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If they weren't in the NBA, odds are they are in jail. Or broke. |
Now is not that time. With the President of the United States interjecting himself into a story - he didn't have anything to say about the white kid set on fire by the two Blacks in Kansas City, did he? - that is being deliberated obfuscated by the Mainstream Media (MSM), we now have actual proof that the 2012 election will be the most racial in American history.
Well, at least since 1860.
Tomorrow, expect a long post detailing what happened in Detroit in 1967: it was a Black riot that killed one of America's most important cities. Then, there were only three networks on television, a few national magazines, and no Internet to provide pictures and video that circumvented the gatekeepers of the traditional media.
Black people nationwide are showing their solidarity over a story that we still do not know the basic facts about, nor do we have up-to date pictures of Mr. Trayvon Martin. Instead, we get Mickey Mouse Club-approved photos of a young Black kid with the hopes of immediate sympathy being generated instead of nods of approval over an image of a gang-banging brother being gunned-down by a trigger happy Hispanic.
Once again, the monochromatic Black community has been galvanized to believe the worst by an overzealous media dedicated to promoting a story that has been completely manipulated to elicit a prescribed reaction. Al Sharpton has joined the fray over George Zimmerman's shooting of the "saintly" Martin, the son Mein Obama never had.
Now, the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association (NBA) have posed wearing hoodies, a homage to Martin's fashion statement that is shared by hundreds - if not tens of thousands - of other young Black males before they commit a crime.
Double J himself, Jesse Jackson, has now entered the fray, uttering this statement which seeks to exonerate Black people of all wrongdoing and place the blame squarely on white America's shoulders:
He added: "Blacks are under attack." African American families are facing record home foreclosures and unemployment. Their children are burdened with student loan debt. States, particularly conservative ones, are passing voter laws that leaders know will disenfranchise blacks and other minorities. Meanwhile, the nation's prisons are brimming with black faces, he said, and their numbers that suggest that the legal system is quicker to send blacks to prison than whites.Wasn't this a story of a Hispanic neighborhood watchmen shooting a Black Mickey Mouse Club extra? When did it become a story of student loan debt, foreclosure, high rates of Black crime necessitating high rates of Black imprisonment, and high rates of Black gun violence (targeted other Black people) making America's major cities war zones where our military doctors and trauma surgeons can garner valuable training in before deployment?
Jackson said gunfire in America continues to be a problem for all Americans -- not just blacks. Why, he asked, isn't America outraged, that far more people die of gun violence in one year in America than the number of soldiers killed in the wars waged in Iraq and Afghanistan?
"Our disparities are great," he said. "Targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business."
None of this matters to Black people, who never even tried to adhere to the concept of "judging by character" and instead found "judging by color of skin" (as long as it was white), blaming all of the problems within the Black community on evil 'whitey' a much more profitable way to go through life.
Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Eric "My People" Holder, and Al Sharpton (not to mention the New Black Panther Party - who used violence to intimidate white voters in 2008 and were not prosecuted by Holder's Department of Justice - issuing a "Dead or Alive" poster for Zimmerman - have doubled down on maintaining the Kerner Report legitimacy as the defining document governing American racial discourse.
It was this document, written after Black people had rioted in over one hundred American cities in the 1960s, that absolved Black people for their behavior, placing the blame on white people for their racism.
White people would go to the moon on July 20, 1969, never realizing that we would abandon our destiny to explore the universe just to invest quadrillions of dollars into uplifting Black America to the point that, in 2012, we are on the verge of hundreds of American cities burning again.
High rates of Black crime in more than 15 American cities since Obama's election have been countered with calls for the national guard to patrol the streets or martial law/emergency curfew's to be enacted/implemented to keep the peace, but now one shooting prompts Double J to bring up Black people's inability to pay mortgages they should have never gotten in the first place as justification for saying "Blacks are under attack."
No, Double J: Blacks aren't under attack. America has been under attack by outrageous levels of Black crime for decades, and we've continued to believe its the fault of white racism and the legacy of slavery for "the Blacks" inability to conjugate verbs, do addition and subtraction, and learn at a level passed the eighth grade.
We are now entering an era of hyper-instability, where the distrust between the races is growing at a pace not seen since white people fortified themselves in the suburbs of Detroit following the "Black Rebellion of 1967", leaving "the Paris of the West" to be run by Black people.
How'd that turn out? Oh... not so good.
You always wondered what it would take to make people "wake up" to the problems plaguing America: who would have ever thought it would take the shooting of a Black kid in a hoodie (with a sweet tea and a pack of Skittles) by a Hispanic named George Zimmerman to showcase the reality of what we have dubbed Black-Run America (BRA)?
I started this blog as a joke, a way to stay sane in a world seemingly dedicated to promoting nothing but 24/7 insanity. It's been almost three years since the first entry went up; now, four new books are on the verge of coming out that are all the work of one person (with editing by the ever valiant Mencken and contributions from a host of unnamed designers).
Double J and his ilk have doubled down on keeping alive the myth that white racism holds back the flow of Black progress. We at SBPDL have doubled down that the impending failure of Detroit showcases that the flow of Black progress was never more than the finite steam of water shot from a Super Soaker.
We could have been on Mars... remember that when you watch the first Black riot of 2012, courtesy of Black people posting iPhone videos onto WorldStarHipHop.
Obama is disgusting.
Boycott the NBA [If you are not already doing so]
What can I say Paul, you are spot on, as a teacher I see 80% acting like fools in school.Ignorant black people surround me daily. I feel ashamed of their actions. I feel ashamed of the sham million hoodie march. I know that the sham protesters don't give an F about life or justice they're just hating white people. Their motto is "stop "snitchin", that is what I hear these kids saying all the time at the school I teach at, they get it it from hip-hop that sorry genre of music pied pipering black people to hell. They only want to see white people suffer, because they are lazy sorry sob's who don't want to do shit.They lie , they steal, cheat, yell and curse and fight each other all day at school and after school. I wish some of them would get put in a field to pick some fruit and save tax money and yes I'M black and I ain't the only one who feels the way I do. My best friend another black guy feels just like me. We can't stand these ignorant sob's.
Trayvon R.I.P. but I can't stand the hypocrites using u for ill will toward whites, sorry.
That Zimmerman will go to trial is likely a foregone conclusion.
Then, if he did act in self-defense, the jurors have two stark choices: Convict and innocent man, or do the right thing, acquit, and live with the consequences of the Mau Mau now being instigated by the Race Pimps and their adoring media.
I'm glad I live in Idaho.
...yawn ...
Blacks will kill, burn and riot. Blacks will get their way again. Whites will do nothing but bitch on the computer.
Obama will easily be re-elected.
2012 .... another sleepy year. Wake me when it's over.
Due to circumstances I will not go into here, I had to do a heck of a lot of thinking over the idea of owning firearms. That decision was made a few days back; I can see what will be happening as a result of the goings-on in Florida.
I went to the range yesterday (Friday). In about three hours, I will be headed to an 8-hour basic firearms course.
Then, it's off to the gun stores to have a look, talk to some folks, and make my choice.
We should work to reframe the Kerner Report narrative -- that black people are dysfunctional, as a group, because of white racism -- as what it is: a racist conspiracy theory against whites, akin to anti-Semitism. A slur. (Is is Whitey's fault that Africa is less-than-civilized and always has been? The anti-colonialist argument, which is really weak as an explanation for black dysfunction but which is largely unquestioned today, should be openly challenged as a part of this.)
