PK: “Don’t Get Detroit-ed” will be a new feature here once or twice a week, joining the “Guns Don’t Kill People, Dangerous Minorities Do” articles. All sites must evolve, and this is part of one individuals desire to bring to light unfortunate – but always discernable – truths that threaten the stability of our nations future.
# posts are fun, but people are dying out there. Cities are being destroyed. As a result of white people’s sensible reaction to Black crime – their abandonment of cities for suburbs - increases in the price of gas put strains on families which are directly the fault of one failed social policy: Black-Run America (BRA).
No one wants to admit the reality of Climate Change. Real Climate Change.
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What city will be featured first in the "Don't Get Detroit-ed" Series? |
What happened in Detroit is far worse. This is why we dub the warning of Climate Change “Don’t be Detroit-ed.”
And this isn’t being an alarmist, as a long list of cities across the United States are in jeopardy of being Detroit-ed, perhaps the worst fate to befall a metropolitan area in the world.
No, that’s no severe enough. What has happened to Detroit goes beyond the 10 plagues of Egypt listed out in the book of Exodus. Plagues of blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, pestilence, boils, hail, locust, darkness, and the death of the firstborn… these pale in comparison to what has happened to Detroit since 1973.
In 1990, Primetime Live on ABC aired one of the most damning news stories on what it means to be Detroit-ed. Titled Detroit’s Agony, the venerable Diane Sawyer introduces the 14-minute story, with Judd Rose reporting, stating:
“Our first story is not about a city. It’s about a warning. Detroit… Once a symbol of US competitive vitality. Some say Detroit it is still a symbol of the future, the first urban dynamo to fall. “
Newsweek reported on the Primetime Live special back in 1990, noting:
The program was not overtly racist. But it only nodded to the city's black middle class and stable residential neighborhoods. It also lapsed into gratuitous stigmatizing shorthand. To stigmatize the racial divide, producers juxtaposed blacks dancing to M.C. Hammer with suburban whites sipping tea. "So now when it's Hammer time in the city, it's tea time in the suburbs. ' Rose said.
The best quote comes courtesy of Mayor Coleman Young, who stated that any criticism of Detroit is code for attacking “Blacks.” That Detroit in 1950 had a population of two million (and was 80 percent white), and in 1990 – 17 years after his election – had a population of less than a million and was 70 percent Black is one of the most ominous signs of Climate Change available.
It’s not a faulty or fraudulent science. When a city goes from one extreme (80 percent white) to the other (70 percent Black), you’ll see discernible Climate Change.
Young was quoted as telling Rose in Detroit’s Agony:
In this country, Black people are victims of racism. It’s not accidental that the cities around the nation that have the largest percentage of Blacks, have the largest percentage of poverty, have the largest percentage of crime, and the largest percentage of unemployment.
Immediately after making this assertion (which is true, because once a city goes majority Black, the Visible Black Hand of Economics takes over), Rose points out:
But in Detroit, Blacks aren’t just the majority. They’re the authority. They run the police, the police, the courts, the schools, and city hall. But Black political power hasn’t meant Black economic prosperity.
When Young claims that other big cities have similar problems (to which Rose didn’t state also our courtesy of the Black population), Rose – with a burnt-out home in the background and the 73-story Renaissance Center towering in the distance – this:
Most big cities do have the same problems. In some cases worse. Washington has more murders, Los Angeles has more gangs, New York City has more racial violence. America’s cities are on a dark and dangerous road. But you come here [Detroit], and you get the feeling that this, this is what the end of the road looks like.
Mr. Rose was correct back in 1990. Detroit is the end of the road for American cities. And Mr. Rose was astute to make the observation that Detroit in 1990 was completely run by Black people; he was correct to point out that this did not automatically translate to economic prowess (recall the Black woman who famously said that Obama would pay her mortgage and gas once he was in office; Black people really believe that under a white controlled government, economic gains are created solely by the government and that this is the cause for such deep economic divisions between the races).
Now, imagine 22 more years of uninterrupted Actual Black-Run America (ABRA) in Detroit. It’s the point now where the state government of Michigan will step in and assume authority of the Black-run city (now with a population of less than 775,000 and 89 percent Black).
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What do the cities up top and the cities at the bottom have an abundance of, and, conversely, a lack of? Yes, the answer is Black people |
Precious metal thieves running wild; no tax-base to even afford keeping the lights on; 911 calls no longer being responded too by police; vigilante justice rising with the police effectively giving up; ambulance drivers abandoned and forced to stay in their vehicles as New Year’s revelers fire their guns all around them; corruption and fraud in every level of government and city service; crime statistics no longer kept and actually actively covered-up; paramilitary patrolling the ‘nice’ neighborhoods as 'guards'; and toddlers being killed left and right, this is what civilization looks like once Climate Change has occurred and the Black Undertow assumes power.
The Black mayor of Detroit, David Bing, has asked for $150 million bailout to save the city, without acknowledging that it is largely federal grants and federal aid that has kept the city on life support since Coleman Young assumed office.
Michigan Gov. Rick Synder has removed this option, stating that every struggling city in Michigan (all more than 50 percent Black in population, though Michigan is only 16 percent Black) can’t be bailed anymore.
All the while, the Black people in Detroit warn [and whine] of impending “colonialism” by the ‘white’ government…
This, to borrow a phrase from Mr. Rose in Detroit’s Agony, is truly life at the end of the road.
Strange that Detroit’s lily-white suburbs – where it’s still Tea-time and not “Hammer Time” – thrive. How is that possible again? Though the Black Undertow slowly seeps into these suburbs, they still thrive.
Detroit’s Agony should have been a wake-up call. It wasn’t. The call went unheeded.
Now, other cities are racing to see which one will be the next to join the ignoble ranks of Detroit, and represent the end of America.
To be Detroit-ed means for Climate Change, real Climate Change, to completely incapacitate a city in every quantifiable category. It means: once you go Black, you never come back. The life the city knew when it was majority white will be replaced with the type of community Black people create regardless of the county or state.
From sea to shining sea, it’s always the same outcome.
Unless your Washington D.C., but that’s a story for another day.
Tonight, we induct the first city into the “Don’t Get Detroit-ed” Watch List.
So sit back and prepare to learn about cities where property value is inevitably plummeting, school districts are failing, crime is skyrocketing, and federal aid dependency is higher than the price of a gallon of gas.
It wasn't unions that killed Detroit; it wasn't progressives espousing some utopian form of liberalism; it was Black people.
I would actually love for someone to find that lady who said "Obama's going to pay my mortgage..." and do a follow up to see just how much improved her life is...
Miguel, now 8 years old, is in foster care in the Houston area while investigators sort out his complicated story. At a court hearing Thursday, a child-welfare investigator testified that he was healthy physically and emotionally but had apparently not attended school.
Lisa Rose, an investigator for child-protective services, said the boy is a normal height and weight and that he's well-mannered but cannot read or name the school he attends. He believed he was 6 years old and identified a photo of the accused kidnapper as his mother.
Miguel's parents agreed in court to provide DNA to confirm that the child is theirs. The whole family is eager to have him back, including the couple's five other kids ranging from 7 to 14, the mother said.
"They're anxious," Champion-Morin said. "They're ready to see him."
