liberals are learning this the hard way with Bernie Sanders. It doesn't matter how much he offers them or what he says. They will vote down the line for a Clinton. The only exception would be a Black candidate.
But Trump is the icebreaker. He is showing that it is possible to break the taboos of PC. He is destroying the GOP as we know it. And when the GOP is destroyed, the Democrats will follow. ... You have the nucleus of a political movement or party that can right the ship.
That was already started before Trump.
It's the internet that is the bane of the establishment. Trump is just the most recent result.
You can take years of publicly funded indoctrination classes only to unravel it all with an evening on the internet.
Liberalism is built on a giant lie and modern conservatism is an acceptance of the same lie but with alternative environmental explanations and offers of lower taxes.
The existence of the internet undermines the great lie. Even though the majority still buy it the dominant institutions still have to work full time trying to keep the minority from spilling the secrets. Once you unlearn the great lie you can't go back. Even if you remain liberal or conservative you can't have the same faith in the establishment's plans.
The internet is nothing less than a nightmare for the establishment. This is because their narratives fall apart under anonymous criticism. Even if they got rid of Trump someone else would take his place. It's not about right/left, it's about reality vs establishment fiction. Fewer people are buying what the establishment is selling. The explanations just don't add up. After trillions and over 50 years of social experimentation neither conservatives nor liberals can explain Black behavior and pathologies. And yet we're supposed to believe they have all the answers.
Trump is really just a vote of calling BULLSHIT. This is just the beginning.
Paint job theory:
Iran's leaders have declared us to be their enemies. They have rallies where they burn American flags, chant "Death to the U.S.A., and enjoy speeches from religiopoliticol leaders gloating about how they're not going to stick to the so called treaty Obama made with them. They have vowed to destroy our country. Doesn't that bother you the slightest little bit?
Iran is pretty much swaying the opinion of the radical Islamic world. This isn't about protecting Israel, this is about controlling a threat to freedom everywhere. I guarantee you, you would be a lot better off in Israel, than any Muslim country you care to name.
Let me ask you something, you encounter a sovereign thug with a club, who's threatening you, do you negotiate with him? Or do you wait until he's got a gun? O.k., now look at it from his perspective. Say he encounters two potential victimns, one big, one small. The best strategy is to take out the big guy first. We are the big guy in his eyes, he's going to hit us first, then concentrate on the little guy. If Europe is affectively neutralised, and Russia is alienated, who's going to come to our aid? It's a dangerous world. Nothing is what it seems.
The GOP is truly managed by morons.
Can you believe their convention is in CLEVELAND????
This the same idiotic establishment thinking that says Blacks just need to patronized and given uplifting speeches about bootstraps.
Democrats offer Blacks free stuff and the GOP thinks they can counter this by giving a really uplifting speech.
Jeb Bush actually implied that Detroit was held back by government regulation. What regulation EXACTLY is stopping anyone from starting a business in Detroit? The rent is practically free. I could outright buy a business there for the price of a year's rent in my rural town. I would love to sit Bush in a room and ask him to show me the "regulation" that is holding back Detroit. I'm so sick of this GOP establishment bullshit. A lot of it comes from Rush Limbaugh who is really no more than a Howard Stern for conservatives and tiptoes around racial issues by blaming Democrats for everything. I'm not a fan of Democrats but I'm even less a fan of bullshit.
As far as we know, Trump could be one big disinformation campaign.
By who? I've never seen the establishment so aligned for a single cause. Everyone hated Ted Cruz until Trump started gaining popularity.
NY Times and National Review have endorsed the same candidate. How crazy is that?
Trump doesn't even need to accomplish half of his goals to be a successful president. I have never seen a candidate attacked by so many people and organizations with so many resources. The smell of fear is pervasive among the political elite. I hope Trump has the stamina to stay in the fight.
I would just like to see him win and watch the establishment go berserk.
I'm amazed that the GOP hasn't taken him down. I figured they would at least cut either Rubio or Cruz to make it a two man race to unite the anti-Trump wing. But I have again underestimated the idiocy of GOP management. They don't seem capable of that type of strategic thinking.
This is easily the most amazing election cycle of my lifetime, if for no other reason than it is laying bare the social fissures and a glimpse of the future to come. In the strangest of ways, the left has sewn the seeds of its own destruction. They were TOO good at making the country fully "diverse" in a very short period of time (90% white in 1960 - 62% white and falling in 2015.) That is a tremendous reduction of whites in less than half a century, two generations, with projections falling to under 50% by 2030. The glee with which the left celebrates the "demographic shift" is repulsive and they believed it is a cornerstone of permanently changing the composition of the electorate. But they overlooked one thing in that transition stage ....
Democracy is basically only an effective form of government in societies that are homogeneous or very close to it. That is where debate flourishes, where societies can explore larger concepts, apply philosophical approaches to policy, and citizens vote along abstract principles like "conservative" or "liberal." When democracy is attempted in a pluralistic/diverse/multicultural society, it immediately breaks from a game of competing concepts and on a dime turns into a game of sheer numbers with the ability to sway an opposing side or a particular voting block through debate or persuasive arguments TOTALLY disappearing. People under such circumstances vote as a unified block with only their group interests in mind, with no time for higher ideals, concepts, and think tank type principles. This is "identity politics." And we are there now.
