In finishing Captain America and Whiteness: The Dilemma of the Superhero, I decided to include an essay on why the fictional character The Punisher (the alias of Frank Castle) is the only comic book 'superhero' whose motivation and actions make any sense.
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$88,000 in medical bills due to the actions of 8 Blacks |
In Spider-Man (2002) during the eponymous wall-crawlers initial crime fighting introduction montage scene, all of the muggers, criminals and thieves he apprehends in Marvel's 1950s-style New York City are white. The actual reality of crime in the real-world Big Apple is this:
"In short, 95.1 percent of all murder victims and 95.9 percent of all shooting victims in New York City are black or Hispanic. And 90.2 percent of those arrested for murder and 96.7 percent of those arrested for shooting someone are black and Hispanic. I don’t even know where to begin to describe the horror I still feel looking at those numbers. But the word ‘hunted’ comes to mind."
Mark Millar - the talented comic writer of Wanted, Kick-Ass, Marvel's Ultimate series and the Civil War saga - was called a 'racist' for daring to show white heroes fighting non-white crime in Kick-Ass and for having Wesley Gibson in Wanted (the comic version) have a dead-end job with an affirmative action Black female boss laughing at him constantly.
It is Millar's artistic vision that closely resembles the real-world in terms of crime (and how many Black people reach management positions) and for this honesty he is vilified.
In the real world there are no Jokers with an endless supply of henchmen that a Batman must constantly combat; there are no super-powered, costumed villains trying to destroy a city that equally colorfully heroes must defeat; it's just us and those people who make cities unsafe and force a debate on whether or not a curfew - normally reserved for times of war or natural disasters - would cut the wanton criminality displayed by an out-of-control population that shows no signs of reneging on the violence.
In Cleveland and Columbia violence has reached a point that curfews are being debated to keep these youths, packs of teens, Black people (who roam unsupervised because their parent doesn't care where they are) off of the streets and the citizens, like Carter Strange, safe.
Columbia passed an emergency curfew only after Carter Strange was almost beaten to death by 8 Black people, and Cleveland is considering doing the same though pressure groups like the ACLU and NAACP threaten to sue. Here is the story out of Columbia:
Civil-rights groups are talking about a lawsuit as well as raising questions about enforcement and effectiveness.
Civil libertarians worry that the 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. ban on youths 16 or younger is unfair to the vast majority of teenagers who aren’t otherwise breaking the law. Critics also fear the curfew gives police an excuse to hassle teens.
According to authorities, Strucinski was beat by a gang of more than a dozen men and women while walking home from a Quick Check store on Broadway early Sunday morning.
Police say the gang beating unraveled when Strucinski and two friends saw another friend in a confrontation with more than a dozen people. When they attempted to help, Strucinski got hit in the back of the head, got knocked out, then kicked around. He's now fighting for his life at Jersey City Medical Center in a coma with severe head injuries.
Police are still looking for the nine men and four women involved in the fight that put the 22-year-old in a coma.
Atlanta, Newark, and Baltimore took precautions and put in place curfews in hopes of curtailing similar actions by youths, packs of teens, Black people. Milwaukee and Philadelphia haven't been so lucky.
That we live in a world where stories such as Christopher Lemar Johnson's initial sexual assault on 83-year-old Emma Jean Beasley and subsequent beating death of her doesn't register on the national news, while stories of some feckless Floridian named Casey Anthony do is all one needs to know that normal, taxpaying, hardworking white Americans have no place anymore in Black-Run America (BRA).
Only the abnormal can be celebrated or followed, while a kid like Carter Strange is left to pay the bills - $88,000 - for the actions of 8 Black thugs who callously beat him within an inch of his life. A reader sent me the Facebook page Justice for Carter (Opie) Strange and this heartbreaking entry from his parents drove me into a rage only a long run could subdue:
Justice for Carter (Opie) Strange: and I also found out that in the er, and at the ambulance drivers, Carter didn't want to go to the hospital because he knew we didn't have insurance and didn't want to burden us with that cost. My heart aches when I think how bad he was hurt, and all he could think about was me and his dad. It speaks of his character as well. I love my son even more, if that is at all possible.
And then this:
Hospitals all across the country are going bankrupt and closing because illegal aliens and inner-city Black thugs (and increasingly Mexican gangbangers) are treated in trauma centers and ERs, and the actions of 8 Black thugs forces Carter Strange to plead with the the ambulance as he lay dying to take him home so as not to be a financial burden on his parents.
It is moments like this you realize all that is wrong with this nation. Illegal aliens and gang-banging Blacks bankrupt hospitals in major and minor cities because they don't pay their bills, while good kids like Carter Strange and David Strucinski are forced to have fundraisers to help them pay their medical bills. All because of the actions of Black thugs that Black people and civil rights and civil liberties groups come to defend.
