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The MSM is fearful of people understanding Black criminality |
Entitled Rightbloggers Warn America of a Non-Existent Black Crime Wave, the Village Voice piece is at least correct in that assessment: it is a non-existent Black crime wave because Black crime has never abated, but has overtaken the entire country for nearly a century. Sorry to burst your bubble Village Voice, but wherever Black people are found - even in Prince Georges County - violence isn't far behind. Here's what VV wrote:
You probably know that, over the past few decades, crime rates in America's major cities have dropped sharply. New York, which was once a symbol of urban menace, is particularly safe, and tourists freely roam Bed-Stuy and Central Park at night. Even historically troubled Oakland has recently seen its crime rates fall.
Plain as this change may be even to casual visitors, rightbloggers don't seem to notice it. Instead, they've taken to telling readers that crime in America is actually spinning out of control -- and it's all the fault of black people.
Remarkably, not only is crime down in our cities -- it's down everywhere. The FBI reported in May that "in 2010, all four of the violent crime offense categories -- murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault -- declined nationwide compared with data from 2009." Even the crap economy seems not to affect it.
For normal people, that's good news. But for rightbloggers there's no percentage in anything going right so long as That Man is in the White House. So some of them have started obsessing on urban crime stories, usually dug up on the Drudge Report.
In May, for example, when a bunch of kids rampaged through a Dunkin' Donuts on Christopher Street in New York, Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit sneered, "Apparently, it's racist to note that all of the youths involved in the attack were black just like the flashmob that attacked the Milwaukee Mayfair Mall in January, the mob that attacked a Dupont Circle store in Washington DC in April, and the flashmob that ransacked a Las Vegas convenience store in early May."
The Milwaukee, DC, and Las Vegas incidents were unfortunate, small as they were. But they have about as much to do with black youth in general as Marlon Brando in The Wild One had to do with the average 50s teenager.
Still, Hoft wasn't the only rightblogger to find race the salient point of the story, nor even the worst. "I knew before I saw the video 'who' those rioting punks were going to be" in the Christopher Street incident, said Urban Grounds. "And so did you. And... yep...they're a bunch of black kids, acting like animals and criminals while terrorizing the public... That's because in Black Run America, there are no rules of civility or decency."
Black Run America? We know a lot of people who'd like to know how to get there; why won't it show up on our GPS?
It should be noted that New York is safe because of the extraordinary efforts of Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the 1990s and the continued stop and frisk policy that targets primarily Black and Latinos (those who commit the crime there). Black-Run America (BRA) isn't a place - unless you want to live in Detroit or be educated in Atlanta Public Schools - but a concept that governs every institution in America from corporate, academic, government and military policy.
BRA simply means that every decision in America must be made with the advancement and betterment of Black people in mind. That's why failed companies like Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac can't go; that's why the Navy SEALs are under scrutiny; that's why firefighter tests are being tossed; that's why every company is committed to diversity.
But back to crime, which as Thugreport.com shows, has a distinctively monochromatic flair.
Whenever Black people depart a formerly crime-ridden era, crime mysteriously vanishes with them. We are seeing Mahogany Mobs employ increasingly daring tactics because these
In Milwaukee, the police chief tried to claim that crime is color blind. Sadly, it is not. Milwaukee and the entire state of Wisconsin would be virtually violent crime-free if you removed one segment of the population from the dairy state (this is an amazing academic study).
What's interesting about the latest round of Mahogany Mobs in Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Columbia, Atlanta, Boston and other cities - despite being largely racial attacks by Blacks on non-Blacks - is that these attacks are explicitly covered-up by the Mainstream Media (MSM) who remain committed to advancing the concept of Black-Run America (BRA).
America isn't run by Black people, but America is run for the betterment of Black people and any story that might bring negative attention to one Black person has the capacity to bring negativity to all Black people, in the minds of the gatekeepers of the MSM.
That major newspapers like the Chicago Tribune, New York Times and Washington Post have admitted to covering-up the race of violent Mahogany Mobs is the very reasons sites like Samizdat Web sites are popping up all over the Internet:
Knowing that Disingenuous White Liberals and [Perfidious White Journalists] PWJ’s are in charge of the editorial policy at The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and Gannett assets, and openly admit to censoring stories of Black criminality, it’s easy to understand why many newspapers are losing subscribers and the ability to charge huge rates for national ad campaigns.Crime is dropping, but as Richard Spencer postulated, perhaps it's because Black males are locked up in prison at record rates. Black intellectuals bemoan this, but safer streets and lower crime rates - think recidivism - thanks to Blacks being incarcerated at rates disproportionate to their overall percentage of the population is a good enough short-term solution to a long-term problem that will be financially untenable.
It's a Faustian Pact that will end - inevitably - in tears, but one that was regrettably necessary during times of economic success. Those days are over and a nation that has to debate raising the debt ceiling to continue paying for the concept of Black-Run America is nearing a turning point.
