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Black crime is Jim Crow's fault |
Once you join the ranks of those who can see, every news story takes on a whole new meaning. There are some people who search for answers by conjuring up elaborate conspiracies to explain the state of the world, believing a pernicious force is behind every action.
We at Stuff Black People Don't Like came up with the idea of Black Run America (BRA) to explain the most obvious conspiracy in the United States, an open conspiracy. Academia and the media excuse away continuous Black failures, blaming someone called Jim Crow and something called white privilege as the primary source of these struggles.
It is because of academics like Michelle Alexander, who wrote the book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, that mass murdering Black criminals like Brian Nichols can try and justify their actions as attempts to bring justice to unjust system. White privilege and this mysterious Jim Crow can be the only culprit behind the high prison rates of Black males:
More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began,” Michelle Alexander told a standing room only house at the Pasadena Main Library this past Wednesday, the first of many jarring points she made in a riveting presentation.We wrote an article that detailed crime is dropping, though unemployment is rising. It is a commonly held belief that when times get tough, crime becomes more commonplace. Richard Cohen of The Washington Post pointed out what this means last year:
Alexander, currently a law professor at Ohio State, had been brought in to discuss her year-old bestseller, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Interest ran so high beforehand that the organizers had to move the event to a location that could accommodate the eager attendees. That evening, more than 200 people braved the pouring rain and inevitable traffic jams to crowd into the library’s main room, with dozens more shuffled into an overflow room, and even more latecomers turned away altogether. Alexander and her topic had struck a nerve.
Growing crime rates over the past 30 years don’t explain the skyrocketing numbers of black — and increasingly brown — men caught in America’s prison system, according to Alexander, who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun after attending Stanford Law. “In fact, crime rates have fluctuated over the years and are now at historical lows.”
“Most of that increase is due to the War on Drugs, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color,” she said, even though studies have shown that whites use and sell illegal drugs at rates equal to or above blacks. In some black inner-city communities, four of five black youth can expect to be caught up in the criminal justice system during their lifetimes.
As a consequence, a great many black men are disenfranchised, said Alexander — prevented because of their felony convictions from voting and from living in public housing, discriminated in hiring, excluded from juries, and denied educational opportunities.
“What do we expect them to do?” she asked, who researched her ground-breaking book while serving as Director of the Racial Justice Project at the ACLU of Northern California. “Well, seventy percent return to prison within two years, that’s what they do.”
This is a good news, bad news column. The good news is that crime is again down across the nation -- in big cities, small cities, flourishing cities and cities that are not for the timid. Surprisingly, this has happened in the teeth of the Great Recession, meaning that those disposed to attribute criminality to poverty -- my view at one time -- have some strenuous rethinking to do. It could be, as conservatives have insisted all along, that crime is committed by criminals. For liberals, this is bad news indeed.Censoring the truth of Black crime and overall Black dysfunction is the primary conspiracy that the media, academia and the government engage in and attempts to blame high rates of Black incarceration on anything except high rates of Black criminality threaten to exacerbate the problem.
The figures are rather startling. From 2008 to 2009, violent crime was down 5.5 percent overall and almost 7 percent in big cities. Some of those cities are as linked with crime as gin is with tonic or as John McCain is with political opportunism. In Detroit, for instance, with the auto industry shedding workers, violent crime was down 2.4 percent. In Washington, D.C., murder was down 23.1 percent, rape 19.4 percent and property crime 6 percent. Stats for political corruption are not available.
Probably the most surprising numbers come from Phoenix, which thought of itself as sinking in a sea of supposedly immoral and rapacious immigrants, all of them illegal and all waiting for nightfall and the chance for a nifty burglary or home invasion. If so, the crime reporting system has virtually collapsed. To the surprise no doubt of local TV news anchors, violent crime was down almost 17 percent. Back at 11.
What's going on? A number of things, say the experts. As is always the case, the police credited the police for magnificent police work, while others cited the decline in crack cocaine usage. Those answers, though, are only partially satisfying because, believe you me, if and when crime begins its almost inevitable ascent, the very same police authorities will blame economic or social conditions beyond their control -- not to mention the inevitable manpower shortage.
Whatever the reasons, it now seems fairly clear that something akin to culture and not economics is the root cause of crime. By and large everyday people do not go into a life of crime because they have been laid off or their home is worth less than their mortgage. They do something else, but whatever it is, it does not generally entail packing heat. Once this becomes an accepted truth, criminals will lose what status they still retain as victims.
That Michelle Alexander is offered a prominent opportunity to galvanize already irascible Black people is one of the primary causes behind people like Brian Nichols hatred of a "system" that keeps Blacks perpetually down and, ultimately, she is to be blamed for their actions.
Black people are offered every opportunity to succeed in America, because they have the advantage of Black privilege in BRA. Their anti-social actions are excused and blamed upon lingering white racism and this Jim Crow character that appears almost on cue whenever Black people face adversity.