I'll say it again: Every time someone lets black people off the hook for their own behavior, while claiming that all races are essentially the same, they're making an implicit argument that Evil Whitey has been Doing Something to keep the brothers down. It is so much like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, and should be framed as such. That's how we reclaim the moral high ground.
Hate to say this but this very behavior is why I left America. I will be sitting in Seoul running my business(If I wanted I could leave the door unlocked for days) and watch BRA burn.
My family is safe and most of my friends those who live close to blacks I hope have a lot of ammo. Me all I can say is,"I told you so."
The last few years I have become more race conscious and it did rub some family members and friends the wrong way but everything I've said is coming true. After last summer it was only bound to get worse I doubt this will just blow over with out any violence at all.
Please, please BRA awake the sleeping giant he is past out and deep in slumber but when he awakes and he will awaken there will be hell to pay.
I thought England or France would be the place for the first race war now I think it might be the good ole' US of A. When this goes off others will follow. America is not the only country going through this but I hope we are the first to say, "Enough!" then the other European countries will fall in line.
We all know at SBPDL Whites don't go for the whole chaotic mob violence thing. No, we make lists we destroy the exits then we build things like ovens we prepare then we execute. The only blacks left will be in zoos or Africa where they belong.
I really don't want violence but it seems violence will be the only answer. Question is will there be enough of the enemy to place in a museum display?
Go ahead and riot blacks join OWS make bigger riots then just see how evil simple country folk, meek office workers, and the other blue collar Americans who make the country work can be.
Zimmerman should flee the country and ask for political asylum-he has no chance of getting a fair trial in the US. I suggest Finland. There's no way the Finns will be fooled into believing he's white (therefore evil) and the Finns are more independent of the American Empire since they have been historically partially part of the Russian orbit as well.
Obama has given too much ammunition to show that he's for blacks and against whites. Romney's campaign likely won't take this approach, but PACs will. Over and over.
Now he's jumped to conclusions when a Latino kills a black, likely in self defense. Obama takes the black kids side. Good bye Latino vote. Their turn-out is typically low, but Dems were hoping to get them out this year. Latinos typically vote about 65% Dem; recent polls had it higher.
They won't vote GOP; they'll just stay home. Obama just lost another piece of his coalition.
There will be riots, count on it, regardless of the outcome of the investigation.
The race pimps rebrun big al, jesse how many kids with other women than your wife jackson, calypso louie, phlager, rebrun wrong but his name is wright, etc will keep this up until the streets run red again. I remember watching cities burn during the 60's and I also remember blacks complaining about the lack of businesses to serve them in the 70's. Fools burnt down the only businesses willing to locate into a predominantly black neighborhood. Cost of business got too high and the businesses shut down after having been burnt out by rioting, looting thugs.
This is going to further fuel the racial divide and whitey isn't to blame as jim crow is long dead. Blacks need to take a long hard look in the mirror to see who is responsible for their lot in life.
Boycott the NBA? Why bother? No one pays attention to it anyway.
Boycott the tribute to ghettos everywhere known as the NFL.
The more I read about this everywhere and see on t.v. the more I feel it is going to become a huge 'shopping' moment for minorities in the name of racial injustice, like the U.K. riots. Wait for it.
Why do they have the Polish flag on their hoodies?
What many whites don't seem to understand about blacks is that they see everything in terms of race. Even the most trivial of things is viewed through a racial microscope. They are obsessed with race. Having lived around blacks for decades and studied their numerous pathologies I know whereof I speak. I don't think most whites understand the depths of this and I have yet to see a single black person who doesn't view every interaction with non-blacks through a racial lens. Obama is no different.
Where is the racial solidarity of whites? We all know about the countless rapes, murders, and tortures inflicted on whites by blacks. Where are the massive crowds of white protestors in the street? Where is the world-wide media coverage? Where are the Hollywood actors speaking out about black atrocities?
No, not a damn word from Obama or anyone else on the public stage. The message is clear. If you are white you are simply do not warrant attention. You are expendable, a sacrifice for the black masses.
What is going on here is pure evil.
I was shocked to wake early and filter through morning news broadcasts and NOT see video of rioting last night. Based on facts in the Trayvon case, they cannot uphold the law AND convict Zimmerman. Problem is, if he is not arrested convicted and jailed(where he will be killed within a week) thee will be mayhem in the major cities. There is no way around it, and when it happens, SBPDL will be flooded with new followers.
Our precious Black youth are under attack! Just think: how many White women will go un-raped, how many obscenities will not be yelled into a microphone, how many rubber balls will go un-thrown through a hoop, if our little Black hoodie-wearing treasures are kept on a leash like this?
Intolerable! We Shall Overcome! Lift Every Voice! Stand! In the End You'll Still Be You! People Get Ready! Straight Outta Compton! Bring Da Noise!
What was I talking about again?
Paul, please post a link to this site...
The media is blatantly misreporting this story, and this blog is a good source for actual facts!
"Blacks are under attack."
Mostly by other blacks and is routinely ignored by the press as a dog bites man story.
African American families are facing record home foreclosures and unemployment.
So why is that anyone's fault except for the blacks who signed the mortgages? Get real.
Their children are burdened with student loan debt.
With education being a white thing why is their any issues with blacks and student loans? Don't take on the debt if you can't repay it.
States, particularly conservative ones, are passing voter laws that leaders know will disenfranchise blacks and other minorities.
Jesse, no, disenfranchising comes when blacks, felons, illegal aliens, and liberals vote multiple times.
Meanwhile, the nation's prisons are brimming with black faces, he said, and their numbers that suggest that the legal system is quicker to send blacks to prison than whites.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Behave and blacks wouldn't be locked up. You want parity with white criminals then the black community has got to stop black on black, black on white, black on hispanic, hell-just black crime from happening. Abandon the hip-hop rap culture as it is toxic to anyone and everyone who lives it.
Jackson said gunfire in America continues to be a problem for all Americans -- not just blacks. Why, he asked, isn't America outraged, that far more people die of gun violence in one year in America than the number of soldiers killed in the wars waged in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Again Jesse, it would seem like the blacks commit far more gun violence than do whites. Fix that problem and gun violence would be pretty rare in this country.
"Our disparities are great," he said. "Targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business."
Uh, Jess, who is doing the crime? It sure as hell isn't whites in black face. Suggest you look at some of the surveillance camera footage of your fellow blacks in action.
Also Jess, since you seem to be on a roll over this are you bothering to pay child support? Have you ever considered giving up being a race pimp? It really does no good for the black community to have you as a representative.
George Zimmerman is about to be lynched by mob rule. He's a stand in for Whitey. Some Whiteys will also be lynched like the Chief of Police in Sanford, Florida and other White people as well is they stand in the way of the lynching of George Zimmerman. This is Black Ruled America.
@ Former Black Militant. If you truly were as you say then let me express this:
I often wonder what will become of the 10-15% of Black people who are just trying to live life in peace. Sometimes I think that during the civil rights movement it was "the good ones" that my grandparent's generation saw who really could behave, who really could stay married, who could go through life without committing crimes and who could show up to work on time.
Perhaps the laws in place then forced black people to act with a modicum of respect and lack of a safety net forced a choice between production or death.
Now? Now I hardly ever see any of that, hence my estimate of 10-15%. I think the rest of the posters here would agree. And what of the 85-90% of black people who are hoodlums, ghetto rats, welfare beggars and baby machines? Well they have to go becuase not only are we sick and tired of supporting them, we're seriously concerned about our safety and our family's well being.
