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When Maury read the "Baby Daddy" study, he knew his show had material for years |
One in five of all American moms have kids who have different birth fathers, a new study shows. And when researchers look only at moms with two or more kids, that figure is even higher: 28 percent have kids with at least two different men.
“To put it in perspective, this is similar to the number of American adults with a college degree,” says the study’s author, Cassandra Dorius, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. “It’s pervasive.”
Forty-three percent of the women with kids with multiple dads were married when their first babies were born.
Dorius found that a multiple-father type of family structure was more common among minority women, with 59 percent of African-American mothers, 35 percent of Hispanic mothers and 22 percent of white mothers reporting children with more than one father.
Women with low income and little education were also more likely to have children with different birth fathers.
An important message that doesn’t appear to be getting through is just how hard it is to raise a child as a single parent.
"While these women tended to be poorer than others to begin with, their whole lifetimes continue to be disadvantaged," she said.
Actually, the United States has a generous welfare, Section 8, free lunch, food stamp and other social programs and benevolent entitlement system that helps off-set the costs these children would otherwise rack up, making it virtually impossible for these promiscuous mothers to cloth or feed them.
It should be recalled that single Black women have a net worth of $5:
Women of all races bring home less income and own fewer assets, on average, than men of the same race, but for single black women the disparities are so overwhelmingly great that even in their prime working years their median wealth amounts to only $5.
In a groundbreaking report released Monday by a leading economic research group, social scientists turned a spotlight on the grave financial challenges facing an often overlooked group of women, many of whom could not take an unpaid sick day or repair a major appliance without going into debt.
"It's rather shocking," said Meizhu Lui, director of the Closing the Gap Initiative based in Oakland, Calif., who contributed to the report "Lifting as We Climb: Women of Color, Wealth and America's Future."
Knowing that poor financial decisions (which lead to low credit scores, student loan debt-default, etc.) negatively impact ones economic wellbeing, that single Black women only have a net worth of $5 one can only guess the net worth of single Black women with children. Without tax dollars bankrolling this shameless fecundity, one is forced to wonder who would care for these children.
Thankfully The Grio (thegrio.com) is here to enlighten the hoi polloi on how to interpret this study and the obvious Hate Facts it perpetuates:
There is sure to be much discussion about the new University of Michigan study that shows an increase in the numbers of American women having children by multiple partners. Some African-American women who study and advocate for mothers are issuing cautious glances to the report out of the school's Institute for Social Research.
The study shows that 28 percent of American women with two or more children have done so by more than one man, and when it comes to African-American women, that figure jumps to 59 percent. Some believe the survey could become another way to attack women of color.
"There has been a lot of ink spilled on the love lives of black women, a lot of over-sensationalizing," said Avis Jones-DeWeever, executive director of the National Council of Negro Women. "I would call it the Sara Baartman-ization of black women."
Jones-DeWeever was referring to Sara Baartman, a tragic figure in history whose life seemed to exemplify public ridicule of women of African descent. Baartman was a young woman taken out of her native South Africa by a Scottish doctor and a showman, both of whom marveled at the ample size of her rear end. Baartman's captors brought her to London to display her semi-nude as a freak to the public. They called her the "Hottentot Venus".
Now, almost two centuries after Baartman's death, women of African descent are still battling stereotypes and ridicule, Jones-DeWeever said. She fears the University of Michigan study will help perpetuate that.
Equating the anatomical anomalies of the Black physiology 200 years ago with the sexual decisions (and indiscretions) of Black women today as somehow connected makes perfect sense when one considers that negative information about Black people garnered from serious academic studies must always be repackaged in a palatable manner.
Somehow exhibitionism of human oddities is the real reason inquiries are made into the collapse of the Black family and the accumulation of data that portends a looming disaster for Black Run America (BRA) is akin to the peddling of Sara Baartman once again.
We have written about Black people (Brown people too) and credit before. A lot of people continue to cheer the demographic data that shows the United States of America is on an unavoidable collision course with majority-minority status.
Why such joy over the displacement of whites, the same people who pay the majority of the taxes to support the enormous birthrates and ultimately the care, feeding, clothing and housing of the same people who have a net worth of $5 is beyond us at SBPDL.
Before, we have asked why the future would be better and the answer is patently obvious: Black and Brown people believe they will be in charge, without realizing that the nation under the omnipotent eye of Black Run America (BRA) already puts their every demand ahead of the dwindling majority.
BusinessWeek ran a story this week that should serve as a reminder to the fragility of a slowly dying nation that no longer makes anything and where more Americans work for the government than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.
We already know that the majority of Black people are unemployable in the private sector, which is why the public sector is called upon to employ Black people at rates of shocking over-representation that would shock even those shocked by Sara Baartman's rear-end.
The United States of America’s public pension plan is a vast Ponzi scheme, one unbelievably unfunded mandate that will eventually collapse. With high paying jobs disappearing from America quickly – and never to return – the question is simply this: what will the majority of the majority-minority population do in the future United States for employment?
An aging white population relying on an increasingly (uneducated) Black and Brown young population to pay for Medicare and Social Security? You really believe this is going to happen?
Those Who Can See can do nothing and the future United States is already guaranteed to be a repeat of some mixture of South Africa post-1994, Zimbabwe and Haiti.
Parts of the United States already resemble these de-Westernized countries.
One is left to wonder if in the not-too-distant future a white woman will be paraded around (like Sara Baartman) the collapsing infrastructure of a Detroit, a Shreveport or some other formerly major United States that has been abandoned to nature.
Studies that demonize Black women (like the Atlantic story that stated all Black women will be morbidly obese in thirty years) will soon be unfit for publication, not because of questionable scientific merit, but because they dare impugn the collapsing Black family on choices made by Black people.
That a vast majority of people who have children by more than one man are Black women and that they frequently appear on Maury Povich to determine the father is a problem somehow relatable to Sara Baartman. Right?
Editors note: We’ve been exceptionally busy; expect this week to be the most explosive week ever at SBPDL.
The United States of America’s public pension plan is a vast Ponzi scheme, one unbelievably unfunded mandate that will eventually collapse. With high paying jobs disappearing from America quickly – and never to return – the question is simply this: what will the majority of the majority-minority population do in the future United States for employment?
An aging white population relying on an increasingly (uneducated) Black and Brown young population to pay for Medicare and Social Security? You really believe this is going to happen?
Those Who Can See can do nothing and the future United States is already guaranteed to be a repeat of some mixture of South Africa post-1994, Zimbabwe and Haiti.
Parts of the United States already resemble these de-Westernized countries.
One is left to wonder if in the not-too-distant future a white woman will be paraded around (like Sara Baartman) the collapsing infrastructure of a Detroit, a Shreveport or some other formerly major United States that has been abandoned to nature.
Studies that demonize Black women (like the Atlantic story that stated all Black women will be morbidly obese in thirty years) will soon be unfit for publication, not because of questionable scientific merit, but because they dare impugn the collapsing Black family on choices made by Black people.
That a vast majority of people who have children by more than one man are Black women and that they frequently appear on Maury Povich to determine the father is a problem somehow relatable to Sara Baartman. Right?
Editors note: We’ve been exceptionally busy; expect this week to be the most explosive week ever at SBPDL.
This is tangential but relevant: this article has forced me to think about double standards for women. Although both are marginalized, one more so than the other, there seems to be more "shame" shifted to women with more than one "baby daddy" than men who have more than one "baby mama".
Women typically are at the mercy of male society, and I imagine that if a woman were black, or a member of any other racial group seen as less valuable, the stigma of "sin" is two-fold; it increases exponentially.
The television programs "Teen Mom" and "16 and Pregnant" feature mainly white white girls; sure, the girls are scrutinized to some extent but imagine if these shows were on BET? Imagine clips of the shows boomeranging around the Internet and the kneejerk, emotional reactions from those with preconceived notions of black female sexuality.
We all know this would be hypocrisy. I have no answers for the illegitimacy rates of blacks but "baby-making" and "baby-having" is free. What else do poor people have to do?
As an aside on black motherhood, I managed to watch a PBS program of Rose Mopendo, a Congolese refugee and human rights activist. There is something about African mothers - I guess, women - that is so special. Women are central in these cultures and there is so much power and affluence in these parenting/nurturing roles. Mopendo and her eldest daughters doted on the children, loved them like I've never seen women love children here in the States. I wish disadvantaged black children had African mothers; they would be more happier and healthier for it.
Blacks have been ripped from their African cultures. It's tragic. The black culture here is uniquely American; matter of fact, one could say the violence and seeming barbarism in Africa today is a Western construct and colonial holdover. We are to blame for the way American blacks are; there's no doubt in my mind.
The subtext to all the black and brown fecundity is that somehow Latinos (or even blacks) can wrest the levers of society from white hands by simply outbreeding them. I once had a conversation with an older white man on this very subject. I said that with whites having so few children, while blacks and browns have so many, it was only a matter of time until whites no longer had influence in society. The old man shook his head silently and merely put a finger up to his temple and tapped the side of his head. The message was clear.
To put it bluntly, quantity, no matter how great, does not equal quality. Say Shaniqua defecates 12 butt dumplings and six go to prison, while three contract HIV, while the remaining three niglets grow to land semi-permanent work at McDonald's; on the other hand, James and Rebecca have one son and one daughter, both of whom go on to get graduate degrees and instill a similar ethic in their children.
