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The growth of Atlanta is in predominately white areas |
Just as in Detroit, it was white flight from Black criminality to virtually crime free white suburbs surrounding the city that allowed Black people to become the majority of Atlanta by 1970 and elect Maynard Jackson in 1973. This event was the culmination of years of cohesive actions by the Black community in Atlanta:
"The black response to a city being shaped by segregation was to form their own self-help organizations, develop businesses and colleges to serve the African-American community, negotiate for land and housing, fight for political inclusion, and, most important, to continually point out to white Atlantans what should have been obvious: measures that diminished black life in the city also had negative effects on whites. Black Atlanta's community development, resistance to or bypassing of white policies, and implementation of their own policies after 1973 were some of the shaping aspects of race that one could see in Atlanta."(p. 257, Race & The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Atlanta)Black Atlanta did implement their own policies starting in 1973 (minority contracting mandates, which transferred tax-revenue to the Black community) as outlined here:
The election of Maynard Jackson, who has died of a heart attack aged 65, as the first black mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1973 was a major landmark in the southern US city's history.This is the reason Atlanta is known as "The Black Mecca"; an aggressive affirmative action program implemented to enrich Black citizens of Atlanta, that resulted in enticing Black people from around the country to return to the city (and surrounding metro Atlanta area) to get a piece of the pie. An article from Ebony in 2002 notes:
It signposted a change of guard in the local political class from white to black; no white person has since been elected mayor.
Jackson, who served three terms in office, was a prominent exponent of affirmative action.
In his first two terms, he rattled Atlanta's old cosy business relationships, alienating some, but wooing them back in his third term with deft deal-making skills. In 1978, he signed a law requiring 25% of the city's projects to be set aside for minority firms. The policy, which still operates today, made Atlanta the most hospitable place in America for black entrepreneurs.
He also pushed through an affirmative action program that made it mandatory for contractors to take on minority-owned businesses as partners, and forced the city's major law firms to hire African-American lawyers. He threatened that "tumbleweeds would run across the runways of Atlanta airport" if blacks were not included in city contracts.
Though Census figures show that Atlanta's Black population has dipped slightly (it peaked at 282,911 in 1980 and stands at 255,689 today), more than 150,000 African-Americans still moved into the city during the 1990s. The real boom was in the surrounding bedroom communities in DeKalb, Fulton and Cobb counties. More than half a million Blacks swelled the population of those communities in the 1990s. In fact, more Blacks moved to metropolitan Atlanta than to any other metro area in the country during the last decade.
Even in once-segregated strongholds like DeKalb County, which cuts a small swath through the city of Atlanta, Blacks have changed the face of the social and political landscape. In November 2000, DeKalb residents elected 41-year-old Vernon Jones as the county's first Black chief executive. "The times are definitely changing in and around this metropolitan area," Jones maintains. "The whole area is just much more diverse, and that's changing things. There are some glass ceilings, too. We still don't have a Black senator or a Black governor. But the population is growing. More and more Black people are moving here, affluent Black people. That is making a difference."
Today, Atlanta boasts more Black-owned companies per capita than any other city in the nation except Washington, D.C., according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. It is home to the nation's second-largest Black insurance company, Atlanta Life. Citizens Trust Bank, the fourth-largest Black bank, also is based there.
"There are business role models here like Jesse Hill and Herman Russell who allow young people to see what the possibilities are," says Thomas Dortch, national chairman of 100 Black Men of America.
But the new economic landscape produced by the labor, lobbying and civil rights leadership of Atlantans such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Andrew Young and Congressman John Lewis also has created scintillating opportunities in areas where Blacks previously were shut out. As Atlanta has grown, so too have the fortunes of scores of Black businessmen who have participated in its amazing development. With the backing of Maynard Jackson, who is credited with initiating the building boom that put Atlanta on the map (some call Hartsfield airport "the airport that Maynard built"), business owners like construction magnate Herman J. Russell, whose H.J. Russell & Co. is the 14th-largest Black business in the country, literally paved the way for the unprecedented success of the Black businesses that followed.
Using aggressive affirmative action initiatives, Jackson ushered in an era in which the percentage of the contracts Black businesses received from the city grew from less than one-tenth of 1 percent in 1970 to more than $250 million today. It is said that 90 percent of the contracts that go to minority-owned firms that do business with American airports are at Hartsfield. Herman Russell, along with his partner, pioneering restaurateur James Paschal, operate several of those concessions, but many young Black business owners also have broken into this lucrative territory.More and more Black people - who are vacating cities they helped ruin during the Great Migration of 20th century - are moving back to Atlanta. Fittingly, there is a correlation to property value drops, lower tax revenue collected - resulting in teacher and public employees layoffs and a lack of funds for improvements in infrastructure (and increased crime) - and further white flight from these counties Black people are settling in.
Attracted by affirmative action policies that helped enrich one segment of the population, one wonders if metro Atlanta's white population would ever dare unite to defend their interests? The looming showdown over North Fulton vs. South Fulton would lead one to say "yes, they will."
But its not just affirmative action policies that have helped enrich Black people in the private sector.
In describing Freaknic – a raucous Black spring break event that was eventually evicted from Atlanta - in the opening chapter of A Man in Full
Atlanta was their city, the Black Beacon, as the Mayor called it, 70 percent black. The Mayor was black… and twelve of the nineteen city council members were black, and the chief of police was black, and the fire chief was black, and practically the whole civil service was black, and the Power was black. (p.17)But going back to that quote from Boyer, one glaring inconsistency with logic sticks out:
to continually point out to white Atlantans what should have been obvious: measures that diminished black life in the city also had negative effects on whites.Actually, it's measures that improved Black life in the city that have had negative effects on whites. More importantly, it's had negative effects on Black people. Despite these affirmative action programs, poverty (and crime, which has no relation to poverty) in the Black community in metro Atlanta is at levels that rival any in all of America:
Atlanta's status as a haven for African-Americans was greatly reinforced by the election of the city's first black mayor, Maynard Jackson, in 1973. This accomplishment was due not to the progressive sentiments of the majority of Atlanta's white population, but rather their departure from the city in big numbers. In the book Imagineering Atlanta: The Politics of Place in the City of Dreams, Charles Rutheiser reports:
He (Jackson) assumed a confrontationalist posture vis-a-vis the white business community, arguing passionately for a greater distribution of the benefit of growth among African-Americans. Ina showdown over the new airport, Jackson succeeded in establishing a minority business enterprise program that became widely regarded as a model for minority set-asides for municipal contracts. Together, with extensive affirmative action hiring by Atlanta-based corporations like Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines, and an already-established black business community, the set-aside program made Atlanta a nationally known center for African-American economic opportunity in the latter part of the 1970s and 1980s.Violent crime hasn't stopped in Atlanta (where Black people have a virtual monopoly on crime), it's just no longer reported by the police or the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Despite economic opportunities for the middle class and a continuous black presence at city hall for two decades, Atlanta was far from being a decent place, much less a paradise, for the majority of its African American residents. By any and every statistical measure, from poverty and unemployment to graduation rates and crime, the quality of life "enjoyed" by the city's African-American majority plummeted during this period. The percentage of black households living in poverty nearly doubled between 1980 and 1990, to more than a third of all households. Over half of the city's children lived in poverty.