Something has to change one way or the other and unfortunately even the more patient and mild among us no longer have the patience to sort between who's naughty or who's nice.
I suspect this incident will make more difficult for armed Whites to defend themselves against Blacks. Every shooting in self-defense will now be labelled racist vigilante justice.
You do fine work on this blog, some of the best anywhere. Keep it up.
The only analogy that I can think of that fits what has been going on the last few weeks is the rise of Naziism in Germany in 1930's.
The drumbeat of state-sanctioned prejudice, disenfranchisement, then volence, is the only parallel to the lies and insanity you hear all around, every damn day now, except the scapegoats are white people, not the Jews of Germany.
Everyone knows the reality of life in this nation, in urban area especially, exactly what the truth is.
There is no longer any reflection whatsoever of this reality, anywhere in the media.
This is also what the torture must have been like in Communist Russia.
People seem to be waking up on this forum. http://www.topix.com/forum/afam/TQQ62SMM8DQVPUB16
Do you guys really agree that Latinos will just stay home on election day? I don't see them being energized by either side, or even have a reason to vote at all.
No, I don't think Latinos will be motivated to stay home on election day because of unfairness to a fellow Latino. They vote mainly on pocket book issues. They are chiefly "gimme" voters, just like government workers.
Just thought this to be a humorous sign of our times.
Alot of good posts here!
I really like the Riposte on Jesse Jackson...
Someone [Ramzpaul or ?] should do a youtube, maybe itd go viral.]
PK....have you considered youtube?
Someone needs to work those black "flash mobs" into the picture, not the ones that beat people but the ones that robbed stores. These stores were overwhelmingly (if not 100%) owned by non-blacks, these actions are not the sort thing done by people who are "under attack" they're done by people who understand that they can get away with this sort of racial intimidation and terrorism with total moral impunity and nearly complete legal impunity.
Folks, here is a link the official Sanford police department report regarding the incident. Please print a keep a copy for yourselves.
So Jackson says blacks are under attack by white society? Horseshit. If blacks are "under attack," the "attack" comes from within the black community and its innate cultural stupidity. Despite countless federal and state dollars used to specifically help and educate American blacks, blacks choose to remain unenlightened. (85% illegitiamte birth rate, little appreciation for education, violence, etc., etc,.)
And would someone kindly inform the good rev'run that, FACTUALLY, the leading cause of death of young black males is ... young black males.
It needs to be pointed out that the blame for this treyvan craziness--and responsibilty for the deaths of white people who may die in the coming months--goes to WHITES. Left wing trash called Change.org.
we make lists we destroy the exits then we build things like ovens we prepare then we execute.
The problem is that the people who ought to know this and keep themselves civil prize ignorance and have oversized egos. The result is all but guaranteed. Sad, but THEY are unlikely to give US peace any other way.
This is why I want colonization to Africa in return for welfare. Let the dysfunction live on our dime, so long as they leave us and don't come back. No war, no burning cities, no cycle of guilt.
Looks like there was an eye witness that the police have been keeping in the wings. I don't blame him wanting to conceal his identity as he is probably a target now.
I have a penchant for exercising my freedom of speech against what I believe is wrong. I tried to email the teacher at East High School in Kansas City to express my (to put it lightly) disgust. Funny though--the staff's email has been locked out.
Maybe their are others around the nation and world that share my pride in "reaching out to others."
So much so, that maybe the school just got tired of hearing it.
This is going to backfire worse than the Stop Rush campaign. The left was too quick to act. It turns out Zimmerman is a Spanish-speaking Hispanic with black family members. He also mentors black youth.
It's so nice of Obama to tip his hand like this.
People should check this out:
Time to organize. Yes there is more than just a handful of us.
On the night of March 14,2012 an 85 year old woman was raped and killed and her 90 year old husband beaten into a coma in Oklahoma. You will not find much information about this story.
Bob Strait was born in 1922. One can imagine Mr. Strait growing up in depression, dust bowl era Oklahoma. Real poor by any of today’s standards, but living a happy life all the same.
You can picture him as a 21 year old in the 101st Airborne in 1944, sitting on a steel bench in a plane waiting to jump. The darkness, the anti-aircraft explosions, waiting to jump into something terrifying.
He’s fortunate and he survives. He marries Nancy, they raise six children. The couple work, they contribute to their church and neighborhood. They live a modest and we would suspect, a happy life.
These two people represent the absolute core of what made this country. They are the diametric opposite of both the 19 year old negro killer and a large swath of the people now in apparent control of the media and the country.
Bob is alive, but both lives effectively ended when this unfathomable evil savagery wanted their 12 year old car and a television.
I’m a northerner, but I’m certain this would never have happened during the Jim Crow south. This country seems headed to a very bad end.
Zimmerman was aware of repeated robberies in his complex, had a legally-registered firearm, had every right to patrol his own neighborhood. It seems more and more likely that he was attacked, shot his attacker in self defense.
Nationwide moral outrage ensues.
Who knows or gives a damn about this woman:
A single mother slaughtered for who knows what perceived offense, leaving her young daughter an orphan.
Who is marching, stomping, screaming for justice, for her?
The drumbeat gets louder: crucify Zimmerman or there'll be trouble, such as riots and other violence. We're being threatened here.
The media has been instrumental in creating all this by it's constant fanning the flames under cover of reporting news. I wonder if the Obama front groups have calculated that stirring things up could help them hang onto power, with the media playing it's role.
This is really reckless on their part and might have some really bad results. Obama has overstayed his welcome and needs to be voted out this year, taking Holder with him.
This Obama involvement is premeditated-- this incident was a month old-- this is all being ginned up to assist the campaign. But it highlights the continuing meme that Obama's only hope of re-elect is to tweak the base-- in this case, blacks. Nothing else is working. He's playing a weak hand, trying to draw an inside straight...
Anonymous who posted this:
Not many white people are going to give a damn. She chose to be at a party with a bunch of blacks and supposedly left with one to go get more cocaine.
You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit.
PK, you're reading my comments (esp, with editorial corrections) but deleting a lot of the pithy ones.
To me, one question arose upon seeing that glowering Miami Heat tribute to Tampon Martin: If there was a White player on the roster, did he abase himself by joining it?
I can’t tell. I wouldn’t watch an NBA game unless at gunpoint, though from what I can discern they feature 15 “man” rosters. The tribute photo appears to have only 13.
A review of the Heat’s official roster indicates a highly diverse group: tall negros, taller negros, negros with cornrows, negros with shaved heads, negros with goatees, and negros with prognathism…really a cross-section of America.
However, one will also come upon a lone ghostly specter of shocking pallor, a tattooed whiggerish-looking fellow named Mike Miller. So now I am wondering: is Mr. Miller lurking in shame under one of those hoodies or did he courageously elect for conscientious objector status when the order was issued to pose? If the latter, he has my respect. If the former, then his name deserves eternal obloquy.
@ Anon @ 1:27
The woman murdered by the Negro was also probably sexually involved with him. She likely didn't have a strong, responsible father/father figure in her life. So out of confusion, having never been exposed the love and dedication a of decent White man, she probably began have relations with Negro males at a young age. I'm honestly surprised that her kid isn't mixed.
Some of you will remember I wrote this only 4 short days ago:
""I bet that Treyvon's mom gets to be in the Presidential box at the Democrat convention as a guest, and Barack references her as "a woman who has suffered the greatest tragedy in the United States, losing a child to racism and hate."""