Interesting that Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) sociologists have always maintained a correlation between poverty and crime, when the current economic situation in America would seem ripe for a rash of criminality instead we are witnessing a drop in it.
Why isn't crime exploding nationwide? Well, as this article from Nashville contends, perhaps it is but over-worked and underfunded cops don't have the resources to combat it. The better explanation might be that those Black people who would have committed crimes are languishing in prison instead of harassing law-abiding citizens, and, better yet, haven't had the ability to copulate.
The Village Voice article continues:
Still, this laser focus on crimes involving black people is something we normally expect from forthrightly racially-motivated aggregators like Diversity is Chaos, not from regular rightbloggers. What gives? Most likely it's strategic, a signal to a certain conservative constituency -- pace Some Guy, let's not call it a dog whistle; how about "hog call"? -- to come out in 2012 and vote out Obama lest things get a little too dark around these parts, if you know what we mean.Funny, many of the ideas discussed in this piece (Black-Run America, DWL) originated here. What needs to be stated now is this: This article is published by one of the more Stuff White People Like (SWPL) white people publications in the world. These people hate normal Americans (of any race) who understand the reality of Black criminality, but they especially hate white people who notice trends in crime.
As usual when people play with racial dynamite, though, some of the brethren take things a little too seriously -- The Red Robin Chronicles' complaint about "the combined power of Disingenuous White Liberals, white guilt, and subservience to Black people and accommodating their every whim and desire" is just one recent example of the kind of talk they get up to, under the influence of the you're-the-real-racist crowd. (Red Robin also refers to "Black-Run America" -- apparently it's become a real rightwing thing without, alas, becoming an actual jurisdiction.)
And their scary stories aren't only for the lumpen; Walter Russell Mead, a bona fide intellectual and editor of The American Interest, last week uncorked an essay called "The Shame of the Cities and the Shade of LBJ." In it, Mead talked about American cities, not as the extraordinary redemption stories we know them to be, but as hellholes out of old Death Wish movies -- collectively, an "urban quagmire," "a holocaust of youth and hope on a scale hard to match," and "an unsustainable drag on the national economy." Mead offered no statistics supporting these judgements, but indicated that he had seen The Wire or at least heard of it, and was convinced that "there is no light at the end of the urban tunnel" unless America finds the guts to do away with affirmative action programs and fatherless households.
Mead's vision of the "inner city" may seem comically old-fashioned to you, but as long as there are a few folks up in the hills and hollers who still think New York and all the other big bad cities are ruins full of black people in pimp suits peddling crack, you can depend on hearing the story told over and over and over again. Ungawa, y'all!
That Matt Drudge dared expose BRA over Black Memorial Day 2011 and July 4th's horrendous amounts of Mahogany Mobs (Unamusement Park is all over this) is a sign the apocalypse is among us to these SWPL whites.
That the Internet is last resort for true freedom in America - where no TSA agent gropes you before one dares state their opinion - is the primary reason this Village Voice piece was published. There's a growing, unrelated number of blogs popping up across this country that are penned by individuals who have come to similar conclusions based on observations that those DWLs in power would have tried to keep them from seeing and eventually realizing are grounded in truth.
Normal Americans are searching Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines for a truth that has remained consistent for more than a century: Black crime has never abated, it's been with us all along, making major cities uninhabitable, driving down property value and investment opportunities from both real estate companies and commercial real estate investors, and forced white flight from every major city, creating the environmental disasters of massive suburbs born of the necessity of escaping the Black Undertow.
That the "Green" movement won't consider high Black crime rates as a primary cause for highway gridlock - white professionals with families must live scores of miles away from cities they work in to ensure 'good schools' for their children - is a reason I have no time for these hopelessly clueless "do-gooders."
I'm tired from writing about Mahogany Mobs and Black attacks on white people (like this one in Minneapolis and this one on a Rutgers student: both happening over the weekend), but then in reading this Village Voice piece I see concepts originated here slowly entering the vernacular of other writers who I have never met.
I'm humbled, because this entire Web site is run by one person (with the courageous help of an editor) and only exists because an audience continues to come here, motivated not by hate, but by their own experiences. I've received thousands of e-mails from liberals, conservatives, homosexuals, devout Christians, orthodox Jews, atheists, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, SWPL whites, etc., and 98 percent of them are positive, shocked that something like SBPDL exists, and glad it does.
I've stated that the summer of 2011 was going to be something... special. Personally, it's been a learning experience, but one that has motivated me like nothing else before. The Village Voice, writing this piece trying to castigate those bloggers who dare notice Black criminality, exposes something... special.
Like the Brain Bug captured at the end of Starship Troopers, they are afraid. They are afraid.
Stories like the beating of David Strucinski of Bayonne, a recent graduate of Rutgers who was beaten by
David Strucinski has hopes of joining the FBI. The
Cellphone video and camera technology is making the capturing of these Mahogany Mobs (not to mention surveillance cameras) an incredibly easy task. YouTube, Facebook, and the popularity of social media makes the sharing of these events that much easier. The dying MSM means a Blue Ocean is developing for bloggers hoping to capture an increasingly frustrated audience, who are craving truth and desiring answers.