The Washington Post ran a story on Black victims of Black crime, but failed to point out a large demographic of Black crime:
Utterly absent from the Post story and Justice Department stats is anything about white victims of crime. Not a word. Do white folks not count, though they are two-thirds of the population?
Yet, in "The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Justice in America," produced by the "right-leaning" New Century Foundation in 2005, using the same FBI and Justice surveys, startling facts emerge:
-- "Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against other blacks." Forty-five percent of the victims of violent crime by blacks are white folks, 43 percent are black, 10 percent are Hispanic.
-- Blacks are seven times as likely as people of other races to commit murder, eight times more likely to commit robbery and three times more likely to use a gun in a crime.
-- "Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit violent crime against a white person than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery." (If decent black folks have trouble hailing a cab, and they do, these numbers may help explain it.)
-- Black-on-white rape is 115 times more common than the reverse.
Even the two most famous sexual assaults by white men on black women in the last two decades -- the Tawana Brawley and Duke rape cases -- turned out to be hoaxes.
What do these statistics tell us? A message the Post will not report. The real repository of racism in America -- manifest in violent interracial assault, rape and murder -- is to be found not in the white community, but the African-American community. In almost all interracial attacks, whites are the victims, not the victimizers.
Michelle Alexander peddles an insidious myth that militarizes an already bellicose Black population. They commit crimes without an academic, such as herself, excusing this criminality on a racist criminal justice system.
That her talk was attended by 200 Black people is a reason why the jury system in America is broken. Black people sitting on juries will always believe that the racist criminal justice system is on the prowl to lock up yet another innocent Black person and refuse to convict them. Respected Black people like Alexander told them so.
Just imagine how long her book would be if abortion wasn't legal.
We plan to go back to publishing more traditional SBPDL-style articles soon, but our next two articles will be the most explosive yet. Stay tuned.
Great Article SPBDL,
I think what is interesting is that the public is so used to the topsy-turvy media that this woman will only make friends in the circles of the uber elite.
The way I see it, PC multicultural garbage has to be rammed down the throat of Americans because it is so blatantly false. If it were not, there would be no reason to have to sell it again and again. Most whites have wisened up to this fact, including my liberal friends.
What this academic impostor fails to realize is that true conservatives dont care about a drug war. To us it is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we are forced to subsidize this lifestyle through the use of welfare, housing, free education to people who dont deserve it.
Many people fail to see that the War on Drugs would be irrelevant if people didnt steal for drugs, break into houses, kill, rape, etc. If you dont subsidize those people for one year, the junkies will die off. As a Detroiter, I know that's something liberals arent prepared to do.
Btw for a next topic in the few days, I have a great suggestion.To see a responsible black man's take on the plight of the black community, check out this youtube video: Pastor Manning
In the past I looked at the world around me with complete hopelessness. No one will talk about serious problems in our society and we've all been trained to block them completely from our minds. Knowing that there are others "that can see" gives me some hope. I am so glad this blog exists and people are reading and posting.
I also enjoy that this blog is more than a "make fun of the darkies" site. These stories deserve media attention. The general public will never hear 99% of these things.
"The real repository of racism in America -- manifest in violent interracial assault, rape and murder -- is to be found not in the white community, but the African-American community. In almost all interracial attacks, whites are the victims, not the victimizers"
Again, the real repository of racism is in the liberal establishment - black racist violence is just a manifestation of that liberal white-hating racism. It doesn't happen in a social/political vacuum and probably 90% of it wouldn't happen if the Left didn't at least tolerate it. It's that liberal racism, the standard quasi-Marxist pablum, that this ignorant black woman is parroting. Blacks are mere tools, the Brownshirts of the political left.
One of the best posts I have ever read. Keep up the great work SBPDL
Yeah, once you open your eyes you see America for what it is. A cut throat dance of lies. IT can also be frustrating to talk to those who can't see. Anytime a liberal or whoever tells me "All races are created equal". I tell'em "Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?".
There are more "black and brown" because liberals encourage them to "keep it real". Liberals are also weak, effete,and soft on crime. What did Michelle think was going to happen? Somehow whatever is wrong in the black community is someone's fault.
God bless the internet. IF there is one thing the lefties can't control or censor, it's the internet. Everything liberals hold dear is slipping through the cracks of the net.
Everyone is sick of Blacks and their race card. I once applied for a job at Gap. When I asked for an application they told me you have to fill one online. Why? Because they got tired of Blacks bitching and complaining about not getting the job because they were black. Good thing most Blacks don't have access to the internet. And when they do get online they go on Myspace, watch porn and rap videos.
That woman is sick.
More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began,”
“In fact, crime rates have fluctuated over the years and are now at historical lows.”
Lows? By what standard? Does this include white crime or just negro crime? Because negro crime has always been high. And this is putting aside non violent drug arrests. We are talking violent crimes such as murder, rape, or armed robbery, assult, things like that. Nothing to do with drugs. I myself have no problem with changing the drug laws, even legalizing marijuana. But how will that change violent black behavior, especially towards whites? Would that suddenly make blacks less violent and more civil?
