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MARTA: Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta... |
Phillip Corbett, associate managing editor of the NYT had this to say:
When I interviewed Corbett for a story earlier this month about the relevance of race in the Cleveland rape coverage, he elaborated on the Times’ policy:After all, this is a Black world:
“We would mention race in a physical description only if it really is a detailed physical description that readers would learn something from … But if the description is a ‘white man in his 40s’ or ‘a black man in a hoodie,’ then you’re not really providing any useful information and it could be sort of boiler plate.”
Two Delta Airlines employees were attacked on a MARTA train.
Violent Attack On MARTA Train Under Investigation
MARTA police said they were investigating the incident. A witness said he watched the violent attack unfold Sunday.
"We were intimidated. Everyone was terrified. People were trying to run, but there was nowhere to run," the man, who requested anonymity, told Channel 2's Erica Byfield.Around midnight, a MARTA train pulled up to the Garnett Station in Downtown Atlanta, authorities said. The witness said up to 30 people boarded the southbound train."Once the doors opened, it was like a bum rush of people," he told Byfield. "The next thing you know, they started just beating him. There was blood everywhere. People were hollering and screaming," he said.A MARTA police report identified two victims as Delta Airlines employees.
The report said one victim had a soda can smashed in his face and his wallet stolen, while the other was punched repeatedly in his face.The witness said the attackers were teens chanting "B. F. P. L.""I don't know if that's a gang," the witness said.By the time the train made it to West End stop, some riders were desperate to get off, but the car doors would not open, the witness said."So basically we were just trapped," he said.The witness told Byfield he saw the teens exit the train at the Oakland City stop."For people to have to witness that it is ridiculous," he said.
Notice the media is silent as the race of 30+ attackers.Knowing the racial dynamics of MARTA riders (76 percent Black), it should be obvious what racial group engaged in "this is a Black world" moment.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution called the group of 30+ attackers "teens" though a correct description would be "Black teens," but that is not allowed in BRA:
“There was blood everywhere, people were hollering and screaming,” a witness told Channel 2 Action News. “We were intimidated. People were terrified. People were trying to run. But there was nowhere to run.”The stigma of public transportation forces would-be riders to drive to work, because the environment on buses, trains and monorails is unsafe for law-abiding citizens and a haven for those who prey on the indulgences of society.
Flight attendant Parker Stanea, 28, told officers a diminutive black male, no taller than 5′4″, emerged from the pack of teens to hit him over the left eye with a soda can. Stanea was pushed to the ground by the other youths and his wallet, stolen.
His friend, Jose Souza, said he was assaulted by the same suspect, according to the MARTA police incident report. The pink-clad teen punched him in the lip, the 24-year-old Delta employee said, but before they could take anything two unidentified male passengers intervened.
Meanwhile, witnesses said they heard the youths chanting "B.P.F.L," an Atlanta gang that appears to have established a presence within Zone 3 on the south side. They departed the train at the Oakland City station.
Black people commit a disproportionate amount of crime in America. Major cities lose out on economic opportunities and investments because of the prevalence of Black crime and the unsafe environments that major shopping centers from Kansas City to Philadelphia become thanks to this unnameable menace.
As Thug Report shows, that menace is Black crime. The media won't tell you about it; we will.
From here on out, this is the thread to post stories from around the nation that fail to report the race of the suspect. Be it murder, gang attack, flash mob, rape, petty crime, etc., it is time to show that the Disingenuous White Liberal (DWL) media is actively engaging in a conspiracy to hide the truth of rampant Black crime from an unassuming public.
That conspiracy and unwillingness to report the race of criminals is causing bodily harm to innocent people.It seems the only time the media is willing to report the race of a suspected criminal is when those suspected of doing evil to others are white.
News report on the story is here.
Seems to me this crime would fall under terrorist crime laws, because that is what it is: a bunch of wayward, rowdy, lowlife blacks terrorizing everyone else.
Funny how it is all kept hush hush isn't it? Just think if it had been an all white gang of people doing this? OMG the media would have collectively shit itself to cover it. You just know it. Why are blacks different? Hmmmm.
Throw the book at em and clean house I say.
p.s.-For those law abiding citizens forced to ride MARTA, get yourself a gun and don't be afraid to use it.
Or better yet don't live near blacks. This country is fucked.
I wouldn't be surprised if the ranks of these "black teens" has a lot of people 20+ in it. Teens and youth are just a moniker the media uses for blacks, regardless of whether or not they're actually in their teens. It's like that mall in Milwaukee that was attacked by a bunch of "youth", many of whom were in their late 20s.
I do hope Professor Snape will provide us with context that will provide a perfectly good excuse for the commission of this crime.
The only time white people would be on Marta at those stops going south is to go to Hartsfield airport. Even during the day, riding Marta is dangerous. Those last few stops before getting to the airport are pure desolate ghetto swamp. A few more incidents like this and Marta is going to have 99% black ridership. BFPL is apparently a hip hop artist from Atlanta Ward 3, so my guess would be this crew of "teens" had just come from a BFPL concert. My advice to any young white person considering moving to ATL for a job or girl or whatever, is to run, don't walk, somewhere else.
@ Mencken
Let me try. It will be 8 paragraphs too long, and can be boiled down to "who could blame them as they've been held down for so long"
Our public transit system is a big joke. Full of poor blacks, mean mugging everyone and trying to intimidate whites who ride. All drivers are poor black women with false eyelashes, red lipstick, and big attitudes.
Our city planners are trying to encourage the public to ride public transit, but because the buses are full of miscreant blacks and their wild chillens, the white people, who really want public transit, do not ride.
Why do we cater to these poor criminal black bum-fucks instead of catering to the taxpaying, clean, hard-working DWLs who would pay triple fare to ride without blacks? No wonder public transit systems struggle financially.
Like everything else, if you jack up the price, the blacks are S.O.L. Our fare is .85 one way, way to cheap in my opinion, and so the bus system is overrun by the skanks.
Actually, this was a semi-big deal on the Neal Boortz show today...
The country is fucked. With feral animals such as these exponentially reproducing themselves , the country is truly fucked.
I enjoy James Howard Kunstler's blog on peak oil, but this kind of behavior is what makes me think it will be impossible to enact. Let's say we establish a light rail system from one coast to the other. It will be a free-for-all that will make the subway scenes in the "Death Wish" movie look like an episode of "Sesame Street."
I live in Georgia. Any mention of this in any of the papers or newscasts? Of course not. THAT's what's truly frightening.
“We would mention race in a physical description only if it really is a detailed physical description that readers would learn something from … But if the description is a ‘white man in his 40s’ or ‘a black man in a hoodie,’ then you’re not really providing any useful information and it could be sort of boiler plate.”
So if a rape victim describes her attacker as "a black man in a hoodie", then his race will not be reported.
