This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The Scholarship Contest is Real
It is not. More details on the Scholarship Contest will be forthcoming this week (along with a flurry of new posts).
In the midst of editing books on Hollywood and Black Fictional Heroes, and The Opiate of America (sports), we realized it was time to do something outside the box.
The "White Privilege" Scholarship is that outside the box manuever. You see, race isn't the social construct; equality is.
Open to all students attending college (law school, medical school, pharmacy school, etc.), the "White Privilege" scholarship contest is the real deal. All donations SBPDL receives from this point out - and between June 1, 2011 - will go toward this contest. We hope to have the amount offered be far more than $1,000.
Just remember, you must submit to a DNA test if your essay is chosen as a winner. Only those with 90 percent or more Western European ancestry will be eligible win. Race is a social construct, right? Nope.
It's real. It's damn real.
Enjoy your Sunday.
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Terrific. I'll post a donation as soon as I finish typing this comment. I do recommend, as a commenter at the previous post did, that the applicants, while identifiable to you, be able to remain anonymous. The scholarship would be of no use to someone blacklisted from any school, and the PC regime's power is such that nowhere is one truly free from it.
"Just remember, you must submit to a DNA test if your essay is chosen as a winner. Only those with 90 percent or more Western European ancestry will be eligible win. Race is a social construct, right? Nope."
So, the very thing that created the "world" as we know it today doesn't apply anymore? Okay.
Even though in practice it's not accepted, it was proven decades ago scientifically all human beings are genetically related.
A lot of your brothers and sisters have such problems with race and ethnicity that it probably wouldn't be in their best interest to go poking around in DNA and genetics. Facts and emotions rarely exist on the same plane. A true proud white person would kill themselves if they had a speck of black blood in their veins. Is 1,000 dollars worth that?
Remember Rashida"Black people don't like me" Jones is 50% black and she "looks" white. I really don't believe a lot of your people really can handle what they will learn once Pandora's box is opened. I would suggest you let sleeping dogs lie , as the saying goes.
Here is a less invasive way of having this "White Privilege" Scholarship. If the applicant looks white and considers himself white. Then the person is white. No blood tests or privacy issues. Just a thought.
I'll leave you with a link to an interesting post by Steve Sailer(white guy)
-Black guy
Just like the song says: "I'm white and it's time that I'll have mine."
You guys RULE!
It's called compound interest. Black people are no different than white people.
Way to abbreviate the title of your book, pussy.
"Black people are no different than white people."
For starters I recommend you read this. http://erectuswalksamongst.us/index.html#Contents
Basically black behavior explained from a purely scientific perspective with exhaustive references from "non-racist" resources. Get back to me when you finish.
"A true proud white person would kill themselves if they had a speck of black blood in their veins."
I've probably mentioned this before, but you are glaringly un-fucking-qualified to represent "a true proud white person".
Well, it is hard to write a good essay. Every time I do, it gets covered in my feces. Or atleast that is what the self loathing, half jew, half beaner, Simon Sez, says.
But Black guy is wrong. I could handle having negro DNA in me. It really would not bother me that much. Because I know that I am white. And unlike someone like Simon Sez, I don't have this silly half breed hate hanging over me. I am not a self loathing liberal.
What do Barry Obama, and Simon Sez have in common? They are both self loathing liberals who hate their white sides. Altho, any intelligence that they have most likely comes from their white side.
Every word that Simon the half breed types comes from white english, on a computer invented by whites, on the internet invented by whites. The gun he wanted to use on whites at a Glenn Beck rally would be made by whites. The bullets made by whites.
Black guy has some intelligence in him, a rare black person. But he also tries and tries to find something to show his black credentials in his posts. Altho, I would bet that Black guy sounds and acts white. But, he has to keep it real.
In the end,I am just not intelligent enough to write a good essay. After all, I went to a government school, full of blacks, and was taught like a functional retard. I am a lowlife, white trash, highschool dropout. Altho , On the bright side, I a bet that I am more intelligent than most black people with college degrees. And I'm not even jewish.
"A true proud white person would kill themselves if they had a speck of black blood in their veins."
They'd be black.
Anonymous said...
"A lot of your brothers and sisters have such problems with race and ethnicity that it probably wouldn't be in their best interest to go poking around in DNA and genetics. Facts and emotions rarely exist on the same plane. A true proud white person would kill themselves if they had a speck of black blood in their veins. Is 1,000 dollars worth that?