"As a consequence, a great many black men are disenfranchised, said Alexander — prevented because of their felony convictions from voting and from living in public housing, discriminated in hiring, excluded from juries, and denied educational opportunities."
Spare me. I don't vote. I would love to be excluded from jury duty. I don't have a criminal record. I feel disenfranchised being white, but I don't commit crimes. Affimrative blacktion can help with the job issue. And daddy government will always find the minority a house.
“What do we expect them to do?”
Gee, I don't know. Act like decent human beings who have atleast a moticum of intelligence and morality. Call me crazy, but feeling disenfranchised has never made me want to rape, murder, or rob people. How does punishing the innocent fix your life?
Excuses Excuses Excuses.
I loved when she said that one consequence was being excused from jury duty. Like any would show up in the first place.
croc-tears said...
"I also enjoy that this blog is more than a "make fun of the darkies" site. These stories deserve media attention. The general public will never hear 99% of these things."
Yes, this website does present the views of the angry white male crowd in a very clear and concise way, which is nice, since the angry white male crowd is still one of the biggest and most powerful demographic groups in this country. But for some reason, the comment section seems to attract mostly, if not overwhelmingly, the "make fun of the darkies" crowd, which is unfortunate.
As said above I Love this site because I like hearing the white side of things undiluted but without subjective ignorant hate words. I agree passionately with this article because I know so many of these black kids grow up hating cops for no reason and it winds up hurting the black kids. I think your site can really help black people by holding a mirror up to the ignorant popular black culture and corrupt politicians and leaders they put faith in. . I have been recommending this site to other black people and sharing the viewpoints expressed here.
What excuse does Michele Alexander have for the for the eight gentlemen that just gang raped an 11 yo in California. or the 19 that gang raped an 11 yo in Texas.
Let me translate Michelle Alexander.
“Most of that increase is due to the War on Drugs, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color..................,”
Translation: Please accept me! I'm one of the "good ones".
You have to admit people like this are fucking pathetic.
-Black guy
"Awoke Black Man said...
As said above I Love this site because I like hearing the white side of things undiluted but without subjective ignorant hate words. I agree passionately with this article because I know so many of these black kids grow up hating cops for no reason and it winds up hurting the black kids. I think your site can really help black people by holding a mirror up to the ignorant popular black culture and corrupt politicians and leaders they put faith in. . I have been recommending this site to other black people and sharing the viewpoints expressed here."
Finally, There is hope! Congrats, my hope is that you will continue to try and educate your racial brethren into the anti-PC paradigm of truth, that is this Blog.
The war on drugs is no excuse for the violent criminality of blacks -- but -- it is a sham, a big money-maker for many on both "sides" (who are often one and the same) and race realist Thomas Jefferson is no doubt spinning in his grave because of it.
C'mon everyone, this girl has a book to sell!
Blacks sure do love their Mythology and conspiracy theories.
You all should have acknowledged by now that all the statistics which show the huge percentages of black and coloured (note the correct spelling) people in the prison system are there because its 'Whitey' who builds up the statistics in the first place. Now I am not for one moment saying that the 'stats' are crooked, but the odds are against a whole racial group going bad like that, well it just ain't normal; or is it?
You guys cannot stand the fact Alexander is right can you? Celebrated columist Leoanrd Pitts agrees with her.
This country built on white supremacy and is still so.
This will chane as People of Color become the majority and then the tables will be turned.
@ Awoke Black Man...
It always amazes me that the dysfunctional way of living we see among the 13% of Black America.
To OPENLY adopt and embrace a masochistic lifestyle that BREEDS violence among the blacks in their community to only spill over into non black society who are repulsed by everything black America embraces!
When Bill Cosby, who I beleive is a DECENT man, a God fearing American...calls out and says to black deviants...STOP the madness in YOUR communities...he WAS ATTACKED as a Uncle Tom!
W T F????
The OBVIOUS evidence of black's rejection of education and literacy, the embracing of casual sexual attitudes, and breeding like rabbits without an intact family and the failure to structure life to prepare for the future ($5.00 net worth) are actually artifacts of:
the slave master culture...to THIS DAY!
2011...we have the black ghetto STILL embracing the life of a slave...
no responsibility, no worth, no goals, no dreams, no direction...living on a welfare plantation...bitterly complaining...about
THEIR PISS POOR DECISIONS...preventing them a lifestyle of white people
BLACKS have ENSLAVED themselves to a doomed life, that mimics slavery...and then EXPECTS the white tax payer to bail them out...well more of us (and those like Mr. Cosby) are FED UP...!
Whites haven't done anything other than FREE black slaves into a society that 100 years later are tired of their shit, crime, laziness in school and work...and whining.
I would hope you would take the time to read Jimmy Dumas' book "24 Reasons Why African Americans Suffer"...it is short and to the point...
an easy and straight forward read...