The former babysitter, Krystle Rochelle Tanner, had been a friend of Champion-Morin's and she was Miguel's godmother. She lived in the same apartment complex
Paul, I suggest a city that was the scene of some of my happiest childhood memories from back in the 50s: Camden, New Jersey. When we visited my mother's aunt and uncle, we'd be handed a quarter apiece so we could go to the ice cream parlor down the street. A couple of grammar school kids who needed no adult protection! The neighborhood streets were lined with old-growth trees and houses built mostly in the 1920s. I was shocked when, in the 90s, I learned about the new, diversified Camden. Those relatives died of old age before the 1960s were out; thank God they didn't live to see what became of the city where they'd spent most of their lives.
It was funny watching the cops do their thing smashing into homes to arrest crack dealers. All for...what?
I would like to politely disagree with your statement that:
"Detroit’s Agony should have been a wake-up call. It wasn’t. The call went unheeded".
I would argue that the call was more than unheeded, it was ignored.
To acknowledge the problem publicly by those in power would have raised uncomfortable questions from the non-minority public, and we can't have that.
Like so many problems in our once great nation, the problem was ignored and kicked down the road for someone else to solve at some later date.
Well, we've run out of road on this and many other problems. I shudder to think of the future of this country.
For those of us who grew up and live in the Det suburbs, the creeping in of the Black Undertow is palpable.
Today an article talked about the 23% increase in burgluries in Macomb County in the last ten years. In seeming unrelated news the govenor is trying to convince the Detroit mayor and city council that if they want to avoid a financial manager they have to swallow some medicine. They pout like petulant children in resonse.
Both of these items show that being over 8 mile isn't good enough anymore - the tentacles of black pathology are reaching well beyond the city limits. The whole state of Michigan is being Detroit-ed.
I doubt any of you ever heard of "The Pace Amendment Advocates" but a small group of us put up a great idea just prior to the end of Apartheid in south Africa(and basically the end of South Africa).
We floated the idea to let all the Boers come to America and send all the blacks here there--to a fully functional, completely built, mineral rich, country.
People laughed, who's laughing now?
Now we are faced with a truly nightmarish problem. First, we have to deal with the blacks already here. Secondly, we have to deal with incoming blacks due to illegal and legal immigration.
Third, and here is where the true nightmare awaits. if the US invades any part of Africa for this phoney Kony crap guess what's coming? That's right, potentially tens of millions of hardened, savage, African "refugees" straight out of the jungle--straight to a town near you! Maybe even to your town.
Since WW2, every single conflict we have entered has netted nothing but wasted American lives, wasted American dollars, and a non stop torrent of refugees.
Consider what happened after WW2 and Filipinos coming here by the boatloads(and never stopping), Korea, Vietnam, all the dirty little conflicts our government stuck its nose in in Central America. You name the place, all we got out of it is a flood of invaders in return.
Now the entire continent of Africa is potentially coming. You think I jest? Who is the current occupant in the White House? Still think it's not a valid fear?
Well the obvious nomination for first city to become Detroit-ed is Baltimore.
Although the Hispanic category of this competition is obviously Los Angeles. That place going south at Warp Factor 9.
Let Detroit be reclaimed by nature I say.
I'm at the point where I'm seriously looking at companies like Space X, Bigelow Aerospace, or Virgin Galactic. Perhaps one day in the (hopefully near) future I can sell every last possession that I own for a seat on a ship towards a Mars colony.
At the end of the cost-benefits analysis, all the financial hurdles, and all of the risks of dying a slow, painful death on a god-forsaken, barren rock, cooked by radiation, millions of miles from Earth, all that is still better than BRA.
We built up Europe from a savage wasteland in a few thousand years, and North America in a few hundred, I see no reason we can't do the same with the fourth rock from the Sun.
How's that for "White Flight"?
1. Fix the font situation.
2. Fix the 'affects'-where-it-should-say-'effects' situation.
3. America will get Detroit-ed completely, within the next 50 years. Thank god I have my UK and my Australian passport. First one to become useless to me will be the UK, as it goes the same way as the USA but with a slightly different flavour or problem. Then I'll have the Aus one to rely on. Australia will become the last bastion of hope. Ultimately, however, it too will perish.
It means: once you go Black, you never come back.
This will be the ultimate measure of Black Undertow. Eventually, there will be a city that resurrects itself from climate change.
What measures are required and actions taken to achieve such a seemingly impossible thing will be the first realistic glimpse that most people ever get regarding the implications of BRA (Black-Run America).
Rest assured, it will happen at some point. In fact, here is "The Plan".
Great article. How about the original detroit experiment - the country of Liberia.
I am in West LA is indeed NUTS.
'Jack from OKC said...
my happiest childhood memories from back in the 50s: Camden, New Jersey'
I too read Camden is now a slum...
But I read NJ has so many latrinos, Indians, Island Blacks..
Any word on Camden or on NJ?
I elect Harrisburg PA. It is a black shithole surrounded by beautiful valleys and farmland, fertile and rich soil. Most people in the surrounding areas are hard working and conservative. The Amish live in these areas and have beautiful farms and do exceptional arts and crafts.
As long as I can remember the West Shore or the area West of Harrisburg across the Susquehanna river has been called the White shore.
Do an analysis of housing prices, graduation rates, SAT scores, and a million other indicators of a functioning society then just cross the river and you are in the jungle.
The biggest worry that all of you left in the U.S. should be not if people will awaken but when. How many cities need to be destroyed how many murders or rapes need to be committed before people awaken?
Will there be anything left when people do finally wake up? Will every major U.S. have to be Detroit before enough people sense there is a problem? Isn't there enough proof World wide that blacks are unable to be civilized? Isn't there enough proof in America?
When does this theory become fact in the eyes of the average citizen?
'acknowledge the problem publicly by those in power would have raised uncomfortable questions from the non-minority public, and we can't have that.'
Blame the whites that fled the city..white flight
Remember 'ghettos' were low crime...polish ghetto, italian ghetto...till blacks moved north and then 'ghetto' meant not POOR
but poor/dangerous.
Anonymous said...
if the US invades any part of Africa for this phoney Kony crap guess what's coming? That's right, potentially tens of millions of hardened, savage, African "refugees" straight out of the jungle--straight to a town near you!
That's entirely likely with Obama. Obama is waging war on white middle class America.
watching those clips, I couldn't help think of how much it seems like yesterday and how time went on, but then it didn't really. There is the black man blaming his troubles on the white man. There is a Bush in the White House (to be followed by a Democrat) fighting a war in the middle east. Before the Middle East, it was Asia and their conflicts. My whole life, this country has been at war (seemingly) somewhere in the world trying save someone from themselves. In the meantime, America's clock just keeps ticking slower and slower--like no one is winding it up anymore.
It's like a broken record that just keeps playing the same 30 seconds over and over again. Or a Merry Go Round where you keep seeing the same thing each time you go around. Except that while the view remains essentially the same, it gets a bit dirtier each time.
Anyone else get this feeling?
I will vouch for Los Angeles turning more and more into Tijuana every day.
The only reason people aren't cooking over open fires on the sidewalks downtown is lack of combustable material.
There are entire cities(more and more, come think of it)(los angeles is made up of a bunch of smaller cities ) where the dominant Latrino population is openly hostile to whites.
