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Majority Black Harrisburg has been Detroit-ed; Bankruptcy looms |
Though not as big as the failure of Jefferson County, Alabama and the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history (primarily courtesy of the financial mismanagement of 71 percent Birmingham), Harrisburg is an insolvent capital city. With virtually no tax-base (cities that are primarily comprised of Black people tend to have that problem), Harrisburg relies on parking garages and parking meters to as primary cash-generating assets, bankruptcy appears inevitable.
A financial emergency was declared by the state government in 2011 after it became apparent the city government of Harrisburg couldn't pay its public servants:
While Harrisburg in 2009 started skipping payments on debt related to an incinerator project, it hasn't defaulted on general-obligation bonds. Harrisburg's fiscal crisis is driven by more than $300 million in debt from an overhaul and expansion of its waste-to-energy facility, which doesn't generate enough revenue to cover the payments.
In December, David Unkovic was appointed as the city's receiver, a first for the state, after Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, a Republican, declared a fiscal emergency to ensure vital services, which included making payroll and paying debt obligations.
"My first priority as receiver is to ensure that vital and necessary services such as police and fire are maintained within Harrisburg during the state of fiscal emergency," Unkovic said in a statement today. "The city will not be making these payments to ensure sufficient cash flow so the citizens of Harrisburg continue to receive essential services."
No one can force an individual to save money to purchase land; no one can force an individual to save money (or have a good credit rating), come up with an idea to provide a good or a service to the community and become an entrepreneur. That the Black residents of Harrisburg have so few of these individuals among their population is reminiscent of the problem plaguing every city in America where Black people are found.
That Newhouse, the executive editor of the Patriot-News would admit to being nothing more than a pawn in Black-Run America (BRA) is hilarious, because the editor of The Buffalo News was attacked by the Black community there after daring to publish a story that acknowledged high levels of Black criminality:
About 700 members of Buffalo's African-American community tonight shared their grievances with Buffalo News Editor Margaret Sullivan over an Aug. 22 article on the criminal backgrounds of victims of the shooting at the City Grill three weeks ago.
The forum, held in True Bethel Baptist Church, 907 E. Ferry St., was one that Sullivan had requested following negative reaction to the report.
Many in the crowd expressed outrage that the police records of the shooting victims were reported at all. They called the report a gross departure from how The News traditionally treats crime victims and that it was disrespectful to the victims, their families and the African-American community.
Others who were specifically invited to speak included former Buffalo Common Council President George K. Arthur, who offered a historical perspective on the African-American community's grievances with The News' coverage of its community. The Rev. Matthew Brown and Murray Holman of STOP the Violence Coalition also offered their perspectives, charging the newspaper did not often respect black people's feelings and that it showed a historic pattern of insensitivity in its coverage of the community.
Sullivan said she was pleased she was able able to listen to the views and explain the editorial decision behind the publication of the Aug. 22 story.
"I really am not here to try to do a point-counterpoint to everything that I've heard because I don't think that would be possible and my main purpose in being here is to listen," she said.
"I do want to say that the way The Buffalo News is being portrayed, at least, in terms of our intention and what we try to do every day is, essentially, unrecognizable to me. I know that the people I work with feel very deeply, that they care about this community. They care about you," Sullivan said.Buffalo and Harrisburg are two communities that will continue to collapse, while the Black population in each city will demand that absolute no media attention be focused on the reason for the decline.
In 2009, massive cheating was detected on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) math and reading exam, with the majority Black students of Harrisburg posting scores that didn't correlate to their already quantified reputation on the exams. After the ouster of the superintendent who was in charge during the detected PSSA cheating scandal, test scores dropped.
Mayor Thompson beat Stephen Reed - who was dubbed Mayor for Life after working to turn the city around in the 80s - for the Democrat nomination in 2009. As the city dies under the watchful eye of a woman elected precisely because she campaigned on a platform that highlighted her melanin (a nod to the democratic process, since 52 percent of the city is Black), one wonders what Mr. Reed thinks. Racial loyalties from Black people trounced his progressive ideology of inclusion, tolerance, and hope.
Black people have made the city of Harrisburg unsafe, thus the need to abandon living there for the safety of the suburbs. Mayor Thompson can say that education is the way of salvation for the Black residents of Harrisburg, but a look at the facts supplied by an educational entity that gave the city a huge grant in 2002 provides a grim dose of reality for a city on the verge of bankruptcy:
Nearly 80 percent of the children in the Harrisburg, PA, school district experience some form of economic disadvantage. In 2002, poor academic achievement, low school attendance, and a high dropout rate presented significant barriers to youth development in this community of 50,000. Since funding began in 2002, the Harrisburg School District SS/HS initiative has improved the quality of services, reduced the duplication of services, and increased community participation in the support and delivery of services. Improvement has occurred every year in academic achievement, school attendance, graduation rate, and number of dropouts. Together with community partners, the Harrisburg SS/HS collaboration implemented programs and identified resources to reduce the barriers to healthy student development. These resources include evidence-based curricula in preK–8, teacher training, a mentoring program, a developmental preschool, school-based mental health services, after-school programs, school resource officers, and probation officers.
Harrisburg has been Detroit-ed. The economic disadvantage people have in the capital of Pennsylvania is that the 55 percent of the city is Black, meaning that Visible Black Hand of Economics is at work. In 2009, 30 percent of Black people in Dauphin County (home to Harrisburg) were on EBT/Food stamps. Only five percent of whites were.