On top of taking away Zimmerman's weapons permit, the local police Chief has been taken off the case, the local prosecutor is under fire for putting "too many" blacks in jail and of course, the President has made his disgusting comments.
Negroids, always devolving to the lowest of the low AND EMBOLDENED BY THE PRESIDENT have erased the law. The NOI (Nation of Islam) and the Black Panthers have issued a "fatwa" for Zimmerman, by posting a "Wanted- Dead or Alive" poster and backing it up with an offer of $10,000. ( http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/11778354-wanted-dead-or-alive-poster-issued-for-george-zimmerman-by-new-black-panther-party )
Yes, that is not a misprint, a political party and a "church" have posted a reward for the kidnapping or murder of a private citizen who is innocent of any crime, to be killed by any and all members of the black race, or brought forward to a private "tribunal" for "Justice".
This has reached the point where there is no law, that self defense against black thugs is not a crime, but you can face retribution from the negro political machine if you defend yourself and the Federal Government will ASSIST!
Remember the President has the power of Presidential Pardon. Who doubts on his last day he would not absolve the killer of Zimmerman to be "one with his people".
We are all George Zimmerman 's now.
(We need a bumpersticker that says, "I am George Zimmerman")
"No, I don't think Latinos will be motivated to stay home on election day because of unfairness to a fellow Latino. They vote mainly on pocket book issues. They are chiefly "gimme" voters, just like government workers."
Latino turnout is typically low. They make up a larger percentage of the general population than blacks, but a lower percentage of voters. They vote about 65% Dem, so the Dems were hoping to get better turnout to boost Obama's numbers. If played correctly, this can be used to keep turnout where it normally is - low.
New witness confirms to media that Zimmerman was definitely attacked and that it was his screaming heard on the 911 tapes! OF COURSE, this is not on the big news sites.
Once again, the monochromatic Black community has been galvanized to believe the worst by an overzealous media dedicated to promoting a story that has been completely manipulated to elicit a prescribed reaction.
That is some excellent wordsmithing, Paul. Your writing just gets better and better. What a huge relief it is to know that Race Realism has such an articulate advocate behind it in full force.
As to how Obama "didn't have anything to say about the white kid set on fire by the two Blacks in Kansas City", I can only direct attention to an article I wrote during the 2008 election cycle citing how BHO evokes the most racist of Jim Crow doctrines in my essay, "One Drop of Liberal Blood".
Although he is, in fact, a mulatto, Obama continues to base much of his political ideology upon being Black. He is a more vigorous subscriber to the “One Drop Rule” than any modern day racist. The utter hypocrisy of this is revealed in how "The United States is the only country in the world in which a white mother can have a black child but a black mother cannot have a white child."
Obama does not just perpetuate this bigotry but has given it legal teeth in the form of incompetent and racist Attorney General Eric "my people" Holder and the Department of Justice's abject refusal to prosecute even the most blatant Black-on-White hate crimes.
After all, as Paul has noted, does anyone really think there will be arrests made over how the "New Black Panther Party Issues “Wanted Dead or Alive” Posters for George Zimmerman"? No, the drum will be banged over what the media has portrayed as some angelic adolescent instead of the near-adult low life that Trayvon Martin really was.
Yet, here we are, being treated to the sordid spectacle of Obama personally identifying himself with a Black teenager who is suspected of assaulting a community's neighborhood watch captain while under suspension from school. George Zimmerman's lawyers should be able to cite how it will be nothing short of impossible to obtain an unbiased jury after this flagrant abuse of executive powers.
[to be continued]
Now, the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association (NBA) have posed wearing hoodies, a homage to Martin's fashion statement that is shared by hundreds - if not tens of thousands - of other young Black males before they commit a crime.
Miami Heat forward Udonis Haslem's arrest for drug possession is in perfect keeping with his new thug appearance. How many other team members have had run-ins with the law? Prior criminal convictions almost seem to be de rigueur for becoming an NBA draft pick these days.
"Our disparities are great," he [Jackson] said. "Targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business."
The "killing" part being one of the biggest Black businesses of all but far be it from Jackson to make note of that. Why should it come as any surprise that "the legal system is quicker to send blacks to prison than whites", when Blacks commit a wildly disproportionate amount of the violent crime in all of America?
When Jackson claims that "Blacks are under attack.", he leaves out the most significant fact of all, and that is how the "attack" is just as often being made by other Blacks. If anything, White America has been obliged to set up a de facto refuge system to feed and protect Black men from each other, better known to law abiding citizens as the federal penitentiary system. At an average of $10,000 to $20,000 per year to incarcerate each prisoner, I'll leave it to you to guess what sort of taxpayer burden it represents when there are nearly one million of them behind bars (846,000 back in 2008).
Re: the Oklahoma couple: Are these the grandparents Obama wishes he had?
Former Black Militant: Their motto is "stop "snitchin", that is what I hear these kids saying all the time at the school I teach at, they get it it from hip-hop that sorry genre of music pied pipering black people to hell.
How refreshing to see someone Black openly recognize how slip-slop … er, I mean, hip-hop "music" and (c)rappers with their "no-snitch" policy are ushering Black youth straight to hell and nowhere else.
Thank you.
Listener said...
...I'll say it again: Every time someone lets black people off the hook for their own behavior, while claiming that all races are essentially the same, they're making an implicit argument that Evil Whitey has been Doing Something to keep the brothers down. It is so much like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, and should be framed as such. That's how we reclaim the moral high ground.
March 24, 2012 4:07 AM
That is an excellent point. The left thinks these things out far in advance and obsesses about every detail (while most of us are just living our lives). And they've been consciously and deliberately leveraging what you describe for decades.
Creating a war against Evil Whitey works beautifully towards the Marxist goal of fragmenting and destroying Western society and capitalism in general.
Listener: It is so much like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion fraud, and should be framed as such. That's how we reclaim the moral high ground.
[golf clap]
MuayTyson: I really don't want violence but it seems violence will be the only answer.
It is only slightly ironic that Liberals do not heed the words of their own paragon, John F. Kennedy:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
Politically correct thought crime laws and the slow strangulation of Constitutional rights are gradually precipitating what promises to be ― to put it in the most delicately polite terms ― a non-electoral discontinuity (hat tip El Inglés).
Just walked out of my local Wal-Mart. Got stared down by Quintricious, Kemontre, and Tyreka.
There seems to be a run on "hoodies"
This Trayvon will be a martyr now only because he can be used as a symbol for the struggle with da man.
Cher and a few other Actors have chimed in about how those poor and helpless black men are under such racial oppression. The horror.
PK, you're reading my comments (esp, with editorial corrections) but deleting a lot of the pithy ones. Why?
Maybe they weren't that pithy? But seriously, you’re not mentioning the juliet echo whiskey sierras are you? That will result in the tower coming back with a Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.
PK, you're reading my comments (esp, with editorial corrections) but deleting a lot of the pithy ones. Why?
Maybe they weren't that pithy? But seriously, you’re not mentioning the juliet echo whiskey sierras are you? That will result in the tower coming back with a Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full.
Van: Obama takes the black kid's side. Good bye Latino vote.
Which, in combination with the votes of White women, is what put Obama over the top in 2008.
