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Courtesy of Zenster: All you need to know about Detroit's Collapse |
No, not the fallout from the Trayvon Martin racial-bomb that turned out to be a huge dud for Organized Blackness and those Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) foolish enough to believe that a "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" was the rocket-fuel needed to propel the narrative into a different stratosphere.
No, it's not the sad story of 64 percent Black Baltimore (a city with one of the highest crime rates in America; 89 percent of those held in jail for their penchant for law-breaking are Black males), where the city is forced to sell-off landmarks and historic buildings - in hopes of meeting the budget - erected by a vastly different people than the Black population in charge of the city's future now, whose sons and daughters help make the Baltimore City Public Schools the worst in all of Maryland. It's not poverty that causes horrifically low test scores by these primarily Black students; it's that 87 percent of Baltimore City Public School students are Black.
No, it's the soon-to-be biggest story in the world: the takeover of the 89 percent Black Detroit by the state of Michigan and the placement of a emergency financial manager in charge of the city's fiscal restructuring. Suzette Hackney of The Detroit Free Press reported that Michigan's white governor Rick Snyder met with a hostile crowd in Detroit today, with many of the Black people chanting "We Shall Overcome"as the news of fiscal Armageddon become ominously clear:
Detroit's financial review team this afternoon declared that the city is under a financial emergency and no consent agreement between the city and state has been adopted, a move that forces Gov. Rick Snyder to appoint an emergency manager within the next 10 days under state law.
State officials, however, are hopeful that an agreement can be reached before an emergency manager is named.
"In that 10-day window, if a consent agreement can be adopted, that's an alternative for the governor and that's what he prefers to see," state Treasurer Andy Dillon said after the review team's meeting.
Dillon said the financial review team, in a recommendation letter to Snyder, said they preferred to see the city and state enter into a consent agreement. He said there are three steps left in the process within the next 10 days: Mayor Dave Bing would have to accept the agreement, City Council would also have to vote to accept it and the governor would have to sign off as well.
About 100 Detroiters turned out, many of them defiant and outraged over what they considered a hostile takeover of a predominately black city.
As the meeting was about to begin at 3 p.m., most in the audience began chanting, "No takeover!"
The chanting and outbursts continued throughout the two-hour meeting, as security struggled to gain order.
For many in attendance, the state's threat to appoint an emergency manager stirs the bitter memories of unfair wages, forced segregation and other injustices against black people about a half-century ago.
"This is white on black crime," community activist and Minister Malik Shabazz said from a microphone during public comment. "This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
"We will burn it down," Minister Shabazz said. Again? Come on Black people. This is why white people gave the city to you in 1967 - because for five days ten percent of Detroit's Black population tried to burn it to the ground - leaving to rebuild their lives in what are some of the most prosperous suburbs in all of America (with the highest test scores too!).
The Detroit News reported this:
State officials say they hope to negotiate a consent decree with Detroit within 10 days after a raucous review team meeting concluded Monday with no deal in place.The team, which was required by law to report to Gov. Rick Snyder today, reiterated only that a severe financial emergency exists in Detroit and no consent decree has been adopted. The team sent a letter to Snyder indicating that negotiations toward a deal continue.
Gov. Rick Snyder now has 10 days to rule on whether Detroit is in a fiscal crisis and say if a consent agreement has been adopted under Public Act 4, the controversial law that allows Michigan governors to appoint emergency managers with broad powers to run failing local governments.
Officials from the state and Detroit are moving closer to a consent deal, state Treasurer Andy Dillon said during the meeting.
An unruly crowd repeatedly shouted down Dillon as he attempted to explain the status of discussions. Crowd members chanted "no justice, no peace," "no takeover" and the song "we shall overcome."
"This is the last day we have to act, so we're here today to address that," Dillon told the crowd. The review team was acting under during the last of a 60-day extension to report findings about Detroit's financial condition to the governor.
"We have a 10-day window … it is our hope that within this window, we can complete our discussions with the city … and come to an agreement," Dillon said.Dillon stressed the proposed document currently before the review team is not a formal consent agreement under Public Act 4, but he said he believes both sides are "very close with respect to language." He praised the city for its progress in union concessions and other efforts to address its financial crisis.
The review team found that a severe financial emergency exists in Detroit and no consent decree has been adopted.
That was one of four conclusions it could report under Public Act 4, the controversial law under which emergency managers can be appointed to rule over finances of failing cities. Dillon said the review team could meet again Thursday and possibly Friday, with the hopes of getting an agreement approved by the city council and mayor by the end of the week. He said the proposed agreement would include a nine-member financial advisory board whose powers are still being debated, and the creation of a program manager position to carry out the city's financial plan.
During public comment to the review team, residents lined up to blast the state for taking away the rights of Detroiters.
Activist minister Malik Shabazz said black cities are under attack all over the state."We understand we have financial difficulties," Shabazz said. "Give us the help we want, need and deserve, not the help you want to impose on us. We don't want an emergency manager or a consent decree. This is white supremacy and we will fight you.
"Before we let you take over our city we will burn it down first," Shabazz said.Ed McNeil, chief negotiator for AFSCME Council 25, said people have sacrificed and fought hard to bring the city back.
"There's no kind of way in this world you should be taking anything from Detroit and its residents," McNeil said. "We intend to keep it our city. We intend to work in our city and progressing for our city."And here's a hilarious anecdote from Detroit's Fox Affiliate:
Conrad Mallett, one of the state's first black Michigan Supreme Court justices, came under pointed criticism for cooperating with the white treasurer as the review board shaped its recommendation.