As long as Black-rule is present, it's over for Harrisburg. Just as it's over for Detroit.
"As the city dies under the watchful eye of a woman elected precisely because she campaigned on a platform that highlighted her melanin (a nod to the democratic process, since 52 percent of the city is Black), one wonders what Mr. Reed thinks."
I know nothing about Stephen Reed, he may be a decent fellow.
However, as with all white liberal Democrats who depend on the black vote for their political power, I feel no sympathy when they find themselves suddenly abandoned by the black voters who they assumed were their friends.
Blacks are the most race-obsessed, racist people on earth, and they prove it every time they get the chance.
I feel fortunate I got to see Philly for my first and probably last time last year, unscathed. The cops in Center City were assholes to anyone that wasn't black after dark including a friend of mine videotaping police brutality on his phone. When I handed the officer who was cuffing up my friend my business card and explained that I represent my friend legally, he was instantaneously let go and told he was lucky.
What a fucking sad state we are in to let our history go to shit all because of some fucking niggers.
PS. I currently do not take cases where blacks are plaintiffs or defendants because blacks/niggers hate telling the truth (not sure what # post SBPDL that would be).
About to purchase your books to be proudly displayed in my office.
P.K. a few of my posts did not get posted maybe you did this to protect my identity? Maybe they were just poorly written?
Either way I am from the Harrisburg Area and I know a few things about the people involved.
Look into Stanley Lawson he used to have a bar called Lawsons' Place it was closed by LCB(Liqueur Control Board) due to many violations and I believe a murder involving a shoot out in the parking lot was the end of it.
Lawson is known to be involved in a lot of illegal activity in Harrisburg.
Reed a gay man(said just to show he is a protected minority too) was the only thing keeping Harrisburg together. The gay community were revitalizing some of the historic areas and gentrifying in general. I think they have now left as well because the violence is to great.
Harrisburg is the capitol of Pennsylvania it was a nice small city on beautiful river front property. It is now a major shit holes violent and filthy.
I looked at the news articles. Reed had visions of having a wild west museum and themepark. The feds wanted the city to close or pay for an upgrade to the garbage to energy generator. They went with a company that had no real track record or experience with a project that size and the city did not have a bond for completion. The company went out of business leaving the city with few options. Then with the loss of income and everything else, the city is collapsing.
When I saw the educaiton sevices included probation officers, there is no hope in that school system.
I looked at the news articles. Reed had visions of having a wild west museum and themepark. The feds wanted the city to close or pay for an upgrade to the garbage to energy generator. They went with a company that had no real track record or experience with a project that size and the city did not have a bond for completion. The company went out of business leaving the city with few options. Then with the loss of income and everything else, the city is collapsing.
When I saw the educaiton sevices included probation officers, there is no hope in that school system.
How much longer will we have to pretend to take these people seriously?
So we need to put ARMED troops on American streets because blacks cannot control themselves?
I got thru a little of the film clip...political blablabla
Someone who thinks clearly grew up in SoCal
He went 'back east'and said
'I COULD NOT BELIEVE PHILLY AND NYC HORRIBLE..in ny we got a few traffic tickets in one day'...slums yikes.
Negroes are UTTERLY INCAPABLE of creating and sustaining properous, successful societies. The harbingers of black demise are failed school systems. Eventually but surely, the breakdown affects entire political entities, and what happens? One collective Negro voice cries "Hep me!! Hep me!! Won't somebody pleeze hep me??"
I currently do not take cases where blacks are plaintiffs or defendants
I don't blame you one bit. Here's a classic article from AmRen explaining exactly why.
We've all heard about the 'Kony 2012' video (not seen it nor want to). Well the clown that did it got faced and was (I kid you not) masturbating in public. Now he's what we call in FL 'Baker Act-ed' (72 hour booby hatch stay). One can only hope his stay in the nuthouse is made longer but I doubt it.
Gotta admit while I think Alex Jones is nearly as goofball his Mystrey Science Theater 3000-style treatment of this DWL douchebag was pretty funny.
Amazing - with that low IQ they seem not to understand 'the pursuit of happiness' means. It has nothing to do with the government being responcible for anyone's happiness. The constitution just provides not to interfere with the pursuit of happiness not be responsible for it. What a race of imbeciles.
Dang those women are ugly. no wonder the boys go for white women.
Off topic, but some commenters have said that the guy who shot those 16 Afghans was Black. Yahoo has his picture up, and he looks White to me, and he has a grown up name too.
Just FYI, the WSJ did a long series on Harrisburg, currently flirting with bankruptcy. Basically the city under Reed borrowed a ton of money for things it could not pay back, and so fell into default for $300 million, the city's plan for bankruptcy was rejected by the new Republican Gov. and there will be receivership while the State and City figure out how much the half-built incinerator and other stuff the city got loans for are worth, and then go back to bankruptcy.
Reed was the problem, he was a bad mayor, but the Black majority tolerated him for so long because they lacked civic virtues, involvement, and sanity-checking. Who pays $300 million for an incinerator? A Wild West Park in PA? And other nonsense?