Sam Francis dubbed this anarcho-tyranny:
"definition of the system of government I have called "anarcho-tyranny": a combination of anarchy gun ownership and political dissent). (in which legitimate government functions—like spying on the bad guys or punishing real criminals—are not performed) and tyranny (in which government performs illegitimate functions—like spying on the good guys or criminalizing innocent conduct likeAmerica is not the world depicted in superhero movies or the comic books. As Unamusement Park has shown with his fliers on crime in Columbia and Milwaukee, we are a nation where anarcho-tyranny is the law of the land.
I'm going to be donating to the Carter Strange Fund today and I hope you will too. Columbia's elected officials could have passed a curfew back in March, but they failed to do this because of fear of alienating the Black community and the ACLU.
Many other cities, plagued with uncontrollable
It doesn't matter if you are a liberal who voted for Barack Obama and have a brown boyfriend, these out-of-control Mahogany Mobs are preying on people in small and large cities.
My allegiance is to a country that no longer exists; a people who have no voice, who are hated by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) and fair game to The Crazies everywhere.
Long ago I read stories like the Wichita Massacre and about the Knoxville Horror and hoped that one day these stories would make a dent on people the same way the Jena Six story enthralled white liberals to give to six Black thugs who beat a white kid (a story that captivated the nation).
Sadly, it will take dramatic examples to shake people from their apathy.
For those who believe this is an evil site, a White Nationalist page, or something sinister, well... I'd suggest you go read what Martin Luther King said about "judging by the content of their character."
Here at SBPDL, we agree with MLK: you shouldn't judge by the color of ones skin, only the content of their character. People forget that part of this "dream": I don't.
I pledge that 50 percent of all earnings from Captain America and Whiteness will go toward the Justice for Carter (Opie) Strange fund. The character of eight Black thugs and the entire Columbia Black establishment - in worrying about the civil rights of fatherless Black children roaming the streets unsupervised being taking away by a curfew - is on full display for all to see and ultimately judge.
"It doesn't matter if you are a liberal who voted for Barack Obama and have a brown boyfriend, these out-of-control Mahogany Mobs are preying on people in small and large cities. "
You should also mention the feminist who pleaded with her black rapist that she was a 'Malcom X Scholar', like that would have mattered.
"we are a nation where anarcho-tyranny is the law of the land."
It seems like the con-man needs a new catch phrase. I guess after exposing yourself with your 'Obama 2012' fiasco--letting everyone with a bit of intuition know that the only reason BRA can exist is with a black president in office--the BRA lie is not selling like it used to?
Oh why, oh why am I not surprised?
'Anarcho-tyranny'? I'll admit, con-man, it does have a nice ring to it and should be especially 'jolting' for your daft readers.
BRA won't end with a white president. Hell, it existed for forty four years with only white presidents.
Please, go away. Please.
I don't do this site for personal gain; I do it because some of us are compelled to write about what others refuse too.
I'm donating money to Carter Strange's fund, just as I'll give money to David Strucinski fund when I can find out where it needs to go.
In the eyes of BRA, these two productive citizens are collateral damage until a more perfect union can be forged.
Did I get strong-armed?
Yesterday, I was walking out of 7-11, 12:00 noon, in a borderline neighborhood (33% black, 33% working class White, 33% university students). As I exited the store and reached the door of my car, a black dude approached from the opposite side of my car, but remained about 20 feet away. He was about 5-6, 160, solid as a rock, and menacing-looking. (I'm 6-1, 160, and clean-cut.) He was asking if I recognized him (I think he thought I was a plain clothes cop as I drive a Ford Taurus - the standard-issue unmarked cop car, and I kind of look the type, polo shirt, etc.) As I stood aside my car door, I made I eye contact with him but didn't respond. He remained about 20 feet away and showed me the tatoos on his two forearms, which read "Time Served" down one arm and up the other. I read it out loud. Then, while remaining 20 feet away, he started begging for money..."just a couple of and my girl have no food (and pointed to a bf in a junky narby car)...this is very humiliating to me..." I've never given $ to someone on the street before, but this guy's sincerity and humbleness made me reach into my wallet and give him $3. Now, that's where we came into close contact, and he extended his hand to shake mine, and I did.
Two good rules to protect yourself are: 1) avoid places with a high concentration of blacks (say, over 20%), and 2) don't let one get close enough to touch you. I violated both rules.
Later, I thought about this and his m.o. and the risk I took by letting him get close to me. I'm thinking that if I showed some weakness or if he didn't suspect that I might be a cop (I'm not) then I might have had some trouble. (Though, of course I was armed with my .380 KelTec and my 4" Schrade buck knife. So, it likely would have ended badly for him.)
Any thoughts?
I visited a friend Sunday. As of Sunday I had not spoken to him about the mahogany crime wave. After all, the majority of well meaning altruistic white people refuse to acknowledge anything is wrong.
So I asked him if he is aware of the flash mobs and anti-white behaviors going on. To my surprise he exclaimed yes. How do you know I asked?
