![]() |
Three points separate highest Blacks and lowest white earners |
Addressing his audience of some of the most important people in China, he reads from a study:
For both blacks and whites, family income is one of the best predictors of a student’s SAT score. Students from families with high incomes tend to score higher. Students from low-income families on average have low SAT scores. Because the median black family income in the United States is about 60 percent of the median family income of whites, one would immediately seize upon this economic statistic to explain the average 200-point gap between blacks and whites on the standard SAT scoring curve.
But income differences explain only part of the racial gap in SAT scores. For black and white students from families with incomes of more than $200,000 in 2008, there still remains a huge 149-point gap in SAT scores. Even more startling is the fact that in 2008 black students from families with incomes of more than $200,000 scored lower on the SAT test than did students from white families with incomes between $20,000 and $40,000.
The room falls silent, until a small chuckle can be heard in the back. Someone clears their throat, but it's too late; the entire room breaks out into laughter.
"And they still believe Detroit collapsed because of politics," the young intelligence officer states, wiping back tears from laughing so hard.
Almost instantaneously, the room's occupants revert back to their stoic nature.
"There will be no war between the United States and China," this young officer boldly proclaims, "because the United States will exhaust its monetary supply and resources by waging war against nature in the vain hopes of eradicating the racial gap in learning."
"All we have to do is be patient, while they wait for Superman to save the day."
Just one inaccuracy in your article: Most of the Chinese students in the UC system aren't funded by the US taxpayer. They are actually paying full out-of-state tuition fees, sometimes up to 30K or more per semester. It would be more accurate to say they are being paid for by the American consumer buying cheap, shoddy 'Made in China' merchandise at WallyWorld.
The table is meaningless. Black income is largely from BS govt. jobs where pay is no measure of performance or intellect. White income is largely derived from private sector careers where brains, dedication and performance matter. Everybody knows, including the blacks, that africans are low intelligence beings, lacking the most basic skills and characteristics that would enable them to function in a civilised society. It is not racism, just facts.
I would truly love to see the summaries put together by foreign intelligence agencies on America's future prospects. Hell, I'd like to see the CIA's honest in-house analysis of our prospects.
Notice how all those gaps are consistent? that is a standard deviation gap(one to be precise, the definition is 15). It has been measured in every test in over a century, though most tests don't show it quite that well. Thankfully for blacks, whites are not yet gaming the SAT. That will change, and the gap will skyrocket at that point.
That gap is essentially immutable, being driven by innate cognitive ability, and no social change will effect in anything resembling the short run. This is the price Africans pay for indulging female hypergamy for however long they have lived.
The table is meaningless.
I was going to comment, what would these incomes be like if the table excluded jobs gained via affirmative action, corporate grants, government set asides, etc?
And then factor in white people who lost an opportunity for higher income owing to any or all of the above? How much greater would be the gap?
Hell, I'd like to see the CIA's honest in-house analysis of our prospects.
The CIA analysis? Two words:
"We're doomed."
China is not any better. They have a thin veneer of cognitive elite, coupled with millennia old Emperor systems. There is no rule of law, no banking system for non State Owned Enterprises, the elites can and do take everything away on a whim, the elite kids race their Ferraris up and down the streets running over pedestrians with impunity. Most of Chinese manufacture is cheap and shoddy. Chinese parents desperately search out foreign baby formula knowing their own nation's is filled with poison, as is the milk, and pork products.
Pollution has made half or more of China basically unlivable to extremely unhealthy. They have massive (and ill concealed debts) with no way to pay for them. Internal consumption is a joke they are totally export dependent, and have a rapidly aging population with millions of young men who will never find wives hence a massive and growing sex slavery scandal.
Who knows what the future holds, but I'm with Whiskey - China will collapse under its own weight in 20 years.
Regardless, great post. If not for China's other problems, they'd be kicking our ass since they acknowledge HBD.
Good observation from Anon re the 1 SD.
And is the title a "Thriller" reference?
Chinese outside of China will do well. China itself is in for some serious problem and possible collapse soon:
China is broke. Yes, we buy lots of their crap.. yes they hold trillions in US Treasuries.. China however spent their treasure building cities that have no people, malls that have no stores, airports that have no planes, and trains that derail and kill their passengers. China has been printing money like mad and her internal finances are struggling from out of control inflation.
My wife's company deals daily with China (garment industry) working for a Fortune 1000 sized company. Their Chinese mills have experienced worsening problems. Two common examples:
Labor disputes. Inflation is eroding wages quickly and workers are demanding higher pay. The inflation has gotten bad enough that mills find themselves unable to deliver goods at the contracted price. Or the goods are late because the workers leave as the wages which was enough to live on, isn't so six months later. Orders are placed a year or more in advance.