To bad this monumental chump just couldn't STFU, but then again, when has he ever displayed any sense of discretion? Surely not flying to Copenhagen ― with his wife just having to fly there on a separate jet costing taxpayers additional millions ― in an unprecedented bid to bring the Olympics to Chicago where his cronies stood to make piles of dough.
It's good to see you commenting here once again, Van. You always make interesting contributions.
You USED The Watchmen Clip ! I knew I was making a difference!
You know why NHL isn't as popular as NBA and NFL?
Now you know the reason. Black people don't like the cold (needed to keep ice frozen) from the ice rink. Thus black players are largely non-existent in the hockey leagues.
Romney can clevely seize the oportunity here. A few carefully chosen Spanish language ads and he's in a very good position with the Hispanic demographic.
There's not much point emigrating here if a black kid can murder you with impunity.
Anonymous (3/24, 2012 5:47 AM): Boycott the tribute to ghettos everywhere known as the NFL.
White Americans across the country need to stop idolizing what has become the vocation of thugs and gangsters. Whatever happened to the morals clause in sports contracts? Michael Vick should have been frozen out permanently.
Politically correct thought crime laws and the slow strangulation of Constitutional rights are gradually precipitating what promises to be ― to put it in the most delicately polite terms ― a non-electoral discontinuity
Another term that's useful is:
Non-consensual regime change
Sometimes I think that we're all unwittingly part of a very large scale experiment,and the objective of the experiment is to find out if constant media saturation can be made to trump the survival hardwiring embedded in our heads.
If I'm right,and it is a big experiment,the results will be-to say the least-interesting.
Does anybody know why, since the shooting happened a few weeks ago, it didn't flare up nationally til now?
Full Auto: Where is the racial solidarity of whites?
A curious question. It seems that Whites held the stage alone for so long and typically had the largest wars between themselves that racial solidarity was simply overlooked as we went about constructing ― and occasionally destructing ― modern civilization. There just wasn't much of a need for it in the past due to the relatively large degree of internal cohesion possessed by the White race.
Enter Cultural Marxism plus the DWLs and suddenly there is a desperate urgency lent to obtaining the sort of racial solidarity demonstrated by, for instance, the Chinese.
We all know about the countless rapes, murders, and tortures inflicted on whites by blacks. Where are the massive crowds of white protestors in the street?
It probably has something to do with how Whites are so slow to anger. Long ago, Kipling noted this in his epic poem, "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon". It's pretty safe to say that a White "awakening" is in the cards.
Just like Muslims, Blacks have no upper limit to their depravity. It is merely a lack of resources and opportunity that keeps them from the mass murder and wholesale rape and carnage that fills their wet dreams.
Where is the world-wide media coverage? Where are the Hollywood actors speaking out about black atrocities?
Thank you for that bit of much needed comic relief. Both the media and Hollywood's celebrity elite are racking up quite the butcher's bill on their watch. Payback will be every bit as ugly as what you see now, if not a whole lot worse.
No, not a damn word from Obama or anyone else on the public stage. The message is clear. If you are white you are simply do not warrant attention. You are expendable, a sacrifice for the black masses.
Polar bear hunting, knockout king and get Whitey is largely focused on single victims. Blacks will eventually pull a "Beslan" (WARNING: Graphic coverage at link), of their own and that is probably what it will take for a White awakening.
What is going on here is pure evil.
Yes it is and it is vital to call it exactly that. Call this vicious bigotry and racial genocide for what it really is. Namely, pure unalloyed diabolical excreted evil.
Anonymous (3/24, 2012 6:22 AM): Based on facts in the Trayvon case, they cannot uphold the law AND convict Zimmerman.
You seem to think that this poses some sort of dilemma for Eric "my people" Holder and Blacks in general. Only Muslims challenge the Black capacity to embrace cognitive dissonance (i.e., wash my fur but don't get me wet).
Holder's Justice Department has already overruled its own legal staff in other prosecutions (Wikipedia entry, salt to taste). What makes you think that the DoJ is going to play by the rules this time?
Problem is, if he is not arrested convicted and jailed (where he will be killed within a week) there will be mayhem in the major cities.
Such is always the case when anyone is foolish enough to give in to blackmail or extortion.
In yet another commonality with Islam, Blacks always leave an implicit threat of violence hanging in the air when making their demands and Black mouthpieces always wring their hands over their collective inability to halt the ensuing mayhem in contradiction of their secret inner glee.
There is no way around it, and when it happens, SBPDL will be flooded with new followers.
Much as with World Star Hip Hop, Blacks and TNB is the best advertising imaginable for sites like SBPDL.
Anonymous (3/24, 2012 6:24 AM): Paul, please post a link to this site.
I agree wholeheartedly and have already used information from Destructure to convince otherwise a friend of mind who thought Zimmerman was at fault.
If you are the one who posted this link in a previous thread, thank you very much for doing so. The purposeful obfuscation of this event in the mass media is nothing short of criminal and, should any riots occur, these news organizations should be held liable for all property damage due to how they have been fanning the flames with their flat out lies and distortions.
W74: Something has to change one way or the other and unfortunately even the more patient and mild among us no longer have the patience to sort between who's naughty or who's nice.
Which is just one more commonality between Blacks and Islam. Both expect someone else to do their housecleaning for them. And they both laugh themselves silly whenever anyone is idiotically kind enough to try.
Just like Muslims, Blacks know who the real malefactors are and refuse to do anything about it. The end result will be carnage far more horrific than ever needed to be. The West will finally get a bellyful of having to be all tittyfingered about both Blacks and Islam and that's when it starts throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
@ Anon @ 7:00 PM
The story hasn't been politically expedient until recently, when the MSM realized that they could technically call Zimmerman caucasian because his father (who is, interestingly, a retired judge) is German.
The case grows weirder by the day.
"Jackson said gunfire in America continues to be a problem for all Americans -- not just blacks. Why, he asked, isn't America outraged, that far more people die of gun violence in one year in America than the number of soldiers killed in the wars waged in Iraq and Afghanistan?
He also stated at some "State of Black America" conference that was aired on the Tavis Smiley radio show that "SEMIAUTOMATICS" were THE problem of America.
But take that with a grain of salt. An autobiography by Jesse Jackson years ago said that his WIFE pointed a gun at him during some sort of domestic altercation, which means that Jesse Jackson has guns in HIS home. Kind of like anti-gun Chicago Sun-Times columnist Carl Rowan, who shot a White man in the arm years ago, and then claimed his FBI son had left the handgun with him.
Black hypocrisy is totally shameless.
Thinks looks bad but the number of people buying guns shows people realize things are bad. For now we still have freedom of speech and voting. I realize Republicans aren't perfect but we're better off with them then the Republicans.
The Presidental elections will be more racially charged then the last, when negros whined the only reason to dislike Obama was you're a racist. Basically now I am a racist, I loathe blacks, so being labeled one doesn't bother me.
I don't know why people think Obama will win so easily. He was elected to be the magic negro and he failed as n****er messiaha. People are upset with the economy and price of gas and they'll blame Obama. If he loses blacks will riot, and more people will awaken. If he wins, which I hope doesn't happen, the government will lose legitimacy in the eyes of people as they'll feel that the Democrats stole the election (Chicago is famous for dead people voting).
I don't know why people think this won't change. It wasn't always like this. Did whites have to worry about black gangs or rapists when the klan was around? Not as much. Not when whites were the majority of policans and cops, and people worked to support each other. now white liberals work to tax the middle class to give the money to blacks who can't work worth a damn.