Blogs pop up daily; new comments and e-mails fill my in-box and assuredly other writers in-boxes as well; Those Who Can See grow in number by the minute.
Writers like Jim Goad, OneSTDV, Steve Sailer - if he'll ever write about these Mahogany Mobs, Unamusement Park, Lawrence Auster, Urban Grounds, Moonbattery, OD, Amerika and too many more to name here (keep it up guys) are writing about ideas, topics, and events the MSM finds unworthy of discussion. Indeed, they find those who notice these ideas unworthy.
The Village Voice could care less that Black people are attacking non-whites and terrorizing law-abiding citizens and businesses nationwide; they merely care that you notice.
That some writers and Web sites have the courage to discuss Blacks Behaving Badly (BBB) is a sign for hope, because each of these sites is attracting an increasingly larger audience. That the Village Voice resorted to writing an article about us noticing the truth is a sign for even more hope.
Editor's note: Due to events outside of my hands, SBPDL must undergo an emergency fundraiser. You can make a donation through the PayPal link in the upper left-hand corner or contact us and we'll you send PO Box information. Or purchase Hollywood in Blackface or SBPDL Year One from Amazon.com in either book or Kindle form. Also, on July 22, prepare yourself for the release of Captain America and Whiteness: The Superheroes Dilemma a brand-new book featuring almost 70 percent unpublished material.
Check out Brett Stevens review of Hollywood in Blackface at Amerika.org. If you have a Web site and would like a review copy of this book, the soon-to-be-published Captain America and Whiteness or SBPDL Year One, contact us and we'll send them out.
Please check out this link another black on white hate crime. Warning very gruesome!
Typically liberal response: Don't believe your own eyes or experiences, or the overwhelming statistics and evidence about the color of crime in America, or else be ridiculed as an extreme right wing racist, a fate worse than being labeled a pedophile or murderer.
Village Voice is the quintessential liberal rag that may as well be called Victim Voice. When I lived in New York I would pick it up for free at any corner news stand, and check to see if any cool bands were playing. I would out of curiosity check out the back half of the newspaper which is pages and pages of ads for 900 number phone sex and transvestite escorts. You would think that a left wing magazine would see the hypocrisy of earning revenue by objectifying women and monetizing sexuality, but I guess left wingers are clever enough to rationalize anything.
Congrats on making their radar.
WTF is that guy challenging 4 blacks for? That's the last thing I would think of doing. Anyway, I think I have another site you should ad to your blogroll: http://blackvsfastfood.tumblr.com/
Hey Paul,
I just had one of those "Ding!" moments when all the seemingly unconnected incidents come together in a coherent whole.
You see, race is not reported in the news stories not because it is embarrassing, but because it will be almost impossible for people in the future (whether six months, six years or sixty) to Google these stories to show a trend. Information denied or unreported becomes information "noise" leading to a challengeable conclusion. If Newspapers only identify negroids by picture (which are soon removed) or not at all, any single news article may or may not be about the black zombie apocalypse, therefore the pattern can be obscured or denied.
Here we have the Village Voice claiming that crime is going down a few percentage points (good news!) but able to ignore the BRA aspects of it because the news stories don't specify race, so who knows for sure if it is a race story! Notice they don't deal is stats at all, they just smear the whole truth as a "Right Wing" conspiracy. Even the Trolls here don't make that claim.
The irony of course is that the drop in crime can be attributed to the repeal of gun control laws (See: "More Guns Less Crime" by John Lott) is beginning to force some of the criminal element to choose other work, a condition the Village Voice was against from the beginning. Now that the lowest I.Q., vilest criminals are free to rampage, the VV would like you not to notice.
Further, if these kids were named James instead of Jamal, the Village Voice would be leading the charge.
Is it any secret why black unemployment is so high???
Went thrift store shopping at my local AmVets second hand store today. Seems they only hire large coarse black women with fancy nails and weaves these days. Went to check out to purchase my stuff, and black female cashier calls me "sweetie" and asks if I have a 50% coupon clipped from the local paper. I say no, she asks if I am paying cash, I say yes.
She says she has a coupon I can use and she wants to "take her cut". This means that she is running a cash theft scam on AmVets, which is supposed to be helping American veterans. How low can you get?? I fumed to myself, and told her to charge it instead, and she took the 50% off anyway so that I would not tell on her. I did not say thank you, she would not look me in the eyes after that. She became very agitated and nervous before I left. She was so dumb, I got her to put her initials on my frequent shopper card so that I could report the info to her boss.
I called AmVets corporate from my cell phone in the parking lot and gave them my story. I suggested that all of these black workers were running a theft scam from the inside, and they should investigate the entire lot of them. I am sure that many of their customers go right along with it, because theft and "gettin over" is a huge part of their culture.