They went from zero to 50 million since 1965.
A country that cannot control its borders is no longer a nation. We're a UN refugee camp. The constitution, and the nation, has been dead for a long time.
I'd get out if I could. Increasingly, there's no place to go to escape one world government.
"Well the obvious nomination for first city to become Detroit-ed is Baltimore."
Baltimore has been black along time. But Memphis truly fits the narrative.
It ought to be a city that, in recent times, was mostly white and safe to live in. San Jose would be a good candidate. In the 80's it was a giant white middle class city. Now it's a shit hole. I think it ought to be a place that has died in the last twenty years--where whites were a majority in at least the 70's but better the 80's and are now a minority.
The writing is on the wall.
Americans are reactive & not proactive for the most part. Whites will practice white flight until there is nowhere left to run.
We live in dark times, but the darkest days are ahead of us.
At least I've prepared for my family to weather the worst of the hard times out of sight & out of harms way.
Maybe the next American Revolution will get it right...
It is so very sad that when I go back to where I grew up in the six mile and davison area in detroit it looks like a third world country with lots of homes gone and the rest look like hovels. Worse yet is that kids of all colors are being taught that these subhuman beasts are just good american citizens and equal in all manor. Sick!
In this country, Black people are victims of racism
On this side of the Atlantic we spell perpetrator as perpetrator.
if the US invades any part of Africa for this phoney Kony crap guess what's coming?
In Soviet Russia Jungle welcomes you?
Hey, gimme a bit of recognition here. I was onto this last June!
A man is wanted for rape in Philadelphia. He's described as having a "dark complexion". But his jacket and pants were both "black".
The media just cannot seem to call a spade a spade. Literally. was ignored.
More or less true. Trying to fix the problem would mean acknowledging it, quasi-equivalent to admitting that black dysfunction is off the charts, and then sending money into that earthbound blackhole, which is, politically, not a viable long-term strategy. Better and cheaper to just provide sustenance via EBT cards and ignore the rest.
"Immediately after making this
assertion (which is true, because once a city goes majority Black, the Visible Black Hand of Economics takes over)"
The Visible Black Hand of Economics: that is what they should rename the Joe Louis "Fist" monument.
Also, East St. Louis is conspicuously absent from the homocides per 100,000 graph.
Europe ought to have Africa back. As a colonial possession to administer and An area to repopulate.
Old Imperialist here.
The US never should have encourage African independence. It's biting you in the ass as we speak.
Even though I grew up in the Baltimore area, left for awhile and eventually moved back here I vote you start with Camden, NJ as that seems to be a mini-Detroit with almost the exact same racial composition. Being right across the river from Philly you can also assume that Philly would be much worse if Camden didn't exist as it would have a greater portion of Blacks who didn't leave the city to ruin another swath of NJ.
You could start with articles on how Camden has absolutely NO TAX BASE and has now trimmed police and fire departments down to skeleton crews. You could also highlight how doing so only enables them to commit more crimes and burn down more buildings.
First Anonymous: You and me both, dude(tte) . Her name was Peggy Johnson and she lived in Florida.I've actually tried googling her before, but while I found youtubes of her original idiocy, I have yet to find a follow up. Maybe someone will do that for the election-it's still early in 2012.
Eventually, there will be a city that resurrects itself from climate change.
I have seen this on a small scale on the waterfront of Asbury Park, NJ (a.k.a. 'Newark By the Sea').
I remembered it as a teen as a crime ridden, violent black slum. My parents took me there a small child (early 70's) to enjoy the rides, beach, and boardwalk. The stopped because of the threats and menacing of the black people. After that, Asbury Park became a horror show.
Last year I had to go to Asbury for a business meeting. I saw a new boardwalk, upscale restaurants, a new business park, condos under construction, and efforts to salvage what little was left of the classic Asbury Park architecture from post WWI.
At some point in the 90's Asbury had collapsed so totally on the waterfront that it could no longer support life. It became abandoned like some North African trade dependent port city after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
Denuded of blacks (anyone for that matter) the area became.. well.. low crime. Investors moved back in and over a decade rebuilt a prime piece of real estate.
If anyone would like to see the trend in your area, the NY Times has a nice interactive Census map. Zoom in to go from county perspective to neighborhood.
The next city that is pulled under and drowned by the black undertow is probably one you’ve never heard of. The link is to a story from a couple years ago about a small town in Iowa that has been as is being repeated throughout hundreds of small towns in the Midwest. Add to the mix the demolition of low income housing complexes in cities like Chicago and St. Louis, Section 8 vouchers that allow the former inmates to live anywhere and the increasing tidal wave of sub Saharan refugees to the mix and a way of life for many towns like Postville Iowa, the town that is the subject in the article linked below will soon be extinct.
Still the Hollywood propaganda machine keeps rolling. I was at someone's house the other day and that new FOX TV show "TOUCH" was on. It starred Danny Glover as Professor Arthur Teller – an expert on children who possess special gifts when it comes to numbers and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Clea Hopkins – a social worker who is sent to do an evaluation of the Bohms’ living situation. In Hollywood there is no shortage of Black genius.
"The US never should have encourage African independence. It's biting you in the ass as we speak."
And make the US open to charges of racism unto perpetuity? No.
I think the US should encourage African independence. And that independence should include zero aid of any kind from Western govenments. Africa has lots of natural resources and when the white colonials left, they left behind their infrastructure for Africans to use. Africans shouldn't be needing US help by this point, decades after colonialism ended. I'd even be OK with the West "forgiving" African debt. But after that, Africa is on its own.
So long as Africa is subsidized by the West, its population--a population that it cannot sustain on its own--will increase and demand more and more help from us.
Think of it this way. Detroit is looking more and more like Africa since blacks took it over. White America will be forced to bail it out. But Africa is also looking more and more like Detroit: it's a black population unable to sustain a civilization it didn't even have to build. Do you really want whites on the hook for bailing out an entire continent of blacks?
Leave them to Heaven.
Places like Camden and East St Louis are absolutely ignored by the media, despite the fact that conditions there are horrendous. (That said, parts of Baltimore are also positively third-worldish.) These places have to be ignored because they are overwhelmingly non-white, and even the dishonest douchebags in the media know that past a point it is impossible to downplay that correlation, and from there hints of causation start buzzing in the ears.
Detroit gets more attention because it is -- or was -- much bigger, and the contrast between its current decrepit state and its former prosperity is just too stark.
One cannot escape BRA. Here I am trying to enjoy my “down time” and I come across this:
I was watching the rock music movie “It Might Get Loud” which features Jimmy Page, The Edge (of U2) and Jack White (of the White Stripes). Jack White was raised in Detroit. In the film White spoke of Detroit and mourned it’s loss. The filmed showed pictures of the devastation as White narrates. His family stayed on and refused to leave while others fled. He just stated this matter-of-factly not indicating exactly what it means. Was his family heroes or fools? Those who fled, were they villains? Again, not much inference.
One thing he said was striking. When the transformation was complete there were no longer any record stores or musical instrument stores. Playing a musical instrument was very very uncool. He said rap and house music had taken over and pushed out everything else. This struck me. He spoke as if a style had defeated another style. But actually two things must have happened. Any music and record store were surely robbed out of existence, and the oppressive orthodox black culture simply will not allow any diversity.