A couple of women who are friends with his wife were attacked in center city Philadelphia. They left a restaurant and before they knew it they were surrounded by 15-20 dark yoots. They relieved the white women of their bags and phones. They did not beat them. Instead they terrorized them with words and racial epithets. They said we're talking your shit and there's nothing you can do white bitches.
Thankfully no one was hurt. However, my friends wife was a long time friend of the black race and the civil rights movement, having hailed from Claymont, Delaware, a town with a fable of civil rights harmony and tolerance in the bad old days. She has long prided herself on the "advanced thinking" that Claymont was famous for. Now she is starting to see.
I asked my friend what he thought. He says he thinks it's a new wave of crime and arrogance, that it's kids playing a trend. Except he's well aware of the racial angle. He says these kids, playing at crime for cheap thrills, run the risk of igniting something bigger. They are unwittingly endangering the civil rights movement, thereby the undoing the work of their own people. He says they are provoking a race war. These are words and outlook from my friend, someone who does not want to believe this. And yet he can now see.
We have been living in BRA ever since blacks took over every major city's inner core and made it unlivable for the whites who built them. And yes, white people built America and every damn thing in it.
BRA is a race war that's been ongoing for 50 years that no white can acknowledge for fear of being labeled "racist."
BRA is the destruction of the public school system through black failure and violence.
BRA is the multi-generational welfare scam that's perpetrated by shiftless blacks.
BRA is the "disparate impact" clause that demands equal outcome for people with vastly different abilities.
BRA are cities like Birmingham and Detroit where every black administration ends in predictable disgrace and failure only to have another to follow ad infinitum.
BRA is HUD and Section 8 housing that destroy the property values and wealth of white families.
BRA is the federal government being the biggest employer of black people.
BRA is a white family destroyed emotionally and financially by black criminals and their enablers. See Carter Strange family, who should refuse to pay and demand that the city of Columbia, the NAACP and the ACLU cover all bills in regards to his beating.
There are plenty of examples of BRA, all of which started before Barry the half breed ever thought of playing president. There are even more examples of why it must end.
"It seems like the con-man needs a new catch phrase."
Yeah. Hope and change aren't working for our affirmative action president.
"the only reason BRA can exist is with a black president in office"
Right. Because without a black president, black crime, black violence, and black mayhem would cease to exist.
Good point, you fucking idiot.
@ Anon. 10:26AM
"See Carter Strange family, who should refuse to pay and demand that the city of Columbia, the NAACP and the ACLU cover all bills in regards to his beating."
I fully agree with you. Could there be a petition passed around regarding this matter?
"the only reason BRA can exist is with a black president in office"
Now I am *smirk*ing.
No, no no you silly goat. Obammy does not care about the black agenda! He is just about to completely obliterate the propped up black middle class AND pummel the black underclass by shrinking the swollen gubment daddy. What is the average net worth of the black "household" now, like $2,000??
And once he gets ousted in 2012, he will not care about blacks then either, he will be more than set financially, and will live nowhere around blacks and their antics.
Obammy knows the deal about blacks. The are so dumb, it is easy to scam them out of their votes by making empty promises.
@ Trew
Yes, you got punked. Just make it a learning experience and don't let it happen again. The same thing happened to me when I was 18, filling up my truck at a gas station. A black man came up yelling about needing "diapers for his baby" and other total lies.
When was the last time a black male took care of a family? never.
Unfortunately,I let him intimidate me and gave the guy a couple of bucks to make him go away. Never again I vowed, and 20 years later I have been true to my word. If we do not have our pride then we have nothing. It is worth fighting for.
My experience is that looking annoyed, yet assertive is the best possible combination when dealing with black, handout demanding males. Also, being armed, or carrying yourself as if you were, wards them off. So does using "police-like" phrases and behavior. You needn't be a cop for them to suspect you could be, especially if you show no fear. The most white contact they have had is usually with law enforcers, so it is a natural association for them: whitey not afraid= poooleeeeece (probably raaaacisss, man, takin mah raaaaaaghts away)
Nothing *strange* about this at all. Those courageous young teens were just lashing out at the racist white system the only way they knew how. They be heroes an' sheeyit.
They'll probably receive awards for their couragous actions. And record contracts.
My allegiance is to a country that no longer exists; a people who have no voice, who are hated by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) and fair game to The Crazies everywhere.
Sad but true.
"My experience is that looking annoyed, yet assertive is the best possible combination when dealing with black, handout demanding males."
I always say "I'm unemployed", they leave immediately.
The Tan-Clan strikes again!
Poor Carter Strange. I really feel his pain and to add insult to injury, he'll either have to declare bankruptcy or he'll be paying medical bills for the next 20 years. All because of some Racist(TM) black deviants and their hatred for the white man.
To anon @ 9:45. To answer your question-and thank goodness you're alive to even ask it? Yes! you let your guard down and the brother could have stabbed you or whatever.
Don't take chances.