This game is chess, not checkers.
This is beyond parody. Beyond Ripley's believe it or not. I've never seen such creatures, such proto-human behavior. They cannot speak, they cannot work, they cannot create - all they can do is mate and reproduce and destroy what others have built. I first saw this during my State Department tour in Jamaica, when I had to serve a few months in the American Citizen Services section - this included prison visits. All the "Americans" in prison were blacks guilty of being drug mules. It took me quite a while, my first time, to understand the 35 year old black woman instructing me to contact her 13 year old daughter to get her mama's welfare card for the baby she was having. That was one of my "aha!" moments, when I realized these people were far more related to the Jamaican baby mamas applying for visas (which I always refused) than they were to any White American.
Is it any wonder why American society is on a downward spiral? Illegitimacy has always been a staple of the black community, true, but the fact that this kind of behavior is now being accepted and overlooked is surely the deathknell for America. Pretty soon we'll be a nation of parasitic criminal bastards who have no conception of right or wrong.
"I have no answers for the illegitimacy rates of blacks"
Allow me to assist...
Low IQ, low impulse control, low morality, low sense of responsibility.
I hope I've been helpful.
"matter of fact, one could say the violence and seeming barbarism in Africa today is a Western construct and colonial holdover."
Wait a minute...so you're saying...it's whitey's fault? Just checking -- I wanted to make sure you weren't actually saying something original.
"What else do poor people have to do?"
Unless the "poor people" in question are so fucking stupid that they don't grasp the economic burden of having children, they use birth control.
This is not an economic issue, astronomical black illegitimacy is worldwide.
"violence and seeming barbarism in Africa today is a Western construct"
Of course. Blacks are never responsible for their own behavior.
It's whitey's fault.
SBPDL,and other whites of good intellect,
It is crazy as a black man to be such a cheerleader for this site and your comments but all the things being said here are things I try to subtly say to my black students all the time and to their parents. There should be hundreds of these sites just like this operated by other blacks condemning the foolishness going on everyday in the black community, Africa, and Haiti. It is in fact a site like this that might help more blacks by waking them up to the fact that this "thug life" culture and corrupt leadership is no longer funny or cute, it is mindless and destructive. White people are fed up and so am I. Black history is just that, history, what are you doing now? Blacks scholars are busy fighting over the ethnicity of the Ancient Egyptians while white people are PRESENTLY making billions of dollars and inventing almost magical technologies. Get off your ass black man, learn some math and science like the Asians-a neutral area with little bias and lots of money, very useful for nation building unlike dribbling skills. Again to SBPDL your site is a valuable resource for me, one in which I reference daily. Thanks again. Keep giving it hard, pure,rough and intellectual it is far more powerful than sites with posts filled with "ni--er" this and "Ni--er" that.
"...baby-making" and "baby-having" is free. What else do poor people have to do?"
AWwww... The poor "poor people" whom thou shalt not hold to the same high standards. All they have to do is fuck, shit, eat and die?? Really?? Once again, you have shown us how morally superior you are.
Uh, no Professuh. You forget about the intention of blacks in their illegitimacy. You sound like the "wise black woman who is now banned", always giving black women a free pass for their bad behavior. Why the double standard? You are falling for the old "noble savage" routine, but we have been there already and we are not falling for it. You think these women are good and noble just becasue they are black and minority? Oppressed? Black women have illegitimate babies as a career. They willingly get pregnant and then marry their oppressor, the US Government baby daddy. They have no other options because they are uneducated, rejected, coarse and unacceptable in society. There is nothing "noble" about African mothers, man, you are drunk on the kool-aid. Might this explain why Africa is such a peaceful democratic society??? Black women are the #1 threat to black people.
I have lived very near to blacks in my life, sound like you have actually NOT, but can only fantasize about actually doing it one day. Black women, who you claim are "naturally good mothers" are shit for mothers. I had a black woman as a neighbor who called her toddler a "little nigger" and a "little faggot". She beat him in the face and he always had a black eye. He was thin and underfed and neglected. Her black sister, the smoking/pregnant drug addict on probation, prostituted her 2 year old daughter out to adult men, who would pick her up on the weekends and drop her off when they were finished. These women beat their children regularly with extension cords and belts with metal buckles.
They were straight up whores, performing sex acts for money to make ends meet when the government check ran out. They were all assigned white state social workers to monitor them, and they were all MONSTERS, not mothers.
Black children are in danger because of black women. You are a fool, an apologist for the blacks, and you know nothing about authentic black people. Nothing.
If there was no welfare, free formula, monitoring, and free hospitalization for these women, their babies would die of starvation and neglect. The women would either have to use birth control or have more abortions if they could afford them. Or as I said, the babies would starve - (because black women think breastfeeding is "nasty".) But liberal handlers of the black like you will never let mother nature take its course and we shall all suffer.
Maybe if you would just hold all American citizens to the same high standards, black AND white, the blacks just might be forced to improve their circumstances. But then. you would not be so morally superior to everyone else. Very self serving.
Keep up the good work SBPDL. More people can see each day.
Sheila said...
"This is beyond parody. Beyond Ripley's believe it or not. I've never seen such creatures, such proto-human behavior. "
I guess ape references are okay. You are indeed an ugly person. And this blog is a joke.
When I see a child behaving the way that most black male thug teenagers behave, I know to look directly at the mother. Black women protect and coddle their "baby boys", protecting them from the non-existnet fictitious slave master, all the while hating and abusing these black boys because "you look jus like yo' good for nuthin' daddy!"
Black female teenagers, at the tender age of 12, have no business having sex, or birthing illegitimate babies. They just do not "fit in" here. Mothers are supposed to protect and prevent these types of problems, but black women are not able to even form a family let alone mother babies or raise productive citizens.
Maybe American blacks would be better off in Africa, as the wise Professor and Desiree have already suggested. I am all for it! The black parenting style clashes with Western values. It could become a one-time final reparations payment in the amount of a one-way ticket to paradise for all black women of childbearing age (12 and up).
I didn't see any ape reference -- well, it's close on second inspection -- but those type of comments aren't tolerated.
Thanks for enjoying the blog!
"And this blog is a joke."
Yet you obsessively continue to return.
Like a crackhead.
"Baby having" by welfare queens costs the American taxpayer millions of dollars each year. The sex is not free either, which almost always results in another mouth for the government daddy to feed or a tax-payer treated STD.
Black women have more premature births and do not breastfeed, which adds exponentially to the price tag for the taxpayer. You are paying too, unless you are an unemployed, Mexican, or black.
Here are a few more "free" things to add to your list.....hiking, swimming, playing cards, hanging laundry on the line, learning Chinese, reading library books, just sitting. Why not promote these activities instead of making more illegitimate babies?
You are an idiot.
Know what is really ugly? Spitting out a baby you can't feed.
"This blog is a joke". No, in fact, this blog is the truth. If the truth hurts then get your shit together and change it. The problem is just that one thing: you can't get your shit together, therefore that damnable truth rears its head again. A regular catch-22 to be sure. Oh yeah, I apologise for causing blacks in Africa to have uncontrollable sexual/violent behavior and the females there to have low self esteem and stuff. Yeah, right. Primitive is as primitive does.
Stuff Black People Don't Like said...
"I didn't see any ape reference -- well, it's close on second inspection -- but those type of comments aren't tolerated.
"Thanks for enjoying the blog!"
I would enjoy it a lot more if you would just stop censoring my responses to her comments just to coddle her. I am sure she is mature enough to handle a few constructive criticisms, no?
"Women typically are at the mercy of male society, and I imagine that if a woman were black, or a member of any other racial group seen as less valuable, the stigma of "sin" is two-fold; it increases exponentially."
This sounds cute, but no, they just need to stop having so much casual, unprotected sex. Duh.
"I would enjoy it a lot more if you would just stop censoring my responses"
LOL The whining never ends with you crybabies.
If this blog is "a joke", why are you still here?
Anonymous said...
" "And this blog is a joke."
Yet you obsessively continue to return.
Like a crackhead."
That's only because I enjoy smoking you guys a little too much, lol. Can't hate a player for that.
"imagine if these shows were on BET?"
It would seem perfectly normal.
"...if a woman were black, or a member of any other racial group seen as less valuable, the stigma of "sin" is two-fold; it increases exponentially."
Black women marginalize themselves. If black women knew the true power of the feminine, they would not be in such a self-inflicted mess. Black women have no game. No power. Even their black men do not respect them. They are loud and mouthy, disrespectful to men, neglectful to their children, unaware of their legacy and ignorant of their history. This is a death sentence.
Black women have no value because they CREATE nothing of value and do not demand respect. As a woman, I am valuable because I have boundarie and self-respect, and my terms are not negotiable. I add valuable and therefore I am valuable. My husband respects my power because I have required him to do so. Black women are a weak link, a liability, taking up air and space and creating more and more people who will also just take up air and space.
Anonymous said...
"LOL The whining never ends with you crybabies."
And yet this is the second time you whined about my whine. Do practice what you preach, brother, lol.
"If this blog is "a joke", why are you still here?"
Because I enjoy playing with the kids at the short table.