-Black guy"
Hahahaha, true. For the same reason, I would love for everyone who post here regularly to take a DNA test, and then to have a headcount to see how many actually survived the culling, lol.
God forbid sheila donates to a white person of "spurious background", lol.
I want some bonkey ya'll
SBPDL, why does this scholarship exclude people of Eastern European descent? Don't misunderstand, I'm not bitching - but I am curious.
I am glad you set the minimum at 90%. On the George Lopez show Jessica Alba was horrified to find out that she was 85% Western European from the DNA test they gave her. Just Youtube the clip to see why the 90% minimum is necessary; the face she made was even worse and more telling than any aspect of her involvement in the movie 'Machete.' Watching it again makes me think that maybe even 90% is not enough.
*Edit* Correction: I just want to correct that Jessica Alba was found to be 87% European, not 85%. Again just google "Jessica alba dna" to see why the European percentage of the scholarship winner needs to be at least 90% (or higher if Paul Kersey is moved by that video).
Hopefully we can get at least a few of the runner up essays published here too.
Potential resources for someone entering this contest:
"Only those with 90 percent or more Western European ancestry will be eligible win."
Most of the companies lump in Euros with South Asians and Middle Easterners. The only exception I can find through a quick internet search is dnatribes.com. You also have to wonder how reliable these cheap tests are.
"A true proud white person would kill themselves if they had a speck of black blood in their veins. Is 1,000 dollars worth that?"
Do you really believe that Black Guy?
This isn't about some intrinsic hatred of the black race, at least not by me! From my perspective, this is more about the pissy attitudes that many of you blacks have these days. I could care less about having black genes in my bloodline. I'm sure that most people could care less.
You just don't get it do you?
The reason most of us are on here is not because we enjoy bashing black folks, it's because we see our culture, livelihood and our heritage be trampled and spat upon, on a daily basis. And frankly speaking, I've had enough of it.
This is not about hatred Black Guy. Except, hatred for people that want to destroy my way of life and my heritage and my race.
Can't you get that through your skull?
"The reason most of us are on here is not because we enjoy bashing black folks, it's because we see our culture, livelihood and our heritage be trampled and spat upon, on a daily basis. And frankly speaking, I've had enough of it. "
Well said. I will add that I want to fund the success of my own children and family, not the black man's illegitimate children. I don't want my hard-earned money to support a dysfunctional and anit-white culture.
If I had all the tax dollars that were taken from me against my will and redistributed to support the black man's children, I would have the 60 acre family farm that I always wanted. I would have a better retirement saved up, more inheritance and college money for my kids, and anything else I wanted to spend it on.
I don't hate anyone, but I love my own people, our distinct physical features, language, history, customs and traditions, and what makes them different and amazing.
All other races in America are working for the demise of white people. Everyone knows that the races are not equal. The only way blacks can be successful in to destroy white people. The tearing down of another, not the lifting up of self. Problem is, this is not sustainable.
Multiculturalism only means anti-white, and white people know it. Diversity only means no more white people. Blacks do not love their own culture, they hate themselves and other blacks, are distrustful of everyone, and hate what white people have accomplished. And add in the violent nature of blacks, and tell me why should white people want to have anything to do with blacks???
Black Guy, please tell me what blacks contribute to white society. You cannot. There is nothing to mention.
"A true proud white person would kill themselves if they had a speck of black blood in their veins."
Black guy, you wear your victimology on your sleeve for all to see.
You are an open book. You have completely exposed yourself.
This is only black mythology and story telling. It distracts blacks and their liberal handlers from the hard truths. There can be no useful dialogue once you sling your accusations of racism.
Truth is, black people just don't add anything of value to our lives, and cannot exist in a peaceful, civil first world society without a great number of whites funding their existence. Blacks are dysfunctional and needy, hateful, spiteful, jealous and full of anger.
The black community thrives on ugliness, disorder, and distrust. Blacks moan and air their grievances and can never let the white man off the hook. Blacks are always the victim, the downtrodden, the weak and oppressed. This makes things very unequal. The races can not live together.
It is time to admit that this experiment has failed so that we can finally all move on. Let the bad apples fall from the tree.
Hey SBPDL, a new story for your page..enjoy!