Whites would have never seen themselves as a distinct group with distinct interests until a threshold was reached of competing cultures and groups voting as unified unmovable blocks which then diluted the ability of Whites to affect beneficial government for themselves.
Richard Spencer has a podcast where he and a guest discuss the awakening and the difference between people voting for "principles" or voting for "interests."
Obviously the rise of Trump has provided a path for such an infrastructure to be built upon the ashes of the impotent Republican/Cuckservative party. As interesting as that is, I believe that the real story that is flying below the radar is what is happening in the Democrat party, especially with White millenials who are experiencing their own day of reckoning with blacks.
The Democrats were able to piecemeal a coalition of voters that got Obama elected, built around as core of high black turnout, that then coupled itself with 3 to 1 hispanic voting, and overwhelming support by unwed white women, and whites under 35. These whites really believed that their participation in electing a black would be reciprocated when they ran a candidate (Bernie Sanders) that spoke to their principles in a following election cycle. They have found that no, blacks vote as a block in what they deem to be their own exclusive interests. Blacks will, in a mildly annoyed fashion, tolerate whites who march alongside them or vote to secure black interests, but they will not show turnaround solidarity in voting for things they interpret as benefiting a broad coalition that includes whites. It must be explicitly black to gain their unified support. These "we are all one race" type whites are just baffled by this reality - discovering the hard way that politically, blacks are not inclusive and do not extend their political capital to non-blacks the way that they, the kumbaya whites do. Blacks are not a liberal voting constituency, they are partisan voters that often overlap white guilt voters who vote liberally. The average black has zero interest in voting for what they believe is a "white man" who promises to eliminate college debt and healthcare costs (....of Whites.)
These white millenials feel utterly betrayed now. The very coalition they lent their support to in the election of Obama has abandoned them when it came time for a candidate that they were enthusiastic about. They can't say or speak it because of their sensitivities around race, but at a gut level they will blame blacks.
These whites are very ripe for a political realignment away from what proves itself time and time again to be a completely undependable teammate - the black voting block.
Blue Eyes Matter said, "do we come first anywhere in the eyes of these so called leaders? Only at election time."
My sentiments exactly.
At election time, we are the "VOTERS"...
The rest of the time, we are just the "TAXPAYERS."
Obama and the genius brigade don't seem to understand that babbling PC nonsense and condemnation isn't going to work anymore. George W. is what the far right GOP brought us, Obama Hussein is what the far left Democratic party brought us.
Everything inbetween those two heavyweights is what you are guaranteed when you vote into this system. The GOP has an excellent opportunity to save face and boost their brand, let alone make history with someone who not only talks big, but thinks and acts big as well.
We've given senators and governors all the chance in the world- how about someone who's head isn't so far up Washington's @ss that they can actually identify with real people and their everyday problems.
Not only have both parties not talked much on jobs, for decades they haven't done #### and hope everyone just kind of ignores the subject. It is another important- actually vital- issue that he doesn't shy away from.
To any liberal fence-sitters out there- if anything, voting Trump is the ultimate "F### you" vote- you can pick from a bevy of reasons. Trump offers something for everybody, and he is not going to appoint extremist prudes that hate women and he is obviously not going to go after anybody- he is just going to stand strong and say no where no one else would.
Like it or not, the key to improving our jobs situation is to keep out the flow of unskilled unneeded labor and their dependent families so we can figure out to do with the rest of us that are already here.
At least our parasitic masses aren't Muslims, just ask Europe how wonderful those hypocritical opportunists are to have around debasing their society from within. The silver lining is always the tipping point that gets reached after a while. It is sad that some people have to have their back against a wall before they finally start planning for their survival and fighting back.
You don't say "Thank you, I'd like another" every time someone hits you in the face. Yet that is how liberals and SJWs expect people to act in this PC age where the white male is everyone's common enemy, butt of jokes and scapegoat.
I bet a lot of your friends are voting Trump and you would never know it. They're just a bunch of white males after all, right?
And you have the audacity to wonder why so many people are voting Trump this election...
Anonymous said ”. . . I'm amazed that the GOP hasn't taken him down. I figured they would at least cut either Rubio or Cruz to make it a two man race to unite the anti-Trump wing. . . “
I believe it is because their strategy has been to keep open the option of a brokered convention. Freeing up the Cruz or Rubio voters will certainly result in some of the votes going to Trump and those votes could push Trump across the finish line. The GOP isn't confident that there are enough anti-Trump voters supporting Cruz or Rubio to derail Trump. If the GOP is willing to weather the backlash of a brokered convention where someone other than Trump wins the nomination, their best bet is to do what they can to keep votes from Trump so there will be such a convention. They are probably unhappy that Rubio suspended his race.
I wish you were right. But odds are we will indeed have a Democrat female(?) Socialist president. Who to blame? As with all these social ills we have, Whites ourselves are the root of it all. This time though, we can be more specific and blame the Republican party. They finally have a large portion of what is supposed to be their "base", White males motivated and looking for leadership. What are the doing? Kicking us in the face and dividing White people even further.