"You sit up there and you fix it for him, just like a good colored person," former Detroit Public Schools board member Marie Thornton told Mallett, now president of Sinai-Grace Hospital.
Mallett dismissed the complaints as a "family fight" within the city, which is 80 percent black. He added he's not mad at his critics but said they need to realize the review board's goal it to create a stable financial future for Michigan's largest city.A final deal remains up in the air in part because Detroit Mayor Dave Bing is hospitalized after having surgery over the weekend on a perforated intestine, said Dennis Muchmore, Snyder's chief of staff.
Doctors said the mayor likely would remain hospitalized for five to seven days, but would be able to perform some duties of his office. Bing's chief of staff and deputy mayor in his absence, Kirk Lewis, is handling negotiations with the governor's office.Detroit faces a $200 million budget deficit and could run out of cash by the end of May. The governor has declined to offer any short-term financial assistance until some agreement is reached to deal with the city's ongoing financial difficulties and its long-term liabilities for pensions, health care and bonds. Two ratings agencies this month downgraded Detroit's bond ratings.
"Everyone knows Detroit's finances are in very difficult shape," Snyder said.
"We Shall Overcome,"Black people sang. What exactly, is difficult to discern. Black ineptitude? The Visible Black Hand of Economics? Black incompetence in virtually every level of the city government of Detroit? Black crime in Detroit, which makes the city inhospitable to investors and urban pioneers?
The countdown is on. The invasion of Detroit is mere days away.
The Paris of the West in 1950, when the city was 80 percent white; The Mogadishu of the West in 2012, courtesy of an 89 percent Black population.
We Shall Overcome.
Yes, America will one day overcome the insanity of Black-Run America (BRA).
We Shall. Overcome.
It begins with admitting the reason Detroit failed. The collapse of Detroit is culmination of more than 40 years of uninterrupted Actual Black Run America (ABRA).
The lesson to other major America cities: Don't Get Detroit-ed!
"Give us the help we want, need and deserve..."
This pretty much sums up how they view everything. They want Michigan and the federal government (white people) to keep shelling out billions to keep them afloat.
Why the hell do they "deserve" it? They are freaking insane.
Recall NYC's mayor Bloomberg in May 2010 suggesting illegal aliens be sent to Detroit and forced to stay there.
Bloomberg - "And if I were the federal government, assuming you could wave a magic wand, . . . you pass a law letting immigrants come in as long as they agree to go to Detroit and live there for five or 10 years, start businesses, take jobs, whatever."
The best and brightest are in full control of your country.
No Limit Nigga Lotto
No Limit Nigga Patronage
the acronyms are potentially "unlimited". Which is the correct Grammatical form.
Which city will burn first?
Who will be the next Reginald Denny?
When will the MSM plead for calm and for the rioters to stop?
Pass the popcorn, it is going to get interesting this summer.
Good luck city folk...
Semper Fi in Mississippi
So Shabazz, what is there left to burn in Detroit, ashes? Did know you could burn ashes.
"Before you take over our city, we will burn it down"
Good grief, what stupidity. You already have next to nothing, and you threaten to destroy that? Then what? Oh, yeah, that's right. You will do what you always do, and blame it all on white people.
Black people are pathetic.
"This is white on black crime," community activist and Minister Malik Shabazz said from a microphone during public comment. "This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
Please do and soon. Once you blacks burn it to the ground it makes it that much easier for whites to rebuild (after the blacks moved south).
Get on with the burning you retarded black folk. When the Marines come please ignore the curfews as well.
No Limit Nigga ____________.
Caption competition.
I don't understand. Why doesn't the governor just stand on the sidelines munching popcorn? His attempt to fix the disaster is getting him tarred with the "racist"moniker. Dude, just munch your popcorn and wait for the fireworks.
God help the whites remaining in Detroit.
Surely they're prepared for what's coming.
Dispatch from Central Florida:
So it looks like Zimmerman's narrative is the true account of what really happened that night, as corroborated by the police report and several witnesses.
So it looks like they caught Trayvon Martin with burglary tools and stolen merchandise a couple of months ago.
So it looks like Trayvon's "grieving" mother made sure to trademark his name in order to get some profit from his death. Too bad the facts are going to get in the way of her lotto winnings.
Sadly, cities are probably going to burn over this, and there will be more Reginald Dennys.
However, these thugs are going to find out that if they start burning down things in my neck of the woods, that Zimmerman isn't the only person with a CCW. Even worse for them, there are already a bunch of people just spoiling for them to make the wrong move. They will also find that Seminole, Orange, Lake, and Volusia county P.D. will not run away the way they did in Los Angeles. They will fight back…hard.
I don't like most things about Florida, but when they say "Stand Your Ground," they mean it.
I'd love to see the governor say to the "No justice, no peace" crowd, "You don't want us to bail you out and try to salvage Detroit; you're calling it 'white supremacy' and 'white crime.' We certainly don't want to be 'supremacist,' so we're just going to back off, and let you have it. Manage your own city as you see fit. And just so you know we're not inflicting 'white supremacy' on you, we aren't giving you any 'white money,' either. Manage YOUR city YOUR way with YOUR people and YOUR tax money."
Heh. We'd hear Shabazz's shrieks at that pronouncement all the way down here in Texas.