Wonderful article and comments.
"Detroit gets more attention because it is -- or was -- much bigger, and the contrast between its current decrepit state and its former prosperity is just too stark."
Detroit also gets more attention because leftists can blame its decline on the departure of the car companies and on "white flight". In both cases, that means basically that whites left and took the money with them. So it was racism that did Detroit in.
And leftists can always bring up the Detroit riots, which they cast not as vandalism writ large but as a black uprising in the name of freedom from white oppression.
Long story short, Detroit is a much handier symbol of racism than the other cities mentioned.
Also, East St. Louis is conspicuously absent from the homocides per 100,000 grap..
NJ -I hear- is fulla Injuns.
Some young guy gets harrassed and kills himself..
The bad guy wasnt even a citizen...
I feel for the kid who killed himself.
More turd world nasty:
Ravi, 20, was convicted of invasion of privacy, bias intimidation, witness tampering and hindering arrest, stemming from his role in activating the webcam to peek at Clementi's date with a man in the dorm room on Sept. 19, 2010. Ravi was also convicted of encouraging others to spy during a second date, on Sept. 21, 2010, and intimidating Clementi for being gay.
Ravi was found not guilty of some subparts of the 15 counts of bias intimidation, attempted invasion of privacy, and attempted bias intimidation, but needed only to be found guilty of one part of each count to be convicted.
The convictions carry a possible sentence of five to 10 years in prison. Because Ravi is a citizen of India, and is in the US on a green card, he could be deported following his sentencing. The US deports most criminals convicted of felonies, with the exception of thefts of amounts under $10,000.
Clementi's mother, who sat with her husband and sons in the front row for the duration of the three-week trial, broke down in tears as the first "guilty" verdicts were read. Clementi's father took notes throughout the reading of the verdicts.
Ravi's attorney, Steven Altman, put his arm around Ravi's shoulder shortly before the verdict. Ravi showed little reaction as the jury read out the verdicts to his crimes.
Clementi's case gained national attention when he committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge Sept. 22, 2010. Ravi is not charged in connection with Clementi's deat
Eustace Mullins knows LA. These smaller cities around LA that fill with Mexicans go totally 3rd World. The small and poor city of Bell was paying its Hispanic Mayor and City Councilmen half million dollar salaries. The dumb beaners had no idea that something was amiss.
Maybe Detroit gets national attention because it's too spectacular a mess to ignore, and rather than pretending that there's no turd in the salad, the hostess is trying to convince everyone that it's a new kind of vegetable.
To the other 'anonymous'..thanks for the name info re:Peggy Johnson. I think that's where we need to go - start actual profiles/stories showing real people, especially in BRA, and how their life has actually gotten worse since Obama and the increase of entitlements. It breaks my heart when I return to my hometown (Chicago) and see it speeding headlong down Detroit's path. I've managed to convince my siblings to leave, but my parents are sure it's going to turn around any day now...sigh.
Signed, dudette
"Perhaps one day in the (hopefully near) future I can sell every last possession that I own for a seat on a ship towards a Mars colony."
LOL. As soon as you were settled, some DWLs funded by youknowwho would launch a long, black "Soul-Rocket" on your heels to bring you some much needed diversity.
Better to sell a few possessions, buy an AR-15, and stay here with us.
Tiochfaidh ar la!
Anon at 10:29 AM, Mar 16: I'm all for deporting any Hindu simply on the grounds that they don't belong here at all, but this hate/harassment case is crap. How would you like it if your college stuck you in a dorm room with a homo? No healthy male, of any race, wants a sodomite room mate, so when they stuck them together, the normal guy struck back. Good for him. Now let him go home and amaze his family with tales of life in America the Degenerate.
Haven't posted lately, but I've been reading. This site is very informative and it allows you to go to a place and vent with everyone else. I live in the bible belt where they still whisper if it was a "black" person who committed the crime. Years and years of eroding our pride.
When I first came on this site a short time ago, I asked "what are we going to do?" I got one smartass comment about spread the word. Well, the word has been spreading for as long as I can remember. We have all known this, sat back, and let it happen. I can still remember as a kid in the seventies another classmate told me that it was the blacks goal to have as many babies as they could to take over. I thought "yeah right", but damnit if it isn't true.
Nothing gets done unless you organize. Are we too afraid of being labeled as hater racists? Are we too lazy and just feel better to be able to come here and mouthe off to one another?
Does everyone who posts here use their right to vote? Do you have a policy to Never Vote Democrat?
I am a woman. It wasn't that long ago that women were finally given the right to vote. I have voted in every election since I was 18 years old. But think about it: who had to "give" me the right to vote? The same race that was in charge of this country when it first began. What happened white men? Tell me, please? Where did you fail? Are you gonna quit pussyfooting around this whole calamity and FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ALREADY!!!!
"it wasn't progressives espousing some utopian form of liberalism"
The leadership style of Blacks is something they learned largely from white utopian progressives, isn't it?
I don't think you can remove that element so easily.
Kylie: Detroit also gets more attention because leftists can blame its decline on the departure of the car companies and on "white flight". In both cases, that means basically that whites left and took the money with them.
As always, this notion of how "whites left and took the money with them" conjures the image of Whites being obliged to scatter the contents of their bank accounts in the streets behind them as they departed.
What in blazing Hell were Whites supposed to do with their own hard earned money? Just throw it away?
Also, since the discussion has turned to African foreign aid, I am compelled to mention the article by Kenyan economist, James Shikwati, “For God’s Sake, Please Stop the Aid”.
I've enjoyed your posts since you arrived here. You have a lot of spirit. Can I ask your age?
You ask of us males "what are we going to do?" Well, I don't know really. That question makes the head spin. But I'll say I was raised in a time where if something happened to a female relation something was done about it. And if something was done to a white person something was done about it. We've lost that. Liberals would say we became civilized when we lost that. I say we lost control of ourselves at that moment. The lawfare against us continues unabated.
Consider the lawfare and all the campaigns the left runs against traditional American society. The left accuses their enemies of running underground hate groups and action groups. Well, where are these rightwing fantasy groups? Is KKK membership as high as Occupy Wall Street? ACORN? The Communist Party of America? Meanwhile the left runs countless groups, non-profits, NGOs, foundations, lobbyists, advertising agencies, think tanks, and legal aid societies all aimed at undermining American society. Some of these groups are political action groups that veer into terror groups. See the “Ruckus Society”. Also it’s useful to know that one of the environmental groups, either Earth Liberation or Animal Liberation ranks number two to Al Qeada in terms of lives lost and property damage in the US. Make no mistake. These are leftists. And these groups are funded by the likes of George Soros and other freak billionaires. Meanwhile the average citizen is scared to death of the KKK and these faceless evil Texas oilmen. Did you ever notice the Oliver Stone movies like "JFK", "Nixon", and "W". all have a Texas oilman? Visit the website to see how deep the Gramscian Project has gone. The forces arrayed against us are very large, well-funded, and tireless. And employ every tactic in the book. Meanwhile we learn more of Obama’s hero Professor Bell, who wants to “abolish” the white race.