Currency controls: The mills have been unable to order trims and other materials (textiles, raw cotton) because the govt. has instituted currency controls. Dollars, Yen, and other currencies are fleeing the country. The controls have prevented the mills from exchanging money to pay for the products they need to buy. The mills have setup shell companies in Hong Kong, which is exempt from the controls as an end run around the regulations.
My wife's employer has since moved the bulk of their production to Vietnam, Indonesia, and India.
All the high IQ people in the world cannot help if a totalitarian government is the rule of the day.
I think Californian is confused. Let us suppose, as he suggests, that we exclude affirmative action jobs from the black column. Then, presumably, the lowest-performing people from the each row of the black column of the table would be removed. This would have the effect of raising the all of the entries in the black column. It would decrease a measurement of average black income, but that is not something that is reported in this table.
As a heuristic example, suppose that in the "more than $200,000" row of the black column, there are 50% affirmative action beneficiaries with an average SAT score of 931 and 50% legitimate jobholders with an average SAT score of 1031. Then removing the AA people from this column would change its entry from 981 to 1031.
By a similar token, if we were going to factor in white people who have lost a job or opportunity due to AA, they would presumably be less qualified than the whites who did not lose jobs or opportunities due to AA, and thus would depress the entries in the white column of the table.
But putting all of this aside, this table is one of the more succinct statements on the intractability of the "performance gap" that I have seen. Thank you for posting it Mr. Kersey.
The biggest problem for china is that the one child policy is not aimed at reducing chinese births, but reducing Han chinese births. Mao was a big fan of multiculturalism, and we all know how that will turn out. Anyway I believe that they've gone from 95% of china down to 90% now, and that could speed up.
"China is not any better. They have a thin veneer of cognitive elite, coupled with millennia old Emperor systems. There is no rule of law, no banking system for non State Owned Enterprises, the elites can and do take everything away on a whim, the elite kids race their Ferraris up and down the streets running over pedestrians with impunity. Most of Chinese manufacture is cheap and shoddy. Chinese parents desperately search out foreign baby formula knowing their own nation's is filled with poison, as is the milk, and pork products."
One could have said a lot of this about late 19th century West as well. It was an glorious age, but in many ways even more rotten than ours. In the long term, the relative strength of China vs. USA will very likely increase, but who knows what the short term will bring?
China certainly has massive problems. Maybe the worst is the one not touched upon so far. The country is unstable, far much more than West. The situation is as complex as always, but basically they have a huge population of ruthlessly exploited migrants from countryside to cities. This has been a key to their success, but of course those people aren't happy about it at all. They've rioted a lot even during good times, and this despite the inevitably brutal response. If the economic growth slows to say 2-4%, or God forbid, enters a recession, while inflation stays high, China will erupt like a Roman candle. West is like a bicycle with training wheels - it can handle standing still. China isn't, and can't.
If the eurozone crisis ends as badly as it looks like, and that triggers a fresh recession in USA (which it will), then what are the chances of China escaping intact? This is bad. Not apocalypse bad, but it's certainly starting to look like Great Depression bad, to societies far less capable of dealing with it. Hope for the best, but stock food, other necessities and ammo.
Speaking of China's rural population, these generally less intelligent people have a tendency to not follow the 1-child limit law while the more intelligent urbanites do. They aren't stupid enough to be importing 3rd Worlders, but they aren't controlling their own borderline-3rd World population's breeding.
An Netzach said, friction is common, and likely to get worse. The country is almost as likely to split as the US.
But, again, predicting the future is like throwing darts while blindfolded. And this blog isn't SCPDL, so we might be getting a little sidetracked here.
One thing China DOES have is the ruthless drive to keep immigrants from 3rd-world ____holes out of their country. Asian nations have the lowest percentage of people moving in of the developed nations. The only places with LESS people moving in from elsewhere are....wait for it....majority black nations. NO ONE wants in!...Kid Clorox
Income isn't a predictor of academic success. Academic success is a predictor of income.
When you drive from a third-world black neighborhood into Whitopia, you are not witnessing economic disparity. You are witnessing intelligence disparity.
Some of those Blacks making over 200K are affirmative action placeholders, but it may also be that a large proportion of them are entertainers, ballplayers, or reverend race hustlers. How smart are Jesse Jackson's or Michael Vick's kids?