Did whites in Europe during the Middle Ages send bags of flour to Africa to keep those dumb savages alive? Did they give free housing to black serfs in the 1500s? Of course not. Just because blacks run rampant today doesn't mean it was always this way or that it will always stay this way.
The reason blacks get away with it is the DWL who control the media, and therefore control the information we get, and politicans who would rather see a few blacks kill a few whites then deal with all the blacks who will stand up to support the rapists and killers if whites demanded serious action be done.
With the Occupy movement acting like blacks (middle class white kids who think the government can substidize a middle class existence for white slackers) we're no longer the type of people that can keep a First World nation running. I understand it's not all young whites who think that way but since the 60s the media has glorified whiney trust fund babies who act like oppressed serfs.
Things are already starting to fall apart. Screw it, I hope the survivors learn lessons and teach the next generation what not to do. At some point Democrats will round up people who dont sing praises to Dear Leader Obama.
Jus in case you Crackas ain't see dis, here whut TRAYvon look like las year:
Lord Drek and ITS TIME, very interesting posts!
ITS TIME: I pity those kids that had to go to a school like that. It must be hell.
If the parents were capable of better, I'm sure they'd do it.
I'd never, *NEVER*, send my kids to a public indoctrination camp unless I had no other choice.
As for that woman that got murdered by the animal, what did she expect.
I, too, was surprised at a white baby!
Maybe she was just a drug addict whose addiction overcame her judgment.
Nothing good *EVER* happens to whites who become involved with blacks. NOTHING.
Anonymous (3/24, 2012 7:00 PM): Does anybody know why, since the shooting happened a few weeks ago, it didn't flare up nationally til now?
Much like the Mohammad Cartoon Hoax, where the three most incendiary images were put in place by imams with the explicit intention of inflaming Muslim sensitivities, it was necessary for this entire situation to ferment a few weeks so that the MSM could cobble up enough lies and distortions whereby Blacks could justify their supposedly righteous anger.
From all indications, Trayvon Martin was a punk gangsta wannabe, replete with gold grill, flipping off the camera and hoodie. There is even evidence that the "fake but accurate" media has photoshopped Tampon's appearance to make him seem more "White" and, therefore, less threatening.
A good quote from one of the above links:
"But when you act like a punk, dress like a punk and do punk things you might just wind up getting shot like a punk."
As is so often the case with young Black thugs, quel surprise!
Anonymous (3/24, 2012 8:20 PM): An autobiography by Jesse Jackson years ago said that his WIFE pointed a gun at him during some sort of domestic altercation, which means that Jesse Jackson has guns in HIS home.
Quel surprise! Black men are infamous with regard to their propensity for wife beating. Good for JJ's spouse that she read him the riot act over what was probably the last bit of spousal abuse she ever had to endure at his worthless hands.
Wait, I'm confused, I know Zimmerman is half hispanic and looks hispanic, but when people say he's spanish speaking do they mean spanish is his first language and his English isn't very good, or just that he's bilingual?
NONE of the MSM articles I've read have addressed this and have used to like the Fast and Furious scam to demonise gun owners.
I'd like to thank Former Black Militant for chiming in. It's always a little refreshing to see a voice of reason coming from black folk.
Just wish there were many others like you out there and perhaps there are, but where?
I feel for you, as I understand you must be in a precarious position in knowing the truth, but having to live the liberal narrative lie that only certain races can RACIST, etc.
Your candor is welcome here, at least from me.
Porter, lol!
The same media assissination was done to Bernie Goetz.
The same media assissination was done to the non existant kidnappers of Twana Braley.
The same media assissination was done to the LAPD officers who save Rodney King's life.
The same media assissination was done to Duke University lacorsse team.
Is our media learning?
Another likely white lynching in South St. Louis. This story was reported earlier in the week, and the police stated it was a "non-criminal" event, when they definitely knew it was criminal (Doctors knew immediately, and it takes a moron to think they didn't immediately inform the police). One of our local tv stations is now reporting something closer to the truth (although they interview a DWL). Americans love lying to each other, especially when it comes out of the mouths of our local, regional, and national leaders.
I saw thousands of local blacks organize for Trayvon. I wonder if they will use that same energy and drive to rally and preach non-violence in the penal---err--public schools of south St. Louis? I know the answer.
10mm AUTO @ March 24, 2012 2:57 PM:
Where do you get the information that Z's CWFL was "take(en) away"? The last I saw was the the head of the licensing agency stated there was no justification to do so: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/os-trayvon-martin-gun-permit-protest-20120320,0,6618029.story
Look at what the black Jackie Gleason, Roland fat ass Martin, says about all this
What a chump.
I'll be honest I was suprised by the reaction at Stormfront. I don'tpost there, they're to obessed with those who shall not be named, but about half are assuming Zimmerman is one those who shall not be named because of his last name. They don't seem to think the blacks angry at whites will affect whites because Zimmerman isn't whites, DESPITE the fact blacks and the media are screaming he's white.
I think blacks will target as many whites as hispanics in retaliation. So many idiots think Zimmerman is a blue eyed blonde viking because the picture getting shown the most is Trayvon as a 11 year old. I guess they couldnt find a picture with him on a tricycle with a propeller beanie on.
Now we have the New Black Panthers (by some reports in conjunction with the Nation of Islam) offering a $10,000 reward for the capture or murder of Zimmerman. NBP has also stated that they are attempting to raise the bounty to $1 million, with donations coming in from prominent black celebrities and athletes.
Spike Lee announced Zimmerman's address via twitter, and encouraged his followers to spread it around. For what purpose other than harassment and violence?
Holy crap this is spiraling out of control. We've all been predicting this for over a year, but its amazing to see it happening. Blacks have publicly offered a contract for murder, and feel no concern of prosecution.
War has been declared. War on whites. War on civilization.
How will Obama respond? Its possible he attempts to ignore it, but more likely attempts to play the role of racial healer. He can't be allowed to get away with it this time, as he did with his Rev. Wright speech that had most whites swooning.
These are Obama's associates who have called for murder. He cannot be allowed to slither away from who he is.
He needs to be hammered. Daily. He was a student of Bell and an adherent to CRT. He sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years - its impossible that he missed every anti-white sermon, his family and friends missed them, no one in the church ever talked about them. He and Wright were close friends, politically active, and both associates of Bell. Impossible that they never discussed such issues.
Since Obama took office, the White House has been visited numerous times by New Black Panther Leadership, Farrakhan, and Wright. Under Obama, the JD refused to prosecute an obvious case of voter intimidation by the NBPs. Holder claimed offense at the very idea that "his people" could even commit such an act.
His O-ness immediately took the side of professional windbag-jackass Skip Gates, despite the fact that police actions were reasonable. He took the side of Trayvon "Slimm" Martin, despite the fact that the little evidence we have points to self-defense.
His JD has intervened in the affairs of the states - blocking Arizona's (and other states') immigration laws; and blacking South Carolina's and Texas' voter ID laws. All perfectly legal measures that discriminate against no one. His O-ness simply couldn't let whites assert their basic rights to not be abused.
He ordered every federal agency to develop plans and policies to emphasize minority (especially black) hiring, despite the fact that minorities (especially blacks) are already grossly over-represented in federal employment.
During the presidency of the so-called racial healer, black on white mob violence has increased every year. Its open season on whites, and never a word from the "post-racial" President.