The media is criminally complicit in the crimes of blacks. The media refuses to truthfully report the scope and magitude of black criminal activity anywhere in this country. Even when there is a BOLO or an all points bulletin the media refuses to report it to the public if it's a black criminal.
I stop buying newspapers a long time ago and I don't watch any local channels or news programs. To hell with those sons of bitches. They can kiss my white ass.
The media supports that potion of the populance that doesn't support them, the blacks.
Makes me think about the two Asian Delta employees I saw on MARTA on the way to a Tech game. Sad. Blacks are just a different breed.
At least the victims did not get hurt any worse than they did. These group based attackers feed off of each other and escalate their violence quickly as they try to out do each other.
Public transportation should require a short math and ethics quiz before boarding any vehicle.
Sample question:
You are walking in the woods and find a pretty young woman who is unconscious. Do you: rape her, call for help, or rape her and call your friends to rape her as well because, friends help each other out after all.
From a black person s perspective I am going to let you in on a secret.....
Why? Because it makes the rest of us look bad.
People like myself work everyday like you do go to college(been there) and go to church on Sunday like you but to get online and assume everybody of color are a bunch of savage animals makes me sick.
This was a HORRIBLE situation and if I was on that train I would of shot at least 12 of them (my clip holds 12 rounds and I carry another clip that holds 10).
But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT.
Who gives a crap what this crusty old wrinkled repuke hag sends in her emails. This is the land of the free right? And I remember plenty of those emails going around with caricatures of Bush as a monkey - so WTF are people calling the WAHmbulance for? Or maybe they're calling the Amberlamps? LOL.. f'in tardphuck bitch whiners... Grow some skin...
And WTF anyway about the whole racist annotations anyway? Isn't that idiot Obama 1/2 white? Duh.. That's probably the only reason he's a clueless dumbass idiot - because he's half white. His mom probably came from a gene-pool the type of which you and I both despise - the lead-poisoned inbread out back jack country ass muthafukas who used to hang anyone without a fair trial... black or white... the ones who accidentally run over a possum and turn around to peel it off the street so they can take it home and throw it in the freezer for dinner tomorrow. The same ones who leave 2 foot stumps in their yard to give them a little boost so they can get to know they horses and cows a little better.
Anyway - maybe my rant thrust forth a point that racism takes all shapes and forms - and often the biggest bigots are the ones screaming bigot! The definition of a bigot is one who is intolerant of any opinions differing from they're own - so step back for a sec and take a look at yourself - are you the pot, the kettle or both - lets leave color out of this and try to come together as the Human race - and as a-merry-cans... PLEASE!!! We CANNOT GO ON LIKE THIS FOREVER... we all NEED to be bruthas of all culas..
Rahm nails it. how the hell do the reporter know the age of the offenders (yet obviously know the race and refuse to state it); it's speculation. it's done to take some of the teeth out of the seriousness of the incident. Saying 'teens' lets mammy say "he beez a guh boi" when these guys eventually get caught and start ratting eachother out...
It might interest SBPDL and its readers to know that Farrakhan (NOI) and the New Black Panther Party are planning a "Days of Rage" event shortly. The idea is to use africans to add muscle to the SEUI goons and to pump up the african teens to just this kind of massive random attack outburst. Or this could be the beginning of a real attempt at Revolution. Anyway, after the blood stops flowing, I am sure there will be the usual calls for civility and money from Whites for Programs. There is also a boycott appeal, calling for "no buying from Whites" (Or as he put it "Buy Black"). FOX was carrying the interview and the DWL commentator apologetically asked if this was not racist. "OH no!" said the African Islamic Congressmen (D-NY) interviewee, "Cuz we been oppressed!".
With hate coming in from their music, their politicians and from their religious, and their political leaders, young africans are just aching to stick it to Whitey. The "Polar Bear hunting" and "Beat Whitey nights" and attacks in Denver and Seattle and Kansas City were just trial runs.
So I ordered another case of 308.
We are months away from a real hellstorm.
a few things...
-MSM reporting on black flash mobs would only increase the number of black flash mobs. Blacks emulate any black behavior shown on television (good or bad).
-The only realistic way to curb savage black behavior is to throw money at it. The DWLs are a lot smarter than you think.
-Take away food, shelter and schooling from poor black people and they will be armed at your front door in seconds no matter how gated your community is.
-You guys love ripping on DWL spending, but have you ever considered what zero DWL spending would mean for this country?
-Zero DWL spending wouldn't make you any more wealthy and safe.... because you'd be dead or living in a constant state of fear. You wouldn't dare enter a big city. Why? Well, prisons have food and shelter. Who cares if you go there for "allegedly" stabbing a white guy for $20?
-The ONLY chance we have save a black's only plague (God, are you listening?) is to throw money at them and lower the crime rate.
-I'm well aware how bad black crime is. It would be worse if we didn't feed them.
post continued...
As far as the Jewish media and their placation of blacks via professional sports, disproportionate representation on TV etc....
-If the Jewish media didn't go out of their way to distract blacks with the NBA and McDonald's commercials, blacks would watch less TV. This would mean more interaction with those around them. This would mean being outside more. This would mean going to the movies more...
-So, you guys really have no idea how DWLs think. DWLs (believe it or not) hate blacks even more than do. They try so hard in school in insure that they never have to sit next to a black person on a bus.
-Jewish people and DWLs sent their kids to private schools in alarming percentages. They go out of their way (literally pay) for their children to not be schooled with black children.
-Do you really think black crime would go down if welfare didn't exist? Do you really think young black kids would be less dangerous if you didn't give them a free lunch?
-A lot you guys (including the author of this blog) have it all backwards. DWLs are keeping this country from anarchy. The only reason you can walk down Martin Luther King Drive and have a 50% chance of living instead of a 0% chance of living is because half the people on that street are inside government homes, smoking weed paid for by welfare checks and watching basketball.
-It bears repeating... The ONLY way to lower black crime in any capacity (save a black's- only plague) is to throw money at blacks. The money coming out of your paycheck is keeping you alive. The disproportionate representation of black people on TV is keeping you alive.
-Be comforted by the fact that so many black people do nothing but eat and watch TV. If you took away their TV and food, they'd just steal both from you.
I enjoy Kunstler's blog too and check it regularly, but he is a big flaming liberal and black underclass apologist. I like his plans for hamlets and live after TSHTF.
He had a piece on black men dressing like toddlers, calling them "Thuggo and Sluggo", it was hilarious!
“Pants that are ambiguously neither long or short, worn with XX-large T shirts, tend to make grown men look like babies. Babies have short legs and large torsos compared to grown men. They also make big awkward gestures and touch their sex organs a lot...”
"But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT."
Please cite where anyone stated that ALL blacks are violent.
If you are unable to do so, please be honest enough to admit your error.
Thank you.