"The black community thrives on ugliness, disorder, and distrust. Blacks moan and air their grievances and can never let the white man off the hook. Blacks are always the victim, the downtrodden, the weak and oppressed. This makes things very unequal. The races can not live together."
That describes a great deal of working class whites in the "heartland" who like to rave about "Lost jobs" "mexicans" and the like.
A good deal of them are also on welfare programs like food stamps as well. Why no anger there?
I will agree with you that whites tend to be taught a better value system than blacks, but the mere fact of being black does not make you a morally inferior individual.
@ midwestern
"Truth is, black people just don't add anything of value to our lives"
Sure they do. Oprah for example, adds a ton of value to the lives of many white people.
A lot of White people have "American Indian ancestry" and don't even know it. I put that in quotes because a lot of people don't understand the DNA test results. When they use genetic markers, they assign ancestry based on which group has the highest percentage of those markers. So if a marker is most prevalent in American Indians, then when they find that marker, they say that you are X percent American Indian. The problem is that even Whites in Europe find that they have "American Indian ancestry" even when they have no history of any ancestors coming from the new world. This is because many Whites in Europe have ancient ancestry from central Asia, where the same American Indian markers can be found. The Finns are, on average, 13 percent American Indian because of this reason. And a lot of people would find the Finns to be very White.
I'd wager a lot of Whites in America aren't over 90 percent European.
Are there any DNA testing groups out there who are truly reliable, and give results comprehensible to the average intelligent individual, Sagat? My husband has been musing about getting tested, just to have a better idea of his ancestry other than that it's from two different groups of Western Europeans.
"Oprah . . . adds a ton of value to the lives of many white people." I'm a White woman; I've never watched Oprah (I don't watch daytime television period). As a Christian, I cannot see any value in Oprah's pseudo-religious "spirituality" and "many paths to God." As a White, I don't know what Oprah, a product of affirmative action, could teach me. As an intelligent and educated adult, I don't need a never-married, never-had-children black woman with an ego as massive as her weight tell me the solutions to my problems. As an independent American, I do my best to solve them myself. My husband's 86 year-old great aunt calls the White Oprah watchers "addicts" - quite true; they're addicted to mass media and the myth of the magic negro.
"A good deal of them are also on welfare programs like food stamps as well. Why no anger there?"
Um...because they don't post fantasies about mass murdering whites, race war, and how great it would be if there were no white people in America? Just a wild guess.
Some time around Sasheen Little Feather's diatribe at the Oscars, it became chic for whites to claim some Indian ancestry. I know a lot of blacks like to do this too. "Girl you got dat good hair. You must have some Indian in you."
Aside from level of education, it would be interesting to compare and contrast the levels of practical skills held by whites versus blacks. If we fully deplete oil reserves and go off-grid some time in the next twenty years as many experts have predicted, those "Blackness Studies" degrees will be worth about as much as an icecube in a snowstorm.
How many people know anything about animal husbandry, small scale gardening, water purification, or carpentry? With the Pigford scandal unveiled we already know that blacks don't generally have a firm grasp on agriculture, notwithstanding the negligible contributions of George Washington Carver.
SBPDL, is this competition also open to those attending vocational schools?
On the subject of Oprah, that black Sasquatch could have been president twenty years ago. Blagojavich wanted her to take the Kenyan's senate seat when he vacated. My guess is she would have won by a landslide, and couldn't have been any more corrupt than the Daly dynasty. Every fat woman of every race who owns a television would have voted for her.
You know it kills me when blacks say more whites are on welfare than blacks.
In essence a larger portion of the black population receives welfare benefits, considering blacks are only 13% of the total population. So tired of twisted disinformation.
You said: "I'd wager a lot of Whites in America aren't over 90 percent European."
I'm mostly Irish, but my paternal grandmother was German, and - here's the kicker - a several-times paternal great-grandmother was a Shinnecock (sp?) Indian. So it's questionable how white a DNA test would find me to be.
I support this because it'll be HILARIOUS when people get DNA tests and find out that they actually have some Jewish, Hispanic, Asian/Indian, Native American, or even *gasp!* African DNA.
Remember...no one knows for sure who their father, grandfather, or greatgrandfather is...until the DNA test.
"SBPDL, why does this scholarship exclude people of Eastern European descent? Don't misunderstand, I'm not bitching - but I am curious."
It's open to anyone and everyone to submit an essay. However, to win you must submit to a DNA Test that proves you are 90 percent or more of European ancestry.