Nowhere was the divide between the two black Atlantas more manifest than in the area of crime. Atlanta was nationally renowned for its high crime rate in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Its homicide rate more than doubled between 1965 and 1970, making the city the country's "murder capital." Atlanta has retained the dubious honor of being one of the nation's most violent cities to the present day. The vast majority of these crimes occurred, then as now, in the cities poorest census tracts to the south, east, and west of downtown, areas that are more than 95 percent African American.
A simple question has to be asked at this point: who were those white people in power in Atlanta that caused Black people to unite and create cohesive organizations that would - in turn - consolidate political power in their own hands (both in the public and private sector)? Who were these white people that allowed Atlanta to become the Black Mecca?:
An incredibly close-knit group of friends, neighbors, and business partners from the city's posh Northside, the power structure shared a common history. "Almost all of us had been born and raised within a mile or two each other," remembered Ivan Allen Jr., a member of the group who would succeed (William) Hartsfield as Atlanta's mayor from 1962 to 1970. "We had gone to the same schools, to the same churches, tot he same golf courses, to the same summer camps. We had dated the same girls. We had played and worked within our group." Member of the power structure not only shared a common past and present; they shared a common vision of the future. In Allen's telling, they were "dedicated to the betterment of Atlanta as much as a Boy Scout troop is dedicated to fresh milk and clean air."(p. 28, White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism, by Kevin M. Kruse)
The actions by the white elite (what can only be described as the white "Managerial Elite" of Black-Run America) from 1940 - 1970 resulted in the vacating of the city by middle class whites (who couldn't insulate their families from Black crime and integrated schools as the Northside elite could with private schools) and, in turn, resulted in the nightmarish of 2012 metro Atlanta: an entire metro area witnessing property depreciation, increased crime, and staggering costs for commutes.
Interesting that despite government mandated policies of affirmative action, minority contracts, and hiring practices that have turned all public jobs (tax supported) in the metro Atlanta area into a Black vocational program, Black communities there are in complete disarray.
Those areas that stayed white (despite a hostile government, private sector hiring practices that favor non-whites, and an onus on entrepreneurship): thriving. Atlanta has been rebuilt up Georgia 400 to Roswell, Sandy Springs, Alpharetta and Forsyth County.
The tallest buildings in all of suburban America, the 30+ story King and Queen Towers - The Concourse at Landmark Center in Sandy Springs - recently went on the market and analysts predict the sale will rival what the tallest building in the southeast (which was foreclosed), the Bank of America Plaza, went for. The former complex is located Outside the Perimeter, in a city that is majority white; the latter located in downtown Atlanta.
Sandy Springs is one of these primarily white cities in North Fulton that could secede from the county tomorrow and instantly see property values rise dramatically.
More on this later this week.
Since 1973, untold financial investing in the Black Mecca (through primarily white tax-dollars and the appropriation of collected revenue toward minority contracts and the establishment of an entrenched Black monopoly on public jobs) has resulted in the creation of a Black elite in Atlanta, which should now represent a sunk cost. No matter how many private companies enact affirmative action policies in hiring, this too will represent a sunk cost over time.
Atlanta - The City too Busy to Hate - represents a microcosm of how one can look at the entire nation after Black-Run America (BRA) rose to power: The white managerial elite rushing to cede power to Blacks, who have and always will maintain a close racial cohesion. It has been the zeitgeist in America for some time to be seen as "progressive" when it comes to Black America.
The state of 2012 Atlanta and the metro Atlanta area is directly correlated to two things: 1. Blacks moving from around the nation to city to take advantage of affirmative action policies enacted in 1973 that have created the facade of a "Black Mecca" -- only because of the misappropriation of tax-dollars by a racially cohesive drive to augment Blacks, and, 2. White people trying to avoid living anywhere near Black people. No matter the distance of the commute, having limited interaction with Black people is preferred.
One will never be able to quantify (nor qualify) what might have been for Atlanta - and metro Atlanta - were a race-based policy not enacted in 1973 and instead, a merit-based policy enshrined into law.
The white managerial elite of Atlanta sold the city to Organized Blackness; as a result, every one has suffered.
Such is the case for all of America.
To look back at what Mr. Boyer stated in his book, it should become clear: the day that white people decide to do any of things he listed as the Black response to "segregation" in Atlanta, is the day BRA ends.
Hilariously, it looks like it will be in the very Northside of Atlanta (North Fulton) that sees secession attempted and a new county created... Look to a forthcoming essay on Vdare to see what this means.
The seeds of BRAs destruction are in the soil of Atlanta.
An excellent article as always Paul...however I have to take exception with the idea that the North side of Atlanta is some sort of white flight mecca...it was 15 years ago. Since then blacks have been systematically invading the North side in huge numbers. According to the 2010 census, Sandy Springs was 20% black and 15% hispanic. 35% black/hispanic is beyond critical mass for any locality, and I have seen first hand how the apartment complexes along Roswell Rd. have contributed to the downfall of a once great area. Atlanta is a lost cause. I have spent most of my life here and the only thing I can think about is how to get out of here. There is no place in the entire metro area that one can go where you will not encounter blacks/hispanics.
I hope Porter - and a legion of idiotic detractors - are still here.
National Welfare Rights Organization? That's an oxymoron if I've ever read one!
So to sum it up...
1. Black people chased white people to the suburbs by being violent and predictably bad neighbors and their uncivilized little welfare babies made the schools unsafe and unable to teach more intelligent white kids.