We as a nation have been lulled to sleep ever since the 60s. We believed the MLK "content of character" crap. There was the implication of a bargain between the races. Now we have a white population that cleansed itself of racism while the blacks doubled down on stupidity and vengeance. Blacks of good faith that want a civilized society are now shouted down by the “f*** whitey” faction. We were taught overpopulation was a great danger. Problem is only white people believed that. Blacks and Third worlders called it racist. Now whites are only 8% of the global population and we're on the verge of losing the nation we founded. What happened? How were we lulled to sleep? Who is responsible? I have children. I’d like to know they aren’t being persecuted or being rounded up in camps when I’m dead and gone.
However, I see see signs all is not lost. My hipster stepdaughter, a proud Philadelphia resident and classic 26 year old lib, asked me about “prepping” and survival in the event of a societal collapse. She can’t get the words out of her mouth for fear of looking “racist” but she understands who threatens her should the big day come. Meanwhile the polls showed this week that the White House campaign rhetoric is not working despite what the MSM says. As I type this Ron Brownstein is on the talk radio discussing how Obama has lost the white vote. But not to worry, we’re importing non-whites as fast as possible. Thankfully (for the democrats) 2012 will the last election where white people matter! We truly are at a pivotal point. The next couple of years are our last chance to maintain a nation based on the original enlightenment ideals of negative rights and true freedom.
Anonymous (3/16, 2012 10:38 AM): Maybe Detroit gets national attention because it's too spectacular a mess to ignore, and rather than pretending that there's no turd in the salad, the hostess is trying to convince everyone that it's a new kind of vegetable.
"Oh, that? Why, this is now a Southern fusion-style salad and that's a soy-marinated sweet potato."
Thank you Artist. Well written and completely understood.
Thought: Maybe this shouldn't be fought at a race angle (meaning white and black). Maybe it should be taken from the angle of sexes. Meaning female. Who's at most danger from all of this? Is it white males? No. Is it black males? No. Are females in danger, both white and black? When I think of their culture (don't get me wrong all black women aren't excluded) its the black male that has the animalistic traits. Its the black men that will screw each other behind their wives backs. Its the black men that jackroll in Africa (if you don't know the meaning of jackroll I implore you to look it up). Its the black male that, as one cop told me, will screw a whole in a tree. He doesn't care what he gets, as long as he gets it off.
Artist, I say things here that would make my mother gasp and probably vomit. But I am from a different era. I was twelve when they gave us King day off at school. My mother and father came from families that spouted the "n" word. But my parents were different. They didn't teach us to say that and we didn't. I say it now when I am pissed--because it makes me feel like I'm getting away with something.
So my initial thought process takes me from thinking white and black-- to crimes against women (and just how bad it is) and who commits the majority of those crimes against women in order to reach an ultimate goal.
Paul, San Antonio and El Paso have a majority hispanic population but low black populations. Why do they have a lower murder rate than cities with high black populations? Is Ron Unz right?
I think this assistant coach got Detroit-ed
Artist: Now we have a white population that cleansed itself of racism while the blacks doubled down on stupidity and vengeance.
Really well said.
[golf clap]
Oh, and I must add so you get a better picture of who I am. Where I live, the local inmates (majority of whom are black) are put on work detail to clean the parks. Once a week they come to mow and empty trash cans. They all gawk at the women. Stare at them. I am the one, when up close, will say as I am going by "quit eyeballing me boy."
Why, you ask? Because I can and it feels good.
The only solution to the problems of racial relations in the US is secession. Secession will also solve the problem of the deterioration of the dollar, since seceded parts of the USA can adopt new currencies (specie-backed if desired) and simply not recognize the "national debt". They can behave as Argentina did when confronted with IMF indebtedness. I have heard that many analysts in foreign intelligence agencies actually see a breakup happening relatively quickly, as in FSU. Personally I see a central corridor state arising from Texas north to the Canadian border and including Alaska, based on oil exploration and free market economics. Although it is easy to think such an event is impossible, consider that disbelief a hangover of propaganda. There is nothing intrinsically stable about the present configuation of the USA. History, economics, ethnicities, language and aspirations are pulling our nation apart surreptiously. When certain off-stage events become center stage, such as California demanding a massive Federal bailout, or the decision of China to not continue buying our debt leading to huge cutbacks in federal programs, we can expect such civil unrest that secession will apppear to be a requirement for survival of at least some of the country. And realistically, what does North Dakota, Alaska and other such "hinterlands" have in common with LA,for example?
Zenster: "What in blazing Hell were Whites supposed to do with their own hard earned money? Just throw it away?"
Here's a helpful hint. Since America was built on the backs of slaves, then...
Seriously, Zenster, we need to remember that the leftist narrative is that whites' prosperity was unfairly obtained at the expense of the blacks they oppressed. So whites don't deserve to keep the wealth they have because it's not really theirs to keep.
Of course, the billions of dollars whites have spent to improve the health and lives of blacks who were never enslaved, both here and in Africa, isn't even part of the equation. It's always all about what we still--and always will--owe them.
Eric "My People" Holder recently said he “can’t actually imagine a time in which the need for more diversity would ever cease.”
“Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” Holder said. “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin ... When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”
Eric"My People" Holder on AA Into Perpetuity
Obamacare, as Steve Sailer points out, is essentially a transfer of wealth from whites to blacks.
And it goes on and on. They have not yet begun trying to get out of us all they can. The arrogance of it all is just breath-taking.
Bumpsweep: Hispanics have a homicide rate only one half the Black rate. That still means that they commit murder at five times the rate that Whites do.
Now, if you look up Hispanic crime rates, you will more likely see that they are about three times as likely as Whites to commit murder, but that is a recent, and purely statistical change. Look up the Texas Ten Most Wanted, and see a half dozen "White" guys named Jose Martinez or Juan Guerrero. Different police agencies have different policies, but count on it, Hispanic social pathology is covered up in this country. It's much worse than the Rulers would like you to know.
"Also, East St. Louis is conspicuously absent from the homocides per 100,000 grap..
That graph was about the most dangerous cities. I don't think East St. Louis has a big enough population to be included in that list. From its Wikipedia entry, "the city had a total population of 27,006, less than one-third of its peak of 82,366 in 1950." So it's never even had a population of 100,000. I think for purposes of statistics, it's considered a "town", not a "city".
And no, East St. Louis is not considered part of St. Louis, though IIRC, it is considered part of the "Metro St. Louis area".
East St. Louis has been a hellhole for as along as I can recall. There was a saying in the St. Louis County government when my dad worked there back in the 1970's:
"If you gave the Metro area an enema, East St. Louis is where you'd put the tube."
Of course, its demographics were even back then about what they are now.
"Maybe the next American Revolution will get it right..."
The first one restricted citizenship to Whites only, the franchise to property owners, fought hard and won against the attempt to impose a central bank on them, protected wealth creating industries, and specifically informed their posterity(that would be us) not to do 90% of the crazy crap we've done. I'd say they did a pretty damned good job for the first go-around.
"And make the US open to charges of racism unto perpetuity? No."
That charge isn't going to go away until it stops holding power over us. And eventually it will. As to Africa, All we have to do is buy off the village chieftain, and for Africa's resources that is much much cheaper than what we invested in the African people under colonialism.
“Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” Holder said. “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin ... When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”
This is why whites must ultimately abandon the democrat party, and it will happen.