There is an upside to Hilary being elected. Her socialist policies will negatively impact White people who have not yet been significantly affected by "diversity" and pandering to it. My real hope is that AFFH starts dropping herds of Blacks and Browns into every lilly White, well-to-do community across the country to enrich those "enlightened, tolerant" residents culturally. The S might then really HTF. I fear we Whites need to suffer further to wake up if Trump doesn't win.
And more TNB...
Unrelated (but not really)
Check out the name on this guy! Maybe a winner for best made up name if the week.
Anonymous @ 10:49am said "What regulation EXACTLY is stopping anyone from starting a business in Detroit? The rent is practically free. I could outright buy a business there for the price of a year's rent in my rural town."
Speaking of the "D", my old man was about 10 when the 1967 riot happened. He told me about having an M113 from the Michigan National Guard parked at the end of their street with a .50cal pointed towards downtown. Not long after the riots ended a lot of people on the block (my old man and grandparents included) sold their houses and headed deeper into northern Michigan where there is a lot less "diversity".
About 2 years ago I flew into Detroit on a business trip. Just for kicks I was looking at houses for sale online and was laughing my ass off. Some of the homes (while completely uninhabitable) were listed for less than a thousand dollars (although the sneaky catch is you have to pay all the years of back property taxes that the former dindu residents never coughed up). I remember thinking that with enough money/investors you could probably buy more than 50% of the real estate in Detroit. It would be the ultimate gentrification project.
"Doing some research they do excellent damage on soft targets."
Just hope some nog doesn't charge you like the patron saint of Ferguson charged Officer Wilson, with its head down. Those skulls, although quite hollow, have very thick shells. Their heads evolved to take more physical punishment, while ours evolved for cognitive reasoning.
I love a happy ending as much as the next man, but after seeing this comment. I am hoping for blue blts from heaven for this family.
Here are a few quotes:
“I don’t care if she have her gun license or any of that. That is way beyond the law… way beyond,” said Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris. “He was not supposed to die like this. He had a future ahead of him. Trevon had goals… he was a funny guy, very big on education, loved learning.”
And this winner:
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
America is under a constant state of PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. This has been going on for years. The armaments in this great American psy-op are the educational whore houses (aka...schools) and the media. Television being the most effective. This unrelenting barrage of finely tuned bullshit has an incredible effect on the population. They have become true believers and are convinced the coyotes guarding the chicken coops are there to protect them. As the coyotes get older and start losing their teeth the chickens get to elect who their new protectors will be.
They are like the docile sheep who are given "green pastures" to graze in by their kind and loving shepherd (aka...the lord is my Shepherd...etc). The protective coyotes and kindly shepherds allow the chickens and sheep to form political parties so they can vote for the next rulers to "watch over them". Of course there are left wing chickens and right wing chickens and when not busy laying eggs they fight among themselves about who their MOST FAVORITE COYOTE will be in the next election. The sheep are also very content in voting for the next shepherd who will be allowed to fleece them.
Each night as the shepherds and coyotes sit at the dinner table they get to decide what the nights meal will be. Lamb stew or fried chicken. This is a quote from Jim Hightower...."Remember, if your not at the table, your on the menu."
The Chicago incident changed everything. I worry for Donald Trump's safety. A significant portion of this country has become violently outraged that HEAVEN FORBID a candidate might care about the working and middle classes of the USA. I've noticed since the Chicago riot Donald Trump has been completely surrounded by Secret Service at rallys and speeches.
Hilarious. The right has decided they have had enough of being pushed around by progtard SJW's and emboldened Negroes. So the Right feeds the Left a little of it's own medicine. And they dont like it one bit. And the best part is the Right clearly see's that saying "no", and not allowing the Left any foothold will stop them cold. And a rally cry by the worst president ever did nothing. Now is the time to push back and never stop. The Left could be but a distant memory if pressure is applied right now.
“I don’t care if she have her gun license or any of that. That is way beyond the law… way beyond,” said Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris. “He was not supposed to die like this. He had a future ahead of him. Trevon had goals… he was a funny guy, very big on education, loved learning.”
Loved learning.... Yes, I`m sure you all applauded when he figured out how to set your DVR to record the Jeffersons. But he WAS supposed to die this way, Nautical. He lived a thugs life, and he died a thugs death. You should all be so considerate.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"Iran is pretty much swaying the opinion of the radical Islamic world. This isn't about protecting Israel, this is about controlling a threat to freedom everywhere. I guarantee you, you would be a lot better off in Israel, than any Muslim country you care to name."
In what way do they threaten my freedom assuming we close our borders to their kind? Do you suggest that Iran has a navy capable of landing its army on our shores and invading and subjugating the mainland United States?
If they have DECLARED WAR on us then congress should declare war on them and authorize the funds for the president to send troops to win that war, otherwise, some saber rattling is meaningless... merely a way for their leaders to distract their people from how shitty their lives are and blame it on the boogeyman (us).