2. White people built thriving economies again in the suburbs where they weren't hamstrung by the economic and social anchor of black people.
3. Atlanta metro doubled down and put black people into positions of power from top to bottom.
4. Atlanta metro is broke, dangerous and completely unsustainable because of black incompetence, black corruption and black existence.
5. It's all the fault of white people who haven't had power there in 40 years.
6. Black failure in Atlanta metro wants to be again subsidized by white success in the suburbs, but without giving up power or really anything at all.
7. All of this moronic, illogical, downright insulting bullshit is being propagated primarily by bourgeois negroes and self-loathing whites who would never dare set foot in the neighborhoods that they claim we're damaged by "white flight".
This is equivalent to a team owner picking the worst players from the league, demanding that they not be insulted by practicing or being prepared and then blaming the league champions for four straight decades of losses.
If this were a simple science experiment where two identical fish tanks were filled, one with white rocks and one with black rocks, and the white tank flourished while the black tank turned murky and supported no life, what would we surmise? Would we decide that the white rocks were to blame for demise of the black tank? Of course not. We'd certainly stop filling our tanks with black rocks though.
Speaking of Affirmative action...
Please God, make it end soon.
Creating a new city in Georgia is much easier than creating a new county. A new city can hatch from a local election and the right legislation at the Georgia legislature. A new county can only be created by a state constitutional amendment and a statewide vote on that amendment. It's not impossible, but it is much harder, messier and politically charged. Good luck, North Fulton.
I think Ray summed it up brilliantly. Cliff Notes on Atlanta's Idiocy - by Ray Scissom.
Actually, it's measures that improved Black life in the city that have had negative effects on whites. More importantly, it's had negative effects on Black people.
Quite possibly, this is something that Blacks, as a whole, will never be able to understand. The preferential treatment that they have received has only served to weaken them and instill a now near-permanent conviction in all other races that Black success can only happen in the presence of race-based preference that favor Blacks.
The depth to which this notion has taken hold is shown by how Blacks themselves firmly believe in these same preferences.
Per Charles Rutheiser: Despite economic opportunities for the middle class and a continuous black presence at city hall for two decades, Atlanta was far from being a decent place, much less a paradise, for the majority of its African American residents. By any and every statistical measure, from poverty and unemployment to graduation rates and crime, the quality of life "enjoyed" by the city's African-American majority plummeted during this period. The percentage of black households living in poverty nearly doubled between 1980 and 1990, to more than a third of all households. Over half of the city's children lived in poverty.
So, Atlanta's historic problems are all Whitey's fault. Yet, as others here at SBPDL are wont to observe, when Whites not-so-voluntarily absent themselves, the problems that persist are still Whitey's fault.
The fact that Blacks continue to insist how "reparations" must be such a perennial issue is indicative of only one thing. The slave mentality is an inescapable feature of what passes for Black consciousness.
Blacks were slaves, (in modern Africa) they are slaves and they will continue to to be slaves so long as they shirk responsibility and seek to fix blame for their shortcomings upon others.
Where is General Sherman now that Atlanta really needs him?
Ray Scissom:
If this were a simple science experiment where two identical fish tanks were filled, one with white rocks and one with black rocks, and the white tank flourished while the black tank turned murky and supported no life, what would we surmise? Would we decide that the white rocks were to blame for demise of the black tank? Of course not. We'd certainly stop filling our tanks with black rocks though.
Great thought experiment.
Too bad most Americans can't figure out that the same issue applies to filling our gas tanks with Arab-sourced petroleum instead of a domestically produced product.
Is North Fulton actively going through the process of separating from South Fulton or are they just using this as a threat to get the blacks on the county commission to stop spending so much money? I look forward to your discussion of this issue.
I don't know that much about the voting rights act, and I know nothing about Georgia state law. On the face of it you wouldn't think the separation would violate the voting rights act - after all, it wouldn't dilute black voting strength, it would increase it. However, doesn't a change like this have to get pre-clearance from the Justice Department? Maybe when you research this you can get input from the North Fulton (towns') lawyers?
Different topic... I wonder if the NHL is having better ratings than the nba playoffs?
Black robber sets 76-year-old woman (probably white) on fire in Dallas suburb of Garland Texas:
Police: Garland gas station robber sets 76-year-old woman on fire
By Avi Selk
4:26 pm on May 20, 2012
==10 p.m.==
The woman, a clerk at the gas station, was in critical but stable condition Sunday night, according to police.
==4:30 p.m.==
A woman was in critical condition Sunday with burns over nearly half her body, police said, after a man set her on fire while robbing her at a Garland gas station.
A Garland police statement reads in full:
This morning just after 7:00 am officers were responding to an alarm in the 3300 block of Broadway Boulevard. While on the call one of the officers looked across the street and thought he saw a flash of fire inside the Fina station just across the intersection of Broadway and Colonel Drive. Both officers drove to the station and as they were pulling up they saw a female step outside who was on fire. One of the officers grabbed the fire extinguisher from his car and began spraying her and put out the fire. The lady was still standing and was able to tell officers she had just been robbed and the suspect doused her with a liquid and set her on fire. She was also able to give a basic description of the suspect.
Garland Fire Paramedics responded and transported the 76 year old female of Garland to Parkland Memorial Hospital where she is listed in critical condition with burns over 40% of her body.
Shortly after officers responded to the fire, dispatch operators began receiving calls of a man trying to break into houses in the residential area behind the Fina station. Additional officers responded to the area of the calls and located the man and took him into custody for robbery of an individual at his home. Police detectives now believe the same man is responsible for the robbery of the Fina station and setting the 76 year old woman on fire. The suspect is identified as 36 year old Matthew Lee Johnson of Garland [mugshot pictured]. Johnson is facing at least two charges, Robbery and Criminal Attempt Capital Murder.
Excellent and informative article. Those who created and promote BRA are what most would here would describe as white. Like the ones mentioned in the article, they don't have to deal with blacks. Their kids go to exclusive schools where only a few blacks are in attendance - like D'Won in the exclusive Honolulu prep school.
Bayor's ridiculous book is a textbook example of Auster's First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society. The worse the performance of the minority, the more extreme the PC machinations to blame the failure upon white racism (institutional racism, the legacy of racism, latent racism, etc.). Those whites who refuse to take responsibility for black failure are thus deemed to be "Nazis", "haters", "KKK members", etc. - the subject of the Ministry of Truth's daily two-minute hate.