I am making a $50 donation towards Carter Strange’s $88K medical bills. I encourage all SBPDL readers to help this family out if they can. Contributions can be made to either Wells Fargo or Wachovia:
Carter Strange Medical Fund
Accout #: 1010320860226
Perhaps if enough $ is raised, a strong message of solidarity can be sent from the pissed off ranks of law-abiding , tax-paying citizenry.
Kudos to SBPDL putting this tragic story out there. Come on people!! Make a statement by helping this family out!!!
That picture breaks my heart. All I see is my son there.
And you know they are at home laughing about it, the ignorant apes that they are.
REmember when the cream of the black crop (cough) stood up and applauded OJ immediately after he was acquired of murdering a white woman? That should tell you what they think about us. They are at war with us. They hate us. It binds them.
In case you need more to fuel the fire:
Semper Fi
Easy to stop these attacks from happening. Set them up by having a white couple or two white guys "Accidentally" drift into a black hood. When the attack occurs, have a team ready to respond ensuring that entire sets of teeth are knocked out, noses broken and a minimum of 1 compound fracture with a bone clearly protruding from the flesh. THen just walk away. It should take less than 1 minute and we'l try this in SE DC this summer. Hope it catches on in areas across the country.
I sure hope you SBPDL people aren't a bunch of psiop pukes ...
"That should tell you what they think about us. They are at war with us. They hate us. It binds them."
Exactly. Look at the posts from Desiree. Her people are robbing, raping and murdering and all she can do is deny black racism or claim that whites are the racist ones.
It is not just their average IQ of 85. Stupid people does not equal bad people.
It is an intrinsic evil in their souls. As a Pakistani friend once put it to me "blacks just have a bad gene."
"When the attack occurs, have a team ready to respond ensuring that entire sets of teeth are knocked out, noses broken and a minimum of 1 compound fracture with a bone clearly protruding from the flesh."
Well, get ready to be charged with a hate crime and thrown into an all-black DC prison full of rape gangs if you do this.
Then again, Hispanics know that blacks only understand force and they don't get flash-mobbed and attacked like we do.
Is there no good organization like the Youth for Western Culture for adults? I am more than willing to join and I would give free martial arts lessons if we could establish a group like this.
I live outside of DC so if anyone wants to try to set up an organization I would be all for it. We could even try to recruit Lawyers to try to counter the NAACP and ACLU.
This group need not be all White but if the rules and the mission statement were as such it would be mostly White with a few Asians and maybe Hispanics. I have no problem as long as the people are willing to commit to the idea of Western Culture being the highest culture and of course we would be against affermative action, entitelements, etc.
Just a thought.
"It is an intrinsic evil in their souls. As a Pakistani friend once put it to me "blacks just have a bad gene.""
And this is the reason this site has zero credibility. The comments are always the teller of truths, the blog post nothing but a game of chicken between restraint and impulse. So, what's visible after approval is somewhat of a nod of agreement or acknowledgement of 'safe dissent', at the opposite end. What's not is either too uncensored, yet, still 'Okay' or an unyielding and brutal assault on the content of the blog post.
Evil, by the way, is a religious concept, although racism is a closed belief system requiring blind faith and emotional allegiance, so, to an extent it is religion. Such flamboyance, though, is no substitute for rational thought.
But I'm sure I'm alone on that one. I'd like to know where Oprah hid her 'bad gene'.
First, I think it's a damn shame about the Strange family's overwhelming medical debt due to Carter being attacked by black thugs. I also think it's a damn shame that it's been buried in the media with no more coverage that it has received.
Last, the very last video. Note the message they were sending with it? They were chastising those who would 'dare' defend themselves. This is truly the dangerous thinking. Defending yourself and your life is OK, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And don't forget that old quote: An armed society is a polite society.
Protect yourselves, use common sense and stay safe out there! <-- All you need to know!
At least you see your error!
Two years ago I went to my favorite restaurant in downtown Seattle that has a parking lot w/attendant around the corner. I had my 2 boys with me, ages 8 and 10. As I paid the attendant, two street negroids came close (15 feet) and asked for 5 dollars. I ignored their first request and they upped the "request" to twenty. I responded by placing my hand on my 5" M29 Smith (but not drawing it). The negroids melted away.
Had these negroids seen the contents of your wallet, or felt that there were less witnesses, you might have found yourself in the ER quickly. My teacher used to keep $5 in a cheap money clip loaded with a nickle to help give it a toss to try to "buy" his way out of situations so he did not have to shoot. He ended never using it as most of the time, they had attacked before the wallet was out of his pants.
Your rules only work if you follow them.
P.S. As a side note, as the Tongs used to rule Seattle Chinatown, street assault was almost unknown as the negroids were kept in check, though the restaurants had to pay protection. Now the Tongs are not as fashionable and the Orcs are everywhere. I have head that the restaurants wish for "the good old days"!
One point that must be brought up and emphasized is for the damaged family to SUE and win, even if there is nothing in the coffers of the negroid family. Sue them and direct the expenses to these 8 animals and their sows. Get a judgement against them so that they never, ever can make a dime (through AA or Whatever) that will not be directed back to the injured and broken left in their path.