I would suggest that if we mind our own business, quit invading their countries, quit supporting Israel, and quit overthrowing their governments... better yet, quit buying their oil, they would go back to killing each other as they have done since the dawn of history. Bombing a bunch of goat herders in no way makes me more free or more secure. We must deport all foreign nationals, close our borders, and start minding our own business. The wars in the middle east have ALL been about oil, opium, and Greater Israel in the short term, and in the long term set the stage for a clash of civilizations which will further advance the "Great Work".
I'd do little better in Israel than in any Arab country. As a white Christian I'd be a second class citizen. Both of them are alien to me and my blood and would have me and my descendants dead or enslaved.
"What will happen if Trump wins the office of the president, could we see chaos in the streets from Black Li(v)es Matter..."
I can assure you, where you have blacks you'll have violence and chaos.
D-FENS said ”. . . Even if Trump is a creature of the establishment or the Kosher Mob, in some overly clever plot to consolidate or maintain their power, it will escalate out of their control. It seems it already has.”
I don't believe that it is a clever plot to consolidate or maintain power by any person or entity including Trump. It seems to me that Trump honestly wants to make America great again, and he is attempting to do it the way that he knows. Quite possibly it is out of control because Trump himself admits to being unable to explain it. I think that he just happened to be the correct catalyst for a reaction that has been waiting to happen, and I think that the reaction might now continue with or without Trump. I hope that he has the strength and courage to continue hammering away.
You are correct about the possibility of "overpenetration" with the green tips. And normally, overpenetration is something to be avoided. One of the maddening things I have dealt with is some newbies to the world of Concealed Carry who get all excited about having a .357 Sig as their carry weapon. They gloat about the list of agencies who have adopted the Sig as their on duty sidearm. The problem is these agencies have a much higher probability of dealing with a barricaded suspect. They are also required to stand their ground and make the arrest. A private citizen's use of deadly force doesn't have nearly the same kind of free-range endorsement. In the event of having to shoot a bad guy, you are responsible for every shot you fire, and that includes any "collateral" damage. You took down the bank robber! DY-NO-MITE! Oops! Looks like the jogger across the street has a hole in him from your gun! To quote gunny from Full Metal Jacket, then you will be in a world of shit!
Having said all that, if the SHTF really does happen, overpenetration can be a great force multiplier to help with thinning the herd. I hope things don't come to that, but I'm sensing a great disturbance in the Force. It is going to get ugly. So I stocked up on the 62s. Like I said, I'm on good terms with the owners, having done about $20k with them over the last 18 months. And during the ATF panic last year, some enterprising types on local sites such as texasguntrader.com were making "sacrifice sales" of their 62s for about $.95-1.15 a round . . . for which they had only paid 55 cents a round three months earlier. Thanks, guys!
Sorry, but I can't resist this oppurtunity:
You stay classy, San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?
Malcolm Ex-Lax
Obama's pick for the Supreme Court is another Saturday Person. How many are on the court now 4? It's time for a Protestant for a change and my nomination is Ted Nugent!
Who better? Pro Gun, Anti-Drug a real straight shooter. Just hire a clerk to fill out the paperwork for him. Nomesayin!
"A big difference between 1941 and now is that the amount of damage that a nuclear armed Iran could cause to the United States before we could respond would be orders of magnitude more than what we absorbed at Pearl Harbor."
Some of you need to learn who your real enemies are. Hint: Its that dark haired guy with the NY accent whispering in your ear that Iran is about to attack you, so lets you and them fight.
You are correct about the possibility of "overpenetration" with the green tips. And normally, overpenetration is something to be avoided. One of the maddening things I have dealt with is some newbies to the world of Concealed Carry who get all excited about having a .357 Sig as their carry weapon. They gloat about the list of agencies who have adopted the Sig as their on duty sidearm.
People make the same mistake with shotguns. They point out that 00 buckshot is used by the police and military which makes it the best choice. That may be true but the priority is different. With military and police they are on the offensive and want to shoot through anything in their way. In a home situation you are on the defensive and trying to protect your family.
I'm not saying 00 buck is a bad choice in the hands of a skilled professional but I doubt most people that have it loaded realize how easily it can penetrate every wall of a house. Do you want to hit your neighbor by accident?
For the typical situation I would suggest a #4 defensive load. It's still buckshot which means it can take down a 300 pound buck. Practically anything shot out of a 12 gauge in a hallway engagement is going to be devastating.
#4 buckshot in ballistics gel
@PJT - It certainly is possible but unlikely that all we see is an elaborate attempt to reincarnate the GOP into a "new" party but with the same agenda. There was a Soviet defector that claimed years before Glasnost and Perestroika that the USSR would appear to reform itself, release dissidents, hold free elections etc. in order to lull the West into letting it's guard down. It would be a very risky, even reckless strategy. How could they be certain that the West would not take advantage of the situation? After all, they thought the West might launch a first strike on them. And the West never disbanded NATO but instead, even expanded NATO right to the borders of Russia.
If you see a number of TWMNBN advisors, donors, strategists, etc. in any movement, THAT is the giveaway.
Regarding Iran. We removed their elected government in the 1950's and installed the Shah. I would say they have a right to be pissed at us. We got pissed at the Chinese dropping bags of cash for Clinton/Gore at some temple.