"That's only because I enjoy smoking you guys a little too much, lol"
Yes, that is how debates are conducted (at least on the internet). The first party to "lol" wins by default in the absence of a moderator.
All of the trolls are certain of their victory, as certain of it as an extra-chromosomed child who trips over the hurdles in a Special Olympics relay and still manages to get a medal for participation.
You win one gold star today, anonymous "player."
Only comments that address what was written in the post will be approved.
"That's only because I enjoy smoking you guys a little too much"
A typical cliched, unoriginal response.
"Only comments that address what was written in the post will be approved."
SBPDL, this is WHY you must block the trolls, their only purpose is to distract and disrupt. They make ZERO effort to honestly discuss or debate.
Please ignore their whining about censorship and BLOCK THEM, thank you.
The video is appalling.
This is not the White man forcing any of these women to do these acts. Horribly obese black girls with I.Q.'s in the 70's or 80's corruptly use the White Man's DNA technology as a bludgeon, saying, "You're going to pay for my niglet for da the rest of your life!". When the news comes in, the boy does a break dance on Stage while the sow runs offstage, disappointed that she can not sink her fangs into this particular buck and suck the life blood out.
The females are emotional and financial vampires and the males are emotional and financial children. They should be returned to their homeland (ironically DNA samples could set them down a few hundred miles from where their ancestors were picked up) as quickly as possible. Many Africans have expressed how unhappy they are with the current arrangement living with Whites and Latinos.
I have come to agree that blacks are not Homo Sapiens and fall under the new expression Homo Africanus (See "Erectus walks amongst us" Here: http://erectuswalksamongst.us/ )
Of course they will be much happier under African law in their proper African homeland. We hurt them unnecessarily by mocking what they are by design.
Former Black Militant,
if you are really a black person, then I sympathize with you whole heartedly. I recognize that there are brave black people who try to change the culture of black America, but get mercilessly beaten down by the PC crowd. I don't hate the black race, but I have come to hate the criminal black people who I've come across. And that is an unfortunate result of the self-destructive culture which is promoted from within.
Black Rednecks and White Liberals is one of my favorite books, written by a black man, who I consider an intellectual giant, Thomas Sowell. He gets into the numbers, and the racial arguments may show a higher R-squared than the cultural ones, but his cultural arguments stand up to the statistics very well. It's unfortunate that a man who can actually teach economics in plain English will never get the Nobel, like a white liberal such as Paul Krugman.
People seem to be questioning each others' ethnicity on this site, and your declaration has to be taken with a grain of salt as well. But if you are who you say you are, then I salute your courage. It really gets me pissed off when I see guys like Clarence Thomas, a true Originalist, get lambasted by other blacks, as well as hateful white people. It has to be courage that helps him get up every morning and stick to his principles.
Guys, if Former Black Militant is who he says he is, then he deserves our respect. Peace Out.
Does that mean you will delete all the snide comments directed at me, which had prompted all of my equally snide responses, starting with Hirsch's last post, and to censor all snide comments from them in the future, the same way you had censored a bunch of my rebuttals? Or is this a whites-only affair, and minorities need not apply, like the scholarship?
Come on, man, you need not confirm Simon Sez's accusation of you as a "typical white coward". And here's to this comment never seeing the light of day, as usual.
I can't resist. When I first read the quoted text (elsewhere) I busted up laughing at the sheer idiocy:
"One in five of all American moms have kids who have different birth fathers, a new study shows. And when researchers look only at moms with two or more kids, that figure is even higher: 28 percent have kids with at least two different men."
These researchers have discovered that in one-child households, all the child has the same baby-daddy... Astonishing.
I would like to take the time an acknowledge a white history moment.
Happy MLK Day!!!!!!
-Black guy
"Does that mean you will delete all the snide comments directed at me"
"I'm going to ignore your request to stay on-topic, and continue to WHINE."
Ret'd LAPD here. Mr Snape has predictably opined that blacks act the way(s) they do (only the bad ways, of course) because of whites. He foolishly believes that the horrors in Africa of today are because of colonialism and other blah blah. Like hunting and eating albinos in Tanzania, baby rape as an AIDS cure in South Africa, and female circumcision in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Egypt to name a few atrocities. Have any of you ever seen "The Vice Guide to Liberia"? Unreal. And I thought south central LA was bad. Mr Snape does admit liberal fault in his last sentence for the way blacks in America are:
"We are to blame for the way American blacks are; there's no doubt in my mind."
True, so very true. Guilt ridden liberals like you have excused and ignored such despicable behavior, and condemned anyone who found fault with it to be a heartless racist. It is because of liberals' hands off approach to crime that is perpetrated by black culprits that we have such rampant vicious Part 1 crime. Mr Snape, your posts are puerile because they are so simplistic. In your myopia, blacks cannot be held accountable for their actions because we had slavery 150 years ago, therefore they are, and apparently are green lighted to be, extremely violent with whites as their main target.
Blacks aren't violent because of a police presence, but they are precluded from being even more violent because of a police presence. Look at those Maury clips again and watch the furniture fly when the female finds out her boo ain't the babydaddy. And that's in a controlled studio with abundant (wonder why?) security guards.
My experiences are mirrored by cops across the country. Dealing with soulless monsters who kill without hesitation, and then dealing with pansy ass liberals who defend and praise them, particularly defense attorneys.
If you all will indulge me, I want to mention another heinous act that comes to mind. I responded to a report of an assault at an elderly woman's house. A neighbor was waiting for the woman to join her in a game of mah jongg but she didn't arrive when she was supposed to, and she didn't answer her phone. She let herself in and found the victim on the floor, barely breathing and a bloody mess. When I got there, the victim had been smashed in the back of the head with such force (the perp used a heavy crystal ashtray) it knocked her dentures out over 20 feet away. He choked her so hard, and smashed her face with equal brutality while raping her that the whites of her eyes were completely bloodshot as all the capillaries had burst. She survived but never became lucid enough to talk to and suffered migraines and seizures for the tragic last year of her life. It was a scene of terrible, horrific brutality. The offender was 16, and the detectives from another division (Hollenbeck I think) found him on an unrelated investigation. A natural born savage, a thorough murder machine. No conscience, the thickest unintelligible ebonics I'd heard, and not a shred of guilt. Just pure hatred and revenge in his eyes. When I went to the prelim he was screaming like a monkey in a zoo, and deputies were always having to hold him down and restrain him even though his wrists were cuffed and secured at the waist and his ankles shackled too. He ended up taking a plea so there was no trial.
This is the savagery that I had to confront and protect people, even those like Mr Snape who were oblivious to the monsters among us, from having to endure. Again, I do not hate blacks but I am not blind to the unpredictable savagery that many blacks are capable of inflicting, their lifestyles of failure, their lack of respect for school, authority and order. And no one knows this more than blacks, who fear fellow black males more than anyone or anything else.
"all of my equally snide responses"
You mean those things where you try to say something clever and incisive, and you keep putting your foot in your mouth over and over again? Yeah, those are awesome.
Anonymous wrote:
"Black Rednecks and White Liberals is one of my favorite books, written by a black man, who I consider an intellectual giant, Thomas Sowell. He gets into the numbers, and the racial arguments may show a higher R-squared than the cultural ones, but his cultural arguments stand up to the statistics very well."
I am confused here.
If the argument is that blacks are mostly inferior, how can one explain the presence of blacks who are not?
Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, and other black conservatives argue racial connections to social deviance yet surreptitiously absolve themselves of any nexus to it.
How can this be done if "blackness," in and of itself, is the correlate to social deviance?
Professor Snape touched upon it in that last comment thread, but no one answered it, especially to whom the post was directed (I think it was Hirsch?). What are the exact delineations?
Or is it truly mutable?
If it is believed that black kids can be productive when raised by white parents, for example, how can that be possible unless environment, not race, is the biggest predictor of relative social deviance?
I think another poster (Percy Kittens?) mentioned he had adopted black children and claims they do well, or more so than he'd imagine black children with black parents would do (of course, this is more than myopic, since there are several types of black parents, and the same is true with white parents).
Can someone bite down on and answer this question? SBPDL, you should answer this, especially, since your blog's thesis is as such.
Midwestern wrote:
"Black women marginalize themselves. If black women knew the true power of the feminine, they would not be in such a self-inflicted mess."
This is a bizarre statement. If there was power in the feminine, there would have been no women's movements. If femininity is different from what it was previously, it's difference is owed to the women's rights movements.
"As a woman, I am valuable because I have boundarie and self-respect, and my terms are not negotiable."
This is a product of the women's movements.
I find your whole comment bizarre. It is obvious to me, as a black woman, that you have no contact with black women. They range in behavior and personality from Amazonian maneaters to saccharine sweet nurturers. All of this, of course, depends on their developmental environments and life experiences. Traditionally, the women's movements focused on white women's struggles, such as in the work place and the home and the bedroom, whereas these were not central to black women's struggles; they more believed these were places wherein they felt empowered.
You don't know anything about black women; you are not a black woman.
SBPDL, is it possible to orient Sheila into describing her version of Christianity? Thanks.
This comparison of the very discussion of Black illegitimacy rates to some 19th century carny dragging an African woman around to show off her ass is both hilarious and frustratingly typical of what happens any time anyone, especially a White person, tries to honestly address Black social issues.