The in-fighting on the left will be interesting once the money runs out as each faction within the patchwork coalition of the victim Left will desperately cling to a piece of the pie. What will be interesting is how do independent voters break? I think if they break quickly against the Left, this will cause the in-fighting to be much more severe. A slow shift of Independents will allow the pie to shrink slower. Of course, this all rests of the idea that the Federal govt, states and munis will have next to nothing in borrowing costs. Italy and Greece showed how quickly interest rates can spike.
Let me ride one of my hobby horses here for a minute. The impression of smart Orientals we have in this country comes from a non-random sample. Chinese rice farmers, the guys who are not smart enough to get into Shanghai Tech or whatever, don't come here. We get the bright people that it suits the Chinese government to award passports to. Neither do I buy the common notion that the average IQ among Chinese is 105. Who is out in the rice paddies and barley fields administering these tests? Not some Western academic. No doubt the Chinese government has an interest in the mental capacity of their people, but they have no reason to share that with us.
As for the descendents of Chinese who came here in the 1800s, they all passed through a genetic bottleneck. There were very few women among them, and they of course were taken by the most successful Chinese men. It was the sharp Chinaman who ran an opium den or gambling house who had offspring, not the coolie who drove spikes for the Central Pacific. There's no good reason to think that Orientals are smarter than Whites.
Just thought of a new word:
Those who advocate diversity as a strength and encourage immigration are
I suppose someone, somewhere may have already thought of it.
Actually the table is worse, not better. We are measuring here college bound negroids (The SAT is only given in the last three years of High School) so Uncounted are the 50% (!) of negroid bucks that have "left the system" (dropped out) or jailed, etc. vs college bound Whites (the bulk). This table represents the upper three standard deviations of negroid vs the bulk of Whites.
The consistency is interesting though, hinting that negros use their "blackness" to gain money in terms of salary through AA positions or contracts, etc vs intelligence.
When they are deported, it will be these negroids that will make a great difference in their mudderland.
@Discard: On the other hand, Michael Jackson's kids are likely to be pretty smart, if their photos are anything to go by! :)
"Most of Chinese manufacture is cheap and shoddy."
Chinese have been on a steep learning curve, but if you visit the Craftsman tools section of Sears, you will actually find tools "Made in China" that previously were marketed under their "Companion" brand. And there is no doubt that many Chinese firms at least claim to be following ISO 9000 standards.
The Chicoms wiped out a large sector of their high iq gene pool during the "cultural revolution". Since then, they have bred lower quality genes and their offspring are not much brighter than the average US black, about a 75 iq. (remember, retardation begins at 70 iq!). The impressive record of academic achievement by Asians are those selected and molded at a very young age and many resources are used to develop their talents. The us education system is a joke, 14 year old ought to learn a trade instead of going through High school. For most, High school means staying high on pot!
Totally off topic, but I wanted to post this as a response to Mr. Evergreen when he complained about having the police question him about being out walking around at 2am.
Well, Mr. Evergreen, this is why:
"Income isn't a predictor of academic success. Academic success is a predictor of income. "
The table is predicting the IQ of children based on the income of the parents. The people in the 200k+ category are pretty damned smart, black or white, but their kids are regressing to mean on average, and maybe only somewhat smarter than their respective averages.
Ben N Indiana,
Yes, the term is already in limited use:
@Ben; You're right, not a new word. First saw the word 'Xenophilia' used about 2 years ago. By a hardcore 'war on terror' type who just couldn't even slightly grasp the concept that Moslems do terrorism WHERE THEY PHYSICALLY ARE!
IOW, Moslems that are NOT in the US cannot do terrorism IN the US!
@Anon 7:26pm; Kmart (believe it or not, Kmart owns Sears, NOT the other way around) will come to regret putting the Craftsman name on tools, those carry the 'guaranteed forever' reputation.
Paul, please call it the intelligence or IQ gap.
The in-fighting on the left will be interesting once the money runs out as each faction within the patchwork coalition of the victim Left will desperately cling to a piece of the pie. What will be interesting is how do independent voters break?
It's a general rule of human nature that as adversity increases, people become more "fascist" (authoritarian) and religious. In other words, independents will break right.
I suppose someone, somewhere may have already thought of it.
Ben, yes, we were throwing "xenophilia" around years ago at Majority Rights.
The Chinese will continue to be satisfied with more totalitarian governments than Americans will. For one, there's HBD - yellow babies simply open their mouths when you pinch their noses shut, while white and black babies struggle free. You can see the same thing writ large in adult yellow populations. They're more conformist and collectivist, and far less individualistic and rebellious. For another, there's history - China has only ever remained one realm by central force. And since China's population is so ethnically homogeneous, the Han will continue to value in Chinese unity.