He needs to be hammered. Every. Single. Day. Until the election. Handle this one right, and Obama gets one of the worst beat-downs in US Presidential election history (not quite Reagan-Mondale '84, but that's currently impossible). I know lifelong white liberal Dems that are planning on sitting this one out because of how despicable the O is. Some are even considering crossing over and voting GOP.
forgot to say hi to Zen. i still read - enjoy your posts/articles. likewise to other regulars.
More thoughts on the bounty, participation of black celebrities, and Spike Lee:
Blacks have been playing a chess game with us for decades. I realize the thought of blacks and chess will meet with resistance, so hear me out.
A large percentage of them, regardless of a lack of intelligence, do excel at playing the innocent underprivileged victim role. Even while regularly engaging in violent and criminal behavior. The middle class (much like the "moderate" Muslims) simply look the other way, but rarely condemn their violent brothers and sisters (other than obvious lip service).
Then you have the black elite. Claiming to want a peaceful co-existence, complaining of white racism and barely existent white-on-black violence while ignoring black-on-white violence.
It really is very much like Islam - attempt to create treaties, pretend to believe in peace, all to lull your enemies into complacency about the threat you pose.
The problem for them is that while they did fool most whites, they didn't actually clear many white pieces off the board. Obama hasn't won re-election yet. They went for checkmate too soon.
**This is admittedly poorly written. I'm trying to do three things at once here.
Caiden: Did whites in Europe during the Middle Ages send bags of flour to Africa to keep those dumb savages alive? Did they give free housing to black serfs in the 1500s?
Horse snot! I mean, of course not!
Even funnier is the way that our world would revert to sixteenth century circumstances if Blacks or Muslims took control. Then the mass famine, epidemics and pestilence would begin in earnest but do you think for one minute that they have thought that far ahead?
The goose could be laying platinum eggs and they would still roast it without a backward glance.
"There is even evidence that the "fake but accurate" media has photoshopped Tampon's appearance to make him seem more "White" and, therefore, less threatening."
Meanwhile, look at the increasing glare on the Zimmerman mugshot.
"With the Occupy movement acting like blacks (middle class white kids who think the government can substidize a middle class existence for white slackers) we're no longer the type of people that can keep a First World nation running. I understand it's not all young whites who think that way but since the 60s the media has glorified whiney trust fund babies who act like oppressed serfs."
The OWS, despite not knowing it, was protesting what the left is doing. Those at the top immediately recognized OWS for what it was and did not support them. Don't jump onto the bandwagon that these were just privileged whiners.
Attention Sanford, Florida White folks: When you get tired of the New Black Panther Party and other race-baiting agitators who are trying to high-jack your local justice system, you can deal with them the way we dealt with them in Texas.
Here's how we did it:
Here's a picture of Killer Z and the "murdered honor student" that is starting to circulate:
People are starting to come around slowly.
A few days ago, Glenn Beck seemed desperate to kiss every Black ass on the planet over his incident, but today The Blaze reprinted a bunch of information that could only be found on the Counsel of Conservative Citizen site until just a few days ago.
Pretty soon even Fairly Unbalanced Fox News will have to pick up he chant.
Ultimately, it will be our right to self-defense that will be put on trial.
Van: Blacks have been playing a chess game with us for decades. I realize the thought of blacks and chess will meet with resistance, so hear me out.
I'd say it's more like checkers than chess. You certainly see more Blacks playing checkers than chess. After all, what could be more appropriate than how the game of checkers involves "jumping" your opponent and trying to "get one over" so that you can become a (knockout) "king".
Other than that niggling little detail, quite the excellent comment, Van. I will repeat my request that you please consider submitting some articles for publication here at SBPDL. Your analytical style is a perfect fit for this site.
It really is very much like Islam - attempt to create treaties, pretend to believe in peace, all to lull your enemies into complacency about the threat you pose.
I really appreciate your take on the comparisons between Blacks and Islam. I'm up to over 70 commonalities and when I hit 100 there will be an essay cranked out about it.
The problem for them is that while they did fool most whites, they didn't actually clear many white pieces off the board. Obama hasn't won re-election yet. They went for checkmate too soon.
A great point and this is yet one more commonality that Blacks have with Islam, chronic overreach.
As Robert Browning noted, "a man's reach should exceed his grasp" but Blacks and Muslims take this to a ridiculously absurd excess.
Van: very cogent, worth re-reading. (I should hyperlink these comments directly instead of making people scroll.)
Playing Roots Backwards: that raises an interesting question: is Zimmerman's gated community in Sanford considered private property, including the streets? If so, I'd bet that it would be lawful for the residents to arrest the NBP/NoI thugs as soon as they set foot inside, because they have announced their intent to commit a felony (assault by mob) against Zimmerman and they are trespassing as soon as they enter (a crime). The conspiracy is another crime, also a felony.
It could get better than that: everyone who contributed bounty money is party to the conspiracy. They might be prosecuted and/or sued in Florida court. Imagine Spike Lee having to pay a few million to Zimmerman.
Turning the tables, yummy.
PRB: The googleusercontent link only works for you, I think. It does not work when I cut and paste it.
Playing Roots Backwards: Here's how we did it
That was particularly gratifying to watch.
It is something that I really enjoy when visiting Texas and that is the totally unabashed pro-Americanism on display.
Woah Lisa B, I thought you were just joking. It appears CNN's resident negro commentator Roland Martin is calling for a race war? Interesting...
A war the black man could never win. No other race other than the white race would put up with blacks the way we do. Affirmative action and cradle to grave handouts from whites is apparently not enough.
A black friend of Zimmerman's has stated that Zimmerman has never showed any signs of racism, and has been very much broken up ever since the fatal altercation:
HIGHTOWER Associated Press
EATONVILLE, Fla. March 25, 2012 (AP)
Wearing hooded sweatshirts similar to the one that Trayvon Martin wore on the night he was killed, many preachers [!!!!]
and worshippers echoed calls for justice Sunday in the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager in Florida last month
There should be a meme for whenever someone in America in a hoody assaults, robs, rapes, or murders someone it has their picture with a caption that says "I am Trayvon Martin."
Zen and Mr. Rational,
Thanks for the compliments.
Time permitting, I'd like to do a guest column. I have trouble putting something together, though. I seem to do well brainstorming (although some are better than others; the chess analogy was a little rough).
Important correction: I misunderstood what I read regarding the New Black Panthers. I thought they were hoping to raise the bounty to $1 million. It looks like they are using the issue as a fund raiser, and hoping to raise $1 million. Still, its disgusting that black celebrities are contributing to an organization that just offered $$$ for murder. Too bad we'll likely never see that list.
It would be good to know any who are active members of or contributors to NOI or NBP. Anything they are involved in should be boycotted.
If you get involved in any information campaigns, I'll do what I can to contribute (time or money, although I don't have much of either to spare these days). Videos of Obama with Wright, Bell, etc. Obama talking about Martin, then NBP offering up a reward for his murder. Billboards, flyers.-
Anon 4:34
The other one is to put up pictures of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom with the text "This is what the victims of Obama's would be son looks like".
Tottenham surrendered to cultural enrichment and you saw in the riots what that led to.
Sorry about the non-working link to the picture of Killer Z and the "murdered honor student".
Try this:
T-bone was still pretty young when that picture was taken, but I think the double middle fingers or gang signs he was throwing up reveals volumes about the almost 18 year old guy that our fearless Mestizo neighborhood watchman encountered on that now infamous night.