Dear Honest Crusader:
Here is the problem....none of you "we hate it more than you do..." black people are willing to stand up and denounce the black underclass and black criminality. Blacks have no honor, no self-respect, and no value for human life. Black culture is empty and propped up on the assistance of white people. Black have a low intellect, and are at the bottom of the rung in all places on earth. Blacks do not build, they tear down. Be the first to stand up and say that black people are failures because of black culture, not because of white racism.
In my city, blacks kill each other with guns and stabbings weekly, yet there is no outrage from the "black community" and the behavior is tolerated. Yet if one dumb black kid gets roughed up by the police for resisting arrest, the black community is holding drive by prayer vigils and screaming about racist cops. This hypocrisy has to end.
If you really care, then stand up, be a real man, teach your black people to stop making more babies that they cannot raise, feed, and take care for. Tell them that they should not accept money that they did not earn in the form of welfare payments from the American taxpayer. Stigmatize welfare and illegitimacy in the black community. Tell the proud black brothas to pull up their pants, comb their hair, and act like respectable men instead of feral animals.
Tell your black men to stop creating so much filth and mayhem in the world and act like real men. Stop talking out the side of your neck and be the black leader that your people desperately need. Otherwise you are useless. Useless!!
To the blacks who say they "Hate it" because it makes them look bad...lies. The truth is every "respectable" black will side with the thugs over any white/asian/hispanic person every time.
"-You guys love ripping on DWL spending, but have you ever considered what zero DWL spending would mean for this country?"
It would mean, as you described, African anarchy expressed in the most nihilistic form imaginable.
It's exactly what we need.
We can't continue to "treat" the cancerous symptoms of our African problems, e.g., high criminality and government dependence, by blunting their true magnitudes with dose after dose of Whiteys' chemo laced tax dollars - the Negro problem must be exposed for what it truly is, and exercised by surgically removing its cancerous root, i.e., wanton DWL spending.
You, sir, may fear the feral Negro. I, and millions upon millions of White men and women, do not.
Let the Negro rage and Darwinian nature will take its proper course - ultimately, the African menace will be contained and talks of repatriation will begin and White society will finally be free of the black scourge, just as Lincoln intended.
wise DWL ... tries to justify the destruction of our nation and the reasons why a BRA and the anti white crusade and policies are necessary. Seriously GFY!
Anonymous April 20 10:11PM said...
But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT.
The only ignorance if from people like you who insist we ignore reality. Since it isn't ALL we should just ignore it and pretend it is not a very large & disproportionate number of blacks.
Since only 90%+ of blacks voted for Obama we should ignore and pretend.
Since most blacks are very tribal we should ignore and pretend...
-If the NFL goes on strike, sit back and watch the black crime rate go up on Sundays. Blacks need to be supported by the government and distracted by the MSM to avoid even more chaos in the black community.
-Think of DWL spending as military defense, because that is exactly what DWL spending is.
-Don't think for one second that DWLs in any way shape or form sympathize or relate to black people. If they did, they'd encourage their kids to interact with them. They know black people have no societal value and are prone to violence.
-DWLs tricked blacks into being their friends. In reality, DWLs are scared as hell of blacks. As they say, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
-Obama was a giant experiment conducted by DWLs. Thousands of DWL kids encouraged inner cities to "Go out and Vote." Hmmm why do that if they're not going to vote for your candidate? Think about the racism inherent with assuming people from the inner city will vote for the candidate you want to win. All DWL kids knew the deal when they came up with posters, slogans, etc.
-Anyway, the Obama experiment failed, but I'll go on record as saying it was worth it. Obama in office didn't curb black crime at all, but we as whites were able to reaffirm our whiteness as a result.
-All DWLs want is to put their kids in better schools and have more stuff than you do. They see black crime as the only thing beyond their control. The only thing a rich DWL fears is a black neighbor. Why? Because that black neighbor has black relatives. And those black relatives will know when the rich DWL is at work.
-As for Atlanta, it's toast. You might as well write articles about Sudan or the Republic of Congo. Same shit, different day.
-I do like this blog for its boldness, but its view of DWLs is way off. You guys have everything in common with them and you don't even realize it. We just have different approaches to dealing with the same problem.
"Yet if one dumb black kid gets roughed up by the police for resisting arrest, the black community is holding drive by prayer vigils and screaming about racist cops."
Don't forget, blacks came from all over the country to march in support of 6 black thugs (the Jena 6) who senselessly beat an innocent white kid, yet they DO NOTHING to address black crime and black illegitimacy.
The truth is...blacks like being black, and they have no intention of changing.
When I moved from Finland to the US for graduate school I was very naive. I rented a flat near a metro station in downtown Miami and figured I'd ride the metro to and from UM, thus not needing a car.
I did it twice. Any egalitarian ideas I had were gone immediately. Blacks ruin everything. I could not believe how they behaved.
This country is permanently fucked. I suggest that those of you whites who are sensible, employable and stable come home to Europe. The middle class in Finland has a standard of living/safety that middle class Americans simply can't touch. This is largely because we don't have blacks. And we just had an election that will ensure we never have blacks.
'The truth is...blacks like being black, and they have no intention of changing."
The truth is...race is real and all races like being who and what they are.
"Blacks emulate any black behavior shown on television (good or bad)."
Like Cosby?
If this were true, then we'd be seeing thousands of black engineers, scientists, doctors and inventors...and we'd also see a huge increase in black marriage and two-parent black families.
But we don't.
Blacks are already inspired to behave like animals by rap music. It is in their nature to behave this way. If rap music encouraged them to be civilized, they'd stop listening to it.
"-I do like this blog for its boldness, but its view of DWLs is way off."
This blog established the term DWL, it is YOUR view of DWLs that is way off.
"I'll try 'wise DWL said' for 40, Alex."
"The answer is:
'-A lot you guys (including the author of this blog) have it all backwards. DWLs are keeping this country from anarchy. The only reason you can walk down Martin Luther King Drive and have a 50% chance of living instead of a 0% chance of living is because half the people on that street are inside government homes, smoking weed paid for by welfare checks and watching basketball.
'-It bears repeating... The ONLY way to lower black crime in any capacity (save a black's- only plague) is to throw money at blacks. The money coming out of your paycheck is keeping you alive. The disproportionate representation of black people on TV is keeping you alive.'
"What's the definition of "Black Run America"?"
"Is RIGHT! Well played, Mencken, well played, indeed."
"Blacks ruin everything."
This is 100% true.
To "Wise DWL" -- funny post, but you are clearly not a DWL.
White Guy,
DWL whites don't want nationwide racial wars in their lifetime. That's why we provide black people with food, shelter and school. Doing so lowers rampant black crime.
If you prefer race war to your status quo, that's fine. We don't and we run the country.
DWLs do more than talk about solving black crime. DWLs keep America from falling apart. Every good memory you associate with America is because DWLs have held back anarchy since FDR was in office.