"Give us the help we want, need and deserve..."
In other words...keep doing what you've been doing.
The negro mindset is completely devoid of logic, reason, and common sense.
"This is white on black crime," community activist and Minister Malik Shabazz said from a microphone during public comment. "This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
That's incitement to riot and arson. Other than a high melanin count, what prevents Shabazz from being arrested on the spot? The New Black Panthers issue a $10,000 murder contract on George Zimmerman and now this Black wanker openly encourages arson. These scumbags need to be jailed pour encouragé les autres.
Activist minister Malik Shabazz said black cities are under attack all over the state.
Yes they are. They have been laid siege to by incompetent and corrupt Black politicians. Now, with their coffers emptied, the looting has come to a standstill. At least until another infusion of state tax money is showered upon these undeserving thieving criminal bastards.
Yes, America will one day overcome the insanity of Black-Run America (BRA).
There is definitely reason to hope so in that the only alternative is total economic collapse and the death of America as we know it.
Why the hell would the rest of Michigan, black, white or whatever, want to take responsibility for Detroit? They should be demanding that the governor call up the National Guard to ring the city to make sure that Detroiters stay put and accept the consequences of their actions.
"This is white on black crime," community activist and Minister Malik Shabazz said from a microphone during public comment. "This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
You seriously need a "facepalm smilie" for this.
Back when I was a kid, we had friends of the family who hailed originally from Detroit. They would talk of their youth in that city with some fondness. Of course, this was the Detroit of the 1940s and 1950s. It was a city in which people sat on front porches on summer afternoons and basked in the knowledge that they were part of the cutting edge of American civilization, insofar as the automobile industry was a symbol of progress and prosperity.
There was some real Americana there, one friend relating how while he was attending Wayne State University to get an engineering degree he joined the Naval Reserve Band. That summed up so much about the people of the pre-1960s era: the devotion to technology and culture and patriotism.
Now one talks of Detroit the way that 5th century AD Romans might have talked about a city ravaged by Huns or Vandals.
For many in attendance, the state's threat to appoint an emergency manager stirs the bitter memories of unfair wages, forced segregation and other injustices against black people about a half-century ago.
How many of the people in the audience were around 50 years ago and experienced any of these things? Most of them grew up in an era of civil rights legislation, affirmative action, and black-run city government. And what have those same people done with Detroit as a result? What have they built on the foundations of what white America established?
Then again, Detroit seems to be no different from the fate of cities such as Leopoldville or Salisbury or Johannesburg.
Sic transit...
Talk about childish behavior and magical thinking. My five year old nephew knows mommy and daddy work to make money. Do these mental rejects think money just appears on their EBTs? Oh wait, it does.
Maybe it is high time some black fok learn how to go out and make a dollar instead of just demanding to be taken care of their whole lives.
The idea these fucktards can run a city is pretty damn rich most can't run the frier at the local fast food restaurants.
Sir, I love this site. I am happy it exists and your points are true, relevant, and valid. -However-, all that being said, you are fixated on Detroit. I read through much of your old posts and you are almost obsessively fixated on this city. I get the impression your father was a displaced auto-worker though I'm certain that is not the case. Detroit is a fucking shithole, we get it... Any city or country for that matter handed over to Africans will soon become one, this is not conjecture, construct, opinion, or hyperbole- it is, in fact, historical fact. I do like that you shed some light on Baltimore. Living in DC, I have front row seats and access to this cesspool only 40 min. away. It is in decay, as you have observed, and it won't get better. But I think my point here is, can we focus on other cities that are heading this way. All able intellects are aware that niggers cannot run or govern. Again, Detroit pales in comparison to African nations that were "de-colonized" by the White man. They are decaying today. There is so much more story out there for BRA then just this one city. Oakland, CA would be another great example...
I can't believe how disconnected these folks are with reality. They are expressing with no shame, "Hey white people, give us money because we are incompetent. But don't give us suggestions because that's racist."
What are your predictions? Will Michigan cave in to the demands? Will they take over and risk riots?
I almost wish they would burn their own city down. And show the entire world how stupid they really are.
I also would like to share this article with you.
There are very few productive people in Detroit. How safe can they be?
"Before you take over our city, we will burn it down"
Works for me. One stipulation: no negroes leave.
"Why the hell do they "deserve" it? They are freaking insane."
Mother nature and the invisible fist of Adam smith are trying to give them the help they deserve.
The USA Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen, a girl set loose in a futuristic arena to survive or die in the horror of the games to feed the desire for the elite to live in their lavish lifestyle while keeping the “districts” down; districts that produce the goods and services necessary to maintain the fantasy for the elites that leadership of the Capitol is a great thing.
Why has it struck such a note?
Because Whites are in the USA Hunger Games, living in our drifter colonies and gated communities; every year giving up children, wives, daughters, sons and men to the horror of Black crime while producing the taxes to maintain the fantasy for the elites that “Diversity” is a great thing
In the fictional Hunger Games, every evening the anthem is played and the faces of the dead are portrayed so people know the score but the faces of the killers are not shown.
In the USA Hunger Games, every evening the faces of the crime victims are displayed on the TV set, yet the identity of the perps is often not shown and euphemisms such as Youths, Flash Mob, Thugs and “Gang” members are used.
In the fictional Hunger Games, other districts are “No Go” areas and the government tries to prevent people from entering another district by barbed wire and electric fences.