Paul, is it time to boycott the lamestream?
this is fram USA Taday:
But when Berry, a telecommunications salesman who lives in Washington, D.C., learned details of the Trayvon Martin case, he said he was moved to tears. He was disturbed about news reports that Trayvon, 17, of Sanford, Fla., was fatally shot Feb. 26 while returning from a run to 7-Eleven for iced tea and Skittles.
Berry was disheartened that shooter George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer described as white by police, had not been arrested. So Berry expressed himself like many others on Facebook: He posted a photo of himself in a hooded sweatshirt — what Trayvon was wearing when he died.
STORY: Martin case rings across country's pulpits
PHOTOS: 'Wear a hoodie to church' services
STORY: Attorneys in Trayvon Martin case make arguments
The photo "was my little way to express outrage at what happened to the kid," Berry said.
Berry's visual statement is part of a social media trend: Black Americans and, to a smaller extent, Hispanic Americans are using such media in larger numbers than Americans overall, experts say. Word of the Trayvon Martin case has gone viral as social media users, including many black Americans, publicize rallies and urge contacts to sign petitions
I'll be honest I was suprised by the reaction at Stormfront. I don'tpost there, they're to obessed with those who shall not be named, but about half are assuming Zimmerman is one those who shall not be named because of his last name.
Ah HA! I've found you out! Are you a J--ish agent, or an evil proto-J-- yourself? When did you dedicate your life to the defense of the J--Z?!?* How much did they buy you for???
Alas, I wish that I could call the above satire.
Actually, Caiden, Stormfront's response does not surprise me. I used to post there just short of a decade ago, when I believed that they were actually about Caucasian survival and not infantile exercises in time-wasting. Discussions were usually impossible, as each and every thread must inevitably come around to the resident obsession. And this obsession had attained such mythic proportions that all else, including the presence of demonstrably violent and hostile 3rd worlders, was shut out (or, most generously, treated as merely a symptom).
*This charge was actually leveled at me in earnest some years back. The justification: I had the temerity to be just a bit more worried about the prospect of roaming black thugs and MS13 gangers than Maury Goldstein who owns the local real estate business.
Church leaders don hoodies in honor of Trayvon Martin
In their Sunday sermons, pastors and church leaders across the country mourned the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed 17-year-old African-American who was killed in Sanford, Fla., last month. Some wore hoodies in Martin's honor. Many church-goers did the same. In Atlanta, dozens wore hoodies in Martin's memory at the Ebenezer Bap
the medias use of a 5? year old pic of 'lil teddy bear' tray is outrageous...
he was....I read
17.5 y.o.a.
on football team'
on suspension at school
a bully
goold tooth or teeth
any factoids to share???????????
message, allegedly sent by Trayvon's older brother, suggests Trayvon was suspended for assaulting a bus driver.
Trayvon Martin was on a suspension from school when he was tragically shot last February 26th. His school, Dr. Micheal M. Krop Senoir High School, has not given any details. His family has also evaded the issue. According to the Kansas City Star, the length of the suspension was ten days. This suggests a very serious offense.
If Trayvon Martin was suspended for a violent act, it would alter the public's perception of the events surrounding his death.
Trayvon's older brother, Stephen Martin, appears to have sent Trayvon a twitter message five days before the shooting that may explain the ten day suspension. The website WAGIST.com has scrutinized the twitter messages sent by Trayvon's older brother and his friends.
WAGIST.com says that Stephen Martin tweeted a message to Trayvon on February 21st that read "yu ain't tell me yu swung on a bus driver." Based on screen captures provided by WAGIST.com, the message appears to be authentic. It was sent five days before the shooting, and raises a lot of speculation. Was Trayvon Martin suspended for ten days for assaulting a bus driver?
Stephen has also posted a newer picture of Trayvon both on twitter and on Facebook. It shows an older, more muscular Trayvon than what we have seen in the media. It also shows a large tattoo on Trayvon's left arm
Continue reading on Examiner.com Trayvon Martin's ten day suspension - Charleston Charleston Conservative | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/charleston-conservative-in-charleston-sc/trayvon-martin-s-ten-day-suspension#ixzz1qCVjTqwN
As I watch Robin Mead on Headline News report the "hoodie marches" I feel my head is going to explode.
The apes are going to riot, loot and pillage. Of that there is no doubt.
Get ready.
When the time comes, hold the bastards accountable to the last one standing.
Semper Fi in Mississippi
Zimmerman's attorney has confirmed that Zimmerman got a broken nose from Tray Tray during the attack. Also, eyewitness sees Trayvonathan on top of Zimmerman punching him.
Sharpton and others don't want to comment on that.
Tray "No Limit N****" Von Martin won the Darwin Award. End of story.
He made bad decision after bad decision. Zorro was well
within his rights to put the thug out of his misery.
i'm a bit late with this comment, but I just found this. A real class act. Www.tinyurl.com/cxabzpu
Whst percent of the take are Jesse, Al, and Calypso Louie getting from this?
The take away is that they hate YT with a psychotic zeal. That's the cut the professional blacks are taking. Pure blind hatred.
Van: Thanks for the compliments.
Sport, you earn them with such quality contributions.
Time permitting, I'd like to do a guest column. I have trouble putting something together, though. I seem to do well brainstorming (although some are better than others; the chess analogy was a little rough).
Bah! My checkers reference was in jest. Yours was a really great comparison, especially that part about how:
The problem for them is that while they did fool most whites, they didn't actually clear many white pieces off the board. Obama hasn't won re-election yet. They went for checkmate too soon.
As someone who used to play chess with a national junior champion, your analogy was totally spot on!
I would really enjoy seeing you cobble up a list of "options" with respect to how White America can possibly resolve the issue of rampant Black criminality. To repeat, it's really good to have you commenting here once again, Van.
I originally posted this on the wrong thread. My apologies.
Typical DWL mom writes an open letter to Trayvon's mom.
Dan: Tray "No Limit N****" Von Martin won the Darwin Award.
His winning was the result of an energetic and determined effort the likes of which has rarely been seen before; especially among a population of Black males who are more than a little famous for their habitual indolence.
Miami Herald 1000s expected at rally for slain teen
DWL at its best. The fact that the slain teen was once caught with women's jewelry and a screwdriver or burglary tool had nothing to do with what happened on that February night a crime SO senseless it took almost a whole month to cause furore.
I mean the outrage over Rodney King's life being saved was almost instantaneous.
Dan: I think that he looks more like Sergeant Garcia than Zorro.
A Capitol Hill hearing where Ms.Martin spoke...gees....soldiers are dying!
how bout this...from a thread..
'Once "The Reverend" Sharpton got involved, I knew the pundits are wrong. Let's see, he was WRONG on Shawana Brawley, The Duke Lacrosse boys and now this. He has a perfect record!'
Great article on the misconceptions (intentional media distortions) of the Trayvon case http://www.wagist.com/2012/dan-linehan/misconceptions-in-the-trayvon-martin-case
OT: in the middle of Whitopia, Black engages in TNB and gets prison time.
TRAVERSE CITY — An unapologetic Paul William Nix sneered at a prosecutor and court officials during his sentencing on charges tied to a police chase that stretched 24 miles and ended on a neighboring county's ski hill.
Nix in June led authorities from Grand Traverse County's Garfield Township into Benzie County, where he drove his car up a hill at Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa in Thompsonville and crashed into a large slide.
During his Thursday sentencing, Nix accused local authorities of "tyrannical behavior and corruption" because they conspired to "illegally and maliciously" convict him.
Always the same.
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