As I said before, join us and cut the bullshit macho talk.
Can you protect every single white person in your neighborhood?
Black people regularly commit crimes against elderly white people. When you aren't behind a trench in your front yard, who is going to protect the nursing home?
On that note are you willing to protect me? I'm not a good shot and I'm fairly sure most of the nation's white doctors, scientists, chemists etc. aren't either.
Let me get this straight. You want to live in post-apocalyptic rubble on the off chance you would survive, while losing millions and millions of white nerds in the process? Do you know how to perform a heart transplant? Better hope the guy who does is as good of a shot as you.
Sheesh. I'm glad DWLs are running the country instead of rednecks.
"I rented a flat near a metro station in downtown Miami and figured I'd ride the metro to and from UM, thus not needing a car."
As I'm sure you're aware, the first car on the Metro-rail is the safest. If you ride on the mid to tail cars, a duel with a pack of feral Africans is almost guaranteed.
It's been like that for years ... no, scratch that, decades.
Miami is crawling with feral blacks and they're increasing in number - I'm currently in the city and it's a third-world hell hole.
Everywhere I go, I hear a mishmash of perverted Spanish and French.
I can't wait to get the fuck out of here.
Svend Svenderson,
Nice post. But please explain what you mean here -- "And we just had an election that will ensure we never have blacks." What happened exactly?
And...you know, Finland sounds nice and everything, but can Americans just move there?
"This country is permanently fucked. I suggest that those of you whites who are sensible, employable and stable come home to Europe!"
Finland is one of the best places in Europe right now IMO, but the rest of the continent is inundated with hostile muslims. You have probably never found yourself surrounded by "Allhu Akbahr" chanting "youths", and seen them throw whatever they could grab through windows, rushing into restaurants and shops, tearing down everything, attacking people in the streets, but it's real, and it's vile. There are numerous videos on youtube that show it, and a growing number of people, including me, have been eye witnesses to the muslim flash mobs.
Western civilization has left it's founding values and are taken over by more primitive cultures that simply move in. Even primitive values are more forceful than no values. White society is seen as weak, people can sense it, and, to paraphrase Osama bin Laden, "If you put a strong horse and a weak horse next to each other, people will know by nature which one is the strong one". So we have what I sometimes call "the coalition of the rest", riding the strong horse, ganging up on the weak. If we just asserted ourselves we wouldn't have this problem, the nihilistic ditch-all-values-socialism and the ensuing egalitarianism and relativism, is like having AIDS. It weakens the defenses of an otherwise strong society, and makes it vulnerable to primitive and weak ideas. These start to metastasize and spread like a cancer, facing no opposition that they cannot simply shout down. This grand slam by the third world is not a coordinated conspiracy, there is no real "coalition of the rest", but they emerge from the vacuum left by western elites' abandonment of values, reason and rational thought. If you put the wealth of the West up for grabs because you feel you no longer deserve it, but invite the whole world to share, then takers will come out of the woodwork faster than you can give it away, and in greater numbers than you can shake a stick at. We're done with the nation states, not just the US, but Europe as well, even if things are looking up in Finland.
I see no end in sight, but I am far more optimistic for the US than for Europe. The US has the tea-party, Europe has nothing. When the fecal matter hits the oscillating air circulation device Europe will probably return to facism/nazism to keep the social democracies, which will fail eventually anyway, but the US has a chance of returning to small government and fiscal responsibility.
The problem that the west has is fundamentally the same problem across the board, from the US to Australia, New Zealand to Europe, the elites in control have decided to change the course of Western Civilization to serve a goal that is at odds with the values that created aforementioned civilization. They want the world to be one big happy family, so when one part of the family turns on the others and savagely attacks them, the media won't report it. In the widest abstraction, it is the very core, The Grand Scheme our societies are run by, "Egalitarianism", that is the root cause of ALL the problems we see today. The idea that all things must BE MADE equal by society is killing us. They make things equal by NOT reporting on incidents like this one, or thousands of other incidents, large and small, by NOT prosecuting black-on-white crime as "hate crime", but do it thoroughly when the colors are reversed, by enacting policies like AA, but NOT for whites, etc etc.
Making things equal is lethal! We're screwed a million times over by our elites, the world will never be the same, but picking up the pieces and starting over, I'll be back in the US where our civilization has a fighting chance, albeit in a smaller geographical area than the present.
Why? Because it makes the rest of us look bad.....
But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT. "
You simply don't get it, do you? I highly doubt anyone here seriously believes that every last black person is a violet, low IQ criminal. Of course there there are lovely, intelligent, contributing members of society who are black. But that doesn't change the fact that this country has massive problems with a large portion of its black population. The point of this blog is to talk about the toxic nature of modern African American, and general black cultures. Blacks makeup 12% of this nation, but account for over 50% of its murderers. If you want to further break it down, most of those murders are being committed by black males, which makeup around 5% of the country, and since young children, middle aged, and elderly black males aren't committing most of these crimes, but rather black males between the ages of 14 - 35, that further breaks it down to around 2% of the population. 2% of the population, (young black males) commit half the murders in this country. And we're the ones with the problem? If you really hate their behavior as much as you say you do, your time would be spent reprimanding them, not scolding us for complaining about it.
Anyway, there is no doubt in my mind that this was a racially based attack on Mr. Stanea, who I can guarantee to be White, and Mr. Souza who is Hispanic. There is a growing trend of these black flash mobs attacking any White or Hispanic unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. Denver, Philadelphia, Kansas City, and now Atlanta are just a few of the cities that have seen such behavior. As mentioned above, blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country, and the majority of interracial violence, yet the media and other disingenuous White liberals have the chutzpah to tell us there is no race problem in this country, and if there is a race problem it is White teenagers playing pranks like telling blacks to leave Walmart over the intercom or spreading cotton balls in front of the African Student Union office at some obscure podunk college in Missouri.
I, like many here, used to be a black apologeticist; a bleeding heart disingenuous White liberal through and through. I gobbled up the lies of White privilege until I just couldn't deny what my eyes kept seeing. Black people, I really have no sympathy for you when you tell harrowing tales of store sales clerks keeping a watchful eye over you, or hear stories about how blacks had to sit at the back of the bus back in the day when Whites can't even take public transit these days, and are being priced out of living because the only afforded housing is in violent, negro invested hellholes. You say Whites are privileged because we don't always have to be reminded of our race, and to that I say BS. If you are not wealthy enough to live in a Whitopia, you are damn well aware of being White, of being a big ol' pale target of black aggression, criminality, and just overall nuisance here in Black Run America.
NW European,
We may eventually pass each other over the Atlantic one day searching for a land to make our final stand. America is far more gone than Europe, I believe. If the CIA factbook is correct—and it is so far as America’s statistics are concerned—then the European nation with the lowest percentage of Whites is The Netherlands at 86%. The US is under 64% and importing millions more colonists annually.