Sorry to say you are in for a rude awakening. Latinos have already eclipsed blacks as the majority/minority. Within 50 years THEY will be the ruling majority in the USA as whites fade away. Unfortunately for you, they do not possess "white guilt" and see right through the hoax that is BRA. Latinos have taken over entire black communities and have displaced them in the low-end labor force. The Latinos will not be as tolerant as the liberal white dupes were. In Mexico, blacks are treated as second class citizens- and so it shall be in the future USA.
"You guys cannot stand the fact Alexander is right can you?"
Yeah. ....Um, just like whites can't stand the fact that black men have larger penises? The fact that all white women secretly want a black man? The fact that whites are "afraid of a black planet", afraid of "black rage", and that we are trembling at the thought of a successful black man?
You, our black anonymous victicrat friend, have been drinking the kool-aid of black supremacy. These suggestions are all a part of black mythology and story-telling routine. Part of your propped up "raise the black self-esteem" programming. Blacks tell each other these lies to each other from birth, and then you spout the victimology over and over again.
Here is the truth - black people cannot exist in the world without the civility and generosity of whites. The black homeland already exists - the continent of Africa. Why aren't you there already dude? You could move today. You are a coward and a hypocrite. I dare you to find a black American who would love to live in a completely black country. If they say they would, then I challenge them to move immediately and get started. Why wait for America to turn brown?
Blacks like you love and are addicted to the white man's money, food, medications, handouts, inventions, programs, and social structure. You hate this fact. If this truly became a black planet, you and many of your brothers and sisters would starve or kill each other quickly. This is the cause of your hatred for whites, by the way - blacks can not survive without whites. Get over yourself.
"This country built on white supremacy and is still so."
America was founded as a European White country, you moron!
Of course whites are supreme here. And yes, it is still so and always will be. The black man cannot run his own household, let alone a country. And when the browns outbreed the whites, we will still reign supreme.
Blacks will never inherit this country, and will cause its hastened rot from the inside out.
My friend who came back from studying in america and had many altercations with the majority black classmates told me that black people are the alternate atomic/nuclear bomb.
Any favorable concept of blacks in his mind(like his favorite NBA matches + idolizing will smith) is now completely removed.
He told me send a group of them to a country coupled with any unsuspecting liberal host nation + cowardly politicians and the country will be destroyed. He also told me that you gotta live around them to fully experience their behavior to come to the conclusion that they are not capable of civilized behavior. He likes to say that "These people are living WMDS! Send them to any country and you will be automatically declared a winner within a decade or two."
(snip)This will chane as People of Color become the majority and then the tables will be turned.
(end snip)
Hispanics are victims of black crime, they will reject the feral lifestyle.
With the high abortion rate and murder among feral ghetto dwellers, continue at the current pace, you will fail to get past the 13% mark.
"Other colors" will join white America and will MOVE ON without you.
Marco Rubio will open the eyes of hispanics. They TOO will have "eyes that can see".
Marco will get his "people of color" to see how: playing by the rules, legal employment and maintaining intact familes; are the critical components to SUCCESS in America...and personal success for every family and human being in civilized societies.
These components for success are foreign to feral ghetto dwellers.
Something most blacks are incapable of grasping.
“Most of that increase is due to the War on Drugs, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color..................,”
She almost makes it sound as if drug use was a constitutional right that was being infringed upon. If you don't want to get arrested and sent to jail for doing illegal drugs, DON'T DO DRUGS! Am I supposed to feel sorry for people who were too weak to resist crack or marijuana?
In the Mark Levin HBO documentary I linked a few posts back, a white liberal progressive was interviewing a black drug dealer who had been sentenced to life for shooting a policeman in Washington, D.C. The reporter asked: "Do you think the system, the white man is responsible?"
I was actually surprised by how the dealer responded. "When you in the street, living large, slanging the shit, fucking bitches and making money, you ain't crying about the man. Then niggas get locked up and want to talk about the man."
It's a shame that a convicted cop killer is less of a moral relativist than a professor at Ohio state.
Lationos get a;png grat with blacks.
So do asians and other Peopel of Color.
Whites are the problem.
Not for long though!
You guys cannot stand the fact Alexander is right can you? Celebrated columist Leoanrd Pitts agrees with her.
Leonard Pitts? Mr Twain said it best...It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Black woman in a blond wig says, "Thank you, dumb white people, for my healthcare! Keep payin' your taxes so I can eat and feed my chillins."
Black woman sings, "I want to be....Part of White World."
It is a goal of mine to get Leonard Pitts or Cynthia Tucker to mention Stuff Black People Don't Like in one of their syndicated columns.
They are syndicated in a lot of papers nationwide and normal people read them and get quite upset that editorial space is wasted with their writings.
That they have both been awarded Pulitzer Prizes is an indicator of what type of thinking dominates America now.
Leonard Pitts... come on. I find it strange that Black people excuse away Black crime, when Black criminals predominately preys upon Black people.