That's why I'm glad there are people like Former Black Militant out there. I'm glad you're a teacher, as Whites are too hamstrung by political correctness to honestly address the glaring problems in the Black community and can only do it anonymously on message boards like this. Thus we end up complaining mostly to others who share the same frustrations instead of to the people who need to hear it most; the Black community, particularly the youth.
Even without P.C., were a White person to address an assembly hall full of Black kids on kite flying, let alone illegitimacy, the message would fall on deaf, hostile ears, as Black kids have been conditioned to see Whites as weak, ineffectual, villainous fools who have no business addressing Black issues, as if all of us alive now are just as responsible for Black dysfunction as the slave traders of the 17th century. Bill Cosby got a lot of heat for his comments, too, but I'm sure he got through to a lot more Black folks than, say, Dick Van Patten would have, so I really hope people like you, FBM, and others like you keep up the good fight and hopefully inspire some kids along the way.
Some of the most racially honest people I've met have been former Black militants, by the way. One of the people who most made me question my PC assumptions back in my more lefty years was a former Black Panther in his 60s who, while appropriately proud of his people and appreciative of their struggles, would say things that would make Strom Thurmond blush. He didn't hate his people, he just saw some major problems and wasn't afraid to honestly (and often hilariously) address them.
Best to you, FBM. Know that even with all the sniping that goes on here, there are a lot of us who, as pissed off as we get, would like nothing more than to see a healthy, peaceful, successful Black community. We're not allowed to say anything, though, so don't let the knuckleheads get you down and keep doing what you're doing!
Professor Jew
"I have no answers for the illegitimacy rates of blacks but "baby-making" and "baby-having" is free. What else do poor people have to do?"
Apparently the white, poor people have not heard about this. If you are poor, you must then have tons of children out of wedlock. Because, poor whites do not have the same amount of out of wedlock children as poor blacks do. It is illogical to have alot of kids when you are poor anyway.
I can tell you why blacks do it. Their culture and the government. The government takes care of their kids. Little Jamal's mommy, Lashonda, she gets a nice check from the government for having little Jamal out of wedlock. And any other little savages that shoot out of her, from her 20 different boyfriends.
Now the culture is obvious. To the negro male, sex makes you a man, and the more kids you have, then the more of a man you are. They do not understand that anybody can have sex, what truly makes a man is marrying the mother and being a father to their kids. But then that would be acting too white, and mean that they might have to show some sexual impulse control. We can't have that.
Anonymous 8:29pm
"Come on, man, you need not confirm Simon Sez's accusation of you as a "typical white coward". And here's to this comment never seeing the light of day, as usual."
I don't know what a typical white coward is. We all know that black on white crime is the norm. Usually the whites are outnumbered and out gunned. Plus all of those non cowardly blacks love to rape women and children. Blacks are only tough when the odds are in their favor. And since Simon is a half white jew, does that make him half a coward?
No need to publish this, but have you given any thought to threaded comments similar to SFGate or even YouTube, where individual comments have a reply button and replies can be expanded or hidden?
I understand your concerns and it's a delicate balance for me, too; the right kind of interplay in a comments section can keep me coming back as much as anything else, while something like the AV Club can become such a chaotic off-topic mess it keeps me away from the comments entirely. Anyway, not a gripe, just a suggestion.
I'm Desiree's twin sister and I want you all to know that Desiree has many, many socks on this site, and if SBPDL would take the time to look up the IP addresses of some of her socks, he will see that they all reside in Las Vegas using Cox Communications.
Please ban her; if you see a suspicious comment, check the IP address. It's very annoying to me to see her writing comments every time I see her on her computer. She is an addict, and she's addicted to arguing with racist whites all over the Internet!
She only comes on here to see Hirsch, since they had a "love connection" once back in 2010. It's sad and pathetic!
PLEASE BAN HER! And please publish this to embarrass her since she doesn't know I'm writing this.
I think it is correct to assume that when you change the demographics of the country the way we are headed with majority-minority that it is foolish to think that everything else will not change, and in this case, change for the worse.
However, as nice as it feels to think that whites (and east asians who dont just leave) will use their wits to stay ahead, I have a feeling that at best we will have something like what South Africa has right now with their whites. I do not want to live in South Africa or any place like it.
I also have no idea what could stop this from happening. I do not see whites abandoning their present course in time. Even if they did, I do not think they could handle the hatred it would induce for the US in the rest of the world.
Both, my vision of our future country as well as this feeling of inevitability is depressing.
The loss of the rule of law and the loss of physical security is a pretty terrifying thing to think about for me. Blacks act like there is no rule of law here, but they have no idea what it is like to live in a country where every cop demands bribes regularly. I do not have 8 foot high metal fences around my house, nor do I own 2 large dogs and guns. I do not want to live in a place that requires these things so I can sleep safely at night. I also do not want to worry endlessly anytime loved ones are out of my sight, especially when I go to work.
I am sure quite a few blacks would love to see this come to pass though. They would say, "See whitey! This is what we live everyday! Now you can live like this too!". They don't realize that it will be even worse where they live. The handful of blacks who rise to the top will live like kings, but most will be worse off than they are now. Instead of getting robbed so some fool can buy drugs or the latest sparkling trinket that is in fashion they will be robbed for food. Lower productivity people means no money for the welfare state, which means people will go hungry. Hungry people become desperate. Desperate people eventually gain the nerve to kill.
There are a series of articles on daily life in the collapse of Argentina 10 years ago. They are written by a guy named FN_FAL or something. They are geared towards survivalists. Find them and read them. They document our future.
"Guys, if Former Black Militant is who he says he is, then he deserves our respect. "
Yes, if he is who he says he is, then he does. And as I have said before, he will probably not CARE if he has the white man's respect, because he takes responsibility for his own actions and is accountable. He has broken from the collective and is an individual. This is the American way. Hooray!
He is his own man and can stand tall with all real men. He has chosen personal freedom and is actively leading younger black men. He will be accepted here because he should be, not because we allow him in. He will not be judged as a black man, but as a man, and by the content of his character.
To the white/latino angry Anon male who only wants a pissing match.......you should go on over to Amren and see how the real men accept your point of view when you tell them that you are planning a violent end for them.
Replying to Snape...
I wish disadvantaged black children had African mothers; they would be more happier and healthier for it.
Snape,I agree with you. I wish that disadvantaged black children had African mothers. In Africa. Which is where they belong in the first place.
Blacks have been ripped from their African cultures.
True. Exactly who did the ripping is a question that is worthy of a great deal of study,but ripped they were. Reparations are in order. When does the first boat heading east leave?
I have no answers for the illegitimacy rates of blacks but "baby-making" and "baby-having" is free.
It isn't free to me,nor is it free to all of the other people in this country who get up,go to work at what jobs we have left to us,and keep staggering along under an ever-increasing tax load. Those babies are paid for by me. And people like me. Who are tired of doing it.
What else do poor people have to do?
Heaven forbid they should read a book,and just maybe learn something.
But amazingly,Snape,we have at least some common ground. We both agree that black children should have African mothers. It's a start.
To Former Black Militant.
Sir, You can't see me, but I'm applauding you and shaking my head in the affirmative. You are a sensible man, and I for one appreciate your candor.
I only wish more blacks could be as honest as you.
Thomas Sowell is an amazing intellectual. I guess he must be a real thorn in the side of the liberal establishment, Sowell being black AND a staunch defender of capitalism. He's smart, and has written so many books, the left has no idea what to do with this guy. When somebody like Thomas Sowell tells an interviewer that he's glad to be old because the future looks so bad, that should be enough to open anyone's eyes. That, however, requires intellectual honesty, which seems to be hopelessly rare these days.
In Europe, people look at America's obsession with family with a sort of overbearing smile, like it's a relic from the past that they cling to (like guns and bibles). Over here the divorce rates are horrible, more than half of all marriages end in divorce. White families are disintegrating, and white birth rates are below replacement level for all European countries. Now, people are waking up to this fact, it used to be "racist" to notice the large flocks of kids surrounding the many burka-clad women everywhere, not anymore. The liberal establishment has had it's day in the sun, it used to be about gay marriage rights, anti-fascism and anti-capitalism, but now they are getting the shit kicked out of them by angry anti-gay muslims. Oh the irony.
At least the muslims marry before they have kids, but that doesn't change the fact that they are breeding at a phenomenal rate. Illegitimacy rates are probably higher among whites, but they get fewer kids. Welfare, while not the driver of irresponsible breeding, creates a moral hazard and places a burden on responsible parents who are forced to pay. It is always the poor who get the more kids it seems. If we end welfare, this problem would be gone the next day. It doesn't matter how many kids other people get, as long as YOU don't have to pay for them.
Socialism is the real killer, irresponsible breeding and islamic or other third-world immigration would be non-issues if they couldn't use our own governments against us. They do not have any power or resources to do any damage, except what they are GIVEN by white marxists. They have a plethora of social rights and a government to serve them. Socialism is like AIDS, it weakens the ability to resist, and will eventually kill us.
"If the argument is that blacks are mostly inferior, how can one explain the presence of blacks who are not?"
Genetic variation, also known as a "bell curve".
"SBPDL, is it possible to orient Sheila into describing her version of Christianity?"
WTF? Which part of "stay on-topic" do you not understand?
"Blacks have been ripped from their African cultures."