We are actually closer demographically to Brazil than to our cousins in Europe. The Left would take us on from there to South Africa before concluding our journey at Rhodesia.
While we do have constitutional protections for freedom of speech here, they do not allow us to speak freely. Most of us would face severe employment sanctions if we did so—thus sites like this flourish in the absence of aboveground sunlight.
In Europe you have no “Nation of Immigrants” or “Legacy of Slavery” sophistry to disarm the citizenry. You have ancient bloodlines extending centuries and an equal history of repelling invasions. In the end, there is no rational or historical basis whatsoever for the presence of non-whites in any significant numbers in Europe.
I believe that we in America will serve as your cautionary tale, your canary in the coalmine. The peoples of Europe will witness our decay and demise and eventually rouse themselves from their multicult opium dream.
Once awakened, I expect Europe will expel the Sons of Allah back to Arabia where they may ululate and detonate to their heart's content. I also expect that the heads of many traitorous politicians will come to reside on the skyward end of pikes.
If I am wrong then our civilization will perish, and none of us should give the slightest damn what happens to the savages afterwards.
"-I do like this blog for its boldness, but its view of DWLs is way off. You guys have everything in common with them and you don't even realize it. We just have different approaches to dealing with the same problem."
We should all learn something from this statement. If this is how all or even most of the DWLs feel then they are very scared. Relieving or even easing that fear may bring them around.
@ wise DWL: We've tried your way for 40 years and none of it worked- NONE. It's time for our way.
Porter -
"In Europe you have no “Nation of Immigrants” or “Legacy of Slavery” sophistry to disarm the citizenry."
Sorry to rain on your hopes. This Frenchman tells you that "legacy of slavery" is all over the place here in the political, media and academic discourse about minorities.
As for a "nation of immigrants", a former minister of Immigration has gone on the record to say that the French people did not exist and was but a conglomerate of peoples.
The politically correct line here is that France has always been a nation of immigrants (a blatant historical lie). Every media and politician and "intellectual" rams this falsehood down the public's throat several times a day.
Oh, and by the way : we can't be "disarmed". We have no right to bear arms.
"Doing so lowers rampant black crime."
No, it doesn't.
It increases blacks' sense of entitlement, so they demand more, and they take more. Black crime rose steadily through the 60's, 70's, and 80's.
Black crime only decreases with greater incarceration, aka "3 strikes and you're out".
I maintain that "wise DWL" is not a DWL; an actual DWL is incapable of verbalizing any of the ideas "wise DWL" has expressed, and if wise DWL verbalized such ideas to an actual DWL, the actual DWL would passionately condemn him. Not while simultaneously thinking, "I agree with him, but I can't say so publicly," but really believing in his condemnation.
As far as I can tell, DWLs exist in a peculiar state of contradiction is which certain perceptions lie behind a succession of curtains and doors. To be truly successful as a DWL, you must be a true believer -- it can't be faked. I don't fully understand how this works, but other true believers have ways of sniffing out the fakes. It's all very "Soviet."
It's called swarming.
Porter said...
You obviously have gift for writing. Please use it often!
Here's some "hate facts" that may sway you guys over to my side...
Fact #1: An animal is at its most dangerous when you deprive it of food and shelter.
Fact #2: Without free lunch programs, black welfare kids wouldn't eat.
Fact #3: Without government housing, black welfare adults would choose prison or the streets.
Fact #4: You can't ask to go to prison, but you can commit a violent crime in broad daylight to get there easily.
Fact #5: The black I.Q. gap. "Teaching" retards doesn't accomplish anything. You have to literally feed them, house them and distract them.
Fact #6: America adopting Nazism isn't realistic in 2011.
Fact #7: As I said, the only way to eliminate all the problems associated with black people involves a disease that doesn't exist or on an individual level "moving to Finland".
Fact #8: You can only curb black violence (as long as black people exist). Money and distraction are the best methods available.
Fact #9: Whether poor white people want to admit it or not... rich white people would rather write a check than partake in a race war. No well-off white man is throwing away his life's work to battle Zulu warriors in the suburbs.
You guys are crazy if you actually think that black people would be less of a problem if DWLs didn't provide for them. What happens when you pull a kid's toy away from him? The kid freaks out. Take away a house, a school and food and you've got more than a flash mob to worry about.
I know adopting my views seems like it involves radically changing your own, but it really doesn't.
We both agree on the black menace. You want fight them and we don't.
A wise old DWL once told me, "When a dog barks at you, don't get on your knees and bark back."
In other words, niggers fight in the streets. If you want to fight niggers in the streets, it's because you're thinking like a nigger.
Could you please explain to us, what exactly is going on with France?
I've read that the government is not allowed to keep statistics on how many French citizens are arabs / muslims. I've read that people are arrested and charged with hate crimes if they state that arabs / muslims hate the native French and are prone to committing crimes. I've read that muslim "youths" light cars on fire, and there are no consequences.
Is this true? Surely it is not. Surely there are gangs of French teenagers who do battle against the muslims. Surely there are lawyers who insist that France must allow freedom of speech. Surely the future of France can still be saved. Can't it?
To the black Anonymous:
"People like myself work everyday like you do"
There's a significant chance that you only go to work every day because of Affirmative Action hiring and firing practices. White people are discriminated against in that regard. While at work, non-blacks are banned from criticising you, you are not required to be competent, and you are promoted at the first opportunity.
"go to college(been there)"
You don't mention whether you graduated. Regardless, you didn't receive a true college education since markers subconsciously mark black students higher, consciously change marks to allow black students to pass, won't criticise black students, and of course allow you to enter college with much lower academic skills.
"go to church on Sunday like you"
White people are NOT religious crazies like black people are. We don't go to church on Sunday. White people discovered Evolution, discovered the Big Bang, discovered the fact that the Earth is round and goes around the sun, and isn't in the centre of the Universe.
"if I was on that train I would of shot at least 12 of them (my clip holds 12 rounds and I carry another clip that holds 10). But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT."
Nothing violent about that at all (sarcasm). White people don't do that. People like you should not be owning guns.
Anonymous said...
From a black person s perspective I am going to let you in on a secret.....
Why? Because it makes the rest of us look bad.
People like myself work everyday like you do go to college(been there) and go to church on Sunday like you but to get online and assume everybody of color are a bunch of savage animals makes me sick.
This was a HORRIBLE situation and if I was on that train I would of shot at least 12 of them (my clip holds 12 rounds and I carry another clip that holds 10).
But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT.
I speak for the subconscious of 99% of all DWLs.
We are the "D" judged by those who don't understand the plan.
We are the "W" because of our genetics.