Here's Jessica Alba's DNA Test:
She wouldn't be eligible at 87 percent European ancestry.
So yes, this is open to Eastern European... forgive the Nordic slip.
More news on the Scholarship Contest will be coming this week. The prize is up to $1,400. Thanks to those who have contributed extra!!
This was just an idea I came up with on April Fools' Day and I'm putting up $1,000 of my money to the winning essay.
It's a serious contest. Expect more news later this week.
"Remember...no one knows for sure who their father, grandfather, or greatgrandfather is...until the DNA test."
Believe me, I KNOW who my parents and grandparents are.
@ sheila
""Oprah . . . adds a ton of value to the lives of many white people." I'm a White woman; I've never watched Oprah (I don't watch daytime television period). As a Christian, I cannot see any value in Oprah's pseudo-religious "spirituality" and "many paths to God." As a White, I don't know what Oprah, a product of affirmative action, could teach me. As an intelligent and educated adult, I don't need a never-married, never-had-children black woman with an ego as massive as her weight tell me the solutions to my problems. As an independent American, I do my best to solve them myself. My husband's 86 year-old great aunt calls the White Oprah watchers "addicts" - quite true; they're addicted to mass media and the myth of the magic negro."
So your just some rambling racist on the internet and she's a multi-billionare?
Who has more credibility? LOL well thats an easy question if I ever heard one.
Sheila wrote:
"As a Christian"
Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!!
Into those Pearly Gates you shall not enter! I'll give you some advice: next time you open your mouth to profess that you are a "Christian," try not to follow it up with racist hate speech. It just makes you seem like someone who doesn't know jacksquat about the Bible.
I think the Apostle Paul may have "let slip," something about everyone being the same in the body of Christ. You, ma'am, are delusional.
An interesting thing: many "Christian" websites are actually fronts for white nationalist sites. I'm sure you frequent many.
SBPDL, I remember reading that you don't discuss religion or abortion on your site, but I think it would be "interesting" if you allow a post for whites to share their religious opinions...
Hirsch wrote:
"On the subject of Oprah, that black Sasquatch"
Your name is familiar, from a short story website I think? I can't remember the name of it, though. Aren't you the same "Hirsch" who's also a Tucker Carlson/Oprah Winfrey shipper?
Here is an interesting book: "The Nine Nations of North America"
The Nine Nations of North America is a book written in 1981 by Joel Garreau. In it, Garreau suggests that North America can be divided into nine regions, or "nations", which have distinctive economic and cultural features. He also argues that conventional national and state borders are largely artificial and irrelevant, and that his "nations" provide a more accurate way of understanding the true nature of North American society. Paul Meartz of Mayville State University called it "a classic text on the current regionalization of North America."
It's a little dated but wholly relevant to the subject that keeps popping up on SBPDL, the balkanization of the US into smaller nations.
Oprah? Is that all you got? I thought Oprah was a Wigga.
DWL women just love Oprah because she is an inoffensive, safe black for them to brag to their white friends about. "Oh, I just LOOVE Oprah!". They don't have any other acceptable blacks in their lives, and Oprah fits the bill. It makes some confused white people feel warm and cozy inside if they have a decent token black person in their life. It makes them feel less guilty for being white, more diverse, and more open-minded.
I am not sure what you think Oprah does for these women, though. It seems like the other way around - without the fat white women and their continued financial support, Oprah wouldn't be shit.
And BTW, funny what you said, I have heard several black woman hatin' on Oprah because of her success. They are jealous and envious of her ability to mingle happily with whites.
Oprah is a bargainer - a black who has chosen to be successful and less threatening by letting whites off the hook so they feel more comfortable. She is only slightly hostile - very forgivable to most whites - and gently airs her race grievances. She sasses whites occasionally, about slavery and oppression, but then she laughs and hugs them, gives them a free bra, and lets them off the hook again. She is not the typical crude black woman. She is a HUGE exception to the rule, though.
What, pray tell, has she done for white women, except allow herself to be used as a safe token black? I find your comments on this site very amusing.
"...racist hate speech..."
Ha ha, LOL. Why is expressing a severe dislike for a group of people considered hate speech? I don't hate anyone. I don't like to be around blacks. So what?? What is your problem with that?