Blacks were sold by their African cultures, and have benefited tremendously as a result.
Socialism is the real killer, irresponsible breeding and islamic or other third-world immigration would be non-issues if they couldn't use our own governments against us.
I'm not sure about socialism being the killer that most U.S. talking heads claim it to be. A bunch of third-worlders being able to use a government against the native folk that government claims to represent ( maybe "represent" isn't the correct term... ) is definitely a problem.
But while I'm nothing close to an academic,from what I can see,the Scandinavian countries seemed to do pretty well for themselves for quite a while,and from my point of view,they fall into the socialist category.
The problems only began to rise to unmanageable levels when hordes of third worlders started arriving. And making more third-worlders at the fastest rate possible.
My take is that the type of government a society has may not be as important as the raw material from which that government springs. A people who are naturally prone to dictators-if a dictatorship is the only way anything ever gets done at all-will probably breed dictators. A people who can be left to themselves because they like being left to themselves and can be trusted to be left to themselves might generate a government that does that.
"Guys, if Former Black Militant is who he says he is, then he deserves our respect. Peace Out."
No, Diarrhea anonymous, I am not a subscriber to the "women's movement", and I am not a white feminist. I am a housewife a domestic goddess (a role that "strong independent black women" like you reject completely.) Black women don't understand the value of a real man and statistics don't lie. I have what most black woman want, but will never have because they are not respectful or trusting of their men, the are high maintenance, don't cook or clean, are prima donnas and drama queens, and don't want to work and sacrifice for their husbands.
My husband earns the bread, as he should, because I have very high standards for him and he must be a man and provider first and foremost. I respect him for this and show my appreciation. I have used my true feminine power to keep him loyal to me and our children. It is a natural gift, NOT feminism.
I don't compete with my man, but black women do. And yes, I have had close contact with many black women in my 40 years, and I can tell you that they all have a similar theme. They are strong, black, proud and independent, that they don't have time for any man in their life. "I can do bad all by myself."
Black men complain about black women all the time. Black women demand no respect, just make a big loud fuss about everything wrong in their lives. Look around. Black women are not doing well, are willing to be single, poverty stricken, constantly complaining and disrespecting black men.
Once again, you just can't help but to come out of the woodwork and spout off when a white woman makes a good point.
""Blacks have been ripped from their African cultures. It's tragic. The black culture here is uniquely American; matter of fact, one could say the violence and seeming barbarism in Africa today is a Western construct and colonial holdover. We are to blame for the way American blacks are; there's no doubt in my mind. ""
How long can you ride that hobby horse? 100 years? 200 years? indefinitely? You rail about the evil white man and his 'racism' yet it is you who insist that blacks are not responsible for themselves. How pathetic is that?
""If the argument is that blacks are mostly inferior, how can one explain the presence of blacks who are not?
Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, and other black conservatives argue racial connections to social deviance yet surreptitiously absolve themselves of any nexus to it.
How can this be done if "blackness," in and of itself, is the correlate to social deviance?""
Do you understand anything about statistics and standard deviations?
For the most part, Whites' comments here address your post, SBPDL - black illegitimacy and indiscriminate sexual relations. These symptoms of black pathology are of their own making, although Snape is more than welcome to take credit for it.
Most of the black comments (most of which are proudly "anonymous"), on the other hand, merely attack the Whites' comments as racist and hateful, while diligently averting their eyes from the post itself and those surreal clips you appended. Do the blacks truly not see anything unusual or unnatural or abnormal about their "brothas and sistahs" on liberal Jewish Povich's television show? Do they even see the recently exonerated "not the fathers" jumping and prancing around the set while the babymamas weep, so dreadfully sorry for themselves that the fourth guy they've fingered was not the one who impregnated them? Is this truly unexceptional to them? Are they so unaccustomed to hearing the truth, or facing genuine standards or consequences, that their only response to White honesty is shrill accusation and inchoate fury? Have these people no dignity?
To give my fellow SBPDL readers an insight into the mind of black teenaged baby-mamas I relate the following incident: I teach high school, and once encouraged a prego black student to share her thoughts about becoming a single teen mother. I'll never forget her response: "I think it's a great thing to bring a life into this world." When I inquired about who'd foot the bill, she immediatley replied "I get checks from de gover-ment."
Sheila, you are forgetting about the power of the collective. Dignity and pride do not matter. The black collective ensures that the financial hustle of whites will continue. Keep whitey on the hook and you get to eat.
I had a black person once try to explain this to me, though it was difficult to understand. Members of the black collective share very strict rules about criticizing other blacks in public, especially around whites. Bill Cosby tried to be honest about black pathology and was forked for it. This is called the "airing of the dirty laundry". Trust me, blacks pretend to be ignorant, but they know the deal. They know that the patience of whites is diminishing quickly.
Once a black person breaks free from the collective and begins to be truthful, he is immediately ejected from the collective and called names like "sellout" and "Tom", etc. He loses his membership card. Members of the black collective perform a special dance around the truth in order to divert attention from their behavior. Whites, feeling guilty, keep falling for this trick, but are finally starting to wake up. Blacks fear this white awakening.
Once the white man admits what is actually happening and points the finger at blacks, he might end welfare payments and programs, and blacks will have no options for survival, food, work, housing, or anything else. The white man does a better job of raising the black man's children than he does. They like the white man's goodies, and so to keep the steady stream coming in, they have to keep hope alive.
A black verbally criticizing or placing blame on another black is a big no-no in the collective because it only gives the white man more ammunition against ALL blacks. Blacks like to believe that the white man is a racist evil pig, chomping at the bit to start marching in his white robes, lynching and enslaving blacks again. This is typical black paranoia and mythology.
Shelby Steele goes into great detail about this phenomenon in his books. If more white people understood the black collective thinking, they would be shocked. It explains a lot.
@ Professor Snape: You said "Blacks have been ripped from their African cultures... The black culture here is uniquely American; matter of fact, one could say the violence and seeming barbarism in Africa today is a Western construct and colonial holdover. We are to blame for the way American blacks are; there's no doubt in my mind."
I think your assertion is complete B.S. Black promiscuity and polygamy are the norm Africa cultures. To say that Western society is reponsible for American black woes is like saying the West is responsible for Africa itself being such a sh-thole basketcase.
Did white people not create the welfare state?
You want to get rid of most of the problems you ascribe to "blacks"? Do away with the welfare state, regulations etc, and stop trying to have your cake and eat it too.
Those who cannot survive by honest means or plan ahead will perish. Evil is naturally impotent.
"I think your assertion is complete B.S. Black promiscuity and polygamy are the norm Africa cultures. To say that Western society is reponsible for American black woes is like saying the West is responsible for Africa itself being such a sh-thole basketcase."
Well observing Nigerian-Americans, most of them have intact, monogamous, two-parent families. Don't know if there any data out there to statistically support it but that has been my observation
"Do away with the welfare state, regulations etc, and stop trying to have your cake and eat it too."
Exactly, the welfare state is the only real problem here because it causes all the problems in the country, imagined or not, to become YOUR problems. Whatever problems other people have, YOU are called upon to help. Let's end welfare now and stop worrying. If this leads to armed conflict, so be it. If that happens, it only means that it was inevitable, and it should be dealt with sooner rather than later. Socialism is what causes bad behavior to spread and destroy everybody and everything, instead of just the perpetrators.
@ Former Black Militant
I had shared my family experience on another thread, where a parent of mine was employed in an all black high school in the early 60s, other than my parent the school personnel...ALL were black.
Little did we know then the TRUE importance of having segregated schools, and that was thrown out the window for the sake of "equality".
An all black school had OFFERED to the black community and to the students..."role models", who were important members of the black community, just as important as a pastor...BOTH having a regular audience which was primarily black.
Black teachers and all other school employees working together to make life better for the black community. Whether it was the grounds keeper, janitor, cafateria worker, principal...office assistant...they were the proud and hard working members of the black community.
IT WAS GLUE. It gave the black cummunity local role models.
It was the place outside of a church, that blacks were to assemble, compete naturally with one another and then after a certain course of time, move into society for better or worst. With the guidance of the community "black role models".
With the black school, solely and obviously for blacks, IT had to shoulder the blame if Tyrone or Yolanda couldn't read...BUT the black school..or ahem...the student, had really "no whitey" to blame.
It was in my opinion a horrible decision to integrate schools.
I think, in my 50+ years of observation, the WORST thing that happened to black America...was the decision to strip the blacks away from all black schools.
Today...the public school system has focused on "fair" and "quotas" and "unions"...Public school teachers are no longer an important role model to ANY community, and sadly the students who desperately need one...are the 70% of blacks who are fatherless and in a dangerously managed homes with either a grandmother who is clueless and or worst reared by horny mother looking for quick cash.
UNTIL, we have "true" role models, who will stand up, as an intermediary between the skulls full of mush (students) and the community (aka parents) and say...SOMEONE besides the government has to save these kids from their destructive ways...
White teachers will not BE ALLOWD to do this...to SPEAK to the black family about the black child.
White liberal teachers pretend to care, but will happily PASS on the black child to become a drop out.
And white conservative techers are most likely teaching in a private school...
There is REALLY no safety net, unless it is an all black school...from the students, the hired help, the teachers all the way up to the principal...that can come in and turn things around and it will take at LEAST 2 generations (thank goodness a black generation is shorter than a white generation).