The elite whites running BRA are of course the enlightened ones - anointed to lead and quite exempt from all negative aspects of life in the BRA machine they operate.
This is off-topic (apologies), but I just saw this headline on Drudge:
Cops still puzzled by 'no motive' drive-by shooting of jogger...
Gang initiation seems likely, but it strikes me that it is by no means far-fetched that some of these... beings may have taken to shooting whites for sport. After all, the fun goes out of beatings and robberies after a while.
Don't know what to make of this story just southwest of Chicago, but make sure everyone is able to protect themselves;
"A law enforcement source Sunday said the group beaten at a Tinley Park restaurant Saturday was made up of white supremacists, and those who assaulted them were protesters attacking their beliefs.
Police had five people in custody after the attack, which occurred at The Ashford House, 7959 W. 159th St. No charges had been filed yet, and the suspects did not appear in bond court Sunday.
Tinley Park Mayor Ed Zabrocki on Sunday said police do not know if the protesters had any connection to the NATO Summit in downtown Chicago.
He said police still have 35 to 40 people to interview, and charges could come Monday.
“The guys we have in the lockup are still not talking, at least not this morning,” Zabrocki said.
Beckie Williams was among the victims Saturday. Williams, who said she lives near the Quad Cities, said her group is called the European Heritage Group and they are not white supremacists."
Ex New Yorker here.....In June it will be one year since I have seen a black person. The last ones I saw were in the Denver airport when I flew back from Florida. I wish you could understand what a great feeling it is to not be living around a bunch of porch monkeys. No crime, no loud rap music and no living in fear. Being able to walk down the street with out looking behind you.
You people have to move away from the Negropolitian parts of the country. GET AWAY WHILE YOU CAN. There are all these parts of America where only white folks live. Forget about fighting in some goddamn race war. What good is it having a nice home in a combat zone. When I was doing all that street time the one thing I learned is that EVIL WILL DESTROY ITSELF. Darkness only feeds on darkness. You do not have to be a part of it. What you fight against you become. Let the jungle bunnies have their "black mecca" and their welfare mothers and crack babies and hood rats. You are living around animals. Move to the mid-west where you don't have to live in fear. Move out of the jungle to some place where you will be safe. FUCK ALL THOSE SAVAGES. They need you, you don't need them.
This is a direct example of Affirmative Action. There is no possible way that this "teacher" could pass the standardized test to be admitted to Eight grade.
Notice the White students are not only better spoken but actually better educated and informed than the so called teacher.
The school administration and the school board should be taken to task for allowing this woman to stand in front of a classroom full of children.
hardscrabble farmer said... "Please God, make it end soon."
God could make it so. But for us, it must become worse, much worse in fact, before a sufficient consciousness is raised among a majority.
The old order is not fixable, by the way. Therefore, in a sort of perverse way, we must welcome the coming chaos, since we know that only through disorder, will a new order ever arise.
Coleman Young was a Tuskegee Airman and he suceeded in detroiting Detroit.
Had this guy been a fly-fly man in the unit that single handedly won WWII Atlanta would be detroited too.
The school administration and the school board should be taken to task for allowing this woman to stand in front of a classroom full of children.
The administration and board must hire enough minorities or they run afoul of the EEOC 4/5 rule. It doesn't matter how bad they are, you have to hire at least 80% of their fraction of whatever relevant population sample you've got or you have a "disparate impact" suit (that you'll lose).
The Supreme Court could have dismantled BRA if it had just reversed Griggs in Ricci vs. DeStefano. Unfortunately, only one justice was willing to go that far. We may have to do it by Constitutional amendment.
Look up Zimbabwe. That is how the game will play out. If you don't get folks awake, it will play out over your whole country.
It's not that they haven't figured it out. It just doesn't serve the interest of our "allies" for us to create jobs at home and build a strong energy industry here. Anyone who understands our history knows that we found out back in the 50s that our oil resources and the difficult to extract resources held around the world by companies like BP could never become profitable so long as cheap middle eastern oil was in the market. We've been creating unrest in the middle east for 70 years trying to drive oil prices over $100 a barrel. I shudder every time I hear someone call our adventures in Allah-land an oil war because it's pretty obvious that we're neither gaining resources nor making them cheaper by destabilizing the region.
@Ex New Yorker
I ask you though, when the government decides that your area is "not diverse enough" do you think that they will move them into your space? Are there things there that maybe the brothaz could want to be around?
Keep your area rustic and poor as long as you can, if it becomes to nice, it will need "diversity."
Ex nyer,
Did you not read the article? Do you not see? This cowardly action and advise is what caused Atlanta and Detroit to become the black cess pools that they are. We need to have an aggressive and cohesive consciousness in this regard. It's well past time to unite and take back the nation our forfathers (pilgrims) gave to us, not turn it over to any who would try to take it from us!
Europeasant beat me to the punch (pardon the pun) with that Tinley Park story. A short version is that some whites were attacked in a restaurant by a bunch of "anti-racists," more commonly known as antifa (so-called "anti-fascists").
This brings up an important point: If you're going to meet in a public place, this incident shows the need to post inconspicuous security personnel to protect the main body of the meeting.
If you're going to have meetings, don't call your group something with the words "White," "European," Nationalist," etc. in the title.
Also, the antifa scum were tipped off by an attendee (per comments from the linked story; I don't know if that's actually true. It may be a psyop technique). How well do you know your fellow members? Don't become so paranoid that you can't function, but be prepared mentally for the possibility of treachery.
As one poster (here, I believe) said, "So what if your group only has three or four members? That's a fire team."
This assumes two things that I don't think to be true. First, it assumes that things are being torn down around us in order to be rebuilt. This is not the case. This is just the unintended consequences of letting black people run things. Look around the world. Second, it assumes that white people, the only ones with the ability, intelligence and ethic to rebuild will be welcomed back to help the phoenix of civilization rise from the ashes. It's pretty obvious that the creatures living in our cities don't take issue with living in their own filth and that they will never admit that they need us.
The important thing isn't the rebuilding but is in keeping white liberals and those that want to live among the destroyers out of our midst.