China has several advantages over the west. They will continue to lag on metrics like innovation and invention, but even at lower rates a billion+ people is a huge pool to apply those rates to. They have about 900m high-IQ peasants left to burn through. In other words, they haven't even really gotten rolling on their industrialization yet. And that remaining pool is, as I said, pretty smart (100-105 mean IQ, at least), and conscienctious, as are the Han in general. So they aren't going to need outside populations for some time, if ever. And, as previously mentioned, that population will remain smart, industrious, and compliant for some time to come (many decades, by my guess).
Their real problem, AFAICT, is corruption. They see it as natural, expected, and normal. So they're a high IQ, low trust society. High trust is one of those intangibles that's hard to measure, as are its effects. But I think whites' tendency to create high trust societies is huge. High trust means more of what goes on is above-board, reliable, and transparent. That's huge when you're deciding how much of your social capital to invest in a society. I think it's entirely possible that, over the long run, China will become a high trust society; it's much easier to have a high trust society when a middle class lifestyle is the norm. I don't know the correlation between mean wealth and high-trust, but I bet it's fairly strong.
One thing I'd like to know about China is how much decent, relatively undeveloped land they have left. They must have a good amount by my guess, because of the way their demographic paradigm works: their middle class is only about 100m strong, leaving the other 900m+ as peasants. Thus, they must have a hell of a lot of undeveloped land. On the other hand, their population is crammed onto roughly 1/3 to 1/4 of their land, which tells me the other 2/3 to 3/4 isn't worth much. Their whole interior is problematic, divided as it is into mostly desert with an extremely Continental climate (i.e., extremely unpleasant and inhospitable) or Tibetan highland (altitude so high Han women can barely give birth and raise children). The fact that they're trying to displace the Tibetans and colonize the Tibetan highland with ill-suited Han isn't a good sign.
The comments and their ratings are worth the read. Not to steal form Nixon, but there is a "Silent Majority" out there that sees.
SBPDL is correct that if negros become more numerous, a terrible darkness will fall across the land.
Negroids live in a world with beliefs and attitudes totally separate from us. At random today is a story that illustrates my point (See below).
You see, the 10 year old female did not want to mate with the 12 year old male. So of course the 20 year old sow shoots the 10 year old. I don't know what is more chilling, the situation itself, or the MSM reporting it like a dog bite story.
After all, one MUST be a grandmother by age 22, right?
Van: Who knows what the future holds, but I'm with Whiskey - China will collapse under its own weight in 20 years.
While slightly off topic, I'm glad to see so many here at SBPDL display such a clear understanding of just how precarious China's socioeconomic situation continues to be.
One significant difference between America and China is that the USA can, or used to, produce goods that were largely consumed domestically. It was a relatively self-sustaining industrial structure.
China's manufacturing model in no way resembles that somewhat wholesome form of American Capitalism. The Chinese people cannot possibly consume all of the cheap home electronics and other inexpensive crap that they churn out in such quantity. Moreover, these goods are not critical to their country's subsistence and, therefore, do not represent "mission critical" products in terms of national survival.
Finally, China is sailing directly into a "perfect storm" of catastrophic dimensions. I'll post more details about that in a separate comment.
Hell_Is_Like_Newark: All the high IQ people in the world cannot help if a totalitarian government is the rule of the day.
Interesting comment overall, but your tag line is the corker, HILN.
This gets back to Whiskey's mention of China having "a thin veneer of cognitive elite, coupled with millennia old Emperor systems."
China's ancient Mandarin civil structure is alive and well, just cynically rebranded as a "politburo". It remains the exact same sort of Soviet-style kleptocracy that thrives in all Communist run nations and, aside from cultural idiosyncrasies, is not one whit different.
It is also important to note that, while the Chinese actually demonstrate a slightly higher IQ than Westerners, it is very doubtful that they would test out equally high, or even comparable, in GI (General Intelligence).
This syndrome is also present in most other East Asian cultures but rather apparent in Japan as well. The overall driver is survival in crowded and overpopulated conditions. It requires such a high degree of sociocultural conformity that there is a smothering effect with respect to producing that "rare genius" (per Jared Diamond) who, just as often, is iconoclastic, abrasive or monumentally eccentric, all of which represent characteristics that are actively discouraged, if not regularly punished to the point of death in high context Asian cultures.