In the USA Hunger Games, Black Neighborhoods are “No Go” areas and the White citizens of the gated communities tries to prevent Blacks from entering their district with barbed wire and Private Security.
In the fictional Hunger Games, large, well supported Districts maintain a cadre of elite of fighters, trained in weapons that prey on the other, weaker districts “Tributes” and often win the Games.
In the USA Hunger Games, Black populations well supported by Affirmative Action, Section 8, Welfare, ETB cards, Set-Asides, Lowered Standards, Diversity jobs, Quota Government Contracts, etc. breed a cadre of elite of black criminals, trained in weapons that prey on the other, weaker races and often win the conflict.
In the fictional Hunger Games, strong “Tributes” are showered with gifts from “sponsors” and are given things to help save them despite their behavior.
In the USA Hunger Games, strong criminals are showered by sponsor organizations like BET, NOI, Black Congressional Caucus, NBPP and are given money, support and even legal protection to help save them despite their behavior.
In the fictional Hunger Games, Tributes are forced together in order to increase the “action”.
In the USA Hunger Games, Whites are forced to hire Blacks who steal, rape and murder them and their employees.
I could go on, but why force a good analogy? In the fictional Hunger Games, Katness triggers the beginning of the end of Capitol rule by showing her people that love for her own beats all the weapons of the ruling “Capitol”.
We have not reached the end of our trials. We have weapons and food, but time is running out. What choice will we make?
It would be interesting to note at what age Trayvon, the kid taking skiing trips and playing little league, became the "no limit nigga". I've seen this metamorphosis. Decent black kids from normal homes turn into ghetto niggers to fit in with the dregs of their "communitay." If black society encourages it's children to turn into trash don't blame whites for taking it out.
Whatever happened to the idea that someone would terraform Detroit, let the deer and the trees reclaim the land. Let the buildings collapse, then sod the ground, and plant some fields. You could have a pretty verdant corridor, stretching across Wayne County and toward Canada.
For the first few years it would kind of look like NYC in "Twelve Monkeys" when Bruce Willis emerged into the dystopian future, but in less than two decades it could be gorgeous.
"This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
Well I'm pretty much speechless on this one. I don't usually like making ad hominem attacks but this Shabazz fellow seems to be going out of his way to prove just how stupid his people really are. Really you're going to BURN DOWN YOUR HOME instead of taking the White man's help??? Good God why are we even trying to help them anymore? Black people would rather be BANKRUPT AND DESTITUTE than have a White man handle their finances and produce economic stability!
CHIN UP SBPDL readers the tide is turning and it is turning FAST! I think the Cultural Marxist elite GROSSLY UNDERESTIMATED the power of the internet.....I frequent CNN.com (not because I believe a damn word they say, more to see just how insane the media has become) and I have to say that "Those Who Can See" are out there in incredible numbers. Check out the Trayvon Martin threads over there and be prepared to be amazed by the comments. I mean this is an ULTRA liberal website and the comments are almost 50/50 race realists to DWLs/POC. Seriously I expect the internet to be killed any day now; the truth is spreading like wildfire and White people are finally starting to realize that OTHER White people are thinking the same things about race in America.....
God help the whites remaining in Detroit.
Surely they're prepared for what's coming.
March 26, 2012 8:09 PM
I know a white woman who lives in a major midwestern city and who regularly goes back to Detroit to visit her elderly father. She's tried to convince him to get the hell out but he's lived in the same house for many decades and refuses to "give up the ship," so to speak.
They both carry loaded pistols just for walking around the house - their own house - because they never know when some of the black "walking dead" are going to bust in. They are ALWAYS armed. It's insane. There are obvious parallels to the lives of white farmers still hanging on in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Will President Obama ever concern himself with their plight? Ha, ha, ha, ha.....uh, no.
Detroit will burn because they are just itching to riot with St. Trayvon of Miami fresh on their minds. Damn Crackers trying to steal theys ghetto.....
Oh man just stumbled across this and had to share it! Probably should have posted this in an article dealing with education but oh well.
A 13 Year Old's Slavery Analogy Raises Uncomfortable Truths In School
In her essay, which was written for a contest, Williams reflected on what Douglass heard his slave master, Mr. Auld, telling his wife after catching her teaching Douglass how to read. "If you teach that nigger (speaking of myself) how to read, there will be no keeping him," Auld says. "It will forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master."
Williams wrote that overcrowded, poorly managed classrooms prevent real learning from happening and thus produces the same results as Mr. Auld's outright ban. She wrote that her white teachers—the vast majority of Rochester students are black and Hispanic, but very few teachers are people of color—are in a "position of power to dictate what I can, cannot, and will learn, only desiring that I may get bored because of the inconsistency and the mismanagement of the classroom."
You See it's those EVIL WHITE TEACHERS yet again......
"This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
Like so many things involving blacks, this is one of those things that's both hilarious and sad at the same time. The terminal cluelessness mixed with dishonesty, low character, outright stupidity, and the unwillingness (or inability) to face reality are qualities that just never go away.
In that tragi-comic vein...I was googling up some info on Detroit and came across an old thread at a discussion site called city-data.com. It's called "Pictures of Decay - Detroit." http://www.city-data.com/forum/detroit/212161-pictures-decay.html
There's plenty of hilarity and sadness in the discussion. It starts out with some fantastically idiotic DWL statements from some posters saying things like:
I will say, however, that the day we all stop pointing the finger at "them" and wonder when "they" are going to clean up "their" city and realize that these conditions are because of a global consciousness created by all of us - in Detroit, in Miami, New Orleans....I understand why people left Detroit - their families. But now we need to expand our definition of self-interest beyond what is best for ourselves and toward what is best for all - which is just a larger version of ourselves.