"...I am confused here.
If the argument is that blacks are mostly inferior, how can one explain the presence of blacks who are not?..."
Are you kidding? Or simply THAT stupid?
You have to love black "intelligence" It stops you in your tracks every time.
"Did white people not create the welfare state?
You want to get rid of most of the problems you ascribe to 'blacks'? Do away with the welfare state, regulations etc, and stop trying to have your cake and eat it too.
Those who cannot survive by honest means or plan ahead will perish. Evil is naturally impotent."
Oh no, not the Randroids! Step away slowly from the copy of Atlas Shrugged....
A nation is not just a collection of John Galt-wannabes running on Social Darwinism alone. A homogeneous society bears some relation to an extended family, bound by a sense of kinship as well as a reigning ideology. In such circumstances, various forms of "social safety nets" are at least conceivable as workable options.
Other posters on this site have approached the idea that socialist governments in Europe have been more or less functional because of the homogeneity of the population. Although there's extreme taxation, there's also the sense that the system is working for everyone's benefit, including the welfare system, because the people who sometimes use it aren't cynically manipulating it and remain a part of the majority culture.
That changes when you've got a hostile immigrant or minority population that is not only cynically reaping the benefits of the system, but expressing hostility towards the host population. And that's the situation in America today. Not just manipulation of the system, but contempt for the majority population funding it.
So let's see...we're paying for your welfare and all the other social services you use...and you hate us, want to kill us, and boast about this incessantly. Hmm...why are we doing this again? As Simon Sez himself put it in another thread -- "we've had it."
"...I am confused here.
If the argument is that blacks are mostly inferior, how can one explain the presence of blacks who are not?..."
This "argument" pops up here regularly.
Simply stunning.
"A nation is not just a collection of John Galt-wannabes running on Social Darwinism alone. A homogeneous society bears some relation to an extended family, bound by a sense of kinship as well as a reigning ideology. In such circumstances, various forms of "social safety nets" are at least conceivable as workable options. "
Please read Mises.org and get a grounding in economics. The welfare state does not provide any net benefit to society (comprising individuals). Its simply re-distributing wealth thats already been created.
I thought you folks here on this blog were staunch free-marketeers and against communism/socialism? How can you claim two mutually contradictory systems are good "only in certain circumstances"?( The reality is one is always bad and the other is always good. Its the difference between true and false or 1 and 0.)
The reason is because your not free-market at all. Your ofcourse (as always) a jumble of racist hypocrites who seek to maintain a society of contradictions.
P.S. America is not a "homogenous society" and never will be. Get over it. Or move to Sweden.
Professor Snape said... "blah blah blah blah--no on that but whitey blah blah blah blah blah.
In other news, Africans have gone back to cannibalism and have always partaken in birthing illegitimate children--such is the way of all aboriginal peoples. The only tie these evils abated in Africa was under colonial rule.
But I will agree with one thing yo said--someone is responsible for it in this country, and those that led the charge to release this plague upon the West were people just like you, Snapes, just like you. Red Diaper Doper Babies--i.e., the children of Eastern European Jewish Communists. The whole idea was to destroy America, after all, Liberal Jews are akin to the canary in mine shaft when it comes to neighborhoods and "white flight"--in my 52 years, they have always been the ones to run first--then blame the ensuing mess on WASPs and their bigotry.
"The reason is because your not free-market at all. Your ofcourse (as always) a jumble of racist hypocrites who seek to maintain a society of contradictions."
Randroids shriek about racism louder than liberals, if that's possible. They're not a friend of this site -- in case anyone hadn't picked that up.
By the way, it's "you're," genius.
There is a very small percentage of blacks who are more intelligent than the average white person, just like there is a small percentage of females who are taller than the average male. But nobody is saying that women are just as tall as men because they found a few 6 foot 5 inch females. Sorry, that argument is a total fail. The entire mythology of racial equality was created by liberal whites and is sustained by the religion called political correctness, which forbids discussion of facts that dispel the equality myth. Race is real and saying so is the heresy of our age. 100 years from now, if anyone is left, they will look back and wonder how so many "intelligent" people could have ever believed in something so obviously wrong.
"Randroids shriek about racism louder than liberals, if that's possible. They're not a friend of this site -- in case anyone hadn't picked that up. "
Pick it up? I could see it from a mile away.
Objectivists oppose irrationality first and foremost. We also oppose all forms of collectivism. Racism is a manifestation of irrationality and collectivism. Actually one of its lowest forms.
"By the way, it's "you're," genius."
Nice evasion of every single one of my points. You've addressed nothing and instead went after my grammar mistakes.
Pathetic as expected.
"There is a very small percentage of blacks who are more intelligent than the average white person, just like there is a small percentage of females who are taller than the average male."
Regardless if there is a "small percentage" of blacks with higher average intelligence (which is probably not true anyway but lets suppose its true). The fact is, you can't treat everyone the same just because "a large percentage" of some arbitrary group of people do something.
Thats not how America works. Its about the individual.
The study's sample size of <4000 is small but not useless. Projected over a population of 150 million mothers (just taking a stab at the number of women giving birth over the study's 27-year window), the confidence interval is about -/+2.5%. For reference, Gallup's national polls contact more than 100,000 people to reduce their confidence intervals to -/+0.1%.
The report is unclear about the study's selection process (after all, it was not actually shared with the public). Often, the biggest hurdle for social scientists is picking a "random" group; this throws off accuracy more than a modest confidence interval, even if unintended.
Also, the study's author mentioned stats for three races. If she used the same sample size for each (about 1300, to total <4000), the margin for error increases exponentially. If she used proportionate representation (12% of the country is black so 12% of her study is therefore black), you are now down to a sample size of 500 (although you no longer project onto all 150 million women).
To conclude: I personally wouldn't take the histrionics of a female graduate student at face value, even if she hails from a Highly Educated University.
"Nice evasion of every single one of my points. You've addressed nothing and instead went after my grammar mistakes."
Well, you'd think someone with such an awesome grasp of Aristotelian logic would understand how to use a contraction.
"Objectivists oppose irrationality first and foremost. We also oppose all forms of collectivism."
Wow...did someone wind up the key in your back and press the button?
@ Anon
......would understand how to use a contraction."
Blah. Blah. Blah.
Still can't seem to address my actual points?
"Wow...did someone wind up the key in your back and press the button?"
Its amazing. For post after post not a single counter-argument. Just lame ad-hominem attacks.
How long will the evasion continue?
"Thats not how America works. Its about the individual."
America in its current state, doesn't work. It worked, it was powerful, it was successful, it had a bright future, when we were a people, a nation, which was prior to the 1950's. Liberalism with its poisonous message of equality along with the immigration policies specifically designed to reduce my race to a minority, destroyed what once "worked".
If America in its current state as a balkanized, morally and financially bankrupt shell, out of control welfare entitlement state, along with overextended crumbling empire is your vision of "working", then we simply have a difference of opinion about what success looks like. Sane rational persons typically don't define success to include catastrophic unrelenting failure.
"America in its current state, doesn't work. It worked, it was powerful, it was successful, it had a bright future, when we were a people, a nation, which was prior to the 1950's. Liberalism with its poisonous message of equality along with the immigration policies specifically designed to reduce my race to a minority, destroyed what once "worked"."
I'm afraid you've taken my statement out of context and instead took it to ramble on some racist tangent about immigration and the pre-1950's etc.
Lets be clear that America is still one of the most successful and wealthiest nations in the world and millions of people still wish to come here from wherever they are from. In that context, America is not "failing". Its one of the countries that is "failing" the least.
You want "catastrophic failure" look no further than North Korea or the former Soviet Union.
Maybe the failure of Cuba can be your next rant. I would agree with you on that. As it stands your rambling on about nonsense.
"Lets be clear that America is still one of the most successful and wealthiest nations in the world and millions of people still wish to come here from wherever they are from. In that context, America is not "failing". Its one of the countries that is "failing" the least."
That's your proof that America is still a great success? The fact that every year millions of non-whites world-wide will do anything to leave their 3rd world hell-holes to become welfare state parasites in America?
The only thing you've proven is the depth of your own ignorance and delusion. Your definition of success continues to change as well. At some point you'll be calling America a success because its doing better than Haiti.
You're not anti-racist. You're simply anti-white. Anti-racism is just a code word for anti-white.
@ white flight
"That's your proof that America is still a great success? The fact that every year millions of non-whites world-wide will do anything to leave their 3rd world hell-holes to become welfare state parasites in America? "
Theres something called "GDP" which measures the economic output of a given country. America scores 1st in nominal GDP (size) and 6th in per capita GDP.
America is 4th in human development indicators.
Is that enough "proof" for you random paranoid delusional white guy on the internet?
"You're not anti-racist. You're simply anti-white. Anti-racism is just a code word for anti-white."
I am anti-irrationality.
A equals A:
Check out these two articles:
You seem to be a Randian loving, Reason reading, Objectivist who finds reading "Atlas Shrugged" a more pleasurable experience then the company of a woman (or a man if you're chick).
Knowing that the three states that are the most peaceful and non-violent are Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire (all are 97 percent or greater white and I believe the Free States Project decided upon the latter), what do you believe is the cause of this?