An ancient Japanese maxim illustrates this rather well:
"The nail that sticks up will be hammered down."
This is why Western civilization surpassed China despite that culture's multi-millennia head start. The ossified civil structure of its Mandarin legal system, in combination with thoroughly Conservative Confucian morality, had an immobilizing effect especially when they were iced over with an ironclad caste system.
A brilliant technological advantage that included the compass, paper making, printing with moveable type, long haul bulk cargo shipping, subterranean brine extraction, multi-ton metal pours, sophisticated agricultural irrigation, gunpowder weapons and rigorous civil servant examinations simply stalled under the smothering influence of Mandarin Authoritarianism and a relative lack of individual mobility, both physical and social.
In deference to SBPDL's regular agenda, it is important to note how modern day Liberals, in the course of enforcing Political Correctness and counterproductive environmentalism, are causing Western civilization to stall in the exact same way that China did a few thousand years back. In their unwillingness to learn from history, Liberals seem willing to repeat many of history's harshest lessons just so long as their ideological enemies are dragged through the same toxic mud.
Netzach: China certainly has massive problems. Maybe the worst is the one not touched upon so far. The country is unstable, far much more than West. The situation is as complex as always, but basically they have a huge population of ruthlessly exploited migrants from countryside to cities. This has been a key to their success, but of course those people aren't happy about it at all.
Yet another articulate comment regarding China.
Mao Tse Dong (correctly pronounced as: "Mounds of Dung"), rose to power on one of history's greatest lies. He promised to unshackle the peasants from the land.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. By requiring travel or residency passes and imposing collectivism with its concomitant famines, "Dear Leader" chained China's peasants to the land like no Mandarin ever dreamed of.
Even today, the Chinese government requires a hukou (PDF) or residence permit in order to dwell in an urban area. This is intended to discourage mass migration of the rural workforce into higher paying urban zones.
While the linked document notes an "extremely high" 3:1 ratio between urban and rural wages, other work I have read on this subject cited a 7:1 and, even, a staggering 10:1 discrepancy between urban and rural wages in China. Economic figures such as these are considered by China to be state secrets. The professor who reported this 7:1 ratio in that book was forced from his teaching position due to Chinese pressure which was subsequently applied upon Stanford University.
A 1.5:1 and 2:1 ratio are more in keeping with international standards. China's glaring inequality in urban versus rural compensation is just one indicator of how lopsided and dysfunctional their economy really is.
Please recall that it is the rural workers who are producing all of China's food. This government imposed poverty is a cornerstone regarding the artificial structuring of Chinese food prices.
Government interference with free market economics threatens to precipitate a catastrophic economic crisis. It is also the principal driver of
Chinese corruption which, in the predominant form of cronyism, reaches into all corners of commercial enterprise. It manifests as contaminated or poisoned foodstuffs, substandard civil engineering, counterfeit or defective parts, routine intellectual property theft, dumping of toxic waste, endemic patent violations, atrocious workplace safety measures, constant employee abuse and labor violations plus a host of other serious ailments that totally compromise the stability of China's economy.
The single-most responsible mechanism is China's "command economy", which is an artifact of totalitarian Communist control. By being immune to conflict-of-interest violations, while having the ability to implement arbitrary and iniquitous economic measures, the Chinese government encourages a profit-first mentality that is only exacerbated by a sense of urgency to accumulate such wealth before regulations are changed on yet another whim of the politburo.
This does not even examine how difficult it is for legitimate entrepreneurs to vie against someone whose government connections allow them to unfairly compete. Such endemic corruption, literally, becomes self-propagating due to how it destroys any incentive to behave ethically.
In turn, this poisons all innovation, promotes an uncompetitive marketplace and breeds up both criminal and predatory behavior. This is a recipe for societal disaster, all courtesy of well established and historically documented, common-mode Communist operating procedures.
Zenster. I love reading your posts. It's like having an anthropology, civics, sociology and political science class all rolled into one- in every post, Oh! I forgot history too.
Van: Speaking of China's rural population, these generally less intelligent people have a tendency to not follow the 1-child limit law while the more intelligent urbanites do.
Due to the dire need for more farm labor, anecdotal accounts cite a general relaxation of the 1-child policy when it comes to peasants. There is also the much higher rural child mortality rates to consider as well.
They aren't stupid enough to be importing 3rd Worlders, but they aren't controlling their own borderline-3rd World population's breeding.