Are whites not allowed to self segregate? Are whites not allowed to collectively vent, cry, and laugh about blacks and their dysfunctional behavior that we find so unacceptable? Are blacks not allowed to come together and tell stories of our experiences with blacks? Do we have the right to protect ourselves? our children? our values and heritage? To protect ourselves from white-hating and thuggish black culture?
Don't whites have the right to complain about supporting the black man's babies from cradle to grave? Don't whites have the right to express a love of their own people? To post links to incriminating live videos that show blacks acting with no self control?
Billy Blanks, you are welcome to worship at the altar of Oprah and riches, while your race wallows in 80% illegitimacy and utter ignorance. Fleeting fame and money are black gods (see numerous SBPDL posts on black athletes). Neither am I particularly impressed by intellectual credentials or professional achievement - been there, done that, and it is utterly meaningless. What White civilization has historically promoted as the highest good and the underpinning of civilization is a stable family. This was my goal and is the foundation of my happiness. That you believe Oprah's wealth lends her credibility just speaks to your credulity. She has no spouse, no children, and for all her wealth she had to throw a public fit a year or two back because a Parisian designer's store wouldn't open after hours for her - she was just another overweight black woman in their eyes. Her wealth and "success" comes from foolish White women,but to say they have benefited from her is to beggar belief. As I have already noted, I am not one of her admirers.
Midwestern wrote:
"Why is expressing a severe dislike for a group of people considered hate speech?"
No, no, no... You've got it all wrong. That's not the issue. For all I care, you can (and probably do) hate blacks, and whoever else, all day long. You're in the minority of thought, no matter how popular this blog is, and since the majority of people in general are only violent when pressed at a breaking point, you are not a threat.
The issue was that Sheila claimed she was a Christian. If someone can point to a passage in the Bible that justifies her "hate speech," please do. Or at least give me the translation and publisher of her Book.
Because, at this point, I think Sheila has been sniffing paint thinner if she thinks she's in "good standing," with the Big Man, spouting the views she's been spouting.
"Are whites not allowed to collectively vent, cry, and laugh about blacks and their dysfunctional behavior that we find so unacceptable?"
See, here's the thing: you are free to do whatever you'd like, especially on the "no-holds-barred," internet. But you've got to admit that it is at least somewhat legitimate for someone to think you are crazy in wasting your time. It's almost pathetic; I said "almost," because I'm allowing some leeway for the "It's only human" factor.
But, all things considered, it's about 99.9% fucking nuts.
So I guess Sheila's not going to defend her version of "Christianity". Well, that's a bummer, and pretty telling.
Sheila asked:
Are there any DNA testing groups out there who are truly reliable, and give results comprehensible to the average intelligent individual, Sagat?
23andMe is a good source for finding out your ancestral background. They give more comprehensive results than many other mail order DNA tests. Most people seem to prefer the more simplified results that state your percentage of European, sub-Saharan African, East Asian ancestry and so on. 23andMe does this, but they also go into much more detail, breaking it down by region and even country as well. I haven't used it, but I've read a few geneticists' positive reviews of it.
This is pratically the easiest essay topic I've come across. Too bad it's racially biased. You must be 90% Western European to be eligible is ridiculous. The point of view that will be told from whites will be the same redundant crap of white power and supremacy. I would write an essay concerning the fact that whites have everything made for them. There is no real work because of their skin color. Being white in America is an advantage as I've said before.
I'd love to see an essay about how hard the majority of whites work compare to minorities, and how their white privilege comes in handy there.
Honest Crusader
@ Honest Crusader
Troll harder.
"The reason most of us are on here is not because we enjoy bashing black folks, it's because we see our culture, livelihood and our heritage be trampled and spat upon, on a daily basis. And frankly speaking, I've had enough of it."
Well stated, but it will fall on deaf ears.
As soon as you criticize black culture/behavior, the auto-response is "You hate black people! You're a racist!!".
"You must be 90% Western European to be eligible is ridiculous."
Just like all black scholarships.
"The point of view that will be told from whites will be the same redundant crap of white power and supremacy."
LOL Another black whiner, repeating the same redundant crap about white power and supremacy.
Honest Crusader
"I support this because it'll be HILARIOUS when people get DNA tests and find out"
Personally, I know for a fact that I have multiple racial elements in my DNA, and I couldn't care less.
I'm not sure why you find this "hilarious", but I hope it provides you a good chuckle.
"I would write an essay concerning the fact that whites have everything made for them. There is no real work because of their skin color. Being white in America is an advantage as I've said before."