Anonymous at 4:5PM
"And make the US open to charges of racism unto perpetuity? No."
That charge isn't going to go away until it stops holding power over us. "
And the same thing applies to those on here and elsewhere who keep referring to some "elite".
When tempted to use that word to describe those you believe have the power, ask yourself this: "Elite to whom?"
An example, although an old one, is the Kennedys.
You may have heard of them; they are a family of some notoriety, from Massachusetts or some other such place. Do you consider them "America's Royal Family"?
To answer It's Time's question, when are we going to do something about it...
I can only speak for myself, but when my two toddlers are old enough to fend for themselves.
After that, I care not what happens to me.
Eustace Mullins said...
I will vouch for Los Angeles turning more and more into Tijuana every day.
The only reason people aren't cooking over open fires on the sidewalks downtown is lack of combustable material.
There are entire cities(more and more, come think of it)(los angeles is made up of a bunch of smaller cities ) where the dominant Latrino population is openly hostile to whites.
They went from zero to 50 million since 1965.
A country that cannot control its borders is no longer a nation. We're a UN refugee camp. The constitution, and the nation, has been dead for a long time.
I'd get out if I could..........
1965 USA was 92% white and mostly middle class....and blacks were much better behaved...
10 million? blacks then..30 million now.
D J: I was happy to see that JFK's last legitimate spawn, Caroline, was sent away empty handed when she tried to waltz in and claim Uncle Teddy's Senate seat after the old satyr croaked. I'm also glad that she is without offspring. That whole clan needs to leave the gene pool. They are the without any useful talents, and get by on bribes and the slavish adulation of their fan club. One of them actually wrote his own book recently (Danger's Hour, by Maxwell Taylor Kennedy) and you can tell that he wrote it himself because it's so bad. Nobody but a Kennedy could have gotten such crap past the New York book editors.
The literal kind of climate change is no less real than your metaphorical kind.
Quit your irrational bashing of scientists whenever you post articles on metaphorical climate change.
Sometimes as I look out at "what is to be done" I can only see succession. Consider the sci-fi movies where the alien creature penetrates the host body and brain and wraps tentacles around the host brain. It cannot be extracted without killing the host.
This is the state of the US right now. Look at the cost of propping up BRA. Look at the tentacles wrapped around the budget, the debt, the universities, all elements of the government, the civil rights affirmative action industry. Then you have all the whites getting ahead in life by selling out their kin. I call that the spectacle of whites calling other white racists. These whites have bought into the MLK dream. Look at how brainwashed so many people are. When you truly take in width and breadth of how far we've come it seems impossible to reset this nation in it's present state. Succession seems the only way. Otherwise, any draw down of BRA will be met with open rebellion and violence. Helter skelter. We simply can’t absorb the masses of the deliberately helpless.
Following is an example of why succession is the way:,0,4905021.story
At Towson State University right outside of Baltimore, the conservative activist group Students for Western Civilization caused an uproar by wanting to have a White Pride Day.
Quoted from the Baltimore Sun:
The national group's politics have alarmed civil rights organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, which have been monitoring the group for several years. While not explicitly racist, the group's language demonizes minorities, gays and lesbians and non-Christian religious groups, said Marilyn Mayo, who studies extremist groups for the Anti-Defamation League.
"What they're talking about is preserving white culture when we live in a diverse, multicultural society," she said.
There you have it. Someone is talking about preserving white culture. We can’t have that, says our watchdog from the ADL!
BTW Students for Western Civilization website is down for the second time in 2 months.
This reinforces the succession concept. Let’s look at the world. Japan is run for the benefit of the Japanese. China for the Chinese. Saudi Arabia for the Saudis. Each group is for themselves. All over the world. Yet we are handcuffed and muzzled and prevented from thinking of our own future. It’s a thought crime to do so. In the US the founding stock is told to step aside. There are 57 muslin nations. Yet in Europe the elites order each distinct ethnic culture to forget about themselves and sublimate themselves to a multitude of ethnics. So there 57 muslim nations, hundreds of subgroups, but only one Sweden, one Germany, one France. So on and so forth. Considering all the anti-white agitprop the world is awash in does one really think that when whites are under 4% of the worlds’ population that the others won’t finish us off?
Perhaps the country needs to be divided on red state/blue state lines. Each side has it’s entrenched governing concepts already WRT taxes and welfare statism, the basic right to self defense (which is the right to life), regulatory and business attitudes, etc. etc.. The Red nation can imply eliminate transfer of wealth and welfare. The Red State can revert to the very beginnings of welfare and use the long discarded “deserving poor” model of aid and empathy. The deadweight will leave. Then the liberals and all the brainy types can inflict their ideas on people who actually want to live under that system. And capable minorities can live in the new Red State. Many would welcome the chance to live free and rise on their abilities.
Artist:The ruling elite cannot allow open secession. Who would feed them and their clients? You might as well expect a slaveowner to give up his property without compensation.
Detroit. Harrisburg. Camden. East St. Louis.
And at least a few dozen more cities in the Rust Belt are seeing the same dynamic.
Sounds like a long, long, long series to me.
Discard said...
Artist:The ruling elite cannot allow open secession. Who would feed them and their clients? You might as well expect a slaveowner to give up his property without compensation.
Sigh. You're right of course. We're ruled by worse than a king. If we had a king at least we'd know where we stand. Most people still think they're free.
Secession might just be inevitable. China has to soooner or later start diverting income away from slavish purchase of US indebtedness (paid back with cheapened dollars courtesy of inflation) and redirect it to their restless urban poor.They have to tend to the aspirations of their hardworking people (the kind that assemble Apple products) because a working class that can consume will not rebel.Coincidentally, they also could give a rip about the pacification of America's underclass, which they are funding, for now anyway.When they decide to redirect their investment we will see the day the EBT cards show zero balances.
Although it wasn't publicized, the Keystone pipeline wasn't disallowed for environmental reasons but bcause China wanted the oil and got it preferentially to the American consumer, in my opinion anyway. I suspect further secretive oil and resource deals will occur.
As PK has said the day the EBT shows no balance is the day we go to war, which is also the day the secessionist movement kicks into gear.
Anon at 8:48 PM, Artist, and Eustace Mullins: Open secession is not possible, but de facto secession is. Every thinking person knows that there is something very wrong with Blacks, and that most Mexicans aren't much better. Even many leftists know this, judging from where they choose to live and where they send their children to school. Without ever admitting to it, state and local governments will simply fail to cooperate with Federal authorities in matters of race. Many of the southern states, for example, recognize that losing a billion dollars worth of crops is cheaper than allowing wetbacks and their pathologies to move into your state, and so they have passed anti-wetback laws against the wishes of the Feds and of agribusiness. The Feds might overrule the state laws, but they can't be everywhere. State and local governments will do what they must and keep quiet about it. And as the money loses its value, so does the only real leverage the Feds have, the bribes they spread everywhere in the form of "assistance". Ignore Federal policy on education and lose a billion or so in grants. When a billion won't buy what a million used to, it will be easier and cheaper to forgo the money and run things your own way.