We are the "L" in a very liberal sense of the word liberal. We're actually so not liberal that we "out conservative" conservatives thus making us liberal. For example, being secretly pro-eugenics makes you more conservative than being anti-abortion.
We are scared of black crime and throwing money works better than things [censored] other people have suggested.
I am what a DWL is, whether other DWLs admit it to themselves or not. You'd be shocked at how many feel the same way I do.
DWLs instinctively act the way they do, so it might be hard for some of us to describe the water in our fish tank. I can describe the water in which I swim and you're welcome, if you're hearing information like this for the first time.
Thank you.
Your points are well taken and I am interested in your perspective. Though my intent was not to imply that Europe is a Shangri-La, but that it is less culturally and racially decayed than America. The former is certainly debatable while the latter, I believe, is not.
Also, when you say The politically correct line here is that France has always been a nation of immigrants (a blatant historical lie). That is my point. It is a lie. And maintaining this patent lie in Europe will prove more difficult than maintaining the sophist's truth in America.
America was a nation of colonists--White, western European colonists. That we once migrated here is now used to justify the mass importation of stone-age Somalis. One immigrant is just like any other, they tell us. As far as I know, you have no similarly contorted historical precedent in Europe.
As an aside, I was in Paris a few months ago and enjoyed the visit. In any event, I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts in future threads.
Why are African Americans given such special privilege by the media?
It would have been reported normally and faces would be shown more openly if it was Muslim, Hispanic or Asian.
If you prefer race war to your status quo, that's fine. We don't and we run the country.
It's funny to hear triumphalist language from someone whose position is so very precarious. Do you believe that you will always run things? I'm sure the Romans of the 5th century believed that their country would simply go on forever.
Your argument is problematic on various levels.
1) You see blacks as a mythological beast, against which all resistance is futile. Therefore, the beast must be placated. You grossly exaggerate the true destructive abilities of the Negro in comparison to the Caucasian. A cursory glance at military history will tell you who the true heavyweights are when it comes to War.
2) Your beast requires sacrifice. Human sacrifice. People like Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom will have to die to feed your beast. Channon was gangraped over the course of two days, vaginally, orally, and anally. A foreign object, thought to be a table leg, was rammed into her vagina before she was wrapped in garbage bags and shoved into a trash can to asphyxiate. Christopher was also anally and orally raped. He met his end by being wrapped in a blanket and led out to some railroad tracks, where he was shot in the back of the head and his corpse set ablaze.
Brad Heyka, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander, and Jason Befort were murdered when two blacks burst into the house they were staying at. The blacks took their time fucking the women, and at one point forced the men to put their limp penises into the women. After a few hours, the victims were driven to an ATM where their accounts were emptied, then driven to a snowy field and shot in the back of the head.
3) Placating this beast must necessarily go on forever, as you yourself admit that there is no real solution to the problem. Like the Romans, you assume that this situation is tenable. It isn't. What you don't understand about blacks is that they will keep demanding more and more, keep rioting more and more, keep murdering more and more, until the walls of your little prison fracture. It will be anarchy either way.
In short, your argument is fallacious, and your terms are unacceptable.
This country is permanently fucked. I suggest that those of you whites who are sensible, employable and stable come home to Europe!
Finland is far removed from the more serious black cancer that is eating away at mainland Europe, but I see nothing that guarantees you will remain safe forever. NW European and Robert Marchenoir have already listed many of Europe's ills, but Marchenoir hit on the most salient point: you are a disarmed society.
It's impossible for me to take seriously the assertion that America is worse off than Europe for the simple fact that there are some 200 million privately owned firearms floating around in this country. Many of those are high-powered hunting rifles owned by men who regularly take deer and other big game. There is still a strong militia community in the U.S. who are right now amassing weapons and ammunition in preparation for war with our government. Armed citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina were able to use their weapons to ensure their own safety. Replace New Orleans with Marseille, and many of them would be dead and their neighborhoods destroyed.
My people came here before the founding of the United States. They killed and were killed by the savage Indians. They fought the tyrant Lincoln and proved themselves willing to kill for the land they loved. I'll be damned if I'm going to betray their memory by fleeing back to an unarmed and totalitarian Europe. A long life in a frozen land appeals to me far less than dedicating my life and the lives of my enemies to all the gods of the underworld and dying with a good rifle in my hands.
@Silent Running
Wow. I thought I was on a power trip!
You're appealing to ancient history and building yourself up to Terminator levels.
As I said in response to a different article, DWLs have moved past the "rage" stage. We don't see the world in Mad Max terms like you do.
It's just math, Silent Running. Feed them and they rape less. House them and they rape less. There are less homes and less food in Africa, the continent known for rape.
You share with me black horror stories and expect me to be surprised/outraged/motivated, when in reality it's just par for the course.
Do yourself a favor and move to Canada. You seem to be living in fear. Anyone can pull a trigger. You aren't "hard" because you shoot tin cans with your buddies on the weekend. A real man does everything he can to keep his family and loved ones safe. Your line of thinking only further endangers everyone around you.
Wise DWL is deep in an orgasmic trance, pleasuring himself to his paternalistic masturbation fantasy.
There is nothing "liberal" about you. The point of your name is to be the caricature associated with SBPDL's moniker: the white liberal by which his animus is inflamed is only "liberal" on the surface but a bigot within, trying to stifle his fear/loathing/rage with phony pleasantries.
You are a disgrace.
While we are in agreement that ending "funding" - for lack of a better term - is the wrong thing to do, throwing money at a "problem" should not be the best this country can do; what is needed is systemic changes to the way this country is run: alter laws, education, slay this silent behemoth of white preference.
You've insinuated that blacks are "animals" or less-than and are comfortable being a "zookeeper", for lack of a better term. Problem blacks are no different from problem whites! You'd talk about the size of the problem; by virtue of numbers, there are more problem whites. You'd mention proportionality but do you know history?
There is a conspicuous void of true reflection, honesty, and rationality on this website.
The option should not be to keep the status quo or engage in race war or hope for some "disease" to wipe out the "problem minority". The only choice should be is to ascertain the why and, afterward, work on formulating systemic solutions.
We are not the be-all, end-all of people. Maintenance of this deadly hierarchy will bring no one peace, whites, blacks, browns, etc.
I do not have children - one of the failings in my life - but I cannot bear to imagine what it must be like to have to instruct your child that arbitrary "rules" have set them at the bottom: they will be feared if they are male or ridiculed if they are female; their humanity will be questioned; their intelligence thought of as suspect.
It is the most repulsive thought to me to have to warn a child that they will be considered less-than unless they are outstanding. Whites have been allowed to be the standard, the average; even in our failings, we can assert superiority by virtue of our skin.
You people should be ashamed. You have no solutions; this is nothing but reactive nonsense. This does not have to be a zero-sum game.
"America is far more gone than Europe"
Closest to waking up.