You would not have seen this in wealthy parts of PA, or Connecticut, or New Jersey. Places like Camden, Harrisburg, Philly, and Cleveland (my mom was born and raised in Allentown PA then nearly all White, now mostly Black) are badly governed because their citizens lack both wisdom and incentives. If you have a house you sweated hard for, you don't want it to down in value or be taxed out of it because some idiot pol wants to build a $300 million incinerator. If you're just renting and don't care, that's another story.
People are not fungible, replaceable widgets. And the real problem is not Black dysfunction but elite White idiocy that prevents open, honest, and frank discussion of that lack of people as replaceable widgets.
Nice work, Paul.
This is the 1rst time I have commented. It was very refreshing to see SBPDL pop up on Twitter earlier with mention of Harrisburg. I'm a long time reader of this site and have even purchased 3 books on Amazon. Would really like to buy a new book once it's available.
It may also be worth mentioning that other areas near Harrisburg like York,Lancaster,Carlisle,Lebanon have also have their share of Detroit style feral behavior. It is truely a symptom of BRA, and more are being able to "see".
I may stand corrected on Reeds record. I only have empirical evidence as when I lived there the city was cleaner and had less crime. No doubt Reed was a big Liberal with horrible plans but livability was tolerable.
A city can survive a black mayor if he is a man. Ours did. He was an Oreo by persuasion, a mulatto by race, and a longtime local businessman. He was no great shakes as mayor, but didn't do any worse than the gang of lily-white MFers he played golf with -- the people who usually run our town. He was just "one of them" with a tan.
But once you elect a black woman mayor it is OVER. Sell your house, pack your bags, and GTFO.
"Harrisburg? um..ya know, is that like in Germany or somethin'?"
--Philadelphia Public School's valedictorian
Ricky Tucker said...
So we need to put ARMED troops on American streets because blacks cannot control themselves?
That is where we are headed. Though it will do little good. We now have a huge population of savages that walk freely among us. They can walk within a few feet of you, smile at you and then viciously beat you down, groups of them stomping you.
America is a great country, isn't it?
I left the area back in 1996 and am disheartened to see what it has become. I still have family in the area and apparently the West Shore (aka White Shore) is getting worse as well.
Is it just my impression, or the first lady speaker (in video) had reading problems?
Another once great US city is down for the count and the current majority inhabitants seem oblivious the their negative effect. These people were meant to occupy the lowest rung for good reasons and should never be allowed to hold public office.
Not the least bit surprisingly, no end to the self-congratulatory and deifying remarks, endless "African-American" references ad nauseum.
Set your stop watch to how soon endless criminal activities take place........, embezzlement, inside favors, pay outs, etc., etc. Did I forget to mention an increase in violent crime? I guess I did.
Not the least bit surprisingly, no end to the self-congratulatory and deifying remarks, endless "African-American" references ad nauseum.
Set your stop watch to how soon endless criminal activities take place........, embezzlement, inside favors, pay outs, etc., etc. Did I forget to mention an increase in violent crime? I guess I did.
Many in the crowd expressed outrage that the police records of the shooting victims were reported at all. They called the report a gross departure from how The News traditionally treats crime victims and that it was disrespectful to the victims, their families and the African-American community.
If these truths were revealed for every black violent crime -- they seem to be for every White -- mayebe real truths would start being addressed.
....the Harrisburg School District SS/HS initiative has improved the quality of services, reduced the duplication of services, and increased community participation in the support and delivery of services.
Translation of the bold ital text: There was some white people hadling distribution of XXX dollars, and there was "some people" handling the distribution of ZZZ dollars. The XXX and ZZZ dollars are now being distributed by "some people" and the White people no longer have jobs. (Meanwhile "some people" are lining their pockets with the green.)
MuayTyson: Being the LCB is a BRA agency, I can only imagine how far it had to go before Stanley's Place got shut down.
Whiskey:If you're just renting and don't care, that's another story. I would give up my local vote, being a renter, but being a net tax payer I would not give up my national or state vote.
Anonymous said... Is it just my impression, or the first lady speaker (in video) had reading problems?
Pretty much all of them did. The only one that came off at a real high-school reading ability was the mayor of Harrisburg.
MuayTyson said... P.K. a few of my posts did not get posted maybe you did this to protect my identity?
There was an issue with WP this week that was sending messages to the spam folder, may be Blogspot was affected too as it was related to how certain poster credentials were handled when posting.
Did they elect retard? I need a double take.
You know, I was thinking about your statements in the article. This "Detroiting" is exactly what the Yankees used to break the South under reconstruction.
The Yankees during Reconstruction disenfrancised White Southerners, packed governmental bodies with Blacks. These Blacks then immediately voted themselves and their Yankee handlers the good life, putting the States and other government into huge debts that White Southerners had to pay.
Virginia, for example, didn't pay off its Reconstruction debts until the 1950s.
The South, fortunately, got rid of federal troops enforcing Reconstruction and regained home rule. But now the Feds are everywhere with their boot of diversity and anti-racism, so the only choice Americans, North or South, have is to move to the suburbs.
Ricky Tucker said...
So we need to put ARMED troops on American streets because blacks cannot control themselves?
Much of Military is Black/Brown/ Wetbacks!
Theres an obesity problem in military
but will lamestream isolate by race?
You would think that an area that is the seat of government would have an economic advantage over the surrounding areas because the so much of the tax money that the rest of us pay flows thither. Rather it becomes more like a curse. It draws the affirmative action types who ultimately end up consuming and destroying more resources than can be possibly be funneled in. In the end stages it becomes a death spiral where they last hold outs end up fleeing like refugees selling out for ten cents on the dollar leaving only those who are tied to the AA jobs and have nowhere else to go.