I know many people who need a job right now, and this black woman has the nerve to steal money from a charity that is supposed to be helping her ass! No morals, no shame, not a grateful bone in her body. I hope she gets fired and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Not to worry.
Eventually some stupid White kids will try to mimic a violent black flash mob; rob a convenient store, beat some bystander into a coma.
THEN the leftists will notice race.
Example . . . (I harp on this often)
When Rosa Parks was inconvenienced by losing her bus seat, the leftist made her a cultural icon of White guilt; she even got her own statue.
When White people are beaten on public transit systems, not even the MSM cares to notice; let alone the leftist web sites.cares to notice.
The "Victim Voice" wants us all to lower our hackles and forget about black crime, pointing to lowered crime statistics in big cities, but the idiots at "Victim Voice" conveniently leaves out some vital statistics while doing so.
They gush about lower crime in New York and other cities, but that lowered crime rate is only "lower" because so many of the criminal element now live in the suburbs and are wreaking havoc on people there.
Case in point: Look at Moreno Valley, San Bernardino and Victorville near Los Angeles! All of the blacks from Watts and Compton moved out of L.A. into these areas and turned them into festering, slimy, crime-ridden ghettos. The crime rate in Los Angeles dropped while it rose dramatically in those areas.
In Northern California, as the blacks were driven out of Oakland by prices and a Latino/Asian influx, the black population and crime rate simultaneously rose in the nearby cities of Richmond, Hercules, Pittsburg, Antioch and Stockton.
Newark, NJ and New Haven CT have absorbed a good portion of the black ghetto in New York.
Prince Georges County in Maryland is another classic example of black migration to the suburbs.
The people at the "Victim Voice" don't want to acknowledge that crime follows black people wherever they go and it always will.
People need to bring back some good old fashioned stealth discrimination.
If any of those writers at the voice spent just half a day with lower class blacks, they would not have the opinions they do. It's easy to say those things sitting in an ivory tower when you don't have any real interaction with the black undertow. Very very easy.
As for the last video with the guy getting jumped BY A MOB, this is more proof blacks don't fight fair. They can't do what they do unless they are in a pack. What do you do to pack animals if you they attack you? You kill them, if you can. Conceal and carry.
Not to worry. TSHTF soon. Obamba gets impeached and then shot by TPTB.
Race Riots, Martial Law and Civil War II follow.
Lets see the Libs Spin That!
Wow...I got a link to my little blog here in Spicewood, TX by my elitist-betters all the way up there in NY?
Best pat on the back I could get is to be disagreed with by a bunch of unhinged hacks at the Village Voice.
Isn't improving medical technology also responsible for the fall in murders?
" I've received thousands of e-mails from liberals, conservatives, homosexuals, devout Christians, orthodox Jews, atheists, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, SWPL whites, etc., and 98 percent of them are positive, shocked that something like SBPDL exists, and glad it does."
The more common the appearance of video taped black on white crime, the more we will hear that camera’s are racist. There might even be a push to outlaw them in public places ostensibly because they are only placed in areas of color or some such.
Also, it might take a few brave souls to set up conflicts where the aggressive blacks are egged into violence. It would not be hard. Like a bait car, all you would need is an individual white person to go into a public space occupied by black teens and act normal. Like a scene out of Jackass #4 but rather than shooting a port-a-potty into outer space it can be a feral gang of youths.
Fist off, the white guy was the aggressor in that video. Second ,never fight near a pool, the loser runs the risk of being "held under." Thirdly it is the case that crime is down; so while the flash mobs are new and frightening, it does matter that things are getting better not worse which after reading this blog was good to be reminded of. Perspective does matter
i'm confused as to why the white guy didn't just stay in the pool...
@Anonymous 3:24:
Not exactly the case. Notice the homies reacted to water like it was acid. This is the reason many police academies have had to drop their swimming qualifications and fill their pools with cement. Blacks can't swim - that's why you don't see many of them in the Coast Guard. Even in South Carolina, a coastal state with miles of shoreline, lakes and estuaries, the powers that be had to fill in the pool at the criminal justice academy because too many blacks were failing that test. If you get in trouble in the water there, you better hope a white cop shows up.
"I've received thousands of e-mails from liberals, conservatives, homosexuals, devout Christians, orthodox Jews, atheists, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, SWPL whites, etc., and 98 percent of them are positive, shocked that something like SBPDL exists, and glad it does."
I find this incredibly hard to believe. There's black people that are glad a site like this exists? There's devout Christians (not Sheila Christians) that are glad a site like this exists? Liberals, too?
Say it ain't so!
Lesson to the wise: avoid congregated blacks at all costs.
What was the White guy in the video drinking? I want to make sure I never, ever have it.
"Fist off, the white guy was the aggressor in that video."
That was not clear in that video. Looked to me like the smaller black dude was the first to make it physical, and then, naturally, reflexively, the other blacks joined in.