Silent Running said:
You grossly exaggerate the true destructive abilities of the Negro in comparison to the Caucasian. A cursory glance at military history will tell you who the true heavyweights are when it comes to War.
"War" is a clever synonym for destruction not afforded to blacks, I am assuming. A cursory glance at history shows whites have been the most destructive of all.
Wise DWL is grossly exaggerating black destructiveness, as are most people on this website. If the most logical answer for you is to pick up arms and enter into a race war, you, too, are exaggerating the problem, not to mention exaggerating its dire necessity.
It is ironic that you lash out at Wise DWL's hyperbole and yet you regress into isolated cases of race-driven (or maybe not) black-on-white crime as rallying cry, as if all black criminals offending against whites do so in the name of retribution.
If you believe this, you are fairly dense.
It seems to me that the difference between you and the disgraceful Wise DWL is inertia: he staves off the supposedly inevitable while you are content to kill NOW.
It is almost humorous that you are looking to mobilize in victimhood and, yet, blacks or minorities cannot.
You are a prisoner of your own fear, of your own loathing. You are content to bask in it because it is comfortable and safe. White power has not ended because a black man is in the White House; when he is gone, what will you have? What will be your excuse to harbor indiscriminate hatred?
You will have no excuse. There is no such thing as a "black cancer", but you've proven there exists a highly communicable brain infection whereby death seems to be the most logical cure.
And it is called "racism".
I have always enjoyed your commentary here. Your passion and clarity of both mind and word are refreshing amidst the fecklessness and dissimulating that is so common. If a leader had enough men like you, they could change this country for the better tomorrow.
This is partially why I debate Paul on the merits of Whites in the South. This is where like men reside. Not often as articulate and focused as you—but the animating spirit is there. And if the situation arose, they would file out of their idiot football stadiums and man the ramparts.
That said—and after such gushing I should offer the “No Homo!” disclaimer—I’ll take exception with one of your sentiments.
proved themselves willing to kill for the land they loved
My forefathers fought Lincoln as well. I am a man of the South and love it--and in truth all of White America--dearly. But it is not the land which is the object of my affection, but the people who reside upon it. Their blood, and yours, is more precious than holding the dirt now beneath anyone’s feet.
It needn't be, but retrenchment is a near certainty at this point if we are to survive. And survival—maintaining the fire of white, western civilization for all of our children—is my sole concern. So don’t sacrifice yourself on principle with Pickett’s Charge. Chancellorsville will come.
Anon (about the French situation) :
Where to begin ?
Policemen regularly get beaten up by immigrant thugs, and are taught not to draw their guns in such a situation. Unsurprisingly, more beatings ensue. They get bolder and more violent all the time.
In one of the latest "incidents", a riot police officer was held by one thug (I believe black), while another took off his helmet, and a third one proceeded to crush his skull with a hammer.
The thugs were arrested. The sentence was so lenient that they walked out of court shouting "Thank you, France !".
Prison sentences up to two years long are just theater : by law, they are not enforced.
The normal procedure, when a criminal receives a prison sentence, is for him to walk out of court a free man. If the "justice system" declares the sentence enforceable afterwards (a big if), and if it actually seeks to enforce it (another big if), police might begin to hunt the convicted criminal in order to make him serve his time.
Half of the enforceable prison sentences are not enforced (that's why they passed this law which basically says that everything less than two years won't be served).
After the (often leftist) judge has handed his sentence (and the media have reported on it), another judge comes out of the woodwork. His task is, behind closed doors, to reduce the sentence of the first, conspicuous judge. This won't be reported in the media, of course.
At least not before some repeat offender rapes a little girl and the public discovers how little time he has actually served before for another rape.
Anyway, the sentences handed out by the courts (the Mickey Mouse ones, those than do not mean a thing) are already exceedingly lenient to begin with. A French criminal might expect to receive a prison sentence two or three times shorter than an American one. Life imprisonment deos not exist. "Life" is officially 20 years at most (give or take a few), and the actual figure is noticeably lower.
There is a wave of robberies sweeping the country presently. If you run a shop and you have been robbed ten times (which is not uncommon), don't even think of using your (legally owned) hunting rifle, if only to fire a warning shot in the air the next time a robber points a gun on you.
You'll be the one to go to jail, while the robber will be released by the police after a few hours.
A large part of crime goes unpunished. Criminals know this, of course, and act accordingly.
However, if you are white and law-abiding, don't say anything which could be deemed "racist" if you're threatened by an immigrant / black / muslim thug. You will be the one in deep trouble with the police.
I could go on for hours.
anti-white poster aka DWL
"It's just math, Silent Running. Feed them and they rape less. House them and they rape less. There are less homes and less food in Africa, the continent known for rape."
Then why import more?
anti-white poster aka Snape
1. "This does not have to be a zero-sum game."
2. "but you've proven there exists a highly communicable brain infection whereby death seems to be the most logical cure. And it is called "racism".
If only White people are capable of racism and if all White people are racists even if they don't realise it (White privilige) and the most logical cure for "racism" is death then the logical cure for "racism" is White genocide.
That's about as zero-sum as you can get.
That's the PC trick in a nutshell. Whip up hate for "racists" then limit the definition of racist to "White."
And the connection to the opening post being... if the anti-white media reported the MILLIONS or racist attacks on White people the whole "only white people are racist" PC narrative would collapse.
wise DWL said...
Are you saying black people need to be "kept" like animals? or children? or mentally handicapped?
If so, you may have a point.
However, the black race survived without White intervention for tens of thousands of years. Maybe they would fare better if they were left alone -- away from us and we away from them.
Paul Kersey,
I heard you on Matt Parrott's radio show.
Good presentation.
It bothers me that the United States government is screening for terrorists at the Atlanta airport, but ignoring a far more common threat to America: Black-on-White terrorism!
@Silent Running
I would have mentioned gun ownership if my post wasn't already getting too long, but it would be the next thing to mention when comparing Europe to the USA. The problem is that gun ownership is something the European elites will never permit the people to have, and they would never permit it in the US had it not already been implemented by the founding fathers who hated the elites in Europe.
I do think this is a secondary point that wouldn't be relevant if it wasn't for the wave of third world immigration to all white western nations, which again is a consequence of the elites' idea of the world as a collection of equal cultures. When the elites abandon the people they lead and the values that hold them together, then it comes down to what values dominate the population, and in that respect the US is far better off than Europe. Europeans look to a central authority for answers, Americans take responsibility for themselves, which is why the US has gun ownership and Europe does not. Americans will not be without their guns, Europeans not without their governments. This is the fundamental difference that causes all the other differences, and the reason why our civilization has a fighting chance in the US. In Europe, only another dark ages awaits. I'm with the do-it-yourself crowd, and I too would rather die a fighting free man, than wither away in a cold and dark Eurabia.
@ Fox
To answer your question...