Africans - turning the whole world African.
… Harrisburg relies on parking garages and parking meters to as primary cash-generating assets, bankruptcy appears inevitable.
This is like a nation building its economy on manufacturing soap dishes.
With a balance sheet boasting far more liabilities than assets, is it safe to say that Harrisburg has already been Detroit-ed?
In light of its Black-run government and predominantly Black population, yes.
"They were hyped about an African-American becoming president and she ran on his same platform of change," said councilwoman Williams, who also is black.
And change is what they got. Isn't about time that people begin catching on about what a hollow promise "hope 'n change" turned out to be?
When a coalition of citizens gathered outside her window at city hall, she mocked them with a "thumbs-down" pose.
Nero would be proud.
From the linked article: Instead of helping people, Riggs said, she wasted $35,000 having her office renovated last year.
$35K is a lot of parking meter change and garage receipts. Another triumph of style over substance.
A comment left at the linked article by one Joegus is very descriptive:
A professional minded politician would have made a statement or sent someone down and would have said something like, " I appreciate your concerns and realize that we have many problems to work on......" or something to that effect, but Thompson did something even better. To everyone's amazement, she had the blinds pulled back and started taunting the crowd! She did the thumbs down, mouthed "I am not going anywhere" acknowledged the holy rollers, did the raise the roof gesture, actually did the queen or princess hand wave and basically made a fool of herself. Her arrogance and immaturity at this point proved beyond a shadow of doubt that she has no ability to be in her position. In fact, it confirms all the accusations that Joyce Davis and Chuck Ardo have said about her. This woman has NO ABILITY and no clue how to deal with people. She showed it today in front of all the media. Sadly, it also questions her ability to deal with reality. I'm not sure I can say much more. I walked away feeling self conscious, like when you stare at someone in a wheelchair too long. It's not right to make fun of someone who is handicapped. That is what I walked away with. The only other thing I can add is feeling pity for a woman who is so trapped in her culture and religion that it makes her dysfunctional. Very sad. [emphasis added]
The "culture and religion" reference is about as close as anyone will get to mentioning the fact that Thompson is Black.
"The Guard is for floods and natural disasters. I don't know any more of a natural disaster than of our young people being killed," he [NAACP Chapter President Stanley Lawson] said at a general membership meeting of about 25 people at Capitol Presbyterian Church, 14th and Cumberland streets.
Once again, TNB is some sort of force of nature and not the typically dysfunctional behavior of low IQ thugs that it truly is. Is there any other species that has a large and predominantly retarded underclass? I doubt natural selection would normally tolerate any such thing.
[to be continued]
"The young men, it's fear, it's just fear. They think: 'I'm going to get them before they get me,'" he said.
Oh, it's "fear" all right, but not the "fear" Lawson thinks it is. The "fear" is that "I'm going to have to get me some of that before someone else beats me to it'. It's the usual opportunistic criminality and not much else.
Reed did appoint almost exclusively African Americans to the school district’s Board of Control.
Inmates running the asylum.
She also chided Reed for taking care of the “haves’ while ignoring the “have nots.”
Maybe he wasn't ignoring them and, instead, hoping that they would just go away.
“The Patriot-News doesn’t have the capacity to define who I am. Only God does,” Thompson said, vowing to “push back.”
Rich. No sense of personal responsibility there. No siree, Bob.
The solution lies in a three-pronged strategy that incorporates better education for African American children, better opportunities for economic self-sufficiency for their parents, and protecting civil rights, she said.
More coddling of the Black community. That works every time, except when it doesn't, which is always.
Many in the crowd expressed outrage that the police records of the shooting victims were reported at all. They called the report a gross departure from how The News traditionally treats crime victims and that it was disrespectful to the victims, their families and the African-American community. [emphasis added]
Priceless. "Keep it all hushed up like they normally do! We don't want the truth to come out."
Racial loyalties from Black people trounced his [Reed's] progressive ideology of inclusion, tolerance, and hope.
That is because what passes for Black "vision" does not include "inclusion, tolerance, and hope". It's all about "git Whitey" and little else.
Anonymous (3/16, 2012 4:55 PM): Blacks are the most race-obsessed, racist people on earth, and they prove it every time they get the chance.
What else do they have to obsess over, besides Nikes, that is?
Blacks consistently come up empty handed when it comes to the talent, skill, responsibility, forecasting, intellectual property and self-motivation needed to competently run even a medium-sized city such as Harrisburg, let alone a major metropolis like Detroit.
Race is all they have and "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them". To quote sopmeone who had no intention of ever saying any such thing about Blacks.
Jack from OKC: How much longer will we have to pretend to take these people seriously?
You have my personal permission to halt immediately.
Whiskey: People are not fungible, replaceable widgets.
Good luck with that one. Read "Fast Food Nation" if you want a glimpse of just how hard large employers are trying to disprove that exact point.
The fact that complex and highly productive industries cannot treat people like that doesn't stop them from trying. Why do you think all of our jobs are being exported to a country that has built its reputation and economy on treating people as interchangeable parts?
Attempts to do so in America have seen a consistent attrition of skilled labor along with the poor yield rates and high levels of returned materials that accompany any de-emphasis of knowledge-based ability.