Pitts has never met a Black criminal he didn't excuse away as being a byproduct of white racism.
Stuff Asian People Don't Like:
#1 - Black People
"Lationos get a;png grat with blacks.
So do asians and other Peopel of Color."
Glowing illustration of low negro IQ.
For the record I am white.
I am an anti racist.
I wrote the posts about Pitts and People of Color liking each other.
Piitts is a respected journaloist. SBPDL is a loser living in his moms basement.
Anonymous @12:45pm
I suspect he is a journalist. How many news rooms across the country have staff with sympathetic views on these issues?
Many news directors extinguish all views critical of BRA. The web is perfect for dissent from corp media. The "living in mom's basement" assault against bloggers is played out. Read more than ten posts on this blog and tell me SPDL is some computer nerd without a day job...NOT!
I am an anti racist.
Another boy for Eric Holder and 'his people'. Except you ain't one of his people which at some point you will come to find out or maybe not as long as you continue to be useful.
All is good as long as you are anti-white and support non white race groups but if you ever realize that it ultimately doesn't include you they too will tell you where to get off. Good luck with that!
Lationos get [along] grat with blacks.
Sure they do.
Disproportionate black crime rates are nothing new, as anyone who's cracked open a book on the subject written before 1950 can tell you. I recommend:
The Philadelphia Negro, W.E.B. Dubois, 1899 (Chap. 13)
The Negro: The Southerner's Problem, T.N. Page, 1904 (Chap. 3)
The American Race Problem, E.B. Reuter, 1927 (Chap. 14)
for some eye-opening realities that have been conveniently shoved down the memory hole.
Another excellent article, SBPDL. One can hope that someone in the "legitimate" media begins to pick up on your exhaustively-researched work. Blacks are indeed 'victims'--victims of nature, which has made them more violence-prone, less intelligent and less able to control their impulses than others. Until we accept this cryingly obvious fact, pundits will continue to scratch their heads over this issue.
(snip)Lationos get [along] grat with blacks.
(end snip)
Yeah, just ask the hispanic community in Clevland Texas where a 11 year old hispanic girl was repeatedly raped by the same group of feral blacks (18 detained/arrested) several times, over a period of time.
"The only thing an anti-racist activist fears more than racism is a job."
-Jackie Mason.
I love Leonard Pitts, man. Don Imus calls a group of basketball players "Nappy-headed hoes," and Pitts launches into a several-months long screed about pernicious white racism. A white couple is abducted, tortured, raped, and killed by a group of blacks, and Pitts of the Pulitzer invites white America to "cry him a river."
Pitts of course did not deserve death threats. Something along the lines of colon-cancer might have been more karmically in order.
I am an anti racist.
Excellent news. There are lifetimes of work to do against anti-white racism. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.
You all should have acknowledged by now that all the statistics which show the huge percentages of black and coloured (note the correct spelling) people in the prison system are there because its 'Whitey' who builds up the statistics in the first place.
Take your high-minded British spelling and pound it.
Now I am not for one moment saying that the 'stats' are crooked, but the odds are against a whole racial group going bad like that, well it just ain't normal; or is it?
I'm sorry to hear that you find the truth about blacks unsettling. I sympathize. No one wants to believe that we have a permanent criminal underclass in this country, just as no one wants to believe that there are 1.5 billion followers of what amounts to a death cult. But we have to accept reality on reality's terms.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for people who were too weak to resist crack or marijuana?
This is OT, but any conversation regarding the legality of drugs that does not address the status of alcohol is dishonest. Alcohol is an incredibly deadly drug, several orders of magnitude worse than cannabis (which to date has killed approximately zero people) and probably worse than heroin. If you have a beer to unwind after a long day, you are a drug user. Am I supposed to feel sorry for those who are too weak to resist alcohol?
"Piitts is a respected journaloist."
He's respected by low-IQ negroes.
Whites think he's a racist idiot.
Pitts is respected by negroes, and is also respected by whites who quake in their boots at the sight of a negro. The same whites who think negroes are wonderful as long as they don't live too close.
Huh, I can't find Michelle Alexander's college degree major. All her bios say "degrees in Vanderbilt". In what? Sociology? Typical Affirmative Action beneficiary.
"Stuff Asian People Don't Like:
#1 - Black People"
Actually, no. #1 is racist white people. It is just like that Muhammad Ali saying, "No Vietnamese ever called me a N*gger."
When an Asian person is being called a "Chink", or is the butt of somebody's racial joke, the perpetrator, more often then not, is usually a white person.
"Actually, no. #1 is racist white people."
Asians hate blacks, because blacks attack Asians, and because blacks behave like animals.
When an Asian person is being called a "Chink", or is the butt of somebody's racial joke, the perpetrator, more often then not, is usually a white person.
This is absolutely true. Asians make up around 5 percent of the population and dwell in their own ethnic enclaves. Most whites and blacks rarely see Asians for the most part, the latter group especially.