Come here to Appalachia where I live and then have the gall to make such an asinine statement as that. You take a look around here and see all the poor whites in rundown homes living below the poverty level and then you just show me where that "white privilege" is.
Poor whites living along side poor blacks is what I'm witnessing. "White privilege", is a creation of liberal whites to appease and to perpetuate black victim-hood ideology into perpetuity. You're a prime example of this.
Always crying foul over things that haven't transpired in 150 years.
If you're going to spew forth, "white privilege", would you care to define exactly what that is, please? Damn it, I'd sure to like to see mine. Everything that I have, has been worked for with considerable, blood, sweat, and tears.
Your victim mentality is very telling to me. It screams that I can't make it on my own; therefore, I must blame my inadequacies on others, especially other races.
Dishonest Crusader.
SBPDL has finally revealed himself to be a white supremacist neo-Nazi, lol. What is this, the new Nuremburg Law of American whiteness? I am just glad that he has finally give up the whole "we just hate N*ggers, all you other minorities are welcome here" facade, lol.
Let me do a headcount of all the disappointed self-hating Asian white supremacists who had contributed to this "N*gger-Bashing" regularly, starting with Southeast Asian, lol.
"SBPDL has finally revealed himself to be a white supremacist neo-Nazi, lol. What is this, the new Nuremburg Law of American whiteness? I am just glad that he has finally give up the whole "we just hate N*ggers, all you other minorities are welcome here" facade, lol.
Let me do a headcount of all the disappointed self-hating Asian white supremacists who had contributed to this "N*gger-Bashing" regularly, starting with Southeast Asian, lol."
Why? The whole point of the contest is to point out that race isn't a social construct; equality is.
Asians prove that equality is a social construct as they are The Model Minority for a reason. Asians experienced lots of discrimination in the United States, yet they don't wallow in guilt and the muck that is of their creation.
This isn't a "N*gger-Bashing" site. It's a site that just looks at the news from an angel The Grio, The Root, NewsONE, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX and every other news outlet refuses to acknowledge.
Quite honestly, as an Asian student in a top private university, the one with that Lacrosse incident, I would have loved to have that extra 1000 dollars to pay an inflated tuition.
Unfortunately, I know that I will fail the European DNA test. Still, despite what affirmative action has done to the student body, I know that the important departments at my school are still in great condition, both with faculty and with students - economics, natural sciences, mathematics, statistics, engineering, medical school, law school.
Nonetheless, this reminds me of a campus culture study done by some DWL group. Whites and Asians get better grades and are "more likely" to spend their time drinking while blacks get lower grades and are "more likely" to participate in "outside activities"
Old School Youth,
Do you have a link to that study? Love to read it. I have a lot of friends who recently graduated from Duke.
Thanks for reading. Submit an essay. Though the winner will get $1,000 and must submit to a DNA Test (race is a social construct, right?), other monetary prizes will be available to runners-up.
Check back on Thursday for the "official" announcement of the contest.
I know a lot of college students read this blog, and if you want to start a "riot" on your campus, print out a MS Word document on the ESSAY Contest (make sure you put a link to the site on it) and put it up on any bulletin board on your campus that advertises scholarship.
I can guarantee one or two universities will have a newspaper article on it...
"a white supremacist neo-Nazi"
Like a broken record, same old negro song and dance.
"But you've got to admit that it is at least somewhat legitimate for someone to think you are crazy in wasting your time."
The only ones wasting their time are people who come here to argue with Those Who Can See. Our opinions are drawn from a lifetime of experience and interaction with blacks. Our opinions are not going to change, that notion is laughable.
It's the equivalent of arguing that the sun does not rise in the east.
"But you've got to admit that it is at least somewhat legitimate for someone to think you are crazy in wasting your time."
Soooo, tell us again why YOU are here "wasting" your time?? I must have missed something. Or not.
Anonymous wrote:
"The only ones wasting their time are people who come here to argue with Those Who Can See. Our opinions are drawn from a lifetime of experience and interaction with blacks. Our opinions are not going to change, that notion is laughable."
Is the "Those Who Can See" moniker akin to gang insignia? Is it a secret cult "handshake," if you will? Tres humorous!
"Time wasted" is subjective, and, if anything, both of us are wasting our time. Psychosis is undoubtedly on both ends, however, it can be argued that yours is several orders of magnitude more severe and recalcitrant.