And the real problem is not Black dysfunction but elite White idiocy that prevents open, honest, and frank discussion of that lack of people as replaceable widgets.
If the White elite weren't so reliant upon using Blacks to foment horizontal class warfare, they would drop these parasites like a live grenade. Instead, Blacks criminality has proven to be an excellent way of halting vertical class warfare; something the elite desire almost more than life itself.
I do know one thing: don't ever bad-mouth your local newspaper.
I'd rather have corrupt politicians in office who at least get stuff done than sheboons who're just along for the joy ride.
As for Buffalo: Lol. I think people should have their criminal convictions tatooed on their foreheads. What's wrong with publishing black criminality in the newspaper? Nothing...at....all.
Only blacks would think that publishing the names and records of black criminals (dead or not) is an "infringement of dey rights"
You never go full retard.
Zenster, I love reading your comments. But, can you explain to me what vertical and horizontal class warfare are? Thanks.
Slightly off-topic, but what do you all think will happen over this Trayvon Martin incident in Florida?
Granted, what the "neighborhood watch" captain did was uncalled for, and he certainly deserves to be punished. But if Blacks were able to destroy large swathes of Los Angeles because of police beating a Black criminal, what do you think they'll do when the victim is actually innocent?
Trayvon was almost certainly up to no good.
Walking around at night in a strange neighborhood. You don't do that if you value your peace n quiet.
Anon 6:26
OMG thank you for posting that article!
"Some callers don’t even leave a number. About a quarter of the messages blacks leave do not include either a name or a number. Needless to say, many calls are not returned"
And then I'll bet anything that they all turn around and say that the reason they aren't getting calls returned is because they are black and the system is racist.
I burst out laughing at the "Iisszzttadda" anectdote. I thought that would be the topper but the article just kept getting funnier and funnier....well, funnier until you realize that WE are the ones who ultimately pay the price for these people's stupidity.
Remember, we're dealing with a race that has an average IQ of 85--and that's in America, back in Afreeka the average is 67. Keep in mind, the legal definition for retarded is 70 or lower--meaning that the average African is literally retarded.
When you start to grasp that reality, everything about blacks and Africa makes perfect sense. Especially when you combine that low IQ with a well-documented lack of impulse control.
"Zenster, I love reading your comments. But, can you explain to me what vertical and horizontal class warfare are? Thanks."
Horizontal is a bit of a misnomer, both are vertical class warfare, though the case being promulgated against us is the lumpenproletariat(blacks who depend on state assistance and who basically are unemployable) vs the proletariat(white working class).
middle class whites can still afford sufficient distance from this wreck - for now. And of course the upper class, the 1% if you will, have their preparations made to defend themselves from the mess they are creating. The only real threat to them, that they see, comes from us.
Horizontal class warfare is racial squabbling. Vertical would be attacking the super rich in their enclaves.
Blacks as a rule never really attack the upperclasses in upperclass areas. They tend to ethnic cleanse poor whites from areas instead. They actually serve massa by doing this.
Now that i have become somewhat accustomed to the arguments the bitter cling thing that Obama spouted, seems more and more like a very important "tell".
He really does want to dissolve Euro-American communities.
It wasn't an accident.
@Lord Drek
The thing that bothers me most about this incident is how they keep referring to the shooter as white when clearly he is not.
They also keep saying 'predominantly white area' to sort of stoke the racial fires.
The guy who pulled the trigger is Hispanic, and clearly looks Hispanic.
I also caught an interview with the family with #1 race baiter at large, Soledad O'Brien....the father said that he wanted to 'bring justice upon the American people'. I thought that was a very strange thing to say, instead of justice for his son.
I have read elsewhere that this kid and the shooter had some sort of physical altercation with the kid going for the guy's gun. If that turns out to be true, the man was justified in shooting him.
Always be wary when you're around blacks:
Of course it wasn't always this bad. Paul Gottfried's trilogy on the managerial state is probably the best treatment of the march of leftism through the institutions during the last century. Though it's a bit too abstract-a graduate student in China reading it wouldn't really understand what had gone on based on that source alone.
'We need help," Lawson said.'...... Finally an NAACP 'spokesperson' utters a true statement (even if by accident) ....Let me help you define the type of help you don't need: Perpetual and uncontrolled access to everyone else's money,record setting drop out rates, teen pregnancy rates, promiscuity, whining, stealing, drug use, STD rates, victimization, cluelessness, ingratitude, unfocused mayhem and violence, undisciplined behavior, and obesity.
I am honestly surprised that these subhumans actually have the capacity to communicate beyond simple sign language and guttural noise.
offtopic...lamestream news wont
note DNA in black failure:
Dixon, Los Angeles Times
Reporting from Juba, South Sudan — The two wards are at opposite ends of the hospital. One ward is silent but for a baby boy, gurgling on a bed in a corridor. A toddler wanders around with a machete scar on his head. The boys' parents are dead.
In the other ward lies one of the men who attacked them. When Gai Nashir was a baby, his father was also killed, by members of the boys' tribe. Quick to anger, he grew up with an enemy.
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"This war began before I was even born," says Nashir, who was wounded in December when he and other members of his Nuer tribe shot and hacked to death hundreds of men, women and children of the Murle tribe in the darkest episode in the short, troubled history of the world's newest country, South Sudan.