That's followed much later in the thread by some on-point comments by "those who can see."
Some examples:
I had friends in New Orleans, who were unable to enjoy anything they grew in their fenced-in Fauburg Marigny garden, because someone, somehow, was always watching. Somehow, someone knew when whatever was ripe or ready for harvest...and it disappeared. That was the norm, even pre-Katrina. I knew LOTS of people who would plant flowers or shrubs in their front yards, go inside for something, and come back minutes later, to find the plants gone...with little trails of dirt leading down the sidewalk.
I've been told that efforts to grow produce in Detroit have proved equally frustrating.
The company I used to work for did some beautification projects in Detroit as part of our community service days. I was part of a tree planting team, we planted over 100 trees in a couple parts of the city.
We came back the following week to water them, and I'd say over 40% of them were gone.
That is precisely the experience some friends of ours had in New Orleans, years ago (before everybody with sense gave up and moved away). Their organization landscaped a playground, with the help of a 'Youth Organization'. Within a couple of days, the 'Youths' themselves had broken the trees off, a couple of feet from the ground, and just left them lying broken.
And the kids admitted doing it: even offered a rationale...that some of the volunteer men acted like 'African Girls' (Possibly that meant 'effeminate'...however, by that point who cared?).
But while that exercise in futility had zero positive impact on the playground...not one single plant having survived...it was not all for naught. Some of the volunteers were inspired by that exercise in pointlessness, to move to other cities, and even to other parts of the country. Some, who had never lived in places with good demographics, were astonished how relaxed life can be in a place that does not have an element constantly causing problems.
"the fallout from the Trayvon Martin racial-bomb that turned out to be a huge dud for Organized Blackness..."
A dud? I don't think so. Do you really think pesky facts are going to get in the way of their bomb throwing? It is clear that reality is completely inconsequential for these people.
They will continue to demand Zimmerman's arrest and conviction, and if they don't get their way we will see another Rodney King style riots -- justification to loot, rape, and murder in the name of 'civil rights'.
If the Trayvon story is such a dud, then why do I see it every time I turn on the tee-vee? Why has every day and evening talk show I've listened to the this past week been talking about it nonstop?
I don't think it's a dud for liberals and blacks at all. Sure, a lot of people are waking up to these things, but it's really only a small fraction of the population. And most will never speak out about it, anyway. Gotta fit in, you know. No one wants to fuck a KKK Nazi.
Blacks will continue to intimidate us, liberals will continue to degrade and defame us, and when things get too unbearable, we will just pack up our shit and run. As usual.
Why can't we just let these people fail? I know white people have a deep-rooted sympathy for others--it's what makes our societies what they are--but in this case it will be our undoing.
Put down the White Man's Burden!
Now slowly step away!
Anon 7:13
Because of slavery. This is the eternal answer. Even in Haiti, where blacks have been independent for over 200 years, you will still hear dwills, swipples, I HADs and blacks blame white colonialists for the problems there today.
Ironically, the only place where black people are still actually slaves today is in the other BRA: black-run Africa.
Here's an interesting tidbit about Baltimore I read this morning:
Instead of actually fixing and doing something right to get itself out of the red, they aim to sell historic monuments in the city to the highest bidder! You really cannot make this stuff up, negro logic in full glory.
Talk about a thankless job.
"you pass a law letting immigrants come in as long as they agree to go to Detroit and live there for five or 10 years, start businesses, take jobs, whatever."
Because the Zimmerman-Martin incident shows that black people get along just swell with immigrants. And, of course, who could forget the harmonious relations between Koreans and blacks in LA, or Mexicans and Blacks in LA, or Puerto Ricans and blacks in NY, or blacks and Cubans in Miami.
Will we never learn? This is a golden opportunity slipping away. By all means give the blacks exactly what they want. Even better, turn the keys of the city over to Shabazz or any witch doctor of their choosing then withdraw as much white aid as possible.
Detroit needs to collapse under full black control. The Rush Limbaughs and Al Sharptons out there need to learn the truth.
Great blog. However, when you let the stormfront crew run the comment section it's bound to degenerate.
I am quite sure that the governor will appoint a black Emergency Manager just to confound the mental midgets. Then, we can all watch from afar as the colored Emergency Manager succumbs to tradition and DNA and becomes the current HMFIC and the most corrupt negro in Detroit.
I agree with posters who suggest that the governor should do absolutely nothing. Just cut off the funds and let them adjust accordingly. "No YT" should also mean "none of YT's money".
Parody and Comedy become Reality:
"This is white supremacy. Before you can take over our city, we will burn it down."
Check Out:
My reaction: Really?
I'm wondering if the residents of the rest of Michiganistan are ever gonna get irritated at their taxpayers money being spent solely to keep detroit thug blacks in rims, spinners and drugs and mosques.
"Gibs me dat" writ large. Threats of a massive chimpout, leading to a city wide bongo party.... Fine by me. But try to carry the bongo party into the suburbs and see what happens.
The manufactured Trayvor "crisis"....
"Jewish" last name to ramp the niggas up...