This idea that the Iranians are going to nuke us or takes out with an EMP is something out of a Tom Clancy novel. How the hell did we survive the Soviet arsenal? It should be obvious WHO benefits from this nonsense. By the way, i'm not at all a fan of Iranians.
Do you suggest that Iran has a navy capable of landing its army on our shores and invading and subjugating the mainland United States?
If they have DECLARED WAR on us then congress should declare war on them and authorize the funds for the president to send troops to win that war, otherwise, some saber rattling is meaningless
Well of course they wouldn't do that. They aren't stupid and that isn't the threat.
The threat is allowing nukes in the region since every one of those countries is always a revolution away from extremist control. The extremists don't want a conventional war either. They want to hurt us where they can and that means terrorist attacks. It's also hard to trust the moderate Muslims. We can't read their minds to decide if they are actually moderate or just pretending to be for political reasons.
Some of us don't want any nukes in the region and that includes Israel. You don't have to be pro-Iran or pro-Israel. You can have a more nuanced position.
Some of you need to learn who your real enemies are. Hint: Its that dark haired guy with the NY accent whispering in your ear that Iran is about to attack you, so lets you and them fight.
I don't hear anything because I don't watch TV news.
I read from a variety of sources and have come to the conclusion that Islam is not just another religion. I do not want a Muslim country to have nukes and I don't really care if that also happens to be the position of Israel. I also am in favor of cutting aid to Israel and banning donations from organizations like AIPAC.
Please don't insult the readers here by assuming we are all FOX or CNN bots. State your position and move on.
Anonymous said...
I believe it is because their strategy has been to keep open the option of a brokered convention.
Can someone explain to this poor, benighted furriner how that works? I understand each candidate wins by election a certain number of delegates to the convention, who are required to vote for him in the first round of voting for the nominee, but are released to vote for another nominee in subsequent rounds. So, who are these delegates? Do they have any personal loyalty to their candidate, or are they merely party functionaries? Might they personally support another candidate?
It seems to me, if the candidate can't select and appoint his own delegates, any convention that didn't get agreement on the first ballot would immediately devolve into a selection by committee of party bureaucrats. We already know the party bureaucracy would not elect Trump.
Can Trump discipline his own delegates at the convention?
The glee with which the left celebrates the "demographic shift" is repulsive and they believed it is a cornerstone of permanently changing the composition of the electorate. But they overlooked one thing in that transition stage ....
They are also banking on paint theory and public education. In their minds they can educate anyone into good little liberals. They believe Whites only exist as a sort of haters club based on skin color. They don't believe that Europeans might have certain genes that help with democracy or cooperation. The liberal believes in the environment which is why they place so much hope in public education. They think the only thing that separates the third world is education and access to resources.
Note however that these are the true believer liberals. The cynical liberals don't care if their plans will work or not. They hate mainstream Whites and will take Brazil even if it means third world standards for everyone. But the majority of liberals are true believers and can't even fathom group genetic differences affecting culture or democracy.
I couldn't resist posting this link. It's another one of those "Trump is Hitler" attack ads. It's a compilation of things that The Don said that are similar to things that Hitler said. Similar to the comment I've seen on various sites: "Yeah, he draws huge crowds. You know who else drew huge crowds? Adolf Hitler!" Yeah, and he probably loves dogs, too, just like Hitler.
It's an inconsequential concatenation of non sequiturs, but it's funny. But the real payoff is in the comments. I just LOVE how, the more they attack this man, the stronger his support grows. Check it out:
Heil Trump.
You forgot to mention chocolate Jesus saying "Get in their faces!!" and "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun." Not to mention telling Republicans (read: white people) to get in the back of the bus.
Yeah, none of that I divisive and contributes to this heated rhetoric.
It seems to me, if the candidate can't select and appoint his own delegates, any convention that didn't get agreement on the first ballot would immediately devolve into a selection by committee of party bureaucrats. We already know the party bureaucracy would not elect Trump.
Can Trump discipline his own delegates at the convention?
However the delegates could only vote against him if he doesn't lock 1237 delegates before the convention. Without the lock it goes to the second round of voting where delegates can technically do as they please. How many delegates will actually go against the will of their state is the question.
Here is the problem that the GOP party idiots need to consider in that scenario:
If the delegates go against their constituents and elect Cruz then Trump will run as an independent. That's a vote split that will ensure Clinton is the next president. They can't stop Trump from running as an independent and even if he didn't I doubt his fans are going to accept a coup. If anything they will stay home which means Republicans will lose in other elections.
But this scenario is entirely possible because the GOP leadership is not only clueless but spiteful. They hate Trump and want him out. They keep doubling down on stupid so it would actually surprise me if the delegates went with Trump in the second round. The safe money is on stupid. Hopefully Trump will get all the delegates to prevent this from happening. The GOP leadership already made a big mistake by not trimming Cruz or Rubio early. But then these are the same people that thought running Jeb Bush was a good idea.
Too lazy to go to Mike Brown's funeral. He sent his 3 chocolate acolytes instead.