The ongoing tribal violence, which saw more than 200 people killed last week in the latest outbreak, poses a serious threat to a fragile state still recovering from a long war for independence from the Sudanese government. With memories of the bloodshed in Sudan's Darfur region fresh, the displacement of 125,000 by the fighting in Jonglei state also raises the risk of yet another humanitarian disaster in a region ill-equipped to handle one.
The tribal tension is just one of the cascading problems that confront South Sudan, including a near-total lack of infrastructure and a war on its disputed border with Sudan that has caused 80,000 people to flee into South Sudan. There is mounting tension with Sudan over oil, most of which went to South Sudan with its independence; talks on the issue reportedly degenerated into a shouting match recently.
The December attacks exposed the government's failure to protect its citizens, and to offer services and jobs in a destitute region. Bitter young men ..........
Slightly off-topic, but what do you all think will happen over this Trayvon Martin incident in Florida?
Black community thinks the shooter was white, has a black "faith based" outrage/outcry, then found befuddled to find that shooter is actually Hispanic. Oh, now he is maybe half white.
Is that enough to prove YT racism?? Not sure.
Blacks need to blame someone for this "senseless violence". Waiting to see...
Lord Drek said...
Slightly off-topic, but what do you all think will happen over this Trayvon Martin............
LA riots..........
Lord Drek...
please go to conservapedia/ van jones
Looks like the LA riot was created by Van or his communist party.
Anonymous (3/17, 2012 1:53 PM): Zenster, I love reading your comments. But, can you explain to me what vertical and horizontal class warfare are? Thanks.
Thank you very much for asking. I hope this comment makes it through as this can be a rather sensitive topic of discussion.
Horizontal class warfare is intramural in the same way that Sunni-Shiite conflicts are with respect to Islam overall.
Currently, in America, much of violent crime is relatively stratified within the lower and middle class as neither of these groups typically can afford, as do the elite, to reside in gated communities nor employ personal security in the form of bodyguards or private patrols.
In fact, it is a measure of just how seriously conditions have deteriorated in Detroit to where middle income neighborhoods are pooling resources to hire the sort of private security forces normally available only to those of greater wealth.
More often, criminal activity in the form of theft, robbery, mugging and all physical violence is confined within the lower and middle class. Due to the tremendous wealth gap that now separates America's financial elite from even the upper middle class, all income levels below that stratospheric status ― be they white collar, blue collar, the poor or chronically unemployed ― are effectively one relatively unified strata of society, if only due to how they must live (or are forced to live), cheek by jowl.
Other familiar class designators related to these same groups would be the intelligentsia, bourgeoisie and proletariat. Regardless of nomenclature, the elite cadres collaborate to ensure that any access to their own idyllic setting is highly restricted.
[to be continued]
As has become exceedingly clear here at SBPDL, there is a bipartisan effort afoot to flood America with Third World immigrants while mercilessly coddling its Black underclass. The Democratic Party favors such a policy because these frequently impoverished arrivals will regularly vote for big government in the form of Socialist benefits and other economic handouts; something that Blacks have long ago become accustomed to. In effect, these politicians create mendicant voter plantations.
Republicans find this unbridled admission of largely underclass elements useful in appeasing their big business patrons who seek the very cheapest labor to perform what little actual work remains that cannot be outsourced to China. In the absence of domestic industry and manufacturing, much of what is left over amounts to service economy positions where lowest-cost employees are essential to maximizing profits as there are few other viable cost-cutting measures to be had.
This was the entire debacle surrounding the Z Visa scandal. It was wholeheartedly supported by both political parties despite furious opposition among America's ancestral population. In fact, it was a very rare chance to see just how corrupt this nation's government had become.
The end result has been large-scale crony Capitalism of the sort that has always been used by Cultural Marxists to blacken the eye of free market economies everywhere. In an equivalent of Japan’s zaibatsu, America’s Ivy League universities have become the essential networking sites for future CEOs and board members as they begin their rise through the financial ranks. Japan’s zaibatsu consists of Mitsui, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi, Suzuki and other less familiar names which are mirrored in more well-know clans such as Rockefeller, Mellon, Astor, Vanderbilt, Ford, Guggenheim and the like.
As noted earlier, the stratification of violent crime and all but the most select white collar criminals has resulted in much of America’s law-abiding population being driven to distraction as it seeks to protect itself. Its sorely misplaced trust in vote whoring politicians who prefer the company of well-heeled campaign contributors means that they are largely on their own.
The predation and increasing brutality of largely minority assailants is a direct reflection of how unconcerned the financial and political elite have become. Criminals pass through the justice system’s revolving door only to be set upon the population again in an effort to limit any public awareness of corporate and political agendas that might otherwise have us up in arms.
This encouragement or facilitation of criminal predation is the horizontal class warfare that I mentioned earlier and it is specifically employed by the elite to prevent an otherwise enraged public from venting its justifiable anger upon their supposed betters in the form of vertical class warfare. That secondary form being the one thing above all others which this world’s elite dread and have dreaded ever since The Terror of revolutionary France.
you might enjoy..
crimes of the times blog
and sarah maid of albion....
here goes....UK trial
When sentencing Eric Bikubi and Magalie Bamu to minimum prison terms or 30 years and 25 years respectively, following their conviction for torturing to death a 15 year old boy, whom they had determined was a witch, the judge, David Paget, QC, suggested that the killers were sadists. The Congolese couple have also been described as psychopaths, and Bikubi’s own defence team had claimed in court that he was mentally impaired.