Unlike Europe, each American state has a complete government, capable of carrying out all the functions of an independent nation. Just as Germany and France have tired of carrying Greece, Tennessee and Nebraska will tire of carrying California, and find ways to evade the burden. Lawsuits will be filed, time will be wasted, deadlines will be missed, and the healthier states will shirk their supposed duty to the national government. No fireworks, no attack on Fort Sumpter, just an erosion of Federal authority.
Zenster said...
Artist: Now we have a white population that cleansed itself of racism while the blacks doubled down on stupidity and vengeance.
Really well said.
[golf clap]
White people do their best to avoid being racist but black people never adress their own racist behaviour. Why?
Discard, I agree with you on the Rutgers incident. Could you imagine the uproar if the Indian Ravi told the school he didn't want a gay roommate?
' Zenster said...
Artist: Now we have a white population that cleansed itself of racism while the blacks doubled down on stupidity and vengeance.
Really well said.
[golf clap]
White people do their best to avoid being racist but black people never adress their own racist behaviour. Why?
Anonymous said...
Discard Could you imagine the uproar if the Indian Ravi told the school he didn't want a gay roommate'
Artist: There you have it. Someone is talking about preserving white culture. We can’t have that, says our watchdog from the ADL!
This is representative of the ADL's stance regarding:
Ethno-state for me but not for thee.
Such blatant hypocrisy is also one of the few surefire ways of permanently eroding White support for Israel. Finding common cause would be a much more sensible answer but, as such, is totally unavailable to brain dead Liberals regardless of their ethnicity.
Discard: Unlike Europe, each American state has a complete government, capable of carrying out all the functions of an independent nation. Just as Germany and France have tired of carrying Greece, Tennessee and Nebraska will tire of carrying California, and find ways to evade the burden.
Good point but another similarity still pertains.
Just as there is no Greek currency to devalue as a way of penalizing their mismanagement ― as that would require devaluing the Euro, an ineffectual and detrimental measure, at best ― neither are there state currencies here in America. Ergo, we experience the same problem as the EU in that productive states are forced to carry unproductive ones on their shoulders.
It's the old tax consumer versus tax producer problem writ large. BHO has exacerbated it out of all proportion by attempting to reduce unemployment through the creation of government jobs, all of which are tax consumers. You might as well try to spend your way out of poverty.
Anonymous (3/17, 2012 4:15 AM): White people do their best to avoid being racist but black people never adress their own racist behaviour. Why?
It's all they have. The Black problem solving toolbox contains one single lonely resource, the race card. Blacks are a one trick pony.
It's why there is so much Black-on-Black crime. They can't play the race card on each other, because it doesn't work. Therefore, their only option is physical violence, the same unspoken threat that is always hovering behind the race card.
As has been questioned here so many times before, what special skill, product, resource or property do Blacks have that cannot be obtained elsewhere with significantly less hassle or risk?
No such thing exists and that requires them to make a cottage industry out of White guilt because there is nothing else that they have going for them. Rest assured, donor fatigue will eventually set in. SBPDL is a direct indication of this.
No crystal ball is needed to predict that things are going to get very nasty when a semi-retarded, habitually violent and criminal underclass that is so thoroughly accustomed to their entitlements suddenly gets told to collectively piss off.
No crystal ball is needed to predict that things are going to get very nasty when a semi-retarded, habitually violent and criminal underclass that is so thoroughly accustomed to their entitlements suddenly gets told to collectively piss off.
This goes for "Hispanics" too. Already, they have forced the University of California system to make end-runs around the direct voter-approved mandate banning racial preferences, because if the UC's don't the Hispanic lobby has the power to cut their budget.
What happens when there is a Federal law banning such preferences, backed up by civil and criminal penalties? Those "Latino" lawmakers could find themselves in the dock for conspiracy. That would be bound to get ugly, especially when some millions of people still solicited as citizens by Mexico decide that "ol' Tijuana is the place you wanna be".
“Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” Holder said. “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin ... When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”
It looks like that the civil rights movement was a fraud all along. While promising to judge people on (let's all say it together!) "the content of their character," "civil rights" was actually a revolutionary slogan to place blacks into a legally privileged position, an agitprop front to seize power. Of course, once they seized power, blacks and their DWL handlers had no intention of surrendering it.
And why should blacks surrender their power? For that matter, why would any group in its right mind surrender power? Well, we might ask that about whites in America in the civil rights era. There was the belief that people of all races could come together as a single nation. But is that happening today? The rise of multcultism emphasizes the differences between peoples located within the same geographical area (what used to be called "countries").
Holder tosses about terms like "benefits" and "entitled." But what exactly have blacks done to earn these benefits to which they consider themselves entitled? Were blacks to have provided America with a cornucopia of scientific inventions, or business formations, or civil order, it would have been one thing. (To be fair, we do have jazz and all.)
The usual line that African-Americans provided the labor to build the country just does not wash. The America of today is a product of the industrial northeast, the farmbelt midwest, and resource rich west--and the post Civil War boom in the south. The Southern plantation economy which was "built" by black slaves was largely demolished by the Civil War.
One might also note, as SBPDL does not infrequently, how black majorities in major cities seem to be correlated with those cities' decline. Does this mean that America ought to send AG Holder the bill for the damage due to crime, welfare dependency, school drops outs and corruption?
One might look at other minorities who literally did build things, e.g., East Asians with the railroads and current IT developments. Even hispanics at least provide the labor for today's factory farms and construction. (And one wonders why employers do not provide jobs in these fields to blacks.)
Holder claims he wants the famous "dialog on race." Of course, he will not face up to the realities stated on SBPDL and related websites.
The issue is, how to wake up Americans to their progressive loss of power? The situation is, like the Matrix: "all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."
What happened white men? Tell me, please? Where did you fail? Are you gonna quit pussyfooting around this whole calamity and F*CKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ALREADY!!!!
What can be done?
Look at how people on the right complain about Saul Alinsky and his "Rules for Radicals." But you can actually get a copy of this tome at:
How many of the critics have a copy and use it? The methods of political organization are well known. There are any number of books, pamphlets, websites and training courses in them. How many race realists have taken advantage of this information and then done something about it?
Let me give you an example of something that really bugs me: I am constantly hearing complaints about the NAACP-ACLU-La-Raza-ADL-SPLC-et-alia organizations which advocate along non-white racial lines.
So how come we do not have any race realist lawyers coming forth and creating their own legal advocacy organization? It would not be that difficult. There are other organizations fighting against PC, such as FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education). Why not an organization to take up cases of free speech rights for whites students on campuses, or against AA?
I've studied the post-civil rights era. There were activist groups which tried to oppose the dispossession of whites, such as the Council of Conservative Citizens. Why couldn't they mobilize the same kind of legal resources that the civil rights movement did? Especially when, at last until the 1970s, they had considerable support from the Southern political establishment.
Why didn't someone come up with their own version of the NAACP or ACLU? (Maybe they did and it has long since been forgotten. Let me note that Jared Taylor and AmRen have done yeomen work in keeping certain ideas alive.)
Really, has anyone sat down and analyzed why the opposition to the civil rights movement failed?
Granted, the civil rights movement of the 1950s and early 1960s was sold as being about equality, but by 1970 it was pretty obvious that "civil rights" was becoming an excuse for DWL tyranny and black legal privilege: court ordered busing, affirmative action, PC censorship, support for the destruction of white civilization in southern Africa, etc.