Paint Job Theory:
This is about people who want to bring on Armageddon having nuclear weapons. They actually believe Mohamed's magical relative will come up out of a well and lead islamo fanatics to world domination. They believe this, or at least their leaders do. These are not the kind of people you want to have nuclear weapons. And don't underestimate their abilities, they're not stupid Africans, the Persian Empire can be resurrected. Nobody thought the colonists could defeat the British Empire either, yet, here we are. I'm fairly confident we'll persevere through any eventuality. Generally, I like your posts, so let's just agree to disagree on this one, eh?
non 7:14 said
But this scenario is entirely possible because the GOP leadership is not only clueless but spiteful.
That's what I was afraid of. Thanks.
All that talk about a brokered convention is the desperation and fantasy of the establishment crooks and cucks, steering the conversation and attention toward themselves as "the power brokers", and away from the real story of this campaign - the candidates and the voters. They think they can rewrite the delegation rules and have tyrannical control over the nomination, and maybe, legally, technically, on paper, they can. But realistically if Trump maintains his current lead and finishes with "just enough" or "barely not enough" delegates to win, and it triggers some arbitrary rules that throw the convention into chaos and winds up selecting Cruz or one of the fourth-place losers who got 10% on their best day, then the Republican Party is finished. Half its members will never vote for any candidate with an (R) after his name, ever again. Cruz knows this, and said a couple weeks that a brokered convention is off the table.
Haha. Cool. I was hoping I could go shooting with another realist in San Diego. Stay safe.
I pray you are right mam
AnalogMan said ”Can someone explain to this poor, benighted furriner how that works? . . . “
I'm certainly no politician, but I'll explain the process as I understand it, and I might be wrong. My understanding is that if no candidate gets more than 50% of the delegates during the primary elections it goes into the brokered phase where none of the delegates are bound by the popular votes cast in their state. At this point the wheeling and dealing begins, and those with enough influence and the power to persuade delegates to vote for their candidate will win. I get the impression that the republican elite feel that they have a better chance at directly influencing the delegates in a brokered convention than influencing the voters at the polls. That is why I believe that their goal is to prevent Trump from reaching 50% plus one of the delegates.
I don't know how delegates in each state are selected, but it probably doesn't really matter so long as one of the candidates reaches a super-majority because the delegates would be bound by the popular vote. I suppose it might be possible for a political party to select delegates who might have a personal preference for a particular candidate in anticipation of a brokered convention.
It will obviously piss off the voters if a scenario such as Trump winning 49% of the delegates in the elections and the other 51% is split between Cruz and Kasich results in a brokered convention but somehow all of the Cruz delegates miraculously go to Kasich without any going to Trump. This would leave Kasich with 51% of the delegates and the nomination. This is mathematically possible although very improbable. Of course Kasich would complain about having to win through a brokered convention arguing that if only Cruz had dropped out sooner, he could have beat Trump in the first round.
This underhanded machination by the GOP would probably cost the republican party the general election and create a massive revolt of the voters, but I'm not convinced that the GOP wouldn't rather deal with this problem than deal with a president Trump. It is a scary thought.
A word about Iran being the "leader of the Islamic world". This statement demonstrates a profound ignorance. Iran is the leading country where the Shia sect of Mohammedism is practiced. They are hated and despised by the larger branch of Mohammed's religion, known as the Sunnis. Both sects kill one another with great regularity.
The Banana Empire is presently supporting the Sunni group known as IS (ISIS, ISIL, blah, blah), which was apparently ginned up by the CIA, Mossad and the Saudi intel agencies. The purpose is to open the way for a pipeline from areas of Iraq (remember that place?) presently controlled by IS by removing the Alawite regime of Syria in order to control the oil supply to the EUSSR quadrant of the Bankstein's genocidal empire.
The Alawites aren't considered to Muslim at all by other Musloids (a fair characterization). They are a weird syncretism between Islam and Christianity not very large in number. Being a small group, they tend to tolerate other small groups in their own neighborhood (which has been dominated by Sunni Musloids for centuries), like (actual) Christians (not the Cuckstain variety found in Bananaland who only worships Golden Dindu), Shiites, Druze, Yezidis, etc. The Banana Empire and its friends encouraging all this crap are the absolute worst of a very nasty pack of rabid dogs in that part of the world. Don't believe anything you read in the Ministry of Truth, especially anything from Con, Inc.
One of the nice things about living in BFE is the spacing between houses and the setbacks from the road. From the driveway gate to the "A" side of the house is 190 feet. The neighbor to the north is 150 yards from my northern edge to their southern edge. The interior layout allows me to unleash hell down my hallway, and the shot would then have to go through a stainless steel side-by-side freezer/refrigerator and three additional walls AND then travel 450 feet to tickle the northern neighbors toes.
#00 buck is great for exterior operations. Slugs have their place as well, (barricade breaching) but for some decidedly un-Martha Stewart approved interior decorating, #7 1/2 heavy dove works wonders.
A one ounce load contains 345 pellets moving around 1150fps, and with a modified choke, 65-70% of the pellets will hit within a 30 inch circle out to 35-40 yards, and penetrate between 2 1/2 - 3" of ballistic gelatin. Even with a heavy denim or leather jacket, the bad guy is gonna have some painage. The pellets are light and moving pretty fast, but their low mass means they quickly lose their kinetic energy.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
Good comment. I know it's old news, but I still marvel at how The Media turned an Amer-Indian Negro - George Zimmerman - into an Aryan white racist on the strength of his Germanic name and nobody noticed - or pretended not to.