Trew, you can ignore anonymous who says you got "punked". The definition of "punked" is raped in prison and I long ago forbade people from changing the definition of words.
Now then. You did get strongarmed. I've been in that situation a couple of time, especially in college, when I was around 175 pounds. Now I'm over 200 and some of it as actually muscle. More to the point, I live around very few blacks and I don't make eye contact with the few I see.
Nowadays if one of them addressed me I was just ignore him (it would be him - black females are even rarer than males, since they can't find any whites to reproduce with in this state, and when they are around they are always focussed on whoever they are with). If he persisted I would assure him he didn't want to talk to me and if he persisted beyond that, we would go to Phase II. (See RYU at M4 Monologue, "When Animals Attack".)
Stuff Black People Don't Like:
White people who demand that the NAACP pay the bills for black on white beatdowns.
White people who don't atone for the sins of segregation by holding themselves accountable to the beloved community of color for racist white privilege.
White people who use words that are too complicated to understand.
White people who resist paying higher property taxes.
White people who draw attention to the Atlanta black school/black teacher cheating scandal-
White bishops who earn the most money from the "integrated" churches-
White people who don't want Section 8 housing in their neighborhoods.
White people who cover their businesses with survellience cameras-
White people who buy guns.
White people who make white babies, because everybody knows that making white babies is a hate crime against global dignity.
White people who prepare-
White people who resist "doing more" for "vulnerable and troubled communities of colore".
Carter should apply for medicaid. I'm sure all of his attackers have it.
Trew said:
He was about 5-6, 160, solid as a rock, and menacing-looking.
(Though, of course I was armed with my .380 KelTec and my 4" Schrade buck knife. So, it likely would have ended badly for him.)
My own .02:
Endly badly for the tough black thug? Maybe, maybe not - surviving a violent confrontation with some black thug in the street is a bit like deer hunting if you ask me - the goal is to make your very first shot count, and your weapon has to be suitable for the task. This is why nobody in their right mind would try hunting deer with a rifle chambered for .22 LR, and adequate firepower is necessary for self-defense against black thugs in the street as well.
Now, although a KelTec .380 seems ideal to many for concealed carry purposes, since it is light in weight and small in size, the .380 ACP cartridge itself is rather underpowered for self-defense purposes as far as I am concerned. (The .380 ACP cartridge is simply a shortened version of the 9mm Luger cartridge, which I would also say lacks adequate firepower.) While a KelTec .380 would perhaps have been adequate against a 5-6/160 lbs black street thug as described in the above situation, it would simply not be enough gun to stop and drop an adrenalin-charged large and husky black street thug (Think 6-5+/250 lbs+) with just one center-mass-placed shot in a close-quarters street combat scenario. In close-quarters street combat scenarios, the desired outcome is to kill your attacker with your first shot, or at least with your first volley of shots, without the need to reload your weapon.
If you only injure tall, tough, and terrible Tyrone at first with your .380 compact pocket pistol, but then survive to finish him off sometime soon afterward, aside from the obvious possibility of return fire from Tyrone's gun, or a stab from his shiv, or whatever he does in retaliation, you just might end up getting prosecuted on some type of trumped up "excessive force" murder charge by the local and politically-pandering district attorney, all at the urging of the NAACP and/or urban black "community organizers" or whatever. That is exactly what happened to Jerome Ersland in Oklahoma City in the aftermath of his triumph in a 2009 gun fight between the two black teenagers that tried to rob his pharmacy at gunpoint. Jerome Ersland was recently handed a life sentence for supposedly murdering 16-year-old "good keeid" and aspiring armed robber/gang banger Antwun "Speedy" Parker. However, if Jerome Ersland had killed Antwun "Speedy" Parker on his first or second shot, instead of later on with a second volley of shots from a pistol which Jerome Ersland retrieved from a desk drawer, there would not have been any case to file against him for using "excessive force" on "poor" little Antwun.
This is all precisely why for defensive concealed carry purposes, I opted to avoid the lure of carrying compact pocket pistols such as .380 KelTec's. Instead, I prefer firearms chambered in .45 ACP, such as the Springfield Armory XD, or revolvers than can chamber .410 shotgun shells, such as the Taurus Judge, or the new S&W Governor. Firearms such as these will stop and drop even the biggest and baddest of the black thugs in this world.
If you are a man of at least average height and build - say around 6 feet tall, 185 lbs give or take - then you should be quite capable of concealed carrying and handling a full size pistol chambered for an adequate defensive cartridge, like .45 ACP or .40 S&W, rather than some compact pistol chambered for an inadequate defensive cartridge, like 380 ACP or .32 ACP. As already outlined above, the benefits of such a choice in concealed carry firearms beat the drawbacks by far.