Asians come into most contact with whites, usually in academic settings. Asian performance in this realm tends to disprove alleged 'white intellectual prowess'. Egg on the face, of course, leads to hostility and "chink" will be the common abuse thrown out by a white in an attempt to rekindle his 'stolen' manhood.
Asians hate blacks, because blacks attack Asians, and because blacks behave like animals.
This is disingenuousness to a tee. Asians and blacks rarely encounter each other in substantial ways. Additionally, the patrons of the hallowed hair store, convenience/liquor store, and indoor swapmeet boasting that array of counterfeited goods are not representative of blacks as a group.
If an Asian store clerk or owner is robbed or attacked, it is by virtue of their lower class clientele.
Ironically, if this was to foster a hatred of blacks, as you have claimed, it does not stop Asians from continually--even in the face of so-called 'animalistic blacks' who'd "attack" them--from setting up shop in areas where lower class individuals would be their sole market.
Fear is a strong emotion but it does not equal pathological animus. That shall be a point you will not forget in the future.
If only one thing shall be taken from this exercise it is that Asians love money more than they hate blacks. Positive will always trump negative.
"When an Asian person is being called a "Chink", or is the butt of somebody's racial joke, the perpetrator, more often then not, is usually a white person."
This is is so patently false, it's laughable. Ask any Asian person whether he's been called that more often by a white person or a black person. As an Asian, I already know the answer. Funny, how it's okay to say 'chink' and make 'ching chong' noise (Rosie O'Donnell, Shaquille O'Neal, etc. etc.), but 'nigger' is the word that must never be uttered. Ever wonder why blacks seem to have issues with every ethnic group on the planet??
"When an Asian person is being called a "Chink", or is the butt of somebody's racial joke, the perpetrator, more often then not, is usually a white person.
This is absolutely true."
Either provide a source, or be honest enough to admit that you can't.
This is is so patently false, it's laughable.
But it isn't false, that's the sad thing. A white woman was forced to leave UCLA for making fun of Asian people (many white women are jealous of Asian women because they are so thin and petite). That's one case, but it's only the tip of the iceberg.
Ask any Asian person whether he's been called that more often by a white person or a black person. As an Asian, I already know the answer.
Most "indigenous" Americans, that is whites and blacks, make fun of "foreigners", which are Hispanics, such as Mexicans, and Asians. It depends on who you are around. If you are around more blacks than whites, you may encounter more blacks who'll make fun of your ethnicity. If you are an Asian person who goes to predominantly white schools or lives in white neighborhoods (more likely than the former!), you will be the target of white hostility and racial insensitivity.
Most people have more experience seeing the latter over the former, and I am talking about it from the standpoint of all citizens, not just Asians. Pau Gasol of the Los Angeles Lakers, who is Spanish (white), got into hot water a few years ago when he and some other Spanish basketball players were photographed pulling their eyes in imitation of Asian eye structure, for another example.
History of the US even dictates (think during the so-called Wild West and the building of railroads, not to mention Japanese internment) that whites victimizing Asians is the dominant paradigm for this type racial hostility.
Funny, how it's okay to say 'chink' and make 'ching chong' noise (Rosie O'Donnell, Shaquille O'Neal, etc. etc.)
I guess you failed to realize you included Rosie O'Donnell, who is a white woman! So what we have is a 50-50 divide. Not exactly weighted to one side, is it?
I think your mistake was in trying to deny that commenter's point, when you know it's true by virtue of interaction rates (more Asians marry whites than they do blacks, for example), in order to justify your own anti-black sentiments. Many Asians would disagree with you.
"A white woman was forced to leave UCLA for making fun of Asian people (many white women are jealous of Asian women because they are so thin and petite). That's one case, but it's only the tip of the iceberg."
You mean one case of Asian imperialism? Yeah -- yeah, I guess it was. And it probably is only the tip of the iceberg.
Ret'd LAPD here. I doubt seriously that whites make fun of Asians more than blacks but I can tell you the murders of Korean store owners by blacks was a daily trend. Never took a report of a person/store owner who was Asian assaulted by a white person. What's worse, a taunt or a shotgun blast?
Either provide a source, or be honest enough to admit that you can't.
The same does for someone saying it's false. Next time try calling bullshit on things that also fit your agenda. Or at least be honest to admit that you cannot and/or will not.
What's worse, a taunt or a shotgun blast?
A shotgun blast, but don't deny that the former, as perpetrated by whites, does not happen. You tried to do this in the beginning of your comment, which is textbook idiocy. I am sad to admit that most whites on this site have no idea about reading comprehension, not to mention they believe that by virtue of their whiteness, they can know and do know minority thought.
""Stuff Asian People Don't Like:
#1 - Black People"
Actually, no. #1 is racist white people. It is just like that Muhammad Ali saying, "No Vietnamese ever called me a N*gger."
That's probably because the Vietnamese didn't have to live around Ali and his ilk. If they did, then they would probably be using the "N" word, as well? Most people that I hear using it are blacks anyways.