Jews will suffer at the hands of rampaging blacks...
Photos of George perpetuate that he is WHITE "cracka"...that ramps niggas up
Whites will suffer at the hands of rampaging niggas...
Niggas now know that George is part hispanic...that ramps niggas up...
Hispanics will suffer at the hands of rampaging niggas...
The Black Panthers are creaming all over themselves....
"Blacks will continue to intimidate us, liberals will continue to degrade and defame us, and when things get too unbearable, we will just pack up our shit and run. As usual."
I had a black tell me (on a Treyvon thread) that the reason that black attack us is not because we are White, it is because we seen as Yellow.
Being a vet of two riots (Watts and Rot-nee King) the problem with just letting Detroit burn (Note that negros always burn down their own hoods) is that afterwards they'll be screaming about how The Evil White Man isn't doing enough to 'rebuild'..
This ... Costs us all in the long run, in logical and in unimaginable ways. I'm not sure what would be more cost-effective.. let it burn, or throw $$ at it to try and prevent it.
I think the negros would prefer to have it burn though, because the raises the distinct probability of getting nice shiny brand-new McDonald's and Popeye's.
I watched a program about Chernobyl showing that flora and fauna had returned to the area in profussion and all growing and doing well, a veritable garden of eden...Perhaps that could be DEADtroit one day after the black plague has gone....BUT DAMN! don't wish the blacks to return to the South, that could be dangerous for them.
So much for the media trying to fabricate Trayvon as the good kid who played football.
Nope, he sold drugs, did drugs, and got suspended for drugs. That's why sweet Trayvon was over staying at father's house; he was suspended 10 days from school.
I'm not a Beck follower, but I applaud him for doing a background story on this kid and letting us decide for ourselves.
Trayvon's innocence is now being questioned Anyone else noticing the building of "racial profiling" charges now?
@ Skip ... I think you've hit on what could be an awesome TV show..
'The Walking Deadtroit'
"I think the Cultural Marxist elite GROSSLY UNDERESTIMATED the power of the internet....
They've TOTALLY understood the power of the internet from DAY ONE. That's why they are always trying to pass (and frequently do) legislation that allows them to shut down anything and EVERYTHING for (1) Saving the "Children" ( Your Standard Anti-Porn Religious Nut who watches Porn every day and then complains about his "addiction"), (2) Stopping HATE (Everything from Vdare, guns, anti-taxes; anything SPLC doesn't like)) and (3) NWO (Anything remotely opposed to Washington like RON PAUL).
Not hard to understand what happened to most (if not all) civilizations that tried to give blacks in their lands some freedom to pick and choose, rule and decide on issues for the common man (and woman) left those civilizations in ruin.
What you say seems logical, and contains, perhaps, thoughts that have passed through many of our minds as we have journeyed with SBPDL.com over the years/months/weeks for which we have each been reading this website.
HOWEVER, you are wrong that the focus should not be on Detroit.
DETROIT is the only example of a LARGE city where the population change from white to black IS SO SUDDEN AND COMPLETE (especially since the government of the city has changed demographic similarly) that there is NO ROUTE OF DENIAL for denialists, aka Liberals, Do-gooders, and the black population of the USA.
Detroit is the ONLY LARGE city where the TRUTH can NOT be denied.
It can't. The truth is so obvious. All white, to all black. At the same time: beautiful to ugly, crime-free to crime ridden, safe to dangerous, streets full of gorgeous architecture to streets full of ruins, educated children to uneducated non-literate dopes etc.
In DETROIT ONLY, is there no escape from the facts and the truth.
In other cities, the population change has not been so sudden, so dramatic, or so clear-cut. In Detroit, we see our case made for us. We don't even need to comment or analyse. We can just cite statistics and the truth speaks for itself.
Think a little deeper, my friend. 20 or 30 year down the line, other cities with slightly higher white populations may have recovered lightly due to the hard work of Disingenuous White Liberals and the economic help of non-disingenuous white non-liberals who live outside of but still WORK inside many large cities in the USA.
Detroit will forever remain Detroilet until the current majority population leaves (soon to happen, as the money COMPLETELY dries up, more than it has already) and a new, white population moves back in.
Population shifts in Detroit, from white to black and perhaps back to white at some point in the future, SHOW WITHOUT DOUBT THE TRUTH OF RACE IN THE UNITED STATES.
Focus on Detroit is absolutely essential to the case being made by SBPDL.com
"I think the negros would prefer to have it burn though, because the raises the distinct probability of getting nice shiny brand-new McDonald's and Popeye's.
But think of the possibilities if they actually do burn it down to the ground. After it burns down the government can seize Detroit as an environmental disaster site. They could then force all the residents out because of the environmental hazards of dead bodies and fire residue contaminated homes that will be covered with the infamous "black mold" that causes all sorts of respiration difficulties.
Then the government can SELL Detroit to a new company, say, OMNI CONSUMER PRODUCTS, and create a GIANT gated community that doesn't have Blacks.
What do you think?
gees........thuggery at this level...
Support: New York state senators Kevin Parker (left) Bill Perkins (center) and Eric Adams wear hooded sweatshirts during session in the Senate Chamber in Albany today to show their support for Florida teenager Trayvon Martin
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2120504/Trayvon-Martin-case-He-suspended-times-caught-burglary-tool.html#ixzz1qKrk7GUM
Why is this even a white or black thing? Honestly how uneducated are the people protesting a financial manager?