You are obsessed with blacks, only you hide it behind a guise of "We're concerned about the fate of whiteness". It is the same with this blogger. It's interesting to me that he designates himself as a quasi-authority on blacks and is appealing to the so-called "folks," to use O'Reilly's term, and yet sees no problem in harping on the fact he has $1000 to give away in this failing economy.
Me thinks he has no contact with blacks and is using this niche, like many wealthier politicians did with the Tea Party, to promote himself. I fear this is all a ruse to swindle...
Apropos of this post, I do believe in a genetic basis for race, inasmuch that the ~0.1% makes each of us not identical and codes for skin color, hair, facial structure, bones, etc. which can be placed into "racial" categories. Interestingly, skin color is about the quality of melanocytes, not number. Race is a social construct insomuch that it is socially important; it is biologically unimportant. If the inverse were true, we would not be able to reproduce with people of another race.
The 2% difference between chimps and humans is substantial, in that we are not even in the same genus or species. There goes the "proto-human" and "less-than" quips. It's scientifically unsound.
Essentially, what you have here is people using phenotypic differences to justify arbitrary social distinctions. And when arbitrary social distinctions, especially on the spectrum of "superior/inferior", are created, scholarships and grants, etc. based on these arbitrary social distinctions to benefit those on the less favorable end of the spectrum are also created.
It's sort of like, why complain? You created the mess; live with it or clean it up. Also, what we have left is a cultural debate; one could argue that culture is determined by race, but if race is only existent inasmuch as skin color, hair texture, etc. are existent and in the confines of race being socially important, cultural display is not biologically determined, only environmentally determined. Cultural expression is mutable, which explains the presence of "white-acting blacks" or "wiggers". Interestingly, a white man was raised in China by Chinese parents and displayed Chinese mannerisms.
All one needs to do is look up the case of Oxana Malaya, a Ukrainian girl raised by dogs, which shows the power of cultural and environmental stimuli on human beings. Malaya states she is happiest amongst dogs!
Back to the point, there is no "whiteness," without something arbitrarily designated as inferior. Pontificating on another's inferiority is the only way one makes themselves superior. This mixed with obsession equals time wasted, and is worse than what I am doing.
I am interested in seeing if anyone can point to an analogous site by blacks, or Hispanics, or Asians that discuss whites in such an obsessional manner.
Good luck on your essay, and "fingers crossed" that you actually pass your DNA test!!
"Is the "Those Who Can See" moniker akin to gang insignia?"
It's a phrase used commonly on this site, it refers to those who no longer buy into the egalitarian theory of race.
""Time wasted" is subjective, and, if anything, both of us are wasting our time."
LOL No. Not by a long shot.
I don't come here to convince you or anyone else of your cluelessness, I come here to read the daily posts, and exchange thoughts with those who share my perspectives. This is my favorite website on the entire internet, my time here is quite valuable.
You, on the other hand, come here to argue with people whose opinions are not going to change, and who have no interest in your views.
There is no equivalence.
Anon wrote:
"I am interested in seeing if anyone can point to an analogous site by blacks, or Hispanics, or Asians that discuss whites in such an obsessional manner."
Try the mainstream media.
"You are obsessed with blacks, only you hide it behind a guise of "We're concerned about the fate of whiteness""
You are glaringly unqualified to speak for me, and you sound silly trying to do so.
My opinion of blacks is a result of over 50 years of experience and interaction with black people, and it is not subject to change.
To yet another "anonymous" black commenter: despite your high-sounding rhetoric mimicking science, genuine research (where the scientists did not determine their findings in advance, based on BRA's code) continually documents just how much of a role genetics plays in "g" (see intelligence), in behavior, and in all facets of life. The "nature versus nurture" argument has been debunked, your carefully chosen snippet about a White Ukrainian who was raised by dogs aside. Most Whites known this instinctively, of course - merely by observing black behavior around the globe and throughout the years. Despite a change of income or neighborhood, black behavior does not change. I truly feel great sympathy for someone like Thomas Sowell, whose place at the end of the Bell Curve leaves him with almost no coethnics (pace Walter Williams, another black who greatly deviates from the norm). Even those blacks raised by Whites, while more acculturated to White civilizational norms, can only maximize their innate intellectual potential, however limited or wherever on the curve they may fall, and cannot change their genetic nature. This is the essence of HBD. You can change your environment or your beliefs, but you are limited in numerous ways by your genetic inheritance - all of us are increasingly discovering that much of what we think is free choice is actually hard-wired and genetically predetermined. Please note that this does not excuse misbehavior in those areas where choice most definitely exists and plays a role. The point being, of course, that whether by nature or nurture, most of black pathology is a genetic imperative, nor a social construct - and that is one of the foundational assumptions of this website, if I'm not mistaken.