When white people commit crimes against minorities, they are guilty of hate crimes until proven innocent. When black people commit crimes against white people, we're puzzled by the lack of motive. Some of us are certainly more equal than others.
I'm not sure who I agree with here. Why fight for Atlanta when there are still white refuges that need strong white people who can see to keep them that way? Would you rather help a city of whites who sat back and let the city their forefathers built be overrun by the black plague or a city who is fighting it?
Hey, Check out Israel...
Looks like the are about to discover the joy of diversity.
The simple answer to this is to discriminate. In fact, it used to be a mark of distinction for a gentleman to have "discriminating" taste. I realize suing is impossible, so "go Galt".
In business this means not doing business with negroid owned businesses, not contracting with such, not hiring negros for your businesses, not using negro owned businesses for your suppliers (if Possible).
Negroids self-destruct in the most spectacular ways, usually taking down the company with it or killing employees or sealing on the way out the door. In my hiring I have never had a "good" black employee or contractor. I simply don't hire them any more.
My brother, who is a pediatric dentist, hires only white cute blond dental techs for his office because he finds that they calm and reassure the children more than any other (and there may be an ego thing going on there too). When I asked (as a joke) why he didn't hire negresses, he laughed and said that "not only was it rare for them to even make it through school, but who would want to have a negress put their hands into the mouth of your child!"
I had to give his The Talk about not saying that out loud. Making good money does not shield you from BRA and he could have his practice "taken down" if anyone heard him. (He can tell you about every nerve in the entire face of a child, can sketch a child's face layer by layer at whatever year you might mention, but politically correct he is not.)
Funding black business is funding White dispossession. Hiring a black is funding White poverty. Working with black businesses is assuring you kids that their financial future will be ugly and difficult and increase their desperation.
Atra delo est!
Or if you prefer:
Negros ero deleo absentis!
"Gang initiation seems likely, but it strikes me that it is by no means far-fetched that some of these... beings may have taken to shooting whites for sport. After all, the fun goes out of beatings and robberies after a while."
"Polar Bear Hunting" is the phrase negroids use. As to the lady who was set on fire...no words. At least no words I can use in a public forum.
Samething happens in africa, for some reason the black mind doesn't understand democracy.
In africa taking photos of the presidential convoy or residence will trigger the dictator's goons to take your camera
The african dictators will not stand for any criticism, if critical thought comes their way, the perpertrator will be dealt with harshly.
Africans get totally starstruck by power and wealth, its genetic, they still in the tribal chief reference.
The tribal chief could do what he wanted and was accountable to no one, no bad word should be spoken against the chief, the chief can gourge himself on food, fatten up his off spring and his 6 wives at the cost of the tribe, and not one word is spoken out against the chief.
That teacher telling the student he can go to prison for criticising obama, is just a well embedded genetic fault that all black africans share, that gene is what leads africa and black nieghbourhoods becomming what they are
Blacks need to be heavily diluted in white communities to achieve a reasonable amount of function
Blacks concentrated in majority black neighbourhoods revert to tribalism as their genes dictate that they do.
They can't form stable sophisticated societies, they stall at trabes and extended families
I don't think the Country can be saved, nor should it. I don't recognize it anymore.
It will be ugly what we are facing, but every day that passes I grow stronger and more prepared.
I will gladly give my life for our cause if my children and grandchildren can grow up never having to see a Negro in person.
Semper Fi in Mississippi
The idea that North Fulton is "too White" is a myth. You see blacks everywhere, because they stand out. The Whites are sequestered in their homes and private clubs, which aren't Whites Only anymore. All public spaces, roads, stores, resturants, bars, are fully integrated with hideous Diversity.
I agree with ex newyorker, he is the voice of wisdom, he has been thru this, you can fight it, but like he says, you become what you fight, get out from amongst them.
They want you to fight, so that they can say that whites are what they say we are, don't fight them, I know its harder to do than to say, but look at zimbabwe, the white pulled out and look how that country destroyed itself.
Look at mozambique, now the blacks welcome back the whites, but now whites don't want to go there.
They need us, just as the flea needs the dog, no dog, no flea, but the dog doesn't need the flea for survival, always the flea that needs the dog.
They will end up destroying each other, atatlanta can't carry much longer untill tribal war fare breaks out as it usually happens when blacks revert back to their tribal ways.
Never uplift them by your presence.
Now there's a name from the SBPDL archives. I feared you had succumbed to some tropical affliction while serving as the SPLC's African emmisary establishing covert "minority outreach" programs in Congolese Erectus camps.
I don't participate as often anymore, having expanded my hate-speech operations into other quarters. Though your flair and wit will well complement the stable here. Welcome back.
That is how evolution kills black people
Florida Atlantic University woman I salute you.
Bogolyubski: The worse the performance of the minority, the more extreme the PC machinations to blame the failure upon white racism
This was more than adequately proven when the New York Times invented "white hispanic" so as to maintain the previously established momentum of their race baiting in the Zimmerman case.
Atlanta has basically been the equivalent of a "Black Gold Rush" since 1973.
If you are a Black person with more than a 90 IQ, the sky is the limit for you in Atlanta or the metro Atlanta.
If you are a Black person with more than a 100 IQ, corporate America in the Atlanta area has a ticket for you punched C-level suite.
If all else fails, at least a job in the public sector can be found.
The Black Gold Rush almost ended (public sector) in 2009.
Atlanta will be the push... if the North Fulton residents have the gumption to try and secede.
Then, you have a real-life story of white people effectively trying to kill off a city completely filled with people who look like Barack Obama's son or daughter.
@Ex New Yorker
You can run but you can't get away, not in the long run. "Civil Rights" is mostly about preventing whites from keeping black and other hands out of white wallets. They'll follow wherever we go and Big Mother will be there to back them up with guns. It's fine if you're a retiree, but there's no where for the young to hide in the long run.
Whites suffer from two psychological problems: the first is classic decadence caused by wealth and security, the second is a lack of a home base. It's common knowledge that if you keep an enemy on the run he'll never be able to consolidate and launch an effective offensive against you. The best defense is a good offence, and the system will never VOLUNTARILY allow whites to consolidate. That's why they send non-white colonists to occupy white areas at government expense.