If you burn the city down (what ya gonna burn down btw? the one house that resides on each block or the abandoned liquor stores? ) Youll be doing the state of michigan a favor and the city of detroit
i dont know why these people are basing this off of race... THe city keeps getting worse and worse schools closing, police being laid off..are these people protesting involved in the crime? is that why they still want it to stay where it stands? This is utterly ridiculous ...all the people on the detroit city government are dumb as fuck clearly and so are the people voting for them...this is why we need a financial manager to open up some schools so yall know what youre really talking about ...dumb as fuck i swear
or all the people elected are just as crooked as kwame and dont want someone to come in and catch them all in the act
Converted Realist: So it looks like Zimmerman's narrative is the true account of what really happened that night, as corroborated by the police report and several witnesses.
Thank you for checking in with us as the process continues. With no wish to sound condescending, you have made a quantum leap in understanding how 99% (if not more), of what comes from the MSM (Main-Stream Media), is not just garbage but, equally as often, virulently anti-American, anti-White and anti-Christian, if not all three at once.
I speak as a devout Agnostic and still find the MSM's attack on White Christian America deeply offensive.
Why don't they start by arresting Shabazz for making terroistic threats? Who's in charge here?
Jay in DC: Detroit is a fucking shithole, we get it...
You may be taking for granted the fact that you can See. Many visitors to this site are not there yet as is a huge percentage of America's population.
Again, Detroit pales in comparison to African nations that were "de-colonized" by the White man.
While true, MSM coverage of those Black African utopias is less than zero. There is no reasonable expectation that unawakened Americans will have any chance of deriving some sort of object lesson from those Black cesspits.
Detroit is another matter as there is simply too much historical data on file and, being readily accessible to the public, no way whereby it can be sanitized or covered up. America has its own private Mogadishu and it's long past tea that this becomes common public knowledge.
There is so much more story out there for BRA then just this one city. Oakland, CA would be another great example...
I could not agree with you more because of how, being situated in über-Liberal California, Oakland should long ago have been rescued from its Black Undertow by Socialist policies that only one of the very wealthiest States could possibly enact.
Such is not the case and, indeed, a glaring example of how Climate Change is so resistant to remediation, if it is even at all possible.
Nonetheless, due to proximity, foreknowledge or other unknown preexisting factors, Paul has selected Detroit as his test laboratory and, in light of what an industrial powerhouse it once was, that city is a prime example of America's decline in both manufacturing productivity (read: White employment), and quality of life in general.
Taken in combination with the 1967 riots which unmistakably and justifiably drove White Flight, Detroit is a pluperfect example of BRA (Black-Run America) and should be dragged kicking and screaming out into the disinfecting sunlight of public scrutiny.
A Watcher: I can't believe how disconnected these folks are with reality. They are expressing with no shame, "Hey white people, give us money because we are incompetent. But don't give us suggestions because that's racist."
Welcome to the no-win world of Black cognitive dissonance. This is how they game the system and there is not a chance of unseating them. They are barnacles on the hill of civilization's tea clipper and will have to be scraped off at some point. After that, a coat of copper-containing paint will need to be applied.
Seriously though, the choices are as follows:
1) Do nothing and stand accused of being "unconcerned".
2) Do something and have anything you attempt to do, no matter how accommodating, respectful or successful, be called "RACIST".
That's it. There are no other options.
Blacks will not have it any other way as nothing else can keep them so firmly ensconced in their role as perpetual victim.
Blacks are a one-trick pony and that trick is The Race Card™. It is why a great deal of Black-on-Black interaction is so predominantly violent and criminal.
No Limit Snowman
Bwahahahaha! Thank you, So CAL Snowman, I needed a good laugh today.
Anonymous @ 9:32 AM
That would make sense. When has the government ever done anything which makes sense.
Instead, they will use White tax dollars to rebuild Detroit. Shiny new Popeyes, McD's and Section 8 housing which will be decrepit and forlorn when the next Detroit riots occur in 2033 or so.
Anonymous (3/27, 2012 2:09 AM): No one wants to fuck a KKK Nazi.
Look for that to change once White women get a sampling of the not-so-tender mercies that Black men have in store for them. Then again, by that time they are just as frequently damaged for life after being brutalized, raped, disfigured or infected with herpes, Hep C and HIV/AIDS.
I have come to the conclusion that America's Liberal academic elite are effectively acting as reproductive gatekeepers. Either toe their Liberal ideological line or you don't get the earning power of a diploma that makes marriage and having children possible.
Anonymous (3/27, 2012 5:12 AM): Great blog. However, when you let the stormfront crew run the comment section it's bound to degenerate.
Piss off, jerkwit. Paul goes to great lengths in an effort to exclude those types. Your comment was totally uncalled for.
danaigh: Parody and Comedy become Reality
A brilliant metaphor and the best scene in that whole damned movie. I'm more of a "The Producers" kinda guy, myself.
Check out this article (first of three parts) on the black-run Washington DC metro system; looks like more people are beginning to "see", and to express what they see:
The blacks know that if they burn Detroit down then the Federal Government will send them to live in the surrounding areas. Because then they won't have a place to live and we can't have that! They might soon come to an area near you. Correction they willl come to an area next to you. ITZ a win win situation. The more you burn down the more construction work there will be.