"Fist off, the white guy was the aggressor in that video. Second ,never fight near a pool, the loser runs the risk of being "held under." Thirdly it is the case that crime is down; so while the flash mobs are new and frightening, it does matter that things are getting better not worse which after reading this blog was good to be reminded of. Perspective does matter"
One word for you: Bullshit.
Wow 5 to 6 niggers attacking one lone white guy, WOW. You know the media likes to portray black men as muscular, dashing, bad ass individuals, yet as I see more and more of this I'm convinced that in even a somewhat fair fight (e.g. 1 vs 2 as opposed to 5 on 1) the damn niggers are screwed. At least w/ videos like these I'm reassured that we're facing a weak and worthless group of people.
Left Coast Dude
The writers of the village voice are typical super left wing idiots that never lived around what all of us have. They live in there upclass areas that blacks cant ever afford to move to. I use to think that way(well not to there extent). For my last two years of college I lived in a place where i was the minority, I saw first hand what its like to be not only white but a white that can speak Spanish(Cuban decent) Blacks hated me more then the other white people, I never figured out why I never did shit to them. I just went to school paid my way worked every shit night shift I could to pay the bills. One day I was on my porch drinking beer not bothering anyone when some hoodrats walked up saw my cuban flag shirt and looked at me. I asked whats the deal, they just said your not wanted here go back to Cuba. I went inside to grab some protection. The thugs ran off, I would love for someone from the Village voice to live where I lived see what I saw. This is not the America all our ancestors thought of when they came here
"Crime is dropping, but as Richard Spencer postulated, perhaps it's because Black males are locked up in prison at record rates."
Anything to justify the money-grab, right, con-man? If crime is down, why the need to use it as a propagandist's tool?
Oh, that's right: the money, the still reason: Unknown 'emergency fundraiser'.
I'm still reeling over your Obama slip up! It seems like others are, too.
As for this particular video, what was a white guy doing in proximity to this many blacks? probably a "cool" white guy just wanna be rappin with the dudes. As for the DWLs at village voice, the ones you see on every comment site about these racial crimes.. Theyx
Am I crazy or do the authors of this chicago tribune article try to imply that the Boystown stabbing assault was a racially motivated white-on-black attack? Look at the pictures. Read the article. Then watch the video. Top of the page over at ThugReport.com
44 Mag said...
Here we have the Village Voice claiming that crime is going down a few percentage points (good news!) but able to ignore the BRA aspects of it because the news stories don't specify race, so who knows for sure if it is a race story!
I have to say...the reason why in many aspects crime rates are down is because the over 18 y.o. black criminal crowd is in jail...and liberals like to pretend a crime commited by a minor isn't a "crime crime"...
Fixed paypal Paul...money heading your way...
The fact that "crime is down" is of little consolation when you find yourself being beaten to death by a black mob. Just ask ole onionchick, who no doubt approves of this article.
If crime is actually down, which I doubt, could this be the reason:
More Black Men in Prison Today Than Enslaved in 1850, Author and Professor Says
Is hell freezing over?
Black man stops white carjacker: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/news/071111-good-samaritan-thwarts-carjacking
I thought up a radical reason outside of more Black people in jail, abortion, better medical facilities and life-saving techniques in trauma centers that I've never anywhere before: the integration of athletics.
I don't know how to test it, but could the integration of athletics have spurned some Black athletes in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, 90s, to work harder to earn a degree in high school and a college scholarship, thus the chance to compete for professional athletics?
Just a thought.
Should clarify: I thought up a radical reason why crime has dropped (ever so slightly mind you)... the integration of athletics over time.
Still, it's funny that we cheer that crime is going down and congratulate ourselves when this article from The Atlantic tells you all you need to know about who is committing crime in Memphis (and by extension, every major city where Section 8 housing has helped enable the migration of Black people):
"I've received thousands of e-mails from liberals, conservatives, homosexuals, devout Christians, orthodox Jews, atheists, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, SWPL whites, etc., and 98 percent of them are positive, shocked that something like SBPDL exists, and glad it does."
And so am I. But how some managed to OUT themselves as such still boggles my mind. It must have represented quite a challenge for such groups as Atheists, Blacks, Homosexuals, Liberals and of course last but not least, the SWPL crowd.
The latest atrocity, which happened in my town. 83 year old white woman raped and beaten to death by a 20 year old black. If something like this had happened 40 years ago there's absolutely no way he makes it to jail. Yay progress.
"And so am I. But how some managed to OUT themselves as such still boggles my mind. It must have represented quite a challenge for such groups as Atheists, Blacks, Homosexuals, Liberals and of course last but not least, the SWPL crowd"
Im a gay atheist and former liberal SWPL white guy turned libertarian and having the ability to see wasnt challenging for me especially after being verbally gay bashed by a pack of "yoots" two years ago.
You only mentioned it in passing, but you've made the Village Voice: "Black Run America", "DWL". Impressive.