Hey LAPD. Could you categorize whether the blacks in LA were more prone to violence than say the Hispanics? Is so, would you have any reasoning for this?
A daily trend huh? I've seen video of Korean store owners shooting at looting criminals on Youtube, and those guys weren't whistling Dixie. They were shooting to kill.
The DWL/Black people's Guide to Winning on the Internet:
1.) Black people are well-loved by the Asian community. And the Hispanic community. Actually, everyone loves blacks except Whitey.
2.) Whitey is responsible for the majority of racist incidents targeting Asians. Black people are not responsible. Certainly not.
3.) Whitey hates Asians as much as he hates blacks. Whitey is RACISS to errrbody, and that's why errrbody hates whitey. Furthermore, Whitey is always wrong.
4.) If an actual Asian person appears while you're expounding upon points 1-3, and disagrees with you, then you must show him the error of his ways. Only you - as a DWL or black person - are uniquely qualified to identify the TRUE source of racism. The source is whitey. The source has always been whitey, and will always be whitey. Do not be dissuaded, no matter how strenuously the Asian may object to your hypothesis.
5.) In fulfilling your manifest destiny as outlined in point four, it's A-OK to cite a single example and extrapolate an entire trend from it. If you can't think of any other examples, then define your terms more loosely - "Spanish" can magically become "WHITEY" with the help of a single suggestive parenthetical.
6.) As the definitive arbiter of all things racial, you are not only skilled in tracking down the source of racism as a pig sniffs out truffles, but you are also uniquely qualified to tell white women how they feel and what they think. Whether you're informing them how much they crave black cock or telling them how jealous they are of Asian women, let nothing stop you from letting them know all about themselves. You know best, after all!
7.) When in doubt...blame the capitalist machine, of which whitey is the head.
I think that about covers it. Hope this was helpful. I'm also working on a fillable form to expedite the airing of grievances by black people and Tim Wise. I'll keep everyone posted.
Good night and good luck!
Ret'd LAPD here. To Anonymous at 12:19, I am sure that somewhere a white person "perpetrated" a slur on an Asian person. Does it happen with "alarming" frequency? I think if it happens once, then no shortage of liberals will believe it is an ongoing racial onslaught towards Asians. I thank you for agreeing that a shotgun blast is worse than a taunt. And I'm sure the Koreans will agree. I've seen those videos of the Korean store owners shooting back but they are somewhat dated.
Dissident, when it came to crime I would have to give the nod to the blacks. Violent Hispanic Part 1 crime was almost always gang related, though they did get violent with each other over women. Black gangs were of course always violent but there were always non-gang blacks committing these crimes as well. The reason for this is simple: based on what I've seen and endured, many blacks have that genetic trigger to go tribal. One day a kid is hanging out and goofing off in the neighborhood, and as if flicking a light switch, he has morphed into a thug. No input from whites except providing ways out of the ghetto miasma, these thugs did what just came natural. Any naive person of the liberal persuasion who believes we are all equal would be flummoxed by what they would see if they were to visit Men's Central Jail in LA. Tribal behavior, whooping, screaming, all present NOT courtesy of whites. 20+ years on the streets gave me the insight to their lives and a perspective that some simply cannot believe, as it goes against their heartfelt beliefs that we are all the same. Not even close.
"This is absolutely true. Asians make up around 5 percent of the population and dwell in their own ethnic enclaves. Most whites and blacks rarely see Asians for the most part, the latter group especially. "
"The same does for someone saying it's false. Next time try calling bullshit on things that also fit your agenda. Or at least be honest to admit that you cannot and/or will not. "
Despite your admission that you don't have any contact with us Asians, since we live in these ethnic enclaves you talk about, you sure seem to know a lot about us and how we think. This is an open forum and no one has the right to filter the discussion through their own prism. You stated something that has no basis in the reality which I have lived, and the other visitors to this blog deserve to hear unfiltered truth.
"The same does for someone saying it's false."
You made the claim. You have to prove it.
Anon @ 2:53pm:
You can be as dismissive as you like. Have at. But people who are dismissive tend to know that they are unalterably wrong.
Point 1: No one said blacks were well-loved by anyone. Enjoy that extrapolation if it feeds some need. Also, blacks do not care what you think about them, hate to break it to you. I know, I know... this is the insufferable reality that you cannot stand. Next!
Point 2: Who said there was never any crimes against Asians done by blacks? The point was that you and every other deluded white asshole on this site think Asians are not racially discriminated against by whites. If you can cite research where this absolutely does not happen, by all means the platform is yours. Just realize that nearly all hate crimes are committed by whites. Next!
Point 3: I don't think anyone ever said "Whitey" hates Asians as much as he does blacks, but don't delude yourself into a phony coalition; Asians are not black but they aren't white either. What was said by another poster is that Asians hate racist white people. Matter of fact, all minorities hate racist white people. Even white people hate racist white people. Everyone thinks you guys suck ass! Next!