Yet right at the moment when the fraud behind what was termed the "civil rights movement" was exposed to America, resistance to that fraud collapsed.
Do we have people here who had experience in the 1960s-70s and could give us more information from "up front?"
Does this mean that America ought to send AG Holder the bill for the damage due to crime, welfare dependency, school drops outs and corruption?
That's the best idea I've heard all day.
Discard Said:
"Just as Germany and France have tired of carrying Greece, Tennessee and Nebraska will tire of carrying California, and find ways to evade the burden."
Hey, Hey....Quit picking on California. As a matter of fact, California (as of 2005 anyways) pays out more to the federal coffers than all but 6 or 7 other states per capita. (around $.80 recieved for every dollar put in) Nebraska and Tennessee receive more than they pay in. Not on topic, but I had to step in and protect my turfs rep, yah no....
Californian at 5:46 PM: East Asians did not build the railroads, as current school books may have it. The Central Pacific RR, running from Sacramento California to Promotory Utah used Chinese labor. I believe that the Northern Pacific RR hired many of those former track layers. That leaves the rest of the tracks in the country that were laid by Whites, or Blacks in the South. The Chinese are a mere footnote in our history, which the multi-cult tries to expand into a book.
"Do we have people here who had experience in the 1960s-70s and could give us more information from "up front?""
I would assume that Vietnam and feminism were kicking into high gear at that point, and dragged the whole culture with them.
The Republican party is broken. It was in 1976, and it is today. We hit rock fucking bottom with jimmy carter, in a way that we haven't with even Obama. That was what it took for Reagan to get in, and even he only implemented modest reforms. We have much much further to fall,only that might not be possible, the democrats may implode faster than the establishment of the RNC does.
Californian-are you being serious as to why we can't organize?
They only allow loyal opposition, meaning opposition that the elite control.
Otherwise you're a white supremacist militia anti government terrorist group and your membership is probably 50% feds and informants.
ageoftreason is a good place to discuss just that question.
I've brought it up before and got moderated.
Oh and SBPDL you've totally blown it on the billboard campaign. It's too late. You suck.
In Soviet Russia Detroit detroits blacks?
"Oh and SBPDL you've totally blown it on the billboard campaign. It's too late. You suck.
Years ago, someone on the British National Front website talked about using stickers with the BNF's website address. It might be something to look into for a product offering from SBPDL. A huge billboard is always a tempting target for Blacks and other leftists; small and medium stickers, priced cheaply for purchase and applied surreptitiously by your kids would make for interesting guerrilla marketing. A variety of different color backgrounds might be useful.
NorCal: I love California. I lived in L.A. for 30 years, and I love the North too. But the foreigners are the majority now. The White middle and working classes have been leaving for years, when they can no longer afford to buy their way into "good" neighborhoods. There are still a lot of rich people paying lots of taxes, and a whole lot more non-White people paying little or none. The tide is against you and it's moving fast. Only a ruthless policy of repatriation can save the state.
FWIW other websites sell bumper stickers And business cards at or below cost to spread the word.
the billboard campaign I was referring to was discussed months ago. maybe there's a reason nothing has come of it and he wants to keep it secret till space became available, I don't know.
kersey still sucks , he's run off a lot of great posters and hearts zenster the neocon evidently.
for all we know PK is the loyal opposition. he sure acts like it.
Anonymous (3/18, 2012 5:57 PM): A huge billboard is always a tempting target for Blacks and other leftists; small and medium stickers, priced cheaply for purchase and applied surreptitiously by your kids would make for interesting guerrilla marketing.
Public posting of unauthorized or unsolicited materials, especially those which are applied with adhesives, are a form of vandalism and tend to generate an equal and opposite amount of public perception. The era of circus posters being slapped up all over town with little opposition is long past.
You may as well recommend that people spray graffiti versions of the logo for all it means.
While I'm reasonably confident that your intentions are well-meaning, all of us are obliged to utilize the most legitimate channels possible in order that a maximum number of minds be swayed in the best possible manner.
Far better to change one mind at a time than recruit equal numbers of friends and foes at once.
"Public posting of unauthorized or unsolicited materials, especially those which are applied with adhesives, are a form of vandalism and tend to generate an equal and opposite amount of public perception. The era of circus posters being slapped up all over town with little opposition is long past.
Maybe, maybe not. That's why it's called "guerrilla marketing." Years ago there was a Linux marketing in Chicago where spray painted penguins were used. Did it create a backlash? No. Downtown Chicago some artist has painted on the streets some small robot appearing symbols that are still there. Backlash? No. Granted, some will not be amused and will use exactly your arguments. Sometimes the cops will intentionally overreact in order to assert their outrage in the name of "State Authority" like when some cartoon network placed battery powered LED signs in Boston but again, SO WHAT?
Stickers are an efficient marketing tool when there they are cheap, numerous and strategically placed.
Anonymous (3/18, 2012 8:00 PM): kersey still sucks , he's run off a lot of great posters and hearts zenster the neocon evidently.
First off, you can feel free to blow my "neocon" pudenda. I am a political independent who regards both sides of the aisle as vote-whoring bastards that make two-bit prostitutes look like respectable, upstanding pillars of the community. Try and reconcile that with your stinking "neocon" horseradish.
for all we know PK is the loyal opposition. he sure acts like it.
I'll let Paul answer for himself as he is more than capable of doing so. However, for you to traipse in here whilst skulking behind the skirts of online anonymity reeks of the very worst cowardice. What is it? Are you afraid that someone might track you down to your mom's basement where you alternately pound on the keyboard and other less mechanically configured appurtenances?
Piss off, you halfwit wanker.
funny you mention spraypainting, other websites sell stencils to do just that, in legal And lawful places only of course
I wouldn't want to encourage spreading the word illegally since we have no other means
Community bulletin boards are a fine and legal place to put up signs, especially at colleges. But don't overlook bathroom stalls. Yes, there will be snivelers, but a truthful statement, clearly stated and obvious to all, does more good than bad, however posted. When only a child can say "The King has no clothes!", we may have to resort to childish means to get out point across. Still, we need to avoid complete regression. Writing NIGGERS SUCK may be obvious, but it's got more baggage than necessary. Writing THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN SYPHILIS/HOMICIDE/ILLEGITIMACY RATE IS 50/11/4 TIMES THE WHITE RATE is simply true, verifyable, and not unduly rude.
I was born in Dearborn, nearby to Detroit, in 1954. But my family is one of the earliest in this area of North America reaching back to French explorers and missionaries. My relatives helped in founding many outposts and forts, including Fort Detroit and then later in 1701Detroit. Not one of my family is left in Detroit with most leaving Michigan never to return.
Checking back in on my father's high school it is now 95% muslim, my baptismal church now a masque but that is not the worst. Detroit, once America's richest city and the engine that played a most important role in winning WWII is a barren, apocalypse-type scene dedicated to savages picking through the ruins of a civilization that they murdered.
Looking back on what happened to Detroit, it is simple, white people were fooled into a guilt trip that has them paralyzed, unable to defend their property, their families, their way of life. And any that step out of line and dare say no to black savagery are crushed by not blacks but by their own kind. This will eventually end in destroying all urban areas of the country and in turn, bring down America.
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