"Half-devil and half-child."
-Rudyard Kipling (1899)
Wow, now the liberal crazies are debating each other about how to "deal" with the negro problem in America. Has it come to this, Paul??
"arbitrary "rules" have set them at the bottom"
The Teens that did this are not at fault. They need to be guided by the Government so they may become productive giving citizens. The "victims" most likely caused the Kids to get up-set. They would not act up with out some provocation.
"But to sit here and complain that all blacks are violent sounds EXTREMELY IGNORANT."
There was a time a few years ago I would go out of my way to explain that it is just some blacks and that I am sorry you are offended.
But no more. Stuff like this happens every day. The only role for black Americans is to say "I'm sorry" to every non-black person you see. And protest black racism on a daily basis.
Other than that you have nothing to say or to offer.
It's just math, Silent Running. Feed them and they rape less. House them and they rape less. There are less homes and less food in Africa, the continent known for rape.
Those who repeat the same argument over and over while refusing to answer rebuttals are generally ignored after a while.
I have always enjoyed your commentary here. Your passion and clarity of both mind and word are refreshing amidst the fecklessness and dissimulating that is so common. If a leader had enough men like you, they could change this country for the better tomorrow.
Likewise. As someone else already said, you are my favorite commenter at this site. I've always been impressed by your contributions and you obviously possess a formidable intellect. I expect your guest article will be of excellent quality.
This is partially why I debate Paul on the merits of Whites in the South. This is where like men reside.
Exactly right. The success of the Revolution and every war after it largely depended on Southerners. I am not ready to give up the South (or the Southwest, for that matter).
and after such gushing I should offer the “No Homo!” disclaimer...
Heh, the No Homo phenomenon is at once amusing and saddening. It is saddening because the widespread acceptance of homosexuality and homosexual influence has done grievous damage to heterosexual male friendship, which is one of the foundations of Western civilization. Two grown men can no longer become close friends without the teasing accusations of faggotry.
It needn't be, but retrenchment is a near certainty at this point if we are to survive.
A fair point. I certainly agree that borders will have to shift to facilitate our survival; swaths of this country will have to be abandoned to the DWL's and the nonwhites. We cannot possibly hope to retake the whole country while there are 150 million hostile leftists opposing everything we do. If nothing else, the "blue" country will serve as a safety valve.
That being said, I am certainly biased as to which parts of the country I would like to see abandoned and which parts maintained. Abandoning the entire country for Europe is a bridge too far. My place is here, and here I will stay.
Do you advocate emigration to Europe, Porter? If so, could you explain your rationale?
If only White people are capable of racism and if all White people are racists even if they don't realise it (White privilige) and the most logical cure for "racism" is death then the logical cure for "racism" is White genocide.
Indeed. Leftists like to play at being pious, but they all have violence in their hearts, implicit or explicit.
Americans will not be without their guns, Europeans not without their governments.
This is an important point, especially for the emigration crowd. Even though we are all part of the same civilization and have a vested interest in seeing each other survive, Americans are not Europeans. The American wishing to go to Europe or vice versa is in for serious culture shock. Americans should never forget where we came from, but our cultures and ways of thinking are still very different.
I wish I were able to provide your question with the time and thought it deserves, though since I’ll be leaving momentarily for the day I’ll respond briefly now and perhaps we can resume later.
Do you advocate emigration to Europe, Porter? If so, could you explain your rationale?
No, not at present. There are still far too many white vertebrates here to advocate that. But neither should these people sacrifice themselves if the situation here became hopeless relative to Europe. So I discount no possibilities.
Wherever white men decide to rise from their knees and cast off the venal and unctuous leaders who have betrayed them; wherever whites celebrate their own culture rather than those of hostile aliens; wherever the public fisc is applied to the betterment of white taxpayers, rather than toward their detriment and dispossession; wherever this glowing ember bursts into flame—be it Nashville or Helsinki—that is where I would wish to be.
The Bay Area Rapid Transit is no different, going through Oakland / aka Detroit West and dealing with these FILTHY WORTHLESS SMELLY SAVAGES has the same results! I can see why a Bart Police capped one a few years ago, It made his mammy richer than that NASTY SMELLY WIG WEARING, WELFARE INCRUSTED SPOOK would of made in her life time x 1000!!!
Far Rockaway,NYC
I am not white nor black.
Today on May 25th at 8PM on Beach 9th street in Far Rockaway NY; 3 Black teens tried to kill me.
I escaped because I was a better runner than them. I wished I had a gun.
They just said " Let's get this nigger!" and came after me. I warn people to watch wild black teens specially if you are alone.
Haha, white people are crazy.
Robert Marchenoir said:
Half of the enforceable prison sentences are not enforced (that's why they passed this law which basically says that everything less than two years won't be served).
After the (often leftist) judge has handed his sentence (and the media have reported on it), another judge comes out of the woodwork. His task is, behind closed doors, to reduce the sentence of the first, conspicuous judge. This won't be reported in the media, of course.
I'm French and I can confirm this. People are sentenced to jail time... but the judge can decide whether the defendant will go to jail immediately or not. Most of the time, he lets the defendants go. They are told that they will be summoned later to go to jail. If they are summoned at all: the juges d'application des peines who are supposed to do the summonses are notoriously overworked.
Sarkozy has discreetly given instructions to shorten actual jail and prison time, because correctional facilities are overcrowded and he doesn't want to invest public money in building more of them. Meanwhile, he pressures police officers to make more arrests, for he wants to look good in the eyes of the ordinary citizens, and be re-elected. The more arrests French cops make, the better their annual appraisals are. The whole system is a farce.
Saying on TV that drug dealers are disproportionately Black and Arab - which is true - was why journalist Eric Zemmour lost his job and was tried in court for racism.
Only two categories of defendants get no mercy from judges: white racists and cops. At Sarko's request, mind you, the manipulative neocon. I voted for him in 2007. No more so in 2012, whoever runs against him in the run-off.
Race isn't mentioned in official stats, but just use public transit practically anywhere in the Paris region, and sometimes you'll wonder if France isn't already majority Black.
In the Paris region, 54% of newborns carry the sickle cell anemia gene, a quarter of all newborns nation-wide. Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease of people with Black African ancestry. Most North African Arabs have some black ancestors, and are therefore at risk.
The stats were imprudently released by medical authorities in a pdf document, with maps, on the website of an association of parents of children with sickle cell anemia ("drépanocytose" in French). Since then, the document has disppeared from the website of the association, but many people (including myself) copied it.
France, and much of Europe, is fucked, like the USA. Whites have nowhere to go.
In the UK you can commit as many crimes as you want that have a three month tariff and you will not goto jail as the authorities do not want to waste the prison services time by forcing this arduous administrative duty on them.
Kill yourself.
I'm the guy who saved the two flight attendant and i'm black so this website is garbage.
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