Since we're sharing gas station stories involving black people, I have one! This black dude comes up to me and says, "Hey man, let me axe you sometin. I know it sound crazy and shit, but my car ran out of gas and I gotsta see my momma, but her house is like fo mo miles. You think I could hold like 10 dollas fo gas?" I asked him where his car was and he said, "Over deauh a ways." I told him I'd buy him a gas can and put 5 dollars in it and drive him to his car(I had no such plans, but his asinine ruse was too stupid to fool white old me) He said, "Nah man, that's too much trouble fo you, just give me ten dollas." I said that I was really wanting to help him and I was happy to do it(it was so funny watching him get angry at my "being nice.") He finally says, "Look man, I just want da ten dollas, give it to me." Then the best part. I told him that had he been honest with me and told me he didn't really have a car and just needed 10 dollars because he's too lazy to work or too stupid to work, that I might have considered helping him out, but since he tried to fool someone obviously much more intelligent than him, he will get nothing and let that be a lesson to him about honesty. You would have thought I stole the last piece of chicken in the bucket. He lost it and starts yelling at me about how I'm wrong and he'll fuck me up. He was like 40 and I'm about 6'4" 220, so I was not the least bit worried about this, unlike if it had been 3 or 4 prison-pumped cultural enrichers. I just told him, "honesty is the best policy, you have a nice day!" I got in my car and he just stood there. I always wondered if he kept trying the same story or was just honest from that point on.
AT Anon. Or Diarrhea at 4:16PM
" But I'm sure I'm alone on that one. I'd like to know where Oprah hid her 'bad gene'. "
You have to be kidding, right! Another Oprah disciple who's under the spell of the blind esoteric beliefs this scheming fraud promotes to the masses.
Trew: You do not want to try gun fighting at knife fighting range. Felons have nothing to do all day but practice at snatching guns from cops. The other commenter who says, "I'm unemployed" has the best dodge. It works for all sorts of beggars, including the ones on the phone.
Not sure if this has ever happened to anybody else, but it happened to me:
In the middle of the day, a black dude dressed in a shirt and tie, with a cell phone in hand, flagged me down as I was driving my car along the on-ramp to a major highway. He was beside a parked vehicle and said that he was short on the cash he would need for a tow, his son was unavailable, etc. So, I asked what happened to his car, and he said that it broke down on him. I said that he ought to try to get it started again if he could, since being on the on ramp was not such a safe place to park a vehicle. He told me it was no use trying. I then said that I could get my AAA roadside assistance there to give him a tow. He told me that there was a tow truck already on the way, but he did not have enough cash to pay for the tow, he needed 50 bucks, or anything I could give. I told him that I could only offer my AAA roadside assistance and that he could just call that other tow service back to cancel the assistance call. (I also know that all tow services use radio dispatching.) He told me that he did not feel right about doing that, the tow truck was already on the way, any cash I could give would help, etc. At that point, I smelled a scam, so I told him that I had to be on my way. I felt like reporting this black "stranded motorist" to the state police as I was driving away, but I figured that this probably would not even produce anything worthwhile. Since I never saw any headlines later on about this particular black, at least I can say that I did not pass up a chance to prevent any violent crimes from being committed that day.
"And this is the reason this site has zero credibility."
Yet like a crackhead, you keep coming back.
Pumping gas puts you in a very vulnerable position to be beniggered.
A group.......defuse and walk away.....
A single.........defuse and walk away......
Either pushes to violence......................
Show them quick that knives and fists don't win the gunfight.....
Arm and Separate.
"I'd like to know where Oprah hid her 'bad gene'."
She's a typical fried-chicken-eating fat pig who rushed out to lead the charge for an unqualified presidential candidate because of his skin color.
Her negro genes are quite prominent.
Accout #: 1010320860126 (CORRECTED ACCT.#)
MY PREVIOUS POST WAS: "I am making a $50 donation towards Carter Strange’s $88K medical bills. I encourage all SBPDL readers to help this family out if they can. Make contributions at Wells Fargo or Wachovia to: Carter Strange Medical Fund, Acct. # 1010320860126 (corrected).
Perhaps if enough $ is raised, a strong message of solidarity can be sent from the pissed off ranks of law-abiding , tax-paying citizenry.
Kudos to SBPDL putting this tragic story out there. Come on people!! Make a statement by helping this family out!!!
So whites are a write off?........I would suggest against it. Negros should listen to Admiral Yamamoto for any pushy and inconsiderate diversity.
"You have to be kidding, right! Another Oprah disciple who's under the spell of the blind esoteric beliefs this scheming fraud promotes to the masses."
Newsweek got on Oprah about her seeming snake oil saleswoman persona but if you want to discredit Oprah Winfrey because she is a New Ageist and liberal and, therefore, more open-minded about certain products and the promotion of a holistic well-being, while disregarding the good she's done and the hard work she's put in to get to where she is now, you simply do not deserve to speak.
Oprah Winfrey is an inspiration to all women, especially, and to all people. Period. If everyone was as hard-working as Oprah and as giving as Oprah, there would be no poverty and no war.
She's a typical fried-chicken-eating fat pig who rushed out to lead the charge for an unqualified presidential candidate because of his skin color.