Also, I'm surprised the Village Voice even knows about a place like DiversityisChaos - not exactly a really popular race realist site.
I have a strong feeling they read many of the sites you listed in preparing that article, but for some reason didn't want to mention them. They mentioned mainstream bloggers and Diversity is Chaos, but not the more grounded race realists like me, Chuck, Unamused, and you.
There is also another reason why crime in statistically down. It is a known fact that many police departments across the country do not report all crime in their reports to higher ups. Low crime reports make them look good, takes the pressure off to perform, and there is that promotion to look forward to. Also many felonies are downgraded by the police or DA to misdemeanors. There are also plea bargains where the defendant pleads to a lesser charge than he was originally charged with. Also many crimes never get prosecuted, they simply get lost in the system. Many victims of crime do not report being robbed, assaulted, raped, strong armed etc. because they fear retaliation from the criminals and gangs in their area. Then there is street justice and the no snitching street rules.
Also many states now have concealed carry laws, and some states permit carry without any license to carry. I have a concealed carry permit. I own several guns and I know how to use them. I know others who have the same. An armed society is a polite society.
If you use the internet for your news it's hard to think that crime is down. It is said that statistics can say most anything.
Please bring more attention to the attacks in Bayonne, NJ. The media is complicit in hiding the truth.
BUbo, I hope someone drags that filthy nigger into the street and hangs his monkey ass from a lamp post.
"Please bring more attention to the attacks in Bayonne, NJ. The media is complicit in hiding the truth."
Yet another sickening case. I say we need to publicize EVERY single case of black-on-white violence. Every single one. Challenge the left-wing media to call us racists for pointing out these ACTUAL HEINOUS crimes. Even if their only motive is to call us racist, let's make sure their doing it within the context of these vicious assaults.
At The Village Voice Dont Be Racist
"I'm a gay atheist and former liberal SWPL white guy turned libertarian and having the ability to see wasnt challenging for me especially after being verbally gay bashed by a pack of "yoots" two years ago. "
I'm a middle-aged semi-liberal fag hag ( I don't identify with any party officially ) who's childless by choice, and I've always been opposed to being incited to interact with blacks in any fashion. Besides being unpredictably violent, they're extremely homophobic, something I do not tolerate.
Addendum to Anonymous July 11,2011 8:52 PM
Also the perfidious media covers up or downplays a lot of crime that goes on in this country or the media exaggerates it coverage of a crime. The Casey Anthony case in Florida is a good example. All participants in this crime are white. Perfect crime for the media. The media has given wall to wall coverage of this mother who murdered her daughter. She has been found not guilty. The coverage of this crime by the alphabet TV channels, newspapers, magazines, and internet sites is cynical, sinister, and morbid. The coverage is still going on even after the trial is over. As unfortunate as it is, the murder of a child or children by a parent or parents is not an unusual crime. It happens many times a day everyday all over this country and all over the world. But the media does this to convince everyone that this is big news, a mother murders her child, meanwhile in Grand Rapids a mass murder takes place with many aspects of as weird of a mass murder as ever occurred. A black kills two of his white girlfriends, their families, his employers, his daughter by one of the white females, he tries to kill a third white girlfriend and only wounds her, he takes hostages, he wounds another white guy who's titanium nose deflects the bullet. The mass murderer commits suicide. All total 8 people dead. Media coverage? Any interest? Big news? Lots of weird angles for the media? Family or survivor interviews? Not a flicker.
And in addition how many people know that right at this moment a mass murder trial is going on in Tennessee? Three blacks totally wiped out a family and the son's girlfriend. The blacks murder a total of five and burned them up in their own home. If you haven't read Nicholas Stix's blog you probably never heard of this crime, but the trial is going on right now. Do we get wall to wall coverage on that? No, but we do get an article from some rag that says crime is down. I guess it depends on who you ask.
The media is sinister, cynical, and I say it's maniacal in it's hatred of whites.
A baby's murder is not a good thing, but it is not the threat to your society as is the murderous black rampages and mass murders that blacks are committing.
Regarding that video above of the 5 blacks on 1 white guy poolside fracas: I would say that the white guy was definitely drunk or high. Maybe both. That might explain why he only had one flip flop on at the start of the video? I definitely saw some empty beer bottles in that video too. The white guy probably had imbibed some "liquid courage" before saying the n-word and facing off with his apelike adversaries.
"Crime is dropping, but as Richard Spencer postulated, perhaps it's because Black males are locked up in prison at record rates."
Paul, the general phrase "crime is dropping" does NOT mean that BLACK crime is dropping, and it does not mean that black-on-white violence is abating. Also, a Mahogany Mob attack is treated as a SINGLE crime, even though there may be 50 negroes involved.
There's something strange about that pool fight. What is that White dude even doing at that pool? He's the only White guy there among a group of about ten others, all black males. I'm very surprised they stopped stomping him. He got off easy.