They are, of course, none of these things Bikubi and Bamu, are not mad, they are not especially bad and by the standards of their homeland they are not particularly sadistic. The crime they committed, during which their young victim, Bamu's younger brother Kristy, suffered such extreme and prolonged agony he allegedly begged for death, seems uniquely horrific when seen from the perspective of a Great Britain which still clings to a crumbling vestige of what we once were. However, throughout central Africa where the killers come from such events are commonplace.
In fact it is believed the abuse of children who are accused of being witches, practising ‘kindoki’ or tribal witchcraft, is growing amongst the African community in Britain, but it has until now been largely covered up and therefore has not yet reached the wider public consciousness
I live near Harrisburg. The downtown area with the bars, shops and other businesses used to be a really nice place. Unfortunately, it's gone downhill. And the crime is a real problem. There are a number of Bhutanese Nepali refugees in the city and the Blacks continually victimize them. It's pretty disgusting.
Anonymous (3/17, 2012 4:42 PM): Horizontal is a bit of a misnomer, both are vertical class warfare, though the case being promulgated against us is the lumpenproletariat (blacks who depend on state assistance and who basically are unemployable) vs the proletariat(white working class).
Your, albeit technically correct, distinction needlessly obscures the true agenda behind what's really happening.
As you go on to finally observe, "The only real threat to them, that they see, comes from us." Namely, the fairly well-educated middle class that is capable of actual political awareness and, increasingly, displays less and less partisan loyalty as our politicians reveal themselves for the corrupt scum bags that they are.
The best image to picture is that of an hourglass. At the bottom is the huge base of minimum wage earners barely living above the official poverty line of ~$16,000 per year.
At the top are the ranks or millionaires and billionaires whose numbers, of late, are out of all proportion to reality.
Where the hourglass necks down most severely is the middle class whose earnings are between $50K to $100K per year. This is the group being strangled on a near constant basis by modern government. Eric "My People" Holder has effectively declared war upon America's middle class with Obama's tacit, if not overt, approval.
Middle class whites can still afford sufficient distance from this wreck - for now.
Why do you think these bastard social engineers are flooding White suburbia with Section 8 housing recipients? This is what I meant by stratification of all classes below the financial elite. It is school desegregation taken to a whole new level with the implicit intention of shattering every last Whitopia there is.
And of course the upper class, the 1% if you will, have their preparations made to defend themselves from the mess they are creating. The only real threat to them, that they see, comes from us.
Along with our educations, the largely White middle class also possesses one other thing in great number, firearms. This is why there is such a concerted and multi-pronged assault upon gun ownership, White flight, so-called "hate speech" and "hate crimes", Conservative blogs along with the entire the Internet, anti-Islamic groups plus every other facet of cultural preservation being attempted by Whites in America, or Europe, for that matter.
Any White person who blathers on about voting for Obama in order to teach everyone a lesson about how worthless Black leaders are is out of their ever-fricking-loving mind. Four more years of Obama could see much of this elite agenda successfully implemented.
Please keep in mind how, during his term in office, Obama has serviced big business like only the most dedicated and well-paid whore ever could. For that, he has been given free rein to annihilate America's White middle class. An agenda that he pursues with a vim and vigor only the most racist fan of Black Liberation Theology could possibly exhibit. Obama is Jeremiah Wright's prodigal son and anyone who thinks otherwise does so at their own dire peril.
In response to the O.T(which I hope Paul covers).
Zimmerman will be found guilty. Not because he is or is not guilty the D.A. will speak to the Mayor who may or may not seek council with his superiors and they will decide that better for Zimmerman to be found guilty then for blacks to riot.
There are holes in both sides of the story. Zimmermen choose to follow Martin against the dispatchers orders BUT did he confront him or choose to follow to observe and report? This we do not know.
Evidence is strong Zimmerman was attacked. Read any of the posts on the MSM or the BM(Black Media) doesn't matter. Martin was shot in the chest not the back suggest he was either standing facing Zimerman or standing over Zimmerman or on top of Zimmerman. This does not matter.
No evidence will matter in this case. MSM has already dredged up old charges against Zimmerman that were later dropped. What about Martin what is his past record of behavior? We will not be allowed to know.
I hope justice prevails no matter which way it goes but it can't only BRA can win this no other out come will be allowed.
Zenster said...
This encouragement or facilitation of criminal predation is the horizontal class warfare that I mentioned earlier and it is specifically employed by the elite to prevent an otherwise enraged public from venting its justifiable anger upon their supposed betters in the form of vertical class warfare.
That entire passage was really well done.
This is the heart of the real issue, isn't it? It's entertaining to keep discussing negro criminality and ignorance. But it is the elites in government, academia and business that use the negroes and the waves of third world refugees to wage war on working middle class Americans.
'Bhutanese Nepali refugees in the city and the Blacks continually victimize them. It's pretty disgusting.'
Oh please, the horrors of multi cult, immigration, holiganism!
section 8 and immigration are ruining this nation.
I hate to say it but MuayTyson is right. Zimmerman is another examply of white victims being used as human sacrifice. No matter what, the liberals CAN NOT allow a white person to defend himself. Whites still have most of the economic and political power in the US, and if whites stop acting like sheep and fight back against crime then the liberal and BRA power structure is threatened.