These two factors do not adequately cancel out. However monolithic China's overall culture may appear, corruption and privilege forces it to remain rather starkly divided along economic or political lines. It creates the socioeconomic equivalent of India's caste system with all of concomitant societal ills traditionally conferred by such institutionalized inequality.
And this blog isn't SCPDL, so we might be getting a little sidetracked here.
As I noted earlier, there are many lessons to be taken away from a closer examination of China's ongoing economic meltdown.
I hope that others here might spend a few moments drawing some comparisons as I have already. American Liberals are actively trying to impose Socialism to such an extent that some serious disorders more commonly associated with Soviet-style Communism have already begun to appear.
Political Correctness is one of the most obvious. There is also the erosion of America's economy that is being caused by hyper-vigilant environmentalism which is clearly linked to Cultural Marxism's hatred of American exceptionalism.
Even more directly linked to SBPDL's house agenda is the way that Liberal demands for "Social Justice" have seen the encystment of myriad unqualified workers due to Affirmative Action regulations. This is easily compared to the favoritism and nepotism that China's own economy suffers from.
The parallels are numerous, so it remains very worthwhile to contrast this world's preeminent Communist economy with one that is under a determined assault by Cultural Marxist's who have no qualms about America's White Christian culture being sucked into a racial and Totalitarian undertow.
Netzach: West is like a bicycle with training wheels - it can handle standing still. China isn't, and can't.
I just wanted to reaffirm the valuable insight of this observation. As Ralph Waldo Emerson noted:
"In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our speed."
China's economy is advancing in the manner of a gigantic Ponzi scam. Only by manipulating its currency, subsidizing otherwise noncompetitive industries, ignoring massive environmental degradation, maintaining an intolerable trade imbalance and illegally appropriating key information and technologies is China able to sustain its current momentum.
As Netzach so succinctly noted, should China's economy experience any hiccups in its wholly contrived propulsion system, there looms the chance for some real mayhem. Nearly 1.4 billion people cannot eat iPods and flat-pack furniture.
"Ben, yes, we were throwing "xenophilia" around years ago at Majority Rights."
A lot of people have been doing that. Throwing "xenomania" to describe the more extreme forms of xenophilia has been useful as well.
"The fact that they're trying to displace the Tibetans and colonize the Tibetan highland with ill-suited Han isn't a good sign."
This is mostly due to political reasons. Chinese government obviously trusts Han Chinese much more than Tibetans, or Huis for that matter. Flooding the conquered provinces full of grouchy minorities with your own people is a millenia-old strategy.
"This syndrome is also present in most other East Asian cultures but rather apparent in Japan as well. The overall driver is survival in crowded and overpopulated conditions. It requires such a high degree of sociocultural conformity that there is a smothering effect with respect to producing that "rare genius" (per Jared Diamond) who, just as often, is iconoclastic, abrasive or monumentally eccentric, all of which represent characteristics that are actively discouraged, if not regularly punished to the point of death in high context Asian cultures."
In this, I see an opportunity for symbiosis between people who are excellent in creating innovations and people who are excellent in elaborating upon those. Those peoples wouldn't be exactly the same, and their interests would not be anywhere close to equal, but nonetheless, there are plenty of grounds for lots and lots of co-operation.
"In deference to SBPDL's regular agenda, it is important to note how modern day Liberals, in the course of enforcing Political Correctness and counterproductive environmentalism, are causing Western civilization to stall in the exact same way that China did a few thousand years back."
This, and thousand times this. I like to consider myself a classical liberal and an environmentalist, but most of what modern liberalism and environmentalism consists of seems to be little but stabbing yourself in the face. A century ago, we could afford to be idiots. Not anymore.
"Even today, the Chinese government requires a hukou (PDF) or residence permit in order to dwell in an urban area. This is intended to discourage mass migration of the rural workforce into higher paying urban zones."
Of course, Chinese government turns a blind eye on illegal immigration from countryside to cities. This gives them cheap and pliable workforce - or gave until recently, anyway. For Chinese Communist Party, the countryside is like Mexico is to Republican Party.
"This does not even examine how difficult it is for legitimate entrepreneurs to vie against someone whose government connections allow them to unfairly compete. Such endemic corruption, literally, becomes self-propagating due to how it destroys any incentive to behave ethically."
Almost all of West has big government by now, so that's not exactly a sin unique to China. Certainly that sounds like business as usual to me as a Scandinavian. Then again, we're still mostly a high-trust society, while China most certainly isn't. I shudder to think how badly they're exploiting their government control.