Further @ex-New Yorker:
I should have added that North Fulton will go black whether it breaks away or not, that is driven by the inabilities of blacks and Big Mother's white-hating racism and, in fact, it may well be that breaking away will actually accelerate the process. North Fulton is in effect paying blacks to stay in Atlanta and when they cease the inevitable results will quicken the flood toward them. It's inevitable as long as government power prevents whites from staking out territory and defending it by various means.
10mm AUTO: As to the lady who was set on fire...no words.
Three words: Pure. Unalloyed. Evil.
It is a phenomenon I have noted here before; that Black criminality has continually escalated from originally being mostly crimes of opportunity over to a very predatory nature and, now, to acts of outright barbaric savagery.
I don't think it is even a matter of one generation trying to outdo the previous one. It is more the case of slowly eroding morals and character to the point of a total vacuum. More and more Black criminals are presenting the symptoms of flat out psychopaths.
Another exacerbating component of that moral vacuum is how this escalation in barbarity has not been met with any similar increase of outrage being expressed within the law-abiding Black community (what effing little there is of it). For every Reverend Dr. Manning, there are 999 (if not many more), "no snitch" Blacks.
Like Islam, BRA has "unhappy ending" written all over it.
In case you haven't seen this yet:
Ray Scissom: 7. All of this moronic, illogical, downright insulting bullshit is being propagated primarily by bourgeois negroes and self-loathing whites who would never dare set foot in the neighborhoods that they claim we're damaged by "white flight".
This is actually partially wrong. BRA (which is the process you're describing here) was created by elite white DWLs and is upheld by them economically and politically. The phrase elite white DWLs is really redundant because there are no elite white non-DWLs The one-percent, who literally control the entire country, are universally DWL.
BRA, with the attendant bourgeois negroes, is one of the weapons used by the one-percent to ensure their permanent control. If God sent the Angel of Death and removed the one-percent tonight, BRA would implode almost immediately. It would be nearly as dramatic as the collapse of Sauron's eye in LOTR. The so-called "free market" of the USSA is in actuality a completely rigged market built upon debt-slavery. Non-elite whites have no freedom of association, and are gradually being stripped of all rights - including the right to resist violent black criminals.
Cops still puzzled by 'no motive' drive-by shooting of jogger...
As a reader at Auster's site pointed out, the motive for the slaughter is a no-brainer: Harry Stone was guilty of jogging while white. That qualifies for an automatic death sentence in BRA. The police are deliberately trashing the investigation of this atrocity - probably under orders from someone higher up in the BRA command structure. The longer the white populace remains asleep and stupefied by TV, Sports, Porn, etc. - the greater the chance to achieve the ultimate goal: a totalitarian police-state along the lines of the one presently in place over in the UK-okrug of the EUSSR.
Ex New Yorker: Ex New Yorker here.....In June it will be one year since I have seen a black person. The last ones I saw were in the Denver airport when I flew back from Florida. I wish you could understand what a great feeling it is to not be living around a bunch of porch monkeys. No crime, no loud rap music and no living in fear. Being able to walk down the street with out looking behind you.
You people have to move away from the Negropolitian parts of the country. GET AWAY WHILE YOU CAN. There are all these parts of America where only white folks live. Forget about fighting in some goddamn race war. What good is it having a nice home in a combat zone. When I was doing all that street time the one thing I learned is that EVIL WILL DESTROY ITSELF. Darkness only feeds on darkness. You do not have to be a part of it. What you fight against you become. Let the jungle bunnies have their "black mecca" and their welfare mothers and crack babies and hood rats. You are living around animals. Move to the mid-west where you don't have to live in fear. Move out of the jungle to some place where you will be safe. FUCK ALL THOSE SAVAGES. They need you, you don't need them.
There is much truth to this. However, those who operate BRA are not going leave you alone in peace. They are already coming after you, whether you believe it or not. The refugee-resettlement racket is well underway in several formerly lily-white states, importing groids - often Muslim groids - from all corners of Africa. Refugees are eligible for the full panoply of welfare benefits and Section 8 is the favored weapon used by those running and profiting from BRA to destroy small towns in the hinterland (it is also used to import homegrown groids from places like Detroit and Chicago). There really is no escape, which is naturally all part of the grand plan.
Ray Scissom (great pun, BTW) writes: We've been creating unrest in the middle east for 70 years trying to drive oil prices over $100 a barrel.
I hate it when I see people spouting conspiracy nonsense.
Unrest in the ME has only temporarily increased prices, and the damage to the US industry has been huge; price spikes led to booms and the ensuing crashes drove people out of the business. One of the problems with today's boom is that most of the expertise in the business is getting close to retirement age and there's a dearth of folks following them; today's graduating petroleum engineers can snap up great salaries but they don't have the time to develop expertise soon enough before they'll be on their own.
Crude oil production worldwide is falling (the number that's reported now is "all liquids", which isn't the same). A number of crude exporters have become importers (Egypt, Indonesia, Britain), others are close (Mexico), and even Saudi Arabia's exports drop steadily as it consumes more and more of its own production. That's why world prices have been headed up. It's geology, not any geopolitical game.
The limit on oil prices is what economies can stand. They can only go as high as people can pay, then recession brings them down again. This also limits how much oil can be pulled out of the ground; if it's too hard to get, it will never be profitable.
The solution is to drive on something other than oil. I want an electric car, and give the big middle finger to the Wahhabists and Texans alike.
Sorry for the OT.
andropology: That teacher telling the student he can go to prison for criticising obama, is just a well embedded genetic fault that all black africans share, that gene is what leads africa and black nieghbourhoods becomming what they are.
Once upon a time tribal leaders earned their due by being either skilled single-combat warriors or competent military generals. They represented the most valuable genetic bloodline of that tribe.
Now that what passes for African "leadership" consists mostly of being proficient at political maneuvering along with a rather (un)healthy dose of corruption and graft, preserving favorable genetic traits no longer matters. Unless, of course, one considers a predisposition to conniving, underhanded, double-dealing as a desirable gene line.
One point of interest that you make resides in how a prohibition upon criticizing the tribal chief seems a likely predecessor of today's "no snitch" policy among Blacks. Criminal thugs are the new Black alpha males and any tribe members reporting their activities to the police represents an intolerable form of criticism.
Bogolyubski: Harry Stone was guilty of jogging while white.
Harry Stone was guilty of unnecessarily leaving himself totally, if not fatally, vulnerable to Black Undertow and, as a consequence of his poor planning, drowned in the riptide of TNB. He would have been better off on a treadmill at home. Anyone who lives even marginally near a large population of Blacks should know better.