Any chance the 13 year old white child who was set on fire by a 16 and 17 year old negro thugs will get a tenth of the coverage this story will? No because that shows blacks acting like blacks.
While we don't know what happened I'm willing to give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt. When I found out the MSM was withholding info, ie witness say Zimmerman was on the ground and bloody, then I just believing anything the media says when a ferral negro animal is involved.
Anyone know how tall this 17 year old was? I see comments were people are calling him a 'child' as if he was a 10 year old.
but it has until now been largely covered up and therefore has not yet reached the wider public consciousness
African witchcraft practises first came to the public's attention when a guy said that it was most likely that African witchcraft was responsible for the murder of a child whose torso was found in the Thames.
He was of course meant to blame white racism but what would an African who was an expert in African witchcraft practises know about this?
Why nations fail
Short review. Black people and TNB.
Your analysis of current political ideology is brilliant. I can tell that you're an astute observer and an all-around brilliant mind. I'd love to read your stuff separate of this forum sometime. You have the Machiavellians down pat!
Your social/economic/political theories are solid, and you articulate them so convincingly.
Zenster, again, I just re-read all of your posts and they are so relevant. The explanations of class warfare and the differing strata of society make so much sense. I'd love to pick your brain sometime and learn how you've developed such idea's.
You need your own Blog, it would complement this one nicely.
"If the White elite weren't so reliant upon using Blacks to foment horizontal class warfare, they would drop these parasites like a live grenade. Instead, Blacks criminality has proven to be an excellent way of halting vertical class warfare; something the elite desire almost more than life itself."
This is it in a nutshell. Understand the dialectic of conflict and pressure-cooker politics and you've got it. We've been pshycho-civilized and now we're going to get culled in the meat grinder of elitist, PC punditry. This is the game, that is their modus operandi.
Brilliant Zenster.
Liberal and black is a recipe for political disaster.
There is value in the aspect that broken windows must be replaced immediately. Leaving windows broken only invites more windows to be broken and soon you have unattended lawns and trash and garbage piling up in the streets, then unsavory people move into the neighborhood and soon the entire neighborhood is a ghetto.
In Harrisburg that is what has happened with all the glass windows, ceilings, and other broken objects that the black male talks about being broken in his gloating announcements about the first black woman elected mayor in Harrisburg. Anytime you hear the words,"first black" you know you are on the wrong end of history.
Now the city of Harrisburg, PA is broken and bankrupt.
Jay Santos:
That entire passage was really well done.
Thank you very much. I'm that glad you enjoyed its content.
This [elite fomenting of horizontal class warfare] is the heart of the real issue, isn't it?
In many ways, yes. Aside from debasing our currency through massive inflation, raping our Social Security and piling up trans-generational accumulated debt, forcing the middle class to constantly be on guard against predatory minority criminals is a very successful way of driving us Whites to utter distraction (in all senses of the word).
It's entertaining to keep discussing negro criminality and ignorance.
Please be careful to not sell short the Herculean efforts of Paul Kersey. It is not just "entertaining" (more so, really), race realism is one of the few "side door" approaches to unchaining those who are shackled and blinkered by PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism). Few better examples of constant media bias exist with respect to what can only be termed as the exceptionally deleterious phenomenon of disproportionate Black crime and minority criminality in general.
SBPDL provides a vital gateway into the disinfecting sunlight of objective, fact-based analysis regarding a subject that is more often dealt with in (overly) emotional and subjective terms.
But it is the elites in government, academia and business that use the negroes and the waves of third world refugees to wage war on working middle class Americans.
Yes they are and DWLs are their useful idiots, just as Blacks, Muslims and other Third World minority immigrants are their shock troops.
Dissident, I really appreciate all of your kind words. Your generous appraisal of my work and strong encouragement really make it all worthwhile.
I continue to consider starting a blog but remain wary due to how much time it will inevitably drain out of my life. It is out of respect for those who do run blogs, like Paul Kersey, that I try to provide topical articles and explanatory comments in the hope of easing their own online burdens.
Again, I am grateful for the praise and hope that you will keep posting your own pithy observations.
Linda Thompson... Her ghetto ass baboon of a son was arrested for rape last year. You should do a story about her family. You can't make this shit up.
I travel and I'm often asked why I don't go to New York, Chicago, and in general the east coast. I have been to D.C., it's our capital any ways. I always say I will eventually go, but what I should really say is those major cities east of the Missippi River have a serious black problem and I want no part of it. While Oakland, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, and Fort Worth also have significant black populations it is no where near as bad as say New Orleans or Detroit. For those European derived who live in the East I am sympethetic that you have to put up with so much whining and black ghetto culture that was on full display when I went to D.C.. Utilizing the metro in our nations capital I saw a young black woman crying and a white woman asked her what was wrong. The black girl said I'm pregnant and the father wants to have nothing to do with me. Hearing this only reinforced my belief that another one bites the dust in black society. An unborn black child hated by its black father and a single mother who will fall back on public assistance. While I'm not white, I am not black either and I am truly thankfull I was not born black like that poor fatherless child yet to come into this world.
here in LA I sometimes listen to AM Radio..
Mark and Ken etc..
I believe they spoke of a black city or county guy who spent a MILLION [?}
redoing his office.
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