"China's economy is advancing in the manner of a gigantic Ponzi scam. Only by manipulating its currency, subsidizing otherwise noncompetitive industries, ignoring massive environmental degradation, maintaining an intolerable trade imbalance and illegally appropriating key information and technologies is China able to sustain its current momentum."
Lots of genuinely good things are like Ponzi scams at the beginning. Industrial Revolution would have never gotten off its feet if plenty of people hadn't believed in what genuinely looked like a risky thing. China's economic boom is like that. It's built upon lots of genuinely worthy stuff, but lots of it is hot air too. If it gets a decade or two to invest the money it has earned into genuinely productive stuff, it's been a success. Unfortunately, it was built upon selling stuff to West, and a lot of Western economy was built on Ponzi scheme which is collapsing as we write.
Thank you for your compliments, by the way. My compliments I ration heavily, but you're certainly very well read and insightful.
Netzach: This is mostly due to political reasons. Chinese government obviously trusts Han Chinese much more than Tibetans, or Huis for that matter. Flooding the conquered provinces full of grouchy minorities with your own people is a millenia-old strategy.
The real reason for China's occupation of Tibet is in order to seize control of nearly all the major rivers that flow into Eastern and Southern Asia. Known as Asia's "water tower", Tibet holds the headwaters of some twenty-six rivers including the following easily recognized waterways:
• Brahmaputra River
• Indus River
• Mekong
• Yangtze River
• Yellow River
I touched upon this issue in my essay "Blood for Water". The strategic value that comes from controlling much of Asia's water supply cannot be overstated.
If you think that these wars over oil are bloody, just wait until the fighting begins over water.
Dissident: Zenster. I love reading your posts. It's like having an anthropology, civics, sociology and political science class all rolled into one- in every post, Oh! I forgot history too.
Thank you for such a generous assessment of my writing. Your kind words are very much appreciated. I'll do my best to live up to your praise.
Netzach: For [the] Chinese Communist Party, the countryside is like Mexico is to [the] Republican Party.
An accurate summation in every sense.
Almost all of West has big government by now, so that's not exactly a sin unique to China.
The difference remains in how China's is a command economy. We are nowhere near that in America, although Europe's Socialist nations do approach a lot closer to it. The EU represents a much stronger move towards command economics for the European continent.
If there is any sort of command economy in America, it's due to oligarchic cronyism within the top echelons of finance and industry.
Then again, we're still mostly a high-trust society, while China most certainly isn't.
It is difficult to imagine China emerging from it's entrenched low trust and high context culture anytime soon. It is the source of crippling provincialism and reinforces a destructive caste system that rivals India's.
I shudder to think how badly they're exploiting their government control.
China is one of the largest ongoing criminal enterprises in all history. Even the vicious Russian mafia looks like a bunch of Boy Scouts by comparison.
Lots of genuinely good things are like Ponzi scams at the beginning. Industrial Revolution would have never gotten off its feet if plenty of people hadn't believed in what genuinely looked like a risky thing.
Ponzi scams, by their very definition, never pay off. They are scams from square one and there is no quantifiable risk involved because it is theft, pure and simple. The risk will always be 100%. Ask Bernie Madoff.
If it gets a decade or two to invest the money it has earned into genuinely productive stuff, it's been a success.
This is the big problem, for both China and the West. First and foremost, China isn't really "earning" its money. Through currency manipulation, the politburo is artificially keeping the cost of Chinese manufactured goods low enough so that the West is idiotically and voluntarily shuttering much of its industrial capacity. China is far too reliant upon cheating for it to suddenly embrace or functionally adopt ethical Capitalism anytime soon.
Through this massive piracy of intellectual property China cripples itself and forestalls any arrival of truly innovative industrialism. What has China produced that even remotely resembles something so fundamentally simple as the iPod?
Japan did the same thing to Detroit, with the Big Three's cheerful assistance via decades of crappy automotive engineering. The same was done with other key electronic technologies as well.
This exact same model is being repeated by China and our political whores in Washington DC are facilitating the process with treasonous glee.
Saudi Arabia has already begun to realize that food production is a matter of national security. It appears as though America will have to learn the hard way that there is a minimum baseline of industrial production that must be maintained at all costs.
For anyone who thinks that it's all right to let China produce all of our clothing and textiles, just ask Napoleon how important winter uniforms were to his army.
Even more insane than teaching Chinese students in our universities is how we are effectively mentoring China in modern industrial processes for the sake of several percentage points in profit.
It cost America between one and ten trillion dollars to invent the microprocessor. Why in hell we are teaching China how to fabricate VLSIC (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits), is totally beyond me. We should oblige them to bleed out the same money doing it on their own.