Re my previous comment: SBDL, there's an excellent post on precisely this (HBD and heritability and racial differences) at www.unausementpark.wordpress.com - check it out!
Am I allowed to say that I loathe Black people?.All black people.Without exception.
I'm red haired,blue eyed and Irish.I've had skin cancer so that automatically proves me to be the whitest of the white.The only problem is that I'm 50 and long,long since finished my formal education.However does my age disqualify me?.I would'nt take the prize from a deserving white student,but I'd just like to know.
" Even those blacks raised by Whites, while more acculturated to White civilizational norms, can only maximize their innate intellectual potential, however limited or wherever on the curve they may fall, and cannot change their genetic nature. This is the essence of HBD. You can change your environment or your beliefs, but you are limited in numerous ways by your genetic inheritance - all of us are increasingly discovering that much of what we think is free choice is actually hard-wired and genetically predetermined. Please note that this does not excuse misbehavior in those areas where choice most definitely exists and plays a role. The point being, of course, that whether by nature or nurture, most of black pathology is a genetic imperative, nor a social construct - and that is one of the foundational assumptions of this website, if I'm not mistaken."
If blacks are limited by their "genetic inheritance" and prone to certain negative behaviors why the tone of moral indignation as if they have a choice?
That would also have a whole host of legal implications which apparently HBD folks evade to talk about. It would be blacks are not liable for the crimes they commit. It would mean blacks would not be tried in normal courts and get their own separate legal system.
"If blacks are limited by their "genetic inheritance" and prone to certain negative behaviors why the tone of moral indignation as if they have a choice? "
I think you are a hypocrite like the rest of the DWLs and blacks on this site. You can cannot face the true reality of our situation. You have no useful ideas. The HBD crowd (see Jared Taylor) has admitted that blacks are not capable of living in a developed society, whites must separation from them completely. They have presented very specific plans which would help to control the black population and increase white identity. But liberals like you cannot accept them.
So you can agree with the suggestion to give mandatory birth control shots to black women who accept welfare payments? To offer free abortions for black women, free vasectomies to black men from age 16? To keep the black population contained in certain areas and monitored housing complexes where they will not spill out and terrorize the rest of us? To let black babies starve and die because their mothers are negligent? To let blacks kill themselves with diabetes, AIDS, drugs, and call national attention to the black on black murder problem? To publish articles about HBD and the truth about IQ and intelligence? To have special schools, prisons, job programs, educational opportunities geared toward blacks only?
Great, glad you are on board. Roll up your sleeves, and let's get to work.
"You can cannot face the true reality of our situation."
Irony much?
"You have no useful ideas."
Nazi Germany might consider your ideas useful. Not here in 2011 America.
"But liberals like you cannot accept them."
I am not a liberal.
"So you can agree with the suggestion to give mandatory birth control shots to black women who accept welfare payments? "
The only thing I can agree to is abolishing the welfare system altogether.
"To offer free abortions for black women, free vasectomies to black men from age 16?"
No "free" anything for anyone. Duh that costs taxpayer money too. What don't you get?
"To keep the black population contained in certain areas and monitored housing complexes where they will not spill out and terrorize the rest of us? "
Blacks terrorize blacks more than anyone.
" To let black babies starve and die because their mothers are negligent?"
Thats generally what will happen if mother are negligent. Sad as it is.
"To publish articles about HBD and the truth about IQ and intelligence?"
I think your confusing "truth" with "psuedoscience". So no.
"To have special schools, prisons, job programs, educational opportunities geared toward blacks only?"
Nope. People with "special needs" are already given special faculties that cater to their needs. If a person is deemed through a process testing and other measures to have special needs due to their mental functioning they can be directed to the appropriate facilities that cater to them.
So no.
I'd love to apply for this scholarship but couldn't possibly accept it if I won. It would be career suicide as an academic.
BTW, this would go toward funding my Ph.D. in Catholic Theology in a major northern European university. I am a US citizen.
I think I may have just won.
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