If Detroit falls, all of its residents will be coming to a city near you and me. The more destitute Detroit becomes, the more havoc its residents will reek on others White AND Black. If you love Detroit so much, why would you want to see it fall? To the writer of this blog, I commend you for a very well put together, thoughtful and informative blog. You've created something that I simply cant stop reading. You're talented. I would like to hear some ideas on how Detroit can be saved. Everyone is criticizing the failure "Black Run America" and offering no solutions. The truth is that everybody failed this city. You expect Black people to act like Whites but the truth is that Whites don't want equality. Most would rather lose a limb than have the same things as Blacks. There are wonderful hardworking families stuck in that shit hole you all want to see collapse so badly. I actually don't know how some Blacks actually make it in the world when there is so much stacked against them. Considering how so many of them live, its amazing that some find a way to grow despite being neglected water.
I'm not a big fan of Gov. Snyder. He seems like a progressive Republican. "I'm the most pro-immigration governor in the United States" he says. About the Martin/Zimmerman case, it looks like Hannity is now going for the racial profiling angle.
"I would like to hear some ideas on how Detroit can be saved. Everyone is criticizing the failure "Black Run America" and offering no solutions."
If you have solutions, please offer them.
Otherwise, STFU.
There's nothing stacked against blacks. Just themselves. White people worship blacks. Any excuse will do for talking about why LaTrina and DeviousVon fail.
The hurdle is set do low yet you trip up anyway.
Anonymous (3/27, 2012 1:57 PM): The truth is that everybody failed this city.
And, guess what?
The truth is that almost "everybody" in that "city" IS BLACK.
They are the ones who failed Detroit and seeking to blame anyone else is complete misdirection, not to mention letting Blacks off of the hook for one of their most dire offenses against the United States.
Those 1967 riots represented the seizure and occupation of American territory by a non-assimilating people who assembled hostile forces in order to ethnically cleanse a major city. Muslims are doing the same exact thing in Hamtramk and Dearborn.
Both create "no-go zones" wherever they squat and undermine America's quality of life while devouring a disproportionate amount of social benefits.
Thanks for the links regarding the DC Metro. Being that I live here this is no surprise to me whatsoever. Most of the DC Government agencies work like this too. There is such inherent racism towards Whites, everyone is on the take, putting in their peeps to other positions, etc. just as the article described. I worked for a DC Gov't agency for years and it was such a pit of laziness and corruption one can only marvel at how even 1% of work gets done on any given day. DC is another wonderful example of BRA actually since the city is majority black. I am paid lots of money to live and work here but I can tell you that if my current gig dries up, I'm off to greener pastures as I have had my fill...
Worth repeating:
Those 1967 riots represented the seizure and occupation of American territory by a non-assimilating people who assembled hostile forces in order to ethnically cleanse a major city.
Thus treasonous. "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
Fits Black race-hustlers, rioters and Muslims to a "T".
Mr. Rational: Fits Black race-hustlers, rioters and Muslims to a "T".
Thank you, Mr. Rational. It's about time that we got on the same damned page.
And when you mention "race-hustlers", I trust you mean the race baiting wannabe war lord pimps that Sharpton and Jackson personify to perfection.
Any problem with that?
Yer Pal,
I appreciate your optimism.
Blacks being black...
Any problem with that?
It's a pity this isn't Troll Tuesday any more, or I'd say yer one a dose wishy-washy agnostics. But it isn't, so I'll just say no.
Mr. Rational: It's a pity this isn't Troll Tuesday any more, or I'd say yer one a dose wishy-washy agnostics.
You bloody well know precisely which unilluminated orifice is where you can stick that "Troll" crap.
You'd probably be even more astonished, had you sat in on the discussion about deriving morality in the absence of God which I shared with the personal secretary of a Roman Catholic Archbishop, who just happens to be one of my dear friends.
There's probably a smattering of Latin scurrying around those last few lonely neurons of yours, so here's an essay I dedicated to him, "Bonum Diffusum Sui".
<sigh> HTML really needs a tongue-in-cheek tag. Apparently, even wonky spelling isn't enough to carry it unambiguously.
No Limit Nigga re Stupidity
No Limit Nigga re Destructiveness
No Limit Nigga re Criminality
No Limit Nigga re Illegitimacy
No Limit Nigga re Drug Use
No Limit Nigga re Parasitism
No Limit Nigga re Violence
Mr. Rational: Apparently, even wonky spelling isn't enough to carry it unambiguously.
Especially when you have a firmly established reputation for nit-picking. "Troll" is a label that carries some pretty serious and extremely negative connotations. Attempting to make light of a person's spiritual framework usually doesn't tend to cut much ice either.
As someone who detests emoticons, I work very hard at ensuring that sarcasm or jest are readily detectable in my comments and rarely has anyone ever mistaken my gist.
His breathing was limited very effectively. It only took one 9mm slug.
Zenster: You have me exactly backwards. Had it been Troll Tuesday I would have gone out of my way to troll you, hoping you'd recognize the tongue-in-cheek and have a laugh. But it was no longer Tuesday anywhere on the globe, so I could only refer to it as a missed opportunity.
Mr. Rational: Had it been Troll Tuesday I would have gone out of my way to troll you, hoping you'd recognize the tongue-in-cheek and have a laugh.
Being a wag myself, I can usually take a joke just fine. I'll ask that you please work on your commenting sarcasm a bit due to how, in the absence of such critical components as inflection and tone, it is one of the most difficult modes of expression to convey online.
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