Finally, the only way you will ever convince me that outsourcing is an effective strategy is when I see American CEO positions being outsourced.
@Hell_Is_Like_Newark Very cool username. Yes, hell is pretty much Newark. Born there, lived there until age 5, only to work there as a adult. I finally escaped to Georgia and never looked back.
As for the Chinese, they scare me. I hope Hell_Is_Like_Newark's observations on China are correct.
Half of all homicides in America are committed by young black males who comprise about 2.5 percent of the population.
Here's the math.
I read in Pat Buchanan's new book that half of all homicides in America are committed by blacks who comprise 12 percent of the population.
Consider that nearly all homicides are committed by males, we can assume that half of all homicides are committed by black males, or six percent of the population.
However, we also note that 93.2 of homicides are committed by individuals between the ages of 18 and 49. That age group represents about 40 percent of the black male population. 40 percent of 6 percent is 2.4 percent.
We conclude, then, that half all homicides are committed by 2.5 to 3.0 percent of the population, black males between the ages of 18 and 49.
Ben N Indiana: We conclude, then, that half all homicides are committed by 2.5 to 3.0 percent of the population, black males between the ages of 18 and 49.
This one fundamental statistic is the trout-in-the-milkpail. Hard to explain and even more difficult to ignore.
There is a tiny percentage of our population that is behaving like cannibals. They consume human life at a rate that amounts to genocide against Whites.
Most perverse of all is that; if we locked up until age 50 every single one of these Black males who are between 18 and 49 years-old, they, too, would experience a better life expectancy.
The obscenity of that one simple fact transcends every impulse to treat this subject with any sense of humaneness or civility.
As I have repeatedly suggested; find a remote island and strand incorrigible Black felons on it with regular deliveries of food and water. Let them play at "Lord of the Flies" from then on and see how their warlord, tribal chieftain fantasies pan out.
Having hidden video cameras running 24/7 might provide some very useful footage for "scaring straight" future generations of Black thug youth. Especially the "romantic" scenes.
'There's no good reason to think that Orientals are smarter than Whites.'
I agree completely. History screams it's us who are smarter than the rest.
cat 5 Chimpout on child. Did the kid steal his chicken as well?
if we locked up until age 50 every single one of these Black males who are between 18 and 49 years-old, they, too, would experience a better life expectancy.
Walking around the 'hood a black guy's chance of being shot is some percentage serving in Afghanistan and Iraq it is less than that.
No one's said it, but I will.
No 'N word' should EVER make over $100k a year.
End of story.
Which is why EEOC will be the first to go, come the Restoration.
- Fr. John+
"Walking around the 'hood a black guy's chance of being shot is some percentage serving in Afghanistan and Iraq it is less than that."
To be fair to black guys, our military screens for IQ(which is correlated with survival amoung other things), and the hood is kinda the opposite.
"'For [the] Chinese Communist Party, the countryside is like Mexico is to [the] Republican Party.'
An accurate summation in every sense."
Apart from my still inadequate understanding of which unique articles need 'the' (CCP and RP) and which do not (Mexico and Zenster), it appears. Am I missing some rule (country names but no other group names are regarded as just names, perhaps?), perhaps?
"Ponzi scams, by their very definition, never pay off."
Checked the definition. You're right. I was thinking about every economic boom being for a large part a bubble with real foundation enjoying enough but not too much trust, so it has time to fill most of its bubbles with real stuff, but doesn't create a storm of bubbles which can't but pop.
China is a kind of in-between case. It's not a pure bubble that has nothing real in it, but on the other hand, it's been doing a lot of stuff that relies on its real economy growing as fast as it has. If it doesn't slow too much, the bubbles bursting won't be too bad, but if not, boom.
"Through this massive piracy of intellectual property China cripples itself and forestalls any arrival of truly innovative industrialism. What has China produced that even remotely resembles something so fundamentally simple as the iPod?
Japan did the same thing to Detroit, with the Big Three's cheerful assistance via decades of crappy automotive engineering. The same was done with other key electronic technologies as well."
Japan stole shamelessly for a long time, and if I'm not wrong, USA didn't care that much about foreign patents for most of 19th century either. China isn't ready to compete in designing consumer electronics, let alone take the lead in innovating (like Japan in robotics), but for now it doesn't need to. Right now, it couldn't compete in innovation anyway, so it's best bet is to steal shamelessly and try to learn things by first copying and then improving. When it can, it'll get serious about intellectual copyrights due to nothing but self-interest.
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