When I was in journalism school 30 years ago, I took a course called "Propaganda" which detailed how easy it was to get Americans to get into WW-1 by creating posters of German soldiers carrying Belgium babies on the tips of bayonets.
Seventy plus years later, they used the same verbal imagery to get American citizens to buy into the first Gulf War by telling us that Saddam's soldiers were tossing premature babies out of incubators in Kuwait so they could send the equipment back to Iraq - nevermind that Iraq had one of the best health-care systems in the Middle-East and didn't need them.
Sadly, nothing ever changes.
Listen to the radio. First, there will be a commercial from a company selling time shares - which everyone over 45 knows are bullshit - followed by commercials promising us that, for a fee, they can get us out of the albatross time-share we bought 10-20-30 years ago.
The emperor has no clothes, but invisible clothing sales are booming.
"They actually believe Mohamed's magical relative will come up out of a well and lead islamo fanatics to world domination."
Who is this "they", and more importantly who told you that this is "their" goal?
I'd wager that the vast majority of their people want nothing more than to feed their family and have have a few more goats than their fathers had. Their leaders, want what all politicians want... power. More power and a way to keep score (money). You really think the oil billionaire driving the gold plated Rolls Royce wants to die in an a nuclear hellstorm? You think those guys are waiting for 72 virgins??? They've got all the virgins they want here and now.
As far as delivery systems. Those sand people are a long way away from ICBMs. What's the worst they can do at this point, smuggle a Hiroshima style plutonium bomb into the harbor at NYC or near Washington DC? Don't threaten me with a good time.
"Fox news told me that they don't like us so we should drop bombs on them" is a foreign policy that benefits only one group and it's not white Europeans. I strongly ask you to really consider where you're getting your "facts" and ask yourself if somebody has an agenda served by making you feel that way. Virtually everything we are told by media and government is a lie.
" I just LOVE how, the more they attack this man, the stronger his support grows."
Golly gee. You'd almost think these "attacks" were all a big show to make more people support him.
This is what I've been saying from the get go. Every time the media "attacks" him his support grows, every time the "establishment" attacks him his support grows yet for some reason, these billionaires and their Harvard educated think tanks haven't added up 2+2 successfully yet?
4 years ago we saw how they dealt with Ron Paul by virtually ignoring him. This was very effective and they know it. The more press The Donald gets and the more "attacks" he gets, the more violent "protests" the more this looks like Wrestle-mania to me. I guess after decades of "reality TV" people simply can't discriminate between bad acting off a script and real reality.
AnalogMan said ”. . . It's an inconsequential concatenation of non sequiturs, but it's funny. But the real payoff is in the comments. I just LOVE how, the more they attack this man, the stronger his support grows. Check it out: . . . “
It shouldn't be long before the left starts claiming that Trump is a reincarnation of the Hydra of ancient lore.
@ AzDesertRat
It is pretty depressing thinking about Detroit. When my grandparents came to the States in the late 40s their first stop was Detroit. And growing up I always heard stories about how beautiful it used to be. The family moved up to Oakland County in the 60s. I was in downtown Detroit about 6 years ago to visit some friends and what a dump. Beuatiful houses just sitting vacant and rotting because the blacks can't figure out how to a) get or create a legitimate job for themselves (let's be honest most of the Detroit city-dwellers I saw are totally unemployable) and b) learn how to make some repairs to their homes. In the age of youtube tutorials there is no excuse.
Detroit is a testament to America's former greatness and what happens when the blacks take over. Just another painful reminder. You can hand the blacks a diamond-encrusted gold boulder that poops riches and they will still destroy it.
I remember thinking that with enough money/investors you could probably buy more than 50% of the real estate in Detroit. It would be the ultimate gentrification project.
I have actually given that some thought (my grandfather's house in Detroit is now an empty lot). If you could buy up empty blocks, erect walls and privatize the streets so the dindus couldn't steal everything, you could probably throw up some pretty nice mobile home parks in record time. You make it co-op with residents approved only by supermajority of existing residents. You could have similar "MEMBERS ONLY" shopping and everything else.
Find a legal way to keep the dindus out and you can revive any ghetto.
better yet, quit buying their oil
This is hard to do when so many people regard a big gas-guzzling truck as a badge of their patriotism. Me, I just passed 2000 miles since I filled my car and am down maybe 1/4 tank (running mostly on wall power, meaning domestic fossil fuels, uranium and a bit of wind and hydro). Why the hell isn't every patriotic American doing the same?!
"The entire world is trying to get to America" seriously? You really think that? The entire 3rd world maybe, I really dont see a lot of positives for anyone else, as per your irredeemable rhetoric.
Mohammed's army has already invaded Europe without a single shot being fired. The difference between countries like the US and Russia having nukes is that they would never be used due to mutually assured destruction. Giving nuclear capabilities to a group of people who willingly strap on bomb vests and blow themselves up in cafee, buses, and trains is not a good idea.
Technically viable but as with everything else in PC society there is a legal problem.