Incidentally, Bogolyubski, that elite one percent is also comprised of the Tranzi Globalists who know no allegiance to anything but money. Not the dollar, just money; of any currency and denomination. They will relocate or build jobs, wealth and infrastructure anyplace on earth so long as it increases their profit margin by even a fraction of a percent.
OT but cool:
Just saw this over at Auster, I tried it, this is what I got:
Paul ''Irregular Borders'' Kersey
Paul ''Kid Money'' Kersey
Paul ''Baba Ganoush'' Kersey
Paul ''Meat Missle'' Kersey
Paul ''Palm Sunday'' Kersey
Go figure :/
Ex New Yorker again....Dey be doin' da wild thang again dis weekend in Chicago. 7 dead and 22 wounded. Blackie and Brownie be turf surfin'. YAWN. Same old, same old.
CONFIRMED: 76-year-old WHITE woman set on fire by black robber near Dallas TX
Garland police identify woman set on fire, critically injured in Sunday robbery
By Scott Goldstein / Reporter
3:26 pm on May 21, 2012 | Permalink
Nancy Harris was doused with flammable liquid and set on fire during a robbery Sunday at the Garland convenience store where she works. She remains in critical condition at Parkland Memorial Hospital. (Garland Police)
A 76-year-old woman who was doused with flammable liquid and set on fire during a robbery Sunday morning has been identified as Nancy Harris of Garland.
Police tell us she remains in critical condition at Parkland Memorial Hospital. She suffered burns over 40 percent of her body in the attack at a convenience store where she works near Broadway Boulevard and Colonel Drive.
Suspect Matthew Lee Johnson, 36, has been jailed on a criminal attempted capital murder charge. His bail was set at $500,000.
Harris’s neighbors said they were shocked by the brutality of the attack on a selfless woman who kept a close eye on her neighborhood.
“I can’t understand why someone, some idiot, would do this to her,” said Margaret Tatum, 70, who lives a few houses down from Harris in the neighborhood just a few blocks from the crime scene.
“I know she’s in a lot of pain,” Tatum said. “I can feel that pain here,” she said as she pointed to her heart.
“I’ve been crying all morning,” Tatum said. “I couldn’t sleep last night.”
Another neighbor, Jim Bertucci, 62, said Harris always seemed to remember little details about everyone and what was going on in their lives.
“She was the kind of friend that, you know, you may not see them and then when you see them … It’s like we never missed a beat,” Bertucci said.
“To rob somebody, that’s one thing,” Bertucci said. “But To throw gas on them and light them — my God, that’s terrible. I wouldn’t do that to a lump of coal.”
well I know at least one company that got in at Hartsfield as an MBE partner...but the owner is Asian, quite privileged in fact. They must have wised up because they stopped renewing a few years back. Got a good run of income out of it though.
"Anyone who lives even marginally near a large population of Blacks should know better."
When I'm in LA I notice a lot of older people out doing their jogging and walking aroudn 6 or 7 am...I think the assumption is that the bad boys are asleep by then. At least the air is nicer.
Alright, let's everybody just take a deep breath ... breathe ... ok, look, follow me here:
The first great evolution of modern man was the monetary system. Blacks don't control the banks.
The next great evolution was electricity. Blacks do not control the electrons.
The motor -- who makes cars? Wait, let me ask it another way ... who doesn't make cars?
rocketry -- haha ... shit, even the Pakistanis have that one down (thank you A. Q. Quan).
etc, etc, ...
The point is: Yes, we non-blacks are being pushed out. It happens. But do you really think "those of us that see" aren't going to survive? We'll be fine. Don't be stupid.
The Senior Engineer
We have our own potential Trayvon now.
He was a Ukranian kid: handsome, blond, and blue-eyed who was just trying to make a buck. Two groid monsters snuffed him out because he was white, in their neighborhood, and had a few dollars.
Read the comments on this site, KMOV, and STLToday. People are pissed off and are starting to see in this city. One of his fellow drivers commented that driving in North county/city is comparable to combat operations in Afghanistan. I concur.
My best friend was in that area last weekend at a Dollar General Store. Going to his car, a groid demanded his wallet. He responded with, "You want to be Trayvonned?" The groid didn't get it and said he was going to pull his gun out. Well, my USMC vet friend pulled his out and told him that he meant he was going to die.
The groid walked off and called him a "crazy white bitch."
Needless to say, my friend will not be going back into that hellhole again.
Atlanta,twinned with Atlantis.
@10mm Ah. I recall seeing that term before but thought it may have been facetious. I'm curious, is this documented? Any good sources of information on this?
"Anyone who lives even marginally near a large population of Blacks should know better."
Indeed. It's funny, most of the things discussed herein are hardly news nor "racist" to just about anyone so located. It barely warrants discussion. It just is.
Bogolyubsk said:
"They are already coming after you, whether you believe it or not. The refugee-resettlement racket is well underway in several formerly lily-white states, importing groids - often Muslim groids - from all corners of Africa. Refugees are eligible for the full panoply of welfare benefits and Section 8...."
Yes, indeed, you speak the truth. In case you missed it:
"Resettlement Watch"
Website reportage re: even more Afro and Muslim potential criminals and terrorists the government and churches are [sneakily] importing into remote USA hinterlands.
The refugee-resettlement racket is well underway in several formerly lily-white states
You know, with only 8 organizations getting practically all of the money for this stuff, there can't be all that many people who are actually responsible for it happening.
Give that a little bit of thought.
nameispointless: ● Church World Service (CWS)
● Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
● Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
● Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
● International Rescue Committee (IRC)
● US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
● Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
● United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
● World Relief Corporation (WR)
Evidently, those are the "Big 9" (from your link) who are driving the importation of Black savages from Africa.
All nine of these organizations need to have the living sh!t sued out if them. They need to be buried in lawsuit after endless lawsuit every time someone is assaulted, robbed, raped or murdered by these African scum bags. Their legal counsel bills should eat up so much of their budget that they have to drink instant coffee and buy single ply toilet paper for their employee restrooms.