Rule no. 1: simply avoid places with high numbers of blacks.
VV is emitting its filth on behalf of the DC-NYC-Hollywood Bolshevik regime. Recall that the CIA subsidized herds of left-wing scribblers during the Cold War. See http://www.amazon.com/Cultural-Cold-War-World-Letters/dp/156584596X
Today the enemy of the US ruling elites is not the dead USSR, but rather those who resist globalism and the managerial-therapeutic state.
PC-MC-Cultural Marxism act as tools of corporate pluralism-the latter views the remnants of civil society as barriers to rational functioning of the worldwide consumer culture.
While you are *smirk*ing, we are all watching your black people act like jungle savages on video. Notice how they all laugh and fall out when they beat an innocent white man from his bike? That is exactly what you do on this site. TNB.
You (and they) won't be *smirk*ing when white people completely stop hiring blacks and funding their extravagance with tax-payer money. You are a black coward. You won't even use your tag anymore because you are black coward.
Oh, and nice piece today, GL Piggy, I like this statement. It is EXACTLY on point:
"This suspended responsibility is the hallmark of modern black criminality. We can’t confront the fact that they commit crime more often than members of other races, and when they do actually commit these crimes which they supposedly hardly ever commit they aren’t actually guilty of the crime. They did it, but they didn’t do it. Ghost in the Machine type stuff. "
I have a question will Whites wake up in time or will we be too late? It seems as Whites are beganing to wake up the mob attacks and the government increase their activity to marginalize us.
At this point there seems to be a serious race between the awakening and the destruction of anything pertaining to traditional White America.
@ Village Voice Don't Be Racist...
Funny...that the black yoot NEVER asks the white person if they are a card carrying liberal, a democrat and or better yet voted for Obama...
Funny indeed, when you consider how many whites thpought voting for Barry was going to give them a "ghetto pass" and would insulate them from black violence...
Fact remains...can't make nice with a nigger...and all the Uncle Toms out there (~5% of blacks who saw Barry for what he was...a nigger hustler) aren't OUR problem.
NIGGERS are the problem...P E R I O D !!!!!
What's the original link to that WSHH video? I want to write a story about it on my blog.
That kid needed to attack when the black started to come at him. He lost the initiative and got his ass beat. Putting his foot on the lounge chair was lame, and so was holding his hand behind his back.
Blogger just deleted my comment (something about two separate attempts to edit at the same time - blogger has been really weird the last week) so I'll try again.
We just bought another gun, spurred on by Robbie's posts about Obama limiting gun rights via executive order (http://urbangrounds.com/author/scoop/). Our goal is to get every member of the family a CC license. I'm working out regularly again (after a long, lazy hiatus) to get back in shape to stand up for myself physically when necessary. My younger son will continue his boxing lessons, which we're considering supplementing with MMA. Seriously, people - these are common sense, proactive precautions that anyone awake and aware of BRA needs to take.
"I'm still reeling over your Obama slip up!"
Of course you are.
Your life revolves around this blog, it's clear that you can't live without it.
LOL @ "reeling"...
Can you spell L-O-S-E-R??
BTW, aren't you banned?
Next time you go to the pool,carry a bag of fried chicken. When they come after you, throw it away. It will distract them immediately (think throwing a junkyard dog a bone to break in).
I'm a gay atheist and former liberal SWPL white guy turned libertarian and having the ability to see wasnt challenging for me especially after being verbally gay bashed by a pack of "yoots" two years ago.
I'm a middle-aged semi-liberal fag hag ( I don't identify with any party officially ) who's childless by choice, and I've always been opposed to being incited to interact with blacks in any fashion.
You know SBPDL if you continue to accept feminists, SWPL Whites, libertarians, transgenders and homosexuals I'm off. I would rather have a "race realist" like Lawrence Auster, Mangan, OneSTDV, Sofiastry and others whom are traditional conservatives in culture rather than hang out with a couple of degenerates. Keep up the "big tent" because sooner or later it will fall when the feminists, the SWPL whites, libertarians, the transgenders and the homosexuals start getting more militant like the commenters above.
Not trolling. Just speaking my honest feelings. Sooner or later when you notice their behaviour they start shouting how "sexist, homophobic, totalitarian, regressive" I am. Sheesh.
SBPDL I like your blog and respect you on a level but if it goes the way of HalfSigma (nice for upper-class SWPL atheists and libertarians plus a few commenters sensitive to homosexuality and transgenderism) I'm out.
It was nice reading you. Cheers.
I know where you're coming from Edwards.
The ol-slippery-slope.
I think "we who can see" have to accept all comers.
This is too important and immediate to worry about what I believe to be some acceptable collateral damage.
The enemy of my enemy...
I don’t disagree with your position, though I hope you’ll grant Paul some forbearance before writing off his blog. He does offer a big tent perspective and that creates some natural tension among parties with various agendas.