Her negro genes are quite prominent."
Oprah is an open book and a beautiful human being. She plainly admitted to eating pounds of Macaroni n' Cheese when 'Beloved' failed at the Box office, which shows how tender-hearted and vulnerable she is. Oprah's openness is the reason white women love her, not to mention she provides the loveliness and warmth of a protector, or, as some say, a 'mammy'. Either way, she's great. Denigrating her because of her size, and ignoring her hard work and class, is repugnant.
Someone said all blacks had a 'bad gene' and were intrinsically evil. Hard work and giving seems incongruous with that. Voting for a black liberal Democrat when you are a black liberal Democrat hardly seems like a grand faux pas, especially since most politicians are white.
And it's definitely not 'intrinsically evil'.
I imagine had she campaigned for Hillary Clinton, you would deride her for only voting for a female candidate because she, too, is female.
I guess she had to pick her poison.
But... don't you and SBPDL oppose Obama because he's black? How is that different than being a black or female liberal Democrat voting for a black or female liberal Democrat?
If race wasn't the issue, Herman Cain wouldn't be at the bottom of the Republican polls and political aspirations for black Republicans would no longer be a laughable pipe-dream.
Whites vote white all the time and no one says anything about it.
Hillary Clinton knew it and, despite being a progressive, she AND Bill 'First Black President' Clinton started campaigning using covertly and implicitly racial rhetoric to appeal to white moderate Democrats possibly apprehensive about the competence of the 'black guy'.
I guess hypocrisy never takes a holiday for you people.
So whites are a write off?
They have left Detroit and it is returning to its natural state (and I do notmean Michigan.)
"Oprah is an open book and a beautiful human being"
Oprah is a despicable piece of shit. I'm not surprised that you adore her.
90 - 95 percent of Black people actually believe the Republican Party is a racist party, the party for white people. 90 - 95 percent of Black people actually believe the Republican Party is interested in advancing the goals of a unified white population.
1- 2 percent of Black people actually agree with much of the Republican party. 1 - 3 percent of Black people have no idea what they are doing in voting booths and just pull the lever.
This story from Tampa shows what happens when white people fight for their own interests and try and get Black people off of county commissions before businesses leave the county due to high taxation and an increasingly non-white tax base makes it impossible to pay for nice amenities:
Is it just me or is every city in America right now (with a sizable Black population) in a state or racial cold war?
"Oprah is a despicable piece of shit. I'm not surprised that you adore her."
How is Oprah a digestion end-product? Your critique of Oprah is at the level of a seventh grader's critiquing of 'MacBeth': "I don't know, it's stupid." No explanation or even cognizance of why. You're all emotion!
Oprah is a supreme good. Period. Not surprised you continued to attack her because she's black. You'd think a hardworking, intelligent, and giving black with no rap sheet is fine but, no, it's just because she's black...
You are so complex.
"90 - 95 percent of Black people actually believe the Republican Party is a racist party, the party for white people."
Although a political party shouldn't be simplistically reduced to it's media talking-head representatives, as a former conservative, I was honestly shocked at the right-wing media treatment of the Jeremiah Wright issue. The race-baiting of Wright to soil Obama--which was a cheap political ploy--convinced me that the Republicans are backwards on race.
Ann Coutler said, "We don't need the black vote," which essentially meant they won't try for it (the brief ascension of Herman Cain was phony, which is why you can call it 'brief').
I was shocked and re-read ALL of my conservative books with fresh eyes and books that I truly adored and thought were a beacon of rationality were peppered with racial hostility and insensitivity. I especially re-read 'How to talk to a liberal (if you must)' and, let me tell you, Coulter is an idiot. As is pretty much every conservative female media representative.
I take 'The Boondocks' Ann Coulter facsimile as being what she truly is, "She's just out for that redneck money," and is really dating a black guy. (Let's hope.)
These people have made it clear: they are a party for white people. If not, they wouldn't have resorted to picking up the Birthers crap or any of that other race-bating.
"90 - 95 percent of Black people actually believe the Republican Party is interested in advancing the goals of a unified white population."
They don't have that goal, but I don't think it is a stretch of the imagination to suggest they are more than a little sympathetic.
"1- 2 percent of Black people actually agree with much of the Republican party."
You're wrong. Many blacks agree with a lot of what the Republican party platform describes but they are still Democrats, holdovers from the FDR, JFK, and LBJ days. You put up Reagan after a string of politicians actually interested in blacks, you'll never have blacks voting Republican. The party made it quite clear with Reagan that they are not interested in blacks, especially when he goes on about 'state's rights' during his campaign stops, obvious to anyone with a decent knowledge of history to be a nod in agreement with racist policies. Bush Sr. didn't do anything to help the image either.
But there are many, many blacks that think like Republicans and agree with them, they just can't vote for them because Republicans make no effort to try to not appear racially hostile to minorities. Another indication your actual knowledge of black people can be written on a bar napkin.
"How is Oprah a digestion end-product?"