Some of the psychotic drivel being spewed by Church World Service as they import Meshketians (Russian Sunni Muslim Turks) into heavily Amish Lancaster, PA:
In the United States, communities, schools, religious congregations, and employers welcome refugees and help them integrate in their new homes. In turn, refugees bring their innovative skills, diverse cultures, dedicated work, and other positive contributions to their new communities, enhancing the quality of life for all parties. Refugee resettlement showcases the best virtues of the United States—community, opportunity, hard work, diversity, caring for one another, and courage to start a new life.
The article notes that some of these "refugees" owned houses in their native land that they were able to sell so as to finance a home purchase here. Some f&%king "refugees" and Sunni Muslims, no less. What are these suicidal damn lunatics thinking?
Here is a permalink from nameispointless' original Refugee Resettlement Watch cite that provides some excellent writing which refutes much of what pro-immigration loons use to justify their vicious deconstruction of America:
“We are a Nation of immigrants” mumbo-jumbo
Zenster: All nine of these organizations need to have the living sh!t sued out if them. They need to be buried in lawsuit after endless lawsuit every time someone is assaulted, robbed, raped or murdered by these African scum bags. Their legal counsel bills should eat up so much of their budget that they have to drink instant coffee and buy single ply toilet paper for their employee restrooms.
In a sane world, they would have been sued out of existence by now. Here's the rub: because they are assisting a government agency (the US State Dept.) in discharging its official duties under the refugee act authored by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and signed into law by the Republican George H. W. Bush), these groups are basically exempt from all lawsuits brought as a result of criminals imported into the country. Besides, going back to my old joke: ...and just where do you think you will find a lawyer? There is no such thing as "the rule of law" in the Banksta Banana Republick, only the law of rule. The late Sam Francis used the term Anarcho-Tyranny to describe the present state of affairs.
Just to point out again the utter worthlessness of the supposed 'opposition' party in Sodom-on-Potomac, there has not been a single proposal to repeal this law - even when Republicans controlled both houses of congress. Like the section 8 program, the refugee resettlement law is engraved in stone and accepted by the supposed opposition more than the constitution itself could ever hope to be.
Zenster: The article notes that some of these "refugees" owned houses in their native land that they were able to sell so as to finance a home purchase here. Some f&%king "refugees" and Sunni Muslims, no less. What are these suicidal damn lunatics thinking?
The DWLs who operate such agencies are not suicidal. They're actually genocidal. This is something which is very important to understand about the elite DWLs and their lickspittle-clown EMACs. They are working very hard to "elect a new people", a utopian scheme whereby whites will be reduced to minority status in prelude to their outright extermination (under way in South Africa now). White DWLs see themselves as being above race - the anointed priesthood there to bring about the shiny utopia. They have no problem with breaking as many white eggs as needed to achieve this goal. In truth, life under a Muslim caliphate (believe me, I have illusions whatever about how horrible that would be) would actually be more survivable for most whites than the gulag from hell DWLs are constructing before our eyes. Elite DWLs are more fanatical about their utopian ideology than the wildest goat-humper in the poppyfields of Pashtoonistan is about jihad and sharia.
Bogolyubski: Here's the rub: because they are assisting a government agency (the US State Dept.) in discharging its official duties under the refugee act authored by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and signed into law by the Republican George H. W. Bush), these groups are basically exempt from all lawsuits brought as a result of criminals imported into the country.
Somewhere, there's a publicity-hungry lawyer with nothing better to do than file a class action lawsuit against the "Big 9" and take it all the way to the Supreme Court. The damages sought for every last assault, robbery, rape and murder committed by these scum bags should be so astronomical as to compare with the Catholic Church's pedophilia scandal.
Something on that order might have an attenuating affect on these for-profit importers of humanity's dregs. Just one successful lawsuit put in front of the right judge (think: Arizona's bench) would be all it takes to halt much of this lunacy.
You're a nut.
Zenster, there is a very interesting interview with Nicolai Sennels here. He's talking about Muslim psychology, but you could substitute Black and almost nothing else would have to change.
Figured you'd use it for fodder. BTW, I'd comment on your blog but you don't allow name/URL.
Anon (5/23 12:48 PM): You're a nut.
Remember, Glasshopper, the journey of 1,000 miles (to the Supreme Court) begins with a single lawsuit.
Mr. Rational: Zenster, there is a very interesting interview with Nicolai Sennels here. He's talking about Muslim psychology, but you could substitute Black and almost nothing else would have to change.
I'm glad to see that you have noticed the almost seamless overlay between Blacks and Muslims. I've been reading Sennels' work for some years now and laud his conclusions about Muslims.
Figured you'd use it for fodder. BTW, I'd comment on your blog but you don't allow name/URL.
What blog is that? I don't have one.
Zenster, click on your own profile and see what it gives for "My blogs".
Mr. Rational: Zenster, click on your own profile and see what it gives for "My blogs"
Patriot's Corner is where I contribute articles. I do not "own" that site regardless of how Google chooses to abuse the English language. The reason it lists that site in such a manner is that I can post authored material there without any preliminary vetting by the site's owner.
It is a measure of that person's trust in me and I take it as a great personal honor. As a personal courtesy to that site's owner (and not by any required arrangement), I return that regard by always sending copy for their review prior to posting it.
If you would like an indicator of the respect which that site's owner holds me in, Patriot's Corner is the only other website to publish my "Dis-Integration of America" series.
I would also cordially invite you to please comment there whenever you feel so inclined (sans the nitpicking, of course).
I "pick nits", as you call it, because that is how errors get corrected. My family did it for me, which is part of how I wound up with good spelling as second nature.
If I make a mistake that's not obviously a fat-finger (such as a mistake of usage or obvious error in understanding), I appreciate someone telling me about it. I wouldn't have wanted to make such a mistake in the first place, but having made it I don't want to do it again.
If we don't understand our mistakes, we never get better. This is something else that Black People Don't Like, and part of how we're different from them; even if we're not always enthusiastic about it, we should accept that it's a good thing overall.
There are limits to everything and you manage to exceed them with sufficient regularity where it becomes a disruption to the normal exchange of ideas. I, too, always welcome clarification but also know well enough to refrain when it will only divert attention from the central issue or contribute to division among those in sore need of unity. Be it soldering, solar panels or any of a host of other topics, your efforts at correction or clarification have too often served to derail discussion instead of facilitating it.
I find it ironic that you resent my efforts to support the assertion that Blacks qua Blacks are good for nothing.
Who coined the term "obsolete farm equipment" in this context? You track these things.
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