Point 4: And what would you say to an Asian person who comes onto the site and disagrees with you? I am sure for every Asian viewpoint in agreement, there is one that would disagree. In a nutshell, Asians are not monotonous. You cannot lump their viewpoints into one giant mass and call it a day. It depends on who you're talking to, which is where the original disagreement came from. That would be just ignorant, guy! Next!
Point 5: Hm, it seems as if you should apply this criticism to everyone. Recall this comment-
Asians hate blacks, because blacks attack Asians, and because blacks behave like animals.
Practice what you preach, asshole. And, last time I checked, Spain was in Europe, which is where Whitey's ancestors are from. Next!
Point 6: Lol! I read the "white women are jealous of Asian body types" thing in a column written by a white woman discussing white male fascination with Asian women. Maybe she should be scolded for generalizing.
let nothing stop you from letting them know all about themselves. You know best, after all!
Lol! Yes, practice what you preach, hypocrite! Next!
Point 7: There you go being dismissive again... I will continue to point out that capitalism is destructive when put on cultures where its values are diametrically opposed to their indigenous values. And yes, whites invented capitalism and its first critic was a white man named Marx, God rest his soul.
Point 8: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... It apparently fuels some fantasy or quells a fear to assume every person in disagreement with this site is the same person. Wake the hell up. Not every non-racist on here is black or Desiree.
That was fun.
Thank you sir. I do appreciate your commentary. I always give more credence to the guys working the street. Please keep writing your personal experiences and anecdotes.
You lend legitimacy to the what many of us are trying to say.
12:58 Anon,
Glad you had fun. I find it immensely satisfying that you were up into the wee hours (on a Saturday night, no less!) crafting that masterpiece. It's pretty revealing that you chose to respond to my satirical post by attempting an epic point-by-point dissection. I don't feel the need to respond in kind, as the tone of your response pretty much speaks for itself.
PROTIP: He who resorts to profanity and ad hominem attacks has blown his cool, and as such, has lost the exchange by default.
You just couldn't keep it together and respond without "going there," so there is no need for me to address your "points."
Good day.
"I find it immensely satisfying that you were up into the wee hours (on a Saturday night, no less!)"
Do black people understand the concept of time zones?? The time stamp is not local; if the poster lives in Tokyo (yes, people speak have computers and internet here too, Negroes), it could have been Sunday morning. Can you comprehend this, Negroes??? Or do you need Whitey to spoon-feed everything for you????????
PROTIP: He who resorts to profanity and ad hominem attacks has blown his cool, and as such, has lost the exchange by default.
If you say so...
You just couldn't keep it together and respond without "going there," so there is no need for me to address your "points."
Translation: "I am too stupid for a come back."
Awoke Black Woman...says, Anon, thank you! it's sad but this is what we as African Americans have to tolerate daily, this ignorance and hatred but as Anon stated most African Americans could care less about what you think about us, and now even some "awake whites" see that the top 2% of elitist whites don't care about their asses either. I read each and every one of these posts and I just shake my head in disgust and thank GOD that I have self respect and I know who I am. I see everyday my people, work hard, pay taxes, send their children off to school, pray,take care of white babies, love and die just like everyone else. I see white people kill their wives, drive their kids into lakes, molest their children, serial kill, and have you seen that show "Intervention", trust me the white race ain't pillars of morality, brother. Fortunately, I see younger kids of all races become best of friends, build businesses together and live in harmony as neighbors. We as African Americans have to stop letting this Psychological terrorism effect our self esteem and understand the beauty and power we have. I am so thankful to be black, I love my culture and our strength, and the fact that we're still here after all this bullshit, still trying to carve out a piece of happiness, I am so proud...All races have work to do, all have dysfunction, blacks have been at the bottom of this barrel and so when it gets bad for all, guess who gets it the worse...but you know what...we still here and I believe people on this site hate us because we are "Strong"...we make lemonade out of lemons and they jump off buildings when shit gets rough
@ Anon. June 18, 5:30 AM
Blacks commit suicide slower by repeatedly engaging in dangerous behaviors, that is the only difference with us whites. As for the rest of your post, you seem to be an exception and if you feel you're contributing in bettering the fate of your people in setting an example, then I admire your courage & determination in your endeavor.
But you must not be blind to the fact that many individuals in the black community choose to continuously blame us for their failures in life, and this could be likened to "psychological warfare" as well. Many people here feel they've been wrongly targeted as the culprits; we just need a break from the frequent self-righteous indignation in the form of relentless accusations by too many of your ppl.
You're advantaged in many ways, as you have at your disposal many organisms that cater to the advancement of your people. We, as whites do not benefit from such generosity and believe that you're ill-informed in your assumption of whites being privileged.
With the current economic situation, it would be wise to reassess your views as many Americans, a majority of them being whites, are suffering hardships without state support.
White Privilage is an attitude....not the availabilty of resources. Google it.
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