The most noticeable of these to me is the conflict around the margins between the pro-whites and anti-blacks who comment here. Although sharing some overlap, these are plainly not always the same people. Secondary and tertiary skirmishes sometimes erupt between or about traditionalists and libertines; capitalists and socialists; and with Asians, Mexicans, and Those Who May Not Be Criticized.
For a traditional pro-white defense, I think that Mangan’s is simply outstanding; and his commenters more so: witty, passionate, and erudite. I’d post there more often but find that all the choice bons mots are taken before I can think of them. I'd also suggest Vanishing American if you haven't read her.
But Paul fills an important niche. He, along with other young guys like Hunter Wallace, James Edwards, and Unamused, represent an emerging generation of samizdat cultural writers doing the Jobs Americans Won’t Do: namely reporting on what’s actually happening in the world. The effort and risk of employment discrimination in taking on this role is very high while the pay is very low. That’s why he has my respect…and recently my donation.
Keep up the "big tent" because sooner or later it will fall when the feminists, the SWPL whites, libertarians, the transgenders and the homosexuals start getting more militant like the commenters above.
Yes. Paul mentions that he's received mail from gays, atheists, and libertarians. In response, a reader identifies himself as a gay atheist and libertarian. Doesn't say he's proud of it. Doesn't say he attends same-sex marriage rallies or even supports same-sex marriage, that he reads Dawkins, nothing like that. Just states a few facts relevant to Paul's post. Presumably he's seen no need to bring them up before now.
And that makes him "militant."
Too classic. Well, best be on your way. I hear you can catch AIDS off the Internet these days — it is, after all, a series of tubes.
For fuck's sake, people...this blog is for THOSE WHO CAN SEE!
It's the CONTENT, stupid!
If you are unable to appreciate this site because of the personal habits of some anonymous commenters that you don't know and will never meet, then perhaps this is not the place for you.
Best wishes!
"I have a question will Whites wake up in time or will we be too late?"
Why do you think there's been a run on guns and ammo since '08? Why do so many whites have a garden and/or chickens? Just about every white I know knows it's coming, weather their eyes are open or not.
@ Anon. at July 12, 2011 3:27 PM
" Too classic. Well, best be on your way. I hear you can catch AIDS off the Internet these days — it is, after all, a series of tubes. "
Gotta admire you on that one, just love you're sense of derision and quick wit!
Amen to that!
New York City resident here. The violent crime here does seem substantially lower. It doesn't change the fact that blacks are still responsible for most of it, in addition to these things I see out of them daily:
Black mothers manhandling and yelling at their children in public. I wonder what they do in private to spawn the future criminals.
Young blacks wearing ghetto outfits. These are made complete with the pants that show their asses hanging out (despite wearing belts, ironically), hats that don't fit and tipped one way, and shirts that are made XXXXL
Blacks talking rudely as ever. I can't walk by one of these hoodrats without hearing "nigga nigga mutha fucka shiiiiiiit"
Littering. I think this is really not reported by anyone, even this website. Blacks throw more shit on the ground and on subways than anybody, and nobody does a thing about it.
Fat Angry Black Ladies. I call them FABLs (fables). Paul feel free to use this. Why are they so angry and condescending to everyone? I can't seem to go to a deli, ride an elevator, or sit down on the bus without one of them being a raging bitch about something.
Fuck you Village Voice.
A NYer
Worth noting that the Village Voice comments section is a total victory for the right. Calm, rational fact presentation met with empty, shallow abuse, including from the article's author. There is also a poster going nuts on posting black crime incidents, he's owning the thread, though one wonders where he finds the time!
You know what, Paul? The Village Idiot may be appearing to wrist slap you for being so uncouth and racist to notice that the common racial denomination of those flash gangs of "youths" attacking anyone they think they can get away with bullying (i.e. Whites), but there appears to be method to their madness.
The Village Idiot is giving you a forum by repeating your views, even to criticize them rather than ignoring the issue altogether like they did in the past.
Is it a mere coincidence that the reason The Village Idiot suddenly feels the need to comment on what lumpenproletariat such as you and I have to say about these Negro flash mobs have anything whatsoever to do with the fact that they are attacking trendy, latte-drinking malls that these DWLs and PWJs like to frequent themselves.
LOL,talk about chickens coming home to roost! With the economy decimating the finances of the bourgeoise middle class you so despise that leaves only YOU to appease the Negros you have spent the last five decades fired up over Snivel Rights!
I heard hizzoner, Mayor Michael Bloomberg personally donated (was extorted for) $30 million to minority youth causes (race baiting blackmailers)in order to help (bribe) disadvantaged (Negro) youths.
Obviously a liberal Village Idiot subscriber, Bloomberg believes that all it will take to end these flash mobs is even more of what hasn't worked for the past 40-50 years and doesn't understand that there is no incentive for the blackmail to end if you keep paying it.
Blacks are no good for nothing Animals! No one wants to live around them because how they act !!!! No way there human! Just can't be look how they ALL ACT!!!!
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