Actually, there is absolutely no legal problem at all. When a mugshot is taken, and when a criminal is booked into jail after being arrested, the information about him becomes public information that any member of the public can use. After conviction, even more public records are created - like every single syllable publicly uttered at every hearing and trial (with the exception of bench conversations between judges and lawyers).
"The entire world is trying to get to America" seriously? You really think that? The entire 3rd world maybe, I really dont see a lot of positives for anyone else, as per your irredeemable rhetoric."
He WAS talking about the 3rd world trying to get into America as well as other Western countries.
"Mohammed's army has already invaded Europe without a single shot being fired. "
The same goes for the US which has been invaded by Mexico without a single shot fired.
"This is hard to do when so many people regard a big gas-guzzling truck as a badge of their patriotism."
We have plenty of oil here, and plenty of technology to replace much of our demand if needed. Liquid fast breeder reactors, hemp based fuel, and deep sea methane hydrates are all largely untapped resources. We are not far from making even solar and wind power viable. Our current technology is close, I'd wager technology which would make either a real viable competition is suppressed by the status quo.
"The entire world is trying to get to America" seriously?"
In addition to basically every third worlder, the best and brightest of the first world countries also strive to come to the USA. The USA does not reward mediocrity quite as well as Europe but it still rewards greatness and places like MIT, Harvard, Yale, and the like are still at the absolute cutting edge of many of their fields of research and study. If you want to pretend to work while the government pretends to pay you socialism is great. If you're in the top tenth of a percent in your field you will be rewarded according to your ability (not your need) ONLY in the United States of America.
"Giving nuclear capabilities to a group of people who willingly strap on bomb vests and blow themselves up in cafee, buses, and trains is not a good idea. "
Why not turn off the TV for a few years and start thinking for yourself. How many American soldiers throw themselves on a grenade or charge a machine gun nest? Are these acts any less suicidal? Now flip that around, how many POLICY MAKERS or billionaire power brokers will do the same? Someone who straps a bomb to their chest and blows up a bus is someone with absolutely nothing for which to live. I repeat, the oil billionaires that run those countries have all the virgins, milk, and honey they want right here on Earth and they are in no rush to meet Allah. The average goat farmer that is down to his last goat who is willing to blow himself up is not likely the sort who can afford an ICBM and nuclear warheads.
There as here, the "religious leaders" (this includes the secular religions such as diversity, BRA, etc.) don't for a minute believe the malarkey they're telling the masses, it is only a tool for control and to distract them from who is really shafting them.
Paint Job, @ 6:06 AM: Excellent Essay.
We have plenty of oil here, and plenty of technology to replace much of our demand if needed. Liquid fast breeder reactors, hemp based fuel, and deep sea methane hydrates are all largely untapped resources. We are not far from making even solar and wind power viable. Our current technology is close
Correction: we had plenty of oil here. The USA's oil has been drilled earliest, hardest and most thoroughly since the 1860's. The vast bulk of it is gone, gone, gone. The US was an oil exporter until 1948. It has been an importer since, and even when oil was $100/bbl and the Bakken was cranking out a million barrels a day, US oil production barely got close to its 1970's peak and 1/3 of demand still came from imports.
Biofuels are a joke. Something like 40% of US corn production goes to replace 10% of gasoline consumption by volume (about 7% by energy), and gasoline is maybe 45% of total liquid fuel demand. Do the math; we're not growing our way out of this problem. Solar and wind power are reliant on the same fossil fuels that are depleting, even if they're temporarily cheap (due to low demand and e.g. Clean Water Act exemptions). Unless you're willing to wait for the wind to blow or the sun to come out to run your refrigerator, you're gonna use fossil backup.
This is all really OT for SBPDL, except that denial of reality is also a killer in areas other than race.
The one thing you're right about is nuclear power, but the USA shut down its last LMFBR in 1994 by edict of Congress and hasn't built one since. The NRC has nobody who knows squat about them and has no regulatory framework to license one. Because licensees are supposed to pay for the process, the first such unit is estimated to take 10 years and around $1 billion to pay the NRC to train the people to write the regulations under which license applications can be evaluated. This is why LMFBRs are progressing most rapidly in Russia and China. I would not be surprised if the next LMFBR in North America is a BN1200 installed in Canada to burn reprocessed plutonium from the CANDU fleet.
(yes i know quite a bit about this stuff why do you ask?)
I'd wager technology which would make either a real viable competition is suppressed by the status quo.
The game is screwier than that. Nuclear power is the competition being suppressed, and has been since the 1950's. The stuff that's dependent on flaky sun and wind is heavily promoted because it is not serious competition. I'd like to think that if someone like Sadoway came up with a battery made from dirt that those interests would be unable to suppress it and lose their economic power and position, but uranium is more or less dirt (the Manhattan project had certain lignite deposits mined and burned to process the ash as uranium ore!) and they still managed to cripple nuclear power.
This also relates to the propaganda apparatus, because there are large populations which have lived for centuries in areas with radiation much higher than most of the Fukushima evacuation zones, yet people are still taught to fear something that is provably harmless. The opposite propaganda teaches us to suppress our fear of dangerous savages. Until we are able to recognize the manipulations and identify and punish the manipulators, we will suffer from them.
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