I read "Reason" magazine. I saw an advanced showing of "Atlas Shrugged" the movie. I laugh at those who believe that collectivism is somehow evil; ask the Chinese how well it is working for them.
America is already the ultimate expression of what Ayn Rand wanted. In "Atlas Shrugged" the great industrialists gave up and decided to stop producing and retreat to "Galt's Gulch"; in America, the largest private employer doesn't produce anything, Wal-Mart just sells products that were once made in America that are now manufactured in China.
Our great industrialists and titans of industry now are Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Hedge Fund managers and the creators of Google (can't forget Mark Cuban). All are radical leftists who give their money away to try and save Newark schools. If these guys retreated to a "proverbial" Galt's Gulch, all that would happen is a number of Leftist causes would go unfunded.
Oh darn.
A lot of people reading this site might be Libertarians and might consider "Atlas Shrugged" a holy book.
I do not; it is no longer a valid book as it talks about a nation that actually produced things, had manufacturing plants, industries and built things. America's largest export to the world now is pornography.
Thanks to outsourcing, we live in the very nation Libertarians always wanted. And it's on that is crumbling fast. Like the Wall Street Journal wrote: more Americans are employed by the government than in than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.
Lew Rockwell constantly talks about how goods are cheaper on the shelves of Wal-Mart because they were produced at cheaper rates elsewhere.
But if a majority of Americans can't afford to buy those goods what's the point?
I have no time for Libertarians anymore. I'm sorry. No time.
In the latest "Reason" magazine, there was an ad for Drew Carey and "Reason" teaming up to save Cleveland. You want to save Cleveland? Get rid of its current population and repopulate the city with those white people who fled for the prosperous suburbs they created.
A loser city (think Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Memphis, etc. ) is a loser city because its a reflection of its majority population.
It's but a collection of individuals.
I am anti-irrationality.
Then you have failed utterly. A nation is more than an economy and humanity is more than atomized individuals.
You may acknowledge the truth your lying eyes attempt to reveal, or you may continue in the delusion that you are an "Army of One."
As you will select the latter, please inform the black social constructs at thugreport that it is objectively irrational for them to behave like murderous savages. I'm thinking that they'll be highly receptive to this line of thinking.
Your erudite response will be A) Racist, B) Nazi, or C)....Racist Nazi!
"Knowing that the three states that are the most peaceful and non-violent are Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire (all are 97 percent or greater white and I believe the Free States Project decided upon the latter), what do you believe is the cause of this? "
Culture and values differences. Note that correlation is not causation. Barbados is 90% black yet scores high in human development and per capita income. Its relatively peaceful and non-violent.
"America is already the ultimate expression of what Ayn Rand wanted."
That is absolutely not true. Ayn Rand wanted a completely laissez faire society. America is not even close to that. Its a highly regulated and taxed mixed economy with an un-objective legal system.
"A lot of people reading this site might be Libertarians and might consider "Atlas Shrugged" a holy book."
Ayn Rand (and Objectivism) was not libertarian and pretty much hated libertarians.
"I do not; it is no longer a valid book as it talks about a nation that actually produced things, had manufacturing plants, industries and built things. America's largest export to the world now is pornography. "
If other countries are able to produce better products at a cheaper price how does that not benefit America? Its called trade.
Read an economics book.
"You want to save Cleveland? Get rid of its current population and repopulate the city with those white people who fled for the prosperous suburbs they created. "
No, get rid of its restrictive laws and taxes on businessmen.
You seem to believe that white = progress, prosperity and peace.
If that were true why couldn't white people consistently apply it to say, the Dark Ages?
You also think on very simplistic terms. In terms of cheap generalizations. Are you incapable of judging others as individuals?
"Then you have failed utterly."
You then proceeded not to explain how or why exactly I failed.
"A nation is more than an economy and humanity is more than atomized individuals."
Humanity can't be "more" than the individuals it comprises at any given time. Thats a contradiction.
Humans =| an ant colony. We are capable of complete autonomy from each other. Our only requirement for survival is our brain (and our limbs and appendages for manipulating objects).
"As you will select the latter, please inform the black social constructs at thugreport that it is objectively irrational for them to behave like murderous savages. I'm thinking that they'll be highly receptive to this line of thinking."
Why stop there? Why not tell the white or hispanic ones as well? Or did you forget that white murderous savages exist too? Does being black somehow make an abysmal crime more wrong?
All crime is wrong no matter who perpetrates it.
You racists are perverting the concept of justice by applying it only to certain races.
This is no better the blacks racists you decry on this blog who apply the concept of justice only to blacks against whites.
"Does being black somehow make an abysmal crime more wrong?"
Not more wrong, but significantly more likely.
"You racists are perverting the concept of justice by applying it only to certain races."
Dipshits like you are perverting the discussions by flagrantly misrepresenting the sentiments expressed here.
"Dipshits like you are perverting the discussions by flagrantly misrepresenting the sentiments expressed here."
Your doing all the perverting. Being selective in who you apply justice to. It does'nt work that way. Justice applies to all. On a individual, case by case basis.
There is no "Oh blacks are significantly more likely to rob or murder" does that mean all blacks are murderers? Is one black person responsible for the action of another individual? Nope.
Here's what: A Equals A obviously doesn't live in a violent, urban shithole, so he fails to understand the concept or importance of risk assessment as practically applied to everyday life.
I, however, DO live in one of the vilest, most violent urban shitholes on the East Coast. We have a massive crime rate with the usual suspects as perpetrators 80-90% of the time. As a single woman, self-preservation is an issue, so a reasonable, RATIONAL (I know you so love that word, Ayn!) risk assessment is the most important survival tool there is.
It's the most rational, sensible thing in the world to perform a data analysis for the purpose of developing an accurate risk or threat assessment. I don't really understand why DWLs are always selling that as "racist" or "irrational." I'm not saying ALL black people are bad, I'm simply expressing reluctance to play Russian roulette with my personal safety.
Note that, when dealing with risk assessment, the "why" makes no difference. Only raw numbers matter. "Why" only makes a difference if you're engaged in SOLVING the problem, which I'm not. So please spare me your, "but, b-b-bbut, correlation is not equal to causation!!"
In much the same way you wouldn't fuck your way across Botswana condomless, because you wouldn't feel comfortable with the AIDS risk (1 in 4, people. 1 in 4.), I personally don't wish to run into any random black men in dark alleys. In general, I do what I can to avoid danger.
If "danger," in my environment, means "black people"...well that's a shame, Hoss, but it is what it is. It's not my job to change the data, it's just my job to observe, acknowledge, and use it to my advantage.
If that makes me "racist," then so be it, I guess. At least I'll still be alive...unlike that poor little hipster chick who got literally raped to death a few months ago after she failed to see the black man following her home as a threat.
She may have had an inner twinge, but I'm sure her social conditioning smoothed that right over with the comforting mantra of, "we are all the same!" Makes me wonder what she must have been thinking as her life slipped away....
Don't think for a minute that's an isolated incident, either. One thing I've learned, living here: you can either respect statistics...or you can BECOME one.
"But if a majority of Americans can't afford to buy those goods what's the point?"
That would be the fault of socialism.
"I have no time for Libertarians anymore. I'm sorry. No time."
Me either, but I am a defender of capitalism, like so many Libertarians and Objectivists, and they sure do know economics.
"You want to save Cleveland? Get rid of its current population and repopulate the city with those white people who fled for the prosperous suburbs they created."
No, to save Cleveland you just enforce a capitalist system, watch the crime rate plummet and wealth explode. Like I said in a different post, squeamish socialists are what stand in the way of this solution, they don't like to lock up or deport criminals, but that's exactly what Cleveland needs to do. To many people I'm sure, this is tantamount to replacing the population like you suggest, but in my opinion the only way to bring it about, both morally and practically.
I'm here to learn about the fascinating concept of BRA, read comments and anecdotes, which are invaluable lifesaving information, and to promote capitalism as a solution to the race issue (and all other issues), as opposed to national socialism. Property needs to be protected and criminals need to be removed from society. One does not have to be an epistemological giant to understand this.
A=A, aren't you tired of all the socialist labels they always bring out, labels like "racist"? How about you try and engage this subject a little more gingerly, people have had it up to here with the racism charge, and have no patience with that, me included. If SBPDL invites us to discuss the philosophical basis for Capitalism, or Objectivism in general, I think we could win some arguments, but calling people racist is just silly and earns you nothing but contempt.
On "Racism"
The concept "racism" should be treated like toxic waste and shunned by serious commentators until the Marxist egalitarian meaning is forgotten, and the concept returns to it's original meaning, the belief that genetics determine ethics and values. It does not, but it DOES determine IQ. People have free will, but free will is limited by how much you understand of the world, and your knowledge. A low IQ precludes you from understanding complex concepts, and the formation of these. Without the concepts to understand the present and to project the future, very little knowledge can be accumulated, communication becomes less precise, and the present, shortsighted view becomes all encompassing and creates a terrible mind-prison of stupidity and ignorance.
This is universal, low IQ simply doesn't work in a western society, look at the Australian aborigines, or the bushmen of the Kalahari. There simply isn't a whole lot for them to do here, everything requires some skill, and this is not because of racist whites, it's simply a fact. IQ explains a lot, illiteracy and ignorance even more. The public school system is a disaster and arguably increases crime. People need to read and write and acquire skills to partake in the division of labor, how do we bring about a society that facilitates this in the best possible way? Establish a government designed to protect individual rights, i.e Capitalism.