I already told you, she rushed out to lead the charge for an unqualified black presidential candidate based on nothing but his skin color, that makes her a racist piece of shit.
If you adore her, I don't give a fuck, you are entitled to your opinion, and you are irrelevant to me. In fact, I encourage you to continue believing whatever you like.
Now please have the common courtesy to tell me that I'm also entitled to my opinion.
"Oprah is a supreme good."
Oprah is a piece of shit.
Aren't you banned?
"Another indication your actual knowledge of black people can be written on a bar napkin."
I can fit the following on a bar napkin:
1. Blacks commit more than half of all murders in this country.
2. More than 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.
3. More than half of black males do not finish high school.
4. Blacks are at the bottom of the IQ ladder.
5. Almost half of all prison inmates are black.
6. Blacks have the highest abortion rate.
7. More than half of all new AIDS cases are blacks, who spread AIDS like wildfire.
8. Black students are also two and a half times as likely to be held back a grade, 85 percent of black fourth graders can’t read.
9. There is not a place on earth where the black crime rate is low.
10. There is not a place on earth where quality of life has improved with an increased black population.
@ Anon./ Dizzy above
"Oprah is a supreme good. Period. Not surprised you continued to attack her because she's black. You'd think a hardworking, intelligent, and giving black with no rap sheet is fine but, no, it's just because she's black..."
When most of us refer to Oprah, we prefer to be color blind. She's only iconic with the niche she targets, she's merely the voice of goods & consumption products, nothing more. What she embodies is nothing novel nor revolutionary, in the long run she'll prove to be quite irrelevant. Oprah's concerns are blandly prosaic.
Dezi, please stop over-analyzing this so-called "phenomenon", by promoting it as an exemplar of universal wisdom.
Any self-proclaimed shaman could substitute for her.
I don't know why anyone would think .32ACP and .380 ammo is inadequate. Corbon ammob hits at around 147 to 199 ft lbs of energy out of a 2.5 inch barrel. It goes about to about 260 ft lbs. for .380.
Also, the 9mm Corbon Jacketed Hollowpoint +p hits with around 460 ft. lbs of energy.
The NAACP and ACLU are studying the curfew and weighing a suit.
Oh ho ho! And how ironic it will be if they win. City bureaucrats and their servants in the media are doing their damnedest to suppress the truth of black violence, and here's the NAACP and the ACLU unwittingly trying to undo all that hard work. Blacks and their allies are prodding a dragon, and don't yet realize that they wear phantom armor.
This is part of why I never despair: these people are actually stupid enough to believe the propaganda spread on their behalf. They really do believe that all peoples are equally intelligent, equally able, and equally criminal. This fact represents a massive gap in BRA's defenses.
And this is the reason this site has zero credibility.
A single comment destroys the credibility of an entire website? That's a pretty exacting standard, professor, but it's par for the course. Those who prefer that Caucasians not notice Negro pathology are always declaring their enemies defeated and engaged in obviously wrongheaded thinking. The reality is that this is nothing but an Alinskyite tactic meant to demoralize those enemies, and it's beginning to falter right before our eyes. The ranks of Those Who Can See increase daily, and the flash mobs are only helping.
This website accurately documents black pathology and provides a forum for those of us who have dared to notice the many failings of the Negro race. The fact that so many individuals have had these experiences and the total accuracy of Paul's articles proves the credibility of SBPDL.
If you want to talk about a lack of credibility, there's a vast menagerie of race-deniers and other assorted liars to choose from. You may start with yourself, Anon.
Fraudulent book promoted.
"Oh noes! More teenage girls aredying from aoerexia and bulmia than there are teenage girls"
Two of her least credible moments.
I don't know why anyone would think .32ACP and .380 ammo is inadequate. Corbon ammob hits at around 147 to 199 ft lbs of energy out of a 2.5 inch barrel. It goes about to about 260 ft lbs. for .380.
Also, the 9mm Corbon Jacketed Hollowpoint +p hits with around 460 ft. lbs of energy.
Yes, therein lies the problem with .32 ACP, .380 ACP, and 9mm Luger pistols - you have to load them all with those pricey types of specialty ammunition to make them into really hard-hitter defensive weapons. Also, from what I can recall, you won't be able to buy Corbon or +P ammunition just anywhere - you will have to either get it from a decent gun shop, or order it online.
Meanwhile, let's say I go on a road trip out of state someplace where my CCW permit is still valid, but as I am driving along, I realize that I forgot to pack any spare ammunition for my .45 ACP carry weapon. As long as there is a Walmart, Kmart, Gander Mountain, Dick's, or Bass Pro Shop along my travel route, I could just stop there, buy any 50-round box of commonly available .45 ACP 230 grain FMJ, and I will be totally set for self defensive purposes. The US military used .45 ACP 230 grain FMJ rounds for 80 years straight without any problems regarding stopping power or stovepipe jams in combat theaters, so if this was good enough for them, it should be good enough for the rest of us.
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