Also, 100% white communities are only possible under capitalism. If 15000 families bought a large piece of land and turned it into a residential community with parks and roads, i.e a town but all private, they could in essence separate, and remain white forever. A contract that every home owner must sign, with a clause only to sell to white Americans, is easily done. Hell, you could even name it no-negroes-ville, if you have freedom you can do whatever. Racist? Maybe, who cares, under Capitalism racists aren't pursued by the state, on the contrary, racists can call upon the state for protection from anti-white hate groups like SPLC and NAACP. A town contractually bound to remain 100% white could sue a home owner for selling to non-whites and have the sale stopped. Not only that, but the contract could also contain a local tax clause to provide a safety net for the residents of no-negroes-ville, there you are, voluntary contractual socialism, the way to go!
I personally wouldn't prefer to live in such a place, but a lot of people sure would, and they should be allowed to.
"I think we could win some arguments, but calling people racist is just silly and earns you nothing but contempt."
I'm just calling it what it is. The definition of racism according to dictionary.com is as follows:
"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."
Is that not what is being routinely encountered on this blog? When SBPDL talks about the achievements of "European man" over other men and as if its some collective achievement (who were really individual men who just happened to be born European) How is that not "racism"?
Its not my problem if they don't like it. Hell criminals don't like being locked up, doesn't mean they wont be.
" A low IQ precludes you from understanding complex concepts, and the formation of these. Without the concepts to understand the present and to project the future, very little knowledge can be accumulated, communication becomes less precise, and the present, shortsighted view becomes all encompassing and creates a terrible mind-prison of stupidity and ignorance."
IQ = rational ability. While true a fair degree of intelligence ability is probably inherited, rationality is a skill, that actually has to be learned. For example, its possible to get a higher score on an IQ test by learning how to take it better. Humans, even those with the highest intelligence, have the capacity to be irrational due to free will.
In short, people, even with lower than average natural intelligence can learn to be more rational and work within the confines of their natural ability and become functional members of society.
That is, until we discover ways to increase natural intelligence via drugs or genetic manipulation. Then it really becomes a totally moot issue.
So the racists really have no real point. What they want is power and a sense of superiority over others for nothing.
"So the racists really have no real point. What they want is power and a sense of superiority over others for nothing."
Sooo....it is racist to despise black behavior and comment about it?
Are you saying that there is nothing wrong with the level of black on black and other types of black criminality? Are you trying to silence us for some reason?
Are you saying that there really is no problem with blacks, their ability to find success in American, problems with the marriage and illegitimacy rates among blacks, etc? If not, then please comment on atrocious black behavior and explain it to us from "the black perspective" so that we may understand it.
Please explain why you think this is racist - to actually witness and then experience first hand atrocious black behavior, find it intolerable, and then comment about it on a blog.
I don't get your point.
All of this bloated chattering about racism is boring. Who cares? I don't like the way blacks behave because I have learned not to from personal experience.
Not just the poor underclass ghetto ones, but all blacks. I don't like hearing ebonics and their foul-mouthed conversations, their filthy, trashy living standards, laziness, unpleasantness, the way they destroy property and the value of everything, their vile music, neglect and abuse of children, their low class attitudes and cheap style, their lack of empathy for others, selfishness, lack of patriotism, domestic terrorism, their ignorance of American history, and their hatred for the white taxpayer in America who feeds them. We made a huge mistake by letting them stay here after slavery, and should have deported them back to the third world.
Blacks demand everything NOW like spoiled children, and throw fits like monsters when they are not catered to. Black people have worked themselves into a giant stinking knot of dysfunction and poverty. They buck the system, and choose to live like dirty peasants.
I want to be as far away from them as possible. I have learned many lessons about blacks in my 40 years, and I will teach all of them to my children and grandchildren.
Racism (TM) is the black persons rallying cry. It's used to summon white guilt and used to promote black antipathy towards the white race.
Racism (TM) is losing it's sting, it's going the way of nickle candy. Black's and stupid white liberals will soon have to come up with other ways to try and intimidate white people into bending over backwards for the entitlement minded blacks.
It is not Racist (TM) to point out bad behavior committed by people of other races.
I care not one wit about ruling over anyone else. I do care that I'm under constant psychological assault for just being white though!
From a recovering Racist (TM).
Whites want power and a sense of superiority over others for nothing??? Nothing??
White people make the world go around, haven't you heard? White people create everything you touch on a daily basis. White people pay for most black people to eat, and thus, survive. White people are the most generous and caring people on the planet. White people are in power because they work hard and deserve the payoff.
White people are able to form safe and successful communities that prosper. Not true for blacks who intentionally destroy everything and prove their inferiority by promoting black culture and victimology.
I buy organic food because it is superior to factory farmed food and it tastes better. You may disagree but I don't care. I prefer white people and white communities because they are safer, cleaner, and more pleasant than places. You don't like that because it excludes you. Tough shit. This makes me smart, not power hungry.
You are a jealous hater.
Black people are strange and scary. Is that racist?
you might be calling it for what it is, but you'll be acting exactly like whining left liberals, and that's the point I was trying to make. The whole racism charge should be left alone, for the simple fact that the concept is destroyed for decades to come. The Communists used to label people who opposed them "counter revolutionaries", and it was a terrifying thing to be called. It sanctioned all kinds of brutality like torture and murder, it was simply the worst thing ever. Think about that, and what the left is trying to do with the label "racist", before you so easily get in line to call out others. Do you call out blacks, hispanics and asians when they say anything racist? Haven't you noticed how little effect it has on them? Leftists and people of color get to decide who's racist and who's not, reality doesn't even enter the argument, only their hurt feelings count. Don't you see how political this charge is, and how it's being used to control whites, and ONLY whites?
Today we in the west at least can laugh about the whole "counter revolutionary" craze, and think about how irrational communism is. In a couple of decades, hopefully, we'll be laughing about "Racism" too.
"White people make the world go around, haven't you heard? White people create everything you touch on a daily basis.
So your saying because of your membership in the "white race" you can take credit for the accomplishment of another individual who vaguely looks like you? Pretty pathetic. Claiming someone else achievement does not make you virtuous or noble, it makes you a parasite and most probably, a non-achiever.
"White people pay for most black people to eat, and thus, survive."
That is a blatantly false statement.
"White people are in power because they work hard and deserve the payoff. "
So by your reasoning a white bum or a trailer park hillbilly is the master of a black CEO or industrialist because the white race "worked hard"?
LMAO. More stupidity, please.
"Not true for blacks who intentionally destroy everything and prove their inferiority by promoting black culture and victimology."
"You may disagree but I don't care. I prefer white people and white communities because they are safer, cleaner, and more pleasant than places. "
Then move to lily-white Norway. Nobody will miss your ass.
"You might be calling it for what it is, but you'll be acting exactly like whining left liberals"
We are nothing alike. I am calling out racists for entirely different reasons.
" Do you call out blacks, hispanics and asians when they say anything racist?"
Yes. It applies to everyone equally.
A Equals A,
Those accomplishments of the past were performed by individuals. As Steve Sailer once wrote, pretty much anything worth inventing over the past 500 years was done by a white guy.
Those individuals were part of a white community. Sadly, Black communities weren't conducive to the same type of innovation.
Why is that?
"As Steve Sailer once wrote, pretty much anything worth inventing over the past 500 years was done by a white guy. "
Notice how he( and you) you cherry picked the time period with which to frame the statement.
Where was "white innovation" during say, the Dark Ages?
Though if what you are saying is that white culture is more conducive to new ideas, innovation and invention you are correct.
"Where was "white innovation" during say, the Dark Ages?"
The very notion of the "Dark Ages" has come under disrepute. Even beyond that, the question shows a very poor understanding of history. The so-called "Dark Ages" were both a period of recovery and discovery -- they were hardly "dark." Get your head out from Von Mises' ass and actually learn something.
"We are nothing alike. I am calling out racists for entirely different reasons."
Not true. You are carrying water for the looter leftists when you repeat propaganda such as "America was never homogeneous."
I don't see one key element of thought and life mentioned here (although I did not read though all of the posts).
Solid, real, sincere Christian faith. An understanding and life-long devotion to following the Bible.
That is a fail-safe prescription for all of us.
Please get honest black Christian clergy to comment here. No, not the faux Jesse Jackson or Jeremiah Wrights or Sharptons. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM! (They are the deceivers)
And...please...everyone here, matters not what skins or eye or hair color: Abstinence. Self Control (A Fruit of the Spirit). No sex until you are in Holy (ordained by God Almighty) matrimony. Doesn't everyone know that sexual intimacy is zippo worthless and plastic cheap without THE only genuine love -- the love that we learn from modeling our lives after Jesus.
See I Corinthians chapter 13 for what love is really to be. No woman should EVER settle for less before becoming close to a man. No man should ever think to become close to a woman without realizing that he must love her as Christ loves the church.
That is not old fashioned; that is the BEST foundation for all the joys and happiness of life this side of Heaven.
One man married to one woman and their kids -- together forever under one roof. That is what makes for a great life, a happy home, a super neighborhood, and a society that is the envy of the world.
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